PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Ur«UUkJ ta otM-.TnUki pro* MIT U«a4al« Am OTflc« of Public* t fan MIV Bo«111 UwimUI, Ave LETO—YKAB XXIDL OhiIM^J £tcIi i. im Chicago 111., sreda, 15. Januarja (January 15), 1930. HubacripUos |Mt Toarb STEV.—NUMBER 12. jim? mtlUi it 1 MU 9t postat« HOOVER IZZII BESEN KOHHJI V KONGRESU Zahteva drastične zakone za izvedbo prohlbfelje. Enforsar- skl aparat je temeljito *ra- hiral _ Washington, D. C — Predsednik Hoover je 18. januarja vrgel bombo v obe zbornice kongresa, ko je predložil poročilo svoje preiskovalne komisije o polomu pravosodnega ustroja v deželi in v posebni poslanici priporočil, da se kongres takoj vrže na delo in drastično spremeni a-parat za izvajanje profriblčnega zakona. Komisija poroča, da je ta aparat absolutno skrahiral in da prohibicije v resnici nikjer ni, dasi obstoji ž deset let na papirju. • . Hoover priporoča šest drastičnih sprememb v Volsteadovem zakonu in v sistemu federalne justice. Prvič se mora vsa stavba zveznih sodišč reorganising: drugič Je povečati stare in zgraditi nove ječe ter spremeniti sistem pomiloščevanja; vsa obmejna straža ob Kanadi in Mehiki mora priti p$d eno vodstvo; sprememba v proceduri točenja kršiteljev; federalni komisarji morajo dobiti večjo oblast, da bodo lahko sami sodili v manjših slučajih brez porote; poseben zakon za Kolumbijski di-strikt in spojitev prohibičnega oddelka z justičnim departmen- 55/ , ■ J Mokri kongresniki in senator ji so takof Izjavili, da nove na redbe pomenijo nova nasilja in krvolitja; pomenijo, da se število aretacij zviša za 50 odstotkov. Hdoverjfcva komisija por&t;*** je bilo v zadnjem fiskalnem letu aretiranih 80,000 oseb v Združenih državah. Zdaj hočejo to število podvojiti! Na drugi strani so suhi poslanci aplavdirali Hooverjeva priporočila. Ker imajo suhači večino v obeh zbornicah, ni naj manjšega dvoma, da bodo Hoover j eve reforme tudi sprejete. Medtem morajo vsa druga vprašanja počivati in kongres bo gr mel mogoče celo zasedanje o bedasti prohiblclji. Wheel* okriačil propa- ^MljH^t ^rikt^VN) '^NMRB^If' Rajonski tovarnarji gnil jo dela v- Brezpcselnosl v državi New York Nastopila je v veek industrijah. Najbolj je prizadeta kovin ska industrija Albany, N. Y. — (F. P.) — Od leta 1920, ki je v zgodovin zaznamovano kot leto panike, še ni nastopila tako občutna brezposelnost v newyorlkih industrijah kot v mesecu decembru v preteklem letu. To poročilo je rl poročila. ■ Quigg trdi, da orgsnizirsao delavstvo Išče povsod le svoje posebne privilegije In se izo^ilm protitrustnim zakonom z namenom, da bojkotira. Ameriško ljudstvo ima več škode od organiziranega delavstva kot od or ganlsiranega kapitala Tako Akademija za politično znanost V eni sami izdaji prlcb-Čuje dva napada na organizira no delavstvo. V enem zahteva, da organiziran kapital določa smernice vladni administered j I, v drugem pa je napad na pravice delavstva, ki zahteva kolektivno pogajanje v industrijskih sporih. _ NegavtčarJi aretirani Paterson, N. J. — Triintrideset nogavlčarsklh delavcev je bilo te dni aretiranih na obtoftbo n«'-spodobnega obnašanja, ker so uprizorili mačjo godbo pred hi-ni stavkokazov. Stavka traja že več tednov In delavci upajo na zmago kljub akciji družbe 11 S3, Act %t IM. I, HIT, aall»oM»«» Just M. »Sls. V Pueblu, Colo., so umrli: Matt Glavici, star 40 let In doma U Skocjapa pri Ljubljani.— Frank Princ, star 22 let, rojen v Pueblu.—Louis Krt, star 60 let, samec in doma ft Gorenjskega. Gophers olub v Chlcagu (bivši Minnesotčanl) ima veselico prihodnjo sobotp, 18. januarja, zvečer v dvorani SNPJ. V Forest Clttfi, Pa., ste bUa 8. januarja Mu v rovu' Peter Kobilšek, star 40 let in doms is Zsgorjs ob Savi ter Louis Market, star 48 let in doma iz Doba pri Litiji. Ponesrsčenca, ki sta si bila svska, sta bila člana št. 124 SNPJ. Oba zapuščata ženo In dvoje otrok. * V Ely ju, Minn., je bila smrtno ponesrečena žena rojaka Josipa Fleka pri kollzljl svta, v katerem se Je vozila, z avtobusom. Delavski pevski zbor "Zarja" CJevelandu Je zadnjo nedeljo pel na rsdlo-postsjl WJAY. Novi dlrektorlj Slov. nsr. doms v Clevelsndu: Jos. Skuk, Fr. Kačer, John Tavčar, Otto Te-kautz, Louis Zorko, Fr. Stopar, Fr. Oglar in Anton Anžlovar. Prvih sedem Je izvoljenih za tri leta, zadnji ps ss eno leto. Svetossr Banovec Je bil pred nekaj dnevi v gosteh pri župsnu Hosnu v Milwaukee ju. Rasgo-varjala sta se četrt ure ln župan, ki ga Je zelo prijazno sprejel, mu Je obljubil, ds posetl njegov prihodnji koncert. V Waukeganu je v bolnici u-mrla Mary Rep, žena rojaka Frank Repa. Doma Je bila Iz Loža ln v Ameriko Je prišla pred 17 leti. V Cleveland u Je umrl Frank Pevlovčlč, član št. 126 SNPJ. Doma Je bil od Sv. Križa na Dolenjskem. Zapušča ženo fn pet otrok. V Bvelethu, Minn., Je umrle Mary tkite, roj. Vajdetlč. stara M let is doma iz Dolenje Pod-gore pri Starem trgu (h Kolpi. Papagajska boltzti ta razlir)a po Amoriki Trije umrli In 34 bolnikov Waahingtoa, D. C. — Nova bolezen "peitakosa", ki so jo prl-neele papige is Evrope — božična darila! — se je že rasširils na devet držav. Dr. Gumming, generalni federalni kirurg, je v pondeljek brzojavno posval zdravstvene oblastnike po vsej dešqli, naj bodo na straži. Tri osebe so Že umrle lq do 18. januarja je bilo 84. slučajev bolezni. Bolezen se je doslej pojavila v New Yorku, Pennsylvanljl, Rhode Islandu, Massachuesttsu, Ohiu, Floridi, Minnesota in Kaliforniji. Kamorkoli so prišle papige is Evrope asdnje tedne, tam se Je takoj pojavila bolessn. Nova bolesen deluje priblišao tako kakor tifus. Tudi bacil je podoben tlfusovemu. Prišel Js iz A frlke, kjer gs raznašajo gotovi ptiči. Svarilo: ne kupujte papigi Držite se proč od prodajalnlc s pa pigami. Clsklrsvakl Imaš EMKiranu ITOI ■ po jat nji je Propaganda * učlllšča je blls u vedeaa v sporazumu šolskih avtoritet Washington, D. C. — (F. P.) —Zastopniki National UtiMty a socladje, ki so bili posvani na zaslišanje pred zvezno obrtno komisijo, so podali bolj šibka poja sniia, s katerimi so skušali o-pravičltl trustovo propagando katero je rasširil po vsej dešel ln je bila zanešena Ml v šole ln višja učlllšča. B. F. Weadock pravni svetovalec trusty alskfri ks, Je skušsl napraviti predsed nika Wilsona hi zikladnlšksgH tajnika William McAdoa odgovornim za ustvaritev močnega propagandlstlčnega aparata, ako-prav ni (mel pokasatl ničesar drugega kot da je predsednik Wilson 1. 1918, izjavil, da bi morala mesta ln občine dovoliti jav nonapravnim družbam višje ce ne radi zvišanja operacijskih stroškov. Ako Je trust upregel v svo propagandists! stroj profesor Je ln učitelje, je bilo to storjeno v sporazumu s šolskimi avtori tetami, je dejal Weadock, ki so dale svoje dovoljenje. Glede propagande v časopisju, ki Je pri-čevalo oglase, nI imel trust na mena vplivati na urednike, da b pisali v prilog trusts elektrike je izjsvil Weadock. Birmlagham postaaa važ-v kampaa)! Akoija za iriavaa Pod vzeta je blU aa zahtevo podporne organizacije Ragles ' Dvlsth, Minn.Volllcl v o-kraju St. Louis bodo Imeli 4. novembra priliko, da se Isrečejo zs sli proti sistemu državne starostne pokojnine. Okrajni o$>or se Je odločil, ds predloži to vprašanje volllcem v odločitev potem, ko Js prejel zadevno priporočilo od podporna organizacije Kagle, Walter H predložil resolucijo, Borgen je _ nn ^r^m ireu „ W Je bila sprejeta, da se viae vo- BUa KhTTiSM Zapu- -lilve, pri katerih naj se odloči o ^ ^ In VrastU^nove vprašanju drfavne stegne ^ V Cleveland u Je bilo zadnji teden šest Slovencev napadenih In oropanlh na cesti. Philadelphia. Pa. — Avtna družba Budd Corp. Je morala te dni posveti policijo na pomoč, ker je njen upoelevalni urad o- _____blegalonad tisoč brezposelnih ki Je pričela s upidevenJem J deleveev, ki so prišli tja, ko so stavkokazov. SUvkarJI sklicuje- čuli, da Je pričela družba naje-Jo seje In shode, ne katere vabijo mati delavce. Deset policajev Je ljudstvo, da se seznani z njiho- imelo veliko opravka, da rimi zahtevami. tnali ——— i i i' i netni zbornici in as mu ni treba Avti bati. da bi Ml poklican na zašli- Chicago. — V prvih trinajstih Sanje, da rasloži svoje aktivno- dneh novega lete eo avti ubili » «ti. oseb v ChKaifu kojnine, 4. novembra. Organize rije Kagle priporoča, da bi ose be, ki so živele v okraju 16 M jn so dosegU starost 76 let, pre-Jems le |1 pokojnine ne dsn Ts okraj Je prvi v državi Min-Jissoti. ki bo predložil vprsšsnje starostne pokojnine vollk*m| odločitev. Gordon (TNell, uradnik organizacije Eagle. Je izjavil, _ bo apeliral na vse podporne organizacije, ki poslujejo v Min-nesoti. da se zavzamejo sa stvar. Mednarodne konference Ženeva, 14. jaa. — Tu je bila včeraj otvorjena 58. seja sveta Lige narodov. Haag* 14. Jan. — Repara-cijeka konferenca se še vleče brea kakih posebnih zaključkov. t London. 14. Jan. — Konferenca petih pomorskih sil sa omejitev oboroševanja na morju ae otvorl prihodnji pon-ieljek v Londonu. DVA MILIJONA KITAJCEV UMIRA V MRAZU Druga dva milijona je mrtvih valed gladu Driavs Alabsma ne bo poslala mlUčarjev aad stavkarje Chsfiotte, N. C« — (F. P.) — Obljuba, da državna milica ne bo poslana nad stavkarje ln dejstvo, da so mezdo tekstilnih delavcev v tej državi najnižje, Je bil glav nI vzrok, da Je Ameriška delavska federacija Izbrala mesto Birmingham za središče svoje orgs nizatorične ksmpanje na jugu. Drugo mesto, Id so ga neka ter! delegati, ki so se udeležili konference v tem mestu, sms trail primernim, da se v njem u-stanovi glavni kampanjski od bor, je bilo Asheville, N. C„ ki ima dobro železniško svežo z Industrijskimi centri v južnih dr lavah. V tem mestu so močn«' delavske organizacije, ali sms tra se bolj sa resort kot za industrijsko središče, zato se Je delegatom zdel Birmingham boli važno mesto sa strategišno vod stvo kampanje. James L. Hurst, predsednik slabs ms k« državne dslsvsks U- delegatom^ stilni, rudarski in Jeklarski ds« Isvd V tej držsvi pripravljen vstopiti v organizacijo. Governor Graves mu Je pred par mesec dbUubll, da on ne bo pošiljal dr lavne milice nad delavce, ako nastanejo apori v industrijah ln pride do štrajka. Načelniki delavskih federacij Iz drugih Južnih držav so molčali, ko a« je govorilo o rabi mili čar Je v v njihovih državah. Pau J. Aymon, predsednik državne federacij* v Tenneseeju, Je ostro kritlzirsi postopsnj« governerja Hortona, ki Je obljubil, da ne bo poslal vojsštva nad stavkarje, s je obljubo prelomil, ko Je posls milico v Eiisabethton na sshte-vo tukstilnl/i tovarnarjev, V kratkem se hpta v drtavi Tennessee vršile govemerske volitve in je moro gotovo, da bo Horton poražen, ako bo kandidiral sa governerja. Predsednik H. T. Bow-den od virginjske delsvske fede-racije Je omenil, ds nI bilo posls-no vojsštvo v industrijskih sporih v njegovi držsvi nad delavce Celo v velikem št rs j* u železniških delavcev I. 1922 je ostal go. verner nevtralen ln nI posegel spor z milltarlstlčno silo. Konference se Je udelsšllo 299 delegatov, ki so zastopali 9« strokovnih organizacij, sodem državnih delavskih federaeij in U centralnih organisacij. Opaziti Je bilo veliko navdušenja ob zaključku zborovsnjs. Delegstje so bili prepričani, da Je bila kon ferenca prvi odločen korak za orgenislranje tekstilnih in dru-trih delavcev v južnih državah. Pelplng, 14. Jan. — Grovcr Clark, bivši ameriški časnikar, ki je sadnjih šest tednov potoval po kitajakih provincah, Je prinesel vest o groznih posledicah la-tote ln strašne zime, kakršne Že nI bilo 00 let na Kitajskem. Clark poroča, da je v dlstrlktih. ob reki Wei umrlo dva milijona ljudi radi lakote. Stradajoče horde jedo drevesno lubje ln žaga-vino, grlsejo obuvalo ln obleko Slučaji kanlballsme niso redki. Clark računa, aa je lakota pokosila šest milijonov oseb v se-vernosapadnih kitajskih provincah v zadnjih osmih meseeih. Strašna zima, ki zdaj pritiska, pokosi nadaljnja dva milijona ljudi. Zadnji teden je zmrznilo »rlbližno 20,000 oseb. Toplomer kaže 82 pod ničlo. mmmmmpmmmmmmmrnm Stavka Mogavitaraklli delavcev v PhlladalphiJI Delavci zahtevajo višje mesds. O situaciji Js bil obveščen predsednik Hoover Phlladelphls, Ps. — (F. P.) — "Strinjamo se s predsednikom Hoovocjem, da Je snlžavanje mesd ekonomska smotaM, Je Is-javil predsednik nogavlčarske u* nljs Alexander MoKeown. ko js odšlo 1,800 delavcev, ki so bili u-posleni pri Aberle Hosiery Co,, US štrajk, Ta tvrdka Je dolgo vr-Sta 1st obratovala svoje podjetji pod odprto dslavnico, Aberle Co, Js poklonlls kot bo-šično darilo svojibi delavcem u-trganje mesde. Delavci so bili radi tfga koraka družbe rasjar-jenl in so sklicali shod v poslopju nogavlčarske uslje, na katerem so sklenili, da gredo na štrajk. Unija Js pozneje poslala svoje zaatopnike k prpdjpdnlku družbe in mu dala 48ydr časa za odgovor na zahtevo za podpis pogodbe med delavci ln družbo. Predsednik Je oklonll vsako pogajanje ln rezultat Je bU, da so delavci zapustili tovarno do zadnjega msaa* Ta štrajk Js nsjvečji, kar Jih je imela no0svlčarska unija v zadnjih dveh letih. Podrobnosti o situaciji so bile brzojavno poslane Hoover Ju, senatorjema Reedu In Grundyju, govemerjs Pisherju, delavskemu tajniku DaVlsu In nekaterim drugim Jsv-nim uradnikom. Klim« i^loiaj stavbnih dalavoav Nad dvajset brez dels v setts stavbenikov držsvi Msssirhs- jo serlslsa problem New Orleans, La. — Revšči ns is rszmere, ki povzročajo konomsko depresijo, so socialen problem, katerega ne more kontrolirati noben posameznik. Reši gs lahko Is ljudstvo In vlsda, ki je pod ljudsko kontrolo. Tsko Je Izjavil profesor John J. Lepp Iz msrquetsks univerze v govoru. ki ga Je imel pred dijaki dr-lavne univerze. 1 los ton, M sms. — (F. P.) — fttavbinake unije v tej drševl štejejo nsd 60.000 članov, toda v sled |x>manjkanja gradbenih del Js dsnes nsd dvajset tisoč stavbenikov bres dela. Sicer Je res. de se v zimskih mesecih ne gradi toliko kot v poletnih, vender je ta br"Sposetnost slabo znamenje Industrijske staldlnoti, o kiteri je v gotovih krajih toliko hvale. NsjbolJ so prizadeti stsvbin-•ki delavci v Bostonu, kjer Js vsč kot polov ks njih bres dela. V I^oweliu Je brez(»oselnoet nara-stia za 57'4, v Holyoku zs 94%, v Lynnu zs MVt In v Kslemu za »1%. Vikar MsnortH 42 easb v Angliji London. 