VENEZIA GIULIA THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE A'.3-9 October 7945 ■ S k 'i- * Cr ‘ ■ m v v Ì ■ P '.f: ■ ‘ • lift $®3Kasi!5W r Im» , , /, /fi/ :; f,-*S’^ • « , ■ vr- '' ; V-vi ||Ä#S®:8’ v v j'. * :v>. Vv • • ' . , • ■• ■ • . ,';.v ,1; ::-f- ,y ?. 'v-/ . v^Sl ffif&kse 111 |Rh 1 ■ '4 •- v/^>v/'-:.y, ;^i:,v Éib êmèS&ïâSÈêÊM ^!4ï(¥*I / V ■ t. r-‘ ■ ■■■ C < ;•/ V"j'i 1 'j4(‘ “4$< BP Ì P. P ' ■ si'r pr • ^ivr'î - •'?> /v, 'v, ; ■■v; ppd : . p/^Späit d V 'tK’^vìf’ "ji'fi WÊÊÊ, « ■ -Âa . N. V, a fs A> . -/ ■a. A ■’ «P ' . •■>'f /.' '.::' v p/ ' 0'; '■ -• 1 • * ■ .<, ' : - î. '•.-■:•<■ Cy! i ! AS'AVry'■,_ p *■ - > .iv • V,, . : ■ h '•.>. p ■■ B - :-P> ■V-- • . . v. " • v V •■. ■ ■•'. Ci u-Jy ■ .v'd -;' V,' ‘ ' • ‘ ‘ - I ' - M; % d:i^Kv: 1® ; ; ’ y'f Wh .? > /:'•'• /’P ‘'V'' Vr llippli , -rv. • ■ . -.V- dV. SX- P-’ .’•t v.c'Æ'rV’v,<• r ‘ j> :- r. :>' $ 1 feltpl ^ - vP Administrative Instruction Fees and conditions for the publication in, and sale of the Allied Military Government Gazette l. Pursuant to Article V of Proclamation No. 7, tlie following fees and conditions are prescribed for the publication in, and sale of, the Allied Military Govern ment Gazette: a) PUBLICATION. The Gazette will be regularly published on the 1st and 15st of each month, and such special issues may be published as necessary. b) SALE. Copies of the Gazette will be transmitted to each Area President within the Territory, who will make same available for purchase by the General public at the following prices: For the 3 translations of the Gazette, bound together 50 Lire per copy; For one translati on, whether in English, Slovene or Italian, 20 Lire per copy. The Gazette shall be sold only by those persons authorised by the Allied Military Government. The Gazette will be furnished, through each Area President, to the various Governmental authorities free of cost. c) INSERTION OF LEGAL NOTICE. Article II of Proclamation No. 7 provides that „All acts, deeds, instruments, notices, and other matters which by the laws of the territory in forces on the 8th September 1943 are required to be published in an official communication shall be published in the Gazette“. Any private person or company who proposes to insert any material, as required, in the Gazette shall deliver a typewritten copy thereof to the Area Legal Officer together with a postal vaglia or an assegno, payable to the Prefettura of Trieste, for the cost of insertion, computed at the rate of 3 Lire for each word, exclusive of punctuation. Governmental authorities or officials shall submit such material in like manner, but shall not be required to pay for any insertion. All of such material must be delivered to the Area Legal Officer not less than 10 days prior to the date of proposed publication. 15 September 1945. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer GENERAL ORDER No. 14 REPAIR TO WAR DAMAGED HOUSES WHEREAS, it is considered desirable to make provision for the repair of private dwellings, damaged as a result of the war, in that part of Venezia-Giulia occupied by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Occupied Territory“). NOW THEREFORE, I., ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J. A. G. D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER ARTICLE I APPLICAZION 1) The provisions of this General Order shall apply exclusively to the repair of houses needed as a matter of extreme urgency, and indispensable for sheltering those persons considered roofless, who in consequence of war action, have remained homeless or who are obliged to live precariously in damaged premises, or other premises considered inadequate from a hygienic point of view, or who have been obliged to evacuate from their original Communes and are not table to return because of lack of habitable houses thereat. 2) Work not of the foregoing classification including private dwellings destroyed by German troops as a reprisal against Partisan activity, will be governed in accordance with other Orders or directives to be issued for war damages and building reconstruction. ARTICLE II HOUSING REPAIR COMMITTEE In each Commune, within the Occuied Territory, which contains an appreciable number of damaged houses a Housing Repair Committee shall be appointed by the Comunal President, who shall be the Chaiman thereof, to be composed of not less than 4 members, chosen as follows : 2 from the owners of war-damaged houses, one as a representative of the persons rendered homeless, and the fourth to be a person of high standing in the community. For the purpose of assisting the Housing Repair Committee, the Area President may also appoint an advisory committee, composed of experts or others belonging to economic organizations or other interested groups. The Area President shall instruct each Comunal President to publish, within 7 days of the publication of this Order, the names of the members of the Housing Repair Committee and the address of the Office to which owners of damaged property shall make application for assistance. , ARTICLE III APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE 1) The owners of damaged houses, either urban or rural, who desire to have their buildings repaired, must, in order to obtain the subsidies and assistance hereinafter specified, present at their own expense, applications to the Genio Civile through the Housing Repair Committee. 2) Applications must be accompanied by : a) Statement as to present condition and location of the house to be repaired. b) Full details of the project or, where repair is of a minor nature, metrical computation of the work to be done. c) A listing of the material and equipment at the owner’s disposition. d) (If the owner does not have the material or equipment at his disposal statement as. to the availability of same in or near his Commune. e) Statement as to what, if any, transport will be required. f) Statement as to the total cost of repair and, if the owner has, or can obtain, sufficient funds to defray expense of repair after subsidy hereinafter specified, has been granted to him. fl) Statement as to estimated time for completion of the repair. h) Deeds of ownership, as prescribed by Section 1158 of the Civil Code, must be appended to the application. (Alternatively, a statement sworn to before a Pretura and attested by four property owners of tho Commune, or a statement made by an Area President on his own responsibility will serve as proof of ownership). ARTICLE IV DUTIES OF HOUSING REPAIR COMMITTEE The Housing Repair Committee will : a) Designate those damaged buildings which are readily repairable, giving priority to those which require the least amount of material and transport. b) Assist all concerned in the preparation of estimates of projects and in the carrying out of the work. c) Promote and facilitate the supply and transportation of materials and building tools and equipment. d) In general, do everything possible to assist with the execution of the housing repairs, to insure speedy completion of same and to carry out the purpose and intention of this General Order. e) Upon receipt of the application of a property owner for repair of a building, satisfy itself that all of the necessary information is presented and then forward same to tho GenioC'i-vile with its recomendation, order of priority of the project, and such other information as may beuscful in determining whether or not the repairs should be undertaken. ARTICLE V JOINT OWNERSHIP When a damaged house is jointly owned by more than one person, the request for a subsidy can be made by any one of such owners on behalf of all the others. In, such instance the subsidy will be fixed for each such person in proportioh to the expenditures required for repairing that portion or story of the house owned by him. ARTICLE VI GENIO CIVILE Genio Civile shall, upon receipt of any application from a Housing Repair Committees, consider same to determine tho need for the ropair, order of priority, materials and labor available, and such other matters as may be necessary to give its approval or disapproval to the project. If Genio Civile finds that the work to bo done falls within the purpose and intent of this Order and that same should be done, it will transmit the application for final approval to the Public Works & Utilities Division of the Allied Military Government, or such other office or agency as may be named, for final approval and allotment of subsidy. The Genio Civile will augment its staff and, or establish a separate office or offices as may be necessary to d. al with the work expeditiously. ARTICLE VII CONTRIBUTION When any application for house repair is approved by the Allied Military Government, it shall notify the Genio Civile, who in turn shall notify the Housing Repair Committee, and the owner of the premises, and shall grant a subsidy as follows : a) For tho cost of repair to any approved project the Allied Military Government will contribute fifty (50) per cent of the cost, provided that the maximum contribution shall not exceed 150.000 Lire. b) The subsidy herein provided shall in no instance be predicated upon any basis other thanv the total sum required and considered allowable for the repair work, which work is to exclude any amplification or improvement not strictly necessary for the purpose of making the house habitable. c) Each building or apartment shall be considered as a separate unit for computation of total cost of repair and amount of contribution to be made. d) Payment of the subsidy to the property owner shall be made by the Allied Military Govern* ment on the certificate of the Genio Civile that the repairs have been completed, and shall be based upon the actual amount of money expended subject to the limitations imposed under sub-sections (a) and (b) of this Article. e) If any property owner fails to observe, in repairing his property, all terms and /or directives imposed by Allied Military Govermnet or by Genio Civile, the subsidies mentioned herein may be withheld and the ownor deprived/of any Contribution to which he would otherwise be entitled. f) To owners applying for same and to the extent available, building materials and/or labor may be supplied in lieu of a money contribution up to the full total of such contribution. g) Where the owner of premises furnishes his own materials or works on the repair of his house the cost of such materials furnished or labor performed will be included in the total cost of repair upon which is based the amount ot the subsidy. ARTICLE VIII LOANS BY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS 1) Owners who propose to finance the repair to promises, approved by the Alleid Military Government by means of loans instead of or in addition to contributions, as provided in Article VII hereof, may make application thereof to’Tany credit institution Such credit-institutions are authorized to grand such loans regardless of corporated limitations or other regulatory statutes governing them. 2) The mortgage executed to secure such a loan shall have priority over and bo superior to any other existing loan and also over privileged credits to the extent and only to the total which represents war damage repair costs, less any sum advanced as a contribution. In all other respects such loans may be made on the same terms and conditions as other commercial transactions of a similar nature and in accord with the Laws of the Occupied Territory in effect on 8 September 1943 and the Proclamations and Orders of the Allied Mi-1 itary Government . 3) An owner of even a part of a damaged building may contract for a loan in his own name, and there will remain to him. recourse upon the other joint owners for the value of the repairs ho is called upon to make to those parts of the structure which are shared in common with them, 4) Whore property is indivisibly owned by several persons and a loan is contracted in the interests of all of the these persons, the mortgage will be written to include all of them even though some of them do not participate in the making of the loan contract. ARTICLE IX SUPERVISION BY ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT The Housing Repair Committee, or any other Committee, Genio Civile and any other person or agency referred to in this General Order shall with respect to all of their powers and acts be subject to the supervision and Control of the Allied Military Government, who may at any time dismiss any of such Committees, Agencies or-persons from office, and/or appoint successors. ARTICLE X PENALTIES Any person, who makes a false statement in any application for repair to war damaged houses or in connection with the granting of a subsidy therefor or who otherwise violates any provision of this Order shall be guilty of an offense and upon conviction by an Allied Military Court shall be subject to fine or imprisonment, or both, as the Court may determine and in lieu of or in addition to the foregoing any materials or money furnished or granted may be declared forfeited to the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE X I EFFECTIVE DATE This General Order shall become effective in the Occupied Territory or in any Area thereof, upon the date of its first publication therein. Dated in Trieste this 11 day of September 1945. GENERAL ORDER No. 15 PUBLIC WAGES WHEREAS, it is considered advisable to remise the scale of public wages and to amend certain existing laws in reference thereto in those parts of Venezia-Giulia which are occupied by the Allied Forces, (hereinafter referred to as the ”Occupied Territory”). NOW THEREFORE, I ALFRED 0. