SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 39/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 24.9. 2023 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Današnji evangelij govori o gospodarju, ki kliče delavce v svoj vinograd in jim plača ob koncu dneva. Da bi nas liturgija pripravila na to evangeljsko poučevanje, nam v prvem berilu ponuja besedilo preroka Izaija, v katerem Bog pravi: »Moje misli niso vaše misli, vaše poti niso moje poti.« Ljudje mislimo po človeško, božje misli pa so zelo drugačne. Povabljeni smo torej, da sprejmemo božje mišljenje, da bi bili deležni njegove dobrote in njegovega veselja. Gospod je milostljiv, zelo rad odpušča, je velikodušen in nam hoče to velikodušnost tudi posredovati. Evangeljska prilika govori o gospodarju, ki je ob različnih dnevnih urah najemal delavce za svoj vinograd. Nekaj delavcev najame zgodaj zjutraj in se z njimi pogodi za plačo enega denarija za delo celotnega dneva. Okrog devete ure zjutraj spet vidi nekatere, ki so nezaposleni, in jih najame. Prav tako okrog poldneva in ob treh popoldne. Končno to stori še okrog petih; tudi takrat vidi ljudi brez dela in jim reče: »Zakaj postajate tukaj ves dan brez dela?« Oni odgovorijo: »Nihče nas ni najel.« Gospodar tudi te pošlje v svoj vinograd, kjer delajo samo eno uro. Ob koncu reče svojemu oskrbniku: »Pokliči delavce in jim plačaj. Začni pri zadnjih in končaj pri prvih.« Ta podrobnost razkriva Jezusov namen: hoče pripraviti presenečenje, ki se razkrije v zbeganosti ob plačilu. Delavci, ki jih je najel ob petih popoldne, so - posamično - prejeli vsak en denarij, to je plačilo, ki je bilo dogovorjeno z delavci prve, zgodnje ure. Seveda je popolnoma normalno, da so ti zadnji v plačilni vrsti mislili, da bodo prejeli veliko več, vendar pa so tudi oni prejeli en denarij. Zato so se jezili nad gospodarjem: »Ti zadnji so delali eno uro in si jih izenačil z nami, ki smo prenašali težo dneva in vročino.« Vendar gospodar enemu izmed njih razloži: »Prijatelj, ne delam ti krivice. Ali se nisi pogodil z menoj za en denarij?« Gospodar je dal delavVESTNIK 2023 | cem prve, zgodnje ure to, kar je bilo dogovorjeno; to je bilo pravično. Za tem pa predstavi še drugačno gledanje - tisto o velikodušnosti: »Hočem pa tudi temu zadnjemu dati kakor tebi.« To pomeni, da hoče biti gospodar velikodušen tudi do tistih, ki so prišli zadnjo uro. Ti niso zaslužili dobljenega plačila, vendar so ga potrebovali za življenje. Gospodar je poznal njihovo stisko in jim je zato velikodušno dal nekaj več. Pravi: »Ali ne smem storiti s svojim, kar hočem?« Razločevati moramo dvoje: na eni strani pravičnost in na drugi velikodušnost do tistega, ki je v stiski. Delavci zadnje ure so bili brez dela in niso mogli zaslužiti ničesar; potrebovali so denar in gospodar jim je velikodušno naklonil tisto, kar so potrebovali. Tudi v naši družbi obstaja socialna zakonodaja, ki ureja potrebe ljudi. Primer: če je kdo bolan in ne more delati, vseeno prejema plačo. To dejstvo je - z vidika menjalne pravičnosti - nekaj krivičnega, vendar pa je glede poštene socialne ureditve pravilno. Tako vidimo, da je evangeljsko poučevanje današnje nedelje že prodrlo v mišljenje ljudi današnjega časa in spremenilo družbene odnose. Drugo berilo sicer nima neposredne povezave z evangelijem, pa nam vendar predstavlja Pavlovo velikodušnost. Pavel je v zaporu, pričakuje, da ga bodo obsodili. Razmišlja in zatrjuje, da bi bila zanj smrt dobiček, saj bi dosegel dokončno in popolno združenje s Kristusom. Po drugi strani pa je bil postavljen pred konkretne potrebe Filipljanov in drugih ljudi. Zaveda se, kako potrebno je njegovo apostolsko delo. »Živeti v telesu zame pomeni prinašati sad.« Zato se odloči in izbere, da bo še naprej skrbel za Filipljane. Ne obremenjuje se s povračilom, plačo, temveč želi velikodušno delati v služenju Gospodu. V tem odlomku apostol izpričuje svoje široko srce. Sklada se s prvim berilom in z evangelijem: prisvojil si je božje mišljenje, se odrekel človeškim mislim in načinu razmišljanja; v vsem deluje z veliko mero velikodušnosti. Evharistija, ki jo obhajamo, nas usmerja v isto smer: v naša srca vliva Jezusovo velikodušnost, ko je dal življenje za nas grešnike. Če hočemo biti združeni z njim, se moramo okleniti te njegove velikodušnosti in se odpovedati človeškemu razmišljanju, ki je preozko. (prim. Oznanjevalec 4, 2008) 422 | VESTNIK 2023 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME R: The Lord is near to all who call on him. First Reading Isaiah 55:6-9 God is nearby and can be found. Second Reading Philippians 1:20-24. 