ACTA CARSOLOGICA 32/2 o 3 29-39 LJUBLJANA 2003 COBISS: 1.01 A LITTLE CONTRIBUTION TO THE KARST TERMINOLOGY: SPECIAL OR ABERRANT CASES OF POLJES? PRISPEVEK H KRAŠKI TERMINOLOGIJI: PRIMER KRAŠKEGA POLJA - POSEBNOST ALI ZMOTA? JEAN NICOD1 ' Jean NICOD, Old Emeritus Professor, Institut de Geographie, Aix en Provence, Florida 1, 35 Av. du 24 Avril 1915, F 13 012 MARSEILLE, France Abstract UDC: 551.44:001.4 Jean Nicod: A little contribution to the karst terminology : special or aberrant cases of poljes? A usual definition of polje states that it is "great closed karst basin with flat bottom, karstic drainage and steep peripheral slopes". But the Dinaric karst shows a wide range of poljes. The article discusses the main criteria of polje definition and the different degrees of evolution of the polje are emphasised. The essentials are gathered in the table with new tentatives on classification of poljes and comparing the Dinaric karst with other Mediterranean and Alpine countries. Key words: karst terminology, polje, Dinaric karst, Alpine karst, Mediterranean. Izvleček UDK: 551.44:001.4 Jean Nicod: Prispevek h kraški terminologiji: primer kraškega polja - posebnost ali zmota? Običajna definicija kraškega polja je »velika zaprta kraška depresija z ravnim dnom, kraškim odtokom in strmimi pobočji«. Toda na dinarskem krasu je cela vrsta različnih kraških polj. V prispevku so navedeni glavni kriteriji za razvrščanje polj ter posebej poudarjeno vprašanje različne stopnje v razvoju kraškega polja. Vsebina je zbrana in povzeta v preglednici, ki obenem ponuja nove rešitve pri razvrščanju kraških polj ter podaja primerjavo med dinarskim krasom ter krasom v drugih sredozemskih in alpskih deželah. Ključne besede: kraška terminologija, kraško polje, dinarski kras, alpski kras, Sredozemlje. According to the usual definition « a polje is defined as a great karst closed basin, with flat bottom, karstic drainage and steep peripheral slopes » (GAMS 1974, 1978). But the Dinaric karst shows a wide range of poljes, some fully in carbonatic terrains, other partly in impervious rocks or border poljes (ROGLIC 1972, 1974) and peripheral poljes (GAMS 1978).In addition, some typical poljes are studied in the Mediterranean countries by recent authors. As part of the structural and morphoclimatic classification, we are looking to the evolution of poljes, in relation with neotectonic stress, the activity of hydrology, changes of water-table level, and the degree of karstic evolution, particularly marked by the forms of the bottom and the peripheral slopes. ^lAIN CRITERIA ON KARST POLJES DEFINITION The poljes are no elementary form, and cannot be defined by one and two criteria, but on the contrary by various conditions and processes on the whole of the karstic geosystem. There are distinguished : 1- The topography : generally an elongated closed basin (except some semi- and open poljes...). 2- The structural conditions : contact by fault, fault field, anticlinal, synclinal, overthrust etc...; possible impervious areas (border & peripheral poljes ) ; - possible aquiclude or aquitard (the latter frequently in dolomitic areas, example of the fault-line poljes in the karst of El Hammam, Middle - Atlas, MARTIN 1981). 3- The part of active tectonics, particularly the play of the transverse fault, and the general overstretching, factors of the development of the groundwater network. In some large poljes, the hydrogeological working is in relation to the neotectonic activity, particularly with the distensional and/or transcurrent faults : classical examples of Minde (Portugal), Cerknica (Slovenia), El Yammoüne (Lebanon)^. 