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D„ Senior Civil Affairs Officer. ARTICLE I 1. All payments made to state and autonomus personnel in addition to the basic, wage or salary .according to the laws in effect on 8 September 1943 shall be consolidated into one total wage or salary. The additional payments referred to are those set forth in the tables annexed to the decree law of 20 April 1939. No. 591, and amendments thereto, and the temporary war grant of Decree law No. 646 dated 14 July 1941 and amendments thereto. ARTICLE II 1. Payment to personnel of State and autonomous administrations in the following categories are increased by a sum equal to 50% of the total wage or salary computed as provided in Article I. 1) Salaries; 2) Wages of permanent State public employees; 3) Wages of permanently employed State laborers; 4) Salaries, wages or other compensations to non-permanent personnel. 2. For receiving agents of the Post and Telegraph services, lotteries and other similar services under State adnimistration, and their employees, paid on a commission basis, or on a basis of length of service, the aforesaid 50% increase shall be applied to that portion of the pay or commission which corresponds to the service rendered, and shall be paid to them by their Superior administration. ARTICLE III 1. The indemnity for family dependents, and the temporary monthly cost of living indemnity and relative complimentary quotas, all limited to the first 3 dependents, and as provided by the laws in effect on 8 September 1943, are hereby increased 100% for personnel, widowed or married with minor dependents, of State and autonomous administrations. 2. The indemnity for family dependents, the temporary cost of living indemnity and other additional family benefits are hereby cancelled and abrogated for married female personnel where the husband is an employee of any State or autonomous administration, or of any body of a public nature, as set forth in Article III of this Order, or enjoys the family benefits provided for in Decree Law dated 6 August 1940, No. 1278 and amendments thereto. 3. In determining the amount to be paid for family benefits or of cost of living-indemnity, distinction will no longer be made between the principal residence, and places outside a Commune of principal residence. The place of residence will be considered as the commune where personnel are normally employed. ARTICLE IV 1. The indemnity for family dependents and the relative supplimentary benefits payable to permanent personnel, either married or widower, with minor children of groups A, B and C on the rolls of the State Administration, including railway personnel of an equal grade, is hereby increased 100%. 2. The indemnity for family dependents of the following personnel is likewise increased 100%. a) Subordinate permanent personnel of State administrations, permanent laborers, and railway personnel of equal grades; b) Non-permanent State personnel entitled to the indemnity for family dependents according to Decree 4 February 1937, No. 100, converted into law ■Tune 7th, 1937, No. 1108 and subsequent amendments; c) Auxiliary railway personnel entitled to the indemnity for family dependents according to Article 1, sub-article 16 of Decree Law 17 November 1938, No. 1785, converted into law 5 January 1939, No. 2941 and subsequent amendments; d) Contract laborers of State Railways entitled to the indemnity for family dependents according to Articles 3, of the standard contract' approved by inter-ministerial Decree of 25 April 1939, No. 19, and subsequent amendments; e) Non-permanent State salaried personnel entitled to the indemnity for family dependents according to Article 11 of Law of 20 April 1939, No. 591 arid subsequent amendments; /) Non-permanent teaching and non-teacliing personnel of schools and institutions of ’’Istruzione Media” of every grade entitled, according to regulations, to a monthly temporary cost of living indemnity, are granted instead the indemnity for family dependents in the same measure and under the same conditions as are personnel of groups A, B and C on the rolls of the State administrations; g) The indemnity for family dependents for personnel included in Articles 2 and 3 of Decree law of 24 March 1941, . No. 203. 3. The 100% increase of indemnities provided for in this Article shall to the extend applicable, be applied to and after the increase of indemnities provided for in Article III hereof have been computed. ARTICLE V 1. Personnel engaged ’’temporarily” under Decree law No. 740 dated 8 June 1942, as copyist, servants, janitors etc,., are hereby granted the same economic treatment and indemnity for family dependents as that provided for temporary personnel of the 3rd and 4th categories respectively by Decree Law of 4 February 1931, No. 100, and amendments thereto, to be computed in accordance with the provisions ©f this Order. ARTICLE VI 1. The amount of the allowance ”ad personam” provided for by Article 4 of Decree law No. 2395, dated 11 November 1923, and similar measures, will be recomputed, as from the effective date of this Order, on the basis of the revised payments set forth in Article II hereof. Such new payments, including those provided for in Articles IV and V hereof, will be taken as the basis for calculating the amount of temporary increase provided for in Article VII hereof, but shall have no effect on the other indemnities and allowances for active service which are controlled by the laws creating them. ARTICLE VII I. Employees subject to the provisions of the preceding Articles will be granted a noh-pensionable temporary increase, calculated upon the basis defined in the Article VI, in accordance with the following scale: 1) On 1st L. 1.000 per month (or fraction thereof) - 70% Oh 2nd L. 1.000 per month (or fraction thereof) - 60% On 3rd L. 1.000 per month (or fraction thereof) - 30% On 4th L. 1.000 per month (or fraction thereof) - 20% 2) In respect to the quote of salaries or wages which exceed L. 4.000 per month, 10% shall be granted. 3) The amount resulting from the provisions of the preceding sub-paras i)l and 2) is increased: a) 500 lire gross monthly to personnel of grades 1 to V; b) 800 lire gross monthly to personnel of grades VI to VIII; o) 1000 lire gross monthly to personnel of grades IX and lower, for apprentices, for workmen in active service, for personnel not in active service but assumed and classified (including salaried personnel not in active service). The above amounts of 500, 800 and ioOO lire are to be reduced 15% for personnel in service in communes having a population of less than 200.000 and 30% for those in service in communes having a population of less than 50.000, and the final amount may not exceed double the amount of salary or wages. ARTICLE VI11 1. In the application of the precedeng Article of this Order should the total for salaries and wages and temporary increases, as re-calculated, bo less than that of a lower grade under equal residence or family conditions, the difference will be made up as an increase of the temporary increase provided for- in Article VII hereof. ARTICLE I X 1. An allowance of 66.06 lire gross daily for food rations is hereby granted, in addition to payments in force, to personnel listed in Article II. In applying this allowance, the month will be considered as 30 days. 2. The above grant is not transferable; may not be used as collateral; may not be attached; and it is not to be computed as part of compensation for dismissal pay. It is not awarded to personnel on special leave or whose pay is suspended, or in any sistuation which, according to law, is not considered as being on active duty. 3. The allowance is not granted to personnel who are entitled to food rations or cash therefor, whether totally or partially, except where optional decision is allowed for the more favourable treatment. 4. Where various employments are involved, as allowed by existing law. only one allowance will be granted. 5. The amount of the allowance' will be reduced by 10% for personnel in communes of less than 200.000 population, and hv 20% for personnel in communes having-less than 50.000 population. 6. The amount of the allowance itself may not exceed double the amount of the salary or wages resulting from the application of the provisions of Article II. Such limits do not apply to personnel included in Tables 1, 2, and 3 of Appendix III of Law of 20 April le3e, No. 591, or to personnel who. according to sub-para 3, of this Articles chose the above allowance. ARTICLE X I. The gross yearly amount of each emolument resulting from the application of the preceding articles is adjusted to the nearest ten lire, disregarding fractions up to five lire, and raising to the next ten lire fractions larger than five but smaller than ten lire. ARTICLE XI 1. The daily indemnity of Article 2 of Decree law, dated 16 December 1942, No. 1498, is abolished from the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE XII I. None of the decrees or orders of the pseudo Fascist Republican Government awarding increases of salaries or wages, or granting new allowances, premiums or indemnities will be applied from and after the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE XIII 1. The provisions of the preceding articles are extended to provincial (Area) and communal secretaries and to the other dependents of provinces (Area) or communes. 2. Provinces, (Areas) communes, institutions of public welfare, parastatal bodies and in general all bodies and institutions of a public nature, including auto- nomous enti, which are under State control or administration, or receive subsidies or other contributions of a continuous nature from the State, including also agencies directly dependent upon such bodies, whose personnel are not subject to juridical control of collective labour contracts, are hereby authorized to extend to their personnel, upon deliberation of the competent authorities, the provisions of the preceding Articles with the prerogative of granting lesser amounts than those provided by said Articles. 3, The allowances provided for in tliq preceding paragraph must not exceed by more than 3.000 lire, gross, monthly, the allowances in force, before the application of this Order. ARTICLE XIV 1. There will be recovered immediately from the amounts payable under this Order all sums already paid under the decrees or orders referred to in Articles XI and > XII hereof which relate to any period subsequent to the effective date of this Order. 2. There will also be recovered immediately from the amounts payable under this Order sums due from personnel as advances of wages ,etc. 3. The net adjusting sum due to personnel after the application of this Order shall be paid in a single lump sum. 4. Any indebtedness due by personnel after the application of the preceding paragraphs of this Article shall be recovered as follows: a) the amount by which the gross monthly wages, salary, and allowances payable after the application of this Order exceeds double tlie gross wages, salary, and allowances which were in force for the month preceding the effective date of this shall be retained in reduction of the indebtedness until liquidated in full; b) there shall in any event be made a minimun monthly reduction of 50 lire or the total amount of the indebtedness whichever is the less. ARTICLE XV 1. Wheresoever in this Order, or in decrees or instructions relative to the subject of this Order, an entity or office is referred to which is not in existence at the time when action is required to be taken under this Order, the-substitution for such non-existing entity or office shall be. in accordance with instructions of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE XVI 1. The Allied Military Government may, from time to time, and in accordance with the scope and purpose of this Order, issue administrative instructions, which, when issued, shall, for all intents and purposes be considered as a part of this Order. ARTICLE XVII U Any person violating any provision of this Order shall be deemed to have committed an offence and upon convinetion by an Allied Military Court shall be subject to fine or imprisonment, or both, as the Court may determine, and in lieu of or in addition to any such punishment the Court may order restitution of or deny the tight to receive, any payments provided for herein. ARTICLE XVIII 1. This Order shall become effective in the Occupied Territoy upon the date of its first publication therein, and the payments herein provided for shall have effect from and after 1 July 1945. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel. J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officsr GENERAL ORDER No. 16 Extention of legal contractual and other time limits WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to enact provisions to suspend the running oj legal and contractual time limits and to extend' certain other time limits in that part of Venezia Giulia which is occupied by the Allied Forces (herein-after called the «Occupied Territory»). NOW, I. ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D.. Senior Civil Affairs Officer in the Occupied Territory, hereby ORDER as follows : ARTICLE 1. The running of prescriptive time limits is hereby suspended in the Occupied Territory until the expiration of. six months from the date in which the cessation of the present state of war shall be declared. There are also hereby suspended for a like period all time limits (whether arising by law or contract) which may cause to lapse a lawsuit, defence or other right, when it is imposible to observe such time limits for reasons arising out of the present state of war. Such suspension may also be ordered without previous application by an interested party. ARTICLE II. Any court proceedings whether civil or administrative, may be suspended when it appears that one of the parties is out side the Occupied Territory for reasons arising out of the present state of war. Suspension under this Article may also be ordered by appropriate Court or Administrative Authority without previous application therefor by an interested party. Against such order there shall be no appeal. ARTICLE III. When suspension has not been ordered as provided in the last paragraph of Art. 2 hereof, application must be made to the appropriate Judicial or Administrative Authority who will record on the application itself any order made. Such am application may also be made orally at the hearing. In such case the order made will be set out in the report of the hearing. Against any order made under this Article there shall be no Appeal. The provisions of this Article shall also apply to applications Lfor suspension * of the running of time limits mentioned in the Art. I hereof. The offices concerned shall keep a special register of all orders made under any of the articles of this Order. ARTICLE IV. The time limits expiring on 30 June 1945 and 1st July 1945, fixed by Arts, 204 para 2, 206 para 2, 213, 215 para 2, 216, 217 para 2, 221 and 223 of the rules actuating the Italian Civil Code and of certain temporary disposition, approved by R. D. No. 218 of 20 March 1942, are hereby extended respectively to expire on 30 June and 1st July of the year following that in which the cessation of the present state of war shall be declared. ARTICLE V. This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Trieste, the 26 day of September 1945 ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 9 WHEREAS it is considered desirable to give authority to the below-mentioned Companies to increase the tariffs of life-insurances now in use in those parts of the Ve nezia Giulia occupied by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Occupied Territory). NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel JAGD, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby order as follows. ARTICLE I The Insurance Company ”La Previdente Vita” registered office in Milan, is authorized to make the following, increases in its life assurance tariffs now in force: 6% of the premium with a maximum of 3 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs: I - Whole life, with life - long premiums; II - Whole life, with limited premiums; III - Short term, with annual premiums; IV - Educational endowment with premium return, with annual premiums; V - Endowment (mixed), with annual premiums; VII - Sinking fund (fixed term), with annual premiums; VIII - Double endowment, with annual premiums; IX - Simultaneous, with annual premiums; XV - Endowment without medical examination, with annual premiums. 6% of the premium with a maximum of 4 per thousand of the sum. assured, for the following tariff: VI - Endowment, with decreasing premiums. 4% of thè premium with a maximum, of 2 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs: XI - Pure endowment with annual premiums, without premium roturn; XII - Pure endowment with annual premiums, with premium return; XIV - Endowment with decreasing, sum assured, with annual premiums; 4% of the single premium, for the following tariffs: Vu - Endowment, with single premium; X - Immediate life annuity. . ARTICLE II The Insurance Company ’’Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà” - registered office in Trieste - is authorized to make the following increases in its life assurance tariffs at present in force: 6% of the premium,, with a maximum of 3 per thousand of the following tariffs: 1 - A. Whole life, with long-life premiums; 1 - B. Whole life, with limited premiums; 1 - 2. Joint whole life (two lives), with long-life premiums; 1 - AP. Whole life, with long-life premiums, the sum assured to he paid by instalments; XII - 1. Immediate endowment (mixed), with annual premiums; XII - 2. Immediate joint endowment (two lives), with annual premiums; XIII - Fixed term endowment, with annual premiums; XIII - R. Sinking fund (fixed term) combined with short term and with the payment of a temporary annuity, with annual premiums; XXVII - Short ierin combined with deferred sum assured, with annual premiums; XVI - Whole life, with limited premiums, combined with annuity; Xt - E, Educational endowment with premium return, with annual premiums, combined with a limited anniuty, in the even of death; XI - ES. Educational endowment Without medical examination with premium return, with annual premiums, combined with a limited annuity, in the event of death; Xl - F. Educational endowment with premium return, with annual premiums; XI * FS> Educational endowment with premium return, with annual premiums. Without medical examination; XI - DS. Educational endowment without medical examination, with premium return, with annual premiums, in fevour of girls; III - a. Short term-, with annual premiums; III - ad. Short fcferm with decreasing sum assured, with annual premiums; U i ■ US' Short term with sum assured to be paid by instalments, with annual premiums; III - at. Short term with conversion, with annual premiums; XXXIV - Short term combined with whole life, with lifelon premiums; VI - a. Immediate survival annuity; V. • C. Deferred survival annuity; C. • Endowment without medical examination, with annual premiums; D . - Fixed-term endowment without medical examination with annual premiums; E, - Whole life. with limited premiums, without medical examination; .. of the premium with a maximum of 4 per thousand of the sum assured for the following tariffs: XXXII - 1). Endowment, with annual premiums decreasing as from the 4th year; XXXIII - Endowment, with annual premiums decreasing as from the second year; 4% of the premium with a maximum of 2 per thousand sum assured for the following tariffs : VIII - Deferred life anniuty - or equivalent sum assured-without premium return, with annual premiums; VII! - c. Deferred life annuity - or equivalent sum assured - with premium return, with annual premiums; IX-X. - Pure ednowment without premiums return, with annual premiums; IXc-Xc. - Pure endowment with premium return, with annual premiums; XVI c. - Endowment with encreasing sum assured, combined with annuity, with annual premiums; XX. - Endowment with increasing sum assured, with annual premiums. 4% of single premium for the following tariffs : ■ - u. Whole life, with single premium; XII - u. Endowment, with single premium; VII - Immediate life annuity; III - u. Short term, with single premium; III - ud. Short term with decreasing sum assured, with single premium; Til - uR - III - R. Short term with decreasing sum assured for cession of one-fifth of the salary. ARTICLE III La Società Anonima ’’Assicurazioni Generali” registered office in Triesto, is authorizes to make the following increases in its life assucanre tariffs at present in force : 6% of the premium with a maximum of 3 per thousand sum assured, for the following tariffs : l AR - Whole life with life-long premiums; 1 C - Whole life, with limited premiums; CO - Complementary deferred life annuity assurance, with annual premiums; LD - Whole life xith limited premiums combined with a deferred annuity ass-u ranee equal to the annual premium; 1D3,50% - Whole life assurance with limited premiums and deferred life annuity equal to 3,50% of the amount assured; ID 4% - Whole life assurance with limited premiums and deferred life annuity equal to 4% of the amount assured; ID 5% - Whole life assurance with limited premiums and deferred life annuity equal to 5% of the amount assured; ID 6% - Whole life assurance with limited premiums and deferred life annuity equal to 6% of the amount assured; ID 10% - Whole life assurance with limited premiums and deferred life annuity equal to 10% of the amount assured; 13 - Endowment (mixed) with annual premiums; 13A - Sinking fund (fixed term), with annual premiums; I3D-13E - Endowment, the sum assured to be paid by instalments, with annual premiums; 17C - Endowment, with a sum assured increasing as from the fourth year of the contract, with annual premiums; 25C - Edowment, with a sum assured increasing as from the second year of the contract, with annual premiums; 16 10% - Sinking fund (fixed term) combined with a short term and an annuity assurance, with annual premiums; 6% of the premium with a maximum, of 4 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs : 17 - Endowment, with annual premiums decreasing by 2,50% as from the fourth year; I7A - Sinking fund (fixed term), with annual premiums decreasing by 2,50% as from the fourth year; 17E - Endowment, the sun» assured to be paid by instalments, with annual premiums decreasing by 2,50% as from the fourth year; 25 - Endowment, with annual premiums decreasing by 2,50% as from the second year; 4% of the premium with a maximum, of 2 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs : 30 - Joint life endowment (two lives), with an increasing sum assured, with annual premiums; 8D - Pure endowment with premium return; 8H - Pure endowment, with payment of a reduced assured sum in ca e of death, with annual premiums; 12 - Deferred life annuity, without premium return, with annual premium; 12R - Deferred life annuity, with premium return, with annual premiums; 4% of single premium, for the following tariffs : 1BR - Whole life, with single premium; 13J - Endowment with single premium; 9-9F - Immediate life annuity assurances. ARTICLE IV The Assurance Joint Stock Company ’’Italiana Vita”, registered office in Milan, is authorized to make the following increases in its own tariffs for life assurance at present in force: 6% of the premium with a maximum of 3 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs: I - Whole life, with life-long premiums, with options; II - Whole life, with limithed premiums, with options; IV - Endowment (mixed) with annual premiums; VI - Sinking fund (fixed term) with annual premiums; VII - Whole life with annual premiums, the sum assured to be paid by instalments, with options; VIII - Endowment with annual premiums, the sum assured to be paid by instalments, (eventual conversion into an increasing sum) with options; IX - Double endowment (double mixed) with annual premiums, with option; X - Sinking fund (fixed term) with annual premiums, the sum assured to be paid by instalments (eventual conversion into an increasing sum), with option; XI - Endowment with a double sum assured, with annual premiums, with options; XII - Simultaneous, with annual premiums, with options; 4% of the premium, with a m,aximum of 2 per thousand of the sum, on the following tariffs : XIII - Pure endowment without premium return, with annual premiums, with options; XIV - Pure endowment for children, without premium return, with annual pre- miums; 4% of single premium, for the folloioing tariffs : III - Whole life, with single premium; V - Endowment (mixed) with single premium; 33 - Short term, with sum assured decreasing monthly with single premium; XV - Immediate life annuity. ARTICLE V The ’’Società Italiana di Assicurazioni sulla Vita Alleanza”, registered office in Milan, is authorized to make the following increases in its own tariffs the life assurance at present in force. 