6. DECEMBER 2007 6 DECEMBER 2007 št./No 77 12 SOCIALNA ZAŠČITA SOCIAL PROTECTION št./No 2 DENARNE SOCIALNE POMOČI, PODJETJA ZA USPOSABLJANJE IN ZAPOSLOVANJE INVALIDOV TER UPORABNIKI IN SOCIALNOVARSTVENE STORITVE CENTROV ZA SOCIALNO DELO, 2006 FINANCIAL SOCIAL ASSISTANCE, ENTERPRISES FOR TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT OF THE DISABLED, USERS AND SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES IN CENTRES FOR SOCIAL WORK, 2006 Denarne socialne pomoči je v letu 2006 prejelo oz. prejemalo povprečno mesečno 58 064 prejemnikov, to je za 4,8 % manj kot v letu 2005. 91,1 % teh oseb je prejemalo denarno socialno pomoč za obdobje, 6,1 % teh oseb je prejelo enkratno izredno denarno socialno pomoč, 2,0 % teh oseb sta prejemala izredno denarno socialno pomoč za obdobje, 0,8 % ali 468 teh oseb pa je prejemalo trajne denarne socialne pomoči. Povprečna denarna socialna pomoč je znašala mesečno 47 713 SIT. In 2006 there were on average 58,064 recipients of financial social assistance per month, which is 4.8% less than in 2005. As many as 91.1% of them were receiving financial social assistance for limited period of time, 6.1% received one-off extraordinary financial social assistance, 2.0% were receiving extraordinary financial social assistance for limited period of time and only 0.8% or 468 people were receiving permanent financial social assistance. The average monthly financial social assistance amounted to SIT 47,713. V letu 2006 je bilo v Sloveniji 165 podjetij za strokovno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov, v njih pa je bilo zaposlenih 6 441 invalidov; med njimi so prevladovali delovni invalidi (86,7 %). In 2006 165 enterprises for vocational training and employment of the disabled employed 6,441 disabled persons. Most of the employees were disabled workers (86.7%). Po podatkih Inštituta RS za socialno varstvo so bili med otroki in mladostniki, uporabniki centrov za socialno delo, najštevilnejši tisti, ki so bili prikrajšani za normalno družinsko življenje; bilo jih je 12 292, med temi pa je bilo več kot polovico otrok staršev z neurejenimi medsebojnimi odnosi. According to data from the Social Protection Institute, most children and youth who are users of services provided by centres for social work were deprived of a normal family life (12,292). More than a half of them had parents who have unsettled mutual relations. Med odraslimi uporabniki centrov za socialno delo so prevladovale osebe, stare 60 let in več, s starostnimi težavami in z lažjimi telesnimi ter kroničnimi boleznimi. Most of the adult users of services provided by centres for social work were 60 or more years old with age-related problems and those with light physical and chronic illnesses. Socialnovarstvenih storitev je bilo deležnih 36 888 odraslih posameznikov in 16 641 družin. V obeh primerih je bila najpogostejša t. i. prva socialna pomoč; pri posameznikih je obsegala več kot dve tretjini vseh njim namenjenih storitev, pri družinah pa slabih 70,0% vseh storitev, namenjenih družinam. Most social welfare services (36,888) were offered to adults and the most frequent service (over two thirds of all services) was first social assistance. In addition, social welfare services were also offered to 16,641 families and first social assistance prevailed as well (it presented slightly less than 70.0% of all services). Slika 1: Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov denarnih socialnih pomoči, 2001–2006 Chart 1: Average monthly number of recipients of financial social assistance, 2001–2006 19.456 39.981 51.798 59.274 60.976 58.064 0 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Leto / Year Število / Number © S U R S Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 2 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 1. SOCIALNOVARSTVENE DAJATVE IN DENARNE SOCIALNE POMOČI, 1995–20061) SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS AND FINANCIAL SOCIAL ASSISTANCE, 1995–20061) 1.1 Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov socialnovarstvenih dajatev, 1995–20012) Average monthly number of recipients of social security benefits, 1995–20012) Socialnovarstvene dajatve3) 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 20013) Social security benefits3) Skupaj 27 265 32 822 37 207 35 836 36 836 36 033 36 932 Total Denarni dodatek Financial assistance Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov 24 908 29 988 34 242 33 017 31 966 32 777 33 627 Average monthly number of recipients Povprečni znesek v SIT 16 809 18 999 20 855 21 801 22 319 24 191 26 202 Average amount in SIT Denarna pomoč kot edini vir preživljanja Financial assistance as the only source of subsistence Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov 1 558 1 494 1 402 1 334 1 230 1 178 974 Average monthly number of recipients Povprečni znesek v SIT 18 362 19 730 21 004 22 161 23 517 24 850 27 512 Average amount in SIT Enkratni denarni dodatek Financial assistance - one-off Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov (ocena) 799 1 340 1 563 1 485 1 636 2 078 2 331 Average monthly number of recipients (estimate) Povprečni znesek v SIT 19 219 20 715 21 929 23 178 23 512 25 043 26 878 Average amount in SIT 1) Podatki Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve. Data from the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. 2) Prejemniki so osebe, ki prejemajo denarno socialno pomoč zase in za svoje družinske člane. Recipients are persons who are entitled to social assistance for themselves and their family members. 3) S 1. 9. 2001 so začele veljati spremembe in dopolnitve Zakona o socialnem varstvu, ki je namesto dotedanjih socialnovarstvenih dajatev (denarni dodatek, denarna pomoč kot edini vir preživljanja in enkratni denarni dodatek) uvedel denarno socialno pomoč. Povprečno število prejemnikov je zato prikazano ločeno, in sicer: za obdobje od 1. 1. do 31. 8. 2001 v tabeli 2.1, za obdobje od 1. 9. do 31. 12. 2001 in naprej pa v tabeli 2.2. On 1 September 2001 the Act Amending the Social Assistance and Social Services Act came into force. Instead of social security benefits (financial assistance, financial assistance as the only source of subsistence, financial assistance - one-off), this act introduced financial social assistance. The average number of recipients is therefore shown separatel, i. e.: from 1 January to 31 August 2001 in Table 2.1 and for 1 September to 31 December 2001 and further in Table 2.2. 1.2 Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov denarne socialne pomoči in povprečni znesek denarne socialne pomoči, 2001–20061) Average monthly number of recipients of financial social assistance and average amount of financial social assistance, 2001–20061) Denarne socialne pomoči2) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Financial social assistance2) Skupaj 19 456 39 981 51 798 59 274 60 976 58 064 Total Denarna socialna pomoč – za obdobje Financial social assistance - for limited period of time Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov 17 830 37 421 47 800 54 367 55 696 52 910 Average monthly number of recipients PovprečnI znesek v SIT 30 991 36 657 43 779 45 313 46 485 47 293 Average amount in SIT Denarna socialna pomoč – trajna Permanent financial social assistance Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov 180 361 452 464 472 468 Average monthly number of recipients Povprečni znesek v SIT 30 085 33 820 43 056 45 354 46 819 47 890 Average amount in SIT Izredna denarna socialna pomoč – za obdobje Extraordinary financial social assistance - for limited period of time Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov 83 368 817 996 1 074 1 173 Average monthly number of recipients Povprečni znesek v SIT 28 456 34 465 42 546 46 095 45 691 46 948 Average amount in SIT Izredna denarna socialna pomoč - enkratna Extraordinary financial social assistance - one-off Povprečno mesečno število prejemnikov 1 363 1 831 2 729 3 447 3 735 3 513 Average monthly number of recipients Povprečni znesek v SIT 29 944 35 172 43 795 46 605 47 368 48 723 Average amount in SIT 1) Prejemniki so osebe, ki prejemajo denarno socialno pomoč zase in za svoje družinske člane. Recipients are persons who are entitled to social assistance for themselves and their family members. 