Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 8/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 17. 2. 2019 6. Nedelja MED LETOM 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Blagor in gorje Začetni blagoslov-prekletstvo, napisan v modrostnem slogu, pomeni nekakšen literarni in teološki uvod v Lukove blagre. Jeremija na popoln način vzporedno riše temeljno in radikalno držo vernika in nevernika: »Preklet mož, ki zaupa v človeka... Blagoslovljen pa mož, ki zaupa v Gospoda«. Osrednja beseda je beseda vere, zaupanja, kar pomeni vzpostaviti lastno trdnost. Dve sta temeljni izbiri: malikovalska samozadostnost in vesela privolitev v božjo ponudbo. Izid dveh izbir je živahno orisan z dvema podobama iz rastlinskega sveta: s simbolom življenja, sadu in s simbolom smrti, suše in grenkobe za grešnika. Na tej osnovi Luka zgradi svoje blagre, ki so za mnoge izvirnejši kakor oni pri Mateju. Matejev govor na gori in vzporedni okrajšani Lukov »govor na ravnem kraju«, kažeta na neko poprejšnjo, morda aramejsko predlogo, ki so jo uporabljali apostoli pri prvotnem oznanjevanju. Na začetku je treba torej predpostavljati zbirko Jezusovih izrekov, povedanih ob različnih priložnostih, ki so jih pozneje zbrali in uredili. Cilj te zbirke je bil predvsem oznanjevalnega značaja. Ta stran je sinteza moralne podobe Jezusovega učenca, pri Mateju namenjena kristjanom iz judovstva, pri Luku pa kristjanom drugih narodov. Sporočilo blagrov je radikalno povabilo tistim, ki so se že odločili za Jezusa in za kraljestvo, ki pa morajo sedaj pri sebi začeti graditi novega človeka. Lukovi blagri zadenejo v polno zaradi kratkosti (štirje nasproti devetim pri Mateju), kar pa dopolnijo štirje »gorje«, ki jih Matej nima; in tudi zaradi neposrednega »vam, poslušalcem«, namesto bolj splošnega »Blagor ubogim...« pri Mateju; ter tudi zaradi socialnega poudarka blagrov samih. Nenehno je potrebno preverjati našo hojo za Kristusom, sicer lahko vse skupaj postane le hinavščina. Dejavna ljubeznen do ubogih, lačnih in preganjanih bratov je dejansko potrdilo, da smo na pravi poti. Lukovi blagri veljajo neposredno za tiste, ki Jezusa poznajo in hočejo biti njegovi učenci. Osrednji blagor, ki določa tudi druge, je blagor o uboštvu. Ta blagor brez dvoma kliče v spomin starozavezno kategorijo »Jahvejevih ubožcev«, ki je živo navzoča v Lukovih pesmih: Marijin, Zaharijev in Simeonov slavospev. Ti so znamenje celostne osebne drže: čeprav v mnogovrstnem nasprotovanju izkušajo dramatičnost upanja v nevidne reči; ohranjajo nedotaknjeno svojo vero v božje obljube, v Mesija in njegovo kraljestvo. Vsekakor so za Luka ti ljudje, tudi ubogi v sociološkem smislu, so obrobni, stiskani, zaničevani, oropani civilnih pravic in jih mnogi smatrajo za nesrečne tudi pred Bogom. Prav njim Jezus osebno nagovarja, se zanima zanje in jih predstavlja kot model za Cerkev. Če ni tako, potem je upanje in graditev kraljestva: v priliki o bogatinu in njegovih bratih Jezus poudari, da sitim ne pomagajo preroki in niti »če kdo od mrtvih vstane«, s čimer je verjetno mislil nase samega. Idealiziran Lukov opis skupnosti v Jeruzalemu je za evangelista pristna podoba resnične Kristusove Cerkve. V razlagi, ki jo Pavel razvija o krščanskem verovanju in jo je izrecno navedel v pismu Korinčanom, se začenja sedaj veliki odstavek o osrednji skrivnosti krščanstva, to je Jezusovo vstajenje. Pavlovo razmišljanje hoče poudariti bivanjsko preobilje, ki vernemu človeku daje Kristusovo vstajenje. Zanikanje vstajenja, potegne za seboj zanikanje Kristusove odrešenjske učinkovitosti. Zanikanje Kristusovega vstajenja potegne za seboj zanikanje njegove slave, to je njegovega božanstva in s tem same krščanske vere. Zanikanje krščanske vere potegne za seboj tudi zanikanje našega odrešenja in našega upanja. Vse to je nesmiselno