6% of the premium with a, maximum of 3 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs ; A - Whole life, with life-long premiums; A2T - Joint whole life, (two lives), with life-long premiums; B - Whole life, with limited premiums; D - Endowment (mixed) with annual premiums; D(2T) - Joint endowment (two lives), with annual premiums; F - Sinking fund (fixed term,) with annual premiums; H - Short term, with annual premiums; 1 - Short term with decreasing sum assured, with annual premiums; R - Special sinking fund, with annual premiums; T - Whole life and deferred annuity (combined assurance) with annual premiums; V - Educational endowment, with annual premiums; / - Special endowment without medical examination, with annual premiums; 6% of the premium with a maximum, of 4 per thousand of the sum, assured, for the following tariffs : i"3% - Endowment with premiums decreasing by 3%; U4% - Endowment with premiums decreasing by 4%; 4% of the premium with a maximum of 2 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs : K - Pure endowment without premium return, with annual premiums; M - Pure endowment with premium return, with annual premiums; N - Deferred life annuity without premium return, with annual premiums; P - Deferred life annuality with premium returnwith annual premiums; S - Special endowment, with annual premiums; 4% of single premium, -for the following tariffs • C - Whole life, with single premium; E - Endowment, with single premium; G - Short term, with single premium; L - Pure endowment without premium return, with single premium; 0 - Deferred life annuity, without premium return, with single premium; Q - Immediate life annuity. ARTICLE VI The ’’Società anonima di assicurazioni, riassicurazioni e capitalizzazioni PRAE-VIDENTIA”, registered office in Rome, is authorized to make the following increases in its life assurance tariffs at present in force : 6 % of the premium with a maximum of 3 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs : 1 - Whole life, with life-long premiums; 1A - Whole life, with limited premiums; 2 - Endowment (mixed) with unvaried annual premiums; 2A - Endowment combined with annuity; 4 - Endowment and annuity; - Short term with unvaried sum assured, with annual premiums; - Short term with decreasing sum assured, with annual premiums; 4 % of single premium for the following tariffs : 6 - Life annuity; A5 - Life annuity, the sum assured to he returned 20 years after the death of the assured; 5B - Life annuity with guaranteed payment of a minimun of amnuities; 6 - Assurance and saving; - Short term with unvaried sum assured, with single premium; - Short term with decreasing sum assured, with single premium; ARTICLE VII The ’’Società Cattolica di Assicurazioni” registered office in Verona, is authorized to make the following increases in its life assurance tariffs; 6% of the premium, with a maximum of 3 per thousand of sum assured, for the following tariffs ; 1A - Whole life, with life-long premiums; 1C - Whole life, with limited premiums; ID - Deferred whole life without medical examination with premium return; IE - Whole life (two lives), with life-long premiums; 2 - Simple endowment; 2bis Group simple endowment; 2À - Special endowment; 2B - Special endowment; 2C - Endowment without medical examination with premium return; 2E - Special endowment; 2F - Special endowment; 2G - Endowment, with premiums halved; 21 - Special endowment; 2L - Endowment, with initial limited premiums; 2M - Endowment (two lives); 2S - Endowment with special options, for the clergy; 2s.v.m. - Endowment without medical examination; 3 - Fixed-term endowment; 4A - Short term, with unvaried sum assured; 40 - Short. term, with decreasing sum assured; 7 - Endowment with multiple objects; 8 - Educational endowment without premium return; SA - Educational endowment with premium return; e - Annuity and pure endowment; 9bis - Group, annuity and pure endowment; 10 - Special combined with option; 11 - Combined with guaranteed interest and final allowances; C - Deferred annuity and pure endowment; E - Pension on survival; F - Pension on survival; G - Educational annuity. 6% of the premium, with a maximum of 4 per thousand of the sum, assured, for the following tariffs : 2D - Endowment with decreasing premiums; 4% of the premium, with a maximum of 2 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs ; 2M - Endowment, with decreasing sum assured; 5 - Pure endowment for children, without premium return; 5A - Pure endowment for children, with premium return,; 6 - Pure endowment for adults, without premium return; (>A - Pure endowment for adults, with premium return; A - Deferred annuity without premium return; AC - Deferred annuity with premium return; B - Deferred annuity with total premium return; 4% of single premium, for the following tariffs : III - Whole life, with single premium; 211 - Endowment, with single premium; 4 - Short term, with single premium; 4'H - Short term with decreasing sum assured, with single premium; 51’ - Pure endowment for children, with single premium, without premium return; 5AU - Pure endowment for children, with single premium, with premium return; GU - Pure endowment for adults, with single premium, without premium return; SAP - Pure endowment for adults, with single premium, with premium return; AU - Deferred annuity, with single premium, without premium return; ACTT - Deferred annuity, with single premium, with premium return; D - Immediate life annuity; EU - Pension on survival; with single premiums; E - Immediate joint life annuity (two lives). ARTICLE VIIT The ’’Compagnia di Assicurazioni di Milano” registered Office in Milan, is authorized to make the following increases in its life assurance tariffs at present in force: 6% of the premium, with a, maximum of 3 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs : 1 - Whole life, with life-long premiums; 3 - Whole life, with limited premiums; 4 - Endowment (mixed), with annual premiums; 9 - 4%, 5%, 6%, with multiple objects; 12 - Sinking fund (fixed term), with annual premiums; 12 - Sinking fund (fixed term) and annuity, with annual premiums; 25 - 1/2 whole life and 1/2 sinking fund (fixed term) with annual premiums; IV - Short term, without annual premiums;. 6% of the premium, with a maximum of 4 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs ; 5 - Endowment with premiums decreasing by 2.50%, with annual premiums; 6 - Endowment with premiums decreasing by 3%, with annual premiums; 7 - Endowment -with premiums decreasing by 3.50% ,with annual premiums; 8 - Endowment with premiums decreasing by 4%, with annual premiums; 4% of the premium, with a maximum of 2 per thousand of the assured, for the following tariffs : 14 - Educational endowment, with annual premiums; 21 - Deferred life annuity, with annual premiums; 22 - Counter-assurance of annuity. 4 % of single premium, for the following tariffs : 23 - Immediate life annuity; VII - Immediate joint life annuity (two lives); 2 - Whole life, with single premium; 18 - Short term with sum assured decreasing monthly. ARTICLE IX The ’’Società Reale Mutua di Assicurazioni”, registered office in Turin, is authorized to make the following increases in its life assurance tariffs at present in force: 6% of the premium with a maximum of 3 per thousand of the assured, for the following tariffs : (0-1) - Whole life, with life-long premiums; (0-1 2T) - Joint whole life (two lives) with life long premiums; (0-2) - Whole life, with limited premiums; (0-4) - Short term, with annual premiums; (0-7) - Short term, with, sum assured decreasing yearly, with limited premiums; (2-1) - Endowment (mixed), with annual premiums; (2-1 - Endowment (mixed) without medical examination, with annual premiums; s.v.m.) the sum assured to be paid in the event or death at the fixed term only if the assurance has been in force not less than five years without interruption; (2-1 2T) - Joint life endowment (two lives), with annual premiums; (2-3) - Sinking fund (fixed term), with annual premiums; (2-3 - Sinking fund (fixed term) without medical examination with annual pre- s.v.m.j miums; the sum assured to be paid in the event of death at the fixed term only if the assurance has been in force not less than five years without interruption; (4-1) - Double endowment, with annual premiums; (4-3) - Endowment with increasing sum assured, with annual premiums; (5-1) - Combined sum assured and annuity, with options; (5-2) - Sinking fund (fixed term), combined with annuity; 6% of the premium with a maximum of 4 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs : (3-1) - Endowment (mixed), with decreasing premiums; 4% of the premium with a maximum, of 2 per thousand of the sum assured, for the following tariffs : (1-1) - Pure endowment without premium return, with annual premiums; (1-3) - Educational endowment with premium return, with annual premiums; (1-4) - Pure endowment with premium return, with annual premiums; (6-2) - Deferred annuity without premium return, with annual premiums; (6-4) - Deferred annuity, with premium return. 4% of single premium, for the following tariffs : (0-3) - Whole life, with single premium; Short term,^’with single premium; Short term, with sum assured decreasing monthly Short term, with sum assured decreasing yearly, (0-5) (0-6) (0-8) (1-2) . with single premium; with single premium; - Pure endowment, without premium return, with single premium; 1.9 (1-5) - Pure endowment with premium return, with single premium; (2-2) - Endowment (mixed), with single premium; (6-0) - Reversible annuity; (6-1) - Immediate life annuity; (6-3) - Deferred life annuity without premium return, with single premium; (6-5) - Deferred life annuity without premium return, with single premium; (6-1 2T) • Immediate joint life annuity (two lives). BRTICLE X In the eas e of ambiguities or inconsistences in the translations of the text of this order the Italian language text shall govern; ARTICLE XI This order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated a,t Trieste, this 27 day of August 1945 ALFRED C. BO WMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS ORDER No. 10 WHEREAS it is considered desirable to authorize modifications to special policy conditions concerning immediate endowment, assurance issued by the Joint, Stock Company ”Assicurazioni Generali” (registered Office in Trieste) in those parts of Venezia Ciulia, occupied by the Allied Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.D.G. Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby order as follows : ARTICLE I Special Policy conditions concerning Immediate Endowment Assurance may from time to time he modified with or without retroactive effect by the Central Dire-torate of the Joint Stock Company ’’Assicurazioni Generali” (registered office in Trieste) provided that each modification with effective date lias the prior written approval of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. 20 ORDER No. 11 Dissolution of Provincial Economic Councils and Offices and formation of Chambers of Commerce Industry and Agriculture and Offices of Industry and Commerce. WHEREAS it is desired to dissolve the Provincial Economic Councils and Offices and to istitute Chambers of Commerce Industry and Agriculture and Offices of Industry and Commerce in their place. Now I ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel JACD, Senior Civil Affairs Officer in those parts of Venezia Giulia now occupied, by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as ”the Occupied Territory”) hereby ORDER as follows : ARTICLE I. The Provincial Economic Councils and Offices shall be and are hereby dissolved. ARTICLE II. There is hereby constituted at each of the following places i:e Trieste, Gorizia and Pola a Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and an Office of Industry and Commerce. These Chambers shall be Public Bodies. Each of such Chambers and Offices shall exercise the functions and powers formerly exercised by the local Provincial Economic Council and Office. Provided howover that such functions and powers shall be exercised only in such parts of the area formerly covered by the local Provincial Economic Council and Office as are within the occupied Territory. ARTICLE III. The said Chambers of Commerce Industry and Agriculture (hereinafter referred) to as ’’the Chambers”) and the respective Offices shall at all times act under the direct control and orders of the Allied Military Government, and shall at all times see that all instructions and orders of the Allied Military Government relating to matters within the functions of the Chambers are observed and complied with. ARTICLE IV. The Chambers shall have the right to receive the same duties an d taxes as were formerly payable to the dissolved Provincial Economic Councils. ARTICLE V. All property formerly belonging to the Provincial Economic Councils shall devolve on the Chambers hereby constituted. ARTICLE VI. The Offices of Industry and Commerce shall supply to the Allied Military Govern -ment on request all statistic and data affecting the economic life of