%--. Iasued dailjr mrcept Saturdajs, Sundajs and Holidajs. PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NAtODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Urednilkl ln upravnlikl prostori: 2657 South Lawndal« Ava. Office ot Publlcatlon: 2057 South Lawndale Ava. Telephone, Rockwell 4904 LETO-rEAK XXXVL Cena lisU je $6.00 uSffSffg SsiS Ž ŽlrSVSS1 CHICAGO 23. ILU SREDA. 15. MARCA (MARCH 15). 1944 AccepUnce tor mailing at spectal rste of postage provldod for tn section 1108, Act of Oct. 3. 1917, suthorized on June 4. 1816. Subscriptton $6 00 Yearly STEV.—NUMBER 53 PRIPRAVEZAEVA-KUAGJO NEMŠKIH n ČET IZ ODESE Posebne nagrade za vse, ki ridobe 10 ali vet članov Ogromne nemške izgube v bitkah z Ruti AMERIČANI ODBILI JAPONSKI NAPAD London. 14. marca.—Vsi razpoložljivi parniki so odrinili iz rumunskih luk ob Črnem morju proti Odesi, pravi poročilo iz Istanbula, Turčija. Zdi se, da se bo nemška bojna črta v južni Rusiji kmalu zrušila pod udarci rdeče armade. Poročilo dostavlja, da so v teku priprave za evakuacijo nemških čet iz Odese. London, 14. marca.—Ruska armada, kateri poveljuje general Rodion Malinovski in katera je zdrobila nemško vojaško posadko v Hersonu, pristaniščnem mestu, kjer se reka Dnjeper izliva v Črno morje, je v ofenzivi zasedla čez 350 naselbin. Moskva poroča, da je bilo 75,000 nemških vojakov ubitih in ujetih v bitkah z Rusi v zadnjih desetih dneh. Herson je bil v nemških rokah od avgusta 1. 1941. Premier Stalin je odredil topniške salve v znak proslave nove ruske zmage. Naznanilo pravi, da so samo čete armade generala Ma-linovskega ubile 20,000 in ujele 2500 sovražnikov v dobi od 6. do 12. marca. Število ne uklju-čujle sovražnikov, ki so bili u-biti v bitkah za posest Hersona. 0'cupacija Hersona je odprla pot prodiranju ruskih kolon v smeri Nikolajeva in Odese, lu-kama ob Črnem morju. Nikolajev leži 35 milj severozapadno od Hersona, Odesa pa 90 milj zapadno od Hersona. Druga ruska armada pod poveljstvom maršala , Gregorija Žukova je začela novo ofenzivo v zapadni Ukrajini in zasedla distriktni center Skalat, 105 milj severozapadno od stare če-hoslovaške meje in 58 milj severovzhodno od železnice Lvov-Cernuti. Neapel, Italija, 14. marca.— Zavezniško topniško bombardiranje nemških pozicij je prekinilo začasni odmor v operacijah na rimaki fronti. Izgleda, da se obe strani pripravljata za obnovo bitk. 1'ri Casginu na drugem koncu italijanske fronte so francoske odbile nemški naskok na svoje pozicije. Zavezniški letalci so izvršili nove napade na n«mške komunikacijske zveze n;< severni strani Rima. GuadalcanaL S o 1 o m o n i. 14. marca. — Petsto japonskih vojakov so pokosile krogle iz s,'"jnic, ki ao skušali udreti Kk"/i žično ograjo in napasti Pozicije ameriških čet na otoku B< u^ainvillu, poroča glavni stan Kcnerala Douglaaa MacArthur-Ja Ameriške izgube so bile nevidne. Delht Indija, 14. marca Hnuke čete ao okupirale ' 'thdaung, glavno točko ja ,,ske bojne črte v zapadni •iurrni. 35 milj ju*no od Akja pnstamščnega mesta, ae gla komunike. v " verni Burmi ao v akciji " r, «'nšk< m kitajske čete * ' Ijstvom generala Jo-W Stilwella. Te prodi-' *J0 Proti prelazu Jambu Bu-J kJ'*r se odpira pot v dolino - Htifcwang Komunike pravi, da »>«tkah s kitajskimi in kimi četami v hribih pri ^ 1 m Arakanu čez oaem ti-' J*poneev ubitih v zadnjih tednih. Izredni dobitek $125. Geslo: Utrdimo skupnost in sigurnost, namen in načela SNPJ.—Vsakemu društvu je določena primerna kvota.— Kampanja se konča 30. novembra Človeštvo ae uči is dogodkov in lskušenj ln ml smo se naučili ia opasovanja drugih ter laatnlh aktivnosti, da nobena organlaacija ne more proapevail, ako ne pridobiva na članstvu ter se tako ispo-polnjuje ln utrjuje svoje moči ln sile. Ako nI potrebnega dotoka s novimi člani, nastane saatoj, čemur aledl počasno nasadovanje tor prej ali slej konec organlsaclle. To le neizogibno ln velja aa SNPJ prav tako kot sa vsako drugo organlsacljo. Is naših aktivnoeti v preteklosti pa amo ae tudi naučili, da ni bolj učinkovitega sredstva sa pridobivanje novih članov ln poraai organizacije kot je dobro samlšljena ln pametno sačrtana Šlvabna kampanja. Poleg novih članov, kl Jih društva vpišejo sa časa kampanje, ae teda) običajno tudi bolj reano poglobimo v poalova-nje in blagotvornosi ter celotni ustroj Jednote ln prepričani, da ni boljše organisaclje nikjer ter še adaleka tako dobre ne. ae je poskušamo še bolj trdno oprijeti. Posledica Je, da v dobi kampanje ponovno utrdimo svojo lojalnoai ln zaobljubo ter temeljne principe jednote, s ugotovitvijo velikih koristi, kl Jih nudi naše bratstvo svojim člsnom, pa opozorimo širšo Javnoei na vašAoet naših aoclalnlh. kulturnih ln proevetnlh naporov ln udobnoati kot našo posebnost ln ksierlh se vsak član lahko poelušL Naš stari običaj je, da ob priliki važnih obletnic poeveftimo laki snamenltostl posebno pažnjo in Jo lsrablmo kolikor mogoče v korist Jednote. Kot snano, Je to leto posebno snamenii rojatni dan— STIRIDESETLETNICA SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE. Prav saradi tako uašne obletnice )e glavni odbor na svoji sadnjl letni seji odobril, da ae razpiše ia poaebna kampanja sa nove člane, ki naj traja osem mesecev in se prične 1. aprila, a mesecem, v ksierem se Je porodila Jednota, ter konča 30. novembra- VELIKA JUBILEJNA KAMPANJA PRED NAMI.—Velika jubilejna kampanja sa nove člane Je torej tik pred nami In kakor ob priliki sllčnih aktivnoeti v pretekloaii, bo tudi Izid ia kampanje odvieen največ od dobre volje in kooperacije našik društev in njih Vodij. Zavedajoč se iega prav dobro, sremo poteku ie kampanje v obraz v trdnem upanju, da n »a bo splošno članstvo v tem velikodušno podprlo ter dalo tej prevašnl stvari prisrčno ln vso mogočo kooperacijo. Prepričani amo, da ae eplofoo članstvo reano sanima sa dobrobit organisaclje, to Je svojega društva in Jednote, ter da bo vaak pravi priaiaš SNPJ ai&ril svoje najboljše sa uspeh ie kampanje ln poraai avoje dobre jednote, kljub temnim vojnim oblakom, kl ae še vedno rasprostlrajo nad nami. Z velikim upanjem torej gledamo v bodočnost v prepričanju, da bo ia kampanja sopet korenito poživila naše aktivnosti ter da bomo šli na delo sa večjo ter še bolj napredno SNPJ neustrsšeno ter še s večjo energijo koi še kdaj v zgodovini Jednote. UTRDIMO SKUPNOST IN SIGURNOST TER NAMEN IN NA-ČELA SNPJ—Je prsv primerno ln lepo samišljeno gealo ie kampanje. Globok pomen teh besed Je priraaiel k srcem naših plonlr-aJev in oatalih članov ln to Je tvorilo glavno podlago naši organise-cftjl vsa štiri desetletja. Baš to Je bila največja gonilna aila v agitaciji in delu ss jednoto vse od začetka, kar nam Je prlneelo ogromno hvaležnega napredka, ln tako mora oaiail tudi v bodoče! Naša organisaclje mora stalno raatl ln belešltl mnogo sdravega napredka tudi v bodoče. Zato pojdimo na agitacijo sa uspeh ie kampanje v trdni sa veeil, da pomnošltev članstva pomeni uključltev ln sdru-Utev večjega števila dobrih ljudi pod saaiavo SNPJ. to pa sopet večjo trdnost ln lepšo bodočnost Jednote, vae io pa večje podpore in dajatve ter sploh mnogo več koristi sa vae člane ln njih družine. Pridobitev novih članov pomeni sseno. de si Je naše bratstvo utrlo vstop v domove novih družin ln našlo večje polje sa rassvelljeva-nje pravega pomena ln potrebe socialne, ekonomske ln politične demokracije, kl ao predpogoj se resnično svobodo ln socialno pra-vičnoei. Prav s gotovostjo In bres vsake bojasnl pred naaprotovanjem lahko trdimo, da Je braiatvo, kakršnega predatavlja SNPJ, podlaga in bltnoai prave demokracije. Tu nI meaio. da bi raaglabljali, kdo aH kaj Je povzročilo sedanjo svetovno volno, vendar pa Je na mestu, ako se na kratko ugotovi, de Je veliko pripomogla k iemu ras-lika v svetovnih gospodarsko političnih nasorlh. Na eni strani so negstlvnl elementi, kl sovrašljo demokracijo ln al prlsadevajo, da Jo uničijo, na drugI pa posiilvnl, ki smsirajo demokracijo koi ne obhodno potrebno ss prsvlčno človeško drušbo ter Jo skušajo ohra-niti. Radi teh ideologij ae bije ia strašen bo). SNPJ Je bih velik sagovornik in bortielj ss prsvo demokracijo vse od svojegt sačetk* ln tako Je i danee. Na mestu Je tudi, ds ae tu omeni, da J* JednoU še dala kakih 5000 članov, ki ae vešbajo ln pripravljajo «11 p« ae U bore sa demokracijo na vojni fronti. Precej Jih Je še doprineslo tvoje šlvljeaeke šrtve sa to Idejo ln mnogo drugih dobilo težke poškodbe Prav epodobi ee torej, da medtem ko traja vojne in naši dopri našajo tolike žrtve, tudi ml, kl smo detma. storimo sa stvar vaaj to. kar moremo—da ohranimo ameriški naHn.življenja, kar uključule tudi SNPJ. In največ bomo storili v tem oslru. ako pridno agltl ramo sa jednoto in skrbimo ne s-mo. d- se ohrsnl pri sedenji moči. temveč JI dodamo še lepo število novih članov la lo Uko oj-*tmo Kol snano. aeatoje naša krajevna društva Is večje sil menjše skupine poedlnih ČUnov. Jednote p* I« krMevnih društev, Ia koi Je snano nadalje, da ae proepeh društva meri a« I več po Um. koliko članov štele, ki eo resnično ektlvnl ln del-U neprestano s« r.sm-h craantsaclle. tako U proapeh ln sdrsv n-predek JednoU odvtoen največ od lega. koliko drušUv Ima. ki soJlve iktlvn« In del-jo sa koristi organUarUe pe deželi. Ker je torej blaginja M-oU v toliki meri odvisne od pridobi-(Dalje na 3 strani) Domače vesti Clevolaadako veeil Cleveland, O.—Umrla je Johana Gašpari, stara 80 let ln doma z Vrhnike na Notranjskem, odkoder je prišla v Ameriko pred 50 leti. S pokojnim možem Frankom sU živela najprej v Moon Runu, Pa., kjer zapušča brata in svaki. Po prihodu v Cleveland aU kupila hišo. Njen mož je umrl 1919 in vdova je v času depresije izgubila hišo. Zadnjih pet let je bivala pri neki tuji družini.—Dalje je umrl John Kallnšek, sUr 65 let in doma iz Kranja na Gorenjskem, odkoder je prišal v Ameriko pred 33 leti. Tu 4pu*ča ieno» dva» sinova (eden j pri vojakih) in hčer, v starem kraju pa enega aina, eno hčer in pet sester.— Kandidaturo za državnega poslanca je prijavil Anthony J. Tomse na listi demokratske Stranke. Član SNPJ uaarl v bolnišnici Imperial, Pa.—V bolnišnici Mercy v Plttsburghu je umrl John Godisha, star 21 let, rojen v Ameriki in Član društva 106 SNPJ ter društva 29 ABZ. Zapušča starše* brata in sestro. Nov greb v Oklu Steubenville, O.—Po dolgi in mučni bolezni jc umrl v bolnišnici Ohio Vall«y John SUnlša, član in dolgoletni predsednik društva 543 SNPJ, doma lz Velike Brusnice pri Novem mestu na Dolenjskem- Zapušča soprogo in pet otrok*** Is CajllnvllU, 111. Carlinville, 111.—Dne 11. marca ie umrla Johana Novak, stara 68 let, članica društva 561 SNPJ* in doma iz vasi Lopata pri Hi-njah na Dolenjskem. Tu zapušča moža, sina in več sorodnikov, v Chicagu pa brata Simona Sinko-vicha. _' Partizani napadli otok Brač Zavezniki bombardirajo nemške pozicije London, 14. marca.—Glavni sUn maršala TiU, poveljnika jugoslovanske osvobodilne armade, poroča, da so partizanske enote pod vodstvom ameriškega častnika izvršile uspešen napad na nemško vojaško posadko pri Pučinu, otok Brač, in zaplenile velike količine orožja, streliva in drugega bojnega materiala. Brač leži 12 milj južnozapadno od SpliU, dalmatinske luke. . Partizani so nspadli tudi nemško posadko na otoku Hvaru. Mnenje prevladuje, da je bil napad izvršen pod poveljstvom ameriških častnikov. Titov glavni sUn je nedavno poročal, da partizanskim enotam na Hvaru poveljujejo ameriški častniki. Britsks rušile* Bicester in Ledburv sta obstreljevsls nemške ladje in purnike v ožini pri Neretvi. Eden parnik Je bil potopljen In več sovražnikov u-ji t.i. Zavezniške operacije, katerih cilj je zii robi te v nemških vojaških posadk ne jugoslovanskem obrežju, so zavzele velik obseg Zavezniška letala in bojne lidje skušajo poostriti blokado nemških zalagalnih linij na Jadranskem morju. Kongresnih H off man udaril unije CIO Wa*hington. D. C., 14. marca —Kongreenik Hoffman, republikanec iz Michigana. j« ponovno t udaril po unijah Kongreae industrijskih organizacij. Dejal je , da ao bod kontrolo komunistov, ki hočejo strmoglaviti ameriško 1 vlado a silo Solvenlnosl jednote in kampanja ob 40-letnici Kakor ae Je članaivo brea. dvoma Še aeaaaailo U aaplsnlka aeje glavnega odbora. Je naša Jednota v preteklem letu aopet dosegla lep napredek v članstvu, kakor tudi na imovini. Po aaalugl vseh aktivnih In delavnih Članov, se Je članaivo v sadnjem letu pomnožilo aa ŠUvllo 8293 in imovina Je poraalla aa S419.272.29. Kljub Uradnim rasmeram, v katerih ae nahajamo, aa umrljivost članatva ni poeebno svlšala. Dasi Jednota plača polno aavaroval* nlno sorodnikom v volni padlih članov—katerih amo do sedaj ls-gublll 29—Je aolnventnoat poakočlla sa 2.93% ln Je ob saključku leta snašala 129.91%. m Gornje Številke so dobro poroštvo glede varnosti, kakor iudl stabilnosti Jednote. vsled čeear Jih agliaiorji lahko rabilo v kampanji katera Je v Um letu posvečena 40-letnici organisaclje. Bratje ln aeeirel Zopet prihajamo pred vae a prošnjo aa vaše eodolovanje v tej kampanji, katera se prične 1. aprila Ur konča 30. novembra 1944. Prepričani smo. da. če ee boele sa vseli aa lo kampanjo v iakem zamahu In a tako odločnoeljo. kakor ate se v sadnjem letu. Je uspeh še sedal sagolovljen. Glavni odbor Je na avoJI letni aeji določil naalednje poeebno nagrade v UJ kampanjli ZA VSAKEGA ČLANA MLADINSKEGA ODDELKA. ZAVAROVAN V NAČRTU 1 ALI 2 ............Sl.00 ZA VSAKEGA ČLANA MLADINSKEGA ODDELKA. ZAVAROVAN V NAČRTU 3 ..... ................ 92.00 ZA VSAKEGA ČLANA ODDELKA ODRASLIH. KI SE ZAVARUJE DO VSOTE S500 ........................S1.00 ZA VSAKEGA ČLANA ODDELKA ODRASLIH. KI SE ZAVARUJE ZA SI000 ALI VEČ.....................14.00 Poleg omenjenih nagrad ao določena še lsredne nagrada aa one udeUšence v U) kampanji, ki pridobe deeot (10) ali več novih 61» nov. Iliri večje nagrada eo pa določene aa ona. ki doeešojo največje uapehe v Številu noveprldobljenih članov, katere nagrada aa delijoi PRVA NAGRADA ZA NAJVIŠJE ITEVILO NOVIH ČLANOV Slt5. ZA DRUGO NAJVllJE ŠTEVILO NOVIH ČLANOV S100. ZA TRETJE NAJVIŠJI ŠTEVILO NOVIH ČLANOV S75 IN ZA ČETRTO NAJVIŠJE ŠTEVILO PA SS0. , Detajle, ali podrobno poročilo glede kaaspanje, kl se prične I. aprila, najdeie v poročilu načelnika kampanje la mladinskega direktorja aa drugem mestu v UJ isdaji glaalla. Naša organUaclJa nI mrsls "Insurance" korporaclja, ustanovi Jena v Interesu privatnega dobička, pač pa Je braiaka podporna Jednota. katera akrbl sa avoje člene tn njihove dediče po smrti. Poleg smriainake zavarovalnine ae pri SNPJ lahko člani aavarujeje Iudl aa bolniško podporo Ur odškodnino. Koliko Je komercUalnlb "Insurance" drušb, ki ae hočejo bsvtti s bolniško podporo, a ka-Uro ae ne da delali poeebno dobičke, Je pa velika potreba Ur v korist indueirljalnim dalavcem v slučaju poškodb ali bolesni. Nad Šlirinajal milijonov dolarjev bolniške podpore Ur odškodnine Je bilo članom laplaČanih v laku obstoja JednoU. kar U sa organlsacljo s številom članatva. kot Je naša, precej lepa vsota. Tudi v kul-turM oslru Je ia organlssrija mnogo aiorlla sa avoje Članaivo In d^avatvo vobče, ssio tudi ssslušl oporo od siranl delavstvs. Dolšnost vseh članov Je. da prlpomoremo vaak nekaj k aadanjl kampanji, bodial s udelešltvljo pridobivanja novega členalve, s vspodbudo s pisanjem aH besedo, s resnimi prireditvami, v kolikor U rasmere dopuščajo, Itd. Članaivo pri društvih naj ne poaabl. da Je to Uio 40. obletnica Jednote. ki saalušl doetojnega apomlne. Članska kampanja, posvečena štiridesetletnemu jubileju JednoU mora doeeči uapeh, če se člsnstvo saU odloči, NAŠ APEL PA JE, DA SE TAKO ODLOČITE! P. A. VIDER, gl. lalnlk. Kanada zavrnila apel irske vlade Amerika ne bo umaknila zahteve Ottawft. Kanada, 14. marca — Kanada je zavrnila apel irike vlada premierja De Valere, naj posreduje pri ameriškem državnem depert men tu, da umakne zahtevo glede Izgona osiščnlh diplomatov in preloma od noša Jev z Nemčijo in Japonsko. De Va-Icra jc apeliral /a posredovanje nu Avstralijo in morda tudi druge dominiono britskega Imperija. Premier W L. Matkenzie K mg je Izjavil v kanadskem parlamentu, da je De Valera MfM-lu al preko Johna D Kesr-nyjs, kansdskege komisarja v Dubllnu. Klng je izrazil dvom, da bi ameriška vlada umaknila zahtevo John Curtin. predsednik avstralske vlade, Je pre) naznanil, ' da je dob*| sličen spel od HUn-li vje Rruce|a, avstralskega komisarja v Dubllnu, In da je bil ' odklonjen. , Moskva poslala ultimat Finski Doba za sprejetje ponudbe določena London, 14, marca,—Rusija je poslala ultlmut Finski In določila dobo, v kateri se mora sled-rijs odločiti za ali proti sprejetju ponudbe glede umika iz vojne in sklenitve miru. Sovjetski ultimat zavrača negativni finski odgovor, nanašajoč se ns stavljene mirovne pogoje, Ta ni bil ne sprejetje In rut zavrnitev ruskih pogojev, temveč le poskus /u obnovo pogajanj. - Kedor («usijev, ruski poslanik v l,oridoriu, se je oglasil v uradu brltskeg« zunanjega mlniatca Kdena in ga ob tej priliki Informiral o vsebini ultimata. Dozna-va se, da je britsks vlada odobrila ultimat, Angleihi rudarji ee vračajo na delo Ixmdon, 14 marca.- Rudarska stavka v South Waleeu ae krha. Dve tretjini i/med 104,000 aUv karjev ae je vrnilo na delo v zadnjih dveh dneh. SOVJETSKA RUSIJA PRIZNALA ITALIJANSKO VLADO Badoglio poelal »pome* nico premier ju Stalinu LEVIČARSKE STRANKE V ZADREGI Neapel, Italija. 14. marca.— Rusija se je odločila za ustanovitev dlplomatičnih odnošajev s italijansko vlado premierja Ba-doglia, kar pomeni priznanje statusa Italije kot sobojevnice, se glasi uradno naznanilo. To je tudi razkrilo, du je Badoglio apeliral na Rusijo sa priznanje. Badoglio je objavil vsebino poslanice, katero je naslovil premlerju Stalinu in v kateri jo naglasll, "da se italijansko ljudstvo v polni meri zaveda važnosti zmagovitih sovjetskih vojnih naporov." Mnenje prevladuje, da je Badoglio apeliral tudi na Veliko Britanijo in Ameriko ga , priznanje. Besednik Badoglljeve vlada je izjavil, da rusko priznanje Je odprlo novo fazo v italijanskem mednarodnem življenju, da bo to Imelo dalekoaežen učinek na Italijansko ljudstvo kot sname-nje, da Je dežela po srumotni fašistični dobi prerojena. Ko so prišla prva poročila, da bodo sovjeti priznali Badogiije- * vo vlado, po jih nekateri dlplo-matični krogi spruvljalt v zvezo z govoricami glede razdelitve Italijanske bojne mornarice med Veliko Britanijo, Ameriko in Rusijo, Izgleda, da je bila U zudova sedaj, ko Je Moskva zagotovila Italijanom prijateljstvo, potisnjena na .stran; očitno Je, du Mussolinljeva propa-Igundu proti komunizmu ne »bo uspešna. Sovjetsko priznanje je pod-jx>ra Hudoglijevi vladi in udarec koaliciji političnih strank, ki jo napadajo. !ftdi»<«llri MICHAEL ■ KOMER, prvi padp»dasdzitll--^uiTj^oSt CAMU.LV ZARMICK. drugi podpredsednik------MSI W «U> St, Cleveiana a. ui») Dtatrtklai podpri InOalkt «17 Woodland Ave.. Johnetosm. P«. ...........„JL D. No. I. Oakdale. P«. Mlch JOS CULKAR. prvo okrožje ---- JAMES MAOLJCH. drugo okrožje I LAV 11 ON D TRAVNIK. tretje okioijs JOHN SPtl^ER. lotu« okrotje B >WARD Iseto okroije Mlddiepotnte. Onrtom. Mlch. rv Randatl S C. St Louls T. Mo. ■■Plerce St.. Eveleth. Minn . m W. Tth SC, Wslseoburg, Colo. r„»«ix>dar» (1 MATU PETROVICH predsednik VINCENT CAINKAR -- r a. vn»» Ml H KO O. KUHEL-- JACOB EUPAN .........—- I ONALO J. LOTRICH--- ItruOLHIf LISCH „- SS) E. 19lit St.. Cleveland 19. Ohlo M#7 So. Lawndale A v«.. Chicago SS. 111. SCM So. Laumdale Avo, Chlrsso U. III-MAT So. Loatodalo Avo. Chlcogo SS. U1 .....1400 So LomSord Ave. Berwya. Ul. 1MT So Trumoull Avo.,' Chlcage/3. DL rMd 17. 700 E. StOth St.. Euel O. ANTON SHULAR. predsedulk fRANK VRATARICH--------- prank barbič -------- ANDREW VIDRI« H --« JOSEPHINE MOČNIK PRANK ZAITZ. predsednik MILAN MEDVKSZK ........ ANDREW GRUM -------------- JOHN OUP ----------- PRED MALGA1-------------- DR JOHN J. ZAVERTNIK __„ ___. j la« r, Arma. _______»1» Tenor SC. Luzerne. Pa. i foi I M uskoka Avo.. Cleveland 10, Ohlo ...........„„ 700 Pvoot Avo.. JoMnstoien, P«. ........ 77» E. lSftth Stroot. Cleveland 10. Ohlo Nadaeral odaek ............2301 So. Lawndale Ave.. Chlcaso M. IU. ....... ........i MIS Uptoa Avo.. Cleveland 10. Ohlo ____________.. .17101 Snowd«n, Detroit »I. Mich. 231 So. Proapeet Ave., Clarendon Hllla. IIL ......................t3 WoaWrloK Avo., Poru. HI. O lavni adravnik ................„.. »10 So. Rldgeway. Chicago 23, Ul. M0—Jfsul ln Tekla Durkisvkz as tn mesece. 225— PeteI Jenko za tri meaece. Mt—Gregor Zelzek za 1 leto 2ST—Bertha Spontek za tri Mfitovi 4f7—Oeorge och za tri me- PROŠNJE ZA IZREDNO PODPORO Applications for Special Benefit Dr.lt. * ; Lodge No 9—Mitzi in Dorothy Dereta 940.00. S—Frank E. Rayer 920.00. 13—John Likovlch aaesment za tri meaece. 24—Frank Vodilek, Frank Skraba-nja. Frank Kertiinik. vsak po 920.00; William Stucin 919. 34—Jos«phine Ifivec 919.00. 42—Joai ph Požene! 920 00. 88—Frank Zagoda 829.00. IMJ—Joku Malnerich aaesment za lest mesecev. 92—Edward Alesh asesment za tri mesece. 102 Frances Kertlčnik 9*5.00. 135—John Homove 925.00. 138—John Udovich 525.00. 145—Frank Stratilar 90.60. 232—Agnes Defalco 920.00. 386—Mike Alich 925.00. 434—Frank Sotoiek asesment za lest mesecev. 447—Michael Ferlin aaesment za tri meaece. Zaključek seje ob 12:10 opoldne. V. Cainkar, gl. predsednik, V. A. Vider. gl. tajnik. Zapisniki se) gl. izvršnega odseka SNPJ SPREMEMBE PRI DRUŠTVIH meseca januarja 1944' MEMBERSHIP CHANGE8 January, J044 Dr. It. Lodge No. 3 Črtan: VVilliam Pleskovich, c. Seja 2. febr. 1944 Seja se začne ob eni uri popoldne. Navzoči so bratje Cainkar, Vider, Kuhel. Oradilek. Vrhovnik, Godina in Molek. Prodaednik predioli prolnjo organizacije za pobijanje otrolke paralize za denarno podporo. Dovoljeno Je $25. GL tajnik poroča, da je dobil Ao-vo pomoč za urad v osebi Elvire Skavich, ki lahko začne 7. februarja ter priporoča, da Jo gl. izvrlnl odsek potrdi. Odobreno. Nato prečita pismo organizacije Illinois Fraternal Congress o nameravani letni seji 22. febr.