Advances in Production Engineering & Management Volume 9 | Number 2 | June 2014 | pp 71-82 http://dx.doi.Org/10.14743/apem2014.2.177 ISSN 1854-6250 Journal home: Original scientific paper Determining the optimal area-dependent blank holder forces in deep drawing using the response surface method Volk, M.a*, Nardin, B.a, Dolsak, B.b aGorenje Orodjarna, d.o.o., Velenje, Slovenia bUniversity of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia A B S T R A C T A R T I C L E I N F O Metal forming processes are often currently highly automated mass production processes for manufacturing a wide variety of metal parts from various industries. Maximizing product quality and consequently minimizing waste and production costs are major goals for those companies exploiting metal forming processes. On the other hand, sheet metal parts become more complex especially because of complex product designs and the usages of higher strength steels that have less formability. Therefore, metal forming processes need to be optimized. This research study demonstrates an optimization system for optimizing the sheet metal forming process using the Finite Element Method (FEM) combined with the Response Surface Method (RSM). The proposed optimization system was tested on an industrial example from the household appliances industry. In this study, it is described as to how to determine optimal area-dependent blank-holder forces in deep drawing process in order to obtain the best possible quality of the drawing part. The optimization system consists of three main steps: modeling, screening, and optimization. The results showed that with better preferences regarding the blankholder forces, better results can be achieved. Forming and spring-back criteria were taken into account. The number of required numerical simulations using the RSM combined with the Design of Experiment was not critical and was much smaller than using other conventional optimization methods. Therefore, reasonably accurate results can be achieved in a relativity short time, which is one of the main advantages of this method. © 2014 PEI, University of Maribor. All rights reserved. Keywords: Sheet metal forming Optimization Finite element method Response surface method *Corresponding author: (Volk, M.) Article history: Received 6 December 2013 Revised 30 May 2014 Accepted 3 June 2014 1. Introduction Despite all of the new technologies and improvements in sheet metal forming processes, the forming tools for deep drawing have not significantly changed. The production tools and deep drawing processes are very rigid, therefore it is very hard to improve the quality of the products without extra expenses. On the other hand, deep drawn products become more complex, thus creating additional problems for the toolmakers. Basically, the only (and the most influenced) parameter which can be optimized without encroaching into the tool, and which can be controlled, is a blank holder force (BHF) [1]. Many researchers used BHF for improving the quality of the drawing parts [1-16] and most of them described BHF with the technological window (Fig. 1). An excessive value of BHF causes fracture, whilst an insufficient value of BHF will result in wrinkles [4, 5]. 71 Volk, Nardin, Dolsak 2 FRACTURE LOCALIZATION LU £ OPTIMAL S SETTING 2 ACCEPTABLE >Tl¡¡¡ g PRODUCTS^-*"'' O t * WRINKLING SELECTED h DRAWING HEIGHT h (mm) OR DRAWING RATIO p {1)( Fig. 1 Technological window [4] Beside wrinkles and fractures, one of the most important problems is spring-back [10, 12] and the BHF has a large influence on it [9, 13]. Spring-back in sheet-metal forming can be described as the change in the sheet-metal's shape compared with the shapes of the tools after the forming process [8]. We differentiate the following types of spring-back when considering the geometry of a product: angular change, sidewall curl, and twist (Fig. 2). Because BHF seems to be one of the most important parameters in sheet metal forming, a new holding system with segment inserts was developed. This holding system is described in [9, 13] and belongs to holding systems which can provide variable BHFs to the sheet metal [5-8]. While using this holding system, the stamping process is more controlled, the processing window is wider, and the process is more stable [9]. However, finding the optimal configuration of blank holder forces is critical and requires several experimental tests when using conventional optimization methods [5, 9, 15, 16]. This research study presents a method for finding the optimal configuration of blank holder forces. The mathematical approximation algorithm called the response surface method (RSM) and results of finite element numerical simulations were used. Design Expert 8.0 and Pam-stamp 2011 software packages were also used in this research study. The presented method was tested on the deep drawing process but could be used for other applications as well. 2. Used methods In this research study, the response surface method (RSM) with the combination of finite element method results was used. The response surface methodology is a collection of mathematical and statistical techniques useful for the modeling and analysis of problems in which a response of interest is influenced by several variables, and the objective is to optimize this response [17]. SIDE CUF Fig. 2 Types of spring-back [10] 72 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 9(2) 2014 Determining the optimal area-dependent blank holder forces in deep drawing using the response surface method \ # H Fig. 3 Mathematical optimization [17] In general, the optimization method could be described as a mathematical problem in which we are seeking to minimize or to maximize a certain function by systematically choosing the values of certain variables which are allowed to be adopted [18]. Figure 3 presents a function f that needs to be minimized by adopting the variable x. The results of mathematical optimization is the optimum Xu* where function f reaches minimum value. However, in many practical problems, certain restrictions g or unwanted areas (the shaded area in the Fig. 3) are present. If we also take into consideration those restrictions, then the optimum of the mathematical optimization is not at Xu* anymore, but at Xc*. The success of the prediction and optimization critically depends on the ability to develop a suitable approximation for the actual response f of the system. With the RSM the response f is predicted by polynomial models. A first order polynomial model is given by Eq. 1 [16] y = ßo+YJßixi + ' Í=1 (1) A second order polynomial model also called as quadratic model is given by Eq. 2 [17] k k y A, A, Í = 1 Í = 1 í 300 QJ I 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0,6 0.7 0.3 Strain e[1] Fig. 10 Strain-stress curve The forming limit curve (FLC) in Fig. 11 was calculated by the predictive method [24]. The main advantage of this method is that it accurately predicts FLC with the help of mechanical properties A80 which are obtained with the uniaxial tensile test, the r-values and the sheet thickness. No other data is needed. TE ,*1 \ M m H -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4- 0.6 £2 Fig. 11 Forming limit diagram 5. Results and discussion The results were evaluated to suit the requirements of the selected design of experiments. All the numerical results were analysed through RSM. For this purpose, the quadratic models were mainly used to explain the mathematical relationship between input variables and objective functions. Quadratic polynomial equation for one objective function "thinning" was: 78 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 9(2) 2014 Determining the optimal area-dependent blank holder forces in deep drawing using the response surface method Thinning = E~s x (18459 + 16.84 - 68.5B - 450C - 27.9D + 135.5E + 316.8F - 2.48AD + 2.48AF - f5) 2.96BC + 1.94CD + 2.99CE - 2.9CF + 1.5DE - 3.92DF + 1.9B2 + 6.26C2 + 4.04D2 - 1.89F2) f5) 5.1 ANOVA The results of ANOVA presented in this section are presented for only one objective function "thinning". The results for this objective function are shown in Table 4 and indicate that the predictability of the model for thinning is in 99% confidential interval. The predicted responses fit well with those of the numerically obtained results. The coefficients of determination (R2) values close to 1 indicate that polynomial approximation (Eq. 5) is highly reliable. F-value is greater than that of the tabular F0.01 [15] and p-value is low which suggest that the model influence on the objective function is statistically significant. Table 4 ANOVA result for the "thinning" objective function in reduced quadratic model Sum of squares Number of factors Standard deviation F-value p-value Model 0.032921 18 0.001829 21.6705 < 0.0001 A-BHF1 8.37E-06 1 8.37E-06 0.099115 0.7540 B-BHF2 0.000754 1 0.000754 8.939431 0.0041 C-BHF3 0.006624 1 0.006624 78.48896 < 0.0001 D-BHF8 0.008627 1 0.008627 102.221 < 0.0001 E-BHF9 0.000914 1 0.000914 10.83443 0.0017 F-BHF10 0.005354 1 0.005354 63.44184 < 0.0001 AD 0.000327 1 0.000327 3.875955 0.0538 AF 0.000159 1 0.000159 1.879241 0.1757 BC 0.000964 1 0.000964 11.4271 0.0013 CD 0.00034 1 0.00034 4.029295 0.0494 CE 0.000917 1 0.000917 10.86932 0.0017 CF 0.000436 1 0.000436 5.171731 0.0267 DE 