27 Christ is in our living and dying, present to us beyond the grave and for all eternity. Gospel Matthew 20:1-16 The landowner practised positive discrimination towards the latecomers and less able workers. “Why be envious because I am generous?” Illustration Maryna had travelled across Europe from Ukraine with her husband Vanko, escaping the shelling of their hometown and doing all that they could to ensure their children’s safety. Before they left the country, they had their own home, were working and had earned enough money for Maryna to study psychology at the nearby university where she was a PhD student. In addition to their own three young children, when Maryna and Vanko left Ukraine, they took responsibility for two orphans, one of them profoundly disabled. On arrival in Britain, they were desperate for work. Vanko found work on a building site. Maryna worked as a cleaner but it was difficult to make ends meet. Eventually, she had three daily cleaning jobs in addition to looking after her family and, in her spare time, continuing her studies. The generous landowner recognised their difficulties and knew their dependence on whatever money he could pay them, and so he ensured that everyone could pay for food and shelter that day. Those who had worked the longest complained because they anticipated a bonus and didn’t receive it. For sure, we all like our hard work to be recognised and appreciated, but perhaps those who had worked for only one hour had expected their entire family to go to bed hungry. Instead, the landowner guaranteed a full stomach. Gospel Teaching Today’s Gospel is particularly relevant to the lives of many people who, in a desperate effort to survive, search for even the lowest paid jobs. Jesus doesn’t describe the workers in the vineyard. Were they young, perhaps starting off their adult lives? Perhaps they were migrant workers, looking for new homes and livelihoods in a new country, possibly far away from the homes they had abandoned. Maybe they were the breadwinners for a growing family. We don’t know. That they were looking for work for each day suggests that they were not wealthy and that life was hard. There’s something else that we don’t know about the workers – but we can guess. The firstcalled probably looked the strongest and best able to withstand the hot sun and heavy labour: they could accomplish the task ahead. The eleventh-hour stragglers probably included those who were weakest, less able and perhaps unfit for work. Were some of them elderly, sick or disabled? Were several so desperate to earn money that, despite poor health, they would try, day after day, to be summoned to work, returning home to collapse on their beds in exhaustion, perhaps without setting foot in the vineyard? How many repeatedly suffered disempowerment, rejection and inadequacy in their search for work and dignity? How much determination did it take to appear, just to be turned away – yet again? How often did they have the normality of a day’s work? Application Today’s Gospel shows us a unique form of justice. Workers should be paid for their work. They need and deserve a decent standard of living for themselves and for their dependants. There are also people whose urgent needs require special sensitivity and generosity. Maryna and Vanko were doing everything that they could for the five children in their care. It was difficult to make a new life in a new land, but they tried. With help from outsiders, the future held some hope. The owner of the vineyard showed compassion at a moment when it was needed but not expected. Had he made allowances for his unexpected generosity or did he not mind that he would be out of pocket that day? Was this a one-off act of kindness or just one in a series of acts of practical goodness? We don’t know, but his is an example that has stood the test of time. What about the workers who complained that they