*, priporočajo, da jednota polije svoje zj^top-nlke. Sklenjeno je. da se udeležita gl. predsednik ln gl. tajnik. Direktor mladine priporoča, da se v bodoče tiska toliko več izvodov Mladinskega lista vsak mesec, da se bo na koncu leta lahko poklonilo po en vezan letnik vsukemu aktivnemu krotku za arhiv. Priporočilo oe odobri ln upravniku je naročeno. da Skrbi, da se bo potrebno tu*vilo dodatnih izvodov tiskalo ter hranilo v U namen. Direktor mla- dine nato prečita pismo od prvega JT nanan g) podpredsednika Kumerja. v ka-1 Odobreno Prečltano je piamo dr uit v a It. 631, v katerem poroča o nameravani slavnootl svoje 16-letnlce 22. a-prila ter prosi za oglas v program-ni knjllici in zaeno, da oe gl. pred-»ednlk in direktor mladine ttdeleii-ta kot govornika. Odobreno. . Nadalje se prečita protnja društva It 262. v katerem poročajo, da bodo 14. maja obhajali 5-letnico mladinskega krotka it. 21 in žele. da bi se udelelil mladinski direktor kot govornik za jednoto. Odobreno. Gl. tajnik predlofl pismo drultva It. 5. ki poroča, da bo 7. maja obhajalo 40-letnico svojega obstanka in da tele, da bi on nastopil kot govornik. Se ugodi. Nadalje predloti poročilo drultva It. 117, s katerim dokazujejo, da Je pokojni br. John Kutnik. ki je dal Miirtnlno zapisati na Jednoto, tele), da se lz »inrDiinc plača za njegov nagrobni kamen, nakar Je sklenjeno, da se nakate vsota 975 v ta namen. Federacija druitev v ju^netp Kan-»asu prosi, da se ponovi naročnina na Prosveto na Jednotine strotke za onemoglega člana Jos. Dvorlka. ki se nahaja v okrajnem zavetilču. terem Izrala čestitke za tako izbo-ren uspeh kampanje v letu 1943. kar oe vzame na znanje Stična prolnja od drultva It. 2 je odobrena ca br. J. Liveka, ki Je tudi v okrajnem zavetilču. Direktor mladine predloti prolnjo Upravnik tiskarne poroča, da Je u ^wr m pr«nozi prošnjo prejel od vladnih organov obvestilo j-n^oposN^ fede^ dru- da moramo znižati rabo papirja za v »P- Pj™! » poro za izvedbo kegljalkega turnir »25 25 . 2& . 10 25 . 50 25 . 15 *e-104 najmanj 8%. kar pomeni, da moramo bili le bolj varčni glede tega, Zlasti zato. ker oe pričakujejo v tem letu le nadaljne restrikcije ali omejitve glede rabe tiskovnega papirja. Se vzame na znanje. V zvezi s tem poroča upravnik, da Je vladni delavski odbor odobril zahUrve unije tiskar|ev za i^lanje plače, ter da to velja za nazaj vse do meseca julija Se vzame na znanje. Prrdlotene so operacijske zadeve, kl.Jih gl. zdravnik priporoča izvri-nemu odseku v relltov, in sklenjeno je, da se izplačajo v vsotah kot sledi Dr it. Al, Angela Kein 9H, Frank Bi udar ..... lil Amelia PoUeh 13« Fieda Martlnčič i«» Josephine Sokol 215. Joaeph Vraničat ...... 226, Regina Pompe 547, Mary Lero Nadalje Jo odobrena prolnja Stre Ane Oblak od druAtva It. ta irrrdno podporo v vsoti |3S; takisto pio&nja br Ant &irce od drultva It 5S9. da se mu nakate 925. Nato je priložena pritožita br Fr Pitnih«, člana drultva It 74.1. ki or nanaia na |xist<»f>anje urednika glede njegovih dopisov. Trdi, da urtdnik napačno tolmači načelno Is javo Jednote tei mu t radrtanjem nj(K'>vih dopijMiv del« krivico. I^e-člta m- troje dopikov. ki jih Je poslal ptedsrdniku in rahteva, da se ptiobfita v»aj dva Po potrebni raz-Dravi je sklenjrim. «t« odsek ne o-dobmva |*»stopan)e urednika glede teh d«>piairv in da ae pnoličlta pu skdrija dva Zaključek I je ol> 4 !Wl .Sr) 'a 16 febr 1944 Piedsednik odpre sejo oh I pop Navz<>^l n» vsi ^lam atavuega U vrim g« liri da or udelele iziedne seje. k^ j« fcklirana na prihftdriji tn-tek ob osn.t url zvečer v »vi ho da se za pi*riik prečita tn odobri K« vtamo na znanje Nato ae razpiavlja o vpiulouju kako tx »no piiotiCili rapimik /♦*»-rovanja gl idbom Ohlfijn« oe tisk nI v prilogi Pfoavtl« toda topot bo tadi omejitve pavu j« treba tudi pri tem varčevati K oni no )r »kle-Rjeno. da ae tlaka prlloea samo na rMinh straneh, ootalo p« v redni arodini Mrvtlkl. tako da ak>v«nBkl gaplanik trtde vos hkiati in kakor hltro mogoče. »ora lavi* |1 a te sezone. Dovoljeno je 990. Br. Molek poroča, da je kot u-rednlk prenehal s priobčevanjem spornih dopiaov, ki se nanalajo na nastalo situacijo pri Proaveti ter Zeli, da odsek njegovo postopanja odobri. Zaeno teli, da se mu prizna pravico do dvotedenskih počitnic. Sledi razprava, med katero oe br. Molka opuzurja, da gl, odbor nI zaključil, da se morajo vsi sporni dopisi enostavno zatreti, ter da je njegovo zadevno pojaanilu članom Prosveti napačno. Ker ima gl. predsednik nalogo, da pazi, da se bodo sklepi gl. odbora točno upo Itevali, spadajo oporni dopisi, ki Jih je prej omenil. nJemu v pregled in odločanje. Sklenjeno, da ima br. Molek pravico do dvotedenskih počitnic o plačo. Zaključek oeje ob 3:30. Šefa 25. febr 1944 Seja se začne ob 9 45 dopoldne Navzoči so Cainkar, Vider, Trojar Kuhel. GradUek. Vrhovnik tn Godina Predsednik pojasni, da je sklical sejo v glavnem is razloga, ker br Molek s koncem tega m«*s«ea preneha s sluibo kot odgovorni urednik ter je radi tega potrebno, da se znčatno pooblasti koga drugega, da prevzame vodstvo ln odgovornost v uredniltvu. dokler ni za neiztečeno dobo izvoljen nov urednik, kakor določajo nala pravila. Prvo je sklenjeno, da br. pred aednik v prihodnji isdajl sredine Pmovete ur adno naznani, da je me sto urednika jednotinih publikaci. izpraznjeno ter do kdaj naj ae prt javijo kandidati, nakar oe bodo vrlile volitve MUdi daljla razprava in soglasno mnenj«* je, da je priporočljivo dati enako priložnost vsem trem pomol-ntm urednikom namreč, da are v sami- v odet v o vsak t«den drugi tn ae tako vrstijo do konca Ker pa ao •r izrazili, d« t nje vidijo, ako eden m 4 Črtan: Frank Wieszczeclnski, c. 49063 6 Črtani: Malcolm Shannon, c. 103930, Marion Maleoki, c. 105197, Harold E. Douglas, c. 104094. Umrl: Lawrence Kau-cic, c. 1725. . •' 9 Umrl. Joseph Kneo, c. 110527. 14 Umrl: Joseph Shustar, c. 48332. 18 Unyi: John Lenko, c. 33034 & 111399. 19 Črtan: Joe Oberzan, c. 99613. 20 Umrla: Johanna Glinsek, c. 10997. -v 26 Č r t a n i: Valentin Petach, c. 111583, Rudolph F. Bratina, c. 111532. Umrl: Joe Vogrich. c. 111693. 27 Umrla: Julla Juvan. c. 11279. 28 Umrl: Joseph Mismas, t. 110939. 33 Umrla: Jennie Poaega, c. 13163 ln c. 112224. 36 Umrl: Michael Gaburi, c. 43676. 39 Umrla: Kristina Renar. c. 24769. 52 Umrli: Veronika Šinkovec, c. 78018: Konstantin Smoljnakl, c. 56911. 54 Črtana: Mary Gregurich, c. 104128. 56 Črtana zopet sprejeta: Ardis J. Shervvood, c. 103596. 59 Umrl: Rudolph Slatner, c. 110197. 61 Umrli: Anton Brodnik, c. 6560; Mike Zalokar, c. 8260. 64 Umrl: John Kotar, c. 50094 in 112081. 69 Umrl: Andrew Kastellc. c. 95476. 75 Umrl: John Majnarlch, c. 18293 ln 119160. 82 Črtan: Joseph Selich. c. 23234. 86 črtani: Anna Babnic. c. 95974 In Mary Wicherek, c. 81288. 88 Umrl: Blaz Kovacic, c. 40842. 100 Črtana: Mildrcd Tisol. c. 115669. 118 črtani zopet sprejeti: Matilda Frank. c. 114243; Rose Fucek. C. 1)7278. 121 Umrl: Anton Zakrajšek. c. 6271. 124 Umrl: Anton Drasler, c. 15837. 125 Umrl: Andro Paskvan, c. 17547. 129 Umrla: Franceo Marolt, c. 50196. 134 Umrl: Jacob Zaitz, c. 2923. 148 črtana: Mo!ly M. Stcvcns, c. 110358 158 Umrl: Frank Kantz, c. 82555. 167 Umrla: Julla Baid. c. 24762.. 173 Umrl: Edward Prljstel. c. 88774 179 Ci Dr.lt Lodge No. 487 Črtana: Agnes Oblak. c. 89474. 459 Umrl: Dušan Bibin. c. 63549. 107 Črtan: Pauline L. Milkovich, c. 105322. 490 Č r t a n a : Dorothy Golte, c. 106826. 500 Umrla: Eva Bailen. c. 99194. 528 Umrla: Mary JgkRe, e. 55962 559 Črtan zopet sprejet: Rudolph Andreas, c. 86709. Črtani: Ted 'Siwy, c 98801. Frances Arabia. c. 100182, Rudy Longo. c. 93436; Alphonae Cartier. ' c. 98793; John C. Setecka, c. 77330; Rir c hard Reichel, c. 94142; George Schimek. c. 93291; Ralph Miha-ljevich. c. 66859; Christine Mi-halovich, c. 86208. 564 Črtani zopet s|»ejeU: Sylvia Bieber. c. 88308, Josephine Ju-rish, c. 87008. Črtana: Erryna Dodich. c. 99028. " 565 Črtan: John Todorich, c. 105427. 566 Črtana: Agnes Hodak. c. 101346. 567 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Bertha Booker, c. 65576; Elizabeth Boo-ker, c. 83155. 575 Črtana: Emma Pridovnik, c. 90473. 584 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Anton V. Yerman, c. 105171, Anthony Spruck, c. 111446. 589 Umrl: Frank Rohrbacker, Jr., c. 116879. Črtan: Samuel Nockey, f. 104051. 606 Umrl: Joho Stubler, c. 111492 609 Črtan: Philip Podobnick. c. 83330. * ^ * 615 Umrl: Gregor Sirk. c. 40147. 665 Črtali zopet sprejeti: Anthony Dekleva, c. 60814, John Rebol, c. 30507. Črtani: Isabelle Arch, c. 114248, Isabelle Arch, c. 114264, Frands J. Arch, c> 104436. Francis J. Arch, M. D., c. 114269. 677 Črtan: Frank Gartner, c. 92706. 680 Črtani: Acqullino J. Bosco. c. 105759, Howard Reed. c. 105780, Warren A. Palmer. c. 106484. Umrla: Mary Lesar, c. 35545. 682 Črtan: Frank Sadler, c. 95897. 684 črtani zopet sprejeti: Josephine J Krzanowski, c. 81002. Alice Pol-- sac, c. 72802. 686 črtan: Alen H. Hoffmann, c. 103917. 715 črtan zopet sprejet: Robert Vu- 11 letich, c. 103556. 735 Črtana: Anne Auman, c, 100149. 747 Črtani zopet sprejeti: John Sta-rich, c. 89977, Wen?el Starich, c. 103205. F. A. Vider, gl. tajnik. Ptprtvek k sa planika gL odbora vam na kratko pojasnim, da je K zapisniku gl. odbora, tika- zato, da bomo počistili in olepša-jog se poročila nadzornega odse- li na! druitveni dom. ka glede dodatnega račuma, ka terega je predložil računski ve-ičak, naj bo pojasnjeno toliko, da je bilo od strani gl. tajnika nadzornemu odseku na seji pojasnjeno, da računski izvedenci niso imeli toliko izrednega dela vsled spremembe knigovodje, da bi bil račun, katerega so predložili, upravičen.» Anton Trojar, zapisnikar. DOPISNIKOM IK ČLANOM JEDNOTE Kadar pišeta Prosveti ali v glavni urad SNPJ. na pozabita v naslovu napravili postne ole-Govanda. N. Y. — V moje zad- \ 23 sa baaedo "Chicago . J. Pečar, tajnik. c. Društvene priredbe Vabilo k Naprednim Slovenkam ClevelantL—Napredne Slovenke—društvo 137 SNPJ—uljudno vabijo eenjeno občinstvo širom Clevelanda na veselico, ki se vrši v soboto zvečer, 18. marca v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju. .._ _ ; ______j Pri Naprednih Slovenkah se ob tem času navadno vsako leto zberemo z našimi prijatelji inr znanci in se skupaj prav po domače zabavamo v počast vseh Jožic ali Pepc in Jožetov. Obljubimo vam zelo prijazen večer in izvrstno postrežbo, ker naše natakarice in kuharice so izvež-bane v tem poslu. Godba bo tudi izvrstna, kajti igral bo Peco-nov orkester. Prebitek te veselice bo šel za dobre namene, ker vam je vsem znano, da Napredne Slovenke nikoli ne odrečejo nobeni prošnji. Torej v soboto zvečer pridite vse Pepce in Micke in Tončke, vfci Jo^eti in Franceljni in Toneti na veselo zabavo k Naprednim Slovenkam. Joale Zakrajšek, tajnica. nje poročilo glede društvenih sej se ie urinila tiskovna pomota. Rečeno je bilo, da se seje našega društva 325 SNPJ vrše vsako tretjo nedeljo v mesecu ob dveh popoldne, v resni se pa pričnejo ob treh popoldne. Prosim članstvo, da vzame to na znanje in pride pravočasno na sejo — ob treh. Prihodnja sej« bo v nedeljo, 19. marca. ^ Mary Stibil, tajnica. POTREBUJEMO, glSARNI&KO MOČ 8 tem ae naznanja, da Je v uradu nI. tajništva SNPJ isprasnjono pisarniško moaio. h katero se takoj potrebuje nova moč (dekle) naslednjih aposobnostl: Tipkanje na pisalni' stroj ln računat vo, dobro pa^. fcs MM tudi stenografijo, ali z drugo besedo povedano, če Ima irg©jrslw na-obfasbo (buslness course)., Mladenka, ki ima zadevne kvalifikacije In vaaelje do dela v pisarni, lahko položi prošnjo. Prošnje sa službo ae bode predvsem upoštevale od članic jednote; začetna plača po dogovoru. Ker ee moč nujno potrebuje, se priporoča tietlm članicam, ki bi Jih veselilo delati "v" uradu avo J a organizacije In ki ee čutijo aposobne. da prošnjo sa alušbo takoj pošljejo na gL tajnika. V plamu blago v Ite omeniti, ako še imata kakšne pisarniške lilruš nje, šolako naobrazbo tn ataroet. F. A. Vider. gL tajnik. 2957 S. Lawndale Ave.. Chicago, 23, Illinola. njih prevram« ter da bi ar najbolj apndobilo tistemu, ki Je najdel) v tei sluzln |e sklenjeno, da oe poveri vodstvo undniMva br. L Benigerju. Nadolje je sklenjeno, da za čaa dokler trajajo te razmere naj po-mnllh mi "trok i delajo toliko nad-čas da na>l<>ittratijo eno i«ebo r Nato S tiru. kjer m trplj««|a no bolečin. P^val e mlru.-2.iu>,ci Thoreoa Kar her so«tofa. Mere ln sin v Nileou Ohie OGLAS—Dobiti telim priletno od 50 do 55 let staro žensko, Slovenko, za domaČa hi&na dela na mali farmi. Drugo se pogovorimo pismeno. Pilite *na naslov: Fr. O.—Box 593, Dillonvale, Ohio. —(Adv.) PRODA SE—105 akrov obsegajoča farma, 45 milj severno od Chicaga. Dobra zemlja in poslopja. Cena 913.500.00 — $6.000.00 takoj, ostalo morgate 15 let i 44% obresti. Louis I, Bchm, Gravslake, Illinois-—Phone Grayslake, 5151. POTREBUJE HIŠNO GOSPODINJO Ilčem tonsko za domača hišna dela. Dober dom. Plača po dogovoru. Vdovcc s 10 let starim oinom, stanujoč na 329 West Maple st.. Mil-vvaukee, Wis. Ker pridem domov iz dela pozno, če katero veseli to delo, naj se javi pri: Mrs. Juliani Kosec, 2233 S. Woodward st., Milwaukee. Wis. Ne Morem Jesti— Ne Morem Spati! Ako se vu drli zapeko in vas dels mizerne, nervozne lo ls reda in ee alte vsled slavobols, smrdljivega a, želodčne nerodnosti, neprebav-nost, izguba spsncs, pomanjkanju spe-tita ter se čutite v telodcu sabosani vsled plina in zaostalosU—tedaj vzemite Dr. Petersovo dolgo preizkusni Hoboko. To jo več kot navadna odvajalna — Jo sdravilna tonika — je zmes 18 naravnih koreninic, selišč ia cvetja. Hoboko pripravi aamssana črevo k delu, pomaga nrijasno in gladko odvajanje zabasanin ostankov; odiene plin aapeke in pozrrne želodcu prijazno gorkoto. Ulivojte ga natanko kot Jo pred pisano na omotu. Ako telite ponovno ttiivaU veselje, odpravo aapr-miške neredno-stl In ponovno udobnost vo* lega lelodca ob istem čssq — te* daj si nabavila Hoboko ie do* Ako ne morete kupiti togo v voli sosedini. piilte po 5po*n«JU Hoboko" ponudbo ta> dobili bost«— ZASTONJ poaknano steklenico •S LS6IVV OLEJ UNI- A — antisep£enkltro pomaga proti _____revmatizma in smsMj*, hrbtnim mlilAlm bolečinam, za okorele in bolne milice—takljuftenje la tzvtnjenosU. neredom v rsbevnoat in DR. PETER'S MAOOLO — alkallne pomeša nekaterim začasnim želodcu kot kislinska nepr pek oči ce srea. I | | Ponudbe" Kupon — Sedaj | I □ Priloženo je 11.00. Polili te mi . I poltnlne prosto II oz. Heboko I In zastonj 604 vrednoetl vsakega stek len leo LSthff Of." I I poskti _„ _ . Ia Magelo. j □ C. O. D. (Strelki dodani). Naslov... r............................j J Poltnl urad...........-..........i ' I DR. PETER FAHRNEV 9 SONS C0. I | . Dopt. Ml JKM V blag spomin druge obletnice smrti .. • < nalaga ljubljenega in nepozab-ljenega soproga ln očeta Johna Križanlta kateri Je preminul ia sa prehitro ločil od nas dne 19. marca 1942. Dve leti te ie minulo, od kar si odiel od nas aa vedno, a noš opomin na Te. dragi soprog ln oče, je le vedno v nalib srcih m bode ostal do konca iivljenjs naloga. Počivaj v miru in lahka naj Ti bo amerilka žemljica. —Žalujoči ostali: Anna Krlia-nič. soproga; Sophle Notftng. hči; Alfred, ain ter vnuk in vnukinja. Cicero, Illinola. i 'b <■ • ilSHta "i f w m % Naznanilo in zahvala Talnega srca naznanjamo sorodnikom, znancem In prijateljem lalostno vest. da Je preminila nala ljubljena soproga in mali ALOJZIJA SLAK (rojena ZORE) Umrla Je 94. februarja 1944. Rojena Je bila v vaal Stan pri Mirm na Dolenjskem Pogreb se je vriil po katoltikem obredu ne 81. Vlncenc pokopališča v Latrobu. Pa. Tukaj aaputča mola, lesi hčera ln enega sina Prav lepo oe zahvalimo vsem. ki so dareval> krasno vence In cvetice ln sicer: mr. in mra. Rnapergar. mra. in mr Kurent, an. Repo vi, Prank ln Anna Medvetek mr in mra. Relton me. in mrs. ratuz. mrs. Kren mr. J. Kutman Libby McHeil-Llbby Ca mUs Halon Raaporgaz. m tu Anna Pavlovlch. mlso Romeo mi»* Ooidie Planialek. mr. Philip Mokri, mr 8tovo Soda. mr. John Zore bral. mr John Sever svak. mr. Anion Kren. svak. in mr. James Avello. svak. Za male so darovali sledeči: mr. in mrs. Orabiak. mr ta mrs. Panetl mr. tn mrs. tura) mr. ia mrs. Rooaik. mr. bi «« Pusta. Wealinghouae Electric Co.. mrs Mary Zoro. svakinja. V slu « omo katerega Ime pomotoma Izpustili, proutmo. de nam JTt!?^ ^ — darove mr. Lotilo Novak, dnrftvu II ttf SNPJ u lepi venec ln nam dano pomoč. Dragi bratje ta ooetro v som strupa) srčna hvala tudi lo enkrat mra. Raapergar. ki »pokojni* vodne stregla. Lena hvala tudi vsem sa torateno se ial|e. Tebi pa. draga ooprega ta mali ki st nos vse prehitro oapu* otila ta odlia od naa. lolimo. počivaj v miru ta lahka naj Ti bo a morilka tomlja. Ostala nam bol v trajnem opominu de kossco lie-IJonja naloga, lolujo« oolali: Jeaoph Slak ta Milile. vnukL Shckvlll« p.. leo oetjo ta SREDA. 15 MARCA Od easa do časa poroča in komentira Milan Modveiek ia. da se zopet oglasim. V Clevelandu je zadnje čase pre- STfivahnostl na društvenem fL zlasti pa vlada veliko za-£nje za Slovenski amertfk, prodni svet. Podružnica št. 39 caNS še vedno prvaci v prispevkih in pošlje vsak mesec j500 naurad. ^ > v nedeljo popoldne. 2. apr- pa «riredi podružnica št. 2 JPO igro Roksi" v Narodnem domu na St Clair Ave. Ta igra je bila Dred nekaj tedni igrana za Progresivne Slovenke v Collinwoo-du s takim uspeh, da so se voditelji podružnice št. 2 JPO odločili ponoviti jo v Narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. ICisti dobiček od te igre je namenjen za naše trpeče brate in sestre v stari domovini, zato je dolžnost vsakega zavednega Slovenca in Slovenke, da pose-ti na dan 2. aprila Slovenski narodni dom na St. Calir Ave. Ako se voditelji pri JPO in igralci toliko potrudijo, da igro podajo, mislim, da se lahko vsakdo potrudi in poseti igro. Torej, ne pozabite omenjenega datuma — ne pozabite svojih bratov in sester v nesrečni domovini! enkrat nima več avtorite, ne ostane od njega nič več. Večkrat sem že opazoval kakšnega pred-delavca ali bosa v tovarni. Do-kšer je bil bos, se ga je vse balo in mislili smo, da je bog zna kaj, a kakor hitro je bil ob delo, je postal v naših in svojih, očeh precej manjši in manj učen. Laže je biti bos kot delavec, učitelj kot učenec. Poznani mllllonar Marshall Field, ki izdaja chicaški liberalni dnevnik Sun, je pred kratkim govoril v Clevelandu. Med drugim je dejal tudi to: "Mali človek, delavec, hoče tako demokracijo, ki bi mu dala dovolj grocerije." Ali z drugimi besedami: Delavcu ni dovolj taka demokracija, ki mu daje pravico, da lahko pove, da je lačen, temveč hoče tako, ki bi mu dala tudi kos kruha, kadar je lačen, a Čestokrat očitamo kakšnemu revnemu delavcu in idealistu, da je oportunist, a kakšnemu debelemu oportunistu pa pravimo, da je idealist. Društvo Naprej št. 5 SNPJ obhaja letos svojo 40-letnico. V ta namen se bo 7. maja vršila velika proslava v Narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Program jo pester. Govornik Fred Vi- ler, gl. tajnik SNPJ. O podrob- losti proslave in programa bom jravočasno poročal. • a V nedeljo. 21. maja, imamo tudi važno prireditev v Cleve-andu. Na ta dan priredi mladin-iki pevski zbor SNJPJ avoj prvi conceri. Koncert se vrši v Na-•odnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Našemu članstvu SNPJ je znalo, da smo pred nekaj meseci istanovili mladinski pevski zbor SNPJ, ki dobro napreduje pod rodstvom mladega in zmožnega »vskega učitelja Vladimirja rfalcčkarja. Seveda bodočnost tbofa na bo lfe tedaj zagotovlje-la. če se bo naše članstvo zani-nalo za našo mladino in sloven-iko pesem. Članstvo SNPJ v Clevelandu m okolici naj si zapomni datum 1. maja in gotovo poseti prvi toncert mladih pevcev in pevk &NPJ. O programu bo še poro- nno. * Dandanes človeka povsod vprašajo o državljanstvu, le te-lij ne, ko plača svoje davke, n ti niso majhni v teh kritičnih Saših. a Jo« Fifolt. tajnik društva 566 5NPJ, vrši upešno patriotično elo. Na njegovo vzpodbudo je Iruštvo prodalo za $14,000 voj-lih bondov, zdaj pa društvo vo-' kampanjo za ameriški Rdeči riž. * Rusi. Rusi. naši slovanski brati«. prodirajo in kosijo nemške rr!»t< z vsakim dnevom )>olj. tdo M mislil pred nekaj leti, Mjouo Slovani najmočnejše na svetu? In Jugoslo-nvi zaostajajo za Rusi! Glasovi iz. naselbin ljudstvo ram mč Ljudje se vse preveč radi "po-zaradi malenkostnih ; velikih in resnih stvari 1 n'ii ne opazijo. • N-cila načelal rr, , Irnh n'[v < Im strani. se nekateri Here jo, a ko pride do vprašanj, se pridružijo Pred n«*imi očmi se dsnes vrši i*lik trn l »• M*d Ha revolucija, stari poj-^ melji se rušijo v prah, revolucionarji" vzdi-vprašujejo, kdaj pride nami čoatolcrat slišimo kaj bi počeli, če bi U •ifimk pri tej fli - oni ji uustil delo ali umrl. hI nadomestni itd. To- m še ni bilo težko naj-za tO ali ono služ-' 'tična služba prilično "»a Težko pa je na- tfrsdhflte tam. kier ni ki.. ki ima odgovorno ;iV 'oriteto, zgleda učen ur. še vse kaj, Clevelandake novice Cleveland. — Komaj je minilo dva tedna, odkar sem se ustavil na 15811 Huntmere ave. pri Lovrencu Torkarju, ker je bila njegova žena Frances bolna, da poizvem o njenem stanju, kakor je bilo poročano na društveni seji. Danes, 11. marca smo jo pa položili v hladni grob. Res čudna so naša pota življenja, dokler nas ne odpeljejo v večna lovišča. Pokojna Frances Torkar je prišla v Ameriko pred 32 leti iz Horjula pri Vrhniki. Tam zapušča tri brate —- Valentina, Karla in Petra — in tri sestre — Mjci, Margareto in Angelo. Tukaj pa zapušča moža Lovrenca, ki je doma iz Koritna, pri Bledu in tri sinove, vsi tri pri vojakih. Lavvrence in Steva sta "first class privates", Adolph pa je podporočnik. Zapušča tudi polbrata Rozmana in vnuka Ri-charda. Qila je članica društva V boj SNPJ, kakor tudi W. C. in SŽZ. In tako je bilo sklenjeno, da bodo nosilke pri pogrebu članice — šest žena, od vsakega društva dve. Naše društvo 53 SNPJ je poslalo članici Rose Paulin in Jennie Sosic. Ženske so storile svojo dolžnost, kakor zahteva bratska zavednost in položile njeno truplo v hladni grob na pokopališču Calvary. . Pogreb je imel v oskrbi zavod Joseph Žele in sinovi. Jože je zopet storil uslugo društvu V boj, ker je peljal naši nosilki in predsenika na pokopališče in nazaj. V imenu društva lepa hvala, brat Žele! Pokojni sestri pa blag spomin in naše sožalje ljubečim, ki jih je zapustila. Živimo v resnem času sve tovne furije in težak je tudi položaj fraternallzma. Ce se še tako zanimaš, če še toliko storiš kot društveni'br/t, boš vedno kritiziran, in sicer največ od onih, ki ne store nič drugega kot le govore, kakšen bi moral biti ti, kaj bi moral ti storiti, da imaš napake po vsem telesu, da ne storiš ničesar prav in da moralno škoduješ, kamor koli se obrneš. Kdor tega ne veruje, naj vpraša dva in dvajset društvenih brstov in izvedel bo vse o svojih napakah! In moje napake? Well, včeraj sem prosil, ako lahko spremenim moj "run" št. 58 z "runom" št. 118Cr "Kam pa zopet greš?" me vpraša boSI. "Na pogreb, ker sem predsednik društva." - "Že zopet' Saj je komaj dva tedna, kar si bil." - "Da, ali to je moja dolžnost, ker sem kot pr»djg«r - "Aha. ti si kot McCloud" (McCtoud^Je kondukter in povrhu res prid Igsf neke prote-stantovske sekt*.) "Ne! On gre v cerkev, jaz pa ne," »e <^re*em Oba predstavnika sta bušknila v smeh. In Uko zjutraj v soboto, namesto da bi spel do pol sedmih M»m moral vstati ob štirih in od- _ riniti v službo do osmih Potem 11|# m pa hitro preobleči in stori) svojb dolžnost kot društvenik. Ko to storiš, zopet hitro nazaj se preobleči in zopet v službo, In kaj je tvoje plačilo' You are no good' Kriv si vsega, kar se tt,. rgodi pod luno in nad luno Lju-ko d je smo res čudni "človekr. Ara- PROSVETA Kampanja SNPJ se prične dne 1. aprila (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) ff * ■ - v I t vanJa novih članov, le lasno kot beli dan. da a lam. ako aa reano podamo v kampanjska aktivnosti ker akušamo atorltl aa nje uapeh. kakor največ moremo, delamo tudi aaaa ln največ koristimo samim sabi. Čim večje število članov bo aodelovalo ln prevzelo odgovor-noat. tem večje bodo mošnoatl sa doeago društvena kvote ln končni uspeh kampanje. • NAČRT ZA JUBILEJNO KAMPANJO OB 40-LETNICI 8NPJ GESLO: Utrdimo skupnoet ln sigurnost ter namen ln načela SNPJI » OBSEG: Ta kampanja aa nanaša n- čltmakl ln mladlnakl oddelek. ter ae prične 1. aprila ln kon£a 30. novembra 1144. UDELEŽITEV: Vaak član ln članica aa lahko udelašl ta kampanje. Potrebno pa Je. da društven tajnik navedi Ime ln certlll-katno številko udeleženca ter druqe potrebne podatke, kadar pošlje prošnjo kandidata sa pristop v glavni urad. KVOTA: Vsakemu društvu Je odmerjena kvota aH določeno število, ki se pričakuje, da ga bo napolnilo s novimi člani tekom te kampanje. Kvota Je odmerjena na podlagi ŠJevlla odraslih čla* nov, ki Jih Je društvo Imelo 31. decembra 1M9 ln alcer. na vsakih deaet atarlh enega novega člana do makalmalne vaote 40 članov. NAPLAČILO: Radi prlvlačnoatl ln da se pospeši aktlvnoat v te) kampanji ter sa dosego večjeqa uapeka. ao določene redne ln Izredna nagrade. REDNE NAGRADE: Redne nagrade so določene sa vee novo-pridobljene člane, ki ao plačali aseamant s« najmanj šaat mesecev, na podlagi tu navedene leatvlce. ki Jet Za vsakega mladlnakega člana—Načrt 1 ali 2........................... $1.00 Za vsakega mladinskega člana—Načrt 3 ............................. ...... 