If Naslov—Addresa nova doba 6233 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio (Tel. HEnderson 3889) [>OBA Letos obhajamo J. S. K. Jednote. Poskrbimo, da bo ta mejnik bratstva tako proslavljen kot ie ni bil noben dosedanjih jubilejev. (NEW ERA) URADNO GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE — OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION Entered as Second ' •vjs Matter April 15th, 1926, at The Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio Under the Act of March 3rd, 1870. — Accepted for Mailing at Special Rate of Postage, Provided lor In Section 1103, Act of October 3rd, 1917, Authorised March 15th, 1925 NO. 6. — §T. 6. 4\ CLEVELAND, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8th — SREDA, 8. FEBRUARJA, 1939 VOL. XV. — LETNIK XV. * 0 m k LETNEGA ZBOROV AN.« ^ J^A ODBORA JSKJ, KI SE JE VRŠILO 01) 30. J A is, J. FEBRUARJA WS9 PRVA . A3 A Glavni predsednik Paul Barlel je otvoril prvo sejo let-neSa zborovanja v ponedeljek 30. januarja ob 9. uri dopoldne Pnmernirn pozdravom in s pozivom za premišljeno razmotri-Vanje in sklepanje o vseh zadevah, ki pridejo na program tega 2borovanja. Nato se konštatira, da so navzoči vsi glavni odborniki, ki ’ v smislu pravil dolžni udeleževati se letnih in polletnih sej. so sledeči: Paul Bartel, glavni predsednik; Paul J. 0c^> drugi glavni podpredsednik; Anton Zbašnik, glavni taj-1 • Frank Tomsich, Jr., pomožni glavni tajnik; Louis Champa, avni blagajnik; dr. F. J. Arch, vrhovni zdravnik; Anton J. . °vec, urednik-upravnik Nove Dobe; John Kumše, predseduj nadzornega odbora; Janko' N. Rogelj, prvi nadzornik; (ji ?rank Vranichar, drugi nadzornik; Matt Anzelc, tretji nad-,(i rmk; Andrew Milavec, Jr., četrti nadzornik, ji čas zborovanja se določi od 9. ure dopoldne do 12. ure j Sg ^ne in od pol dveh do pol šestih popoldne. Zapisnikarju i določi plača v višini, kot jo je bil deležen posamezni kon- Jjj j CRi zapisnikar. Za zapisnikarja tega zborovanja je bil pred- f®1 v, .n ln soglasno izvoljen urednik Anton J. Terbovec. Nato se | bo • zap'sn*k zadnjega polletnega zborovanja glavnega od- f a m se sprejme kot- čitan. i^a vrs^° Pridejo poročila glavnih odbornikov, urednika bleske sekcije Nove Dobe, ki je obenem športni komisar, in Qsednika publlcijskega odbora mladinskih aktivnosti, katera e citaj0 po sledečem vrstnem redu: POROČILO GLAVNEGA PREDSEDNIKA ^oštovani mi glavni odborniki:— ^ejem si v čast, da imam vas zopet priliko pozdraviti na 2(lr ^lavni sej‘- Veseli me, ko vas vidim tukaj zbrane, polne jo ^er vas energične in pripravljene za to našo se- • ^eto 1938 je bilo za našo organizacijo zgodovinskega po-n na> Obhajali smo namreč 401etnico ustanovitve naše Jedla t vse^ kraJih na^e Unije, kjer se nahajajo naše posto-> . e' Smelo trdim, da se nisem nadejal tako odkritosrčne lo-fiosti ter kooperacije od strani naših društev, kot so nam baš Pokazala v našem jubilejnem letu. sleherno društvo je na en ali drugi način proslave)! na^ jubilej. Prilika mi je bila dana, da sem se udeležil i naših proslav ter se tako pobližno seznanil z mojimi so-j 1 in sosestrami po različnih naselbinah. Vsako važno pot .,^°kisk v različnih naselbinah sem popisal v našem glasilu Pori'* radi tega se ne bom tukaj spuščal še enkrat v pa r°^nost» vendar pa trdim, da je glavni odbor ukrenil jako jjv. ej-en korak, ko je določil, da se sme v jubilejnem letu poji?.1 glavne odbornike po naselbinah kot slavnostne govornike. 1 'laz se Pridružujem mnenju glavnega tajnika, kateri trdi, fto/6 Prosiav udeležilo od 75 tisoč do 100 tisoč čla- Hv i- drugega občinstva. To pomeni, da se je naša Jednota Jtv ,lavila ter dvignila do višje stopnje, ne samo med član-0,n, marveč tudi med nečlani. ?ot ^ezuitat našega dela in agilnosti lansko leto se bo prav ovo pokazal v letošnji kampanji, katera je že v polnem raz-Ui Ne morem si kaj, da vam ne bi še enkrat omenil velikih slav v Strabane in v Presto, Pa., katerih sem se udeležil me-^.a. avgusta lanskega leta, ter ravno tako proslave v Detroitu, ,1 . •San, kjer smo zaeno s proslavo organizirali angleško po-lar°^e društvo. Povsod sem vzpodbujal naše članstvo k soli-n°sti ter večji aktivnosti, marsikje sem poravnal kak mali ^ P°razum, raztolmačil sem članstvu razne kočljive zadeve v :a Zadovoljnost in pridobil marsikoga k večjem zanimanju naš0 organizacijo. Omenim naj samo našega vrlega dopisni-( ,Za angleško stran Nove Dobe, .našega Stanleya Progarja, s I Grim sva se v Strabane, Pa., domenila k večji aktivnosti, kar ^ rat Progar tudi dokazal po njegovih interesantnih član-v Novi Dobi, za kar ga glavnemu odboru priporočam za honorar. j Zelo sem tudi ponosen na našo novo organizirano Federaci-Za državi Illinois ter Wisconsin. Druga seja te Federacije, ki vršila v Chicagu meseca oktobra lanskega leta, je bila nad j. Pričakovan uspeh. Ako vam pojasnim, da je vsa federacij-Ioh Pr*reditev na ta dan prinesla črez osemsto dolar jav do-kov in da je bila obširna dvorana natrpano polna, je dovolj . ^°kaz, da je zanimanje za Federacijo naprekosljivo. Ravno j ° je bila tretja seja te naše nove Federacije v Jolietu, osme-^ Januarja tega leta, velik uspeh, ker dokaz za vidno zanimale to, da smo imeli črez dvesto gostov iz raznih naselbin. ^udi druge federacije po različnih državah jako povoljno s Se svojo delo v korist celokupne organizacije, za kar jim vsa fe, • Ce kdaj preje, bodo ravno sedaj v naši kampanji imele te eracije priliko pokazati svojo aktivnost. ^ Za to sejo imam nekaj priporočil glede naše kampanje ter adinskega oddelka, katera pa pridejo pozneje na vrsto. Bil k ; v odboru za nabavo koledarjev ter sem se v vseh ozirih pobril večini, to je ostalima dvema odbornikoma. Sicer sem v oziru imel svoje mnenje, ker sta pa ostala odbornika imela lqIGm tudi svoje mnenje, smo torej izbrali koledar za lete , "> kateri zelo ugaja v splošnem našemu članstvu, in to j« S1avn0. v Poslovanje med menoj ter med glavnim uradom je bilo po-^ Jno. Poskušal sem zadostiti mojim dolžnostim kot glavni ^ edsednik ter poskušal bom nadalje, da se morebitni nedostat-j Popravijo. Glavno pri meni je v prvi vrsti naša organizaci-’ njeno članstvo in napredek, nikdar pa osebne ambicije, j želeč vsem zdravja ter potrebne samozavesti, da na tej sej: ršimo naše delo nesebično ter v korist celokupne organizaci je, da bo uživala še lepši ugled ter prestiž med našim članstvom tor med ostalimi narodi po širnem svetu. Paul Bai’tel, glavni predsednik. Poročilo glavnega predsednika se vzame na znanje. REPORT OF THE SECOND SUPREME VICE-PRESIDENT To the Honorable Supreme Board of the SSCU: As a member of the supreme board I am submitting my annual report for the SSCU. Another very successful year goes down in history. The fortieth anniversary of our Union was celebrated throughout the different states of U. S. by many lodges during the past year. Our Union has been benefitted by these various celebrations. As the new year marches on we have ahead of us another year which will bring to our SSCU success. To the coming of • the third biennial juvenile convention to take plače in August, ! many of the delegates which attended' the previous conventions are looking forward to be a delegate again. I must state I that every one must get put and do their share to help put this ! campaign over which will bring good results for o-ur Union. The annual SSCU duckpin tournament and ten-pin tournament for 1939 is looked upon with great enthusiasm. During the past years, when these tournaments were held, the response greatly exceeded all expectations. I hope that the supreme board present