fea ras*0 i, prasni*«»- UlM¿ da* —* Sato«*!» Sunday ««» HolkUy*- PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE' Uradniški in upravniikl pro« tor i: »667 South Lawndala Ava. Off tea of Publication i 2667 South Lawndala Av«. Talaphona. Hockwell 4m ■•ttar juwnr 14. IN«, M Ik« lUtaote. mm** Um Am ai Cmmgrmm ml Mmnk I. im. CHICAGO, 1LU SHKDA, 26. FEBRUARJA (FEB. 26), 1941 Suhacription ftí.00 Yaarly ÄTEV.—NUMBER 40 Acceptanc« for mailing at ipacial rata of postaga prorldad far in aactioa 1103, A«t of OcL S, 1Ï17, authorited oa Jana 14, 191«. hasni napad M NEMŠKE BAJE V FRANCIJI {ngleii okupirali /u*o| „italijanski Somaliji Browder izbral naslednika Gitlow govori . o komunistični kontroli unij CIO New York, 25. febr. — Earl Browder, tajnik in vodja komu- . niatične stranke, je sinoči nazna- 'RCIJA BO VZTRA- nil, da je izbral za naslednika i Al A V VOJNI Roberta Minorja. Slednji bo od-JALA v ijcj naprej vodja te stranke. London, 25. febr. — Roji an-; Browder bo moral odsedeti ka-yfrh bombnikov so preleteli zeil| ki mu jo je naložilo federal-Lokavski preliv in vrgli na sto- no sodišče v New Yorku. On je be bomb na nemške baze v bil spoznal za krivega, da je po-Vtnciji. Bombe so padale na toval v Evropi s ponarejenim 'alais. Boulogno in Brest, kjer potnim listom in pod * drugimi t po izjavi letalskega ministra imeni in ga obsodilo na Štiri le-isidrana nemška bojna ladja. I ta zapora in plačitev kazni $2000. .... . Federalno vrhovno sodišče je ne-Bombni napadi so bili oago- davn0 MvrnUo Browderjev prior na Hitlerjevo grožnjo o poo-1 |y irf ^^ obsodbo. iritvi ofenzive s podmornicami. Ldmirsliteta pravi, da je Angli- Browder, Minor in William Z. i pripravljena na tako ofenzi- Foster že mnogo let dominirajo o Angleška pomorska in letal- komunistično stranko. Domne-ku sila bo uspešno odbijala na- va je, da je spremembo v vod »de. s katerimi je zapretil Hi- stvu te stranke odobrila komu-lK nistična internacionala v Mo- skvi, ki ima glavno in zadnjo NiirobL Kanja, 25. febr. — besedo. Angleška okupacija Brave, pri- , X1 Unisčnega mesta v italijanski Minor je clan komunistične iomaliji, je bila danes naznanje- stranke od ustanovitve 1. 1918 « Uradni komunike dostavlja, On je bil vodja levičarske gru-la so abesinski rebeli in angle- Pe. K se je takrat odcepila od ke čete udrle v pokrajino Moy- socialistične stranke. Leta 1930 le ob meji Abesinije in Kenjelj* bil s Fosterjem in drugimi ko-n jo zasedle. Vojaštvo je poči- munisti vred poslan v zapor na tilo tudi ozemlje med Gelibom obtožbo, da je podžgal izgrede Margharito, s katerega so se M™ trgu Union v New Yorku, v asisti umaknili. Alto«. 25. febr.—Predstavnik 'lade je sinoči naznanil, da bo ;rika armada vztrajala v borbi, lokler.ne bodo vsi Italijani podani iz Albanije. On je rekel, la so Grki ujeli 20,000 italijan-Ikih vojakov od začetka vojne pred štirimi meseci. Med temi le Sili častnikov. katerih je bilo mnogo oseb ranjenih. Minor je bil rojen v San Antoniu, Tex., in je star 65 let. Benjamin Gitlow, bivši tajnik komunistične stranke, je včeraj izjavil, da komunisti kontrolirajo več milijonov članov unij Kongresa industrijskih organizacij. Ta kontrola nudi obširno polje za operacije petokoloncev v ameriških obrambnih industri- To je bil odgovor grške vlade jah. Gitlow je podal to izjavo m Hussolinijev govor, v kate-|v svojem govoru v Town halli. «m je poudarjal, da so italijan ke izgube v Albaniji malen- tostne v primeri z grškimi. Mussolini pravi, da smo mi mo-ali plačati visoko ceno za uspele na albanskih bojiščih," je re-¡el predstavnik grške vlade. Povedati mu moramo, da so bi e naše izgube malenkostne v •rimeri z italijanskimi. Na tiso-* italijanskih vojakov je bilo ibitih in ranjenih v bitkah z gr-kinrh četami." Gitlow je dalje rekel, da je Konštantin Umansky, sovjetski poslanik v Washingtonu, bil nekdaj član Stalinove tajne poli cije. Poslanik je zdaj vodja in središče širokega in podtalnega omrežja komunističnih aktivnosti v Združenih državah. Gitlow je bil tajnik komunistične stranke od 1. 1922 do 1. 1929. Iz stranke je bil izključen, ker se ni držal "linije", katero je začrtala Internacionala v Moskvi. PREDSEDNIK AVTNE UNIJE SVARI DELAVCE Stavke ne smejo ovirati / produkcije Vrhovno poveljstvo omenja v v"jem poročilu omejene aktiv-1 m • v, .vf «i na albanskih frontah. Ak- AnSleSkO-OmenSkO 'vne so bile le straže in v ne-1 ° Jterih krajih so se vršili topni-1 »s r .s» *'dvoboji. Dve italijanski N- $001110 J UpOUSKl . 11 •Hali sta bili sestreljeni, kol ila pojavili nad grško bojno K«iro. Egipt, 25. febr.-Južno-«nske čete so okupirale Gelib n Margherito, mesti ob reki Ju-* »talijansku Somalija. Z nji- UNIJA NASLOVILA ULTIMAT KOM-PANIJI Flint. Mich.. 25. febr.—R. J. Thomas, predsednik unije združenih avtnih delavcev CIO, je obsodil neavtorizirane in "divje" stavke, zaeno pa je opozoril člane, da s takimi stavkami ne smejo ovirati produkcije. Vse pritožbe naj se izravnajo z arbi tražo. Thomas je naslovil sva rilo zlasti delavcem v tovarni Fisher Body Co., ki so zapretili z oklicem splošne stavke v znak protesta proti odslovitvi 82 delavcev, ki so se udeležili nedovoljene stavke zadnji teden. On je naglasil, da ni bilo nobenega yzroka za stavko. "Mi ne maramo neavtorizira-nih stavk v Fisherjevih in ne v drugih avtnih tovarnah," je rekel Thomas. "Vse morajo obratovati. Obrat ne sme počivati zaradi pritožb, ki se pojavijo enem oddelku. Mi imamo odbore, ki rešujejo pritožbe in so nepristranski. V interesu vsega članstva je mirna izravnava nastalih sporov." Uradniki Motor Wheel Corp. v Lansingu, Mich., so naznanili obnovo obrata. Tovarne bodo odprle vrata jutri in vsi oni, ki hočejo delati, se lahko vrnejo na delo. Stavko v tovarnah te kor-poracije je oklicala unija ADF pred dvema tednoma, da izvo-juje zaprto delavnico. Milwaukee. Wla.. 25. febr.— Unija avtnih delavcev, ki je pred petimi tedni oklicala stavko proti Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., je včeraj naslovila ultimat kom-paniji. Ta vsebuje šest točk in kompanija ga mora sprejeti v prihodnjih treh dneh. Glavna zahteva je, da mora kompanija disciplinirati slehernega delavca, ki redno ne plačuje članarine uniji. Če bo kompanija odbila to zahtevo, bo unija vztrajala v borbi za zaprto delavnico. Buffalo. N. Y« 25. febr.—Voditelji jeklarske unije CIO so zapretili z oklicem stavke v to« Varni Bethlehem Steel Co. v Lackawanni, če bo kompanija odbila zahtevo glede zvišanja plače za 25 odstotkov. Pri glasovanju, ki ga je odredila unija, se je za oklic stavke izreklo 6411 delavcev, proti pa 1001. Unija Domače vesti BOLGARIJA V NE- Japonskamornarica Premirje med Indo-kino in Siamom podaljšano London. 25. febr.—Tu poroča-da 8t* in Amerika aie m negaiske cete| naBj0Vj|j gkupno svarilo Japonski, naj drži svoje roke proč od Singapora in holandske Vzhodne Indije. Poročilo je bilo objavljeno po konferenci med pre-mierjem Churchillom in Mamo-rujem Šigemitsujem, japonskim f«-br.—Fašistični kro-1 poslanikom. Slednji se je ogla- Churchillovem uradu, da Poročilo omenja, francoske kolonije, jrhovnegs poveljstva VoJ»*ke kolone prodirajo na-^J v Eritreji in da so se pribil-rnari' Klavnemu mestu te Pijanske kolonije. Rim 2f>l V,,I'J<» v Hitlerjevem govoru, I»« v ™ imel včeraj v Monakovu dobi informacije o stališču Ve-^"t jvilo. da bo Nemčija nudi-h'*"? Britanije glede položaja na pomoč Italiji na kop- Daljnem vzhodu »iuriT T V Zraku v oienzi" List Evening News piše. da ^ Jk ki * Prične Lia obe, Anglija in Amerika, di- N^tkm VV Sredo«?mli«- lektno posvarili Jsponsko, da bo I. ZL Ca ^ ^ bori-1 ona odgovorna za posledice, ki toMronJT nKhji na afri" I Padejo, re bo ona skušala raz-n ,n v ^r^ozemlju. tegniti svojo kampanjo ne Sin J'^rjna grožnja, ds bodo|8tl*>r *n Vzhodno Indijo. zahteva, da mora kompanija ponovno uposliti 600 delavcev, katere je odpustila v zadnjih tednih. Van A. Blttner, pokrajinski direktor unije CIO, je zapretil, da bo predložil pritožbe delavcev predsedniku Rooseveltu, če se kompanija ne bo hotela pogajati z unijo. Youngstown. O.. 25. febr.—Petsto delsvcev je včeraj zastavka-lo v tovarni korporacije Republic Steel, ko so delovodje začeli operirsti žrjlve potem, ko je petnajst operatorjev zastavkalo za višje plače. Stavka je ustavila obrat v enem departments Mladinski list v novi oblaki Chicago.—Mladinski list, mesečnik za mladino pri SNPJ, bo s svojo marčevo številko, katera izide ta teden, prijetno presenetil čltatelje. Naš Mladinski list to pot prvič Uide s sliko In tiskom na naelovni in zadnji strani platnic v barvah. Nov dokaz, da naš mladinski megazin ne->restano napreduje! Mladinski ist stane a&neilane $1.20 na leto ali 60c za pol leta Krialanov fever e svetov palelaJtt t Chicago.—Etbin K r i s t a n bo glavni govornik na prireditvi kluba št. 1 JSZ, katera se vrši prihodnjo nedelja, dne 2. marca, popoldne v dvorani SNPJ. Kristan bo govorile današnjem svetovnem položaju. Vesti Is Toreeta. Kanada Toronto, Ont^—Deset rojakov v Torontu in aqeednji Oshawi si je pred kratkifn kupilo lastne domove/ Med jtemi je pet članov SNPJ.—Nedplgo tega so Slovenci v Toitontu med seboj nabrali vsoto $97 in ta denar je bil izročen torontskemu županu za kanadaki Rdeči križ.-Iz naše farmarske naselbine v Beams-villu je v zadnjih dveh letih nastala velika slovenska vas. Čet 40 Slovencev ima tamkaj svoje lepe in skrbno obdelane sadne farme. v . fu Nov grob v Calumetu Calumet, Mich —Dne 21. febr je tu umrla Mary Lakner, stara 69 let in rojena v Zagozdecu pri Starem trgu V Beli Krajini. Bila je članica društva 62 SNPJ In zapušča sina. Clevelandafce vesti Cleveland.—Dne 23. t. m. je umrla Julija Femec, roj. Olavan stara 50 let In doma Iz Hlnja pri Žužemberku. V Ameriki je bila 28 let ln"*2«4hpul£a moža. Štiri hčere in dva brata.—Druil ni Jos. Rozman je umrl enajst mesečni sinček. Is Pennsylvania Strabane, Pa.—Te dni je umr Anton SUnovič, star 58 let i« doma od Mirne peči* na Dolenj skpm. V Ameriki Je bil okrog 40 let in tu zapušča ženo, štir pastorke tn brate. Bil je član društva 138 SNPJ In dalje član ABZ t*r pri Moosu. — Dalje je umrl Frank Senlčar, star okrog 75 let in doma od nekod na zelenem Štajerskem. Ob času svoje smrti ni bil član nobenega podpornega društva, *bil pa ustanovni član ob času ustanovitve društva 138 SNPJ.—V bol nlšnici v Canonsburgu se nahajs Frances Cesnik, članice društva 138 SNPJ, ki se je morala pod vreči operaciji na slepiču. V Isti bolnišnici je Frsnces Žele ml Č1 a n i ca mladinskega oddelka SNPJ. VARNOSTI NEM-Ip^Ι ŠKE OKUPACIJE Angleii odhajajo rs delete Is JuŠnegs Illtnoisa Livingston. 111 -Josephlne Sa-kolaski je za svoj rojstni dan 21. jenusrja dobila dvojčke, dvs dečka, dočim je Jean Bouffard 1 dobila za svoj rojstni dsn 10. februarja hčerko, obenem je pa SNPJ dobila tri nove člane za i svoj mladinski oddelek. Obe mladi materi bivata v Chicagu lin sts članici društvs 559 SNPJ in obe sta Iz družine Johna Vid Kanadski znanstvenik imarja, tajmks društvs 96 SNPJ v Livingstone. Čestitke! Promocijs v It Louieu St. Louis. M ".-Cari M se ubil Ottawa, Kanada. 25. febr — Dr. Frederick Gr^nt Banting, »oodkritelj insulina, se jt ubil v nut, člsn društvs 107 SNPJ letalski nesreči, ki se je pripetila v pustinjah Novefundlsndije. Naznanilo o nesreči je bilo včeraj objavljeno. Poleg Bsntlnga 2vs-pri katerem je njegov oče Fr. Žva-nut predsednik, je bil sadnje dni promovlran kot "scholastic leader" v tukajšnji rudarski in TURŠKI POSLANIK PRI CHURCHILLU Sofija. BolgarUa. 25. febr.— Veliko število Angležev je za-»ustilo Bolgarijo, ker so se po-cazala znamenja, da bo Hitler eva oborožena sila kmalu udrla v deželo in jo zasedla. Diploma tični krogi pravijo, da bodo George W. Rendel, angleški poslanik, in člani njegovega štaba odpotovali iz Sofije ta teden. Britski institut, vzgojna ustanova poslaništva, je že zaprl vra ta. Trije direktorji tega insti tu ta so potem odpotovali v Istanbul, Turčija. Turški časopisi so objavili novo svarilo, da mors biti Turčija pripravljena na vse, kar lahko pride kot posledica resne krize v južnovzhodni Evropi "Osišče bo zasedlo vse Sredozemlje," pl še istanbulski list Ikdam. "Prvi korak v tem manevru bo okupa cija Grčije. Velike priprave so v teku, dasi v tem momentu še nI jasno, kje se bo pripetila sil* na eksplozija." Govorice o prihajajoči naclj ski invaziji Bolgarije krožijo ' Sofiji. Tam se nahaja več nemških vojaških častnikov in Inie-nirjev in včeraj je bilo objav ljen» poročilo, da so v Sofijo dospele nemške bolničarke. To še ni bilo uradno potrjeno. Straže ob reki Donavi, kjer je meja med Bolgarijo in Rumu nijo, so poročale, da so videle na stotifie nemških bojnih letal, k so v formacijah letela sad Do« navo. Bolgarsku policija je začela splošen lov, da dobi v svojo pest blvšegs poslanca Jurija Diml-trova, voditelja kmetske stranke. Dimitrov je bil aretiran zadnjo soboto in odveden v koncentracijsko taborišče, Iz kate-rega pa je pobegnil. On je vodil opozicijo proti vkorakanju Hitlerjevih Čet v Bolgarijo. London. 24. febr.—Dr. Tevfik Rustu Aras, turški poslsnik, se je včersj oglasil v ursdu premiers Winstona Churchilla. Konferenca je trajala eno uro, nakar je bilo objavljeno poročilo, da je poslanik zagotovil Churchilla, da bo Turčija ostsls lojalna Veliki Britaniji in izpolnila vse svoje obligacije, sko bo Nemčija napadla Grčijo preko Bolgarijo. Turčija ostane zavez-nlcs Velike Britanije in napovedala bo vojno Nemčiji, če bodo Hitlerjeve čete udarile po Grčiji, __________ Kritika angleških kupčijskih metod London, 25. febr. — List Daily Express je okrcal vladne uradnike in jih obdolžil mešetsrske tsktike v pogsjanjih z Ameriko glede odstopa pomorskih in letalskih baz na britskih otokih in poseščlnsh v zameno za smeriš-ke rušilce. Izdsjatelj tegs lists je lord Beaverbrook, minister za letalsko produkcija On je posvaril pogajalce, da riskirajo a meriško dobro voljo s svojim bs rantanjem. S tem tvegajo ameriško pomoč, katero Velika Bri Unije potrebuje v tej vojni. .Kritika ameriške in angleške politike Tokio. 25. febr.—Dva japonska voditelj« sta opozorila parlament, da Japonska pazno motri ameriškf in angleške operacije na Pacifiku in da je priprav VLADNA KONTROLA ALUIHNUA IN DRUGIH KOVIN Roosevelt zahteva na-daljnje milijarde za obrambo racije ogražale japonske intere To sts bila zunanji podim nister Cuiči Ohaši in admiral Tejiro Tovada. Oba sta pou darjala, da bo Japonska s pod poro bojne mornarice in arma de nadaljevala program ekspan zije. Ohaši je opozoril parlament na utrjevanje ameriških pomor skih in letalskih oporišč na Pa ciflku in jačanje angleške obo rožene sile v Singaporu, strate-gični britski pomorski bazi in trdnjavi na Daljnem vzhodu. On je kritiziral stališče angleške vlade naprsm Japonski, ki posreduje med francosko Indokino in Siamom, da konča konflikt med njima. Ohaši je očital An gležem, da hoče preprečiti sklenitev trgovinskega dogovora med Japonsko in holsndsko Vzhodno Indijo. "Nobenega vtroks ne vidim zakaj naj bi Amerlks in Veliks Britanija ovirali japonsko posredovanje v sporu med Indo kino in Slsmom", je rekel Ohaši. "Naša dolžnost je, da skrbno zasledujemo ameriške In britske manevre v škodo Ja potiski.** Admiral Toyada je dejal, "da ameriške vojaške priprave na Pacifiku idej še ne ogražajo ja ponske bojne mornarice, toda situacija t# lahko itpremeni bližnji bodočnosti. Kadar bo Japortaka videla nevarnost, bo podvzela odločne korake v svr ho zaščite svojih interesov. ' •»«Ink, ™p*d*,ei Mam,k». na vseh mor- na :........lu^no sprejeta v da ,, (j r" Krogi upajo. . " ' podmornice * ,MH"wmsko morje, kjer 1*T|rale t italijanskimi. »^"'■V^Jrtvo je nazna- Saigon. Indoktna. 25 Premirje med Indokino moin je bilo ao se ubili trije drugi In samo j metalurgični višj» loll, katera je pilot letala si je rešil življenje. podaljšano , posre petain reorganizirat dovanjem Japonske. Slednje se . je zelo trudils v naporih za do- SVOJ Habinet V /^-pilot lelals sije rešil" življenje. I oddelek missourslu univerze I in Sis-1*' -i--1 Mladi Žvanut študira za kemlj- skegs inženirja U Kseeeaa sego popolnega sporazuma, a ni! Vichy, Francija, 25. febr. — Kartsas City, Kens.-Zemor-uspels. Sismaka delegacija je Premier Petain je ponovno reor- j ski vozač svtomoblle, ki je II. suvil. zahteve Indokini. katerih g.nlziral svoj kabinet Ustanov-^januarje prožil Berto Harzen. slednja ne more .prejeti. Neka- ljen je bil ožji vladni svet, ki bo članico SNPJ, je bil 13 t m. ' ^ K talske baze I teri krogi so nspovedali obnovo imel glavno oblast. Zs načelni- pred sodnikom spoznan za kri- koncentracije v Ub^Umej^b spopadov med franco- ks tega sveU je bil imenovsn vegs in objjojen n. rto dni «a- f; - razbile več letal',k,mi in incSJTkimi četami, ko ( podprtih vlade In zunanji p-«ral »¿^Itlf^ŽL k ^etue pciv.. poteče premirje. ounister Jean Dar lan. „ cence Poškodovana deklica se Obnova razgovorov Rusijo Sovjetski poslanik obiskal Wellesa nshaja v domači zdravniški oskrbi In upanje je, da kmalu okreva. J- l/ Is Skebeygses Sheboygan, Wis^-Tu sU blU poročens Albin Zupančič in Vir-ginis Mauser. Ženin je člsn in blagajnik društvs 634 SNPJ In upanje je, ds tudi svojo ženo] ske odnošaje Wsshlngton. D. C» 25. febr. — V novih komplikacijah, ki so nastale kot posledics rszvojs svetovnih dogodkov, so bili razgovori med ameriškimi in ruskimi u-radniki obnovljeni. Ti nsj bi rešili pereče trgovinske in politične probleme med državsms, Sovjetski poslanik Umansky m» je ponovno sestal s Sumner-jem Wellesem, državnim podtaj-nlkom. Ta je bil drugI sestsnek med njims, odkar je predsednik Roosevelt preklical "moralni em-bargo" proti sovjetom. tovs prijateljska gesta pa ni pri-nesls še prsktlčnegs učlnks, ker so še vedno v veljavi restrikci-je glede izvoze smerlšklh letsl in letalskih pritiklin v sovjetsko Rusijo. Znsno je, ds Rusijs še nI dobila smerlšklh strojev, katere je nsročils, preden je Stalin okupiral Letvijo, Estonijo in Litvo, bsltiške držsvice. Psmiki teh držsvic, ki bi ishko odpe-Ijsli naročeno mašinerljo v Ku* sijo, še vedno tiče v ameriških lukah Angleške pritožbe, da bi letala in bojni material, ki bi ga sovje-ti kupili v Združenih državah, lahko šla iz Rusije v Nemčijo, so potisnils novo vprsšsnje na površje, ki ovirs rszgovore med A-meriko In Rusijo. Welles je zadnji teden dejal, da bo akušsl dobiti dokaze, sil blsgo, ki gš so-vjeti dobivajo It Amerike, v resnici odhsjs v Nemčijo. Dosedanji rszgovor^ med Wel-leaem in ru.kim poal.nikom ao m povečini n.n.šall na trgovin-med državama In LA FOLLETTE SVA-RI KONGRES Wa^ilngton. D. Cm 25. febr.