kajti Cerkev ima živo izkušnjo Duha, ki pričuje o naši osvoboditvi od zla. Kristus je res vstal in tako zopet v božji polnosti pridobil človeškost, ki jo je privzel v učlovečenju. On je naš »prvenec«, on je prvi človek, ki vstopi v poveličanje, vodeč s seboj svoje brate; je najbolj dragocena in plemenita »prvina«, ker je popoln božji vzor, prek katerega je celotno človeštvo pritegnjeno, da postane »popolno, kakor je popoln nebeški Oče» (Mt 5,48). Blagri so stalno in radikalno spraševanje kristja-nove vesti. Po njih se meri pristnost in celostnost krščanskega obstoja. Luka poudarja »socialno« in življenjsko razsežnost te temeljne ponudbe. Tudi islamski mistik Al-Ghazali je v svojem Pismu učencu klical v spomin, »da ima vera tri razsežnosti: vera je beseda z usti, vera je resnica s srcem, vera je dejavnost z deli.« Številni svetniki nam dajejo zgled takšnega ravnanja, ki ga je cerkveno učiteljstvo vedno hvalilo in priporočalo. Posebej se je v tem odlikoval sveti Alfonz Ligvorij, ki je zapisal: »Med vsemi oblikami pobožnosti je češčenje evharističnega Kristusa prva za zakramenti; Bogu je najljubša, nam pa najkoristnejša.« Evharistija je neizmeren zaklad: ne le njeno obhajanje, ampak tudi zadrževanje pred njo zunaj maše dovoljuje vernikom, da črpajo iz samega vrelca milosti. Krščansko občestvo, ki želi še bolj premišljevati Kristusovo obličje v tistem duhu, kakor sem ga priporočil v apostolskih pismih »Ob začetku novega tisočletja« in »Rožni venec Device Marije«, se ne more odreči razvijanju tega vidika evharističnega češčenja, v katerem se podaljšujejo in pomnožujejo sadovi občestva z Gospodovim telesom in krvjo. /Prim. Oznanjevalec 2004/ 66 | VESTNIK 2019 VESTNIK 2019 | 23 Soup and Suds and Cards V soboto, 9. februarja je bilo v naši dvorani prav prijetno srečanje. Člani župnijskega sveta in prostovoljci so pripravili zanimiv družabni večer. V kuhinji je zelo dobro dišalo, saj se je kuhalo pet različnih juh. Vsak si je lahko že s tem ko je plačal vstopnino, izbral tri juhe. Nekatere so bile vsem poznane, druge za mnoge nekaj novega. Tudi kuharice so bile presenečene, ker je prva zmanjkala juha ravno krompirjeva juha s porom. V dvorani pa so se mnogi zabavali pri različnih igrah: plinko, kolo sreče, drugi so poskušali s pikadom zadeti pravi balon. Nekateri so izbrali družabne igre ali karte. Najbolj pozorno pa so vsi spremljali in igrali, ko je bič čas za bingo. Ob letpih nagradah, ki so jih pripravili sponzorji, so se mnogi razveselili, še posebej je bila klicana njihova srečna številka. Lep večer bo mnogim ostal v lepem spominu. Upamo, da se ob drugi priložnosti dvorana še bolj napolni. Hvala vsem, ki ste pripravljali večer, posebej kuharicam, pa tudi vsem, ki ste se udeležili večera in sodelovali. 68 | VESTNIK 2019 VESTNIK 2019 | 69 26 | VESTNIK 2019 V nedeljo, 10. marca so pri društvu Sava praznovali slovenki kulturni dan - Prešernov dan. Najprej smo se zbrali k sveti maši, po maši so kuharice pripravile dobro kosilo in po kosilu se je začel kulturni program. Po himnah je ga.Magdalena Razpotnik naredila kratek uvod in v nekaj besedah povzela vsebino praznovanja, potem smo priluhnili recitaciji prešernove pesmi »Pod okonom«, pa še lepi melodiji harmonikaša. Nazadnje pa je predsednik društva poklical člane društva, ki so prejeli priznanja za njihovo delo v društvu. Letos so bili: 1 .Peter & Marjana Kraner, 2.Janez Kraner, 3. Antonija Kreže, 4.Mike & Magda Majeed. Pa še kakšen rojstni so popraznovali. VESTNIK 2019 | 71 The Diocese of Hamilton is conducting the One Heart, One Soul Campaign to raise money for every parish in the Diocese and for shared ministries. Answers to a set of Frequently Asked Questions appear in parish bulletins regularly. A compilation of all questions that have been published are available throughout the campaign