Baron Jurij Vega

The collection is a digital monument to Baron Jurij Vega (1754-1802), a Slovenian diverse scientist whose theories and inventions often influenced the course of the world history. Although he was born in the poor hilly region (Sv. Križ near Zagorica), he became a cosmopolitan and scientist: he excelled especially in mathematics and mathematical sciences, and was esteemed for his inventions in the field of physics and engagement in the field of ballistics, astronomy, etc.

The collection’s documentary The Parables of Jurij Vega Life presents his life and military career. His talent is presented by the literary opus, encompassing 18 years of Vega's life. In Slovenia, he is widely known for his logarithmic tables published in 1783 Logarithmische, trigonometrische, und andere zum Gebrauche der Mathematik eingerichtete Tafeln und Formeln which in addition to other contents includes Vega’s improved calculation of logarithms. His fundamental works (logarithms, manuals) have been digitized between 2006 and 2008 under DIZZIS – Razvoj digitalne zbirke znanstveno-raziskovalnih in strokovnih publikacij project. The experts of the Institute for Mathematics and Physics in Ljubljana, the Slovenian Research Agency and the National and University Library of Slovenia have contributed some recent scientific articles.

Number of hits: 142

Source type
books (142)odstrani
1898 (142)odstrani
= Collegium Marianum (1)
= Katolische Buchdruckerei (1)
= Veteranen-Corps (1)
A. Klein & Comp. (2)
A. Pichlers Witwe & Sohn (1)
A. Turk (2)
Amerikanski Slovenec (1)
Aufforstungs-Commission für das Karstgebiet des Herzogthums Krain (1)
Blasnikovi Nasl. (1)
Bogoslovni zavod? (1)
C. kr. kmetijska družba kranjska (1)
Cerkev Matere Božje (1)
cerkveno predstojništvo (1)
Combi (1)
Curanstalt (1)
D. Hribar (2)
Der Verfasser (1)
Dramatično društvo (1)
Družba sv. Cirila in Metoda (2)
Družba sv. Mohorja (2)
Družba v počeščenje dragocene krvi Jezusa Kristusa (1)
E. Flammarion (1)
F. Rasch (1)
G. Paternolli (2)
Georg Szelinski, k. k. Universitäts-Buchhandlung (1)
Goriška tiskarna A. Gabršček (6)
'Goriška tiskarna' A. Gabršček (1)
I. Bonač (1)
I. pl. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg (4)
I. v. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg (1)
J. Blasnika nasl. (1)
J. Giontini (2)
J. Krajec (1)
J. Steinbrener (2)
K. K. priv. Kaltenbrunner Farb- und Gerbstoffe-Fabrik Terpinz Nachfolger (1)
K. Prochaska (1)
Kat. tisk. društvo (1)
Katol. Tiskarna (1)
Katoliška tiskarna (2)
Katoliško društvo detoljubov (3)
Katoliško tiskovno društvo (1)
Kleinmayr & Bamberg (3)
knezoškofijstvo ljubljansko (1)
Knezoškofijstvo ljubljansko (1)
Krajec (1)
L. Schwentner (1)
M. Bardusco (1)
Marijanišče (1)
Marine-Consum-Magazins (1)
Mestna elektrarna ljubljanska (1)
Mestni magistrat (9)
Mestni magistrat ljubljanski (1)
Narodna šola (1)
Österreichisch-Ungarischen Revue (1)
P. Bizjak (1)
pisatelj (1)
Politično in gospodarsko društvo za Notranjsko (1)
R. Milic (1)
R. Šeber (1)
Rudolf Milic (1)
samozal. (4)
samozal. mestnega magistrata (1)
samozaložba (2)
Selbstverlag (1)
Selbstverlag Der Curanstalt (1)
Selbstverlag der krainischen Sparcasse (1)
Selbstverlag des herzoglichen Forstamtes Gottschee (1)
Slovenska Matica (2)
Steinbrener V Vimperku (1)
Szent István társulat (1)
T. Pavšlar (1)
Tiskarna Dolenc (1)
Tiskarna sv. Cirila (1)
Tretji red (1)
v c. kr. založbi šolskih knjig (1)
Verlag D. O. U. Revue. (1)
Verlag des Kaufmännischen Kranken- und Unterstützungs-Vereines (1)
Vilímek (1)
Vodovodni odsek mesta (1)
Vojaški veteranski kor (1)
Založil in prodaja Janez Giontini (1)
Search in (142)