— E. R. Stettinus, direktor urada produkcijske administracije, je obvestil itdelovalce aluminija in strojnega orodja, da bodo morali najprej zadostiti vojaškim zahtevam, da m* pospeši izvajanje obrambnega programa. Izpolniti morajo vladna naročila, potem pa pridejo druga t)a vrsto. To pomeni delno vladno kontrolo aluminija, nikla in nekaterih drugih kovin. Izdelovalci strojnegs orodja so bili tudi obveščeni, da so vladns naročila prva. Ob začetku vsakega meseca morajo poročstl avtoritetam o prejetih naročilih v smislu pravkar objavljene odredbe. Naročila za obrambo imajo prednost. Uradno pojasnilo prsvi, ds s^ bo Roosevelt poslužil oblasti v smislu v kongresu sprejetegs zakona o konskripciji in kontroli industrij. Stettinus ja tsgotovil privatnim operatorjem, ki si lahko nakopajo tožbe zaradi neizpolnitve kontraktov s privatnimi odjemalci, zsščito. Vse te operatorje bo protektlraia vladna odredba. Stettinus je tudi omenil, da se je clvllns poraba aluminija v zadnjih mesecih povedala. Predsednik Roosevelt je včeraj tshtevsl od kongresa dodatno vsoto $3,812,311,197 ts financiranje oboroževanja, kar pomeni, ds bo Amerlks potrošila z« oja-čsnje svoje oborožene sile na morju, kopnem in v trsku v tem letu čez trlnsjst milijsrd dolarjev. Predsednik Jv dalje pozvsl kongres, nsj dovoli $150,000,000 za gradnjo vojaških barak in zabavišč v^ bližini industrijskih središč in tovsrrt, ki izdelujejo orožje, strelivo in drugi bojni msterial. Senator Robert M. La Follette, prog resi vee It Wisconsina, je v svojem govoru v senstu izjavil, da bo moral kongres potrditi vse, kar bo zahteval Roosevelt, če bo načrt za večjo pomoč Angliji sprejet, prsv tako kot Hitlerjev "relchstsg", Prvs žrtev bo smerišks demokracija. Roo-seveltovi križarski vojni za postavitev svobode po vsem svetu bo sledilo uničenje demokratične forme ameriške vlade. kmalu privede v svoje društvo ! aorodna vprašanja Sovjetska —Dalje ste stopi Is v zsfc^nskl zahteva, ds mora Amerika spro itan Edwsrd Stampfel in Mary|stit! parnike baltiških državic, Je Pspea. Obilo areče obema paro povzročils /aatoj v prejšnjih p»* ma! - gajsnjih. "Moderna vojna zastruplja demokrscijo," je rekel senator. "Ljudje ne morejo govorTU, pl-sstl in ne ml.liti svobodno. Oni niso vel* svobodni državljani, temveč podaniki diktatorja. Pod-vre^ se morajo kontroli vojne muAine, Ako se bo Amerika zspletla v vojno, bo strpnost pokopana. Vlada sams bo podžiga Is sovraštvo in špionažo med aosedi, Delavstvo, industrije, poljedelstvo in finance bodo podvržene regimeiitaciji centralne vlaih ne bomo rešili, prispevamo pa lahko svoj delež, da bodo nekoč rešeni. Naše članstvo se stara, za mnoge med njimi ne bo več dela, dežela je pa komaj še le v začetku razvoja socialnih reform, o katerih smo pred let toliko pisali in jih Uko živo na-glašali. Ali naj sedaj te zahteve povedo svoje mnenje o raznih! prepustimo raznim verskim sek-zadevah. Pri tem se pa prav do- tam in se potopimo v znanstve-bro zavedam, če bodo te vrstice no vedo? Ali ne bo v korist nam, priobčene, bodo po dobri volji ¿e se teh zahtev poprlmemo še Urednika in pa po milosti uprav nega odseka. Jaz jih zato nič ne obsojam, obsojam pa zaspane delegate zadnje konvencije, kateri so odvzeli hlapcem Jernejem vso pravico do svobodnega izražanja v svojem glasilu ter jo izročili gl. in upravnemu odboru, katerim je urednik Prosvete odgovoren z večjo energijo? Seve, to je politika, v kateri mi nič ne štejemo in nismo poklicani; zato so politiki. Vendar lahko nekaj štejemo, če ne veliko, pa vsaj lahko slišijo v VVashingtonu malo našega glasu, samo dobre volje je treba, pa bo šlo. Da članstvo sledi tradicijam naše organizacije, ki si je v de- in ne članstvu, katero vzdržuje, lavskih - bojih zgradila častno glasilo. (Kdor je v dvomu, naj zgodovino, ni dvoma. Za dokaz se potrudi in pogleds v pravila stran 167, točka 23.) Upajmo, da bodo člani na prihodnjo konvencijo! poslali vsaj toliko liberalne delegste, da bodo popravili v pravilih to točko in druge, ds bomo vjbodoče člani v svojem glasilu imeli nemoteno pravico izražati se tako kot mi sami želimo, ne da bi bilo to izražanje odvisno od kogarkoli. Kaj je privedlo urednika do naj navedfpi zaključke west-morelandske ln čikaška federa cije. Prva poziva članstvo naše jednote, naj priporočajo kon-gresnlkom in senatorjem v svojih državah, da znižajo starost za socialno zavarovanje od 65 na 60 let, ter naj se v to zavarovanje vključijo delavci in delavke v vseh poklicih. Čikaška federacija je pa šla v teh zahtevah še dalje in je sprejela, da se apelira tega, da je priščl pred članstvo na gl. odbor, ki Je zboroval U s svojim člankom, v katerem je pregledal našo preteklost in obsodil politiko, je težko uganiti. Da sno razkosani, vemo. Vemo tudi, da smo bili predno smo se pričeli udejstvovati v socialistični stranki, kar pa nas ni toliko razdvajalo kot namišljena svobodomiselnost, katera se je vedno zakrivala s socializmom, a se-daj je potrebno, da ji damo drugo masko. Mi nismo bili nikdar mesec, da naloži Izvršnemu odseku, da pripravi resolucije ln jih pošlje društvom z vsemi potrebnimi podatki, da jih društva odpošljejo kongresnikom in senatorjem, kadar pride pred kongres v razpravo senatorja Wag-nerja amendirati zakon za starostno pokojnino in socialno zaščito. Da smo sprejeli tak predlog, je največ vzrok, ker dopisniki toliko naivni da bi od politike viMl0 to nagU4ajo, ¿j ^ naši organizaciji pričakoval naredimo M gtare člane. Mi jim osebne koristi V njen agitaciji bomo.naivti pomagali, če jim smo jo le toliko rabili kolikor pridobimo £ £ driavaJ M ieubwTn V krl- JS* imo nje skrbela na stara leta. dali kmalu po ustanovitvi organizaciji delavsko ideologijo ln z Br' Z«eU društva 238 je po-njo pridobili marsikaterega čla- dal ,V0J° »ug««UJo za pomoč stana v naše vrste. - rim članom. Na sugestijo je od-Na mllwauški konvenciji spre- «ovorU H1- predsednik, seve v jeta Mol kova resolucija, s kate- interesu jednote, zelo negativno, to smo indorsirali socialistično Kjer ni dobre volje, se lahko do-rtranko nI bila nič drugega kot biJ° Ogovori. Predsednik jih Je učinkovito sredstvo za našo agi- dobil in Jih P0«*®1 ¿lanstvu v zelo tacljo. Starejši člani se še lahko prepričevalnem tonu. Vsaka be-»pomin.ajo, kako so hasprotnikl MKla J« precizno pretehtana in Jednote takrat padli po nji, ln n» mcatu. Resnično povedsno, to ne z namenom, ds pobijajo brcz povišanja ssesmenta ne bo socialistično teorijo, pač pa da 4,°» ne "»»ramo poiskati dru-uničijo takr at šibko Jednoto. «e To-pa zato, ker član-Dosegll so pa ravno nasprotno: ,tvo bo zelo nerado privolilo v med članstvom Je kakor pri če- Povišanje in potem so zraven Še belah v panju završalo, kot ni- Pomisleki, kako bo to vplivalo kdar prej in ne pozneje, kar je ni1 organizacijo. , na nasprotnike napravilo tako Resnično rečeno, pred nami je močan vtis, da so s propagando tisti neprijetni problem, katere-popolnoma prenehali. Članstvo K* »mo se nekoč rešili s tem, da pa je še z večjo energijo pričelo »""> likvidirali zavetlški sklad, agitirali in kmalu so se pokazali Pravega vzroka za likvidacijo ni uspehi v tem, da je jednota pre-kosils vse jednote in zveze in postala vodilna organizacija med naštm narodom v Ameriki. Ker so nssprotniki videli, ds jednota raste in da ji njih agitacija nič ne škoduje, so pričeli z drugo taktiko. Pričeli so šuš-Ijati, kako slabi ljudje so socialisti in kako škodljivo je za orga-mzacijo, katers se meša v politiko. Za tem šušljsnjem so se skrivali posebni nameni. To smo mi mnogokrat naglašsli in je potrebno, ds ponovno poudarimo. Zato ima mogoče urednikova sugestija, da izključimo iz našega glasila vso politiko, tudi poseben namen V zameno naj bi v bodoče Prosveta prinašala le izobraževalno vsebino v smislu kulturnih ln znsnstvenih vrednot. Po moji skromni sodbi je to vsebina, ki nas je nsjveč razdvaja-la Plankiranje proti verske pro-pagsnde je nsši jednoti napravilo več škode kot pa socialitem. ker njemu Je bil veliko bllije član verskegs prepričanja, kot /nanstvimi razlagi o vesoljstvu Ako iščemo ohraniti ugled naši organizaciji, ki ima tako častno zgodovino v delavskih bojih, je ne bomo s takimi reformami kot jih priporoča urednik. Podveofei moramo druga piv ta ln ae poslužtti drugih sredstev kot so kulturne In znanstvene vrednote, katere ti ne dajo v bilo, pa se je vendar zgodilo, da je ns predlog delegata Hlebca vvaukeganška konvencija skleni-ls, da se to zgodi. Že takrat sem se čudil, kako morejo biti nekateri člani in gl. odborniki tako neprevidni, da sledijo dele-gstom, katerih ne vodi previdnost, pač pa maščevanje nad eno od najbolj človekoljubnih ustanov. Danes pa lahko vidimo, da smo s takim sklepom zavrgli eno najplemenitejših Idej, katero so podpirali in zagovarjali tisti člani jednote. ki so videli v bodočnost. Zavetišče danes potrebujemo in čim prej ga ustanovimo, tem bolje bo za organizacijo. Mnogo Članov je, ki so pred leti srgumenttrali. kako težka bi bila ločitev od družine, če bi bil poslan v zavetišče; danes priznavajo. da je to zmota, kakor tudi oni, ki so takrat mlatili, da ga ne bodo nikdar potrebovali. Človek obrsča. usoda ps obrne. Priznajmo to, če bi mi imeli danes precej veliko zavetišče, bi ga napolnili. Kako priti do zavetišča je zopet kočljivo vprašanje, to še posebno radi kompliciranega zakona Zakon dovoljuje organizaci-jam kot je naša. ds ima zavetišče za svoje člane Natančno je dohieeno od kod morajo priti dohodki za zavetišče, ln ti so ras-lični Zato. kjer je dobra volja, ■e to z lahkoto dooeže, kjer je ni. so ps različni izgovori, da je to in to radi zakona nemogoče. Br. Zgela je v pravem, da imamo močan smrtninsld sklad ter bi brez skrbi, da bi ogrožali solventnott, iz tega sklada lahko vzeli precej tiaočakov. Sklad je lastnina organizacije in članstvo ima pravico razpolagati z njim. Potrebno "pa je, da najdemo pota, da se to izvrši v meiah kona Jaz vidim, da pi mi prav lahko vzeli potrebno vsoto za zavetišč? iz .ffnrtniriskeg^sklada samo dobre voljp je treba. Zakon nam dovoljuje, dokler smo nadaolventni z* tolike procentov kot smo sedaj, da letno opustimo eden aH dva mesečna m men ta v smrtnipski sklad. Mi. bi lahko poskuJUl tole metfedb:'Napravili bi listine in jih dali članstvu v podpis, s čimer bi se obvezali, da gredo njih mesečni prispevki v mesecu, kadar bo asesment opuščen, za zavetišče. Članstvo bi to nič ne stalo, ker, če bi bila pretežna večina proti, bi stvar opustili. Ako bi pa bil majhen procent proti, bi s stvarjo vseeno lahko šli naprej ter tistim, ki imajo tako malo srca za dobro styar, asesment opustili. Jaz računam, da bi na ta način lahko dobili vsoto nad $50,000, kar bi bilo dosti za začetek. So Še druge metode, katerih se lahko poslu žimo in ki so tudi v mejah zakona. Za vzdrževanje bi lahko dobili sredstva iz sklada izrednih podpor, prispevke posameznih društev in druge razne dohodke. Dozdeva se ml, da bomo ml problem starih ln onemoglih članov z ustanovitvijo zavetišča najbolj častno rešili. Frank Alesk. 1 I najprej ostane v Prosvetni ma-'mo se Boki Kotorski, ki krasi tiči po 50c na mesec. Poročilo vznožje mogočnega Lovčena." Federacije SNPJ Zapisnik federacije centralnege minoisa Sprlngfleld, 111. — Naša okrožna federacija SNPJ je zborovala 2. febr. v Gillespieju. Predsednik otvori sejo ob 10. dopoldne. Zapisnik sprejet kot čitan. Zastopana so sledeča društva: St. 47, 74, 107, 116, 184, 335, 362, 465, 567. Poverilnice so sprejete od vseh društev. 1 Tajnik-blagajnik poroča, da je blagajni $118.07. Poročila odbornikov kot tudi zastopnikov sprejeta. Sestra Theresa Speck od št. 107 v St. Louisu poroča o njih kartni zabavi, ki so jo imeli 3. nov. in napravili $6.22 dobička. Federacija se zahvali temu društvu in članom za sodelovanje. Od zadnje seje je federacija zgubila štiri člane pri raznih društvih, in ti so: Matt Mrak — 362, Carlinville; Martha Eberge-ny 184; Anna Bezgovšek — 567, in Frank Krmelj — 47 v Sprlngfleldu. Predsednik pozove navzoče, da vstanejo v znak sožalja. Br. John Homec predlaga, da se proslavlja 10-letnica federaci-e skupaj z illinolskim dnevom SNPJ, br. predsednik pa naj I-menuje odbor, ki naj gre na de-o, izbere prostor in datum in vodi priprave. Sprejeto. V odbor so imenovani: Za Springleld Antonla Church, Dom. Lazar ln prances Petje; za St. Louls, Mo., Theresa Speck in Ciril Medved, za Glllespie Kari Guna ln Louls Mahkevc; za Auburn John Homec. Ta odbor naj bo v pismenih stikih in naj najame najpri-kladnejše' prostore. Sklenjeno, da federacija še nadzornega odbore sprejeto — knjige so v redu. V odbor federacije so bili izvoljeni soglasno Predsednik Louls Mahkovc, podpredsednik John Homec, tajnik-blagajnik Frank Ilersich, zapisnikarica An-tonia Church (ako se ne bo mogla udeležiti, jo nadomestuje France» Petje); nadzorni odbor — Frances Petje, Dom. Lazar ln Ciril Medved. V odbdr za pravila so izvoljeni: John Homec, Anton Stigei in Cheresa Speck. Snidejo se tretjo nedeljo v marcu pri br. Hom-eu v Auburnu— Zaključek se-je ob 1. popoldne. t Antonla Church. ^ . zapisnikarica. Torej ne zamudite te prilike in se gotovo udeležite tega predvajanja zanimivih filmov, ker pozneje ne bo več prilike. Vstopnina samo 20c, za otroke pod 12. letom pa lOc. Po piogramu bo prosta zabava v spodnjih prostorih. Fred MslgaL majhno vsoto. Vstopnina je namreč samo 50c, kar krije prigrizek in dobro vinsko kapljico. Seveda je dosti takih, ki bodo potrošili več, ampak to je njih briga. Torej na svidenje 1. marca na naši zabavi.. Louls Marr, predsednik. Uradniki cleveiendske federacije Cleveland.—Od bor cleveland-ske federacije SNPJ za 1941 tvorijo r Predeednik Matt Petro-vich, 253 E. 151 st.; tajnik J. F. Terbižan, 14707 Hale ave., bla-gajnica Julia Zirovnik, 16405 Trafalgar ave. Seje se vrše vsako 4. nedeljo v SND na St. Clair-ju ob 9. dopoldne v dvorani št. 2.—J. F. Terbižan tajnik. Mlnnesotskim društvom Buhl Minn.—Ker se bo vršila seja minnesotske federacije SNPJ 27. aprila v tem mestu in ker bo ta seja velikega pomena radi bližajoče se konvencije, so vabljena vsa jednotina društva v tej državi, tudi nepridružena, da pošljejo svoje zastopnike na to skupno zborovanje, na katerem se bo razpravljalo o pravilih. Prostor zborovanja bo naznanjen v Prosveti pravočasno. Vsa društva so prošena, da izvolijo svoje zastopnike in jih pošljejo na to sejo. Posebno še vabim tri društva iz Aurore, dve iz Letonije, iz Kitzvilla, Keewa-teena, Irontona, Biwabika in Nashwauka. Čeprav ni katero teh društev pri federaciji, bo n/ih jielegat vseeno sprejet na Max Marts. Društvene priredbe Bilke o starem kraju v La Sallu U Salle. 111. — Pod pokroviteljstvom naše okrožne federacije SNPJ bo v nedeljo, 9. marca, ob 2. pop. predvajan Cunardov film v Slovenskem narodnem Veselica društva 284 domu. To je zadnja prilika vi- Mllwaukes. — Na zadnji seji deti te slike iz stare domovine, društva Bratoljub 284 SNPJ so Br. Jakob Ztfpan bi jih že mo- me člani opomnili na mojo dolž-ral vrniti družbi, toda jih bo pri- 'nost, da se kot predsednik ogla-držalše za nas. Te slike bo tudi aim v Prosveti in napišem par on predvajal in tolmačil, kar je j vrstic glede naše veselice, ki se velikega pomena. On pravi o.vrši v soboto zvečer, 1. marca, njih: j v dvorani Tivoli na S. 5th st. in "Cunardov film je mojstrsko National ave. delo poznanega in priznanega I Tisti rojaki in rojakinje, ki so jugoslovanskega fotografa Kon-|že bili na naiih zabavah, se že stantina Kostiča. V naravnih | vnaprej veselijo, da bodo zopet barvah se vrste pred nami prizori, ki so vam mogoče dobro znani in za katere se zelo zanima i tu rojena mladina, kajti Beograd, Ohridsko jezero, Niš, Bitolj, Ljubljana — to so vendar kraji, ki se zadnje čase čestokrat omenjajo v tukajšnjih dnevnikih. , • ^ "Dodatno k filmom SNPJ in Cunardove družbe bo predvajan tudi %'lmski posnetek dalmatinskega obrežja.. Tega je snela a-merlška mornarica, ko je posled-njikrat .obiskala Jadransko morje. Ustavimo se z našimi mornarji v Benetkah, ki stoje na mogočnih hrastih, ki so stali na sedaj baš radi Benetk golem Krasu. V Splitu se šetamo v Dioklecijanovi palači, v kateri živi danes nad tri tisoč ljudi. Obiš-čemo seveda Dubrovnik ln dlvl- imeli priliko razveseliti se za CENZURA MU ■ mII» UftiM, I« ■ara M»iwh M M braojav kel) priporoči •Url krmi. Naia «tn Sa I ».----DI«. IN Sa • •taita krm)««, mIm tc)u < Zato ja brasjav aH pallljaaja imrk (k.-* IM...L* IN m s.»... " see lil,,. - tee m S.— ... - SN H is.se... " see at ITJ0... w lese - H.H... - see •• m M.—.. - tees sa ta M aass " o.—... " lees H u _ H .u. m iI>IV,M HU isa.—... " laeee aa.* " >.. 1000 " us.—... - sees ANDREW VIDRICH Polsits«. rwwkuHin iN Moot Wer*m.n.hip «I Mt«U_ .. Beautiful wallpapar on m Im-t Ion •I your hotno 7M Famt Ave. . Johnstown Pa. . Phono r IT-TM ftKVMATKBM Nitro 9omN •lovno vbSbI* Bk«mmo>Toko. M kltro j IkoSUto I« nI ■ tnkrttte. To UkMo bo nl Toka ln r«4UI%i m Ntar D a» M pal I l)o v MNBI BOImboM. e O Dm« Co* UN« Os OfoarNN la "PROLET AREC" Socialist Ično-delavakt tednik Otssllo Jugoelovaaak» soe. " svese ia Pro«volno matles. Plann v ■loronakoai ? in nnglnékom jotika. Kmno U u ola, 91.71 SS pd, 91 tart INS NA HOT IT K g¡ OA! Nsklovi PKOI. ETAREC 2301 Ho. Lawedale Avenue CHICAGO, ILL. - ao ImlllM aralBa Hita, aa Inijiwn »avrlltav no io Iraka »aaUH 91 val pri vaokl »otUJkl.— Prt val ilk «Makih ao «ovoljaja Vaa pNNjalva LEO ZAKRAJSEK Gcnoral Travel 999 B. 72nd St. Nsw York, N. T. ČEMU PLAČATI VEČ PRIHRANITE SI $100 DO $500. AKO KUPITE DIREKTNO OD C-O-O-K conn RAZPRODAJALCEV i Največji direktni razprodajalci finih avtomobilov v Združenih državah, nudijo vsakemu kupcu avtomobila presenetljivo nizke cene, kakršne vam ne zmore dati noben prodajalec *na drobno. Tu je vaša enkrat-v-življenju prilika dobiti izvrsten avtomobil po neverjetno nizki ceni, katere nc morete nikjer drugje primerjati. Čez 450 dobrih avtomobilov, največja izbira rekord-prekosljivih avtomobilskih cen, ki jih dobite v vsem motornem svetu. 1941 PLYMOUTH AVTOMOBILI Prekrasna Izbira 1041 Plymouthov, nekateri čisto novi, po skrajno nizki ceni. Tudi 1040 in 1030 Plymouth avtomobili, vsi v perfekt-nem stanju, samo $365 1941 BUICK AVTOMOBILI Imamo 10-rl941 Sedan in Coupe Buick avte—najkrasnejši avto, ki ga morete kupiti, opremljen z radiom, grelcem, belo-stenskimi kolesi, nekateri čisto novi. Tudi 25—1040 ln 30—1030 Buick avtomobilov, vsi tako kakor novi, po nizki ceni $425 1941 FORD AVTOMOBILI Krasen majhen avto, kompletno opremljen s radiom, grelcem in be-lostenskimi kolesi. Tudi 19—1040 in 19—1030 Fordov samo $345 NA NOVO 80 SE NAROČILI NA DNEVNIK PROSVETO SLEDEČI: Mary Kink Sprlaeftsld. IlUaoU tUuH^irniiasU PUM Vldor v Hauch. Miasassla Jet Aaanic - • Clsvsltad Ohle Ohle Lnui» But CÍ*v»lanci CUvnlsnd. Ohl« CWfslsad. Ohls • McCIolInndtown. Ponno. OUvwr Mary J*ro W. Vs. Mary Waa J neo W. Va Jsha Flora OkSfi. W. Vs. Pr asesa thatn W. Vs. Tudi 1038, 1037, 1036 in 1038 avtomobili, vseh modelov in iz- fQP delkov, vsi garantirani, samo wu9 NEOLEDE KAKAEN AVTOMOBIL HOČETE. MI IMAMO PKAVEOA PO PRAVI CENI ZA VJU9I KUPITE DIREKTNO IN PRIHRANITE OD 9100 DO 9900 NEOLEDE KJE STANUJETE. PRI-DITE IN POiLUŽITE BE TEH REKORD-PREKOSLJIVIH VREDNOSTI Vsak avtomobil garantiran, ne-prekealjiva kupčija ALI VAS DENAR VRNJEN Vsak avtomobil garantiran perfekten Zapisana garancija in 10 dnevna puUkubija—VaJ avtomobil za prvi obrok DVB LETI ZA IZPLAČATI—1 NAJI.AZJA ODPLAČILA TAKOJŠNJA DOSTAVA C-o-o-K nun nmnims 1340 West 63rd Street Odprlo srsčsr de I«, um.—Ob no dsljsh do 7. uro. 25-letnlcs društva 270 Lyons. 111. — Društvo George Washington 270 SNPJ bo praznovalo svojo 25-letnico dne 12. a-prila v dvorani Sokol Slovan na Gage ave. in 41 st. (v Lyonsu). Proslava bo s programom, na katerem bo sodeloval dobro znani pevski zbor France Prešeren iz Chicaga. To bo nekaj izrednega za nas, ker v Lyonsu še nismo imeli pevskega zbora na kakšni priredbi. Podrobnosti sledijo v Prosveti. Frank Vidmar, tajnik. Zabava društva 581 St. Marys. Pa.—-Naše društvo 581 SNPJ je na zadnji seji sklenilo, da priredi plesno zabavo 19. aprila v Fox Skating Ringu v Berwind parku. Igral bo White Eagle orkester Franka Relarni-ka iz Greensburga (pet mož). Tukaj bo dosti prostora za vse. Prosimo vse člane, da se udeležite te zabave, kakor tudi iz drugih krajev. Iz Johnsonburga in James Cityja ste prošenj, da ne bi prirejali tisti teden plesa. Ako nas posetite na naši veseli- 8LOVEN8KI ZDRAVNIK Office P kan« i Ontario 711C Htm. F kan«: N. Cklcaga 1IN Dr« Harry M. Menton PHYSICIAN a SURGEON 424 Tenth Street - Waukejtan. Illinois Hour«: 9-12 A. M., 1-4 a 7>t P. If. Wad. 9-12, Sun. 1«+ Wright. Wo.h.: Helen omoiene Len*, hci ^ les Klun In »Cery Pruce. brst ki sestra u Minn.; Henry Long Jr. set. ia Billy- *nuk Bearcreek Mont. mr. ln mrs. Art. Btsnsberry: PB08VET A M Minga »«» SUM * .ut -1 I n«aa ¿lana d rece i stroškov — Ski». br.U. CUJJ-T, "•/ik God ins m Molek. „ .prejet »P»nik '«rt« " ^ed^nTpredloli pU-¿ «e Kn.pich. Ki poroi. " ^ „„ »Ld»'«' krotk» v JT Mich in kateri Und » »0* Ha ie bil ustanov- 00 It 333, V Blalnu, O. - Prvo »K , šništva ttunl ns znanj* Mitsmc jo nâdalje pismo Novak. ki je upravi*-mladinskega kroiki v ShafO-s. Poroča o rsinih aktivno- in tseno o potrebi večjega ra-LTte atvari in kooperacijo nekstenh starejlih članov, 'So in napredek ovirsjo. - Se ns znanje. • ilie predloži pismo društvs , J Gowanda, N. Y., ki poročs nameravani prireditvi 1. februar-prosijo as jednotine filme, telijo za to priliko. — Dovo- »lje predloži piamo društvs 103 Samaula, Fla., v katerem poroča, kako marljivo so delali i društven dom, ki jim Je tako nuj-notreben ter kako težko so pri-i, ko jim je atrsšen vihar pje razdjal Se predno so ga do-dogradili. Zato prosijo sa ilno podporo in finančno po-„ da jim bo mogoče zgraditi dru-"poalopje. — Se vzame na znanje iporoči, kaj morejo iz gl. urada kovati. gl. tajnik predloži sledečo Drultvo It. 3, Johnstown, Pa., da bi jim gl. urad poslal br. gl. podpredsednika, da jednoto ob priliki otvoritve dvorane, ki bo 18. janu-•ja. — Dovoljeno. Drultvo it. 124, Forest City, Pa., at, da se vrne prejšnja vaota za-mlnine vsem članom, ki so bili javne pomoči (reliefa) priai-iito znižati na $500. — Dovo- [ Posebni odbor, ki so ga postavile »racije za,zapadno Penno, da se za prireditve in druge reči v i prihodnjo konvencijo, želi tvoj ursdni pisalni papir. — > l*ga že poatoji zaključek in jeno je, da jim gl. tajnik po- Predlozeno je vprašanje, kdaj sc i) letno zborovanje glavnega odra. Na pojasnilo, kdaj bodo iz-jeni računi ter bo mogoče iviti vse drugo potrebno, je njeno, da se seja skliče na 13. bruarja. upravitelj tiskarne poroča o rebi nabave novih matric za iz-tiskovnega dela ter poli celo stvar v podrobnosti. Od-uvidi, da je stvar potrebna in ne, da se nabavi. dnevni red pride vprašanje kje in sploh prometa naše dvo-Gledc tega se razvije obšir-razprava, v kateri se poudarja (kompeticija ter razni drugi oki. ki so prinesli spremembo m. Končno so določene nove, vabljive cene ter še nekatere |e privlačnosti. tem je rešeno vae, kar je bilo ravljeno za današnjo sejo in tednik isto zaključi ob 3:30 po-Mdne —. Seja 15. jan. 1941 [Predsednik odpre sejo ob eni uri aldnc v navzočnosti sledečih čla-|1 izvršnega odseka: V. Cain-f A Vidra. L. Gradiška, F. I in I Molka. Br. Vogrich je fn radi ix)lezni. rvo je &p,cjet zapisnik izvršne 1 dne 8. januar ja 1941. predsednik poroča, da mu influence, ki ga je prisilila v Ml. ni bilo mogoče nastopiti na 25-U-tnice društva št. 254 Airu. ter da je pooblastil br. VKirichs, prvega gl. podpredsed-A ta jc nadomeščal. Vidrloh ™ da so pri u,m 8odelovaU Kii druitva na4e jednota, ogromna udeležba in slav- J'jajen - Se vzsme na fciM,liUn br A Tro)«, ki jTlk Poroča o raznih stvareh ¡jIn""""'— posla in v * )* stvsi ms ¡u Tm°dru4tva |t ' a,. k , kl Pro*» neko-Cï » aktivnosti Vi ,trm ' posebnega od- |lbMI>* v brstskih ni 24 in vabi, rsatopniks. - Se vza- ^i c '; je. d. s* * .. "r kaf m Vider. r> ^ 2 yn-N Y kt -vrt* nr,porabljo- , ? Jo dru- U .„.