ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 8 AUGUST, 1966 VOLUME 38 Tin> Lincoln Memorial is perfection. Il appeals to the eye, the mind and the heart: In this temple As in the hearts of the people For whom he saved the I ’it ion The memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever. (Sot* our Washington Story on I’age 172.) ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IH. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XXXVIII — NO. 8 AUGUST, 196« LETO XXXVIII — ŠT. 8 MARY BOSTI AN: REPORT OF STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO-MICHIGAN June came and went in a heat wave. In spite of it, our ladies had busy schedules. Some went to Europe, others on vacation trips and many kept their families occupied at home. To all, an enjoyable vacation is my wish. Our Supreme Pres. Toni Turek went on vacation with her husband and joined her dear mother to vacation together. This is so wonderful. I envy everyone who still has the one and only you can call: Ma! I lost my own mother when I was 14 and still miss her. On June 24th, Jennie Pugely of Br. 47 and yours truly gathered up a group of ladies via charter bus and attended the celebration of Br. 68. It was their 30th anniversary. A load of compliments to Mrs. Pugely for handling the arrangements on the bus and her daughter, Lillian Smith for her help. We are lucky to have such good and active members. We had a wonderful time on our way to Painesville. There was a lot of singing and to accompany us, a wonderful “guy” who is a real sport and always ready to play his accordion and make everyone happy. He’s Mr. Max ŽELODEC, husband of our member, Rose of Br. 50 who also is very active. Thanks to both of them and also, to Mamie Marin for her help. I wish to say that Br. 68 deserves all our compliments on how nicely they were organized for the lovely garden party. It was beautifully done! Mrs. Jennie Mohorčič, their president, did a good job and with just a few to help her. I could see that. Jennie loves her activities and she has earned the love of all the members. The dinner was delicious — oh, barbeque chicken (how often do you get that?), also, ham, roiast beef and a real choice of other goodies. Credit to the cooks who took care of the kitchen and we wish you all good luck and lots of energy to keep up the good spirit. Bless you all! I also wish to take this opportunity to congratulate our four scholarship winners. Also, to one of them, our own member of Br. 50 in Cleveland, Miss Donna Sietz of whom we are all very proud. To the parents of these HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN AVGUST Branch Presidents: August 1—Emma Tomse, Br. 30, Aurora, 111. August 1—Rose Veronick, Br. 31. Gilbert, Minn. August 3—Helen Cobai, Br. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. August 7—Mary Krogulski, Br. 24, LaSalle, 111. Augustl8—Frances Lindich, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio August 22—Mary Habich, Br. 74, Ambrldge, Pa. August 26—Theresa Skur, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio August 29—Rose Rachel-, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio OUR SECRETARIES’ BIRTHDAYS August 5—Jennie Stusek, Br. 88, Johnstown. Pa. August 7—Folrence Lolich, Br. 45, Portland, Oregon August 13—Virginia Bendich, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. August 18—Helen Kochevar, Br. 23, Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. August 22—Mildred Poropat, Br. 95, S. Chicago, 111. August 24- -Mary Deblock, Br. 93, Crosby, Minn. August 26—Catherine Lastelic, Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! four lucky girls, our best. Wishes to the girls for lots of luck and success! I wonder how members read about our SWU TWIRL-IOTTES of Cleveland. They are just darling. Hats off to Ann Cook, the Director who does such a wonderful job and to her two daughters who teach them baton, Carol and Kathy. I THINK WE ARE GOING TO TOWN WITH THIS GROUP! I am very proud of them. We must thank the parents of these girls, also for their interest. I am appealing to you members of Cleveland to help keep this group strong, to help the children keep this activity, to keep them interested in this organization as in the future we will need them to be our active members. Do you know who became a great aunt for the first time? It was me! On April 24th, baby Allen F. Lapuh was born to my niece, Shirley. The baby’s grandmothers Helen Kokaly and Florence Lapuh are both members of our SWU. Helen is at Br. 50 and Florence at Br. 14. Hope now to have the little one as our member, too! To all birthday and anniversary celebrations, best wishes. My husband and I celebrated our 40th anniversary, how about that? I hope all of you have as many happy years, and more! Thanks to all Br. 50 ladies for their beautiful cards to us and especially thanks to the one who is responsible for having thoughtful greetings extended to us via the Slovenian radio on June 11th. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and want you to know you made me so happy. May God bless you all! COMBINED BRANCHES MEETING REPORT On June 8th, our meeting was short but sweet. We had our last discussion before the summer and will resume in September. We are going to spend the summer hunting up new members! 1 never hear much from the Michigan branches, and am hoping to read of them in some issue of Zarja VERY SOON! In Cleveland we now have all our interest centered on the new Baton Twirlers’ group of 43 children. This really shows up the organization and I would suggest that this kind of activity should be copied by other branches in other states, too. I do hope some of you will try to make this new campaign a better success than the last so our National Convention will be more of a success. Get well wishes to Mrs. Mary Urbas of Br. 10, one of our oldest officers and members. May God bless her! A joyous summer to all. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Aug. 28—COLO.-KANS.-MO. STATE CONVENTION, Br. 63, Denver, Colo. Sept. 11—WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 11 MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. Sept.18 CALIF.-WASH.-ORE. STATE CONVENTION, Br. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Oct.7 —Card and Games Party, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. IMPORTANT DATES OF S.W.U. STATE MEETINGS: STATE CONVENTION FOR COLO.-KANS.-MO. IS AUGUST 28th Cordial invitation to all members and friends of the Colorado-Kansas-Missouri states to meet August 28, 1966 at Denver, Colo., home of many Slovenian pioneers. The State Convention day will begin with Holy Mass at Holy Rosary church at 11:00 a. m. when members of the S.W. U. will be remembered in prayer. The State Convention Banquet will take place at the Slovenian Gardens, 4468 Washington St., in Denver after the conclusion of religious services. All members are sincerely urged to attend the festivities and thus, to make this event successful and meaningful for the progress of our western states’ branches. Come one and all. Anna Pachak, State President SHEBOYGAN HOSTS WISCONSIN DAY - SEPT. 11th A cordial invitation is being extended to all Wisconsin branches and -rf" members and their friends, to attend the 7th State Convention in conjunction w ® with the 40th anniversary of Br. 1. It will be held on Sunday, 11, 1966 at Sheboygan, Wis. f The convention meeting will start at 10 A. M. in the hall of St. Cyril and "W" Methodius and the Holy Mass will be at ll:30 A. M. fl Dinner will be at Standard Hall at 1:00 P. M. The program will then » follow, featuring Marija Kranjc Fischinger, the mezzosoprano we all love to V hear formerly from Chicago, now Washington, D. C. f Very few Wisconsinites have heard the beautiful voice of Marija. This yitf is your opportunity, so make your reservations with your branch to attend w the State Convention and 40th Anniversary Celebration, Sept. 11th. • V Rose Kraemer, State President "y MINNESOTA MEETS SEPTEMBER 11th AT CROSBY This year we have the pleasure of visiting our members at Br. 83, Crosby, Minn, for the yearly meeting and celebration. All Minnesota branches will be expected to attend and we are hopeful that it will be another memorable day — as all our Minnesota Zveza Days have been for the past years. Minnesota was one of the first states to initiate this type of state meeting, and we are proud that all our other states are able to arrange similar events which are for the future growth of this organization. We’ll see you in Crosby, Sept. 11th! Barbara Rosandich, State President SEPTEMBER 18th IS DATE OF CALIFORNIA'S ZVEZA DAY 4- f Zveza Day for California, Washington and Oregon will be held Sept. 1 Sth! That Sunday, we will begin with 9:30 A. M. Mass at the Church of the Nativity where the choir will sing. It is advised that as many members as possible receive Holy Communion. Breakfast will follow immediately after mass at the Slovenian Hall where many fine surprises will be served. We welcome all husbands! I extend to our sister members from the states of Washington, Oregon and all over California, 'a warm invitation to share with us the happiness of our Zveza Day. As you know, San Francisco is lovely in September and tourists find much to make their visit a happy one. So, come and be one of us and have a wonderful visit. Fontana and San Jose, we hope will attend, too. Let us hear from you, ladies. This will help with our planning. I wish to thank Ann Podgoršek, our Supreme Auditor, for having her lovely daughter-in-law, Adele, join our branch. Adele lives in San Jose where a few of our members also reside. We hope all you ladies will make plans to come to San Francisco for Zveza Day! I want to thank the committee of the Social Games night. Our treasury gained because of the generosity of all our members who donated gifts and attended this function. Thanks to all of you. ZVEZA DAY, SEPTEMBER 18tli SEE YOU ALL THERE! Rose Scoff, State President T T f f f f ACTIVITIES Supreme President’s Message After a brief vacation, I greet you all once again and wish you happy times. Congratulations to Br. 71 of Strabane, Pa., and to State President, Mary Tomsic, who has been their guiding force for many years serving as their wonderful president. Also, to all officers and members, my best and heartiest wishes. I attended their PENNSYLVAINA STATE CONVENTION on May 22nd and was happy to be with all our members and friends of that area. The meeting started at 2 p. m. with prayer and Mrs. Tomsic presided. It was very well represented with 112 members present from branches: 8, 27, 29, 61, 67, 70, 71, 74, 80, 88, 97 and 104. The main discussion concerned interesting our young families to enroll their children to build up our Junior Dept. I also explained to the delegates the importance of getting more new members in the current campaign and the question of our senior members who pay less when reaching the age of 75 years. Since there was so much discussion on it, I wish to explain again for the benefit of all the following information: Juniors who join at the age of birth to one year pay only 10c per month. They can pay this amount for the rest of their lives for $100.00 death benefit. Or, they can transfer to the adult department at the age of 14 to 21 years and be insured according to adult rates. A junior member when transferring to the adult class will be eligible to a $50.00 Rider to the policy if he or she holds junior membership for ten years. Secretaries should be reminded that the junior policies should be mailed into the Home Office for the Rider to be attached when a junior member is transfered under the above conditions. Also, all secretaries should notify the Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, when a member reaches the age of 75 years so they may become eligible to pay only 20c monthly and also, when a member wishes to change beneficiary. After the meeting, all delegates, representatives and friends met at the hall to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Br. 71, Srabane, Pa. I was very impressed to see Br. 59 present for the first time and all the fine members of our many Penna. branches. Again, accept my sincere congratulations to all! Pre-Convention Campaign Summer is finally here and with the nice hot days ahead of us, we are all looking forward to our vacations to go places. Why don’t you do some campaigning at the same time and write in a few new members. Now is a very good time since our Pre-Convention campaign is in effect. Go out and do your part to make this campaign one of the best. Our Anniversarians Congratulations to the members of Br. 48, Buhl, Minn, celebrating their 35th Anniversary on August 1st. This branch has recently merged with Br. 38 in Chisholm, Minn., but the members deserve our heartiest wishes on this anniversary. The branch was organized in 1931 by Jennie Terlep. Bon voyage to our officers and members who are traveling abroa No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. A hello to all from Sheboygan branch. We enrolled two new members recently who are: Mrs. Mary Spelhaus and a junior member, Michelle Godez, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Godez and a grand-daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Godez. We welcome these two new members to our branch. Our congratulations and