GLASILO SLOVENSKENAROONE PODPORNE JEDNOIM r.r*iS?ir ^^TC fCMcat®, m., sreda, 18, maja (May 18), IW2. STEV.-NUMBKR 118 W*«hinftoa, D. C. — Skupna \ v»ts vlog v patini hranilnici v Združenih drlsvah js porssls v *l'rilu zs $iajS6,7BS. Dne SO. je znslsl* f'r°d enim letom »o vloge maAa-^ 1*13,774,flot. SREDA, 18. MAJA, DRUŠTVENE VESTI ŽENITVENA frONUDBA NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Samec star 86 let imam ma1 lo farmo na lepem proatoru ob državni cesti v državi New York. Se želim seznaniti s Slovenko, Slovakinjo ali Hrvatico, dekletom ali vdovo z ne več kot enim otrokom v svrho ženitve. Sicer ne sme biti nad »5 let stara in imeti mora vaaj nekaj prihrankov. Katero veseli imeti svoj dom, naj se prijavi na naslov "SAMEC", 2667 S. Lawn- ia. 8 tem, da ne boste pošiljali ns isie druitvo, beate priitetrinJamo s nsiimj brsti, toda v da-i sinjih raamsrah nam ni mogoče »odvzeti i^lkakšno stvar. Toliko v /ednost vsem. G. Vldss. tajnik. TRPEČI NA MEHURJU IN OBISTIII sparaMjalta smJ* IntrtM prtf*4aa sScs-WU. Sta«. Is tl.n. ruti« »I U iaa«s s Hhla sasssa)— t MRS. GRETA LE8KOVAR, 887 R 73rd St., New Terk, N. T. DOMAČA ZDRAVILA V sMUsasi JriJIe, SUa«« gaaJs*-ia Masm# kav* ta haa.rtitaaa rin> iSa. kalsm aslasteia aff. Kaalb. domaČi zdravnik MATH. pezdir Bes T72, Clty RpO SU.. NEW TORK. N. T. PROLETAREC Je slovensko glasilo socialistične stranka v Ameriki. Vaak delavec in rejak, ki se zanima aa sodnllsem, M ga moral redno Čltati, bar vasi kale PRAVO SLIKO SOCIALISlIA Naročnina znaša $S.OO Ra lata, $1.75 aa pol lata Naslev: PROLETAREC 3488 W, I4th Street Sk^ I CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Pilite po afcl cenik knjigi NAZNAiNILO IN ZAHVALA S tužnim arcem naznanjamo vaem anancem in prijateljem ža m veat, da Je kreta smrt pretrgala nit življenja dragi moji aopro Umrla Je 7. meje 1932, ob smrti stara 42 let. Na tem mesta ae želimo najlepie zahvaliti članom in članicam druitva Slavček it 145, 8.N.PJ. v Cliff Mine. Pa., katerega članica )e bile tudi do svoje smrti, zs po derjeni Ji fcrnanl venec in aa dano pomoč ženam Is Cllfr Mine kakor todl ka venec, nadalje lepa hvala se darovane vence aledečim družinam: Družini Pagon. druŽ. Debelak, drež. Sifler, dmž. U senčnik, drnž. Oblak Is Toungstown. O., ko so se udeležili pogreba draž. Klobučar. Mbrerr, Pa.. F. F. Baloh. drsi. Zagode ia Moon Ren, Pa. Najlepie hvala vaem, ki ate Jo obiekali ob njenem mrtvaikem odru in vaem, ki ate Je spremili k sadnjemu počitku In aieer vsem Ia Cliff Mine. Moon Run. Imperiel in dmgih krajev. Lopu hvala vaem. ki ste brecplečoe veslli a svojimi eutomobili pri pogrebu. Hvala druttM f mu predaednlku za ginljlv govor ob odprtem grobo, de enkrat hvala mra. Pagon. mra. Meničnih, mra. Vidmar aa dano pomoč. NnJerčneJA-hvala ena« in zs vs« karkoli ste nam dobrega storili In nas tolažil« v url žalosti. Ako Je kateregs ime iapuičeOe prosimo, de nem oprosti Tebi droga soproga In mati naie pe želimo, počivaj v miru in lahks naj TI bode ameriika zemlja. Žalujoči ostali: Frank Plvk. šepni r; Frank ml. In Wllllam, ainova. Ivana in Anna hčeri, val v Cliif Mine. Pa. t hleaga. III. ~Na znanj« vaem «1- sikim društvom ln klubom, da naie IruŠtvo št. SS priredi avoj ebičajnl dknlk v Poreet Preaerve h osti pri rviag PajTk In Desplaines roki, kot sni. dne M. junija. Imamo tudi piano dvorano in streho v slučaju aši moči. Se priporočamo Martin Abram. NAZNANILO iDf ZAHVALA Kralon. I'a.- Vabilo na piknik, ki rs priredi društvo 400 dn« 88. maja ta anani farmi mrs. KfemenčMeve. Ker bo to prvi pikri* v tej seriji, ae tripotočnmo za obilen poeet. Vstopnina je samo S&c. Za vse bo dobro preskrbljeno, Izvrstna ffodbs in sa Wn« In tej n« bo (sdl »sega dovolj, -isti prr(-»tanek Je namenjen v društveno lds rajne, ker nje tudi deprt-ilja tare. Ste uljuli*. vsbljeni čli-ni SMek diužtev Ia občinstvo sploh Ia blitnje In dalnje nkottee Rotile p rtv priHnl, de bo obHo asheve. Na ev*-•ienjo ne SS. nmjn to»n» eb I. uri pb-poldne! Amen Roga« a| orMtseanlk. j IHasaoodvtlle Weo. Satnanjank Planeten dmitva 888 te- ms <*o|i? škiu* društvom tn njihovim dlanem, da Je dlamundvilUka sveaa ne redid seji 87. meree skleaila. da se obvo? VAŽNA |e misal ižnim srcem naznanjam sorodnlkem. znancem In prijsielm veat. da Jo nemilo amrt >pretrgaia nM življenja majema aepro mora Hidrati p* tratfclka, da Ja nal na vod vedaa pr>pinvljen nuditi Rettr. Mon4, -Društvo 807 prirrdl Igri "^anikorne trojjka" In "Tkr Wrong Hal.)" dne 22. maja oh 7. zve čer v N. domu. K. Buite. Po igri j« ples. Naie druitvo vnbi vs» rajske in rojakinje ia Sotte 'in etrollee. da s« v pofa*>m Hevilj odrlede pri »d it vr. Ne svitanje n maja! r (»Sb«v droiivs 2S7. Umil Je 18. nprila L I. ss srčno kapjo, ob amrtl star 88 let. t*"" le bil i- Ivsnjeta bela pri Rekeke aa Netranjakem. V Amerike K priirl pred 25 leil. Bil Je ČUa. tajnik In blagnjalk druitva M K' S.S.PX. katerega članom ae sahvelim aa krasni darovani vener Sa-dnUe hvale dr^tea it. 142 SJt.PX sa sestav. In tej. i. P^« " dano pomoč pri speevede to ae giotRv govor ob odprtem s«*® ^ greh ae Je vriil 18. aprila 18*2 po rivitoem obrede nn Rspert. P» pokopaHiča. Srčna hvala vaem. hI ate deli vence to erotik*, vetrn, ki svtameMle, vnem. ki ate ga eblafcsli ob mrtvaftem odra ta vaem. ki rt« g. spremili k mirnem« počitku ne mlrodn*. *sf1<^ bvdr vaem sknpej. Tpbi. dragi sopn«. oče. sto to bmt. po MRo-p. čivej t miru ta tobka naj Ti bode ameriika reml|a^tetoj-či eeiab Man Slabe, soproga, fltnoler. ain: Jeba. Fennh, Moževi. Jernej. Aa-drej In Jame. Slnbe. bmlj«: Mer* Knefeto to Ro» Klran, sestri 1 rtarem krajn o#e lb ssežl to ie tri|e km^k SMrlivIHe. Pa RepoMlr. Pa. Ve> člane drult.n it. Si se pasiva, de se gotov»delo-žit* fribočnjr soje dne 8. Jani,s. posebno liani, ki sto prosili aa so»n«si to oni, kateri ie bost« prositi sa a Moment, pridite h tajnike por dni pred SREDA, 18. maja. Glasovi iz naselbin POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI našo proslavo. Slišali jih boste peti slovenske pesmi in v dekla-macijah. Male deklice bodo prišle z belimi lilijami in jih vadile v vrt, itd. Prav uljudno vas vabimo, da se udeležite slavja naše 16-letnice.—Mary Smoltz, tajnica in soustanoviteljica. v finančni atiaki. Kder želi in more plačati, naj prineae na spodaj označen! naslov, kajti vsaka najmanjša stvar pripomore do velikega uspeha. Torej, delničarji, glejte, da se vsi udeleiite te veselice dne 29. maja, da tako pripomorete k uspeu, kar bo tudi v vašo lastno korist. Josefdi Obranovich, tajnik, (18577 Vaughan ave.) Proslava čikaških Pionirjev Chicago, <—. Društvo Pioneer št. 55» SNPj (prvo angleško poslujoče droitvo naše mladine) je zadnjo nedeljo zaključilo drugo šolsko leto svoje slovenske šole] c veliko veselico in obsežnim programom v dvorani SNPJ. Spored jO bil odprt s slovenskim govorom br. Loulsa Renigerja, ki je poudaril vaAnoat slovenske šole in požrtvovalnost učiteljice Katke Zupančič, brez katere bi bila ta šola nemogoča, obenem je' pa naznanil, da v prihodnjem letu se šola razširi tudi na odrasle tu rojene slovenske fante in dekleta, ki šetljo nhučiti se čitanja ln pissnja slovenščine. Nato so učenci ln učenka igrali slovensko otroško igro v dveh dejanjih "Krojač in škratje." Ce se pomisli, kakšne težave imajo naši otroci s učenjem pravilne slovenske izgovorjave, je bila ta I-grica dobro' iawdena. — V drugem delu programa je bil "Cirkus" jc mnogimi in raznovrstnimi zabavnimi točkami, petjem in plesom. Pionirjem se mori Čestitati na njihovi aktivnosti in ker se toliko trudijo, da bi zainteresirali svoje člane in našo mladino v naselbini sploh za jezik svojih staršev. Prvi aesljakl plluilk (iowanda, N. Y. - Tukajšnji Slovenci smo so precej zabavali skozi zimo,, potom plesnih veselic in prirejanju rasnih iger. Toda ta seslja je minila in v dvorani postaja gofko. Kaj pa sedaj? Direktorji tukajšnjega 8. D. doma so sklenili, da se podamo v prijazno vabljivo naravo. Priredi se namreč prvi piknik v korist 8. D. doma. dne 29. maja na istih prostorih kakor, prejšnja leta. V slučaju slabega vremena He piknik vrši :{0. maja. Ce pa nam bodo vremenski bogovi nagajali, potem Jo bomo ubrali v dvorano. ! u ., Ker > bilo še vedno lušno "pod Jablanami", upam, da tudi letos ne bomo videli preveč kislih obrazov;* pa/ Čeravno nas Hoovrova pros|>erttets, katera spi nekje za odoftr, prav pošteno tepe. Ns pikniku bo preskrbljeno za vse In v vseh ozlrih. Ker Je vsak prost vstopnine, pričakuje domov odbor, da se udeležite piknika, na katerega vas prljažno vtfbHfeo iz vse okolice. Društvom, kstera žele obdr-žavati piknike na našem prostoru, naznanjam, da je prostor oddan za sledeče dneve: 8. N. dom 20. maja, a. Julija in 4. sept.; društvo 88PZ 10. junija; društvo "Gowsn0a i* Boosters" Moonllght piknik Jtf. julija. Na svidenje pod zelenimi Jablanami dno 29. maja l—J. Mate-kovteh, član društva 7<28 ln predsednik S. N. doma. ^ št 1. Jokn Kotur M4 *«. «. N« falch 1*4. Uaor*« Tumlanovl. W». Jaaa»hina Starati *i« tU Anton »In k o. trla HI. št. I, Bralka Braan Ml. Mirka«! Sukado!* p t. Joarphlnv JarMa M« •t. B. Slavka Karala* «1«. Marv Mtioaaviah IIBto, AatMi Laa» 11, Kaik> Kavaauvk-•U. Anton Muta |U. Jukn Mlaaoviak O*. Halvn Vukukratovkh UM. I.uev H« rta h N« Stana f«*»o*ic>h Mt. Anton HduU »loa. So-no Dreka* MT, Krnil AnL.nlo 134. Jokn Ivan-alak tm. št. IT. Ja«* Tontaaiv MU Frank Baraaln •ta. Frank Nanrakar M*. IM*r Nahotiaa ti«. Man M tatov M. Juaapk Maurln tM. Anton l*iirjav* Ml it. M. Ormor Krtotjan tU. Marv Paakavar tla. Frank »Katar Ml, Marv Mmotot* MT Jokn Vidmar M« Umu Klnk M«. , Anion Lat to tM, Jak« Hoda M« ŠL M. Jaaaiiklna H rima «N, Vaanvr Mt. Oraaor IVkaM M«. I aiu to Caalar tU. Joraph Konaan MM. M lokati (lol»» M«. Jo-aauh Volk M«. št. M. Mlaakatk «orw M. Joav».hlna Invdrr M. Matt Cimimrman tU Mai li..bnar III. Jokn OSIak tli. UartruM Ivanah tlt.M. ftla-ry Puaatj lil. frank flaman tU. Joka Ko- TU M. Oaorva Trlmvla Mt. Frank Suatian-sla M«. Št. M. Andraar Vlal« tU. Anton Iva na le št. M. Oaoraa Ornkovlrh Ml. šu M. frank Valanata tU. Jn«a»k SHknl« Ml. Luula Klavaa IT. št. ti. Anton ftora M. Ivana Krumhar*ar tU. Anton Jako*aa 11«. John H«iiar Mu. ŠU M. Anion Frltn MT. Anton Sakna M» Frank OkaraUr Mt. Oaor*a O na n lak tU itafan JurJavel« tU. frank Su|mrt Ml. št. M. John Uakar M«. Ornima Hlunyakl t«4. frank r..luitt|k M« • Št. TI. Amalla Hiia-lj Ml. Krnaat Kanal "k, TB. 1'hlllp OramavMftU. Tkumaa Maj-narlak III.M. John Turk |M. Jur« tiaauarae T aa. SuduHth Kukenketeea IT. Katarina Hoiral 11», Mary Umitrat |M. franaaa Turk M4. Vlotor MoOa Ml, Jokn Kukal tU. t^ula Hlaiak M. ŠL B4. John Ooltak |llt, Marko Maaaltah It M. Katkrfn knaaa M. fianfc AuMi M«. Luuia Jarma n tU Frank lh.rn.ota |M.II. št. at Jo«M>|ih Itokullr |M. Marv Tark III št. M. Marv Maaaiak lil.i št. Bl. Marku fak MT. št. M. Mlakaal faulln |M. št. M. John Nuvlan M št. M. Katarina JUpanalo 114.61. Frank Novak tU. Ju«r|th Sarkia |4t. št N. Frank Volk U. ni.,,1. > Wllak III, Joaamk Mauaar M. I«n«la Mlklauaic M«. Jukn III fkbii MB ŠL IM. Frana« Krukar «lt. Martin Kvai-aar lil, št. IUT. Juaafih 1'avtaUeh SI«. Tkar^a Frank.. M«. Fatar Ivanatla M Št. IM, Franaaa Muatar III, Fraitua Ua-aparlin M4. Sarkara Oarnin |U. Johanna Koaom« MB. Mary Takavar IM. ši. III, A n ion ia Harna MB. Maiaarata Sa> rar III. tt. lit. Konta n Inkra tU. Mattkavr Moanlk l"lt. I IT. Jukn Kunnik IM. Saai Car! |U. Tt IM. AnUa^olmovia M, KrUtlnn Mk hoiria IT. Hlad tU, Lowla Mali III.M. Frank Ka« |U. Marv Mivaah 114. Anton Va lani III, Stava Oblak 114, KUaakath Mali 114, Anton I lak lava Ml, Mattka« Ktmlar MT. Malk Faaa»n MB. Jaank Markla |BI J.—».l. Zaif M«, krnaat kovaamvUh |M, Frank Ko-vari« MB, Martin Faaman 14«.50. tlM Jukn NiaJlk M. tM. Jukn llnpkvar |M, Marv Klnovaa Ml, Matt Nialoar III.U Jaaok Oarmak |18 M. št I M. Molila Hmul-J MM. Uatkarlaa fra> kak 114 tO, J.«aphina Amlirualak Ml, Mam llar,l. MT, IMrkara Itakronla M. ŠL III. Jaauk Novak Ml. Ivana IU»Jhl MTJM. Anna Uolokiah MT, Frank Smili. MB. Št IM Marv Knaaovlak Ml. Mirko llakiak III. Joaapk Kalovlah Ml. S|, IM. Karal Valla 14« št. Ilf. Mar? Oararfkar IT. Joaepka Maanar. »Ia M. Antoni Va4nal M. Marv Kraaor |M. Karollna Hr#.kva« Ml, fr^aan Muaavar lil. |L IM Frank Krall IT. Auaoat Sklmakarfc Bl«, J ulla li. l/ Sla. 1'aulln« I laakaviah III, liarkara |lla«ak«viak |H. M Aiamilk III, Frank Strnlu No . p. uo Anton IMraia II«, Maarv Mlkollrh SI sil. 141. Jnaš^ifc l^ftišfil (lii Marv uiralnrr "št NI. Tkurana Slfrar ML fraak Novak "t UT Mlakaal Fukllakl III, Jukn Skuatar MT. Joam.h !«.■>.. 1. /.O, Fraak M«t>ar M«. Jokn Klaman« Ml . lL III Lotila Uak* Ml M. ŠL IM. aiakard SarVa M«. Martin tU.11 lah Ii III. Marr Vovtlla Ml. Marv Maut« Si UT. Fraak Maaak |M.M, št. IM- Jaaa Kokna 17, Martin K«4anr, |«. IT. Mara jurakavk-k 114, Mara Kuiaita III. št 114 Ankrala l/aanlanik tU. Uaiaa Na-vilah lit, Franaaa Urailan |IT, Mara NaalMi Koristna prireditev Detroit. Mich. — Ženski odsek Slov. nar. doma priredi ve-čerinko v korist SND in družinam, ki so v skrajnem pomanjkanju vsled brezkončne depresije, na Victor ave., blizu Oakland, v VVoodmen of the World Halli, dne 28. maja ob 7. uri zvečer. Vstopnina 2i5c. ( Ker je veliko naših članic in njihovih družin grozno prizadetih vsled brezposelnosti, se toplo priporoča vsem članom in nečlanom SNI) in splošnemu slovenskemu občinstvu v Detroitu, katerim razmere dopuščajo, da podarijo male darove, najsibo v blagu ali v gotovini, da se bodo razdelile na zgoraj imenovani veselici. Lahko jih seboj prinesete ali izročite oziroma obvestite podpisani, da se vsaj začasno malo pripomore najbolj prizadetim žrtvam v naši sredi. Ne pozabite na 28. maja! Nadalje priporočamo ostalim ženam in dekletom, da pristopijo k nam. Koristi so veliko večje z moralnega in gospodarskega stališča kot bi se dalo misliti. Slovenski narodni dom se bo pričel zidati v bližnji bodočnosti in potem bomo imeli svoje shajališče in bomo vršili koristne prireditve v naše razvedrilo. Arhi-tektno delo je Izročeno našemu rojaki v Clevelandu, K. J. Groš-lju in bo izfeotovljeno v kratkem. Vsi Slovenci v naselbini dajmo podpirat idejo, da se toliko hitreje uresniči. . Za publicijski odbor, M rs. Peter Benediet, Mm. • Majael. 'Domova šest letu Ua Detroit. Mlch.