Gajšek, Peter, Kuhar, Andrijana, Raković, Valentin, Černe, Tomaž, Valič, Blaž, Arsov, Boris, Kotnik, Tadej (2021). The impact of radiation from telecommunication devices and technologies on human health and the environment which surrounds us (4G, 5G, etc.). URN:NBN:SI:DOC-SP8YACYY from http://www.dlib.si
Gajšek, Peter, Kuhar, Andrijana, Raković, Valentin, Černe, Tomaž, Valič, Blaž, Arsov, Boris, Kotnik, Tadej.
The impact of radiation from telecommunication devices and technologies on human health and the environment which surrounds us (4G, 5G, etc.).
Agency for Electronic Communications (AEC)Institute of Non-Ionizing Radiation (INIS), 2021.