many more years of happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Casper who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Casper is the former Sophie Fluder-nik. The committee for the 40th anniversary and state convention are busy with their plans for our celebration September lltli. The convention will begin promptly at 10 A. M. Dinner will be at Standard Hall at one o’clock followed by a program In which Marija Kranjc-Fischinger mezzo-soprano will sing. Please note, members, the dead-line for tickets is August 15th, none will be sold at the door. To avoid any disappointments do contact one of the committee members as soon as possible. A prayer and best wishes to all our sick and shut-in members. Our next meeting will be held September 18th. Margaret Fischer, Secretary No. 2, Chicago, III. — President, Mrs. J—Z expressed the thanks of all the committee for the fine attendance at the May celebration at St. Stephen’s church and the party following. All committees were engrossed in final plans for Lemont Zveza Day in July and hopes were high for a good turn-out. We all bade bon voyage to our Europe-bound travelers, Secretary, Albina Novak and Vice-president, Stepliie Osterman who would be home in July. No meeting until September when we shall outline the new season’s program. Of utmost importance is the current membership campaign which is in anticipation of the National Convention in May. Wasliing-to, D. C. is the destination and we urge all our members to make early plans to join the group of delegates and guests who will make the Convention a week of sightseeing and enjoyment in our Nation’s Capital. Have a happy vacation, everyone! Corinne Leskovar No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — Zveza Day, Sept. 18th is in the planning stage. We will need the help and support of all our sister branches. It is only with your sup port that we can attain real success. State President, Rose Scoff has been working very hard to make Zveza Day a memorial event. We will have breakfast at the Slovenian Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: LAY APOSTOLATE Here I would like to convey some thoughts expresed by the Second Vatican council in regard of laity. Laity has a specific task to perform in the family of God. Modern conditions demand that the apostolate of the people of God be broadened and intensified. The constant expansion of population, scientific and technical progress and the tightening of bonds between men have raised new problems, which cry out for the skilful concern and attention of laity, especially in the fields which are for the most part accessible only to them. In many places where priests are very few or, in some instances are deprived of due freedom in their ministry, the church could scarcely be present and functioning without the activity of the laity. The Holy Spirit is making the laity today even more conscious of their own responsibility and is inspiring them everywhere to serve Christ and the Church. The decree on the lay apostolate gives pastoral directives for its more effective exercise. The decree on the lay apostolate says: For this the Church was founded: that by spreading the kingdom of Christ everywhere for the glory of God the Father, she might bring all men to share in Christ’s saving redemption, and that through them the whole world might in actual fact be brought into the attainment of this goal is called the apostolate, and the Church carries it on in various ways through all her members. For its very nature the Christian vocation is also a vocation to the apostolate. No part of the structure of a living body is merely passive but each has a share in the functions as well as in the life of the body. So too, in the body of Christ, which is the Church, the whole body, according to the functioning in due measure of each single part, derives its increase. Indeed so intimately are the parts linked and interrelated in this body that the member who fails to make his proper contribution to the development of the Church must be said to be useful neither to the Church nor to himself. In the Church, there is diversity of service but unity of purpose. Christ conferred on the apostles and their successors the duty of teaching, sanctifying, and ruling in His name, and power. But the laity, too, share in the priestly, prophetic, and royal office of Christ and therefore have their own role to play in the mission of the whole People of God in the Church and in the world. They exercise a genuine apostolate by their activity on behalf of bringing the gospel and holiness to men, and 011 behalf of penetrating and perfecting the temporal sphere of things through the spirit of the gospel. In this way, their temporal activity can openly bear witness to Christ and promote the salvation of men. Since it is proper to the layman’s state in life for him to spend his days in the midst of the world and of secular transactions, he is called by God to burn with the spirit of Christ and to exercise his apostolate in the world as a kind of leaven. MIKLICH'S GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Hall and this will make for a more relaxed feeling and will encourage the husbands to attend. With heavy heart we write of the passing of a dear friend, Joe Rado-vich, husband of sister Katie Rado-vich. This has been quite a load for Katie as four members of her family have passed away wthin the last six months. No man could have been more respected or loved by both family and friends. Joe was ever willing to help where needed. He and Katie had a happy marriage during wrhich time they celebrated their 50th Anniversary. Their son, Ray, brought nothing but pride and happiness to his wonderful folks. His wife, Jenny, and children made Joe’s life complete. Just keep in mind that he is not gone, Jenny, he is just away for a while. Vica Cukrov lost her husband. These folks, too, enjoyed a long wedded life. Vica has been a friend for a long time and to her and her wonderful family, we say God be near you all at this most trying time. Now for some pleasant news. Attend your August meeting where final plans will be made for Zveza Day. See you at the August meeting— Social night. Bless you all and have a nice vacation. Meeting night — Aug. 4th. Frances Chiodo, Rep. Sign Up A New Member Today! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miklich, 2123 E. Routt, Pueblo, Colo, observed their 50th wedding anniversary on June 5, 19GG. The day started by attending a Mass at St. Francis church at 11 a. m., at which their marriage vows were renewed. Reception was held at their home from 2 to 6 p. in., given by their three children, Frank Miklich, 1502 Berkley, Edward Miklich, 3009 Royal, and Mrs. Gertrude Puntar of El Cajon, California. They were married June 5, 1916, at St. Mary’s church which was located in the Grove, by Rev. Father Cyril Zupan. Mrs. Miklich was born in April 1S97, in Rockvale, Colo., daughter of Gertrude and Ignatius Pachek, who homesteaded in Rockvale for many years. Mr. Miklich was born in February 1889 in the parish of Ambrus, Yugoslavia to Anna and Anton Miklich. He came to the United States in 1904 and was employed at Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation, until he retired in 1958, and at that time he worked in the machine shop. The couple has seven grandchildren and one great grandchild. All attended the celebration except for one grandson, Dick Puntar from El Cajon, Calif., and his father, Albert Puntar also from El Cajon, Calif. Mrs. Miklich has been a member of Br. 3 since April 1G, 1929. Sincere congratlations! IKENK PLANINŠEK BRINGS US WASHINGTON, D. C.’S FAMOUS LANDMARKS THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL The plan of the Lincoln Memorial is one of greatest simplicity. The imposing, seated figure of Lincoln is the focal point. The awe inspiring statue is the work of Daniel Chester French. This 19-foot figure required 28 blocks of white marble and four years of carving. In the chamber to the right of the statue is a bronze tablet inscribed with Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, while the chamber to the left bears the immemorable Gettysburg Address. The architect, Henry Bacon, chose a design similar to the classic Greek temple, like the Partheon on the Acropolis in Athens. Thirty-six Doric styled oolumns form the portico and represent the thirty-six states in the Union at the time of Lincoln’s death. Each state is named above one of the columns. At the top of the Memorial are printed the names of the forty-eight states in the Union at the time of the Memorial dedication. The Lincoln Memorial is as tall as a nine-story building although it does not appear to be this height. The colonnade section covers one-half an acre and slant inward as is customary in the Greek temples. The Memorial was completed in 1922, fifty-seven years after Lincoln’s death and at a cost of under 3 million dollars. The choice of the site in 1912 required foresight and courage, because at that time Potomac Park was a desolate swamp, considered by critics to be totally inappropriate for such a Memorial. One of the high points of this landmark is the night view from the Lincoln Memorial down the Mall to the floodlighted Washington Monument and the Capitol. Directly below the Lincoln Memorial is a long rectangular pool of water called the Reflecting Pool. If one stands on the steps leading to the Memorial the entire Washington Monument can be seen in the Reflecting Pool. The statue of Abraham Lincoln is floodlighted at night, throwing into strong contrasts the lights and shadows of rugged features and deep set eyes. It is quite evident that Daniel Chester French created a masterpiece in stone which will perpetuate the memory of Abraham Lincoln for centuries to come. THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT The capital’s best known monument is also its most prominent. The marble and granite obelisk commemorating George Washington points 555 feet skyward from the center of the Mall, halfway between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. The top of the Monument provides the best panorama view of the city. To get to the top you have a choice between the elevator and walking. The 10c elevator ride provides you with a recorded commentary on the structure and what it symbolizes. If you decide to walk, you save the 10c elevator fee and have the exercise and satisfaction of climbing 898 steps and reviewing the 190 memorial stones set into the wall. Some people compromise by riding up and walking down. There are no windows on the stairs, but the inscriptions on the memorial stones are interesting to read as you make your way downward. The windows in the cap at the top provide a visit in all four directions, and one can see the metropolitan area for a great distance. The view is beautiful whether you see it in the daytime or during the night with all the bright lights. Although the Monument may be the tallest stone and masonry structure in the world, it is very stable. In a 30-mile wind it sways only one-eighth of an inch. In the last thirty years it has settled a mere 2 inches. The walls are 18 inches in thickness at the top and broaden to 15 feet at the bottom. If you look carefully at the exterior you will notice a change in the color of the marble facing, of the shaft, approximately 150 feet from the base. This line indicates the height of the shaft when work was stopped on the Monument due to lack of funds, the coming Civil War, and an incident which occurred in 1854, Pope Pius IX had sent over from the Temple of Concord at Rome, a block of African marble. This stone was to be included in the Memorial and was inscribed with the phrase, “Rome to America”. The block was stolen on the night of March 15, 1854, and public opinion blamed a political and antireligious group known as the “Know Nothings”. The event discouraged further contributions which had been small from the beginning and the project ran out of funds. Washington Monument and Capitol from south colonnade of Lincoln Memorial Work did not resume until the Federal government took the project over in 187(>. At this time it was also found necessary ot strengthen the foundations before proceeding with the shaft. Work was finally completed in 1884 at the cost of $4,187,170 and open to the public on October 9, '1888. The Monument was designed by Robert Mills, who also was the architect for the Treasury Department. Fortunately the portions called for at the base of the Monument were not carried out. They were elaborately Victorian in design and all agree that the Monument is far more outstanding in the present appearance. WHO CAN BECOME A MEMBER OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION? All women and children of Slovenian descent, as well as other women and children of the white race, all being practical Catholics and of good moral character and in good health shall be accepted into the organization. There is a monthly assessment levied upon each member for the following expenses: funeral benefit monthly magazine, Zarja — The Dawn expenses of the local branch treasury The following table shall explain the assessment in detail. Class Age Death Benefit Insurance and Zarja (Monthly) Local Assessment (Monthly) Total (Month) Junior Joins from birth to age 20 $100. .10 These two columns to be completed by the local branch Social Joins over the age of 57 (None) .20 Class A Joins during the ages of 14 to 50 $100. .45 (Compiled by I rene Planinšek) Class B Joins from ages of 14-30 $300. .70 31-40 $250. 