14. Jad. — Silen vihar, ki Je včeraj divjal na Sever* nem morju In preko Anglije. Je povzročil am rt 42 oseb, večino-ma mornarjev. V Cleveland« ee odstavili žerja Cleveland, O. — Mestni msna-ter ali upravitelj William R. Hopkins, ki Je bil nastavljen sa 1st, Je bil 18. t. m. odatav lijen po mestnem svetu. Železničarje odpuščajo Bofraluss, U. — New Orleano Great Northern železnica Je te dni odslovila tristo železniških delavcev To Je že druga velika odšlovltev v prošlih dveh mesecih. Enaka poročila o odslovit vi deleveev prihajajo od Gulf, Mo» bile A Northern Railroad Ca 28. mar. — Majestic—Cherbourg 29. mar. —Europ* (novi)—Bremen 2. mpr. — Berengaria—Cherbourg STANJE RAČUNOV dne 31. decembra 1929 SREDA, 15. JANUARJA. VESTI Chicago, III.—JSilvastrovs ssbevs, katero Je priredilo druAtvo "Francia-oo Perr«rN It. 181 na »Urtfs lata vo-ter v dvoraai SNPJ, je nad vm pričakovanje dobro uspela, UdaUibe Je bila tako ogromna, da Je prekosite vss projinje priredbe v dvoraai SNPJ, Vrni kol 000 ljudi Jo Je poaHilo. Te Jo doka*, da Je ve*ina članstva, ki hpoktuje svojo organtsadjo kot maUr SNPJ, M Je v rssnid utrla veliko sels ia podprto veliko sirot dejansko. V oliko so nam pripovedovali, da m da na U| vadar narediti uepefcia tabava. kar nam Je dalo tudi povod, da smo pajeli dvorano se U veter. Stranka. ki Je obd rta vato sabave v svoja koristi, nam Je botato p« .prečiti na raak aačin nai sklep. Toda nate društvo Je vztrajalo pri svoji pogodbi, ker smo smatrali, da Je Jednotlno članstvo, osi roma drufttvo Jed note bolj opraviteno do dvorane, kot sunftnje organisacije. Zabava Je trajala posno v no«, vse je bilo veselo in sadovoljno; bUo je sHteti, da lake labave te ni bilo, kar JUi igodovina poana. Edino kritiko Je bilo opaaiti med navwrflml, da ni dovolj prostora ia ples, vae je bilo nabasano. Ko Je to veselUni odbor opasil, Je vstavil ubod. teravnn Je Mlo te. veHko pred teaom zaključka. Prtsewrfene so bile mnoilce, kar Jim Ji bil ubod »ebranjen, ni pa bilo drugega laboda kakor ta. ker dvoraha Do take velike udelai-tudi veliko tovrstni reneboma Igrala ve-ive komada, sakar jim _ V kuhinji so bile se-dnifttva Jalro saposlene, teravno Jib je bilo po Itevilu I. Odbor te sabave M Iskreno sakvaljuje mm, ki so delali na zabavi In • tem pripomogli do sijajnega uspehi. Posebna kvato sestram Kati, Jennie in Praneaas ti rsdisek sa darovane pottos, hvali tudi V. Z., ki Je pripravil tako okusne klobase, hvala dekletom Mary Oradtoek In Helen Tesmer, ki so tako s veseljem trtlto rdeče na C J na, hvala pevskemu sboru "Prsen" n nastop In sa petje, katero noa Ji privedlo te v boijfce ritpotote nji. hvali Andrev Kobalu ta priredi tov slike ilvljsnji. 0 tem lahko bele-iimo, da je bU to moralen In gmoten ti.,..-h sa nate drukvo In Jedrn*«.. Od bar te sibive Ji ni tadaJI redni poročal, da bodo čisti dohodki mate 11 okrog $400.00. To Je velika pomoč druttvsnl blagajni- Uhko rečemo, da nate društvo te ni naredilo elitnega dobitke knr obstoji in ss tudi na ve, kdaj bi sopet taki prilika. Ker nate drultvo ni sodelovalo^ drugimi druft-t vi na sadnjl botičnlcl, Ji sednja rod ni ssjs sprejeto sklep, da m poftlje vsakemu «lonu in *lenW mladinskega oddelka natega druktvs po sn dolar kot novoletno darilo.—Končno sa bor sahvaljuje vtem udeletesicem, ki •o potetiH prvo in sad njo sabavo na ellvestrov veter, 10», druMva Pran ciseo Ferrsf. - Vsi, ki imate te vstopnles ill ka|o vboto, tlkajočo aa sadnje sabave, ste proteni, da Isto isrotite losadevnemu odboru v najkrajšem čaau, da odbor uredi naioteno Joltot. II.—Nasnanjam članom dr* fttva št. 116, da je bil na decemberski seji izvoljen slede« odbor » IPSO; predsednik, John Gerl, tajnik, Ferdinand Perlini I1S Ume St., Ws njnik, Prank Golob. Nadzorni odbor: Prank »Umite, Prank Zupančič in John Clndri*. Be je se vrte vsako 8. nedeljo v mesecu ob I. uri popoldne, ne vet v starih prostoriMim- Je dne 10. januarja. Naprotenliste, da pridite v velikem fctorilu. Ma dnev-nem redu bodo vaine stvari. »lltaM boste celoletni ralun. Delili as bodo stenski koledarji In pravila. Obenem vaa tudi prosi«, da pripfljite s se-u,j tudi vste mladino na mjo kaUri eo te ftlani, da bomo sklspall glede ustanovitve an girt k o govoretega dru- Joba Kren, bivii tajnik- Je bito pr be Ji Kodba, Je Za vsselltni odbor. Aatea Pototnlk, Victor Zapenel«. Ogleaby, Ill-Nszosnjsm 'testeM drufttva It. 1M, katere se niso udetotl-la proftle seje »n so oddaljene, da ss i je od sedaj naprej vrte ob 2. po- poldne vsako 8. nedeljo v mesecu v navadnem prostohi. Prosim vss članite, da bi platevale easement ob te-se, to js do 24. v mesecu, kakor Je na-na Jednotlnem koied^C S tem ml boats vsllko pripomogle do boljtegs uspeha, ker asesment mora biti v gl. uradu najkasneje do 80. v - Bllia ss Pust. kakor Je vsem znano, je navada nateg* dni*-tva, da priredi masksradno malico vsako toto v pred pustnem Jtosu. Zato pa tudi totoa ns smemo opustiti tega oltlčaja. Udeleftite as prihodnje saje polnofttevllno, da m pogovorimo. Christies Nedvaseik, tajnica. Cicero, ItL—Otone druteva Sosedje" It. 440 »NPJ oposirjim na prihodnjo sijo, ki m vrli v petek, 17. januffja ob I. sveftar v navadnih prostorih) Ni dnevnem redu bodo selo zanimive itviri. Razpravljali bomo o Iniciativi, vpeljali nove uradnike druitve ter te pogovorili gtodo prihodnje veselice, ki Jo drultvo priredi v soboto večer I, rnarte. Raidelil bom tudi stenske koledarja, katere sem prsjel to glavnega urada Jednots. Ne letpl ssjl Ji bito precej velika udtolbi ln upom, da bo tudi ni pri hodnjl. Dolžnost Ji vsib Itonov, da prihajajo na aaje, m pa samo neka Urih. Vsi Imamo sanks pravice, za to morajo Mtl tudi snake dollnostl. John J. Koren, Ujnlk. I Chicago, ItL—članstvo drultva It. 80 vabim, da ss udetoH redne messtns seje, ki m vrli dnn 10. januarja ob 9. dopoldne v navadnih druttvinib prostorih. Ker Je ssja zelo ppftna, je dollnoet vsakega ttoni, ds m Mgoto-Dotlčni ki poSilJei" C le Btom, Wasfc.—Drultvo It. 871, Je izvolilo za takote leto »todeti odbor; Predsednik« Ignai ChiligoJ; pod-, pred.. Josip Saftlč; Ujnlca, Mary Ze-[ vari; blagajnik, Louis Oman; tapis-( nikar, Josip Droits. Nadzorni odbor: Frank Repenirk. Urluto Smoltnik in Frank Maver. Tajnik bolnilkega od teka Je Martin tfmoltnik. Zdravnik dr. V. E. Rehl. Seje vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu ob 2. popoldne. Drultvo Je sklenila na proill redni seji, da se morajo vsi člani udeletevati vsaj vsake tretje rodne mesetne seje. (dor ne bo upošteval tega sklepa, se >o s njim ravnalo po pravilih.—Mary Kevsrt, tajnica. Heeding. Pi,--Drufttvo ki. 000 Je na decemberski seji tovolilo sledeči od bor za tekote let*: Predsednik. John Karish, podpredsednik, Anton Papit, tajnik, Anton MatiJafti*. zapisnikar, John SukIJ«, blagajn«. Kari Žoklna. Nadzorni odbor: Louis ^MaUJaliČ, John gtimec, Peter Karish. Predssd-nik bolniikeics odbors Js Jos. ftegins. geje so vsako 8. soboto v mesecu ob 7. zveter na 127 River strsetu. Pro-aim vss Člane, da as redno udetoiujejo mesečnih se). Čim več nas bo na sejah, tem laftje bomo sklepali o drul-tvenlh vpralanjih v korist nam vsem Anica MatljaftU, Ujnlk. flhehoyKaOf Wto.'—Članstvu dni |tva M. 844 nasnanjam, da se druR-vene seje vrti vsako 8. nedeljo v mesecu točno ob 0. dopoldne v Hrvatskem nerodnem domu, vogal Broad way in ft 8th St., In ne več v Flu dernlkovi dvorani. Prihodnja seja s« vrli v nedeljo dne 1», januarja v spod-uJHwrenl Hrvetakega narodnega do-Ns tej tej! se bodo oddali stenski kolsdsrjf 8NPJ In razpečato ss bt sVi ss Ns Jijo. Ns nber ln lin na litnl seji za ftc vsč; plačujs lftc v drultveno blagaj pozab)te, da je u mesec decern' jsnusr naklada v kritje drultvenih nirntkov, Ne ss deesmber In Mc sa Januar, Preak Pecknlk, tajnik, 8108 S Ridgeway ave., tel. Crawford 47D6. brotar I sob. akcije. Kogar zanima poučno čtivo, naj pride ssjo. Na rokah imam tudi tepno idarčks, ki Jih Js isdato 8NPJ, ter aj D rutinskih kotodarjsv. Pridite na ssjo ln si Jih nabavite. L Milostalk, Ujnlk. Summitt. III.—Nasnanjam, da se redna mesetna ssja novsgs druKva It. 707 vrti v nedeljo, dne 18. januarja, pričetek točno ob 2. popoldne na domu br. Martina Vogtorja, 4064 So. 74th Court, Argo, 111. Seja bo valna ln iellm, da se udsleftite vsi člsni ln tudi tisti, katsri mislite ns novo pristopiti k nelcmu novoustanovljenemu drufttvu.—Tnjaik Detroit. Mtoh.—Članom drultva It. 121 nasnanjim. da se bodo ssja v tekočem letu vrlllc v prostorih pevpk«-gs drultvs "Slsvulj" na 116 Slx mllc H. Vzemite Woodward karo ter is-• topite na Six mile rd„ kjer Je omenjena dvorana, to pol bloka vzhodno od Woodward ulice. Na svidenje dns Januarja! Tajnik. Melton, Wto.—Itedne mesečni seje drultva It 408 ss vrli vsako prvo nedelji v mesecu, pritetek ob 2. popol dne, ne vsč dopoldsn. V sik Čton mora plsčitl 2Sc v drultveno blagajno za iicsec januar. B«ll JeHch, tajnik. ______ItL—Drufttvo It »8 nje sklep p rolls redne ssjs, da tekočem letu vrte meiečne seje vse ko 1. nedeljo v mi—u ib 6. zvečer v Slovenskem narodnem domu. To al naj VMk zapomni, ker Je lis seje na mo uro potnaJ«. Otoki is nsvsdno ne udeietujejo ssj, nasnanjam, naj v tekočem letu tudi one obiskujejo mssslns seja. V vseh ©sirih m ravnaj mo val po pre villh. Boinllha obiskovalka naj pra vilao se baleti v knjltlco, v kakem stenju najde čtonleo, nakar knjilleo odda na aaji. Tudi vsaka druga člani-aa aaj teko ravna, ker tega ne sabra-njujejo pravila. Ker ste bili vsi te pes* eej tečni pri plaftsvanju SMsmente v t^llltli d® (MltAR9t41 lil ti I v tekočem. To bo v korist nam samim, naftemu društvu In jed noti. So gotovi Mani, ki te nlkdsr ne udetofte meeečnih sej. Upo H Ulo. ds M vsaj od čase do časa obiskali seje- — Juhi loj aa kampanja Je sedaj podaljta-na. Torej Imamo te lepo priliko, da natemu društvu nove člane. Peel ulite as te ugodnoetl ln dobili boste tope nagrade. Na rokah Imam W par kopij pravil In nekaj koledarjev. Pridite ponje. Prejel eem tudi lopne kotoderčke. Prvo pollljatev aam takoj rasprodal, teke ss članom to m«^0iL*m\mk'nmj^m prljavi^dH prihodnjo sej*, da poftljem skupno naročilo aa vsa. Drultveni odbor Jot John SufttarAtč. prode.. John Blatalck. tej.. Vlaeent Omahen, blag. Frank Qrik ml., sapto. Nedeornl odbori Jee ter Je v. Anten Jeratenr ln Tone Stuper, laetavoaote Frank Urile ml., Anton Slika ml. Ia Frank Ju van ml. Belaitel nadsomik Jo Mane Ne rančtč. Zdravnik Je dr. T. i. Hug gori. Jaha It letal ek. taj. Moakerodna voactlica ___Meadow l.anda, ?9u — Tukaj- Brackearldge, vPa.—članstvu dru- drMlikl klub '^r}^' J« ed zadevah obrne na v It ve It. 171 nasnanjam, da se bodo v tekočem totu drultveno nje vrli le aa Netoon streetn It., 121. Protenl ste, di w v polnem Itevilu udsleftite prlhodnjs sejs. Pitlte, di oh pre vem Čisu plačate svoj aseement, kajti Jas ned^rrn nakladal n nikogar. To naj si vsak dobro zapomni In posledice sam sebi priplte. Ludwlg Kovaflč, tajnik. Cleveland, O.—Nasnanjam (tonom drultva It. 812, da sem prenyl taj-alltvo In prosim vas čtonstvo, di ss niproj od 4. niproj _______H m dopiu aa Holmes ave bom pobiral ob stodečih dnevih) dne 22.-28.-24. od 6, naprej. Apeliram na članitro, di upo-Itova to nasnanllo in uro ter ds plača aseement ob losu, da ne bo kak-Inlh neprtllk. Ciril Maftko, tajnik. 6S4 E. 1«! st. Sublet, Wjr%-članstvu drufttes It. 267, posebno bolj oddaljenim, nasnanjam, da Je bil na Januarakl ssjl drultveni asimnsnt spit poviten, In •!• ror si ttk> in m tri ms sees, sa Jana* ar. februar In marec, v prid drultvo-ne blagajne. Iste naklado smo Imeli pri drultvi Is projs sa tri mesece, kar pa al aedeetevato. ker sme imeli v profttom totu preeejftaje todatke. Toroj smo Ml I primoranl v svilaaje društvenega asesmsata. Ta obvestilo Je valno in val člani naj ga upoftte-vejo. Freak Neaer. tajnik, i Ss proAli redni seji iklenil, ds priredi maakeradno vesdico dna 8. fgbruarjs. Ulj ud no vabi mo vi« okoli*ke rojake, da te u-(I«•!."/o nafte maikerade v obilem Itevilu. Oddali bomo dve nagradi, najlepfti in najgrfti maski. Oo-dbg bo (avrntna. Pridite se prepričat. Prigritek in pijača bo tudi na raspolago. Pričetek veselice ob 7. zvečer. Na svidenje 9. feb.t Frank Perlich ■t m* w. »t CvawforS ttIS-USS-S «SS-S M SJS Deily te at Ibratr'i Drue iure—Pteae Craw tore SMS tass W. i 4 itS—S «SS P. M. mU Sa«. 0«lr ke Dr. AmNw Farlan ZOBOZDRAVNIK Osdea Nat'l. Bank BMg. vegil Crawford to Ogdea Ave^ Chicago, Illinois Praia« are i O« S. U Ift. •4 L 4o » a »»ilia* la t4 t. da eveSae. Ob araSak ei t 4a U. iae. Tel. Crewtoti SSSS Tat aa ioaaa OeaSwaU ssis HITRO ZDRAVLJENJE REV-MATIZMA Kateri trpi na revmatizmu, naj ni naroči Ferant Liniment, (i mora popolnoma ozdraviti to bolezen v 48 urah. To zdravilo je že na tisoče ozdravilo in bo tudi vae, je edino zdravilo, ki mora popolnoma ozdraveti. Ta zdravila no jamčena od Julien Ferant, under the food and drug act June 80, 1906. Cena steklenici 12.50. Via naročila naj se po-ftljejo na: John Deželak, 3011 Lincoln St., Nokomis, 111. (Adv.) PROLETAREC je slovansko glasilo socialistične stranka v Ameriki. Vsak dslavse in rojak Id m sanlma sa sociallsem, bi ga moral redno čitatl, kar vam kake pravo aliko socializma. Naročnina znaša $3*00 na leto, 11.75 na pol leta. Naslov: PROLETAREC, M39 W. Mtk 8t. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Pints po na esnik knjigi Vozni red psntkmr Za ona, ki so prihodnjo pomlad namenjeni v stari kraj, prihaja čas, da se odločijo se parnik in si na njem rezervirajo mesto. Da se jim bo lažje odločiti, navajamo tu najboljie parnike glavnih linij in njih evropsko prlstanitte; 7. fefo. —Ile de France—Havre 15. fsb. —Baturnis—Trst 21. fob. —Paris—Hsvre 22. fsb. —Bremen (novi)—Bremen 22. feb. —Majentic—Cherbourg 1. msr. —Aqultania—-Cherbourg 7. mar. —lie de France—Havre 8. mar. —Berengaria—Cherbourg 8. mar. —Vuleania—Trst 14. msr. —Msjestic—Cherbourg 16. msr. —Bremen—Bremen 20. msr. —Aquitanla—Cherbourg 21. mar. —Paris—Havre 22. mar. —Saturnia—Trst 28. mar. — Naie velikonočno skupno potovanje se vrli na priljubljenem francoskem parnika—lie de France. 