Johann Weichard Valvasor

Cartographer, geographer, historian, writer, polyhistor, publisher, and collector Johann Weichard Valvasor (1641–1693) published a monumental cultural-historical topographical encyclopaedia of Carniola in Nuremberg in 1689 with the title Die Ehre Dess Hertzogthums Crain. With the help of his colleagues, he collected numerous historical, ethnographic, naturalistic and other information, which are still an invaluable source for the history of present-day Slovenian territory, while the huge costs of this long-standing project pushed him to the brink of survival. In his copperplate-printing workshop at the Bogenšperk castle and in collaboration with various illustrators and printers, including Johann Baptist Mayr from Ljubljana, he also published several topographies, collections of vedutas and maps of Carniola, Carinthia, Karst and Istria, as well as some other books, such as a versified moral-didactic work Theatrum mortis humanae tripartitum. He was elected a member of the Royal Society of London in 1687 because of his resounding study on the functioning of the intermittent Cerknica Lake.

The collection includes individual copies of Valvasor's works from the National and University Library’s collections, and the Miran Jarc Library in Novo mesto, as well as articles, biographical and other studies dealing with Vavasor’s life and work.

Number of hits: 327

Source type
... Gio. Giac. Rossi in Roma (1)
A. Ortelius (1)
Aeri Incisa Per Abrah. Kaltschmidt (1)
an Tag gegeben und verlegt durch Matthaem Merian (1)
appresso Domenico Padovani (1)
Apud P. Mortier (1)
Artaria & Comp. (2)
Artaria & (1)
Artaria et Comp. (1)
Aug. Vind. (1)
avstrijska iz. (9)
B. Zalterius (1)
bey Artaria (1)
bey Artaria und Comp. (1)
bey Homanns Erben (1)
bey Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf (1)
bey Tranquillo Mollo (1)
Bibliographischen instituts (1)
Bologninus Zalterius (1)
by I. B. Elwe & D. M. Langeveld (1)
C. Weigel (1)
chez H. Iaillot ... (1)
chez H. laillot (1)
Chez l´auteur (1)
chez l'auteur (1)
Chez l'Auteur (1)
chez le Sr. Iaillot ... (1)
Chez le Sr. Jaillot (1)
Civil – Geografischen Institute (1)
Co. (1)
da Giov. Torricella (2)
da Giuseppe Gnesda (1)
E. Hölzel (1)
E. Schäfer (1)
excudebat Michaël Zimerman (1)
F. Bertelli (1)
F. Vallardi (1)
G I J A (22)
G. Mercator (1)
G. Valk (1)
G.I.J.A. (9)
G.M. Seutter (1)
G.M. Vischer (1)
gedruckt mit Egerschen Schriften, im Verlage bei Wilhelm Heinrich Korn (1)
Geographisches Institut (2)
GIJNA (50)
I. Danckerts (1)
im Verlage des Geograph. Instituts (2)
im Verlage des Geograph. Instituts. (1)
Im Verlage des Kunst und Industrie Comptoirs (1)
In J. Riedl's Kunsthandlung (1)
in Officina J. Riedl (1)
Istituto geografico militare (1)
J. Bermann (1)
J. Blasnik (2)
J. Cary Engraver & Map-seller (1)
J. David Köhler (2)
J. Janssonius (1)
J. Pertes (1)
J. Wyld (1)
J.B. Homann (1)
J.Blasnika nasl. (1)
J.W Jager (1)
Jos. Fr. Kaiser (2)
Jos. Franz Kaiser (1)
Josef Blasnik (1)
K. k. militär-geographisches Institut (1)
K. u. k. militärgeographisches Institut (2)
K. u. k. militär-geographisches Institut (6)
K. u. k. Militärgeographisches Institut (13)
k.k. Ministerium des Innern (1)
Katoliška bukvarna (1)
Klemenc V. (1)
Landesbaudirection (1)
Le Rouge (2)
Lechner k.u.k. Hof-u, Wien (1)
Leop. Paternolli (1)
M. Seuit. Ch. Augsburg (1)
Mariborska tiskarna (1)
Meyer (1)
Militaergeographisches Institut (1)
Militargeographisches Institut (7)
Militärgeographisches Institut (14)
mit Egerschen Schriften (1)
Norimberga (1)
Norimbergae (1)
P. Kozler (4)
par et chez le Sr. le Rouge (1)
per F. de Witt (1)
per R. et I. Ottens (1)
Presso Antonio Zatta, e Figli (1)
R. v. Waldheim-Jos. Eberle & Co. (1)
Reilly'sches geograph. Verschleis-Komptoir (3)
Reilly'sches geograph. Verschleiß-Komptoir (7)
Schneider, Weigel (1)
Schönwetter (1)
Schulbücher-Verschleiss-Administration (1)
Seuttero M. (1)
sumptibus Joannis Janssonii (1)
Sumptibus Vidua et Haeredum Gerardi de Iudais (1)
Venezia presso Lodovico Furlanetto (1)
Verlag der Kunsthandlung H.F. Müller (1)
Verlegt bey Franz Xaver Miller (6)
Vinna (1)
W.E.A. v. Schlieben (1)
The Public Domain Mark (327)odstrani
Search in (327)