41-45 $200. 46-56 $150. No. 16, So. Chicago, III. Our June meeting was well-attended. We enjoyed the goodies and treats from the following who celebrated their birthdays: Mary Burke, Josephine Krai, Marge Spretnjak, Mary Maricich. Marge Spretnjak showed picture slides of our recent “chicken dinner” and we all felt quite flattered at how well we looked. We are grateful to Marge for these pictures she takes of our various activities. They are so nice to look back on later. At every Christmas Party this feature is part of our program and the members all enjoy it immensely. Our branch was saddened by the loss of a good member, Dorothy Ba-nich. She passed away suddenly on June 1st. She leaves to mourn her loss, her mother, Mrs. Rose Skul, sister Anne Springer, brothers, Frank and George Banich. Our sincere sympathy to the family. Some of our members went on the Zveza-sponsored European tours this summer, among them Josephine Blasovich and Mary Kompare. We hope they have plenty to tell us when they get back. Have a nice vacation, members, and we will see you all at our September meeting. Rose Salakar, Rec. Sec’y No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. We had a very memorable celebration of Mother’s Day at our Br. 19 meeting on May 14th at the home of yours truly. Thanks a million to all the wonderful members who helped decorate the table, brought delicacies, donated to the treasury and helped in any way. It was grand to see the large number of members present. Our Mother-of-theYear, Mrs. Mihelich, received our most sincere congratulations and good wishes. All her 7 daughters are our members, isn’t that something? Mr. Mihelich was also present in order to take some photos which we hope to have for Zarja sometime soon. Again, congratulations, Mrs. Mihelich and good health to you for many years to come! I hope you are all planning on joining us for a trip to Crosby, Minn., for Zveza Day on Sept. llth. It will be another time for the meeting of friends and enjoyment of good coun-pany. At the May meeting we also welcomed two new members, Pauline Rozinka and Mary Lushine. May they have many years of membership with us! And, hope to see them at the meetings and other affairs. Until Sept., my best wishes and have a happy vacation! Mary Lenich, Sec’y Br. 20, Joliet, III. Our condolences to our treasurer, Mrs. Josephine Su-mic and her sister, Anna Savol, who lost their brother William Ramuta, age 50, who passed away at Hines Hospital. Bill Ramuta was a veteran and took part in the second World War, at the “Battle of the Bulge,” Algeria, French Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily, Naples, Rome and parts of France, where he was awarded for his bravery by the French govern' ment. Bill was well known here as he was a member of a group of organizations. They came to pray for the repose of his soul and also attended the funeral, to church and cemetery. Besides the two sisters mentioned above he is also survived by his wife and five brothers, numerous nieces and nephews and other relatives. We also mourn the loss of another member, Mrs. Anna Musich, age 75 years, who after the death of her husband Frank made her home part of the time with her children. She is survived by two sons and three daughters. She joined on Mar. 1, .1943, recommended by Mrs. Anton Mary Terlep. She came from Slovenia at the age of 13 years. Our sympathy to the Ramuta and Musich families and may they rest in peace! Congratulations to our members, to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Popek who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with their families; also to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bostjancich who celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. May they be blessed to live many more years in good health. Our members, Mrs. Christine Blažekov! ch and Mrs. Prances (Wm.) Papesh have returned from the hospital, and are now recuperating in their homes. Our congratulations also to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gruenwald, 1814 N. Hickory St., who have a baby girl to brighten their home. Marlene Gaspich and her aunt spent a two week vacation visiting another aunt and relatives in California. Marlene is the niece of our secretary, Prances Gaspich. Jonita Ruth, husband Pred and daughters Janice and Rosanne have returned from their trip thru the East. First to Niagara Falls, then to Canada, New York and lastly to Washington, D. C., where they also visited the grave of our late president Kennedy. There they saw various important sites of our famous capital. Their guide was Miss Irene Planinšek, president of the newly organized branch in Washington, D. C. Elaine Flemming (Troppe) returned to Joliet for a few months vacation to her parents with daughter and son while husband, Major Flemming is stationed for a few months in California, etc. Prior to moving to Washington, D. C., Major and Mrs. Flemming were stationed at Havana for a few years. Elaine Flemming, although she along with her husband has been transferred to various parts of the country, had always stayed a loyal member of branch 20, and at one time was an officer of both the junior and senior cadets. Now that the new branch has been organized in Washington, she has transferred there and holds office and has already entertained the members of the new branch at her home. We hope Elaine and her family will spend a nice time in Joliet with her parents until the time when she is to join her husband and return to Washington, D. C. Our next meeting date is September 18th at Ferdinand Hall. Please arrange to attend and pay your dues. Be a paid-up member! With best wishes, Josephine Erjavec No. 24, LaSalle, III. During these warm days, we are even too tired to attend meetings, and what is more important, certain members are lagging behind on dues payments. I hope that they will take care of this very soon and take a few worries from our shoulders. We are to report the passing of a member, Anna Sojer who was ill for a long time. She was 72 years old. Her husband, August, a daughter and several grandchildren and two brothers survive. May God grant her eternal rest. Get well wishes to Katherine Spic-miller who suffered a fall. Happy vacations to all and best wishes especially to our members. Angela Strukel, Sec’y No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. The attendance at our June meeting was very good. At this meeting, it was agreed by all the members that we have another luncheon and card party to be held on the third Tuesday of May, 1967. We all enjoyed ourselves very much at the State Convention in Strabane. The members of Br. 71 really worked hard to make the affair so successful. Our condolences to Mary Belamarich on the loss of her husbnad, Kristo, who died on June 1st. Also, condolences to Frances Zugell, one of our auditors, (and a very good one) on the loss of her half brother, Frank Adlesic. He lived in Chicago. May their departed souls rest in peace. Get well wishes to all our sick members and especially to Christina Mihelcich, who at present is very ill at St. Francis Hospital. God bless you all! Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Since we were scorching with the heat and high humidity and many members were on vacations, the July meeting was not held, but on August 3rd at 7:30 p. m. we shall hold a very important meeting, so please be present if possible. Minnesota Zveza Day will be held in Crosby, Minn., on Sept. 11th. This is the first time we shall go to Crosby so I am positive we will fill the chartered bus to capacity since we did for every other Minnesota Zveza Day celebration. Reservations must be made and banquet tickets obtained at the August meeting. Please contact President, Frances Blatnik as soon as possible to place your reservations. Congratulations to Crosby for undertaking this event. The Pre-Convention Campaign for new members is in full swing again. Have you a relative or a friend to ask to become one of us? I'm sure you have someone, so let’s get on the ball! We must replace the many older members who pass along. Even a transfer member from our juvenile to the adult class can give you points and cash awards. Now, this is new in the campaign. On June 27th, Mrs. Lucille Bukovica, a long-time member of our passed away suddenly. It was a Ely, Minn. — John B. Rosandich, a native of Ely, Minn., recently promoted to services engineer in the Petroleum New Instruments Engineering Division of the ESSO Oil Company in New Jersey, has been assigned to work in Fawley, England for a period of six months starting in July. Rosandich, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rosandich, is a graduate of Ely high school and junior college and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota Institute of Technology. He joined ESSO Engineering in 1961 where his principal activity has been in the field of process design and recently completed a comprehensive study of computors in process design. During his service with ESSO, he worked for six months in The Netherlands. He is married to the former Marjorie Kromer, Ely, and with their two children they make their home in Parsippany, New Jersey. His family will accompany him to England. shock to all. She was a most faithful member by attending all meetings and was very cooperative in all respects. She will not only bo missed by her family, but by each of us who loved her. God rest her soul. To her wonderful family who survive her, 3 sons, Nick, Steve and Bob and 4 daughters, Ann, Kathryn, Josephine and Ducy, our deepest sympathy. At present there is no one on the sick list known to me with the exception of Barbara Giacomini. Barbara has been sick for some time. Please remember her in your prayers. Best wishes to everyone far and near. May God bless you all. I am looking forward to seeing you all in Crosby — all our Minnesota friends will be there to honor our Br. 83. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 40, Lorain, Ohio. Within the last three months all we have been doing is attending funerals. First of all, my niece’s husband, Michael Sko-rich died in Cleveland, then my husband’s brother-in-law, Charles Kaine died in Broadview Hgts. Stanley Russ, husband of our member, Prances Russ passed away leaving two sons, Raymond and Robert and one grandchild. Mrs. Mary Cernilec passed away leaving two daughters, Annette Ferlic and Mary Zallar, three grandchildren and one great grandchild. Next was the passing of Frances Scarpellini who is survived by daughter, Mrs. Angela Martin, another daughter, two granddaughters and three great grandchildren. Then came the most shocking death of all, that of our beloved president, Frances Bresak, a lady who was very active in lodge work. She was president of Br. 40 for 25 years, and was secretary of No. 46, SDZ for many years. Mrs. Bresak attended the SDZ convention as a delegate in May and also attended her last meeting at the Auxiliary of the Slovenian National Home where she was the recording secretary on June 15th. Two days later a doctor was called and on June 22nd she was admitted to St. Joseph Hospital. On July 1st she passed into eternity, leaving behind three sons, Joseph, Anthony and William and two granddaughters. Our deepest sympathy to all the family and to the dearly departed, may they rest in peace! I wish to thank all the members who attended the funeral and came to pray at her bier. We also have a few members on the sick list. They are Frances Daugan in the hospital, Jennie Ceme, Amalia Ursic at home. Get well cards would be welcome to these members. A hearty welcome to our new members, Jean Yelence, Janice Dled-rick and Angela Martin. Just as I am finishing this report I received a call that the father of our member Johanna Tomazic died here at St. Joseph’s hospital. He was Frank Drobnič. May his soul rest in peace. See you all at the next meeting. Angela Kozjan, Sec’y No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Greetings to all Br. 43 members. Our June meeting wasn’t too well attended due to graduations and communions. The details for Lemont and Sheboygan were discussed, also another Rummage Sale is being planned. More details at a later date. The Mohorko’s were thrilled to to have their two sons who are in the service, spend three weeks at home. Good luclc, Alfred and Joseph Mohorko! Congratulations to George Phillips on his graduation from St. Mary’s High; also to Janet Bentz who graduated from Sacred Heart High. Congratulations are also in order to Patricia Karniewski, the bride of Jerry Majors. The wedding was June 11th. Best wishes and good luck to Pat and Jerry. Good luck to John and Ann Re-bernisek new owners of “Tony’s Club 36” at 3400 W. Loomis Rd. When you are driving around, stop in and visit John and Ann. John is called the ‘‘Barbeque Chicken King!” To all our sick and shut-ins, a speedy recovery. To all vacationers, an enjoyable vacation and safe return. Anyone in arrears with their dues, Please take care of them at your earliest vonvenience. To all our July and August cele- brants, be they birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or weddings, good wishes, health and happiness. Bast but not least, a new Pre-Convention Campaign has begun. Sign up a new member! Rose Kraemer, Sec’y No. 45, Portland, Ore. —Our June meeting opened with prayer. Attendance was 13 members which is more than we’ve had in quite some time. We hope many more members will be attending meetings regularly now that we are having them every three months instead of every month. Mrs. Amanda Grbavec has joined our branch as a social member. We are happy to have her and welcome her to our group! Thank you acknowledgements have been received from Mrs. Theresa Smolcic and the Tom Francis-covich family who have lost their father and husband for the flowers sent by the branch. One of our members, Mrs. Mary Bozich has suffered a stroke and is being cared for by her daughter. We wish her well and be sure to remember her in your prayers and by sending cards which I’m sure she will appreciate. A reminder that local 130 of Croatian Fraternal Union of America is having their 60th Anniversary celebration September 24th. And, to our members, a note of importance. All who do not have their dues paid in advance will be suspended from the branch. The secretary will be sending in dues money only for members who are paid up and nobody else. Wishing all who are ill at home or In the hospital, a speedy recovery. Meeting closed with prayer. Ann Carlisle, Rec. Sec. ..No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — At our June meeting, Supr. Pres. Toni Turek presided as our president, Fran’s husband was hospitalized and Fran couldn't make it. I’m sure all the ladies join me in wishing Frank a speedy recovery. We welcomed Darinka Pretnjak and Carol Rogel as new members. Our ladies are making prepara, tions for our 35th Anniversary in October. Keep this in mind. Tickets for the event were presented at the meeting and the donor was no other than Congressman Anthony F. Novak! You can always depend on “Tony” to come thru with any kind of assistance. Hvala lepa, Tony! Praise goes all the way to Anne Cooke from Euclid, Ohio for her help in the instruction of our drill team. These lovely young girls marched in 85 degree weather to participate in the Little League Parade and two day« later in the Flag Day Parade downtown. They looked so lovely that even the judges and speakers on the grandstand commented about them. What could we do without Anne? We were very sorry to hear about member Mary Kobe and husband, Jack, who were hospitalized together at Euclid Glenville Hospital. These two charming folks have had a run of bad lucky lately. Maybe, ladies, a card from you would cheer them a little. Albina Smuck, sister of Carole Traven and Fran Sietz is still recuperating from major surgery. I’m sure that you ladies will join me in wishing her a speedy recovery, too. We are proud to announce that member Merella Besednjak is the proud mother of a baby girl. Congratulations to you all! Rose Ellen Horvat, niece of Rec. Sec’y Rose Želodec, graduated from Villa Angela Academy. Congratula tions, Rose Ellen! Br. 50 was honored at the last meeting with a list of happy people as they celebrated their anniversaries. Best wishes to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Woda, 30 years; Mr. & Mrs. Beck, 25 years; Mr. & Mrs. Vovko, 25 years and Mr. and Mrs. Bostian, 40 years. Last but not least: belated birthday greetings to Mary Prisland, from all the members of Branch 50. Even tho Fran Sietz was absent from our meeing, she donated two throw pillows and we must be very grateful to Fran for always thinking of how we can boost the treasury. Thanks a million, Fran. Member Emily Unik invited the ladies to hold the July meeting at her home by the lake, combined with a picnic. We were all enthused and decided to make it a pot luck picnic. I’m going to report on that glorious picnic next month. We’d like to congratulate Br. 68 of Fairport on their 30th anniversary and for showing our members, Rose Želodec, Mamie Marin and Ernestine Jevec such a good time at their celebration. Rose took her husband, Max, along with his accordion so you can imagine what a grand time they had. MAY MEETING NOTES We welcomed into our midst a new member, Brenda Vuksovic. May she be an active member with us. All the ladles were presented a flower each, made by our lovely Marie Azman. Whether you were a mother or not didn’t matter — each got a flower. To add a young touch to the evening, we had the pleasure of singing to the accompaniment of Joan Hočevar. She and her mother, Ann, were guests, but Joan couldn’t or wouldn’t sit still very long because Carole Traven (her cousin) mentioned that Joan might play a few tunes on the piano. That’s all we needed to liven up the crowd. Joan played for our performers and did it so beautifully that we intend to ask her and her mom to join the branch! How about it, Mrs. Hočevar and Joan? We’d love to have you both as members partaking in our meetings and festivities. Mamie Marin, our hostess chairman is really in the swing of things. She seems to be getting our members of retirement at home and bringing them to the meetings to act as hostesses. For instance, Josephine Koss and Agnes Leskovec. I don’t think any of the ladies left the meeting hungry, because there was such a variety of pastries that you really didn’t know which to choose. It’s a good thing that our meetings are only once a month or all our ladies would really be on the plump side. We again wish to mention our pride at the fine career of Nancy Beck, recent graduate of Notre Dame College on May 21st. She is gaining quite a bit of experience working part time at Euclid Glenville Hospital to enable her to get ready for her internship of 1 year at the Milwaukee County Institutions which include the County Hospitals, Childrens Hospitals and Homes for the Aged in Wisconsin. Her work will consist of planning normal and therapeutic diets, purchasing, supervising and administrative jobs and instructing patients oil proper foods to eat after leaving the hospital. Nancy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beck and sister of Robert and Kenneth. Mrs. Beck is our secretary for some years and was an active member even during her younger years in Milwaukee. Well, ladies, till our next meeting, Aug. 15th, I remain, your newsy reporter, Angie Lube No. 54, Warren, Ohio. — While writing this article, the temperature is a sizzling 92 degrees and it’s been hot for two weeks . . . very unusual. We have had no rain and our poor gardens are very wilted! Our last meeting was held at the homo of Vic Zuga and we all enjoyed ourselves very much. She had the new cake poticas for dessert and they were delicious! Our next meeting will be in September at Betty Vadas’ home. Our deepest sympathy to the Zuga family. Tony Zuga, age 56 years, passed away in Phoenix, Arizona. He was the brother of Frances, Frank, John and Bill Zuga. Just as I started to write this, Vic Zuga phoned and said that Frances’ husband died in Arizona. Jerry Banozich was a well-known grocer in Warren prior to moving out west. Our thoughts and prayers are with Frances, her daughter and so on, who all reside there. To all who are ailing, we wish you a speedy recovery and God’s blessing to all during the summer months. Joanne Ponikvar, Sec’y No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — Vacationing time in Girard. No meetings until September. Among the lucky people who are vacationing in Europe is our Mother-of-the Year, Mrs. Helen Biscan. We wish her a glorious vacation and a safe return home. I will give you a report of the members on the sick list. A prayer for speedy recovery will be appreciated. Get well cards were sent to Miss Sophie Cekuta and Mrs. Gail Hlasta who were hospitalized. Mrs. Anna Kren and Mrs. Agnes Kambic were ill at home. God bless you with a speedy recovery. For the Sept. meeting, Mrs. Theresa Lozier will be chairman, assisted by Mmes. Anna Catoni, Ann Kren, Helen Lagati and Margaret Tripotti. Please make a special effort to attend so we can have a perfect attendance. Hope you all are enjoying your vacations, and until next month, God bless each of you and your loved ones! Mary Ann Mehalco No. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. — It was nice to see so many members at our May meeting. We welcome three new members .and they are: Mrs. Paskutis, Mary Ferbegar and Elsie Ferbegar. We regret to report the loss of our organizer, Mrs. Josephine Pintar who passed away on May 28th. May God grant her eternal rest. It was nice to see so many members gather at the funeral home for rosaries. It was through the efforts of Mrs. Pintar that Br. 59 was organized in 1934. Many of our charter members are no longer with us. Our sympathy is extended to her daughter, Charlotte Wos and family. Fifteen members attended the 30tli Anniversary of Br. 71 of Strabane and enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner and also good entertainment. It was a nice meeting. Mrs. Tomsic, State Pres., Mrs. Turek, our Supreme President and others were present. Hope to see you again, soon. With graduations, spring cleaning and all work out of the way, let us relax and enjoy the summer. God bless you all! Ann Lounder, Reporter No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Summer brings thoughts of fun on the balina courts and teams are all in action. On Sunday, May 15th, the men honored the women with a dinner that they prepared themselves. They cooked the food and did the cleaning up afterward. I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to the men from yours truly and all the other ladies. Everything was just perfect! A going away party was planned lor those bound for Europe this summer. It will be a sad return to their homeland for Mrs. Frances Bajc and Mr. Louis Gerzely. They received word of the death of their brother in Europe a few weeks before their departure. Sincere sympathy to them! Mrs. Jennie Lagina won the Sunshine Prize at the meeting. Birthday wishes belatedly sent to Mrs. Jennie Zupan and Mrs. Carole Sataj, also in June to Josephine Drobnik and in July to Frances Bajc and Kristina Ludvik. Our 30th Anniversary Party outdoors turned out very well. The weather was ideal aud we were happy to see so many ladies come out from Cleveland. It was decided not to have any meetings during the summer months so our next meeting will be held in Sept. Here’s wishing our members and their families a happy and safe summer. Betty Pirman, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. — Our next, meeting will be held on Sunday, SEPTEMBER llth at the home of Mrs. Angela Arko, 318 West 111th Place. Please try to attend. The meeting after that will be on Sunday, NOVEMBER 13th at my home — 10445 Wabash Ave. This will be our CHRISTMAS meeting. I know you will think it is far too early lo write about this — but I want you to be aware of it and to prepare for it. There will be more about this at a later date. We are sorry that we have another member to add to our sick list. Mrs. Okorn is ill. We will surely remember you, Mrs. Okorn, as well as all our other sick members, in our prayers, and hope that we will hear soon that you are better. I hope you are all having a wonderful summer, and want to remind you again of our meeting on September llth. Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts, Ohio. Baby, it sure is hot outside! Hope all are keeping cool. There’s not much news. L. Lubanovich’s sister and husband were here from British Columbia. They didn’t see one ano-the for 53 years. They had loads of fun visiting relatives and talking over all the events of the past years. Yours truly and family spent some time in New Orleans. Betty Adler and family went to New York. We all pray our sick members have a speedy recovery. Our birthday gals are wished a happy birthday and many more. Have a happy and safe vacation. See you in Sept. Betty Bayus Hermine Prisland Dicke: a. zx d * **AS* IM^ * * * * With the apple season fast approaching we wish to suggest a few choice recipes using this favorite fruit. Mrs. Anna Matzdorf of Br. No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis., has sent in her very good recipe for APPLE KUCHEN along with a DATE AND NUT BKEAD recipe for delightful eating. APPLE KUCHEN Mi cup oleomargarine 1 cup sugar % cup milk 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder IV2 cup sifted flour Vi teaspoon salt V2 teaspoon lemon juice or flavoring 3 or 4 baking apples, peeled and sliced about % inch thick. Cream, oleo and sugar. Add eggs. Beat well. Sift dry ingredients. Add alternately with milk. Beat well. Add flavoring. Pour into 2 or 3-9 inch round pans (like your baker uses) that have been greased and floured. Lay your sliced apples row after row on top of batter, pressing them slightly into batter. Top with about % to V2 cup sugar over apples. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake at 250 degrees about 35 to 40 minutes. If preferred, you may also use a crumb topping. Crumble together 1 tablespoon butter, % cup sugar, and Vi cup flour. Put over apples. Sprinkle with cinnamon. APPLE CRISP 1 medium apples % cup quick-cooking oatmeal % cup brown sugar '/2 cup enriched flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon '/2 cup butter Pare apples and slice thin. Place slices in greased 8 inch round pan. Combine oatmeal, sugar, flour and spices; cut in butter. Sprinkle this mixture over apples. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Serve warm with cheese wedges or whipped cream. PRIZE-WINNING APPLE PIE Pastry: 1 cup all-purpose flour Vi teaspoon salt Va cup lard 1 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons cold water Filling: V2 to % cup sugar 2 tablespoons tapioca % teaspoon cinnamon and nutmeg, mixed 4 to 5 cups sliced, pared apples 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon butter For pastry, sift together flour and salt. Cut in lard and butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle with water; mix. Press in-lo a ball. Roll half of pastry to fit 9-inch pie pan. For filling, mix together sugar, tapioca and spices. Mix with ap pies and lemon juice. Place in pastry-lined pan. Dot with butter. Cover with top crust. Bake in preheated oven (425 degrees F.) 50 to GO minutes or until crust is nicely browned and apples are cooked through. Serve warm or cold with ice cream or American cheese. * * * Hors d’oeuvres are dainty finger foods, colorful and often exciting. A wonderful variation is PICKLED MUSHROOMS served cold on toothpicks. Mrs. Ica Zebot of Branch No. 103, Washington, D. C. enticed our editor, Mrs. Corinne Leskovar, with just such a variation during her visit last fall. PICKLED MUSHROOMS 1 tablespoon salt .1 pound of the small fresh mushrooms sliced lengthwise through the stems. Vs cup chopped onion 1 clove garlic 2 bay leaves 4 or 5 peppercorns '/2 teaspoon dill 1 cup white wine 1 cup white vinegar Wash mushrooms quickly and drain. Boil 6 cups of salted water, add mushrooms and boil for 3 or 4 minutes. Drain. Bring to boiling point all the rest of the ingredients. Add mushrooms and boil for 3 to 4 minutes longer. Cool. Refrigerate, covered, at least for a couple of days. Use any time needed. What makes jelly cloudy? One or more of the following may cause cloudy jelly; pouring jelly mixture into glasses too slowly. Allowing jelly mixture to stand before it is poured. Juice was not properly strained and thus contained pulp. Jelly set too fast, usually the result of using fruit that is too green, advise U. S. Department of Agriculture food specialists. DATE AND NUT BREAD Pour IV2 cup boiling water over 1 pound cut-up dates. Let cool. Beat together: 1 egg 1 tablespoon oleomargarine 11/2 cup sugar Add to the date mixture along with: Vt teaspoon salt 2% cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons soda 1 cup chopped nutmeats Pour into greased and floured (4x 7J/2x2) bread pans, 3 or 4 of them, depending on how high you want the loaves. Bake at 325 degrees to 350 degrees about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Cool on racks. * * * Do you use your left over pie dough? Roll it cut thin, then grease the dough with softened oleo or butter. Sprinkle with mixture of % teaspoon cinnamon and 3 tablespoons sugar (add a little more of each if you have lots of dough). Roll dough up tightly and cut into little half-inch slices. Lay them flat on an ungreased pan, and bake in oven until slightly brown and crusty. * * * Recently, after reading a plea from Rev. Patrick Peyton in one of the Catholic newspapers for broken rosaries, I sent him a collection which I’ve accumulated for years. A letter of appreciation was sent to me along with the request for more broken rosaries or even pieces. Their slogan is “You send ’em and we’ll mend ’em.” The brochure states, “If you send us one Rosary (even a broken one) we will be happy.” They are repaired then sent to the poor throughout the world. Recently, at a gigantic Family Rosary Crusade rally in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Father Peyton spoke to 2 million souls. Thousands of these people did not own a Rosary. Millions of poor people do not have a Rosary. The leaflet concludes with the request, “If you have any broken or extra rosaries or pieces of rosaries, please put in an envelope or box and mail it to: Rev. Patrick Peyton, C. C. C. The Family Rosary 773 Madison Ave. Albany, N. Y. 12208 Note: I thought you might be interested in this very worthy endeavor. * * Thank you kindly for your wonderful recipes, Mrs. Anna Matzdorf and Mrs. Ica Zebot. If hot weather is your problem— remember last January? ’Bye, Hermine No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — While some of us are still vacationing, just a little reminder that there will be a meeting, Sept. 7th at 7:30 p. m. when we will have on our program a speaker and a film on Communism from the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation. This will be a very interesting program, plan to attend! We will also celebrate our July, August, and September birthdays and plan our fall program of events. Your contributions of bakery goods have always been outstanding—making our meetings wonderful treats. We hope the celebrants will try to attend. A happy and blessed birthday to the following members celebrating during the month of August: Rose Ballock, Douise Dosen, Ann Kompare, Anne Kuehl, Bernice Golden, Matilda Martin, Mary Matijevich, Anna Na-goda, Ella Nosich, Anna Plesha, Mildred Poropat, Katherine Rukavina, Mary Ugarkovich, Emma Yergovich, Matilda Stevens, Olga Knnpotich, Lucille Nosich, Genevieve Ross, and Mary Zelenicka. Europe-bound are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kompare, who will spend more than a month abroad. A few weeks will be spent in Yugoslavia and Slovenia. It is my sincere wish that you both have the most exciting, carefree and relaxing vacation of your lives and that this trip will be a pleasant experience, because there is nobody that I know who deserves it more than you two. Bon Voyage, Ann and Ed! A girl was added to the Matesevac family, Ann and her husband of California are the proud parents of four children now. Also Sylvia Mitchell has become a mother for the second time, a boy. Best of luck to both families. Our heartiest congrtaulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cacich Jr. who celebrated their 20th Wedding Anniversary on July 7th. We wish you long years of health and continued joy and contentment in the midst of your wonderful family. Happy anniversary and many more! See you at our Sept. 7th meeting! Mildred James No. 96, Universal, Pa. — We had a nice turnout at our June meeting. Opening the meeting was prayer by our new president, Ann Podobnik. Sister Jean Oswald attended the meeting looking so much better after spending several months in the hospital. She is now able to walk with the braces and cane. Sister Frances Kallk slipped on newly cut, wet grass and broke her leg and Mrs. Snoznik broke lier wrist. We wish all a very speedy recovery. A delicious lunch was served by our hostess, sister Helen Snoznik and her committee. I’m sure that n pleasant afternoon wa» had by all of us who were present. August meeting will be held at Universal at the home of sister Josephine Parrino, 134 Hamilton Dr. on the 2nd Monday in August — the 8th at 7:30 p. m. So, members, don’t forget to come. You’ll have a nice evening. Wish to see all of you. A happy and gay summer to one and all! Pauline V. Kokal No. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Our June meeting was well attended, I am happy to report. During July and August, however, no meetings will be held. I sincerely hope that the summer will be enjoyable for all! On June 23rd, we lost one of our members, Mrs. Mary Avcin. Our sin-cerest sympathies are extended to her husband John, daughters Mrs. Mary J. Hochevar, Mrs. Marjorie Ratcliffe who both live in Fontana and a son John who resides in Euclid, O. The branch will miss her as she was a warm and friendly person; may she rest in peace! We wish Mrs. Mary Videgar and her daughter an enjoyable stay in Yugoslavia and a safe trip home. Don’t forget that our next meeting is on September 1st in the KSKJ Hall on Arrow Blvd. Hope to see all the ladies there. To our sick members, a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mary Morovic, Reporter No. 101, Bedford Hgts. — Thanks to the June hostesses Mary Laskow-ski, Helen Kainec, and Dorothy Kas-tellic for all the goodies. Have heard that many of the ladies are vacationers. Doris Burdysliaw toured Toronto, Canada. Dorothy Kastellic and family went down to Athens, Ohio to visit her brother. Helen Iloerl and family traveled to the capital. Marge Hren and crew vacationed to Cincinnati to her mother. Ann Gyurcik and Helen Sam-ko spent a few days in Pennsylvania. Pauline Svette enjoyed having her daughter and family here from California. Pauline was a busy "Mom” cooking and making their favorite goodies for all through this “heat wave.” Frances Semich’s family spent the Fourth of —July holiday in West Virginia. The Rittwage’s went to see their son Jim play baseball. Father Paulin is also on vacation. Hope all vacationers enjoyed a wonderful and safe trip. Pat Grauspent a few days in the hospital and underwent surgery. Glad to hear you are feeling better, Pat. Don’t forget, gals. Our up-and coming card party and games to be held on October 7. Pauline Svette is chairman and Ann Gyurcik co-chairman. Best wishes go out to those with birthdays and anniversaries during this month. Hope to see many of you next month at our meeting. Betty Matjašič, Reporter No. 103, Washington, D. C. —- The scene of our combined June meeting-picnic-tour was in the foothills of northwestern Maryland at the home of Ivanka and Victor Antolin, in Emmittsburg, Maryland. Our 70 mile ride wheezed by so quickly as the 5 cars proceeded on scenic hour and a half drive. Drivers for the event were: M. Javornik, Jr., E. Kovačič, B. Findlay, B. J. Mi- chelitch and M. Petrie. The day’s events were open to members, families and friends with a total group of 39 adults and young- sters in attendance. The spacious and lovely lawn of the Antolin’s was ample area for all the happy activity. Members contributed to the pot luck luncli of salads (potato, beet, bean, tomato) baked beans, corn relish, imported cheese, turkey, veal, ham, hot dogs, potato chips, pickles, rolls, pound and spongecakes, brownies, punch, soft drinks and wine. You can well imagine that every tasty bit was enjoyed immensely. A short business meeting was held at which time a committee was formed to handle the details of a mid-summer picnic. A number of smaller Items were also discussed and decided upon. The members agreed upon a 75c assessment for all adult members in order that a large coffee urn might be purchased for the new meeting schedule beginning in Sept. This assessment is payable to our secretary, Mary Mejac at your earliest convenience. The 75-cup coffee urn will be purchased by Zora Slogar who is able to obtain it at a discounted price. Following tho brief meeting and picnic a tour was taken of St. Joseph's College in Emmittsburg. Our guide was Sister Catherine, S. C., who related the college’s significance and background with a biographical sketch of the community’s foundress, Mother Seton. All members agreed that the iy2 hour tour was indeed informative and impressive. The tour brought our day to an end and the stream of cars started down the highway toward Washington, D. C. It was a full day tour and a rewarding experience. We are grateful to the Antolin’s for their careful preparation of this Sunday afternoon. Our compliments to them as well on their twelve lovely helpful and well mannered children. They can indeed be proud of each one. Congratulations are sent to Mr. and Mrs. M. Javornik who celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on July 8th. May you have only happy years ahead! Best Wishes are sent to Helen Krotec who we hope has recovered from a brief illness. Happy vacation time to all! Irene M. Planinšek SLOVENIAN OCTET VISITS, WASHINGTON, D. C. The majority of Slovenes throughout the U. S. have undoubtedly heard of the Slovenian Octet’s recent tour in the U. S. and can consider themselves fortunate, indeed, if they had the good fortune and pleasure of attending a concert of lovely Slovenian melodies performed by the best Slovenian vocal ensemble existing today. Even though Washington, D. C. is considered quite cosmopolitan and cultured, a concert was not scheduled in this locality. Subsequently, we thought that the Octet would return to Slovenia without singing a note in the Capital City. Fortunately, this theory was proved incorrect on June 6th, when the group arrived in D. C. for a hasty yet interesting 10 hour tour of our fair city. Brief as it may have been, the day's events were compressed compactly into an agenda of luncheons, touring and receptions. The Octet was honored at a luncheon held in the new Uayburn Senate Building. Arrangements were completed by Rep. J. Blatnik of Minnesota and Civil Service Commissioner Lud Andolsek. Afternoon refreshments were served in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Javornik. Dr. Valens Vodušek, musical director of the group is the brother of Mrs. Javornik and Rev. Vital Vodušek of California. Rev. Vodušek flew to Washington for the happy reunion of the three. Sightseeing was arranged by a number of prominent Slovenes and one landmark after another was visited in an effort to give the group as complete and interesting a tour as possible in a minimum number of hours. A buffet dinner-reception was