20. mar. —Leviathan—Cherbourg 4. apr. —Majestic—Cherbourg 10. apr. —Vuleania—Trst 11. apr. —Paris—Havre 12. apr. —St. Lopie—Hamburg 12. apr. —Bremen—Bremen 12. apr. —Leviathan—Cherbourg 18. apr. —Aquitanla—Cherbourg 18. apr. —Ilc de France—Havre 18. apr. —Olympic—Cherbourg 28. apr. —Bremen—Bremen 24. apr. —Milwaukee—Hamburg 28. apr. —Majestic—Cherbourg 20. apr. —Saturnia—Trst 20. apr. —Europe—Bremen , 2. maja—Nage majsko skupno potovanje na popolnoma prenovljenem In udobnem fr. psrnlku—Paris. 8. maja—Leviathan—Cherbourg 3. maja—Bremen—Bremen 7. maja—Aquitanla—Cherbourg 8. maja—Nov/ York (nov)—Hamburg 9. maja—Olympic—Cherbourg 14. maja—Europe—Bremen 15. maja—Nale skupno potovanje na Trst ns modernem psrnlku Vulcsnis. To potovsnje je priporočljivo slsstl sa one, ki išsčeio vzeti seboj svoj sv* tomobil, in ki imsjo velike družine. 14. maja—Berengaria—Cherbourg 15. maja—Majestic—Cherbourg 15. maja—lis de Francs—Hsvre 22. msja—Hamburg—Hamburg 28. maja—TParls Za cene, pojasnila o potnih listih, povratnih dovoljenjih (permitih) ln drugem pidite takoj ns LEO ZAKRAJSEK MidtownBaakof NewYork 630—9th Ave Slikamo M v noči Ml jolatltno rojakom naie delo ln od kar dobivsmo ves nsl ms« torija) direktno Is tovsrns, lahko napravimo delo seneje. jiripnfti«w4w in n RADIHON STUDIO Christopher Phone 849 ia GRAND STUDIO De Quale, III. $200.00 plačali ia or bakren cent J. D. Martin Is Richmond, W. Vs., js srstnl lastnik «ekM sa $200.00, katerega js prsjsl ss plttdilo ss sn star bakreni cent. Ths Numismatic Company, Dspt. 509, Fort Worth, Texas, ki Js kupils ta cent od Martina, pravi, de Je več takega starega dsnsrja, bankovcev in snamk v cirkulaciji, sa katere oni s vessljem plačajo dobro nagrado v gotovini. Da pa bodete* spo-snali vrednost takega denarja in predmetov in keko pasiti ns to, poilje Numismstic Company sa 4 cente vsa-ksmu čltatelju, ki Hm pfie in vprai*, veliki llustrlrsnl cenik, v katerem so opisani taki predmeti, katere se iell kupiti in se prodejo sa velik dobiček. Piiite «e danes po U cenik, da bodete tudi vedeli, kdaj In kakini predmeti so na trgu. Zapomnite si, ds Mr. Martinovo snanje vrednosti rasliks enega bakrenega centa mu je prineelo 8199.99. Bres vednosti vrednosti toge tisti bakreni cent bi le danes mogoče krotil med ljudstvom, dokler bi ga kdo drugi, ki ve enako kakor Mr. Martin, vrednosti starega denarja. Se (splača pasiti na to. Počljlte 4c takoj sa llustrovanl cenik. Iigubltl tako nimate ničooar, pridobite pa lahko. —(Adv.) „ New York, N. Y. T RADA bi izvedela kje §o nahaia moj brat Sebeoti-jan Bačnar doma iz Stare Vasi v 2ireh. Prod leti «e je nahajal nekje v Pennsylvaniji. Rojake prosim ako kdo ve za njegov sedanji naslov, ali pa ako sam či-ta ta oglao naj se nemudoma priglasi. imam mu »poročati več zelo vainih utvari. Agnea Gantar, 210 W. Maloney Ave., Gallup. New Mexico. (Adv.) Noeedep. MeatHanetvu drultva It. 114 naananjam slede asasmsata at Od sedaj naprej as be aaes ! ^ pobiral na ssil In dns H. to 15. i«, •ru od 0. do T s večer na mejam; ss*. •wlbfit v meeeru od 0. do f svačer na mojem Pa. — Maanaajsm domu. Lahke paOIJete po poOtl kadar I dreMva »t. HO. da ae vrti >• 1» *** nakamilri Pa ........ seje t ne- *** vealej. da beele Imeli easement | dalje v januarju, dne 19. Jaa. De- Hoden ob prevem čaau kajti jas ne j Učni, ki ntea bili navaači ne deeem- m nikogar sakladal V shičaJ«1 baraki eeji, naj poveda vssok aa Je- botesni ali aeegnde. če nI val ase« nuerekt DraKvo Je eoglaeno skl* pUHm. si posledtee sami sate aiU. da ae s njimi ravna pa pravilih O^Hte. Frmmk Kate je valno aa vaa, da ss udeieth*' 1 seje dne 10. Jaa. Vsak aaj pave evoj ( M^maagk. Pa. Dmfcvo M lat aadvtek. sekaj ss ni adeleftil letm Je ne eeji dne t. jaa. sklenile, da pri-seje Plačajte easement eb čaau i veseli se dna II februarja v dvo< Kdor ge ne more plačati, naj e lom rent drultva "Alajslje". Ki bapralaj pove aa eeji, de ss stvar uravna. Taj- vea aataia tukajleja dtuMva ter po nik ne bo salegel aa nikogar. Pok«' aamaaaika. da as prirejajo na u dan | na eejt bom pobiral as« nam at tad I na vaealte. Male dnsltve be vselej v 4aasa, in 4k«r deo M. v mimsa ad i enaki k elodajtb upaAtevale etične ob-| voetila Podrobnoert a veaol jahja^jene paeaeje. taintk. DraHveai Tolika so e«)- Zastonj za nadaho zimo iT'l'JtoVI^MJNMt«« MMe-ntu« s ■»h« — t—-S hkiisAim n m da ke kea le »rpi»e »e*v»> "apaw»» neueavi mes Ia akt*«, ek* »m Sntl »H Stkani« i«4aj aMHe a* kiel»«M Itof K»ikM Ua N VM »roti MeSakt. nikar a* ekwaoJ**. vitla s le »o*ani v Mvtfenj*. P*siiO» S* Smms a*t•<• Odbor drultva Slovanski Narodni Dom v Waukeganu, III., uljudno vabi delničarje na redno sejo, ki se bo vršila dne 19. junuarja 1930 ob 2gi uri pop. Citali se bodo računi in novoizvoljeni uradniki za I. 1930 bodo prevzeli tvoje urade. S pozdravom RUDOLF SKALA, tajnik POZOR ROJAKI t Prosim vse one, ki ml kaj dolgujejo, da mi plačajo v najkrajšem Čaau. Ker jas silno potrebujem, sem kupil farmo. Podljite mi na spodnji naslov: Ako ne bom prisiljen obelodaniti imena. Antoa Hochevar. R. R. 32 — Grand Junction, Colo. (Adv.) NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA žalostni* sreeai aasaanjeei laiao vest, ds je preaiiaal ljubljeni soprog osirossa oče JOHN ŽUST Uairl Je 20. decembra 1020 ob S. aH popoldne. Pofreb ~ Jr pa vršil I. jsn. 1030 aa pokopaHKo Valley Cemetery v ImperUI, Pa., kot le bila to njegova žrlja. dokler ie pri življenja Ia aieer. dp Stl pokopea pTclvila« N MVY" AH ste narodni na dnevnik "Proereto"? Podpiraj If troj list! BI MORALA POSTATI člana našega božičnega kluba vaakl teden, VAS BODE REŠILA BRIGE, KAKO KUPITI BOŽIČNI DAR. Zola ugodno jo dobiti POTREBUJE. takrat KO GA ČLOVEK NAJBOLJ VI LAHKO SAMI ODLOČITE KOLIKO BODETE UPLACEVALI TEDENSKO. STRTE MM BLUE MLAlfD AVE. OTTO KASPAR, CHICAGO. ILL. SREDA, 15. januarja NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA % i« kostni m srcem nunin)im inanrrm In pri)aUlJ«n Hrom Amerik« da Je nemil« smrt pr«(rg«l« nit llvljenja mojemu ljube« mu soprogu 'V , 1'mrl Je vsled naduhe dne 11. dere m tir« lttf ne pot« domov gredo! od sdravnlk*. Pokojnik jo Ml rojen v lot« 1M1 nekje bila« Hm«, nlk« n« UoWnjakom. V Amorlkl j« bil od S« do 17 lot. S poda I j« k trem elovenaklm podpornim drultvom. namrol k Adrtjl it. 6 SNPJ, pri katerem )o bil tlan od iiatanovitve, #la* drultve Be. Ciril« In Metod« JSKJ In dr«fttv« UMI* Eveee ? Jobnetownu. P«. Pogreb oe jo vrlM I« bike ialootl na tuksllnfe aloe. pokopallU« dne 14. dee. 16»6 v Morrelville. Na tem meat« ee Iskreno iskra II m lian« atvu umenlenlk druMev a« podarjene kr««ne vence; lep« beak veem inaneem bi prijatelje«, ki a« (a obiskali aa lana boloanl In ob mrtvadkem odru. Natlepia hvale predalniku droit v« M. • SNPJ a« fflnllle nadrobni tovor. Pokojni aanuWn tukal meno lahijolo aoprogo v Jobnetown*. P«. Dv%. »In«. Rdwarda v Cleve-landu Oh'o. In Jnbn Heibefta v Chleaen. III« bi tri biere. Merjr. omolen« Knufman. v Atlantic Cltv New Jereev, In Allee, nmolen« Brown. v Detroitu, Mlch. In Cedili«, omolaaie Mile«, lato v D«, troltn. Mleb. ' Od»el «1 od n«a. dragi o** In aonmg. nat anombi «a Te b« «« v "d "o ootal v ne'lk arrtk. IVflval v mir« In l«bk« na i TI bo am«* H«k« aemlie, , ftalulo^i noreli: Sinova In blere. ter aoprof« Mariia Selbert Jobnetewn, P«. ' Z električno torkoto izvaljena posebne kakovosti piščeta to b^IJtat ii ¥«ija • ' Prošnja bivftega člana Zirl, Slovenija, dne 23. decembra 1929. — Podpisani se nahajam v skrajno bednem položaju vsi«} moje dolgotrajne bolezni srčne napake. Boleham 2e od leta 1920 In danes sem Se vedno na istem kot sem bil v začetku moje bolezni, to je, da sem nezmožen za delo ter sem odvisen od milodarov. Vsled tega se obračam do milosrčnih rojakov v Združenih drŽavah, kateri me poznajo in jim je znano moje sta-nje iz časa, ko aem bil zastopnik Prosvete in Proletarca. Čudili 6o se, sakaj da se mučim, saj - da mi bodo pomagali vsak po svoji moči. Ker se brez sredstev ne more žhreti, sem bil prisiljen, da sem šel za zaslužkom, dokler sem mogel. Clan 8NPJ sem bil 14 let in 1. 1927 sem dobil odpravnino. Končno sem se 1. 1927 podal v rojstni kraj v Slovenijo za zdravjem, v nadi, da se čez par mesecev spet vrnem v Združene države, kjer sem živel nad 20 let. Usoda pa je hotela drugače. Zdravje se mi že ni povrnilo ter je tako prtprečen moj povratek v Ameriko. Ostati moram tukaj, kjer ni doati kruha niti za zdrave ljudi, toliko manj pa za tiste, ki ga ne moremo sami zaslužiti, med katerimi sem ubogi siromak tudi jaz. Obračam se direktno na vas, cenjeni rojaki, da mi pomagate po svojih močeh, želosten bo . zame božič in novo leto. Lahko si pač sami predstavite položaj, v katerem se nahajam, ako bi bili vi nad 9 let bolni, in nazadnje pa Če bi že imeli ženo bolno nad 9 mesecev, kot jo imam Jat. Kajti tudi ona se je borila za življenje, pa se je končno morala podvreči nevarni operaciji, katero je večno prestala, a za težko delo jfc tudi ona ne bo več sposobna. Zato vas ponovno prosim, poifia-gajte mi po svojih močeh. Vsakdo ve, da javno prositi je težko, ker pa ne vidim drugega izhoda, se poslužujem tega. Prosim vas. pomagajte mi! Vsi darovi naj se poAiljaJo na NOVE SLOVENSKE IN HRVATSKE 10 Inch 7ftc Poj« Marj Udovleb Is J. Uneebe 86114 V ftmlhelu Jm hllieo imsm. MoJ (overili m me napravili. 24117 Lune* jo videle. Selako veselje. 26112 Oh ura le bije. Narodne peeml. »•oje molki kvartet "ADRIA" 26122 Tam aa gora iveeda a veti. Komlina. lfsftfc Kowijtes ...- n. —.... ■— —----—t—-p Ml 16 Dobro areio aa kravo rudeto. živele Je ena dakliea. I Poje R. Renovee I« X. Itepea 26126 DOber veter ljubo dekle. MoJa koea Ja krlftavns. 26120 Ko eo fantjp proti vasi lil Cod okenca pridem. 26112 I oknu pridem, 0n<>4 aem pri oitl hill ML Po|e pevski sber "DOMOVINA" tli ti 01 d rev ps frame snubit J*. Plnoti Je pals. 261U Dobro Jutro hllni elks. LsM ravno polja Ja pa davi slants padla. Igra Meier Trle se piee M1U Katarina Polka. Maja IJtAs*. Velleb. 16011 gple polka. 16060 OberetoJerM. Itrvksl Trle. Sl«>v»ii»kl |,<4Vrrfnl 4e«i« av«.f eni««*«, m. twoo r*k, u M , ■ silt PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT m lastnina iloykmu kabobni roueos- NS JtUM'TK i) to Km«- MN y I*. M« • M to. II« ■ fcw Mil » \m0* to Own HM m hto HW m pmi btmi m ims •to to PBOHVKTA NI7-W iMdi UVMUW AM. ' muhe! of the rkdbkatsd Razprave o iniciativi B1BB81H1 SREDA, 15. JANUARJA. " ML . - M« IMM V d ft . M Mll»W (M. Vmmi kUviK m (Om. 1 ■ pOMMfll, <••»)••'<• U J» f »»*miii, , da bi se zavarovali aamo tisti člani, ki ao pri volji plačevati v sklad, sem prepričan, da »e ne bi priglasilo toliko Članov, da bi ae mogel sklad sam vzdrževati, in še tisti bi bili le starejši člani. Recimo, da bi bili vsi argumenti, ki sem jih navedel, ničeT vi, bi vendar pokojnina $10.00 na mesec ne odpravila mnogo revščine staremu delavcu in ako nima kaj »vojih prihrankov, mu bo še vedno odprta pot v slrpt-nišnico. To je aamo nekaj argumentov, lahko bi jih navedel več. Članstvo SNPJ stori najbolje, da zaveže oba iniciativna predloga. A-ko bosta oba predloga propadla, svetujem gl. odboru, naj opusti vsako nadaljevanje načrtov za starostno zavarovalnino, kajti prepričan sem, da SNPJ ni poklicana, da reši to pereče vprašanje, niti Jcaka druga podporna organizacija. Moje mnenje je: Ako hočemo, da bo to vprašanje res kdaj re Seno v prid delavskemu pokretu tako, da bodo stari in izmučeni delavci imeli svoj košček kruha na stara leta, moremo to napraviti edino na dan volitev v postavodajne zbornice, s tem, da oddamo svoje glasdve delavskim zastopnikom. Edino postavodajne zbornice z dobrimi delavskimi poslanci nam zamorejo prinesti res pravo starostno zavarovance. Upam in želim da članstvo popolnoma ovrže oba načrta, ki bi bila v slučaju, da je sprejet e-den ali drugi, veliko breme organizacije in v splošno nezado-volnost članstva. Joe Vidmar, član društva št. 204. Frontenac. Kansas. — Slabe ekonomske razmere ao počasi prisilile delavstvo, da se je pričelo oprijemati zadružništva, ki skokoma napreduje, posebno v evropskih deželah. Zato tudi tukaj naši ln drugI priseljenci, ki so prinesli ideje zadružništva I seboj, vedno več mislijo, kako al izboljšati gmotne razmere po-tom vzajemnosti. Ena takih ustanov je naš pogrebni zavod, ki beleži lep na predek. Po poročilu poslovodje je imel v preteklem letu nekako enajst tisoč dolarjev prometa, kar znači blizu $900 dobička, ki bi bil razdeljen delničarjem, če bi ne imeli še dolg. tako je (»a deloma pokrit stari dolg. Skušalo se bo prodati Še več delnic iti s tem zainteresirati splošno tukajšnjo slovensko javnost. Zavod je tukaj., napreduje In Iti mora naprej. Poleg tega imamo te več kot par deaetletij obstoječo federacijo društev SNPJ. ki sklicuje svoje i c red no zasedanje sa četr-' to nedeljo t. m., dne 28. Jan. ob | dveh pop. v navadnih prtwtorlh v Prontenacu. Knns. Poleg dni-j gih važnih zadev prideta tudi v razpravo iniciativna predloga gl. odbora za staroatno zavaro-* vanj*^. Naše mnenje je, da ae prihrani več, že itak omejenega prostora v obligmtni številki Proeve-te, ako tukaj skupno razpravljamo o teh predlogih in rezultat objavimo v Proeveti. Proai ae vsa društva, da pošljejo svoje zastopnike. Vabi se tudi vse o-stalo članatvo, spadajoče k tej federaciji, da se udeleži te razprave. Bo tudi volitev odbora za tekoče leto. Jefca fiular, zapisnikar. Bridgeport, O. — Društvo it. 18 je na stoji redni mesečni seji dne 5. januarja razmotrivalo o iniciativi predloženi po gl. odbo-ru, ki vaebuje dva predloga z o žirom na starostno zavarovanje. V U namen naj bi zvišali ases-meht izrednih podpor od 5c na 10c. Naše društvo je proti obe ma predlogoma. Proti prvemu navaja za vzrok to, ako bi se ašeament povišal, pomeni, da bo stalno višji, kar bi slabo vplivalo na pridobivanje novih članov in ker že aedaj večina članstva težko zmaguje se dan j i asesment vsled delavake depresije. Ako bi bil sklad pre. kratek, naj se prilično založi iz redni aaeament, da se sklad vzdrži kot zahteva zakon ali pravila. , Naše društvo Je odločno pro-ti predlogu za starostno zavarovanje. Glavni vzrok temu Je to, ker bi bilo zvišanje asesmenta veliko breme za članatvo. Kajti 25c asesment v ta sklad bi dolgo ne vzdržal in kmalu bi se moral zvišati na 60c in celo na $1. Clan-stvo se hitro stara, mladih pa ne pristopi toliko, da bi zamogll v bodoče s25cta sklad vzdržavatl. Vsled teffr naše društvo apelira, da se s tem počaka do prihodnje konvencije. John Rebol, predsednik, Martin Koss, tajnik, FmjAk Wočko, blagajnik, Jos. Snoir, zapisnikar. Milwaukee, Wia. — V Prosve-ti z dne 4. decembra. 