0.000229 1 0.000229 2.709674 0.1052 DF 0.000785 1 0.000785 9.305206 0.0034 BA2 0.000254 1 0.000254 3.004378 0.0884 CA2 0.002791 1 0.002791 33.07372 < 0.0001 DA2 0.001108 1 0.001108 13.12282 0.0006 EA2 0.000225 1 0.000225 2.66841 0.1078 R2=0.870555665; Adj. R2=0.830383285; pred. R2=0.776865668_ 5.2 Optimization Optimization is made based on the results which are predicted by the polynomial. The optimization system predicts a set of solutions with different BHFs and belonging values of objective functions. All results can be presented graphically with the response surface (Fig. 12). This Figure presents results based on BHF4, BH6 and desirability which is a parameter describing the achievement of our goals. It is calculated by Eq. 2. The solution on the top of the surface presents the best solution with a highest value of D. All input parameters for these solutions are shown in Table 5. Table 5 Best solution chosen based on desirability Variable BHF1 BHF2 BHF3 BHF8 BHF9 BHF10 Value (kN) 43 54 35 48 60 30 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 9(2) 2014 79 Volk, Nardin, Dolsak D 1.000 j= 0.920 1.000 .Q CO 0 000 ■- 0.840 CO CD O » = f4 x2 - fb f1 = 43.32 f2 = &4-.3b f3 = 35.43 f5 - 60.00 0.760 Best solution D=0.913 10.313 Fig. 12 Response surface of all solutions 5.3 Comparing with FEM results At the end of this research study, we checked if the optimal solution is really better than the previous one. We checked this by comparing numerical results made with BHFs before and after this optimization. This comparison is described in Fig. 13 and in Table 6. The results showed a significant improvement of all quality parameters. This has proven the usefulness of the presented method, and its great potential for the optimization of sheet metal forming processes. Deviation (a) (b) Fig. 13 Comparison of the results before and after optimisation 80 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 9(2) 2014 Determining the optimal area-dependent blank holder forces in deep drawing using the response surface method Table 6 Comparing numerical results before and after optimisation Objective function Wrinkling trend Crack Insufficient stretching Thinning Maximum deviation Before optimization 2.27 % 0.02 % 24.08 % 21.5 % 2.94 After optimization 0.42 % 0 % 0 % 20.9 % 1.33 Improvements +82 % - +100 % +3 % +55 % Fig 13. graphically shows improvement in the part quality. The upper two figures show that more area which represents safe area (FE nodes which lay in area IV on Fig 5.) is present on the right part. The lower two figures show deviations between FE nodes before and after springback. The right optimized part has fewer deviations. Even better improvements can be seen in Table 6. The improvements shown are significant. For the quality parameter "crack" the improvements in % is not calculated because the defect after optimization is 0 % and even before optimization the % was very low. Reported results show that by using this optimization system, reasonably good results and improvements can be achieved in a relatively short time. This optimization can be done during the development of the manufacturing method for the part, which could be a substantial benefit later in the production. The accuracy of the results strongly depends on the accuracy of the numerical models. However, numerical simulations are becoming increasingly reliable; therefore, this optimization system will become even more valuable. 6. Conclusion This research study presents the newly developed optimization system for optimising deep drawing parameters in order to get better part quality. The optimization system consists of three steps: modeling, screening and optimization. The methodology incorporates RSM and the results of FEM; the optimum area-dependent BHFs are determined with FEM and RSM by optimizing the objective function related with variables that are very difficult to determine during try-outs, as well as very time consuming. At the end of this research study, the optimization system was tested on the industrial example from the household appliances industry. It took into account the most important input variables and unwanted output properties (as objective functions) of the part. Results showed that with optimization of the process and area-dependent BHF, that it is possible to achieve the better part quality. The optimization system was developed for deep drawing optimization problems, but could also be used for other problems in various fields. Acknowledgement Operation part financed by the European Union, European Social Fund. References [1] Tisza, M. (2013). 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