2.00 Za vsakega odraslega člana zavarovanega aa $250 ln $500 ... 1.00 Za vsakega odraslega člana zavarovanega sa $1000 ali več... 4.00 l IZREDNE NAGRADE: Poleg rednih nagrad so določene še posebne nagrade sa udeležence, ki pridobe deeet (10) ali več novih članov. Sllrl glavne nagrada set $125 sa največje število. $100 sa drugo največje število, $75 sa tretje največje število tn $50 sa četrto največja število, ki Jih Je vplaanlk v kredit peaakneanemu članu. Ostalo pa aa bo razdelilo proporčno med udeležence, ki dosešeje aH nadkrllljo cUJ deaetlh članov. SKLAD POSEBNIH NAORADt Vse Izredne nagrade se bodo Isplačale ls sklada, ki se ga sbere na sledeči načlnt Za vaakega novega odraslega ln mladlnakega člana gre 50c v ta namen, uklju-člvšl člane, ki preetopljo U mladlnakega v članski oddelek ter se zavarujejo sa $1000 aH več. ZDRAVNIŠKA PREISKAVA: Za tekom te kampanje pridobljene nove člane plača Jednota stroške zdravniške preiskave do vsota $2 sa vsakega odraslega člana. Za mladlnakl oddelek se običajno ne sahteva zdravniške pretakava. raaen v primerih, kjer Je zdravstveno stanje otroka ln a tem aavarovanje dvomljivo. V slednjem primeru plača Jednota sdravntško preiskavo do vsote 50c. RAZNOTEROSTI! ' , a) Udeleženec v tej kampanji dobi kredit za vsakega otroka pri vaškem društvu. Toda kradli aa ne more prenesli Je potem ko Je nov član prijavljen ln vknjlšen v glavnem uradu. j b) Bivših članov odraalega ln mladlnakega oddelka, ki Upajo v smislu pravil morda še pravico, de sa Jih nasaj aprejme. se ne šteje kredit tekom te kampanja. c) Prošnje sa nove člane Je treba poelati v glavni urad ne kasneje kot do petega (5.) dne po uradno določenem datumu sa saklju-ček te kampanje, pri čem Je datum poštnega pečata merodajen. d) Slavnoatno kampanjo sa nova člana ob 40*leltttet Jednota vodita Mlchael Vrhovnik. koi direktor kampanje, ln Vlncent Cainkar, kot načelnik kampanje. * Kakor rasvldno. predvideva predidoči načrt mnogo laplh ugod nos ti za nove člane ln agitatorje Ur U vaeakost privlačen. Na podlagi tek pogojev ln a dobrimi Izkušnjami. ki smo si lik »tekli v prejšnjih kampanjah, nam Je uapeh sagoUvlJan. UTRDIMO TO-REJ SKUPNOST IN SIGURNOST TER NAMEN IN NAČELA JEDNOTE Z MARLJIVIM PRIDOBIVANJEM NOVIM ČLANOVI TO NAJ BO NAftE OBČE GESLO TEKOM TE SLAVNOSTNE KAMPANJEI NAPREJ ZA VEČJO IN JAČJO SNPJ POVSOD PO AMERIKI! V. CAINKAR. načelnik kampanje. MICHAEL VRHOVNIK, / direktor kampanje. pak kot dober človek odpuščam vsem, pravim pa še enkrat: Bog se nas usmili tudi pred diktaturo delavcev! Frank Barbič, 53. POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI SikiMH dn« I. «*rci 1044 bepobt or sick aenarir eavMnrr »I March t. IM4 Martin Oberten Hl<>»h»nk<» Ptotor 10 Man ry P»nm isu 14 frenrea Grohar M 15 Joeroh Opkrtnlk SS •1710 SS M arr Jerova«k SS4 frad $M. Anton Brieki $M, SS7 Kau MihalUrh lita M Cr*«*-m Gorah« lit. ftrawm Gorah« 50 frank Slapar 9*1. Anton Mora«« Ut. frank Zupan«9I7JO M Ciala Tinti« SM 17 lx>vr«nr Tomstlt II« 7S Aloia AraatovniS Stl. Mar? MaUja SM John noahah M JO. Kafhartn« Oevaraau* U MUovan VajPiovhrh tis Radovan Soy Vvrholt Ml fran«M a«a"ta 0» J«*»n Of* MViua m. Vutoant ' aauua 117 to Mark« fay»aI OSI Trm*— Mlakaf Ut s* rTkftk fohl« 9». TMMa iaM •»• M Onmlfttr i«h« Aa«ar «S J«*hi A*na> 999, frank Kaih..a«r St« Anton aiv|ak SM Italoaan. Sophia Jr. 1101 Pacsrlc, Ludvik Ma*aly, Kaliva rt na Joaahovlc'1. Psul Jtrovaak, Brrberl J aro vaak. Honltn Hočevar, lt«nry..... Korlevcar. frsnk Jr 1$ 7 Kntlevrar. M«ry KMlevchar. Wllllam l«$ Buaa, Joaaph Jr Buaa, frsnk !■» Mithnaiah. frank Jr. IMR Mltbmaat). fn»d l»M I krika, Bdward Zupencic. John Koksll, Kathartn« Tr«pet. J"bn Koaala. Baymun4 ParBaeSSi. Anna Farkovteh, Robert far kov leh Boaa Keler. Hotno t Paul 1 Medvedlt. kt*»an ... t Kattallr. M tU.a*I Kaatallc. rharaaa Kaetolic. Helen V«a«l Bertna V«a*l, Vlctor Vaaal. frene^ V«aal. Jolui V* a*J. WllHam MrovaUn, Vutorla itomrl. Jarry a«merl, Mery M aam«il. Zlate K avmcrl, J«nnle K kameri. Kdward S Samart. * J Barpotntk. Willlem Champa. frank Btrlka. Zdward £ GaojnKkt Zmll Benvanuttl, Baymond I0M Perko, Milila .......... 10J0 Ollvsnl, frank ... Ollvant, John ... 1*J Prrko, Margaretti 1111 Ktnkets, Robert .... UM Zupančič, John -..HM Muaic, Budolph Jr. JMJ Novak. Csrl Perkovich, Zaler UM Parkovlch. John .... UIT Parkovich, Klal« - UM IMI I Sto I »47 ISM IMI IMI 1MS< IM« IM0 1170 1171 ir7 1170 IBM IMI IMI ISM ISM IMI ISM ISM IM4 Smrtnina pokoj, Vaola Daath clalm ol d«c'd , i Amount MarlnMk. Anton . $ MftOO Zwerle, Joaaph .............. sov tO Dodl«, Anton Sr ....... M7I3 Dodie, Anton Sr......... M7 13 Oodt«, Anton .......... M7 $3 J »m nik, Peter ............... 4 0» PrelM, John . 1.1M40 /.gonc. Martin ............... I3S07 Padjsn, Oeorge . I.4U30 Drlach, Helena ........... IMftO D«lach, Helena IM M Znldartle. Matt . ......... 4MM AnatUn, JaMph ., 70 70 Sterk, John . ,.. ..... UM M a r k o vleh • M« la, Antu a SIS 44 Bt - nelc. Veronika ......... IM 41 Slojsnovleh, Oeorge . . 340 40 Stajanev teh. Oeorge . .. $7 M Dolenc, Martin * Mary, 100 M srhovich, Catnil l .... 4«s as Klemenolo. Joeeph . MS0 Klamenele, Joacph ....... M.S0 Novaek. Jeseph ........... Tomac, fabtan .......... Mllkovtch, Jotlp ...... Boianleb, DJuro Komnack, Paul ............ Nagllch, John Nagllch, John Letjak. Anton .. Ogrinc, Urtula...... Uratnlkar. Martin Svobod«, Joeeph Samudorakl, deorge .. Vidovtc, Thomaa fink. An ton ta . ....... flnk, Anioni« IH-rnuahek, Jot m Cvtr, John ..... Cvtr, John GioaelJ, Martin Helltksr, Krneat Suwada. Psul . ....... Lewtlik. Joaaph ... Moie, John" Muvrin, Peter .......... nsioh, Stojan ........ Mikullcle, Stanka . Mtklavclc, John ......... Rollth, franoe* .. .,.. Androyns. Thereaa . .,. Zutok, Jennie | .......... Zutek, Jennie ......... Kltch. Bonaventurs . * Klioh Bonsvenlur« Vouk. AISM4 Vouk, Albert ............ Malnar, Mathilda .......... Malnar. Msthltde ......... Kapic, Oeorge ................ Raple, Oeorge ................ Plllpovich, Mika . ......... Plllpovich, Mike ............. Plllpovich. Mike ............ Plllpovich, Mik«............ Plllpovich Mika ............. Jugo, Man...................... aortich, Ano...... StrUlc, Sam ............. Goljuf, Anton ................ fsbec, Joeeph ...»........ Oornik, fr«nk ............... Oornlk. frank ........... Popovloh, Danica ......... Popov leh, Danica ....... Polet. franoM ............ Polet, fronoet ............ Tomssln, Msry ........... Zsgsr, Mary .................. Ooojnlekl, Jolui . ....... Groaa, Ignsts ............. Groat, lgn«tt .. .,.„'.„ Orota, IgnsU ............... Valarla. Katarina Vaierto, Katarina ..... Novak. Raae ............... Malovrh, John Klndarnay, Joaophlna Krek, Msry ..... Vrane«. Mika......... Kaatallc. Johanna ...... Kollch, Malt Cernigoy. Jennie ICaVOM. Nikolaj ..... Kavatk, Nikolaj Zadnlk, Andrtw Zadnlk, Andrew ,.„.. ttonvrnuttl. Peter Benvenuttl, Peter Perko, frank Ollvsnl, Marr Ollvant, Msry Parko. Mika Klnkala, Vinko Zupanrlr. Joaaph Music, Rudoiph Sr. Novak, Ignatr Parkovlch, Auguata Perkovich, Ausuato Perkovich, Augual« Htloaan, Soplita Pacai le Henrik M«tely. frenk Joeanovicii MU ko Jerova* k, fran«ta • JcrovM k, franoea lloeevar, A Uit« Kotlevcar, frank Koal*vi«i frank Koslevt tiar, fiank Buaa, Joeeph * Buaa. Joaaph Mtahmaali, frank Mlahmaati frank llolka, Joa«phine Zupanih An««l« Kokelj. Jna«pn TiapM. John Koaala, Maigareth Perkovich, Male Parkovich. Mate MgrfeevMb. Mat« Kolar, Paul •urtev Mary Kaetolic, Anton Kaatoll«, Anton Kaatolte, Anton Vi-aal. Pater Veeel. Patoi Veael, Peter Veeel, Peter Veael, Petor llrovatin Theree« aem«rl. Mar> toieil Ma»> Remail Ma»y Bem«rl M«ry Semeri Mary Bamerl. Maiy Respotriik Patot Charnpa l«uS fatka, Anton Oeojni«eeph Jr Novak, Molly Novak, John h a mehak Bamual Mahovne Mortin Chuk. Joeephlne Nuacto, atanley Mshovne. Martin Kskre|a«k, fianeae Kili Uonald J. . Z«krojeek, JuMphin« IM7 Ti kevee Bairhl« MM »l«(anlf, Zlu« IM* Oibel«. Mtidrad IMO Oii.ele Ktete IMI Novak Cbaitoa IMI I $00 1110 Ull IIU lili .1114 lili Ull lllf Ull lili IMO IMI IIU I tU UM UM I0M UIT HM HM IMO IMI iaM IIU ISM iU* UM IM7 UM ISM i$M IMI UM IMS 1144 UM IMO Vsili. Kari ___________ Ratpet, Mlchael ............ Koeela. Joe AMargareth Koeela. Joeeph Koael«, Joeeph . .. ... Majcen. MaUitlde ..... Maček, Joeeph ... ......... Tekavec. Mary ......... č"uk. Jonn Debevc, Johanna Debevc, Juhanna .u Debevc. Johanna ........... Pavletlch. Mihael . ... Obulov le. George ........ Cebulovle, George ______ Cebulovle, Oeorge . ... Jamaek, Albort ... Hutarae. Oeorge ........ Zupan, Joaeph .......... Zupan, Margareth Culkar. Loutg........ Culkar, Louis......... Culksr. Loula J................ Culkar. Louit.............. Kukenberger, Anns ..... Pintar, frank _________ Pintar, PraSk ................ Peruah. Clara ............... Jerman, Anton ........... Jerman. Anion ............ Vamka. Katherlne .......... Gliha. fannle _______________ Olih«. fannle . ■ ...... Matealc, Mihael . ....... Matealc Mlchael Maček, Stave ....... ... tfc.ikiu. Rudoiph ............. Oatanek, Matija ___________ Ogiitek, John ............. Mltcevich. Milo .............. Mlacevlcn, Mile .............. Radoa, John .. ...... Radoa. John ............. Radoa, John Katlell«. Kdward ,. KMtelte, Joaeph Muvriuh. Ivan Movrlch, lv«n Itadteb, Sva Radloh, Sva .............. Veber, Mary Matjan. Simon Cvetko, Anton ............ Cvetko, Anton Gornik, Jacob . . . „ Puljan, Petor ............... . Puljan, Peler .. , Bvetek, John . ......... Letic«, IlUa .,.,„ .............. Uttea. litja ,................. Itolla. r ann le .. ............ Kosole, Psul ................ Kosale, Poul . ............ Mila vee. Ludvik ............ Juri U . ferko Jurete, ferko '.,,.,..,...,„ „ Krjavec. John ......... Rantoa. Nlck ......„...,....... Btontch. Roae ................. Dertnol«, John ^ Cbervan, Albina ............. Merlek, frank h Mary Met lak. Frank b Mary Merlock. John ......... Jenko. Jedert ........... Penloit, Alenander Uatar, Anton ................... Poljanaek, Mkiy Burdlek. John . .......... Vovko, frsneea ............. Vovko, rranoea .......... Bltle, Anna ....... ............ Bimovieh, Kotali« .......... Jsuh, Jolm „■, ............. Protoric, Kstherine ...«« Badler, fraak ........ B«raht, Zdnt .......... Terbltar. francaa Giota, John ............. OroM, John ........ . Groaa, John Beharlaser, John ....... Mer mg. Joe airalner, fradU....... Gmelner. ThafMS . BtaMien, Helena ........ . Sl««r J«l. Ilal«t.s Zabukovec, M«ry ..... .. Zabukovec. M iry ... . Kuksvlns, Anna .... Ausualovlch, Oeorge Bliglieh, Mery ......... Germadnik. franeee ... Zaman, Anton ..... ... Turk. Motijo r„, Brebernak, frank .......... Pelrovlcb, John ----------- Jaktlta. Joeaah .......... Jakaha. Joaepli Jakeha, Joaeph ........... Rua, Wllilam „, ... , Rua, WllUain Rua, Wllliam Oaredkar, Anton Oaredk«r, Anton ......... O.iedkai, Anton Logar. Anion ■ , Tainpfer, Paut ..... Korbar, Jolm Culkar, Maiy ..... Kritmanele, Joaepli .... Poaun, Jennie Krall. Wllllam Krall. wiiliam Krall, Wllli«m Jurelvie, Menda Paiert.el, G«org« A. f.gage, Matov* Ctrar, th«riM ..... Btolrtieii, Marko .. Benaaleh, Joaeph ... Tom«*ln, Marr Juralch, Kian.ea Juiaieb, rranoea l oma«l«, Joaepli Rlehtor, fianraa Valyk*o, Andy Oebevi. James Kukovatr. Chrlatine Netpet, Mihael Richtor, PraaJM -Ruimlk. fr«nk Beme, Anton Novak, JntapR Novak. Joaaph Novak. JMMpn , Novak. Joaeph Oebeve, Jame« Mehovne Maiy t hufc John Nunelia, Philip Maliovne, Meiv fakrajtok Marr Itovdek Laula Zakrajaek, Mary ... . Tekevee, Jacob ktolanieh, Anton Olb«U, Andrete U Urala AbSTO^ Novak, D«vid Vsota A!ms) M74S 44 04 99999 IMM SMM 110 07 147 S« aurt 44 BO 181 M 7IM /h mi tsšSi mu mM ■85' 7M.II I.0M.IP 9199 s: MM 17MS MM MM U04 M01I M0 II 80TN MU .MM SOT M »07 m HTM SIT M IM.TI »nno 1M4S I 3H Ot ts SM7S SM7S MM I TO 418.17 Ml M 440 M IMM MT M mi 0M.lt 0M.lt MT.M 4117 MIT 77M IM 17 imm TMS SMM UMI« 7IM I14.TS M.|7 teit» IU 00 0M.7C 7.5 IMJS MU mino IMJS 111.tki 40 IT 14« MT.ia 4MT« MS latM 101 M IM 1IT.M 4M4T SMM SMM lini if mi is uiii I81M HIM is IMM HNI 00 ' IM M SMM Mil M.II MM KM) 14 4T$|S 4T$ ta IM IT mi m I,IM.TI m 414.71 171 $0 IMJS IMJS IMJI 4TSJS 4MM IMM IMJI MTM HM iisi MM M.M *SS IMM ITTM IMJI IMJI mm 117 M HTM 117 M HTM ITTM IMM ITI JI IMM IMM MTM IMM M7U MM Mil IM 44 Bkupej — Tetol $70JM T« f. A videt, gl tojnlk Bea'y. no IU » IM 110 •47 UwU Bogato J M« Marr Pr«*en IM, Jo*m j«nek tm ii« •IT j Jo*m U m Marr Svodi IM tet Joaapti KoMrk Br IM, Marr Bt(|«k $MM Jahm Birjek MO OM A t« to« f/ankanriek Ml M tat Marr Mribet $11. Marr Nr«ber lil «|| Anton Petoca« M Jeba Keetolte M 4M t'hi lat Mereen $10 4M Matij« Heibovae $M M 4« a toll« Waltoeii M0 4M John Kacina $T4 Marr Bovek^vtoh $1$ Merim Bletntok $M $1$ freak In t ihe r SM Hdto Breenar M , f)MM«e Koioeftr $» Btova Horvati, $1$ Joeept Hren fU. »M Grepor Bma««ee $M MU Mttr« Kimke 07 «af«ey ZeKnaBr $74 frank Pe«ah«» M IM Je«kB«d*e4i 99* MM«e Ivaniaato MT SBI Pere Muaolto $M „ ^ Ml Joh««ne Novak M$ Jefcn Novak •at Ameha M«#««r SIS frank Klaabu Bb Ml Ann« Red« M» A Mae«« Kretpe H I. ^J^lha Ma«*« IM. Aiaiella «o4«tok ITI «rite Ga»«e |M Ar^ahe Sneli I Marr Itooko MM ITS Ann« Krap«« M|tiBws Cuada M4> Ml AtouiM Bom 999 Ml Boee f«kt IIT Marr f«B M$ Ann Oeween $M. frank Kal««« M 010 Danr.at « al.ru. MO. Anna Ka«U «11, Aeitonto Cermea «M. Andrej HCM**"* MIHI Biepnai Kuga |l« Anton Btartba IM. CerdUae PMlilpa «M «1$ SBI« PkHM Ml M«rr onrec $10. Meti Janea $M John atomboi $M Ana• Kuea« 11$. Mary Runitob $M Ann« Zuttoh M«. Ann« Zootob IM Anna Klifk« «M Man PaugbnSi M J Ml Ml/atieih K«hevat II4M. John Kfaata «*' Juiie khaaa SM Anton Tiskar M. K Irk ZMBavMB SM Peuhn« . n$M MS) Ml ■I ABMB A t *• «M T 44 An«« f«M MS TM feter Mirim* M BKUPAJ TOTAL ta| odd -Jae"y s. a. -**QgVlTA SREDA 15. IfAPr a r P ft O SVETA THE EMLIGHTElfMEIfT GLASILO IH LASTNINA SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Organ ol and publlsbod bj Slovana National Boc^fll Seslotr Naročnina sa Združeno drtovo (isvo« Chicaga) ia na fpto. S34M sa pol Ma, S140 sa četrt loto; sa Ckicogo In Cook Co., S74S sa colo loto, S3 71 sa gol loto; aa laooea»tv Snskcriptlon rates: for tho United Stoto« (oncopt Chicago) antf Canada SS.00 por yoar. Chicago and Cook County por yoez. loroign countrtes SUM por yoer. Cono oglaaov po dogovoru,—Rokopisi dopisov In nonesečenlk člankov so no vračalo. Rokopisi literarno vsokino (črttop. povastL pasmi Ud.)'so vroojo pošiljatelju lo v slučaju, če )e erllošil »■ i Ad v«rr lt«iny ralOS OB and unsollcltod artlclos wi)J not ko roturnod. as storlos. plars. pooms, otc., will ko ky soll-addrossod and Naslov na vso, kar Ima slik s liatomt PROSVETA 2S57 M So. Lawndalo Ave., Chicago 23, Illinois MEMBER OP THE PEDERATED PRESS Datum v oklepaju na primer (March 31, 1044), polog valofa imena na naslovu pomeni, da vam je s tem datumom potekla naročnina. Ponovite jo pravočasno, da se vam lost ne ustavi. Rekordni napredek SNPJ Uradna statistiks o stanju SNPJ, ki je bila |.riobčenk v zapisniku letne seje gl. odbors zadnjo sredo, izkazuje, da je naša Jednota v minulem letu dosegla rekordni napredek v članstvu in ns premoženju. Iz poročil gl. izvršnih odbornikov je nsmreč razvidno, da je naša jednota v minulem letu napredovala za 2293 članov v obeh oddelkih, dočim je na premoženju napredovala za $433,103,40, tako da znala skupno premoženje SNPJ sedsj, ob njenem Štiridesetem jubileju, nsd ensjst milijonov dolarjev. Naia Jednota ni imela tako lepega napredka zlasti v članstvu že več let. K temu rekordnemu napredku sta seveda mnogo pripomogli dve članski kampanji, namreč kampanja zmagtvki se je zaključile ob koncu marca In trimesečne kampanja mladinskega oddelka ob 30-letnici tega oddelka, ki se je zaključila ob koncu novembra. Z gotovostjo smemo pričakovati, da bo tudi. letošnja jubilejna kampanja v proslavo 40-letnice SNPJ, ki se prične 1. aprila in traja do 30. novembra, prinesls nsši jednoti rekordno število novih članov, kar bo pač najlepše darilo, ki ga njpre članstvo pokloniti k njenemu slsvju. Rekordni porastck člsnstvs naše jednote v zadnjih dveh letih se zrcali v sledečih uradnih številkah: ob koncu leta 1S42 je SNPJ imela 61,841 članov v obeh oddelkih, dočim je ob koncu leta 1943 dosegle skupno število 64,144 članov—47,294 čUnov v oddelku od-raalih in 16,650 v mladinskem oddelku. Ta lep napredek je značilen zlasti zato, da kljub vojnim razmeram, je naša Jednota s svojim rekordnim številom člsnstvs prvič po dolgih letih ne le dosegle, temveč prekoračila nsjvišje število svojih člsnov, ki ga je Imela v dobi pred veliko depresijo. Naša Jednota stopa v svojo 40-letnico večja in močnejša kot je bila kdaj prej. K temu skupnemu napredku so veliko pripomogli tisti agiini člani in članice, ki so bili aktivni v pridobivanju novih članov v zadnjih dveh kampanjah, zakar jim gre lepo priznanje, too tudi predsedniku in direktorju, ki sts kampanjo vodils. -'Poskrbimo, da bo letošnja jubilejna kampnnja SNPJ poseke la rekord prejšnjih kampanj! 'dO SNPJ pred možnimi problemi Iz poročil gl. odbornikov SNPJ, ki so bils priobčens v zapisniku letne seje gl. odbora zadnjo sredo, Je razvidno, da je bita umrljivost našega članstva v minulem letu višja nego v prejšnjem letu. Lani je namreč umrlo 498 članov v obeh oddelkih, kar je 37 več kot v letu 1942 , - M i Brez dvoma je sedanja vojna zaposlenost prlpomoglM k višji U!!IrJuTo jMno vidl v tem- da Je v minulem letu bilo ubitih 50 člsnov pri delu v raznih industrijah, dočim je jednota od začetka vojne do konca 1943 izgubila 29 članov-vojaleov, ki so padli na raznih bojiščih za obrambo domovine. Do neke mere to razmerje potrjuje dejstvo, da Je domača in industrijeka Vojna bolj smrtonosna, kakor je vojna, ampak to ne predatavlja celotne slike. V tem momentu se namreč pripravlja velika invazije evropske celine ki bo po svojem obsegu in udaru presegala x»se dosedanje invazije v dolgi zgodovin! vojn. Da bodo v teh gigantakih vojnih operacijah velike žrtve, se lahko pričakuje, kajti nacij.ika Nemčija se bo po vseh dokazih borila do končnega poraza. Pri tem bo ne-ptmredno prizadeta tudi naša jednota, ki im* danes v oboroženi sili Združenih držav več tisoč svojih mladih članov in mnogi teh bodo soudeMeni pri napovedani Invaziji Evropo. Poleg tega pa je pred nami ie velika bitka nu drugi strani zemeljske oble, na Pacifiku, kjer šele pride do srditih bojev. Točaano .ma SNPJ v armadi Združenih držav okrog 5.000 člsnov- vojakov in je ponosna, da je s tako velikim številom svojih članov zastopan« v silah strica Sama. ki »e bori za pravice vseh narodov. I «™ 11,7,0 prepričani vsi, ki verujemo v ameriško demokracijo, da fcevllne žrtve, k, bodo padle v te, vojni, ne bodo padle zaman. temveč da bodo zlasti vsi mali narodi končno doaegll avoje pravice; trdno u d. nflM pt|VoJna pri,urodjUv rwmrr y na4 do . movin ne bo znova rasočarele, ktkor na. je po prvi sve(6'vni vojni. lih h Tu1?* 'm"tanP vprašanje, ako se bodo žrtve ns- šIh mladih Članov povišale, kar s<. lahko pričakuje, kakšne korake naj podvzame Jednota, ro, da pričnemo o tej važni fazi jnih posledic lazmišljati že s »da) z namenom, da ae pravočasno prineae ' ov, ntuclnoit C « J«h morda «edar\ja vojna furlja Trezno pripravljanje in predvidevanje m« vedno na m£tu. Vsi lJ.IT?; lil ** iUtV€kfni pripravljen za slučaj nesreče eli . l L V,'m" ,udl kj,) ^ ,r »Kodilo « sapednlml drža- vamt, ko j,h je naoadel Hiti.«-, ker m«. bile pripravljene. Kar ve- !" " U' vH,a organizacije: stalna ^i^ruTdi v n len! U^*V ^ "•°bh'M,nn ^^ Zif.Klovma SNPJ JMnn izprk\i)e. de je njeno , lanetvo vedno stalo na stra>, za njene m .vo)e lntei,M bel v tem je bistvo napredka naše jednote, ker se je n|eno članetvn vselej zavedalo svojih pravic ln do|>n««ti. vse«, članstva SNTPJ je <1. se briga za njene bod«*e probleme, ki Jih mogo/e orineeejo bližnje razmere. Zato je po-trebno, ds usme.j.m« .^nji^n,, * trgll guiu*. n, u nacm bomo pnp.^.gl, ^ jednotl c„ ^ napredka - Glasovi iz naselbin Slovencem v Chicagu In okolici Chicago.—Združeni odbor jugoslovanskih Amerikancev za Chicago in okolico sklicuje velik javen shod vseh Jugoslovanov. Vrši se v nedeljo, 19. mar ca v dvorani American-Bohe-mian na 1440 West 18th St. ob 2. uri popoldne. Kot glavni govornik je na programu ne semo nam Slovencem, ampak tudi Amerikancem dobro poznani pisatelj Louis Adamič iz New Vorka. Poleg njega nastopijo tudi Kosanovič, Bala-kovlč, Bunčič in rev. Maletič. Glede glasbenega programa mi ob času, ko to pišem, še ni zns-no, ampak gotov sem, ds bo prvovrsten, tudi slovenske točke bomo imeli. Vstopnina je popolnoma prosta. Slovenci in Slovenke! To bo prvi shod, ko bodo združeni ne samo Slovenci, Hrvati in Srbi, ampek vsi Jugoslovsni, tudi Bol-gsri. Zatorej pokažimo, da smo tudi mi z njimi in smo za svobodno. združeno in demokratično .Jugoslavijo. Udeležimo se tegs shoda vsi, komur le dopu-šča čas.