19(29, je gi odbor SNPJ razpisal iniciativi da tako upošteva sklep 9. redite konvencije. Predložena ata bili dva načrta v razpravo ln člaiv atvo ima sedaj priliko, da pove svoje mnenje, če odobrava prvi ali arugi načrt ali sploh nobenega. Kot mnogoletni član SNPJ m gg^ ^ kftj tedaj delegat 9. redne konvencije si na4n Ali iinrTie ^ Štejem v dolžnost, da povem svoje mnenje, aH bi bilo koristno za jednoto In članstvp Če se sprejme prvi ali drugi omenjeni načrt; Preden preidem na razpravo, izjavljam, da sem vedno bil za starostno zavarovanje in tudi bom v bodoče, vendar sem prepričan, da tako zavarovanje mora prinesti uspeh v splošnem delavskem pokretu, katerega večino tvori SNPJ le potom zveznega kongresa, oziroma potom državnih postsvoda*. Vem, da državno zavarovanj? ne prjde v poštev v tej razpravi. Omenil sem to le radi boljšega umeiva-nja. Kar pride v tej razpravi v poštev Je samo to: Ali bi kateri omenjenih načrtov ugodil čla* nom .ki si želijo starostno zavarovanje, ne da bi pri tem postavil v nevarnost napredka SNPJ? Pazno aem prečital oba načrta, kakor tudi pojaanilo gl. odbora in prišel do zaključka, da je samo načrt št. 2, ki bi ae strinjal z željo 9. redne konvencije. Načrt Št. 1 nam le predstavlja točko 8., člen XXII., stran 84. naših pravil, katera se tiče sklada "izrednih podpor". Deveta konvencija je povišala asesment v ta sklad za S rente, in sprejem tje načrta št. 1 bi pomenilo zo-petno povišanje asesmenta za ftc. kar nikakor ni priporočljivo v današnjih slabih delavskih razmerah. Poleg tega bi pa sklep 9. redne konvencije radi starostnega zavarovanja še vedno oetal nerešen. Načrt št. 2 pravi, da naj se u-n t s nov i poseben sklad za starostno zavarovanje, v katerega bo moral vsak član plačevati 2ftc. in is katerega bi prejemal $10.00 mesečno kadar postane 86 let star. Tudi ta načrt mi ne ugaja, dasiravno vem. da Je nemogoče gl odboru razpisati kaj boljšega. Ta načrt obveže vsakega člana, da prispeva 2%c v ta aklad. brez raalike ali se hoče zavarovati za starost ali ne. Jollet, IIL — Ko smo prečital! iniciativo z dne 4. dec., prlobče-no v Prosvetl, in isto po naiem najboljšem razumu preučili, smo nehote prišli do zaključka, da ni na mestu. Razlogov je več, ki jih ne bomo razlagali, razen enega, ki ae nam dozdeva bistven. Prepričani smo, da ta iniciativa ne bo nikdar našla prostora v pravifih SNPJ. Ni drugega kot le gotovi stroški, katere bi z lahkoto prlštedlli. V slučaju pa, da bi bila želja stfrih članov, kateri po navadi poaečajo društvene seje, in bi * našo mladino? Ali jim ne bomo za seboj zaloputnili duri, ter na Ista napravili velik zapah? Kar bomo prigovarjali, mora biti v primeri 16 letnega mladeniča ali mladenke, ter mu to obrazložiti, kaj more pričakovati od naše organizacije v alučaju bolezni, smrti aH pa ako doživi 65 let starosti? Pa bo deležen 10 dolarjev mesečne penzije. V to naj bi pri- Pltsta veselica Pionirjev Chicago. — V sredo zvečer,; dne 22. januarja, priredi društvo Pionir št. 669 8NPJ veliko plesno veselico v jednotini dvorani na Lawndale ave. in 27. ceeti. Veselica je prirejena v počaet gl. odbornikom, ki se bodo istočasno sešli na letnem zborovanju v glavnem stanu jednote. Ob tej priliki jim bodo marljivi Pionirji oskrbeli večerjo ob 6. zvečer v poslopju SNPJ, spodnji dvorana. Ples prične ob 8. zvečer. A-ranžiran je dober orkester in vstopnina k plesu je 50c. Na veselico ao vabljeni vsi člani iz či-kaške okolice in bližnjih naselbin, tako tudi drugo občinstvo. Mladi Pionirji prirejajo slične veselice letno, ko zboruje gl. odbor naše jednote. Društvo Pioneer je šele štiri leta staro, pa šteje čez 500 Članov v obeh oddelkih. Je najagilnejše mladinsko društvo v novem gibanju med našo mladino pod jednoti-nim znakom. Tudi v čikaški o-kolici je najaktivnejše v ^ vseh ozirih izmed vseh JednotinihUru-fctev. Zanima se za niše javno življenje in njega člani ae udej-stvujejo v vseh panogah našega javnega Življenja. Veselica Pionirjev v sredo zvečer dne 22. januarja v jednotini dvorani bo impozantna manifestacija naše korenjaške mladine ob priliki letnega zborovanja gl. odbornikov. Starejšim članom dajo take priredbe mnogo upanja in jih uverijo, da je naša mladina reano na delu, ne le da ohrani jednoto, temveč da jo poveča na članstvu in vplivu. Pričakuje se velika udeležba na veselici Pionirjev. Prišli bodo mladi in starejši člani jednote, da se sestanejo z gl. odborniki, ki žive zunaj Chicaga. Veselja in zabave bo dovolj za vse. Zato pa je važno, da ae sleherni član udeleži, kajti Pionirji imajo pripravljen tudi kratek pa živahen program, ki bo v veselje vsem navzočim. Na svidenje na veselici Pionirjev dne 22. Jan.! Pub. odsek. 4- banovcevi koncerti jatfaarja: Pittsburgh, Pa. januarja: Claridge, Pa. februarja r Moon Run, Pa. februarja: Cleveland-New burgh, Ohio, maja: Chicago, iil — Orchestra Hall, maja: Milwaukee, Wia. 1. junija: Calumet, Mich. —- Opera House. , Naselbine, ki žele imeti koncerte, naj pošljejo svoje dopise na: Svetovar Banovec, 442 National ave., Milwaukee, Wia. 18. 26. 2. 23. 18. 25. Resolucija * Bridgeport, O. — Na konfe __________ ______ ______ r renči »oc. klubov in društev Iz speval po 26c mesečno poleg vse- obraževalne akcije JSZjja vzhod- ga ostalega asesmenta. Ko mu bomo vse to raztolmačlll, mar nam ne bo odgovoril: pojdite se solit z vaemi dobrotami, ki ml jih ponujate. Mi moramo upati za naš obstoj le iz naše mladine, katera ni Ohio in w. Va., ki se je vršila dne 27. oktobra p. 1. v Blainu. O., je bila spftjeta sledeča resolucija: Ker smo vsi zbrani na tej kon ferenci člani SNPJ in ker ae zavedamo, kako velik borec je bi ae pa popolnoma amerikanizira rJ>ofcojni Jože .Zavertnik v prid ter se nam odtujile poleg vsega delavski stvari in ker je veliko našega prizadevanja, da naj^o-stane med nami. Vse to vidite sami. Strinjamo se z dosedaj priob-čeniml razpravami (ena je bila med njimi tudi za proetovoljno starostno zavarovalnino), nikakor pa ne sa prisilno, katera nam mora več škoditi nego koristiti. Nikakor se nam ne zdi umestno it( v obširnejšo rsizpravo, a stali pa bomo trdno ob glasov, nicah. kadar nam pridejo v roke. Za društvo št 115, Pred Ferlln, tajnik. ColHnweod. Ohio. — V Pr> sveti z dne 24. deormbra sem či-tal razprave naših članov radi starostnega zavarovanja. Ni potrebno. da bi preveč obširno pisal. iz razloga, ker nam že drugi veliko plšclo^in tolmačijo. Ako bi bilo članstvo pri pravi, dobri volji in oit« m razmotrivalo, bi bilo najlepše, da bi oba načrta starostnega zavarovanja pri splošnem glasovanju zaVrgll. Po mojem mnenju ta dva načrta ne od-g" v ar J at* v zadovoljnoet splošnemu Hanstvu. Ideja starostnega zavarovanja je Belo lepa In > koristna r»rpiM sa tiste, kateri jo želi-Sprejetje tega načrta bi pame. t Jo lm#tL v članki! našega dobro nllo selo slab napredek sa prido- manega »obrata Matt Petrovi-bivanje novih članov, posebno eha dobimo dovolj povedanega o storil za^prospsh SNPJ, se sklene na t*j konferenci dne 27. oktobra 1. 1929. da se podpre društvo št. 18 SNPJ. V gl. urad SN PJ pošiljamo %pel, naj da izdelati doprsne slike pokojnega Jožeta Zavertnika. Velikost sil ke naj bi bila 20x16, tako da bi bila pripravna za vaako dvorano ali dom. Albina Kravanja, zapisnikariča, Jos. Snoy, predsednik. Msakeradna veselica . Library, Pa. Tukajšnji Iso braževalni dom priredi v soboto zvečer dne 1. marca maskeradno veselico, na katero ste vabljeni val okoliški rojaki. Udeležite ar v velikem številu, kajti ssbave In veselja bo za vas dovolj. Za dobro godbo in postrežbo bo skrbel ddU*. Tajnik. starostnem zavarovanju. Jaz njegov članek popolnoma odo-bravamJn ielim. da bi se zgodilo po njegovi želji. Apeliram na članstvo društva "Mir" it 142. da previdno čHa vae razprave o starostnem zavarovanju, in ravno tako tudi glasovnice, kadar jih boste dobili, posljivo prečitaj te. pred no glasujete. I\lenaolK član društva it 143. Situacija illinoiskih rudarjev A. Garden. "Namesto, da bi nam dajali pogum v sedanjem boju, držite pa a Fishwickom," je očitek nekaterih naših rudarjev napram Proeveti. Ta očitek se nanaša na zadnjo izpuhtelo stav-ko, katero je vodila National Miner*a unija v okrožju Taylorvilla. Nanašd se, ker se "v Chi-cagu" nismo ogrevali za stavko in podpirali unijo, ki jo je vodila. V boljše razumevanje naj izjavim, da tukaj ne govorim v imenu nikogar; v kratkem hočem podati le svoje misli o situaciji illinoiskih rudarjev. Navidezno je tekoči notranji boj med Le-wisom in voditelji 12. rudarskega distrikta na škodo rudarjem; ker postavlja organizacijo v nevarnost. V resnici je pa ta izbruh med najvažnejšimi dogodki, do katerih je prišlo v zadnjem letu v ameriškem delavskem gibanju. Radi situacije, v kateri se nahajajo rudarji in predvsem pa UMW, mora ta boj roditi le dobre sadove. Edino, kar se lahko obžaluje, je to, da ae ta boj ni pričel vsaj štiri ali pet let prej. Sicer je bil v letu 1926 v zamahu, vendar pa je bila Lewisova mašina še dovolj močna, da je s pomočjo goljufije, volilne tatvine in potom strahovlade porazila rebelno gibanje, kateremu je načeloval Brop%. Niti najmanjšega dvoma ni, da so Lewisu kot predsedniku unije šteti dnevi. Sel bo v po-zabljenoat kot oseba, ki je pognala milijone rudarjev in njihovih družin v največjo bedo, pomanjkanje in trpljenje in kot največji tiran in najbrezobzimejši človek v dosedanji zgodovini delavskih bojev. Tudi ne dvomim, da bo v prihodnjih par letih prišlo do ponovne reorganizacije rudarjev in da bo pri tem delu igrala glavno vlogo illinoiska distriktna organizacija. To je glavni vzrok, da smatram ohranjenje 12. distrikta za najvažnejše vprašanje ne le za illinoiske, marveč tudi za vse neorganizirane rudarje, katerih je nad pol milijona. S tega stališča je tudi razumljivo, zakaj se človek ne more navduševati za slične, bedaste eskapade kot jih je pred par tedni vprizorila komunistična National Miners Unija v okrožju Taylorvila. Vsak, ki več ali manj pozna težke razmere illinoiskih rudarjev, bo rad priznal, da je rebeliranje proti njim razumljivo, ker trditev, da rudar nima danes nobene besede pri delu in da se od njega zahteva le unijske prispevke, ni brez vsake podlage. In tisti, ki smatrajo obstoječe razmere neznosnim, morajo u-poštevati tudi neznosne razmere, v katerih se nahaja distriktna organizacija. Zapomniti si je treba, da je mezdna lestvica v Illlnoisu veliko večja kot je zaslužek v neunijskih premogo-rovih; v mnogih slučajih je plača illinoiskih rudarjev polovico večja od zaslužka neunijskih rudarjev. In ker prihaja illinoiski premog v konkurenco z neunijskim premogom, je razumljivo, da skušajo illinoiski operatorji na druge načine znižati obratovalne stroške. Drugače bi ne mogli konkurirati in bi bili prisiljeni zapreti svoje rove, ker v izgubo ne more nikdo trgovati — vsaj ne za dolgo časa in ne da bi govorili o profitu — pa naj bo država ali pa privatnik. To je ekonomaki zakon, kateremu je podvrženo vsako podjetje. In pri tem seveda pa trpe organizirani rudarji, ki danes v resnici nimajo drugih ugodnosti kot golo lestvico, kar je vsekakor velikega pomena. Za illinoiske rudarje je potrebno, da gledajo v bodočnost: kako razširiti unijo na vsa važnejša neunijska polja. Ako tega ne store, bodo v par letih še qb to organizacijo, ki je v sedanji situaciji edino upanje rudarjem. v težkem položaju se navadni ljudje kaj radi zatečejo k slepi sili, in v delavskem gibanju, bodisi te ali druge dežele, je bil storjen že mar-sfkak nepremišljen korak, ki se je britko maščeval nad delavstvom. Resnica je, da vodstvo illinoiske organizacije ni idealno, da ga razjeda korupcija in da stoji na nizkim intelektualnim nivoju in da je med njimi veliko število ljudi, ki gledajo v prvi vrati na lastne interese. Vendar je pa to stvar članstva, ki ga lahko odpravi, ako hoče in ako je sposobno. Ako pa ni tega med rudarji, potem ni sploh nobenega upanja na boljšo bodoč-noat Vendar pa tudi v tem osiru ni položaj tako obupen kot ga slikajo nasprotniki dis-triktne organizacije. Administracija, ki je pripravljena izdajati tako izvrsten list kot je "Illinois Miner", ki Je med najboljšimi delsv-sklmi listi v Ameriki od vsega pričetka izhajanja, ne more biti ne toliko slaba in imeti toliko grehov na svoji grbi. Glede komuniatične National Miners Unije naj se odprto izrssim, da nimam nikakega upanjs, ds bi bila kdaj kos organizatoriČnemu delu, ki zre v obraz rudarjem. Ni Je strokovne organizacije v Ameriki, ki bi zamogla postati sils v posamezni industriji, ako je stroga pripadnica komunističnega, aocialletičaega, verskega aH ps kakega drugega gibanja. In NMU nI nič drugega kot branža komunističnega gibanja, od katerega jemlje ukaza in inapfracijc. Za organiziranje rudarjev bo potrebno sodelo-vsnjs vsega delavstva. Tega pa ne more doseči nobena organizacija, ako ni v prvi vrsti stnokovna po avojem ustroju in težnjah, detav-ako progresivna in ne repek kake poHtIČne ali verske frakcije« Pri reorganislranju rudarjev more biti uspešna le rudarska organizacija. Ns mislim, ds ga bo izvršil element Lewisovega tipa. Morala gs bo Izvršiti minolsks distriktna organi sac i j a. Pri tem delu jI bodo pomagale bogate tradicije UMW unije in drugi elementi, ki streme. da rudarjem zopet zašije lepše, svobodnej- P.K08SBR« SREDA. 15. JANUARJA. Iniciativa za','starostno LETNIK 1930 [Slomrti Nimfa 8OLIDNO8T Slovenska hranilnica m je bat loto. dobro lakaaala. Napre-rat samostojno in vodi svoje »"Me. vsb pritožbe (ho mhmii v |l tnMniki M4NTM|t (A*n. VSI PEIIIV1 m (L pumi Mask ss m Cleveland, Okle rt . ' Promotoajoi Drs mllljeas la pal POTUJTE S NAJHITWim PARNUOM NA VODI BREMEN S. 8. KUROPA, KI JO BRDAJ GRADI, DO STAVLJENA V P ROM IT MARCA It*' SAMO 7 DNI DO JUGOSLAVIJE Pripravna ln direktna ftalssnflks zveza t vaaml deli Burope. Redna ted«nska odplutj« t pri-Ijubljenim brodovjem Uoydovih parnlkov iiMi i« dru«ih M*t*v m M IN W. BatMpli H •Ttfi'JSrSi A JUL CHICAGO OHCIELNA NAZNANILA SNPJ IZKAZ UPRAVNIH SXB0&KOV nneca decembra 1919. Plače MiliO uposlenih gl. odbornikov................... Plač« uslužbencev .................................... Plače zunanjih gl. odbornikov......................... Plače izredni^ moči .........................I..... Uradniške potrebščine ............................... Poštnina ......................;..................... Legalni strotki ...................... Plača gl. zdravnika za 3 mesece........'