Informatica 45 (2021) 405–414 405 Categorization of Event Clusters from Twitter Using Term Weighting Schemes Surender Singh Samant Birla Institute of Technology & Science Pilani - Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India - 500078 Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India - 248002 E-mail:, N.L. Bhanu Murthy and Aruna Malapati Birla Institute of Technology & Science Pilani - Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India - 500078 E-mail: {bhanu, arunam} Keywords: text categorization, text classification, term weighting Received: February 14, 2020 A real-world event is commonly represented on Twitter as a collection of repetitive and noisy text mes- sages posted by different users. Term weighting is a popular pre-processing step for text classification, especially when the size of the dataset is limited. In this paper, we propose a new term weighting scheme and a modification to an existing one and compare them with many state-of-the-art methods using three popular classifiers. We create a labelled Twitter dataset of events for exhaustive cross-validation experi- ments and use another Twitter event dataset for cross-corpus tests. The proposed schemes are among the best performers in many experiments, with the proposed modification significantly improving the perfor- mance of the original scheme. We create two majority voting based classifiers that further enhance the F1-scores of the best individual schemes. Povzetek: V prispevku je opisana kategorizacija gruˇ c dogodkov na Twitterju. 1 Introduction Twitter is a popular microblogging platform with millions of active users 1 posting (publishing) messages (tweets) ev- ery day [18]. In microblogging, there is a limit to the maxi- mum allowed length of a message (e.g. Twitter restricts the length to 280 characters). Since a large number of users access Twitter using mobile devices, real-world news is of- ten shared first on Twitter. In this paper, we consider an event as any newsworthy real-world occurrence discussed on Twitter. For this reason, we use the terms event and news interchangeably. There can be a large number of tweets discussing an event. The set of event-related tweets has very high-dimensional vocabulary (features), is repetitive and noisy. We refer to a collection of related tweets (in En- glish) discussing an event as an event cluster, an event or a document. The number of real-world events that are detected online during a fixed time duration is generally limited. For ex- ample, Kalyanam et al. [7] were able to detect about 5000 real-world events in a year (including duplicates). Since event datasets are not huge, advanced neural network tech- niques are not applicable, and we need to use traditional methods for classification. Term-weighting schemes have traditionally been one of the most popular pre-processing methods for text catego- rization. These schemes are applicable even when the dataset is not very big. There are two types of term- 1 weighting: unsupervised term weighting (UTW) and su- pervised term weighting (STW). UTW schemes such as tf*idf do not consider the category of a term’s containing- document, while STW schemes depend on the category in- formation. A classifier is trained on the labelled dataset consisting of documents with weighted words and the corresponding document category labels. Fig. 1 gives an overview of event categorization using term weighting schemes. Note that event category is a conceptual grouping that contains a similar type of events (e.g. sports category). Human annotators assign a category label to each event (we discuss the process in Section 4). We ask the following research questions in this paper. Can the existing term weighting schemes categorize noisy and repetitive Twitter event clusters effectively? Can we create a new term weighting scheme or improve existing ones? Would the proposed method and modification be effective in general text categorization? Can we improve event categorization by creating voting classifiers using term weighting schemes? To this end, we make the following contributions: – We propose a new term weighting scheme and a modi- fication to an existing scheme for event categorization. We perform cross-validation and cross-corpus classi- fication using two