2) S 1. 9. 2001 so začele veljati spremembe in dopolnitve Zakona o socialnem varstvu, ki je namesto dotedanjih socialnovarstvenih dajatev (denarni dodatek, denarna pomoč kot edini vir preživljanja in enkratni denarni dodatek) uvedel denarno socialno pomoč. Denarna socialna pomoč se od takrat deli na štiri vrste, in sicer: - Denarna socialna pomoč – za obdobje, - Denarna socialna pomoč – trajna, - Izredna denarna socialna pomoč – za obdobje, - Izredna denarna socialna pomoč – enkratna. On 1 September 2001 the Act Amending the Social Assistance and Social Services Act came into force. Instead of social security benefits (financial assistance, financial assistance as the only source of subsistence, financial assistance - one-off), this act introduced financial social assistance. After this change, financial social assistance is divided into four types: - Financial social assistance - for limited period of time, - Permanent financial social assistance, - Extraordinary financial social assistance - for limited period of time, - Extraordinary financial social assistance - one-off. Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 3 1.3 Prejemniki denarne socialne pomoči po vrstah pomoči in tipih družin, 20021–20061) Number of recipients of financial social assistance by type of assistance and type of family, 2002–20061) Prejemniki skupaj Recipients total Vrsta denarne socialne pomoči Tip družine 2002 2003 2004 2005 20062) Type of financial social assistance Type of family Denarna socialna pomoč – za obdobje – skupaj 42 672 52 959 56 400 57 041 49 232 Financial social assistance - for limited period of time - total Samski 31 639 39 353 41 934 42 590 35 115 Single Enostarševska družina 4 660 6 092 6 794 7 069 7 381 Single parent family z 1 otrokom 3 317 4 356 4 880 5 086 5 122 with 1 child z 2 otrokoma 1 034 1 364 1 516 1 579 1 806 with 2 children s 3 otroki 234 293 315 325 360 with 3 children s 4 in več otroki 75 79 83 79 93 with 4 or more children Dvostarševska družina 4 784 5 566 5 628 5 302 4 770 Family with two parents z 1 otrokom 1 826 2 243 2 290 2 126 1 842 with 1 child z 2 otrokoma 1 780 2 080 20 62 1 909 1 711 with 2 children s 3 otroki 727 801 821 815 737 with 3 children s 4 in več otroki 451 442 455 452 480 with 4 or more children Partnerja brez otrok 1 542 1 898 2 002 2 030 1 910 Partners without children Drugo 47 50 42 50 56 Other Denarna socialna pomoč –trajna – skupaj 412 463 470 477 455 Permanent financial social assistance - total Samski 409 459 465 473 453 Single Partnerja brez otrok 3 4 5 4 2 Partners without children Izredna denarna socialna pomoč – za obdobje – skupaj 628 943 1 222 1 253 1 250 Extraordinary financial social assistance - for limited period of time - total Samski 295 466 674 672 743 Single Enostarševska družina 138 222 237 272 277 Single parent family z 1 otrokom 89 145 159 175 200 with 1 child z 2 otrokoma 35 61 65 82 68 with 2 children s 3 otroki 12 13 13 14 9 with 3 children s 4 in več otroki 2 3 0 1 0 with 4 or more children Dvostarševska družina 141 182 208 219 160 Family with two parents z 1 otrokom 61 82 90 87 62 with 1 child z 2 otrokoma 47 60 81 96 65 with 2 children s 3 otroki 24 30 26 26 21 with 3 children s 4 in več otroki 9 10 11 10 12 with 4 or more children Partnerja brez otrok 52 71 97 84 66 Partners without children Drugo 2 2 6 6 4 Other Izredna denarna socialna pomoč – enkratna – skupaj 2 490 3 373 4 162 4 151 3 964 Extraordinary financial social assistance - one-off - total Samski 1 029 1 495 1 858 1 593 1 918 Single Enostarševska družina 509 690 898 881 787 Single parent family z 1 otrokom 307 453 606 583 513 with 1 child z 2 otrokoma 164 191 232 233 209 with 2 children s 3 otroki 30 41 43 55 57 with 3 children s 4 in več otroki 8 5 17 10 8 with 4 or more children Dvostarševska družina 683 864 998 941 848 Family with two parents z 1 otrokom 275 370 421 410 335 with 1 child z 2 otrokoma 282 355 396 339 306 with 2 children s 3 otroki 91 108 132 116 129 with 3 children s 4 in več otroki 35 31 49 76 78 with 4 or more children Partnerja brez otrok 258 313 399 430 397 Partners without children Drugo 11 11 9 6 14 Other 1) Prejemniki so osebe, ki prejemajo denarno socialno pomoč zase in za svoje družinske člane. Recipients are persons who are entitled to social assistance for themselves and their family members. 2) Podatki za mesec december 2006. Data for December 2006. Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 4 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 2. PODJETJA ZA USPOSABLJANJE IN ZAPOSLOVANJE INVALIDOV, 2001–2006 ENTERPRISES FOR TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT OF THE DISABLED, 2001–2006 2.1 Invalidska podjetja za strokovno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov, 2001–20061) Enterprises for vocational training and employment of the disabled, 2001–20061) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Invalidska podjetja1) 151 149 145 1472) 149 165 Enterprises employing the disabled1) Zaposleni v invalidskih podjetjih Persons employed by enterprises employing the disabled Skupaj 12 466 12 969 12 673 13 580 13 556 13 685 Total Zaposleni invalidi (po statusu invalidnosti)3) Employed disabled (by disability status)3) Skupaj 6 087 6 202 5 970 6 348 6 360 6 441 Total Delovni invalidi4) 5 372 5 443 5 201 5 565 5 455 5 586 Disabled workers4) Invalidi po ZUZIO5) 441 488 472 468 530 374 Disabled people according to the ZUZIO5) Invalidi po ZZRZI6) - - - - - 25 Disabled people according to the ZZRZI6) Kategorizirani mladostniki po ZIUOM7) 266 261 290 308 368 369 Categorised juveniles according to the ZIUOM7) Kategorizirani mladostniki po ZUOPS8) 4 Categorised juveniles according to the ZUOPS8) Vojni invalidi9) 8 10 7 7 7 7 Disabled soldiers9) Ostali invalidi10) - - - - - 76 Other disabled persons10) Drugi zaposleni – skupaj 6 379 6 767 6 680 7 232 7 196 7 244 Other employees - total 1) Podatke smo prevzeli od Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, katerih vir je Sklad za vzpodbujanje zaposlovanja invalidov. Stanje konec leta oziroma 31. 12. We took over data from the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, the source of which is the Fund for the Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities. Data show the situation at the end of year or 31. 12. 2) Podatki za leto 2004 se nanašajo na 147 od 149 podjetij. / Data for 2004 cover 147 of 149 enterprises. 3) Z letom 2006 začne veljati nova klasifikacija, glede na pridobljen status invalidnosti. / In 2006 there is a new classification, according to gained disability status. 4) Zakon o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju. / Pension and Disability Insurance Act. 5) Zakon o usposabljanju in zaposlovanju invalidnih oseb. / Act Regulating the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons. 6) Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov. / Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act. 7) Zakon o izobraževanju in usposabljanju otrok in mladostnikov z motnjami v telesnem in duševnem razvoju. / Act on Education and Training of Children and Youths with Physical and Mental Development Disorders. 8) Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami. / Placement of Children with Special Needs Act. 9) Zakon o vojnih invalidih. / War Disabled Act. 10) Ostali invalidi so osebe, ki imajo status invalidnosti še po nekaterih drugih zakonih. / Other disabled persons are all the others that have status of disabled person by some other acts. 2.2 Invalidska podjetja, zaposleni invalidi in invalidi na usposabljanju po spolu in statusu, 2006 Enterprises for the disabled, employed disabled and disabled in training by sex and status, 2006 Zaposleni v invalidskih podjetjih1) Employees in enterprises for the disabled1) od tega zaposleni invalidi po statusu2) of that employed disabled by status2) Invalidska podjetja Companies skupaj total skupaj total delovni invalidi3) disabled workers3) invalidi po ZUZIU4) disabled according to ZUZIO4) invalidi po ZZRZI5) disabled according to ZZRZI5) katego- rizirani mladostniki po ZIUOM6) categorised juveniles according to ZIUOM6) katego- rizirani mladostniki po ZUOPP7) categorised juveniles according to ZUOPP7) vojni invalidi8) disabled soldiers8) drugi9) other9) Skupaj / Total 165 13 685 6 441 5 586 374 25 369 4 7 76 1) Podatke prevzeli od Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, katerih vir Sklad za vzpodbujanje zaposlovanja invalidov. Stanje konec leta oziroma 31. 12. We took over data from the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, the source of which is the Fund for the Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities. Data show the situation at the end of year or 31. 12. 2) Z letom 2006 nastopi nova klasifikacija, glede na pridobljen status invalidnosti. / In 2006 there is a new classification, according to gained disability status. 3) Zakon o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju. / Pension and Disability Insurance Act. 4) Zakon o usposabljanju in zaposlovanju invalidnih oseb. / Act Regulating the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons. 5) Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov. / Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act. 6) Zakon o izobraževanju in usposabljanju otrok in mladostnikov z motnjami v telesnem in duševnem razvoju. Act on education and training of children and youths with physical and mental development disorders. 7) Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami. / Placement of Children with Special Needs Act. 8) Zakon o vojnih invalidih. / War Disabled Act. 9) Ostali invalidi so osebe, ki imajo status invalidnosti še po nekaterih drugih zakonih. / Other disabled persons are all the others that have status of disabled person by some other acts. Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 5 2.3 Zaposleni v invalidskih podjetjih po trajanju zaposlitve, 2006 Employees in enteprises for the disabled by duration of employment, 2006 Zaposleni v invalidskih podjetjih1) Employees in enterprises for the disabled1) skupaj total invalidi disabled drugi zaposleni other employees Zaposleni - skupaj 12 182 5 603 6 579 Employees - total Za nedoločen čas 11 217 5 318 5 899 Permanent employment Za določen čas 965 285 680 Temporary employment 1) Vir podatkov je anketa Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, ki ne zajema vseh invalidskih podjetij. Stanje 30. 6. 2006. Source of data is the survey of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, which doesn't include all enterprises for the disabled. Data show the situation on 30. 6. 2006. 2.4 Zaposleni v invalidskih podjetjih po starostnih skupinah, 2006 Employees in enterprises for the disabled by age groups, 2006 Starostne skupine Age groups Skupaj Total 18-24 25-34 35-44 45 + Zaposleni v invalidskih podjetjih – skupaj1) 12 182 293 1 914 3 579 6 396 Employees in enterprises for disabled - total1) Zaposleni invalidi 5 603 64 519 1 413 3 607 Employed disabled Drugi zaposleni 6 579 229 1 395 2 166 2 789 Other employees 1) Vir podatkov je anketa Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, ki ne zajema vseh invalidskih podjetij. Stanje 30. 6. 2006. Source of data is the survey of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, which doesn't include all enterprises for the disabled. Data show the situation on 30. 6. 2006. 2.5 Zaposleni invalidi v invalidskih podjetjih ter zaposleni delovni invalidi po kategorijah, 2006 Disabled persons employed in enterprises for the disabled and employed disabled workers by categories, 2006 Zaposleni invalidi Employed disabled od tega delovni invalidi po kategorijah zaposlitve2) of that disabled workers by categories of employment2) Invalidska podjetja1) Enterprises for the disabled1) skupaj total skupaj total zaposleni s krajšim delovnim časom part-time employment zaposleni s polnim delovnim časom full-time employment Skupaj 165 5 603 4 367 923 3 444 Total 1) Vir podatkov je anketa Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, ki ne zajema vseh invalidskih podjetij. Stanje 30. 6. 2006. Source of data is the survey of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, which doesn't include all enterprises for the disabled. Data show the situation on 30. 6. 2006. 2) Od leta 2004 dalje invalidska podjetja za delovne invalide poročajo glede na zaposlitev s krajšim ali polnim delovnim časom. Po ZPIZ-ovem zakonu so v večini primerov s krajšim delovnim časom zaposleni invalidi II. kategorije invalidnosti, s polnim delovnim časom pa invalidi s III. kategorijo invalidnosti. Since 2004 enterprises for the disabled report on disabled workers by part-time or full-time employment. According to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act, in most cases disabled persons working part-time are category 2 disabled, while disabled persons working full-time are category 3 disabled. Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 6 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 3. CENTRI ZA SOCIALNO DELO, 2004-20061) CENTRES FOR SOCIAL WORK, 2004-20061) 3.1 Otroci in mladostniki ter mlajše polnoletne osebe, ki so uporabniki centrov za socialno delo, 2004-2006 Children, youth and young adult users of services provided by centres for social work, 2004-2006 2004 2005 2006 Otroci, mladostniki ter mlajše polnoletne osebe Children, youth and young adults Prikrajšani za normalno družinsko življenje – skupaj2) 13 608 13 565 12 292 Deprived of a normal family life - total2) Zapuščeni otroci in zanemarjeni otroci 791 809 780 Abandoned and neglected children Otroci staršev, ki so jim bile odvzete starševske pravice 1 3 2 Children of parents whose parental rights have been terminated Otroci staršev, ki zanemarjajo starševske dolžnosti 1 122 1 085 923 Children whose parents neglected their parental rights Otroci staršev z neurejenimi medsebojnimi odnosi 7 207 7 410 6 967 Children whose parents have disorderly mutual relations Otroci s težavami v odraščanju 3 912 3 624 3 076 Children with problems growing up Trpinčeni otroci 361 367 331 Battered children Otroci, pri katerih gre za sum spolne zlorabe 214 267 213 Supposedly sexually abused children Z vedenjskimi in osebnostnimi težavami – skupaj 5 392 4 384 4 435 Behaviourally and personally disturbed - total Otroci in mladostniki uživalci: Children and youth users of: alkohola 20 17 28 Alcohol prepovedanih drog 28 18 13 Illegal drugs Otroci prestopniki, stari manj kot 14 let 2) 375 441 493 Delinquent children under 142) Mlajši mladoletniki (od 14 do še ne 16 let) Junior juveniles (14 to 16 years old) Storilci prekrškov in storilci kaznivih dejanj - skupaj 410 232 278 Committed minor offence and committed criminal offence - total Starejši mladoletniki (od 16 do še ne 18 let) Senior juveniles (16 to 18 years old) Storilci prekrškov in storilci kaznivih dejanj - skupaj 913 741 726 Committed minor offence and committed criminal offence - total Drugi mlajši in starejši mladoletniki 3) Other junior or senior juveniles3) Storilci prekrškov 246 216 193 Committed minor offence Storilci kaznjivih dejanj 1 671 1 113 1 072 Committed criminal offence Mlajši polnoletniki (od 18 do še ne 21 let) Young adults (18 to 21 years old) Storilci prekrškov in storilci kaznivih dejanj - skupaj 1 137 1 034 1 061 Committed minor offence and committed criminal offence - total Drugi otroci in mladostniki z vedenjskimi in osebnostnimi težavami - skupaj2) 592 572 571 Other behaviourally and personally disturbed children and youth - total2) Z motnjo v telesnem in duševnem razvoju – skupaj 758 238 188 Mentally disturbed and physically disturbed - total 1) Podatki Inštituta Republike Slovenije za socialno varstvo. Data from the Social Protection Institute. 