.-.............. Prosveta, naročnina uradnega glasila.............../. Oglasi............................................... Mladinski Hat—tiak, poštnina in drugo.....i...... Izmenjava ČOkov .................................... Voznina gl. odbornikov..............\................ Stroški raznih preiskav ................... Pohištvo ............................................ Najemnina tajniškega urada............rr»m«,»,,,,, Posebna priloga Prosvete............................. Tiskanje in razpošiljanje pravil....................... Zdravniške preiskave sumljivih bolnikov............... Razno .............................................. Skupaj ANNUAL SESSION OF THE SUPREME BOARD TAJNIKOM V POJASNILO! Official noticc is hereby given that the members of the supreme board of S. N. N. J. are called io yearly session. The first meeting is to take place Monday morning, January 20, 1930, at 9 o'clock, at S. N. P. J. Auditorium, 2659 So. Lawn-dale Ave., Chicago, III. All members of the supreme board are requested to pre present! VINCENT CAIN KAR, to be present! AM aU to naročili Praarata all Mladlaakl Hat arojaaa prija-teljn all aarodnlks ▼ dri—7 To jc edini dar trajna rod aort I, ki ga ta »al denar |ahkn notitata aro jean v domovin«. POSTNA HRANILNICA KRALJEVINE JUGOSLAVIJE •prtJam hranilne rloga I 6% obresti ZA VLOGE JAMČI DRŽAVA Ob sredah la nedeljah od l-lf dopoldne. SPREMEMBA SLOVENSKE MATERE ki telite povečati rada znanje la talit« IItati koristno kajlffo, al lahka naročite Slovensko sdravaitko knjlfo aa teaake. Ta knjiga opisuje ttove-tki tivot ki delovanje raanih organov, o naeainoetl, porodih la • raanih baletnih, kako adraviti In veliko drugih •tvarl. Vsebuje veMko raanlk sHk. Vsaka Slovenka »orala M Imeti to knjigo. Caaa ja Naročite takoj. Naslov Mrs. M. Sookap, SI IT Se. Central Park Ave„ Chleage, IQ. rodMal f atari kraj. Marfl sa ZafcUraJU braifUhu aaradllal P08TANSKA tTEDIONICA« B BOO RAD, JUGOSLAVIA« KUBOPB VABILO K PROSLAVI ; »MN *» It HMO ifc8M.Tin*trni Srebrnega jubileja društva "Sloga" Clovni f~em* he to. FSANK ZAfTZ. «fcf. nrtfcpa. ka s4m Is ptmU sabata. Vilipiln )a ttt m štev. 16, S. No Pe J. to Milili, eae isisi iiisii to In aa S N°* Editorial Notes „„ that the Jubilee membership campaign ia extended our local lodges can formula* effective prof ram« ondar competent guidance and increase their membership conslderebly. Kaeh local membership committal' should draft • comprehendve plan by which the present membership drive can ba made productive in the number of new member« gelned. Make It your duly to bring at least one new member into year lodge before die close of the drive. Tell your friends and acquaintances, eligible for admittance, all the ouUUnd-facta and benefits the organisation afford«. By doing so your goal in membership can be reached within the next two months. YOUR lodge meetings can be made attractive and pleasant as well as orderly and well disciplined, never stiffened into a prison-like place, with proper amount of humor and cheerful atmosphere. Applying this method a lot more could be accomplished than by aggregating the members or to put them into a school-like discipline. Twin them properly, let them be responsible, appeal to their sense of decency and self-respect. and harmony and good conduct will prevail at your meeting*. The business side of the meeting should always be disposed of in the shortest time pocrible, which does not mean that superficiality and reckleea-should replace order and businesslike transactions. IfS the literary contest now. Many more will enter this competition, no doubt, than the drawing contest conducted by the Prosveta last year, in which fourteen members exhibited their wares. The present contest offers • much larger field and more young people will be able to enter, presenting either short stories or poems. A considerable number of our members are attending high-schools and colleges where they are called upon rsgulaiiy to present themes ds-veloplng elements required in short stories. There are alto msny former students within oar folds who have the ability of telling their experiences In ths way that would make a short story. See if yon can cop one of the prises offered by tip official organ. 11THBN sending in your report to the Prosveta make ▼» tt a point to present a neat copy. Unless you are in the habit of sending regularly "feature" yarns, never mix your reports by telling in every other sen-tence of different phase of your lodge activities. Sep-mate your reports. Sports news items should be Written on a separate shset of paper. Write always on eii aide of the paper only as the other side of the paper the Editor will completely disregard. To follow these rules is simple. Write plainly and ehrsy* attest your full name to the letter. Anopymeue eominunIc.-tiene Will not be noticed, and rejected communications wfll not be returned. Comrades I STALWARTS rievdand.~O.~Th« first effftlr which Is to be apon-sorod by the Comrades In the new year is their annual Anniversary dance. This dance marks th. fourth yesr since the organisation of the Comrade lodge In Cleveland. During the past four years we have worited and grown until we are now occupying one of the leading positions in the SN1M. The extension of the Jubilee campaign until April 1 should act as a powerful Incentive for the Comrades to bring their friends Into the ledge. This extension of (he campaign glvas those, whose friends were undecided about joining, • ehaaee to get a AMMffMf before the clr»ee of the campaign. The eomlng dane«, on P«b. ft, promise, to be one of the belt we have held thaa far and the entertainment committee reports that they will surprise everyone by Ulelr decorations. The Arcadian llelod*;Mots oreh««, trn Is the one which bar been chosen to furnish the accompaniment for that mild, and In seme eases violent, form of exereioe railed dancing. Tlcketa have been mailed and members are aaked to cooperate by selling as many of them aa possible. Those wishing to aeeure additional tickets may do so by aalltng at Kushlan's confectionery. Members of Uyalites. Boosters, Beacons. Stmgglers and New Kras are cordially Invited te attend. see On Friday evening, Jan. 10, the student body of the Senior Class of the Slovene School had the honor of being addressed by Mr. Ivan Xorman, en the Hfe and work t of Dr. France Praoertm. There was special Interest taken In ths lecture on the illustrious Slovane poet due to the fact that the students had Jaet flashed a brief study of the life of the man. Mr. Korman'e lecture waa very enlightening and we* sin»r*cl«t#d very much Miring by the epplsu** Much light was shed on the life and work of one of the leading men in Slovene BBMNp'»*Mr. Bor man was the first of a number of speakers who are being Invited to addreas the student body of the Slovene school. Mr. Ear man Is one of the beet known of the modem Slovene poets and I« aba the author of a delightful velum* of poems that has craated much Interest here and abroad. The now term of the Slovene School begin« on the first Friday la February. Internet has been increasing rapidly In the school and la partly dee to the feet that the stady period has been divided Into twa classes The first claes la from ? until ft:ftO p. m. and is taught by Mr. Janko Rogelf who taeght the Slovene language while studying at Dubuque College. Dubuque, lows. In 1M1. This first claaa has been created especially for beginner* and is gaining favor rapidly.. Ths aeeend da*« is from 8:ft0 te ISMS p. at and is taught by Mr. Vatre Grill who ha« demonstrated his ability te toneh ttaf efficiently. Anyone IntoToetod In pMRf the classes may get in teach with any of the students or See The Inter-Ledge Bawling League ha« taken I stop for which the feir sex has boon waiting for soase time IWy are backing a flrls' bawling teamaamnt which will be held Ik the near future. Girls from the Cam reds*. Leyelites aad Fiegieesiv««. the SNPJ team* entered in the leagae, who havb done any bowling at «11. snid who wish te enter the teurnsment ere request e| te get in tench with the captain of the beys' bewttng team from their lodge. Give the captain yaar nam*, the nsme of yaar lodge aad the average scare you hove bawled. Ten do net have te be a bowler, bat yea can berem* one aad show your goad sportsmanship by entering th* tournament The games will be played at (Continued in last column of this page.) Kenoeba, Wia.—Ths Supreme board means to be right with us in our drive for new members by extending the Jubilee campaign to April 1. So let's plug all the harder showing our appreciation of their good intent ion* ■ho we rod upon our subordinate lodges in the SNPJ. • e e In our drive we should have two contesting teams, Blue snd White. The team bringing in the moet member« by April 1 to be treated to a theatre party topped off by a chicken rapper. The losing team to act aa hoot. How about it, members? ■ < • e * John E. Mauaer ia to leave on "that Jugoslavia Excursion," sponsored by the BNPJ in May. Bon Voyage, John, and don't forget to bring back some of that "Slovenska potica." • e * Did Odi1 dance go ovor with ft bang? Boy, nothing elae bat. Ye«, the orchestra that rendered that hot and tantalising music la nana other than Joe 'Beree and his Royal Vagabonds, who dispense their wares s very Monday and Friday at ear local broadcasting station. Why, ears they dre good Stalwata, too. iwftp. k< • * e We appreciated the attendance of the Pioneer«, Little Porta, Badgers and Jolly Allls nt our danee. And when time comes for their eodal functions, the Hialwarta will be rap-resented with the same "pep, friendship and good will," that waa shown by them at our frolic. It* the beat way te pro mot« real brotherhood spirit amongst the lodges. • * * Speaking of our dance, our bachelor dub nearly called "quits," when the gssed at Marie Owen trip-pint the light fanuetic. One, Arnold Penta, our inimitable dashing Romeo, was ao enraptured by her graos and beaaty that we accepted his realgna-t Ion from th« said club Immediately, e * e Our bowling girls were given an awful trouncing by the Waukegan Ladies, Sunday. Toe bad, girla. We know you will reveree the situation when you moet again. Bo don* ho downhearted. The beet yea know, get beat. e * * Play waa resumed In the Stalwarts Individual bowling league, Sunday, after two weeks lay off. Frank Set-borllch assaulted the pine for ft 624 count bringing his grand average Up to 17ft for SO gamea, thereby, displacing Steve Badura for top honors, whoee 175 average notes a close Our basket-ball outfit atlll has Its winning ways. After taking s hsrd tussle from the Armory A Team Friday, they chalked another victory on Saturday over our neighboring l^>dge from West Allls. Kosp up your winning ways, beys, as wa need yaur good work in the eomlng groat SNPJ tournament. • * * The Pioneers and our Stalwarta will come together sometime this month for a Basketball end bowling match. Both the glrle and boya will compete in each s vent. So. let's watch for the date and place, and be then to root for your favoritaa, who will put op the beat that's In them far their respective lodge. m • e\' a Our gallant staff for lftftft: P roe-ident —Rose Pavlic, Vlee-Preeldent-Frank Odar, Secretary—John Mauaer, Treasurer—Tom Mauser, Recording Secretary—Tilli* Rodemond, Sergeant *t-arms—Alex Pohiook. • e e Here's to them, may they with hope as their guarding star bring oar ship Into port. Isdoned with a boat-lead of new momhera all wrapped up with determination and good fal-lowshlp, aa our Stalwart Lodge may prosper and be up with leader« of the SNPJ this coming year. • • • Ths Ultra I/rig* No. ftft great wholes party held New Year's Res was a great success. Rose Rehftel end Lee Smith of the Stalwart« featarod In a playlet, "California Bound." on the. Stalwart« program far thrir Older Lodge. • * e J. Moeaik and Antonienotte Ran-nick entertained the Bachelor ClaH, at the "Way Fern In." New Year*« Bve. After a aloe chicken rapper, Ml« Ranniek pleaeed the boy« with her rerttatien*. featuring The Face oa the Bar Roam Floor. She euro wa« dreamt ic. • • • (••»per Turk wa* left outside, ' Kinging in the Bela." at the Oirie Sewing Club Whaapee Party New Year's Bee. What's the matter. Gaeper, tee much gaeriiae* M san asw,ir 1 * to got Kudt* Literary Contest THE PROS VETA le efferiag three prixee, eao of $2ft, ope el flf, aad A mm of lift, for abort storiee by sdaR member« ft1 the orgarisatJee. teg owe ex peris aeos or employing imagiaatlve power*. At tbe time tka ProeveU offers fear prises, east ef ftft, far the beet fenr thaa SB wards leag, or mere than 1%a condition*: L No abort story abaald lftftft. (No word limit te poem*.) 8. Each mast be the original work of an adatt member, la BagHch; original ideas will count. 8. Thame: Leber or ear organixatiaa life, la conformity wife tbe 4. Each mast be writtea diecernibly oa en* ride of the paper oaly, douMe-apaced aad typewrit*^ ilf poeriUo. „ 5. Eligibility ia extended te all the edult -embers, except tbe editorial staff ef tbe official orgsa. ft. Urn editorial staff ef tbe f*roeveta will be the eele Judge ef tbe ' iffca eentoet opaaad January ft aad wiQ and March 1 aext» The aim of the competiUea le te abtala original abort ptorfee aad poems hcerlag direct relettoa oa oar life aa wbrkera aad members of tbe Slovene National Benefit Society. For faataace, bow doeo tbe work ef tbe BNPJ etrike an lataBlgeat mea or waa^a, whftt le gained by aerial coaUcts. what benefits other thaa flaaaHal do wa tferivii from it. aad Tbe Proaveta ie quite positive that there are a number of members, partiealariy among die yeaag people'« breaches, who u4 able te par-t id pate la tble literary eeatoot aad feels eare that they eaa worthy aad repreeoatatlve MBS. PLASHES^} The Riddle of jy. .. . • . Pioneers meeting, Friday evening, January 17. Final preparations for our dance will He completed, and tbe new officers will be installed. There is a lot of other important business pending, alio. Ws urge a full at- The Big Pion—r Dane* Chicago.