{^ , potrebnih 11-Mnrtnkne omenje- nega člana precej stroškov. — Sklenjeno, da se društvu iporoči, da do tistega denarja nima pravice in ako ga ne vrne, bo znesek pripisovan društvu na dolg. ; Sestra Katarina Devereauz od društva It. 79, Cle Elum, Wash„ Je bila operirana za bolezen, ki ni navedena v naših pravilih. Vendar pa se operacija smatra za težko in vrhovni zdravnik priporoča, da se JI nakaže vsota $50. — Odobreno. Razpravlja se o prošnji br. A. Homsrja od druitva št. 5t, Brough-ton. Pa., sa izredno podporo. — Ker je omenjeni prejel že veliko izredno podpore ib ker Jo samec, ie skle-dati smrtnlno sa-prodon M mu M- n «l-d, problemov pri naje-' ' "t,r"mu 'rfdsji jednotine Hobijs razne go-^ osnovane ,n prsvl, da Tu j"'' kl ^ nekstort ši-navajs r.zne do- BL potrebna ^Sfl t izredno podporo _ J. Ilivnlk, I. rran- ciskovlch lit A Grgurich o« druitva It »1, Johnson City, tli. — Ü-gotovljeno Je, ds so vsi U prejeli le lzdstne vsote kot izredno podporo, zato še Jim priporoča, da vprašajo za posojilo ns njih certifikate, Izredna podpora pa s tem preneha Nadalje so predložene In odobrene le sledečo prolnje: PROŠNJE ZA POSOJILO ASESMENTA Applications for A»$t$im*nt Dr.lt Lodge No. 5—John Prijatelj sa tri mesece. 11—John Mohar sa tri mesece. 17—John Kolar In John Prlslsn, vsak za tri mesece. 20—Jakob Klimp za dva meseca. 52—Frank in Ana Dolenc za tri mesece. - 53—John Petrovclc za tri mesece. 68—Frank Anzur, Mary Klobchar, Martin Klobchar Jr., Louise Kolone, Mike Kolenc, Msrtln Klobchsr Sr., vssk zs tri mesece. ; 110—Steve Ksaun, za tri mesece, John Sheringer za lest mesecev. 123—Frank Malovich, Mike Kudlak, Frank Adams, Karol Vldetlč, Marjorie Jurecko, vsak za tri mesece. 200—John Nakht sa tri mesece. 220—Paul In Tekla Durklevlcz, Frank In Mary Tratnik, vtak za tri mesece. 225—Simon Mrlbernlk za tri mesece. 284—Andrew Kovsčič zs tri mesece. v . 287—Frank Bradsč za tri mesece. 292—Mary Bregar, Frank Casermsn, John Drab, Louis Bogataj, Frank Peternel, Frank Cokel, Joe Brenčič, Frank Bregar, vsak zs tri mesec« 388—John Simčič za tri meseca. 888—Anton Pogačar za tri mesece. 395—Enoch Steinberg za tri mesece. 447—Pauline Urosevich, Louis Ples-nichar, John Hoyak, Anton Zupan, Justina Hodick, Joseph Wolkar, vsak za tri mesece. 451—Victor Snyder za tri mesece. 538—Mike ln Margareth Zovlch za tri mesece. 558—John Dornig za lest mesecev. PROŠNJE ZA IZREDNO PODPORO Applications for - Special Benefit Dr. It. Lodge No. II—George Walte asesment za tri mesece. 20—George Sszdoff $15.00. 22—Anns Rsdentek asesment za tri mesece. 24—Isidor, R. Rszlolnik, Cilia L. Razložnik, Thomas D. Razlož-nik, Frank Kline, vsak za tri mesece asesment. 29—Andrew in Jennie Vidmar, vsak za tri mesece asesment; Jennie Kllmp $25.00. 39—John Kuz asesment za lest mesecev. 52—Anton Homar asesment za šest mesecev. 85—Mike Unetich, Robert Unetich, in Frank Sprohar, vsak za tri mesece asesment. 87—Nick RsiČ, Vslentin Urbss, Andrew Cestnik, vssk za šest mesecev asesment. 88—Frsnk Debevc $15.00. 90—AndroW In Anns Klsvora, vsak za šest mesecev asesment. 98—Joseph Grgovic za tri mesece - -* asesment. ' 101— Stanislav Mllecki $25.00. 104—Jennie Oblak $25.00. 131—Anna Ruzlch $10.00. . 158—John Skerjanc $15.00. 201—John Zavertnik $10.00. 215—Joe Kozan asesment za tri tri razprava ln /a lo J>ot zaklju- 298—John Poderžaj asesment za mesece 333— Vencel Gerchar $11.00. , 341—Simon Dolenak asesment tri mesece. 390—Louis Jenich asesment za t mesece. 513—Mihael in Msry Vogrin mont sa tri mesece. 548—Martin Orlic asesment za tri tri 840—Rose Bhramek asesment zs eden mesec. 889—John Vlnchuk $20.00. Sejo 22 jan 1941 Zaključek seje ob 1:20 pop. Predsednik odpre sojo ob I pop NsvzoCt so brstje Csinkar. Vider. GradUek. Oodina ln Molek Odsoten Jw. Vogrich rsdl bolezni Prvo Jo sprejet zapisnik izvršne sejo s dne II. Jon 1941. Noto gl. tsjnik predloži sledeče zadevo: Drultvo H. 081. Chicago. UL. po rota, da ima v oskrbi prireditev ob priliki kegljalkegs turnamenta pod pokroviteljstvom zapadne atletične lige dne 22. in 28. februarja, 4n da je poslalo gl. tajniltvu in upravni-itvu tiskarne ttevilo vstopnic v pričakovanju, ds Jih plsčsmo Iz jednotine blagajne ter 'tako denarno podpremo to pod vzet je. — Sklenjeno, da se Jim sporoči, da gl. lavrlni odsek tega ne more in ne sme odobriti, kajti s tem bi bil ustvarjen primer ali precedent, ki bi dal drugim drultvom povod za enake pro-Inje in pravice, ln ki Jim ne bi mogli Ugoditi. Ako mislijo, da so upravičeni do denarne podpore, naj sa po-služIjo običajne poti. Predložena je prošnja od odbora za skupno farmo naših društev v Clevelandu, za vsoto $100, katero nujno potrebujejo kot delni pripo- ilU no. ■0 nsbavo ModOrtaO i razsvetljav, m drugih 1 inhp7 |1 uspeh It. 4T, Spi ingfield, 111., kl želi, da so JI izplača odpravnina ia bolniškega sklada. — Ker ni nobenega zadržka, se izplačilo odobri. Nato so še predložene ln odobrene sledečo prolnje: PROŠNJE ZA POSOJILO ASE8MENTA Applications for Asessment Loans Dr. It Lodge No. 18—Frank Rabsel in Peter Prijatelj. vsak sa šest mesecev; Frank Žerjav in Anton Baaelj vsak za tri mesece. 34—Mary Brlanik xa tri moteče. 87—Grga Markota u tri mesece. Jovnškar, Marko Kerkas »rge Msarieh, vsak ia tri vo sestre Marije Mole od društva I raane nale stroje obrata, naj nam Predloženo je pismo od tvrdke Film Arts Corporation, ki ima «to-jo urade v Milwaukee ju, Wis., v katerem navaja tvojo ponudbo glede filmiranja jodnotlnlh uradov s zvočno napravo za ceno $1,500 ter opisuje to reč v podrobnosti. Po potrebni razpravi ln prtreletavanju vse itvari odsek ponudbo v principu sprejme s pridržkom, da so o zadevi končnoveljavno sklopa ankrat pozneje. Preloženi sta pismi br. M. Ku-meifrje in A. Zornika, kl so nshslata ha poizvedovanje glade prostorov sa prihodnjo konvencijo, kar so vzame na znanje. Zaeno se razvije rszprsvs glede rsdloprogrsms. Gl. lzvrlnl odsek smstrs sa umestno, da ka da kak vzoren kulturni program ob priliki nale konvencije, kl se ima vrllti to jesen v Pittsburghu ln sklonjeno je, da se povzamejo u to potrebni koraki. Prečltano je pismo tajnika druitva It. 88, Chicago, 111., v katerem poroča o pritožbi neke članice, ker nI dobila operacijske podpore ter navaja, da se je članici od drugega druitva izplačalo v enakem slučaju oziroma za ravno lito boloaen. — Sklenjeno, da se jim sporoči, da smo so v obeh slučajih ravnali atro-go po priporočilu vrhovnega zdravnika ln da bo gl. tajnik stvar nada-lja prelskal. ' Nato jo sklenjeno, da aa gospodarskim zastopnikom v Mllwaukee-ju, Gary ju ln Dettoltu nsksže vsakemu po $20 kot delns odlkodnlns zs njih trud v zvezi z Jednotlmi posojili ln posestvi v pretečem letu. Rssprsvljs se nsdslje o poročilu uprsvltoljs tiskarne, kl pravi, da Je eden manjših tiskovnih strojev moč no obrobljen in priporoča nabavo novega ln bolj izpopolnjenega, dk bo mogoče izvrlevati bolj Učna tiskovna dela. Zaključek jo, da se nabavi nov stroj kakor priporočano S tem je dnevni rod izčrpan ln predsednik zaključi sojo ob 1 po poldne. , . Seja 29. jan. 1941 Seja otvorjens ob 1. pop. Razen br. Vogricha, ki je bolan, so navzoči vsi člani gl. Izvršnega odseka. Sprejet je zapisnik lzvrlno soje z dne 22. jan. 1941. Nato gl. tajnik predloži sledečo zadeve v rešitev: Pismo br. M. Kumerja, ki kot član federacijskega odbora za konvencijo poroča, da so poizvedovali glede prostorov ln kaj so našli, kar se vzame na znanje ln gl. tajniku je naročeno, da mu sporoči mnonja gl. Itvršnoga odseks. , Drultvo It. 280, Granite City, 111., poroča, da bo imelo na veliko nedeljo svojo običajno letno prireditev ter prosi za starokrajsko jednotine filme; nadalje, da bi sa gl. predsednik ter gl. tajnik udeležila. — Filmi se do vola kakor tudi on govornik iz gl. urada ln nalogo sprejme br. Vider. Br. J. Kobi, kateremu je bilo naročeno, da obllče dolžnika in pro-llče stanje posestva v New Duluthu, Minn., na katerem so zaostala plačila na davkih in drugem, ter da vzame potrebne korake, da bodo jednotini interesi zadostno zavarovani, bodisi s prodajo ali karkoli, poroča, da mu je obljubljeno, da bodo davki poravnani v teku treh tednov. Ako se to ne z|odl, bo posestvo dano na prodaj in hoče vedeti nolo ceno. — So vzame na znanje in postopanja odobri. Zaeno jo določena prodajna cona, kar se mu sporoči. ! Br. Fr. Groser, tsjnik odbors zs stletiko, poročs, ds Jo vrnil Jodno-tln pisslni stroj, ksr gl. tajnik potrdi. Zaeno jo predložil račun za vrerbo imen na trofejo, kl so Jo dobili zmagoviti člani druitva It. 590 v Clevelandu v tekmi v kegljat-skem turnamentu. — Bo vzame na znanje in račun odobri.; ^ Razpravlja so nadaljo o priporočilu za finančno podporo kagljaškegs turnamenta, ki so jo vrtll pod avspieijo federacije mladinskih dru-štev 1. januarja t. 1. v Pittsburghu. Pa. — Sk lan Jeno, da so izplsša podpora v vsoti kakor Isnsko loto In le parkrat poprej. Br. P. Benedict, gospodarski za*, •topnik za Detroit, poroča o popravilih. ki jih Jo smatral so potrebna ter dal izvršiti no Jadnotinem posestvu, ta kar Jo priložen račun v vsoti $82.80. — Poročilo M vzame no znanje in postopanje odobri, kakor tudi predložen ročun v izplačilo Tsjništvo organizacije Illinois Fraternal Congress poroča, da se bo vršilo letno sborovsnje kongresa 22 februarja ln pesi vs. ds Jednoto pošlje svojo zastopnike — Sklonjeno. do se udeležita 1 gl predaodnik In gl tajnik. * Br pomožni tajnik predloži zade- la u tri 105—Helen Üarcevich u tri me- t Tc 222—Gregor In Louise Nagllch sa 9tli*i IT16B0C6 305—Vincent Verhovnlk, Elizabeth Bybee, Peter ln Emma Cvjotl-čanlp, vsak zs tri mesece. Sil—Louis Lukok za tri masses. 889—John, Julija ln Mike Rebenak, vsak za dva meseca. 418—Christine, WllUsm, Mary In Psrko Porovich, Joe Dursko-Vieh, Laso in Antonia MUeta, Luka Paakas, Vuko Krivoka-ich, vifük za tri meseoe; Ivan omsc za dva meseca. 883—Charles Sheme ln Francas Psu-sel, vsak ta tri mesece. 858—Mike Mark ia tri moseoo. 741—John Leskovec ts tri moioce. PROŠNJE ZA IZREDNO PODPORO Applications for Special Bana/it Dr. It. Lodge No. 81—Agnes Vodenichar asesment za tri maieco. 81—John šubic 'asesment za tri mesece. 88—Jakob Kosmsč asesment za tri mesece. 121—Anton ščurk, asesment zs tri mesece. 187—Julljs Nollmal $10.00. 104—John Kramtal- in Matt Osol-nik, vsak sa tri mesece asesment. 240—Anton Doviek $15.00. 278—Joseph Brozec asesment sa dva meieci. 407—Mihaal Beck asesment za tri melece. 450—Frink Murn $85.00. 809—Leo Folkor $18.00. 810—Jennle Kosele $20.00. Zaključek nje 8:80 popoldne. Vincent Cainkar, gl. prodiodnlk. F. A. Vider, gl. tajnik. pred lože načrt, obris« (blue printi). In ko bomo Imeli nekaj konkretnega ln preračunanega pred seboj, se bomo zatopili v istega, ga preltudlrali od vseh strani, pa boste vldoll, da bo nafta razprava kratka ln efektna in se bomo v marllčtm sedinlli veliko lažje ln mnogo preje kakor bi se brez zaslišanja onih, kateri imajo pogled v vse podrobnosti ln panoge nalega poslovanja. Tisto našo slabost, tisto nale nezaupanje proti gl. odboeti je treba otresti na stran. Večina naših odbornikov, pa bilo pri toj lOl oni organizaciji, j« dobro, to jo, U 0« lonlm* u kortlt or-iOhlUeljO. Nobeden ni rftd no» Njo no odgovornem motat v fa~ Uranom podjetju. Voakdo bo flodol, če bo lo mogel, do bo ti-oto podjetje uopevalo, kjor ima on oam odgovornost. Zato bi v golo mnogih slučajih prav nič ne Ikodovalo, če izoatanejo očitki kot; gl. odbor nam hoče diktirati, kadar nam ta aH oni gl. odbornik nekaj priporoča. Tu in tam ie najdejo igjomo, kakor pri vsaki stvari, kar pa io-vodo ne opromonl večino, do bi morolo trpeti. Poduka ln lole pa amo potrebni vsi, pa če smo I« tako učeni; vsega ne vel n« ti no jas ln nlhčo drugI. Pri tom je izjema aamo ta, da bo voakdo najbolje vedel o ovojem poklicu, o dolu, kl go opravlja redno vaak dan in jo bil o njem učen ali se uči. To je pribito. Najnavodnoj-11 poklic zahtova skušnje ln sposobnosti. Poznal sem kmeta v starem kraju, kl nI bil kmet temvoč le kovač, in oo priženil na veliko kmetijo. BU je dober kovoč, o kmet ni bil. V por letih, od kar je goopodarll, jo spridil voa polja. Sejol jo v$o od krajo, n« glede kaj bi moral oojotl na proito-ru, ki jo bil dober lo za ono vr» ■te pridelek. Viak kmet to vo, koVoč pa nI vedel. In ko jo mlada ženica opazila, da polje noče roditi več, jo nojelo hlapca za u-pravljonjo poseitva, loprogu pa dala pootavltl kovačnlco ln mu rekla: Ti kuj, mldvo o hlapcem bova po kmetovalo, pa jo llo. Za člito navadno dolo smatrajo tudi delo v premogorovu. Pojdi ln po-skusl pa bol vldol, kako oo boA mučil ln potil, doklor oo no pri vadil ln ne priučit podrobnosti posameznega dela. Tako amo tli skozi različne lole in prolzkulnje vsi. Mnogim NokaJ besed k raspravl o pravi- ¡J« *« v spominu začetek tega o-Hh - 11 onega posla, kjer oe je t «ko Chicago. — V Proovetl opažam pr^et.n° «^vca, ki ti prva priporočila za bodočo kon-'J« priokočll na pomoč, ko si b i vencljo. Tako smatram, da se jo Prl kateri stvari neroden in ni-razprava neuradno odprla ln do f1 in « J« rtkel: takole ln taborno prihodnje mesece prav do;kolt mort*' Pf 41°' int f0'* jeseni polnili glasilo z raznimi ^™ PookuoU, j« v resnici llo. lo kaj ustvariti. Ker Ima j o d. Zato je nale društvo aklonllo, žovni zakoni tudi besedo, je po-1 naj jednota le naprej lzdoja trebno, da ae članstvo opozori stenske koledarje svojemu člon-takoj ob prlčetku, da ne bo kdo stvu kot do sedaj. Nekateri prl-priporočal nekaj, kar nI v skla- poročajo, naj jednota s tem produ s postavami. Pričakuje se se- neha. Bratje in sestre, kaj mora Glasovi iz naselbin veda, da se to ne bo izrabljalo od strani vitjih. Znan ml je slučaj, ko se je pod krlnk;o zakonov, Čel "to mora biti tako, ker državni zakon to zahteva", čeprav nI zahteval, temvoč se je aamo plašilo Članstvo. To se nI zgodilo pri naii jednoti in upam, da se ne bo. - Iz doaedanjih priporočil se ml dopade sugestija br. Lotrjcha, ka toro oto potrdil^ poanejl br. po-vich ln It jtdtiott pOOJIUAOlO g 6 to tajniki, ta bi oo to vrftll skupni lootonok naših tajnikov. Br. M. Kumer priporoča po okrožjih, kar bi bilo zelo lahko liveatl in je na mestu. Pri neki drugI organizaciji $em to priporočal pred loti, pa oe je pozabilo. Sestanku tajnikov ali toll, kakor koli bomo že Imenovali, lahko priključimo tudi voditelje natlh krožkov, kl oo velikega pomena so organizacijo. Po mojem mnenju bi tudi treba v gl. uradu posebno moč it med mladino, kl bi vodilo tole note mladinsko gibanje: krotke In an-glelko poslujoča druitva. V zadnji obllgatnl Udajl Pro-ovete sem vldol priporočilo br. Duma so uatonovltov novego rozreda, to jo tokozvonega "20 year endowmento". Tudi to jo no mestu 4n mrbt *bttD Ikode, če bi ga bill upoljoll že no zodnjl konvenciji. Ker oo oodaj zelo dobri Izgledi, da prid* do združenja med SNPJ In SSPZ ln zna biti redna konvencija tudi združevolno, bi mnoge otvorl avtomatično ro-lile. Mod toml je vprotonje "20 rear endowmenta", posojilo ce-otnega aooomonto, kar jo lo oo-doj pri SSPZ v prokol in oe jo Izkazalo uopetno. Toko bi zo toko stvari nt bilo treba pooebne-ga razmotrlvanjo. Ako oo temu članu jamči, da obdrtl te vrote zavarovanje, no morel drugemu zabranltl, da ne ime prlotopltl v tok razred, ako toll. Mislim na-mroč, da bi bilo noumootno, če prldo do združenja, kar je gotova žoljo nas vooh, do bi za "20 year endowment" mogli biti zavarovani iimo člani SSPZ, drugim po do bi bilo zobronjono. . Anton Zalla. fi. Prispevki drultvu 108 _ Bamaula. Pla. — Drultvo 60S SNPJ je od 2. do 20. febr. prejelo navedene priipevke od olo- dom Ijot if priporočili ln naivetl. V demokratični uotonovl kot jo nato jednota in v iplolnem tudi drugo brotako organizacije, ima beae-do viak član, ne glede čo jo bil kedaj že na konvenciji, uradnllf druitva, aH glavni odbornik. V tom pogledu smo vil enaki, vook ima beiedo. Tako se seveda zgodi, kjer 1-ma vsakdo besedo, vsakdo nekoliko drugačno, da bomo imeli raznovrstna priporočila ln nasvete, lz katerih bomo skušali izlul-čltl jedro najboljlega. In pri organizaciji kot je nala, ae spodobi, da imamo tudi voo najboljle, kar oe sploh da v obstoječih razmerah u peljati. Z drugo beso-do, jednota mora biti tudi v bodoče, kakor je bila v preteklosti, vodnica nalega naprednega življenja v Ameriki in prvočitl kakor je prvaČlla v gotovih panogah bratakega zavarovanja vol prejlnja leta. V tem omo si gotovo edini vil. Vprašanje pred nami aedaj je, kako 04 lotiti razpravo, da bo čim bolj uspešna, da no bomo iamo pogrevali eno in loto, da no bomo razpravljali o nečem, kl ni doaegllvo, aH če bi tudi doaegli, da nam ne bi koncom konca n« škodilo. To je najvažnojlo sodaj. In prav k temu imam nekaj začetnih priporočil tudi jot. Ako imo v resnici dobri go-opodarji svojega kolektivnega podjetja, jo treba, prodno iede-mo k okrogli mizi, do k razpravi pokličemo ovoje Inženirje (voditelje). da nam oni najprej povedo lz svojih ikulonj, kje rabimo popravila ln izboljlavo. Polno pravico imamo zahtevati to od njih. zato amo jih nastavili. O-brotno po moramo tudi mi ipre-jotl ln upoftUvoti njih lumttje in priporočila ako 00 Izkalejo kot dobre. Ti noti Inženirji, ki "roiiojo" «a ivojo stroko, po oe bo res do- oleg dobrih ljudi po noletll tudi no ilobo. So nekateri, katerim jo največji užitek, ako ie morejo kateremu poomohovotl in oo naslajati ob trpljenju drugih. Ti ljudje nikdar ne pomislijo, da so bili enkrat učenci tudi ssml, ali da lahko postanejo učenci jutri, kajti daneo nI nič otabllni ga, pa bi oe jim lahko vračalo. Takih ljudi nloem bil nikdar prijatelj in najbržo no bom. V svojem albumu Imam zapisanih nekaj takih, o katerih spregovorim drugič. Omenim noj lo, da Je med to zbirko tudi tip človeka, ki se je naslajal o tem, da nas je pustil debatirati po več ur o kateri stvari, kar bi bil on lahko končal v «ni minuti. Omenjeni je uradnik neke nale bratake organizacijo (ne jednoto) že mnogo let. Imel jo torej gotove iku-Inje ln znanjo, katerega no more! pričakovati od rudarja, ki je pritel v roono dotiko t organizacijo aamo zo 4aoo oej, zato je čioto z lahkoto zmagal vieloj. Ampak polteno in pravično to ni. S takim človekom mora biti nekaj narobe, drugače bi ne mogel itatl ob prevrnjenem vozu, pod katerim j« človek, katerega je treba rešiti; toda Čaka, kaj menijo drugi, nameoto da bi Emagal dvigniti voz, doklor jo »vek le živ. Ne telim, do bi oo kaj takega pripetilo o to našo razpravo o pravilih, katera 00 jo pričela Izvršni odsek ln potem vol nada 1 j-nI odaekl naj prlaodojo k naši o-krogll mizi k razpravi. Ol. predsednik ln gl. tajnik naj povoote ovoje. Pomožni tajnik ie najbolj razume no bolniško zavarovanje ln noj pove ovoje, o publikacijah urednik in upravnik, o gospodarskih stvsroh goopodar-okl odsek ln tako tudi nadzorni ln porotni Vsakdo teh ve nekaj dečlh društev; DruSt. Vaots Druat Vwu 158....... ...$5.00 100 8 5.00 569 ....... ... 1.50 427 8.00 2....... ... 8.00 588 1.801 259 ... 8.00 94 2.00 8....... ... 10.00 14 10.00 8....... 10.00 182 1.50 410....... ... 1.00 183 5.00 800 ....... ... 2.00 282 1.00 95....... ... 3 00 482 1.00 182 ..,.„. ... 2.00 278 1.00 201 ....... ... 2.00 91 1,50 89 ...... ... 8.00 131 1.00 88 ....... ... 100 . 394 1.00 9 ...... 200 74 1.00 484 ....... ... 200 88 100 209 ....... ... 1.10 Federacija zspadne Penne..... $1000 Federadjs SNPJ (Jos. Zelo) . 8.00 Helen K Melovec (Port Ange las, Wash.)..,. 2.00 SKUPAJ .....................! $122.20 Vsem drultvom, ki 10 nam priskočila ns pomoč, da ai zopet postavimo dvorano, katero nam je poru!!! vihar — že skoraj dodelano — Izrekamo Iskreno hvalo. Nadaljnji prlipevkl bodo !o pri-občen 1. Mike J. Machok. tajnik biti SNPJ prva, ki preneha z Izdajanjem teh koledarjev? Kaj ae tako ilabo počutimo pri jod-notl, da ne zaupamo izvrlnemu odaeku nabave ateniklh koledarjev v bodoče? Anton Zganjar. 182. Ia Chlaholma Chlsholm. Mlnn. — Vse članstvo In vie občlnotvo tukaj ln v okolici jo vabljeno, da M lolujo mooočnlh loj Vrl« 00 vsako prvo . mooocu popoldn« ln dobrodolol. čo jO ftaitopnlk i» no, dolnlčor oil no, kor več ljudi več vo, akcijo za narodni dom pa jo odvlina od vieh. Pridite na prihodnjo aejo v nedeljo, 2. marca. Naj tudi omenim, da bomo po dolgih lotih zopet Imeli igro v naaelbinl. Uprizorjena bo "Volka Venera" v nedeljo, 20. aprila, pod voditvom Franka L. To-kautza. Igralci ie že pridno vol-bajo. Dobiček je namenjen za narodni dom. Zadnji teden ita odpotovala na oblok v Colifornljo blagajnik druitva 110 SNPJ Frank Medved ln njegova Iona. Obiskala booto brata Loulio v Loo Ango-leou, seotro v Floridi ln drugo 00-itro v Arkansssu, kakor tudi voč sorodnikov ln prijateljev v Okla-homl, kjer mu j% prod por tedni umrl brat Antori. Želimo jima zračno pot ln vooolo svidenji Apeliram na člano naloga druitva 110, naj so v večjem Itovl-lu udeležujejo drultvonlh sej. Kot vam Jo znano, jo v toku kampanja za pridobivanja novih Članov v oba oddelka — u odrasli bo trajala lo le par moaecav, za mladinski pa do novoga lota. Poturimo oo ln posvetimo agitacijo pooobno mladlnokemu oddelku. Znano vam jo, da Jo v Jeoe-nl konvencija ln jo potrebno, da razpravljamo, kaj je troba spremeniti v korist članotvo ln jod-note. Sedaj Jo čao za to. Ono, kl oto bolj kaani t oooomontom, pozivam, da plačata pravi čao, kor jaz no bom hodil ta vami ln voa prosil. To jo vato dolžnoat, drugače voote, kaj sledi no pravilih. To moaec nima 30 ali 31 dni, marveč samo 28 in akrbito, da boste imeli plačan asoomont ta dan. ^ Jf Prank Jenko. Ujnlk. V— Bmrl člana St. Loula. Mo. — Dno 6. febr. je tukaj po dolgi boloznl umrl Joseph Frlokovlch, star 69 lot ln rojen v Celju, Jugoslavija. V Ameriko je prllol 1. 1002 v Byes-vlllo, O. Od tam aa jo prooolll v Nokomla, 111* kjor je delal kot promogar ln postal član drul. 209 SNPJ. Radi olabih rasmor 00 jo preselil v St. Loula, kjor 00 Jo preživljal o tako zvonim "rooming houoom" in prestopil tudi k našemu drultvu 107, ki mu Je priredilo doatojen pogreb. Amo-rlški državljan Je bil od 1. 