2) Upoštevani so vsi otroci. Tudi tisti znotraj družin. All children are taken into account, including children in families. 3) V tej vrstici so prikazani otroci in mladostniki, storilci prekrškov oz. storilci kaznivih dejanj, ki so bili beleženi v okviru družine. Zanje ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti starosti in jih razvrstiti v zgornji dve skupini po starosti. This row shows children and youth who committed minor or criminal offence and were registered within the family. It was not possible to find out their age and classify them into the other two age groups. Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 7 3.2 Odrasle osebe, ki so uporabniki centrov za socialno delo, 2004–2006 Adult users of centres for social work, 2004–2006 2004 2005 2006 Odrasli Adults Z vedenjskimi in osebnostnimi težavami – skupaj 2 077 2 768 2 950 Behaviourally and personally disturbed - total Obravnavani v postpenali 111 118 116 Post penal proceedings Uživalci - skupaj 1 039 993 958 Users of - total alkohola 579 540 536 Alcohol prepovedanih drog 460 453 422 Illegal drugs Drugi odrasli z vedenjskimi in osebnostnimi težavami - skupaj1) 927 1657 1876 Other behavourally and personally disturbed adults - total1) Invalidi – skupaj 5 227 5 316 4 747 Disabled persons - total Duševno nezadostno razviti2) 2 778 2 817 2 472 Mentally underdeveloped2) Duševno in živčno bolni3) 2 259 2 179 1 943 Mentally ill and neurotics3) S telesnimi okvarami 190 320 332 Physically handicapped Stari 60 let ali več – skupaj 8 903 9 888 9 412 Over 60 years old - total Lažje telesno in kronično bolni4) 1 999 2 583 2 481 Light physically and chronically ill4) Ogroženi zaradi pojavov, ki spremljajo staranje 4 520 4 866 4 704 With problems of old age Drugi5) 2 384 2 439 2 227 Other5) Drugi odrasli s težavami v družinskih in/ali 2 621 3 522 3 195 Other adults with problems in family and/or partnerskih odnosih – skupaj partnership relations - total 1) Gre za osumljence in in kaznjence. Suspects and convicts. 2) Osebe z motnjami v duševnem in telesnem razvoju. Persons with disturbances in mental and physical development. 3) Gre za osebe s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Persons with mental health problems. 4) Gre za zdravstveno ogrožene osebe. Persons with health problems. 5) Gre za materialno ogrožene osebe, osebe s težavami v duševnem zdravju, osebe z motnjami v duševnem in telesnem razvoju ter osebe s stanovanjskim problemom. Included are materially deprived persons, persons with mental health problems, persons with disturbances in mental and physical development, and persons with housing problem. 3.3 Družine, uporabnice centrov za socialno delo, glede na problematiko, 2004–20061) Families using services provided by centres for social work by problems, 2004–20061) 2004 2005 2006 Število družin Number of families Z osebami z vedenjskimi in osebnostnimi težavami – skupaj 600 505 427 Behaviourally and personally disturbed - total z zasvojenimi z alkoholom 432 362 333 Alcoholics z zasvojenimi s prepovedanimi drogami 168 143 94 Drug addicts Z invalidi – skupaj 1 761 1 161 1 121 Disabled persons - total z osebami s težavami v duševnem zdravju 526 479 430 Mentally underdeveloped z osebami z motnjami v duševnem in telesnem razvoju 1 154 622 627 Mentally and physically disturbed z osebami s telesnimi okvarami 81 60 64 Physically handicapped Z osebami z drugimi težavami - skupaj 1 835 2 195 2 117 Other - total z osebami, ogroženimi zaradi starosti 795 1068 952 At risk because of old age z zdravstveno ogroženimi osebami 632 754 839 At risk because of health problems z osebami s stanovanjskim problemom 408 373 326 Housing problem 1) V primeru ko so centri obravnavali uporabnike storitev v okviru družin, je v bazi kot enota šteta le družina in ne tudi posamezen uporabnik. In case centres treated users of services within families, the unit in the base is the family and not the individual. Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 8 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 3.4 Otroci, mladostniki in mlajše polnoletne osebe po nekaterih storitvah centrov za socialno delo, ki so jih deležni, 2004–2006 Children, youth and young adults by some services provided by centres for social work they use, 2004–2006 2004 2005 2006 Otroci, mladostniki in mlajše polnoletne osebe Children, youth and young adults Oblike varstva po zakonu o zakonski zvezi 8 880 8 366 9 451 Forms of protection by the Marriage in družinskih razmerjih - skupaj and Family Relations Act - total Otroci, nameščeni v rejniške družine1) 1 220 1 207 1 201 Children in foster families1) Posvojeni otroci 21 11 4 Adopted children Število prošenj za posvojitev 373 249 203 Number of applications for adoption Otroci, oddani v zavod 148 108 113 Children in institutions Priznanja očetovstva 3 843 3 966 5 042 Acknowledgment of paternity Urejanje stikov s starši 3 275 2 825 2 888 Settling contacts with parents Vzgojni ukrepi po kazenskem zakonu (zoper mladoletnike) - skupaj 641 517 456 Educational measures by the penal law (against juveniles) - total Ukor 35 19 26 Reprimand Navodila in prepovedi 144 135 115 Guidance and prohibition Nadzorstvo organa socialnega varstva 422 327 286 Supervision by the social protection body Oddaja v zavod za usposabljanje 40 36 29 Juveniles in training centres Drugi ukrepi - skupaj 602 300 232 Other measures - total Napotitev v organizacijo za usposabljanje 602 300 232 Sending to a training organisation Socialnovarstvene storitve - skupaj 2 636 2 364 1 833 Social protection services - total Prva socialna pomoč 1 461 1 444 1 215 First social assistance Osebna pomoč 730 477 264 Personal assistance Pomoč družini za dom 424 428 341 Assistance to a family for home Pomoč družini na domu Assistance to a family at home Socialna oskrba 20 14 13 - social provision Mobilna pomoč 1 1 0 - mobile assistance 1) Podatki Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve. Stanje konec leta oziroma 31. 12. Data from the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs at the end of year or 31. 12. 