the Occupied Territory. Until further order of the Allied Military Government they shall also act as Secretariat to and keep the records of their respective Chambers. ARTICLE VII. The administration of each Chambers hall be carried on by a Giunta Consisting,, of a President and four members (in Trieste there shall be five members). The President shall be appointed in writing by the Area Commissioner of the Allied Military Government in the Area in which the Chamber is situated, and the members shall be appointed in writing by the President with the previous approval of the said Area Commissioner. One member shall be selected from the loeal dealers, one from the manufacturers, one from the agriculturalists and one from the workers. The fifth member in Trieste shall be selected from members of the local shipping industry. The President shall be removed from office only by written order* of the said Area Commissioner the members may be removed from office only by written order of the said Area Commissioner or by written order of the President 'made with the previous approval of the said Area Commissioner. In the absence of the President the oldest member present shall act as President. No decision of the Giunta shall be valid unless approved by the President or acting President and two (or in Trieste three) members. The President shall be the legal representative of the Chamber. ARTICLE VIII. Subject to the operation of the laws relating to the Epuration of Fascists in force in the Occupied Territory the Chambers and Offices hereby constituted, may avail themselves of the services of all personnel employed by or belonging to the dissolved Provincial Economic Councils and Offices. ARTICLE IX. The President and Members of each Giunta shall have all such rights and powers of participating in or being members of other Councils or organs and (subject to the prior approval by the Allied Military Government of any person nominated or selected) of nomination and selection of personnel as were previously vested in the Economic Provincial Councils by virtue of the Laws in force on 8 September 1943. ARTICLE X. Unless and until otherwise ordered by the Allied Military Government all expenses of managing each of the Offices of Industry and Labor shall be met of the funds of the local Chambers. ARTICLE XI. This order shall come into effect in each Area of the Occupied Territory on the date of its first publication therein. Dated in Trieste, this 31 day of August 1945. ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel JAGD Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 12 Conservation of fascist property WHEREAS, it appears necessary to provide for the control and conservation of Fascist property in those parts of Venezia-Giulia occupied by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the «Occupied Territory»). NOW THEREFORE, /, ALFRED .0. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER ARTICLE I - PROPERTY OF THE FASCIST PARTY AND FASCIST SYNDICATES 1. The Intendente di Finanza of each Area within the Occupied Territory will immediately take under his control all property, including' records, of the following named organizations in his Area, said organizations having been dissolved or suppressed: а) The National Fascist Party (P.N.F.). />) The Republican Fascist Party (P.F.R.). c) Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (GIL). d) Grappi e Nuclei Universitari Fascisti (GUF). e) Associazione Fascisti. /) All of the Fascist Syndicates, including, but not limited to: 1) The Fascist Confederation of Agriculturalists; 2) The Fascist Confederation of Industrialists; 3) The Fascist Confederation of Traders; 4) The Fascist Confederation of Banks and Insurance Companies; 5) The Fascist Confederation of Agricultural Laborers; б) The Fascist Confederation of Industrial Laborers; 7) The Fascist Confederation of Trade Laborers; 8) The Fascist Confederation of Employees of Banks and Insurance Companies; 9) The Fascist Confederation of Professions and Artists; 10) The National Fascist Federations; 11) The National Fascist Syndicates adhering to the National Fascist Federations 2. Any person or organization at present in possession or control of any of the property or records of any of the organizations above referred to shall forthwith make same available to the Intendente di Finanza and shall furnish to him full and complete inventory of all assets, their location and use, and a statement of all known liabilities. 3. All deposits or safety deposit boxes in any bank, post-office or other depositary within any Area, which is the property of any of the aforementioned organizations shall immediately be declared in writing by the responsible officials of said organizations, and any bank or post-office having any such deposit or safety deposit box will give to the Intendente di Finanza such information with respect to same as he may request. 4. The inventory showing assets and liabilities of the foregoing organizations shall be retained by the Intendente di Finanza, who shall from time to time, and as directed, furnish detailed reports to the Chief Property Control Officer of the Allied Military Government, 13 Corps. 5. The Intendente di Finanza, of each Area shall immediately cause to be inserted in the newspaper having the largest circulation in his Area a notice requesting all creditors of any of the foregoing organizations to file their claim or claims within 30 days from the insertion of said notice. 6. The Intendente di Finanza of each Area is authorized to employ such persons as he may deem necessary to assist him in the duties herein imposed and, with the approval of the Chief Property Control Officer, Allied Military Government, 13 Corps to appoint Commissari or Sequestratari for any one or all of the foregoing organizations. All employees and appointess shall, at all times, be under the supervision and control of and responsible to the Intendente di Finanza. 7. It shall be the duty of the Intendente di Finanza to take charge of, inventory and control all of the property of each of the aforesaid organizations. He is not authorized to liquidate same. He shall neither remove nor dispose of any such property without the wu-itten approval of the Chief Property Control Officer. In the event there are no responsible officials of any or all of the aforesaid organizations or no one is in possession or control of their property it shall be the duty of the Intendente di Finanza to locate such property, to inventory same and determine liabilities. ARTICLE II PROPERTY OF OPERA NAZIQNALE DOPOLAVORO 1. Should any Provincial, District or Comunal «Dopolavoro» possess any assets that require conservation, the Intendente di Finanza shall take charge of andconserve such assets in the same manner and subject to the same conditions and responsibilities as set forth in Article I hereof. ARTICLE III - POSSESSION OR CONTROL BY OTHER PERSONS From and after 10 days from the effective date of this Order no person or organization shall possess or control any property of the various organizations herein named unless same is held or controlled in accordance with the provisions of this Order. ARTICLE IV - SUPERVISION BY THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT The Intendente di Finanza of any Area and his appointees and employees shall, with respect to the powers and duties as set forth in this order, be at all times subject to the control and supervision of the Chief Property Control Officer, Allied Military Government. 13 Corps, through the Area Commissioner of the Area in which he bolds office. The Allied Military Government reserves to itself full power to appoint at any time a receiver or manager for any property, whether in any of the categories herein named or not if it feels that such appointment is necessary and in the public interest; or, in addition, may impose additional duties on the Intendente di Finanza of an Area, his appointees or employees within the general scope of and to facilitate the application of this order, and may. remove any employee or appointee from office. ARTICLE V - PENALTIES Any person violating any provision of this Order shall be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction by an Allied Military Court, shall be liable to fine or imprisonment, or both, as the Court may determine or may be convicted and punished in the local civilian courts for a violation of Section 650 of the Penal Code. ARTICLE VI - EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective in Occupied Territory, or in any Area thereof, from the date of its first publication therein. Dated in TRIESTE this 6 day of September 1945. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 13 Special Involuntary Unemployment Benefits WHEREAS it is considered advisable to provide, for a temporary period, for the payment of special involuntary unemployment benefits within that part of Venezia Giulia occupied by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as occupied Territory), NOW THEREFORE I, ALFRED 0, BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil' Affairs Officer. ORDER: ARTICLE I PROVISION FOR AND DURATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 1. Provision in hereby made for the payment of special unemployment benefits, (hereinafter referred to as «DisocCupazione Dopoguerra»), to workers who lose, or have lost their employment because of the present-exceptional conditions resulting from the war. 2. Such payments will begin as of 1 September 1945 and will continue for a period of 3 months, terminating as of 30 November 1945, subject however to further Order of the'Allied Military Government. 3. Such payments have no relation to and are entirely independent of the present obligatory unemployment insurance which will continue to be paid as provided by law. ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY FOR PAYMENTS .1. The worker must be a resident of the occupied Territory, and must have been regularly employed in said Territory for not less than 6 months during the period from 1 May 1943 to 1 May 1945. 2. The unemployment must be involuntary and due to suspension subsequent to 1 March 1945. 3. The worker must be not less than 16 years of age nor more than 65 years of age at the time this order becomes effective. 4. Registration must be made at the local Labor Office by the worker stating that he is able to work and willing to accept any other suitable employment offered by the Labor Office. 5. The worker must be able to produce satisfactory evidence of residence, age, time and place worked, date and cause of dismissal or suspension. 6. Any person otherwise eligible to receive payment, but not possessing the requirements set forth in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article, will nevertheless not be ex eluded from receiving benefits provided he can prove that he left his employment or had been suspended or dismissed after 1 September 1943 because of his antifascist views. ARTICLE III AMOUNT OF PAYMENTS 1. Each worker who is eligible to receive benefits under this Order shall receive payment on the following basis : Worker (male) ..............L. 80.— per day Worker (female) ............». 60.— » » Worker (between 16 and 18 years of age) ...:....» 40.— » » 2. The aforesaid daily rate will be increased for : One Dependent ........................L. 10,— two dependents . .................. » 15.— three or more dependents..............» 20.-— 3. The term «Dependents» as used herein shall he construed to mean only the wife and children under 18 years of age. ARTICLE IV PAYMENT OF BENEFITS 1. Benefits will be paid in the Office of Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza Sociale, or its designated Agencies, of the Commune in which the worker lives every 15 days based upan the number of working days in the previous 15 day period. 2. Holidays, as regards unemployment, will be considered the same as established by Law regular unemployment compensation benefits. ARTICLE V INELIGIBILITY FOR PAYMENT 1. A worker shall not be eligible for nor be paid any unemployment benefits under this Order, who: (a) voluntarily leaves his employment or is dismissed for cause connected with the conduct of his work. (b) has been employed by any Fascist Party political organization or who has voluntarily worked with any German Political or Military organization. (e) is not able to produce evidence of eligibility as required. (d) is unemployed during a. strike or work stoppage, in which the claimant is involved as a member of a group calling the strike or is a worker of the same Division of the plant or concern in which the strike occurs. The loss of the right to receive benefits is limited to the duration of the strike or work stoppage. (e) has been suspended or dismised from work awaiting action by an. Epuration Commission created under General Orders 7 and 8, or has been so suspended or dismissed by tbe said Commissions or by an Order of the Allied Military Government. (f) refusal to accept other suitable employment or has found new employment. ARTICLE VI EXCEPTING CLAUSE The provision of this Order shall not apply to domestic workers, casual workers, agricultural workers, sharecroppers, farmers, artisans and persons self employed. ARTICLE VII REGISTRATION WITH LABOR OFFICE 1. Area, and local Labor Offices within the occupied Territory will register all unemployed workers, 2. No person in the future may be employed unless he is registered in Labor Office and any worker who has been discharged shall within 3 days thereafter notify the local Labor Office of his release from and the reason therefor. 