—The Pioneer danee mittee Urges every member to try to dmpose of tbe tlcketa for the Jan. 8 danee to be held at the SNPJ 11*11. running dances the Pioneer Lodge has always had good attendance, and the beat aaeurenoo for a successful affair la ths advftnee ticket sale. We've secured a red hot orchestra as usual. You all knew the "Nine Original Revere Harmony King«," and you know what th«y can do. We've got a nice following of young folks outside ef our lodge. They are air waye determined to attend any Pioneer dance. See them nnd esU $Hm our tickets. Say It with tlcketa ever*, body.—F. J. R, Danee Com. e e On Jan. It the Pioneer« Lodge No. MM), are bavin* their Fifth dance In honor of the Su board'« member«.. Every m< should do M« or her utmost to sell h Ik or her batch of ticket«. Remember that our "Home Talent" will perforri a good 4A-mlntt|i variety program which will ntared pronely at ft. m. at the SNPJ hall, 87th and Lawn-dale. Danee wttl follow immediately. Our ledge la rapidly growing and Its many activities are an important fat-tor In its growth. The lodge has over 400 members and intends to surpass the 600 mark by the beginning of the neat year. Come to our danee Jan. tl. Fraternally, I. Zepaadc. Daace Com. , e e ' Chicago, III.—Make whoopee with the Pioneera op Wed. night, Jan. 22, at Lftwndale Rail. The Pioneera are suiting the new year right, by try la« to five their friende aa good a time as poeelble. They are giving ft danee and luncheon. The luncheon will bo for the 8epren*e board m hers, which sHR be hrid earlier In the evening. Theft will be followed bp a program which will begin pronely at right. The program will be ahort and lively. It will be given by Flo-neer members and a few friends. A fur the propim will be dancing. The orcheetrf pisyinf le the "Original Harmony Klnfe." Dont miss a good time and bo there. Next the Pioneers will have a dance on "Puet Night", Merch 4. Aa eoon aa the Jan. St affair la ovor the oom-mittee will begin work for "Pust." Yoa will be reminded of this affair In this pegs by the PaWlrity Committee which promleaa to work hard thta year. Publicity Committee, F. L. LODGE NO. «77 Detroit.—Our new oflfeers are t Vincent Straus, President. lftftO In-fantry Ave,; Vlce-preeldent, Jeeeph Snldarrieh, 7SS Morrell St ; Secretary. Frank V. Snyder Jr., ftftOft Rankin Ave*i Treasurer, Anton Analcek. Ml4 2.1 rd St. '" All members of the Wolverines MB 1» the future must pey their daee et Sftftft Rankin Ave. F. Snyder Jr., Secretary. LODGE NO. M7 Springfield. IB.—After the date, the Uneolnttoe will hold tholr ragelar meetings the third Friday ef tbe month. Every msmhsr la rsqasstid te attend the neat meeting Frt.. Jan. 17, at ft p. as. Installation of officers. Alee, entertainment after the meeting. Frbtornatly. C Beaich. Sec y Lsdge SS7. by tbe g i He to cnach them in their hneketbell «Hivi. ties. Gpnd judgment, girla. BMTtMTS NOTE Detroit. Mich.. "Byetaader."—Ab. late eecrecy le gaaraataed In all unleaa a writer abaaes this pre-in which eaee we'd he for^wi te dtwteeo hi« identity. Beef 9u4s Prom Milwaukee Lodjffc No. Milweakee.—Tarese's indoor arena wae crowded with merymakera on the nightv.of. January 11, 1080 A. D. (after dark) when the aeeemblagc paid the homaeft to B«dg«ru«, god of Milwaukee SNPJ member«. K All the member* of the High Tribunal wsrs present, thslr Our dsnce is but a There is still time to do s let ef plugging. Whether the hall will bo filled or not depends on the entire membership. We must have a big pttendanec to give the out of town Supreme board members sn example of what we have been doing. The program, the orcheetra, and the refreshment« await the sound of right o'clock. That's the work of tke committee. It's for the rest of you to make ft perfect job of it. Luncheon for the SNPJ executives will be given at ft p. m. In the lower haR. It any of our members can as early as that to entertain our 7 they are requested to do ao. member~~ohottld do his or hSr part and we will mnka ft big Pf It. Our Pioneer BaajketbaU Quintet ago wae ready tO repeat sr our boys pet a halt to thelr ftttaek, and by outplaying the Pows offensively and defensively sadly defeated them bx a score of 87 to 0 last Sunday. Our team looked and worked entirely different than it has heretofore. So that it looks Uks we kavs reached the turning point and are ready to win By BEN ST BABCEEL It must not be supposed, however, that modern ad-has shattered our old ethics along with th« ling with Inward prids aa tfety gssed upon ths fsastlng throng. The female members looked especially pleasing in their white uniforms and shining marcelled locks. The male mem-bora of the Tribunal n ent in carefully creaeed troussrs and ■moefth-ehavon faces. Ak, Badgerus looked pleaeed. The baaket-ball warriors wore their dark blue and white sweaters and looked for all the world like the gods of eld. ' Such Physique! Such Sinewy muscles! Such agility I Their floor work wae perfect a« they dribbled their partners to nnd fro. And they showed the reenlte of much splendid coaching—not once mlering a free throw from the lunch counter. The bowling gladiators Ware__ present and showed marvdous teamwork around the tables whsre ths god-desses ef the High Tribunal food and drink. Every stab at the food and every tip of the giaee waa a perfect strike. Not oae bubble of spilled. Now for the nsuric. Shadee of Cae-Badger boya can ump-H - opisno aooordiona, guitar«, voice« raiaad In a song. Oh what a "Bebava* B waa. Old Slovene aire vied with the latest hot Utft mill Broadway. Being Saturday night, "Singing to^ the Beth-tub" proved the Ah yee, the fbfd. Every crumb was iTOM first to go wefctho "posnel that which Bacchus le the god of. (Yeah, I get this way work ing rrof»«-wor tke acandsl of vice and graft In Met Chicago, Ind. Upton Sinclair l*as exposed that aort of rot aa far back aft,8ft yoar ago. The system has been ftp deeply ruetod, however, that ekpoeucee like thoee you uro reading about mean very little to the viae lord«. In Sinclair'« play which will be proaented a week from Sund«y at CSPS Hall you will b« enabled to Witnee« the Inner worke of this in-famoue system. • It ie aa educational play. You should lesrn the leaaon that you may have boon lacking. You are therefore urgently requested to be there Sunday, Jan. 2ft. Who controls the oourta? The judges? The legislators? Bven the police? The play brings* out dearly to you.—And then to think that Laura ^ggen would renounce her flethafe wealth. To think that Montagu«'« modeety and honesty mads him avoid Lautn, although she was bseetiful and wealthy. There are hon«et people In the "Machine ' though they b» few. But toe for yourgrif. JPretty soon We Will :i V able to dree« up for the da*le masquerade at the BNPJ Hall, the Pioneers heva been eitocielly invited to attend "Nada'e annual eyeet To aet year mind; to dreee up; to he there; Beturday evening, Fab. ft. That's the WB " ♦ • • The drama "Mrak" wae again re- ^t, ftnCf^fl^ Hm*| HUfldhy by the Dramatical Section ef Oub No. 1 JBP of Chicago. The home folk« littad it aad ft goad lltondance waa en hand. Net ee long age «he player, tee end I were in Milwaukee Juat before that they weru on th« to aeon to take place. If Leboritee caa carry thrir thm, aaviec will be reduced, are oaly a burden upon the Bo are caceerive armiea. to In the of the pa# mr read "All Mm Weetem Front." Yea got inf! yaar heart Be I that you read—It i thru and thru. Yoall agree, —lor no more war If ym Per smaller navtee bad an M^MM W^ aft shmika your nnsri mrorm «*vcrs yea reed—It's thrilling positively i read H. NOTICB! BABTBBN AND WEST BBN ATBLRTK DlVIRIONS tS. Itftft. to BIT-ABY OF NA- KBNOSBA. Kantian dualism, end left us nothing in its stead. Th« feeling of duty or obligation is a psychological reality which cannot be denied, but it is not dependent upon a categorical imperativa—it ia a product of the aoeial instinct found in all gregarious animals. Thus modern ethics ia baaed, not upon the dogmas of Christianity or the idealistic philosophy, but upon solid biological facts, as outlined at length in the evolutionary writings of Herbert Spencer and others. ^ __ Man ii a sodal vertebrate, and like all animals of this type, has two. sets of duties—one concerned with his own individual Welfare, the other with the welfare of the group to which he belongs. The two obligation« pre equally natural and equally neceasary. The motivs behind one group of responses is called self-love or egotism, that which conditions the other set of responses is known a« altruism—regard for others. A social animal like man cannot live unto himself alone, and he must reftliae that the benefit« of organised so-dety are not free, but mu«t be paid for by assuming a share of the burden common to the sodal group. The prosperity of the community means the prosperity of the individual members of th«t community, and an injury to the group aa a whole 1« an injury to each individual member thereof. The balance of these two natural tendencies, the moral equality of egotism and altruism, ia the fundamental principle which underlies all rational morality Bven the Golden Bale of the Christian«—"Do unto others aa ye would that they should do unto you"— rscognk«« our duty to ourselves as w«U a« our duty to our fellows. In dealing with this matter I have laid down three propodtions which I consider fundamental (1) Both egdsm and altruism are natural impulses, and both are necessary to ths prsssrvption of ths family and society^ Egoism eecurss ths pre-servstion of the individual xsltruism secure« the pre-servstion of ths spsrisaT (1)^« duties which society imposes apon ite members ere merely higher developments of ths social Instincts, which arc preeent In many other aoeial animals besid« man. (8) The ethics adopted by eiviltaed human beings are always dependent upon their view of the world in general, and ars therefore ahrays in a more or leaa intimate aaaociation with their religious beUgfft. The hifheot precept of our monistic ethic« cannot be bettor expressed than it is always in ths Golden Bule* which Jseos rsducsd to ths «impl« phra*: "Love thy neighbor «• thy«df." Makr expressed our own conviction exactly when he added that "there is no greater commandment than this." Although we agTe^ absolute-ly with the Chrlsttens in regard to the value of this noble ethical prlndple, we cannot refrain from pointing out the historical fact that it did not originate with Jeeue of Naaareth, deapite the claim« of aome of hie more enthuriaatic follower«. The Golden Bute is asvsrel centuries older than Chiatianity, and many of the wise pun of antiquity recognised its supremacy in ethics. Pittacus, who lived in Pagan Greece six hundred and twenty years before Christ was born, used the Itive form of the maxim: "Do not that to thy ibor that thou wouldst not suffer from him." Tho Chineae philoeopoher Confudus said, some five „»w.ed years before Chriets "Do to every as thou would have him do to thee, and do not unto another what thou wouldst not have him do to thee. Thle precept only doet thou need t lt *» the foundation of all other comandmenU." And Confucius, be it remembered, knew nothing of Jehovah, and rejected both God ahd Immortality. Arletotle, one of the greatest of the Greek philosophers, taught about the middle of the fentth century B. C.: "We must act towftrds others a« wish other« to act toward« u«." The semis'sentiment was expressed by many other Pagan moralists—Thales, Isocratee, Aristippus, Sextua—ajl of whom lived several centuries before the Christian era. In other words, the Golden Buls Is not characteristics^ Christian at all, but was deduced independently by many fcaat mm, et many different times and plaoss. Other wtto ws should probably awiume that it cam« erlglnel-ly from some ancient Chinee, Semitic, or Buddhistic soufcc, along with n«#rly all of the other doctrines attributed to the Carpenter of Nesareth. k (Te bo or*tinned.) COMB A DBS ,K pf, j/i *;' ,tillS i'. i.i the Dd Young or Norwood allay«, depending on which one would be most suitebl«, on Sunday afternoon at 8tOO p. m. More definite deUils will he apiproximatrl givfth Inter. Dae to the fact that your contributor sent this material In before th« Centred« girl«' basketball teem played ite first game, he cannot give you the «cor« or nsme of the winning tosm, but ths second geme in which the team will participate will be played et the it. Clair Ave. Bath House on thurs., Jan. 28, et ft:80 p. m. They will play the ItSKJ girls and endeavor to put thomsdves one more game nearer first place in the standings. The team h«s practiced consclendously for the last two months snd should give thdr opponent« some stiff competition. Come oat and cheer the girls m to victory. e e e The writer ead a number of Comrades attended the New Year party bald by the Stragglers on Jan. 1 We impressed by the she sad gsyety of the ^^^^^ enjoyed sareelvae immensely. Moodier* from the Loyslites, Pro^renKi v<—. H<»<>«tfr», Ben^T'' %ad Lorain Crusaders ware la evidence and seeawd to enjoying themselves thoroughly. Tho Crasaders sxtend 0pir griahes fox f su The first mooting of the year Jan. SI. Lei as receive to atfc end keep «ur due. p..d hers who hsv# iwutkI i will bo hold on Tee. receive to ettend meeting« regularly up throughout tho year. Mem-I member during the peet to eee the secretary aad give him _____«o that ho can Mnd for your Jubilee April 1 Is ths dosing date of the membership you atlll have time In which te g** The fal marrlid life Mr. aad Mrs. eentlt, _ wish to extend their bearttoet eoa- to