had not received the expected bonus? They did not care if the latecomers would eat that day. The “haves” wanted more: the “have nots” were merely grateful that somebody had seen and responded to their needs. It’s difficult to tell others when we’re desperate. We all have our pride. Frequently, those in most need are also silent in their suffering. It’s easy to say that they should have asked for help, but sometimes that is more easily said than done. Can we be as open to others as was the landowner? Could we let Jesus use our lives and our actions to demonstrate kindness and justice? Can we be sensitive to people’s unspoken desperation and respond with compassion, even at a cost to ourselves? VESTNIK 2023 | 423 ˇ * At Mass 5:30 pm - Concert following Mass 424 | VESTNIK 2023 Started on September 23 Registration OPEN! Have Questions? Contact Sandy Ferletic at or 905-977-8464 Hi Everyone, I hope you all had an enjoyable summer! I can't believe another school year is starting but we are looking forward to seeing everyone again soon! Online registration has opened. Please use the link and feel free to forward the link to anyone you might think would be interested in Sola. I've also attached our poster with all the information. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks, Sandy Ferletič VESTNIK 2023 | 425 426 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 427 Naš jesenski banket smo začeli s sveto mašo ob 10h. Poleg župnika je somaševal še salezijanski predstojnik iz Toronta, Fr. John Puntino. Pri maši je pel angleški zbor, nekaj pa tudi ljudsko. Berili sta prebrala Mirko Zorko in Mila Frančiška Ferko. Darove ssta prinesle Sidonia Poppa in Heidy Novak. Photos: Tony Horvat 428 | VESTNIK 2023 Praznovanje smo nadaljevali v naši dvorani. Program je vodila Heidy Novak skupaj s Sonyo Podrebarac. Zadaj je bila torta in slika ob kateri so se farani podpisali: namreč obhajali smo tudi 20 letnico delovanja župnika Fr. Draga Gačnika v župniji sv. Gregorija Velikega. Že med samim kosilom, ko smo čakali na naslednjo »rihto iz kuhinje« so posamezniki povedali nekaj besed in spominov o teh 20. letih delovanja naše župnije. Hvala vsem za vašo vsa voščila in spodbudne besede. Fr. Drago VESTNIK 2023 | 429 430 | VESTNIK 2023 Ob koncu kosila smo podelili priznanje ga. Olgi Glavač za njeno dolgoletno skrb za okrasitev naše cerkve - vedno je okrašena kot se »spodobi« za vsak praznik pa tudi med letom. Hvala! VESTNIK 2023 | 431 Soboto, 23. september, je bil prvi dan šole za otroke, ki bodo v tem letu obiskovali Slovensko šolo. Letos se jih je zbralo nekaj več kot lani. Upamo, da se jim še kdo pridruži. Učita Sandy Ferletič in Lorie Mramor. V soboto, 23. septembra smo položili k večnemu počitku dva naša farana, ki sta umrla že pred časom, zdaj pa se je družina lahko zbrala skupaj. Po kratkem bogoslužju sta sin Alexander “Sasha” Marusich, Ph.D. in hči Nadia Toman položila žari staršev Franka in Thee Marušič v zemljo. 432 | VESTNIK 2023 PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH YOUNG ADULTS NIGHTS As summer ends and school begins, it is time to get back to a more scheduled lifestyle. As you organize your family, remember that our priorities are what we give the most time to and what we schedule time for, so do not forget to schedule family time, prayer time and Church attendance into your schedule. Place these items on the calendar because they matter to your whole family and seeing them there raises up their importance! Fr. Mark Morley invites all young adults (ages 20s and early 30s) of our diocese to attend a night of Adoration, Fellowship and Praise Music. Arrival and Holy Hour (6:30pm-7:30pm), Social with Food (7:30pm-8:30pm), Praise Night and Vocation Testimony (8:00pm-9:00pm), and Compline (9:00pm) on Saturday October 7th at the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate (28 Norfolk Street, Guelph), and on Saturday, November 4th at Saint Pius X Church (9 Waverly Street, Brantford). Sponsored by the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Hamilton. For more information, please contact: SYNOD OF BISHOPS CHURCH CLEANING ON OCTOBER 4th, POPE FRANCIS will open the first session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, “For a Synodal