I he Institute for Ethnic Studies (IES) is the successor of the Minority Institute, which was founded in 1925 as one of the first such research institutions in the world. In 1944 it was the only such institution operating in occupied Europe. Today, IES is the leading institution on ethnic and minority studies in Slovenia and employs about 30 researchers in various fields of research. Institut zu narodnostna vprašanja (INV) je iiaslednik Manjšinskega inštituta, kije leta 1925 nastal kot ena prvih tovrstnih raziskovalnih institucij v svetu. Leta 1944je bila to edina delujoča tovrstna ustanova v okupirani Evropi. Dams je INV v Sloveniji vodilna institucija rta področju preučevanja manjšinskih in etničnih študij iti zaposluje okoli 30 raziskovalcev na različni11področji11. treatises and documents Journal of Ethnic Studies razprave in gradivo Revija za narodnostna vprašanja From the content / Iz vsebine Language, Ethnic Conflicts and International Law Fernand de Varennes The Socio-Political and Ideological-Cultural Elements of the Italian Nation and the National Minority Question in Italy Zaira Vidali Mobilita residenziale transfrontaliera nel contesto dell'Unione europea: il caso del confine italo-sloveno Devan Jagodic The Austrian Policy towards Elementary Bilingual Education in Southern Carinthia and its Changes between 1958 and 1988 Matjaž Klemenčič Managing Religion in Contemporary China: the Case of Islam Maja Veselic INŠTITUT ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA INSTITUTE FOR ETHNIC STUDIES 65 SEPTEMBER 2011 LO VO a; -G 0 - a; -G 1 Oh c/3 Since 1960 TS s ¡55 s m £