—V nedeljo, dne 29. maja, se vrši proslava šest-letniee Slovenskega delavskega doma. V ta namen bo prirejen® veselica, ki se bo vršila v domovih prostorih. Vstopnina bo samo. 2fic za' osebo, ksjti razmere so slab« in to je treba upoštevati vsepovsod. Na veselici bodo razna razvedrila In okrepčila. Igrala se bo tombola in pripravljenih je mnogo krasnih dobitkov. Seveda bodo v kuhinji naše vrle kuharico pripravile obilo prigrizka, natakarji pa sladke kapljice, Vse bo zelo poceni. Gre namreč v korist doma in radi bi Imeli veliko udeležbo. Odbor se obrača na vse jugoslovanske rojake, da pridejo na to veselico v velikem številu ter da Uko |>oinagajo naAemu Slovenskemu narodnemu domu do uspeha, da se tudi v tej krizi vzdrži na pravem mestu. Zato pa pomagajmo vsi, pomagajte vsi, pripeljite svoje prljs-telje in znsnce, kajti zabava bo dovolj za vse. Igrsla bo dobra godba za vse plesalce. Uljudno vabimo seveda tudi naš# mladino, kajti njena je bodočnost v SDD. Pomsgsjte vsi, ds se naš dom vzdržuje v tej krizi. Ako vsak malo pomaga, bo domu mnogo koristilo In obdržali si bomo dom kot si vsJ želimo. Obenem naj opomnim, da se mnogo delničarjev ne udeležuje aej in ne more plsčevatl ases-menta, ki letno znaša $1. Dom Je DRUŠTVENI TAJNIKI NAJ NAZNANIJO i man a Ia ssalava PASIVNIH Aaaet upravstštvs Preavata, ša aa JIm sata-vl potlljauja Hala, ša k«t*r««a aia« uprav liani kal p«alv«| ilaal. št. IM. Faallaa UmSaala Ml. Sava Mark 'T IM. Mara UurMl II«. JuUa SM*a M« M, Anala Jlaan |M, Looiaa Jn*r |M, fflSt Aaaa'^«I^MT. * Ml. Mlak Kalofatlak MM«. Mt. Marti« Mruaik M. Mm fapiah III. M IM, Mara Flka Ml Št. flt. Joalina Mam tIB Maritarau Sikuh Ml, Anna V«Ja«vwh |U Sarlal OSlak Mt ftt Ilf. Jaauk Uaovaa Ml št tM Frank Tralatk lat. M BI9 Mkharl I •» ' IM, NMSalaa Mar pa |M, Mm Saauvtak Mt ŠI. BM Jak« MMaaanr IM. Bml**!. Fra-affNi m, št, MT, OaaM Mi. lak |M Aat«a UhaM Mu. fatar karata« Ml M« K..A.iph Mplaar M it MB Fraaa« Mraaij #14. ■ ŠL BM Malk Matka tU FaMa |k«4an» vMS IMA« št. IM Aaaa SMaa fll.M, Mila IMi.h MT, M^fc §ii< fKafl#k (Pl(|i I^iiiimm Slailak Ml, AMm Vatliak Ml, Ikan f» inrff M. Št Ml Aataa SvkMr M, Aataa SlMnan* MLM. Mara Uata IM Mt mi Marv tU, Jmm* S»« Ml ŠL «M. Mara l«aaaii tit, SSa aaa«k« MS. St Mt Marv Muu-.i., |M Mart*. UrkM Si Ma WMIIaai KifaM tm aMSa8«MI ML Amm OBMSBS a ši ITa FMMtan ViSM M. Sla« .» - PB08VBT* SREDA, 18. MAJA PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMKNT OLAMLO Uf UkSTMUlA SLOVBW«U MARODMB POOPOB-Ml JBDNOTS Ninrfnlui M MtmAmm SrUr* (iMt C>,U*«») la Kjm-4» M*0 M M«. I>N M pol l«u, 91-M m M«; «• C^r.K« Ut C Kar« »T-M i* bto. »1.1» M »d tata i M ta*. S«bfri»lta» ntMi far Hm U«»u4 Stat« (< (r4 r»«te HM par imv, CUmco mS Onri flM (orciCM winifw U.M S*r rut. Cm «cteMr A nobeno društvo brez zastopnika. Vabljeni ste tudi drugi člani (ice)i John Sular, zapisnikar ■> — Otrok boksar. Dave Barber, "baby blffer," Ckiclnnatl, O., je atar komaj šeat let—In le slnžl staršem denar a pretepanjem v "rtngu." tf 1*10. • <«• Društvena 26-letnica Broughton, Pa. — Se nekaj dni nas loči in praznovali bomo 25-letnico obstanka našega d*u-fctva št. 62 SNPJ. To bo 3*. maja, na praznik kinčanja grobov. Priprave ao že v teku in zadevni odbor ima polne roke dela, ker ae pripravlja na velik poaet društev iz pittaburške okolice omenjeni dan v naši naaelblnl Broughton. Slavnosti se bo udeležil tudi gl. podpredsednik br. Andrew Vidrich fn bo govoril o pomenu a par sodelujočimi močmi; to ae not L Iz poročil na sejah je raz- 26-letnice. Upamo, da nas poeeti njen za po noHK^stot prodaji In Tajnik f vidntt, da je čedalje več takih, ki Mi morajo več asesmentov. Federacije bi s smotrenim delom lahko prilično pomagale, čeprav tudi tisti člani, ki še dela-Jo, večinoma malo saslužijo. Cikaška federacija l>o imela svoj piknik v nedeljo 8. julija pri Steržlnarju v Willow ftprlng-su. Prebitek je v glavnem namenjen za pomoč brezposelnim čla-stopnice so po v pred- 40e pri vhodu., | federacije B. Novak je na tfj seji poročal, da smo dobil! prošra zimo mnogo manj obleke za razdelitev med potrebno člane kakor ps prejšnjo zimo. Vart* jO, da sč člani odvišno Obleko ali že oddali, mnogi, ki ab leto nazaj lahko še pomagali, pa ao zdaj tudi med nezaposlenimi. V naših nasnanllifi je bilo te večkrat omenjeno, da fsderacija lahko i r. posluje članom SNPJ v Chlcagu zdravniško o h k r bo ali operacije po znišanl ceni, . Na prošli aeji je bil pračitan seznam vseh klinik In stičnih u- tudi br. Anton Barilar, predsob nik pittsburške federacije ln šs več drugih, kar bo naznanjeno v programu pozneje v Proevett Za ples bo igral prvovreten orkester iz Clevelanda, O. Pravijo* da tako Igrajo, da kdor pleše, mo_ ra Imeti nove čevlje, ako noče iti bos domov. Vabimo vaa društva v Penni ln vae Slovence na veliko udeleš-bo omenjeni dan. Vam kličemo: Vsi dobrodošlii Na avldeaje! J. uprizorili zanimivo pravljično igro "Krojač in škrati" v veliko zadovoljstvo in splošno odobrs-vsnjs občinstva. DrugI del ne- ti, zakaj sem več kot trideset let krpal ln šival obleke vam, pur-garjem, ki sedaj pometate z menoj !" Nato pa je še dostavil s trpkimi besedami in srdom v ercu: "Ce bi bil pa bogat, bi se ps plazili pred menoj! Poznam vas dobro! Vas ... vas . . ." Učenke in učenci slovenske mladinske šole društva Pioneer št. 669 SNPJ so tudi sedaj pokazali — kakor z uprizoritvijo "Sneguljčice" — da imajo veselje do učenja slovenskega jezika v pissvi, branju in izgovarjavi. Z nedeljsko uprizoritvijo so pokazali, da imajo voljo in zmožnosti, kajti dali so na oder igro, učenja speh a avojo majsko veselico, ki prošlo nedeljo pof poldne v jednotini dvorani. Kljub rekordni vročini in vab Ijlvl naravi, je občinatvo napolnilo dvorano In uživalo obširni program od aačotka do konca* kajti njegova vaeblna je bila atra In živahna. Izvajana a precejšnjo precitnoatjo. ~ . V- ........ V prvem delu programa so stanov, kjer lahko dobe brezpo-' nastopili dečki in deklioe sloven. selnl breiplačno zdravniško po-'ako mlsdinske šole, ki jjo vodi moč, in zdravnik, ki je seznam društvo Pioneer, ln ao pohvalno Lep uspeh Pionirske Chlcago. — Društvo iPioneC* št. 559 SNPJ belo«) krasen u* ničnosti "umora". Poaiušafl so bile varijetne točke "ciricuške-va" značaja, ki jih ni bilo malo. Igro "Krojač in škrati" je nalašč za ta program priredila po istohnenem Ribičevem igro-kazu Katka Zupančič. Ta ljubka dvodejanka, ki je z odmorom Vred med dejanjem trajala jedva štirideset minut, je Občinstvu zelo ugajala, največ radi rajanja zvitih in živahnih škratov radi enovi aame ter dobrega karakterizlranja. Vse glavne vloge ao bHe dobro Izvršene. dkrati ao veaelo prepevali o luni, žnidarjih in pajkih, pa tudi o čuku in aovi. In dobro so se postsvill s svojimi nsstopll Sitnega krojača, ki je "vsakega vajenca hotel narediti sa suinja", ao ugnali tako, da so mu natve-zlll "umor" škrata, ki pa je bil ls cunj. Vaekakor so možakarji moralisti prišli in zyezalt krojača, ne da bi se prepričali o hudo sosedo. Končno so sprevideli, ds so v zmoti, česar ps niso prlznsli, marveč ao rekli, češ. "da ae krojaču meša." Seveda se je krojač jesU, ker so gs potegnili škrati, moraliste ps Js poštsno osmerjsl s pur-garji, ker pestijo nedolžnega človeka. Ogorčeno je dejal: M0, saj rta! Nevaren Človek sem. Uboštvo me je nsredllo surovega. Prav Imate) \s pred aod-nika z menoj in v ječo. Tam boni imel vaj in poduka, za celoten uspeh pa gre priznanje tako vsem u-čencem kot tudi šolakemu vodstvu. Nedeljski uspeh naj bo v vzpodbudo vsem skupaj za nadaljevanje tega pod vzet j a, ki ga je pred dvema letoma osnovalo društvo Pioneer. Obširnemu programu nedeljske veselice je sledil ples, katerega se je udeležilo mnogo mladine in tudi starejših članov in rojakov. Igral je Kochevarjev orkester. Pub. odsek. Prva obletnica društva 733 Canten, O. — Angleško poslujoče društvo "MCKinley" št. 738 SNPJ bo proslavilo svojo obletnico s plesno veselico v soboto 21. maja v Bondyjevi veliki dvorani na 1208 Belden ave/, N. E. Uljudno ste vsbljeni vsi iz Can-tona in drugih nsselbin, ds se udeleiite številno, ds dsmo našemu mlademu člsnstvu veselje ln poguma, da bodo v prospeh in napredek naše naselbine. Igral bo isboren orkester, derfst moč, v zadovoljstvo starim in mladim. Z jedili In pijačo bo tudi vse preskrbljeno. Kar vsi pridite, ker vstopnina je zelo nizka, samo 2"c za osebo. Otroci v spremstvu »o prosti. Začetek ob 7:80 zvečer. Na svidenje! Francen (»erbec« . v re- Konsolidacija rezultirala dukcljl delavcev Tulaa, Okla. — Par todnov po dovolj premišlja- ; i JOo. % Sinclair Reflnlng Co. je bilo odpuščenih petsto delavcev. Sindairova družba je urgira-la volilee v Tulai, naj odobre konsolidacijo, ker bo potem dana prilika za nadaljnje upoelttve delavcev in sa poftlvltev trgovinskih aktivnoeti v tem aredi-šču oljne Induetrije. * Marali eogesMra^ pfrotlraa je Phlladelphis. Pa. — Na konvenciji International Ladiee Gar-ment Workers unija' je Benjamin Marsh od Ljudske lobije svetoval delegatom, naj a plketira-njtm mestnih hiš prisilijo lupa-se. da ae odpravijo v Wasbing ion z zahtevo, da kongres apro-priira pol milijarde za naaičsva-nje lačnih ln pet milijard sa jav-na dela. Higijena noge Marsikomu ae bo zdelo nepotrebno in odveč da govorimo o higijeni noge. Saj noga ni tako posebno važna in se odteguje hvalečemu ali grajajočemu pogledu ljudi. Tu mislimo na spodnji del noge, na stopalo, peto, prste Rd. Mnenje onih, ki so proti negovanju nove, pa ni pravil-no. Sicer noga ni za šivljenje' vašen organ, a more vplivati na druge za življenje važne organe. Kratka mrzla kopel noge nam na primer odvaja kri in nam more pri grozečem k t vavenju možganov večkrat naravnost življeui. rešiti. Tako vidimo, da je higijena noge oljnem tudi higijena vsegs telesa. Pametno negovanje noge mora upoštevati dvojno: higijeno noge same in higijeno njene, ga obuvala oziroma njene preobleke. In ker je prav zadnje daleč proč od higijenične idealn<>-sti, moramo negovanju noge posvetiti dvojno Skrb. Prav za prav je dnevno večerno umivanje noge z vodo in milom samo po sebi umljivo. Noga, ki se je nahajala čez dan v trajni kopeli soparnosti, se očisti in osveži. Ce se umivaš s toplo vodo, je dobro, če po umivanju poliješ nogo na kratko e hladnejšo vodo. Nohti naj bodo zmeraj čisti in dobro ostriženi. Razumljivo je, da poevečajo nekatere matere negovanju nohtov večjo skrb kot negovanju noge same. Delajo pa to manj is higijen- sklh vzrokov kot zato, da varujejo nogavice. / Higijena obuvala in preobleke nog je težka reč. Ideal obuvala, sandala, nam je prepovedan po našem podnebju in po stoletja starem izročilu. Moramo vzeti pa£ čevelj. Čevelj iz zraka ipropuščajoče snovi se kmalu premoči in umaže in postane včasih tak kot cunja. Preostane samo še čevelj iz usnja. Mnogo ima prednosti, mnogo pa tudi neugiklnosti. Med prvimi navedemo varstvo pred vlago, lahko snaženje in trajnost oblike, -med drugimi majhno voljnost usnja in posebnp še nemožnost izhlapevanja nožnč vlage. Te neugodnosti moramo po možnosti omiliti. Poleti priporočajo rumene čevlje, ki solnČnih žarkov ne vsricavajo, dalje nizke čevlje ali pa sandalam ipoddbne čevlje, pač tudi sandale same, kjer in kadar je to možno. Mehko usnje je neravno boljše kot trdo. Šivov in kapic naj bo kolikor mogoče malo; trdi šivi nam prinesejo žulje in kurja očees. Kako se z nesmotreno obliko čevlja greši proti higieni noge, vidimo vsak dan na cesti, v salonu in drugod. Higijenično pravilno oblikovan čevelj naj bo v celoti udoben, naj ima nizko peto in kolikor mogoče širok prednji del, ki omogoča prstom popolno gibljivost. Tu podamo še nekaj podatkov o nogi in predpisov o higijeni noge, podanih z drugega vidika kot smo pissli prej. Obliks človeške noge je popolnoma drugačna kot drugih živečih bitij. Spremembe noge po večini niso prirojene, temveč šele prisvojene. Nogo moramo kot vsak drugi del telesa negovati (s vsakdanjim umivanjem, rezanjem nohtov v ravni smeri Itd.). Z golo nogo moramo večkrat delati gibe s prsti in moramo nogo v členku na znotraj obra- «.tL ,-.■■■■, 'v; ' Ce hodimo in stojimo, nsj bo prednji konec obrnjen nsprej in ne nazaj. > Čevlji ln nogavice naj ne bodo prekratki, ne preozki in ne prekoničaati. Čevlji in pravzaprav tudi nogavice naj bodo za vsako nogo druiračni, drugače oblikovani. Na/večja dolžina nogavice in čevlja naj bo na znotranji strani, na atrani palca, rasmerno naravni obliki noge. Pri športnih vajah in pri telovadbi mora* paziti na pravilno drža nje noge. Pri izbiri poklica si preskrbi, če mogočr. zdravniško mnenje o obliki in odpornosti nogo. Čete prične noga boleti, ai jo daj takoj pre-iekatl, tako moreš preprečiti morda prlčenjs-jočo se ploščatoet, noge z vlofcki ln smotreno nožno gimnsstiko. Zdravje. Drobtuiet Stari Rim je propadel, ker je driava dajala revežem preveč kruha in iger, Amerika bo pa propadla, ker drtava ne ds revežem nn iger in ie msnj kruhs! • • • Veliki bogatini so vaak dan bogatejši, reveti pa imajo vssk dan več otrok. • ♦ • Look out, revolucija, ds ne boš deportiran»' "Hčere ameriške ravtllasIJa" eo ti ta petsmi i " V * Zaprli ao tovarno ln oče Je donjs. Zaprli *> slamnikarno in mati je doma. Zaprli ao pivovarno in ain je doma. Zaprli ao banko in >> > je doma. Zdaj bodo sapril ie šole in mala dva bosta doma. To bo lep "hell" potem doma 1" če sspro Ae cerkev, bo tudi stara mama vedno doma. Tedaj pa pojde dem k vragu! e • • Vsakdo ima svojo krito, te dela ali ne dels Vsakegs nekaj boli. Nekatere boH, ker ajib^ sosed še dela in drogi ao aefteni silne nevoščlj' vosti, ker kns sosed boljšo plačo. Zadnji W morali vprašati sa bolniško podporo • • » • • e Riga še vedno riga. In kar izriga, jo velika - flfa- \ _________ Skupna potovanja SREDA, 18. MAJA. PROSVET« jjsiofsaska Hiradm Podpora Jidnota lnkorp. 17 . jun«U 1907 v driari Ulioo* katero j« izrekla društvena porota, smatra gl. porotni odsi k za prestrogo za tak prestopek in je na podlagi tega soglasno za- Obtošnko br. John Kesnika je nadzorni odsek»predluiil ns seji gl. odbora SNPJ 6. februarja 1932. Imeli atno med drugim kij učil, REW VIDRICH. prvi podpredsednik, 669 Rusaell Ave., ,'-»hn«towo, Pe. PONALD J. LOTRICH, drugI podpreds., 1937 8. Trombull Ave., Chicago, IIL JOHN J. ZAVEHTNIK, gl. sdrevnik........3724 W. 26th St.. Chicago, IIL GOSPODARSKI ODSEK t x FRANK ALESH, predsednik........,>.2124 8. Cravrford Ave^ Chicago. IIL JOHN OUP...... *.............140 8. Prospect Ave., Clarendon Hills, IIL JOSEPU SIS KOVIC H.................1009 t. 74tb Street, Cleveland, Oblo, POROTNI OD8EK: JOHN GOR&EK, predfednik............414 W. Ilajr St, Springfield, IIL ANTON SULAR................................... Box 27, Anna, Kana. JOHN TRČELJ.................................. ,Box 267, Strabane, Pa. FRANK PODBOJ................................Box 61, Park HiU, Pa, FRANCES ZAKOVSEK..................1016 AdSms St, No. Chicago, IIL OKROŽNI ZASTOPNIKI: CEORGE SMREKAH, prvo okroije......127 Main Ave., W. Alkjuippa, Pa. JOHN LOKAR JR-. drugo okroije........696 E. 162ipi SU Cleveland, Ohio. FRANK KLUN, tretje okroije...................Bo* 668, Chlsholm, Minn. JOSEPH BRATKOVICBl, detrto okroije..........R. R. 6, Pittaburg, Kana. FRANK KLOPČIČ, peto okroije..............Bog 163, Ročk Sprlnge, Wjo. >4 NADZORNI ODSEK: FRANK ZAITZ, predaednik.................8689 W. 26th St., Chicago, IIL ALBERT HRAST...................1016 W. Pierco St., Milwsukee, Wia. FRED MALGAI.......................Central Park, Paru, Ul VHA PISMA, ki ss aaaaftaja as pmU si »rslsslalfcs. asJ ss aaMass VSS DSMABNS psAUJatrs t« stvari. U ss tiiaja sk Maski Mj M paiUjaja as «L tajnlltr*. Vmi^arT Uk«i.