Mr. and Mrs* Grillto Sirk Jr who ware m«rri»«i re-JL of the Rain- (Detected to the Founder* of Our Orgaafeattea.) T/IKTOR Zeletnik, muscular product » of the hilli and vales of Slovenia but now s full-fledged member of the mining crow of the Pennsylvania-Allegheny Coal Mine« company, stood at the entrance of the shaft awaiting his turn te be taken down into the bowels of Mother Earth. Not a very romantic job to bo sure, but Viktor had other dreams of life in America, A small farm somewhere in the West where he and his wife Xexa could live the quiet, peaceful existence they both yearned for. There also their children, Franc, Anka, Pavle and Mitsi could grow up amidst surroundings more desirable than this dirty mining town. It was just two years now since Nesa had joined him in America, bringing with her the three oldest Children. Mitai, however, had been born in America. Viktor had had a hard struggle te save the money to enable him ho bring his loved ones to America and it had taken much pinching and scraping to furnish the little three room shack they called home. But better days were coming, for wasn't Viktor making bettor wages and wasnt he next in line for promotion as foreman? Viktor smiled — it was good to be slive. As he stopped Into the shaft, his eyes wandered across the row of miners' huts to the last one on the left. Eight hours and he would be back there playing with the youngs-ters and making plans with Neta about the little home in the West. Slowly the cage descended and the little home was shut from sight. Two o'clock In the afternoon. Three sharp shrieks ot the whistle burst ov«r the little town. Women and children came running out and quickly collected at the mouth of the mine. Danger! How Well they knew the signal those women and children, who fearfully waited and prayed for the safety of thflr fathers, brother* and sons. As slarm spread, the first cage resched the top and poured out men. Women cried with happiness as they found their mates on top and safe. The cage went down again. More men came. Three times it came and deposited its human jpargo safely and then, to the watchers on top, came a low rumbling sound. It grew in volume until it burst with a defeating roar. Mine IB had ca^ed in. Neca stood fearftilly at the mine entrance, her face strained, her eyes glistening with tears. With her stood many other women, some crying out bud, others just standing numbly b»\ They watched as ihe men of the town worked frantically to clear the entrance and reach their comrades below. There was still hope—plenty of hope, the women ifrere assured. Daybrfak. Another day had come and still the women watched and hoped. The crews were working desperately, but it would be many hours before they would reach the entombed men. Hour upon hour dragged by and midnight approached. Then there was a shout from below—the relief crews just reached the men. Another fifteen minutes and then the cage slowly creaked to the top. They had been too late. Gas had seeped through and the men were all suffocated. Nine Uves loot—a sacrifice on the alter of progress. The men were duly buried by the company and after a few conference between the officials of the compety and the stote and federal labor com-missions, the matter was closed. Yes, it had been a very regrettabls incident, but ft was an unavoidable ac- cident and the company felt they had done all they could by burying the men and paylt« the widows a few dollars. • a * Four children huddled around a despairing woman in the shack of the late Viktor Zeletnik. "Mama, why do yon eey?" Nine-year old Frank asked the question, his dark brown eyes filled with tears. "Mama, when is papa coming home?" Nesa's heart wae broking. How could she tell them that the fsthqr they adored was no more? How could she explain to them that there was only twenty dollars left In the world for them and then what? There was no work she could do In this town. There wasn't enough money to go anywhere else. Others in the town were too busy seeking out their own existence to think about the Zeletnik family. Nesa thought of the railroad tracks back of the town. Yes, after all there was one way.out. From the shack next door came the sound of a woman's singing. A woman who was happy because her husband was safe. - The wi^rds of "Na planlncah solnčlce sije,* came to,.the ears of Nesa, tantalising her. mad doning her. How she longed for her old home, for thorn fields of Slovenia, The words cut deep Into heir heart. Something Mad te be done Immediately. In the distance a train whistled. Nesa gave a start, she must do it bo fore she lost her nerve. Quickly fathering the four children she tufted for a last look around the shack. As she turned te the door, there wae a knock. Then the door opened and a stranger came ip. "Dober večer." He noted the pus-sled looks on their faces und then oontilnued. "t know you will pardon me for coming i|) like this, but knocked several times and no one Snswered. t am the secretary of the . N. P. J.—the society your husband belonged to when he lived In Morion and in which he continued his mem bership. As we are so far away it was impossible tor us to attend the funeral, however. I hope that you will forgive us for not paying our respects." * tye*a gazed at' him astonished. "But my husband did not belong to any society—that is, I dont know anything about it." , The man smiled understanding^. "Oh yes, he did- He belonged ever since he came to America and alwaye paid his dues promptly. He probably thought you wouldn't quite under stand the god work we are doing so he never mentioned it to you. But" —-the man fumbled ip his pockets and drew out a few sheets of legal looking paper and a check—"here is a check for one thousand dollars, the amount your husband was insured for. We hope that it will help you.H With a cry Nesa kiaaed the man's hand. Soon she told him the entire story, the despair, and her determination to kill herself and her children. When she had fintahed she received his assurance to help her all he possibly could to put the litUe family back on a solid footing. The rain of tragody was over. The rainbow had come out again and Nesa had found it the end, not a pot of gold, but the help and spirit of the S. N. P. J. In the distance could be heard the ahriek of the train as It gam ,a departing whistle. Nesa smiled. And the farm was aot a dream, but a reelity. .....1><,Hc"'<...... 3 SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS St. Louis, Ma.—The Spirit's first meeting of the new year was held on Fri. night, Jan. 10, and about 60 par cent of the members were present, What seema to be the trouble with the attendance at the meetings? C'mon, let's help the officers by showing up at the meetings in full numbers. Buss! Bvast Basat What Is It? Another daaee te he given by the Spirits. Ill say. When? On April «7 at the Slovenian National Home, SMI S. 7th st. Heard the latest aows? Not Well, the SpirKa are making preparations for visiting the Lincoln i tee of Springfield on Feb. I. There will be howling at some Ume of the day aad dancing in the evening, aa the "Links ' nre giving their Fourth Annual Dane« ea that day and they have requested t we help in the activities of the day. Thoee wishing to go mast sign »> with Bra. Bill Straha aa he has of the affair. Me ia te find way of gettia« up there, m when Fen siga up, pay a small deposit for 7** trip, eo he eaa be sure of the her ef thoee who are going. See whore the cooptoe are storting r little league oa Thursday, Jan. HO- This Is going to he good, mek* rooreelf present hi find out what It's about. What ®e my, members. If wo take ad-of the Administrative com-mhtee'e firtojsa oa the rrtsnatia oi Jablloe Campaign to April the Let'e all try for m- HepUgUeoeyoa ng alleys There. Fraternally. PROGRESSIVE NEWS By Haaa aad Frits Bucttd, Ohio.—John Cmtk's wagon to have broken down. We dont see him on It any more. Yea, he still is popular just the same. Good newet Stragglers have Invited Prog receives to share recreation night with them. Every Tuesday night at Five Points recreation parlors is when well be from now on. Well have fun gabre. Sweat shirts with girls' faees painted on them an the weuknese of Progressive girls. The they can fret on them the better they Hkc It. Chicago. St. Louis and are to have Lobar as their Hope he wH! enjoy hie trip and bring us all sou* goad news front those Integrity Newt Chicago,—A New Year with new officers and new goals has enveloped the Integrity Lodge No. «31. Whatever will be the results in the future will not or cannot be foretold, but the present has been a splendid start. We, the entire Integrity Lodge, are grateful to our Supreme President Vincent Cninkar who had drifted his way through the largo snowbanks ,to be present our regular monthly meeting. To us this meeting was more than a regular monthly meeting, be-cause we had the honor of wlnemlng the iaetaliation of officers by our Su preme President of the SNPJ. By his eloquent speech ha swerved the crowd to utter silence. Every jfar was on the alert to catch every word that he had to my. The publicity committee wiahes te return the year's greeting of luck and happlnem to our Predkloni. The Red Poppers of the Integrity lodge were on duty to furnish soothing tunes to the weary meetors. After a long time the athletes of the Iategrity lodge have decided to come forth with their skill. Our bowlers are practicing hard after a bit of set-up toward putting forth a championship tea^. Members of other lodges should take notice lest they should be taken by surprise. What? The Integrity lodge will have a basketball team. True fnoufh they will be ready for .action and competition soon. h m Shamrocks! Shamrocks! Will yoa be there on March;IS to get your Shaaurocks? The Integrity lodge will be the host on St. Patrick's danoo^ The Integrity Bed Peppers will entertain for tho even ing.7 ; " The Gopher Club from Chicago will hold a Mid-Winter Carnival Dance on January IS. J Jerry Sebesta and hie radio kings will pltt their music against that of our well-known Red Peppers. Don't forget to be there to get your souvenirs. Remember, Sa turday, January 18, at the SNPJ Auditorium, at 8 p. m. A Wild West Dance which will be long remembered by thorn who at tended clln\axed a roaring success on Saturday evening, January U. A large crowd tip-toed to the syncopal ing music of the Integrity Red Pep* pers. An affair which had the at mosphere of the real wild weet kept the crowd in a trance of happiness and joy. Mom. dances like thia will brin«; beck us to the old days that uaed to be. Publicity Committee. e * * AN INVITATION AND A CHALLENGE K. J. M. Chicago.—Integrity Lodge No. 881 ia giving a "Whoopee Dance" on March 18 at 8 p. m. at Nonebotter Hall, 1817 N. Clybourn ave., for the benefit of Integrity Sports. Come on, let's all make "Whoopfe" to the melo dim of thoee melody oaStsrs, the bar* monious "Integrity Red Peppers." Many of you have danced to the tantalising music of this rising and popular orchestra. You have danoed to their syncopated melodies, and wished they would play forever. Their harmony was so soothing, so mag* netic, that it just induced you to go gliding over the floor, making you forget all your cares and troubles. You can go through a similar experience at the Integrity's Whoopee Dance for just 60c. How many of the leaders of the various functions, 1. s. dansss, picnics, sports and whatnot, will hs able to withstand the assault of the young and new chsMongers T How many of you older ledges whs have held unlimited aad unchallenged commund ia the nthlctic and social activities, feel wion nvn^ee e^ei iwwssm weet»vv^^i secure In yens pinnacle of "chanv p ions?**—Integrity lodge is casting Its hat into the Har and challenges you fee the leedemhip. Ws am not pro- Every Saturday night is still re-for Progressive basketball practice at Roosevelt School on It. tOOth street. Everybody la invited. Interesting and exciting gamee are played. Cheering is getting better and better. Ws give the girls credit for it. They give us encouragement, ft mahea yon tingle with Hfe whm yoa hear the old:—Team rah t Team rah! Team! Team! Team! Yeht Mirim Kolar te the man Lobar should have with Mm at Chleogo It's Mirke who tahm flying loeeone. Bro. Hants alee Is another fetors aviator. Ho to one elop ahead. He's got hie own piano made already together with Leo Meagat. They export to fly It In tho lulu Mope H miring any revolutionary or chaag*. Ws fully raellm that only ifiSpl persistent effort will we be able to dlslddge you from your thronee. We know snd r *|MH't stiff competition. That's what life to based on—"the survival of the fittest." And Integrity mast eurvlvp. Ws know winners am not made In a year or two, but Integrity is looking ahead— to the day when the oppoeitloa will quiver at the name—Integrity. i You neighboring lodges, who wish to take a ehance of victory or defeat against aa Iategrity BB team, am requeeted to write te: Frank J. Me-jaarh, 1874 N. Fremont st* Chicago, III., and stating the dates and terma for OUR PROGRESS The SNPJ ia conetaatly growing. During the laet *ix months its meashership has splendidly i stressed. Not Ifcaa the a 28 new lodgea were organised within that time of which SIXTEEN were English Specking. In the month of December alone 878 new mem-hem worn admitted In our aub-ordinate lodgea throughout the Jurisdiction in both departments. Oak* youth has manifested Its wllllagneoa for the work, co-operatloa aad mutual help that la embodied la the SNPJ aad lie lees I lodgea. Our veteran members, our fleers aad workers are ef thoee schlevemenU that am credited te our youth. The Jubilee membership campaign ia now extended, and our youthful memltsra everywhere am urged to make this campaign aucceaaful in every way. . If them already la a local En-gliah Specking lodge in your community, try ta larrease its memhersMos; If tfcsre to no SNPJ English Speaking lodge ia your Jugoeiav community, then set out at eacc and organise one before the preabnt Jubilee membership campaign explrm. Act now, act today! Bring a new member to your next meeting. See that them to an SNPJ English Speaking Ledge In your cosimsnity. Strugglers By Uly One of the moat' unuaual upsets In SNPJ sports was the wonderful bowling of the Progressives who took our boys Into camp winning two ganws out of three. Wait tlDltoe, and for heat intellect of our country must again organise as they ham done during tho days of human slavery of mal Shorty and democracy thru the abolition ef economic slavery. Richard J. Zcvertalk Off the President's Bat; Adieu Clcvelsnd.