different datasets. We also evaluate the proposed schemes on multiple balanced and im- balanced sub-datasets. – We show that the proposed term weighting schemes 406 Informatica 45 (2021) 405–414 S.S. Samant et al. Event Identification Term weighting categorize Cluster1 Cluster2 ClusterN 2 … Manual labelling Cluster1 Cat.1 Cluster2 Cat.3 ClusterN Cat.C … Event Classifier model Cat.1 Cat.3 Cat.2 … Event categories Figure 1: Overview of the process of Twitter event catego- rization. and an existing scheme statistically make signifi- cantly different predictions. Consequently, we pro- pose a voting-based classifier using these schemes that achieves the highest F1-scores. We have organized the rest of this paper as follows. We discuss the related work and existing term weight- ing schemes in Section 2. We propose a term weight- ing scheme in Section 3.1 and modification to an exist- ing scheme in Section 3.2. In Section 4, we discuss the datasets, experimental setup and the evaluation metrics. We present experimental results and analysis in Section 5 fol- lowed by conclusion in Section 6. 2 Related work We now discuss a few state-of-the-art term weighting schemes that have been previously used by researchers for text categorization. 2.1 Unsupervised methods These methods make an assumption that terms important to a document are frequently present in it. Another common assumption is that a term is important to a document if it is not present in many documents. Raw count (frequency) tf and its variations are often used as term weighting schemes. The tf*idf and its variations additionally consider inverse document frequency (idf ) for weight assignment. The idf of a term is defined in inverse proportion to the fraction of documents in which it is present. Let N be the total number of documents in a corpus, and n be the number of documents that contain a term t, then (1) is used to calculate its tf*idf. w=tf idf, where idf=log N n (1) There are a few popular variants of tf. Binary weight can be 1 or 0 depending on whether a term is present or absent in a document: w= ( 1; iftf >0 0; otherwise (2) Another variant is calculated by dividing tf by the length of the document. Yet another variation is the log-normalized tf in which the log of tf is calculated, as shown in (3). w=log(1+tf) (3) There are many variations of idf scheme. In smoothed idf, weight is calculated using (4). smooth-idf=log 1+ N n (4) Probabilistic idf is calculated using (5) idf=log (N n) n (5) These schemes have been used by many researchers for text categorization ([6], [22]). 2.2 Supervised methods Assume there are N training documents injCj categories, the following notations are used in STW schemes: – tp: number of positive category documents that con- tain w. – fp: number of positive category documents that do not contain w. – tn: number of negative category documents that do not contain w. – fn: number of negative category documents that con- tain w. – cf : number of categories that have w present in at least one document. Debole and Sebastiani [4] compared unsupervised tf*idf method with supervised term weighting methods tf 2, tf*ig and tf*gr using (6), (7), and (8), respectively. They used news categorization dataset Reuters-21578 and found tf*gr to perform the best among the three schemes. The results were mostly inconclusive when compared to tf*idf. tf 2 measures independence of a term from a category. tf 2 = tf N (tp tn fp fn) 2 (tp+fp)(fn+tn)(tp+fn)(fp+tn) (6) tf*ig measures the information a term contains about a category. tf ig =tf tp+fp N log tp+fp N fn+tn N log fn+tn N + tp N log tp tp+fn + fn N log fn tp+fn + fp N log fp fp+tn + tn N log tn fp+tn (7) Categorization of Event Clusters from. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 405–414 407 tf*gr is similar to tf*ig with a normalization factor added to give weights to a term on an equal basis across different categories [21]. tf gr = tf ig tp+fp N log tp+fp N fn+tn N log fn+tn N (8) Lan et al. [8], the authors proposed a term weighting method based on the relevance frequency (rf ) of a term. They argued that relevance of a term in a document should only be affected by tp and fn, while tn and fp should not have any role in term weighting. They used k-NN and SVM classifiers on Reuters-21578 and 20 Newsgroups datasets to compare the methods against other supervised and unsu- pervised methods. The weight of a term in tf*rf is calcu- lated using (9). tf rf =tf log 2+ tp Max(1;fn) (9) An Odds Ratio based method tf*OR has been found to perform well by researchers [8, 15]. Odds-Ratio is used to measure the strength of association between a term and a category. It is calculated by using (10). tf OR=tf log tp tn fp fn (10) Quan et al. [15] proposed iqf*qf*icf (inverse question fre- quency, question frequency, inverse category frequency) for the question categorization task. They argued that words in a question mostly have tf of 1, which is equivalent to using binary features (presence or absence of words). Hence, the scheme did not use tf. The performance of this scheme in news categorization and general document cate- gorization was better than other schemes. Term weights in iqf*qf*icf are calculated using (11). iqf qf icf = log N tp+fn log(tp+1) icf whereicf = log jCj cf +1 (11) Wu et al. [20] proposed a scheme called regularized- entropy that attempts to avoid overweighting and under- weighting of terms. They reported that the scheme gives better results on multiple text categorization and sentiment analysis dataset as compared to schemes such as tf 2, tf*ig, and tf*rf. In this method, (12) is used to compute the weight of a term. g =b+(1 b) (1 h) , where b2[0;1] tradeoff between over/under weighting h= p + logp + p - logp - , where p + = tp=(tp+fp) tp=(tp+fp)+tp=(fn+tn) , p - = fn=(fn+tn) tp=(tp+fp)+tp=(fn+tn) (12) Apart from term weighting schemes, other types of term weighting methods have similarly been proposed in the literature. [9] and [13] proposed term-weighting schemes suited for imbalanced datasets. A graph-based term weighting scheme was proposed by Malliaros et al. [11], in which documents are represented as graphs that Category size tp tpr 200 100 500 50 25 500 Table 1: Example of tp bias towards important terms in bigger categories. encode relationships between the different terms. Wang et al. [19] proposed entropy-based term weighting schemes that use a term’s global distributional concentration in the categories to measure its discriminating power. Reed et al. [17] proposed a term weighting scheme called term frequency-inverse corpus frequency (tf-icf for clustering of document streams. They used this weighting scheme for unsupervised document clustering. An interesting non- conventional method was proposed by Escalante et al. [5]. In contrast to other schemes, their method uses genetic pro- gramming to learn effective term weighting schemes. In this paper, we use log to mean log 2 . We use cosine normalization in which a term t i in document D is con- verted into its cosine normalized form using (13). It is done to prevent the terms in bigger events from overwhelming the terms in smaller events. t cosine = t i q P i2D t 2 i (13) 3 Proposed schemes In this section, we propose a term weighting scheme spe- cific to imbalanced datasets, and two improvements to ex- isting schemes. 3.1 Proposed method The first observation is that the many existing term weight- ing schemes do not consider the imbalance of categories in a dataset into account. As a result, tp suffers from a bias to- wards the words in bigger categories with more events. The range of values for tp is much smaller for categories with fewer events (smaller categories) than bigger categories. If we use tp directly in computing weights, it is likely to give higher weights to terms (words) in the bigger categories. Table 1 shows an example where the smaller category contains 50 events and the bigger includes 200. Let us call a term important to a class if it is present in half of the cat- egory documents. In the example, the term relevant to the smaller category has tp of 25, while the term relevant to the bigger group has tp of 100. All terms important in more prominent categories have higher tp than equally important words in smaller classes. As tp is a component of many term weighting schemes, this may lead to a scenario where events belonging to the smaller categories get wrongly clas- sified as a bigger category. From this observation, we need to assign weights in- versely proportional to the size of the category. If N is the 408 Informatica 45 (2021) 405–414 S.S. Samant et al. total number of events, we introduce tp ratio (tpr) com- puted as (14). tpr= tp N tp+fp (14) In Table 1, with N as 1000, the terms equally important to their respective categories now have the same tpr value 500. The tpr component has removed the bias of tp towards the bigger categories. The second observation is that there should be a penalty factor for a term if and only if it is present in negative cat- egory documents. The presence of a term in positive cate- gory documents should not be considered in computing the penalty factor. This is in contrast to tf*idf and its derivative schemes that penalize a term solely based upon the number of the containing documents, irrespective of the category. This observation leads to the penalty factor ifn (inverse fn) computed by (15) where Cn is the number of documents in the negative category. Note that in ifn, the penalty is pro- portional to the size of the negative category. This ensures that bigger category documents are not disproportionately penalized. In (15), we perform add-one smoothing to avoid zero division. Also, 1 is added before log calculation to avoid a term weight from becoming zero due to penalty factor. ifn= log Cn+1 fn+1 +1 (15) Combining (14) and (15) with term frequency tf, we pro- pose the term weighting scheme given by (16) proposed= tf log(tpr+1) log Cn+1 fn+1 +1 (16) The first component in the proposed scheme assigns weight locally within a document. It assigns higher weights to the more frequent terms in a document. The remaining part of the equation are the category level global components. They assign higher weights to the terms that are present in the more positive category documents, but penalize terms that are present in the negative category documents. 3.2 Proposed modification to 2 The 2 based term weighting scheme results in a dispro- portionate increase in weight even for a small increase in tp. We can see this in Fig. 2 where we compare the term weights assigned by 2 and the Odds-Ratio (OR) scheme. The weight assigned by 2 varies much faster with an in- crease in tp resulting in overweighting of terms and ulti- mately affects the classifier accuracy. Another problem with 2 scheme is shown with an ex- ample in Table 2. In the example, the number of documents is 1000. The term t2 is assigned a higher weight than term t1 even though t1 has a higher tp and lower fn as compared to t2. Ng. et al. [14] have noted that 2 (see (6)) not only picks out the set of words indicative of category member- ship but also those words indicative of non-membership. They suggested using the square root of 2 (correlation coefficient CC) as it gives more weight to words that are highly indicative of category membership. We observe that 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 tp Term weight tf*χ2 tf*OR tf*logχ2 tf* √ χ2 Figure 2: Term weights assigned by 2 and others as tp is varied (assume that N=1000, tn=695, fn=5). Weights as- signed by log 2 and OR are comparable. Term tp fp tn fn tf* 2 t1 20 280 695 5 30.52 t2 2 298 600 100 42.52 Table 2: Example of inappropriate weight assignment by 2. the log of 2 gives better accuracy as it smoothens the weights more than CC (Fig. 2). Table 3 summarizes the different term weighting schemes used in our research. 4 Datasets and experimental setup 4.1 Twitter datasets The only public Twitter dataset (of tweet ids) of sufficient size contains 506 event clusters [12]. As the event clas- sification task needs a bigger dataset, we labelled a news dataset by Kalyanam et al. [7]. Also, we created many sub-datasets from the self-labelled dataset for a more exten- sive set of experiments. We now briefly discuss the Twitter datasets and the sub-datasets. The dataset by Kalyanam et al. [7] contains collections of event clusters. There are more than 40 million tweets collected during the period from August 2013 to June 2014. It covers 5234 news events in chronological order. As the collection contains an enormous volume of tweet ids, we requested from Twitter the first 1000 tweets for each event cluster. We manually labelled the dataset of 5234 event clus- ters into eight categories using the following process. We discarded duplicate event clusters, clusters containing less than ten tweets, and other clusters that did not contain real-world events. Two human annotators labelled the re- maining event clusters. We selected 1461 event clusters (Events1461) on which there was an agreement between the two annotators. The annotators have a good agreement with Kohen’s Kappa of 0.8. The categories are the same as used by [12] and partly resemble the categories used by Categorization of Event Clusters from. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 405–414 409 Method Type Brief description tf Unsupervised log of frequency count tf*idf Unsupervised popular method in IR tf* 2 Supervised 2 tf*ig Supervised information gain tf*gr Supervised gain ratio tf*OR Supervised Odds Ratio tf*rf Supervised relevance frequency iqf*qf*icf Supervised uses category frequency proposed Supervised proposed scheme tf*log 2 Supervised log tf* 2 voting Supervised two voting-based schemes Table 3: List of term weighting schemes. Notation Category Name; Examples law Law, politics, and scandals spo Sports; players, clubs, etc. arm Armed conflicts & attacks; terrorism bus Business & Finance; mergers arts Arts & entertainment; actors, movies dis Disasters; floods, hurricanes sci Science & technology; space, phone launch misc Miscellaneous; Pope’s visit, Queen’s birthday Table 4: The eight categories of events. online news aggregators such as Google News 2 . The eight categories are shown in Table 4. For cross-corpus evaluation, we use the pre-labelled Events2012 dataset by [12]. It contains 506 events labelled into eight categories. After pre-processing, only 384 suit- able events remain (Events384). Fig. 3 shows the distribution of events in different cate- gories in the two datasets. 4.1.1 Sub-datasets The first sub-dataset contains equal number of events from each category. We randomly selected 90 events from each category of Events1461 to create the dataset. This sub- dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed schemes on balanced datasets. A good score on the dataset would suggest that the proposed term-weighting schemes are overall good performers on any kind of dataset. For more extensive experiments to test the robustness of the different schemes on balanced and imbalanced datasets, we created many sub-datasets out of Events1461 as fol- lows. We created six sub-datasets from Events1461 with top 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 categories having the most events. We created the another sub-dataset by splitting the shuffled Events1461 in a stratified manner into seven increasing- sized sub-datasets. The first sub-dataset contains 30% of events from each category and each subsequent sub-dataset adds 10% additional event clusters. So, the biggest sub- dataset contains 90% of the events from each category. 2 law spo arm bus art dis misc sci 0 100 200 300 category number of events Events1461 Events384 Figure 3: Number of events in each category of Events1461 and Events384 datasets. 4.1.2 Normalized event clusters We use a centroid-based approach ([16], [1]) to extract the T most relevant tweets from each event. In this, we first compute the centroid of the cluster, followed by the ex- traction of tweets nearest to the centroid (one by one) in decreasing order of cosine similarity to the centroid. To avoid near-duplicates, we select a tweet only if it is less than 80% similar to already selected tweets. Finally, each event cluster contains an equal number of relevant non- duplicate tweets. We call them normalized clusters as the events contain an equal number of tweets. We used T from the set {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200}. 4.2 Experimental setup We briefly discuss the pre-processing steps, classifiers and policy used in the experiments. 4.2.1 Preprocessing For all experiments, discard all the information except the text of the tweet. The removed information includes time- stamp, tweet identity and user identity. We remove stop- words and perform stemming using Porter stemmer. We discard a word present in less than two documents (event clusters) as non-informative. Also, we discard a word as noise if it is present in more than half the documents. We use three different classifiers: Support Vector Ma- chine (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR), and K-Nearest Neighbours (k-NN) as these have been used widely by re- searchers ([8], [15], [2]). We use the MAX global policy as it has given the best performance in earlier studies ([4]). In MAX, all categories share a common weight vector TW. Each term weight in the vector is the maximum of the term’s weights among all classes. 