Opera Operosorum

In 1693, Academia operosorum Labacensium or Academy of the Working Citizens of Ljubljana was founded following the example of Italian scientific academies. Its initiators were historian and lawyer Joannes Gregorius Thalnitscher, and the cathedral provost Joannes Baptista Preschern. They also drew the majority of prominent educated citizes of the time into membership. The most important members of the Academy were: chair dean and the founder of the Seminary library Joannes Antonius Thalnitscher, the states counsel Joannes Stephanus Floriantschitsch, jurists Franciscus Erasmus Hohenwart, Goeorgius Andreas Gladitsch, and Joannes Georgius Hozhevar, president of the provincial court Joannes Bertoldus Höffer, and doctors Marcus Gerbezius, Joannes Andreas Coppini and Joannes Baptista Werloschnig. They devoted heir attention to literature, local historical studies, science, and art. At the initiative of the academics, Academia philharmonicorum, Academia incultorum and a branch of the Roman Arcadia, Academia Emonia, were also founded. The Academy ceased after the death of Joannes Gregorius Thalnitscher in 1725. 

The collection presents a selection of works by the Academy members from the National and University Library's collections, which were suitable for digitization.

Number of hits: 62

Source type
= Student Section of the Association of Slavic Societies of Slovenia (1)
Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care (1)
Anžela Boškin atyndagy densaulyk saktau fakul'teti Anjela Boşkin atindagi densawliq saqtaw fakwl'teti (1)
avtor T. Orter (1)
Biblioteka Miklova hiša (1)
Društvo Slovenski staroverci (1)
Državna založba Slovenije (2)
Fakul'tet zdravoohranenija im. Anžely Boškin (1)
G. Blaž (1)
Goriška tiskarna A. Gabršček (1)
Guardians of the Earth tribe (4)
Imperatorskoe russkoe arheologičeskoe obščestvo (1)
Institut slavjanovedenija RAN (1)
Iscomet, Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (2)
izdajatelj (1)
izdatelj (1)
KeAQ Semey medicina wniversiteti (1)
KUD Logos (1)
Linguarus (3)
Logatec : Občina (1)
M. Klemenčič (2)
M. O. Vol'f" (1)
Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve (1)
Moi mečty (1)
Moje sanje (1)
NAO Medicinskij universitet Semej (1)
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (1)
NPJSC Semey Medical University (1)
Obščina (2)
Petr. Slav. dobrodelno društvo (1)
Prosveščenie (1)
Selbstverlag (1)
Slavjanskij mir" (1)
Slovene Writers' Association (1)
Slovenski knjižni zavod (1)
Srednja tehniška šola (1)
Študentska sekcija Zveze društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije (3)
T. Druk. Nauk. Tovar. Im Ševčenka (1)
Typ. Bezobrazov I Komp (1)
Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba (2)
V' Tipografii V. Plavil' ščikova (1)
V. Braumiller" (1)
Založba Univerze (5)
Založba Univerze na Primorskem (1)
Založba ZRC (1)
Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (1)
Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje (1)
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete (2)
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC (1)
Zveza društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije (1)
Zveza društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije, Študentska sekcija (1)
Search in (62)