<« m kalallks esiSMs. asi ss psMMs - M. Isjali zoni Ksmsssissra s sUvnlmt adkarntkl. kt Maja v st A Pisma, ki ss aaaalajs as msU st arttrs M |ir»Sndnm i >. UlsUlia Vss saŠavf v_s»asl s Ma«alnUklml »sall. naj ss pailU.J. sa klasaJMItva. vse PRlTOtBK sM« sMtorsais v ct oktsm KWrt asi as eall>J»J« Pnsk Sajsa. vsi piuzrvi aa aL ■ VSI POPISI ln 4r>rt mM. aasasalls. utaS, aaralalaa Ia selak vss. ka«_Ja t svssl . gi«»iiom isdaels. aa) s. poiilj. aa "PSOSVatO." MIT a Lsvaisls Ava* NOTUt Cam-.nlMm wltk Um hiraš* ornes thsaM ks sMussil ss CMamaisaUMS laTUks HHf»« »rssktoat sksaU ks........ •» ki«. AU ramltteacss •( ■•»O sM kastassa csacsralac »s4s«S aa* mtmUn MUfll sMaM ks sSdraasM U tka aacratarra »MUs. Matura •( alck ksasflt skaaM ks sSImssM H Um Financial mattara aaSst tks JnrlsdlctUa sI tks »ttk kisi. \ Ca.platata MKMiki tks wH» af Um ssssaUva ksatd sksaU ks sli.....I Is tatu. tkalrmaa af tka Saard si SapsrvUam. Charsss. osauUlaU saS aeasals sfcaaM ks iMnml Is Jaka flstlsk. M«kra«s. J C—H*ssi ZAKLJUČKI GL. POROTNEGA ODSEKA Zadeva društva št. 356 Sestra Anna Spudich,,članica društva št. 366, Benid, 111., se je pritožila, da se ji krivica godi, ker ji je društvo odklonilo bolniško podporo. Zahtevala je društveno obravnavo, katera se je vršila 6. marca 1932 in zaključila, da ni upravičena ]do bolniške podpore od 11. decembra 1931 do 6. januarja 1932. Sestra Spudich se ni zadovoljila z izrekom prvega razsodišča ter je vložila priziv na gl. jKjrotni odsek, kateri je zadevo vzel na znanje, pregledal vse predložene listine, ki se nanašajo na zadevo, ter pronašel sledeče: Iz zapisnika društvene porote je razvidno, da se sestra Spudich ob času bolezni, to je od 11. decembra 1931 do 6. januarja 1032, ni ravnala po Jednotinih piavilih. V dokaz je poročilo < lanov, kateri so sestro Spudich obiskovali. Nadalje je iz zdravniškega spričevala razvidno, da je trpela na bolezni, za katero jednota v smislu 17. točke XXIV. <"lena pravil ne plačuje bolniške |.<>dpore. j , (ilavni porotni odsek je na podlagi tega prttel do soglasnega zaključka, da v smislu 1. in 17 točke XXIV. člena ptavil se-stia Spudich ni uprsvičena do lx>lniik« podpore od 11. decem-l»ra 1931 do 6. januarja 1932, <« i je soglasno potrdil rszsodbo prvega razsodišča. Zadeva društva št. 161 . Sestra Frances Purkat, članica društva št. 161, Kitzville, Minn., je vložila priziv radi odklonjene bolniške podpore od i7. novembra 1931 do 16. januarja 1M2 iw gl. bolniškem tajniku. Zaključek društvene porote je 1'il. ako ses* Purkat zdravniško dokaže, da ni bolehala na plo-atem stopalu, se ji izplsčs pod-l "ra. ako pa tega ne dokaže, ji •iruštvo ne more odobriti bolni-ke i>odpore. klavni porotni odsek je vzel mziv na znanje in dognal, da J- zahteva sestre Purkat ne-"pravičena, kajti 18. točka %Yi XXIV. člena pravil določa, da m dnota ne plača bolnfalke podpo-za tako bolezen, isvzemši ako >• dokazano, da je bila povzroče-" < po nezgodi sa čaaa, ko je že "Ia članica jedaote. Sestra Pur-k»t ni predloSOa kakšnih izkazil n'4 dokazov, Iz katerih bi bilo 7 az\ idno. da je bila poškodovana ' kar je članica jednote. N* Kidlagl zdravniških »prlče-v*l in drugih podatkov je gl. porotni odsek soglasno zaključil. da v smislu 18. točke e), XXIV čena pravil sestra Purkat upravičena do bolniške podpore za čas od 17. novembra 1931 do 16. januarja 1932, ter s tem razveljavlja razsodbo društvene porote in odobrava postopanje gl bolniškega tajnika. Zadeva društva št. 430 Br. Radeš Medenica, člaA dru štva št. 480, Geboj Wyo-, je vložil priziv na gl. porotni' odsek, ker mu je bila odklonjena odškodnina. ' Pritožbo je najprvo predložil i?ri. svojem društvu katero mil it odškodnino priznalo. Pozneje je zahteval odprav nino, katera mu je bila tudi od klonjena po vrhovnem zdrav niku. Glavni porotni odsek je pred loženi priziv, vzel na znanje ter preiskal vue podrobnosti, ki se nanašajo na zadevo. Iz listin, k' so bile predložene gl. porotnemu odseku; je razvidno, da se dru-AtVo ni ozirali na pravila, ko mu je priznalo odškodnino, kajti br Medenica ni popolnoma nesposoben za vsako delo. Zdravniške izjave dokazujejo, da je zmožen opravljati lahko delo, kar tud' društvo potrjuje. In na podlag teh dejstev je gl. porotni odsek soglasno Zaključil, da br. Medenica v smislu 1. točke, XXVHI. člena pravil ni upravičen do odškodnine, ter s tem razveljavlja razsodbo društvene porote ln potrjuje odlok vrhovnega zd^av nika1*' ' , , Zadava društva št. 558 Br. John Wutej, član in tajnik društva št. 558, New VVaterford, Canada, je obtožil člana Lowrea-ca Petrusho kršenja pravil, in sicer 8. točke XVI. člena ter 2. in 23. točke XXI. člena pravil Pri društvu je bila radi tega porotna obravnava dne 20. marca 1932, pri kateri sU tiila zaslišana tožitelj in obtoženec. Ker br. Petrusha ni predložil zadostnih dokazov v svojo obrambo, ga je društvena porota spoznala kri vira Ur kpznovala z izključitvijo iz jednote. Br. Petrusha ae ni zadovolj z izrekom društvene porote in je Vložil priziv na drugo inštaseo. Glavni porotni odsek je vzel priziv na znanje ter preiakal vse podrobnosti. Ker Petrushs v svojem prfertvu nI navedel nobe nega tehtnega viroka, zakaj je nasprotoval društvenemu sklepu z dne 20. decembra 1OT2, smatra gl. porotni odsek, da on ni za dobrobit društva ali posameznih članov. Na podlagi prepotenih dokumentov In drugih podatkov je gl. porotni odsek našel br. Petrdaho krivega kršenja S. točke XVI. čkpa ter 2. In n. točke XXI. člena pravU. Toda kasen, s ho kaznuje z enomesečno su-spenzijo, katera se prične 1. in konča 80. junija 1932, prvi in zadnji dan ukijučena. Nadalje je gl. porotni odsek odredil, da se br. Petrusha mora pokoriti zadevnemu sklepu druitva z dne 20. dec. 1931, ako hoče ostati pri omenjenem društvu; ako ne, naj po prestani kazni vzame prestopni Ust k bližnjemu dru^u. T Zadeva društva št. 560 Br. Vlncpnt Domandich, Član društva št. 660, Aberdeen, Wash., se je javil bolnega dne 29. avgusta 1930 in je bil na bolniški listi do 12. aprila 1931, to-da radi nezadostno in nepravilno Izpolnjenih zdravniških spričeval mu je gl. bolniški tajnik v smialu 1. točke XXIV. člena pravil odklonil bolniško podporo od 11. januarja do 12. aprila 1931. Br. Domandich se je radi tega pritožil pri svojem društvu in vršila se je porotna obravnava. Društvena porota mu je odobri la bolniško podporo, dasiravno so zdravniška spričevala dokazovala, da so pomankljiva. Glavni bolniški tajnik na tak sklep društva vseeno ni nakazal bolniške podpore, temveč je vztrajal, da se na podlagi 1. točke XXIV. Čtena pravil ne sme nakazati bolniška podpora. Domandich je nato vlažil pri siv na gl. porotni odaek, v katerem pa ni navedel boljših doka zov za upravičenost do bolniške podpore za omenjeni čas. Glav ni porotni odsek je zadevo preiskal ter iz zdravniških spričeval in drugih predloženih listin in posebnih pojasnil našel, da br. Domandich prvič ni bil toli ko obiskan od zdravnika kot določa 7. točka XXIV. člena pravil, in da v času od 11. Januarja do 12. aprila 1931 ni bil popolnoma nesposoben za vsako delo, pač pa je bl| zmožen opravljati kakšno lahko delo, in na podlagi tega je gl. porotni odsek prišel do soglasnega zaključka, da je gl. bolniški tsjnik pravilno ravnal, zato s tem razveljavlja sklep prve iijštance, ki je bratu Domandichu odobrila bolniško podporo za čas od U. januarja do 12. aprila 1931, do katere v smislu 1. In 7. točke XXIV. člena pravil nI bil upravičen, in s tem potrjuje, da je bilo postopanje gl. bolniškega tajnika pravilno. John Goršek, predsednik; Anton ftular, John TerčelJ, Frank Podboj, Frances Za-kovšek, porotniki. h >rada gL aadioraefa V pismu z dne 12. decembra L981 obtožuje br. John Resnik, član društva št. 818, brata Fr. Podboja, člana gl. porotnega odseka, da je pri preiskavi oziroma zasliševanju pri društvu št. 72« poročal predsedniku porotnega odseka br. John Goršku neresnico, ker je med drugim navedel, da je tožitelj ica, «estra Resnik. predložila obtožnico ne-pravilno, oziroma da Jo je na seji sama prečitala., V dokaz navaja, da sestra Ann Resnik ni sama prečltala svoje obtožnice pri društvu št. 725, nego jo j« preči ta l predsednik društva št. 726. br. Louis Metz. Br. John Resnik prsvl, ds je bilo to povedano br. Podboju pri zaslišanju, da pa tega ni poročal br. Goršku. Zaradi sporov med člani v Imenovanima društvoma je prišlo do obtožb in končno Je bilo pred porotnim odsekom obtolano tudi društvo št. 726. Z namenom, da porotni odsek dobi točne podatke, je predsednik odseka, br. Goršek, dela-girsl br. Fr. Podboja, da pri 1-menovsnem društvu vodi zaslišanje. O rezultatu je potem poročal br. Goršku. Med drugim se je v porošllu opfrsl na zapisnik društva št 726. seja p. avgusta 1031, v katerem je med drugim rečeno, da Je zaradi obtožnic nastalo veliko konfuzije, da se niso ravnali po-vsem po pravilih In da Je toži-teljica. sestra Ann Reenlk, sama prečkala svojo obtožnico na seji. Gre sedaj zarsdi trditve, daU Je saa to res nUrila. in ako nI. da-ti Je br. Podboj kršil pravila. originalu ter ga citirali v našem poročilu, ki je bilo v tej zadevi objavljeno v zapisniku seje gl. odbora v Prosveti s dne 2. marca 1902. Ns .poditi tega je nadzorni odsek prišel do zaključka, da br. Podboj ni kršil pravil v svojem porodi}«; predsedniku gl. porotnega odaeka. V pismu z dne 13. m&rca 193CJ nas obve&a društvo št. 318, da se br. John Resnik ne strinja s našim odlokom in pravorekom gl. odbora. lajavlja, da proti nam cklločno protestira, istota-ko, da protestira proti prepisu zapisnika seje društva št. 7B5. V dokaz za svojo trditev navaja 9 prič. Tudi društvo-št. 318 protestira in v pismu zahteva, da se br. Podboja "ponovno posta-vi pred gl. nadzorni odsek in s njim postopa po pravilih". Podpisani so: Louis Planinšek, predsednik ; Joeeph Zabkar, sa pisnikar; l^ouis Keše, blagajnik; Vincent Reanlk, nadzornik. In pa sledeče priče: Ann Resnik, Louis Planinšek, Joseph Zabkar, Louis Metz, Tharesa ReSnik, Vhi cent Resnik. Jos. Žabkar st. in Jos. Debelak. Predsednik društVa« št. 318 nam je v posebnem pismu tolmačil zadevo z.željo, da se jo do kraja preišče. Odgovoril mu je predsednik nadzornega odseka in obljubil, 4a na podlagi nove preiskave objavijo popravek V pismu z dne 1*5. marca 1902 pojasnjuj? nadzornemu odseku sestrs Fratjel, Msnr Mallt »U 00 Kali« KuiMMk III. Msry SrrU-MrK fl«. P»ula VtSHah IM. J<*n IStSkrrear IS. Hanrir Kajti Ml. JuIin Klrall M. Al l. hr«Mk Mahnit Ml. KlUaMk Kran-wvU4 Ml. Sr<«ku Kra*<> Ml M. Asns Cm-canrioh $17 J.4ia Katr II«, Anlua KM.uc«. III, Ifnartua Kukmk M«. AntolnHle Skuk S7. Ja.s4. HttaslaJ MT Msntn Takol U* Prask Dum Ms. Jakn Oraksnc M«. IV ^alk ITS. - i«, t. Prank l»r.4M.r tli. Mar* Vlantkar MT. Ai»«lr#» Miti« Ml. Ksrvl Ih.Dnl M«. Nu-4ul»k Kramaar Ml. il. S. J.aM^k Klrukrl IM. it. IS, j.rfin Ku«lsr •»•. RsM Ivaskovkk iS. Sat« krtMin Aiwlraw 1'fMtsr MS. riMk Nsfitar Ml. iuMskln* IVmtalsk II«. Ai<»>n Sartir Ml. lvka Sskl« IM. St- ki« M4. J lasek Parkov ie It.M. it u. Jokn Sl»br 114 Asn«* IVnra lin. HuataraU- Ml. Aaian Valrntiasla M" it II. Asna Hssit M4. KliaakaOi MasUi«r it. lansta Osrns M« it. M. Msrsarat C^.aaak IM. Mlckasl Vls- »40.60. Marku HuUaaio Mt k H. Prank Msummt W> št. M. Prank Mals«ky MT M. Sarkars ns. Katharina KasSjar IM. Jeks Kt.S-•M. Paul Krtvukaoa M4. jMks H.Klrrnlk MT. Anns IkirvSth »;><> Marv llKibsisk U9 Stoflk Mikls. fl M4 Str«« Mitoaavlivvlc MS it. «TS. JuavOi l'irrr>*«>waki MM. mlM- OWJsluk m. Srlaaa Uajkb M*. Ml-•kari l^mUaks MV i«, ssl. Oaur«« Koka«tna CS» Št SSS KrrSarlka k.raan III. II. Tli it. TM Ch«|M.lntk 1^1 Skseai •ti E Is Kranaaa Kraak Ml. I ... tuka* Kslssr M, SsH«>l tavbl IT, Uuta |.l|Maak »U M, Jukn J^of III.M. Alt um lamina M«. Ov.mta Karkaa M0. it. kl. Uoala Kaaaak M« Si. M. HoUulnh Sarsuu Ml. Jok* Mlllavui M«. Iran Skoea« III. it. M. Aiium Mkuatsr IlO.M it. M. Jukn BkofMS MT. It Ti. Z it M. t_______________ vlak MM, Nlck MaUJa 14* SI. Prask Krm »Mit teh M«, tska Sivko------ "" "1.10. Slava Snrlah III. št. M it. it •1* Ru«l«»J| T M. Joaaak Stlrn III. Jaku Sadik IIT.M. Prsak ,Mlakui Tkansa Wlak Ml. AnMsi Clkar Ml Urai»n lit. KliiaMtk, Varknjsk IM Matt llsuettsas M4 št »T 8 KM Ross Molian Ml III. PraacM Purlati Ml. (Mae Surs III. |tsry Sakitik It. št. lil. JulJass Oolisslk II. Juas»k MS vratu Ml. A saa SvasSIsk |ll. It, |M. Vlctor VuksnMk Iti. Ilsrts Os- ThšflaaMk' lis. Ju lis KmSsms iti. IM. And rs w Kmst M. AnUi Slama M«. Msry S-iaanlk |M. il. III. Oraeor Oklak M0. Uras«* IMsasr It. 1 Ul. PrMa Krosks« Iti, tU. Attnia Salanllek IM. IM. Pato MolInanSu Ml IM. Jaka Palsls M M. IM. Ss« l*»wkss II. Prank P rak Ml Anion Madlask M>. Št. IM, Mama laew IT, Msry Saaan*«« |l|, John Srlts III, Prsnaaa Sraaavaek Ml Mstt K raba I IM. Mirhaal Uasaar IM. Stslsr Mrak M0. «t. I TO. Anaa Sualr NT. JeaU PttsalJ M*- Katarina I Ta. Anna »uair a«i. « »^n jr»— ITI. Praak Ostroh IU. Maria Potissk I ITI. Martin Carl IU.M. nic III, Msrv Oalask IM. ii. |ST. Kstl. UySs Ml. Št. IM. Prida Msvsrls IU. Prank Palakar |1L Praitk nuaovlah IM, Jokn i MoJ s lak I Ml. 't1,-. rrsnk*Plsk IM.M. VsUsilla Drsi-aar II. Julls HaaJkt. M. Vlassat Plams III. Miškah IkovMk |tl.. it. Me. (karlaa Kukovls Ml, Astoala Puuaka IM. 'K . . i > ' ' it. 110. Uttkisa Ksklsr |M. S4war4 i)awald m. J.irIJ Osvsld M. || II«. BIlMkstk IUH Is M«. HM. Vs*ii IHnaff SIT. ' " mM Ml. #wak #S»sln t vil rfafifc Huihmiš T |l. htm ■ ra, prl-občenem v Prosvetl dne 2. marca 1992, Je v poročilu nadzornega odseka ^navedsiid> <** je znašala provizij® hišnika SNPJ od najemnine, kl jo dobi v vsoti 10% od dohodkov dvorane, v zadnji polovici prošlega leta $184.1«. V i rssufcl je Je prejel $133.13. 25 e«ntov v p nt n lli znamkah nam pa šl Ji te la pMisM vam borna lep •.Na P. J. ŽEPNI KOLEMR 1032 OruMva. kl Hk is nlne na Ml. I-hiU VuavU IU. n. Justina Plskar III, LdMss MS* ■uvtvk II«. Willlsm Mussk MS. Marv K rs) na »M .M, NUk Stersavlsk Ml. J**s WUs |tl. iniP mL (Mik III, Msrr Muresl Srssn IM £t. MM. Jassek I . K l^aek' 1 št. IM. Prana* HH (Useavs SurUk III, Kasta Slartsk Jansarls IM, Pranih. Hu- rnllla I •a jlk h asbaj M rskaH «( PiOUVITA, tM7 P. fj^idik Aw., ■H Kr Ml. AUs OaumUk Mt. IM Krsnk Svsk II« M. »M. Andrsw l>.mav«ak |1«. Astan StS, JaaaU R. UaUna IM. Msrssrata Ptnlar |U. It. MT. Tkrrssa KnaMs Iti, Anlaals Jaka« III. Miška* ftukal 11141. Praasss Vaji llah IM. Su4i»l|»k kome N immmm TL «M Anaa W(,USkis IM. M«, losspk Prssk«fls IIMJS, Prank ML Mt. Sasaaa Hallaa IM. c, it M«. M i Um l/tim.»vkh |M,M. - R' 1B». jjajS '• fcklaa |M. ieks Uaskss m. t Ml. Utrransa Plrasl IU.M_______ m, Ta4s SlUs Il4 il«as USakmrlak •IS. Stana Vukaanovlsk Ml, iskl Onesll M4, Nov ta« SusJUk Ml. Msnda MsslsiavUk Ml, Msrr SvUaravUk IIT, buaaa PsiskevUk Ml. Osas MarUk Ml. A»un H«.lmnaUk MIM ^m flip P^pmiImn^mm 9Mi ii. MS. AmalU Vssrt IM. it III. Uuaa Orksa SIS. MMMMl UvrUk «M VaUatla Vsrkaas« M.M, la^k Vsr-kevas MT-M- t Št. 4|4. Hal«w kaaisla IM Št. IM. MU« M»rHs M M. fvss MavriM Ml. Osovs« M "»tak IM., IM. J«ks A, OersiU III. . 