ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS VENEZIA GIULIA ☆ THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Mo. 18 - 15 May 1946 Index , . , , page 42 Published by the Allied Military Government under the Authority of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, and Military Governor Editoriale Libraria, Trieste - 1946 General Order No. 52 INCREASE OF WAR PENSIONS AND ALLOWANCES WHEREAS, it is considered desirable and necessary to grant increases in war pensions and allowances in that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) : NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior CiriJ' Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I INCREASES IN WAR PENSIONS Section 1. — Privileged direct, war pensions are hereby increased in accordance with Table C and D, hereto attached and made a part hereof, which shall be in substitution respectively of Tables C and D attached to the Law of 19 February, 1942, No. 137, which are hereby repealed. Section 2. •— Privileged and other indirect war pensions are hereby increased in accordance with Tables G, H, I, L, G-l, H-l, 1-1 and L-l, hereto attached and made a part hereof, which shall be in substitution respectively of Tables G, H, I, L, G-l, H-l, 1-1 and L-l, attached to the Law of 20 February, 1941, No. 67, which are hereby repealed. Section 3. — War pensions and allowances for parents and for ascendants in the direct line who occupy the position of parents, (avi allevatori), and for other relatives, are hereby increased in accordance with Tables M, N, 0, and P, hereto attached and made a part hereof, which shall be in substitution respectively of Tables G, H, I and L attached to R. D. 12 January 1923, No. 1491, as amended by Article 2 of the Law of 20 February 1941, No. 67, and by Article 1 of the Law of 11 July 1942, No. 879, which Tables are hereby repealed. ARTICLE II INCREASES OF SPECIFIC ALLOWANCES IN THE NATURE OF WAR PENSIONS Section 1. — The allowances for the high degrees of disability (superinvalidita), as set forth in Table E attached to the Law of 19 February, 1942, No. 137, are hereby increased to the following amounts annually, the references being to paragraphs of the above Table: Letter A ......................................... to L. 40,000 A bis ..................................... to L. 35,000 B ......................................... to L. 30,000 C ......................................... to L. 23,000 D ......................................... to L. 20,000 E L. 18,000 F ......................................... to L. 13,000 G.......................................... to L. 6,000 Section 2. — The allowances for more than one disability (cumulo di infermità) as set forth in Table F attached to the Law of 19 February 1942, No. 137, are hereby doubled. Section 3. •— The supplementary allow-ance in favor of invalids of the First Category, Section 4. ■—• The supplementary allowances for medical treatment, as set forth in Article 3 of the Law of 19 February 1942, No. 137, are increased as follows : L. 2800 a year for invalids suffering from a tubercular disease or from a disease suspected to be of a tubercular nature ; classifiable as a disability of the Second, Third, Fourth or Fifth Categories ; and to L. 1800 if such disease is classifiable as a disability of the Sixth, Seventh or Eighth Categories. Section 5. ■—■ The additional allowance for children (aumento integratore), payable to invalids in the First Category in accordance with Article 5 of the Law of 19 February, 1942, No. 137, is hereby increased to L. 1000 a year for each child. Section 6. ■—• The additional allowance (aumento integratore), for orphans, in accordance with Article 3 of the Law . of 20 February, 1941, No. 67, is hereby increased to L. 1200 a year for each orphan, subject to all the conditions set forth in the said Article. Section 7. —■ a) The special contingency allowances (di previdenza), for invalids and disabled persons who are in need and are unemployable, as set forth in Article 6 of the Law of' 19 February, 1942, No. 137, are hereby increased as follows : to L. 4.320 a year for those receiving pensions or renewable allowances in accordance with Table C attached to this Order ; and to L. 3.780 a year for those receiving pensions or allowances in accordance with Table D attached to this Order. b) The granting of such allowances shall be in accordance with R. L>. L., 24 October 1934, No. 1879, converted into the Law of 30 December 1937, No. 2323, as amended by Articles 7 and 8 of the Law of 19 February, 1942, No. 137. Section 8. —• Where death occurred prior to 1 July 1945, the pensions for widows and orphans (di reversibilità.) as set forth in Article 35 of R. D. L., 12 July 1923, No. 1491, are increased by fifthy percent. Section 9. —■ Nothing in thijs Order shall be construed as abrogating the reduction of one-fourth in respect to allowances for high degrees of disability (superinvalidità), supplementary allowances and allowances for medical treatment (di cura), as set forth in Article 4 of the Law of 19 February, 1942, No. 137, which shall continue to be operative. ARTICLE III RECOMPUTATION OF SPECIAL TEMPORARY INCREASE PROVIDED BY GENERAL ORDER No. 34 As to war pensions and allowances the amount of which were fixed prior to 1 July, 1945, the special additional temporary increase of war pensions set forth in Articles V and VI of General Order No. 34, dated 31 December 1945, shall be recomputed in accordance with the rates and increases provided for by this Order. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into force in the Territory on the date that it is signed by me and all the rates and increases herein contained shall be effective as and from the first instalment payable after 30 June, 1945. Dated, Trieste 3rd April 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O. B.E Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer (xArfcicle 15, first paragraph of R. D. 12 July 1923, No. 1491) BANKS CATEGORY OF PENSION Cat. 1 Cat. II Cat. Ill Cat. IV Cat. V Cat. VI Cat. VII Cat, VIII Maresciallo d’Italia and generale d’armata .......... 35.100 32.810 30.090 28.460 24.085 19.550 14.945 11.450 Generale di corpo d’armata 33.750 31.500 29.325 27.720 21.800 17.585 13.595 10.170 Generale di divisione and tenente generale 32.400 28.875 26.050 23.545 19.190 15.475 11.960 8.945 Generale di brigata and maggior generale 31.050 24.380 22.150 20.375 16.305 13.145 10.160 7.595 Colonnello 29.970 23.405 21.275 19.225 15.690 12.660- 9.790 7.080 Tenente colonnello 28.630 22.305 20.270 18.315 14.680 11.845 9.160 6.625 Maggiore 27.535 21.430 19.475 17.600 14.100 11.375 8.795 6.360 Capitano 23.330 18.255 16.590 14.990 11.920 9.620 7.445 5.380 Tenente 19.740 15.210 13.810 12.465 9.495 7.660 5.925 4.275 Sottotenente 17.320 13.290 12.060 10.880 8.285 6.680 5.165 3.725 Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service per- sonnel of equivalent ranks 14.460 11.265 9.690 8.705 7.055 6.055 4.640 3.295 Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente ' maggiore, sergente, brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice-brigadiere of R. Ca- rabinieri, 2.o nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks 12.625 9.780 8.765 7.80 ò 5.780 4.625 3.530 2.580 ■ Caporale maggiore, Appuntato of R. Carabinieri, Capo- rale and Carabiniere, sottonocchiere and other service 4.820 3.865 2.955 2.095 personnle of equivalent ranks 11.855 8.590 7.695 6.830 Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, . marinaio scelto, marinaio comune of 1st and 2nd class of other 4.220 3.380 2.580 1.820 categories 10.610 7.860 7.020 0.215 DIRECT WAR PENSIONS (Article 15, second paragraph of R. 1)., 12 July 1923, No. 1491) RANKS CATEGORY OF PENSION Cat. I Cat. II Cat. Ill Cat. IV Cat. V Cat. VI Cat. VII Cat. VIII Maresciallo d’ Italia and generale d’armata 33.750 31.500 28.560 27.225 23.405 18.730 14.310 10.810 Generale di corpo d’armata 32.400 30.185 28.050 25.615 21.290 17.185 13.310 9.980 Generale di divisione and tenente generale 31.050 27.760 25.280 22.900 18.680 15.080 11.675 8.755 Generale di brigata and maggiore generale 29.700 23.470 21.375 19.720 15.795 12.750 9.875 7.405 Colonnello 28.320 22.455 20.465 18.555 15.155 12.245 9.490 6.890 Tenente Colonnello > 26.925 21.335 19.445 17.630 14.145 11.430 8.860 6.430 Maggiore 25.825 20.465 18.655 16.910 13.565 10.965 8.495 6.165 Capitano 21.545 17.290 1.5.720 14,265 11.360 9.185 7.130 5.175 Tenente 17.855 14.145 12.900 11.705 - 8.935 7.225 5.605 4.070 Sottotenente 15.435 12.225 11.150 10.120 7.725 6.245 4.845 3.520 Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service per- sonnal of equivalent ranks 12.495 10.075 8.715 7.895 6.470 5.595 4.305 3.080 Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente, brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice-Brigadiere of R. Ca- rabinieri, 2.o nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks 10.495 8.595 7.790 6.995 5.195 4.170 3.195 2.365 rale and Carabiniere, sottonocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks 9.670 7.330 6.615 5.930 4.195 3.380 2.600 1.865 Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, marinaio scelto, marinaio comtine of 1st and 2nd class of other categories 8.425 6.550 5.905 5.285 3.600 2.900 2.230 1.595 (Article 23, first pragraph of R. D., 12 July 1923, No. 1491) RANKS Amount of pension Maresciallo d’ Italia and generale d’armata ....................................... L. 20.000 Generale di corpo d’armata ......................................................... „ 20.000 Generale di divisione and tenente generale ......................................... „ 20.000 Generale di brigata and maggior generale . ........................................ „ 20.000 Colonnello ........................................................................ ,, 19.620 Tenente colonnello .............................................................. », 18.360 Maggiore ........................................................................ • • • „ 17.640 Capitano........................................................................... „ 14.220 Tenente ............................................................................ „ 11.340 Sottotenente . ..................................................................... „ 9.900 Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ......................... „ 7.440 Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente magg1ore, sergente, brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, Vice-brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, 2.o nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks .............................................................. „ 5.920 Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R. Carabinieri, caporale and carabiniere, sotto- nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks..................... „ 4.800 Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, marinaio scelto, marinaio comune of 1st and 2nd class of other categories.......................................... „ 3.960 TABLE H INDIRECT WAR PENSIONS (Article 23, second paragraph R. D., 12 July 1923, No. 1491) RANKS Amount of pension Maresciallo d’Italia and generale d’armata ........................................ I. 19.000 Generale di corpo d’armata ......................................................... „ 19.000 Generale di divisione and tenente generale ........................................ „ 19.000 Generale di brigata and maggiore generale .......................................... „ 19.000 Colonnello ........................................................................ „ 18.900 Tenente colonnello ................................................................ „ 17.640 Maggiore .......................................................................... „ 16.920 Capitano........................................................................... „ 13.500 Tenente ........................................................................... „ 10.620 Sottotenente ...................................................................... „ 9.180 Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks............................... „ 6.720 Furiere maggiore, furiere »sergente maggiore, sergente, brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice-brigadiere of Carabinieri, 2° nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ....................................................................... „ 5.200 Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R. Carabinieri, caporale and carabiniere, sottonocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks.......................... „ 4.080 Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, marinaio scelto, marinaio comune of 1st. and 2nd class of other categories........................................ „ 3.240 (Article 26 of R. D., 12 July 1923, No. 1491) RANKS Amount of pension Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks..................... L- 8.240 Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente» brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice-brigadiere, of R. Carabinieri, 2.0 nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ......................................................... „ 7.440 Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R. Carabinieri, caporale and carabiniere, sotto- nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ................ „ 7.200 Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, marinaio scelto, marinaio comune of 1st and 2nd class of other categories ................................. „ 6.240 TABLE L INDIRECT WAR PFNSI0NS (Article 26 of R. D„ 12 July 1923, No. 1491) RANKS Amount, ol pension Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maèstro,d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks .................... L. 7.520 Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente» brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice-brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, 2.0 nocchiere and other service personnel od equivalent ranks ..................................................... „ 6.720 Caporale maggiore, Appuntato of R. Carabinieri, caporale and carabiniere, sottonocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ................... „ 6.480 Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, marinaio scelto, marinaio comune of 1st and 2nd class of other categories..................................... „ 5.520 TABLE G-1 PRIVILEGED INDIRECT WAR PENSIONS (In cases when payable in conjunction with ordinary pensions) RANKS Amount of pension .Maresciallo d’Italia and generale d’armata .................................... L. 11.500 Generale di corpo d’armata ................................................... „ 11.500 Generale di divisione and tenente generale ..................................... „ 11.500 Generale di brigata and maggiore generale ..................................... „ 11.500 Colonnello ..................................................................... „ 11.250 , Tenente colonnello ........................................................... » 10.550 Maggiore ...................................................................... », 10 145 Capitano........................................................................ „ 8.225 Tenente ..................................................................... „ 6.605 Sottotenente ................................................................. >> 5.795 Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st. and 2nd. class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks .......................... „ 4.635 Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente, brigadiere of R Carabinieri, vice brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, 2 nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ............................................................... „ 3.735 Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R. Carabinieri, Caporale and Carabiniere, sottonocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks............................. „ 3.420 Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, marinaio scelto, marinaio comune of 1st. and 2nd. class of other categories ........................................ „ 2.970 TABLE H-1 INDIRECT WAR PENSIONS (In cases when payable in conjuction with ordinary pensions) RANK S Amount of pension Maresciallo d’Italia and generale d’armata ......................................... L. 11.000 Generale di corpo d’armata ......................................................... „ 11.000 Generale di divisione and tenente generale ......................................... „ 11.000 Generale di brigata and maggior generale ........................................... „ 11.000 Colonnello ......................................................................... „ 10.630 Tenente colonnello ................................................................ „ 9.920 Maggiore ......................................................................... „ 9^.515 Capitano............................................................................ „ 7.595 Tenente ........................................................................... „ 5.975 Sottotenente ....................................................................... „ 5.165 Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks........................ „ 4.005 Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente, brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, Vice-brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, 2.o nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks........................................................... „ 3.105 Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R. Carabinieri, caporale and carabiniere, sottonocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks.......................... „ 2.790 Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, marinaio scelto, marinaio comune of 1st and 2nd class of other categories.......................................... „ 2.430 TABLE I-1 PRIVILEGED INDIRECT WAR PENSIONS (In cases when payable in conjunction with ordinary pensions) RANKS Amount of pension Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks.......................... L. Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente, grigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice-brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, 2.o nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks............................................................ »» Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R. Carabiniere, caporale and carabiniere, sotto- nocchieie and other service personnel of equivalent ranks...................... „ 4.935 4.425 4.320 3.825 I INDIRECT WAR PENSIONS (In ease when payable in conjunction with ordinary pensions) RANKS Amount of pension Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ........................... L. 4.305 Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente, brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice-brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, 2.o nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks .....,.......................................................... „ 3.795 Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R. Carabinieri, caporale and carabiniere, sotto- nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks........................ „ 3.690 Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, marinaio scelto, marinaio comune of 1st and 2nd class of other categories ........................................ „ 3.285 TABLE M PRIVILEGED FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR WAR (Article 37 of R. 13. 12 July 1923, No. 1491) AMOUNT OF PENSION Parents, relati- Parents who ves and ,,avi al- have lost an levatori’1 of per- only male child RANKS sons who died or more than one for reasons con- child, for reasons nected with the connected with War the War Maresciallo d’Italia and generale d’armata Generale di corpo d’armata Generale di divisione and tenente generale Generale di brigata and maggior generale Colonnello Tenente colonnello L. 21.000 „ 20.035 „ 17.640 „ 14.993 ,. 13.735 „ 12.850 „ 12.330 L. 22.500 „ 21.465 „ 18.900 „ 16.065 „ 14.715 ., 13.770 „ 13.230 Capitano „ 9.955 „ 10.665 „ ’ 7.940 „ 8.505 Sottotenente „ 6.930 „ 7.425 Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme nocchiere of lst and 2nd class and other Service personnel of equivalent ranks „ 5.210 „ 5.5S0 Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente, brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice-brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, 2.o nocchiere and other Service personnel of equivalent ranks......................................... 4.145 4.440 Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R. Carabinieri, caporale and carabiniere, sottonocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ......................... 3.360 2.770 3.600 2.970 FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR WAR
5.040 3.640 2 855 2 270 3 900 3 060 2 430 il (Article 37, last paragraph of R. D., 12 July 1923, No. 1491) \mount OF PENSION Parents, rela- Parents who have tives and ,,a\d lost an only male allevatori“ of child or more than RANKS persons who one child for rea- died for reasons sons connected connected with with the War Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks................................ L. Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente, brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice-brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, 2.o nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ......................................... „ Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R. Carabinieri, Caporale and carabiniere, sottonocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ............................ „ Appuntato, soldato and allievo carabiniere, marinaio scelto, marinaio comune of 1st and 2nd class of other categories ................................................... „ TABLE P FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR WAR (Article 37, last paragraph of R. D., 18 July 1923, No. 1491) AMOUNT OF PENSION War 5.770 L. 6.180 5.210 „ 5.580 5.040 „ 5.400 4.370 „ 4.680 Parents, rela- Parents who have tives and ,,avi lost an only allevatori“ of male child or RANKS persons who more than one died for reasons child, for reasons connected with connected with the War the War Aiutante di battaglia, maresciallo and maestro d’arme, nocchiere of 1st and 2nd class and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ........................ Furiere maggiore, furiere, sergente maggiore, sergente, brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, vice brigadiere of R. Carabinieri, 2.o nocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks................................... Caporale maggiore, appuntato of R, Carabinieri, caporale &and carabiniere, sottonocchiere and other service personnel of equivalent ranks ........................ L. 5.265 „ 4.705 „ 4.535 „ 3,865 L. 5.640 „ 5.040 „ 4 860 „ 4.140 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 84 TAX CONCESSIONS TO ASSIST THE REBUILDING OF WAR-DAMAGED BUILDINGS-SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL ORDER No. 31 WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and necessary to mofify General Order No. 31, dated 18 December 1945, which provides for tax concessions to assist in the rebuilding of war damaged buildings by the addition of a provision relating to the mortgage tax (Imposta Ipotecaria) : NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I SUPPLEMENT TO ARTICLE IV-A OF GENERAL ORDER No. 31 Section 1. —• Article IV-A of General Order No. 31, dated 18 December 1945, is hereby amended to provide that one of the tax concessions to assist in the rebuilding of war damaged houses shall be that the martgage tax (Imposta Ipotecaria), on all the deeds and contracts described in such General Order shall be at the fixed rate laid down by Law, and Article IV-A of such General Order as amended shall accordingly read as follows : A) Registration Tax (Tassa di Registro) and Mortgage Tax (Imposta Ipotecaria) The registration tax and mortage tax on the said deeds and contracts shall be at the fixed rate laid down by law. Section 2. — General Order No. 31 shall remain in full force and effect in all other respects. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shad be effective as and from 1 February 194C, the effective date of General Order No. 31. Dated, Trieste, 12th March 194G. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 90 CUSTOMS LABELS FOR ALCOHOLIC SPIRITS WHEREAS it is considered necessary to issue new regolations on Customs labels for al. coliolic liquors in that part of Venezia Giulia which is administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred, to as the „Territory“) NOW THEREFORE I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, OKDER ARTICLE I IDENTIFICATION OF BOTTLES a) For the identification of bottles containing alcoholic liquors, and for the purposes of Article 3 of R. D. L. 2 February 1933, No. 23, a special label of water-marked paper of 150 X 25 millimetres, in size will be used by the Finance Administration. b) The labels will have printed thereon the words. ,.Imposta fabbricazione spiriti — Contrassegno di Stato per liquori“. ARTICLE II GRADING OF ALCOHOLIC STRENGTH The number of alcoholic units contained shall be denoted on the label. The serial of each label shall also be printed by one or more letters of the alphabet and figures. ARTICLE III TYPES OF LABEL a) The said labels shall be issued in 6 different colours according to the quantity of the liquid contained in the receptacle namely : A) up to a quarter of a litre B) more then a quarter but not exceeding half a litre C) more then half a litre but not exceeding four-fifths of a litre D) more then four-fifths but not exceeding one litre E) more then one litre but not exceeding one litre and half F) more then one litre and half but not exceeding two litres. b) The price of such labels shall be Lit. 5.— each. ARTICLE IV CAPS AND AFFIXING OF LABELS a) Containers bearing the above labels shall be machine corked and capped. b) Any substitution of the cap is forbidden. c) The bottling firm shall paste the label around the neck of the receptacle so that half of such label shall cover the receptacle caps. d) The adhesive to be used shall first be submitted for approval to the Finance Administration. ARTICLE V RECORDS OF RETAILERS The storage, affixing, and transportation of labels shall be governed by the provisions of Articles 7 and 8 of R. D. 27 November 1933, No. 1604. Manufacturers shall be required to keep a stock book of the bottling and disposal of such alcoholic liquors and such listing will be made in two columns. In the first column will be entered in chronological order, the liquor-bottled, its type and the quantity so bottled. In the second column and in the same order will be listed the types of liquors sold and to whom. ARTICLE VI CONFISCATION OF FORGED LIQUORS BEARING IMPROPER LABELS Any receptacles containing liquors found in warehouses, stores or at any other place which bear forged labels, or labels affixed by means of adhesives which have not been duly authorized, shall be considered as contraband. They shall also be subject to the provisions contained in R. I). 