Glasbena matica
Until the end of the World War II, Glasbena matica published almost 300 music scores of the Slovenian compositions for amateur singing and playing music. The cultural society, founded in 1872, fulfilled its goal to promote singing and educate masses of amateur singers" by publishing “good Slovenian compositions for church, school and home”. Most editions comprised collections of choral compositions, of which many were adaptations of folk songs for male and mixed choirs. Between the first and the second World War, several solo songs and piano pieces for youth, as well as textbooks for piano, violin and singing were printed. Among the editions, there is also a piano fragment from Foerster's opera Gorenjski slavček, and five guidebooks or textbooks.

Number of hits: 199

Source type
= Doba Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in družbene študije (1)
= Faculty of Business and Management Sciences (1)
= Inštitut za nepremičninske vede (1)
= Science and Research Centre Koper, Annales ZRS (1)
= University of Novo mesto Press (1)
Adriatikus (1) (1)
Anteja ECG (1)
Arctur (1)
Association of Agricultural Economists of Slovenia (DAES) (1)
Association of the Deaf Teachers Slovenia (1)
Bank of Slovenia (2)
Banka Slovenije (63)
Biotechnical Faculty (1)
Biotechnical Faculty, Biology Department (1)
Celjski mladinski center, javni zavod za mladinsko kulturo, izobraževanje, informiranje in šport (1)
Centre for eGovernance Development for South East Europe (CeGD) (1)
Croatian National Congress (1)
Development and Education Centre (4)
DigitPen (1)
Doba Business School (2)
DOBA Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in družbene študije (1)
Društvo ekonomistov (1)
Društvo Svet za vse (1)
Društvo učiteljev geografije Slovenije (1)
Družina (1)
E-institute, Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions (1)
Ekonomska fakulteta, Založništvo (1)
ELIT - Ekonomska laboratorija za istraživanje tranzicije (1)
EnaBanda (1)
EPCC (1)
Faculty of Economics (1)
Faculty of Economics and Business (1)
Faculty of Social Sciences (3)
Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (1)
Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica (1)
Faculty of Tourism Studies,Turistica (1)
Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV (2)
Fakulteta za ekonomijo in informatiko (1)
Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring (1)
Fakulteta za organizacijske študije (1)
Fakulteta za poslovne in upravne vede (1)
FP research (1)
Gibanje za dostojno delo in socialno družbo (1)
IBS, International Business School (3)
IEDC-Bled School of Management, Faculty for Postgraduate Studies (1)
Institut Jožef Stefan (1)
Institut 'Jožef Stefan' (1)
Institute for Local Self-Government (3)
Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement (1)
Institute of Real Estate Studies (1)
Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino (1)
ISCOME, Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (1)
ISCOMET, Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (3)
Izobraževalni center Geoss (1)
Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije (1)
Ljubljana School of Business (2)
Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts (1)
Meritum (1)
MIB (1)
Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Policija (2)
Mirovni inštitut - Inštitut za sodobne družbene in politične študije (1)
MLC Fakulteta za management in pravo (1)
MLC Management and Law College (1)
National Institute of Public Health (1)
Nova obzorja (1)
Osnovna šola (1)
PeBook (1)
Perfectus, svetovanje in izobraževanje (1)
Perfectus, Svetovanje in izobraževanje (1)
Perfectus, Svetovanje in izobraževanje, dr. Andrej Raspor s.p. (1)
Power Group Consulting (1)
Pravna fakulteta (1)
Prizma Foundation for improvement of employment possibilities, an institution (1)
RR & CO. Knowledge Centre (1)
SALTO SEE Resource Centre, Movit NA Mladina (1)
School of Economics and Business (3)
Science and Research Centre, Annales ZRS (2)
Slovenian Instutute for Adult Education (1)
Slovenska matica (1)
Socialna akademija (1)
SPH - Scientific Publishing Hub (4)
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (3)
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (3)
The Macmillan Press (1)
ToKnowPress (2)
University of Maribor (1)
University of Maribor Press (9)
University of Maribor, University Press (2)
University of Primorska Press (3)
University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre - Institute for Kinesiology Research, Annales University Press (1)
Univerzitetna založba (1)
Univerzitetna založba Univerze (2)
Ustanova Hiša eksperimentov (1)
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik (1)
Visoka šola za poslovne vede (1)
Založba Univerze (2)
Založba Univerze na Primorskem (2)
Založba ZRC (3)
Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (1)
Zavod APGA (1)
Zavod Bob (1)
Zavod Movit (1)
Zdravstvena fakulteta (1)
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete (1)
Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Annales ZRS (1)
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