44« Ann* PskavUk Mo 4H. Jaka Saes 8N. <74 Mukaal MsflsskavMk T'wm&t 411, MaUn Ssis IM. loka SrsSa« Ml 4M Sseku VassMsS IU. Netartala Sa-raak III. Asam HlaeaMk I« MUss SsklnU Ml, Mlkm VuakovU M«. it «ei. im*k uvua Me, la* OsUes Ml M. Sass a. ra»Um.Uk MI M . it 4M. Pklllr lUaissakr Ml. K «er. prsak Sass IM, Sam iefledlsevU % »M Jaka narisa IM, PUHss SamUHU iti Sam Umatalk M* Aaam tlvaasr M4 MUkaal J"kart Ml. ^ ^ _ it M« iN— fessa Mi. UUs fcsrru-h IM K m BoSUsa š«. IM. Vaamd Orealu. II«. Aalea Suksai "L MT ivaaekla* PaMUk Ml, Man> Ur« "L MS- MUkssl SetsvM* M. MIHU MrUk MIM Paallas OmimMt IM, Sam Saauslsv S^Ai ^iMtlift. mfk U, lir Ila4a MaMltoaUa Ml. tvt Marv Xa4ai Itf, M>i4k«a M»4s»r MS. iaks SakU M« BI bH CiroMss A^ftl MtoaH 9KL m Ms. iasavk iakevss MS. IsmS* SM. Sea«M SaaMM. M« i-t-- M-.u isssek MMaks^lU. P*ueu WMMll Paal UiArta fM. Š4 M« i« k. »M P, k »M M it mt n k M« K MT______ U m. IUm CmsM MM. Mm S. Maaa. s»>M IU ■■■HPpVi.7 iassek Mism MS. lil. IUM RK IIARI) i, SEAVKIITNIK 1 UWVRM IHIMpohnm^...... • -V" V*H SMs tHfUmi r MM a 1'aalral Park A rs. CrsafMd MM < Ka nadaljeet- Informacija pišite n LEb ZAKRAJfiEK titneral Travel Bervlee 1888 Beae^I Ave, New Yerk, N. Y. GRENKO VINO ; t Jugoslovanske I KOSE 2S, 30 in 32 palcev dolge a rln^kom, cena....... .$8.80 it kos a rintkl...........10.50 Rrusnl kamen ........... .60 Klepilnu orodje kranjske in nemlke oblike po....... 1J8 Rrp ......................88 Motika ...................»0 Rlbeien aa repo a 2 noiema 1.88 Pralca po 28c ln 30c. Poitnlna prosta. MATH. PKZDIK Bes 778 CUy Hell Ma. f Nenr York, N. Y. VELIKA KAZPRODAJA barv in stenskega papirja pri S. A. Bergman Ine. 1524 Weut 6Srd Htreet vshod ob Ashland Ava. Val tel. Preapeet 8448 Odprto v torek, četrtek ln soboto večer. Stenski papir nbetrišen laatenj. Naj več J s prodajalna «i barv in stenskega papirja aa jui-nI strani mesta Chioaga CKNKJAE, k latotako točno postrešem vsakomur, ker je moj urad v neposredni bllšlnl New Yorka. Preko 18 let lskušnje v potniških ln sadevah denarnih pošl-IJatev. Prepričajte as. Današnje cene ss: Din 500,— « 9*S0 H 1000^. $18.65 Lir 500.— $16.7» « 1000.— $58.— Popuet aa velja nskaslls. V KLIK I KILRTNI ISLKT ped eaebnim vodstvem 8. julija na parniku BMMKN. Cena do Ljubljane In nassj $18«.-. Pojasnila bresplalno. VLADO PREMR1) 17 Ba. Maln 8L. Ho, Nonvalk/ Coan. Dr. Animr Favtaa • ZOBOZDRAVNIK 8888 Ogden Ava« Ckleege, IIL 04 I. 4a II. 4sa-. s4 I. 4a I. Is si I. M I. •««**. Ok srsisk a4 I. Ss M. 4sa. Tal. Craafard IM»dl MU - *bEV*A«uca Ali st« še naročili Prosveta aH Mladlimki Mat svojemu prijeto* U« aH sorodniku v doamsriao? Ts Js edini dar trajne vrednosti, M ga sa ma! denar toliko Milje-ta svojcem v domovino. * • NAROČITE 81 DNEVNIK UST PR88VCTŠ Pe sklepe 8, redne kan ven«! Je se ssša| lafcke nereM aa MM PvenvMa to prišteje eSen, dva sli trt llsae Is ene šreilee la Is aaeca aastoes W Mrilitot. Mat Praavela stene ss vse enaka, m liane aH aeHaae 8848 ae eke letna nerealna Ker ps Msnl ie plalaje prt eeeemente $1.8$ ssJadslk. se Jim te priitele k nsrelnlnl. Ml prtlujeme MMflS. des sil trt ilsae Is ene drallae k eni aanMtoM. Tare| aeše) M vfreks. reli. Se |e list pre-4reg ae llene S. N, P. J. Uet Preeeete |e vele laatalna la gMeee le »iS i i Siil Holsl II i Ml M II nI nrnl --------- Tare! aeisl ImsSs prilike, še ee tndl VI narellte ne dneealk Preevete. Cena Usta Preeveta Je« Ze Mrel. driave la Kanade 88*8 le Cleere la CMeage Is......$TJJ 1 tednik to..............4.88 I tedelk Is............... I tednike In............MM 8 tednika M..............AP 8 tednike Is............ 848 8 tadalke ................ lapelnlte spedej! kepen. prtleMte petrekne veete denarje Si Order v plane la M narellte 1'reevete. lisi, kl Je vsšs leMntoa. rsjllŽli Ti tuj kskov hitre kateri teh llanov preneha MU llaa RKPJ, ali le se pr*Mit prni od drullne In ke saktevel «am svoj Ust tednik, bede mer al. tleti 'Isn Is delilna dretlee, kl Je take skupne aareleae ns dnevnik Preevete, Ii teko) nesnaniti uprevniitvn UsU, In ehenern doplelstl delilne vsete llet^ Prasvete. Ako tege ne eter*, tedaj mere upravnlltvs sntisM ■ as misli m" ta.Presvete. i tt vdete m ptoaffVKTA. SNPJ. 1887 le. Uvndsle Ave« Ckleegn. OL P«tia8eea pelilJaM nsralnlne m HM Presvata vsate 8— In* .......Jj....... r n,- - -.....■ .........n.ja... CL šrtdKvs Nssiev j,. Ker ............... Stee narWalk UeU«& tednik to ga prtpIMte k Meg asreletol ed draflnet | laie ........Ju,......................... . .................. ___C8, dmštvn ši- Tk« Saclatp tkali __ENGL1SH SECTION_ FOR MEMBERS OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFtT SOClETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 Sidewalk$ of Detroit Hunger Revolts Forecast The Reveliers9 Column (A Study in Historični UmUrialitm) By John KmUktr He believea in another self that can leave the b<>dy a »oul, which can not dle when h« dies. U U not h sort of abstract soul or disembodied špirit, iuch as mpdern Christians believe in. The Indian'« »oul hts bodily form. It haa teeth and toenaila, feather« in ita hair and a tomahawk in ita hand. When the European invadera tried to fet the In-dian» to accept Christianity they met with little re-sponse. The promise of eternal happineaa wa» ttll riffht The Indian bel ie ved in that. But where wu» he to spend eternity! That waa the question. The Christians told him he would have to go up a golden ■tairway and through a pearly gate and into a «ity of purest gold. They told him that diamonda and ru-bies and other Christijm treasures were awaiting him, and a golden harp upon which to play fo ever and ever. "No like that kind of heaven", the Indian would reply. And why notf He could not visualise iuch a plača. The thought of spending etemity in that way disgusted him. To go up a golden stair and through a pearly gate held no attraction for him. He had, perhaps, never aeen a atarway or a gate. There were none on the prairiea nor in the-forest. Pearls, rubiea and other precioua atonei did not appeal to him. He had little love for iuch junk. And through ali eternity to flap his angel wings and play upon a golden harp? Such an eternity for a hunter and warrior. The Indian scornfulIy rejected the Chriat-ian heaven. He had his own beautiful heaven and he intended to spend etemity hunting bears, buffalo and other animals, on the plains dt the NHappy Hunting Ground." The Vikiaga k . At the time AmaHca was discovered the Indians west of the Missouri River were in the upper stage of aavagery, and eaat of the Missouri they were in the lower st^ge of barbarism. But let us look at a higher people. Let us consider the mythology of " the Scandinavian« of the Viking age. The Viking« lived around the ninth, tenth and eleventh canturies. They were much closer to civilization. They were in the upper atage of barbarism. What is trne of the Indians is true of the Vikinga, and aH other peoples, for that matter. Their ideaa are molded by the material surroundings, and the mode of acquiring a IMng is the. strongest infhience on their minds. The Vikings were not hunters, at least that was not their chief mode of getting a Hving. They were saa-faring people, great flghtera, warriors of the aea. They trave led much. They sailed their shipa down tile coast of Europe, around the Brltiih Isles and into the Mediterranean. It ia more than likely that they reached the shorea of America. If it was not Leif Ericson that crossed the Atlantic, it was one of his kind. The Vikinga lived by plunder. When they landed anywhere they carried off ali that was worth taking. Much of their time was epent on the ocean, little time upon the land. From this mode of life, vrith such material sulrroundings, what sort of beliefa could they hold, what were their spiritual concepts? The Naraa Gada The Vikings did not believe in one, but in many goda and goddesses. Their chief god was Odin (among the Anglo-3axons, Woden, and Wodan or Wuotan among the Gerraans). He had one eye, located in tha middle of hla forehead. His wife wan Frigg (Friia among tha Germans). Odin was poarerful and wise. They thought much of him, but thelr favorita was his son Thor, the thunder god, who was repreaented aa a mighty war-rior of middle age. He waa muacular and carried in his hand a great hammer. The Vikings had cre-ated him in thelr own image. He aras a heavenly Viking. Like ali sea-golng people, that which they dreaded the n>ost was the storm. They did not have the knowledge of tha natural forcea that we have today. To them tha rolling of the sea and the lashtng of the great waves over their dacks, the wrecking of their shlps and tha drowning of their felloars, was the work of avli špirita, demons, a great many of which inhabited the daep. A great storm meant that the demons were very angry with the Vikinga. But, Thor was thelr friend and he battled for them. He waa the thunder god and consequently vrhen they heard a panl of thunder they belteved that Thor was busy with his great hammerl clouting his ene-mies, the ship-wrecking demons. After the thunder-ing tk* waather would clear, whieh waa proof that Thor's hsmmering waa effaetive. * * (Ta ba eontlnnad) . . When Edward P. MeGrady warna a Senat« committee that revolt of th« jobleaa ia im-pending if f«d«ral priief is not giv«n we may be sure that th« situation is grav«. "The doors to revolution are going to be thrown open and leaders of the country ought to know it." He added that the labor chiefs are loaing their patience with the government. Meantime acute atarvation haa been warded off a few.months ln large cities like Chfcago, rhiladelphia and New York by oertain emer-gency measures. Cloaing of hoepitals is threat-ened in Chicago and Cleveland and a charity agent in Philadelphia relates a horrifylng tale of familiea going one and ttro daya without food when relief atopped for eleven days, and of mothera begging coins to buy bread. Even the nitwita of the governing machine at Washington are getting it through their thick heads ihat aomething must be done. Cer-tain Republicans hint that Hoover will not veto an amendment to the Reconstruetlon Finance Act permitting the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to purchaae municipal and atate bonds iaaued for relief purposes and Demo-erati talk of federal loans to states for hunger relief. The akiea grow darker over American capi-talism. Socialist thunder wiU follow In November if our army of liberation does ita wor\ well.—New Leader. AmbrMge. Pa.—The Premier Lodge Bocial Event of the 8NPJ world ia Pen na for the month of May will ba held in Ambrtdge—the K< vellera' 2nd Aaalversary Celekratien on May 28. The firat grand reunion of tha Quaeks in the Keystone sUte, tha aapacted in vas ion of the Gowanda Boosters and Baffalo Big Four from Near York state aad the espectant appearance of the cream of E. H. lodge member« of Western Pen na. makes thia one event that should not be misaad. The affair to be held at the Croatian BalUreom will featare Joseph Behnei-dar and hia Ten Campus Kinga. Th/ dance starta at t p. m. and ends at \Z oVleck, Oaylight Saving Time. Should. we aajr more? In tha športa world the Reveliers' mushbaU t#am suffered three re-versea. bi a local eity league tha Revs dropped the opening game IŽ-d; tha game being played on the 6th. On Mag 7 the Veronians in BNPJ league games whipped Ambridge to the tunfts nf 11-6 and 11-7- The final mateh of the Ravs' bowl-ing team resulted In a vietory for the PiUaburgh Morning Rtars. . Big 8hot Bir»a's outflt ended the mateh with a 2ii pins lead over Likala Reveliers. , r iHSE8?M I on May 7. About twelve Revs made the trip. Pre*y Urankar of the Moon-itas did the Ambridge group a niče deed. .. Have*you evar watched theae social affaira ending, with the croard hating to separate? They come to-gether, but dislike disbanding. . . That Veronians' soft-ball team haa an array of sldggers—murderers in fact. Thank heavens the Revs meet Wycich'a crew only three more timaa thia half!!! On the 23nd the Revs will be arith the Cometa. Btrange about that chap Prexy Henry Previf of Unhrereal. You read little about him in theae pagea, but besides being a likeable chap you find him in tke thiek of things fratarnal.., Ambridge folks contemplating a fine even ing at the 81ovene Auditorium on Jone 26 better get their ticketo from me In the nick-of-time. No laat minnte rush for tickets. . . Clevelanders give the PTograaalves your patronage on the 2tth. Oon't be the indifferant sort 'and stay at home. Louis K osel a. Back the Coatigan Bili Ali workera, ali lovers of juatlce should at once use whatev«r power they have in their localities snd whatever sbility may be thelrs to make Congresa act to demand the passage of the Costlgsn bili which would provlde $500,-000,000 for direct federal ald to the unem-ployed. The bili hi only a beginning of what Congress should do, but it is s beginning along right lines ihstead of along the wrong llnee of the Wagier bili on which I have previously eommented. Sixty per cent of the smount is to be apportloned to states on the basis of pop-ulatlon, 40 per cent is sn emcrgency fund to b« ndministored under a federal committee. The princlpsl fsult of th« bili Is that It does not speclfy that the flve hundred mllllon dollar loan for this purpose must be repald by sur-taxes on Incomea and inheritances. The bili is nevertheless more nearly In line wlth the first stepa in th« Socialist Immedlate demands than anything since the defest of the original UFollettejCostigan bili, which defest was part-ly due to the fallure of workers to organlse effectlve demonstratlon In Ita behalf. Unless this bili la pasaed rapidly by the Fourth of July such unemployed as cannot live on patriotlc oratory or on their own ruggedneaa will have to atarve or rlot.