Church. Communion, Participation, Mission”. In a recent letter to Bishops around the world, Cardinal Mario Grech, General Secretary of the Synod encouraged every baptized person and every particular Church to pray unceasingly that the Holy Spirit guide the Synod participants as they discern what the Lord is asking of his Church today. “With the prayer of listening, adoration, intercession and thanksgiving, the whole ecclesial community will be present, in the power of the Spirit, at the Synodal Assembly as an event that concerns all the baptized.” Prayers of intercession for 25th and 26th Sundays, and for Weekday Masses, and a Solemn Blessing was included are prepared and sent to all Priests and Parishes. Calling on all able-bodied parishioners for a helping hand. After last year’s General Meeting, we had many offers from our members to help where they can. If you are one of those people, starting in September, the St. Gregory’s church cleaning group could definitely use your help. Many of the current members are older and need to retire. By taking their place you would help to continue the tradition of keeping our church a welcoming place to practise our faith. You would be asked to work for approximately 2 hours once every two months, on a day that suits you. Training would be provided to show you where to find supplies and what needs to be done. If you feel that you can donate some time to this task, please call or email Pamela at: 905-304-8719 email: VESTNIK 2023 | 433 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - Oct. 1 - Lipa Park - Thanksgiving Luncheon - Oct. 7 - St. Gregory the Great - Gostovanje slovenskega okteta iz Mendoze - Argentina - Oct. 10 - St. Gregory the Great - Srečanje bolnikov in starejših - Maša ob 11:00 a.m. - Oct. 14 - Bled - Oktoberfest - Oct. 28 - Slovenski Park - Oktoberfest Band: Golden Keys - Oct. 29 - Cemeteries - Mass 2:00 p.m. at Holy Sepulchre and prayers on Cemeteries - Nov. 5 - London - St. John the Divine Church - mass for deceased Slovenians CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - Sept. 30th - Štefka Eržen team - Oct. 14th - Lojzka Novak & team BRALEC - READER Rosemary Šušteršič - Slovenian Mary Ann Demšar - English GIFT BEARERS AT SLOVENIAN MASS - Sept. 24th - Mary Miketič & Pamela Gosgnach - Oct. 1st - Josephine Hapke & Mary Holder - Oct. 8th - Danny Fujs &Aranka Dundek - Oct.15th - Milena Volčanšek & Majda Lukežič VEČNA LUČ V mesecu oktobru bo večna luč svetila za pokojnega Zoltana Gergyek po namenu žene Ane in družine. 2023 SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP 2023 Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation Awards Application Now Available The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foun434 | VESTNIK 2023 dation was created to provide students of Slovenian-Canadian descent, residing within the Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, and Niagara regions, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community involvement, and appreciation of their Slovenian heritage. Select applicants will be granted a monetary award in the form of a scholarship or bursary from the foundation. The presentation of awards is to be determined. Application forms are available via email request to Teresa Zupancic at ( Completed application packages must be submitted via email to by 9:00 p.m. on Friday, October 27, 2023 for award consideration. Please forward any questions to Teresa at 905-930-7545 or via email. POKOJNI - DECEASED V nedeljo, 17. sept. 2023, je odšel k Bogu po večno plačilo naš faran Anton Vinčec, star 93 let. Od njega ste se lahko poslovili v četrtek, 21. sept. med 5. in 9. uro zvečer v MarkeyDermody Funeral Home; ob 5h popoldne smo tam zmolili rožni venec za pokoj njegove duše. Pogrebno sveto mašo smo obhajali v petek, 22. septembra ob 10h dopoldne, nato pa ga položili k večnemu počitku na Our Lady of the Angels pokopališču. Iskreno sožalje vsem domačim, pokojnemu Antonu pa večni mir in pokoj. DAROVI - DONATIONS V spomin na pokojnega Leopolda Kline so $50 US darovali sodelavci Melissa Jones Elementary School Guilford, CT, USA. V spomin na pokojnega Antona Vincec je za gradbeni sklad darovala $60.