ACTA CARSOLOGICA 52/1, 167-168, POSTOJNA 2023 After 25 years of the 1st edition of David Gillieson’s book “Caves: Processes, Development, and Manage- ment” (1996) published by Blackwell, a 2nd edition of this excellent book was published last year by Wiley-Blackwell. Because of the Covid pan- demic, its publication was almost overlooked. Andrej Kranjc (1997) wrote about the first edition of the book in Acta carso- logica, "In this book there is a lot that is useful and in- teresting for everyone, from the theoretician to practical person". The 1st edition took a contextual and holistic ap- proach to the geomorphology and biology of caves as part of larger karst landscapes and as ecosystems. It also provides an overview of cave and karst management. The 2nd edition of the book has been updated, significantly ex- panded, and largely rewritten as karst and cave research has increased dramatically worldwide, with significant advances in understanding fundamental processes and in obtaining proxy climate and environmental data from cave deposits, as well as in understanding the complex- ity of the karst landscape and cave management. This new edition takes a broad international perspective in the research examples used and literature cited, and has actively sought material from the tropical world and southern continents.  The book Caves: Pro- cesses, Development, and Management, Second Edi- tion, is divided into four sec- tions and 15 chapters. The first section examines the contemporary processes of cave formation. The chapters in this section are 1) Intro- duction, 2) Caves and Karst, and 3) Cave Hydrology. The second section of the book deals with past processes and their physical expression. The chapters in this section are 4) Processes of Rock Dis- solution, 5) Speleogenesis, 6) Cave Interior Deposits, 7) Cave Sediments; 8) Dating Cave Deposits, and 9) Cave Deposits and Past Climates. The third section deals with the use of caves by various organisms, from bacteria to humans. The chapters in this section are 10) Cave Ecol- ogy, 11) Cave Archaeology, and 12) Historic Uses of Caves. The final section of the book focuses on changing CAVES: PROCESSES, DEVELOPMENT, AND MANAGEMENT David SHAW GILLIESON Caves: Processes, Development, and Management. 2nd Printed Edition, 528 pp, Wiley-Blackwell, 2021 DOI: approaches to cave management and to catchment man- agement in karst landscapes. The chapters in this section are 13) Cave Management, 14) Catchment Management in Karst, and 15) Documentation of Caves. Also included at the end of the book is a glossary of cave and karst ter- minology, suggestions for further reading, and geograph- ical and topical indexes. The book is recommended for anyone interested in caves and karst. It provides an understanding of the processes of cave formation, how caves can enhance our knowledge of past environments and climates, the en- vironmental and cultural values that caves have for hu- manity, and the management of caves. Book is available in printed edition and in a variety of electronic formats and by print‐on‐demand Nadja Zupan Hajna BOOK REVIEW ACTA CARSOLOGICA 52/1 – 2023168