4- The morphoclimatic heritage. Most poljes are formed pre-Pleistocene, developed initially in conditions of tropical karst. They are filled by various deposits according to morphoclimatic episodes : morainic, (the classical example of the Campo Imperatore in Abruzzo), cryoclasts, or loam (from the ferralitic soils of the near slopes, or transferred by a tributary stream as the Trebišnjica in the Popovo polje). In some cases, allogenic siliceous deposits can fill the polje bottom and play a main part in the processes of crypto-corrosion : in the typical example of polje of Zafarraya (Betic Ranges,) alluvia originated from the weathered schists of the Sierra Tejeda compose the main cover on the bottom (LHENAFF, 1968). In and near the volcanic countries, as San Gregorio polje, Campania; Alte Murge (SAURO, 1991) and karst of Azrou, Middle-Atlas, the ashes and lapillis contribute to the same processes. 5- Recent and present hydrology. The functional poljes have an active hydrology : - inflow by springs or tributaries; - meandering stream in bottom ; - outflow by ponors ; - the most typical are ± in piezometric level - possible working of estavelles ; - overflow by excess of inflow/possible outflow and obstruction of the ponors, Fig.1: Compared cross-sections of four tectonic poljes (NICOD 1996) a- Zaffaraya (Betic ranges) from LHENAFF, 1968 : Ic-Lias limestones, Id-Lias dolomites, nc-marly lower Cretaceous, f-main overthrust, SM-Miocene planation. Cuges (Provence) in NICOD (1967) : Jurassic limestones, jd-Jurassic dolomites, nc-Lower-Cretaceous limestones, c-Upper-cretaceous series. Cerknica (Notranjsko, Slovenia), eastern part, from GOSPODARIČ & HABIČ, 1978 : Trias dolomites, jc-Jurassic limestones, jd-Jurassic dolomites, nc- Lower-Cretaceous limestones, d-transcurrent fault (active Idrija lineament). Yammoune (near the Beqaa, Lebanon), from BESANQON, 1968 : marly Aptian, c2-Cenomanian limestones, br-tectonic breccia, d-active transcurrent fault (branch of the W fault system of the rift valley). bjc-ct- d- - or in some case by the play of estavelles. - seasonal lakes and marshes, some permanent lakes,particularly in coastal area, according to the sea-level. So the tough problem of the Vrgorac drain (near the Neretva delta) results from the little gradient to the sea-level (BONACCI, 1992). The hydrology conditions contribute to the solution rate, particularly in the calcareous bottom of the basin : the denudation rate is generally high in the active poljes. 6- The geomorphological features. The incipient poljes are mainly fluvial forms, above all proceeding of the fluvial erosion processes in impervious layers (particularly in the border poljes). The more characteristic forms in the functional poljes are : - the embayements of border, in keeping of the ponors and estavelles (and sufTosion and collapse processes) ; - the residual hills (= hums) ; - the corrosion levels, terraced according to the sucessive deepening of the polje bottom. The process of the crypto-corrosion is very active in the actual polje bottom under the alluvial or colluvial deposits. The old (and occasionally in steps) rocky corrosion-plains and rock-fans result mainly from this process in the past (cf. ROGLIC 1972, DUFAURE 1984, NICOD 1992). Table I gives an attempt at polje classification in connection with the combination of these various main criteria. Only the typical functional poljes can give the whole of these criteria (e.g. : polje of Cerknica). THE DIFFERENT DEGREES OF EVOLUTION: SOME PROBLEMS. 1- Many poljes are in incipient stage : - blind valley, in contact karst; some piedmont poljes may proceed from this form; - uvala in extension, some structural poljes . Some poljes may proceed from connection of uvalas, as the « Llanos de Libar », synclinal polje in the Serrania de Grazalema, Betic ranges (DELANNOY 1997) ; - structural basin, from erosion, excavated in only impervious rocks of the bottom ; examples of the poljes of Caille and Caussols in the subalpine range of the Alpes Maritimes. The development of these forms arises mainly from the fluvial erosion from the ponor in the synclinal trough, and the episodic overflow depends only from the blocking of this ponor. - recent filled graben, with peripheral slopes constituted by fault scarp, as the polje of Cinquemiglia in Abruzzo (DEMANGEOT 1965) ; cf. the south side of Cuges (Provence) ; - valley or graben blocked by scoriae cone and lava flow : example of the « Rug » (or Roudj), adjacent to the Ghor rift valley, in Syria (BESANCON & GEYER 1995). 