—Normae Thomsa. j Silver Starš of Yukon Concentration of Capital and Power A chsrt published by the National Industrlal Conference Board "demollshes the populsr be-llef . . . thst msnufscturers seli primarily to Independent wholesalers and also demonstrates that the middleman is not so important a figure In the channcls of trade as formerly.H So reads sn snnouncement by thst orgsnlsation whlch adds, "In carlier days of Amsrican In-dustry the t«< lling of manufactured goods was largely aeparated from thelr produetion, and a group of middlemen known varloualy as seli-Ing agenta, factors, brokera, manufacturers' agenta and commlssion houses inCervened be-tween the manufacturer and the wholesaler.M In other words, the upper capitalist clasa is eliminstlng the middlemen. Thst class is slow-ly tsking over the wholessle snd even the retsil funčtlona of dlatribution. Of nearly 60 bllllon dollara worth of sales in 1921), 47.6 per cent panaed through wholeaalers snd one thlrd of this buainess wss handled by the manufactur-«ra' own uholeaale branehea. Sales to Independent retailera were 1B.H per cent of the to-tal, 2.1 per cent of which paaaed through the manufacturers' own retall branehea. We paas this informstion on to thoae who talk of the middle claaaea aa th<* 'backbone" of the nation. The ruling clasa la removlng that "backbone" whlch haa l»een more of a atring of jelly than anything elae. Concentration of cspltal and power In the hands of the upper plutocracy procred* space snd the clssa linea become more glsring. The Soclaliat interpre-tation of capltallam la verlfled by thla trend. Supreme Court Bans Negro Discrimination The right of a Negro to vote in a politlcsl prhnsry hss been upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court in the čase at a Tescae primary by a vote of 6 to 4. L. S. N(xon, • Negro voter, brought auit sgainst the emeutive committee of the Democratic party. The decision, however, while agalnst the executive committee Is silent on whether a convention can enclude Negro voters from a primary. The minority opinion argued that a political psrty is a voluntarp organirstion, which i« true, but the two capitalist psrties have legi" lated themselves into state-protected erganisa tions. They enjoy a sUtus in law almost like that of the state-kept ( ongr»^ationaf Church in New England and the Bpiaeopa) Church in Vlrgfnia and Maryland in the colonial period As the kept churches pena Used the dlssent-Ing seeta so the two partiea of capltallam pen ailse diasenting partiea by maklng it sspenaive and atmont impoaslble for them to nominat« candidates. The kept churches had to give ws> to toteratkm. The capitalist partiee are absn-donlng toleration. Thia Is a phaee of n»Hn* daee politica that is general!y ignored The Negro and white masne« have nothin^ to galn by eaercialnf the barren prlvller o( helping to nonjinate or defent candtdates of the partiea of capiUlism. This privtlege is like ehooslng fhe rad wtth vrhich they srv ta be scourged.—N. L. kave ta eettle «IUi tka nrantas that are mi r*tnmed Is tne nasaN* j lae hy tke 2Jrd «IH kave t« he paM far bv Khmw »be kava failni ta ra-tara tkam ta eMker Ue Kraaa. SSIS (NiU a ve., ar Afteal Karla. *SU Ana a ve,: Akaria >haast P»astii i attt. tteaae daa'1 ferget tkU! We\ had «t|h aa at ear meetHig Bro. Praak Htolaek farmerljr of the S|n mu (iei«( l.inrolaitaa, kat n«w B member of the Aptrlte. Hnpe tkat jrou lika It bere In M. Uuis and tkst you vili Uke tke »ftrl* ladgo. Prank Tke repovt of tka ailueiu wwl> las oa baalis« eaa aleo hrard and The induatrial war of capitallata .,. haa this peculiarity, that ita battias are won leas by meana of enliating than of diacharging ita in-dustrisl raemiu. Th« generala, or capltallsta. vi« with one another as to who can dla|iena« with th« greateat number of his auldlers. ,v Kari Mars, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18. STRUGGLERS By Lindj PROSVETK (leveland, O,—Firat of ali are must congratolato the Progreastvea for their keen progreaa they are mak ing tuvvard their mammoth 4th Anniver-sary celebration to be held on May 29 in Euclid, Ohio. Their entartainment cuinmittee is hard at vvork making urrarigementa. Will the Strugglers be representodt We should say they vvill, for Progressive friendahip is alway« well accepted. Onvvard, Progressive! Take Euclid even strong-er than Strugglers did Cleveland. We frould like to ki\ow why ye Quack Loula Kcae-la ulweys mentiona the ladies in his co lunin? Why "Bunny" Zaic, talent-cd stage dancer, tried to count starš on Mother'a day afternoon? Why Klorence Y«ray doeen't change her name? * | We Appreciate Bro. Herman Rugels', acUve P res. of Voung Američana, vvriteup« on theae pages. They are of interest and we hope to see them regularly. Support them! Week in and week out we plan to givc a fuw line« to various Strugglers membera who aru in business. It is the duty of tho membera to render them as much support as possible. Help them, for they help you. If in need of painting or expert interior decorating, we recoramend Bro. Leo 1'erusek, Strugglers' Vice-Pres., whose woTkVill be weH done at lowest of priče«. ' Call him for free estimates. Do yau? Are you attending your meetings? If not, why not? Do you know that the Strugglers are breakin^ recorda every moetiog. A ahort meeting fol-lowed by Strugglers 9 pc orchestra playing till midnlte and refreuhmenta, etc., aH free to you. And do we have a good time? We should say so. Re-member next Struggler meeting is June 1. So don't forget It. June 12th < Thafa the day the Strugglers wijl make merry with a' Struggler will serve you. It's your duty to support them. Jehn Rak is the walking delegate who wiil repreaent the Pionaare at the Ifiheaukee convention of the Ju- So stav Socialist Federation on May B to SO, inclusiva. Arrangements have been made for a special $2.26 week-end eacursion aa the North Shore line. Those wiehing to make the trip, should get their tiekets from John Rak nat later than May 97, as these tickets vrill not be on sale at the stationa. The convention will be intereatlng for vialtors as well as delegates. » « « On Wedueaday. May 26, a big ban-quet »hali be held at the Steuben (luii, 188 W. Randolph St., Chleago. Som« of the most promlnent speak era vvill be heard. Among the speak ers will be Norman Thomaa, Mayor Daniel Hoan of Mllvvaukee, Heywood Broun, the columntst, Morris Hillqult, B. C. Vladeck, union leader, and Wll-liam Cunnea, a veteran of many labor battlea. Don Lotrich has tickets for the Jugoslav group. Those wanting to go, should make reservations by Fridav, May 20. The priee Is $1.26 per plat«. if Progressive Patches \ By Pals Inc. Our Foarth Anniveraary Eudid. O—May 29. Only a week off. How many are planning to attend? Again we repeat that we have in store the liiggest and best show to take plačo in Euclid. Come out and Hce the youthfui talent of our membera. Preparations started six months ago and we feel cfcrtain that what we vvill have will be the best. Doni forget, we have wtth us none other than the youthful WJAY Rsdlo arliat, "Chuck Seaman" in person to tuke part as master of ceremonie«. Another well known SNPJ booater, Jane Fradel, Sec'y. Torch of Liberty, vvill give a speech on "Stsbility and Supcriorlty of the SNPJ." Come on, HNPJ members, let's see what our youngcr brothers and siaters thlnk of the SNPJ. This Is tho biggest task that the 1'rogressivcs have ever undertaken. Wo vvill need your cooperiation to make it a success. Be an SNPJ Boost-or and you can conslder your task vvcll done. Notice We vvould like to reeeJve responaes from tho Pioneer«, Stalwarts, Wol-ve rineš, Young Americans, Zippers, Jolly JuniorSj Loyalltos, and New Kras. Cooperattea—aad How! Through the courtasy of Mr. Busher and the La Salle Theatre vre wish te announce that Pals, Inc., have ar-tanged to advertlse oa the sereaa aai Fourth Analversary. We wlsA ip an- - Govvanda Boosters I-N-K-S nounce that the Progress i ves la the first lodge to have an opportunlty of this kind. The sereen vvill be shown from May 21 throagh May 29. We wish to thank the La Salle Theatro for Ita cooperation. If you ali co-operate we vvill have fun galore. Bngir" Don't forget that on May 29 the Pals Inc. vvill introduce Sugar at the Ar.rtlvernary. If any member feeln that they know who sugar Is—please send «s a letter. We vvill be glad to hear from you. This week sugar says, "Come on, girls, meet Chuck Seaman st the Pro-gresslves' Fourth Annlversary on May 29." Strugglers Hovv many Strugglers wlll bo wlth us on May 29? We need your co-opcratlon. Lindy, see that you attend. Comrades Joe Jarc, Pres. of Comrades, and Heinie Martin say that they vvill attend unless if either one of them dies. We are glad to »ee you feel way, and the bet between you and Pala Inc. stili holds. Ljubljana Affair Pals Inc. announce that Bister "Fay" Debenjak wlll run for "Miss Ljubljana" on June t. Her opponent is Miss Yanchsi. For "mayor" the csndidates are Steve Trebeč Jr. (Progress!ves* Pals Inc.), M rs. Zdesar, and Loub S ter-man. Attend. tievaada, N. Y.—Our path is clear and we vvill soon be on our vvav to "Kosela's gang" (Ambridge, Pa.), where we are attending the 2nd sn-nlversary of Lodge Reveliers. We'll come vvitli a bus FULL and a fow of Buffalo Bij? Fours wlth us, too. Hoplng to meet the happieat huneh of the SNPJ members from ali around. (Red-heads? Say, Louls, I don't knovr, bat you mlght miss some vvhen we come over there.) Coma, "Boosters," only a faw seats vacant yet and wc want them fllled, only 91 for your bus fara. (See Rose Mata-kovich ) Wc havp Just purchased rib-bons for aH the members. They are vvhite wlth blac letters. We had these ribbons whtlo attending the "PSthfinders" dance. fhat means that we are proud of the organita-tion and we should do our bost for 1t. Joseph Indof Jr,, you aure ara aH vvotking hard tu organlse an K. S. local. Hoping you nucceeJ In a very big way. We vvoui.l like to 1k« wfth you Muy 30. We Boosters vvish to congratulaU aH E. S. lodges holding thelr anni versary celebration in May and Jane Say, %"St. Marys" and "Nlagara Falls," you have no E. S. lodge—get going. Be wlth u« ali and have many a good time. We "Boosters" sure wou!d like to see more E. S. lodges in New York, so vve could come and pay a visit. The girls were good In bowltag; they Kron every game of the season. ThaVagreatl Now do just as good veithaoft b«H. The captaln of the bovvling team sald she aure has some fine players, and I thlnk my girls are doing fine with tho soft bali. So here's to the girls, lat's stay on top again. The boye won « gamea and lost 1. That'a not bad. But In basa-bali they ara right on tha dot. Boys, let'« earry the cup this season. Come and praetic« hard. "Bcoster" picnic will ba on May 30. I know we aH will be tired from the trip, but try and attend the affair. John and Raae Matekovlrh, SpHagfiaU. Hi.—Our annual May Dav celebration which waa obaerved with the SNPJ Federation of todgea meeting. was a great success, as waa cxemplified by the harmunious špirit that prevnilad throaghoui the day. Tha meeting was conducted wlth clock-like aecuracy in the mormag' with Bros. Don Lotrich and Frank Zaita preaenting luspiring speechee during the afternoon. Both spok« vvith the eaperieacr of the knocka of everydsy lire, and aot as armehair theorisLa ar eaas that have had un* aaual advautages. Having been on the Superviaing committee for a num-ber of years (ogethei vvith his never-ooaslng intaraat ln behalf of Socialism makea it imperative that Bro. Zaitz gives his enUra Ume to his work and that h« haa proved his wurth is an axiom. To Bro. Lotrleh it has deemed ad-visable or rather a compliment and a tribute to parsonality and abll;ty to verlfy that our organliation i« and has been e«|ttipp«d with member« who have the esseatial Incentlva«—th« In-centives wa need for the promotlon of our own ideals. Don is a tlreles.1 worker and hip presence at any gath erlng is hallod with dellght. The members of the various com-mittees deserve much cradlt for tho tirno they devotad to the celebration as their tole object was to contributo their Hharv for th« sake of out*of» town viiitors aad they take thlo means to thank aH who attended, Just what tha nicnic committee haa outllned for our first monthly' outing has not been dlvulgcd, but It is th* aptimiatia hope of th« members tnat they vvill have formulatad a plan by meeting nite, Fridsy, May 20. "»eb r j F L A S HE S *> A big treat Is coming up at theidespito the torHd weather, and in the 'u xt regular Pioneer meeting. W« evening the hali was again neatly ">•' told that Stave Barak of the CM- fllled with dancars. Thus the second < aico Bruins Professional BasketUII1 annual Pioneer May Festival, in which i«sible that Karakas of hockey fsme nny be thaša.' Wa are posltlve of laving Vera Peteraon and Mildred Mrach, two stara, who vvill aing and ,,!»nce for us and in additlon tha en-'••' talnment committee ha« some near 'ricks to puli off, so averybody to ihe meeting on Friday, May 20, 1912. There wi!l alao be denclng. e e e : , * VVhat about those nef members, f'.lks? W« mast gather them into p^r fold now. Round them ap and muk« >oor nomlnatlons at Friday's "«<»ting. We have a huneh that Mr. • "Jar snd »«ie of the Kansas Sun-Hoarera vrlll pop in oa ua. Wa arill Klad to aee them, too. Brca um "f ali thoae vialtors, «t urge ali of member« to attend. ^ e e e ' Somethlag doing every minut« the uay uar lady eapreaaed hereeK "n Pioneer performance of la«t • undgjr. W«'|| say there wa« pl«»ty >ng and 4h» people reepoaded «ith ^ffdease for a*re, even thoagh the > "tram raeauaied three f o II haara. 1 Im" -tfhaol play wss v«ry vreli pro-< "4 aad the "airvna" to«, dellghtod th< lirtenars. Two special featare«, " 'ianrraaa snd a aongvitae, were»en ""»•»enaal a64*4 attrartlana. ^ the Pioneer Juvenlle Slovene School play wa» the main attraction, turned down th« curtain on th« s«cond year of «tudy ln proper style. Because of the school'« cla««e« and their la-creaatog knowl«dge of the language includ ng pronunciation«, th« Juv« nI les put on a better play than ever before. • » • We are vcry apprefiatlv« of ev«ry thing that waa done to make the Pioneer Msy Fbatlval so su«cea«ful and hcreby thank everyone whe In aay way helped to mak« It stieh,Jnel(id Ing tho«« who paKicipatod In the e'r ena and spesad «0" much fua siu laugkter anteag tli« aadiene«. a • • Th« ncxt Mg »"»at for the Pfon««fr» «rUI be stoged oa S«nday. Jaly II. j 932. It «vf1l be th« AaatiaJ Prlae Picair. K Vri y att«mpt vvill h« msit to pat «m a fnli program for th« at- 11 ari Ion of ali # + Aa for th« H »aa An «ld«Hr getitlemsn appruarh«d «a the other dsy and aak«d. "Wha« Is It that mak«« the Ptofcaer« ao aler» and groaring. DMa't t h« dojtreoalan rrarh y«ar felk«?" "F^asllr •« ^ as aay other grojp." vraa our replv ere're 'ap and al them.' aa th* r«y!ng goes. jaat »ha »a««. Ton raa bo itd snd g rum, If yoa »an t to IbaMd. r« t. Llhrary, Pa.—We'll start ottt vvith the Invltatlon to dsnee vvith the Jr«. on Juae 4. 