1912. Tukaj zapulča žalujočo hČcr Paulino, omožono Babor, ln dva vnuka. Za druge sorodnike nam ni znano. S tem Jo nale drultvo izgubilo dobrega člgna. Pokojniku ohranimo blag spomin, njegovim preostalim pa nale so-Ulje! Frank Zvanul. Nsprolova kartna sobovo Milwaukee. — V nedeljo popoldne, 2. marca, 00 bo v Sol ta-rlčovl dvorani vrllla kartna ca-bova soc. pevskega zbora No-preja. Na razpolago bodo lopo nagrade, Vsi prijatelji Naprejo so vsbljen! in dobili bodo polno vrednost za tlatih 30c, kolikor znaša vstopnina. V nedeljo 00 vidimo! France Puncer, 104. i - Druitvme vettl Cooporsfown. M. T. — Nale drultvo 457 SNPJ je na proill seji razpravljalo o stenskih koledarjih ln z veČino zaključilo, naj jih jednoto več ne Izdajo, tisti densr ps naj porabi zo kaj bolj potrebnega, oziroma da v oklod izrednih podpor. Aufust Konchsr. Miners Mlllo. Po. — Vol člani druitva 4.'*2 SNPJ so vabljeni, da so gotovo udeleže prihodnje seje I. marca ob 2. popoldne Na dnevnem rodu bo važna dlaku- Za koledar Ollbert Mine.—Nale drultvo 182 SNPJ jo na februarski «eji odobrilo delo Izvrlnega odseka jodnote glede letolnjlh koledar- ■ Zakaj ae porabi toliko prooto-ro v Proovetl rodi togo malega otroka, kl Je na letošnjem koledarju? Sej stenski koledarji so kakor krompir: samo za eno leto, ln tudi letotnjega ne bomo rabili zmeraj. Če ae nekaterim članom ne dopadejo, oe pa drugim bolj. In Itevlike tudi niso vse. Odpravite koledarje In tudi Itevllk ne boste Imeli, ne velikih, ne malih Vsem pa ne bo nikdar ustreženo. Br. glavni tajnik je pravilno otorll, ko je poalal vprolalne pole drultvom glede bodočih koledarjev. Članstvo naj odloči, ali je ca to, da lednota le naprej podarja stenoko koledarja Članom.-.....—----1 ali no In tudi jo no mestu vpro-lslje ln so torej udeležimo stood-šanje, kakšni naj bodo ln koliko >totno približno naj stsnejo. *oll. tajnico. PB fw PROSVETA THE BN LIGHTEN MENT m uurrxiMA iu>vinaa nabowi rourokmb jeunots * Mi >i>M> t kr «^M Ma (ima min—) to imt M m*. mm M m ut*. 114« M telrt m»; m m Otaw* |1M te M* *« « »4 tatet m 1 mM. nteii ter U* U«tu4 Êimtm bi ukvarjati a# Sebični amo najbrž vsi več ali ■ To«*J i*« "Malim, ako bi manj. toda tudi U nečednost bi v up*» podjetno «>*ebo ae dala odpraviti s stalnim po- 'willing to work), da bi jednota skušanjem. Ce pridobimo dru- ,thko napredovala, čeprav bi to itvevic uradnike enkrat na pra- povzročilo nekaj več stroškov, vo pot. bo to potegnilo tudi dru- Aatoa Trolar, l. go članstvo in druitveno žlvlje-' " nje bo postalo ropet idealno kot Priprave dmitva 273 aa Jubilej je bilo nekdaj ^ _ | Sheldon Wla.- Zimo amo do Financiranje je v premnogih sedaj tukaj imeli prav milo, a alučajlh težak problem za druit vo. Kako mailt! luknje v blagajni? Nekatera druitva takal-rajo meaeCno vae člane z določeno vsoto, druga prirejajo veae-lice, igre m druge zabave kot pač zadnje dni pa je precej m ras. Danea zjutraj (lt. febr.) je bilo .10 stnptnj pod ničlo. Pri društvu 273 SNPJ še pre< eej dobro napredujemo Od kar ae |e pričela sedanja kampanja. pega uspeha, kakor tudi vsem delavcem in delavkam, vsem druitvom in govornikom — M. Med veš ku, C. Zamiku, M. Pe-trovichu, sodniku Laushetu in cehi—mr. Plutu, mr. Belletu, m rs. Zamik, mrs. Plut in m rs. Simčič. Prav tako atoloravnaie-liu Karlu Samaniču in Franku Zelezniku, ki je prodal največ vstopnic za banket, namreč 45. Da bi imeli več takih članov! Torej bratje in sestre, potrudimo se in dobimo kaj novih članov, kar bo v koriat SNPJ. Mary Oblak, tajnica. Koncert Čitalnica Lubeta In SDD Cleveland,—V nedeljo, 2. mar- da nam.bo pripravila za ta dan pravo starokrajnsko ohcet. Izletniški prostori SNPJ so kot na-laič za kaj takega. Člane in članice SNPJ že sedaj opozarjamo, da zaznamujejo omenjeni datum na koledarju za našo petletnico. Na zadnji seji sem dobila nalogo, da povabim kot govornike vae štiri clevelandske glavne odbornike, ker so vsi fajn fantje. Naše društvo ni veliko po številu, vendar pa ao članice aktivne in napredne. Zelo pogrešamo Anno Vadnal, ki je bila vsled prezaposlenosti primo-rana začasno opustiti -tajništvo. Pod njenim vodstvom je društvo dobro napredovalo. Tudi pri nas "flu" precej razsaja, vendar v bolj mili obliki. ca, priredi poznani baaiat John!Težko operacijo je prestala Lube svoj prvi koncert v Sloven- {8tra Kožel, ^ komaj en me-skem narodnem domu na St. sec P° porodu zale hčerke, ki je Clair Ave. Baaiat Lube ima iz-lic obljubljena našemu mladin-redno dober glaa in talent, zato skemu odaeku. Sestra A. Marln-bo nudil prihodnjo nedeljo obilo !ko P® i® okrevala od "lumbega". užitka vaem ljubiteljem petja. ^ druitva ae vrte John Lube je poznan naši pev-1 ^sak dru«j P«** v ob aki publiki kot aoliat v operi i J'?0 ^ečer v čitalnici SDD na "The Maacot", potem v "Hubič-lWaterl°? Sestre' * ki", "Nicolas Subic Zrinski", "II P°jnem 4tev*l"- Vwk* Trovatore" in pel Je v operi "Go- " ^ člani<*' ne renjski slavček", "M a r t h a",!M ln, V* 'X)8C ,etoa' "Turjaška Rozamunda", v kvar- i k,°Je V^*^0™™1}* Za" tetu samostojne Zarje in sedaj »ipofottta v Prosveti za Glasbene matice, ki je naatopi Pra^L na mnogih naših prireditvah morale združiti ^kakim John je še mlad in z glaaomJ^T0 " ilVohl9r ***** ki g. poseduje, se razvije1 ^^je^nLKvo ^^^alni^^^prU ICTJryt^^Ltidl' V dnevih mp^ 1 . i «l. , I , " .sreče in bolezni. ga glaau in pevake umetnoati, ki Pomagali druitvu 603 ho v ponos ne le njemu, pač pa - Library. Pa. — Nali litičen list. Drugi dan pa se oglasi v Prosveti star jednotar, iz katerega je Prosveta vzgojik socialista, \n napiše Članek za gotovega deli»-skega kandidata, toda urednik mu bi mon sporočiti, da Prosveta ni političen list, zato » more priobčiti njegovega dopisa. Ali ne imeli potem še večje konflikte med seboj? Pri» gotovo da, Drug primer. Star član je čital i Prosveti leto za letom članke proti vojni, naravno, da se ga je aovraitvo do vojne prijela Jutri pa napiše oater članek proti intervenioé stom, toda urednik bi mu odklonil dopii s pripombo, da je Prosveta list, "ki se omejuje » mo na izobraževalno vsebino v smislu kulturnih in znanatvenih vrednot poleg novic d» štvenih ter jednotinih stvari." Po takem receptu bi lahko skoro vsakem dopisniku stopiH na prate in rezultat bi bil več pritožb in več nesporazumov. Moje akromno mnenje je sledeče: Prosveti naj obdrži iste smernice, naj še nadalje pnp* roča in agitira za delavske stranke z demokr* tičnimi smernicami, aeveda, v prvi vrsti pa ** (Dalje na 6. strani.) Pred dvajsetimi leti (Iz Proavete, 26. februarja 1921) - Domača veetL Majcenova afera iz kraja še vedno odmeva v Proaveti. Zadava SNPJ. Za tekmo pri nabiranju 0 novih naročnikov za dnevnik Prosveto se J« " priglasilo čez sto članov ln članic. Delavake vaaftL John Lewis, predsednik darske unije, je obdolžen, da je bil wvolj* F novno za predaednika s sleparijsmi Inoaematvo. V Trstu se je sestala komisija za določitev nove meje med luujo Jugoalavijo. — , ' y Sovjetska Rualja. V Moakvi se pripriviJ« J kongres tretje interrtacionale. (Dalja Is prrr kolon» ) ' ska skupina v Detroitu v interesu ustanove. Upamo, da ae naii detroita» ^ in sestre dobro zavedajo svoje dol'n"*,'fTtff* iih najboljših kulturnih vrednot v vsled česar bodo v polnem številu prevali programu naših Clevelaodtanev. ^^^gyotoia go&porna Irbnota --^ Chicago, Illinois : GLAVNI ODBOE UVBiKVALM 0**"' '' *......... PROSVttA REPORT ON UNPAID DEATH CLAIMS Pmafcii 91. IMi IZKAZ NEIZPLAČANIH 8MRTNIN r*U Na—N*»a •I Dmr é M——MwWrf U»» CI— ..........m(î S. Law»Aala A««.. Gtlan. IIIimu POUrUMBDNIEli ; _____ • iVll fWIll Aft»i JfllMtoVR, Pa« 1»M A. W. Walfcar Si.. MSwaakaa. Wte. w Bu HT Itfihw. fa. * f—>-S5S «a M. b«^. osi. ¡Mr»»"» ...........IL," I" * ÄTS-I1^...........w- s"- oohpOOABSKI OBSEK. ................tu L lits St., ÄMfe»idi. ...........;;;;;;;.......tu? S. L»V*SU« A»«.. CH>—«. un»»** C^kar ...........................SS»t S. Lav»** A»«.. CUcm«, llllnaia ^ v*r ...........................sut 8. uwmil« in., Cklca«a. llUaaia ^ .............."...... ............Ml S. FnaiS In.. Ctoirti» Utk. UL .......... ....... ..... ..................1NT S. TnwMI A««., CWdji. IM. fgtiU I. .........................I4#t Aas* UL ..................porotni odsek i ......................4M W- Bar St.. SpriacftoM. BL ...................1M1I SMkiki A»«., Clavalaal. OMa ••••••••••••• ho i tfi a pm, masmi ...........................Ill T«mt H. L—am«. P». ................................Bm MT. Mraka««. p». ^ cari*. ra4««4nUi ^ Vraurk* ....... ^TrWJ ........... ^ laiU. pw4aa4«M. wSaH.1- NADZOENI ODSEKI .................IMI S. LawaSal* At«., CM«««. lUlaala ........... ..............SI Waalcla» A*«.. Para. lili»«!« ......................Hilf Armât Ava. CWraUaS. OkW Predsednikova kolona vk«j. 1mm umrlega (Itu 70M Stil Ii. im K Frank Sünde, i Andrew ...... Stllln, Mau ............. Supak. Cvetko Obljubak. Prank Skr «k, Furljan Evanatz. Mike_______ Km, Anton .......... Patrovcic, Matt..... Pavlovtch. Lan, . Grgac. Tomo V| -Luk t no v tC, III j a .. Panko. Prank ......... Vidmar. Anton Krznaricti, Anton Haca, Victor Gornik. Jakob .... G.-hovac. Anton Radakovtch, Mika Mrak Ii. Matt ......... Majdic, John ......... Bauch. Michael Fannie Boita _______ Potaak. Max .......... Chankovich. Miloa Vukovlch. John ... Kralj, John ....... Simalka. Mihael Mila vac, Ludvik Saack. Anton ........ Macarol, Mary Klobčar. Anton Grabujaif George Ravnikar, Anton Takavac, Jacob ... Naslich. Blas........„. Mihflpctc, Mary Kell. Anna ............ Poje. Angela........... TMS IMS TWO TM» TMO TMO TM4 TITI TITI TM4 •OOS TMS TM1 TM3 TM4 TMS TMT 790S MM 8001 1003 MM Na.—4i 40 14 l!M0 V. ISM IS. 1140 IS. 1M0 I SS. 1M0 I S4. 1M0 M. IMS I 14. 1940 M. 1940 ST. IMI 11. 1M0 1«. IM0 9. 1140 15. 1940 14. 1M0 M. IMI ST. 1M0 M. 1940 I, 1M0 U. 1940 33. 1940 M. IMI M. 1940 I, 1940 M. 1940 IT. IMS 1940 M. IM* 31. 1M0 M. 1940 M. 1940 Nov Nov Dec lU-i HSV. Dec TOTAL Dr. it. Lodge No. 564 Črtani topel sprejeti: Agnes L. Bernis, c. 81377. France« Ma-lenaek, e. 84WS, Roae Preget, c. 87151. John Locniskar, c. 83631, Edwin S. Wstko. c. 97016, Ru-doplh Molly, c. 011384. Emma Dodich, c. »»928. Prances Loc- Pojasnilo zakona o davku na vstopnice; v važno za društva Iz Federalnega davčnega urada (U. S. Interna! Revenue Service) smo dobili obvestilo, ki je posehoo vaino za društva, kadar prire-mak ar, c. 99929 Črtani: Jennie I jajo zabave in druge prireditve, za katere računajo vstopnino. Tempel, c. 87732. J e r o m e Kongres Združenih držav je spremenil zakon o davku na vstop-Schnellfr, c. 100818, Armsnde nice je do i ju|ijM ^40 veljal le za vstopnino od 41c naprej, zdaj pa je bil raztegnjen na vstopnice ¿e od 21c naprej. G uit« ve J. Miadich, c. 90856. 572 CrUn 94753. 573 črtan: Joseph Zalazur, c. 98281. 584 Črt«ni zopet «prejeti: Anton Strukel, c. 90974, Rudolph Pu-gel, c. 99585. ČrUni: Margaret Kosrog, c. 91640, Victor L. Fresl, c. 93144. 589 ČrUni: Mary Ksrntcnlk. c. 94726, Walter Gusky, c. 97034, 590 Črtani zopet sprejeti: John Aj-nik, c. 69769, Jennie H. Rum, c. konvencne zadeve Glavni urad zadnje čase skoraj stalno prejema razna vprašanja,! nanašajoča se na zadeve prihodnje konvencije. To je razumljivo. I tajti konvencija se bliža in potrebno je, da se zanimamo in po-rvedujemo glede tega in onega, kar nam ni znano ali kar smatra-Tio drugače za potrebno ter se pripravljamo že sedaj. To je raz- ] veseljivo in najbolj jasna priča zavednosti. Dokler bomo imeli veliko takih članov, bo dobro za našo organizacijo. Vpraševalcem seveda sproti odgovarjamo in poskušamo pojasnil ker se nam zdi potrebno. Kar se tiče sklicanja konvencije in »trebnih navodU za volitve delegatov in takega, bo itak uradno j ttznanjeno v Prosveti, ko pride čas za to. Torej društvom ni treba »sebno skrbeti glede tega. So pa številne druge stvari in vpraša-1 ija. o katerih je dobro, da razpravljamo in jih rešujemo že vnaprej a takim je namenjena ta kolona. gl. taJaft-Si«» SPREMEMBE PRI JDRUfiTVIH meseca januarja 1941 CHANGE8 IN MBMBEESH1P January, 1941 Dr. it. V w Lodge No. 1 Umrl: John Slibar, c. 1819. . 2 Umrl: John Plazar, c. 1268. 8 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Mary Le- kovich, c. 74654, Bertha A. Barry, c. 97959. Črtan: Loiff« "Lička, c. 13126. 11 Umrl: Nick Blazevic, c. 4669. 14 črtan zopet sprejet: Walter Sustarsic, c. 76727. Črtana: Ma- "AS ZA združenje Kdai )e Pravi čas za ZfUŽenJe 1.16 ¿iuniaToPpetC'sprejeti: Jo^ph ^ društev za izvolitev skupnega | Poznik, c. 26437, John Ivancic, C. 36767, Frank Luksic, c. 41800, Ludwig Kramer, c. 82266. Črtani: Mary Kramer, c. 79231, Henry Nerat, c. 92240. Umrl: Matt Držaj,,c. 10951. 17 Umrla: Anna Ko«, c. 40682. 20 črtan zopet sprejet: John Glq boenik, c..23403. 21 Črtana: Jenny Rebol, c. 99246. 24 Umrl: John Mocivnik, c. 39973. 27 Črtana: Kathryn Ballack, c. 97425. 29 črtan: John E. Rizer, c. 98338 36 Črtan zopet sprejet: Al vin Ko- plenik, c, 95466. 38 Črtan zopet sprejet: Gasper M - Turk, c. 67447. 40 Umrl: Frank Grošelj, c. 11198 47 UWrl: Frank KermeiJ. c. -15374 53 ČrUni? Frank Hsyny, c. 23582 Conrad M. Sirca, c. 94829. Umrla: Maria Opalk, c. 19064. 54 Črtan: Jo«eph Pierce, c. 86194 56 ČrUni zopet sprejeti: Frank MaUhlija, c. 19934, Goldie Ware, c. 83105, Olga Krebel, c 90512. ČrUni: Mary Euzlck, c 84310, Ernest Ruiich, c. 90751 Clara Krabal, c. 95508 60 Umrla: Jana SuiUric, c. 16837 63 Črtan zopet sprejet: Frank An zur, c. 92549 64 Umrl: John Svetek, c. 37556 Helena Gricar, c. 60186. 73 črUn: Joe Lah, c. 97983. 82 ČrUni zopet sprejeti: Joseph Sel ich, c. 23234, Jo«ephlne Ske tel, c. 88377, Frank Hody, 92890. 85 ČrUn zopet sprejet: Frank Bu car, c. 95654 86 ČrUni zospet sprejeti: Mary Bartoni, c. 81288, Anna Babnlc c. 33453, . oddelka imeli kako besedo pri upravi jednote. Torej tudi ne 115 črUn zopet sprejet: Tony Ms ™«'JQ biti upoštevani pri volitvah delegatov. I rentic, c. 81574. • a • STARI ČLANI—zavetišče kakor 80 člani lahko 7 čitali v Prosveti od njega tedna, je pri razpravi, kaj bomo storili za stare člane, br. Pr,l*»"(>cal, da bi se porabile obresti od bondov v to svrho. bondi J( L V Pred8ednikov» koloni pojasnjeno, kako je z našimi 1n ftbre8tmi in da na Uko financiranje starostnega sklada 118 ČrUni zopat «prejeti: Anton Tomsic, c. 42956, Joseph Gor iin, c. 50625, France« L. Goriln c. 71645, Jennine L. Horvat, 77031, Helen Hohmann, c. 86590 ČrUn: George Wltkovlch, 92721. 120 ČrUn: George Petranovich, 98953. 121 ČrUn: Lawrence Cotman, 100016. 122 Črtan: William Dubiah, c. 96964 126 ČrUlta zopet sprejet« Angel« Lesiak, C. 62714. ČrUni: Frank ---— — — *•• «IWIUV|W V«*»«, K- Kovačic, c. 43481, Justina Ko •klada 86 Uka u,Unov® mora vzdrževati iz upravnega vaclc. c. 92424. da larovi ,n prostovoljnimi prispevki ter izrecno pove, 130 ČrUni zopet sprejeti: Katherine n»h ra/merah ni misliti. Br. Alesh pa ima v današnji Prosveti r sugestijo, namreč da bi usUnovili svoje lastno zavetišče, de-pa bi dobili iz nadsolventnosti smrtninskega sklada, «ovit«.,. 7 " dovoljuje podpornim organizacijam usU- tudi d« 1 nc,ia zavetišča za sUre in onemogle člane, zaeno pa V t • »*«j»»»»»ia pi loprvivi w lucvnv f"' » » škili""* rabrU smrtnin,ke8a niti bolniškega ali odškod Alesh očividno računa, da bomo imeli večkrat opustitev me- zivhL ?mrnla ler Priporoča, da naj bi se tisto raje porabilo za da b-, 1,... j ( nstvw naJ bi to odobrilo s sploinim glasovanjem, ^rtib, .T'tod « rZT^t* ludi P^rebe za to stvar v bodoče ne bo Uko ^ * 'i*4''0 ttM-# «Nrrt^a U,d! ,z razloga ne kaže, da bi se z vprašanjem ' bkt diura."~n , J mnf>l<0 bavi,i Oprijeti se bomo morali torej h<»čemo za sUre člane kaj narediti. V. CAINKAH gl. predsednik. 98194. 161 Umrl: Peter Inich. c. 44406 IM Črtan Mike Skrak, c SS022 173 UutrU: Mary PeteUn. c. 33679 Dr. It. Lodge No, 182 ČrUn: Joe Brula, Jr., c. 90858 190 Črtan zopet »prejet: Renn«n Swsnboro, c. 99686. 192 Črtana: Joaephine Zemlan, c 99307. 194 ČrUna: Mary Knau«, c. 54633. 204 ČrUni zopet sprejeti: Andre Petkovsek, c. 25080. M«ry Pet kovsek, c. 35589, Črtan: John Mihelick, c. 93592. 214 Črun zopet sprejet: John Pa sick, c. 20490. 230 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Vid Vra bec, c. 33708, Emil Toffant, 81859. 234 ČrUni: Margaret - Mozlr, 46692, John Mozlr, c. 48351. 242 ČrUn: Joe Prèlec, c. 97286. 253 Odstopil: William Gallcic, 87287. 282 ČrUn: Loul« W. Gorlnshek, c. 100950. 287 ČrUn: Peno Antonettl, c. 100752. Umrl: Jo«eph Terbe-zar, c. 14285. 290 Črtana: Amelia Modle, c. 92109. Umrl: John Tomlch, c. 57383? 293 Umrl: John Majdlc, c. 42532. 295 ČrUn: Anton Pocervlna, c. 21013. 300 ČrUna zopet sprejeU: Katherine Vincunas, c. 87300. Umrl: Mihael Sadar, c. 39729. 309 ČrUni: Slavs ShanU, c. 30325, Roza Vrabfvp. 48888. 310 črun: Mai Zaksek, c. 89565. 311 ČrUns zopet «preJeU: Mary Prodlch, c. 70813. { 312 Umrl: Frank Kalin, c. 20870. 313 Umrl: Gasper Medlssvc, c. 7789. 314 Umrl: Adam Sepac, c. 35606. 315 Črtana zopet sprejeta: Mary Williams, c. 83602. 323 ČrUn zopet »prejet: Rade Ma rleleh, c. 80693. 1 335 ČrUn: Frank KaiUlc, c. 42731. 344 Črtani zopet «prejeti: Anton CveUn, c. 50810, SUve German, c. 67532. Umrl: Frank Metelko, c. 1066. 372 Umrl: Jo«eph Petrovclc, c. 39908. 380 ČrUna zopet «preJeU: Anna Miller, c. 40035. ČrUni: France« Sal ig, c. 40065, Agnes Pe-sontina, t. 55281. 383 Umrl: Ivan Cagalj. c. 34367. 389 ČrUna: Mary Poplk, c. 85730. 395 Umrla: Mary Ogrady, c. 43513. 398 ČrUn: Tony Puskarlch, c. 98244. 400 ČrUna zopet sprejaU: Ann Er-ro, c. 95726. ČrUn: WillUm Boga t« y, c. 77738. 408 Umrla: Bertha Kovach, c. 72473. 425 ČrUni zopet sprejeti: Imbro Prcvarek, c. 25204, Anna Pre-vorlk, c. 38692. 427 ČrUn zopet sprejet: Andrew Kiyfes, Jr., ç. 90082. 439 ČrUn: Antonio Sard«, c. 100662 447 Črtan: Edward Supan, o. 92960. 449 ČrUna: Edna M. Malitzke, e. 89229 457 ČrUna Anne Roae Schultz, c. 98260 462 črUn: Victor Ročko, c. 87980, 464 Črtana zopet sprejeU: Milka VlaiMvlJevich, c, 96602. 477 Črtan: KUnley Ogrizek, e. 87595. 463 ČrUni zop*-t «prejeti: George Morocilovich, c. 46663, Milks Momcilovich, c. 62921, 513 Umrl. Lovrenc: Sapotnik, c. .'iww(i7, 518 ČrUna . zopet «prejet« Mary Rüper, c. 99746. 522 Umrla; Ulja Letlea, c. 46660 535 Umrla: Mas Kotnik, c. 26472. 536 CrUn: Karol Debevc, e. 36106 547 ČrUn: Dan Potkonak. c. »4647, 552 Umrl: Nikola Jamlch, c. 77110. »59 ČrUni zopet sprejeti: Phyllis Wiiiiama, e. SM6», Florence D. Hwolsak, e. 96866, Tad Si wir, c. #•602 ČrUni: Ludovlck 2orc, e. 67076. Rudolph Andreas, c. 86706, Mary Gor lahek, e. 66121, Mary Jackenies, c. 96661, Fred Di višek. e. 9679», Aim C. Howard, e. 100610. John Nema-nich, c. 100611, Alma Bo«tirh, c. 69663. David Beetle, e. »7146, Victor Bost ic, c. 67166, John t. Col lina, c. «2346, George Sehl-mek, c* 93291. Alphonae Cartier. C. »6793. Ann ftannemann, c «6600 Rob»-rt Sannemann, «, 96601. V Bruyere, c. 100811. 5«<; Umda: Mildred Tomaic, ... DruJtvÄ( ki nameravgjo pnrediti kako zabavo In razpravljajo 567 Črtana: Anna Cordier, e. 68109 o vstopnini, naj imajo torej pred očmi. da aku na primer določijo .Umrla: Anne^ Bezgow«ek, c. | vstopnino 2&c za osebo, bo treba od te vsote plačati 3c federalnegu davka za vsako PRODANO vstopnico. Novi zakon namreč določa lc davka za vsakih 10c vstopnine ali odlomek te vsote, ako znaša vstopnina več kot 20c. Pri vstopnicah po 25c aH 30c znaša torej ta davek tri cente, pri vstopnicah nad 30c do 40c—štiri cente in tako dalje. Tiskarne so dobile navodilo (in tako tudi naša), da morajo zveJt nemu davčnemu uradu poslati en iztis vsake vstopnice, koder vstopnina znaša več kot 20c ter obenem sporočiti, koliko vstopnic je bilo naročenih in ako so vstopnice tiskane v drugem, ne angleškem jeziku, zahtevajo od tiskarne prestavo na angleški jezik, . Urad hoče na ta način imeti kontrolo, koliko vstopnic je društvo 95183, Nlck Dieu, c. 99943. Cr- proo hotni drug proti drugemu, bolj tolerantni in manj "cock-sure," ds je sUlišče, ki ga zastopam jsz ali kdo drugI, edino pra» vilno in edino zveličavno, • e a Jack Gorup U Dctroita nam Je sporočil, da so priprave za priredbo Cankarjeve ustanove v Delavskem domu v Detroltu v polnem teku. One, kl nam je U dična kulturna ustanova nad vse draga, to zelo veeeli. Kakor je bilo omenjeno, se bo vršila priredba pod okriljem Delavskega doma in s kooperacijo vseh naprednih slovenskih društev v Detroltu. Na programu bosta nastopila tudi detrotuka pevska zbora Svoboda in Naprej. Seveda, Clevelandčani bomo skušali podati najboljši program. Igrali bomo sijajno Molkovo satiro Nevtralni Amor V njej zlaati poznani Tone Epich ga bo spet "plhnir*. Igro podajo igralci in pevci soc. kluba št. 27 JSZ. Pevski program pa bodo proizvajali člani Glasbene matice ln sicer Tončka Slmčlčeva, Louls Belle, Frank Plut, John Nosan ln John Lube. Zadnji bo Imel V nedeljo, 2. marca, svoj koncert v Narodnem domu v Clevelan-du. Priredba se bo vršils v nedeljo, 9. marca. Torej, rojaki ic Detroita in okolice, ne pozabite priti na priredbo Cankarjeve u-stanove. Pisec vam naprej garantira užitek. Prepričajte se. Torej, na gotovo svidenje. Če ne pride kaj posebnega vmes, pridemo z busom v Detroit, Društvene vesli Windsor Hal«h i«, W. Va. — Opominjam člane društva 407 S. N. P. J., da se vsi udeležijo prihodnje seje 16 marca. Ker se prihodnja seja okrožne federacije SNPJ vrši tu na Windsor Heightsu dne 20. aprila, je torej potrebna navzočnost vseh članov na naši prihodnji seji, * Ne pozabite tudi, ds ims ta mesec samo 28 dni In ne čakajte z asesmen-tom do 31. Louls Mihaele, tajnik. Youn0stown. 