at What are the potential benefits of the campaign's focus on campus ministry? We know that many Catholic young people who go away to college and university are going to Mass less when they graduate. We want to help college and university students form networks and communities that help them to be comfortable living out their faith. In short, the Diocese wants to support Catholic students during an important time in their lives. Campaign funds will be allocated toward staff and program costs for chaplaincy programs associated with post-secondary institutions within the Diocese. How would the hospital ministry goal be beneficial? Hospital ministry is a way for the Church to be Jesus for us during a difficult time, providing comfort, peace and healing as we tackle big questions. The campaign goal will serve to improve what we already do to make the Church present to a population that might not be present in our parishes. Funds will provide for: A. Pastoral formation and training for those who minister to the sick, whether it be priests, deacons, seminarians or lay hospital ministers. A Campaign for the Diocese of Hamilton B. Resources for and promotion of palliative care, which aims to relieve the symptoms, pain and stress of a serious illness. Why the focus on prison ministry and help for migrant workers? These goals aim to help raise the consciousness of the Diocese at large to these populations and their needs. The Church is theirs, too, and the Church needs to be there for them for the same reason it ministers to all of us. Funds from the campaign will enhance the mission and vision of prison ministry, in particular by formalizing the structure of the ministry in the Diocese. That will include the training of deacons and lay volunteers to help them share the healing and compassion of Jesus with those confined in correctional institutions. For migrant workers, the Diocese is committed to ensuring their spiritual and pastoral care for the period they spend in the area providing labour in the industries in which they work. 72 | VESTNIK 2019 POT FAMILY DAY CELEBRATION SUN FEB 17, 2019 Starting at 1:00 INDOORS: 1. Genealogy Displays 2. Food & Drink available: Roast Pig, Kranjske Klobasa, Potatoes, Salad 3. Cotton Candy Machine, Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Pecivo, 4. Arts and Crafts 5. Balince 6. Live Music: The Music Leafs OUTDOORS: (weather dependent) 1. Ice Skating 2. Ice Hockey / Ball Hockey 3. Tobogganing 4. Snowman Building Contests 5. Fire Pit for Marshmallow Roasting (and buns toasting) 6. Scavenger Hunt Parking lot will be plowed Rain or shine / Snow or sleet We welcome pecivo/cookie donations Bled Planica Social Club Cordially invites you all to FAMILY DAY CELEBRATION CHILDREN'S ACTIVITY DAY February 17, 2019 Doors Open at 12:00 p.m. Lunch Buffet served at 1:00 p.m. Calvin the Magician at 3:00 p.m. Bingo, Crafts, Activities, Food & Fun! TICKETS: ] Childer under 5 FREE! Ages 6 -13 years $8.00 ] ADULTS: $15.00 (Includes buffet) For more information: FRANK GIMPELJ (905) 531-0894 THOMAS MES (905) 971-3831 VESTNIK 2019 | 29 V -vr» «>•*/«'• <>•»/• • "' >- . .... •'.•/ .... ; Wednesday February 20, 2019 @ 7:30 p.m. At Christ's Church Cathedral 252 James St. N. Hamilton ON, L8R 2L3 Thursday, February 21, 2019 @ 7:30 p.m. Miraculous Medal Church 739 Brown's Line, Toronto 74 | VESTNIK 2019 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2019 March 1st is World Day of Payer. This year the Prayer Service is written by the Would Day of Prayer Committee of Slovenia. They chose the inspiring words: Come - Everything is ready! Luke 14:15-24 At the core of the theme for WDP 2019, an invitation - Come. And to enable the response - Everything is ready. Come to praise, thank, and proclaim the kingdom of love. The