—Well friends. I'm sUll "Comrsdos' President, that is until January 81*-V P* m«, when some on« elm will take over the reins, and youll ham to read this column Just once mom. The year 1888 waa the "(ioldca Year" In the htolory of the "Cent-rede" Lodge aa far aa športa, social aetivitlee and memberehlp gain waa cone a rood. The number of near members compares very favorably with the leaders of this laat campaign. Wo toad all of the todgee, young and old In Cleveland aad have reerhed the 888 mark. Looking hark a few years ago when we had 18 member«, one must admit that a remarkable increase has taken place. In the field of sports under the capable leaderahlp of Heine Martin our boys won the Inter-lodge championship and at the present time are actively engaged inl battling for bowling honora. Our girls am on the verge of atarting their haaket-ball campaign, under the captaincy of Sis. Paula Meslnger ami the fighting spirit that they have displayed In their practice sessions should carry thsm far. Plus membership, plus experience, plus ee-operaiioa the new officiate should make thia year, one that will be ostatandlag and the luembers ham thsmaelvse ts thank wbsn Ihey succeed. Pres. elect, Johnny Allch ths dsy hs Joined, plunged Into herd work ssd eopUnued ss the dsys rolled by. Mis clestiea shewed that the members s parcels te thoee who work, physlsally. Johnny Alieh mrrlcs my beet wishes In his somewhat thank- With such an executive board about him. President J. AUich should make considerable headway. The wheels of his organisation arr elready functioning. hs can be seen by the tickets that ths VIce-Praa. sent to tho mem-l-eis. The ticket* merit comments. A fitting housswsrming celebration to the new officials would be to fill the hall to capacity at our FEBRUARY UANČK. lot us all ssll our quota and ask Johnnv for mom. Co-i operation, harmony and s spirit of good fellowship should be our key •note this year. The writer wishes to extend hla thanks snd appreciation to ths editorial staff of ths Praeveta for the sst-up of this column during the past yearv It Is his belief that columns of this nature am helful even though the dealings concern community doings, and that If each lodge had weekly space alloted, which I know ths Kdltor would be kind enough to allow, It would tond to create good. For one that hss gone thru tho trlsis and tribulations of life It la well to critlciao and coipment on things that go about you, but the majority of us poor beings have not reached that stage, we're young and when wa try to argue with persons lots older than oursslvss, In sxpe-rtonce and othedwlse, we're at a handles p right, from the start, We will all admit that there ia considerable room for Improvement in the Kngliah section of the Praaveta aad no doubt (he Kdltor rmlisee this. By rsprimsndtng "Uly" otbsr writers alsag similar linee should realise that, silly snd egotlattoal writings <* thai nature will not he Adltu. Lodge News Notes BKACONS Cleveland, Ohio.— i'he Beacons have planned the program for thia year. A Sleigh Ride Is scheduled for the latter part of this month. A barn dance will follow tho "rasl" sleigh rids. Anyone wishing a test, may mahe s ressrvstlon by calling Mleh. 48BB, asking for Msry or Budy. 0918 M., asking for John. Anyone holding s rcservstlon will be notified st s short notiee of the date for this rids. Don't forget the Season's next meeting, Feb. 18. A surprise st hsnd. Msith first is ths big dsy for th> Beacons, a wMystery Dance." All the detective msy corns to try to solv« ths mystery. Coofstti, serpentine, bsllons snd mssks will add to the at-mosphere. During the earlier part of June an exeuraion to Nelson Ledges will be made. To satisfy our champ wlsner-eaters we will bang off two wiener roasts booked up for July and August. Thsn comes the second anniversary dance to top tho list, The Beacops invite all the neighbor-ing lodges to participate In their affairs. Attend thf sleigh ride and the meeting In February. LODUK NO. 884 LIEUT VIM' FOR41KT WHAT'S THIS BTRUUULKMST Cleveland. -On reading my copy of Prosvete dated Jan, 8, I noticed that not a' single Straggler artiste sp-pesred therein, I know wa all had s good tints sfter our last meeting Jsn. 4, hut no one deemed It Important enough to report on It In the orgsn. Why not drop s line? DonH let the Programi ves best us,--! would Itks to Join the Old Maids club, but where sre the offlmrs. I think I sm eligible also for thst club. It's not s secret organisation, Is It T All right, than, tot's do something. -Stragglers won In bowling, but the boys hsd s hard luck. Nest Urns youll win,—It looks llks the Progressives made a new year's resolution! not toed many ar-tir las last week.—Now it to up to ths Stragglers Pub. Com. to set their pens a-writing. Preashle. I/)DOR 184 HOLDS DA NCR Detroit, Mlsh.—The entertainment committee held their flrat meeting on Jan. 10 and decided te start the new yeer right. The Young Americana will hold their flrat donee on January M at 118 %. Sis Mile road and Woodward ave. The Three Mseha-leers will be prepared with loads of hot music Hem's a good chance for the Young Americans aad Waiver-is to seats together cad raiee whoopee. Bring your friends and perente end well ham a good old tiaie Plenty of refreshments for all A^W Issliifi 88r PsaMae Tratnik. a Entertainment Committee. Detroit, Mich.—Young Americans! Brothers snd Sisters, l*t's wake up, write articles to these columns, make them lok big for the Young Amor-leans. At the Wolverlnm, Lodge 877, a newly farmed lodge, they're working« they mean business. Whsre are we when the weekly issus eomss srsund? Nowhere. The members glenoe across the paper for an articles from Young A merlcsns. Why? Depend on others, do a few things for yourself, hslp Young Amsricsns. Let's go, It's a now year * 1080, Dot's be bigger and better than ever. The entertainment committee notice! The Chairman Bro. Helasulk cannot carry out his position, be-cauae of his work with Uncle Sam. Them's some one in the lodge who would appreciate this position, Isn't thom? Now dont he backward, step right up, maks IUS0 be a prosperous year. A word to the Wolverine lodge of Detroit. I, the "Bystander," sure did appreciate your wonderful hospitality In tmatlng me, a fellow from different lodge. Br», Straus of the Wolvvrinsa sure Is a grsat sport, also his two brothers. Thanks* Bee. Kd. Straus. Their dsnee, ss I've amn It, turned out s success, Jan. 8, v The play was also a great feature. Bros, and Sis, of ths Wolverines, I'd llks to get srna* 848 Moon Roe. Pe, Tha l^odge Key etcnians am having Inaguml Dance on Janaary IS. Aad how will we make whoopee!—AN the neighboring todgee am cordially invited, and after your get hore, we'll torn m the heat. Mocto will he furnished by Sa'. Novelty Orchestra. How them boys play to nobody's beeteses Don't forget cur laagural Donee Jsouary Ift. Anns But ye, Hoscrdleg See y. hoover. Cot* Ws wleh to thenk sll the committees for the grand time they p reps rod far all members of Columbine f*dge 818 end Colorado fterktoe, l^dge 848. Kepeelalty wish I« thank Sister Cecelia Knafcto for giving as a good program Another big Mawiuorade Daaee bv "Roehtos" oa February 18 at the SU-veetoa Mali. 4444 Washington street. Swell amsto aad priam will hs given to the heal aad funntoct mameo Jsha Keefeto, Fiaaactol Sm'y. "COLORADO BOCK IKS" Denver, Colo. -Iters It ts st last -our Annual Maaquerade dance, (let your costumes out and have a good time, Whet -A Masquerade dance. Where- Ths Slovene llSli, 4484 8« Wsshlngton St. When February 18, I WW, Time 8 p. m, flood music and two cash prtoes will Imp given, mikI the admisalon only Ms, Now, Colorado Rockies, lot's all snap Into snd mil the tickets and ad-vcrttoe ths dance and make this the Mggest dance we ever had. We eertelnly started the year out right by attending the meeting In full number. Sm if ws can't keep It up. The nest meeting Is held February 8. Prater nally, Cera He Mariaeefc- CARDINALS MASQDKRADK Bridgeport. 0.~ »980 finds the Cardinals of Bridgeport rt^it oa their torn A mesquorade dance will be held Saturday. Janaary 88, at 8 at the Reydevilto Hell Them am go-ing to he two priam and also a surprise Ixs. Come and find eot what the mrprtoe bos will be. We are going to have gel music which will beep you atepping high wide and haadeeam. Don't foryst e*»ryone «ome. Biff etc BIN. STRI MJIJCRS ON WJAY t tovetoad.-Ae eseritout opport-eatty to effaced te eN redto fens to lane la elettea WJAY, Ciecetoad, Jan. 18, derate ad Hlotooc dey. Tho threctUr* Hi wlH fmlurc program. II flrat lime thai aa SNFJ Ira wBt broadraot Ita country mer, * JOHN NIK LOKAM. between t aad 8 p. •IN he the i WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15 PBOBVBTA FOODS 5. N. P. J. SPORTS iMMki. Wk.—With a rtguUr rat-a-tat-tat at the basket, the Stal-wsrU completely routed the Jolly Alti« quintet from Wwt A Ills, Saturday, Jan. 4, by a score of to t. Tho short and faat psuing offense, coupled with torn* at I light defense comply bafflad the Allia hoy«. Although Um Jollies displayed some nice floor work, t hay seemed to ha v« oiM of their off nights in caging »hot« a« only 2 field goals wara registered try the boys. Oasis Odar was the "big shot" for Keno with 11 points, while E. (irovoff with 4 point« featured for the AWs Star*. The Lineup Wsat Allia P.O..P.T. P. J. Pod logs r ------------- 0 S 0 E. Orovoff ................ tOO E. Paulin 0 t 1 O. Morale ...........I.......«. 0 0 1 Zaprtnica in neprabavnost, te dvs "ameriike nesreče," sa ne dajo vraditi s krogljieani ali tabletami, ki navadno raz vnamejo črevesje in gs puste v nemočnem stanju. Zsprtnica in ne-preba^noat bi ae morala vrediti s di-jato sveže zelenjave. TRINERJEVO GRENKO VINO in snovi, ki so spojen« s kraljem zeljen jav. Trinerjevo grenko vino narejeno ic cascara in drugih zdravilnih zeli** pravilno meiane in rudoče kalifornijsko vino vam lepo očisti čreva, povrne zdrav apetit in ojača ves vaš sistem. V vseh lekarnah. Vzoree dobite od J os. Triner Co., 1883 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. KUPON ZA BREZPLAČNI VZOREC Dept....... Ime .............................. Ulica ............................. Mesto, driava ..................... Zopet bo tu prave domače klo base, ravnotako kakor sta jil oče in mati doma delala. Cena 38c funt. Denar ae naj pošlje i naročnino. Poštnina plačana. Pj. iite na: JOSEPH LESKOVAH 632 Hiffh Street, Racine, Win RUDOLF J. JINDRA PLUMBAR U postavlja parna in drug« uaprave sa gretja in vsa drags plumbarska dala. Prsvzame de-lo tudi na mesečno izplačilo od enega do dveh lat. Vsa dalo jamčeno. Izvršuje plumbarska delo ▼ poslopju 3. N. P. J, 2681 South Clifton Park Ave 2028 8. Hamlin Avtu, CUea* Telefon:, Lawndalo 9488 P. Paulin .. Radlar K. Pod logar Totals .......... Stalwart* J. Pavlic, g. ... S. Erdman, g. A. Penza, c. ... P. Odar, c..... A. Pohlmk, f, 8. Cbpdada, f. E. Chubrilo, f. kater« pt Ikmo TMluei IlKKZPLAČNO. ZA IZNAJDBE. PATENTE IN STROJE! JU8T ANOTHER Calttawod. O. -The Htruggler« ara atiU undcfeatei in basketball. Playing independent ball under John Lo-liar's ears the boys are making g"»t hHs in the »uburba. Wednesday, Jan. 8, the boya journeyed U Nobila, 0.. to »lay N.A.C.'a* whkh gams proved to ba s thriller, one of the most escltlng games aver played. An enthusiastic crowd was on hand and a Isrgs group of Straggler supporter« gave the baya courage. Whan the whiatla blew tha Straggler« wars victor« again, the score being 17 to 18. The clever »hooting of Marolt, Perusek and Lokar held away throughout, while star gusrding of our newcomer. Chuck Starman, kept the audience an their Straggler« record to date in basket-bad total games played so far: M games} won Mi lost 4. Winner« of various rhamplonahlps and several models. Rooet most honorable plsyer« in the cltr. (Thsy ara not 8NPJ League entrants this season). A Pan. 1S4 So. Citata Street, Chleaco, Ifl. H. 0. TOMICH in ANTON W. KONCHAN, laatnlka. Tel. Crawford 4484 / lAVjft NOTAR 2651 S. Lawndale Are., Chicago, III Prodaja posestev, zsmljii* in sploh vssgs. Izdelujem notarska del* ^^o profaja ta dobave svojcev is Starags kraja, kupno pogodba la isvriujemo vsa taks dala. Cens smerne, delo točno in pravilno. Zsdovolimo po motnosti vsakogar. ZASTAVE, REGALIJE (AGENCY VOS STARTOM SADIO) ftHlwsuhea. Wis. —The Badger« basket ball team eUrtod the eeaoon with a bang by defeating the neighboring Jolly AIII« team of West Allls. 40 to 8. The boys sll played s good game. Albin Smolich particularly shone on the offense with 8 baskets to Ms credit. Albin, by the way. (« a newcomer with u«. Attn bay "Star." Ws arv all with you. Louis "Brownie" Glavan played his ususl hang up game at guard. Por the Jolly All!« gang K rank Podlogar was the Individual star. A game will be ar ranged with the Eenoeha Btalwaits In the near future. Watch for the ban trpeti Order V pismu In ri naročile Prasveta. Bst, kl Je va Pojaenile >—Vselej kakor hitro kateri tak Banov ali če ee preseli prol od druilne in bo sahtaval sai »•ral tisti flan is datifne dmftlne, ki je tako skup Prasvsja, U takoj naananiti spravniltvu Usta, In a ▼Mta listo Proavsta. Ako tega na stara, tedaj ■ datum sa ta vsoto naročnika. reNk ssva| dorel) t savaja aa Isat DA 8KUHAS DOBRO PI VO, PlSl PO NASE PRODUKTE »n sa nreprifejte. da je doma | kuhani vadne ta najbolj« hi *eiH CraesHJam. «lad«Ačarjaai la "••t pri večjih naročilih. P« nformaclje na: HUNK OGLAR M«1 tMlH.I Ommt.