Glasbena matica
Until the end of the World War II, Glasbena matica published almost 300 music scores of the Slovenian compositions for amateur singing and playing music. The cultural society, founded in 1872, fulfilled its goal to promote singing and educate masses of amateur singers" by publishing “good Slovenian compositions for church, school and home”. Most editions comprised collections of choral compositions, of which many were adaptations of folk songs for male and mixed choirs. Between the first and the second World War, several solo songs and piano pieces for youth, as well as textbooks for piano, violin and singing were printed. Among the editions, there is also a piano fragment from Foerster's opera Gorenjski slavček, and five guidebooks or textbooks.

Number of hits: 52

Source type
1847 (52)odstrani
Andr. Leykam'schen Erben (1)
apud Fridericum Beck... (1)
apud Wenedikt viduam et filium (1)
auo ! der Eger''schen Gubernial-Buchdruckerei (1)
aus der Eger''schen Gubernial-Buchdruckerei (1)
bei Jos. Franz Kaiser (1)
Druck und Verlag von George Westermann (1)
Druck von Jos. Blasnik (1)
Druck von Joseph Sassenburg (1)
I. Papsch & C. ... (1)
I. Papsch & C. Tip. del Lloyd austr. (1)
I. Papš ... (1)
im Verlage der k.k. Schulbucher-Verrshleiss-Administration bey st. Anna in der Johannis-Strasse (1)
im Verlage der K.k. Schulbücher-Verschleiss-Administration bey St. Anna in der Johannisgasse (1)
Lajkamovi nasledniki (1)
na predaj pri Frideriki Leyrer (1)
na prodaj per Jožefi Sirolla ... (1)
na prodaj per Leopoldu Kremsherji ... (1)
natis Dominika Biasutti (1)
natisnil in saloshil Joshef Blasnik (1)
natisnil in saloshil Paternolli (1)
natisnil in založil Jožef Blaznik (1)
natisnil ino na prodaj imá Janez Leon (1)
natisnil ino na prodaj ima Joan Leon (1)
natisnil Jos. Blasnik (1)
Natisnil Josef Bláznik (1)
natisnil Joshef Blasnik (1)
natisnil Jožef Blaznik (1)
natisnil, saloshil, in na prodaj jih ima Joshef Blasnik ... (1)
natisnjeno per Rosalii Eger (1)
Per Joshefu Gajgerji bukvarji (1)
pri Udvary Ferencz (1)
typis congregationis Mechitharisticae (1)
typis Josephi Blasnik (1)
v' salógi zes. kralj. bukvárnize sa shólske bukve (1)
v' salógi zes. kralj. bukvárnize sa shólske bukve per sv. Ani v' Jánesovih ulizah (1)
v'' salógi zes. kralj. bukvárnize sa shólske bukve, per s. Ani v'' Jánesovih úlizah (1)
v saloshbi in na prodaj per Janesu Giontinitu ... (1)
Search in (52)