—Ze ZOJSA— Jehn Gettlleb, pomožni tsjnik. deset Torej rojski, ne obotsvljajte se ln kupite vstopnice, ko bodo prišli z njimi nsokrog. Zrsven ste tudi vsbljeni od blizu in daleč, da se gotovo udeležite te priredbe, ker prebitek gre polovico za SANS in {>olovlco zs JPO-SS. Prvs organizacija deluje ns političnem polju zs osvoboditev nsšega naroda izpod diktature in da dobi demokracijo, druga pa Jim bo {»Omagala materialno, kakor hitro bo to mogoče. In pomoči bodo potrebni kot še nikdar v zgodovini. Nadaljnja poročila še slede. Mesecs februarja smo pri društvu 13 SNPJ imeli dva smrtna slučaja. Prvi je umrl brat John Selak radi raka na črevesih. On je bil vedno zdrav, priden delavec in dober oče svoji druiini. Zapušča ženo, Štiri sinove ln hčerko. Od sinov sts dva pri vojskih, od katerih Je eden poročnik, drugi pa pri mornarici, od ostalih dveh pa je eden oženjen. Zadnje leto je bil pokojni društveni predsednik. Doms ie bil iz vasi &sje pri Bučki na Dolenjskem. Nagle smrti pa je preminil brat Andrevv Orechowsky, rodom Poljak in star 73 let. Zapu šča šest sinov in dve hčeri. Umrl Je radi srčne kspi. Obema družinama naše soialje! Tako ae redčijo naše vrste doma kot pri društvu. Pri društvu Jih Je treba nadomestiti. Zato je potrebna kooperacija s strani članetva in uradnikov. Jaz skušani po svoji moči to vršiti. Po novem letu sem pridobil tri čla ne v mladinski in dva v odraali oddelek, da se malo zamaši luknja pri društvu. Ampak sam ne morem Vsega, čepray se na gla vo postavim, kajti gledeti moram tudi za kruh. ker od same ijubesni ne morem živeti—eenf le prestar—in od samega sraka bi želodec preveč krulil. Ce bi šlo več naa na delo, bi bilo ležje V nedeljo. 19. marce bo seja kluba Naotel !♦. II JSZ Član-stvo ie veblieno. da ae te aeje udeleži v polnem številu, da bomo tudi pri klubu kaij storili za priredbo SANSa in JPO-SS po. tem Ittde Mejaki Glas. ki bo prv »večen 15-letnici smrti pokojne- i Veeti Is Brldgeporta Bridgopori, 0<—V nedeljo, 5. marca je tyla seje tukajšnjih po-stojsnk JPO-SS in SANSs, na kateri je bilo odobreno poročilo in priporočilo odbora, ki je Imel sejo par tednov prej, da priredimo plesno zabavo v prid dvema akcijama. Vršila se bo s shodom v soboto zvečer, 15. aprila. Za U shod bomo skušali dobiti Et-bina Kristana kpt govornika. Priredba se je* zavlačevala že osem mesecev rsdi tega, ker ni bilo mogoče dobiti stvsri, ki prinesejo prebitek ns zsbsvsh. Glavno je seveds pivo. Razmere se sicer niso nič izboljšsle glede tega, toda Imamo od neke strsni - zagotovilo, da bomo lahko dobili. Po prvem aprilu bo tudi zvišan federalni davek na vstop- ^^ nlno, ki bo znašal t0% namesto j di.di^a.. rUp|in^^aBp^ ge Jožeta Zavertnika. Organizirati se moramo %t sedaj, da ga v čim večjem številu razpečamo med ljudstvo. Revno sem akončal delo za četrto vojno poeojilo in dobil že drugo priznanje od zakla&niike-ga departmenta, pa je ie zopet nad menoj Rdeči križ. Kot zastopnik Jugoslovanov prosim vse, ds ne odrečete pomoči Rd% čemu križu, kajti s tem pomagate svojim sinovom in hčeram, ki so v vojni. Človek je zaposlen, da ne ve, kje se gs glava drži. Sicer lahko kdo reče, naj sedim doma. In to bo menda res najbolje, kajti če žive drugi z izgovorom, da bodo že "drugi naredili", zakaj ne bi jaz? Ampak bratje in sestre, Če to store Jimmyji Hig-ginsi, se bo povsod pefenalo—pri SNPJ, Proletami, Prosveti in v domačih naselbinah. Kajti napredek od visi le od onih, ki delujejo po svojih močeh za pro-speh dobrih stvari. Joeeph Snoy, 13. Coioradake novico in drago Walaonburg, Colo.—Precej česa se že nisem oglasil v Prosveti Vedno sem mislil, da se bodo oglasili tisti, ki pravijo, da pišem zato, da se moje Ime sveti v listu. Ko sem bil zadnjič v Chicagu na seji glavnega odbora SNPJ, so me nekateri vprašali, kaj je vzrok, da se nič ne oglasim. Neki Čikažan mi je še hotel kupiti pero in pepir. In ker sem obljubil, morim obljubo tudi držstl. Zadnjič nisem mislil iti na sejo glsvnega odbors, ali ker je bilo poizvedovanje, "ako bodo gospod Tomšič tli y Chicago ali ne," sem se eednji dan premislil in JlmVnisem dal prilike, da me uženejo in tako po ovinkih prisilijo k resignaciji. Torej za enkrat jim je ugaslo,,, Zadnja seja našega društva 299 je bila še pffecej dobro obiskana, porodila ^priporočila tu- skupsj pričeli s delom za društvo in jed no to j Le te nej pojes-nfm, da js* He zagovarjam upravnega odbora SNPJ, ker se lahko sam. AH v tem slučaju ga moram, ker je to'moja dolžnost. Upravni odbor lil ni ssm.svišsl plače, marveč mu jo je glavni odbor, in sicer skmo enkrat za 15%, ne pa dvakrat in sicer za 25%, kakor nekateri govorijo. Saj je bil tisti sklep objsvljen v uradnem glasilu V zapisniku seje glsvnega odbora SNPJ. To naj bo v pojasnilo vsem onim, ki rsdi verjamejo takim govoricam. Bodimo pravični in pošteni in ne govorimo, kar ni res-nics. Pred par dnevi sem se mudil v Pueblu in ker sem imel precej čass, sem obiskal brata Ra-dovicha, moža Rose Rsdovich, tajnice društva Orel 21 SNl>J, ki je že precej čaaa bolan. Pravi, da se mu zdravje počasi Izboljšuje. Obisksl sem tudi dobro zns-negs Prsnks Boltezarja in njegovo ženo. Frank je bil vesel obiska ln mojega okrevanja. Ne vem. kaj je vzrok, da se več ne oglasi s kakim dopisom. Včsših je imel precej dobre dopise in upam, da se zopet oglssl v Prosveti. Obiskal sgm tudi Primoža Knafelca ln njegovo žetty, ki vodita gostilno, pomags ps jims nsm in posebno še ČikaŽanom dobro znani Anton Medved. On je še vedno poln humorja ln rad* debatira. Tam sva se sestala tudi s bratom Frankom Cesnikom. večkratnim delegatom na konvenciji SNPJ. On Je zelo aktiven v jeklarski uniji CTO v Pueblu Medved. Pecbhfk In podpisani smo ai Imeli marsikaj povedati. V tem letu praznuje SNPJ svojo 40-letnico. Kej je jednota že storila za svoje člsnstvo v tej dobi, je lahko znano vsakemu panj* se prične s prvim aprilom in razpisane so lepe pegrade ze agitatorje. Pomislimo, ako se vsakih deeet članov organizira v skupino in pridobi samo enega novega člana, bi to bilo še lepo število. In to bi lahko dosegli z majhnim delom. Samo dogovoriti in organizirati se je treba in bo šlo. Torej na delo takoj, da vsaj na U način proslavimo jednotin jubilej. Ed Tosnatc, 299. in društvu Mfcuk—Zopet sc moram oglasiti v Prosveti, katero rad berem vsak dan, samo k pisanju se bolj težko pripravim. Zimo smo letos imeli tako lepo in gorko in brez snega, da take ne pomnim, odkar aem v Minne-soti. Ali danee, ko to'pišem, pa je marc prinesel svoje vreme. Zunaj brije burja in nosi sneg, da je vse zameteno. Moram omeniti, da naše društvo 110 SNPJ še precej dobro napreduje v obeh članskih oddelkih. Samo zadnja seje je bila nekam slabo obiskana. Prosim člane, da se bolje udeležujejo sef. Saj je seja samo enkrat na mesec in par ur Si lahko vsakdo lahko odtrga za sejo, da ve, ka, se razmotriva ln ukrepa, obenem pa plača svoj asesment. Potem nI treba hoditi k meni na dom- dvakrat ali trikrat, kadar ni nikogar doma. Tako mi že omenil kateri član, da je b pri meni, toda nI bilo nikogar doma. Sem že pisal v Prosveti pred par leti o tem in moram zopet omeniti. Zapomnite si, da delam po dnevi in vsak dan. Torej ne morem Čakati doma na vaš asesment, ker moram na vsakdanje delo za svoj kruh Vsak mesec je pa moja žena doma od 20. do 30. Torej je deset dni dovolj za pobiranje ases-menta. Kdor pride kasneje, je njegova krivda. Čakati 30 dn par, članov za asesment, je malo preveč, v Sedaj imamo osem članov bolniški postelji in pod zdravni ško oskrbo. Člsnstvo jim želi hitrega okrevanja, da se zope vrnejo med nas. Ker že pišem, naj tudi omenim, da imamo sedaj v Chishol W nove« odvetnika, Frank Jenko, tajnik t Več ialoeti kol veselja Verona, Pa.—Dne 26. febr. me pokliče po telefonu iz Clevelan da moj brat John Novak, da je umrl njegov tast Frsnk Zibema Dne 28. febr. se odpravim z mojo hčerko Josephino na pogreb Ob 10. zjutraj odsopiha vlak iz Pittsburgha in ob 1:15 popoldne sva že v Clevelandu. Najprvo se odpraviva na dom pokojnega, kjer naju sta že čakala moj brat ln njegova žena Po malem oddihu in okrepčilu se podamo v Želetov pogrebn zavod, kjer je pokojni ležal ne mrtvaškem odru, ves obložen lepimi venci, ki so mu jih poda rili v zadnje slovo sorodniki, pri jsteljl in društveni bratje. Pokojni Frank Zibema Je bi doma iz Velikih Mrazov pr Cerklju na Dolenjskem. BU je ustanovitelj društva 1 Slovenske dobrodelne zveze in društva Msksbejcev št. 1288 let* 1919. Člsni obeh društev so mu poklonili lepe vence v zadnji pozdrav. Da je bil pokojnik priljubljen med vsemi, ki so ga poznali. je bilo razvidno od velikega števila obiskovalcev, ki ao prišli, da se od njega zadnjič po-slove. Pokopan je bil 1. marca po cerkvenih obredih na pokopališču Calvary. kamor so ga spremili njegovi društveni bratje v lepem številu. Pokojnik zapušča v Clevelandu žalujočo ženo Angelo in tri hčere—Kristino, poročeno Pir-nst. Angelo, poročeno Novsk, in Anno, v,starem kraju pa dva brata in aestro, če ao še živi. V brzojav od vojnega depart-Jni dodajaj umrl, tudi zdai .t« Aa Ia na it»liiAn«ki fmnJk. J ne bili men ta, da je na italijenald fron-Jbo Uko hitre* Joe £ bil vMele narave Kjer ti pogrešan Frank Kfrn, nečak mojega moža. Se smo upali, da je mogoče v ujetništvu, ali štiri dni pozneje pride drugi braojav, da je bil Frank Kirn ubit 30. jan. pri Cisterni Žalostna vest za ubogo mater, ki je izgubila svojega najmlajšega sina. Star je bil 23 let in v ameriški armadi je bil komaj osem mesecev. Predno je bil poslan na bqjno polje, je bil doma na dopustu per dni. Pred odhodom h kadru je naročil svojemu bratu in sestram, naj ne pozabijo skrbeti za mamo, ko njega ne bo. On je slutil, kaj ga čaka. Zapušča žalujočo mater, brata in tri sestre, vsi poročeni, in veliko sorodnikov. Naj se še malo povrnem nazaj v Cleveland. Ko hodimo po St. Clairju, mi pride na misel, da bi obiskale urednika Nove Dobe Toneta Terbovca, ki ga nisem videle že 16 let. Moja svskinja mi pravi, da je samo en blok od tukaj. Rečeno, storjeno. Pomagala ni ChicW pa za^ d"a nečak. ,n katerih sta ae l^H h ,? ^ * bl tudi udeležila stričevega po- Zltet V1* Vsem preosta 1 i m moje ? S Mno * «loboko Pokojniku pa sllLT^ - "•i60 Uhka gruda' vah it\ «« P-arebi ie * tt^i Ch ir V "P* me Clm Vf* Bovlh moje hči, ki mi pove. da so do- koli je bil on, je bilo vpselje V resnici pogrešamo njegovih obiskov. Lahka naj mu bo ameri. ška gruda! Ker že pišem, naj povem da sem brala Valentinčičev dopis v 47. štev. Prosvete, kjer pi&e da ga muči revmatizem. Veste To-ny, tudi naša soseda toži radr revmatizma že vso zimo. Zdravnik ji je rekel, da ne sme piti kave in nobene alkoholne pna. če, tudi piva ne, ker alkohol ni dober za revmatizem. Včasih pride k nam in ji ponudim kavo pa pravi, da ne pije. Pivo pa pije še kar naprej, dasi ji ■ zdravnik prepovedal. • Mary Marinac. 68. je O veoelici društva 128 in drugem Cleveland.—Burja in sneg ra. jata po Clevelandu in okolici, ko to pišem—in ravno radi tega imam nekoliko časa. Sporočiti želim o izidu veselice našega društva 126 SNPJ, ki se je vr- di. Torej oprostita. Ko se pred stavimo, vprašam Toneta, če je že odposlal Novo Dobo v Vero-no; ako ne, jo lahko jaz odnesem in prihfanim nekaj na poštnini. On se mi začne smejati, ker je menda mislil: "Js, kaj si zato prišla v Cleveland, da boš osleparila Vlado v teh časih, ko toliko potrebuje denarja za vojno . . . Vseeno hvala za nezaupanje, ker Nova Doba bi prišla en dan prepozno v roke naslov-ljencem. V uradu smo se sestale tudi z urednico angleške sekcije Nove Dobe—ime sem pozabila. Hvala za uljudnost. Imele smo namen, da obiščemo več naših sorodnikov in prijateljev, ali čas je vse prehitro tekel ln treba se je bilo posloviti. Hvala za postrežbo, katere smo bile deležne pri družini Tone Kirn, pri Pirnatovih in Ži-bertovih. Posebno pa hvala mojemu bratu ln njegovi ženi Angeli za postrežbo ln prenočišče ter vožnjo po Clevelandu ln Col-linwoodu in za spremstvo na postajo,. Tukaj je bil na vojaškem do* pustu John Morel, član našega društva 215 SNPJ. Res veselo svidenje, toda slovo je žalostno Toda, kaj si moremo pomegsti? Vzredile smo sinove, ali, zdaj so drugi gospodarji nad njimi. Tudi jaz imam. dva sinova v vojni. Eden je nekje v Anglij in že par mesecev v bolnišnici drugi pa nekje v Italiji—vsaj od tam smo dobili njegovo zadnje pismo. Pisma dobivamo še precej redno od obeh, ali naš mlajši sin, ki je v Italiji, jih dobiva zdaj bolj poredkoma od nas, da si mu pišemo skoraj vsak dan. On je Šel preko morja prve dni oktobra 1943, toda pošta ga je dosegle šele par dni, pred boži čem, ko je dobil 37 pisem skupaj. Pravi, da se Uko hitro selijo iz kraja v kraj, da ni časa, da bi jim pošto dosUvili.B Ker.se je U moj dopis že preveč zavlekel, moram končati. Pozdrav vsem članom SNPJ in uredništvu Prosvete. ' Marr Kirn, Ujnica društva 216.' Mr. Terbovca dobimo pri nje- šila 19. febr. v Slovenskem na govi pisalni, mizi. V pogovoru rodnem domu na St. Clairju je bil z.Jankom Rogljem gUv- Reči m da . nim predsednikom ABZ. Če smo dovoljstvo vseh ^^ih. Žal e ih zmotileiv pogovorne vem/ « e toda pravijo, kar ne veš, ne ško- ^ bUa je vegela družba ^ •gl dan pa na vse zgodaj zjutraj na sejo, kar ni Šala, vendar pa sem bil zadovoljen, kajti priredba je dobro izpadla. Na seji sem zopet videl večinoma vse one, ki so bili prdjšnji večer dobre volje in veselo razpoloženi. To so vsi tisti, ki so vedno med prvi-mi za podvig društva in jednote. Želel bi, da bi se tudi drugi malo bolj zanimali in zainteresirali. Želim se zahvaliti vsem, ki ste pripomogli do vesele družbe pa moralnega in finančnega uspeha, Uko da je naša blagajna zdaj zopet za nekaj stotakov na boljšem. Najlepša hvala našim to-čajem in kuharici—mrs. Kle-menčič in njeni pomočnici, sploh vsem delavcem. Bili so vsi ves čas na svojih mestih. Najtoplejša hvala tudi mrs. Terbižan, ki je storila društvu lepo uslugo, ker se je odzvala prošnji. Zdaj pa še nekaj o naših vojakih. Nadaljnji naši fantje in možje, ki so bili poklicani v službo Strica Sama, sp: Rudy BožeglaV,1 Frank Peternel, M. H.' JakŠič, Albert Urbas, Joseph Bartol, Emil Penko, SUnley Bučar, Emil Abramovich, Otto Si-mončič. Vseh . skupaj imamo zdaj že 38 članov pri vojakih, kar že nekaj šteje. Vsem želimo, da bi se po zmagi srečno in zdravi vrnili domov k svojim dragim. Društvo ima sklep, da priredi veselo dobrodošlico brez-pUčno za vse člane-vojake. Naj omenim še naše bolnike, ki so že po več let bolni. In to so Frank Champa (Štiri leta), Simon Bizjak (tri leta), John Sim-čič (tri leta), Frank Skerl (dve leti), mrs. Josie Slapnik (eno leto). Nadaljnji začasni bolniki so: Frank GodUr, Anton Slapnik, Frank Kovačič, Anton Ah-čin, Joseph Samič, Viktor Urbas, Anton Muha, Konrad Požun, Anton Mulec, Anton Martinčič, Leo Jališek, John Peternel, Ma-ry Oblak. Želimo vsem skorajšnjega zdravja. Naša prihodnja seja bo 19. marca. Pozivam ČUnstvo, da storiU svojo dolžnost napram društvu in jednoti. Prečitani bodo tudi računi o zadnji veselici. Torej pridite na sejo, medtem pa poagitirajte za nove člane v oba oddelka. Jobn Gabrenja. Ujnik. Dodatno poročilo o smrti Recine. Wla.—Želim nekaj poročati o smrti pokojnega Joeva SušUrja, oziroma dodati k poročilu, ki je bilo priobčeno v Prosveti 23. febr. Joe. je bil rojen 22. ipsjs leU 1897 (ne 1907) v Llaci pri Reki na Primorskem, po domače Gaj-barjev. V Ameriko Je prišel le-U 1920, in sicer v Trinidad, Colo,. kjer je tudi pristopil v SNPJ. Svoječasno je bil tudi član društva Slovenec št. 68, ob •mrti pe je bil član društva 14 v VVaukeganu. ki mu Je izkazalo zadnjo čast kot društvenemu bratu. Joe se Je smrtno ponesrečil v kamnolomu v Elmhurstu. 111., Ine 17. Jan., dva tedna pozneje ^ pe za vedno zatianil svoje trudne oči. Teden pred njegovo ■mrtjo smo gs obiskali v bolnišnici. Oblaki niso bili dovoljeni, k«- je bil preveč slab. vseeno ■mo dobili dovoljenje, da smo ga videli posamezno. Bila aem pri nJemu t možem in hčerko. Ko ' v ni**ovo sobo, >e Najsaneeljlvoiše IKičel lokati in bilo )e tudi meni luvske voaJ ee v užko pri srcu. Rekel mi Je, ker svntL" AU Jlk čfttale Seja majnarskega klubs Mlhvaukee. — Ker je že dolgo, odkar smo bili bivši rudarji skupaj, svs z blagajnikom majnarskega kluba Leonom Schweiger-em zadnjič prišla do zaključka, da bi spet imeli aejo. Torej opozarjam vse bivše rudarje, da se udeležite tega zho-rovanja. ki se vri! prihodnjo soboto, 18. marca ob osmih zvečer v Schw«igerjevi gostilni. 525 So. Sth st. Ker imamo v blagajni Še nehaj denarje, je Potrebno, da ae kaj pogovori mo. ako bomo še v bodoče vodili kako aktivnost pod vodstvom tega kluba. Torej v soboto /večer pridite ns sejo vsi. ki sodelovali pri tem klubu zadnjih per let. John Perko. Ujnik do-"Vro daa? cbEDA. 15- MARCA Minutes of Meeting of Supreme Board of Slovene National Benefit Society Held Feb. 10,11,12,1944, at Headquarter», 2657 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, 111. PROSVETA ■ i........i :"1 i 11 i OPENING session. february 10 President Cainkar calls meeting to order at 9 -l „11 AMIMN nrMumt .*M>nt vire-preii' are ex tesideni — «*«<-» «v * "m with ali officer« present except vice-presi-Jents Kumer, Zarnick and Travnik, who cused. Order 0f business accepted: 1. Call to order, 2. Roll call. 3. Time of meeting. 4. Special motiotis. 5. Report« of supreme officers. 6. Discussion of reports. r Unfinished business. 8. General business. 9. Miscellaneous. 10. Adjournment. President appoints Culkar and Spiller to assist him as vice-presidents of the meeting. Sessions shall be from 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 daily, with 10 minutes intermissions. REPORTS OF SUPREME OFFICERS Report of Supreme President We have met again in our annual session to re-vievv the affairs of opr organization, and to diseuss and decide what is necessary for the future. The Supreme Office Due to the death of Bro. Rus last August, there was a vacancy in office of assistant secretary. As decided at our last supreme board meeting, an eleetion was held aceording to the by-laws. There were five candidates for the office, and their names were placed on the ballots which were sent to ali supreme board members. The result was that no candidate received a suffident majority on the first ballot, and it was necessary to vote again on the two candidates -who had received the most votes. Bro. Anton Trojar was elected, pnd while he is known to ali of you, permit me to officially present him to you at this time as our new supreme board member, and to welcome him to our midst. The eleetion of Trojar caused a vacancy in his former post of building custodian. But as it was impossible to allow this position to be unfilled particujarly during the winter, we were foreed to ki ep Trojar on duty until sueh time as another custodian couM be found. As it happened, this took much longer than we expected, because there are so few people Svailable for this work, partic-ularly in these times. The whole matter of eleetion and employment was so much delayed that Trojar wa6 unable to take ofifce as assistant secre-tary until the beginning of this year. As is known to aH of you, our supreme secre-tary Bro. Vider sustaii^ed an accident and was4n a hospital during our last supreme board meeting and for a considerable period afteir, and was unable to do his regular work for a long time. We can say that we were deprived of two execu tive officers and important workers at the same time. and soon a (ter the head bookkeeper was ealled to the army, as was also another essential imployee. You can see from this that the situa tion was very difficult during most of the second half of last year, and the fact that there are no people available in these times whp might be hired, only made things worse. However, it aH ca me out ali right. The difficulties were sur-mounted with patience and good will and by work-ing overtime it was possible to carry out the reg ular vvork. The ever inereasing living costs and shortage of workers has resulted in generally inereased wages, and wc have had to follow this practice also if we want to retain effieient workers. As you have been informed in the minutes of executive committee meetings, our low salaried employees received two laiscs last year and another at the beginning of this year. Membership Campalgns The enrollment of new members is a very im portant consideration for every fraternal benefit »rganization. It is'a knovvn fact that the best results are obtained by means of membership fampa^jns, which not only inerease the member s-hip and strengthen the resources, but also stir up activity generally and create new interest and add m w. young blood to the Society. We gain thereby <>n ali counts, and it is a good thing to repeat cam-paigns from time to time, and especially to utilize moi,. ouUtanding oecasions of Society and lodge annivcrsaries and other fcvenU in this way. It m order, then, that we had a campaign last for the juvenile anniverssry. It was uery fur isKful as reports published in ProsveU hsve »nform«-d you. Credit and thanks goes to ali who paituipttted in the contest or who helped in some "th.way towards the suceess of the campaign. Other Actlvitftes Among other important activities of our Society the various celebrations and simllar events. Kl v« ar we observed the 30th snnlversary of our Juvcmlo department and the 8th anniversary of juv.mi«. circles, both institutions of great slgnlfi < t., ti^future of our organization. As already ''"'"i the observance waa marked by a special J a - r, I. campaign and by anniversary programa *h«-ri-vrr conditions permiUed. held the traditional SNPJ Day celebra-' m I .a bor Day last yesr. It was held in Chl-r"K' v.nh siituf«ctory success. It is neceasary that '"ntinue with this observance this year also. ' 'r C onditions are not the best. so that we can P i l thr morale and continue wlthout let-up and "uch more «ucceoafully after the war, ' has stopped most of the sports activity 1 "ur young people, which has had an effect "" ^Sitstion for new members and other Our 40th Anniversary •Spring it will be forty pesni since our Sq-* founded. This is an Important jnniver-"r"l »hould br fittingly observed even under ' ' "nditiona. It is the duty of the supreme ' r n«»der the matter at this meeting. and ■•II th«. neceaeory dectokms to pr omote o "i '»aervance. t a doubt, w« would make the best shew-ur ing s large number of new members niv. rsary ye«r That to why there should "r, '' mbership campaign which orill be * to campaigeers and proapeetive mem "• iId also rneourage anniversary celebrs ,h* various eommunittefe snd srherever it wouid also he desirsbie to iesue en pr, »«•1 anniversary book which would contain a review of the Society'8 history. Our young people par-ticularly have often asked for sueh a book. The executive committee has already decided that Prosveta shall be iasued as a special anni-versary number in the week of the 40th birthday, and I feel that you will agree with this decision. Stat« of th« SocietT The reports of the secretary, treasurer and other officials