3.5 Odrasli po nekaterih storitvah centrov za socialno delo, 2004–2006 Adults by some services provided by centres for social work, 2004–2006 2004 2005 2006 Odrasli Adults Oblike varstva po zakonu o zakonski zvezi 73 68 65 Forms of protection by the Marriage in družinskih razmerjih - skupaj and Family Relations Act - total Predlogi za odvzem starševskih pravic 1 1 3 Proposals for taking away parental rights Predlogi za podaljšanje trajanja starševskih pravic 58 53 53 Proposals for prolonging the duration of parental rights Odvzemi otroka 14 14 9 Taking away of the child Druge oblike varstva centra 139 137 164 Other forms of protection in centres Pri reševanju stanovanjskih problemov 139 137 164 Solving housing problems Socialnovarstvene storitve - skupaj 35 848 43 440 36 888 Social protection services - total Prva socialna pomoč 28 460 35 796 29 971 First social assistance Osebna pomoč 4 158 3 921 3 499 Personal assistance Pomoč družini za dom 304 329 249 Assistance to a family for home Pomoč družini na domu Assistance to a family at home Socialna oskrba 2 890 3 369 3 143 Social provision Mobilna pomoč 36 25 26 Mobile assistance Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 9 3.6 Družine po socialnovarstvenih storitvah centrov za socialno delo, glede na problematiko, 2004–20061) Families by social welfare services provided by centres for social work by problems, 2004–20061) 2004 2005 2006 Število družin Number of families Socialnovarstvene storitve - skupaj 18 734 18 808 16 641 Social protection services - total Prva socialna pomoč 12 099 12 951 11 810 First social assistance Osebna pomoč 2 336 2 088 1 590 Personal assistance Pomoč družini za dom 3 581 3 000 2 490 Assistance to a family for home Pomoč družini na domu Assistance to a family at home Socialna oskrba 715 767 749 Social provision Mobilna pomoč 3 2 2 Mobile assistance 1) Ker pri nekaterih uporabnikih ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti ali gre za obravnavo otrok ali odraslih oseb, so le ti prikazani v okviru družin, zato je tukaj prikazano število družin in ne število uporabnikov. Because in some cases it was not possible to establish if the treated people are children or adults, the number of families and not the number of individuals is shown here. METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega opazovanja The purpose of the statistical survey S statističnim opazovanjem denarnih socialnih pomoči zberemo podatke o številu prejemnikov teh pomoči ter o višini teh pomoči in o višini izplačanih sredstev. The purpose of the statistical survey of financial social assistance was to collect data on the number of recipients, the amount and funds paid. S statističnim opazovanjem podjetij za strokovno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov zberemo podatke o invalidih, ki so v teh ustanovah zaposleni oziroma na usposabljanju. The purpose of the statistical survey of enterprises for vocational training and employment of the disabled is to collect the data on disabled persons who are employed or trained by these institutions. S statističnim opazovanjem uporabnikov socialnovarstvenih storitev in javnih pooblastil, ki jih izvajajo centri za socialno delo po vseh upravnih enotah Slovenije, pridobimo podatke o številu prejemnikov teh storitev in javnih pooblastil. The purpose of the statistical survey of users of social welfare services and public authority exercised by centres for social work at all administrative units in Slovenia is to collect data on the number of recipients of these services and public authority. Do leta 2003 je storitve in javna pooblastila centrov za socialno delo popisoval Statistični urad Republike Slovenije z vprašalnikom SOC-CSD. Od leta 2004 dalje pa je – v skladu z dogovorom z Ministrstvom za delo, družino in socialne zadeve in z Inštitutom RS za socialno varstvo – to nalogo v celoti prevzel Inštitut RS za socialno varstvo; ta ima namreč že od leta 2001 vzpostavljeno Socialno bazo podatkov (SBP). V to bazo mesečno in letno sporočajo podatke o stanju iz svojih evidenc vsi centri za socialno delo. Inštitut RS za socialno varstvo pa je zadolžen, da podatke iz svoje baze posreduje – v skladu s programom statističnih raziskovanj – tudi Statističnemu uradu RS. Until 2003 the Statistical Office was collecting data on services and public authority exercised by centres for social work on the SOC-CSD questionnaire. In accordance with the agreement between our office, the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs and the Social Protection Institute, in 2004 this task was taken over by the Social Protection Institute, which has been keeping the Social Database since 2001. All centres for social work report to the database monthly and yearly data from their records. According to the program of statistical surveys, the Institute then transmits these data to our office. Struktura in vsebina SBP za leta 2004, 2005 in 2006 se razlikujeta od vsebine podatkov, ki smo jih zbirali z vprašalnikom SOC-CSD do leta 2003, in od metodologije zbiranja teh podatkov. Zato tudi podatki, zbrani na osnovi SBP, niso primerljivi s podatki, zbranimi po prejšnji metodologiji. The existing structure and content of the Social Database for 2004, 2005 and 2006 differs from the content and data collection methodology of the SOC-CSD used up until 2003. Therefore, data obtained from these two sources are not comparable. V vprašalniku SOC-CSD so bili upoštevani posamezni upravičenci do storitev in javnih pooblastil, prav tako tudi tisti v okviru družin. V SBP je družina upoštevana le kot en uporabnik ne glede na število članov, ki so bili upravičeni do storitve. The SOC-CSD questionnaire covered individual beneficiaries of services and public authority, including recipients within families. In the Social Database a family is registered as one user, irrespective of the number of family members who were beneficiaries of these services. Ta problem bo po zagotovilu Inštituta RS za socialno varstvo odpravljen že ob prenovi SBP (predvidoma že ob podatkih za leto 2005 oziroma 2006), tako da se bo dejansko vedelo, koliko oseb znotraj družine je bilo obravnavanih. The Social Protection Institute promised to solve this problem during the revision of the Social Database (data for 2005 or 2006), so that it will be clear how many members of a family were recipients of services. V SBP se zbirajo podatki o storitvah in javnih pooblastilih, ki jih izvajajo centri za socialno delo za ogrožene skupine prebivalstva. To so zlasti otroci in mladostniki v posebnih življenjskih stiskah, invalidne osebe in The database contains data on services and public authority implemented by centres for social work for endangered groups of people. These are children and youth in difficult situations, disabled and elderly people, and Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 10 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 starostniki ter osebe, ki so brez sredstev za življenje, ker zaradi starosti ali nezmožnosti za delo niso sposobni ustvariti dohodkov ali ker iz objektivnih razlogov nimajo sredstev za preživljanje sebe in družinskih članov. people without funds for living and who because of their age or inability to work are not able to create income and who because of objective reasons do not have the means to support themselves or their family members. SBP bo v postopku prenove, ta že poteka, dopolnjena s podatki o storitvah v skladu z obstoječo zakonodajo. During the revision, which is already being implemented, the Social Database will be completed with data on services according to the existing legislation. Opazovane enote Observation units so podjetja za strokovno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov ter centri za socialno delo. are enterprises for vocational training and employment of the disabled and centres for social work. Viri Sources Podatke o denarnih socialnih pomočeh ter podatke o podjetjih za strokovno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov nam pošilja Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve. Data on financial social assistance and data on enterprises for vocational training and employment of the disabled are transmitted by the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. Podatke