- Cvetka Skala. Hvala za vse vase darove. twenty-six Catholic schools had been established in the Diocese of Hamilton. The first Catholic library in Hamilton was opened under Bishop Farrell in 1858, just two years after the establishment of the Diocese! Dominy Williams, Diocesan Archivist, has prepared an informative blog post to highlight the date. Heart to Heart - M. Rev. Douglas Crosby ARCHBISHOP FRANCIS LEO will celebrate another important event in his life and for the Metropolitan Province of Toronto, which includes the Archdiocese of Toronto, the Diocese of Hamilton, the Diocese of London, the Diocese of St. Catharines and the Diocese of Thunder Bay! Next Friday, September 29th, Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič will vest Archbishop Leo with the Pallium, a “stole” that is worn over all other vestments, signifying his jurisdiction in the Ecclesiastical Province of Toronto. Pope Francis presented newly appointed archbishops with the Pallium on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, on June 29th, in Rome. The Nuncio will vest the Archbishop in the presence of the Bishops of the “suffragan” Dioceses, during a Mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral next Friday evening. We pray for Archbishop Leo. 150TH THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF BISHOP JOHN FARRELL, first Bishop of Hamilton, is marked next Tuesday, September 26th. He died in 1873 at the age of 53. Among other pastoral efforts, Bishop Farrell was dedicated to building a strong Catholic school system. By the end of his tenure, DON BOSCO Sunday Masses - 9:30 a.m. - Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. - English Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 23. sept. 2023 pripevali: $182,557.Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Grdun Erzetič Brezničar Kastelic Peternel Cerar Gjerek Rejc Marija Manja August Jožefa Alois Christina Ivana Apolonija Joseph Sept. 28, 2008 Sept. 28, 2022 Sept. 29, 1980 Sept. 29, 2006 Sept. 30, 1983 Oct. 1, 1991 Oct. 1, 2000 Oct. 1, 2004 SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 435 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM 24. SEPTEMBER Anton Martin Slomšek, škof PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 25. SEPTEMBER Sergij, menih TOREK - TUESDAY 26. SEPTEMBER Kozma in Damijan, muč. Za žive in rajne župljane † Viktor Grobelnik, obl. † Ann Božnar Za bolne in trpeče † Matilda Berkovič † Jože Kobe † Elizabeta Donko 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. John Božnar z družino Slomškovo oltarno društvo Sin Zlatko Berkovič Rozalija Pušič in družina Ignac in Terezija sarjaš z družino † Anica Recek 11:00 A.M. Marija Hočevar † Anica Doma † Ignac Novak 7:00 P.M. Ana Plosinjak Jožica Novak z družino † Ivan Zelko † Julijana Sagadin Po namenu 10:00 A.M. Funeral Mass 7:00 P.M. Marija Volf N.N. †† Ivanka in Ivan Brinovčar †† Tomaž in Jože Langenfus Vincencij, ust. lazaristov † Leopold Kline SREDA - WEDNESDAY 27. SEPTEMBER ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 28. SEPTEMBER Venčeslav, muč. PETEK - FRIDAY 29. SEPTEMBER Mihael, Gabrijel, Rafael † Manja Erzetič, obl. † Manja Erzetič, obl. 7:00 P.M. Hčerke Ljudmila Pinter z družino †† †† † † † 7:00 P.M. Helen Špiler Helen Špiler Mož z družino Družina Kodarin Družina Svoljšak Pavel in Paul Richard Novak Pok. stari starši Mira Špiler Mira Špiler Marjan Svoljšak, 30. dan †† Janez in Cenka Košir † Alojz Peternel, obl. † Joe Lackovič 30. SEPTEMBER Za duše v vicah Hieronim duh.c.učitelj Jožef Rajner † Božji služ. A. Majcen, red. † Marica Majzelj SOBOTA - SATURDAY 26. NEDELJA † MED LETOM †† 1. OKTOBER † Rožnovenska nedelja † Terezija Deteta Jezusa, † redovnica †† 436 | VESTNIK 2023 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Sonja Langenfus Soča 5:30 P.M. Tomaž in Alenka Košir z družino Žena Sonja z družino Žena z družino Marija Košir Marija Korošec z družino Družina Malevič Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 A.M. Alojz Lesica, obl. Pok. duhovniki naše župnije Max Pavličič Leopold Kline Anton Vinčec Apolonija (obl.) in Ivan Gjerek 11:00 A.M. ------Jože Gimpelj Jožica Novak z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Društvo sv. Jožefa (2) Sestra Terezija Horvat Hči Terezija Prša z družino