invitation is grounded in the parable that Jesus told about a great dinner which was attended by the ones called off the streets, as the ones invited excused themselves. The community formed around the table is not enough to fill the house - there is still room. Who are missing from the table in your community? The artist, Rezka Arnuš, wanted to present two topics with her artwork pictured on the right. The country of Slovenia and the main biblical story of the worship service. At the top there are women dressed in national traditional costumes. The semicircular ornament with Slovenian folk embroidery represents a plate or a table with their best known national dish -potica- and grapes from various wine producing vineyards. Partly under the table, one can see the children from the margins of the society. They heard the invitation to the feast. The red and white colors used reflect Slovenian folk embroidery. The green background color emphasizes the green Slovenia, fields and forests. The warm colors of children express the joy of heartfelt invitation. The first Slovenian World Day of Prayer service was held in Rogaška Slatina in 2000. It was organized by Mrs. Ljudmila Schmidt Semerl from Switzerland, who encouraged other communities to join WDP. In autumn of 2001, Mrs. Corinna Harbig, WDP liaison for Slovenia, brought together the organizers from Rogaška Slatina, Murska Sobota, Maribor, and Ljubljana at a meeting dedicated to planning for the future of the WDP in Slovenia. They established the practice of joint preparation and central translation of the worship service and resource materials. In January 2002, Mrs. Harbig organized the first preparatory seminar, which was attended by women from Ljubljana, Rogaška Slatina, Murska Sobota, and Maribor. In January 2004, the Europe regional representative, Mrs. Inge-Lise Lollike, from Denmark, introduced the perspective of the International Committee of WDP. Today the WDP is celebrated in 6 locations in Slovenia, involving around 100 collaborators and attended by around 500 persons. The new liaison is Tanja Povšnar. More resources at: VESTNIK 2019 | 75 Diocese of Hamilton_ Grief Relief - Has someone you cared about died? Are you grieving the loss of the person's presence in your life? Are you wondering if these feelings are normal? You are not alone! "Grief Relief - is a six week educational and support series dealing with grief, offered on Wednesdays, April 24 to May 29th at the Chancery Office, Hamilton, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Facilitator: Karen Hulley, RP. Cost is $35. You are free to attend all sessions, or any one or more as you are able. To register call the Family Ministry Office: 905-528-7988 ext. 2249, or go to Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass June 9, 2019 - Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, or 60+ Wedding Anniversary in the year 2019? If you are, you are cordially invited to join couples from across the Diocese of Hamilton for a Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 9, 2019 at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King at 1:30 pm. (Space allows room for Anniversary couples only - those married 60 years or more may bring 1 guest if you require assistance). Please refer to the poster in the church for information on how to register for the celebration, or go to Healthy Relationships Share Common Skills - Come and Learn More! "Keys to Loving Relationships" is a ten week video-based program that all people (married, dating, or single) can use to develop the skills needed to have a truly meaningful relationship with a spouse, family member or friend. Learn how to become a better "me" in all your relationships! The program is offered at the Diocesan Chancery Office, 700 King ST. W., Hamilton, Thursday evenings from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. March 21 - May 30, 2019. The cost is $45.00. For more information or to register, please call the Family Ministry Office at (905) 528-7988 ext. 2249 or register at: under the start date below Upcoming Events. ' -6th Sunday in Ordinary Time v_> Response: Blessed the one who trusts in the Lord. First Reading Jeremiah 17:5-8 There are two types of people: those who put their trust in human beings; and the others who trust in God. Second Reading 1Corinthians 15:12. 