5 Experiments and results We now present the experimental results. 410 Informatica 45 (2021) 405–414 S.S. Samant et al. 5.1 Cross validation experiments using Events1461 First, we discuss the results of the experiments on the self- labelled Events1461 dataset and its sub-datasets. We performed 10-fold cross-validation (10-CV) experi- ments on the full Events1461 dataset. Using grid-search, we selected the hyperparameters for the SVM and logis- tic regression classifiers. For SVM, the linear kernel per- forms the best with C=10, and for logistic regression, solver=’newton-cg’ and C=1000 gives the best scores. For k-NN classifier, we used different values of k, as shown in Fig. 4. The value of k=7 gives the best scores for most of the term weighting schemes. Table 5 displays the 10-CV scores of the term weighting schemes on the full Events1461 dataset. Looking at the macroF1 scores, tf*OR, the proposed scheme, tf*log 2 and tf*rf have scored better than other schemes. We call these better performing schemes strong term weighting schemes. The proposed modification has significantly improved the performance of the original scheme. As SVM has given the best scores in this experiment, we report results based on SVM for the remaining 10-CV experiments. An interesting observation is that tf macroF1 scores are better than tf*idf. Apart from signifying the importance of tf in event categorization, it also highlights the limitation of tf*idf in this context. The idf component adversely affects the score as it penalizes the terms present in other docu- ments without considering the category information. 5.1.1 Cross validation on sub-datasets Table 6 shows the results of the term-weighting schemes using the balanced Twitter dataset. The proposed term- weighting schemes have given the best overall score on the sub-dataset. Among the existing schemes, tf*OR and tf*rf have given achieved F1-scores. These results show that the proposed scheme performs well on balanced datasets. The second set of experiments tests the performance of STW schemes on the other two sub-datasets (described in Section 4.1.1). Fig. 5 shows the 10-CV scores of different STW methods for various subset sizes. Fig. 6 shows the 10-CV scores in sub-datasets containing different number of categories. To remove clutter from the figures, we have not shown scores of tf, tf*ig and tf*gr as these schemes have low scores. Among the weaker schemes, we show scores of the tf*idf and tf* 2 scheme for comparison. In these figures, the horizontal axis signifies the percentage of events taken from Events1461. Both the microF1 and macroF1 scores improve with the size of the subsets. It is as expected since the term weight- ing schemes can perform better weight assignment with the increase in the number of event clusters. The proposed scheme tf*log 2 has good scores. As expected, the scores of the term weighting schemes monotonically increase as the number of categories decrease. SVM k-NN LR Micro Macro Micro Macro Micro Macro tf 83.19 80.40 81.16 79.25 82.14 79.12 tf*idf 83.27 80.28 80.36 77.69 81.49 78.01 tf* 2 81.20 79.03 77.08 74.23 81.70 79.16 tf*ig 81.01 78.10 76.54 72.11 81.32 78.43 tf*gr 80.97 78.20 77.94 75.05 81.75 79.33 tf*OR 84.20 81.68 81.88 79.38 83.66 80.86 tf*rf 83.75 80.98 83.49 81.45 82.63 79.14 tf*log 2 83.96 81.27 81.51 79.02 83.19 80.36 iqf*qf*icf 83.92 80.93 82.58 80.26 82.04 78.66 proposed 84.13 81.55 82.72 80.65 82.86 79.65 Table 5: 10-fold cross-validation scores of the term weighting schemes using the three classifiers on the full Events1461 dataset. SVM k-NN LR Micro Macro Micro Macro Micro Macro tf 72.22 70.88 69.88 67.12 71.32 69.96 tf*idf 72.89 71.06 70.80 69.16 72.14 70.11 tf* 2 71.80 70.78 70.12 68.98 72.28 70.12 tf*ig 71.21 69.88 70.42 68.36 71.34 68.42 tf*gr 71.77 70.02 70.44 69.08 72.54 70.03 tf*OR 75.12 73.38 73.98 71.86 74.66 72.66 tf*rf 75.08 72.88 74.20 72.99 74.78 72.43 tf*log 2 74.88 72.24 73.25 71.24 74.09 72.59 iqf*qf*icf 74.81 72.83 73.95 71.86 73.14 71.52 proposed 75.17 73.55 74.23 72.88 74.86 72.56 Table 6: 10-fold cross-validation scores of the term weight- ing schemes using the three classifiers on the balanced sub- dataset of Events1461. 