Laboratory inv est iga tion Borrelia Burgdo1:f"eri genospecies K E Y WORDS Borrelia burgdorferi, Borre/ia afzelii, isolation of strains, ticks, detection of DNA, lxodes ricinus, epidemiology, RFLP profiles, genospecies Borrelia burgdorferi ge,wspecies in humans afld ticks in theAlpeAdria region M. Cinco SUMMARY In this paper we report on the genospecies prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto we found in human Lyme borreliosis and in the tick vector lxodes ricinus in two distinct but restricted areas of the Alpe Adria reg ion, the Karst and Belluno territory. Different rates of genospecies prevalence were found in the two areas studied, in humans as well as in ticks, with a net predominance of Borrelia afzelii in human infection in the Belluno area. Introduction Lyme borreliosis (LB) is enclemic in North-Eastern Italy, affecting humans mainly in the Friuli Venezia Giulia ancl Veneto regions. About 50 cases per year have been recorclecl at the Hospital of Cattinara, Trieste (De- partment of Dermatology ), and 119 patient with LB have been recordecl at the Hospital of Belluno during the 1993-98 period. Investigations on the presence of Borrelia burg- dorferi (Bb) sensu lato, the etiological agent of LB in Italy have been carriecl out mainly in the Karst territory by isolating strains and by detecting Borrelia DNA in the tick vector I. ricinus by PCR (1,2), leading to the iclentification of the circulating genospecies and the risk locations. Since the prevalence ofthe circulating geno- species of Bb is important for epidemiological reasons and for basic knowledge on the biology of the organ- ism, both in humans ancl ticks, we report here the com- parative data obtained from the identification ofthe Bb strains isolated from patients with genospecies found in ticks, in the Karst and Belluno areas. Methods Clinical samples and isolation oj Bb Samples of skin biopsies, blood, heart biopsies, or cerebrospinal fluicl were taken from patients with vari- ous manifestations ofLB ancl put into BSK medium con- taining 5% normal rabbit serum. Ali specimens were incubated at 32°C for at least two months, and samples of each culture were examined for spirochetes weekly Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 10, 2001, No 4 - -------------------------------131 Borre/ia Burgdo1feri genospecies by dark-field microscopy. Classijication ojisolated Bb strains Bb strains were classified by PCR-RFLP analysis of the rr/A-rr!B intergenic spacer (1) and by chromosomal analysis w ith pulse field electrophoresis (PFGE). This latter method was performed by Dr. Lorenzo Ciceroni at Istituto Superiore di Sanita (Rome). Genomic DNAs were prepared as described by Taylor et al. (2) with slight modifications. Detection oj B. burgdorjeri Dl\TA in Ixodes ricinus. Ticks collected in different areas of the Karst and Belluno territo1y were processed for DNA extraction and Borre- lia DNA detection by PCR. Different levels of PCR sen- sitivity and specificity were used in our Laboratory, ancl finally we eh ose the technique of Reverse Blot Line Hybridization as reported (3-7), which allowed us to individuate the genospecies of the infecting Borreliae. Mixed infections were often reported. Results and discussion The sam ples of the patients from the Karst area were from erythema migrans , disseminatecl erythema migrans, arthritis, and myocarditis: the isolatecl strains belonged to all three Bb genospecies known to be hu- man pathogens, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia burgdor/eri sensu stricto and Borrelia afzelii, with a prevalence of 40%, 30% ancl 30%, respectively. Strains isolatecl from e1ythema migrans patients of the Belluno area predomi- nantly belonged to the Borrelia afzelii genospecies. The RFLP profiles w ere obtainecl after MSEI cligestion of the amplicon. The majority of the profiles were B. afzelii (85%). Only two strains (5%) belongecl to the B. garinii genospecies ancl two strains (5%) were B.burgdorferi sensu stricto. These data were confirmed by the PFGE analysis performed at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome. u ·p ·p p Jl ·p·N-c ·r s·, .f\. . . l.~; .l'' .I~~ :'t .l~-' .i. ! __ ; .l~~ i... Laborator y investigation The prevalence of Borrelia genospecies in I. rici- nus was determined by PCR and Reverse Blot Line Hy- bridization. Four genospecies were detected, B. afzelii, B . garinii, B . burgdorferi sensu stricto, and B. valaisiana, very often in combination; most prevalent was B. garinii alone (30%), followed by the associa- tion between B. garinii and B. burgdo1/eri sensu stricto (32%); less prevalent were other combinations and only 2% and 4% of the ticks were infected with either B. afzelii or B. valaisiana. In the Belluno area the genospecies B. burgdor/eri s.s ., B. valaisiana and B. afzeliiwere detected in ticks (Grazioli et al. , personal communication), but the rate of infection of B. afzelii was not as high as found in hmnans. In conclusion, different rates of genospecies circu- lation exist in the two areas examined. Of note is the higher prevalence of isolates belonging to the geno- species B. afzelii among humans. Similar epidemiologi- cal findings have been reported from Slovenia (8) . The dominant prevalence of B.a/zelii in humans in the Be- lluno area may be clue to the fact that the isolates were obtained from patients with e1ythema migrans; there is general agreement that skin manifestations are most often caused by this genospecies . Moreover, our data suggest that genospecies prevalence in ticks does not reflect the genospecies prevalence in infected humans. It may be hypothesised that this finding is clue to a clif- ferent selective pressure p erformed by the different animal hosts and ticks on Borrelia strains having which have a clifferent complement resistance. 'rt has been demonstratecl that strains of B. a:fzelii are resistant to human complement (9) , but many strains of B. garinii are not. Therefore this latter genospecies is more favor- ite to maintain the infection in ticks than in mammalian hosts. Acknowledgments We thank C. Zasio and G. Bertiato, Microbiology Laborato1y, Hospital ofBelluno, for isolation and sencl- ing of B. burgdor/eri strains from Belluno. l. Postic D, Edlinger CR, Grimont F et al. Two genomic species in Borrelia burgdorferi. Res Microbiol 1990; 141: 465-75. 132 2. Taylor A, Barbour AG, Thomas DD. Pulsed-field gel electrophoretic analysis of leptospiral DNA. Infect Immun 1991; 59: 323-9. 3. Cinco M, Padovan D, Murgia Ret al. 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Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi Infeclion in lxodes ricinus in Central Italy. Eur J Ciin Microbiol Infect. Dis. 1998; 17: 131-6. 8. Picken R, Cheng Y, Strle F, et al. Molecular characterization of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from Slovenia revealing significant differences between tick and human isolates. Eur J Ciin Microbiol Infect Dis. 1996; 15: 313-23. 9. Breitner-Ruddok S, Wurzner R, Schulze J et al. Heterogeneity in the complement-dependent bacteri- olysis within the species ofBorrelia burgdorferi. Med Microbiol Immunol 1997;185; 253-60. Marina Cinca, PhD, Department oj Biochemistry Microbiology Section, Lab Spirochetae, Via Fleming 22, Universita di T'rieste, 34 12 7 'I'rieste, Italy Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 10, 2001, No 4 -------------------- ------------- - 133