4 Come one, come aH and bring your friend«. Wu'll have mu-«k 'n glrlrf 'n alsa Ikjuld refreshmentn, Doat forget us. . Had wlth us Herman Prešeren at pur meeting, but loat him later in the evening. Won-dar If h« not hoaie. . . The Flea« are goin^lh fontlcket aelllng in a big way. Ba prepared to buy a tlcket for the Fad. dane« If you soe a Flaa. Only half a burk, gento. . . Down to see MnsIietaetBiiast vveekend. Niče crovvd, niee inaslc—and Koaela look-ink for aad*haada. . . Had a floor ■how, too, «t tho danre. "Big ihot" make« hit wiMi dancer----th* softy. . . . "Highway Sailora" racovarad y«t? Wonder, If 1 they're eaplslning hovv com« some pbst oard« snd why? . . Th« Plea l|<|rtley-wlnk tesm fln-iahed the saa*nod because of wet grounda—hlel . . . A pat on the back for thaae escellent health talka, Doetor Savaetnikl The mushball league imings Into actlon. Reports Indlcate a Ilvely In-torast and" plenty of competitlon among the toama. , , Oonna hava svvell muslc at Fed. dance; are vou coming? . . VVhat beeame of BiH Radok*ich—wrltel . . . Foollah fan-cies—to a«e Max and ll«nry (Com- ets) arlthout that "Romeo" oamplex -add Kosela . . . Mu«t thanlc Mary and Ann Gorslc (Colonials) for their kindnesa. , . Son\e of the Mušket-eers ar« svvell eholr slngera. . . ttc nlce te see «veryon« vrorking PC^R the lodge inatoad of workiai IT— No? More povver to the "Cavallars" of Burg«ttstown. Should like to got to your dane«. . . Who's got the bsst muahball team? Th« boys aH se«m to be "hot." Looka like a llvoly race for the pennant. . . The Reveller« are "gonna" have a «well Uma. Let's go, gang. , . Dont forget uur dance on June 4 and be aeeing yuu at Sy-gan. Strlag«. Jolly JvRloft gygan. Pa.-4f you're golng to the dance glven by the Jolly Juniora on May SI, you're going wher« tha crowd ls. Ask your friend; he's going, th«y're going, we're going. Why don't you put on the old gray bonnet und trot along with the gang? Now that you'*e deeldvd to gt>. that maka« the party completo. You i, if you hadn't deciued to oom«, vae should have mlsaed you t«rribly. As It i«, we're ali golng to ba at the door to give you a big ovation as you pas« 'neath our snor««! portals. Oh, vve know you! Yuu'r« the one that blushas so much vvhen ona of the girls «ays "Hallo." And you are the one that contlnually «mile« at them. O. K. And say, h«r«'s a tip If th«re's a girl or lollovv there that you don't know, Just hunt up one of the reeeptlon committee, and you'll get r«sults vvith a plus stgn. Our Slovenski Dom Is the favorite hunt-Ing ground of that one exceptionally grand f«How called Cupld. Dlck Msute and his superb musl člana wlll make you vvant to Jump around like a Mealcan Jumplng bean. Charles Kaucic, K«q., Is In the hos pital, having had hI« appandl* r«. m o ved. W« know that iti! he quite trlal finding somsone to flll hi« Lodge Netvs Notes < ■■■ ■■■ THE H1RST OfTDOOR PICNIC I there antll you leave: unless you vvant Ediaon, Kana.—Lodge No. 225 Is to stop for "eats". No games or having the first outdoor picai« May other Issues,, Jaat danciag to 29 on John Ciaerle'a farm. Picnic ,M»e hotsy-toay, heated melodies of starta at, 1 p. m. tli 12 p. m. Direc-1 Hlll and hla Aldine Aristocrata. tions to picnic groanda: one mile we«t! For real fun and pleaaure« for gay and 3/4 mile north of Cainp 50 school houar. Wo aro Invlting aH neighboriag lodge« to com« to thia picnic. W« ali know depreaaion i« on ao the admisalun vvill b« to com-pet« wlth this depre««iun only 15« for mm and boya. l^idle« vvill he free. I auppoae thia plačo ta kflovvn to moat ali. l.ast yesr the pionir ground was duaty, but thi« year nioo gras« i« growing In thi« park. Come oarly and be there to win a Muny prlae« wlll be given out, to young and old. Red hot orcheetra is plsying at thl« plcnlc. If you like to laugh come and you'll m».-ar forget thi« picnic. Th« oommittoe wlll furniah everythlng your heart dealrea. So don't forget May 29, evorybody vveloome. Frank Zal a laik. Set'y. ahoes. We donH know of anyone who ran takt your plare and hsndle your job at the dance« a« cspsbly a« y«ur-»alf. But «*y, old chap, vve appeal a« on« brothvr to another, do «very thlng In your pow«r to make your recovery a «peedy on«. WC NEED Y0U.- Say, Imperial, h«re'» wl«hing you luck and Koplng you'r« golng to hav« ju«t as large a crovvd a« w«'re going to have. * CommMte« joyful friend«: for muslc that makes th« feet tlngle: attend thla dance. A record crovvd la eapected, though the committee asks the help of every S. N. P. J. memlier in the Federation to make thl« ex|>ectatlon rome true. The Prealdenta of th« lodges are especially appealed to, that they may work up Intereat In thelr lodgea. We must make thl« a real dance, th« causa Is a k<>imI one, and the party wlll he a hrlllinnt affair. F. i. K raca, Preaident. LODOK CAVA1.IKRH LOIHiF. 89 Mldway, Pa.-Have /ou heard about the MCaval:«ra," the youngeat Rngllsh apoaklng SNPJ lodge in this locallty? Th« "Elghy-N!ners" wlsh them good luck In aH future nnder-taklngs. Their Initlal affair eomea off May 14 (before thl« scrlbbllng geta into prlnt). It'« »ure to be a "SrŽLllI!TSSi —AY 11 i« Jolly Jr«. nite at *ygan. • Attend snd you ar« .ura to ' S^d iVnlvaraa^v danoo held by,tnJo* ^«llv-MAY 28 wlll ba 2i)d annlv«raary daaai fcam aj| ^ with the Rev«ll«r« at Ambridge. J"1 ■ Another aurr «uccea«.-Now Uk« a f^lt !!th otW 2 8 »J»mP *<< ws come to JUNE In ee-oparation witn otner a. h. iB ui.,^-.. lodges sine« we're organlsad. > Som« of th« young folks vve alresdy knew, fhe maJority being atrangers, but not for long, thank. to Sls. Ga-rella of Moon Run, SI«. Fradel of La-tvahe and a few other«. Due to th« fact that Vre met so many n«w friend., It wa« hapaaslble to remember aH th« nama« aiid faoa«, but wa'r« sure our futur« meeting* wlll enahl« a« to ba* come bettor aequalnt«d. Not knowlng, untll too lata, th« forehes of Latrobe vvere holding thelr Pirat Analvar«ary dan«e on Satur-day, May 14, we aat that (May 14) aa the dat« of our dance. When vve learned of th« fact, though vve kaow It i« not a good poliey If we eapect to Ruceaad in thi« great work, it wa« ImpaaaiMi tO change our dete. tU spite of the oircumstaneea vve can only hope that both dan««« wlll have bean attandad. Mildred Taucher, Sec'y. MIIH1 F. NO. Ttl Pennsy News When this vvill appear in the Pro-sveta the "Night ia Haarali" dance vvill be over, but fond memorles vvill linger vvith ns, and thoae wht> attended. • Moon Ban Trip On May 7 th« Torch«a attended the dance aponsor«d by MulketeerS and, as usual, we saw practically the same crovvd that vre find at ali dancas. The Torchea vvish to thaak tha Grosnik farnily for th« fina hospitollty ac-corded us during our brlef sejourn in Moon Run. - Mar n \ • On this diy the Progressiv«e of Euclid Village vvill commemorato their Fourth anniversary. This lodge, as ve aH kaow, stands out among tha leadlng SNPJ lodges ia Greator Cleveland. The T orehe., of eourse, vvill Join the "cara/aa" to Cleveland to vritness the spactatular event. H«re's a ehanee to flnd out who tha | girls whos« nam«« vve don't saa be-Psls Inc. are and to haa r Pregrossives'ifor« th« publtlr eya, but they are th« Hsrmony Ace^ melodla« float In tha | girls that (i*a rl«»rt behini th« R«ve-alr. Don't fail to mlas an opport'. Who'a Who la Moen Run France. Arcli. Uranker Bros., Krat-ly Bros., BDI Rogatoy, Grosnik Bis-te rs and Jarala ftistors, stoar the Moon Run Musketoer«. At th« d^nc« we mot Karnevt Butya, a formir eol-umnist ip th« Ptopveto. H* is now s '.ophomore at PiU and reports that ha la busy studjrlng. We hope to aee some articlas arritton by him in th« futur«, vvhefi he vvill not be so busy vvith books. Whe's Who la Amhridge Th« follovvlng girls; J«w«l Petras, Betty Obad in4 Gertrude Uhernlk are to aee Cleveland oa May 29 and ac cording to rcpdrto aa one vrill feel lost, Lecausa the Progre««ives ara a jovlsl and omlabl« group. -Torch.a can accommadat« two (t) more indl-vidaala. Anypne d#s!ring Inforrra-tion may vrrlto to fh« undsrslgned. The prk« la reaaeaahle. Let u^ know If yoti csh go vvith as to joln th« csravan that Is' headed for Euclid Village on M«y 29, aa soon as poe-aibl«. ^ _ May H _ • On M«y 10 lh« young m««mh«r« «»f Wp 109 SNPJ of Pite H«itry arill spotuor a monetroas affair. These members ar« wi rthj of c«mm«nda-1 Ta vasrd. Vtroniant . .i iii • Veroaa. Pa.—Don't fo.get th« Veronians' danee on May ti at tha Costa Hali at Verona. An «v«nlng af real mjoym«nt and a good tlmo la assuead, so save that dat« for th« Veronlana. The Veronians are pleas«d to w«l-com« to th«lr ranka none othvr than BIH KadoJelch. We f««l sur« h« wlll enJoy hi« afflllatlon« wlth the Veronians. The Veronlan« Inauguratcd the SNPJ Muihball League In this s« tion by defeatlng th« Ramblers In a doubleheader on May i. Th« Ramblers vvere fielding poorly and thelr bat t ing vvaa vveak, but no doubt th#y vvill galn atrength a« tha sea«on IN> gre««. Due to th« Rsmbl«r« glll«' inahllltv to have a team the Verpt lan girla' team ^s« Ml«, but they eapect to «wing Into actlon «oon and have been practlclng dslly. Last week tha Veronians defeated the highly* toutod and «trong Hebron toam. Now Is a very good Ume to f«t that brothdr or eistor Into the lodga. Teli your friend« or nalgHhers of th« advantage« and benefiu, both soelal and flnanrial, to he galned by l»eeom-Ing a member of the Veronlan« and sooner or later they vvill beeom« mem bers'whleh wlll help to sarall the grow-ing ranks of the Veronlan*. Near members means near Intaraat and thal tha lodge Is gliva. Laanafd Jakova«. Lnoky Slan Imperial, Pe.-Ledg« 71« tokas great plessure In InvIUng aH membera and friends from everyarhere to our May dance, whUh wlll he held at Slovane Hali May ti. Adn»l««lon is sllghllv cut down. Coma along, «v> «rybody, and have a real Ume dane-Ing and meeting yeur old pals. Ssm's Jass Cloarns arill furniah the danae maaia. Can ara depend on your eo-o| eration ? . On May 7, aaee on Satuvday .vening, Jurn II, at tha new Slovene Hali at Coverdald. A vary pnpul^r orrhe.tra haa been .eleetod for this affair, Kari Resso'« Ilallronm Amhassador«. The v«ry faw danee« th« "Colon« tnls" hava 'lui iM arell attaadad. sn why not Joln the rrovv^ and pay u« n visit? we hav« been to man? ladga dance« In past and hop« to ron-tlnu« In the futur«, «o why not pat-ronlse th« "Colonials" oh thl« datof W« are sorry to say but w« hav« two very fine member« on tho slak list and w1eh (he members would pay them a visit, Mr. Joseph Goralr who I« reeovering, and Thom«. Yanlk, who I« a patfrnt In the M«rry llo«pltal, Mary tloralr, Seu>, II, the nlte of aH nltee at Mltiway, tha home of the "Kighty-Ntnera" Senlor SNPJ lodge 19. (Glai Naroda). ' Thla la one aanlor lodge that la as welt knovvn In Engllsh spaaklng clrcle« aa any Knglish apoaklng lodge. The "Klghty Nlners" are n»pre««nted at alm^et aH, If not aH, soelal affair« In weetorn Penna. On the previou«ly mentlonad dat« IN vrlll attempt to r«pay Ml favora reeelved from oth«r lodge. by ahovvtng evaryone a grand Umik 1 Don't forget, JUNR 18 at Mldway wlth th« "Eighty-Nln«r«." The Two Rookn « i oim.i; NO. 7M Plrrce, W. Va.—Membor« of W. Va. Mountalne.ra, what'« tha matur wlth u«? Why eanH vve como to meetings? Th«y eome Juat onov o month. W« vvere auppoaed to hav« m«eUng May H, but nut enough mamher« eame te hold it. Not even aH of tha offloer« w«r« thor«. It's a siame wh«n vre ali could eom« so oasily, If wa'd only make up our mind« to do ao. Plaaae nutii^, members, that there . a special meeting on May II at i DA NCR M AY II Wlllork, >a.- AH memiMrr« of tke BNPJ ia Ipl« vlcinity are Invitod tu attond thePleasant M III. tfoceer Club benaflt danre Saturday, May II, at the Slovane Hali here. Good orehe«, tra. Admlsslort 00« for geats and t'«»r ladle«. Al. Petotael. Lodg« No. I«. FRpRRATION DANCI« Plttoburgb, Pa.- H«lgh-hn, «very body. T«|l the Boy Friend; toll th« Girl Frlbpd that on Satardoy nlght, dune IA, we're going to the SNPJ Federation Danee, to be held la th« spaeious Jloven« addltorlum in PIUS-burgh. Ijnth.i tapet h«r with other rnembei/ for a gfeat nlght. hHnf everjr one of yoar friend« to share in this event.) . Danclng frc»m t h« mom«nt yot) get t« a special meeting p. m. ati our usual plačo. Lat'« ali ie preaent 100% I Sln«e there la qulte a bit of bu.inas« to be gan« over, •veryonr is eapaetod. Pleasa don't forget the dal«. Aalon'a Gaaarr. S«e'y, FOR Tli K II4NMMT OP THR UNEMPLOVKD DetraK, fclrh. A dance for tha henaflt of tho unemployad vvill he apnnnored by the ladle« t:iub nf the. SNH, May VH, at 7i»J p. m., at the Woodmcn of th« World Natl, 141 Vle-tor avenue. Tho hali should ha fllled to capa«ity at thla danee, as ill the unamploy«tl ar« to ha admittod free of charge, and for thoae who are em-ployed, an admlaalon of Jftc arill he rha-ged. (A apeclal app«al to the merrymakera)i Plaaae do not arranga fur partiea on thla Important dat«. The ladle. ara urglng every peraon who ean afford to a|iar« aome foad, aueh aa braadi meati, «aanad foada at«., to be diatrJbutod to tha poor and naedy, to do sa by brlnglng the food to the hali on the evenlag af tha danee. Your patronag« vvill ba grant-ty appreelated. The vvorld throughout I. moarnlag the laca of tha famoua l,indb«rgh baby. Tha tragaip iS tao unbearahl« to «xptain, »o tat'« hope that tile litih« ver«« arill do. RepeMer, KIMTOft? NOT« Br dgeport, O., P. 1»i~ Your nate rea»h«d our effU« too Isto f«r Mag Beacons "Highiight trio ia an important nueleu« la their lodge (Sour«e of informstlom from «om« member« of Rev«lU»rs Lodge). (1arl4«< l«n't Ba Deadl Ye". tbv We«lmoreland (!ouaty Ergllch Sp«ak!nx lodg« t aent repre aentatien« to .Idt the domaln of Ctarldge Itoamer«. Report« ahoar that there (S* much hepo and that Rosm«i« h«vp a big ehanee of becoai-Ing a nroa^leni lodge in Penaerlva-nI«. The ald Ihat thrv n«el«d ara« given 14 them. a nS t f thoy «arry oat the'/ plen«. Fratnrnal Whlrl" Th« boaa of the Qua«ka, who hal bar«!y Im«m «M« lo k««p taru »topa OAMCIMC IN U>WK* M Ali. ALAO 50e J el«at akit »hleb promiae« to malt the roldoat haa rt« aad tura them bito s v/a«« of guffaar«. Maay other at tra«tlenH «ko«ld lodue« you to attond thi« big event. |n tke evening the "Heaeon M«lody Pilota" itB relea« many of thelr pop ti Ur Mt'.*iU>rr " t 0 4 WUh the »srm n«ath«r her«, Bea-roa«' f«»«! «• I uro to th« wide »p«{i per«». It «voa't b« loag now befoT> th«' "B#ace«'" vrlll h« ane« unrlng th« dat« of their roming outing. Aftot ih« way th« Pat« li r treeled th« BaaaMa' «»sty pkireea. th« Progree«lyfii bettor g» »ata »»ehi.ion {ar Wre out t" «aek »ralp. at po r aanlvtraarg affair hy ev«anlng th« eoaat to that Ing ptooehJe hattU l4wfc heeo, nega H Thl« a«ribe d(MMn't agvee vrlih y«ur wl«aerack agalaat Um «tr«ag«r sa« a fevr imhm bark. Dldn'l yeu km»w Ihat N ara« ealy a elda u.aa? Mor« laugh« ndll eantji ris th. »M- {ff n,pid |§ u £ ari comedjr, "Taro iyfruwblng to the arlla. uf thl« lil ti« at«g«d by Ml« I rogr«aalv«a, whlWr th. l)mmai Struggler« »mve apmethlng op thelr ^ 'u ^ ^ t ^ £.v«, ta tha w«y of «nt«rtainment. _ ||t , Wl>lur Tke ieneoa« ai« »erking * hl.iory? Tkal B. Radu>l«h ean aertalnly allng a mean adjectivef That Uro. (Uuauk) Kosala'« fre^aent tilpa to the Hmoklag C!