will see its way clear to again appropriate sufficient funds for prizes for both the ten-pin and ...the duckpin tournaments. I believe that it is hardly necessary to point out the benefits gained by our organization in sponsoring such tournaments. One must not forget that our Union is also sponsoring the second athletic conference. Delegates have full six months in which to secure new members to this conference which is to be held in Ely. I will use all my ability to make this athletic conference one of the greatest events that will be sponsored by our SSCU, and I am sure all the supreme officers will cooperate. The various letters of referendum from the supreme secretary received by me as a member of the supreme board were decided in the manner I thought best for the Union and replies promptly dispatched. Paul J. Oblock, Second Supreme Vice-President Report of second supreme vice-president accepted. * * * POROČILO GLAVNEGA TAJNIKA JSKJ Glavnemu odboru JSKJ: V prilogi je moje poročilo o dohodkih in izdatkih obeh oddelkov JSKJ od 1. junija 1938 do 31. decembra 1938 in o stanju Jednote z dnem 31. decembra 1938. Poročilo je‘bilo predloženo v pregled glavnemu nadzornemu odboru in upam, da je v redu. Čisto premoženje odraslega oddelka je z dnem 31. decembra 1938 znašalo $2,261,108.48, dočim je 31. decembra 1937 znašalo $2,109,749.58. čisto premoženje mladinskega oddelka je z dnem 31. decembra 1938 znašalo $155,799.90, dočim je 31. decembra 1937 znašalo $144,636.35. Čisto premoženje obeh oddelkov je 31. decembra 1938 znašalo $2,416,908.38, dočim je 31. decembra 1937 znašalo $2,254,385.93. V bolniškem in odškodninskem skladu smo dne 31. decembra 1938 imeli $29,640.01, 31. decembra 1937 pa $25,253.64. V onemoglostnem skladu smo 31. decembra 1938 imeli $21,137.69, dočim se je 31. decembra 1937 nahajalo tam $14,662.07. Preostanek v stroškovnem skladu je dne 31. decembra 1938 znašal $19,902.49, dne 31. decembra 1937 pa $12,894.64. V športnem skladu smo 31. decembra 1938 imeli $5,367.96, dočim se je 31. decembra 1937 nahajalo v njem $4,307.27. Tekom leta 1938 so bila ustanovljena in sprejeta v Jed-noto sledeča nova društva: “Sloga” (Unity) št. 233, Ludlow, Colorado; “Brigadiers” št. 234, Detroit, Michigan; “Evergreen” št. 235, Roslyn, Washington. Jednota je koncem leta 1938 štela 189 društev. V odrasli oddelek Jednote je tekom leta 1938 pristopilo 710 članov in članic, v mladinskega pa 539. Dne 31. decembra 1938 je Jednota štela 14,312 članov v odraslem oddelku, v mladinskem, pa 8,141, skupaj 22,453 članov in članic. Na podaljšani zavarovalnini se je dne 31. decembra 1938 nahajalo 277 članov in članic. V odraslem oddelku je tekom leta 1938 umrlo 140 članov in članic, v mladinskem oddelku pa 13. O investiranju jednotinega denarja se redno poroča v Novi Dobi. Potom dopisovanja ali referenduma je glavni odbor tekom leta 1938 rešil 29 zadev, za kar odborniki niso prejeli nobene posebne kompenzacije, če bi bile vse te zadeve odložene do redne seje glavnega odbora, bi vzelo najmanj tri dni časa, da se jih reši. Pred leti, ko je bil v onemoglostnem skladu večkrat primanjkljaj, se je preneslo denar iz drugih skladov, da se je primanjkljaj v onemoglostnem skladu pokrilo, sedaj nastane vprašanje, ako ne bi bilo priporočljivo, da se ta založek prizadetim skladom vrne. Tako onemoglostni sklad, kakor tudi vsi ostali skladi, se morajo sami vzdrževati, in ker je stanje onemoglost-nega sklada ob tej priliki precej povoljno, se založena vsota lahko vrne. V letu 1938 nismo v članstvu tako dobro napredovali, kot v letu 1937, to pa radi tega, kar je bilo leto 1938 leto praznovanja. Jednota je obhajala 40-letnico svojega obstanka in članstvo je ta dogodek povsod na prav lep in dostojanstven na< čin proslavilo. Sedaj, ko je praznovanja konec, se nadejam, da bo šlo članstvo zopet na delo in da ne bomo v tem letu nadomestili samo tega, kar smo v zadnjem letu zamudili, ampak, da bomo še nekaj več pridobili. Priliko za to nam nudita tretja mladinska konvencija in druga atletična konferenca, ki se bosta vršili letos v avgusty. Sodeč po številu kandidatov za delegate, A kfatl fteap, *iih Vol j ki so bili glavnemu uradu dosedaj prijavljeni, bosta obe kon-| venci ji dobro obiskani, kar pomeni, da bo tudi članska kampa-!nja dobro uspela. V zvezi s kampanjo, ki je sedaj v teku in s j predstoječimi konvencijami, bo treba pri tem zasedanju rešiti [več stvari, katere vam bom predložil, ko pride prilika zato. Dne 1. novembra 1938 je minulo 7 let, od kar sem prevzel vodstvo glavnega tajništva. Mogoče vas bo zanimalo, če vam povem, da je jednotino premoženje tekom mojega tajništva naraslo za okrog 65 tisoč dolarjev manj kot eden milijon dolarjev. Koncem leta 1931 je premoženje Jednote znašalo $1,480,826.06, koncem leta 1938 pa $2,416,908.38. Za ta napredek ne zahtevam in ne pričakujem zase nobenega posebnega ; kredita ali priznanja, ker moamo kredit in priznanje dati na-Jšemu aktivnemu društvenemu uradništvu in članstvu, omenil sem ga pa zato, da bodo naši člani in javnost v splošnem izvedeli in znali, kako lep je bil naš napredek tekom zadnjih 7 let, in to kljub temu, da je bilo to v najhujši krizi ali depresiji, kar jih pozna zgodovina naše Jednote. S povečanjem jednotinega premoženja so povečane tudi odgovornosti glavnega tajnika in ostalih članov glavnega odbora. Za vse pomeni to več dela in več skrbi, toda za svojo osebo sem prepričan, da je vsaki izmed nas svoje delo rad odpravljal in da smo vršili naše dolžnosti po naši najboljši zmožnosti. V vsakem oziru smo glavni odborniki sodelovali eden z drugim, zato pa je bilo naše delo kljub večjim odgovornostim prijetno in za Jednoto koristno. Tudi osobje v uradu glavnega tajništva s prvo pomočnico Barbaro Matesha na čelu je bilo pridno in marljivo, vsled česar zasluži priznanje in zahvalo. Končno se najlepše zahvaljujem društvenim tajnikom in tajnicam ter ostalim uradnikom in uradnicam za njih prijazno in točno sodelovanje in upam, da bom njih naklonjenosti deležen tudi v bodoče. Za bratskim pozdravom^ Anton Zbašnik, glavni tajnik. Poročilo glavnega tajnika se vzame na znanje. * »Je * POROČILA GLAVNEGA BLAGAJNIKA Glavnemu odboru JSKJ: Iz poročila glavnega tajnika ste slišali vse podrobnosti o finančnem stanju Jednote z dne 31. decembra 1938, za odrasli in mladinski oddelek, torej mislim, da mi ni treba ponavljati istih številk. S tajnikovim poročilom se docela strinjam in upam, da so glavni nadzorniki našli vse v redu. Iz poročila je razvidno, da so vsi skladi povoljno napredovali. Ob zaključku knjig je bilo še Za okrog $25,000.00 ‘neplačanih asesmentov. To največ zaradi tega, ker je društvom dovoljeno v smislu pravil doposlati asesmente do 5. dne v prihodnjem mesecu. Velika večina društev pošilja asesmente točno kot predpisano v pravilih, in z malo izjemo vsa pravilno poročajo za kaj pošiljajo denai\ Vsem tem točnim društvom sem hvaležen. Plačevanje obresti od obveznic se povoljno izboljšuje. V zadnji polovici leta se je zopet lista neplačanih znižala za par tisoč dolarjev. Z malo izjemo prejemamo vse obresti od obveznic, ko dozorijo, pravočasno plačane, in nekatere, ki so bile na listi 31. decembra 1938 kot neplačane, so sedaj že poravnane. Poslovanje med menoj in glavnim uradom je bilo vsestransko zadovoljivo. Vsak čas, kadar sem rabil kaka pojasnila ali navodila iz glavnega urada, sem bil točno postrežen. Istotako sem bil deležen enake točnosti od ostalih glavnih uradnikov, s katerimi sem imel kaj dopisovanja. Vsem sem za točnost in postrežbo hvaležen. Pri zadnji polletni seji glavnega odbora