Travel and exploration
The collection features over 250 traveller's journals, diaries and reports from various research, mountaineering, missionary, ethnographic and trading expeditions, diplomatic missions, grand tours, and other travels and journeys that have been published from the 16th to the 20th century. Among them are numerous journals and diaries from the English, French, German, Spanish, and other research expeditions of the late 18th and early 19th century from Sigismund Zois’s library. Among the authors are also well-known Slovenian travellers and explorers, as well as a couple of local and foreign travellers, who have described Slovenian territory.

Number of hits: 151

2013 (151)odstrani
Atelje Doria (7)
author T. Horvat (1)
Banka Slovenije (3)
Bird Publisher (22)
Botanični vrt, Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta (1)
Center Sospita Rea Silvia Novak and Co. (1)
Center za korekcijo sluha in govora (1)
DigitPen (3)
DZS (13)
EMUNI University (1)
Eno (1)
Evropska pravna fakulteta (1)
Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security (1)
Faculty of Social Sciences (2)
Faculty of Social Sciences, Založba FDV (1)
Faculty of Social Work (1)
Faculty of Sport (1)
Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko (1)
Fakulteta za informacijske študije (1)
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (1)
Genetic Society of Slovenia (1)
Geološki zavod Slovenije (1)
GFS Institute (1)
Historical Association of Slovenia (1)
ICOM - Slovenia (1)
Linguarus (1)
Ljubljana: self published (1)
Mengeš: PeBook (3)
Moderna organizacija (3)
Multima (1)
Okaši (4)
PeBook (39)
Pedagoška fakulteta (2)
Rokus Klett (3)
samozal. (2)
samozal. F. Stele (2)
SEG, Inštitut za klimatske spremembe (1)
self published (1)
selfpublishing J. Srečkar (3)
SEM Institute for Climate Change (3)
Sinapsa, Slovenian Neuroscience Association (1)
Slovenian Association of Medical Genetics (1)
Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO (1)
Slovenian School Museum (1)
Slovenski šolski muzej (1)
Sophia (1)
SPH - Scientific Publishing Hub (1)
Statistical Society of Slovenia (1)
Subkulturni azil (1)
Študentska založba (1)
The Slovenian Public Libraries Association (1)
University of Primorska Press (2)
Založba Univerze na Primorskem (1)
Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (1)
ZZDS Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije (1)
Restricted (designated terminals) (151)odstrani
Search in (151)