5.1.2 Cross-validation on normalized event clusters In this experiment, we used the normalized event clusters with different number of tweets (see section 4.1.2). Fig. 7 displays the results. The proposed scheme has given the best scores in many normalized clusters. The tf*log 2 and tf*OR schemes have also performed well. Specifically, the proposed scheme and tf*log 2 have the best macroF1 scores for most of the normalized clusters. Among the normalized subsets of events, none has better scores than the full dataset. Hence, we use the full dataset for the remaining experiments. We used the normalized event clusters to compare the scores of the raw term count, binary count (1/0 for pres- ence/absence of a term) and log 2 (raw count) as tf on the proposed scheme. Fig. 8 shows the results using the SVM classifier. The log 2 (raw count) as tf has given the best scores, while raw count as tf has the worst. We have ob- served similar results for all the schemes that use tf. In fact, the baseline tf*idf usinglog 2 (raw count) as tf outperforms many STW schemes using raw count as tf. Hence, we have usedlog 2 (raw count) as tf in this work. Categorization of Event Clusters from. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 405–414 411 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 k microF1 tf tf*idf tf*ig tf*gr tf*rf tf*OR tf*χ2 iqf*qf*icf proposed tf*logχ2 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 k macroF1 tf tf*idf tf*ig tf*gr tf*rf tf*OR tf*χ2 iqf*qf*icf proposed tf*logχ2 Figure 4: MicroF1 and macroF1 scores for different values of k in k-NN. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.75 0.77 0.79 0.81 0.83 Subset % event microF1 tf*idf tf*rf tf*OR tf*χ2 iqf*qf*icf proposed tf*logχ2 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.69 0.73 0.77 0.81 Subset % event macroF1 tf*idf tf*rf tf*OR tf*χ2 iqf*qf*icf proposed tf*logχ2 Figure 5: 10-CV scores of the term weighting schemes with subsets of different sizes. The x-axis represents the percentage of events used for each category. 5.2 Cross-corpus event classification We performed this experiment to test the generaliza- tion capability of the term weighting schemes. We use Events1461 dataset for training and Events384 for testing. The two datasets contain the same categories of events from two non-overlapping periods, resulting in low statistical de- pendence of text. Table 7 shows the results using the SVM, k-NN and logistic regression classifiers. We use the same set of hyperparameters for the classifiers, as discussed in section 5.1. The results are shown in Table 7. The tf*OR and tf*log 2 schemes have the best macroF1 scores, followed by the proposed scheme. Among the classifiers, k-NN has the best categorization scores. Overall, the cross-corpus categorization scores are good considering the fact that the datasets used for training and testing are from different times and labelled by two unrelated groups of annotators. 5.3 General text categorization We use three standard datasets to evaluate the performance of the term weighting schemes in general text categoriza- tion: 20 Newsgroups (20NG), Cade12, and WebKB. We SVM k-NN LR Micro Macro Micro Macro Micro Macro tf 79.47 72.28 82.96 75.11 79.33 71.37 tf*idf 78.07 72.75 79.89 75.88 72.85 61.57 tf* 2 77.79 70.40 79.01 72.99 78.57 71.88 tf*ig 76.22 69.75 78.43 71.21 78.67 71.17 tf*gr 77.78 72.22 77.64 71.09 78.92 72.26 tf*OR 82.53 79.29 83.63 80.85 79.20 73.57 tf*rf 81.47 74.02 83.93 76.60 80.18 70.30 tf*log 2 82.64 78.35 84.72 80.97 80.77 74.36 iqf*qf*icf 80.00 72.62 82.45 78.52 77.09 66.95 proposed 80.48 74.65 83.58 79.82 77.74 70.24 Table 7: Cross-corpus F1-scores where Events1461 is used for training and Events384 for testing. remove the headers from the email documents in 20NG as they contain category information. The other two datasets are pre-processed versions available from the research by [3]. Cade12 contains twelve categories of documents of Brazilian web pages while WebKB contains four categories of webpages of computer science departments from differ- ent universities. 