sem bil pooblaščen, da se udeležim zborovanja minnesotskega bratskega kongresa, ki se je vršilo 3. decembra 1938 v Minneapolisu, Minn. Zborovanje je bilo jako zanimivo in je bilo sprejetih več važnih zaključkov v korist bratskih podpornih organizacij. Ker se bo letos vršila mladinska konvencija združena z atletično konferenco, upam, da bo letna seja glavnega odbora ukrenila mnogo koristnega v ‘prid teh sestankov naše mladine. Seveda tudi upam, da bo letna seja ukrenila po najboljši možnosti vse v največjo korist J. S. K. Jednote. Louis Champa, glavni blagajnik. Poročilo glavnega blagajnika se vzame na znanje. (Dalje na 2. strani) \Posebno poročilo Od društva “Western Sisters,” št. 190 JSKJ, v Butte, Montana, je bilo glavnemu uradu pravkar vposlanih 94 sprejemnih prošenj za nove člane mladinskega oddelka. S tem je kot prva delega-tinja za tretjo mladinsko konvencijo kvalificirala mlada sosestra DOROTHY PREDOV1CH. V mesecu januarju, ko se je kampanja komaj dobro pričela, je bilo vpisanih 217 novih članov v mladinski oddelek. Za delegatstvo na mladinski konvenciji je dosedaj prijavljenih 73 kandidatov, za delegatstvo na atletični konferenci pa 54. Zanimanje za našo kampanjo se širi preko vseh pričakovanj in vsa znamenja kažejo na velik uspeh iste. Anton Zbašnik, gl. tajnik JSKJ. VSAK PO SVOJE GOBJA RIHTA Gobe imam rad. To se pravi, rad jih imam take kot jih narava producira, rastoče po gozdih in pašnikih, pokrite s koketnimi klobučki vseh barv in oblik. Od gob bi lahko ženske dobile kake ideje, namreč z ozirom na klobuke. Tudi nabiral sem rad gobe kot bosopet poba v starem kraju; pa ne vem, zakaj sem jih rad nabiral, ker jedel jih nisem nikoli rad. Tu in tam sem se že tudi v tej deželi pridružil skupinam gobarjev, toda gobe sem vselej blagodušno nabiral za druge. Nekateri rojaki so vsi divji na gobe, češ, da so zdrava, tečna in zelo okusna jed. Morda je vse to res, toda jaz se za gobe nisem mogel nikoli navdušiti. Jem jih, če ni drugače, recimo v privatni hiši, da se gospodinji ne zamerim. V restavraciji jih pa nikdar ne naročim in, če pridejo nenaročene na mizo kot prikuha, jih enostavno pustim tam, kjer so. To se pravi, da mi je prav tako malo zanje kot za špinačo. Iz navedenega pa naj nikdo ne sklepa, da sem proti uživanju gob principijelno. Nikakor ne. Komur ugajajo, naj si jih privošča do mile volje. Nisem tak kot tisti farizejski suhači, ki sami ne morejo prenesti čaše dobrega vina, piva ali rvkije, pa bi hoteli vsled tega vsem o-stalim milijonom ameriškega prebivalstva prepovedati vsako pijačo, ki j>3 močnejša od kislega mleka. Jaz nisem za nikako gobjo prohibicijo. Nasprotno, še veselilo me bo, če gobe tako obilo obrodijo, da se bodo lahko z njimi gostili vsi pravoverni gobarji vseh 365 dni v navadnih letih in še en dan več v prestopnih. Gobe so prav prijazne stva-rice, teda kakor se med ljudmi najdejo posamezni malopridneži, tako se tudi vsem gobam ne sme zaupati na prijazen obraz oziroma lep klobuk. Sicer niso naravnost hudobne in, kdor jih pusti v miru, mu ničesar žalega ne storijo. Muhasta narava pa je povzročila, da so si strupene in nestrupene gobe tako zelo podobne, kot, recimo, goba gobi. Kdor jih ne zna ločiti, najbolje stori, da pusti vse skupaj v miru. Če pa se kdo pri izberi gob zanese samo na srečo, se mu lahko pripeti kaj sličnega kot se je zgodilo družini dragega rojaka v neki znani slovenski naselbini te dežele. Idealno lepe sobote v septembru, ko je duhtelo zoreče grozdje po vinogradih in ko je dih zgodnje jeseni začel trositi prvo zlato in škrlat po gozdovih, se je družina dragega rojaka, se-stoječa iz očeta, matere in sina, naložila v avtomobil in se odpeljala iz zaprašenega mesta na deželo. Po domačem pikniku ob robu gozda se je trojica razpasla po gozdu, kjer je bila po nedavnem gorkem dežju pognala velika množina gob. Na kratko povedano, družina dragega rojaka se je vrnila domov s polnim basketom lepih gob. Drugi dan, v nedeljo, je gospodinja kot važno prikuho h kosilu pripravljala tudi nabrane gobe. Pa si je domislil dragi rojak, da gob prav za prav dobro ne pozna in da bi nabrane gobe utegnile biti strupene. Sledilo je družinsko posvetovanje in končno je bilo sklenjeno, da se dobro porcijo sumljivih gob najprej servira domačemu psu (Dalje na 4. str.) / Zapisnik letnega zborovanja glavnega odbora JSKJ (Continued, from page 1) REPORT OF THE SUPREME MEDICAL EXAMINER The Supreme Board, \ South Slavonic Catholic Union, 1 Ely, Minn. c Sirs and Brothers:— c This report will cover the work of my office for the last i5 six months of 1938. As usual all claims, applications and other ! ^ papers were acted upon as promptly, as possible and in accord- 1 ance with the by-laws of our Union. The number of claims for maternity benefits examined : during this period was one hundred eighteen, or twenty-one ] more than during the same period a year previous. The num- 1 her of claims for operations and other indemnities examined was one hundred and thirty-five or thirty-seven more than the corresponding period the year before. The number of claims for sick benefits and benefits from the disability fund was two thousand forty-nine or an increase of two hundred twenty-1 nine over the number considered the year previous. The num-j ber of these claims considered for the later part of 1938 wasi practically the same as that considered during the last half of; 1936, however, the number considered the last half of 1937 was t appreciably less than either 1936 or 1938. The number of applications for adult membership during the | period covered by this report was smaller than the number ; considered a year before. The fact that there was no active campaign during this time and the economic condition of the country as a whole account for this decrease. Let us hope that the present campaign will show an increase in the flow of adult applications for membership. The number of investigations of claims as well as the amount of correspondence with the supreme judiciary committee showed a decrease. This again indicates that the present by-laws and the decisions of the supreme executive committee are honest, fair and considerate of both the Union as a whole and the individual member. This meeting marks the tenth anniversary of my official election as supreme medical examiner. On reaching a milestone such as this, one likes to look back and review the work done. The members of the various supreme boards, the, various lodge officers and the membership as a whole are to be congratulated on the wonderful progress shown during the past ten years, s years of depression and repression. The total amount of assets in both departments of our Union as of January 1, 1929 was, $1,098,583.25. As of January 1, 1939 it is $2,472,753.91, or a net; increase of $1,374,170.66. The sick and indemnity fund had a; balance of $9,033.58 as of January 1, 1929, and a balance of $29,640.01 as of January 1, 1939 or an increase of $20,606.43. The disability fund showed a balance of $14,033.95 on January 1, 1929 while January 1, 1939 it shows $21,137.69. These figures show progress indeed not to mention the thousands of dollars paid out in death, sick, indemnity, maternity and disability benefits as well as funds for various sport and juvenile activities. I vHsh to thank the members of the supreme board, the members of the supreme judiciary committee and also all the local lodge officers for their splendid cooperation during the past six months. I hope the decisions of this meeting will continue to promote the progress of the South Slavonic