0<—Vsi člani In člJnice društva 153 SNPJ so prošeni, ds se udeleže prihodnje seje v nedeljo, 2. marca, točno ob 1:30 popoldne. Na tej seji bo veliko važnih stvsri. Izvoliti bo treba tudi novegs tajnika, ker vam Je znano, da je stari tajnik resigniral na zadnji seji. Pridite stari in mladi člani, da si boste lažje izvolili novega Ujnlka. Opozarjam tudi one člane, ki ftt niso plačali izrednih prlspev-kov, ds to «tore. Zadnji čas za plače nje Uh društvenih prispevkov za kritje stroškov za leto 1940 Je bil januarja meseca. Torej pridite ln poravnajte vsak avoje, da bo Ujniku lahko poročati ng prihodnji seji o dohod kih člani so zahtevali to poročilo že na januarski seji, toda ni bilo mogoče ln še danes ni vse plačano. Tajnik lahko poroča. dite se malo in bo vse v redu, Imamo tudi večje število članov na bolniški listi in jim želimo hitrega okrevanja. Joseph A. Zlogar. Bridgeport,O. — Člane našega društva 13 SNPJ pozivam, naj se prihodnje seje 2. marca udeleže malo prej kot navadno. Vzrok je, ker se bo ob 3. url pričel shod v Češki dvorani, Stop 10, na katerem bo govoril uradnik Social Security Boarda in pojasnjeval socialno zavarovanje, Shod je aranžiral Frank Le-dvlnka, ki je tudi mene prosil, noj o tem sporočim našim rojakom. Shod bi »e imel pričeti ob 2. uri, toda Je bil radi naše aeje odložen za eno uro. Pridito torej od blizu in daleč na ta shod, ds boste znali podvzetl prave korake, kadar boste U zakon potrebovali. Tukaj vam bodo vse Informacije brezplačne. Kar se naše seje tiče, čim prej bomo začeli, tem prej bomo končali. Joeeph inoy, tajnik. Dr. John J. ZAVortnUc If NO AKSWBB—CAI.I. •alt •VM nastopijo dobre Igraisk« n»očl, sko je vse plačano. Torej potru- HME URITE ČISTA P El «O DNA ZDRAVILA-ZKMAČNE ČAJE fttev. 1. PRHNI ČAJ—«a en«, kl trp« es lad kalija ali tetkags dihanja né preklada. Cena 61 00 sa paket ft ta», t« «ELODČNl ČAJ-sa «M, kl trpe radi ialodénega sil ips-vasnage nered« i plias igavtaa poviroiene tsled èresieerne fte> lod#iM ktsllae la saSasM saprt-■tea. Cena HAO sa paket lue. 6. DUUEETIČEN ČAJ-aa ene, kl trpe ae drianj« vadit pebollae v mehurju le edvajaaJ« voda, Ur fcolafHi V hrbta pe*«re-fenlk «4 prehlada. Cena 617» sa paket. Naredile peiljiU aai MES. OBETA LESE Of Al 167 E 7»rd Rt. • New Tari. N. f. milium j- -- ------ ....... ■ .....i SNPJ in 37 th Year oí Continuous Service 1904 .....1941 PROSVETA ENGLISH SECTION!! Fifteenth Anniversary of SNPJ English Speaking Lodgu ......... PAGE SIX Por Membre of Sloven* National Benefit Society and American Slovenes Oar Most Important Action This Year We all agree that thin year our Jubilee Campaign fy the most important action particularly to us, the E8L mem-. bera of the SNPJ, for this is our anniversary year which we can observe best by increasing our ranks. In this connection it is also important to know the present standing of our membership in both departments as well ss how to go about it in order to make the drive a grand success. The time to do this is NQW! The official report submitted to the Supreme Board meeting early this month shows that the Adult Depart-men in 1940 was increased by 1139 members, bringing the total adult membership to nearly 39,000. On the other hand, the report for the same period shows that the Juvenile Department did not fare nearly as well. For the latr ter shows a decrease of 654 members, bringing the total juvenile membership to 13,468 on Jan. 1,1941, from a total of 14,112 a year a^o. Hy nddinK the total of new members secured this year to the total as reported at the end of the past year, our Society numbers today approximately 53,000 members in both departments. While the grand total is encouraging, it can be easily seen thst the Juvenile Department needs immediate attention and replenishment. Of course, we are aware that the decrease in the Juvenile Department was not a loss because most of the 654 juveniles so designated in reality were transferred to the Adult Department upon reaching the prescribed age. Nevertheless, the fact remains that it is this, the Juvenile Department, which we must strive not only to keep intact but to which we must constantly add new members as the most valuable source for our Adult Department Right now we are in the midst of a double Membership Campaign. The Jubilee Campaign will expire on May 31 and the Juvenile Campaign at the end of the year.' Both offer to us unprecedented awards for securing new members. The campaign features make it much easier for us to wage a vigorous drive in every Slovene community. Most of our veteran campaigners know that the competition for new members is greater today than it was a decade or two ago. The Supreme Board had this in mind when it formulated plans for the present campaign, and it also had in mind the vital need of increasing our juvenile ranks. To this end they worked out a special plan whereby our campaigners will be enabled to enroll all prospective juvenile members. Our best field lies both in small and large settlements where there is an SNPJ lodge, and especially where there are active lodges and individual members willing to sacrifice a little of their spare time for the progress of their own lodge and the Society. Moreover, our experienced campaigners know that the success of our campaigns always depends on the prevailing working conditions, because our prospects are mostly workers. The present improved working conditions are in our favor—in fact, everything is in our favor: The Anniversary Campaign calls for a genuine celebration with new members; the campaign features are liberal enough, and the working conditions are such as to make our task lighter. Remember that ours is the best, richest, and greatest Slovene fraternal society. It has attained its place of importance through its service. Make it possible for others to share in its benefits. Young Americans to Observe 15th Anni. DETROIT. MICH —The Young Americana through the medium of the Prosveta are inviting all neighboring lodges to participate in their 15th Anniveoary Celebration Danes, to be hold Saturday, March II, at Slovens Workers' Home. 417 So. Uv-ernois Ave. Good music has contracted lor this event from berton, Ohio, none other than Taffy Domovina and his boys. Some of you no doubt have dsncad to his rhythms, but still others will enjoy It for the first time. Let's make March IS an outstanding date with the Young Americans. Help cele-brste our 15 years of progress, friendship snd cooperation. Those members who volunteered for the Entertainment Committee, plesse take notice, A meeting of Entertainment Committee has been celled for this rridsy. Feb. 28. st SND, 17199 John R., st 7:10 p. m. If you've volunteered, please sttend. Items of interest to you will be discussed. Old Timer of Lodge 554: "It sure seihns good to see some one take over Detroit Highlights." I guess some members feel they ere prohibited from writing srticlss in the English Section of the Prosveta. Thst is not so. Why don't we the Young Americsns hsve s regular column in this section? Write yours now. A MEMBER, Lodge 554. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUaky* t II Sill I Keystoners " Lodge 755 SHARON, PA—To sll members of SNPJ lodge 756: Our next messing. Sunday. March 2. at S JO p. m., Is s very Important oos. All i bars are urged to attend. As Secretary of Lodge 755. I to remind the members once thst I sm st the Slovene Hall every Wednesdsy evening of the month to collect Suss. Please ■Olllti to the Lincolnitos No. 567 SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—A smsll but lively crowd of Lincolnites brsved the cold rridsy night to sttend the Februsry meeting. . The snniverssry committee reported thst plsns for the dance are coming slong nicely. March 22 is the dete, the Dom the plsce. Ellery Elmore's six-piece orchestra will furnish the music. 80 sll out, members! Bring your friends snd help us celebrste our 15th snniverssry. Bro. Dominic Lexer gsve s report on the lsst meeting of the Centre 1 Illinois SNPJ Eederstlon which he sttended recently. Msry Lou Aidich, infant dsughter of Msry and Joe Aidich, wss nominated for membership. — Frances Later has returned from a recent visit with her sister Sylvis in Chicago.— Msry Ann Felber missed s nice little surprise by not being st the meeting. Let this be s lesson to sll of us. It certsinly is worth while for every member to sttend the meetings regulsrly from now on. MARY BRINOCAR, 557, t SNPJ Member Honored at University of Mo. ST. LOUIS. MO.—I sm happy to announce thst Csrl M. Zvsnut. member of SNPJ lodge 107 of which his fsther, Frsnk Zvsnut Sr., is president, hss recently been ds-signeted ss Scholsstic Leedcr for ths first semester of school yesr 1040-41 st the Missouri School of Mines snd Metallurgy, s division of the University of Missouri, st Rolls. Mo. Young Csrl is s senior snd msjors in chemistry. After grsdus-tion next June, Csrl will sccept employment st the Phillips Petroleum Co. His brother, Frsnk Zvsnut Jr., who works In Clevelend ss sn engineer, is President of SNPJ Lodge Commadores 742. AN SNPJ MEMBER. hall spd pay your dues to me so as to avoid being suspended. A speciel invitation to aU lodges tar snd nesr to plesse sttend our first card party, to be held at the Slovene hall, Sunday evening. March 5. We will also have games so thst everyone will enjoy the evening. _ Here is good news that should jn-terest our members. Hie lodges affiliated with the Penn-Ohio Federation. in addition to the liberal awards given by the Society for new members, are entilted also to 50c for every new adult member secured and 25c for every new Juvenile member. Let's get busy sll members snd bring in new members to show our spprecistion for the liberal swsrds offerq^ for this purpose. ' All you members know thst our psrents who have built up this grest Society to where it is today, never hsd such swsrds offered them. But they sll worked together sll these yesrs. Now, it is not their wish to see it slow down, after building it up for us their children. Let's show them thst ws fully sppreciste their work by bringing into our fold sll insurables, men, women snd children. Let's show them in their reclining sgs thst their work wss not in vsin, but s strong snd good foun-dstlon for their sons snd daughters. It is a common knowledge that many of our young people remain in the Society so long ss the dues sre psid by their psrents; when they sre out to shift for themselves they seem to forget their smsll monthly psyments; they msy even ssy, "Thst's for the old people snd not for us the young." Don't forget thst they, too, were young once, even ss you sre today. But it wss our' psrents, "the old people," who hsve striven snd planned -for your snd mine future. So plesse beer in mind this thought: llist some dsy you will hsve sons snd dsughters of your own. You never know whet swsits them st the turn of the rosd. If something should hsppen, ss it often does, then it is too lste to ssy, "I wish I hsd some lnsursnce or sick benefit to help my fsmily while I sm unsbls to support thsm." Now Is the time when you sre young snd osn teke cere of this to-dey—for tomorrow msy bs too lste. ALBIN CVELBAR. Secretary 2nd Eastern Invitation'1 Pin Tourney in Cleve. CLEVELAND, O.—Well, here it is —the Second Eastern Invitational Bowling Tournament has finally arrived, prises snd fun galore! The tournament is to be held hers in Cleveland 00 Marsh • and I. Of sourse, you knew thst this II sponsored by the Cleveland SNPJ Athletic League, and also, this will sid sll you bowlers In preparing yourselves for the huge affair to be held in Detroit in May. The SNPJ Nationsl Bowling Tournament will yeer in Detroit and we want all SNPJ members sn4 friends to come snd root for your fsvorite teams. This preliminary Tournament on March 8 sad 9 will be held at the Omarlo Recreation, 5815 Superior Avenue, very nesr the Slovene National Home on St. Clair Avenue. In addition to teams there will elso be singles and doubles, so you see, everything seems to point to s fsvor-sble time. As far as the prizes sre concerned, one could not wish or strive to earn a more cheriahed gift The winners in each division will be |}ven trophies! Bowling will start Saturday afternoon and continue Sunday morning until all is complete. Celebration in the form qf a dance will be held in connection with the bowling affair st the Slovene Ns-tionsl Home on Ssturdsy, Msrch 8. Frsnkie Yankovic snd his boys will strum out your fsvorite tunes of the dsy, polkss snd fox-trots, for our huge gsthering. Knowing Ysnky as we all do, we of the Athletic Board committee certainly can assure you of a grand time for this gsls affair. Refreshments will be served by none other then Cleveland's favorite cook, Albina Vehar. From recent reports I heer thst we sre going to hsve in our midst this night, Mike Kumer snd his gsng from Universsl, Ps., snd hsv-ing met Mike st the scribe supper s couple of months bsck, is it sny wonder thst we've sold so large a number of ticketa to the femmes? Also would enjoy seeing Dsn Fsbec, Jimmy Msglich, Frsnk Rezek, end sll the rest of the gsng thst I met at the scribe supper. However, this is alao a personal invitation to all you SNPJ members and friends. Come on down and share our good ttme with us on March 8 and 9. Just a last reminder that all bowling entries for this affair will dose on Msrch S. Any other inquiries sre to be sent to Secretary Marie Stefanlc at 1526 East 172nd St., Cleveland, Ohio. MICKEY CESEN, 641. FLASHES CHICAGO, ILL.—An excellent meeting wss held by the Pioneers last Friday night at the SNPJ Hall, where we hsd I chanSs te élSSuss matters of common interest Snd work for the progress of the lodge snd Society, ths most important result of the meeting wss the initiation of another eleven new members snd the trsnsfer of one to the NBl0tSL SÎ department from the Jttve-1 at the SNPJ Hall, probably be the largest sver this nile ^ bringa toU1 0f new were there. CLEVELAND -Last Sunday evening saw the Siruggler girls In action in s mstch gsme with lsst yesrs SNPJ Women chemps. the Napredne Slovenke, Very glad to say our girls came home with the bacon with the total pins as follow* Stragglers 220S snd Slovenke 2171 The girls bowled with a 00% handicap The individual scores were a> follows Dolsak 423. Tom-sic «02. Jerem 276, Zupsncic 455 T Jertc 472 1>ey had a return mstch gsme last Sunday, but too late to have U in print. Details to be in next week Prosveta by my eo-acribe How sbout s match game♦ with the Loyelite girls. Dor'»thy Knasa? There's to be e metch gsme between the Stiuggle girls snd the 8DZ Mudern Crusader gii U |hls Sundsy evening at SNPJ Lodge 432 Will Meet Sunday, March 9 MINERS MILLS PA —AH mem ber« of SNPJ lodge 422 are request ed to sttend the nest reguler meet ing Sunday. Marrh 9. st 2 p. m.. for there will be an important dsns Sion Let s make H a perfect et tendance ROSE MATT Secretary 7 st Poselnik's. Let's see some Struggler rooters there. Show the girls you went them to win Lest Sunday the Struggler No. 2 tesm took 2 games from the strong No. I team csptalned by Josephine Lokar. The result of this puts us In third plsce I gsme shesd of No. 1. Honors slso go to the Struggler No. 2 tesm for tsklng 2 gsmes from the Comrsde No. 1 tesm. As yet they sUll csn't get over It Come on gsls, show them you know how. Millie Mrsmor from Struggler No. 2 tesm and a first year bowler get ting s big bsnd when she made the 7-9-10 spilt From srtlcles seen in the Pro-svets the Loyelttes and the Bar berton Buckeyes plan to attend in full force (Attend what?—Ed.) And the other lodges, do you- plan to at tend? Thanks to Dorothy Rosss of the loyalties for her nioe mention of Strugglers In her column Sister Ann Ksrllnger Is beck bowling with us agein after being laid up with the nu Due to many members working lste on Saturday H was Impossible to hsve s crowd sttend the Buckeye dance However, our Pi end Vice President Andy Si la end Louie Marolt. headed a small perty to Bar berton They report that they Tkere are no hopaleas situation«; Ikers sre only sien wko here grewn kelplcea sbout tkaai. —C. BOOTH hsd s vsry good time and that they met msny SNPJ members. Dont forget Comrsdes' Anniversary Dence this Ssturdsy. Msrch 1st The second Eastern Invltst|onsl Bowling T°urnsment Dence will soon be here. It's being sponsored by the Clevelend SNPJ athletic bowlers. The dsnce Is to be held Set. March 8 In the Slovene Nat'l Home on St. Clair. Music by Frsnkie Ysnkovlch snd his orchestra The Struggler* will probably hsve 2 girl teams in the tournament The tournament Is to be held st the Omarlo Alleys al 6818 Superior Ave. How about the men, are you in.wltng? There will be no league bowling lot the Comrade and Strug gler girls due to the tournament Another thing I would like to mention Is the fact that all oi girls should try to attend the Bowlers Dance as It Is to their benefit thst It Is being held Let's see how msny of us can be there Are you selling the tickets* Also reminding you to keep April IS open to attend our 14th Anniversary Danes Alao announcing that we are holding S Struggle«« Head pin Dance tot. May 10 Music by Frank* Yankovtrh MARY ORAJZAR ANNE a ZELLK 614 Highlights DETROIT.—Leo Bernick. a Wol verlne, haa been reclassified from Class 2 to Class 1 snd expects to lesvc for the Army soon. Rsy and Bob Trsvnik of ths Young Ameri csna were put in Class 2 so their worries are over unless s wsr bresks out In his recent srticie Milsn Med-vesek mentioned s 20 yesr endowment policy for SNPJ. I slso sm vsry much In fsvor of this kind of policy. Much hss been srgusd in the past about this form of policy and in conclusion It was decided It would cost too much. However, re-gsrdlsss of Its cost we should sdd this policy to our present line. When selling SNPJ insurance we sre sp-prosched every day by prospects who ssy. "I sm going to take out a 10 year endowment with some big Insurance company so I can get something In return after 20 years." At the seme time when the prospect Is expressing his views he msy not know how grest the cost Is. If we had a policy like that we could show htm the difference In the cost snd he then may take one or the other. Many times the 90 year endowment policy has only been an alibi far our include this any or not .. • ..a % » *. We for Export Marines Still in the Limelight EXPORT, PA.—The Export Mar ines lodgs 758 sre sgsin swinging slong with their lodge affairs Evidence of this sre the two dsnces, the one held lsst Ssturday, Feb. 22, and the next one scheduled for Sat urday, April 5. From time to time there have been departures of members entering the service, but the Marines have not been represented so fsr. However, the Msrincs ss well as the Softball team will miss Ed Trebcts whose address will be Cleveland, Ohio, from now on. During the last scs-son Ed csrried the majority of the pitching burden and helped the boys win the Westmorelsnd County soft-bell crown. Several of the members hsvs been continually agitating for new members and have shown a fair increase In the enrollment The latest addition to the Oob family being George (Corks) Krevskuohs. Several of the Msrines hsvs vMM many st ths sffsirs snd ss selves very much, so thst they more. The from s t ion ing In S permanent Uve members fsr swsy. The besketbell tmm progressing fairly well scheduled to ploy Jennnptte at Export High gym last fsiday. RUDY SUPANCIC. Lodge 7IS. members for the five months of the csmpaign to 53, which Is still better than ten new members for each month. The quote originally set tor the campaign has now been ex-ceded, but the membership committee with the cooperation of the active and loyal followers, are going to make a grand clean-up In the home stretch ol the campaign. We are actually out to secure another forty-seven members before the campaign ends. We contributed to the Workers Defense League in support of Sharecropper Odell Waller, selected Frank Sodnik to represent us at the annual meeting of the Ju-goslsv Ssvings snd Loan Associa-tion, and "quaffed" some good old "suds" st the expense of the good old locsl CIO Textile Workers. Emil Setinc was not present to claim the six dollar swsrd snd Elizabeth Zefran Jr. would hsve hsd s dollar for her bank account hsd she been present. * From officlsl records, published in Prosveta two weeks sgo, we were sble to gsther thst Lodge 142, Clevelsnd, is the lsrgest lodge of the SNPJ in membership with s total of 760 in both departmenta. Furthermore, we were sble to tell thst the Pioneers were second with s totsl of 702 good stsndlng members. Lodge Nsprej 5, Cleveland, which wss the lesder for msny yesrs, fsll to third plsce with 679 members. These figures sre compiled ss of Dec. 31, 1940. Since the Pioneers have initiated many new members sfter January 1st with .the csmpsign now in progress, we will miss our guess, if we don't tske possession of first plsce in the membership stsndlng of the Society, soon. AseOrdlnglo-our records, our present membership totsl is 742. Another importsnt matter Is the clsssificstion of our membership. Of our total adult membership, of 587, the division of clssses is ss follows: Clsss A—302, Clsss B—31, Clsss C—51, Clsss D—01, Clsss E— 142. This is s very good showing for the new forms of lnsursnce. Nesr-ly 25% of our members sre insured in Clsss E, the twenty-yesf psid-up life lnsursnce. Another 25% sre In Clssses B, C, snd D, snd only 50% sre in the old Clsss A. We hsve sl-wsys urged our young people to tske out the twenty-yesr psid-up life policy. Lsst Sundsy, the Midwest SNPJ Lesgue held its sectional bowling Tourney at the Southwest Alleys. SNPJ bowlers from Milwsukee, Wsukegsn, La Salle, and Chicago responded, and rolled on a stretched out schedule. The Badger* 1 away the honors in the W1 division, while the pJ^t with Sue inciter performs lisatly, took possession of ¿J OB'S title. Vic Komuchar 0f i Pioneers rollsd s sweet 684 V tesm event The night before tegrity Lodge, in who* CIre' tournsment wss held^jan*« Many Pjj them listed during our The Detroit ter showtnj the Young he the lodge to hove two sentad st the nest don't we sse "Who's Who" campaign? The Wneers have now g0flc work for their Tourney Dan« Saturday, March 22, and the Inv tional Handicap Bowling T0 ment of Sunday, March 23 Tourney will take place at the H Arcade Alleys, 3816 W. 26th & Since jhis is s hsndicap bow|£ tournament, every bowler hai m equal opportunity to come out top. Louit Kotelc inform« ui ths they will try to rig up a from the Calumet Sentinel«. Th| Tourney, too, will be conducted « two divisions, one for men and other for women. We urge various lodges to segd in their«. tires st once.