3. No employer shall hire any worker who is not registered with the local Labor Office. Employers will obtain all workers through the local Labor Office, or will within three days after hiring a worker notify said Office. Any employer who dismisses a worker shall notify the local Labor Office of such fact and the reason therefor within 3 days from the date of dismissal or suspension. ARTICLE VIII RULES AND REGULATIONS SUPERVISION BY ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT I. X. P. S. and the Labor Office shall with respect to all of their functions and duties be subject to the control and supervision of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE X PENALTIES Any person who makes a false Statement in connection with an application for the payment of benefits or who otherwise violates any of the provisions of this Order shall upon conviction by an Allied Military Court be subject to a fine or imprisonment, or both, as the Court may determine. ARTICLE XI EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on 1 September 1945. Dated at Trieste this 1st day of September 1945 ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Office]' ORDER No. 14 ISSUE OF SPECIAL IDENTIFICATION CARDS WHEREAS it was agreed between the Allied Forces and the Yugo-Slav Forces that Special Identity Cards would be issued to all persons in Venezia Ciulia; and WHEREAS it is considered desidemble to begin the issue of such Cards in those portions of Venezia Ciulia which are occupied by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Occupied Territory) : NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: as follows : SECTION I a) All persons in the Occupied Territory who have attained or who may attain t^le age of 18 years must he in possession of one of the following three types of Identity Cards which will be issued by the Venezia Giulia Police Force for and on behalf of Allied Military Government, to-wit : 1. Residents of Venezia Giulia within the Occupied Territory thereof. 2. Yugo-Slav citizens who are not residents of Venezia Giulia within the Occupied Territory thereof. 3. Italian citizens who are not residents' of Venezia Giulia within the Occupied Territory. b) Said Card must be retained in the personal possession of the holder on his or her person at all times. SECTION II. Application for Indentity Cards will be made by all persons within the Occupied Territory who must register in person at such time and place and under such regulations as may be specified in notices to the public which will he issued by or under the authority of the Area Commissioner of the Allied Military Government. SECTION III. a) Identity Cards of the type „Residents of Venezia Giulia” will be issued to applicants, who appliy for that type Cards and who give satisfactory proof that they were residents of Venezia Giulia as of the 1st day of May 1945. Registration Certificates or Identity Cards of other types will be issued to persons entitled thereto. b) Registration Certificates will be issued to all applicants who apply for Identity Cards of the type „Residents of Venezia Giulia” but who are unable immediately to give satisfactory proof of residence in Venezia Giulia prior to 1st May 1945. Such card will later be issued if the applicant is found to be entitled thereto. SECTION IV Notice will be published by the Area Commissioners prescribing the date after which all those who are not in possession of an Identity Card or of a Special Registration Certificate may be subjected to prosecution for a failure to have in possession such Identity Card or Registration Certificate. SECTION V Any person who : a) Fails to have in his or her possession an Identity Card or a Special Registration Certificate after the date to be publicly announced as provided by Section IV hereof, or v) wilfully makes a false statement knowing the same to be false or produces a forged document or other written instrument knowing the same to he forged in connection with an application for an Identity Card, shall he guilty of an offence and upon conviction in an Allied Military Court shall he liable to fine or imprisonment, or both as the Court may determine. SECTION VI This Order shall become effective on the date of its first publication within an Area. Dated at Trieste this 10th day of September 1945 ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 15 Re - Constitution of Commissions for the issue ot commercial licences and licences for hawkers and the issue of work-books to craftsmen WHEREAS by virtue of legislative Decree No. 2174 of 16 December 1926 licences relating to the sale of commodities to the public were to be issued by Commissions constituted and appointed as therein set out, and WHEREAS by legislative Decree No. 327 of the 5th February 1934 licences to carry on the trade of hawker were to be issued by the local Mayors in consultation with Commissions constituted and appointed as therein set out, and WHEREAS by virtue of legislative Decree No. 1990 of 24ill July 1942 work books for the exercise of certain craftsmen’s trades were required to be issued by the local Mayors in consultation with Commissions constituted and. appointed as therein set out, and WHEREAS by virtue of General Order No. 4 of the Allied. Military Government of those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied. Military Government (hereinafter called the «Territory») it is no longer possible for the said Commissions to be appointed or constituted, as required by the legislative Decree hereinbefore referred to, and WHEREAS by virtue of the said legislative Decree No. 2174 of the 16 December 1926 it was further provided that appeals against the decisions of the Commissions therein mentioned, in connection with the issue of commercial licences were to be made to the local Giunta Provinciale Amministrativa which Giuntas by virtue of General Order No. II of the Allied Military Government of the Territory no longer possess any administrative, legislative, executive or other powers of government, and. WHEREAS it is considered necessary to reconstitute the said Commissions awl to make provisions as to appeals formerly meute to the local Giunta Provinciale Amministrativa as hereinbefore mentioned NOW 1, ALFRED C. BOW MAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer in the Territory hereby , „ ORDER: as follows : ARTICLE I The Commissions referred to in the legislative Decrees Nos. 2174 of 16 December 1926, 327 of 5 February 1934 and 1990 of 24 July 1942 hereinbefore mentioned, shall henceforth be constituted of a number of persons equal to that contained in the Commissions set up under the said three legislative Decrees. Such persons shall be selected by the local Chamber of Commerce (subject to the previous approval of the Area Commissioner of the Allied Military Government and the observance of all laws of the Allied Military Government relating to the Epuration of Fascist personnel) from members of the various organizations which have taken the place of or are exercising the functions of the various organizations from which were appointed the members of the Commissions referred to in the legislative Decress. Nos. 2174 of 16 December 1926, 327 of 5 February 1934 and 1990 of 7 July 1942 hereinbefore mentioned. ARTICLE II The members of the Commissions as reconstituted shall be appointed by the local Area Commissioner of the Allied Military Government and shall be removable only by him. ARTICLE III The said Commissiones shall be subject, so far as not inconsistent with the terms of this Order, to the provisions of the three legislative Decrees hereinbefore referred to, provided howerer, that they and all members thereof, shall be subject at all times to the control and shall observe all Orders and instructions of the Allied Military Government. Any Petition or Appeal against a decision of any of the Commissions as hereby re-eonstitnted shall be made to and decided by the local Chamber of Commerce, against whose decision there shall be no further Appeal. ARTICLE V This Order shall come into effect in the Territory or in any Area thereof on the date of its first publication therein. Dated at Trieste this 1 Ith day of September 1945 , ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affaird Officer ORDER No. 16 Crossing western boundary of Venezia Giulia WHEREAS, it is considered dzsimhle to facilitate the application for and issuance of passes to cross the western boundary of Venezia Giulia., NOW THEREFORE, 1, ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. .Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER ARTICLE I. APPLICATION FOR A PASS 1. AS; civilian who cross the western boundary of Venezia Giulia must be in possession of a valid pass issued as herein directed. 2. Civilians who aye residents of the Area of Trieste will make application for such a pass at Headquarterds of the Allied Military Government for the Area, located in the Prefettura, Trieste. 3. Civilians who are residents of the Area of Gorizia will make application for such a pass at Headquarters of the Allied Military Government for the Area. 4. Civilians who are residents of the Area of Pola will make application for such a pass at Headquarters of the Allied Military Government for the Area. 5. Civilians who are residents of the Provincie of Udine will make application for such pass at the Headquarters for the Allied Military Government in Udine. 6. Any civilian who is not a resident of Venezia Giulia, will make written application for such a pass to the Security Officer, Venezia Giulia Police Force, located •in the Palace of Justice, Via Fabio Severo, Trieste, or to an Allied Commission Headquarters. 7. In the event that a civilian wishes to cross the western boundary in to Venezia Giulia and there is no Allied Commission Headquarters in the Provincie where be resides, applications for such a pass may be made to the Allied Commission through Questura of his Province. 8. All applications for a pass will contain the following information : Name Address > Identity card number Nationality Purpose of Journey (Full particulars must be given) Method of Transport Exact destination Time required for the Trip. ARTICLE II. ISSUANCE OF PASS 1. A pass to cross the western boundary of Venezia Giulia will be issued only by the various offices, above designated, and no other office or agency shall issue same. ARTICLE III. PENALITIES 1. Any civilian who crosses or attempts to cross the western boundary of Venezia Giulia without being in possession of a valid pass shall be guilty of an offense and, upon conviction by an Allied Military Court, shall be subject to fine or imprisonment, or both, as the Court may determine. EFFECTIVE DATE This order shall become effective in the Occupiep Territory, or in any Area, thereof, upon the, date of its first pubblication therein. Dated at Trieste this 19th day of September 1945 ALFRED 0. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS ORDER No. 17 WHEREAS, under present economic conditions, it is considered desirable to increase the fees payable to «avvocath and «procurators legali» now in effect in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by Allied Military Government (hereinafter referred to as the Occupied Territory) NOW THEREFORE, J, ALFRED 0. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER 1. Effective from and after 1 October 1&45 the fees payable to «avvocati» and «procuratori legali», in the Occupied Territory, as prescribed by Decree Law of .13 June 1942, No. 794 and by Schedules A and B thereof, are hereby increased 70%. 2. The payment of fees under the increased scale shall not be applicable to services performed prior to 1 October 1945. Dated at 'Trieste on this 12 day of September 1945. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 18 Management of Magazzini Generali WHEREAS, it is considered advisable to change the management and control of «Magazzini Generali di Trieste», NOW THEREFORE 1: ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I REPEAL OF LAWS 1. Sections 4, 5 and 17 of Decree Law No. 1789 of 3 September 1925, converted into law on 18 March 1926 No. 562 and as modified on,4 July 1941 No. 805, all of which relate to the control and management of «Magazzini Generali di Trieste», be and the same are hereby repealed. 