then held in the garden of Professor and Mrs. C. Zebot. Those who were fortunate enough to attend the evening reception heard the Octet render three lovely selections from their vast repertoire of Slovenian melodies. And once again we regretted not being able to hear the entire concert. Although the visit was much too brief, it was indeed a happy and memorable occasion for all—an event we hope will be repeated in the near future. In conclusion we send our best wishes to the Octet: M'ay they continue to entertain, to spread goodwill, and to preserve the musical culture which will always re- Members of the Slovenian Octet visiting U. S. Capitol in Washington, before returning home to Slovenia in June. Members of Br. 103 escorted them on tour of the city. main an intrinsic part of the Slovenian heritage. We, who have had the privilege of meeting them and of hearing their lovely Slovenian arrangements, send our deepest appreciation, and best wishes. Irene M. Planinšek No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — We had our final meeting for this summer at Pauline Adamic’s house. Fifteen members were present. Donna, who is Alice Kocjan Sheets’ granddaughter, had a paper rolled up and tied with a ribbon, representing a diploma and on it was a typewritten message Donna read it as a testimonial to Pauline Adamic. She read the words telling of the years Pauline has been a member of Zveza, of the boon she has been and still is to Br. 105. Then Pauline was presented with a "baby doll' set. She was so proiul and beaming! Good luck in everything you do, Pauline, and that is what we all wish for you! Ann McGee won a prize donated by our hostess, Pauline and Ann An-zick received the second prize donated by Alice Sheets, a set of white place mats. That boosted our treas- ury with donations by our members. Fulvia. Rosa’s son and his future wife surprised and delighted us all when they dropped in on us. They were married July 2nd. Her son will be entering the service very soon. We do wish him good luck and hope that it will not be too long before he returns to his wife and parents. May God be with him all the way! We had two birthdays in July: Ann McGee and Pauline Adamic. A very happy wish to both! We are invited to Ann’s cottage in Canada on Sept. ‘1th the Sunday before Labor Day. She has a lovely cottage by the lake and if it is warm, who knows, we will don our “bikinis” and go for a dip! Now, this meeting we had was combined with a shower for Alice Sheets, a surprise shower, I might add. She received some wonderful gifts, all linen. Alice’s eyes were really shining! I had already written in my previous article about her marriage to Frank Sheets, and an ideal pair they are, I must say. We all wish them the best of everything! I believe our next meeting will be at Jennie Bole’s home. Our gracious hostess served a lovely lunch out in her garden which consisted of delicious chicken salad (yum! was it ever good!) flacky cresent rolls,, a pineapple and chocolate mint layer cake. Of course, we had our, ahem, refresher before lunch and also after lunch. We also took pictures and had a lovely afternoon. It was very hot, but it was beautiful in Pauline's back yard. Thank you, Pauline, for being such a gracious hostess. Everyone have a happy summer and a safe one. God bless you all! Stephanie Hometz, Reporter PRE-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN IS ON NOW! Vabilo na Colo. Zvezin dan državno konvencijo 28. Avgusta v Denverju, Colo. Letos bo gostiteljica naše državne konvencije podr. št. 63 v Denverski naselbini. Coloradski Zvezin dan se bo pričel s sv. mašo ob 11 uri dopoldne v cerkvi Holy Rosary, ■1695 Pearl St., E. 47th Ave. in Pearl St. Takoj po maši se prične kratka konvenčna seja v dvorani Slovenian Gardens, 4468 Washington St. Podana bodo poročila in nasveti za bodoči dobrobit naše organizacije in članstva. Sledil bo slavnostni banket, ki se bo pričel točno ob 2 uri popoldne z lepim programom in po banketu se boste lahko zavrteli, ker bo na razpolago odlična plesna godba z Mike Popovich na čelu. Lahko bomo veselo poskočile, zraven pa še kakšno zapele in tako v veselem razpoloženju zaključile dan naše Zveze. Vstopnice si lahko nabavite pri meni in taj. Frances Simonich. Prosim, da bi pridno segle po njih. Povabite s seboj vaše sosede in prijatelje. Vsako leto imamo prijetno in veselo prireditev, zato sem prepričana, da bo letos še boljše. Ne pozabite se pravočasno prijaviti, da naročimo posebni bus in bo tako vse lepo urejeno za vožnjo. Drage sosestre S.Ž.Z.: Skupni sestanki in drž. konvencije so izredno važni za bodočnost naše Zveza, ker ob tej pa imamo lepo razvedrilo, ko se srečamo s sestrami iz raznih naselbin države in sklepamo nova prijateljstva, a vse smo skupno združene v želji za napredek Zveze, še dolgo potem, ko nas pionirk več ne bo. Za nadaljna pojasnila glede drž. konvencije, se obrnite na podpisano in na taj. F. Simonich. Vsem kličem na veselo svidenje 28. avgusta v Denverju! Vaša drž. preds., Anna Pachak ZAPISNIK DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE V NEWBURGH, OHIO Dne 24. aprila 1966 se je vršila državna konvencija za Ohio in Mich, v Newburghu, združen s proslavo 35 letnice podr. št. 47. Sejo je odprla z molitvijo drž. preds. Mary Boštian ob 2:30 pop. Navzoča je naša glavna preds. Toni Turek. Preds. pozdravi odbornice in članice posameznih podr., nato pa poda obširno poročilo o delovanju posameznih podr., pove jim, da je to tretje leto kar je v uradu, da je veliko dela in opravka, a z veseljem poroča, da je vredno vsake ure, ker povsod najde zadovoljnost in uspeh. Prosi za nadaljno pomoč in za pridobitev novih članic. Hvala velja vsem podr., odbornicam in članicam za trud. Le v skupnosti je moč in uspeh. Dolga in široka je pot naše Slovenske Ženske Zveze po 40 letih obstoja in to pot moremo poglobiti, če je le mogoče. Navzoče so zastopnice in članice naslednjih podružnic: št. 10-4, 14-2, 15-5, 21-2, 25-5, 32-3, 40-3, 41-6 ,47-5, 50-6, 68-4, 73-3, 101-4. Zastopane podružnice sporočajo, da se trudijo v delu za pridobitev novih članic in čestitajo podr. št. 47 k uspešnemu 35 letnemu delovanju. Glavna preds. Toni Turek, poda lepo poročilo o zadnji kampanji, da smo pridobile 266 novih članic in s tem je podr. št. 50 dobila prvo mesto in čast gre drž. preds. M. Bostian, ki je pridobila največ novih članic in dobila pr- vo nagrado, drugo mesto pod. št. 25, tretje št. 2 v Chicagu in '103 ter 32 z 21 novimi članicami. S prvim aprilom pa smo začeli z predkonvenčno kampanjo, ki se bo vršila 1. 1967 v Washingtonu, D. C. Odbor šolninskega sklada se priporoča za darila. Zapisnikarica prečita pismo od drž. preds. Mary Tomsic iz Pa., ki izreka čestitke podr. 47 k obletnici, preds. Toni Turek za lep šopek novih članic in drž. preds. Mary Bostian za lepo delo in za pridobitev toliko novih članic. Prihodnja drž. konvencija še ni bila določena, kje in kedaj se bo vršila, toda prednost se daje podr. št. 40, ki l)o praznovala obletnico; če ne prevzame, bo sprejela podr. št. 14, ali pa št. 15. Čestitke in priznanje se izreče naši Ann Cook, ki se toliko trudi z njenimi mladimi hčerkami, da uče mladino “baton twirling”, da tako pokažejo ljudstvu našo Zvezo, ko nastopajo na raznih prireditvah. Preds. podr. št. 47 čestita dolgoletni članici in taj., Jennie Pugley za neumorno delo pri podr. Seja je bila zaključena ob 4:05 in članstvo je bilo povabljeno na zelo okusno banketno večerjo v spodnje prostore. Naj Vsemogočni blagoslovi in ohrani naše članice. Marie Beck, zapisnikarica DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE SO VAŽNE! Po sklepu odbora direktoric na glavni seji v februarju, in da se prihrani čas na konvenciji, ki se vrši v maju v Washington, D. C., se bo upoštevalo predloge državnih konvencij k spremembam pravil. Posamezne debate na konvenciji pomenijo samo izgubo časa, ki bi bil vpo-rabljen za važna razmotrivanja. Zato se tem potom priporoča vsem odbornicam in delegatkam državnih konvencij, da pridejo do stvarhnih zaključkov ter iste predložijo na urad glavne predsednice do 31. decembra 1966. PRED K0NVENCNA KAMPANJA Sedaj je tisti čas, da agitiramo za nove članice, ker imamo večkrat priložnost srečati znanke in prijateljice, ki bi se vpisale, če jim bolj podrobno razložimo, kaj bodo pridobile zase kot članice največje ženske organizacije v Ameriki. Vsako leto imamo izlete, ki služijo članicam v razvedrilo in še posebno važno je, da sedaj pristopijo vse tiste, ki imajo namen potovati v stari kraj prihodnje leto. Vabimo vas v naš krog, da boste deležne vseli koristi, ki vam jih nudi Slovenska Ženska Zveza. Podgoji so lahki, in če potrebujete več pojasnila se obrniti na naš glavni urad. Albina Novak, glavna tajnica, 1937 W. Cermalt Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 P. Claude Okorn, O. F. M. VERNIKI V CERKVI Zadnji vatikanski koncil je v svoji konstituciji o cerkvi posvetil posebno poglavje laikom. Laiki so tisti verniki v cerkvi, ki niso redovniškega ali duhovniškega stanu, verniki, ki so bili včlanjeni v Kristusa po svetem krstu in s tem uvrščeni v božje ljudstvo. Laiki imajo svojstvene naloge, ki naj jih izvršujejo kot člani božjega ljudstva. Te naloge je drugi vatikanski koncil bolj povda-ril in to zato, da bi se člani zavedali, da imajo tudi oni delež pri poslanstvu Cerkve in v svetu. Laikom pripada poseben, njim lasten svetni značaj. Laiki imajo po posebnem poklicu nalogo iskati božje kraljestvo s tem, da se ukvarjajo s časnimi rečmi in jih urejajo v skladu z božjo vojo. V svetu žive, to je v vseh posameznih svetnih dolžnostih in poslih in v rednih družinskih in družabnih razmerah, iz katerih je njihov obstanek takorekoč stkan. Tam jih kliče Bog, da bi z izvrševanjem svoje lastne naloge in ob vodstvu evangeljskega duha kakor kvas od znotraj prispevali k posvečevanju sveta in da bi na bi na ta način predvsem s pričevanjem svojega življenja in z žarom svoje vere, upanja in ljubezni razodevali Kristusa drugim. Nalog«, laikov je torej na poseben način ta, da vse častne stvarnosti, s katerimi so ozko povezani, tako osvetljujejo in usmerjajo, da te vedno nastajajo in rastejo in so po Kristusu v slavo Stvarnika in Odrešenika. Sveta Cerkev je po božji uredbi deležna čudovite različnosti v zgradbi in vodstvu. “Kakor imamo namreč v enem telesu mnogo udov, vsi udje pa nimajo istega opravila, tako je množica nas eno telo v Kristusu, posamezni pa med seboj udje. Eno je torej izvoljeno božje ljudstvo: “en Gospod, ena vera, en krst”; skupno je dostojanstvo udov po njihovem prerojenju v Kristusu, skupna je milost božega otroštva, skupna poklicanost k popolnosti, eno zveličanje, eno u-panje in nedeljena ljubezen. V Kristusu in Cerkvi torej ni nikake neenakosti, kar zadeva rod ali narodnost, so-cijalni položaj, ali spol, kajti “ni več Juda, tudi ne Grka; ne več sužnja, tudi ne prostega, ni več moškega in ženske; kajti vsi vi ste ‘eden’ v Jezusu Kristusu. Tako torej v Cerkvi ne potujejo vsi po isti poti, toda vsi so poklicani k svetosti in so v božji pravičnosti prejeli enako vero. Čeprav so nekateri po Kristusovi volji postavljeni drugim za učitelje, oskrbnike božjih skrivnosti in pastirje, vendar pa med vsemi vlada enakost glede dostojanstva in glede dejavnosti, ki je skupna vsem vernikom v graditvi Kristusovega skrivnostnega telesa. Razlikovanje namreč, ki ga je Gospod postavil med posveče-mi služabniki in ostalim božjim ljudstvom, vključuje povezanost; saj so pastirji in drugi verniki, kolikor drug drugega potrebujejo, med seboj v tesni zvezi. Pastirji Cerkve naj si po Kristusovem zgledu medsebojno služijo in naj služijo drugim vernikom, ti pa naj pastirjem in učiteljem radi nudijo svoje sodelovanje. Tako vsi pričujejo za čudovito edinost v Kristusovem telesu: kajti ravno različnost darov, služb in del zbira božje otroke v enoto, ker” vse to dela eden in isti Duh.” Kakor imajo torej laiki po božji dobrotljivosti za brata Kristusa, ki je čeprav Gospod vseh, prišel je, da bi se mu streglo, ampak, da bi on stregel, tako imajo za brate tudi tiste, ki so postavljeni v sveto službo, da s Kristusovo oblastjo s poučevanjem in posvečevanjem in vodstvom oskrbujejo božjo družino tako, da vsi izpolnjujejo novo zapoved ljubezni. Zato kar najlepše pravi sv. Avguštin: "Če me je strah, ker sem za vas (postavljen duhovnik), pa mi je v tolažbo, da sem z vami. Za vas sem namreč škof, z vami sem kristjan. Ono je ime dolžnosti, to milosti; ono je ime nevarnosti, to zveličanja.” Veliko je dostojanstvo biti član božjega ljudstva pa tudi velika odgovornost. DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Ko dobimo poročilo o nagli smrti svojih prijateljev, se žalost dolgo ne umakne od nas, ker je težko umeti usodo ločitve. V maju smo pospremile dve članice k večnemu počitku: Frances Hribar in Anna Itebol. Mrtvo truplo F. Hribar je dospelo iz Van Nuys, Calif, za pokop v Pueblo, kjer je pokojna živela G4 let, a je kratek čas živela pri hčerki v Calif. — Anna Kebol je umrla na svojem lepo urejenem posestvu (farmi), kakor si je želela. Hčerke Mary Blazina in Velma Evans so naše dobre članice in moje osebne prijateljice, katerim izrekam globoko sožalje nad bridko izgubo dobre matere. Naj ostane blagodejna misel, da se snidemo v višavah pri Bogu. Mary Novak žaluje za prerano umrlim soprogom Jackom, katerega je smrt prehitela na ribolovu. Zadela ga je srčnakap. Pokojni je bil zelo značajni in verni mož, da je malo