—Everyone of tis bowlers hss tickets for the Pw Tourney Dance.# The admission ¿i be 35c including wardrobe and tu We urge the Pioneers to assist the ssle of these tickeU A meeting of the Pioneer bowl, ers hss been cslled for Thursday, Feb. 27, at the Slovene Labor Center to complete arrangement for the Tourney snd Djmce. Al bowlers should be present,-Thi same evening, the steering commit, tee for the National SNPJ Day a slated to meet, also at the Center Msny importsnt questions about the SNPJ Dsy sre up for discission, so s full attendance is very desirsble. Msny Pioneers will roll in Bennett's Hsndicap Sweeper this Saturday, at the Ace Arcade. Most of them will roll at 8 p. m. Any Pioneer bowler rolling with the P». neer League is eligible to compete —The Reliable Liquor«, SHU Printery, snd Dr. Zavertnik't squid each took three games from the Flashes, Drt. Walter and Zbitnof and the Nachtmans last week 51»-tffne Tenter took two from tis Lotrich Insurance squad. Frod Carr't 221 was high for the night Frank Lotrich was right behind with s 220. Others with 200 or better included Jerry Kriegtiet 201, Fred Bennett, with games of M and 200, John Setecka 202, and Mi A Uc 202. Another set of twins, the second within the lsst six month«, wen born to s Pioneer mother. Joseph-ine Sakolotky gsve birth to ti fine snd heslthy twin boy« and *t sre certsin that the family u jubilant over their arrival. We ei-tend congratulations.—The otlsr day we made a visit to the Chicap j Title and Trust Co. This Company as the name will Indicate, guaranty titles to properties. It was a moS enjoyable visit. This Company ha i Mea t) Spirit- O- Grams By Whooxit ST. LOUIS, MO.—At our last reg- mooting it was proposed that wa give a flaring Festival on April 21 at the Concordia Turner hsll. Preparations ware begun by the for this dance. .¿When beyond the of Hie committee had arisen Hold Meeting March 9 —VICTO* BUCO at I on National fine members, Pete Dolente of Zvon snd sre fine work. In with this dsnce they will present s little sketch which will be interesting to everyone The Spirits congra- tulate Zvon on wish them lots coming sffsir. their progress snd of luck on their good bowling the Spirits' bowling The men's s fairly well organised em* tor mateh gar Al Kadn had the week with 206: high | [ Stanley Harvatine with ML The ladisa high games ware Ann Spilled and Mitel Sweglich wuh 122 The highest avsragss held up to dsSe sre: Stanley Harvatine 171, Mitel Sweglich 111 The bowlers meet every Wednesday nite at the Arwsy Alleys, Kingshighway and Arsenal. They would like to»" more members come to these rm*i Two of our members and bowW went to Chicsgo to enter the «to-west Bowling tournsment «no * tend the tournsment dsnce Feb » pnd 23. This, I believe, was W first time our lodge wss ever r. P reeented In sny eestern tournsn*» ; We hear that John snd Julia t> pak a«« getting along fine »« Jheir little daughter We hope«] see the Gepeks beck with us I'm sure they would like to **; from some of the «pints ^mru* Their address is 422 N trails, 111. Dsn Cupid hss J"« fly snother srrow. Thu Jinw ■ struck Sis. Msry Burstrk ww he. Mery? Let's hesr frort P* I divide sll reeders lata Tkeee wfce reed te ree^»** tkeee who read te farget. —W I PHELfl. Convention Committee Will Meet Sunday IMPERIAL. PA —The ne* «g --» local SNPJ <■ «"""TT 11« of the Committee will be held » the»* mng Halt 17 and Butle* SU ^ u Pb„ Sunday, Mart* I promptly at 1220 p»-teopen to a« you ara Inlrrefted. ^ Convention Commi^r JAMES M MAGUCS Seertmj- , Mv Week By Louis Benig«r It Golden Eagles a men make history "StfliZmyM centu-** Mm human history, the T cLT ^d upheaval ** Touting men. good and ff it was always the * thai lent greatness to exponents. ^ ^ which one of the . 0ULr un»eS the futwe will «her For that depends ** ^ yet to come and on the eve i£rs in the current con- we common working peo-T l more concerned with the ^ that will result from the struggle «^n.omc.nt.U.ehUJonc^ light a Uuu-b, for on ^"T^Z'ij, the Jacobs; Sec'y, Mamie Racick; Treas ^ m*y And it iT very likely urer7 Jennie Verbic Within the Social Committee GIRARD, OHIO.—The entire six person personnel gathered at Ver-bic's to suggest, discuss, reject, etc., proposals for the March 10 meeting as well as the 13th anniversary dancf. It was agreed that March would probably be the month for our last social for some time, what with summer coming and such. Then, again, with a hoped for better than ordinary attendance, the committee could select posts and persons required to successfully complete the duties of our affair. By the way, the dance is in charge of Stanley Hribar, a newcomer for such a position but a willing one. And before I forget, the officers of the Social Committee are: Chairman, Charles for on this country and its may P**"1 "a"of"this week the next few days you will receive a rection, Warren has alreday sent in list of eleven volunteers with twelve more lodges to report. The mushrooming strikes throughout the country are overwhelming justification, in our opinion, that in gratitude, greed, deception, etc., are still primary requisites, in company opinion, in settling disputes and a back-log of back-breaking' griev ances. A strike is as unwelcome by a solid American workmen as is a rain during an August picnic, but too often low management, in con junction with and encouragement of high management, leeves no other recourse, no other salvation. A reasonably satisfied working-man does not leave his post of bread and butter to hurl explosive words at his employer., A reasonably in telligent workingman does not per mit a straying imagination to pun? that bL!Îissed lease-lend biU will card giving information about the rtSTv the Senate, which social. Put it in a handy spot where ^.„ÏÏa tremendous effect on the it may keep reminding you thaU| w,ll have a tremtnuu Monday, March 10, belongs to the tkawr of war. _ , ^^ . , j ^„„rticpmpni« ' ' Something new but something Last week in paid ^rUsenvents aU} for the dance There u the struck International Harvester wf y [company of Chicagç> a^Draft Dance." During the 'Sîf ¡Ktïi^orJE latter part of the evening (April 12, Sin UFEW of the CIO, retaliated Eve *he girls will have the effective, illuminating ver- privilege oi ** • with ai) txiecuvc, ' • dance. Louis Trebar and his musical of the strikejituation. --■ ^ already regigtered £or a . . . .. ' spot in the bandstand. Tickets go They charged that the corpora- Qn gale in Q ghort Ume Remember, uon. which is controlled oy tne that with a revision of our by- wealthy McCormick family, m try- ^ ^ December, each and every ing to "whip, up the necessaryhys- ^ ired to purchase a ■ „Prior to a strikebreaking Gel > .temped, move, which is a well-known tac- from ^ . ucs in cmcsgo oui ine sjr™. ^ ^ Qf fraternalism is bounc- f determined that it wtn not wo^ around wWl a 8piriud liveline58 this time; that there will be no ^ regard ^ ^ gen&ral meetingjJ of the July 4 organizational movement. At the last meeting, thousands of words were thrown around and ma- -T . ny ideas were volunteered by the nightly Review of London, the Nazi Red houge with a definite con. Gestapo in the occupied Polish ter-, cluilon that committee heads be ap-ntory u even crueler than the So- , ^ and ^ ^ productive ma-vat GPU and "is outshining its ^ ^ oiled Okie, brother and model The« Qn gund March 2 flt two atrocities charged to the Gestapo y we are ^ asked tQ |U in "make the GPU look like the Y M. Qn ^ conference after the regular LA VS^JK ^ J?.I ' routine of Lodge 47 is cleared off the table. The majority of committees have been selected and will be announced at that time. Grievances on the subject may be brought to the floor and adjusted. To those who more Haymarkets, and no Memorial Day massacres . . more According to the Polish Fort- view. To this the author of "Out of the Night" would no doubt readi ly attest. "Dolenjka," Prosveta's London correspondent, has an interesting account in our daily of February ture the channels of democratic procedure to settle grievances but too often, far too often, satisfaction and intelligence are rudely challenged by "higher-ups" who would drive mercilessly still further the "lower-downg»M| The "boys" seem to understand no language but the forceful language of unionism and with the aid of liberal administration, the "boys" have been swallowing double doses lately. It is an unusual situation and one that can lead to something more powerfi^ than.anythlng Imag ined heretofore. The workingmen of America, you and I and our neighbors, are finally realizing and recognizing their potential power in banding together for the common good. It is a healthy, a very wel come sign Off the Record—On Feb. 9, a wee baby girl paid a "visit" to Mr., and Mrs. Stanley Hrihar, Everybody including Poppa, is doing fine. She will go by the name of Barbara Ann We were sorry to learn that the Lqyalites intend going through with thleir Field Day thus competing with the Ohio SNPJ Day. Good luck,! anyway. A young Warren lad, John Pet-two rich, of 2178 Burton Street, is riding around looking for youngsters for a Juvenile Circle. People in that town should give him every encouragement possible. The Federation Juvenile Circle Committee moves to Juvenile Circles Blaina "Sunshlners" Enjoy Circle Affalrst To Meat March It BLAINE, O.—On Feb. 14, the Blaine Sunshiners Circle had a Valentine Party at the Slovene Home. All of the members were present. We had a beautiful valentine box, we daneed and played game*. Mai garet Kaska played a few numbers on the piano and everyone joined in and sang with her. We wish to thank Mrs. Pauline Glogovsek and Mrs. Anna Kittel for the delicious lunch they served On Feb. 16 we had our regular meeting at the Slovene Home, with President Frances Smerdel presiding. The attendance was very big. We decided to have a bunco party on Feb. 26. We also played bingo and daneed after the meeting. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the SNPJ for the $15 donated to us. It helped us to get on our feet financially. Our next meeting will be held t^n Sunday, March 16, at the Slovene Home. And again all members are cordially invited to attend. Good luck to all the Juvenile Circles of the SNPJ. PRANCES GLOGOVSEK, Fin. Sec. Circle 30. Clrcla 22 Wttt Present Play at Imperial. Pa.. Sunday MIDWAY, PA—Our last cordial invitation to attend the three-act comedy, "Here Comes Charlie," which will be presented in the SNPJ Hall at Imperial Sunday, March 2, at 2 p. m. by Juvenile Circle 22 of Midway. Admission 25c and 15c This play will easily last about three hours and if you fail to be present to witness this wonderful entertainment, you will be the most sorry person alive. So lake our word and arrange to be in Im perial this Sunday. MARGARET PETACH, Circle 22 Next Meeting of Juvenile Clrcla 26 Will Be on March 8 CHICAGO.—I wish to announce that the next meeting of Circle 26 will be held on Saturday, March 8, at the lower SNPJ Hall. All mem Off the President's Bat By J. F. Fifolt. LOdge 556 CLEVELAND—To add a little eolor at Comrades' 15th annual Spring Dance on March 1st, Pauline Spik will provide the workers with flower decorations, a sort of badge of honor. Moat of them, devoting their time and effort that night will be the old reliables, individuals who in the past have been i-csponsible for many of the successes of our if*. It would be a wetoeme sight to have n^w recruits approach the chairman and volunteer their services. It Is expected that a large crowd will be in attendance, requiring the help of many hands. We suggest you come earty. Although the regular scheduled meeting of the Cleveland Athletic Board la for Friday, March 7, It will porbably be necessary to hold one early, on Friday, Feb. 28. Complete details for the dance on March 8 as manager in re-scheduling of regular league games. What then is the motive for the resolution? The Club Room st the Home, of course, will be the loser. As explained before, the purpose of this tournament is two-fold, first, to arouse and maintain athletic interest among the Cleveland lodges and, second, to secure some revenue to aid members treveling to DetrAK in May for the National Tournament, both In the interest of the organization. At the Initial meeting of the Athletic Board it was brought out that the first purpose was achieved last year but not the second and this was mainly the reason for not sponsoring the event again at Waterloo. It was not a case of alleys. It was therefore agreed that strange alleys (where bowlers can loave immediately) A Column By MARY JUOG OUR SOCIETY An inkling of some of the things discussed st the recent meeting of the Supreme Board has come to us through the brief summaries. Among the topics, It appoars, was that of the position that our Society ahould assume in the political field, especially since the controversy concerning our nation's role in the European wars hat been of nation-wide interest thirmg these man? months. • For the present, the Supreme Hoard were generally of the opinion that It would be better for the Society If we discontinued controversial political questions in preference to our immediate domestic problems. In other words, our organ should discourage controversial articles and clashing points of view in respect to the national situation and encourage discussion of those things that most more centrally located to the S lo. vitajly sffort us »» members of this Struthers next The end of the year ^ are u d t0 attend. should find the Federation with twice their three original circles. The winner of the table cloth RUTH MEDIC, Lodge 559. are contradictory with their belief as to labor, let us say that the pledge I given away by our own Circle will 24 brie tells of life among the of our local Federation assures us be announced shortly. Two hundred mcurn and refugees in rural En- of a sufficient and adequate aid for | and fifty tickets were sold. jUsd isr from the danger to which flU necegsary purpo8es. In that di- FRANK REZEK, 643. tne cities are being exposed daily. Jolly Allis Lodge vene Home at St. Clair, a much bet ter drawing card for dances than any other hall In Cleveland (li> which incidentally for Sells' Information the SNPJ also has an Interest) be chosen, to help In achieving purpose number two. The above arguments speak for themselves, space does not permit further elaboration which the writer would be only too glad to give If requested, especially to the older members. The big thing still re mains, whore were the guys mainly responsible for the howling when arrangements were started? Comrades' membership at present is around the 225 mark. A concerted drive should be made by everyone In an effort to push us over the 250 mark, which as you know, will en title us to two delegates at the convention in September. The time Is still opportune, let's go. Srla« in thst member 1 So. Chicago's Column e compares the English country-ude with that of Slovenia and analyzes the life" of the transplanted London children and the ulUmate consequences of their con- jjet with a new environment. I so. CHICAGO. —The February Ihwe letters from England have meeting of the Calumet Sentinels tekacd the writer to be a per- J wag pooriy attended. Lacking an !1L AT''** ar\d under" attendance that may have had the and have oifer®d a clear opportunity to discuss the topics at picture of life in a war-torn land. JSF Branch 1 Benefit Program Sunday,Mar.2 CHICAGO—Rare indeed are the occasions upon which at least four attractions are presented to our au-nces all in one afternoon's pro-Pam. Hut such is the array of tal-rot on the program Branch 1 of the IJSF a presenting at the SNPJ hall Sunday. March 2. for the benefit of rroletarec. . We have been fortunate enough to *ZU as a speaker, the esteemed J»n«.'r in Labor and Socialist move- J"1; noted writer, lecturer and Snl Jlb,n K,lstan> editor of Jtokars Herald, who will speak on current world situation. Our own chorus "Sava" will give num, f prepared C r*81™ Angela Ca- much ! me Slngin« evoked EE r m i,pplau8e al th* Pioneer V anniversary program lafct fall, tlZ r *nother delightful per- itl' RAnd lh<' <>ne-act rn V Hr frorn *he Ranks" OfVniCi/a ",uiklnJe" ,n ,t,tchei ,rom « «Old by all members and can four* ln S ^wndale. Get nb' f°r you a ^ • i t :Vt popu,,r or- \ ur"* ^n«-* music. JOSEPH DRASLER B,rth Announcements a,-*81 moline ill — I»;«: psrn 1 r*», ] of ft, I Eddie and Barstow, are the ''"Ughu-r, Kayla Lee. A was born to , H,t" »'«pish, of Co lona. and Treee Pen- »"• also th<- parents of fl "ri »'th tn«| tu SY: 1A hand, the meeting settled the more immediate problems. The majority of reports were deferred until the March meeting. ~ However, one step was initiated at the last session. It was decided to have a party after the next meeting, a sort of a gift party. Each member, or the respective families, will receive a circular explaining in detail the plans for March's post-meeting social. An enjoyable, informal evening is promised those members attending. The Sentinels are again asked to participate in'the Pioneers' Handicap Bowling Tournament scheduled for March 23. Last year the Sentinels came close to winning one of the prize awards. This year our lodge should again enter a team and win one of the prizes. A men's team of five persons can be formed, and also s team of five women. Members interested in joining such teems should inform the lodge secretary of their readiness to bowl. All members are invited. Names drawn for the meeting night award were John Lustig Jr., Nicholas Ladja and Rudolph Kosic Next month's meeting award is to be »3. f e « 0 ALL THAT SORT OF THING. Members of Lodges 8 and 490 are invited to attend the March 17 meeting of the Sentinels at the Field House. All will be asked to join in the post-meeting fun of our "gift party." There is no admission price asked. This is another effort to get our own membership more acquainted and also become cloeer in our interests in the SNPJ. Juvenile members of our lodge can also participate in the "gift party." Sentinels can take eerly note to attend the next meeting in full numbers Strongly recommended to Sentinel members is the advantage to attend other SNPJ lod«cs' socials in the city. Mingling with our other SNPJ members helps us become better acquainted and mutually understand-■I7 The young ing of "things" SNPJ. ^^■"¡ception of Mrs I Over the past week-end Sentio« i* \ ' » mbers Of SNPJ were pert of the jolly crowd that at-^ «*>' Moline. We eai tended the Integrity Lodge's Mid ^£ congratulations west Tournament Dance The In Bjhappy parents. tegrity lodge has * fine group ef Lfidge 286 members and poetesses an active, record of doing things in the Society. Among the many to be greeted/ were Mike Fleischhacker, Mr. will be twenty cents. After the meeting next month, we will plsy dartball; and George Go-ronja has chargl of obtaining the and Mrs. Baumbich, Emll Heiden- ( neceg,ary facilities. A prize (the reich, Julius and Marty Abram, Leo prUe ^ a gocret) will be awarded to Morella, Louis Baffetti of the Integ- the winninM team, rity lodge. . . The Pioneers turned 0ur membership campaign has out in good numbers and we talked hit a tremendous snag, but we are with Frank Zordanl, Frank Groeer, • very hope(ui for the future. The Ed Hudale, Lefty Lotrlch, Don Lot- Midweft Bowling tournament wus rich, John Alic. | held ln Chicago last wek end with Louis Beniger, Vincent Calnkar the Integrlty lodge playing hojt. and Lawrence Gradlshek were like _____,«,•. a . u Arguments by those present culmin WEST ALLIJ WtS-Anotherjat»d wUh a moUon "that In the fu- meetlng of Lodge 886 has paasea, turp indlviduali lnWreitod In hsv- and the attendance has plenty of t Q(jr |odgt> pariklpaU in the room fdr Improvement. We decided aendlng Qf dt?le-aUj ^ «ny confer- to hold a card party on March 30 cncei gubmit lnformation to the Sec- at the Pilgrims Hall and admission ret ^ m) d ln advancei well as the tournament will have to be gone over and lined up, Cards will i ? sent to representatives. Lodges should make it a point to send in their membership fees not later than March 15, which Is the dead-line. Members interested in participating in the tournament should get in touch with Ed Grum and Jean Beljan not later than March 4, " Comrade girls selected five of their members With the highest average, namely,' Jean Beljan, Mollie Koren, Ann Golob, Fran Spik and Pauline Ross for a match game with the Pioneers of the Croatian League. The first encounter ended with our girls the victors by a few pins, the second joust they came on top with pins to spare, Pauline Ross being mainly responsible. Good work, girls. Comrades' last meeting with icro weather prevailing may have been the reason for an attendance below expectation. Those that brav4d the elements and1 were not afraid of chilling their nose, partook of substantial refreshments after the meeting as well as seeing an entertaining movie illustrating the sights of the last New York Fair, funlshed thru the courtesy of Westinghouse. It was a pleasure to have with us Heine Martin who joined in an active discussion with Ed Grum, Betty Jartx, Frank Buchar and othors, on recent decision of the lodge to send a delegate to Washington to thank Frankle Yankovlch and his attend a conference. Delegate re-. orchestra enough; they played the ported that she was unable to go.) most Important part in making this a successful affslr. He will be bsck for the natlonsl SNPJ bowling tourhsment In May, also for the Detroit Federation's picnic on July 6 at Harvat's farm. The Wolverine lodge wish to thsnk Joe Cerne, Andy Grum end Pete Benedict, owners of the Omlra cafe for such swell cooperation; al so to sll the wsltresses and bar tenders for the swell service. The dates to remember are: March 8-0, Invitational Pin tourney In Cleveland; March 15, Young Amerl can dance at SWH, music by Barberton orchestra; March 22-23 Chicago Pioneers Invitstionsl bowl Ing; May 17, the 15th anniversary of SWH; July 20, Wolverlno Field Day. Wolverines welcomed two mem bors into their lodge, Pesrl and Lad die Zlndar; Pearl won the portable SNPJ Wolverines | DETROIT.