2. Article 3 of section 1 of the Regulations for the execution of the laws creating «Magazzini Generali» as provided by Decree Law 624 dated 3 Jannuary 1926 and as modified on 15 January 1942 No. 349 be and the same is hereby repealed. ARTICLE II PORT CONTROL COMMITTEE 1. The Port Control Committee of Trieste (hereinafter called the Committee) heretofore constituted in accordance with orders and directives of Allied Force Headquarters, shall, in addition to its other functions possess the powers and duties hereinafter set forth. 2. The Committe shall have all of the powers, duties and responsibilities imposed on the following named Councils, Offices and Ministries by virtue of the Decrees named in Article 1, and any reference to either one or all of the following shall refer to and be construed to mean the Committee, to wit : a) Council of Administration. b) Executive Committee. c) Advisory Committee, d) Ministries of Finance, Communications, Public Works and Corporations, e) The «Government». 3. The term «President» as used in the aforesaid Decrees shall refer to and mean the chairman of the Committee, and the term «Vice-President» shall refer to and mean the vice chairman thereof. 4. It is the intent and purpose of this Order to place the complete control and management of «Magazzini Generali di Trieste» in the Committee, and. it shall succeed to and exercise all of the powers and functions heretofore lodged in the Councils, Ministries and Offices above referred to. 5. The Committee may in its discretion appoint an advisory committee composed of such persons and representing such interests as it may select, to give advice on any matter affecting the control or management of «Magazzini Generali». 6. The Senior Civil Affairs Officer, Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, may at any time appoint one or more persons to audit the books and records of «Magazzini Generali», in addition to the normal audit of accounts provided-for in the Decree Laws referred to in Article I hereof. 7. The Committee shall have authority to promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper performance of its duties, provided the same are not in conflict with the laws in effect on 8 September le43 or the Proclamations and Orders of the Allied Military Government, and may make such adjustments in the tariffs to be charged as conditions may warrant. ARTICLE III GENERAL MANAGER 1. The General Manager of «Magazzini Generali», referred to in the Decree Laws specified in Article 1 hereof, shall be appointed, and may be removed, by the Committee with the approval of the Senior Civil Affairs Officer. Allied Military Government, 13 Corps. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Trieste, 19 September 1945 ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel, J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer » ORDER No. 19 CHANGE IN NAME OF R.A.C. I. WHEREAS it is considered desiderable to .change the name of the below named organization and make provisions for certain changes in the rates of circulation taxes on all mechanically propelled vehicles throughout those parts of Venezia Giulia which are administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Occupied Territory) : NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J. A. G. A.,'Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby order as follows : ARTICLE I With effect from the 1st day of July 1945 the Royal Automobile Club of Italy in the Occupied Territory is redesignated in name and the branch of said organization operating for and in the Area of Trieste is re-named the ’’Automobile Club of Trieste” and the Gorizia, branch is re-named ’’Automobile Club of Gorizia”, and the Pola branch is re-named the ’’Automobile Club of Pola”. It is the purpose and intention of this Order that the duties, authority, assets and liabilities of R.A.C.I. be vested in the Automobile Club of Trieste and Gorizia and Pola respectively. The branches of the organization as renamed shall remain subject to the control and supervision of Allied Slilitary Government. ARTICLE II With effect from the 1st day of July 1945 the rates of circulation taxes on mechanically propelled vehicles in the Occupied Territory shall he in accordance with a Tariff to be issued from time to time, under the authority and with the prior approval of the Allied Military Government, by the Automobile Club of Trieste and of Gorizia and of Pola each acting in and for its respective Area as agents for the Allied Military Government, or by such other agents as may bo appointed for the purpose by Allied Military Government. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on, from and after the date, it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 1 si day of October 1945 ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Otlicer ORDER No. 20 WHEREAS, it is considered necessary to regulate fishing, including the sale of fish and the allocation of petroleum products to fishing boats, in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory”). NOW THEBEFOBE, I ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I REGULATIONS FOR FISHING BOATS 1. Day fishing and. night fishing with lights, is permitted in the lagoons and at sea subject to the following conditions and restrictions : a) All fishing boats must show distinctive signals by day and lights by night in accordance with International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea. b) Because of the existence of mined zones and of floating mines, all fishing is at the risk of the fisherman. c) Fishing is prohibited in swept channels, in mined waters, in waters set aside for naval exercises, near minesweepers, in practice areas and bombing ranges. d) Fishing is prohibited within a radius of 100 meters of any anchored vessel and in waters in the immediate vicinity of buoys or other maritime signals. e) All fishing boats must return to their Port of departure, except in case of an emergency. /) Fishing boats will at all times carry on hoard a list showing the names of the crew. 2. a) Fishing boats shall, in addition to the conditions herein set forth, comply with any other regulations or laws hereafter issued by the Allied Naval authorities. b) All previous regulations and orders issued during the war to control fishing and which are in contlict herewith are hereby abrogated. ARTICLE II REGISTRATION AND PERMITS FOR FISHING BOATS 1. Each fishing boat must be duly registered and licensed at it’s home port by the Captain of the Port. 2. Before each departure, each fishing boat must obtain a permit from the Captain of the Port. Immediately upon return to home port, the Captain of each fishing boat will immediately report his arrival to the Captain of the Port. 3. Each fishing boat must return only to the home port, unless inclement weather or repairs forces it to take refuge at another port. In such instance the Captain of the boat will upon arrival present himself to the Captain, or Official in Charge, at the refuge port and shall declare the approximate quantity of his harvest, which will be sold at the Community Marked or Collection Center of the Port of Refuge. SALE OF FISH 1. The sale of fish at sea is prohibited. . 2. All fish harvested shall be sold to the Community Market or Collection Center of the boats home port. 3. Fish will be sold to and from the Community Market or Collection Center in accordance with prices approved by Allied Military Government of the Area in which the Port is situated. 4. The Area Commissioner, for each Community Market or Collection Center in his Area, shall determine the percentage of fish : a) to be retained for local consumption ; b) to be allotted to other consuming centers within the Territory ; c) to be allotted to fish canning or fish salting enterprises ; d) to be allotetd to hotels, restaurants and other public eating places. 5. All sales, from the Community Market or Collection Center whether to local wholesalers, out of town buyers, retail vendors, canners and salters must be made at the Community Market or Collection Center. 6. All sales must be properly recorded. When fish are sold to the Community Market or Collection Center by the fisherman, a bill of sale in triplicate will be issued, the original will be given to the seller, one copy will be given to the Captain of the Port where the boat is registered and one copy will be retained by the Market. Said bill of sale shall show the date and place of sale, the name of the seller and where his boat is registered, the quantity of fish sold and the price paid therefor. 7. Where the sale of fish is from the Community Market or Collection Center a bill of sale will be made in duplicate, the original to be given to the buyer and the copy to be retained by the Market. Such bill of sale will show the name of the purchaser, when purchased, quantity purchased, destination, and sale price, No fish may be taken away from the Market unless accompanied by a bill of sale, regularly issued, and the buyer must show such bill of sale upon request. 8. Is shall be the responsibility of the Community Market or Collection Center to arrange for the transportation of the fish from the Port to its Market place and it will duly license any person or persons who may be carryng fish for it. ARTICLE IV APPLICATIONS FOR FUEL 1. All application for Nafta, Gasoline, Kerosene and other petroleum Products for fishing boats, will be made by the Captain of the boat to the Captain of the Port where the boat is registered. Said application will be made on forms supplied by the Captain of the Port, and will not be valid unless authenticated by the Manager of the Market or Collection Center and by the Captain of the Port. 2. The Captain of the Port will then recommend to the Area Commissioner of the Area which fishing boats should have petroleum products and the amount thereof. 3. When allocation for petroleum Products is made the Captain of the Port will be notified of the allocation for fishing boats and he, in turn, will issue an authorization to each approved applicant to draw such petroleum Products. One copy of such authorization will be retained by the Captain of the Port, one to be retained by applicant and the third delivered to and retained by the distributor of the petroleum Products. 4. Each fishing boat must at all time retain on board the ’’Libretto di Controllo” which shall contain all required information with respect to the allocation and con -sumption of petroleum products. ARTICLE V RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. The Community Market or Collection Center may, within the scope and purpose of this Order, issue such rules and regulations as it may consider necessary, subject to the approval of the Area Commissioner for the Area in which it is located. PENALTIES I. Any person violating any provision of this Order, will he deemed to have committed an offence and upon conviction by an Allied Military Court, shall he subject to fine or imprisonment, or both, as the Court may determine, and in lieu of or in addition to any other lawful punishment the Court may, on conviction, order the forfeiture to the Allied Government of any fishing boat and any cargo thereon. ARTICLE VII EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective in the Territory, or in any Area thereof, upon the date of its first publication therein. Dated in TRIESTE this 24 day of September IMo ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel, J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 21 Appointment of special Commissario for E. N. I. C WHEREAS, the former Director of ENTE NAZIONALE INDUSTRIE CINEMA TOGRAFTC IIE (E.N.I.C.) has abandoned his post and fled and it is therefore necessary that a Special Commissario be appointed for said E. N. I. C. (hereinafter referred to as «E. N. I. C.y) in those parts of Venezia-Giulia which are administrated by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter referred to as the Occupied Territory), NOW, THEREFORE, I ALFRED BOWMAN, Colonel J. A. G. D„ Senior Civil Affaires. Officer, hereby order as follows: ARTICLE I CtTRATTI Ernesto is hereby appointed to be the Special Commissario of ENTE NAZIONALE INDUSTRIE CINEMATOGRAFICHE. lie shall remain in office until further order of Allied Militeay Government or until a successor is lawfully provided. ARTICLE II The powers of the Special Commissioner shall be as follows: a) To act for E.N.I.C. and to .exercise all normal administrative functions. b) The Special Commissioner shall not, except with the written consent of the Chief Property Control Officer of the Allied Military Government on his being satisfied as to the necessity therefor, do any act outside the normal scope or management. c) The provisions of Article 2636 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code shall apply to the Special Commisioner. ARTICLE III The Special Commissioner shall have the following duties: 1. To take possession of all documents, moneys, property and other assets of E. N. I. C. and to make an inventory thereof as directed by the Chief Property Control Officer. 