«y «ren't mere* ly for bualaeaa purpoee«? Doea aay-on« know th« raaaon why a «ertaln w«ll*known ma d ao thorougkly «a-joy«d hersilf n aH th« boat rid«a dur tag Uit alyht if lh«' R«nvbl«ra' dane«? Ilurrar' W. flnat)y fuuad oiit arky Ktr'nf» ' rumautlr Iti hoart gaea throufk aH tho«« ecrebeUf manuaa-vera vvhen ew-htlenihg a certaln litih Uurg Hoitheaat af Pttta. A .nI brrevvilh aru Siskf a hurrled egU in f«ar of aur vrani«m (Ok yee, vve'v« gol on«!) horomlng a t ar get far «trey m i mi i le«. John A/a*k. KAftJAH liANCR (k rlend, Ohto. Th« y«ma« girl« of th« r i ng log rtak JBarJa" (aee. clah Na. 17) ara .poaaoeiag a daaee en Sat ud.jr, May 'M, la Ihe Sloveae Na-tlanal tl»m« (roem N«. I). Tha a»n-«1« «111 b« farnishod by Jarkle Evargona U artlrome to A>. L . ..jiK PR08VETA WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 LOKE MHOINCEHEIITS Ley«lite Newa Clevrland, O.—Our social night »u a grand auecese. Enurtiinmcnt rum mitU« did grea*. work in their arrang ementa of tke »t t mir. I wiah to th«nk «11 tht- membera who helped m It a aurcesa—al »o membt-i a and frienda of neighborjjood lodge« who atlcnd the affair. Our cntertatament committee I« •i work prefering and mak ing arrangementa for the outinjr which is to be heid an June 12. AH mem-baru and frienda are in vi led to attend. Kar furlher detailed infor-muiion, saa later editiona of the Pro-uvela. A good tirne Ja in store for everybody. Pregrcaeivee Kave invited tha Loyalitea and frienda to attend thair Vala Koufth Anniveraary~Hunday, May 2U v/ith vaudeyillc and dancing to help entertain. Chuek Seaman— IJ-J-A-Y radio artiet, to act a« raaatet ol ccremcniea. Mr. k Mr». Dobaltz are prouil new parenta of a bouncing baby. Alao Mr. A Mr». Hočevar itm Alvina Kal-•nick) proud parenta of a r.ew baky • few weeka ago. Bro. Cha«. Gorjup sustained in-juriea to hi« hand—and therefore urili ba on th« »Irk liat for severni woeka. Membera and frienda are asked to vbU him. ♦ Lotila 8a)agrase~-doeen't atlcnd our meeting anymora. Whet'a tha t/ouble, Loulat ________ _—fJ Nick Spehar, oar crack sthlate, was na mod on tha ali star team in our atrong Inter-Lodge Laagua for hia steliar eahfeitlon of good ba«kat-bali thruout th« antira aeaaon. Nick also aetad a« lamporary prenident at our laat meetlng a« our gre.ident wa« ill and could not atteml. iannia Gorjup, formerly one of our v«ry activc membera, attended meetlng. H op« »h« likad it and eomes oftenor. • Al Gornik, our active member, beat Zadeli, Hpehcr and Analck out of aame changa in a raal game. Keep away from him, bojr«. Augbat i. Pruanlck. Hec'y of Loyalitos, w«U with fellow membera and unre-aervedly offer« friendahip. 8) Hia deporjment i« generally gcod, and he conducts himself in a geatlemanly ipanner, yet interpret t hia in no wa^ to mean that he i« a milksop, becauee when hia righta are infringed upon, he fighta for them. 4) Contrary to the aunnesition of aomc people, he i« not interested primarily in aporta and amuaement« to tbe eacluaion of everything elae, bul i« deeply intereated in economic and govemmental affair« whether federal, atule, rountf or civic. In the kUtfCr'« affair« h« i« u«ually active. 5) Ha haa the happy feculty of be-ing able to keep hia plaaaure« and hi« worka from overlapping. Keeping each in ita own aphere and with prop-er perspective, he lean« toward pro-greasiv« rationaliam rathcr than to-ward eatremism. C) Though temperate, ha is not a total abatainer of aicoholic drinka and on infrequ«nt occaaion« in eauberance of apirit, he "runa out of bounds." 7) He revel« in athletic« elther as a direct partiripant, or a« an interested spectetcr or promoter, 8) Rather than retfring, he la of eompanionable di«positlon, and likaš to frsternlse with persona of both sexes. 0) Pos«e»sing norinal mentality and happena in a one-act comedy pre-sented by the Progressivaa, entitlod "Twu Dollare, Pleaae". Headed by Si«. M. Kanta, J. Centa and Bro. 8. Trobec and Sezon. Dancing begin at 1:00 till 2:30. Beaeoi Highlights By M. Trave« and J. Bani perty's aide aa possible. Depending upon their most reiiable bait, that of telitag the workera what thia office-aeeker haa done for labor, they find —_t . , ... .na trouble gatting reaulta, judging Cleveland, L»brary and ( from ^ of thi Mrgxlm*nU brought ■ rlll.u lLi> Ilu. Dna. "Uii.Luf Vaudevilla »UrU promptly at 8:00.»,Urtin* for th* Moon Hun "Muaket up when a gmng ot miner, feU to- Banquet for vbdtor« immediately after tha «how. Dancing resumes at 7:30. Muaic by Progressive Aces and Boacon Melody Pilot«. Dance until ? ? Parting »hot: Just met a guy wbo comb» hia hair before he goaa to «leep> hoping to ineet the girl of 4iia dreaniK. (The poor sap.) . Hugar. V KRON I ANK' HPORTH Verona, Pa.—The Veronians' mush bali team favorita«, to cop tbe Seetion 1 title of the BNPJ league, increaaed thcir inargin of leadership to two garme* in Bection 1, and also eztend-od their wianing streak to four •traight gamea by defeating the higb ly touted Kcveliera of Ambridge by the acoraa of II to b the firat gnma, and 11 to 7 the aecond game. In the flr«t game Johnny Lipe«ky, hard-hitting aeeoijd baaeman of the Veron-iana, pidad out two home runa. Ra fay pitchod both game^t for the Veren ta na and only by the fine aupport nnd Hpectacular flelding by hi« team* matea vvaa he able to turn back the heavy hltting Reveliera of Ambridge. It tha Veronian« continue to dia-play aueh brand of muahball a« their loyal aupporterH witne«aed in their intelllgence, he atanda on a par with | previoua game«, it would not surprise persona of other claaaea with regard them to find the Vefonian« at the to HAiication, ability and diatinetlon: and of tba aaa«on perchad in undla-in proportion to number«. ■ u ' puted poaaaaaion of firat plače. LUCKV BTARB 718 Imparial, Pa.—It haa been heard »aid that the lodge ihould have a baseball team. Yaa, that I« qult« right, there should bo aoma kijid of aport associated tvith tha lodge. Bat agsln, tha qua«tion sH«a«, hote ^ are they to sponior a bsaebsll team, If there ta not materi*) enough in the lodge. That ta to aav, playera v^to really want to play bali, and to make a aucceaaful team. One that would go out and play baaeball to booat the lodge. since there are certaln peopl* «vha. are apt to look only for the športa whirh tha lodge will prpvlde There are poeeibilitles for eertain •port« Is any lodge, but firat muit be coaaldered the wetfare of the lodge. It «hould be fihancially in-dependent and ba made up of membera who ara wllllng to atand up and aupport the team and itn well-maan-ing. Certain member« of a lodge atao have a tendency in keeping oth-at« from jolning, snd tharain liat another fault why wa do not. have more membera and therefore a baaeball team. But If you ara a roa| go-gettar, you wil! forgat penional, prej-udica for tha ttme being, and look only for tha good of the «oeiety. Only to remind yoj that the Uieky Star Lodge l« »ponaoring a dance on Mat., Mar SI,'from 8 to 18 o'elock K.M.T. Everybody U rordially invit-ad to attend. An anJoyable evening i« aaaured for ali, «ince Mam'« Jas« ri«»wna talil furniah the dancing rhythm, and tha a^lmlaalon la only 2&c for ladiea and AOc for gentleman Bueee«« depend« . upon rooperatlun and thereby our o: gani tat ion. Krank Virant, John Mlklaurir. 10) He i« not da«« consdous, but he believe« that hi« clasa heritage i« inferlor to none. U) La«tly, he I« not immune from the frailtie« common to human«, and he »ometime« arr« in hi« conduct. H« i« alfo somearhat temperamental and hlgh strup«. This I« a commonda-tory rather than avarse characteris-tlc, since it aho*« depth of thought and inten«lty of feeling. , (Thla article i« a »ummation of frtgme ntary though ta collected at random momenta, which have uncon-«ciou«ly accumulated in my mind through the many contacts made in lodge affair« during tha pa«t many month«. If you ara intaraited, let'« have some other commenta along thi« aubjert or criticlsm of the above article.) * Mas Kamer. WWT PKNN KKDKRATION NP.WH fnivrrsal, P*.—The Dance commit- tee met on 8un., Muy H, al the Blo-vene Home on Dutler Street, and formula te«! pisna to make the Ped- PROM UNKSTOWN Hpringfield, lll.~~Mey 20 marka the first plenic of the seaaon for the 81o-veno Home, ss tee nead funda to kaap our good apirit golng. Wa urge the direetor« to attend and bring thair friend« and familie«. There wlll be fun for eVery one, young and old. JUfreehments will ba on hand and thero will be game« etc. The plcnle will be on Logan farm apd there will be car« at tho end of go. Grand Ave. car l!ne for the convenience of thoao who have no care. May 1 waa a big day for the Slovesa«. In the mornlng the Federa-tion delegate« had a meetlng, but there were only delegata« of 7 bran-chea preaent. Bay, J think the Fadar-ation lo a great thlng, and y°» hranehea should think mora of It and •and your delegate« to meetlng«. In the afternoon the program waa openod by the ainging «ociaty Naprej. They were follo#ed by lwo apeakara, firat Donald Lotrich npoke bi Ri^rlish, nnd than Kranlf ZalU apoke ln 8k>venc. Both apeakara ♦ ar« verv well llked by cveryone. lv.» cvcning program wa« openod by JHZ cfub 47, whn gava a play called "Vse Nafta," Than the Dncolnltea Next Sund*y the Co meta of Uni varsal trsvel to Verona determlned to dislodge the Veronian« from first plače. MattJiew Wycleht LODGE NO. 888 Bygan, Pa.—fipecial attention, Jol ly Junior«, In an April t««ue of the Prosveta it was announced that the Jolly Junior« Lodge would have their regular meeting April 2 at 8 p. m. This being an arror, or misprint, gava many of our member« the impression that we have changed our regular meeting dat«« and tirne. April meet ing wa« hold S* uaual aecond Su«day, April 8, at 2 p. m. We are buay preparing for a big attendance st our dsnee—May 21, at 8ygan. Dick Meute and hi« Orehe«-tra, well known in gturegeon, McDonald and that vicinlty, playing regu-larly in Curry Shannon and Pitt«-burgh, guarantee a crowd dancing to their cight-plece orcheatr«. May we meot May 21 at 8ygan, Pa. *; F. W., 8ec'y. eers," we stopped at the home of the Becretary, William BogaUj, but didnt find him at home. At Oakdale wa stopped at Mr. and Mr«. Matt Pan-gersic's plače where we were gladly accepted. Cliff Mine, the home of tho senior lodge "SlavMt," at Mr. and Mre. Louis Vidmarja tha quar-tette remained until the latter part of the afternoon, then for Ambridge to se« tho "Revallora." At Loui« Ko-rela'a home! Here the MQuaekM and tho "Hi*bway Sailor" sUyed, but your ser i bes Jo«rneyed back to Cliff Mine and then to Crafton, while the other duo accompanied by « group of "Reveliera" went to PitUburgh, to see Frank Krese, where they spent most of tha night. ' Crafton was paint ed white in the night of our «tay there, even though many of the fruit trees were in full bloom. We want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vidmar and Mr. and Mrs. Uhernick for the hoepitality shown us. To New York to see the "Bison Big Four" and the "Gowanda Boost-ers." Booaters'. preaident, John An-dolsek, eacorted us to saveral other "Booster«" and also «howed u« the 81oveno Hali in Gowanda, N. Y. (We certainly were Suprprisad that thi« was not called the "Granish" hali as ali tho othera on «>ur trip wera.) Wc left Johnnie in Gowanda and atartad for tha *Big Four" (mean-Ing the Big SNPJ). We went direct^ to the home of Jo«eph Kran. Here wera well aceommodated and «tayed over night. Tbe follow-ing morning tbe "wanderlng four," with Mike Baehan direeting the road, »tarted for Nlagara Falla and for Canada to get some "special pop." We viaited juat aboat everythlng there waa on tha American «ida of the fall« and than decided to croa« the bridge. Wa are aorry to aay that the dlfferent atmosphere of the "wet country" had sueb an' effact on our "Highway Sailoa," that by the tirna we reached the Čanadian boarder he was raady to turn back. A »hort whila after we were on our way to Buffslo again, and Ram-bling J. waa quickly recovering. Via-ited Sec'y. Jennia Jerman and Frank Jdrman, their traaturar. Later the "Bir 4," Integrity president, and the "Beacons" ali went o ver to the Kren home. A grand tltne, and our "High- INTKGRITY WKEK . BY WBBK Chlcago, III.—The Integrity boya and girls have begun to practlse baseball wlth great seat. Most of the g}rl« ht»vp ulreody shtfwad up for p^actlae but there'« at!ll a few that hsven't. Wc tbink thst the girl« hsve s chancc in t>a«eball this year as well a« thi hoys. Our la«t regular meeting wa« held May 10 which w« well> attended. Thank« to tbe Hlghway Sailors' who entertalned and treated us ali with refraahmei t t and musia. 1 hr> dsy that Rambllng Joe came brek from hit tour through Pcnnsyl-vatt)«, he ha« since been telling us about whnt a 'ploce' he had to waat« .venta aver ,to •ttrm' Toreh of Libertle« aponaored by «ny Klovene organfaa 8h«w and Dance. Any- tlon. Ali that ia nemled I. your co- t**' 1 HoP* Vnu h«v« » opetation from now on. Dig down .>.ul> deep into that "> ,m,...ed upon ,r»«r<^rfvJr* Aa«lvara«rj[ Program aoek" and «ee if you can't aatrart, .., >«>» • general idea af «ur ym» therefro:n thst ikro or four bit piec«. requir«d to purrhase s tieket from your local aeeretary, »>erauae the fun ohla ced from the da»»r® wlll mor« Ihan offaet the eapasditure. Dcn't fo-got! June ti i« the Bik Da»: In virtue of the many contaeta p» tabl!*h*d with tha young Klovene* »f the We ert t« the commemtation or con-demnat.on. aa the caae may be. «>f other membera- to give a brief char •cteHtation of tbe typ'eal male meni 1 ber nf the K. 8. Wealem Pen na 8NPJ lodge«. I ary male memln*r reeerv»4tv, l«-r tbe reavin that I don't fael equal to the taak of mak ing anjr analyaia of our ai«ter of tbe ap»-eiea, « .ic» ahe lemsina aa mueb of an entgnfa a.i iver, legardlesa of rlaM. (Don't heap liat« ef rriticism on mr, girl- beoauae |\e g"' t« <«ke other people'a opiniona on tbr aubjert. too; aay»ay. mayt>e Itn a«*t seriooa, "alrge yoj"?) Get t ing back ta that rharactvtita. tlor, Kere H iai— 1.) He ta inUreoUd in hU I and tlw renduct »f ita affeira. attend* meet ing« q«ite iegularly, and give* 1'roaram for our Annlversary May 2W. N«« doubt a go««d many of you have heard "Ch"ck" Keaman, radio snnouncer, «iver W-G-A-Y. Cama and M«« and mret him in person as Maater of Ceremonies. joke« and aplit your «aid. come and aee for youmelf. Progreesivea own Hl-La Pal« wlll make >our woe« and bluaa dia-app«ar. Kee them perform In "»". The floor of our alage »ill atart to rrack and Kitale whan aonte of «»ur youthful top daneara get hot ami b«^hered. The maglela« promta*«.