will give you details of our business and financial standing, as well as figures on membership, etc. For this reason, I shall mention only that we made good progress last year in assets and in membership, and that the Society is in good standing. I must call attention again, however, to the un-favorable conditions which are developing in our organization due to the tactics in Prosveta, whlch tactics is wrong, in my opinion. Caustic articles and personal polemics cause great dissatisfaction among our members, and this certainly does not% bring new members nor contributes to the Society's ' prestige or advantage, but rather just the opposite. It is the supreme board's duty to study this matter seriously and determine whether the tactics or procedure of the editor is correct and advantageous to the Society, or whether it is the contrary. If it is found to be harmful to the Society's interests, then it is our duty to stop it lmmediately. Our Support of JPO and SANS In conclusion, I must say a few vvords about our cooperation with JPO and SANS, organisations for the relief and liberation of our people in Europe. Both organizations have important missions and are necessary at this time. Our membership is deeply interested in them, which is evident from the various activities and financial support. Most contributions are from our lodges or from organizations and affairs in which our members are the leaders. It is correctly considered that the membership of the SNPJ is the moral and material backbone of this movement. I recommend that we give every possible moral support to both or* ganizations in the future also. VINCENT CAINKAR. Report accepted. Report of Supreme Vice President It is with deep regret that I again report to you without my physical presence at the sessions for which you are now assembled. Since the previous meetings, I hsve been re-moved farther from you. However, I am kept informed on the conditions of the Society, snd my interest in them remains unchsnged. During this time, my relations with the Supreme Office have been praiseworthy, and I am grateful for the cooperation shown me. It is pleasing to report that the regular reports and official organ are now reachlng me, and these have provided me with encouraging Information, but not unmixed with some uneasiness. The disagrteement on interpretation of Our edi-torlal poliey has now reached serlous proportions. I do not choose to diseuss this mstter for I would succeed in only intensifylng a already con f used situa tion. But I do wish to suggest thet if we are to avoid dlsaster that something deflnlte be done now to correct this confusion. It has exlsted too long, snd sil of you are sufflcientljr mature and qualified to arrive at a sstisfactory agreement. I urge you to act wlth courage and convlction at this mefting. I was pleased to read of the tremendous success of our recent 30th anniversary SNPJ Juvenile campaign. We can be inspired at the špirit snd interest demonstrsted by our members. I hope thst plsns wlll now be made for giving further ex-pression to thst enthuslasm by making aVsilsble to our lodges and circles programa of aotivlties. Only by providing the source of vigorous action can we hope to retain and extend Interest in our Society. Our various campalgns have proved a worthy source action; a new source must be provided to continue the enthuslasm of the old members, and to ignite the enthuslasm of the new members. Before the next meeting of this Board, we will have reached the 40th anniversary of our Soclety. This is a great achievement, and this meeting wlll presumably make plans for its proper celebration. It deserves the hlghest recognitlon, snd I hope our various brandies will prepare sulUble programi for its celebration. You can do much by outlinlng plans snd progrsms snd msklng them svsilablc to our lodges. Because of our generous contributions to the American Red Cross, you are probably interested in a report about it. My observatlons have resulted in the hlghest praise for the seope and quality of work of this organlsation. It iS doing an eacellent job for the entertainment and wel-fare of our armed forces, and we can foel grateful for having provided it wlth substantial su ms. It is my opinion that it* activities are far more obvious overseas than in the States. Although the ballots for eleetion of assistant secretary reached me too late for votlng, I am pleased to note that the office Is now filled. I hope that wlth this completed, and with the re-turn to duty of our secreUry, that th« Soeiety is rendering the customary good service. In the some špirit. I wish th« new Athletlc Committee every good fortun«, and hop« that this yeor will provide it with greater opportunitias. I giv« you my best wiah«o ln your dellberstions and wish I were with you I hope that wlll be Mn. And my best wlshea to ali members of our 8ed*t7, MICHAEL II KUMER; Report accepted Report of 2nd Supreme Vice President In presentlng my report for the post si* months, I am heppy to say that our organization ha« prog rrssrd and proapered in spite of prsaent ror.d ' The SNPJ activities in Cleveland have proved to be a hu§e suooms. portkularlf in the eethuel-Mm that was shown by our members tn getting nrw members during o«r juvenile campaign, which was alao a national success The juvenile slnging chorus, whieh I s too helped to organi**, hso turned out to be one <* the-- promising attractions and also s booster to keep young boys and girla SNPJ mfnded. Th« money that has been spent so far for th« upke«p and trainlng of these young people will p rove, in due time, that it was not spent in vain. I kn«w some day we will be prbud of th«m. In the near futoN this singing group will present its first singihg concert and I'm almost posi-tive that ita presontatioft will go down in SNPJ hiatory as another sucooss. I also feel it will in-spira and secure many followers through other branehes of our orSanisation. This time I racoanmond, in absance of athlotic activities, that even mora attentipn bo turned to our juvonilos in the form of dramatics and other amusements which wlll build good SNPJ members and future loeders ef our organlsation, They are our boys and gtarll of today and our men and women of tomorrew. I know that there will be other good suggeetlons from Supreme Board members thst will benefit juveniles. The juvenile delinquency in those war times is so great that our country ls alartned, therefora if w« keep our young peqple interested in our activities and their mlnds properly occupied, we won't have to worry about any of them. In the past six months the politlcSl vi«wt of our official organ hkve not shown any improve-ment and I recomhtend this question bo thorough-ly diseussod. The Meet majority of our members is dissatisfied and it is important that a deflnlte understanding be reached at this meeting. To ke«p up the good špirit and principle« of our organlsation is necessary for its future. My long hours, like those of everyone else, hsve kept me busy but I have end will flnd time to take care of my duties as I am glad to perform them. I hop« this m«eting will accomplish its purposes succeasfully and vrlih good will. CAMILUS E. ZARNICK. Report accepted. ^1 i Report of Vice President Fbst bistriet. Slx months ago' I had hoped that wheh we con-vene again, this country would again bo on peaee-time standarda, but as it looks, more vsluable time must be spent, more lives sre to be los t, and many more homos ara to be dlsrupted, before the so much-hoped for peiek can be attained. In the meantimsi ali activities ara mora or lesa st a itandstill in ali branehes. I'm sure that aH we can ask or expect ot our membership ls being done. Our past campalgns hsve been succossful, and any in th« futura, I'm suke, cen be expected just as succ«ssful, considering the posslbilitles of the present conditions. , I hope sil the Ju ven H« Circles sre prograssing as well as the one I am acqualnted with ln my locality. They aro aetlve in many ways, they serve the Red Cross, make serap book« for the men in our ^rmed foroes, aldf ln ali the serap drives, snd stili flnd timfi for s nlght a week for recreation to their liking sueh as games, dancing, skating parties, ste, Thejr have set aside one night a week for what they cell ^orrespondenoo Night", at this time, th«y wrlte Sttieles for the Mladinski List and letters to their pen pals. The program they ar« followini la. educational and patriotlc, and a good courso for any Circle to follow. Athletics sre dlseontlnOed In most branehes of the SNPJ in my distriet, until th« boys eome back, and then we intend to eemmonce right whera we left off. It Is neeosssry,.|o continue to keep our Athlotic Board fiutetipning so that wh«n the time of activlty comes back, there Wlll be no delays. Untfl we meet igsln 'liT August many things can happen, so I won*t eommlt mys«lf by pradiet-ing peace but oontinue to hope that so it shsll be. JOSEPH L. CULKAR. Report accepted. , Report of Vice President Second Distriet . At the requešt snd lrv behalf of the ES federa-tion of SNPJ lodgos ot W«sUrn P«nnsylvsnis, also th« S«nlor F«d«ratlon of SNPJ lodgos of W«st«rn P«nnsylvsnla, I extend to you our most eordial fraternal groetlngs snd trust thst the work snd decisions of the bosrd at this meeting wiU be sueh to be credit to us and the membership as well. In the period of July 1 to Dec. SI, 1941, I hsvo the followlng events or sffsirs to report. The 8th annual Penna SNPJ Day po«tponed in June was held in Sygan, Pa., on Oet. 17, 1949. In spite of msny obstacles the tradltlon of an annual Penna SNPJ Day was accomplished. The affair was s Complete success. Plsns sre now under wsy for the 9th Penna SNPJ Day. During the period of this report I hsve been approached many times by members of our Bo-ciety pertalnlng te the editorial pollcy and intar-pre ts tion of same. In vlaor of th« fact that I cannot read or wrMo Slovene I must oonfess thst I am som«what ln the dark on the Issue. However, the feet remains thst the editor and the majorlty of supreme member« disagree on Intorpratatlon of policy, therefora, no policy is reoognised. This shows lack of control and harmony ln our organization. If this Is eontlnuod the rosults may be daetructiv«, It Is our duty as m«mbers of suprem« board to make the neo«aeary correct iona. In vl«w of spl«ndld work of the Amcrican Rad Croas s contribution ought to be msd« to this organization at this time. Thesuceess of the post membership campaign once again proves thst a campaign properly con-ducted under proper supervlsion will slway« be successful. The membership wlll remaln aetlve only as Long as Oiere Is something to be aetlve for. Therefore, I recommend thet cempelgns and other programa be arrsnged for the y«or 1944, Other recommendetions wlll b« submltted to th« meeting of the distriet viee president«, At the present Ume there. is much interest snd sctivity in the SANC in West»rn P«nnsylvania. The maas meetlAg of Blavs ln Plttsburgh on Jan. ti, showed that our people ere backlng th« SANC wlth ali their means. To my knowledge «he understanding and špirit among lodge and m«m^ership in my distriet Is good JAMES M MAOLICH. Report accepted, Report of Vice President Fourth Distriet During the poet poor I Iriod to servtf the SNPJ, its eaecutive eomasittee and the lodges of the Fourth Distriet to the bost of my eopoeity, under the present CifrunilUffM. In 1941 the iver kos «wung Into a greater fuiiBMsnsos end momentom, which IMl I the numbers of our members enter ing the foreos; with the more rigid reelrietlons on trans-portetio« and Inereased demands for lorger vol-ume of produ« t ion. this wor has placed burden o« the SNPJ. ao veli as on the entire nation Daapite this fact the 99th anniversory juvenile campaign was not only a mera succees for the year that has gone down into the annals of SNPJ history, but has proved the solidarity of the SNPJ in sueh trying times. This plus the splendid man-ner in which our Juvenile Dlractor, Bro. Vrhovnik, conducted the campaign, is the chief reason for sueh a successful 90th anniv«rsary juvenil« campaign During the progress of th« campaign I vlsited various lodges in my viclnity, giving th« mombors suggestion« and assisting them in procurlng new members. which thejr as the rasulta show, re-sponded with good cooperation. The Idea of short-termod campaign should be giv«n scrious thought, for I firmly b«llev« that suoh campalgns in th« futura wlll p rove mora succoaaful than those continuing from e months to a y«ar. Cayipaigns having a short dura tion, give the members ample Uma to ral«x from one campaign period to another, thus ellmlnatlng the monotony that u«uslly ia the čase of a long cam-paign. In the month of Octobor I attended a two-day session of the Missouri Fraternal Congrass ln St. Louis, Mo. This session was very interasting and w«ll attended. Sine« thera w«ra no matters that roqulra immediata action, th« eongrass dovoted its time msinly to th« discussions on fraternal problems and their future. lite delegate« and guost speak«rs spok« of th« d«trim«ntal methods practlced by some socittie«, which hsve ln the raoent years encouraged ln-suranc« companles to conatantly haunt our fraternal system with the proposal of laws whlch would b« endangering our fraternal organizations.' I hsve submitted s detailod report on tlio pro-ceedlpgs of the Missouri Frsternsl Congrass to Supreme Pres. Cainkar. The postwar problem ia an issue thst wo cannot oscape, as it enters our every-dsy lives, re-gsrdleu whether you sre a farmer, coal miner or business msn. Suraly, th« institution of human und«rstanding, ths Slovene National Beiioflt So-ci«ty, can not by any moans «acepe the thought of postwsr plsnning, therefora, I urge the members of the Supreme Board to avoid futlle debates, in order that w« may have ample time iq diseuss as thoroughly ss possible the prallminary post-war plsnning, whlch wlll bo jotntly submltted by Bro. Vrhovnik and the Distriet Vice Prosidents, before the conclusion of this session. 11 JOHN SPILLER. Report sccepted, % Report of Vice Pretident » Fifth Dutriet » During the psst six months I hsve workod for the Interest of our SNPJ to the best of my ablllty. I attended ali Mlnneeota SNPJ Fedoration meetings, raported on declSlons on our Isst Supreme Board meeting, and spoke in behalf of ouir Soelety urglng the members to inerease the juvehlfe membership in their respeetive towns. I regrat to report thst I hsve not boen as iuo-cesaful in securing as many new applicants during our last juvenile membership campaign as have been li> the past, due lsrgely to the fset thst our clty has a much smaller populatlon snd We hsve over 200 juvenile members slrasdy. I tried to orgsnise more Juvenile Circles in my distriet, but the raply of most SNPJ lodge offioars ws« to walt for s more favorable time when our you|k is moro settlod snd more leaders are available. Speak ing for our Juvenile Circle 48 of Eveleth, Minnesota, they aro a very aetlve group and are prograssing well tn their activities. Ttajr oele-brsted th« Soelety's anelversarles by stsglng a play and a program, where they gave a war bond to the one who sold the most tickets snd slso hsd other prlses. They hsd s niče Chrlstmas party which they flnanced themselves and mOW ara going to spensor a dance. They also have a nloe sum ln their traasury. I slso worked for the promotlon of SANC end JPO-SS. URŠULA AMBROZICH. Report accepted. Report of Vice President Sixth Distriet The and of another sis months period flnd« us ln about the same situation. A large number of our members in my distriet wera ealled to servioe in recent months. Campalfn—The membership campaign was sue-cessful, and some western lodges made efcosllent •howing«. Let us hope that the rest wlll do as well in th« future. Our activity ls further re« flected by the swsrd of first prise in the Mlsdinski List Our School contest. fortietk Anniversary Thl« year will mSrk the SNPJ's 40Ui birthday, and whlle conditions sre not fsvorsble for lsrge-scsle eelebrstioes, It is hoped thst this important evant will be observed by the lodges in whaUver way possible. The distriet vloe-presidents snd the juvenile direetdr hsve prepsred s plan for an annlversary campaign. Prestole The potemic In ProsveU reeentTv ls of no benefit to our paper or organization, particular-ly slnee it comes from our leaders. Sueh differ-ences should be adjusted at the meetings, and not carried Into ProsveU Aet!vtty—In splU of gas rstioning, I have been abU to atUnd meetings of various lodges, especUl-ly ot those whtch participated In the recent cam-poisn Ssssiisodslion membership in New Meaico recommend« thst the supreme board shall consider the quaetion of the llcenae in their sUU, whlch should be renewed if poaslble. ED TOMS1C, Report accepted, Report of Supreme Secretary The second half of last year a t ar ted badly for our office due U unespected and unavoldable oc currenoos. One of Ihese was my accident on July U In wh!ch I susUlned a bone frači ure, whuh kept me ln bed for several weeks. At the sam« time, our bookkeepei was ealled to the armv, and then just before tile last suprem« board meeting, assisUnt secreUry Bro Wm Rus pas^d awsy. I wish to sUU here that the lete Bro Rus and I got s long very w«||, and thit there was never the ■lightest mleunder«t«oding lietw«en us He per-formed his duties falthfully, Although my »njury was quiu aerlbus, ! was stili able to perform the tesks brought U me from the offlee, and to give whaUver Information and inatructions were required Wlth the cooperation of the eaecutive officials and office employe»« are were able to cerry on wtth the work qulte promptly, ao thet the Soc-iet^s Interesu did not ■uffer In splU ot the unfortunaU situation I herebf greUfully »< krtowU-dge the cooperation f mu nd«-d and you have my nasurance that I will gladly return the favor wt»enevor nereda«ry, The juveniU eampetgn In eommenw«ratlon of that depertment a Uitrtleth annlversery was sur-prlstngly luraaasful the Sfirlety showlng a ga i« of I members. Out toUl membership gain In th« second half of last year w§s 1224 members. ToUl gain for the year was 2291 members. The campaign was in the handa of the supreme president and the juvenile direetor as per supreme board decision, and aomc ouUide supreme officers w«re aetive also. The following membership report for th« six months period shows that th« SNPJ had 04,144 members in both departmenU at the close of 1943. ADULT DEPARTMENT Membership June SO, 1942...............................40,890 New admitted .............214 Juvenile transfers ......................................814 <182 Totsl ........................................ Deceaaed ....................................... Canceled and withdrawals........... ........—......47,882 ....... .241 ...........127" 288 Membership Dec. 31............................................47,294 Incraas« .......................................................................395 . JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Membership Jun« 30, 1943....................................18,021 New admitted ............... • Uin.MIMmilMOMOMltlOMMOMl 1,780 17,771 I« Total ......................... Deceaaed ............................. Transfers to Adult Dept...;.......................849 Csnceled ....................................................... 280 921 Membership Dec. 31............................................18,880 Inerease .................................................................... 829 I want to giv« some comparative morUUty figures which should prove interasting snd usefuU In 1942 thera wer« 443 dsaths in adult department and 18 in Juv«nlle, total 481, For last year the figures are 478 and 23, total 498—or 37 mor« than 1941. It is true that our membership inereased In this period, but inerease in deaths Is proportion-ately higher. Heart disease and cano«r Uk« the graaUst toll of liv«s, du« larg«ly to th« conditions prevailing among industrlal workera, War casualtles last y«ar were 22 members killed, and 2 missing, and in 1942 th«re wer« 8 killed, making a total of 19 mombers lost ln th« war. Thera were 37 cases of industrlal, mine and other accidonts last year, which indleates that until recent^, ths home front has been more hasardous than the war. | REPORT ON DEATHS • (: No.ef Am'tof Causes ■ Cases Insurance Heart Diaease .........*.......,.,.. ........ 81 8 39,114.00 Cancer „.,.,,............................ ....... 41 31,800.00 Hemorrhage ........................ ....... 11 13,471.00 Various aecidenU ..........11 18,800.00 Pneumonla and tnfluensa ........ 18 9,900.00 Paralyaia ............................... ....... 18 10,880.00 ApopIosy............................. _________18 8t900.00 Killed in war ...................... ..........11 8,480.00 Tuberculosis......................... ........ 9 8,700.00 Mine aecidenU..................... ....... 8 8,480.00 Sllieosl«................................. ....... 7 8,700.00 Suielde .................................. ....... 8 4,880.00 Automobile aecidenU....... ........ 4 1,900.00 Abdominal inflammatlon . »t, »•••*• 41 1,800.00 Diabetes ..........'.,.„..,.............. OltOM S 1,800.00 Nephritis •»»•Sata 1 1,100.00 Nephrectomy ••« H»M 1 1,000.00 Indigestion ........................ aa«eaaas S 1,000.00 APNHM^ItlOMtOMMtlOOOOlMMOMM M»|IH« 1 800.00 800,00 OMtTlC UlCfflMlUlMItlMIlOHtMHIHlItH 1 800.00 Burna aaaeaass A , 800.00 Aloohollsm.......................... ........ 1 800.00 t ll lld bil th............... i 800.00 ToUl...................................141 8170,488.00 Thera were 108 eaaes of opera tlon compenaa- tlon less last yesr, whlle dissbillty cases inereased REPORT ON OPERATIOMS AND DISABIUTIES Oporetions Caaes Pald Appendloltls ..................................100 $ 8,110.00 Hernls........................................... 88 8,828.00 Lspsrstomy........................-.......... 81 8,010.00 Osli bladder.................................. 40 1,180.00 Vsrlcose veins.................... ......... 17 1,480.00 Hemorrhoids.................................... 10 1,488.00 HysUrectomy.............................. II 1,780.00 Open reductlon............................ 7 898.00 OolUr............................................... II 1.080,00 Caesareon............................... 10 798.00 Oanoer ........................................ 8 708.00 Prostat« glands ................... ..... 8 890.00 Catarsct ,.,,................................ * 478'°° N«phrectomy ...m........................... 8 888.00 Msstoidectomy............................... 