Catholic Union. Respectfully submitted, F. J. Arch, M. D., Supreme Medical Examiner Report of supreme medical examiner accepted. * * * POROČILO UREDNIKA-UPRAVNIKA NOVE DOBE Glavnemu odboru JSKJ Preteklo leto je bilo leto živahne aktivnosti pri naši Jed-noti. Mnogoštevilne proslave jednotine 40-letnice so našle odmev tudi v našem glasilu. Prispevkov od zunaj, to je od posameznih društev in članov, je bilo v Novi Dobi mnogo več kot običajno. Veliko večino tega vposlanega gradiva je bilo seveda treba pi-edelati, kar je pomenilo znatno povečano delo za urednika in bolj pogoste izdaje lista na osmih straneh. Na drugi strani pa je to pomenilo povečano reklamo in poživljeno navdušenje za Jednoto, kar more biti organizaciji le v korist. Koristi organizacije pa morajo biti prve tako uradnemu glasilu kot vsakemu glavnemu odborniku. Med uredništvom na eni strani in med članstvom na drugi strani ni bilo v preteklem polletju nikakih omembe vrednih nesporazumov. Tu in tam je sicer kak dopisnik pozabil, da se po pravilih JSKJ v Novi Dobi ne sme delati nikake direktne ali indirektne politične ali verske propagande, da se sporne zadeve pri društvih ne morejo reševati potom glasila in da v isto ne spadajo osebnosti, toda s primernimi pojasnili od strani uredništva so se vse take reči zadovoljivo uredile. Največkrat je bilo treba dopisnikom pojasnjevati, da se z ozirom na poštne določbe ne sme v listu oglaševati nikakih srečkanj. Taka pojasnila bo najbrž treba pogosto dajati tudi v bodoče, ker pozabljivost dopisnikov glede takih zadev je naravnost čudovita. Kakor drugi glavni odborniki, je bil v preteklem letu tudi urednik večkrat vabljen, da se udeleži proslav naših društev. Zaradi velike zaposlenosti se je mogel samo v enem primeru odzvati, in še to le, ko je bil na poti od polletne seje glavnega odbora in ko je dobil zagotovilo od sobrata J. N. Roglja, da ga bo nadomestoval v uredništvu, dokler se ne vrne. Prireditvi obeh skupin naših društev v državi Washington, katerih se je urednik takrat udeležil, sta pokazali, tla ima naša Jednota tudi na pacifični obali zveste in aktivne člane in lepe prilike za na-daljni napredek. Lista se tiska zdaj nekaj nad 13,000 iztjsov tedensko. IJpravniško dplo.Jri je zvezano z naslovnikom, je obsežno, dasi je javnosti nevidno. Tiskarna “Enakopravnosti,” kjer se po pogodbi tiska naše glasilo, nam daje dobro in točno postrežbo, Oglasi se v splošnem točno plačujejo. Konci decembra 1938 je znašala vsota takrat še neplačanih oglasov $331.20, toda računi so bili poslani oglaševalcem v januarju 1939 in so bili po večini tudi poravnani v januarju. Par računov za stare oglase smatra upravnik za neizterljive. Isti so bili v podrobnostih predloženi glavhemu nadzornemu odboru, dasi se za zdaj še smatrajo odprti. Med njimi je posebno značilen račun za oglas Mestne hranilnice ljubljan-|i ske iz leta 1933, katerega posredovalnica je bila neka ljubi jan- s ska agencija. Ko je bil agenciji poslan zadnji račun za isto leto, & je bilo upravi Nobe Dobe sporočeno, da za enkrat ne more biti \ poravnan, ker je po novi postavi zabranjeno pošiljati denar iz s Jugoslavije. Ker po par letih čakanja dotična postava ni bila c ukinjena, je upravnik sugestiral agenciji, da naj bi nam dolgovano vsoto nakazala kot naročnino upravništvu nekega ljub- s ljanskega lista, ki ga ima Nova Doba naročenega. Na vsa toza- s devna pisma pa upravnik Nove Dobe ni dobil niti odgovora. Po l osebni intervenciji neke osebe v Ljubljani je upravnik lansko|< poletje izvedel, da agencija vztraja na stališču, da je po treh' letih dolg zastaran in račun ne več plačljiv. Na kratko rečeno: !1 postava prepoveduje pošiljati denar iz Jugoslavije in po treh,; letih računa ni treba več plačati! Dotični dolg za oglase znaša j sicer le okrog $20.00 in Jednota zaradi istega ne bo bankroti- ] rala/ toda zadevo je vredno omeniti v pouk vsem rojakom, da naj bodo v finančnih poslih s starim krajem skrajno previdni. ' K sklepu mojega poročila naj še omenim, da sem bil z delom urednika angleških strani Nove Dobe vsestransko zadovoljen in ga priporočam v priznanje. Dalje, da so glavni in porotni odborniki pri vsaki priliki točno in bratsko sodelovali z menoj in da sem bil v splošnem deležen bratske naklonjenosti in j prijaznega sodelovanje od društvenih uradnikov in uradnic, kakor tudi od ostalega članstva. Vsem se pri tej priliki iskreno j zahvaljujem in se priporočam za enako bratsko naklonjenost j tudi v bodočnosti. Anton J. Terbovec, urednik-upravnik Nove. Dobe. j Poročilo urednika-upravnika Nove Dobe se vzame na znanje. * * # POROČILO PREDSEDNIKA NADZORNEGA ODBORA Cenjeni glavni odborniki JSKJ : V ponedeljek 23. januarja ob 9. uri zjutraj smo se sestali j jvsi nadzorniki, glavni predsednik in glavni blagajnik JSKJ na The Northern National banki v Duluthu, Minn. Prešteli smo vse| jednotine obveznice (Bonds), odrezali obrestne kupone za prihodnjo polovico leta. Odrezke smo izročili glavnemu blagajniku, ! da iste vnovči, ko pride čas dozoritve. Iz varnostnih predalov na banki smo vzeli vrednostne listine, ki dozore v prihodnjih šestih mesecih, in to so: Ironwood, Mich., Schol District, High School Bldg. Bonds, za $10,000.00. S pregledovanjem knjig in računov v glavnem uradu smo pričeli v torek 24. januarja. Pregledali smo vse knjige glavnega tajnika, glavnega blagajnika in urednika-upravnika “Nove Dobe.” Z veseljem moram sporočati, da smo našli vse knjige in ra-ičune preje omenjenih uradnikov v dobrem in pohvalnem reduJ Glavni tajnik, kakor tudi ostali uslužbenci v glavnem uradu so nam šli vsi vljudno na roke pri našem delu, kar jaz zelo cenim. Društva, spadajoča k naši JSKJ, so zadnjo leto na raznih j prireditvah slavila 40-letnico obstoja naše organizacije. Udeležil sem se več takih slavnosti. Posebno lep program z banketom je pripravilo društvo št. 44 v Barbertonu, Ohio, in društvo št. 132 v Euclidu, Ohio, ki je priredilo piknik. Tudi ostala društva so po svoji zmožnosti in po obstoječih razmerah dotičnega kraja imela dobro pripravljene prireditve, da so pokazala zanima-1 nje in poživela agitacijo za svojo Jednoto. . i Zadnjo polletnp sejo sem bil imenovan ocj zbornice, da za-| stopam našo Jednoto na konvenčnem banketu Slovenske do- ! brodelne zVeze v Clevelandu, Ohio, meseca septembra. To za-! stopstvo je bilo velikega pomena za našo organizacijo, kajti ob ! tej priliki so bile zastopane vse naše domače podporne organi-• zacije. SDZ se je izkazala, da ima obilo spoštovanja med brat-: skimi organizacijami. Zadnjih šest mesecev sem imel več dopisovanja z glavnim uradom, kakor tudi z nekaterimi glavnimi uradniki. Vse dopisovanje sem skušal rešiti v najkrajšem času in v zadovoljstvo vseh. Hvala vsem, ki so kooperirali z menoj, kar je bilo meni v veselje in v koristi Jednoti. Kot član finančnega odbora sem vedno priporočal take bonde, kateri so bili najboljši za našo Jednoto. Z bratskim pozdravom, John Kumše, predsednik glavnega nadzornega odbora JSKJ. Poročilo predsednika gl. nadzornega odbora se vzame na , znanje. * * * POROČILO PRVEGA NADZORNIKA Dragi mi souradniki: Strinjam se s poročilom predsednika glavnega nadzornega odbora. Pregledali smo vse/vrednostne papirje na The Northern National banki v Duluthu, Minn., odrezali obrestne kupone za nadaljnih šest mesecev. Vse bondno premoženje smo našli v zadovoljivem stanju. V torek 24. januarja, 1939, smo pričeli s pregledovanjem poslovnih knjig v glavnem uradu JSKJ v Ely, Minn. Pregledali smo knjigovodstvo glavnega tajnika .glavnega blagajnika in urednika-upravnika “Nove Dobe.” Po petdnevnem pregledovanju