412 Informatica 45 (2021) 405–414 S.S. Samant et al. 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.85 0.90 0.95 number of categories microF1 tf*idf tf*rf tf*OR tf*χ2 iqf*qf*icf proposed tf*logχ2 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 number of categories macroF1 tf*idf tf*rf tf*OR tf*χ2 iqf*qf*icf proposed tf*logχ2 Figure 6: 10-CV scores of the term weighting schemes with different number of categories. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 All 0.77 0.79 0.81 0.83 #tweets per cluster microF1 tf*idf tf*rf tf*OR tf*χ2 iqf*qf*icf proposed tf*logχ2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 All 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.79 0.81 #tweets per cluster macroF1 tf*idf tf*rf tf*OR tf*χ2 iqf*qf*icf proposed tf*logχ2 Figure 7: 10-fold cross-validation scores using SVM classifier on the normalized event clusters. 20NG Cade12 WebKB Micro Macro Micro Macro Micro Macro tf 75.62 74.91 56.00 49.54 90.86 89.60 tf*idf 76.29 75.67 55.92 49.41 90.01 88.40 tf* 2 75.82 75.01 52.50 46.93 88.02 86.59 tf*ig 74.64 73.66 51.23 44.99 87.98 86.60 tf*gr 74.85 73.94 51.75 45.85 87.84 86.52 tf*OR 79.54 78.90 57.30 51.35 90.74 89.63 tf*rf 78.74 78.11 56.92 50.47 90.85 89.73 tf*log 2 77.12 76.40 56.76 50.70 90.36 89.32 iqf*qf*icf 79.16 78.60 57.11 50.79 90.69 89.33 proposed 78.28 77.61 57.03 51.09 90.65 89.23 Table 8: F1-scores of term weighting schemes on the stan- dard text categorization datasets. We use the SVM classifier for this experiment. Table 8 displays the results. The tf*OR scheme has yet again proven to be a versatile scheme with good macroF1 scores. The proposed scheme has better scores in Cade12 and We- bKB, but its scores in 20NG are lower than other strong schemes. The results achieved on general text categoriza- tion are different from event categorization. idf 2 ig gr OR rf log 2 iqf proposed tf y y y y y y y y y tf*idf y y y y y y y y tf* 2 y y y y y n y tf*ig y y y n y y tf*gr y y n y y tf*OR y y y y tf*rf y y y tf*log 2 y y iqf*qf*icf y Table 9: Pairwise significance difference with p-value of 0.05. y represent a significant difference, while n repre- sents no difference in predictions. 5.4 Voting-schemes based classifiers We used Mcnemar’s test with continuity correction to mea- sure the statistically significant difference between predic- tions of term weighting schemes. This is a standard test that researchers have used to compare two classifiers ([8], [15]). Since this test needs a dataset with many categories, with each having hundreds of examples, we use 20NG. Ta- ble 9 displays the results of this test. For most pairs of Categorization of Event Clusters from. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 405–414 413 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 All 71 74 77 80 83 no. of top tweets microF1 raw count binary count log 2 (raw count) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 All 69 72 75 78 81 no. of top tweets macroF1 raw count binary count log 2 (raw count) Figure 8: Comparison of raw count (tf), binary andlog 2 (tf) schemes using SVM. SVM k-NN Micro Macro Micro Macro best-scores 82.64 79.29 84.72 80.97 V oting 83.28 80.41 84.97 81.25 Table 10: Result of cross-corpus test using voting classi- fiers. term weighting schemes, it shows statistical significance. Specifically, our proposed scheme, tf*log 2 and tf*OR dis- agree significantly in their predictions. We create a voting classifier [10] from these schemes. We use SVM and k-NN classifiers. In a voting classifier, the category label of an event cluster is selected by majority decision among the three schemes (i.e. each cluster’s cate- gory prediction is common to at least two of the schemes). We repeat the cross-corpus test using the voting clas- sifiers. Table 10 displays the F1-scores. The row la- belled best-scores represents the best individual scores in cross-corpus test (from Table 7) by the respective classi- fiers. Both the voting classifiers have given achieved better scores than the individual schemes. We can say that the voting classifiers may be effective in event classification. 6 Conclusion and future work In our experiments, among the existing term weigth- ing schemes, OR has the best performance, followed by iqf*qf*icf and RF. 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