16-20 If Christ has not been raised from the dead, you are still in your sins. Gospel Luke 6:17. 20-26 Blessings on those who have to depend on God; woe to those who rely on worldly things. "Rejoice when that day comes and dance for joy." Illustration A popular Sufi tale tells of a man who built a lighthouse in the middle of a desert. Everyone laughed at him and thought he was crazy. But when it was complete and the light began to spin sending light in every direction, it seemed like the Milky Way had turned into a carousel. A sea appeared illuminated by a river of light with ships and whales and dolphins. Everyone was amazed except the lighthouse builder. He knew that if someone turns on a light in the darkness, the brightness of that light will bring about many wonders. Many people, of course, will think that this is a stupid idea. Who builds a lighthouse in the desert? However, with a little imagination, we can begin to see that there are other deserts for us to experience than those made of sand. It may be the deserted 76 | VESTNIK 2019 places of our own hearts in which we experience great loneliness. It may be the bright lights of our local shopping areas, which promise all the ingredients of a happy life, but are in reality only a mirage. Material things cannot satisfy the hunger of the human heart for what is truly life-giving. All of us experience such deserts in our life and all of us need a lighthouse that will help us to find our hearts' desire. Gospel Teaching The prophet Jeremiah helps us to see precisely this. The ones who think that human beings have all the answers to life's questions will find in the end that what they believe will turn to dust. Everything they trusted to give them life will dry up like a desert stream. On the other hand, those who trust in God, and build their lives on God's word, will find that what looks like a dry and empty space, by human standards, will, in fact, be transformed. The desert will become a garden for them. The same sort of contrast is made by Jesus in today's Gospel. Those whose lives are replete with every good thing are setting themselves up for disappointment. The time will come for them to lose it all. But those who have nothing are the heirs to the kingdom of God; the hungry shall be satisfied; the sad will be filled with joy and laughter; the persecuted, those unwanted by the society of today, will enjoy the fullness of life in heaven. Application In such a world of stark contrasts it would be easy to label all the wealth of the developed world as something "bad", and the poverty and deprivation of the developing world as opportunities for "good". However, in the desert that is our modern world, we need a lighthouse to help us to distinguish just what is true, what is the way God wants us to live. First of all, Jesus says, "I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark; he will have the light of life." The truth is that all of us are invited to be part of the project of Jesus to bring light into the world. We are called to be continually enlightened by Christ so that our light can shine brightly. Jesus teaches us how to live by loving God with everything we have and by loving our neighbour as ourselves. The light of Jesus