smo pronašli vse poslovanje preje-omenjenih uradnikov v vzornem in lepem redu, zakar priporočam seji glavnega odbora, da se račune sprejme. Pred šestimi meseci sem opominjal društvene tajnike, da naj ne pozabijo poslati šestmesečna poročila, s katerimi primerjamo poslovne knjige glavnega tajnika in glavnega blagajnika. Opomin ni bil brez uspeha. Samo trije tajniki niso poslali omenjenega poročila. Naj bi še ti trije tajniki storili svojo dolžnost, in uspeh bi bil sto-procenten. Zadnjih šest mesecev sem skušal vedno po danih prilikah j in močeh upravljati dela, ki so mi bila dana po glavnem odbo-;ru ali sugestinana od društvenih skupin ali posameznikov. Po-I vabilu federacije v Pennsylvaniji se nisem mogel odzvati, ko se ; .je praznovalo 40-letnico v Presto, Pa., na dan 28. avgusta, 1939. listi teden sem bil kot delegat JSKJ na Narodnem bratskem I kongresu v Toronto, Canada, o katerem sem poročal v Novi Dobi. Dne 3. septembra sem se udeležil proslave 35-Ietnice dru-jštva 44 v Barbertonu. Kot namestnik brata John Kumše-ta, sem prisostoval kot delegat na konvenciji Ohio Fraternal Congress-a jv Clevelandu, Ohio, ki se je vršil 27. in 28. oktobra. Tudi o tem jsem poročft 1 v našem uradnem glasilu. Dne 30. oktobra sem zastopal našo organizacijo na proslavi našega društva v La Salle, 111., in na dan 5. novembra sem bil odposlan po glavnem odboru v Milwaukee, Wis., kjer se je proslavilo društveno in jednotino obletnico. O tem so poročali drugi dopisniki. Jaz moram dodati le to, da je bila proslava v La Sallu prava manifestacija za našo organizacijo, ter da je bilo razpoloženje v Milwaukee pohvalno in ugodno. Za Panameriško demokratsko konferenco je bil po glavnem oejboru odbran brat Anton J. Terbovec, ki pa se radi zaposlenosti ni mogel udeležiti. Kot njegov namestnik sem se udeležil te konference dne 10. in 11. decembra. O konferenci sem poročal uredniku, da ima pojme o težnjah in načrtih pan-ameriške demokracije, ki so povsem demokratični in nadvse potrebni v sedanjih časih. Ime naše Jednote je zapisano pri tej skupini, kar nam bo lahko v poznejših časih v korist in dokaz, ® da smo za obstoj prave demokracije na ameriškem kontinentu. v Kot član odbora za nabavo stenskih koledarjev za leto 1939 c sem dal idejo in sugestije, katere so bile upoštevane. Ličnost in 11 sestava koledarja je dobila dober odziv od strani naših članov, P kar se lahko tolmači, da dosega namen, za katerega je bil iz- ® dan. Naši Jednoti pa je v vidno reklamo. s Splošni napredek in delo naše organizacije je razviden iz v tajnikovega poročila, katerega ste gotovo prečitali. čitajte ga ^ še enkrat, da se dodobra seznanite z našim poslovanjem in na- r glašujočimi fakti, ker s tem lahko postanete dober zagovornik c našega bratskega dela. r Kot član finančnega odbora priporočam nakup bondov, o katerih sem prepričan, da bodo dobra investicija za JSKJ. 1 Z bratskim pozdravom, s Janko N. Rogelj, prvi glavni nadzornik JSKJ.;^ Poročilo prvega gl. nadzornika se vzame na znanje. * :jc j l REPORT OF SECOND SUPREME TRUSTEE j1 To the Supreme Board of the SSCU: ! ^ It is a pleasant duty to report at this time on the audit I • ( made by the board of trustees of the business done by our Union during the last seven months of the year 1938, the prog-J ress made, and the sound financial condition in which the j Union is situated. j A careful examination of the books and records of the supreme secretary, supreme treasurer and editor-manager of j Nova Doba, discloses that the prescribed duties of these officers are being performed in a very commendable manner. A | comparison of the accounts demonstrated that they are all in agreement and balance. It may not be amiss to specifically mention some salient facts shown in the financial report for the past year. Worthwhile gains were accomplished in each and everyone of the different funds of the Union. A cash gain amounting to $148,-220.94 of income over disbursements remains from the year’s transactions. The assets of the adult department now amount to $2,315,781.82, and of the juvenile department to $156,972.09, . making a total of $2,472,753.91. These funds are invested in securities on which the Union collected $102,517.76 in interest during the past year, approximating a yield of 5.18% on the . invested amount at the beginning of last year. Every officer ( land member of the Union may point to this with just pride 11 during the campaign for new members now in progress. . i In the present times of retarded business prevailing in our i1 land we may also consider ourselves fortunate that there are no . more than 18 blocks of bonds not current in the payment of in-[ terest or principal out of a total of 200 blocks of bonds owned by our Union. Probably no other competing organization can l exhibit such a good record. As member of the finance committee I can assure you that .'we have been trying to select such investments as will in our .judgment prove most safe, and at the same time give the - Union an adequate interest yield. During the past year I have made a number of visits to - our local lodges which celebrated the Union’s 40th anniversary, ) and was in all places cordially received by our members and - lodge officers. I trust that some good will be accomplished - as a result of my humble efforts, especially during our campaigns preceding the forthcoming third national juvenile con- i vention and the second national athletic conference. Other duties assigned to me, of which a more detailed ver-i bal report will be made during this session, have been per-j formed to the best of my ability and I hope to your entire satisfaction, e Respectfully submitted, Frank E. Vranichar, Second Supreme Trustee Report of second supreme trustee accepted. j! POROČILO TRETJEGA GLAVNEGA NADZORNIKA j Cenjeni glavni odborniki: Dne 28. januarja smo se sešli v Northern National banki v Duluthu, Minn., nadzorniki z glavnim predsednikom in glavnim blagajnikom vred, kjer smo opravili predpisano delo, ka-i kor so obširnejše poročali že moji souradniki. Dne 24. januarja i pa smo pričeli s pregledovanjem knjig glavnega tajnika, glav-a nega blagajnika in urednika-upravnika Nove Dobe1, in poročati - moram, da smo našli vse v lepem redu. Tekom zadnjih šestih mesecev sem vršil delo mojega ura-i da, kar najboljše so mi dovoljevale prilike in razmeri. Za našo - Jednoto je bilo leto 1938 .povoljno, posebno če upoštevamo raz-i mere, v katerih se danes nahaja delovno ljudstvo širom Ameri- - ke. Vsi lojalni in delavni člani, ki so delali za prospeh naša v. organizacije, zaslužijo priznanje. Upam, da pojdejo ti lojalni , člani z enako požrtvovalnostjo na delo tudi tekom letošnje kampanje in da dobijo mnogo posnemovalcev. Od takih aktiv-i nih članov je odvisen napredek naše Jednote. Celokupnemu glavnemu odboru se zahvaljujem za složno - delo v korist naši organizaciji in upam, da bo to zborovanje - storilo nadaljne uspešne korake za napredek J. S. K. Jednote. 