2- The problem of base-level in the active poljes. Two main problems are to discern : - the base level in the polje is controled by the hydrogeologic conditions in the karst unit below, and its fluctuations are a function of the seasonal climatic events ; - near the coast, the base-level depends mainly on the sea-level. This distinction has played an important part in the polje evolution during the Pleistocene in relation to the morphoclimatic events and the variations of the sea-level. In combination with the general karstic aquifers, the groundwater of the alluvia may play important part in the polje evolution. Let us quote as examples : - in the Lassithi, high tectonic polje of Crete, the important groundwater in the alluvia is supported by the aquiclude constituted by an old clayey karstic formation ; like the case of Campo Imperatore, in Gran Sasso d'Italia massif, that show a rich hydrologic network and little lakes in keeping with its thick morainic cover; - the semi-poljes of Mislina and Hutovo blato, near the lower Neretva valley, partly in lakes, has been blocked from the Holocene deltaic filling. 3- The open and paleopoljes. In contrast with these active forms, in the Mediterranean karsts, many poljes are only inherited forms : - open poljes, partly drained by an permanent or intermittent stream ; - paleo-poljes or « fossil » poljes. Fig. 2: The structural polje of Minde and the open polje of Alvados (Estramadura, Portugal). Map from the documents of M.L. RODRIGUES 1995, FERREIRA et al., 1988, & J.A. CRLSPIM,1993, 1995, in NICOD, 1996, fig.1. Keys: 1-faults, 2- tectonic limit of the Infra-lias sandstones (triassic diapir), transcurrent fault, 3-tectonic scarp, 4-id., of overthrust on the Tage basin, 5-structural scarp, 6-gentle slope, 7-canyon, old corrosion level, 8-uvala, karstic basin, 9-polje contour, 10-lacustrine bottom, terra-rossa, 11-periglacial cone and deposit, 12-spring, seasonal lake, 13-ponor, cave, 14-permanent, temporary stream, water-tracing. Abbreviations : Al-Almonda spring, Av-tracing Olhos de Aviela main spring, CP- Chao das Pias, MV-Moinhos Velhos cave, VM- Vila Morena spring. Main Types in MmpEuiscm with struutiui; & geomorphology Jfldpimi slrtges_ ülinjd vdley üratim polje SjTiclinal polje. Spadal eil,VC,v G^cnjo^t Äclivc borrftr (& (Graiien) bordei polje Peripheral & coniplcx Border pol je Atliv^jioljt fully I'iedniotn pot j es Plaltiau puljei Gröben polje Anticlinal polje Active pitljesin 01(1 valley Examples (rcßrunci:^) Brkini' (Slovenifl) Cin[jui™igliii^ Abrozi» Caillc^ (SubalpinL-Caussols^ laiige AM") Rug" ^J^udj') i^ypn} peripher^) Du™o Livno (Bosnia) (Uosuia) {Aiiclalncia.) im cflrlotiatc ty)chs Sfnictui^il contiol fwsihk pari of tti{uiclii(k or acjuitard Jn conOft karst Grabai SjTiühnal "ideni-Spccial ertiluiioti : baiTöl bj' layii flow Giahcii or Kj-nelinal witli thick iio-cajrl»uale roeks aquidväcs. Contact of tcctonic 1111 its tiy active tr^yft se faiillH- id. ■Liti Spccitiu geoiiioiplioloyiKal forms Widened blind val. Sltmm /oiä jjj cave tectonic slopes T'cat-bo^i rluvial MOsioiT Overflffw hy ponor feimfhcpoiior \ obstmcUon ! Drain hy volciliuc dat» hiuraljjtiiinr.'; Hydiulügical fixtures: pnrmrx, (ScasemalJ overßerw iakex EmbayaiieiH ill downstream sidu Krnsioii &. corrosion levels Cünüsiüll levd Bottom filled by siliceous de|30sits Z^dlo's^'-y" "(Slnv.) (jratiovo' (Slet-ceg,) iil-l-liiiimiaui:' Middle-AllasCausses Miiirie'" (Portugal) Yatiijuoxtiie'' (Lebanon) Terknica'^ (Slovenia) hao t ski"( 1.1 os,) compk-x .vj'frfL'm pii'ZomeJrie. level Scamnal nvfrßow Ovfirjhii\ puriiy in piesrimntric level