o storitvah centrov za socialno delo pa dobimo z Inštituta RS za socialno varstvo. Data on services provided by centres for social work are transmitted by the Social Protection Institute. Zajetje Coverage V statistično opazovanje so zajeti: The statistical survey covers: − denarne socialne pomoči, ki jih prejemajo upravičenci do teh pomoči; − financial social assistance received by beneficiaries of this assistance − podjetja za strokovno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov; − enterprises for vocational training and employment of the disabled − centri za socialno delo oziroma storitve in javna pooblastila, ki jih ti izvajajo. − centres for social work, and services and public authority provided by them. Definicije Definitions Denarna pomoč kot edini vir preživljanja je pomoč osebam, ki so trajno nezmožne za delo, in osebam, starejšim od 60 let, če so brez vsakršnih dohodkov oz. prejemkov, brez premoženja in nimajo nikogar, ki bi jih bil dolžan in sposoben preživljati, in živijo doma. Merila za pridobitev te pomoči so objavljena v 24. čl. Zakona o socialnem varstvu (Uradni list RS, št. 54/1992). Denarno pomoč kot edini vir preživljanja je s septembrom 2001 zamenjala trajna denarna socialna pomoč. Financial assistance as the only source of subsistence is assistance to persons who are permanently unable to work and to persons over 60 years of age who live at home but have no income or property and have no one who would be obliged or capable to support them. The criteria for obtaining this assistance are described in Article 24 of the Social Security Act (OJ RS No. 54/1992). Financial assistance as the only source of subsistence was replaced by permanent financial social assistance in September 2001. Denarni dodatek je bila začasna denarna pomoč (univerzalne narave), namenjena posamezniku ali družini, ki si nista mogla zagotoviti sredstev za preživljanje. Financial assistance was temporary assistance to individuals or families who could not provide funds for living and was of universal nature. Enkratni denarni dodatek je bila enkratna denarna pomoč upravičencem za premostitev trenutne materialne ogroženosti. Financial assistance - one-off was a one-time financial assistance given to beneficiaries in order to bridge current financial difficulties. Denarna socialna pomoč je denarna pomoč (v izjemnih primerih se lahko deloma ali v celoti izplača v naravi v obliki bonov, naročilnice, plačila računov itd.), dodeljena upravičencem, ki si ne morejo sami zagotoviti preživetja z delom, s pravicami iz dela ali zavarovanja, z dohodki iz premoženja ali iz drugih virov oziroma z nadomestili ali prejemki po drugih predpisih ali s pomočjo tistih, ki so jih dolžni preživljati, ali na drug način. Financial social assistance is financial assistance (exceptionally it can be given in kind in the form of coupons, order forms, payment of bills, etc.) given to beneficiaries who cannot provide their own living by working, with rights from work or insurance, with income from property and from other sources, or with benefits or receipts according to other regulations, or with the help of those who are obliged to support them or in some other way. Denarna socialna pomoč je vezana na minimalni dohodek: usklajuje se enkrat letno, in sicer v januarju, za indeks cen življenjskih potrebščin za obdobje zadnjih dvanajst mesecev pred mesecem uskladitve, uporablja pa se od prvega dne naslednjega meseca po uskladitvi. Financial social assistance depends on the minimum income; it is adjusted once a year in January according to the consumer price index for the period of the last twelve months before the month of adjustment. It is used from the first day of the next month after the adjustment. Denarna socialna pomoč se dodeli za določen čas. Če je upravičenec trajno nezmožen za delo in brez vsakršnih dohodkov oz. prejemkov ter brez premoženja in nima nikogar, ki bi ga bil dolžan in sposoben preživljati, in živi doma, se mu dodeli trajna denarna socialna pomoč. Financial social assistance is temporary. In case the beneficiary is permanently incapacitated for work and is without any income or receipts and without any property and has nobody who would be obliged and capable to support him or her and lives at home, a permanent financial social assistance is given. Denarna socialna pomoč je bila uvedena z Zakonom o spremembah in dopolnitvah zakona o socialnem varstvu (Uradni list RS, št. 26/2001), ki Financial social assistance was introduced with the Act Amending the Social Security Act (OJ RS 26/2001), which came into force on 1 Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 11 je začel veljati s 1. septembrom 2001, in je v celoti nadomestila denarno pomoč kot edini vir preživljanja, denarni dodatek in enkratni denarni dodatek. Zakon o socialnem varstvu je predvidel štiri vrste denarnih socialnih pomoči. September 2001 and replaced financial assistance as the only source of livelihood, financial assistance and single financial assistance. According to the Social Security Act, there are four types of financial social assistance. 1. Denarna socialna pomoč – za obdobje. Ta pomoč se dodeli za določen čas, in sicer glede na okoliščine. Prvič se dodeli največ za tri mesece, ponovno pa največ za šest mesecev. Denarna socialna pomoč – za obdobje se lahko dodeli največ za obdobje enega leta, če zaradi starosti upravičenca (nad 60 let), njegove bolezni ali invalidnosti ali drugih okoliščin ni mogoče pričakovati, da se bo njegov socialni položaj izboljšal. 1. Financial social assistance - for limited period of time is temporary assistance depending on circumstances. For the first time it is given for three months at the most, while for the second time it is given for six months at the most. Financial social assistance can be given for one year at the most if because of old age (60+), illness, disability or other circumstances improvement of the beneficiary’s social situation cannot be expected. 2. Denarna socialna pomoč – trajna. Trajna denarna socialna pomoč se dodeli upravičencu v starosti nad 60 let in tistemu, ki je trajno nezmožen za delo in je brez vsakršnih dohodkov oziroma prejemkov ter brez premoženja in nima nikogar, ki bi ga bil dolžan in sposoben preživljati, in živi doma. Trajno nezmožnost za delo ugotavlja invalidska komisija po predpisih o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju. 2. Permanent financial social assistance is given to beneficiaries who are over 60 years old and to those who are permanently unable to work, have no income or property, have no one who would be obliged or capable to support them and live at home. Permanent inability to work is determined by the disability commission in accordance with regulations on pension and disability insurance. 3. Izredna denarna socialna pomoč – za obdobje. Ta pomoč se lahko dodeli v izrednih okoliščinah, lahko tudi v primerih, ko upravičenec sicer presega "cenzus" za dodelitev denarne socialne pomoči, a se je iz razlogov, na katere ni mogel vplivati, znašel v položaju materialne ogroženosti. Dodeli se jo za obdobje, to pomeni za materialno ogroženost, ki bo trajala več kot dva meseca. 3. Extraordinary financial social assistance - for limited period of time can be given in extraordinary circumstances, however, it can also be given when beneficiaries exceed the “census” for obtaining financial social assistance but for reasons outside of their influence they have financial problems. It is given for a period of time, i.e. for financial problems that will exceed two months. 