27 November 1933 No. 1604. ARTICLE VII EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated, Trieste 21st March 1940. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 99 ECONOMIC PROVISIONS IN FAVOUR OF THE MAGISTRATE AND OF THE LAWYERS OF THE STATE (MAGISTRATURA ED AVVOCATURA DELLO STATO) WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to grant a special allowance to the magistrates and lawyers and attorneys of the State who exercise their functions in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I CHARGE INDEMNITY In addition to all emoluments at present paid, the magistrates and lawyers and attorneys of State who exercise their function in the Territory, are granted a monthly charge indemnity proportionate to their grade. The magistrates, and lawyers and attorneys of State who exercise functions of higher grade, are entitled to charge indemnity with regard to the functions they exercise. ARTICLE II SCALE OF THE CHARGE INDEMNITY The following will be the monthly rates of the charge indemnity : a) Lire six thousand, for the 3rd grade personnel ; b) Lire four thousand eight hundred for the 4th grade personnel ; c) Lire three thousand eight hundred for the 5th grade personnel ; d) Lire two thousand nine hundred for the 6th, 7th and 8th grade personnel ; e) Lire two thousand three hundred for the 9th grade personnel : f) Lire one thousand five hundred for the 10th and 11th grade personnel. ARTICLE III INDEMNITY FOR THE PERSONNEL NOT INSCRIBED ON THE SERVICE ROLLS The charge indemnity according to the preceding Articles is due to the personnel mentioned therein even if not inscribed on the service rolls (ruolo organieo). ARTICLE IV REDUCED INDEMNITY When, according to the laws in force, a quota of the salary or allowances corresponding to a. quota of same salary are due, the charge indemnity shall also be paid in a measure proportionate to the quota involved. ARTICLE V PAYMENT OF THE CHARGE INDEMNITY The charge indemnity fixed by the present Order shall be paid as from 1 November 1945. ARTICLE VI EFFECTIVE DATE The present Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Trieste, 2nd April 1940. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 103 SUPPLEMENTARY UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS WHEREAS, it is deemed just and necessary under -present conditions to make provision lor increased unemployment benefits in that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I GRANT OF SUPPLEMENTARY UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOWANCES Section 1. — a) With effect from I January,'1946, all persons within the Territory entitled to receive unemployment benefits in accordance with Article 19 of RL>L, 14 April 1939, No. 639, converted with amendments into the Law of 6 July 1939, No. 1272, are hereby granted a supplementary allowance of 30 lire per day for each day that such benefits are payable under existing Law and regulations. b) With effect from 1 January 1946, such person shall also be entitled to an additional allowance of 5 lire per day for each dependent child for whom increased benefits are payable in accordance with Article 19, second paragraph, of RDL, 14 April 1939, No. 639. Section 2. ■—- The above supplementary allowances shall be paid jointly with the daily unemployment benefits in accordance with existing Law and Regulations. Section 3. —■ The above supplementary allowances shall be paid to those receiving unemployment benefits on 1 January 1946, for the unexpired period of such benefits as and from the above date. ARTICLE II CONTRIBUTION BY EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES Section 1. — The Supplementary Allowances above provided shall be met by contributions from employers and employees subject to compulsory unemployment*insurance under existing Law, as hereinafter provided. Section 2. — a) The total contribution shall be four (4) percent of the gross earnings to be borne one-half by the employer and one-half by the employee. b) Such contribution shall commence and be paid as and from the first pay period after 29 December 1945. Section 3. ■—- The basis for calculating the above contribution and the limit of the employees’ monthly earnings for the purpose of fixing such contribution, shall be in accordance with the provisions relating thereto as provided by General Order No. 47, dated 20 March 1946. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER Except as above specifically provided, this Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated : Trieste 5th April 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 104 COMPULSORY TUBERCULOSIS INSURANCE — INCREASED ALLOWANCES WHEREAS, it is deemed just and necessary to make provision for increased ailovjances to those entitled to benefits under compulsory tuberculosis insurance and to m,ake certain modifications in the Law relating thereto, in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Territory) ; NOW THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOWANCES Section 1. —■ a) All workers and school teachers and school directors, within the Territory, entitled to receive the indemnity for tubercular diseases under compulsory insurance in accordance with Article 16 of R. D. L., 14 April 1939, N. 636, and Article 3 of R. D. L., 21 December 1938, N. 2202, are hereby granted a supplementary allowance of L. 30 a da y for each day during which such indemnity is payable. b) An additional supplementary allowances of L. 5 a day is hereby granted as to each dependent child. The right to and the conditions of such additional allowance shall be governed by Article 16 of R. D. L., 14 xApril 1939, N. 636, relating to increased benefits for dependant children. c) The allowance for those without dependents, during their stay‘ in a hospital, slia? be L. 10 a day for a maximum period of 2 years as hereinafter provided. Section 2. — a) The supplementary allowances set forth in the preceding Section of this Article shall be payable as and from 1 September 1945. Those payable to persons, who have died since tjie above date and before the date of this Order, shall be payable to the survivors entitled thereto. b) Such supplementary.allowances shall be payable jointly with the normal tuberculosis indemnity and in accordance with the regulations relating thereto. ARTICLE II INCREASE OF TIME LIMITATION FOR TUBERCULOSIS INDEMNITY Section 1. ■—• The maximum limitation of time (6 months), for the payment of the tuberculosis indemnity, as established by Article 25 of the Regulations approved by R. D., 7 June, 1928, JSTo. 1343, and by Article 3 of R. D. L., 21 December 1938, No. 2202, is hereby increased within the Territorj^ to 2 years. Such increase shall also be applicable to the supplementary allowances set forth in the preceding Article of this Order. Section 2. — Tiie above increase of time shall also be applicable to those who received the tuberculosis indemnity under prior orders or administrative dispositions up to the maximum period herein before stated. ARTICLE III CONTRIBUTIONS Section 1. —- The payment of the supplementary allowances granted by the Article 1 of this Order and the increased cost of hospitalization shall be met by a contribution of 4 percent of workers’ gross earnings payable as hereinafter provided, which shall be in addition to the contribution for compulsory tuberculosis insurance in the case of workers, as provided for in R. D. L., 14 April 1939, No. 636, and in the case of elementary school teachers and directors, as provided for by Article 4 of R. D. L., 21 December 1938, No. 2202. ^ Section 2. — The above contribution shall be payable as follows : one half by the worker and one half by the employer. Section 3. ■—- Such contributions shall be due and payable as and from the first pay peridd after 29 December 1945. Section 4. ■— In the case of school teachers and school directors, the above contribution shall be collected in accordance with Article 4 of R. D. L., 21 December 1938, No. 2202, and Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Regulations supplementing such Decree, approved by R. D. 13 September 1940, No. 1603. Section 5. —• In the case of agricultural workers, men, women and children, who are not classified as employees, the contributions shall be ascertained and collected in accordance with the provisions contained in R. D. L., 28 November 1938, No. 2138, converted with modifications into the Law of 2 June 1939, No. 739, and R. D. 24 September 1940, No. 1949 and No. 1954. Section 5. ■—- The elements, eonditfôns and maximum limitations of worker’s earnings for such contributions shall be governed by General Order No. 47, entitled, „Contributions for Family Allowances“, dated 20 March, 1946, with the same full force and effect as if the provisions of such General Order were herein set forth in full. ARTICLE IV PERFORMANCE OF ORDER Except as herein otherwise specifically provided, the performance of the provisions of this Order shall he governed by the provisions contained in R. D. L. 4 October 1935, No. . 