« aome Myattfying Magie that will keep you gueaalng. A good »nany of you have heeome acquaintad »Ith J«*kn Ayaik «if tbe Beacona thru hia atticlea In thu paper and also hia P«rting «hoia Meet thia likabla chap In prr»on togethar with other Heaertt;* in a ahort comle aketeh, Also t).e Ktruttfler. Kiatar Jane Kradel of I atioK* «'|| I m* »ur ho no red gueet sml apeaker Meet her nnee and you *lll sl«*ay* rrmcmh»r bar. Tha Big Time vili start at 1:30 p. m. (K. 8. T.) with a baseball gama on Cslltnnburg grounds. Come and see our bsaeliall team. The boya are good. like btf leafuer«. May 8 the atrong Ktystone nlne come to our ground with hope to beat u« but our boys Juat send them back home with seore, U to 8, In our fsvor. ' The jumplng Hermlnle boy Tony Payor was the out«tandlng star ln this game. Gamea are booked with «11 firat clasa teama ln Weet Penna. July 4 at tke W. M. 1* Time to Rta it for tha old liome We promise ali of our frland« and out-of-town guest« introduetion« to our "Mail Pouch Gang," of which tow«, Cleveland. Ibahka Misaaa Chria-j'^^'' Kusar is capUln, "Fifi and tine and Maty KrW, Jonnie and Ma- ^ello " th« famou« te«m from th« ry Jerman, and Messrs. Joe Kren and 'S)ickvl" Folll«,,• "8psrrow and Zep" Mike Bachen for ihaking our atay «o!of the Uke Lrle Bargea. Watch for pleasant. We are> also much obllgad|mor® nmmei ktcr' »o th** Y<>« csn to Mr. and Mr«. Kren far the accom-,m-ot them p«"onally, and come to modatlon«. We hope that if ever know th«m- Glager. you'H be vlaltlng ln Cleveland, that you wlll not fo^et the "Baaconi" and rtop to pay viait. We once again want to thahk ali the Penn«yl-vanlan« and the Yankee« for the won- NOTICE—E. 8. LODGE8 v OF W. PENNA. Ambridge, Pa.-^Notlca of the fol-loaring aocial date« of Ibdgea affillat-derful hospitality %e recelved every- ed wlth the E. S. Kederatlon of SNPJ wherc we stoppel Thi« trip will lodgas of Waatarn Penaa. have baen never be forgotttn by tho "Beacons." ^isted: May 21, Sygan Jally Jra.. I The "Beacon" president, Joseph W. dance; May 28, Ambridge Reveliers' Ko/ach, 1« to be thanked for the um 2nd Annlv. Dance; M«y 28, Verona of hin car on this trip. We believe Veronlana^ dance; June 4, Library J. thero lsn't annthcr president among Z. Jrs. dance; June U, Coverdale Co-tha E. S. SNPJ loffgcs who would Ionials'dance; Jasa 26, E. 8. Federa-do more for hI« membera than Bro. tion'8 opening social event, dance al Kovaeh. Thank you, Mr. and Mr..'81ov.n. Audltorlum In Plttaburgh; Kovach, and we hope that sfHne day ,July 24, Rarellera' Annual : picnic; we may be able to p«y yoir kindness Aug 21, Clairton Clairtoulans' Annual baek. |p'«\ie; Dae. 28 (Xmaa day), Pioneer* We hope that \va mny soon again of Washlngton Co., Strabane, Annual have tho prlvllege of meeting our old dance. frlends from the eaat, and we hope On Jane 88 the Slovene Speaking that whenever they ara ln Cleveland Fcderatlon of SNPJ lodges of Weat-they wlll not forget the "BaacSn.."—' ern Penna. wlll hold a picnic at Sy-Our parting shot: When the moon ie *an. Reaerve thi« date for them antf j laat I Mit n«»t leaat tbe »edding i.f»monie« I kinted *t»>ut laat week. TV# en«t of ctM> ceremonf—Beginntag of another lleaitattan of a rouple t« get apliced Sqttire'« eagemaa« Aunt Sallv'a ob)eetion^ Caogbt in vo cr U, hi« epmion o« any malt^r afj u^ .^v,,,,-. Ma.vm' Parlot» M.m»d importanre. 1 .. e ~ * down to the la«t quarter it'« pretty wel1 apent. *i mi» mm in ELKCTION Foreat Clty. Pa.—Electlo/i day ln an ordinary burg I« uaually'a day of great aetivlty. Man ara grouped around tha polla and on every atreet eomer of the toWb smoking cigara and diacuesing whatever tkey migkt know aboat politica, aoma over-lndulg-er oven golnj^ ao far a* t« delve Into matter« pertalaing to the national go.ernmcnt. Lattff in tha day we aee more of a dlfferent type. Thla'ta the man who kae eachanged hI. vata a good, atrong drink of w^lakey and la now ««mewhera talklng to kimeelf, or If he partoak of the good «tuff toa freely ha b now d»wn and ®«t, dead to the arortd. f be preaent if poaaibla. Ott July 4 tha ,We«tmoreland Co. Federation hold« It« firat affair at Yukon. Secretarie« of lodgea in th« Fadara-t'«a who have not to date turned ln m4mberahlp dae«, are urged to do aa as soon as posaible. Alao ia raquaatad the total membership af each lodge Wlll tha aecretary of tha »ewly formad Burgettstown Cavali«rs gat ln tooch wlth the undenignedf Laski KaeeU, Fed. 8ec>.. 188 Maplewood Sv«., Ambridge. Pa. j ■ (XM>P EH A TI VE JBHJC ATION AL MBETfNG AND BNTER-TAINMENT Nortk Cklcftgo. Ill.-The Educatlon-al Committae of the Wauk«aa and No. Chlcago Oo-operative Aa*o,. t« Labor S«hool Offers ■ Vacalion .1 Low Cosl Common »ca It h lovite. Vialtor. to S« m mer Camp; Opena in Jane oa Osark Site Mena. Ar k.—A summer camp witb co«t« ao low that Myou can't afford to stay at home" and with a program cf special appeal to trade unionista and others interested in the labor movement wjll run from June through September (n eonnection with the summer seaaion of Commonwealtb College, labor school at Mena, Ark. Vacation coeta may be cut to leas that a dollar a day at this "democ-rmey of work and play" by pi teh ing in and helping with camp chores 18 hours a week. Thla idea 1« borrowed from the regular Commonvrealth College plan, by whlch everyone worke part tiSie for room and board while in »ttendance. Opportunities for recreation and discuMion are provided for, and vie-itors Jo the camp may come for period. ranging from a few days to ali aummer. Radio, golf and evening clothes will be little in evidence, and their plače will be taken by overalls, tennis, square and modern dancee, the old «wimming hole, a labor theater and lecture and discussion circles on «uch topics as "The Labor Movement Today," "Looking Behind the Newa," and "The Changing Thought of a Ma-chine Age/' The aummer camp is not operated tor private profit, but to afford pro- Csively-minded persona an oppor-ty to gather for a pleasant Shd econoipical vacation and to help de-fray the year-round expenaes of Com-monwenlth College, a non-factional labor school endorsed by the Arkan-«a« and Oklahoma State Federation« of Labor. The «ite is located by a mountain stream in the wooded Osarks. The co«t of room, board, laundry aervice and educational feature« to visitor« working 15 hours a week is 826 a month or 81 a day for shorter perlods. Double rate Is chargad those not working. Rcgularly accepted atu-dents who come for the 10-weak «es-sion opening June 27, pay 840 for that period and put in 15 hours' work weekly. Summer session course« ln-clude labor problem«, economita, pub-114 apeaking, labor journaliam, offect-iva vvriting and paychology. The maJority of voUra come to th« announelnt tke dau of another maaa P«.IU svs>)gltteg tk« candi-'^,^ for I#ca, Co-operator«. Tki. ^ Wlll> held talka Slov*. Na CARD OF THANKB iMroit. M tek.—I wt«h te thank ali ihoee vka planned tke party and for tke maay gifta gtven me. A m rita Ragei. Lodge 884. HELP WANTKD: GIRIJI AND M)Y8 at tka J. S. Jr«. I«dge MKta« Danca" m^n, i-ariort Marrmd a. Jtm. "Rta« Hance" !W7»nUrl.,t., Aunt *• • •»••i*1 » Hali. June 4, at 8 p. n At HiterMge affair« ketainglea«^ ifaeranl of tke fact. Yea tki. ali "»• «ee you ikere! Kra« g Aa«. mark tkalr bal lat the uaual way, whieh I« elther Repubiicnn er Damo-erat. a top out agata perfcctly a«tla-fWd and content. strange aa It «tai, chat a »bile snd tkan go kMna. Thaf« tk« end of tkat «tactlon d«y for tkem. Ona look at tka way tke voting p«bile ta general alleva ttaetf u be hauled to tk« poli« by eo-ealled party workera wko ln«truet tke valer before-hand kow t« mark kla ballot, aa aa ta ■uit tba Republieaa or Democratk offlce-aeeker, whlekever tke happena t« be on iaty for, aoon vinee« one Umi« tke stremeu« paigntng arkteh kae been golng oa f«r month« befoea elaetion haa aat been In vata. I« meet «v*nr atreet r^ner ga t bor ta« y«u ar« apt to find one peraon (p«4 «ho aeema to knmw it ali. Hia baetneaa la t« amtag ky kook er ceook a« maay vate« to ki« Home on 8«t«rday, May ti, 1882.' We hive ban very fortsnaU in our effort to eeevre aevoral capable P^aona to apeak at tkia rally. I« Slovene, Mr. Ivan Motak wlll a on ftome aubjeet on Conaum«ra Co-opera t ion wkiek ha« net a« yat baaa announced. Mr. Edarard Carlaon who la chairman of tk« Central gtataa ' <- operet I ve LaagtM Edaeattanal Committee wlll apeok ta Engllak; kla eukjart akall k« Voamimera C t ion ta fraedea" wkick k« bae veli aa made a st«dy of. PdKB • akort time akall ka t« tk« (itacusetoa of eratlva adminietration Ref »HI k« aerred after tke meettag and dancing vili faUosr. * Everyone la eMrdtally invtiad I« attend. "DONT GET EXCITED—" Cleveland, Oklo,—Frank J. Progar ended hia article in the weekly Pro-sveta of April 27 with the followlng words: "I hope you get tbe meaning of my criticism." Yea, I got the full meaning. He and his brethren de-fend Cox staunchly because he i« Reverend. He, however, did not get my meaning even though he ha« a better educatlon. I think thi« ia due to jneaperience, c«pacially in politic«. Ha ha« not notlced that Father Cox i« not only S humanlUrian, an em-balmer of «oul«, but a politician, a candidate for the pre«idency of the United SUte« op the Jobie«« tieket. Therefore I consider it my duty a« Socialist and a cltlaen to expo«e his candidacy, and I have the right to criticise him' since he ia a politician. , ^ 'v ' f" His march to Washington wa« for no other purpose than publiclty for himaelf and hi« "blue ahirt." party. That ho i« not as poor a%. some of you claim, I know, for I have con-versed with one of you brothers who admltted that Cox paid $17,000 for tba truck« that carried him and his party of jobleaa to Wa.hington, Quito a niče «um of money, l«n't it? With thi« amount of mon6y he could have fad 500 men for two month«. But feedlng the poor and hI« religlon do not concern me, a« they will not •olve the present tabor problemCnel-ther wlll his polities. Here. is a part of tha program that wi!l give adequate relief to tho un-employod directly, and from the gov-erhment That relief ia unemploy-ment Insurance and the old age pen- sion. In order to insure pernunent relief the government muat uk«- oV(fr coal, oll, iron and other natural r«. sourcea. It muat control the Kr«Ht public Utilities sueh as railroadr < x prees companiea, the telegraph-,„ »hort, aH the trusta and monopola.. AH this should be nnder'democratic control for the benefit o t aH, and a|| private profit enterpriaing ahould V aboli.hed. The wdlfare of ali ib f0r u., the one aim of the atkte and so. dat/. If Father Cox had a program lik« thia, we would not have id critici^,. him. But be Is only a mild indep. h.i ent Republican, and as a Pitul.urKh capitaHat claima, not a dangerou« man. Thia means that ho ia for th«-same aystem as Hoover, only that h« is more humana and wlshea that cap. italism would reform without force by Congress. I ara not the only one who eriti-cires a reverend. Cardinal 0'Conndl attacked Rev. Coughlin, the social ra dio mia.ion.ry from Detroit, in both the church and the preu. Yet thi« churchman made some mighty «oo«i speeches comparable to the Commun-i«t«' own from Moscow. He, too, was a good man. If you can read Sl<.. vene, glance at the cdKorial in the f^MVeta, April 27, and you will soon find that you are wrong, and I a m right. You should not be ashamed of me, as I did not denounce Father Cox lor hia humane work, but I criticize hia political actions which will harm a real party, the Socialist party, and help Mr. Hoover back to the throne. Remember, too, that I am a father wbo haa to feed, clothe, and pay the bili. Something Cox doea not have is a lamily of his own to aupport. But we hear many a lull«by front Pennsylvania. How we should do this and that, and how we should save. What happened to the fellow who told u« to put tke money in the bank for our old age? We did put the money ta, but the bank closed its doors and ve won't have anything when we grow old. But if we bought a house on a first raortgage, the bank would take it. Juat a« that advice is not good, so is your candidate. So keep him and don't be excited about it. Franjt Uarblc Sr. LODGE "JOŽE ZAVEBTNIK" - Llbrary, Pa.—Lodge No. 682 SNPJ. J. Z. Jrs., are glving « "Kias Dancc" on Saturday, June 4, at the Library Hali. Prepare yourselves for a real treat! 4 /,; May 7 apme of our membera trav-eled to Moon Run, where they had a wondorful timc. Hot-cha-cha! We'll have a swe!l time at our dancp, too— June 4. Ann 4k Fran. IN MEMORIAM Cleveland, 0^rWednesday, May U, Mary Oblak, wife "of Frank Oblak, paased away. The Strugglere extend their aympathy to Frank Oblak, Mr. and Mrs. Jerina and family. Sister Mary Oblak was a charter member of the Strugglers. She is sadly missed, and in passini; away leaves u. with .ad memories that will always remaln with us. Frank J. Koss, tmn NOTICE TO MEMBERS Mentbers who submit itenui sueh as a "Card of Thanks/' a "Memorial," a "Surprise Party Notice/' a "For Sale Ad," or any other similar item for publica-tlon ln Prosveta, please note that ali sueh items «re conskiered adverttoements and mre charged at regular advertlaing rates. No sueh Remi. therefore, can be ppbltahed free of charge. Philip God i na, Manager. m i AN APOLOCY Laat Wedae«day'a Imu. of tke ProaveU carried . "Memortam" ad for tke deeeaaad, my wlfe, Mr.. Anten Jure«, Jr., ker maiden name being Mary Nagel, aaid aame appearidg in tke "Memoriam I would Hke to take tkia opport«nity U apolaglae U ali my frienda and relative. for tkia errar, wkirk waa tka reeult of a petty groucb, and not aa attempt to plače a alur upon my nam«. Tkere *•«! t« be a lack af knowledge of tke etklea of nociety tkat prompted tkia deliberate inaertion of tk« maiden name. It |e ta dne reverenee t« my dear wife tkat I elaae tkia kamblc M - !7 ANTON F. JimCA, JR. Wm i Garuitirane gUrokrajgke KOSE in MOTIKE ter drage «r«dfe ratpo4il)amo na vae kraj«. Koee avane KOMET Imajo realla, da Jim alao nobeno drage par. Z naretnino peHPU pe*t-•• »»haa^ee aU deaar. PoMitae plavamo mL ratea aa Wrvo^-C««a Je: K— KOMET a rlnka 88-28^8-82 palcev Mg«...... .............. POHRANKB MJ oeke, aamo 88 ta 88 pfle«v Mg«. KaaiMa prav lop« iadelaaa la |avse|ev«ga leaa. 4.,.;««..••«••#. Ml K Upata, orodje. Ufte la Majarakega Jekla.'...>>............. BrMM bar gama kamni p« Mr. ve* Ji ta Mjftl./...............Tl M«tik« kevaae la ftujerekega Jekla, «a tamte keAeli v«4 amorlAIdk 1 J* Drlal« aa starakraj^u mottae. javorjee laa. lepa Srpi veliki aa klepat_............................ mala p« 82.08, va£je pa 7 f««C«v teilM, pa. L8S aaMAa karvaU, na»h«.ii*. drag J«; aadaj alaa PUH« p« "karte- aa Um Naslov: STEPHEN