3 Matt Anzelc, tretji gl. nadzornik. Poročilo tretjega gl. nadzornika se vzame na znanje. i ' * * * REPORT OF THE FOURTH SUPREME TRUSTEE To the Supreme Board of the SSCU: 31 In accordance with the provisions of our Constitution and •! By-Laws, the supreme trustees, including our supreme president 1' and our supreme treasurer met on Jan. 23rd and audited ‘ j thoroughly all securities of the Union which are kept in the "■ Northern National Bank in Duluth, Minnesota. While checking ’lover our securities, coupons were clipped from bond certificates 1 for the collection of interest which will come due some time in the 1; following months. No difference was found in the bank records 1 and those disposed by our Union. Incidentally, I wish to mention -! that coupons clipped from our bond certificates were worth about 1! forty-five thousand dollars. AH coupons will be turned over for J i the collection of interest when interest faUs due. ‘ | Then further complying with the provisions of our Cpnstitu- ’ tion and By-Laws, the supreme trustees and our supreme ’ president came to the home office. At the office all the accounts ! I relative to all income and disbursements we^e carefully examined, I and also the general condition of our Union- After carefully II (Continued on page 3) / h DOPISI I Denver, Colo. — Seja društva j Sv. Jožefa, št. 21 JSKJ, ki se; vršila 12. januarja, je bila pre-lcompE cej dobro obiskana. Saj članstvo lour sn našega društva še precej radojof 0Ui poseča društvene seje. Na ome-jdispo; njeni seji so bili zapriseženi dru- know] štveni uradniki za leto 1939 i» V vsi so obljubili, da se hočejo po-jevidei truditi po svojih močeh, da po-Jlast magajo spraviti naše organize j cijo na najvišjo stopnjo popol' use n nosti. Unioj Upam in želim, da ne boitt° ^ pozabili, kar smo obljubili, pP" home sebno še sedaj, ko je odprt3 answi kampanja. Koliko bomo upošte-j (• vali naše obljube kot d r u štveni |zatioi uradniki, bo pokazala bližnittress. bodočnost. , °Ufu Na zadnji seji so bili prečita*11 gram trimesečni in tudi celoletni rfr ] čuni našega društva. Račune Jes čitala druga nadzornica, sose^ j tra Jennie Janezich, mlada,' j Ameriki rojena članica. LepoJe ^ bilo slišati, ko je v Ameriki r0'! jena članica tako čisto in P1’8'j 1 vilno izgovarjala slovenske &j sede kot bi bila prišla iz dežel«!athl( njenih staršev. Priznanje xnla®lroutj članici! S prvim januarjem je bi^ltoisa otvorjena kampanja za pridobi-jassis vanje novih članov, ki naj upr*' the viči kandidate za delegatstv°|uncle mladinske konvencije in atletiČjspor ne konference za lep poletnilZiathli let v Minnesoto. Zdaj pa Wjthe začnimo z nabiranjem novih clHwou nov za naše društvo! Ne čakaJiacti’ mo, da nas kako drugo društv<>jty0r: prehiti in prekosi. Spomnimo s{| ! pregovora, ki pravi, da dvakr8'jp0r| da, kdor hitro da. Torej, The začnimo, da bomo med prvimiir; 1 b0a da bomo s tem navdušili tU^J druge za dobro delo za našo °r' thij ganizacijo. Seveda je treba ^lirie; koliko dobre volje in nekolik th0 požrtvovalnosti, toda brez teja^ se ne opravi nobenega uspesnn ga dela. Lffj V glavnem uradu že čakaj^ju^, da jim začnemo pošiljati pr°Ha^ nje novih kandidatov. Njiho'%e;, delo'se bo pomnožilo, toda dewT<( bodo radi, samo da bo kamp8'! nja uspeh. Tudi jaz kot društvng^ ni tajnik se ne bom nič jezil, mi agilni agitatorji nakopl.ieJ° več dela kot običajno. Kadar seLj, gre za napredek našega društvM in naše Jednote, takrat sem P1'1' j pravljen žrtvovati vse moje m0' či in zmožnosti. Torej, bratje f ^ sestre, kar začnimo! & Za društvo št. 21 JSKJ : Frank Okoren, tajnih ^ Pittsburgh, Pa. — Zapisni seje zveze društev JSKJ v z8' c padni Pennsylvaniji, ki se je v*' šila 22. januarja 1939 v Centri 111 ; Pa— I L. Predsednik Joseph S n e 1 ef j? : otvori zborovanje ob 10.30 d 0' poldne, pozdravi navzoče in pr*' *5 poroča, da vsi složno delujejo'’ j'korist zveze in J. S. K. Jednote^ j splošnem, čitajo se imena zvez1' nih uradnikov, ki so vsi navzoč'-Navzočega dr. Archa, vrhovni ^ ga zdravnika JSKJ, pozoV® ' predsednik, da zavzame svoje 1 mesto za mizo pri odboru. Nat° se čitajo poverilnice društvenih | zastopnikov. Društvo zastopaj0 sledeči zastopniki: Društvo št. 4, Presto: JoM "j Demšar in Law. Klemenčjč; št- J 12, Pittsburgh: Frank Kres^ Frank Alic in John Simončič; št. 26, Pittsburgh: Joseph Ko* ■ vačič; št. 33, Center: Anton Er-j žen, Joseph Škerl, Jacob Peter-Uel in Frank Prašnikar; št. 40, | Claridge: Anton KosoglaV, ^ .Frank Supančič, Frank Zupančič in Jphn Supančič; št. 57, Export: Ferdinand Ahacic in Ru- i, ,dplph Supancic; št. 116, Del-mont: John Korče in Jurij Prc-vic; št. 138, Export: Anton Kovačič, Frank Kužnik in Rudolph Ku?nik; št. 149, Canonsburg: Frank Mikec in Anton Tomsich! št. 203, Cheswick: Anton Lesk0' vec in Joseph Jelovčan; št. 221-Center: Luka Knaflee, Bertha Knaflec in Tony Škerl; št. 228, ‘Choswick; Frank J. Progar i*1 Rudy Progar. Prečita so zapisnik zadnjega (Dalje na 3. strani) J Zapisnik letnega zborovanja glavnega odbora JSKJ (Continued from page 2) Sparing the vouchers with the books and other records of °ur supreme secretary, supr eme treasurer and the editor-manager 0 our official organ, it was found that those statements to be lsposed by our Union were true and correct to the best of our knowledge. . can proudly boost our organization for progress is very ©vident. Every fund has certainly an outstanding gain since the last audit. ^eing a member on the finance committee, I continued to ^Se % best judgement in the selection of bonds whereby our nion could make the best investment of its surplus. As to the various correspondence that I received from the 0lfle office, I made reply with most careful consideration and aswered as soon as possible. ■ Concluding, my dear members, I’m sure we hail our organi-ton. We know its structure and we certainly realize its prog-0UfS ^ US con^nue our faithful service, giving every detail Utmost attention, so that we can continue being proud of our at)d South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, eternally submitted, Andrew Milavec, Jr., Fourth Supreme Trustee Report of fourth supreme trustee accepted. * & Report op the English editor and athletic COMMISSIONER 0 the Supi-eme Board of the SSCU: athl • regular report as English editor of Nova Doba and etic commissioner for the last six months of 1938 is of ie nature and hence brief. AU correspondence pertaining to the office of athletic com-ass,Sl+°ner Was Siven pr0mpt attention. Requests for financial t]jeS atlce from each source were thoroughly investigated and to est of my ability, to comply in spirit with the principles 8p ®tying the sports fund. Recommendations for grants from the athl S were made to the supreme board committee on he ^ ^inn. on the basis of favourable replies from officials. Favourable, in the sense that the local units act' .^ilize the funds not only as additional income for sport * ^ut more so as an incentive to further the fraternal carried on by our Union. annual elections of lodge athletic supervisors have been re-fhee ^ Iezne sode, katere napolnij0 , oljem ali z raznimi živili, zlepa ne pokvarijo, nakar Mj neprodušno zapro. V nevarn*^ vojne bi te shrambe z važn*111. potrebščinami potopili v j«zcf‘ ali globoke reke, kjer bi jih f.. vražni letalci ne mogli opazil1 uničiti. ' 1 V' t ■ ENGLISH SECTION OF B ▼ ojt'»cial 0r9&n ▼ o/ the South Slavonic Catholic Union. AMPLIFyiNG THE VOICE OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING MEMBERS Brigadier News Detroit, Mich. — By the looks LIT would think the Bri- struthers, O. — Well, folks, thevvf • a^e vamsbec*’ really here I am back again with more Strong- m U swing’£°ing news of what has happened in I,9f* • t, , ,, „ . Struthers, on January 14, at diers n T ecem 3ei > e 11^a” the Cardinals dance. First we I huLP“ °Ver Yrand ^ a want to thank all those who t nine- Ti Ce'S,’S f, “SWe1), )efin" weathered the storm to come ““£• Thanks to Mrs. Plankar, , ,, . . n ,, Mr •! ut T-. _ to our affair, especially those ir- nosnik, Mr. Pavhch, Mr. , , * , , „T Tonv nr,. , „ ’ who came from Cleveland, War- , ny Mvers and all others who , „ • . , ’ v°ted much of their time to ren’ WeSt Pomt’ NlleS’ Girard’ , help no ,.OQn , , ? Youngstown and New Middle- ). .c,u us really and truly succeed , „ .. ,. „ ou «1 our first doing n’ ’ 6 m ' In fi,. on, Farrell and Bessemer, Pa., the near future we shall \ ,, , . , , ’ L- aga'n step forth with our second and fherS Wh° might CS: JVe“t- It’s still in the “making” caped my memory presently, I kut be on the lookout for fur- sa^: Thank you‘ dance was ; er announcements. a great success' We can glve [I . ^ere are many of you young Joe Umeck a lot of credit for ' ;olks who have inquired about an evening of entertainment. I ^sferring to the Brigadiers. Joe §ave a11 Suests a treat with j 11 s very easily done, when pay- his inimitable music. Joe tells \ ^ your dues the next time ad- us that he recently became a ; Jse Mr. Bahor, secretary of member of lodge No. 108, SSCU ' lri6lav, that you desire to be- of Youngstown, O. He is sched- a Brigadier and he shall uled to Pla^ in Youngstown on gg* ;akecareof the transfer. If you February 11, at the Ukrainian ’ ave friends who would like to Hall. nS bring them aIong t0 the Bro- steve R- Babich is our ^ at s m,ee^ng on February 12th, candidate for delegate to the D$ 0 clock, Slovene National second athletic conference. to tat aild We s^a^ verjr 8^ad George De Lost is our candidate ati _ e eare of them. ^ for delegate to our third juve- the 1,fad‘ers: have joined njie convention; therefore, mem- Daitm»neW membership cam- |3erSj iet’s get back of them and rO of S T each and everyone help our candidates reach their r* best t haV8 Pl6dffed t0 d° y°Ur goal, a trip to Ely, Minn. All we “tiew „ °Pe bave ^ie have to do is secure one member rj *eetin Ug ^ ^ ^ for them‘ 0ur Union wiU award ,r^ Hfi-rrnr,. , you a cash prize for your effort. pji UTICE! The meeting date J r j the Brigadiers has been Our meeting falls on Friday, a»ged to the second Sunday February 10, at the usual place, every month at the Slovene beginning at 7:30 p. m. sharp. it 0-a,tiOnal il°me on John R at 3 Be sure to be there and pro- 0ck. Please attend the next pose your new applicants. xt ht' a vf’ Uai? a j ^ Cardinals bowled the Golden 11 lm‘,01'tant 1 T Eogfe of the SNPJ lodge from d at ™ one- Bring your friends 6. , ^ , . *. '^ . , . w along. Girard, O., but were defeated m ’ ^ „ a two-line bowling match of > Frances Skoryanc, Pres. , . m ^ , ,, tenpins. Total for the Golden J _______^ 2l!4' SSCU Eagles was 1545 to the Cardi- T nrlo-o SI llals 1262j Biu Prevec was t0P jj} 1-iUUgc O6! I man for ^^0 Golden Eagles with 'gl of ^inidad, Colo. — Members 194, while yours truly was high ,gj lodge “Sv. Andreja,” No. 84, for the birdmen. On February jjj ^ are requested to abide by 2, Bill Prevec just missed hit- j ® by_iaws an(j decjsions of the ting a perfect score, with a 290 j, ^e. just as I have to abide by game. Steve Pogačnik, Nick Bo- What is decided upon at yarko, Mike Galich failed to ap- 6 Meeting holds good for all pear at the bowling alleys due ^tftbers. Members in arrears to bad weather and slippery h assessments should pavements, which caused them atfi!e^en ou^ their obligations to skid and bend their wheel. a, he lodge, and should see to it ,, , , ^ their assessments are paid uMe"lbuers’ P^e remember 5 e^t by the end of the month. that February is a short month, ^oever will not honor this no-! 80 make arrangements to pay lCe- and become suspended be- y°ur assessments on or before HUf5e of non-payment of assess- February 25th. Here s hoping ^ will have himself to to see y°u at- the meting, and a*e. I shall abide by the lodge until then g°od-bye- Visions. Edward T, Glavic, * Wish to report further that Sec’y, No. 229, SSCU lodge will hold a pre-Lenten jgnce on Saturday, February ‘ The dance will be held at the Mafters of Bro. Charles Defili-’ beginning at 8 p. m. Jacob Prunk, Sec’y Lodge 120 I ply, Minn. — All members of - £e 120, SSCU are hereby no-‘ led that the meeting rchedul-^ for Feb. 19th will be held 1:30 p. m., and not at 7 p. m. originally scheduled. The grated SSCU lodges are put-jg ® on a Slovene play February jj ’ at 7 p. m. and for this reason Ve asked us to postpone our ^ tty and meeting. Our party j.^s been postponed until fur-* j notice and we will have *y a regular meeting at 1:30 rtl-> in room 132. All members the lunch committee are also ^°tified that lunch will not be ^>v«d at this meeting. The sec-th Hry W'H notify them when tan plan further activities. Rose Svetich, Sec’y With the Cardinals Lodge 147 Ilirska Vila News Canon City, Colo. — At the Regular meeting of lodge Triglav, No. 147, SSCU held January 15, it was adopted unanimously to hold a lodge dance. This dance will be held on Sunday evening, February 19. Ad-! mission is 40 cents for the men and 10 cents'for the ladies. The lodge also decreed that all members must purchase the 40-cent ticket whether or not they attend. On Sunday, February 12, the lodge will hold its regular-monthly meeting, and the members are requested to attend in full numbers. We can discuss and act upon many suggestions which will be of value for our dance. Certainly we all like to see oui' lodge treasury improve its financial position; therefore, it is only proper that we enlist otir co-operation in this en- Campaign days are here again, The skies above are clear again. Cleveland, O. — Yes, once again the SSCU campaign is here. Adults and juveniles will whistle, sing and hum this strain as they start soliciting new members in this great drive. Great, of course, and it is going to surpass all previous records. The gusto with which the candidates will pursue their goals will not easily be forgotten. And the delegates won’t forget it either. That reward — a trip to Ely. I can almost see Ely now. Six thousand inhabitants waitiAg anxiously for the train that will bring SSCU’ers from the four corners of the U. S. Then the meetings, the entertainment, the visit around town, the beautiful scenery, and the trip home will be enough to fill ten organs. Yes, all this for your hard work. Is it worth it? You said it. Ely will be a fine place to get together and meet the people you’re eager to meet. For instance myself, if I become a delegate I’d be more than delighted to look for the regular contributors to the Nova Doba. Nothing like putting away the write-ups and articles to have a friendly tete-a-tete without the interrupted rolling of typewriter keys. And what a place to meet some of your pen pals. Then there’s Catherine Ulser of Gilbert, Minn. How about it Kay?' You live near Ely, but don’t feel that it is near and yet so far. Maybe some of your friends will give you a hand. There’s Mary and Frances Malnar of Hooversville, Pa. Would it not be fun to step up and say, “how are you friends?” Certainly it can happen. Just a few members and it will come true. By all means I want to see Albina Jancar there, too. Maybe Albina’s kind brothers, who are so fond of traveling, might give her a boost so she can join her friends in Ely. Anything may happen between now and the final minute. Who knows what might happen; maybe Ilirska Vila will take the limelight this year with the first delegate, like it did last year. That remains to be seen. IF AT FIRST YOU DON’T SUCCEED, TRY, AND TRY AGAIN. YOU HAVE EVERYTHING TO GAIN AND NOTHING TO LOSE. LET’S MAKE THIS SSCU DRIVE THE BEST THE SUPREME AND SUBORDINATE OFFICERS HAVE EVER SEEN. Just a small postscript. Congratulations! Mr. Janko and Mrs. Rose Rogelj. She’s a beau-ti-ful ba-bee-girl. That’s the spirit, a new juvenile member