—The curtain has once again oome down to one of the most successful dances ever held at the SWH, given by the Wolverine Lodge 677 of the SNPJ. To the crowd of over 400 we say our sincere thanks for helping us to put it over. Our special thanks to the Y. A.'s, the Loyslltcs, and friends from Mil waukee, to Msrco Shappeck of the Badgers stui others. One csnnot who will publish ssme In the Pro-svets to familiarize the members. Bro. Andy Sile. President of the Struggle!- lodge as well as Lou Ma-rolt, Vice President, sttended the meeting snd impressed everyone , thst under their lesdership their lodge will be emong the first to cooperate in any venture. Good to see Dot Rossa back in print. For a whilo we were afraid that criticism any active worker (More on the tournament later.) Y^ni^Mr^nHM^ Yeiin EfiV The rec*nt bubbling, of Wlscon- geU would dampen her spirit. A nic Alpner were^ among^'"^^' ^ pernor Hell wuy to counteract such re- _ .................. our Milwaukee lodges. Quite a few « T'1"' l"UfU'00m#, (rom ^ i radio given by the lodge Jo Kla wanted to know more of how Emll «u«u. i» naive memun», » vu wnmw .u nnnit J WM- Mrfl Wvnini uf West Allis, Wis., who spent s few out cigsrs, another daughter Is the ' Among conversations crept words ftatc and calUng lhe pregldent a die- ' qulte well Mother snd child doing of friends out Pennsy way. Joe Be cek is still remembered by his Integrity friends, and many Inquired as to how he is. Johnny Lokar also hss persons who recognized his value to the Society ln all of his past work. Msny asked about Frank Kress and Mike Kumer. It all points out that people who have done good in the SNPJ are still remembered. The SNPJ would benefit, also the lodges concerned, if s greater de .nd order to give them a better business sdministrstion. I imagine anyone boasting of the people liking him and also boasting of breaking laws—Is not the type of sn executive we want. A governor, mind you, who was elected by a majority gree of understanding and friend-. of ^pc-ople ofthis state, but by ¡hip existed among Chicago's E S. , tfN^S lodges. Within the local Federation, P"ty Pol ing '^^tes, surely the three ESL's could form an en- d<**"1 th/5u.1 vlronment of coopcretivene* Sen- ^ "J 'In" tlnels at the dance were M^yJCu things which cci teinly do not speak in favor of Heil. This wss written tator. I — — — -He also boasted that the people] One does not know whether to of this stete liked him, bccsuse he smile, grin or lsugh out loud st the as governor ignored pertain laws in resolution to boycott the 2nd East- hel, Jennie Kosele, Steve | rich Jr. and the writer. Aloft lodges will begin giving consideration to the many problems that will beset the next SNPJ convention. This convention will be the most important to be held by the SNPJ In many years Perplex-ing problems due to economic and world affairs will play their roles'. Ideologically, there will need be S so that when the people in other states hear him bragging, they will know how the majority of the people in this state feel, and not the msjority who elected him. Over the Back Fence: Congratulations to John Gole who has just recently completed his apprentice ern Invitations! Bowling Tourna ment st the Omsrlo slleys on Msrch 8 snd 0, which we understand was prepared by our friend Ed Seite, former President of the Struggler lodge, no doubt at the instigation of our friend Johnny Loksr. Before 1 go further let me ssy, thai resolution does not hsve any connection with the Struggler lodge snd is just another barrier that Andy and Lou Will have to surmount. Ed Seitx' interest in the welfare of the SNPJ Is very commendable, we hope he keeps it up. The idea of this tournament was brought up many months ago, both Seitz, Lokar as well as other individuals listed, had the opportunity to come to any of the Athletic Board meetings to voice their opinions. Where were they? Resolution mention« that the SNPJ has s tremendous investment in the Ws ter loo alleys. According to Lokar's last financial statement, the organization need have no fear that any WPA aid will be required, the greater «ense of deflnitene» snd un-1 ship. The Jolly Allis pin knights derstandlng . . We encourage our. are still bowling the pins over The members to strive for gain in their. high man for the previous week was labor uniom In «»ur own backyard Al Sak with a fine 664 Snippy is .1 wr haven7a g?«d grade of social' «bowing up at «he meetings quite alleys sre doing quite well As es-sreurity r<»vided f Tl ADOLPH YERKIN, 686 KDfTOB'ft NOTE bers. at the Cleveland federation meeting, «me will agree that open or league bowling (the Waterloo alleys are always filled up) brings In greater revenue than when a special event Is sponsored F»ri«nM«lly the KAKMINOTON ILL . f J M. —* alley« are therefore ahead In thi« 1 We don't divulge names of. instance A headache al««» w«« our correspondent« j averted on the pert of the alley days with her dsughter, Mrs. J Kern. Wolverine requests the pre« ence of all the bowlers, both boy« and , girls' teams, at the meeting March 2 at 10 a. m JULIA BOGATAY, Lodge 677 Flash«* (C<*rII»iu«4 from pt|< I) a record of every parcel of proper ty in Cook County, of every sale or delivery of property to others, of every mortgage, judgment, lien, and every other legal proceeding, in eluding divorce cases which have to do with properties. In brief, they have a copy of evtrythlng that hap pens In the City of Chicago In legal procedures They havp all the In formation about taxes and special assessment«. The trip ws« educa tlonal All who csn should lake privilege pi go through the plant. The annual meeting of the Jug«» slav Savings and Loan Association was held last Saturday night at the Center Good report« were made by the officers, which showed the As soclatlon In a very fine and liquid position. Frank /.am, Joseph Oeen and Jacob Zupen were reelected to the Board of Director« for another three year term The general financial position Indicates that of total aesete> of 1282.000 over 12*0 -000 was Invested In fink mortgages rral estate contracts and interest bearing papers, and only nineteen thousand in real estete owned There was a marked improvement In the real estate Item During the week wc e«tdrd Ism is organisation. Undoubtedly, this la a matter that will Inspire Increasing consideration as the convention time draws closer. It Is one of those questions that will emerge settled in one form or another If we give thought to a clearer statement of the objectives ^ Society, as proposed ln this uf ton iwfci --—•— While it goes without saying that our Society cannot dissociate itself completely from the social structure tn which tt ti functioning at any given time, it must, nevertheless, define iii limits and Its possibilities within that structure in stating its aims definitely. • We must ask ourself: Is our Society at present urganixed to serve prlmerlly the Immlgrsnts or their second and third-generation English-speaking children? Which group is In the majority? Which should exercise control at the present time? Bhoultl the controlling group seek to establish a precedent or « tradition by which the English-speaking group wUl be expected to adhere and be proud to adhere? Or should it serve its Immedlste purpose and let the future take care of itself In any way the oncoming generations should see fit? In the past, our Society has served not only as an Insurance company organised on a non-profit basil, but ulso as a medium of cultural und educational expressions for the group which It served. Are we ready to abandon that position? Have we outlived the need for It? Or will we have outlived It In the courso of the next four years? Are we ready to admit that all * such educational function« as our organ may have performed in the past are noy sufficiently taken caru of by othw mediums? F«»r our own purposes, will a purely socle* organ* Uation suffice—making our org<*n merely a medium thruugh which to advertise our dsnces, personal Items of Interest, athletics, etc,? Or should we strive to tnske our organ copy the American press even more closely, and condense announcements to a minimum or devote s certain smsll leetion Ui correspondence similai to the "Voice of the People" columns in the metropolitan papers? Are we willing and ready, as stated last week ulso, to assume the task of eentrtbutin« something to the amalgam of American culture? Are we able? :Qi Is that an optimistic dicum that can never lie real i/cd because we conceive of our organisation primarily as one serving our personal needs? Are we ready to admit that ull such other functions as the Dociety has been attempting to perform id< allstlcelly can now be covered by other educational and public Institutions so that we no longer hav.< need for anything but a Society for social purposes? In this wsy, will we curtail the scope of our prevent activities or enlarge them? All of these questions, it seems, will have to be given due consideration tiefure we can arrive at a satis factory conclusion of how much our S«H'lety and ita organ can participate in p«»litlcal and other controversies. If we do not consider them, our di • clslon will lie hasty, tiaddiag Around farmer's Boy: "Ksther, kin I go to th« circus tonight with llirant Cornshack ?" Ksiinert "No! 'Tslnt more'« a month seme y«r went t' tap o' the hill to see th* 'clip«« a' the moon. Tea is te me yew wanier be on the go the hull time " It Is heiter fer a eian ta ge wrang In freed«« Ihan ta ga right In rhalns. —TUONAN HUXLEY ('hertt* Anne Hoiko and Martin AugustIne te the sick l|et Louise iMtuwter and Anna Sychel have reported well The Pioneer sick list contains ten sick members, which means that we have sent ten application« for «tclr benefit payment« to the Society and two operation benefit application*. Get to aee some of the sick members. DONALD J LOTH It'll 5*6. « Forward, Loy alite»! CLEVELAND, OHIO.-We still haven't entirely recuperated from the post weekend which wss spent in Detroit. The Wolveriips snd the rest of the Detroiters certainly ex tended to lU the out-oflowners hospitality plus. Alresdy wa are looking forward to renewing this weekend st the Young American Dance on March I ft. The Loyalties were very well represented at the Wolverine Snow Frolic. But we're still wondering what happened to those two csrloads of Collinwod fellows who were also supposed to make the trip. Last year it was confetti but this time it was snow that we carried home with us in sll our clothes. If it weren't thst Cleveland would miss Frsnk Yankovich. it certsinly would be s very profitable for Yankie to aettle in Detroit. One glance in ¿he jammed dance hall Saturday nite snd the equally mobbed Omirs Csfe Sunday after noon and evening and the demands for a longer atay, certainly prove thst he knows how to swing out thus* tunes, especially the Slovene polkas When it comes to the Shoemaker's dance, snd others such, the crowd roars So, more power to you, Frsnk. Some of the hi-lites we're adding to our memory book: Lefty Kovach, exchanging his cost for someone else's us the official cost-checker. But you could hsve st lesst picked out s better one than your own Frsnk Kern—so very busy thst we didn't even get thst polka from him. Renewing our scquintance with all of Al's honeys and they certainly are "honeys," espoclsly the redheaded one. The Hostniks sll seemed to he enjoying themselvea, with Mrs. Vin Hostnik especially hsving s good old time. Ells snd Tony Meyers tsking their share of the fun-feat even though Ella just came off the sick list. Duo to the fsst pace of these weekends and because Detroit is quite fsr swsy, it is our deep regret thst we do not hsve the opportunity to become better soqusinted with such girls as Jo Klsrlch, Julia and Ann Bogalay, and several others whose names we do not know. It pays to hav« s well-known brother. How about it. Beanie? Thd Cleveland girls—Beanie Zupon, Al-bins Oruden, Frsnces, snd Carol were well entertained by the Detroit fellows. Someday we hope to have s rosily good talk with Bob Travnik. Even though you weren't very Isvish with your orchids ss far as our column wss concerned, we'd like to explain our philosophy of life to you, Hob. *» — ■ The good deeds of the consistent plodders who in the early days of sny organisation did most ot the tasks which needed to be done to make the organisation what it Is today, are often forgotten ss the years go by or sre purposely misrepresented by some people who sre envious, and some times the plodders themselves ask too much In return. However, every msn has his day snd there is slwsys a day of reckoning. So to Bob. we'd like to say: "We'd like to extend s personal invitation to you snd slso Rsy to come to Clevelsnd March I snd 9 where you will meet up with many friends. Thsnks for the hat. Bob." We previewed Hotel Detraiter where the National SNPJ Bowling Tournament guests will mske headquarters. How about nfllhg It the 400 and 404 again thVyear, Loyalties? Once sgsin we hsve to sdmit thst nowhere in the country is there s spot that is both Slovene owned snd is quite so nice as the Omirs Cafe' in Detroit. At least we don't know of any. Andy Grum, Joe Cerne. and Pete Benedict are to be con ! gratulated on their enterprise. It would be grand if Cleveland with more Slovenes than Detroit, and plenty of good Slovene orchestraa. could hsve s night club such ss the Omirs The picture-taking business wss going fullspeed Sunday afternoon Our bedroom walla at home sre well decorated with Omirs snsps By the wsy. Em Istnick proved himself the Casanova of the evening and we're aure that picture ahoukl prove interesting to you, some day. Em . We miaaed the Bernu k team st the Pslmer Recreation Sundsy after-noon But we didn't mtaa all those strikes the YA teems Were rolling up larfty Hustnik wasn't quite up to par--but with a sore foot it waa rather hard to live up to thooe tiophlea he has at home We watched Hlondir Obramovic Imitating Qutter Hall Jake twice that day Blandke — we woukin I have believed II but on Mai eh I ft, we'll offer you the chance to redeem your bet and win that 100 game We had our ftrat game of pool and I guess we'll have to leave It to you Alluns to do us justing Everybody got father tired of witching us trying to porket No 4 lor fifteen minutes, but it wss < fun We did turn receive some gn*Mt insti unions from Fast I'sirotine s Dick and Johnny. Hi»» Klstieh. and the fellow behind thr 4r»li whoa* name we can't remember but who may aome day follow in the footsteps of the Cleveland Slovene who ptaya with the It mIuio* The Del toilet will (WW be bound tot the Detiuit Tigers' train- ing grounds in Florida, and we wish him the best of luck. A hearty "Potdrav" to Detroit's "Young Slovenes" snd Gospoditna Dorothy. Upam, kodor pridetc Cleveland, da se borno 1« malo po-govorili. Max Culkar, Jo Klarich and Rud^Grumm. On our trip to Detroit, w> had the pleasure of listening to LoyolHe Judy Dell sing over the radio, and st the Omirs Cafe, we evidenced aome more of the Zadell musical abilities in the person pf Shorty who is tops when it comes to singing hill-billy num hers. . Rather Isle in the afternoon but still early enough to have plenty of fun, some more Clevelsnders ar rived. Adolph Jelen, Frank Kon can, snd the three girls who ran dered some very lovely tunes st the Omirs We hsd the very grest privilege of meeting up with Old Timer" whose srticles appear regularly In the Proaveta. His srticles are well worth reading and after our talk with him Sunday, we're sure we won't miss s one. He hss some very good constructive ideas. We sre especially in sceord with him in connection with his ides of more equsl representation in supreme of-fices. ' .1 Two of our Loyslites, Tony Bo-kal and John KozleVcsr, have already been called by Uncle Sam and no doubt there will be more soon. Now thst you sre back with us, Frsncis, how about coming to the meetings? On the sick list we hsve Joe An-zlovsr and John Adams; We wish them s speedy recovery. Ail Cleveland lodges as well as this committee sre Frank Ambrosic, Jsrnra Mnglich. Elmer Etffler, France» Dcrmotts and Larry OMool A motion was approved to pay host lodges lit for loach treat and an additional fft for entertainment follow ing the lunch. An s mend men t to power exacutiro committee approval was lost. A motion to sssass lodges ftc per member per year wss approved, the membership standing published as of Doc. SI, 1040, to be official motion was csrriod to continue the same rate for mileage and officers salariea as in 1940, L 0.1 ftc per mils for transportation; ft 10 per ysar for president; $1 per meeting for rice president; 920 per year for secretary; $10 per yasr for recording socrotory; |10 per year for treasurer; ftl per member per audit for auditors. Action was deferred until the April conference on the by-laws committee question. Delegate» to the Senior federation conference at Pittaburgh are John Ujeich and Dan Faboc. Com mants wore made on making efforta to reduce traveling expense by doubling up in traveling wherever poasible. A motion was passed to eliminate the office of 2nd vice prealdent Carried to have audita semi-annually and to have the official fiscal year from Jan. to Dec. 21. A motion was passed to have a fed «ration bowling evont at Sygan. An amendment waa approved to have tha Athletic Board In eharga with fall power. An amendment was spproved to hsve only Federation lodgea bowl, thst sll prises snd expenditures be psid out of the proceeds. Imperial waa selected ss the next conference site. The following officers were elected: Michael Eumer, president; John Ujeich, vice president; Jsmss Mag-llch, secretary; Frances Dermotta, tresaurer; Emily Krai, recording secretary. Auditors? Betty Ambroaie, out-of-town lodges ore reminded of Frances Arch Yencik, Frank Opeks. the SNPJ Second Eastern Invito-tional Bowling tournament to be held in Cleveland March 8 and 9 at the Omario Recreation, 8818 Superior Avenue. All entries close March Please send such entries snd all inquires to Secretary Marie Stefa-nic at I486 E 172nd St., Cleveland Ohio. All bowling will be scheduled tor Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. (It is indeed regrettable that the committee did not deem it wise to hold such a Slovene affair at the Slovene Recreation place. But we feel sure thst the committee hsd good reasons for not doing so snd we wish the affair the most complete success.) The dsnce will be held on Saturday, March 8. at the Slovene Work-ingmen's Home on Wsterloo Road. Frank Ysnkovich will provide the music. Here is the chance for all of you to get into the swing for the National SNPJ Tournament to be held in Detroit May 8 and 9. Come on, all you out-af-toWners. we'll be looking (ar you. - The Loyslites will this yesr celebrate their fUleen years of exist-snce. The anniversary dance will bs held sometime in Fall. Meanwhile we ask sll of you to remember that the place to be on April I). Easter Sunday. Is right here in Cleveland at the Loyslite Essie Dsnce. * Once again we'rO reminding sll Loyslites to send in their entries for the Stragglers Hesdpin tournament to be held In Cleveland on Msy 9. 