1935, and R, D. L., 14 April 19.39-, N. 636. ARTICLE V PENALTIES The penalties for violations of this Order shall be those stated in Article III of Order Xo. 192 entitled Supplementary Contributions for Increase of Old Age and Invalidism Pensions“, dated o April 1946, with the same full force and effect as if such Article were herein set forth in full. ARTICLE VI EFFECTIVE DATE#CF CEDER Except as hea^ein before .specifically stated, this Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. ! Dated, Trieste, 8th April 1946 H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 108 ISSUE OF NEW STAMPS FOR GOVERNMENT CONCESSIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUMENTS, AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to issue new stamps for Government concessions and administrative instruments in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the Territory“J, NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I DESCRIPTION OF GOVERNMENTAL STAMP The size of Lit. 5, 10, 20, 30 stamps for Government concessions and administrative instruments will be 30 X 48 mm. The outside measurement of the design wil] be 27 X 45 mm. The design will be a figure of a goddess within a cirele having a lineated background. Above will be printed the words Concession^ in black letters on a white background. Immediately below shall be the word „Governative“, in the same type and point as the last word. Below the design shall be printed, on two lines, the words „Atti Amministrati vi “ in the same type and point as the first words. Underneath this last word shall be printed the value of the stamp in black figures on a lineated background. The whole design shall be printed on an indented sheet of the above mentioned size marked with a white line motif. In the four corners of the stamp there shall be four circles in which the value of the stamp shall be shown in white on a black background. The stamps shall be chalcographically printed on a paper watermarked with winged wheels. The printing shall be done in four colours as follows Lit. 5.— olive green Lit. 10.-— gray Lit. 20.— piiik Lit. 30.-—- green ARTICLE II CIRCULATION OF THE NEW STAMP Existing stamps as provided for the collection of the stamp-duty on Government concessions and administrative instruments shall be used until existing stocks are exhausted. The new stamps shall be placed on sale after the „Uffici del Registro“ and other bodies charged with their distribution have been supplied with the necessary new stocks. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective in the „Territory“ on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste 5th April 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 110 UNIVERSITY OF TRIESTE — PROVISIONS FOR THE INCREASE OF AND EXEMPTION FROffi COLLEGE TAXES, SURTAXES AND FEES WHEREAS it is considered necessary to increase college taxes, surtaxes and fees payable for the matriculation at the University of Trieste, as well as to issue, regulations governing the. exemption from such taxes, surtaxes and fees in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called, the „Territory“), NOW THEREFORE I, H.P.R. ROBERTSON, Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I INCREASE IN TAXES, SURTAXES AND FEES All College taxes, surtaxes and fees payable for the matriculation at: the Trieste University shall be increased by hundred per cent- as from the commencement of the college year 1945/46. EXEMPTION FROM OR REDUCTION IN TAXES With effect from the commencement of the college year 1945/46, students in poor financial circumstances may be exempted, by decision of the University Board, from the payment of taxes, surtaxes and fees of any kind. Such exemption shall be granted as follows : a) For matriculation at the first college year : total exemption if the student has obtained, in the secondary school certificate required for the matriculation, an average mark of nine-tenths ; half-payment, if the average mark is eight-tenths. b) For registration in the-other College years : total exemption, if the student has never been rejected and has passed all the examinations of the education programme suggested by the Faculty for the previous year, or all examinations of a programme which the Faculty considers equivalent, obtaining an average mark of nine-tenths, with not less than eight-tenths for each examination ; half-payment if the mark obtained in each examination is of eight-tenths at least. c) For admission to the doctor’s degree or diploma examination : full exemption from the relative surtax, or half-payment of same, in accordance with the provisions of para b) applied to examinations passed in the last college-year v d) For the final degree or diploma : total exemption or half-payment if, besides fulfilling the conditions of the forego mg para c) concerning the total or partial exemption from the payment of the surtax for admission to the doctor’s degree or diploma examination, the student obtains in such examination a mark of respectively nine or eight-tenths. ARTICLE 3 FINANCIAL STATUS OF FAMILY The financial postition of the family of the student applying for exemption from the payment of taxes, surtaxes and fees shall be ascertained by the University board, by any a-vailable means ; if necessary information shall also be obtained from the Finance Adminr stration of the State. ARTICLE 4 RESTRICTIONS ON CONCESSIONS Exemption from taxes, surtaxes and fees as provided for in Article II. subject as hereafter mentioned shall not be granted to students in the following circumstances : a) If they have undergone punishment during the college year, b ) to external students, or students who remain in the same class a second or more years, c) to students who already hold a doctor’s degree or diploma and register again for another degree or diploma. Frovided always, that such exemption shall be granted to students attending superior or specialization schools („scuole di perfezionamento e specializzazione“) and schools where a special branch- of education is taught. * ARTICLE 5 NON LIABILITY TO REFUND No refund shall be paid by the A.M.G., 13 Corps, to the Trieste University for the granting of exemption from payment of taxes, surtaxes and fees as provided under Article II, of this Order. ARTICLE 6 „CASSA SCOLASTICA“ The „Cassa Scolastica“ established in the said University in accordance with the provisions of art. 55 of R. D. 30 September 1923, No. 2102, is hereby abolished as from the college year 1945-1946. FEES FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS The provisions of art. 156 of the Test.o Unico of laws on Superior Education, as confirm ed by R. D. 31 August 1933, No. 1592, regarding the exemption from the payment of hall the school-taxes and surtaxes, granted to University students of foreign ^nationality sliaii remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE 8 ' REPEAL OF OTHER PROVISIONS Any other provisions relating to the exemption from payment of taxes, surtaxes and fees in the University of Trieste, with or without refund by the State, are hereby repealed as from the college year 1945-1946. ARTICLE 9 SPECIAL REGISTRATION SURTAX The special registration surtax established by R. D. L. .21 June 1938, No. 1114 as amended by Law 16 March 1942, No. 294, shall be collected until further notice for the benefit of the Trieste University, in whose balance-sheet it shall appear as an ordinary receipt. ARTICLE 10 EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective in the „Territory“ on the date that it is signed by me Dated in Trieste, this 9th day of April 1946 H.P.P.^ ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. Ill MODIFICATION OF PENALTIES FOR SMUGGLING OF SALT AND TOBACCO AMD FOR ' BREACHES OF MONOPOLY REGULATIONS WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to make alterations in the penalties relating to smuggling-of salt and tobacco and for breaches of the Monopoly Regulations in those par.,'- ot Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the Territory ) NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P ROBERTSON, Colonel Q.B E Acting Senior Civ-A Affairs Officer ORDER ART. I ANNULMENTS Articles 75, 76, 77, 79, 88, 89, 96, 99, 100 and 101 para one of Law No 907 dated 17 July 1942 relating to the Salt and Tobacco Monopoly are hereby annuled PROPORTIONAL FINES FOR SMUGGLING Except as provided in Art. Ill, IV and V hereof, any person convicted of smuggling Salt or Tobacco shall be liable to the following fines : 1) not less than Lit. 500.— and not exceeding Lit. 1000.— for smuggling of raw tobacco where the quantity does not exceed one kilogram ; if such quantity is exceeded, the fine shall be increased by an amount from Lit. 100.— and not exceeding Lit. 400.— for each additional kilogram ; 2) not less than Lit. 600.—• and not exceeding Lit. 1.200.— if processed tobacco of any kind is involved and the quantity does not exceed one kilogram ; for more than one kilogram, the fine shall be increased by an amount not less than Lit. 200.— and not exceeding Lit. 1.000.— for each additional kilogram ; The fine shall be reduced to half the amount in case of by-products of tobacco or, of substitutes of tobacco. 3) not less than Lit. 100.