Slovenian diaspora publications
Slovenians emigrated from their homeland during different historical periods and they left traces everywhere they had settled. They cultivated their culture, language, customs and the written word. One-fifth of the Slovenian population is living outside the borders of the Republic of Slovenia. A part of rich “production” of the Slovenian diaspora is now available in digitized form on the portal, where you can browse through various journals and numerous books.

Number of hits: 84

Source type
2022 (84)odstrani
= Doba Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in družbene študije (1)
= Faculty of Business and Management Sciences (1)
= University of Novo mesto Press (1)
Association of Agricultural Economists of Slovenia (DAES) (1)
Banka Slovenije (12)
Biotechnical Faculty (1)
Biotechnical Faculty, Biology Department (1)
Biotehniška fakulteta (1)
Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za biologijo (1)
Center RS za poklicno izobraževanje, Nacionalni center Europass v sodelovanju s Socialno akademijo (1)
Doba Business School (1)
Društvo ekonomistov (2)
Društvo ekonomistov Maribor (1)
Društvo Organizacija za participatorno družbo (1)
E-institute, Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions (1)
Ekonomska fakulteta, Založništvo (1)
Fakulteta za ekonomijo in informatiko (1)
Fakulteta za poslovne in upravne vede (1)
FP research (1)
GZS - Zbornica gradbeništva in industrije gradbenega materiala (1)
GZS, Zbornica komunalnega gospodarstva (1)
Institut 'Jožef Stefan' (4)
ISCOME, Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (1)
ISCOMET, Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (3)
Ljubljana School of Business (2)
LTO Rogla - Zreče, GIZ (5)
Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano (1)
MLC Fakulteta za management in pravo (1)
Perfectus, Svetovanje in izobraževanje (3)
Power Group Consulting (1)
Psientífica - associaçao para a promoçao e desenvolvimento social (1)
Razvojni center (1)
Reforma (5)
Regionalna razvojna agencija za Podravje - Maribor (1)
School of Economics and Business (2)
Science and Research Centre, Annales ZRS (1)
University of Maribor, University Press (6)
University of Primorska Press (1)
Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba (4)
Vega (1)
Višja strokovna šola za kozmetiko in velnes (2)
Založba Univerze (1)
Založba Univerze na Primorskem (4)
Založba ZRC (1)
Zavod PIP, pravni in informacijski center (1)
Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje (1)
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC (1)
ZRS (1)
Search in (84)