Material with restricted access (on librarie's premises)
The collection comprises publications and documents whose copyright holders have not allowed their free access the Digital Library of Slovenia portal. In accordance with the Legal Deposit Act, such material is available only for study and research purposes on the premises of the National and University Library of Slovenia. It can be accessed on a PC in the Library Information Center. The major part of the collection consists of publications received as legal deposit. Like printed and electronic publications published on physical carriers, on-line publications are also collected by the National and University Library of Slovenia as legal deposit. The collection’s content is diverse and ranges from poetry and prose for young people and adults, to professional and scientific monographs, manuals and textbooks. Most publications are available in PDF format or as e-books in the EPUB and MOBI formats.

Number of hits: 658

2021 (658)odstrani
= Slovene Writers' Association (2)
121 Marketing (2)
A. M. Strmljan (2)
Artep (1)
Audibook (64)
Beletrina (55)
Cankarjeva založba (29)
Cultural Tourist Association Women Writers Route (1)
Didakta (11)
distribucija Stella (3)
Društvo Knjižna zadruga (1)
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (2)
Društvo za humanistična vprašanja ARGO (1)
Družina (7)
DZS (6)
Ekslibris (5)
Eno (2)
Genija (4)
Goethe-Institut (1)
Goga (21)
Ico (7)
ICO (50)
ICO d.o.o. (1)
Intelego (3)
International Foundation - Forum of Slavic Cultures (1)
K. Kesar (3)
Kulturni center (39)
Kulturni center Maribor (1)
Kulturni centero (1)
Kulturno društvo Mariborska literarna družba (1)
Kulturno-umetniško društvo Police Dubove (3)
Litera (14)
Literarno društvo (1)
LUD Literatura (11)
Lynx (1)
LYNX (5)
M. Martinčič Bauman (1)
Malinc (6)
Miš (25)
Mladinska knjiga (42)
Muck Blažina (11)
Obzorja (7)
Ocean (1)
Pipinova knjiga (2)
Pivec (17)
PIvec (1)
Planinska zveza Slovenije (1)
Proksima (1)
Quark (2)
Razvojno izobraževalni center (1)
Rokus Klett (2)
RTV Slovenija (1)
samozal. (8)
samozal. J. Sraka (1)
samozal. K. Kesar (1)
samozal. P. Suhodolčan (83)
samozal. R. Bohinc (2)
samozal. U. Hrovat (13)
samozal. V. Novak (1)
Sanje (6)
self-published (1)
self-published L. Matič (1)
Skrivnost (1)
Slovensko društvo Hospic (1)
Slovensko društvo za lacanovsko psihoanalizo (2)
Spes (33)
UMco (2)
V.B.Z. (2)
Vladavina Kraljestva (1)
Vsemu si kos, Business and Personal Consulting (1)
Waterside Dreams Press (7)
Zala (5)
Založba Pivec (1)
Založba Univerze na Primorskem (1)
Zavod Risa, Center za splošno, funkcionalno in kulturno opismenjevanje (1)
Zavod Risa: center za splošno, funkcionalno in kulturno opismenjevanje (2)
ZKP RTV Slovenija (2)
ZKP, RTV Slovenija (3)
Zveza društev slepih in slabovidnih Slovenije (7)
Restricted (designated terminals) (658)odstrani
Search in (658)