—- and not exceeding Lit. 200.— for smuggling of salt, up to one kilogram in weight ; if such quantity is exceeded, the fine shall be increased by an amount not less than Lit. 10.—- and not exceeding Lit. 20/— for each additional kilogram. ART. Ill PENALTIES FOR ADULTERATION AND UNAUTHORIZED BLENDING OF MONOPOLY GOODS Any person convicted of smuggling as provided for by Art. 71 of Law ISTo. 907 dated 17 July 1942 shall be liable to, a fine not less than 1000 Lire and not exceeding 10.000 Lire without prejudice to the penalties which may be imposed in accordance with other Laws. ART. IV PENALTIES FOR SOWING, TRANSPLANTING AND GROWING TOBACCO WITHOUT A PERMIT ' # 1) The unlawful sowing of tobacco plants shall be punishable with a fine not less than Lit. 400.'—• nad not exceeding Lit. 2.000.— . 2) The unlawful transplanting of tobacco plants shall be punishable with a fine not less than Lit. 500.— and not exceeding Lit. 1.000.— , if the number of plants does not exceed five ; for any additional plant, such fine shall be increased by an amount not less than Lit. 10.—- and not exceeding Lit. 30.—•. 3) The unlawful growing of tobacco plants shall be punishable with a fine not less than Lit. 600.— and not exceeding Lit. 1.200.-— if the number of plants does not exceed five : for any additional plant, such fine shall be increased by an amount not less than Lit. 30.— and not exceeding Lit. 50.-— 4) Any person convicted of unlawfully transplanting the same plants which he has unlawfully sown, shall only be liable to the pecuniary fine provided for the unlawful transplanting. 5) Any person convicted of unlawfully growing the same tobacco which he has previously unlawfully sown and unlawfully transplanted, shall only be liable to the fine provided for the unlawful growing. ART. V PENALTIES FOR WRONGFUL POSSESSION OF TOOLS Any person in wrongful possession of machinery or tools which, in accordance with Art. 72, of Law No. 907, dated 17 July 1942 are reserved for the processing of tobacco shall be-iiable to a fine not less than Lit. 100.—- and not exceeding Lit. 2.000.— UNLAWFUL ACQUIRING OF SALT WATER-REMOVAL OF SAND FROM SALT-BEARING GROUND DRAWING OF SEA-WATER Any person who draws water from salt-water springs without the authority of the Monopoly Administration shall be liable to a fine not less than Lit. 100.— and not exceeding Lit. 500.— . The same fine shall apply to the unlawful drawing of sea-water, or removal of salt-bearing sand or earth. ART. VII ADDITION OF LIQUID TO MONOPOLY GOODS Receivers, store-keepers, authorized retailers, and persons transporting or under contract for the transport of Monopoly goods who wet salt or tobacco shall be liable to a fine not less than Lit. 400.— and not exceeding Lit. 4.000.— without prejudice to fines provided for by other laws. ART. VIII UNAUTHORIZED SALE OF MONOPOLY GOODS, OR PURCHASE OF THE SAME FROM UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS 1) Any person who, without authority from the Monopoly Administration, sells or offers for sale monopoly goods, shall be liable to a fine not less than Lit. 100.— and not exceeding Lit. 500.—, so far as salt is concerned ; not less than Lit. 500.— and not exceeding Lit. 5.000.— m the case o* tobacco 2) Any person who purchases monopoly goods from persons who are not authorized to sell such goods, shall be liable to a fine not less than Lit. 100.— and not exceeding L't. 500 —j ART. IX INFRINGEMENT OF REGULATIONS FOR THE SAFEGUARD OF THE SALT MONOPOLY Any person violating the provisions of Law 907 of 17 July 1942 concerning the following subjects, shall be liable to a fine not less than Lit. 200.'— and not exceeding Lit. 2.000.— : 1) the production, manufacture and preparation of salt when these operations are authorized by the Administration ; 2) the movement of salt into, or storage in the free ports ; 3) the movement of salt, for industrial purposes, from Italian ’slands excluded from the Monopoly, and from other territories under Italian rule ; 4) the use of salt granted to the industries specified in articles 20 and 21 of Law No 907 dated 17 July 1942; 5) the transportation, storage and possession of salt in the cases provided for in Art. 27 of Law No. 907 dated 17 July 1942. ART. X INFRINGEMENT OF REGULATIONS FOR THE SAFEGUARD ON THE TOBACCO MONOPOLY Any person violating the provisions of Law 907 of 17 July 1942 concerning the following subjects, is liable to a fine not less than Lit. 400.— and not exceeding Lit. 8.000.— • 1) The movements of tobacco into, or storage in the free ports ; 2) selection and packing of raw tobacco in the free ports ; 3) the manufacture of machinery and tools intended for the processing of tobacco : 4) the transportation, storage or possession of processed tobacco in the cases provided for by art. 57 of Law No. 907 dated 17 July 1942. ART. XI INFRINGEMENTS FOR WHICH NO SPECIAL PENALTY IS PROVIDED Any infringement of the provisions of this Order for which the law itself provides no penalty, shall be punished with a fihe not less than Lit. 40.— and not exceeding Lit. 2,000.—. ART. XII The present Order shall become effective on the day following the date of its publication in the „Gazette“! Dated at Trieste, this 10th day of April 1946 H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.R.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT i 3 COR P S Order Xo. 112 FIXING OF MAXIMUM RATES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS AND PASSENGERS BY SHIP — AMENDMENT OF GENERAL ORDER No. 12 WHEREAS, it is considered'desirable and necessary to clarify a provision dealing with the subject of rates in Gene?'al Order No 12, dated. 24 August, 1925, which establishes the Ufficio Gestione Navi-(Ugena), to control the transportation of goods and passengers by ship into and from Harbors in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil A ffairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I AMENDMENT OF SECTION 5 OF GENERAL ORDER No. 12 Section 1. —- Subdivision 1 of Section 5 of General Order No. 12, entitled „Rates“, is hereby amended to provide as follows : Subject to the approval of the Allied Military Government, „Ugena“ may fix and from time to time may modify the maximum rates charged for the transportation of goods and passengers by ship. Such maximum rates shall in no event be construed to mean that they are the minimum rates which must be charged. Rates less than the maximum rates so established may be charged. Section 2. — General Order No. 12 shall remain in foil force in all other respects. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated, Trieste 10th April 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT i 3 CORPS Order No. 113 FIXING OF MAXIMUM RATES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS AND MATERIALS BY MOTOR TRANSPORT — AMENDMENT OF ORDER No. 25 WHEREAS ,it is considered desirable and necessary to clarify a provision dealing with the subject of rates in Order No. 25, dated 1 October ,1945, which establishes the Centro Autotrasporti for the control of goods-carrying motor transport in, that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces ; NOW, THEREFOR2£, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civi Affairs Officer 0 R D E R Article I AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE V OF ORDER No. 25 Section 1.—• Subdivision 1 of Article V of-Order No. 25, entitled, “Tariff (Freight) Rates“, ik hereby amended to read as follows : Subject to the approval of the Allied Military Government, Centro Autotrasporti will publish a list of maximum rates to be charged for the haulage of goods and materials by motor transport, and may amend or revise such rates as deemed necessary. Such maximum rates shall in no event be construed as minimum rates which must be charged. Rates less than the maximum rates so established may be charged. Section 2. — Order No. 25 shall remain in full force in all other respects. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 114 TAX ON „TERRENE* AND „REDDITG AGRARIO* — MODIFICATION OF GENERAL ORDER No. 25 WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make certain amendments to General Order No.25 in those pares of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the„Ter ritory“) ; -VOTE. THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I CANCELLATION OF ARTS. 22 AND 23 OF GENERAL ORDER No. 25 Arts. 22 and 23 of General Order No. 25 are hereby cancelled. ARTICLE II TAX ON ..TERRENI“ AND ON „REDDITI AGRARI“ Section 1. — With effect from 1st Jan. 1946 the taxable income from ..Terreni“ and „Reddito agrario“ liable to taxation under RDL 4 April 1939 Ho. 589 converted into Law Xo. 976 of 29 June 1939 shall be trebled. Section 2. —• The taxable income liable to taxation under RDL Xo. 1743 of 5 Oct. 1936 converted into Law Xo. 151 of 14 Jan 1937 as subsequently amended, shall remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE III REDUCTION IN TAXES Section 1. —- With effect from 1 Jan 1946 the rate of tax on „terreni“ shall be reduced from 15% to 10% of the taxable income. Section 2. — With effect from 1 Jan 1946 the rate of tax on „redditi agrari“ shall be reduced from 30% to 10% of the taxable income. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective in the Territory on the day of its publication in t e „Gazette“. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 115 MODIFICATIONS IN CONSUMER TAX — AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL ORDER No. 36 WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and necessary to make certain modifications in the Consumer Tax as set forth in Generale Order No. 36, dated 16 January ,1946, applicable to that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE T CHANGES IN SCHEDULE A ATTACHED TO GENERAL ORDER No. 38 The maximum rates of‘Consumer Tax which may be imposed within the Territory as set forth in schedule A attached to and made part of General Order No. 36 (Article II), are hereby modified as follows and Schedule A is amended accordingly : WINES Unit measure Tax in lire ORDINARY WINES / hi 500 Includes all wines except the other wines set forth below, whether contained in casks or any other type of receptacle, which have an alcoholic content equal to or greater than 5 degrees and not greater than 21 degrees, tested by the alcohol meter of Guy Lussac. Unit measure Tax in lire SUPERIOR WINES hi 1000 Includes all special wines such as vermouth, marsala, liquor wines (crema marsala, moscati, aleatici, malvasia, both „passati“ and non „passati vinsanti, other liquorous wines as such, romatic wines and aperitifs, with an alcoholic content not exceeding 21 degrees. Unit measure. Tax in Lire WINES IN BOTTLES per bottle 10 These are defined as being in bottles hermetically closed and bearing, by means of a label or embossed on the glass, an indication of the quality of the wine or the name of the producing firm. Unit measure Tax in lire SPARKLING WINE IN BOTTLES per bottle 50 FUEL ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHTING hectowatt hour 0.06 EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective on the day that it is signed by me. Dated, Trieste 11th April 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 116 FEES DUE TO MESSENGERS FOR NOTICES ON ASSESSMENT AND PAYMENT OF DIRECT AND INDIRECT TAXES WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to fix the fees due to messengers for notices on assessment and payment of direct and indirect taxes in theose parts of Venezia Giulia that are administered by the Alhed Forces (hereinafter referred, as the ..Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE, I. H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE 1 RATES OF FEES Tiie fees due to messengers of the communes and of the financial executive offices for whatever notices on assessment and payment of direct or indirect taxes shall be Lire 2.—y (two) if tendered in Communes of a population not exceeding 100.000 inhabitants, and Lire 4.-— (four) in Communes with more than 100.000 inhabitants. ARTICLE 2 EFFECTIVE DATE This Order becomes effective on the day of its publication in the Allied Military Government Gazette. Dated in Trieste this 13th day of April 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel.. O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 117 INCREASE IN FEES OE TAX COLLECTORS FOR WARRANTS OF EXECUTION AND SALES FOR TEE COLLECTION OF DIRECT TAXES WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to provide for increases■ in the fees of Tax Collectors of direct Taxes for warrants of execution and sales in the collection of such taxes ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I INCREASE IN FEES a) With effect from 1 May, 1946, the fees due to Tax Collectors from taxpayers in arrears in the payment of direct taxes, for warrants of execution and sales in accordance with Fee Law, shall be as follows : Amount due L 50 From L. 50.05 to and including L. 100,— 100.05 „ „ 200.—7" ,, „ 200.05 „ „ 500. . ,, 500.05 „ „ 1.000,— „ „ 1.000.05 ., „ 2.000. „ 2.000.05 „ „ 5.000. ■ j'j „ 5.000.05 „ „ 10.000.— 10.000.05 „ „ 25.000,— „ „ 25.000.05 „ „ 50.000.— 50.000.05 „ „ 100.000.— 55 „ 100.000.05 „ „ 250.000.— „ 250.000.05 „ „ 500.000,— - „ 500.000.05 „ „ 1.000.000,— 5, „ and more h) In no event shall such fees be in excess of 50 TO.- 20.- 30.- 65.- 110- 18,0a 300.- 450:- 600,- 700.- 850,- 1.000,- 1.200.- 1.500,- 2.000.- ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER Except as hereinbefore specifically stated, this Order shall come into force on the date that it is signed by me. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A. G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 118 SLOVENE TEACHERS TRAINING COURSE AT GORIZIA WHEREAS there is need of a substantial number of qualified Slovene speaking teachers-for the Slovene elementary schools in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Territory) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I ESTABLISHMENT OF SLOVENE TEACHERS TRAINING COURSE Section 1. — a) A Slovene Teachers Training Course is hereby established for the school year 1945-1946, to be Conducted at the Slovene Normal School (Istituto Magistrale) with instruction in the Slovene language at Gorizia. b) The purpose of such Course shall be to prepare candidates for teaching in the Slovene Elementary Schools within the Territory. Section 2. — The conditions for admission of candidates to such Course, the program of study, and the regulations applicable thereto, shall be established by instructions to be issued by the Chief Education Officer of the Allied Military Government. Section 3. ■— a) Such course shall he of six months duration. b) At the termination of the courses a final examination will be given which shall be considered to be equivalent to a normal school examination for instruction in Slovene (esame di abilitazione magistrale). c) The successful completion of the Bourse with satisfactory grades in suclyexamination shall qualify candidates for temporary appointment as teacher in the Slovene Elementary Schcols with instruction in the Slovene language. Section 4. — Upon being admitted to the course, candidates shall be entitled to receive the same salary paid to elementary teachers without experience (Ruolo B, Grade XII). Section 5. — The cours shall be under the supervision and direction of the Principal (preside) of the Slovene Normal School (Istituto Magistrale) at Gorizia. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall be effective as and from 10th, April, 1946. Dated, Trieste 21st April, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 119 ESTABLISHMENT OF TEMPORARY COUNCIL OF DISCIPLINE FOR PRINCIPALS AND TEACHERS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS WHEREAS, it is considered necessary to establish a Council of Discipline in regard to Principals and Teachers of Secondary Schools (Istituti di Istruzionc media e secondaria), unthin that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territoryu ) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I ESTABLISHMENT AND FUNCTIONING OF COUNCIL OF DISCIPLINE Section 1. — A temporary Council of Discipline is hereby established to deal with and decide disciplinary matters affecting Principals and Teachers of the Secondary Schools of the Territory. Section 2. — The Council shall consist of a President and six other members to be appointed by the Allied Military Government as follows : a) The President shall be a judicial magistrate (magistrate dell’Ordine giudiziario) of not' less than Grade V to be proposed in writing to the Allied Military Government by the President of the Court of Appeal of Trieste. b) The Vice President shall be the Superintendent of Schools of Trieste or his Deputy. c) Two Principals of the Secondary Schools — Member. d) Two teachers of the Secondary Schools —• Members. e) Two school inspectors —• Members. Section 3. —• The Disciplinary Council for each case shall consist of the President, Vice President, one of the Principals of a Secondary School and one of the teacher and inspector members respectively to be designated by the President. Section 4. — The Council shall be a temporary body and the officers and members shall be temporarily appointed. Section 5. — The rules and procedure of the Commission shall be in accordance with R. D., 6 May 1923, No. 1054, R. D., 30 December, 1923, No. 2960, Wnd R. D., 27 No vember 1924, No. 2367, so far as applicable. ARTICLE H EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer PART II TRIESTE AREA Area Administrative Order No. 16 APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONS UNDER ORDER No. 15 FOR THE ISSUE OF COMMERCIAL LICENSES, LICENSES FOR HAWKERS AND WORKBOOKS FOR ARTISANS I, J. C. SMUTS, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, pursuant to the powers given to me by Art. II of Order N. 15, hereby ORDER that the undermentioned persons be and they are hereby appointed Members of the Commissions reconstituted by such Order. COMMUNE OF S. PIER D’ ISONZO 1. COMMISSION FOR THE ISSUE OF COMMERCIAL LICENSES Name Representing BAGON ROMANO fu Riccardo VISINTIN GEMMA di Angelo Dealers BUIATTI UGO fu Giovanni BENES CARLO di Arturo Manual and Non-Manual Workers Manual and Non-Manual Workers 2. COMMISSION FOR THE ISSUE OF HAWKERS’ LICENSES Name Representing VISINTIN