4. Izredna denarna socialna pomoč – enkratna. Tudi za to vrsto pomoči veljajo enake zahteve kot za izredno denarno socialno pomoč – za obdobje, le da se jo podeli v enkratnem znesku, ker gre za pomoč v trenutni materialni ogroženosti. 4. Extraordinary financial social assistance - one-off. For this assistance the same holds true as for assistance for limited period of time, except that it is given as a lump sum to solve the current financial problems. Delovni invalidi so zavarovanci, ki so si zaradi invalidnosti pridobili katero od pravic iz invalidskega zavarovanja po Zakonu o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju (Uradni list RS. št. 109/2006). Disabled workers are insured persons who, due to their disability, gained one of the rights from the disability insurance according to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act (OJ RS No. 109/2006). Vojni invalidi so vojaški vojni invalidi, vojaški mirnodobni invalidi in civilni vojni invalidi (Zakon o vojnih invalidih, Uradni list RS, št. 63/1995). Disabled soldiers are disabled war veterans, peacetime military invalids and civilian war invalids (Disabled Soldiers Act, OJ RS No. 63/1995). Invalidne osebe (po Zakonu o usposabljanju in zaposlovanju invalidnih oseb, Uradni list RS, št. 18/1976 in 8/1990-ZUZIO) so invalidi z zmanjšano delovno sposobnostjo, ki zaradi svoje bolezni ali duševne prizadetosti potrebujejo pri usposabljanju in zaposlovanju posebno strokovno pomoč in imajo pravico do posebnega družbenega varstva, nimajo pa kot invalidne osebe zagotovljenega tega varstva po drugih predpisih. Zgoraj omenjeni zakon leta 2004 nadomesti Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov, Uradni list RS, št. 63/2004. Disabled persons (according to the Act on Training and Employment of the Disabled, OJ RS No. 18/1976 and No. 8/1990) are disabled people whose ability to work is reduced and who, due to their illness or mental handicap, need special expert assistance in their training and employment and are entitled to receive special social welfare, but do not have this welfare ensured according to other regulations. In 2004 above mentioned Act was replaced by Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act, OJ RS No. 63/2004. Kategorizirani mladostniki (po Zakonu o izobraževanju in usposabljanju otrok in mladostnikov z motnjami v telesnem in duševnem razvoju, Uradni list SRS, št. 19/1976) so otroci, mladostniki in mlajše polnoletne osebe, ki zaradi motenj v telesnem in duševnem razvoju potrebujejo posebne oblike vzgoje, izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Omenjeni zakon leta 2000 nadomesti Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami, Uradni list, št. 54/2000. Categorized juveniles (according to the Act on Education and Training of Children and Youth with Disturbances in Physical and Mental Development, OJ SRS No. 19/1976) are children, youth and young adults who, due to disturbances in their physical and mental development, need special forms of care, education and training. In 2000 above mentioned Act was replaced by Placement of Children with Special Needs Act, OJ RS No. 54/2000. Prikrajšani za normalno družinsko življenje so otroci in mladostniki, katerih starši so jih zapustili, ne skrbijo zanje ali zanemarjajo starševske dolžnosti. Sem sodijo tudi otroci in mladostniki, katerih staršem je sodišče z odločbo odvzelo starševske pravice, otroci in mladostniki, katerih starši imajo neurejene medsebojne odnose (npr. prepiri, grobosti). Sem sodijo tudi otroci s težavami v odraščanju, trpinčeni otroci ter otroci, pri katerih gre za sum spolne zlorabe. Deprived of a normal family life are children and youth who were abandoned by their parents, whose parents do not care for them or neglect their parental duties. Included are children and youth whose parents’ parental rights have been terminated by a court, children and youth whose parents have unsettled mutual relations (e. g. quarrels, violence), children with problems growing up, battered children and supposedly sexually abused children. Otroci in mladostniki z vedenjskimi in osebnostnimi težavami so tisti, pri katerih je vedenjska in osebnostna težavnost tolikšna, da je ogrožen njihov zdrav razvoj ali da ogrožajo svojo okolico v tolikšni meri, da so Behaviourally and personally disturbed children and youth are children and youth whose behavioural or personal problems are such that their healthy development is in danger or who present danger to the Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 12 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 potrebni varstva, vzgoje, izobraževanja ali zahtevajo posebno obravnavanje. society to such extent that they need protection, education or special treatment. Odrasli z vedenjskimi in osebnostnimi težavami so storilci kaznivih dejanj, ki so bili pravnomočno obsojeni in so bili deležni pomoči centra za socialno delo že v času prestajanja kazni oziroma po prestani kazni. Behaviourally and personally disturbed adults are perpetrators of criminal acts who were legally sentenced and are assisted by the centre for social work already while serving their sentence or after they finished serving it. V to skupino oseb prištevamo tudi uživalce mamil (alkoholike ali zasvojene s prepovedanimi drogami), ki ogrožajo sebe, družino in okolje v tolikšni meri, da jim je potrebna psihosocialna pomoč, in druge, ki kršijo splošne družbene norme, prosjačijo, se ukvarjajo s prostitucijo in podobno. Behaviourally and personally disturbed adults are also drug users (alcoholics or drug addicts) who endanger themselves, their families and people around them to such extent that they need psycho-social help, as well as others who break generally accepted social norms, beg, deal with prostitution and similar. Invalidne odrasle osebe so osebe, ki zaradi telesne invalidnosti ali duševnih motenj niso sposobne za delo in potrebujejo družbeno pomoč. Disabled adults are people who, due to their physical disability or mental problems, are incapable of working and need social assistance. Socialnovarstvene storitve po Zakonu o socialnem varstvu so: − prva socialna pomoč, − osebna pomoč, − pomoč družini za dom, − pomoč družini na domu (socialna oskrba in socialni servis). According to the Social Security Act, social welfare services are: − first social assistance − personal assistance − assistance to a family for home − assistance to a family at home (social provision and social service) Osebna pomoč obsega svetovanje, urejanje in vodenje z namenom, da bi posamezniku omogočili razvijanje, dopolnjevanje, ohranjanje ter izboljšanje socialnih zmožnosti. Personal assistance covers counselling, managing and guiding with the intention to enable individuals to develop, supplement, preserve or improve their social capacities. Pomoč družini za dom obsega strokovno svetovanje in pomoč pri urejanju odnosov med družinskimi člani ter pri skrbi za otroke in usposabljanje družine za opravljanje njene vloge v vsakdanjem življenju. Assistance to a family for home covers expert counselling and assistance in regulating relations among family members, taking care of children and training the family to perform its role in everyday life. Pomoč družini na domu obsega: − socialno oskrbo na domu ter − socialni servis (mobilno pomoč). Assistance to a family at home is: − social provision at home and − social service (mobile assistance). Socialna oskrba na domu obsega oskrbo upravičenca v primeru invalidnosti, starosti ter v drugih primerih, ko socialna oskrba na domu lahko nadomesti institucionalno varstvo. Social provision at home covers provision of beneficiaries in case of disability, old age and in other cases when social provision at home can replace institutional care. Do socialne oskrbe na