takih. — Umrla sta tudi Frank Petkovšek in Joseph Zupančič. Frances I’, in Christine Z. sta naše članice. Moja čustva so zelo globoka do vas vseh, kateri ste izgubili svoje drage. Njihov veliki pogreb je bil spričevalo njihove priljubljenosti. V njihov spomin so bili darovani številni venci in sv. maše, — SožaJje Mrs. Marie Prisland ob nenadni smrti sinahe. Sinova žena je umrla še zelo mlada. Naj ji sveti večna luč v preranem grobu. Naša dolgoletna članica Mary Mik-lich in njen soprog Frank, ki sta zelo mladostna na pogled, sta v juniju obhajala 50 letnico zakona. Za zlato poroko so ju vsi znanci in prijatelji počastili in jima želeli še na mnoga leta med nami. Zelo veselo in poskočno je bilo poročno slavje Fredie-ja, sina Freda in Millie Pechek. Ime prijazne neveste je bilo Linda Gale. Vse najboljše na poti skupnega življenja. Freddie z uspehom nadaljuje študije za doktorja zdravilstva na Notre Dame kolegiju. Vse smo ponosne na našo mlado čla., Judith Yesik, kateri je bila podeljena šolnina (scholarship) naše SŽZ. — Iskrene čestitke tudi izrekamo vsem našim mladim dijakom in dijakinjam pri uspehih njihovega študija. Mlada Miss Sandra Schneider je prejela diplomo iz medicinske tehnologije in Miss Dorothy Ann Zakrasele, hčerka Mr. iix Mrs. Nicholas Zakrasek, je dobila šolnino New Se-ton višje šole. Še mnogo uspehov! Bolnice imamo na dnevnem redu. Naša blag. Frances Skul je prestala operacijo, nadalje Johana Skull iz Orman, Frances Čorak, Josephine Undway, Mary Kastelic iz Grave, Olga Mesojedec in Angela Medved so bile pod zdravniško oskrbo v bolnišnici in se sedaj zdravijo doma. Ann Kapushin je še vedno v bolnišnici resno bolana. Komaj pred 2 tedni ji je umrl soprog na operaciji. Še vedno je vsa v žalosti Mary Novak. Tudi Christine Zupančič je v bolnišnici zaradi smrti moža. Vsem bolnim naj ljubi Bog povrne zdraje. Ponovno vabim vse na številno u-deležbo naše drž. konvencije v Denver, Colo, dne 28. avgusta. Bodimo vesele in hvaležne, da smo zdrave, da lahko gremo v domačo družbo naše SŽZ. V času mojega obiska lansko leto v rojstni Sloveniji, sem opazila kako je upoštevana naša SŽZ. Tam je še moja malenkost bila vzeta na znanje zaradi mojega položaja koit gl. odbornica SŽZ. Drage sestre, ne pozabite pokloniti skromni dar za šolninski sklad in delajmo za pridobitev novih članic. Topla zahvala članom I-Ioly Name za prijazno postrežbo in okusni za-jutrek za materinski dan, katerega smo bile deležne vse matere naše fare Marije Pomagaj. Posebna zalivala za krasne nageljne, katere smo dobile v dar za naš Mother’s Day. Vesele počitnice vsem skupaj. Anna Pachak, podpreds. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Novice V času ko boste brale to Zarjo, bo mnogo naših članic že na obisku v domovini Sloveniji, med njimi tudi naša zapisnikarica, ses. Sterle in njena hči Frances La Du, ki je bolni- SOLOISTKA, MARIJA FISCHINGER čarka v Minneapolisu, a lepo govori slovensko, zato ne bo imela težav pri razgovorili med sorodniki. Tudi naša gl. taj. Albina ima veliko skupino, ki so seveda v najboljšem spremstvu. Vsem želim srečno potovanje in zdrav ter vesel povratek Vsem godovnicam, pa še na mnoga leta! V vojaško službo je bil polican sin naše sestre Angele Vesel. Žalostno je bilo slovo, posebno še ker je poročen. — Po štirih letih vojaške službe, pa se je vrnil Joe, sin naše pod-preds. Pollack. Bil je v Viet Namu. Vesel pove, kako jih je razveselil podpreds. Humphrey, ki je ob priliki svojega obiska tam, poklical vse fante iz Minn. in se razgovarjal z njimi. Tudi več drugih naših fantov je vpoklicanih zadnje čase. Vsem želimo, da bi se čimprej zdravi vrnili k svojim dragim. Ne pozabite se udeležiti Zvezinega dne, 11. sept. v Crosby. Prisrčen pozdrav vsem. Mary Lenich, taj. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Iskreno sožalje izrekamo naši blagajničarki, Sumic ter njeni sestri Ann Savol, ki je tud naša članica, ob izgubi brata Mr. Wm. Ramuta. Umrl je v vojaški bolnici, po kratki bolezni, star ko maj 50 let. Med drugo svetovno vojno je bil v raznih bitkah na raznih frontah. Bil je dobro poznan v naselbini ter član mnogih organizacij. Poleg omenjenih sester, zapušča tudi soprogo in pet bratov. Zastopstva raznih organizacij sorodniki in številni prijatelji so ga počastili na mrtvaškem odru ter ga spremili na zadnji poti iz cerkve sv. Jožefa na farno pokopališče. Izgubile smo tudi dolgoletno članico, Mrs. Anna Musich iz Oak Parka, ki je dolgo bolehala in je umrla v bolnišnici sv. Jožefa. Nekaj časa je živela tukaj v Jolietu pri sinu in eni hčerki. Dokler je bila v Oak Parku DRŽAVNA KONVENCIJA ZA W1S. 11. SEPT. Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — VABILO NA PROSLAVO USTANOVITVE IN DRŽ. KONVENCIJO. — Drage sosestre, pošiljamo vam vljudno vabilo, da bi se vse udeležile slavnosti 40 letnice ustanovitve naše podružnice in S.Ž.Z. združeno z državno konvencijo podružnic iz države Wisconsin, ki se bo vršilo dne 11. septembra tukaj pri nas. Pripravljalni odbor ima veliko skrbi in potov, da bo vse izvršeno v zadovoljstvo vseh gostov in bo v ponos naši organizaciji. Naj omenim le glavne točke sporeda. Ob 10 uri dopoldne se bo pričelo zborovanje glavnih odbornic, zastopnic podr. in navzočih članic v cerkveni dvorani Sv. Cirila in Metoda, nakar se bomo skupno udeležile slovesne sv. maše ob 11.30, ki bo darovana za vse žive in umrle članice podr. Ob eni uri pop. bo slavnostni banket v Standard dvorani od Joe in Mary Germ na Indiana ave. Imele bomo izvrstni obed in na programu imamo odlične govornike in veselo sporočam, da nas bo za to priliko obiskala naša cenjena glavna predsednica, Antonija Turek. Slišale bomo tudi slavno koncertno pevko. Marijo Pišinger iz Chicaga. Vseskozi se pripravlja lep program, zato je važno, da sedaj pridno sežete po vstopnicah za banket, ker imamo samo gotovo število sedežev v dvorani in ko bodo prostori razprodani ne bo mogoče več dobiti vstopnic. Pohitite torej, da ne bo zamere, ker časa imamo samo še nekaj tednov. Tikete dobite pri vseh odbornicah podr. Načelnica je Silvia Drexel. Iskreno vabljeni vsi in na veselo ter prijateljem Zveze širom Amerike. je imela svoj dom pri drugih dveh hčerkah. Pokojna je bila rojena v Sloveniji 12. febr. 1891 in je prišla v Ameriko kot 13 letno dekle. K podružnici je pristopila 1. marca 1943, priporočena po ses. Mary (Anton) Terlep. Njen soprog Frank ji je umrl pred 30 leti. Pokopana je bila iz cerkve sv. Jožefa na farno pokopališče. Žalujočim sorodnikom družin Ramuta in Musich izrekamo globoko sožalje. Naj pokojna počivata v miru. Naša članica in njen soprog, Mr. in Mrs. Anton Popek, 1013 Vine St., sta sredi svoje družine in sorodnikov obhajala zlato poroko. Visoko 45 letnico zakona sta slavila Mr. in Mrs. Frank Bostjancich iz Summit St. Obe omenjene slavljenke sta naše dobre dolgoletne članice, kakor tudi mnoge iz njihovih družin in sorodstva. Iskrene čestitke in želje še za mnogo let v zdravju in sreči. Prisrčne čestitke tudi družini Mr. in Mrs. Gary Gruenwald iz 1814 Hickory St. ob priliki rojstva zale punčke. Iz počitnic v Calif, se je vrnila Miss Marlene Gaspich in teta, ki sta tam prebile več tednov oddiha ter obiskale teto in sorodnike. Marlene je nečakinja naše tajnice, Frances Gaspich. Iz počitnic se je vrnila z možem Fredom in dvema hčerkama tudi Jo-nita Ruth. Obiskali so Kanado, Niagara Falls, New York in Washington, D. C. Tam sta Janice in Ros-anne obiskale tudi Kennedyjev grob. Za vodnica jima je bila Miss Irene M. Planinšek, predsednica novoustanovljene podružnice št. 103. — Elaine Fleming iz Washington, D. C. je te dni z družino prišla domov k materi za več mesecev, dokler se njen soprog in oče ne vrne iz Callfornije, kjer je nastavljen kot major naše vojske. Major in Mrs. Harold Flemming sta pogostila tudi nove članice svidenje kličemo vsem našim sestram Odbor podr. št. 1. v Wasliingtonu, kjer je Elaine odbornica. Elaine je dobro poznana tukaj v Jolietu, saj je bila prej dolgoletna odbornica obeh vežbalnih krožkov in ostala vedno članica podr., dokler se ni preselila iz Havane v Washington. Lepe pozdrave vsem članicam. Josephine Erjavec Št. 24, La Salle, III. — Ko to pišem imamo hudo vročino, da jo je kar težko prenašati in željenega dežja ni od nikoder, čeprav bi ga zelo potrebovali. Naše seje so bolj slabo obiskane, da ne moremo kaj dobrega ukreniti za napredek podružnice. Ne vem, zakaj se članice bolj ne zanimajo. Jaz čakam posebno še tiste, ki so v zaostanku z asesmentom, ker leto tako hitro teče in bo kmalu zopet pri kraju. Prosim, da bi prinesle na dom ali na sejo, ker jaz moram poslati na glavni urad. Zopet smo izgubile eno članico, Ana Šojer, ki je bolehala nad eno leto. Stara siimo 72 let, pa se je morala ločiti od družine. Zapušča moža Avgusta in eno hčer ter vnuka ter dva brata, Loui in Joe Kalin. Naj ji bo Bog dober plačnik, sorodnikom pa naše iskreno sožalje. V bolnišnici se nahaja Katliren Spicmiler, ki jo padla na svojem domu. Želimo ji hitrega ozdravljenja. Več članic se zdravi na domu pod zdravniško oskrbo; vsem želimo hitrega zdravja. Vsem, ki se nahajate na počitnicah, pa želimo srečni povratek domov. Pozdrav vsem članicam podružnice št.. 24. Angela Strukel, taj. Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. — Naše iskreno sožalje izrekamo ses. Mary Winter in Jane Somrak ob izgubi ljubljene mamice, ses. Mary Sturm, ki je bila naša dolgoletna članica. Globoko sožalje tudi soprogu, sinu in sorodnikom. Pokojna sestra pa naj sladko sniva in večna luč naj ji sveti. Na obisk k ses. Mary Čebul sta prišla iz Trzina pri Mengšu, g. Frank in ga. Cilka Mušič. Omenjena sta sovaščana podpisane in jima želimo prav prijetno bivanje med nami. Po resni bolezni se je po nekaj tednih bivanja v bolnici, vrnila na svoj dom, ses. Anne Videnšek. — Ses. Julija Metelko se tudi po več tedenskem zdravljenju v bolnici, sedaj zdravi na domu. Obema želimo popolnega okrevanja in najboljšega zdravja v bodočnosti, enako želimo tudi vsem, katere se ne počutijo dobro. Po zadnji seji smo bile prav dobro pogoščene v počastitev rojstne obletnice ses. Ančke Rebolj. Vsem prav lepa hvala, Ančki in vsem, katere ste godovale v juliju in katere boste v avgustu, želimo vse najboljše. Prisrčna hvala ses. Mary Markel za lep dar v šolninski sklad. Prav lepa hvala ses. M. Poje, druž. pok. J. Udovich in druž. pok. M. Sturm za dar v blagajno. Ne pozabite pripeljati nekaj novih članic na našo prihodnjo sejo. Vse, katere dolgujete na članarini, ste prošene, da. isto poravnate čimprej mogoče. S sesterskim pozdravem. Ella Starin, taj. Št. 42, Maple Hts., O. — Seja dne 22. junija je bila še dokaj dobro obiskana, kljub vročini, ki te dni pritiska na nas. Naše rojstne slavljenke Angie Zupanc in Betty Ann Kastelic so nam postregle s kavo in okusnim pecivom. Tudi Antonija Matos je prinesla pecivo, čeprav ni slavila svojega rojstnega dneva. Najlepša hvala vsem z željo še za veliko zdravih in zadovoljnih dni. Ker je smrt iztrgala iz naše srede našo tajnico, Louise Prhne, je bilo treba izvoliti drugo, tako se nas je usmilila in prevzela tajniške posle naša pridna članica Helen Lipnos. Prepričana sem, da bo ona izborna tajnica, Je izučena knjigovodkinja. Dolžnost nas vseh članic pa je, da sodelujemo z njo s tem, da imamo naše mesečne prispevke poravnane ob pravem času. Tebi, Helen, pa najlepša hvala in upam, da ne boš razočarana z nami. Charles Kočevar, soprog naše častne matere Mary, je prestal operacijo in sedaj se mu zdravje vrača ter u-pamo, da bo kmalu popolnoma okreval, kar mu vsi želimo. Naše bolehne članice, katerim želimo ljubega zdravja so: Jennie Intihar, Ivana Hrovat ter Frances Tomšič. Da nam ne bo treba hoditi na seje sedaj v poletnih mesecih, zato bo naša prihodnja seja šele 26. oktobra. Prosim, da si zapomnite in takrat pridete vse na sejo. Da bomo našo blagajno malo podprle, sm» sklenile, da bomo IG. oktobra imele Bake Sale, za kar bo vsaka članica še posebno obveščena, ODŠLA V VEČNOST t Frances Bresuk 1966 Lorain, Ohio Mrs. Frances Bresak, preds. št. 40, si je s svojim velikim zanimanja za kulturo in udejstvovanju v narodnih ustanovah pridobila mnogo prijateljev in znancev. Dne 1. julija je njeno blago srce nehalo utripati in vzelo slovo od nas. Njena dobra dela bodo gotovo živela med nami dolgo let. Naj ji bo ljubi Bog dober plačnik. Ostala nam bo v trajnem spominu. N. dobro pa je, da že sedaj mislite kaj boste vse napekle, da bomo imele najboljši izid. Imejte se dobro in bodite zdrave skozi poletje in v molitvah se pa spomnimo tudi naše pokojne Louise. Pozdrav, A. Kastelic Št. 47, Garfield, Ohio. — Dolgo smo se pritoževali nad hladnim vremenom, toda zdaj ga imamo še mnogo prevroče. Moje želja je, da bi se vse lepo oddahnile, ker smo zadnje čase bile preobložene z vsakovrstnimi prireditvami. — Naša 35 letnica je za nami in je prav lepo uspela v vseh ozirih. Naj prejmejo toplo zahvalo vsi, ki so se udeležili naše proslave. Posebna zahvala vsem, ki ste sodelovale na programu, našim članicam za petje, mladinskemu oddelku, imamo tudi dobre plesalke. Zahvala št. 50 za sodelovanje in za nastop “Beatles”. Kaj si bo naša drž. preds. za Ohio in Mich. izmislila za dvig SŽZ? Pod omenjenim imenom so že parkrat nastopile in vedno z uspehom, kor so občinstvo navdušile. Vsa čast ses. Boštjan za njeno delo med o-hijsklmi društvi. Ker je naša preds. boji obširno že poročala, se v Imenu podr. tudi zahvalila, zato ne bom ponavljala. Tudi ona je dobro o-pravila svojo vlogo in se mnogo trudila za vsestranski uspeh. Prisrčna hvala ses. Helen Tomažič za vse. Preskrbela je lepa darila za dolgoletna uradovanja, ses. blagajničarke, Antonije Dolinar in moje malenkosti. Prejela sva srebrne rožne vence. Obe se lepo zahvaljujeva vsem članicam za lepo priznanje. Članice so bile res pridne in pomagale prodati vstopnice. Vzelo bi preveč prostora omeniti vse, toda zapisane so v knjigi. Za materinsko proslavo^ so darovale v pecivu, sestre: H. Tomažič, Dolinar, R. Shuster, krompirjevo solato, J. Pugely pa cake. V prijetnem razpoloženju smo počastile zaslužno mater, Jennie Bizjak, kateri smo podarile kip Jezusa, šopek rož in karto z imeni vseh navzočih. Bila je zelo ginjena in solze veselja so ji orosile njene oči v hvaležnosti, ker ni pričakovala take pozornosti. Bog jo živi še mnogo let! Našim sestram pa leta hitro tečejo. TO' leto so kar 4 članice dopolnile 75 rojstnih let, to so: Mary Hočevar, Carolina Kortovich, Mary Seme in Mary Frank. 