ELIA fu Domenico PITTINI OSVALGO fu Osvaldo Dealers BRAULIN FRANCESCO LUIGI fu Giuseppe BUFFOLO ANGELO fu Fortunato Hawkers 3. COMMISSION FOR THE ISSUE OF ARTISANS WORKBOOKS Name Representing AMBROSIO EUGENIO di Antonio NONNINO PRIMO di Lorenzo MUSIG ALESSANDRO fu Ulderico POIAN ANGELO fu Angelo Craftsmen Manufacturers Manufacturers’ Employees Dealers’ Employees COMMUNE OF STARANZANO 1. COMMISSION FOR THE ISSUE OF COMMERCIAL LICENSES Name Representing ZANOLLA FERRUCCIO GALOPIN EUGENIO Dealers BORTOLI UMBERTO R.USTILINOLI TOMASO * Manual and Non-Manual Worker's 2. COMMISSION FOR THE ISSUE OF HAWKERS’ LICENSES Name Representing GALOPIN ALESSANDRO VISINTIN LUIGI Dealers MORI GUSTAVO DEMARCHI FRANCESCO Hawkers 3. COMMISSION FOR THE ISSUE OF ARTISANS’ WORKBOOKS Name Representing SATTOLO ALFONSO FACCHINI ETTORE CUCUT LORENZO ROSSI ERMANNO Dated : llth Aprii 1946. Craftsmen Manufacturers Manufacturers’ Employees Dealers’ Employees \ J. C. SMUTS Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Trieste Area i GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 79 APPOINTMENT TO THE SUB-PRICE FIXING COMMISSION Whereas a Sub-Price Fixing Commission was appointed by virtue of Area Order No, 69 dated 13 March 1946, Now, therefore, I, JAMES E. LONG, Major C.M.P., Area Commissioner for the Area of Gorizia, do hereby ORDER 1. ■— Mr. Angelo Mlecnik be. and by virtue of this Order is relieved as a member of the Sub-Price Fixing Commission for the Area of Gorizia. 2. — Mr. Candutti Dott. Edmondo be, and by virtue of this Order is hereby appointed as a member of the Sub-Price Fixing commission for the Area of Gorizia Dated at Gorizia this 26th day of April 1946 JAMES E. LONG Major C.M.P. Area Commissioner POLA AREA Area Order No. 9 AMENDMENT TO AREA ORDER No. 8 — CONTROL OF HOUSING COMMITTEE OVER BUSINESS PROPERTY: SHOPS — STORES — WAREHOUSES — PUBLIC OFFICES -r v RESTAURANTS — WINE-BARS Whereas it is expedient to make provision for the control of public offices ■—• restaurants —• wine-bars of the civil population in Pola Area occupied by the Allied Forces (herein after referred to as the occupied territory). Now therefore I, Lieutenant-Colonel E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola HEREBY ORDER as follows : that the terms and conditions of Area Order No. 8 issued on 13th February 1946, whereby the members of the Housing Committee of Pola are appointed to act as Committee for shops, stores and warehouses shall now be extended to include premises intended to be used as public offices, to restaurants, wine-bars, and other places of a similar function and character. And further that all the clauses contained in Area Order No. 8 issued on 13th February 1946 shall be extended to include premises intended to be used as public offices, to restaurants, wine-bars, and other places of a similar function and character. Dated in Pola this 12th day of April 1946 E. S. ORPWOOD Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Pola Area ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Order No. 11 ELECTRICITY RESTRICTIONS 1. — The emergency situation having passed, I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, ORDER that all restrictions on the use of electricity be removed. 2. The Area Order Mo. 7 is HEREBY cancelled. 3. — This Order will take effect immediately. Dated in Pola this 23rd day of April 1946. Area Administrative Order No. 89 APPOINTMENT OF PETRONIO BARTOLOMEO AS LIQUIDATOR OF ,,R. AZIENDA ISOLE BRIONI' 1. — I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, ORDER that Dr. PETRONIO BARTOLOMEO be and he HEREBY is appointed as Liquidator of ,,R.,Azienda Isole Brioni“. 2. — This Order will take effect immediately. Dated this 13th day of April 1946. E. S. ORPWOOD Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Pola Area ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 40 APPOINTMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE OF THE ITALIAN RED CROSS IN POLA AREA 1. — I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, HEREBY appoint the following Provincial Committee of the Italian Red. Cross in Pola Area. President: Avv. BENUSSI GIOVANNI Vice-President: Sig. BALD.TNI ROMANO Members: Ing. MARTINOLLI BRUNO Rag. LOCCHI RUGGERO Rag. CELLA ANTONIO Ing. DRAHOS PIETRO Rag. COSTESSI LUIGI 2. — This Order will take effect immediately Dated this 17th day of April 1946. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 41 APPOINTMENT OF Dr. AMBROSI MARIO AS VICE-CHIEF AREA INSPECTOR OF AGRICULTURE 1. —-I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, HEREBY appoint Dr. AMBROSI MARIO as Vice-Chief Area Inspector of Agriculture, Group A — Grade 10. 2. — This Order will take effect immediately. Dated in Pola this 17th day of April 1946. E. S. ORPWOOD Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Pola Area ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 42 APPOINTMENT OF RADIN ADELMO AS „CAPO UFFICIO DISTRIBUZIONE MEZZI TECNICI DI PRODUZIONE“ FOR THE ..ISPETTORATO PROVINCIALE DELL’ AGRICOLTURA DI ZONA“ 1. — I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, HEREBY appoint RADIN ADELMO as „Capo Ufficio distribuzione mezzi tecnici di produzione“ for the „Ispettorato Provinciale dell’Agricoltura di Zona“, temporary employee of III.a Category. 2. — This Order will take effect immediately. Dated in Pola this 17th day of April 1946. Area Administrative Order No. 43 APPOINTMENT OF THE PENSIONS COMMISSION 1- — Pursuant to the powers vested in me by Art. I, Section 2 of Order No. 63, I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, HEREBY appoint the following persons to act as Pensions Commission in Pola. Chairman : Dr. GIOVANNI KIRCHMAYER —- President of the Tribunal Member : Dr. DOMENICO COMP AT ANGELO — Intendente di Finanza Rag. ROBERTO DE BERNARDO — Chief Accountant of the Office of the Intendenza di Finanza Dr. ATTILIO PALIAGA — Provincial Doctor Rag. DINO MALENCHINI — Director of the Ufficio Provinciale del Tesoro 2. — This Order will take effect immediately. Dated in Pola this 20th day of April 1946 E. S. ORPWOOD Lt Col. Area Commissioner, Pola Area GAZETTE No. 18 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS PART I HEADQUARTERS, TRIESTE General Order Page No 52 Increase of war pensions and allowances .............. 3 Order No. 84 Tax concessions to assist the rebuilding of war - damaged buildings —■ Supplement to General Order No. 31 .. 13 No. 90 Customs labels for alcoholic spirits................. 13 No. 99 Economic provisions in favour of the magistrates and of the lawyers of the State (Magistratura ed Avvocatura dello Stato 15 No. 103 Supplementary unemployment benefits ................ 16 No. 104 Compulsory tuberculosis insurance — increased allowancës.. 17 No. 108 Issue of new stamps for government concessions and administrative instruments and their characteristics ............. 19 No. 110 University of Trieste —- Provisions for the increase of and exemption from college taxes, surtaxes and fees.. 20 No. Ill Modifications of penalties for smuggling of salt and tobacco and for breaches of monopoly regulations.............. 22 No. 112 Fixing of maximum rates for the transportation of goods and passengers by ship — Amendment of General Order No. 12 25 No. 113 Fixihg of maximum rates for the transportation of goods and materials by motor transport-— Amendment of Order No. 25 26 No. 114 Tax on „terreni“ and ..Reddito Agrario“ — Modification of General Order No. 25 ............................. 27 No. 115 Modifications in consumer tax -—■ Amendments to General Order No. 36 ..................................... 28 No. 116 Fees due to messengers for notices on assessment and payment of direct and indirect taxes ..................... 29 No. 117 Increase in fees of tax collectors for warrants of execution and sales for the collection of direct taxes ......... 30 No. 118 Slovene teachers training course at Gorizia ........ 31 No. 119 Establishment of temporary Council of Discipline for principals and teachers of secundary sch0ols ................ 32 PART II TRIESTE AREA Area Administrative Order No. 16 Appointment of Commissions under Order No. 15 for the issue of commercial licenses, licenses for hawkers and workbooks for artisans .............................................. 34 GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 79 Appointment to the sub-price fixing commission 36 Area Order POLA AREA Page No. 9 Amendment to Area Order No. 8 -»- Control ot Housing Committee over business property : shops — stores — warehouses -—• public offices •— restaurants — wine-bars 38 No. 11 Electricity restrictions 38 Area Administrative Order No. 39 Appointment of Petronio Bartolomeo as liquidator of „R. Azienda Isole Brioni“ 39 3 o O Appointment of the Provincial Committee of the Italian Red Cross in Pola Area 39 No. 41 Appointment of Dr. Ambrosi Mario as Vice-Chief Area Inspector of Agriculture 40 No. 42 Appointment of Redin Adelmo as „Capo Ufficio distribuzione mezzi tecnici di produzione“ for the „Ispettorato Provinciale dell’Agricoltura di Zona“ 40 No. 43 Appointment of the Pensions Commission 41 PART III CIVIL SECTION - INSERTIONS (Omitted: See Italian and Slovene edition'