8 478.00 Oaatrlc uloers............................. 1 810.00 Hydroetle ...................................... 1 Threohining................................. I M8.00 Laminectomy.............................«... 2 180.00 OsUomylitts ............................... 2 l®8.00 Thorocoplasty.............................. 1 100.00 Lymphoglandula ........................ I 88.00 ToUl....... _______441 No. o« offlngers ... of Ug ............ of sight......... of arm.M..w..... of eye of both eye* ToUl..... U ..... 8 ..... | I Mro Ji ..... 1 811.71800 Pald 118 00 1,100 00 900 00 K .00 00 800 00 8 8,878.00 818,190.00 ToUl oper. and dlsabilltles...... .488 The flnancUl report for the als months period shows gains in ali funds of the SNPJ. ToUl gain in adult and juvenile departmimU I* 8293,822 83, and toUl aaaeta al close ot yoor are 8H.00I.IM II —whlch means that our SocUty Is an II million dolUr eorporstum at IU 40th enmlversary. It la our good fortune to have a htgh solvency rating and a good mortuary reserve whlch enable« ua to pey full mortuary lienefit for fallen sold ter membelp without resorting to speclal aosess-menU It to always well to be prepered for any eventualitles or b«d times, for we never know whon they may come. FINANCIAL ■ I P O * T for Hm period ef Jelr I le Da—skir 1L 1S4S ADULT DEPARTMENT Mertuorv FmM lUUnee of July I, 1948 89J7I.418 91 8 Unpeid death cUlms of June 90, 1942 81,19878 Unpeid death elelms, SSPZ .................... 1,788.84 ' * M i nora benefieuny fund J SSPZ . .............. 11,811.00 ' Aaaaaemant ......... 278.888 41 ^ Net Inoome from in vest- ' i menU ...„, ........... 100,998 01 (Conlinued on pege 8) t 40th Annivereary of SNPJ Largest, Safest Siovene Fraternal Societv Siovene Nafl Benefit Society In 40th Year of Fraternal Service-1904-1944 ENGLISH Far Membire of Slovana National Benefit Society and American Slovence WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 PAGE SIX Rules of the "SNPJ 40th Anniversary Campaign9 Ywr lodge ud f?«ry o thar lodge in th« SNPJ, rtgtrdliM ol also, Ims • quoU oi aew sMsbm to Mroll In tho 40th Asslvsr-aary Campaign. This quoia Is bssod on tho aduli memberahip as oi December 31, 1943. For every 10 adult mamhars up to 400, each lodge will he expected io secure ona new member. The LOWEST quota ia ONE and the HIGHEST la FOHTY, For escample, il on Decembar 31, a lodge had an adult member-»hlp ol 10 or leea, lis quota for the entire elght months la o»ly ONE new memjber; 11 tho membership waa 43, the quota ia 5; ii the membership was 99, the quoia la 10, etc. Add one nour member for each addlUonal tan adulta, or fr act Ion thereol. The maxl-mum quota ol 40 n»w members appliea only io lodges with an adult membership ol 391 or aaore, Check the tabla below to lind the quota ol your lodge and then resolve that thia goal wlll be reached before tha campaign cloeea oa next November 30, 1944. • Start proepecilng early. Got the Jump on your lellow competltora, eepecially competltora oi other orgaateailoaa. TABLE OF OUOTAS Adult Ouots of Adult ' Ouola of Membership New Members Membership Nwr Members Kito 80 1 io 5 201 to 250 21 to 25 51 to 109 • to 10 251 to 300 2t to 30 101 to 150 U to iS 301 to 350 . 31 to 35 151 to 200 1« to 20 351 to 400 or ©ver 38 to 40 8imply because the Soclety haa deaignated a quota for your lodge doee not mean that it la limlted to thii number. Consider the quota aa tho minimum limit for the elght months campaign period. Remembar, also, that Juvenile iranafers lnaured for less than $1,000 cannot be credited against the quoia. We ara not forgetting that many lodgee and members obtainad wonderful reeulta in ihe V!ctory and Juvenile campaigna ol 1942 and 1943. tfe can utodersiand that lt urili be lncreaalngly dlfficult for them lo Attain their quoia of new members. Some, no doubt, will f sil to lmpreea. To thaee and ali other lodges and members, we say—DO YOUR BEST; NO MORE THAN THAT IS EX-PECTEDI GOOD LUCK TO ALLI NAME The nama ol the campaign U: SNPJ 40TH ANNIVERSARY MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN. SLOGAN The alogan oi ihe campaign lat STRENGTHEN UNITY, SECUR-ITY AND PURPOSE OF THE SNPJI LIMITATION Tha campaign will be conducted in both Departments of tho Socioty, beginning April 1 and eodlng November 30, 1944. PARTICIPATION Any member oi the Society may participaie in thia campaign. The name and eertilicate number of particlpanta skali accompany the memberehip applicationa, along with any other neceaaary Information, when forwarded to tha main office by the local lodge aecre£ary. OUOTA Each lodge ahail be aaelgnod a quota ol new members, thu graded proportionately according to the adult memberehip on December 31, 1943, uaing the ratio of one new member for every len until a maximum ol lorty la reached. COMPENSATION Regular and Speclal prisea shall be aurardod aa lnducemenis to atimulate activity and attain greater aucceaa ln ihe campaign. REGULAR PRIZES . * t * t.. ■ Regular prises shall be paid for aH new members according to the scale below, prpvided ai leaat aix monthly aaaeasmenis h-ve been paid. For each Juvenile member—Plan 1 or 2...................$1.00 For each Juvenile member—Plan 3 .............,............ 2.00 , For each adult insured for $250................................... 1.00 . For each aduli lnaured for $500..„................................ 2.00 For each adult lnaured for $1000 or more.................. 4.00 SPECIAL PRIZES In addition to the regular prisea, there shall be speclal prises for aU campaign particlpanta who enroll TEN (10) or more new members. Tha four top apecial prises shall be aa lollows: $125 for first plače. $100 for second, $75 for thlrd and $50 lor fourth plače. Ali other apecial prises shall bo arranged proportionaiely, and disirlb-uted among thoee particlpanta who attain or exceed the goal of ten new members. SPECIAL PRIZE FUND AU speclal prises shall bo paid from a lund created in the follow-ing mannert The aum oi 50 centa ahall be set aaide lor this pur-poee lor every new adult and Juvenile member. including trans-fers from ihe Juvenile Department who lnaure ihemselves for $1,000 or more. MEDICAL EXAMINATION FEES Medical examinatlon leee up to $2.00 ahall be paid by the Society lor new aduli members. No examinaiion ia roquired lor Juveniles unleea lneurabiMiy is doubilul or queetloned. In such cases. the Socieiy shall pay up io 50 cente for each Juvenile examlned. MISCELLANEOUS a) Each campaign pariicipani ahall receive eredlt for new mem bers enrolled In eny lodge oi the Soclety. Credit lor new mem bers is not tranalerable once recelved and llled at the main office. b) Any adult or Juvenile, veho la eligibla lor rainetaiement under ihe By-lawe ol the Socleiy. cannot be credited aa a new member ln thia camMlgn. c) AU applteationl lor new members shall be mailed io ihe main olllce not later than the 5th day after ihe olliclal cloalng date of tha campaign. The poeimark ahall determlne the date. d) Tha SNPJ 40th Anniversary Membership Campaign shall be conducted under the direcilon ol MICHAEL VRHOVNIK, as the Campaign Director, and VINCENT CAINKAR aa the Chairman. Slogan: Strengthen Unity, Security and Purpose of the SNPJ; Each Lodge Given a Quota; Campaign Closes November 30 By Julius Abram CHICAGO.—There are Just a few days left to send in your entries for the Pioneer Lodge Invitational Tournament to be held on Sunday, March 28, at Bennetts Bowl, 2845 W. Cer-mak Road. We already have one five man Uram composed of Joe Testin, Martin Bergles, Fred Imperl, Martin and Julius Abram. The following iadies have requested to bowl, in the order na med, Jewel Bergles, Jennie Abram, Agnes Heidenreich, Helen Young, Helen Reifler, Edith Pod-lesnik, Rose Roycht, and Joan Vo-patik. My reason for naming them in the above order is that, should we fail to have two full teams, the botvlers who submitted their entries first will hsve the preference of bowling. Believe this to be fair to Ol concerned as snnouncements about this tournament have ap-peared in two previous issues of the Prosveta. We stili need two more gals to complete two teams, so hur-ry, and give me a bucz at Humboldt 8829. Also please send your entry fee of 8140 to me st 2488 Diversey Ave., by the end of this week as same hss to be in the hsnds of the Pioneer Committee not lster thsn March 20. Whst's happened to our male section of the Lodge? Surely we can enter more than one team in this tournament. In the past we usually had two or more teams partlclpat-ing in these tournaments, so comc on, me buckos, let's hear from you. Wstch the Prosveta for time and schedules ss no doubt the Pioneers will prlnt one. Pfe. Al Reifler enjoyed s brief furlough with his wife and husky young son. Al has Just been relessed from 8 months of hospital confine-ment snd slthough he stili looks a bit peaked and pale around the giUs he is grsdually beginning to look like hs former self, and states he is now ready to muneh on some of those rsdlshes, particularly, it see ms, the klnd thst grow in Pennsylvania. Trsilors report that son Ray is re-cuperating nlcely from his recent in-cision snd believes he wil! be In tip-top shspe for our nnnivcrssry. Hur-ry up, Raymond. Ususlly thr old proverb "Haste mskes wsste" applies to everything in general, but in this instance (IN-TEQRITY ANNIV.) thafs not true, so HASTEN Just as tast as you can snd get thoee resrrvations in to M. Plelschhacker—your efforts vvill not go to Waate. Incidentally, desdllne for acceptlng reservstions, April 10. Understand thut Marine Corporal 4pdy Suaman, now stationed at Ch»rry Point, N. C , has been dicker-ing with his commanding off »cer to srrange for a furlough on or about April 22. What a coincidence. thafs rxsctly the day lategrUy is eelebrat-ing Its 18th Anniverssry preceded by s banquet. We wish you every success, Andy. with your C.O. and will be glad to have you at our affslr. Vas. we'U providr femala compsn-ionship for you, too, since there's such s scarcity of them in N. C. Experiences oi ihe pasi years iearb ua that no organiaatipn ol men can eurvlve without constantly adding to ita memberehip. II na new members ara addad io the organisatlon ranks. stagaatioa and decllne soon sat In and deeth becomee ineviiable. Thfa con-clusion appliea io the SNPJ Just aa it doee to any oiher argani-sstlon. x We have learned that one oi the best waya to lnaure grourih la memberehip te through inienalve. well-planned campaigna In which apecial lnducemenis are offered to encourage enrollment of pro-spectlve csndidates into the locsl lodgee. Such campaigna slso provida ample ressons io revleer and realfirm tha baaic prlnciplee of the Society, to reaeur pledgea of loyalty, emphaslse tha protec-t len benefits, and polni out and recommoad tha numeroua soclaL cul t ur al and educatioaal feaiurea avallable to members who have desire to make uao of them. Campaigna, as a general rule, ara slways good ilmes for ull around recoaatructioa and rej u vena i ion of both ihe body and špirit oi ihe Socleiy. iv (.vi «■ It haa long been the c ustom to set sside apecial perioda io eom-memorate ihe outstandlng anniveraarlee ol tha SNPJ aad to reap the many advantagea important occaaloae ol ihte klad preeeat. Thia year we have a very apecial blrthday to honor—the 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETV. Ii te berauae of ihte algnlflcaai blrthday that tha Supreme Board of ihe SNPJ gave unanimoua approval to the ihlrd urertime membership campaign, and designujed a period ol elght months for the drlve, beginning April 1 snd ending November 30, 1944. We face the comiag campaign, aa vre laced the cajnpalgns oi the paat, reallalag that the meaaure oi ita succeea depeada upon tha degree oi cooperatloa given by ihe vsrlous lodgee aad leadors. V^e expect aad hope for a fuU meaaure of cooperatloa. We believe that every true SNPJer, desplte tha w«r elouda thst overhang our homas. te stili latereated la promotiag aad coatrlbuting to the beei vrel fare and growth ol his lodge and the Society aa a urhola. We 9oafldeatly look forward io a aew era ol SNPJtem, blgger, atronger, more progreeslve aad courageoua than ever la ita htetory. Tha reaulte ol ihe 40th Annlversary Campaign wtll be a aiepplng-stoae towsrd thut goal. * ' STRENGTHEN UNITY. SECURITY AND PURPOSE OF THE SNPJ—tha! la the fitting slogan choaen for the campaign. The meeniag of the three worda. UNITY. SECURITY and PURPOSE. have lormed a goodly part of ihe foundailon of SNPJtem through aU Ita turo seore year« oi progrees. A greater grourih ln our membership wUl lead to the unity ol more members under Ihe fraternal baaner o! tbf SNPJi It uril! mrfan more aecurity lor the Society, the members Insured and their reepectlve famllleei aad li urUl eaable the SNPJ to reach lato a greater number ol homea. there to eallghlen our people ia the aeed of eoclal, economic and polUlcal democracy—and ln freethoughi, truth. Justice and froe-dom. Il can be atsted without fear of contradlcllon thut fraleraity te Ihe eaaeace of real democracy. The SNPJ la one of Ihouaanda of fraleraal organisationa ln America. We know thal to a certaln exlent Ihe preeant global war te being wagad on one side to ellml-nate democracy. and on the other lo preeerve lt. The recorda of Ihe Soclety show thst neurly 54)00 of our members have eatered Ihe armed iorces of the natlon lo flght for the preeervallon ol de-mocracy. a number of whom have mrde the supreme sacrlflce and many more hsve been urounded. The leaat ure can do te lo pre-! ser ve and bulld up what they are offarlng their Uvea for—4ha American way of Uie. whlch Includee ihe SNPJ. The beat way wa (SNPJI can do our pari lo keep the preeeni way of lile iatact ls to praeerve Ihe Soclety by holdlng on io Ihe preeeat membership and adding aa many naw members aa ure can. We have ihe plans and the euperlence. The rules for the new campaign snd certaln addltlonal laairurtlons »nd euplanatlona up pear elaewhere on thia peg«. AU vre now navd to uaeure success te your urholekearted cooperatton aad support. Every local lodge ls made up ol so many Indlvldual members. The aucceaa of eeck Is meaaured by Ihe number of members wbo become sctlve urorkors and booelers. The urhole ol SNPJ. on the olher hand. U msde up of ali ihe subordlnate lodges. aad the ex-teal ol Us succeea snd progreee te moasured by ihe number ef ac-tive and worklng lodges tn varloua aeetloaa of the couWy^ * Since the Uie and actlvtty ef Ihe SNPJ te largely depeadeal oa addUion of eew members. U te plaln to aee aad undoretaad Ihat U la to the bMt Inlereets ol aU of ua. as members sad owaers ol the Soclety. to tncreaae tho membership ta earh lodge aa much aa peeaible. urhenever the opportunlly praeenu itaelf. Tha groaler Ike numbsr ef membora aharlng Ihte prork snd reepoaaibUUy. Ihe brlghler are Ike poaaiblllttoe of allaUiUg the lodge quolae aad Ihe ultimate sucam of the campatgu. STRENGTHEN THE UNITT. S«CURITY AND PURPOSE Of THE SNPJ BY ENROLLING NEW MEMBKRSI LET THAT BE OUR COMMON GOAL FOR THE DURATION OF THE 40TH ANNIVLRSARY MEMBERSHIP CAMPA1GNI ONWARD TO A GREATER SNPJ EVERYWKERE IN AMERICAI VINCENT CAINKAR Campalga Chatrmaa. t MICHAEL VRHOVNIK, Campaign Dimtor. SNPJ Protection Best for Average Family Tha SNPJ ollerO §fx plans or certllteatee ol lii. and endowment protection to proapacilve candidates lor membership, three in tha Adult Department aad tha same number In the Juvanlla, each hlghly recommended and aultable lor membara o I the average workingman'B famlly. These are aa follours: ADULT DEPARTMENT ORDINARY (WHOLE) LIFE . . . Thia certUicate requiree the smalleet monihly paymenta during the llletime oi the member. The lace amount ol inaurance te payable at death. Thia plan oi protecilon te recommended eepeclally for individuala and famlliee with low incomea. TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE . . . Thte certUicate becomee fully pald-up lor Ita lace amount at ihe end ol 20 yeare and te payable upon the death ol tha member. Thte plan te recommended lor per-soaa who deelre to complete their paymeaia during their beet ln-come produdng yeara. TWENTY YEAR ENDOWMENT .. . Thte form o! ceriiflcale te recommeaded lor peraoas who deelre io comblne protecilon with savings by means ol aystematic monihly psymenls. The lace amouni te payable at the end of 20 yeare or at the prior death ol NON-FORFEITURE VALUES . . . Any one oi ihe three aduU cerilllcatea, a i ter being la lorce lor a period ol three years. haa a certaln value, whlch lacreeaes with ihe conilnuance ol assessmoni paymenta. Thte value ie kaown aa RESERVr, ?.ad te avaUable to members under Ihe following optična: A member may acquire loana lor paymen t ol aaaaaamcnta. or v. Uhdravr tha reeerve aa e CASH SURRENDER VALUE, or uae 11 to purchase a PAID-UP LIFE certUicate for a ae! aicour! ol Inaurance. payable to/Ihe benellclarlee upon tho de Ih of Ihe member. or may be used lo buy PAID-UP TERM EXTENDED INSURANCE lor the face amount under whlch tho member te lnaured for e etaied number ol yoare aad days belore tho certUlcale becomee void. OTHER INSURANCE BENEFITS . . . Ia addltioa to Lile and Endourmeni Inauranee Protection. SICK. DISABILITY. OPERA TION aad SPECIAL BENEFITS are avaUable to measbera laaured la the AduU DepartaMsn! oi Ihe Society. Raiae oa aU plana aad claeeee ol laauranc« ara fair aad roaeoaable. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT TERM TO AGE IS (PLAN I)... Thte te ihe choapeet protecilon lor Juveailee. Il lneavae up lo $500. reachlag the ultlasate or luU value at age 13. Tho coat te oaly 19c per moath lor chlldrra ad-mltted atagelO yeare ee .leea. 22c per thoee la Ihe agas of II to 14. iaelualve. aad 25c foe agea 15 aad IS. II you waat term protecttoa for your chUd. there to »o chaapar or better plaa than thte. ENDOWMENT AT AGE IS (PLAN 2)... Thk> plaa laeuree up te $1.000. reachlag tha ultimate value al age IS. aad provtdee lor a maalmum endovrmeat ol 9290. The Eadounaeat CertUicate te partleularly attracttvo hecauae U provtdee a fuad. both. lor the protecilon aad edueetloa ol Juvualle members. Oaly children uader the age ol 19 Tears aad 9 months aro admlltod lato ihte plaa. TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE (PLAN 3) . . . Thte certUicate la-sures oae up to 91.0SSL reachlag the ultimate value at age 15. aad bsooeass fully paid up a t tke and ol lwoaly yoaru. It te peyuhlo at tke death ol tho mmh«r. Its permaaeal form ol protectloa wltk Ceek, Leea. Pald-Up aad Eutoaded Term Iaauraace Valuoa. makea U extresaely deairable lor aU luveaUe prospacta. II oae waats llfettme peolectftoa for kis child. tacludiao full aoa-forloUure vsluea. I bat wiU be pald-up lor 914100 after tw.„ty yaars. thte eor I lUlcate te the oae lo cbooee. OFFICE HELP WANTED Notice te glvea hereby Ihat there te a vacaacy la Ihe SNPJ aupreme eecrelary'a office. Aay pereoa. pralerably a glrt vrho la a typtet aad te good at f Igu res may apply lor the poelMon. A knourladga oi shorthaad urould a leo be aa Basat. Ia other vrorda. a pereoa wlth a general buslaees ccuree aad urUllngaeea lor olllce woek te deelre d. Applkaaia vrha ara SNPJ aseasbars urUl receive Ural coaalderallon. Startlag sel-ary upon agreement. Because thte help te urgeaily aseded. uro esk Ikoae members who feel quallftod. aad urhe vrould be latareatod la vroekiag for their owa orgaaiaatloa to applf lauaediately. Your appll-caliaa. urhleh ahould stala your BIRTHDAY GIFT TO SNPJ ... You caa beet honor the 40th Annlversary ol th* Sociely by helping your lodge to attain Its quota ol aeur members. Any one oi the tbove slx plans of protecilon can safely be recommended lo your famUy or friends.. Do that todayl Young Americans ' DETROIT. M IC H — Attentkm. members of SNPJ lodg« 984. who sre malltna their duea by check to Ihe Secretary each month. Please make sure you are mailing ln the right amonut. ao that ln the future there wUl be no hard feeltng when vour Seeretary aprpoaches you and mys. "John. Joe or Mary, whoever lt mlght be. you stili owe me money toward vour duea for the last two months.N I know how you might take this news. because I at one time was -graphs the prints for the newa- paper eolumns. . . Two of the rooms were devoteo excluaively to art appreci.t.r^n .nd conUined cabinefla in whlch fk»wi^s or sta tur« w en arranged. and ny tuming dlfferent buttons on and off one could art the kfteo of what Mght. shadow. and other artistic device« add to the beauty of a palnt-ing or portralt The whole gmup of paintings wa» faartnatm« and perhao. some of thr drawin«s mav give some of our younger members ideaa aa to vvhat they shall draw ln their art classes. Our Circle chorus may take part in a program presented by the North Avenue School the last of Marfch if vve can obtain some better facilities for our practices. There vvill be some ijnportant business to diseuss at the next meeting concerning future affairs, so let's ali of us see to it that vve are present at the meeting (Srd Sunday). ■ This 'n' That: We were glad to see Freddie Klučik home aaain. He is looking fine and is as jolly as ever. I vvas glad to see Dorothy's article in the Mladinski List. Keep up the good vvork. Dorothy. Girard High is vvell upvvard on its goal to $75,000 and vvill soon be in a position to buy a pursuit plane. Buy bonds, buy stamps, bye, bye. IRENE ROVAN. C0MR1ADES ■NOTE BOOK Official Proceedings AU Contributo to tho Progresa of Perfect Circlo CHICAGO. ILL—Oftcntimes of late. our Circle has been congratu-lated upon its progress and many achievements. As these people have congratulated us, in some cases. vve could not help but note a tone of surprise in their voices. A tone vvhich might have said. "How could a group of boya and girla accom plish so much irt so little time!" Yet, those of us that are part of the Circle are not greatly surprtsed. Please do not mistake this aa boast-ing, I only make this statement be« cauee I feel justified in doing so. Our Circle is composed of a -fine group of younger and older boys and girls vvho do not shirk at a little extra vvork to "put over" an affair. From the youngest tot, to thoae that are ready to tranafdr to the adult lodges, each seema to have a sense of responsibility vvhich tells them that, no matter hovv tfrnall or large the task is, no matter hovv great or unimportant it may seem, it has to be done to accomplish vvhat vve can ali be proud of. I feel very proud that I am also a part of thls fine group. It is like an efficient, povverful motor that runs machineo. There ace large cogs and gears in the motor doing moat of the vvork, and there are the small ones, vvhich, vvithout them, the motor vvould be of no use. Each does its part, vvhether small or large, each does it to the best of its abil-ity. That is why I made the statement before. We are aH vvork ing together, aiming at one goal, and vve knovv that »hard vvork mlxed vvith good times and laughter vvill get us there. But there is also another element that has helped us greatly. I am referring to the parenta of the membera. Ročen t ly, there haa been a great deal of comment in ncvvspa-pers, magazines, and even the movies, about juvenile delinquen-cy. And vvhat is juvenile delin-quency? It is nothlng more than an cxceas amount of energy vvhich must find an oulet ln some form. In many cases, it has been used for deatruction and vandaliam. But in our Circle. vve have divertfd thls exceas energy Into channels vvhich uae it up ln healthful vvork and play. The parents seem to realize this. and therefore vve have won their support in aH our undertak-ings. As one parent remarked. "It's really a pity that there aren't more oraanizations like the SNPJ Juvenile Circles in the United States, to keep theae yo»ngsters vvho are run-ning vvild. off the streets. and turn-ing them into the useful clUzens of tomorrovv." Th«« final factor vvhich ha« done so rourh to put us aerosa (as the term goes), i« the escellent leader-fihip We are very fortunate in ha vina a manager that knows hovv to handle boys and girls. has a creatlve imagination, and, a spark-llng sense of humor. Mrs. Sanhe-mann is alvva^s ready to su«g»-«t somethina of interest for us to do. or create a new gam« or atunt just as the party Is bt ggining to get dull. She has greatly helped us to accomplish une of the things vve are ktriving for. originality^ln aH vve By J. r. ruoit CLEVELAND.