10, snd II The Loyalite Field day which is sn annual affair will be held again this year as other yesrs on the Fourth of July. We sre very sorry thst this conflicts with the Ohio SNPJ Dsy in Oirsrd. However, we feel sure that Chairman Frank Ri-zek snd his committee will under-stsnd thst it is just one of those things which csn't he helped. And we hope thst both affairs will he distinct successes. DOROTHY ROSSA, »90 Athletic Boqrd: John Bsrufsldi, Frank Podbov, Larry Csrfsol, Dan Fabee, Elmer Elffler. Publicity committee: James Maglich, Sylvia Faboc, John Ujeich, M. R. Kumar. A motion of appreciation was passed commending the 1940 officers. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p. m. The Musketeers lodge served a fine meal to the federation officers, delegstes snd visitors.- 1 W. Ps. E. S. Fed. of SNPJ Lodges: JAMES M. MAGUCH, Secy. West Pa. Fed. hems (Continued) IMPERIAL. PA. For the publicity committee M: Ku-mer snd Jsmea Msglleh reported work dune. A »peciol committee report wss given by John Ujeich for the dance of Nov. .10, giving Income of 81X1,22, espense 86V Jit. profit of $11 ML For the convention committee M. Kumer reported .thst three federa-Unna sre participating snd piellmin-sty work l| being dona by subcommittees on selection of site and dis-rusting of programs. James Maglich urged all Intereated member» to attend the next meeting of the convention committee on Feb. 2, at Pitta-burgh. Pa. Representative reportât TOS Moon Kun, dance on May 24, lunch and drawing after mevtlngi SU Pitts-burgh, dance on Feb. 8; 8*0 Verona, dsnce Jsn. 8ft and Vetonetlsa' donee Feb m 714 Imperial, daaee Jan. 88{ (tat Library, dnnee Feb. I8f tt8 Uni-versal, dance Feb. I. recommend com-pensaUng soeretarlea for juvenile transfers to adult department. Keniat federation report waa given, A. Krdnak slating they had 24 lodges pre «ont with AO delegates, a eonvon-committee waa alerted, they Answer to Resolution CLEVELAND. OHIO.-To whom it may concern: The SNPJ Lodge Strugglers «14 is not behind the "sdopted resolution" which is being circulsted by the self-elected choir-msn. The "sdopted resolution" is in protest of the Second Eastern Invitational Bowling Tournament being held at the Omario Recreation, 8700 Superior Ave,, on March 8-9, inatead of elaewhere. There are more alleys and much more convenient for our purposes st this time. The persons thst I could oontsct said that they either misinterpreted the petition or signed it just to satisfy the former President's ego. The majority, if not sll, of the signers are just lodge members and not considered as sottve members. These signers hsve only one man's opinion, may it be prejudiced or not, end none of them attend meetings. The whole matter wss amply discussed st two meetings, their own lodge and the Athletic Board meeting. If they hod token the Initiative to attend the meetings and find out what their lodge la trying to do, they would get into the swing of things snd no so-cslied petitions would be circulotMk It appears to us that at the very laKmlnute, just before the sffsir Is -Scheduled to come off, one lone person starts the ball rolling by a silly protest of which he hss no basic argument to fall back on. Every member of the SNPJ Is welcome to attend meetings snd express their opinions at any lime or on any subject thst is for the wel-fare snd frsternslism of the Slovene Nstlonal Benefit Society. The Lodge Is your lodge if you wsnt to mske it so. Of course, there Is work, but there are many pleasures to be gotten out of s fraternal lodge such as ours. Let's make It so! Let's sll become active members. ANDY SILA. President. LOUIS MAROLT, V. Pres.. Lodge 814. Aged Member of SNPJ Dies in St. Louis RT. LOUIS. MO.—We regret to report thst we hsve last snother good member. Bra Joseph Frisko-vieh, age 89 years, who died on Peb. 8. 1941, He wss born on Feb. 8, 1878, In Celje, Jugoslavia, and come to America on March 18, 1901 settling in Brysville, O. From there he moved to Nokomis, III., where ho joined the SNPJ lodge 188 Later he oome to St. Louis snd transferred lo SNPJ lodge 107. which lodge wss tn charge of funeral arrangemenu. Survivors, include hia daughter, Mrs. Helen Ha her. two giand-children. James and Mary and other relatives . Our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. FRANK ZVANUT. 107 The Elusive Pocket by THE gutter BALL CLEVELAND. O— Etiquette and sportsmsnship go hsnd in hand in all forma of sports. Bowling is no Exception. Few of its rules sre official, but respect for these "unwritten laws" give consideration st all times to the rights of the other bowler. Here sre some rules worthy of study snd application: 1. Never ridicule s beginner, instead, always help him. Never spply sny thing to the 2 _______rr, _______I___■ soles of your shoes thst msy spoil * . . , , I «-»! ciwin "i uir uiikci* the approach for the next bowler, ^ ao soon as possible. reference to partciularly made to Cleveland and Chicago, the /•Kallr eve* 4 a Iaiism st^to/lne __ . . > ' PJ Federation delegates Bob Travnik as SND delegate end Lillian G ruin.- ttsoitsaafts eergeeat-al-arms. The grab bug had the names of Emma Ktigel and Fabian Babich drawn out, and aince neither attended the meeting, they must forfeit their prise and return it to the grab bag. A Triple: Attention Young American Bowlers! Those of you wishing to bowl in the Eastern Invitational Tournament at Cleveland on March 8 and 9. and the Pioneers Invitational Tournament at Chicago on March 22 and 23. kindly get in touch with Joe Golia. Chairman of the Sports Committee, or either of the officers of the Make Official Proc chalk or talcum powder. 2. Never use s privately owned ball unless given permission to do so. 4. If given permission to use the ball refrain from using chalk on it or your hands. 8. Rule 13 of the Americsn Bowling Congress says that when any two bowlers.sre preparing to bowl, it shall be incumbent upon the bowler on the right to bowl first. In the event the pins are not set up for the bowler on the right, the bowler on the left must wait until his opponent's pins sre properly set up 8. Be st your post on the ap proach, ready to bowl, when your turn comes. 7. Do not bend over snd pick Young American sre coming your way. ; Home Run: The SND' hss re-incorporsctd their value from ten to twenty-five thousand dollars. New shares are being sold, and anyone ufishing information as to purchssing them may do so sueing Secretary John Jane. Much discussion has been heard about our SND, and the Management Committee is really getting down to business and have two subjects on the floor. First, is to _ I enlarge and remodel the present SND. Second, to build s complete new building on thr property owned by the SND. One of the above will be done, and when your ball off the rack just as the'a~ve aone- »nd bowler on the other side is resdy to either » gUrted" we..w11 deliver or is delivering the bell.. I 0 ftrea ceremony will be on hand 8. Do not spesk to bowler who,whfn ,the «^ construction begins hss taken his position. I ¡V* al$° u reaI bottle1 ot 9. As soon as you hsve delivered 1 ST!!!*!!*' ^ ^ ¡J ourselves your bsll and watched the hit, Himl^lJi^S snd wslk straight back on the ao- ««nothing and walk straight back on the approach. 1 - 10. Be punctual. 11. Do not conduct any business, definitely done snd, by gosh, we're going to sefMt done. Preparation for the eighth No SNPJ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting of Jan. 8 Meeting was cslied to order st 1 p. m. In sttendsnce were officers Csinksr, Vider. Gradisek, Molek and Godins; Vogrich was absent due to illness. Minutes of the Dec. 21 meeting were approved. President Cainkar received communication from Olga Knapich informing him that a new Juvenile Circle was organized in Detroit with the cooperation with Julio Bogotoy and other members. Also, that a new Juvenile Circle was formed by members of Lodfl 333 ikJBloine, O. Manager Frances Novak of Circle 21, Sharon. Pa., advised of their activities and difficulties. Request of Lodge 728 for SNPJ films for Feb. 1 is approved. Lodge 603, Samsula, Fis., is granted some financial help by to rebuild their hall destroyed by tornado and the Secretary is instructed to explain how much they may anticipate. Secretary Vider reports thst Lodge 3 requests Andrew Vidrich as speaker at the opening of New Home on Jan. 18. Request approved. Decided that the request of members of Lodge 124, who were compelled to reduce their insurance to 8800 in order to obtain relief and after obtaining work ask for restoration to previous insurance, be granted to all whose period from date of reduction does not exceed one year, provided that they pay all assessment in srresrs. The Secretary is instructed to reply to the ?enna or check your bowling scores while "onal lSNJPJ Bowling Tournament the league is bowling. Wsit till i to held here in D®*«»« on May 2-3-4 are under way. Information after the league has bowled. However, do not be so polite as * Z™*6 to to give away the gomes that you lodg*a Th* Bowlers Dance for bowl. As long as you obey the rules J»1, £*» at the and ore courteous, that is all that JJ' \ W'H*11' U51 SP/ouf Street, one your opponents should expect to re- bl5?ku tr°™ ih* Hotel Detrolter, wive which will be the main headquart- Feb 9 was a nib and tuck affair between Comrades 1 snd Struggler 3, with the latter nosing out two victories. Jean Beljan with her 487 series tried desperately to chsnge the outcome, but It wss not enough to thwart the Struggler 3s who were lead by Mary Orsjzar's 438. The powerful Struggler 1 were unable to surmabnt the obstacle in the form of Comrades 2 snd so lost two gomes. Ann Ksrlinger continued her consistent bowling by rolling 481, while Ann Golob's 478 led the victorious team. . The fluid-drivph Comrade 3 in-cressed their league lead to five games as they tTounded the lsst place Struggler f 'Pauline Spik hit a new high game fOr her, a 221, as era. The bowling will take place at the Palmer Park Recreation, starting at 9:30 a. m. Saturday, May 3. and continuing until 1 p. m., Sunday, May 4. AL PETERNEL, BOB TRAVNIK, 584. Comets' Duck-Pin Dope UNIVERSAL, PA.—The announcement of the W. Pa. Federation duck-pin tourney at Sygan on April 26 seems to hsve revived in the Comet keglers the old zest that has been lacking since the Cat-rick fracas on Jan. 1. And similarly are the scores effected, as witness J. Kumar's 224-201-180 series here on Feb. 17 to take the season lesd in the hi|h single snd high triple. This coupled she drove her teém on to victory _ with J. i's 166-170-194 onsbled with a 813 series mlrnr 9 u/.. l«/4 k«, I „.III WIS Sil ICS |0 pour 1MO UIO BrOS- gler 2 was led by Lucille Jerams |iM . doubl« ^temporarily This hesvy bombardment of the ^ that teami march toward first helpless beadpin tightened up the. 0n¡v a ,„„„. ... . individua) leadership of the league. ^ J ilZ ZZl^ sis 14? raj frv4* t J2nd game prevenu* X? £ Ko'ren ^ W 8p,k ' In th< other block of three the riniv ; n . , Dynamiters won one. to mske it an .ratiV 5KÍ bSi P\7 two victorles for the 2nd half noil ¿u^L Ji L over th* pfce-setting Nibllcs. The leUers ^^tn^e'T.? "f S5S2- inf 80 L*Wnd0U, AV'- tZ ^ whJnn A Yenets^ontrib- swsrd MW foe new members, the neat meeting is to be at Pittsburgh aa Jan IS No definite netien waa taken on Universal recommendation, the sen-tlmaot being that a by-laws commit» tee can better study the question. A Every troth has Ma contrary; Ike motioa was pa>eed to kore a Wst.alw man keeps to Ike troth; Ike fo.1 Paw. 8NPJ Day la Juno. Elected te te Ike tentrsty. -PAN» A «ncre—fat manrto ie is aa edifice tkat moot be retwilt every day. —ANDRE NAUROIH Young Americans at Bet DETROIT—Strike One: Hie Young American Promotora under the leoderohip of Bobby Travnik traveled with Tony Obranovich. Matty Plonic, Joe Bricely and Al Peternel to spend the week-end of Feb. 2-3 with the Gowunda Boosters to participate in celebrating their 10th Anniversary. We wish to thank them for the wonderful hospitality snd good time they showed us. and hope to return the seme when they come to Detroit for the Nstionsl SNPJ Bowling Toumsment. Even though the Boasters defeated us in the bowling match, we certainly. en-Joyed bowling with such swell sports, snd hope to give them bet ter competition the next time we meet. Strike Two: Keep in mind March 18 and plan to sttend the Young Americans 18th Anniversary Dance at the Slovene Workers' Home at 437 So. Livemois. Strike Three: The Army called again- Beachey Bruce left for Camp Custer Feb. 12. snd we wish him s lot of luck in his new role of life, end hope thst you see frank Hrlbsr who is stationed at Son Francioco. A Hit: We welcomed three new members ot the Young American meeting. Mary Eupancic. Frank Janeolch. and Frank Koehevar; two transfer members. *)ohn Jane snd Pete Kocysn. A Double: Our tost meeting was well sttended. snd many important topics were discussed. The Young Americans wilt goon hove their new bowling uniforms and shirts A picnic Is being plsnned for the frlst port of August New officers were elected to take the pieces of thooe who left for the Army. Charley Kaitner aa Chairman of the Entertainment Committee. Hay Travnik and John Jane as the SN- uted a neat 182. "Just tuning up for Sygsn." says Ann. (No rhyme intended.) Out front by two games the Niba, first-half winners, are so fsr msking good their boast that there will be no playoff. However, they'll find It'a a long hand to the 18th hole with the Braaaies and Mashiea (maybe the Sand Stealers) providing plenty of hazards. Standings: Niblics 11-4, Brassies 4-8, Mashics 8-7, Dynamiters 2-12. J08. BERTOVlC, 718. Convention Committee and explain to them the decision of the Executive Committee regarding program arrangements and special stationery. Decided that the meeting of the Supreme Board shall begin Feb. 13. Requoot of Manager Godina to purchase new matrices for the newspaper is spproved. The Committee decided to reduce rental of Hall and approved some other inducements. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p. m. Meeting of Jan. 18 Meeting was called to order at 1 p. m. In attendance were all officers except treasurer who is 111. Minutes of the Jsn. 8 meeting were approved. President Cainkar reported that he was unable to attend the affair at Bon Air, Pa., where Lodge 284 was celebrating its 28th anniversary and several other lodges also participated, due to his illness. He dele-gsted Andrew Vidrich, 1st Vice-President, to take his place. He also read a report of the affair from Brother Vidrich. According to his opinion, it was very successful. * Bro. Anton Trojar, invited to sttend the meeting with reference to the matters involved with his work snd renting the halls, satisfactorily described and explained problems which confronted him. Juvenile Circle of Lodge 631 asked for financial aid; 828 approved. The Fraternal Congress will have a special session in reference to the Youth Movement on Jan. 28. President and Secretary are delegated to attend If possible. Secretory Vider submitted a letter from the secretary of Lodge 86 explanation that if the \vjJfM » entitled to any financuT their affair, they should ^ I through the proper Athletic Board Letter from chairman of tK.r 1 mittee for SNPJ Farm 1 rH Cleveland asks for $200 ¿J**! which money shall be the Society and partly £7*1 electricity. Request approve The Film Arts Corporate u l waukee, Wis., submitted prZJul make sound color picturei ¿^J the work of the Society and J Headquarters, cost $1500 TheiTl poeol as outlined approved ¡ 3 cipsl in the letter, with some vstions which should be exDJ*J to them in our reply to their ^bj| Reports from Michael Kumer J Anton Zornik with reference to fJ cilities for holding our next r^J convention were read and file" J question was brought up whethJ or not it would be essential to luj a short broadcasting program in «3 of the better radio stations in p,tj burgh during the convention ¿J ecutive Committee is favorin« «3 an undertaking, adding that pi3 connections for such arrangement^ established. ' 1 Letter from the secretary oi ludJ 86 in regard to a complaint of «¡J of their members in reference toy! operation. Secretary was irutructJ to contact supreme medical »J iner relative to the operation repot] and upon his explanation rspifJ the lodge about this member.-AJ proved that $20 compensation J paid to the three representative»! taking care of the Society's proJ erties. , I Manager God to a reported that onr| of the job work press machin* J badly worn out and he would rwl ommend that a new machine J purchased. Approved. Meeting od-l journed at 3 p. m. Meeting of Jan. 21 Meeting was cslled to order at || p. m. In attendance were all o&l cers except treasurer. Minutes ofl the previous meeting were approved President Cainkar read a lettel from Lodge 230, which asked for tkoil SNPJ films of Slovenia to be shoavl Easter Sundsy, snd also invitadl Brother Csinkar and Brother Vide! to the affair. Board approved thrtl request for films and Brother Vide] as speaker. Secretary Vider submiu letter from Michael Kumer with referene to the arrangement and facilities of halls in connection with the convention. The Secretary is instruct* to reply according to the com» sus of Committee's opinions. Brotlh er Kobi's letter with reference to tlx mortgage on property in Duluth, Minn., was resd, in which he reported thst the present owner praised to pay taxes within three weeks. If he does not comply with the promise, Brother Kobi asks 1« whst price we would sell the property. Report wss sppruved and the price decided upon. Letter from F. Groser, Secretary of Athletic Bosrd, who returned to which refused to return the special Society's typewriter, also submitid bill for $4.86 for cost of engravi* of bowling trophy of Lodge SS Payment of bill approved. Decidd that a similar amount should also be donated for the Pennsylvania is nual duckpin tournament as I* Chicago' (ContiauMj mm »*» 8) There's a "whale'' of a job ahead. It's not going to be easy to settle. A multitude of differenooa of opinions msy bring members cloae to the arguing point, the hooted point .. . Tempers will hsve to be checked snd watchfulneas shown that no damaging work be done. To the 8entlnels: Be at the next meeting. All of you are a good group of members. Perhsps. we con do a little more by getting togetNer more often. .. 80 long, until again. .. LOUIS KOSELE. 610. NOTICE TO MEMBERS Party NeUc«,' Tar flslo A4." ar any other similar H*m for lias In mié tkat aH storil st regalar advertising raton. No o ach »tema, therefore, mm Im paMlaM free of charge. PhUlp Ondina. Manager benefit paid for assessment of de ceased Anton Koa, clsiming they hsd considerable expenses in obtaining all necesssry documents for payment of proceeds. Decided thst the amount should be chsrged against the lodge as a debit. Katherine De-vereaux of Lodge 78 was operated snd not entitled to regular operation benefits. Because of the seriousness cf her operation, recommen- — ------* -------- -J — ^ dstion of supreme medicsl examiner and also submitted bill for repa» that 880 be paid as special operation ^ the amount of $32.88 Approve4 benefit, is approved. | Illinois Frsternsl Congress Application for special benefit for hold their snnusl meeting Frb. 2 Anton Homor of Lodge 82 was sub- snd extends invitation to send ¿remitted. Decided that thia applica-1 gates. President snd Secretsry deletion be spproved; however, the gsted. lodge should be sdvised thst unl year. Letter from Peter Benedict, Df troit, Mich., wss read in which h» reported about certsin repairs « the property owned by the SociHy, Bro. Homar designates the Society as beneficisry, this special help shall ceaae in the future due to the fact that he already received a considerable amount of benefit The following members of Lodge 81 submitted spplicstions for special help: Joseph Fits, John Slovnik, Emil Franciskovich. August Grgu-rich. Thdir records show thst sll hsve si resdy received considerable amount of special benefit from the Society. Decided to ceaae with this sid, snd they should borrow on their own credit from the reserve of their certifiestes from now on In order to retain membership. Other loan applications and apecial benefit spplicstions were spproved. (Detsiis in Slovene minutes.) Meqting adjourned at 3:30 p. m. Meeting of Jon. 22 Meeting waa colled to order at 1 p. m. Present were sll officers except tressurer. Minutes of the, Jsn. 18 were spproved. Secretsry Vider submitted s letter from the President of the Integrity lodge, in which he reported that he Is enclosing 20 tickets for the Midwest Bowling Tournsment which the Society should purchsse Mgr Godins reported thst he slso received ten tickets with aim liar request Deckled thst since It woa not customsry that the Society purchaoe tickets from the individual lodges that the Secretory and Manager be instructed to return the tickets with Assistsnt Secretary Gradisek imported that Mary Mole of Lodge (J asks for compromissoi ial claim the siok benefit fund. Appl'«"« is spproved. Loan and donation applicstioss spproved. (Detsiis in Slovene ma-utes.) Meeting sdjourned st VINCENT CAINKAR. Supreme President F. A. VIDER. ' Supreme Secreury * Get Oett Desr Tom: "Come tomorrow e" ning sure. Dsddy Is st home. M ■ In id up with s very sore foot Msry." Desr Msry: "I csn't com row evening. I'm Iskl up on sec*; of your father's sore foal. Tom." IN LOVING MEMORY of our desr dauehter ADELINE ZONTA who pooood away two m March 2 1828. Vea Sadly -_ by Mother and Ssotkoc-£htCfl •n