Nikäic"' LasiiÜli (Crelc) Popovo'' .... witfi relict forms URpel Pivka*'(Siov.) StBamabc'" (AM) J .aiTiac (Ciiusse.;) L'Hüspilalet'" .imall poljc of" I .aiiac Orand Canjuers" (Prevaite) Any fault area in fomiei- glacial niout. DoLoiuilic feultecl plaleau-wj^iMloffi gi-aiien breccia wne in iic[ive iraiBveree T Antielinal + activc transverse fault, -itiein- ajctiv-e overth rusts -> aqvtcluiief: -idem- aiiuiditde • Ol d vail oj' in iKtonised area Thick morainic deposits Some cnrrosion levels Old Lak« level Filled by thick deposits Embayenieiu in downstroam side Corrosion level Embaymonts anil hums "rtiick slluvial filling /iuipeivious deposits üüirusiüii lev, l.oam fill ins basc-levci poljes _ Ofieit .m'nmp tS peal-ho^ Smjivmil IdkiiS (I eiaifjs » /a/te XmiWWjJ /ate Ovc^rßmv (f- local Ifimnnial lakf -idtim- SwHOmtl kikcn iinmnilviuKir in aihjvia Seaaoncil oveifknv fyl^TrMnßai...... de<;p grfuftdMili>i- Tampomry lakes Ephummd lakes mi/st pet t:hi:d: tfver near reuiilee ni-cr Verdon canyon paleo-pof) uvftlas K. valloys & uvalaa Old evolution under wentherjiig deposits Rock-latis & Runc/favrren tiolils References- 1- MIHEVC 1994 ; 2- DEMANGEOT 1965 ; 3- JULIAN-NICOD 1986/89 ; 4- BESANQON-GEYER 1995 ; 5 GAMS 1974/78 ; 6- HERAK 1972, ROGLIC 1974 ; 7- LHENAFF 1968 ; 9-MARTIN 1981 ; 10-CRISPIM 1995, NICOD 1996 ; 11- BESANQON 1968 ; 12- GOSPODARIČ-HABIČ 1978, KRANJC 1985 ; 13- ROGLIC 1974 ; 14- HERAK, 1972, BONACCI 1992 ; 15- id. + MILANOVIC 1979 ; 16- HABIČ 1991 ; 17- JULIAN-NICOD 1989 ; 18- AMBERT 1990, BRUXELLES 2001 ; 19- NICOD 1998. Tabl. 1: New tentative classification of some classical karst poljes, with comparison between Dinaric Karst and other Mediterranean and alpine countries. These old forms proceed generally from a long evolution, largely pre-Pleistocene. a) The open polje (or rather better opened after evolution as closed basin ?). They may have hydrogeological features, as the poljes in piezometric level : Example: the Upper Pivka valley, with the two variable-level lakes with the fluctuations of the water-table, and inherited corrosion surface and some hums (HABIČ 1991). The open polje of Alvados, near that classical one of Minde (Portugal), and on the same transverse fault, has only some inherited forms (CRISPIM 1995, NICOD 1996). b) The paleo-poljes. - Hydrology : - Generally, the paleo-poljes arise from the canyon cut and drastic lowering of the piezometric level, more often correlated to the regional uplift. They have only a residual hydrographic network (example of Grand Plan de Canjuers, near the Great Canyon of Verdon, in Subalpine Ranges in Provence). Their hydrological working is episodic (the surface runoff occurs only Fig.3: The structural polje of Minde (Middle Portugal). A- Sketch from the documents of M.L. RODRIGUES 1995, FERREIRA et al., 1988, & J.A. CRISPIM, 1993, 1995, in NICOD, 1996, fig. 2. Keys: l^5-Upper-Lias limestones, J- Bajocian massive limestones, J2-Bathonian limestones, gl-scree (grčzes litees cone), p p'-ponors, s-Poio estavelle, MV-Monhos Velhos cave. B- Fault system of NE slope of polje of Minde (from CRISPIM, 1995, fig. 66). R- Synthetic fault (Riedel), R '-antithetic fault. from heavy rain). An other example is the paleo-polje of Elsarre, in the Arbailles Massif (Western Pyrenees), raised up the Bidouze reculee and its spring, according to the mountain uplift (VANARA 2000). - However, in the dolomitic areas, the play of aquitards may give ephemeral lakes, as in the Causses of Larzac, by heavy rain. Likewise, but in limestones, on the high plateau of Atft Abdi (> 2300 m, in the Central High Atlas), the little poljes, though disconnected from the main aquiclude, can offer some daias (ephemeral lakes), in spring with the snow melting (PERRITAZ 1995/96). - Paleeogeomorphology : The paleo-poljes preserve some characteristic forms, particularly the hums and the corrosion levels. 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