domu so upravičeni: − osebe, stare nad 65 let, ki so zaradi starosti ali pojavov, ki spremljajo starost, nesposobne za samostojno življenje; − osebe s statusom invalida po zakonu o družbenem varstvu duševno in telesno prizadetih oseb; − druge invalidne osebe, ki jim je priznana pravica do tuje pomoči in nega za opravljanje večine življenjskih funkcij, − kronično bolne in osebe z dolgotrajnimi okvarami zdravja, ki nimajo priznanega statusa invalida, pa so po oceni pristojnega centra za socialno delo brez občasne pomoči druge osebe nesposobne za samostojno življenje, − hudo bolan otrok ali otrok s težko motnjo v duševnem razvoju, ki ni vključen v organizirane oblike varstva. Persons eligible to receive social provision at home: − are over 65 years old and cannot live alone because of old age or characteristics associated with old age, − have the status of disabled persons by the Act Concerning Social Care of Mentally and Physically Handicapped Persons, − are other disabled persons who have the right to receive assistance and care for performing most of their functions, − are chronically ill or have long lasting health problems, do not have the status of disabled persons but are according to the competent centre for social work incapable of living alone without occasional help by other persons, − are severely ill children or children with severe mental disability who are not included in organised forms of care. Socialni servis (mobilna pomoč) je pomoč pri hišnih in drugih opravilih v primeru otrokovega rojstva, bolezni, invalidnosti, starosti. Social service (mobile assistance) is assistance in housework or other work in case of childbirth, illness, disability and old age. Objavljanje rezultatov Letno: − Statistične informacije. Denarne socialne pomoči, podjetja za usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov ter uporabniki in socialnovarstvene storitve centrov za socialno delo − Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije Publishing Yearly: − Rapid Reports. Financial social assistance, enterprises for training and employment of the disabled, users and social welfare services in centres for social work − Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia Statistične informacije, št. 77/2007 Rapid Reports No 77/2007 13 KOMENTAR COMMENT V letu 2006 so se v povprečju dvignile vse vrste denarnih socialnih pomoči, in sicer najbolj enkratna izredna denarna socialna pomoč (2,9 %), najmanj pa denarna socialna pomoč za obdobje (1,7 %). In 2006 the average amount grew in all types of financial social assistance, i.e. the amount of one-off extraordinary financial social assistance grew the most (by 2.9%), and the amount of financial social assistance for limited period of time grew the least (by 1.7%). V 165 podjetjih za strokovno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov je bilo v letu 2006 zaposlenih 6 441 invalidov, to je 1,3 % več kot leto prej. In 2006, 165 enterprises for vocational training and employment of the disabled employed 6,441 disabled persons, which is 1.3% more than a year before. Med otroci in mladostniki, uporabniki centrov za socialno delo, so bili najštevilnejši otroci in mladostniki, prikrajšani za normalno družinsko življenje, med temi pa otroci staršev z neurejenimi medsebojnimi odnosi (56,7 %); tem so sledili otroci s težavami v odraščanju (25,0 %) in otroci staršev, ki zanemarjajo starševske dolžnosti (7,5 %). Most of the children and youth users of services provided by centres for social work were deprived of a normal family life, among them children whose parents have unsettled mutual relations (56.7%), children with problems growing up (25.0%) and children whose parents neglect their parental duties (7.5%). Med odraslimi uporabniki storitev centrov za socialno delo je bilo največ oseb, starih 60 let in več, ki so bile ogrožene zaradi pojavov, ki spremljajo starost, in oseb, ki so bile lažje telesno bolne in kronično bolne. Sledili so jim invalidi z motnjami v duševnem in telesnem razvoju ter s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Most of the adult users of services provided by centres for social work were 60 or more years old with problems of old age and those with light physical and chronic illnesses. They were followed by disabled persons with disturbances in mental and physical development and with mental health problems. Uporabniki storitev in pooblastil centrov za socialno delo so prikazani tudi glede na tipe družin, iz katerih prihajajo. Vsaka družina je šteta samo enkrat ne glede na število uporabnikov omenjenih storitev iz posamezne družine. V letu 2006 je bilo v Sloveniji 427 družin, v katerih so živeli posamezniki z vedenjskimi in osebnostnimi motnjami (14,5 % manj kot leta 2005), 1 121 družin z invalidi in 2 117 družin, v katerih so živele osebe z drugimi težavami. Users of services and authority of centres for social work are shown within families. Irrespective of the number of users, a family is counted once. In 2006 there were 427 families with behaviourally and personally disturbed members (14.5% less than in 2005), 1,121 families with disabled persons and 2,117 families with other problems. Tudi med oblikami varstva so tako storitve kot javna pooblastila prikazani posebej za posameznike (tako pri otrocih in mladostnikih kot pri odraslih) in posebej za uporabnike v okviru družin. Among forms of care both services and public authority are shown separately for individuals – both for children and youth and for adults – and within families. Med otroci in mladostniki (posamezniki) je bilo največ storitev in javnih pooblastil opravljenih za oblike varstva po zakonu o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih. Največ je bilo priznanj očetovstva, 53,3 %, in urejanja stikov s starši, 30,6 %. Most of the children and youth (individuals) were users of services and public authority according to the Marriage and Family Relations Act. The most was acknowledgements of paternity (53.3%) and settling contacts with parents (30.6%). Med odraslimi je bilo največ reševanj stanovanjskih problemov (164 primerov) in predlogov za podaljšanje trajanja starševskih pravic (53 primerov, enako kot leto prej). Most of the adult users were solving housing problems (164 cases) and proposals for prolonging the duration of parental rights (53 cases, the same as a year before). Socialnovarstvene storitve so bile posebej prikazane za posameznike (tako pri otrocih in mladostnikih kot pri odraslih) in posebej tudi za uporabnike v okviru družin. Social welfare services were shown separately for individuals – both for children and youth and for adults – and within families. Med prejemniki teh storitev je bil daleč največji delež tistih, ki so bili deležni prve socialne pomoči in osebne pomoči: med otroci in mladostniki ter v okviru družin je bilo takih dobrih 80,0 %, med odraslimi celo nekoliko več (dobrih 90,0 %). By far the greatest share of services is that of the first social assistance and personal assistance; among children and youth and within families more than 80.0%, while among adults even more (over 90.0%). Sestavila / Prepared by: Anita Jacović Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas - Urednica podzbirke Nika Katnič - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Naklada 45 odov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Socialna zaščita 1580-1799 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas - Subject-matter editor Nika Katnič- Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Total print run 45 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Social protection 1580-1799 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.