Čufar, Katarina, Beeckman, Hans, Frelih, Marko, Krže, Luka, Hubau, Wannes, Merela, Maks (2022). Wood identification in objects of Bambuti people from the Congo in the collection of the Slovene ethnographic museum.
Les (Ljubljana), volume 71, issue 2, str. 5-24.
URN:NBN:SI:DOC-GRV591Z9 from http://www.dlib.si
Čufar, Katarina, Beeckman, Hans, Frelih, Marko, Krže, Luka, Hubau, Wannes, Merela, Maks. "Wood identification in objects of Bambuti people from the Congo in the collection of the Slovene ethnographic museum."
Les (Ljubljana) volume 71. issue 2 (2022) str. 5-24.