helps us to discern what we are to do in any situation; how to put our neighbour's needs before our own; how to forgive one another just as God has forgiven us. Jesus calls us to a new scale of values whereby we define success not by the letters after our name or the security of our bank balance. The true success of our lives will lie in our becoming the person that God created us to be, and that person is an image of Jesus. At first sight, the desert seems to be dead. There are no signs of life. But when the rain does fall, when wells are dug, when gardens are planted and irrigated, suddenly the desert springs to life. This has got to be our hope; that the world is not beyond redemption. Jesus calls us to be people of faith, people with a vision, people who are prepared to build lighthouses in the desert, from where his light can give a new vision of what humanity is meant to be. VESTNIK 2019 | 77 Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKE VAJE_ Pevske vaje za mešani (cwi^^^^L pevski zbor so vsa k (^niV^jgjja četrtek. Practice Angleški zbor ima vajo vsako sredo po večerni maši. Vabljeni novi pevci. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 17. februar: Slovenski Park - Family Day Celebration ♦ 17. februar: Bled - Family Day Lunch - Indoor Play Day ♦ 2. marec: St. Gregory the Great - PUSTOVANJE ♦ 3. marec: Bled - AGM ♦ 3. marec: Sava - Mass 1:00 p.m. ♦ 5. marec: Lipa Park - AGM - Election of new Executive ♦ 10. marec: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. CWL-KŽZ Bazaar ♦ 10. marec: St. Joseph's Society - AGM 11:00 a.m. ♦ 10. marec: Sava - 1:00 p.m. Light Lunch followed by the General Meeting ♦ 17. marec: Triglav - Mass 12:30 p.m. - Last Mass in the Hall ♦ 24. marec: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m. St. Joseph's Society - Banquet 12:00 p.m. GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 17. februar 9:30 a.m.: Toni in Marija Franc ♦ 24. februar 9:30 a.m.: Aranka Dundek & Dany ♦ 3. marec 9:30 a.m.: Jože Gimpelj & Lovrenčec ♦ 10. marec 10:00 a.m.: Članice KŽZ ♦ 17. marec 9:30 a.m.: Magda Udovč DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - MEMBERSHIP FOR 2019 Društvo Memberships are now overdue for the year 2019. You may call Tony Ferko at 905-578-0150 or Peter Novak 905-560-4201. CWL - KŽZ: Bazaar_ Our CWL is busy planning for our ANNUAL BAZAAR scheduled for March 10th. Blue lottery tickets continue to be sold in the church foyer on Sunday. We will also be selling meal tickets. Luncheon tickets are $20 (adult, 11 years and up), and $10 (children 5-10 years); children 4 years of age and under are free. Prepayment by March 3rd is requested and appreciated. Contact person is Pamela Gosgnach: 905-304-8719 KONZULARNE URE_ Konzularne ure so v prostorih Generalnega konzulata na naslovu: 731 Brown's Line, Toronto, Ontario M8W 3V7 Torek, 5. marec 2019, od 3:00 to 6:30 p.m. Prej preverite na tel: 1-613-565-5781. Poroka - Marriage_ V soboto, 23. februarja 2019 bosta sklenila zakrament sv. zakona nevesta Stephanie Elizabeth Sidonia WATSON, hči očeta Ronalda Watson in matere Sidonie rojene Drvarič in ženin Alexander James DAVIS, sin očeta Gregory Davis in matere Sandre rojene Powis. Iskrene čestitke ob tako pomembnem življenjskem koraku. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja Marije Pomočnice. Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 78 | VESTNIK 2019 DAROVI_ V spomin na pokojnega Johna Krenosa so za gradbeni sklad darovali: - $100 Hema Kosednar - $70 Maks in Jožica Pavličič - $50 Albina Di Giacomo - $30 Karol in Milka Ferko - $100 Družina Pavlakovič - $50 Anton in Marija Franc V spomin na pokojnega Johna Krenosa je Mirko Kolmanič z družino daroval $50 za misijone. Namesto rož za pokojnega Alojza Sampl je Gizela Hauzar darovala $50 za gradbeni sklad. Hvala vam za vse darove. TOUR TO PHILADELPHIA AND WASHINGTON May 17 - From Toronto drive to Philadelphia 3 nights (Holiday Inn Express) coffee makers and 3 hot breakfasts included May 18 - A 3hr guided tour of Washington sites to include Drive-by of Washington Monument • Lincoln, Vietnam Veterans, WWII, & Korean War Veterans Memorials • Arlington Cemetery—Tomb of the Unknown & Kennedy Graves and the White House May 19 - Philadelphia - A visit to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Shrine Morning - Sunday Mass and Tour of the Shrine. A peaceful sanctuary for prayer, filled with Marian artwork and stunning altars. Enjoy shopping and lunch at the Famous Reading Terminal Market, Shopping at the Philadelphia Mills Mall. A 3hr Guided Tour of Philadelphia to include sites in the most historic square mile such as the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Congress Hall, Franklin Court, Carpenters' Hall, the Betsy Ross house, and more. Stop somewhere for a winery tour. May 20 - return home Price per person $630. Canadian. Only lunches and dinners are extra. Deposit of $200 to be made to Rozika Nesich 416-689-2687. They stil need 22 people to confirm the bus and this tour. DEKLIŠKI ZBOR SV. STANISLAVA_ Dekliški zbor sv. Stanislava, škofijske klasične gimnazije Ljubljana-Šentvid, je trenutno eden najvidnejših mladinskih zborovskih sestavov v svetu. V zboru prepevajo dekleta med 16. in 19. letom starosti. Poleg ostalih mednarodnih uspehov je kot prvi in do sedaj edini slovenski zbor, ki je zmagal na Evroradijskem tekmovanju (EBU) "Let the Peoples Sing" 2009 v Oslu ter kot edini slovenski zbor na povabilo Svetovne zborovske zveze (IFCM) nastopil na svetovnem zborovskem simpoziju (WSCM) leta 2017 v Barceloni. Letos so bli povabljeni v Kansas City, kjer bodo peli na svetovnem zborovskem simpoziju. Zbor vodi Helena Fojkar Zupančič. Več informacij na plakatu. KITCHEN SECRETS SESSION_ Because of family day weekend, the Kitchen Secrets Session on Sunday is cancelled and will be rescheduled. Thanks! - Heidy N. -t» SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 79 od 17. 2. 2019 do 24. 2. 2019 svete maše - masses 6. Nedelja med letom Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 17. Februar ff Matija in Martin Zelko Marija in Toni Franc f Štefan Dundek Zena Aranka z družino Aleš, redovni ustanovitelj f Mary Zabukovec 11:00 a.m. Theresa Koželj Ponedeljek - Monday 18. Februar f Eileen MacKenzie (4/19) 8:00 a.m. N.N. Flavijan, škof Torek - Tuesday f Thea Marušich 11:00 a.m. Pogrebna maša-Funeral Mass 19. Februar f Atilio 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadic Bonifacij, škof f Ivan Inkret Družina Benko Sreda - Wednesday 20. Februar f Roman Pangos 5:00 p.m. Francka Seljak Frančišek in Jacinta Četrtek - Thursday f Štefan Ray 7:00 p.m. Gizella Ray z družino 21. Februar f Štefan Ray Matila Bratuž Irena (Mira), dev. f Alojz Sampl Gizela Hauzar Petek - Friday f Ivan Kovač 7:00 p.m. Družina Antolin 22. Februar ff Franc in Jožefa Majzelj, obl. Frank in Marica Majzelj z druž. Sedež apostola Petra f Francka Pust Družina Pust Za versko rast mladih 9:15 a.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Sobota ff Verona in Štefan Prša, obl. 5:30 p.m. Joe in Kathy Prša ff Verona in Štefan Prša, obl. Emilia Metuk Saturday ff Verona in Štefan Prša, obl. Cecilia Sobočan 23. Februar ff Rozina in Štefan Kotnjek Cecilija Sobočan Polikarp, škof-mučenec ff Pok iz druž Sraka in Marija Mes ff Marija in Alojz Mes Amalija Štadler z družino Družina Mes f Matija Vlašič Zena in otroci Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 7. Nedelja med letom n Neža Stegne Sin 24. Februar Matiici anoStol f Lucia, Jernej in John Ponikvar 11:00 a.m. Družina Ponikvar f Tony Desanti Mary Desanti 80 | VESTNIK 2019