2. To submit to the said Chief Property Control Officer whenever so directed by him a detailed report on the administrative and financial position of E.N.I.C. and to otherwise at all times comply with the orders and instructions issued by said officer. ARTICLE IV Any person in control or in possession of any property of E. N. I. C. or of any information relating to the affairs thereof shall: a) Forthwith make written disclosure to the Special Commissioner or such control or possession of such information ,and b) not part with, destroy, or otherwise deal with the said property or disclose the said information without the prior consent of the Special Commissioner. ARTICLE V Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Order shall, upon conviction by an Allied Miltary Court, be liable to imprisonment or fine, or both, with or without other lawful punishment ,as the Court may determine. ARTICLE VI This Order shall be effective on, from and after t h e date upon which it is signed by me. ORDER No. 22 LIQUIDATION OF PROVINCIAL BUTCHERS ASSOCIATIONS (CO. PRO. MA.) WHEREAS the National Association of Provincial Butchers Association has been dissolved in Italy and WHEREAS it is conside ed desirable to liquidate all Provincial Buxhers Associations (hereinafter called, Co. Pro. Mo.) situated in that pan of Venezia Giulia which is administred by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter called the «Territory») and WHEREAS CO. PRO. MA. have with the consent of the Allied Military Government already dismised certain of their employees NOW, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer hereby order as folloivs : ARTICLE 1 411 CO. PRO. MA. situated in the Territory shall >e and are hereoy placed in liquidation. ARTICLE II BASTONI ENGELS fu Agosto of Via S. Nicolò 7, Trieste is hereby appointed as liquidator of all CO. PRO. MA. situated in the Territory. He shall be removable only by written Order signed by me or my successors in office. ARTICLE III The liquidator hereby appointed and any successor to him appointed under Article II hereof shall have the following duties : 1. to collect, make inventories of and retain in safe custody all documents, moneys, property and other assest belonging to CO. PRO. MA. pending the disposal thereof as hereinafter provided; 2. to dismiss all personnel and sell all property (except documents) belonging to CO. PRO MA. All dismissals of personnel already made by CO. PRO. MA. with the consent of the Allied Military Government are hereby ratified and no claims shall be made by personnel so dismissed in respect of such dismissal; 3. to be at all times during the liquidation under the control of and to comply with all orders and instructions issued by the Chief Property Control Officer of the Allied Military Government, 13 Corps; 4. to submit to the said Chief Property Control Officer whenever so directed by him a detailed report on the administrative and financial position thereof. 5. to dispose of all documents belonging .to CO. PRO MA. on completion of the liquidation according to the directions of the said Chief Property Control Officer; 6. to pay all moneys belonging to CO. PRO. MA. or realised by the said liqui dation into a central account pending further orders or instructions of the said Chief Property Control Officer as to the disposal thereof. ARTICLE IV All laws relating to liquidations whith were in force in the Territory on 8th September 1943 shall apply to the liquidation hereby ordered except insofar as inconsistent with the provisions of this Order. ARTICLE V This Order shall some into effect in the Territory or each Area thereof on the date of its first pubblicatimi therein. ORDER No. 23 Amendment to order No. 16 relating to passes to cross the western boundary of Venezia Giulia WHEREAS by Articles 2 and 3 of Order No. 16 of the Allied Military Government 13 Corps dated 19 September 1945 it was provided that residents in the Areas of Trieste and Gorizia should make application for passes to cross the Western Boundary of Venezia Giulia at the Headquarters of the Allied Military Government for their respective Areas, and WHEREAS it appears that the said procedure entails hardship upon persons resident within the said Areas but outside the Communes in which the said Area Headquarters of the Allied Military •Government are situated NOW, l, II. P. P. ROBERTSON - Colonel Deputy, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, in that pari of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government hereby Order as follows : ARTICLE I A) Civilians who are resident within the Area of Trieste, but OUTSIDE the Commune of Trieste shall make application for passes to cross the Western Boundary of Venezia Giulia to whichever of the offices of the Allied Military Government in the following communes is nearest to their said places of residence : Grado, Monfalcone, Muggia, Sessana, Trieste, Where such applications have by virtue of this paragraph to he made at Trieste, they shall be made to the Headquarters of the Allied Military Government, Trieste Area (Prefettura). B) Civilians resident WITHIN" the Commune of Trieste shah continue to make applications for such passes to the Headquarters of the Allied Military Government, Trieste Area (Prefettura), as heretofore. ARTICLE II A) Civilians who are resident within the Area of Gorizia, hut OUTSIDE the Commune of Gorizia shall make application for passes to cross the Western Boundary of Venezia Giulia to whichever of the Offices of the Allied Military Government in the following communes is nearest to their said places of residence : Caporetto, Cormons, Gorizia, Gradisca. Where such applications have by virtue of this paragraph to be made at Gorizia they shall be made to the Headquarters of the Venezia Giulia Police Force, Gorizia, Zona. B) Civilians resident WITHIN the Commune of Gorizia shall make applications for such passes to the Headquarters of the Venezia Giulia Police Force Gorizia Zone. ARTICLE III Articles 2 and 3 of the said Order No. 16 are hereby cancelled. All other provisions of the said Order however remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE IV The procedure laid down in Article I and II of this Order shall come into effect on Tuesday 2 October 1945. H. P. P\ ROBERTSON Colonel Deputy Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 24 APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL COMMISSIONER FOR THE PROFESSION OF ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS WHEREAS, in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by Allied Military Government (hereinafter referred to the Occupied Territory), the Fascist Syndicates of the Professions and Arts have been abolished and, pending the organization of said Professions and Arts, it appears desirable to appoint a Special Commissioner for the Order of the Engineers and Architects, of Trieste Area, who shall exercise limited powers pending the reorganization; '/■ NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.I).. Senior-Civil Affairs Officer, hereby order as follows : ARTICLE I ing. CARLO GIACOMELLI Junior is hereby appointed Special Commissioner of the Order of Engineers and Architects of Trieste Area. ARTICLE II The duties and powers of the Special Commissioner shall he : a) He shall have the powers to perform the normal functions relating tothe custody of the Rolls and the discipline of the Profession subject however to the limitations hereinafter imposed. b) He shall not make any final Order relative to the discipline of members or the removal of members from the Rolls or the addition to the Rolls of any person who claims entitled thereto by exmisting law without the prior written approval of the Allied Military Government. c) Any and all acts performed by him shall be only temporary in nature and shall he subject to review and change by the Council of the Order of Engineers and Architects when it is later constituted. d) For the Profession of Engineers and Architects he shall be the custodian of the Rolls within the meaning of General Order n. 13 and shall perform the duties therein prescribed under the general supervision of the General Custodian of the Rolls of all Professions and Arts appointed* for the Area of Trieste under General Order n. 13. e) He shall, as the agent of the Intendente di Finanza, take possession immediately of all property of the former Fascist Syndicate of Engineers and Architects and inventory, conserve and handle it is accordance with the terms of Order n. 12 of Allied Military Government and of instructions given by the Inten-denti Finanza in pursuance of the terms of said Order n. 12. ARTICLE III The Special Commissioner shall comply with all written instructions issued by Allied Military Government sad shall remain in office pending its further order or until the Profession is reorganized under the authority of on order of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT OF VENEZIA GIULIA AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 1 WHEREAS, under prevailing conditions it is essential that the prices of various commodities and services should be controllerd, NOW THEREFORE I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER 1. A commission is hereby created (hereinafter referred to as the Price Commission) consisting of one representative of each of the following organizations : A - SEPRAL B - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE C - SINDACATI UNICI D - SINDACATI GIULIANI E - CONSIGLIO DI LIBERAZIONE DI TRIESTE such representatives to be appointed by the Director or President of each of such organizations, subject to the approval of the Area Commissioner. 2. The Price Commission, will establish - subject to the approval of A. M. G. - the maximum price for any commodity or service, excepting Monopoly Goods, it is deemed expedient to control and will be responsible for the publication of such maximum prices. 3. Any person violating any order of the Price Commission shall, upon conviction by an Allied Military Court, be punishable by imprisonment or fine, or both, as the Court shall determine, or alternatively be subject to penalties of the Italian Law. 4. Any other Commission purporting to be engaged in the fixing of prices for any commodity or service covered by this order is hereby dissolved and any law, regulation or order in conflict herewith is superseded. Dated this 3rd day of August 1945 F. J. ARMSTRONG Lt. Colonel Area Commissioner GAZ ETTE No. 3 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT SECTION CONTENTS P A H T I Page No. Administrative Instruction.......................................................................................... 3 General Order No. 14 - Repair to War Damaged Houses. 5 General Order No. 15 - Public Wages ................ 8 General Order No. 16 - Extension of Legal Contractual and other Time Limits.12 Order No. 9 - Authority to Increases the Tariffs of Life Insurance.........................13 Order No. 10 - Modification of Immediate Endowment Assurance (Jonit Stock Company „Assicurazioni Cenerali”)............................................20 Order No. 11 - Disolution of Provincial Economic Councils Formation of Chamber of Commerce...................................................... ...21 Order No. 12 - Conservation of Fascist Property............................................23 Order No. 13 - Special Involuntary Unemployment Benefits...................................25 Order No. 14 - Issue of Special Indentification Cards......................................28 Order No. 15 - Re - Constitution of Commissions for the Issue of Commercial Licences for Hawkers and the Issue of Work-Books to Craftsman ... .30 Order No. 16 - Cossing Western Boundry of Venezia Giulia...........................................................32 Order No. 17 - Increase of Fees Payable to AVVOCATI and PROCURA- TORI LEGALI (Gazette Only)..............................................33 Order No. 18 - Management of Magazzini Generali............................................34 Order No. 19 - Changing Name of R. A. C. I.................................................36 Order No. 20 - Regulations for Fishing Boats...............................................37 Order No. 21 - Appointment of Director for E. N. I. C......................................40 Order No. 22 - Liquidation of CO. PRO. MA..................................................41 Order No. 23 - Amentment to Order No. 16 — Relating to Passes..............................42 Order No. 24 - Special Commissions for Engineers & Architects..............................43 P A R T 2 TRIESTE Page No. Notice No. 1 - Epuration Committee.........................................................44