a Assoc. Prof., Ph. D., M. Sc.., B. Sc., Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, P. O. Box 95 b B.Sc., M.Sc., ibid Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 99 - 1 , marec 2012 str. 107 - 109 CONTENT ANALYSIS OF THE PAPERS IN THE ACTA AGRICULTURAE SLOVENICA VSEBINSKA OBDELAVA PRISPEVKOV V ACTA AGRICULTURAE SLOVENICA let. 99 št. 1 Tomaţ BARTOL a , Karmen STOPAR b , SUBJECT INDEX BY AGROVOC DESCRIPTORS PREDMETNO KAZALO PO DESKRIPTORJIH AGROVOC acquired characters 21-29, 69-75 adaptation 69-75 adsorbents 99-105 adventitious roots 65-67 ambrosia 41-47 anthracnosis 77-83 antibiotic properties 99-105 aphalaridae 93-98 apples 49-56 arabica coffee 85-92 artificial pollination 5-11 beauveria bassiana 57-63 beneficial organisms 93-98 biological control 93-98, 99-105 biological control organisms 93-98 biological development 69-75 biopesticides 99-105 blueberries 77-83 brassica napus 13-19 breeding methods 5-11 callogenesis 65-67 callus 65-67 castor beans 31-40 catalase 31-40 chemical composition 31-40 chemical reactions 31-40 coffea arabica 85-92 coffea canephora 85-92 coffea congensis 85-92 colletotrichum 77-83 congusta coffee 85-92 control methods 93-98 crop yield 13-19 crossbreeding 5-11 damage 93-98 developmental stages 69-75 diagnosis 77-83 diatomite 99-105 drought resistance 21-29 drought stress 21-29 ecosystems 93-98 Tomaţ BARTOL, Karmen STOPAR Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 99 - 1, marec 2012 108 efficiency 41-47 entomogenous fungi 57-63 enzymes 31-40 explants 65-67 flowering 13-19 food safety 49-56 fungal diseases 77-83 fungal morphology 57-63 gene expression 85-92 genetic code 85-92 germination 5-11 growing media 69-75 growth 13-19, 99-105, 69-75, 57-63 growth control 21-29 herbicides 57-63 hybridization 85-92 hybrids 85-92 identification 77-83 in vitro regeneration 57-59 inhibition 65-67 integrated control 57-63 integrated pest management 49-56 lactuca sativa 49-56 lettuces 49-56 lipid peroxidation 31-40 malus pumila 49-56 maximum residue limits 49-56 meristem culture 65-67 mycelium 57-63 natural enemies 93-98 nature conservation 93-98 nitrogen 41-47 noxious plants 41-47, 93-98 nucleotide sequence 85-92 nucleotides 85-92 orchidaceae 5-11, 69-75 osmotic stress 31-40 peroxidases 31-40 pest control 99-105 pesticides 49-56, 57-63 phalaenopsis 5-11 physiological functions 13-19 plant anatomy 5-11 plant developmental stages 5-11, 13-19 plant physiology 31-40, 41-47 plant propagation 69-75 plant protection 49-56 plant vegetative organs 31-40 plant water relations 41-47 potatoes 49-56 pregermination 21-29 proximate composition 31-40, 41-47 rapeseed 13-19 reciprocal crossing 5-11 regulations 49-56 Content analysis of the papers in the Acta agriculturae slovenica Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 99 - 1, marec 2012 109 reproduction 13-19 residues 49-56 ricinus communis 31-40 robusta coffee 85-92 salt tolerance 31-40 seed treatment 21-29 seeds 5-11, 13-19 selenium 13-19 soft wheat 21-29 solanum tuberosum 49-56 stems 65-67 storage losses 99-105 stored products pests 99-105 stress 31-40 symptoms 77-83 tissue culture 69-75 toxicity 99-105 triticum aestivum 21-29 vaccinium corymbosum 77-83 varieties 5-11 water 31-40, 41-47 water metabolism 41-47 water uptake 41-47 water use 41-47 weeds 41-47 ziziphus 65-67 SUBJECT INDEX BY AGRIS CATEGORY CODES VSEBINSKO KAZALO PO SKUPINAH ZNANJA (PREDMETNIH KATEGORIJAH) F02 Razmnoţevanje rastlin 69-75 F03 Semenarstvo 21-29 F30 Rastlinska genetika in ţlahtnjenje rastlin 5-11, 85-92 f50 Zgradba rastlin 5-11 f60 Fiziologija rastlin in biokemija 21-29, 31-40, 41-47 F62 Fiziologija rasti in razvoja 5-11, 13-19, 31-40, 41-47, 65-67, 69-75 F63 Fiziologija reprodukcije 13-19 H10 Škodljivci rastlin 49-56, 99-105 H20 Bolezni rastlin 77-83, 57-63 H60 Plevel 41-47, 93-98 P01 Varstvo narave in varstvo zemljišče 93-98 P33 Kemija tal in fizika tal 99-105 Q01 Ţivilska tehnologija 99-105