80 let pa sta mlade, Josephine Meserko in Louise Kostelic. Vsem kličemo “Vse najboljše”, še mnogo let. Enako vsem o-stalim slavljenkam rojstnih dnevov! Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja, ki je najdragocenejši zaklad. Prav lepa hvala vsem za denarna darila na proslavi, dalje Carlini Zadnik za dobro kapljico, odvetniku Opaskarju in Mark Herak za pivo. Vse bo šlo v korist podr. Dobrodošlica novi članici M. Culkar ter v mladinskem oddelku Darlene Žagar. Njena grandma je v Sloveniji na potovanju z Glasbeno Matico. Ona je članica tega zbora že precej let. To je ses. Agnes Žagar. Josephine Grlica je tudi šla tja na obisk. Obema želimo srečno potovanje in zdrav povratek, da bi nam prinesle mnogo prijetnih vtisov in spominov iz naše lepe slovenske zemlje. Enako vsem članicam, ki so se podale črez veliko lužo s skupino SŽZ, katero vodi naša gl. taj. A. Novak. Pozdrav vsem! Jennie Pugely, taj. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — V tem času imamo tukaj, kakor tudi po drugih krajih, hudo vročino. Toplomer kaže vsak dan nad 95 stopinj. Dežja že dolgo nismo imeli. Naša blagajničarka, Mary Boštjančič, se nahaja že 2 tedna v Cannons-burg bolnišnici. Vse članice Ti želimo, Mary, ljubega zdravja. Enako tudi ses. M. Chesnik in Frances Batista. Mrs. Pugely prisrčna hvala za karto. Žal se nisem mogla udeležiti vaše prireditve, ker je 5. aprila umrla žena mojega brata in sem bila 2 tedna v Clevelandu. Vse je bilo preveč za mene. Lepo se zahvalim gl. preds. Mrs. Turek in drž. preds. M. Boštjan, ki so prišle pokropiti in za njihovo postrežbo. Mary, poznam še kot mlado dekle, in hvala ji za okusno kosilo. Tudi ona ni imela z rožicami postlano, ker so ji starši umrli, ko je bila še mlada in je ostala z dvema mladima bratoma. Gl. tajnici A. Novak in vsem dru- gim, ki so na obisku rojstne domovine, želim lepo snidenje s svojimi dragimi in srečen povratek nazaj. Lep pozdrav. Mary Tomsic, preds. ZLATI JUBILEJ SLOVENSKE FARE Št. 84, New York, N. Y. — Ko to pišem imamo tukaj hudo vročino. Že 3 dni imamo nad 100 stopinj vročine. Naša slovenska newyorska župnija sv. Cirila na 8 cesti je 21. maja slavila zlati jubilej. Naš župnik Rev. Richard Rogan so bili zelo zaposleni, ker so prenovili cerkev in naredili novi veliki oltar, ki je res krasno delo. Vsa čast Fr. Richard, za Vaš trud in skrb. Proslava se je pričela s slovesno sv. mašo ob 11 uri, katero so darovali Msgr. Louis B. Baznik ob asistenci Fr. Jerome Selak in Fr. Maček, dalje Fr. Andrew Svete, Fr. Alojzij Jenko so bili ceremonijar in Fr. Andrej Farkaš so imeli prekrasno pridigo. (3. gg. Jerome Selak, Rudolf Maček in Joseph Cagram so iz naše fare. Cerkev je bila polna in na banketu je bilo več ljudi, kakor se jih je priglasilo. Bil je dober program in lepi govori. Samo malo nas je še živih od tistih, ki smo’ ob začetku podprli prizadevanja, da se je začela graditi cerkev. Jaz sem takrat bila neporočena, moje dekliško ime je bilo Košak in sem delala v slamnikarski tovarni pozimi, a poleti sem služila na deželi. Zaslužki so bili majhni. Večina Slovencev je delalo v slamnikarski industriji, žene in dekleta so šivale na mašine, a moški so bili blokarji. Ni bilo lahko življenje za matere, ki so hodile delati in za otroke dobiti služkinjo, ali pa jih dati kaki družini za G dni nateden, a v nedeljah so jih imeli doma. — Leta 1917 sem se poročila in 1920 se je rodil prvi sin, 1922 drugi, 1924 hčerka in ena 1929. Dobila sem mlade dekleta iz Pa. za varovati otroke. Moj mož Frank je delal v Pa. na trdem premogu. Ker je prihajal domov iz dela čisto črn mi ni bilo všeč in sem ga pregovorila, da sva se selila v N. Y. in sem ga naučila šivati slamnike ter sva kakih 25 let skupaj delala v fabrilci, potem so mu opešale oči in je dobil delo v pivovarni, kjer je o-stal do upokojitve in pet let potem je umrl, dne 2. aprila 19G2. Od takrat tudi jaz več ne delam. Dosti sem izkusila in vem kaj trda slamni-karska obrt. 14. junija sva šle z nečakinjo Frances Cerar na Kennedy airport se posloviti od skupine Slovenske Ženske Zveze, ki je pod vodstvom gl. taj. Albine Novak bila na poti v staro domovino Slovenijo. Zelo sem bila vesela svidenja. Dne 21. junija pa je šla druga skupina pod vodstvom g. Kolanderja. S to skupino je potovala tudi moja svakinja iz Fontane, Cal. in hčerko Edith in Mrs. Mazuri. Mary Vidergar je peljala hčerko, ki je gluha 39 let, na zagrebško kliniko za ušesa. 10 let nazaj pa je še oslepela in vse operacije ji niso vrnila vida. Bog daj, da bi ji pomaga- li, ker je zelo lepo dekle in izredno pridna, doma pegla in čisti, kakor, da bi videla. Njena mati je zelo aktivna na vseh področjih in kot vrla odbornica podružnice. Ima 2 sinova in 3 poročene hčerke. Našo sejo smo imele 21. jun., katere se žal nisem mogla udeležiti, da sem pozdravila svakinjo na letališču. Zaradi busa bomo imele sejo dne 16. avgusta na istem prostoru. Prosim članice, da bi se udeležile te seje, ko bomo tudi odločile kje se bodo vršile naše seje, ker dvorana mora biti plačana, polna ali prazna za večer naročen za sejo. Pozdrav vsem članicam in čitate-Ijam Zarje. Angela Voje, preds. Št. 103, Washington, D. C. Zadnji sestanek pred poletjem smo imele pri gospe Ivanki Antolin v Ernmits-burgu, Md. Kljub precejšni razdalji, saj je Antolinova hiša ravno na meji držav Pennsylvania in Maryland, se nas je zbrale kar lepo število članic z možni in otroki vred. Sestanek sam je prijetno potekal. Ob koncu smo celo sklenile, da bomo organizirale večji piknik za Slovence in prijatelje Slovencev po mož- nosti v juliju oziroma v avgustu. Sestavile smo odbor, ki bo poskrbel za prostor in vse potrebno s podrobnostmi. Gospa Antolinova se je zelo dobro odrezala z vsemi pripravami. Kljub veliki družini, dvanajstih otrok, ni pozabila na nobeno stvar. Še po sestanku večkrat dobivam telefonske klice članic, ki vse občudujeje in hvalijo to vzorno katoliško družino. Ker je gospod Antolin profesor filozofije na St.~Joseph's'T!ollege~ v EmiSItsburgu, nam je bilo omogočena, da smo si skupno ogledali ves college. Mnogim članicam je gotovo že poznano življenje bi. Mother Seton, ki je na tem prostoru leta 1809. s šestnajstimi sestrami začela svoje delovanje in ustanovitvijo Sisters of Charity. Mother Seton je v Emmitsburgu umrla leta 1821. Ogledali smo si tudi njen grob. College je imel v preteklem letu 684 študentk, katere se predvsem usposa-blajo za home economics in nursing. Ob koncu Vam želim še izraziti, da nam je Slovenkam v Wasliinglo-nu prav prijetno pri naših srcih. Človek potrebuje, da se kdaj pa kdaj razvedri in svojega nekaj prispeva, bodisi karkoli. To je duhovno udejstvovanje, ki je človeku za razvedrilo potrebno, da skoči iz vsakdanjih skrbi malo ven in se potem bolje počuti, duševno prerojenega in sproščenega. Za september in naslednje mesece se nam obeta veliko zanimivih predavani pri naših mesečniE šestanEIIi. Želim Vam vsem skupaj prijetne počitnice in mnogo zdravja. Nika Kovačič Junior’s Page HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR BASEBALL? 1. Has any player ever hit three homers in a series game? 2. Has any club ever won the series after losing the first three games? 3. Has there ever been a series nohitter? 4. What does baseball’s “triple crown” consist of? 5. Who was the last “triple crown" winner? 6. Who was the last pitcher to win 30 games? 7. Who was the last batter to hit over .400? 8. Where was the first major league night game played? 9. What team plays no night games at home? 10. What is the circumference of a baseball? 11. What are the measurements of a bat? 12. How did Babe Ruth and Stan Musial begin their baseball careers ? “A” Tents — A New Innovation for Outdoor Play Projects One corner in the yard of a modest home in a suburban New Jersey community was recently converted into a miniature tent town and, upon completion, the pint-sized inhabitants and their equally pint-sized friends moved in for a summer of excitement. The kids were trying out the latest outdoor innovation for children, the “A”-Tents. These experimental “A”-Tents, created by the Play Council, using inexpensive Homasote building board and simple wood framing, were patterned after the popular “A”-frame vacation homes. They were the result of studies to determine how they could Berve as playtime projects for children to make use of their inexhaustible energy. A spokesman for the Play Council has indicated that plans and ideas for the "A”-Tents are available l'ree to any person, school, institution or organization simply by writing to The Play Council, Box 441, Trenton 3, New Jersey. _______________________ Why did the moron go to the football game? He thought the quarterback was a refund. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL, 1966 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC APRIL, 1966 Branch Assesments Membership 13 77.90 139 78 1 $100.25 178 53 45 — 59 7 2 202.40 348 152 46 14.75 30 5 3 145.85 278 165 17 59.85 115 27 4 4.40 16 49 — 29 8 5 109 30 * 50 121.90 186 101 6 50.15 IIS 10 51 7.75 15 — 7 60.90 105 91 52 28.00 50 16 8 22.95 54 54 40.40 72 56 9 32 2 55 35.15 70 11 10 154.50 359 37 56 45.45 101 14 12 81.35 190 16 57 39.40 66 33 13 56.05 110 19 59 — 29 3 .14 146.15 296 27 61 — 11 — 15 112.95 226 19 62 35.40 33 1 1« 73.05 138 74 63 62.50 107 41 17 73.80 153 68 64 20.65 53 2 19 61.20 131 27 65 — 56 24 20 148.50 331 26 66 2S.40 51 16 21 52.65 97 46 67 — 72 13 22 19.60 20 ! 68 36.90 57 10 2'3 117.55 233 62 70 — 14 3 24 79.15 165 75 71 56.30 115 18 25 369.95 696 195 72 11.95 29 4 26 47.60 .103 10 73 58.35 105 80 27 63.30 61 '1 # 74 21.35 39 4 28 43.10 81 8 77 28.20 55 32 29 11.15 27 5 78 39.50 57 16 30 18 — * 79 18.50 31 21 31 49.85 93 33 80 14 — 32 60.45 109 52 81 8.95 21 33 86.40 150 78 83 11.85 22 1 34 19.15 38 7 84 51.00 60 4 35 35.50 58 12 85 11.70 28 5 37 9.00 24 3 86 11.35 20 38 58.95 149 2 88 18.35 27 6 39 25.20 52 19 89 37.10 81 38 40 45.95 97 3 90 23.10 47 21 41 100.95 23S 33 91 37.05 60 13 12 25.60 50 3 92 13.85 22 2 2 & 93 114.60 65 @ 94 28.40 16 1 ” 95 107.55 170 38 96 50.30 49 2 97 11.20 21 5 99 8.95 21 100 23.90 43 9 101 24.2-0 34 15 102 28.20 18 4 * 103 13.10 20 4 104 8.50 20 — 105 12.75 22 6 106 28.40 23 1 # Totals: $4,382.95 8498 2345 Income: Dohodki: Assessment from members $ 4,382.95 Rental income in April 155.00 Interest on Investments 1,104.95 Total Skupaj $5,642.90 • Mar; ! Apr. May; # Mar. April; / Oct.; & Apr.; % Jan. Feb.; @ Jan. to Apr. ” Jan to Mar. Disbursements: Stroški K. Kralich, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo $100.00 Josephine Kolenc, Br. 20, Joliet 100.00 Hose Marn, Br. 14, Cleveland 100.00 Mary Rauh,Br.31, Gilbert Minn. 100.00 Gospa Dorkin, Br. 95 So. Chgo. 100.00 Zarja, The Dawn 1,592.45 Salaries and Administration 1,015.00 Fuel Rent 57.72 75.00 Printing and Office Supplies 147.93 Telephone and Postage Office Fixtures Sundries Real Estate Tax Dir. of Int. Revenue Secretaries’ Awards Total — Skupaj Balance March 31, I960 Income in April, I960 45.00 105.52 117.00 475.60 620.90 426.00 $5,178.12 $508,180.37 5,642.90 $513,82'3.27 Disbursements in April, ’66 $ 5,178.12 Ledger Hal. Apr. 30, 1966 $508,645.15 Albina Novak, Secretary ANSWERS TO BASEBALL QUIZ 1. Yes, Babe Ruth did it against the Cardinals, in 1926 and again in 1928. 2. No. 3. Yes. Don Larsen, Yankees, pitched his perfect no-hitter against the Dodgers in the 1956 series. Batting, home runs and runs batted in. Mickey Mantle, in 1956. Dizzy Dean, in 1934. Ted Williams, in 1941. In 1935, Cincinnati. Cubs. The baseball is nine to nine and a quarter inches in circumference. A hardwood bat is not more than 42 inches long nor more than 2% inches in diameter at the thickest part. 12. Pitchers. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. 10. 11. “A” TENTS FOR BACKYARD FUN PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN anil SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cerniak Rd. Phone CAnal (>-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois H. GROINS & SONS y.A POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad G2 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Iilvd. 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Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 KGM k^>;» @ FULL ®) ti SERVICE J METROPOLITAN STATE 4 RANK & r'lS'ja BANK 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois, 60608 S.W.U. New Little Songbook LET’ SING! only $1.25 Vostpaid Send order to: MRS. ANTONIA TUREK, 986 |{|{YN MAWR AVE., WICKLIFFE, 01)10 44092