—Frank "Popcve" Modic, A MM 3/C NAS, c/o A&R Div„ San Pcdro, Calif., vvrites: "I vvant to thank you very much for the $2 that I vvon. I didn't have time to vvrite sooner because I vvas studyinn up ta* my test. Last vveek I took the orte for* Aviation Mu-chinist, Mate 3rd Claas. Today 1 found out that I made out very good. I believe I'll be coming home about April 4 to the 18. I hope so. We had some bad raining vveather the past vveek. floods and also snow.. Yes. in California. My wife and myself are enjoyina oUrselvea. have seen movie stars. also their homea. Mr. John Skoff vvho vvas my buteher back home sent me about 5 pounds of klobase. Boy, vvere they good. Raise heck vvith Pauline Spik about not replying to my last letter. Tried to find Max Spik out here but no luek. Give my regards to tho members. So long." American Red Crosu Contributions are trickling in slowly for the Amer^an Rtni Cross War Fund Drive. Our list todate (March 11) is as follovvs: Heine and Violet Antoncic Ludvik Medvesek Mr. and Mri. J. Pravvdzik Mrs. Oblak Joe, Joan, Donald, Dani Fifolt. We feel sure that the next time vve tvrite the list vvill be greatly in-creased. It is expected that many of the members wlll coirie aeroas, Tueaday, March 11, or March 25. Dues Collection und Dance Night. It vvould be a svveil idea for the various lodgea at their meetings to contribute at leaat $1 for each of their boys in the service. Dance March 25 Our 18th Anniveraai v dance vvill be held the night of Dues Collection. Many of our membera and their friends unablo to be present at our past dancea are planning to be present the 25th. Pauline Spik has everything lined up for a svvell even ing. ' . _ Mcetinu—Afprfili 21 SNPJ EXECUT1VE COMMITTEE Meeri*0 of Feb. 2 Meeting vvas called to order at 1 p. m. Ali members of the execu-tive committee vvere present with the exception of asaistant secretary vvho waa out on business. • President Catnkar aubmitted a re-quest from the local Foundation for lnfantile Paraljrsls for u contribution; $25 vvas approvcd. Secretary Vider reported that ho succetxied in getting u nevv help for his office und rccommonded Elvira Skavich vvho will beain to vvork on Feb. 7; recoinmendation approvid, The Hlinoia Fraternal Congrcss holds its annual meeting Feb. 22; the aociety is tmtitled to tvvo rep-resentatives; president and secretury vvere delegatini to attend. Juvenile Director Vrhovnik sug-geated that additional copiea of the Mladinski 'List be printed each month, so that a bound copy of M. L. can be sent to each aetive Juvenile Circle. The rcquest vvas ap-proved and Munagel Godina In-structed to have additional copies printed and set aside for this speciul purpone. Juvenile Director further reud a lotter from Mike Kumer cxtending congratulutlons on the succetut of the last can>puign. Letter vvas filed. Manuaer of Publieations Godina reported he vvas recently informed that there vvill be 8% les« printing paper available this yeai- than last, therefore, vve shall be compolled to economize on paoer, in order to be able to print our publieations vvith out any Nerioua consequence. He also uddod thst the restriction on paper vvould be more severe thia year. He further reported that the Printera' Union granted an ad dithjpal inerease in wages to preaa-men retroactlve as of laat July, Repni t nccepted. The follovvlng operatlon benefita vvere approved for payment upon recommendutlon of the Supreme Medical Esaminer: lodge 215, Joaeph Vranicar, $50; lodgo 61 Angelu Kern, $25; lodge 98. Frank Hrudar, $25; lodge 114, Amcliu Polich, $25; lodge 138, Fredu Martincic, $10; lodge 169, Josephine Sokol, $25 lodge 226, Rfgina Pompe, lodge 54T, Murv Lcro, $15. The follovvlng up Once again vve our attention | piJoHtiona vvere upproved for speto the fact that our monthly meet-10iaal benefit: lodgo 104, Anna Oblak. Of Our Commanity Little Fort Lodgo WAUKEGAN, ILL.—Th« actlvlties of the Little Fort Lodge. No. 568, ing 4f*ill roll uioumi 'Jm^Miav. March 21. Let's cut out aome of the ulibis and arrange to be present. " t yj General* , Wm. Yeloushun, vvhoin the vvriter has been unable to k>cata the past fevv months Jtg^im^4 suspended. Anna Banich and Mary Dergane vvill be two new members added this month. along vvith the Prijatelj and Buchar juveniles.—Won-der it ihe Prosveta Intends to prlnt ln English the Slqvene reports presented at the Igst Supreme Board meeting so that those unable to read Slovene wlH be able to keep abrest vvith development«. Believe the English ^>hrts vvould be uppredstod by rthe Slovene reading membera. What say, Editor? (See page 5 In this lasue.—Ed.) —Congratulations to Fran Spik and Eddie Tomsic on the announcement of their recent engugement. The best of luck to both of them.—-A niče note from Mumle Felklovvicz on our recent War Bond success.*-, . ____. . Alon« wlth Helnu und Vlolefs I E!"!5!nL2f. check for the American Red C rosa a note expressins their feeling. vvhich struck s rosponsive chord, the official organ of Feb. 16 that ali ■ . . . JP aAiclea of controverslal nature be- SNPJ, are not many, posslbly be tweeh himself und membera shall [cause the attendance of the mem be suppressed. The oplnion in this Instance vvas that theae articles should be handed over to the preai-dent for his final decision. Further, the editor inqu»led if he il entltled to vacatlon before he leavei. Sioce the time ia limiud, the executive committee decided that he il entltled to tvvo fW«eki vacatlon pay after the terinination of hli services on March 1. Meeting udjourned ut 3:30 p. m. Meettng of Ffb. 25 A speciul ideeting of the exocu-tive committee wu* culled to order at 9:48 a. m. by President Cainkar. AH actlve members of the committee vvere present President cx||lalned why he called thia meeting al vvhich a temporary lucceiaor to the head editor ahajl be appointed to take reaponaibility ua aeting editor until sueh u time the nevv edittu- if elected for the uncapired terth according to the by-lawi. It vvaa moved and aeconded that the President fchndunce ln the nest official orr.an tnat the position for editor of the auclcty offieial publicu t iona ia vueunt and olectlona vvill Ih> held. The nmtlon vvua curried. After diaeuaaion of the queation vvho should be uppoinUnl ua uctlng editor, lt vvaa rocommrnded thut each of the uististant edttori ahould be given equal upportunity, that la, that each ahoulu have the reapon slbilitv for on« vveek untll a per-munent editor li el«ctod; "liovvever. •ince they espreaaed themielvei that lt vvould be better if one as liumca the res|K>naibiilty and that the one vvho haa b«en employed us aaaiatant editor the longeat period of time und who has been aeting aa tempoiHry editor in th« uhaence of head editor in th« past. tive onm-mitte« appointed Louii Beniger a aeting editor of the SNPJ publicu tiona. The committee further deeidrd bera ia not aa great aa in the pait. And yet, on Saturday, April 1, Little Fort vvill hold its firit card und bunco party of the yoar. Additional intertalnment vvill be pro-vldcd to make an excell«nt evening for aH. Ticketa ar« b«lng rapidly disUlb-^Hcd nnd th« cpmmltioe memSera are d«vlilng plani vvhich thry wlll cnrry out ln a iyitcmatlc drive to get in touch vvith most of the people of Wuukogun and North Chicago, The tlcket committee ronsisU of tho follovvlng memberi: Joaephlne Bese k, Edith Dobnlkar, Frances Belaki, Mri. Andrew Furlan, Doro-thy G a bro vae k, Angela Korenehan, Lorraine Miller. Mary Nagod«, Dor-othy Ogrln, Anna Rod«, Eva Simeic. and Chriatin« StriUr—ai fin« a com-mlttee aa Little Fort evor haa had. Co-op Store Th« annual m«eting of th« Wau-kegan and North Chicago Coopera-tlve Asooclatlon vvill be held on Sat-urday, March 18, at th« Sloven« Hali. Riporta of th« Auditor und of th« Bourd of Director« have been aent out to each ahareholder. The reports tlim y«ar, becuua« of their «xtremo importance to ull, werc printed l>oth ln the Sloven« and the Kngliah lan-guugei. The operating itut«ment und th« balance sh««ta r«v«al a banner y«ar, vvith patronage aalea totaling (Inas sales UM eosts) $211,528.47. The aavlnga thia year smount«d to 6.76% of aalea or $14,299.55, Thia haa beon brought about in many waya, wltk a«lf aervice arran|«m«nl in tn« ator« playlng s large part. The Board of Dlrectora hav« pr«-st nted a number of propouli und h eommendationi whlch will be dla-eueied bv tho m«mb«rahlp. Theio sr«; "Should w« go on a caah ba. ■li?"5 "Shall wo hir«, jolntly wlth Co-operativ« Trading Company, a full«time educational director"; thui »Ince the editorlul depurtment i' What plani ahall w« proporc and vvill be short for, on« mun, tlu>Jhow p|1(lli we fuirill them, in regard oditor« should work overtlm« until |0^uildlng a n«w ator« at out bruneh the pr«a«nt altuution «xiita. Applicationi for a«aeannent loan« und ipeclal benefit vvere approved (detuili in Sloveno minutea). Vincetit Cainknr, Supreme Proi. F. A. Vider, »up'r«m« Sec y. $35; lodge 589, Anthony Sireu, $25 A complaint from Frank Petrich, rfteniber of lodge 743, vvho u««erta that th« editor ha« iuppre««ed 4 of hir article«. President read 3 of hia letters in vvhich h« requeited that tvvo articles be publishod. After considerabl« diseussion the committee did not upprove the action of th« editor. It vvas unanimous|y decided Uiut the tvvo articles be publishod. Meeting udjourned at 4:30 p. m. Meeting of Feb. 16 M - eting vvas culled to order at 1 p. m. Ali memberi of the committee vvere preaent. Minutea of th« ia«t tvvo meetings vvere approved as read. President Cainkar atated that minute« of the aupreme board meet ing wlll b« read at a meeting on Friday evening, Feb. 18, and he urged ali memberi of the executiv< commitU*e to I* preaent. In con-nectlon vvith publication of the minutea. It w«s decided that u aup ■4 pugei ahall be uddnJ to the officiul organ aa «oon as tli* minutea are ready for publication. wnicn strucK a re«pona,ve cnoro,-, ^Zi^t ^'^"th^tl^n^ Pauline Ros«' ..tkla« on tx.wllng T the Lf U a^ r^n t" aetlvities muke interestin. reud- of .h^ off ^ogan K- actlvlties mak« InU-reatlng read ing; ke«p it up Pauline. Some of the seore« the ga Is ure hitting ur« right in tju> groovt. Mri. Tratnik, hard vvorklng secrctary of tlu* Cleveland Fedi rutlon, making U«n-tatlve plani to vlilt her daughUr taken 111 vi«ltlng her hubby in the »ervlce out Tcx«s wuy,—Ann Er»U-aH «et agaln, her hdspitalizatlnn of short durutlon.—Helen Bonac down vvith a eold recently on her feet agaln. % i ' SNPJ Juvenile Slngino Chorus Frlday, March 17, at 6 p. m., on the stage of the uuditorium, the juvenile singing fltoru« will »» semhle for a gr«»up pieture. If suf-ficient number of order« reeeived, do. Her excellent leaderslilp sp<»uk» ( pK-turea will r<»»t $1. Parents ahould see to it that the kid« ar« on time, alao iristruct them vvhether or not they wlll purehusi one of the prinU, giving them tlie $1. Kvery membei should do aH in hi« or bar power to be on time that night. !n-cid< nUlly th« group t« progreaamg very nlcely and their coneert in May should be a pl« uaant »urprlse to those in atU*ndanoe. for itself. Tliere are also other* who huve helped u«. Parenta of nu-mlK-rs. und outaiders. have con-tributed suggestions for betterlng our Circle which vve are alvvuv« glud to acept and put to use If they are practltal. There you have It, Cooperatlon. aupport. and fine leader«hip have rreated what we have today, Y««. It Is true that vve na mod uur«elve« the Perfect Circle. But, vve did not do It to £>how coneett or vanity, nor did we go under th* aa«umptlon that wf eonsider ouiselve« vvithout. iaulta We named imr««lve« the' "Preieron" Singera PJanning Dane« I'1T/ SBt 'H(Hf/';l*A 4t i« daiu* Prrfect Circle. boeause that js Jhol^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ |( ,n,.n(Jf Ve«, an Easter Mond«v dance to oe vre are tryb»g to aehleve We hav. tb< found a t ion. cooperatio«, suppori leadershlp We will now let fine oui artiona speak for themoetves. KI) W A HI) UDOVICH Pre« wee sent to tbe Red Croee. Th« vole ent MM 100*. Planinski Ra, Lodge »• having ^ Swiaa Hali. Aranel andI Iowa Tbey wf!l al*> cnmn Mu- Ptan^i Ra on the lom« dota The »mrita wlll be there »00*. _ Rrmrmbct thr «H-important date -M*'U 26 Keil Aoditorium. Il is not wealth. nor anoe«try, but bonursble eooduef.aod a rw»ble dia-počit Ujo that moke men great Read Supreme Board Meeting Minute« Beginning on Page 5 held at the Slovene Hali, wlll have no other but the popular Muiiy Kuk on the musk platform. If aH our bo«om paU rememlFr correctly, our Januarr t dane« waa a boge auerraa vadth *vetryhridy poa in ataendanee ' 9mne aay -■crlption to tlie Prosveta foi one year (cme copy) whlrh/ta read by aeveral menihe rs vvho are In the Counly Ifooie at Uirard« Requeat waa granted A aimilai r eque«t wae roe« ived from lodfe 2 for renewal of «ub-•crtptlon for John Llvek. One ye«r'i »uburription waa approved. Juvenile Direetor Vrhovnik suh mHted a reoueat from the Engl Soeaklng Federatlon of Wester Pa. for a contribution of M0 toward th* ir bovvling tournament h*Id In Januuiy. R»queat was approve«! Fraternalites stale qu«rtera"i and "How shull wo dlstribute ihe aaving« for the y«ar.M Each of Ih« above point« haa b«civ care full v thought out and exp!«lmn! In full, ao that ev«ry member wll1 be able to partlclpate In th« dlacui-Mihih. A m w proposal, tho 'T-itrun,-. Equlty Reaerve Revolvlng Fund," haa b««n .vvritten up in ilmpl« lan-guuge by our Auditor and hai been tramlatud ln Sloven«. Wo «r« con-rident that there ihould be complet« ' undt ratumling of «11 th« many problemi facing ua, and that th« (topotala of th« Boani of Director« vvill be taken serioualv and dliouiied thoroughly and that the decision« of the mamberahlp vvill bo for th« benefit of our eo-operativ« and of our community. ~ W« quote Vloe-Presldent Honry A. VVulIlce, vvho apok« un Feb 14 b«- • NKWAHK, N. J.—H«llo, folkst "Long time no see,N So much hu« h«ppen«d alnoe the laat time w« w«r« iTpr«ient*d'Ih Ut« Proaveta Firal of aH w« wanl to vvelcom« our nevv oflieers of th« y«ar, Th«y ar«: Pr«sid«nt, Mik« Biijak; Vice-Pnsidi.nl, — > m'} Hecre* tury, Justine Kavi«. Hecording Seo-rrtary, l^eo Mirjak, Treaaurer, Andy Sprogar, AH of fur thanks to Ui« offic«rs vvho serv«d laat ycar. You did a !^or« th« annual 'meeting of th« Mld good job und w« appreelata it. fland Coop«rallve Who|esal«, In Mln- Our congratulations to Sister Jui- jncapolls, Minnesota: "We muit havo tln« Kavie vvho beraine the brlde of ~ —' " 4 Sergcunt Frank Petardi juat recent-ly. After tholr honeymoon, Sgt. Frunk wcnt baok to So. Carollnu, but Sister Juatla« vvill alay with us, Wo r«ally need you, Sister, to help us c«rry on. To Stati r Josephln« Kultne« ! ur und UnHher^FrancIs Williumi, our 1 ongiutulatlons also. Th«y W$ltl mun led on Feb. 3t. wh«n S*i g«ant Wtlllums cum« iiooie on furlough. Nmler Ann Kuvu w«» hotne re-centiy wlth Her soldier husbuntl, Ne k t tlm«, Sistar Ann, stop uround und se« your fellow lodge memlMtri. a united effort by government, by business, snd by eooporstivoi, «acn occupylng lh« fl«ld In Wlilch it is rpo«t efficient, to use «11 our r«-soureri, «11 our ing«nuity und aH our touruge for th« common good. II will bo eusv to have a much higher itundurd of living than ev«r: before If vve puli tog«th«r. I um aur« this group w!ll do ita purt.H C redit Union Another year of aervice to th« pcopl« of our cominunlty haa just been cotrpktad by Ihe North Chicago Cooperativ« Ciedit Union Or-gsnlsrd in 1938, th« Cr«dlt Union IČorporal J flernlo Poeter I« »tlllhas slowly but aur«ly laken hold, stationed In Gi-oigla at Hunter Fl«ld. haa continued to aupply uid lo Ita nurnbtn In time of need, und has 'proinoted thiifi among Ita m«itih«ri. I Complet«Iy democratlc aa any or-Iganiistion licllevlng In th« "Roeh dala" prinelple«, ihe Crodit Union 1 haa louned lo ita ih«mb«ra st a amull llrother l.urry l)ettyaa 1« novv Hoc> ond Clusa Pettv pffleer, K«ep |t up, Lurry, Ihal 1 good work, Sister and Broihur P«trl'r'i ion Frank I« novv a Corporal^We aaw him juit reeenlly and the urmy eer-, iuinly Ugiees wllh hlm. ll#oih^r rate of lnt«r««t more th«n $10,000.00 Joe Kaltneckar, our former supplier during Ita shod period of sjtrvloe of music, vvus home r«c«ntly on a,Ihe Crodit Union haa particlpatad furlough. Brother Joe 1« stationed at u gtlder fleld in l^iuUiana. If «ny member naa uny newi ubout any other mrmbofs in the rerviee, please con t a rt one of the offut rs a« «11 of ua lik« lo keep In touch with our fellow members, Remember lh« rn«<^lng—n«xl Sun-d«y, folka. Plr»«^ frv to be present. J EN NE K POETER, 756 SNPJ Bowling League CLEVELAND, O Marta Stafentc of C«mirades No. 2 was tha hotleaf gul bowllng Friday nlta, rolling gume« of 191-156 157 for a nlee 506 •ertea, whlrh »nuhled her team lo take three games from Kon««* ^vu j. P. Spik « /m we» high tbe Umeri De«pHe that, F P«ru«ek and T JrrK rolled series of 460 and 466 Tlielf team Str ugglers No. 1 lost tvvo iO.mn to Comrade« Nd. 3 Nellie Shme waa high for the Comrade« witJi 446. K«nny Svetina of Utopians again piovtd that «h« ean do It by rolling a 471 arriaa, to btlng home two Vle EdtUK .MKHted that he has d ta-j ^ ""J* ^^TŽgJT!! (W,tmued puhheatlon of .11 arllrlr. l^nder wm high w«h 442 trn whk*h w«re ountl ovorotol In regard ' Ho 1 to th« pn^nl »iiumiUm ond ».e »'d bv T Clemenla 4$3 ^rier won aafced the t ivimittae lo suaUln hia from itibm Stef -nlr, lik« her alster Marta. AltanUon was ealtad to the edlt/»r high for her taam wlth 401. that he must heve mtrrpt.tad tlie1 Tridef ta>wllng dldn l mak« aoy n aotutlon adoptad hy the auprem«- rh:mges lo the l««gue »tundtng lioard wrongly, »ince he" staled ln r. IOH, Metff. 'X' »n.| In the U S Ih^nd drive«, not only in pur«h«iing them but «Uo ln s«lling tlu m to ita in«mlier«. Officers for lh« y««t J«44 ar«: A Kuhal. Preaident; Edw. Konchan, Setrelaiy; A. J». Treasurer; Mr«. T. Ti oh«, Mis A Lukunsi«. and Mr. Frank Hrene« (Me«t-cutt«r) are rm mbet« of tli« Credlt Committae; M Ogrln. A Moaek, and J. Me«ee •re aervlng on the Supervl«ory Committee " Addendum Hav« you notice«! the laig* raek flHed wlth literatur« on Cooperativm and «Hied ^objeeta In th« Muin IHore* . , . 1411 le Fort numbei« are a«k«d to attend tonlghi'« meeting. nv / „,,., p Kavi you notieed Ihe m«ny »r- r- MektoTiHelas on tbe coo^ratlv« mov«m«nt waa uign 10» p| |nU<1 (h !h#1 prnsveffe? Read thi it, ... Stili no action bv the Juvenile fjuidance lV/uid of W«ukegan snd North Chicago! W« urge Mr Vrhovni« 10 writa to our loeal board snd give It eneourag«fr«nt and aoslst-ono«; hu-sl Utdje Sect«tur les sre Niso 1« ouestion their repr«- sentatives dh the Board , . . the end ANTON KERZIC JR 506 Little Fort Lodge WAUKEGAN. 114- Th« re vvill br s Little Fort Lodgr 56« mer ting lh|« Thutetay. March I«, at T 30 p m «1 tha Sloven« National llomo The offieer« and I hope to aoe a frw new memben attend t h is Ing as w« w(H need you. IX>ROTHY OORIN Minute« of Meeting of Supreme Board (Continued from page S) Transfer o^certificate re-aerve from Juv. Dept Death claims __________ Transfer of 8SPZ Death Claims to SNPJ Minor Fund ................................ Cash withdrawaj claiip* Transfer to Eapense Fund Credit on SSPZ certifi cates ------------------.... Unpaid death claims of December II, 1941....... Canceled death claims .. Balance of December 11, lMj.......................... 31 50 150,236.88 12.047.16 971.35 12,294.27 2,211.81 83.63442 690.09 9,066,712.31 $9,326,801.49 |9,328,801.49 Balance 1943 ... Dlaability Fund of July 1, .................$ JnU-re»t Disabilities and tions .............-...........- Balance, Dec, 31, 1943 Op«ra- 182,342.67 41,947.99 2,103 99 36,290.00 188.104.65 6 226,394.66 6 226,394.66 Slak Benefit Fund 81 Clasi Balance as of July 1, 1943 ......................-f.......6 371.469.11 Assessment—regular ...... 124,565.65 Assetsment—specisl ........ 423.00 Intarest .............. 4,286.73 Sick Benefit ...................... Balance. Dec 31, 1943.... Supreme 4e Dlat Vlee-Pres. salarias------------------- Sal ary of Supreme Med. Examiner __________________ Salarieg of employees.......... Exp. of investigatinf invest- menta in default.................. Mad. Exam. of members on sick list _____________________ Exp. of Sup. officers on offi- cial business................ Expenses with FHA mort- fsges ..-----------------—......... Exchange —.......................... State Auditors' fees_____________ Insurance Department fees. Rent of Secretary's office..... Rent of Safety deposit boxes Stationery & office supplies Rent & misc. exp. of tabu- lating machines .................. Campaign expenses .............. Dona tions to Juv. Circles .... Wall calendars ....................... Advertisements ..... Postage and express.............. Telephone 8t telegram« ........ Lodge supplies ........................ Mladinski List ....................... Espense, Supreme Board meeting .............................. Accountanfs fees .................. Social Security tax................ Unemployment insursnce .... Dues to National Fraternal Congress.............*........-...... Surety bonds—Supreme and Lodge Officers .................... Miscellaneous donations ...... Athletics.................................... Income tax in Canada............ Death daim ............................ Balance Dec. 31, 1943.......... 380.00 600.00 8,71023 643.75 19.00 152.26 1.275.91 286.84 2,392.60 6.00 -1,650.00 36.00 1,913.69 1,788.39 7,960.58 810.00 1.348.92 795.00 1,540.27 301.29 64.48 4,000.26 1,669.34 1,040.00 177.74 98.97 Exchange feea ............. ...... Expense with FHA mort- I Default bonds written off I Balance December 31, 1943 23.00 14.57 10,913.76 682,043.07 8714,431.50 $714,431.50 STATUS OF ASSETS [FHA mortgages . Resi estate—first mortgage............ Real estate—second mortgage................. U.S. bonds U.S. bonds H.O.L.C.,................................... U.S. Savings Certificates ........... U.S. War Bonds—Series "G"...............V... | State bonds . Municipal bonds Public utility bonds ......'.......................... fCash on hand...... ChecJdng aeeounti % Bank of Montreal, Chicago, 111............, Bank of Montreal. Toronto, Canada. .. | Deposit at Roae land State Bank—re- ceivership ............ [Savings and Loan Association deposit«.. TOTAL ASSETS December 31, 1943 Assets June 30, 1943.............................. 8 8,739.12 11.764.28 600.00 . 303,561.78 . 44,051.57 . 16,700.00 . 45,035.94 18,468.75 134,261.01 r 31,437.50 139.17 21,800.90 1,432.09 • 56.46 44,000.00 • $682,043.07 . 677,005.16 INCREASE ............................................8 5,037.91 272.00 285.23 387.50 25.00 93.75 1,000 00 72,844.57 98,763.20 401,971.19 6125,643.48 6125,643.48 8 600,734.39 f 500,734.39 STATUS OF FUMDS 82 Class Balance as of July 1. 1943 .................................6 76,422.38 Assessment—regular ............73,569 60 Assessment—special ................524.00 Intfrest ..................«........- •77.62 Sick Benefit ...................... Balance, Dec, 31, 1943.... 64,602.50 86,791.10 RES sa VE i Mortuarjr fund .. Dlsability (und | Sick ben. fund: 91 claas ........... IS cUM ...........„.,/. p Ol*SS „...........„, I Special benefit fund ... Bulldlng (und ................ Con ven tion fund ......... Expense fund .............. ialr 1. IMS Pas. 91,1949 9S,870,439 91 | 9,086.719.31 1106,989 JO . I99.H9.67 199,104.90 9,791 JS 371.499.11 79,49939 11.101 M 199,919.14 99JS9.1I 99 99 99J49 99 401,971.10 99.791.10 19,191 ai 141,904JO 91,940.93 79J44J7 30.009.09 10,498.79 1,419.49 19498.79 331.89* 9.779 J3 0,804.08 Total reaarve .. M.791,460 79 110,030,198.60 9*79,809.98 6 151,393.60 6 151,393.60 83 Class 9 Balance as of Ju!y 1, 1943 ...........................6 11.701.56 Aaskssment—regular ...... 9,825.96 Assessment—speai81 1900 Interesi ....................................186.02 Sick Benefit —:......... Balance, Dec. 31, 1943 8,559.53 11,121.0! 6 21,680.64 8 21,680.64 LIASILITIESi • Unpald death claims .. 0S.9O9 78 83,034 89 91.998 87 Minor«' Benefit fund MPZ _________________________ I9J31 00 .00 19.99100* Prosveta ...................... 00 8,370.08 8,970.08 Trust fund Itn Inune members (SSPZ) ...... 087 S4 099.91 14.73* Social saeuiity tax 908 74 199 94 40.40* Incoma ta* ..................... 380 89 384 19 99.99* 099.79' Reserve for R Estate tax I -00 889 79 Mlnors ben fund SNPJ 00 4070 40.70 Truat fund, war bonds h 388 .49 298.80 109.89* geaarva for Insurance 08 9S4 9.94 Asaaaamant paid In ad- vsnee „,..,........... ...... 39187 00 391 -97* Special Benefit Fund Balance July 1, 1948.......6 131.97814 6 jWMNBSMSt< ............................|I,»(J«.8| . Loan repaid 524 28 UfcMlss ............ i »0.89 Interrat ......«,...........1.451.42 Special Benefit •*e#*efe ******** Balance Dea. 31. 1843 .... 6,309.7? 141.804.89 8 150.114.66 6 1SO.114.0S Building Fund Balance July 1, 1941 ......6 61.36215 8 Rentals, office« snd halls illl^til »m i mhi»m i m i »—asa»a Jsnitora Wsges ........... Fuel and Light---------------- Repalrs snu ml9c............. Fpti and wster ta s.......... Deprectatlon of bulldlng Balance Dec 31. 1943 ... 3.938.86 730 08 1,512.00 800.60 1,296.98 1895 1,351.02 61,940.53 8 66,921 08 6 66,921.08 Ceaveattea Fund Balance July 1, 1943 . A »»cm men t .......„ Balance Dec 31, 1943 96 83 8 5,773.52 5.669 35 5.869 35 3 5,860 35 Eapanaa Fund Balance July I, 1043 1 62,949.99 Aaseasment 39,618 65 Tranafer from mortuary fund 13,284.27 Transfar from Juv. Dept. 9,678 11 lnterest 708 81 Hale of lodge supplies ... 173 65 Earcutlve Officera' aalarle« Finance Committee sularie« A vam ms rxpenae Salarlra & various rxp of Jud Com m Halariea A varloua rxp of .Huper Com m 8 728 50 1,101 Ml 4Ht n 872 30 Total liabllltlas f 79.990J7 I 91,498 04 | 13.07607 | TOTAL RESERVB AND ' l.IABILITIES 9U.S43.031 99 110,190,61414 $398.084 03 r: TI: STATUS OT ASSETS Land and building—home office........6 54,175.27 Resi Estate acquired................................................25,440.37 FHA mortgages ............................................................................418,818.22 Resi Estate—first mortgages....................272,908.15 Loans on membership cprtlfloates.... 85,038.45 U. S. A. bonds................................................................4,527,947.18 U.S. bonds, IkO.L.C........I/.............'.... 294,898.75 U.S. War bonda -Stsries "O"................345,000.00 Dominion of Csnsda bonds.......................61,087.50 State bonds ............................................................364,422.62 Municipal bonds ........................................................................2,827,48613 Rsilroad bonds .........................................................14,487.50 Public atllity bonds—not defsulted..........192,968.75 Public utillty bonds—defsulted............28,350.00 Industrial bond« ..............................................59,651.47 Mstured bond« receivabls........................................4,620.00 Certificatei of indebtedness..............................812.50 Stocks .............................._..........................................9,750.00 Cash on hand...................................................3,752.44 Checklag sccounti Harrls Trust 8t Savings Bank....................191,595.60 Continentsl III. Nat'l Bank k Truat * Compsny ......................................60,964.94 Bsnk of Montraal, Toronto, Canadu 6,400,72. Spec. deposit in St. Clair Savings A & Loan A«s'n, Cleveland .....................a 5,000.00 Deposits in Savings antf Loan Asso- clstions ...........................................................280,000.00 Lodge supplies salea receivabls................55.08 TOTAL ............................................. 810,130,616.54 JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Dla* Receipta bursementa Ualanee July 1, 1943......... 8677,005 16 8 Assessment . _____________ 14,951.09 * Net income from Investments 12,475 25 Death claims Psid to members trans* ferred to Adult Dep't...... Matured certiflcates ........... Tranafer to eapenae fund of Adult Department ........ Mcdtcal eaitminaUon new m^mtbers . 3,01000 8,175 00 321 80 9.878.11 In April this year it will be forty ycars since our Society was organized. It Is our lortieth an-niversary year, therefor«, and while we cannot expect to observe it in the customsry manner because of present conditions, we should neverthe-less feature the occaslon as mudi as possible. If nothing more, and as already decided by tha ex-ecutive committee, the first official issu^ of Prosveta in April will be a special anniversary issue with supplement. And at this meeting, we will announce a Jubilee membership campaign. It will be the duty of ali of us to devOte our time snd energy to this campaign so that lt will show results worthy of the important occaslon. We are unusually bu#y in the office, and must resort to overtime hours in order to do the regular work and the special state reports which come at this time of tke year. We loat another employe at the beginning of the year, Bro. Frank Sodnik, who was called to service, and who was ln charge of very Important work. He opera ted the machlne which tabulates monthly reports and other sUtlstlcs, and had been especially trained for the Job. t , i, There are no complaints from lodge officials or individuals about buslness transactions. Of course, occasionally someone wlll complain that there has been a delay, but we are not responsible for the fact that we cannot always be as prompt as forfan-erly. I want to make clear that our business does not belong in the cstegory of war Industries, and our orders for various supplies are filled only after essential Industries have been supplied. For instance. before the war ^e were able to obtain monthly report forma.. iq .60 days. Now it Ukes 8 months, and this Is true also for numerou« other items, while some things are no longer obtainable. However, no one has really had reason to complain to far, for if we want to be honest we must realize that we have fslt th? war very little in this country until now. j We should be prepared for much worse as tha wsr continue« There has been oxcellent cooperation betvveen the lodges and membersj snd the supreme office, and l want to express.«ny wsrmest gratitude to them, as wcll as to the qfflee,personoel. I trust that my brother and sister supreme officers wlll forgive me If I shall take up a question whlch does not directly concern my office, and that is, our official organ for which we are really ali responsible, ln the final analysis. The too one-sided atand .of IU aditor in the existing polemic can be just as harmful to the intereats of the membership as it could be J>eneficial lf used wisely and with forethought., Our official. publlcaUons are so Important to the organization that if we have any regard for its welfare, we cannot be indlfferent to the stand of the editor in the recent polemic«. The editor should be more objeetive in his edi-torials againat those who diseuss present world happenings in the 8ociety's publlcatlons, and he should not give the impression that the Society's stand is reflected ln hia opinion. If the editor wishes to argue with the writers, he can do so as s member, but editorlals should be written objcctively snd informstlvely so as not to excite the membership and harm the Society's interests. I must mention that my office has received com-plaints against the editor's policy, particularly as regards event« ln our homeland, and I must state that I am fearful of the oonaequences lf this dis-pute is not settled at this meeting. The I2th regular convention, ln the Resolution on SNPJ Publlcatlons, ga v« the supreme board the right to de-termine which polemic« are harmful to Prosveta and the 8NPJ, and therefere not permlpaible. Our business was examined by certified public accountant« and our auditing committee. which wlll submlt its report. If anv other Information i is desired than ls given tn this report, I will be ' glsd to snswer questions. F. A. VIDER. During this short time I have been working on jobs as aasigned to me. There being a shortage of office help at present, I have been usually aasigned to help at the most urgent work. Part of my work has been on changes of names and addresses ln the Ros ter of Lodges and Officers, in which there are many alterations this year, result-ing most likely from the conditions prevailing at this flme. Being asked to attend a school for a few days to «tudy the operating of Alphabetical Account-ing Machlne, I acepted the prpposition ambitious-ly and found the instructlon interesting as well as educational. The course, ^hich (he firm render« from time to time free of charge, la available only to those recommended by an organization where jn% of the machines is in operation. The machlne k s highly compllcated, but surprlsingly adjustable to do nearly sny kind of work in the field of ac-countancy. To attain the knowledge of operating it, one must continue actually practicing in this kind of work. The firm has promised me admit-tance to some evening class in the near future to further my study if necessary. In conclusion, I wish that this session may be uccessful in aH its undertakings, and that this body may be strengthened in harmony, so that ali its decisions shall bring the best results for the membership at this critical time. ANTON TROJAR. and two other propertias ere in the pi0CM. sale. Our toUl FHA and first mortgagt s ^ by $89,70«.26 in this period; 338,341.29 ot Z*"* wtu transferred to account "real estate Ume payment pUn," 819,737.02 is mortg.i« , full. and 831,717.95 is partial parmeni? Wld 1.393.41 in »ua, *na aoi,iii.vi> is parnai paymtnts Net prof it on investments in 1943 wa.s $327 as shown in the following report: Adult Dapt. Juv. Dept Bal. lnoome from raal ••tale .........................J 1,08937 9 Operating loas on SN- —989.18 993^79 ai 19,616.01 PJ Bldg. lnterest on bon^r....... lnterest on morteagas ■nd FHA loans........ 31.011.98 Svidends on stocks 8,088JO terest on aavlnas »cct. ............................ tujo lnterest on certiflcste loans ........................... 3J91M lnterest from raal estate so Id ...........................97.60 TOTAL Totil img 1.161.13 880.00 -UMI vi 32.17J.U B,71|J| 3.387* J 306,066J6 | 90,437.04 | Mean 1949 Pereentaae lngs ______ Lodaaa AaaeU, of Bara NJS6J4S.79 9678.800 45 »07% 301% Report oi Supreme Treaeurer We have met again to hear report9 of the So-iety'9 business in 1943, to consider various important matters which require our attention, and to „u«i.„, ^ Ur. ^^^zr^L^Ti 110.665,848* 306% As I have stated at previous meetings, the avor age eammgs on our investments are slovvlv fa, * mg. However, this is unavoidable ln an organih tion like ou« under prevailing conditions i , particularly important in these critical time t„ concentrate on security rather than high earnfnn This has been the watchword of the finance Z" mittea, and is strictly adhered to. The foregoing comprises the most important part of my report. What follow. is in .the natl?e Balance June 30, 1943...... Deposits ln 6 mo............... JIM— 3 136,484.50 .. 1,150,026.78 8 30,617.92 190,425.29 Disbursements ................. 1,365,417.70 .. 1,173,822.10 231,569.15 170,614.21 Book bal. Dec. 31............ Outstanding checks.......... . 101,505.60 32,504.05 60,954.94 ' 22,364.58 Bank balance .................... » 8 224,180.65 8 83,339.52 management, patriotism and brothen)y tolerance in ali matters which bind our Society with a sue-cessful war affort for final victory of the united nations and lasting peace for aH liberty loving na-tions of the world. The duties of my office have been very difficult during the past six months, considerably heavier and unusually important especially as regards the Society's investments in which there were many transactions, changes and additipns. In addition to the prompt exacution of routine duties, it was nece«sary to cope wlth financial problems, and to carry out declslons of the finance committee. The latter were numerous and important. A review pf the Society's investments wlll certify to the many changes which conform to tha principles of improved management and the greater security of the assets of the SNPJ membership. The following is a report of checking account of Insurance department; Harf is Trust Continental v k Savings 111. Natl Bank of Montraal Chicago Toronto —Total— Balance June 30, ................~....6 2,931,69 84,760.93 6 264,227.40 Deposits in 6 mo... 66,324,92 4,840.54 1,400,617.53 Disbursements 58,256.61 36,466.71 9,601.47 1,768.66 1,664,844.93 1,382,660.68 Book bal. Dec. 31.. 21,1100.90 Outstanding 7,832.81 282,184.25 checks 11,643.61 322.24 66,944.48 52 50 Report of Aššittant Secretary Due to the fact that there had been a consider-able delav in obtaining a responsible person to take over my previous job, I began to work at this position onlv in January; therefore. my report ls brief. Bank balance ........833,444.51 88,155.05 8 349,129.73 Assets of Insurance department, not including minor beneficiarles' fund which ls not in the *treas-urer's accounts, show a gain of 8293,622.83 in 6 months, and a gain of 8434,352.83 for the year. Total assets as of Dec. 31 are 810,612,659.61. Over 50%. of adult assets and almost two-thlrds of juvenile assets are invested in government securities. Balance of assets is In state, county, township, and municipal bonds, in railroad, industrial and public utility bonds, in real estate and certificate loans, stocks, and cash in banks and other financial insti-tutions. The auditing committee usually presents ~ detailed report. Matured bonds and stocks paid, recalled, sold snd liquidated in this period were 8474,135.58. New investmenU wert in amount of 8850,000, ali ln war bonds. During last year the SNPJ bought 31,173,000 U.& war bonds and 85000 Canadian. We had 81.692,000 war bonds at the close of the year, and have purchased an additlonal 8800,000 during the current war loan drive. The SNPJ has today nesrly two million dollars loaned to the American government for its struggle against fas-clsm, and this is s record we can ali be proud of. We suffereda loas of 678,079.34 in bond transactions in thisT^triod. This was unavoidable. We were forced iaJdispose of 8134,115 face value bonds and stocks whlch were considered illegal by the Illinois Insurance department. We had. ln addition, 22 issues of various bonds. stocks and other psper of doubtful value which had been previous-ly written off our books. These were also sold for S2rt.902.63, which lowers the above mentioned los« to 851.166.71. The former SSPZ office building has been sold. t e 1 ,a"? ^^ responsible to th SNPJ for this work, because the SNPJ and SANS are dosely related in their mutual endeavors The Slovenian American National Council « •uccessfully carrjring out the work assigned to S ,n th6!1}11 ^Conjf1reM' ^ ili* a facto m the United Committee of South Slavic Ameri cana. Reports published in Prosveta and othsr papers testify to the important role which the f^ in,divklual meolbe» ot the Slov n National Benefit Society pUy in the SANS mov"- T?i'xrStftiaU reeds of the affair wtll lie tu med over to the aid of the Juimlav Par-tlaana The program will he featured by apeakerira aa well lt ia thr duty. yes, it ia the ohltga-tmn of rvrry South Slav in the Ha v area to turn out to the Hokol Hali, •m Katurdav evening, March 25 to demotutiatr out deaire to atd our brolhrra and staU-ra m Jugoalavta. Vtemt-mhrr' Upon vwur preaenee al the l»anquet and the danee de-pends thr sueeeaa of thla affair for the aid Ul the Partisans' Fot The Publlcity Committee. PETER OBAD Doubles Tournament On ApfiI 15 and 16 CLEVELAND -The Cleveland Athletic League is «pomorlng a doubles handicep tournament. to »be held at the Slovene Workman's Home on Waterloo Hoad The tournament will run for two days. April 16 and 16 Brather John Spllar. Athletic Director of District 3. will conduet the tournan-ent. Stoter Marle Stefanic will be In charge of the aoetaj activitiea. The tournament wtll be conducied on a hand »cap baaia; 70% of the dif-farences of your averages from 400, whieh wlll be aerateh Any entrlea who have no rstahltshed averages. w 186 have to come in at 800 average per mah Anv women entrtea with no aatebliahed average wIti have to aeeept an av«»rage of 160 Ali who want to participate tn thla toMmament must be membera of the SNPJ Entry blanka for this Umrnamenl will be printed in the ncxt issue« of this paper We welcome ali members of SNPJ of Cleveland and any out-of-town ?ntrlee who care to oarttcipate Entrles will be M per team. There wlll be priee« galore. So get your entry in early and look fnrward to a gtand tim< u th U9 on that date JOSEPH MATTHEWS, Prea. of Cleveland Ath League. Civilian Allolment of Sugar Is Slasked A 6 per eent atath ln clvUlan sugar lupplies. effective for the balance nf this yeer waa ordered laat week by the War Fond AJasIniatration It •aid the reduction waa nniaaaij to aaaure atfe^uate «upp1te« for indos-trtal aleohol productkm The hrunt of ihe curtoiknent. it waa diaelaaMl. will he borne by mak-ers of cendy. anft drtnks and other »o called non esaentlal producU. Cleveland Athletic League to Meet Stu»day CLEVELAND, O—The Cleveland Athletic league haa ita meeting ev-ery third 8unday in the month. This month'8 meeting is March 16. at 3 p. m. sharp. at the Slovene Nstl Home. 65th and St. Clair. in the old bldg Ali SNPJ lodges are invited to send repreaen tati ves The "Doubles Tournament" ls ln very ca pa b le handa Get your partner« and be ready to send tn your entrles before the April 10 deadllne Everyone will have a ehance for the prlae money Alf SNPJ members. young and old. are eligible A good nld-faahtoned social #111 be held at the Slovene Werking-men a Home on Seturday and Sun-day. April 15-16. during the tournament More about this in subae-quent iaaues. Make sure vour lodge ia repre •enled at the league meeting. tournament de ta i is will be a I Workers will be assigned for duties to make the tournament a succesa | Anyone wuhing to help the league with liquid refreshments can get in touch with me at my home or by cslling Iv. 5524 Don't forget the meeting Sunday March 18. 3 p. m. sharp. MARIE J. STEFANTC. 8ec>. March 20-25, Wisconsin Cooperative Week MADISON. W1S. (CLNS)—Gov-ernor Walter S Goodland of Wis- 2™*? t* aakle the week of March 30 to 28 incluaive aa "Wla-«main Cooperative Week" and ln a P^rkig tri bule to the Roch-urged "Wlaronsin clt-»sens to take advanfbge of the oo-portunities provlded during that period to acqualnt themaelvea with the ^r.t and prtnelplea aa well aa the hopr* * foopftkm" The Oovernor'8 Proč I a mat ion deelared Hi part: -One h und red years P. in the wInter sT^ group of weavers in Bochdul« En-gland. founded a cooperative upo" various principles that hsve since been widely adopted in their cn-tlrety or ln modlfied form b> cooperative organization« in Anvrica and other democratlc nations "During the preaent hlstoric period. the principles of Coop« r»twn are being demonstrated to s greatrf extent than ever before ln sil t*m ot endeavor. We are frorkin« eertedly to win the war. ahrthef It be thru the nelghborly e*chanr of labor to harvest cropa, voluntrer help at canning factorie* th<- general production effbrt of war «-dustries or other defenae sctiv.uej We are able to make the rrv*» «»' cfK»prrative effort bacause we hsve had the value ot cooperation aro^ into our pattera of lite »•» ■ na tion waa founded." To know how to maaler-arork of w the moat diffteult graM art of Uvlng. old k f; nd one • tn d* tik.