already for the Ilirska Vila. Anne Prosen, No. 173, SSCU The Junior Singing Chorus of Cleveland, O., will present a concert and play on Sunday, February 12, beginning at 3 p. m. in the Slovene Home on Holmes Ave. “Revcek Andrej-cek” is the name of the play. Hotel Clerk — “Inside or outside room, sir?” Guest — “Inside, I guess; it looks like rain.” deavor. For this reason, all our members should attend the meeting on Sunday, February 12, and the dance on Sunday, February 19. Joseph Skrabec, president I Montana Elects | First Juvenile \ Delegate SPECIAL BULLETIN FROM ELY, MINN. Dorothy Predovich, of lodge 190, SSCU of Butte, Mont., is the first juvenile candidate to be elected to the third biennial juvenile convention. So reports Anton Zbasnik, our supreme secretary, who also wired that 94 juvenile applications were received on Monday, February 6, from lodge 190. The home office further reports that “217 juvenile members were enrolled during January,” and that there are now “73 juvenile candidates running for delegates to the jjj juvenile convention, and 54 adult candidates running for delegates to the athletic conference. Interest in the campaign growing beyond expectations,” continues the special bulletin, and “indications point to big success. 8 Lodge 40 News Candidates Off In Torrid Pace; Supreme Board Makes Plan Changes 53SSaS30tX3£S0S3S36SS36St3SS83S30«3CSS3a^ \ $RIEFS ! Center Ramblers Sports Club, subsidiary of lodge No. 221, SSCU of Center, Pa., will hold a dance on Saturday, February 18, in Schmidt’s Hall. Purpose of the dance is to raise funds to defray expenses incurred in connection with promotion of sports within the lodge. Miss Mary Fuvlich, daughter of Jacob Pavlich, a member of Lodge No. 5, Soudan, Minn., was chosen queen of the Tower-Soudan annual Winter Snow-fest, in progress Feb, 3, 4, and 5. The young lady will be feted at the Ely Winter Snow Festival this week-end. — Submitted by Stan Pechaver. In Strabane,y Pa., tt/e JSKJ Jrs. of lodge 149, SSCU will sponsor a dance on Saturday, February 18, at the Slovene Home of Strabane. The JSKJ Jrs. are undertaking an extensive advertising campaign for new members during the current national SSCU athletic conference and juvenile convention drives, and the dance on February 18 is an effort to raise money to pay for such addition' al expenses. In Claridge, Pa. lodge No. 40, SSCU will hold a dance on February 17, in the Slovene Home in Claridge, starting at 8 p. m. Claridge,, Pa. — Lodge No. 40, SSCU elected the following officers for the year 1939: John Supansic, president; Frank Bratkovich, vice president and athletic supervisor; Anton Ko-soglov, secretary; Rudy Yerina, recording secretary; Frank Supansic, treasurer; Nick Yako-vich, John Turk, Rudy Koso-glov, trustees; Bill Schmit and Jimmy Stepnich, flag carriers; Dr. J. P. Snyder, medical examiner. The foregoing members were elected to administrate the affairs of the lodge, and to seek ways and means to improve the, local branch. With the co-operation of the members the lodge should make much headway in 1939 with new enrollments. Already we have a fair start with three new members proposed at our first meeting in January. Set aside and reserve February 17 with us and join our family lodge, No. 40, SSCU party, to take place at Slovene Home in Claridge, starting at 8 p.m. Come one, come all. Music and refreshments and a good time for all. Herp is some bowling news. After a short slump our bowling team started to regain its former standing of second place. Of the last six games played, our lo.dge won 5. In the game with SNPJ local, our boys annexed games of 760, 626 and 671 foV- a total of 2057 against their opponents’ total of 1933 including games of 636, 677 and 620. In another match game, lodge 40 collected games of 603, 727 and 771 for a total of 2101 against the Old Shay aggregation, which mustered a total of 1807 for games of 582, 643 and 582. Frank Bratkovich Athl. Supvr., No. 40, SSCU Notice Ely, Minn. — There will be an important meeting for the Hawkeyes of St. Barbara lodge, No. 200, SSCU, on February 17, 1939 at 7:30 p.m. at the National Home. All members are requested to attend! Rose Mertel, Rec. Sec’y. Last week the stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Janko N. Rogelj, of Cleveland, and presented the couple with a baby girl. Mr. Rogelj is the first supreme trustee, SSCU. Lodge 10G, SSČU of Davis, W. Va. will sponsor a dance on Saturday, February 18, the dance to take place at Benedetto Hall. J uvenile members are preparing part of the entertainment, Prizes will be awarded to the best dancers. Members and friends from such nearby communities as Thomas, Pierce and Coketon are invited to attend. Dance begins at 7 p. m. Lodge. 233, SSCU of Ludlow, Colo., will hold a dance on Lincoln’s bh-thday, February 12, at Highway 85 Club. A Masquerade Dance will be held by lodge 138, SSCU of Export, Pa., on February 21. Fifth annual national SSCU duckpin tournament will take place on Sunday, April 2, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Further details will appear in subsequent issues of Nova Doba. By Little Stan Little Stan Ely, Minn.—Biggest surprise of the past week came into the limelight — a day before our s u p r e me officers adjourned their first semi-annual session of the year. The fact was made known Monday evening, came before newshawk Little Stan’s eyes the following day when he attended a session of the supreme board where plans for the juvenile convention nd athletic conference were furthered. In the middle of a busy day, your reporter had returned from his weekly visit to Tower where he gathered the news for Range Facts. He r-eturned to the home office just in time to get in on the discussion of plans for our SSCU’s conclaves. First question thrown at him was: “What would you give for the biggest scoop of the year?” Taken aback suddenly Little Stan hedged about a bit, wondered if some joke was about to be played on him. “Would you gamble half of your Range Facts salary of the week?” queried our supreme secretary. Twinkling all over, Little Stan decided he would. Forthwith was produced a tele-.gram by Bro. Janko N. Rogelj. Delightfully Mr. Kmet of Cleveland announced that Bro. Rogelj was the father of a baby girl, and that Mrs. Rogelj was doing . well. Dr. F. J. Arch, our su- ( preme medical examiner, here ( for the session, reported that ■ he was taking care of Bro. Rogelj, that he was resting com- ( fortably. And it was time for j much in the way of congratula- ( tions. You should only see the | ■ proud gleam in Bro. Rogelj’s, eyes! And it was a scoop, — j certainly w'orth more than a ^ meager Ranger Facts salary! j For after all, it increases the |. juvenile department of the SS- j. CU — especialy during this! great campaign of campaigns. Bro. Rogelj, you may like to • know was feted at a miscel- J laneous shower as soon as the j news was disclosed. Highlight: Somebody brought in a little baby carriage — for after all, doesn’t it give him a new job! j But all kidding aside, let’s give ■ all the congratulations in the world to Mr. and Mrs. Janko N. Rogelj! v Like the speeding automobiles on the racetracks, like the fast- . est horses in the world famous i Kentucky Derby, in fact, even | swifter than the speeding trans-! continental Burlington Zephyr,: the great campaign is gaining momentum. Bro. Anton Zbasnik, our supreme secretary announced that through Saturday that THERE WERE 72 JUVENILE CANDIDATES AND 53; CANDIDATES TO THE ATHLETIC CONFERENCE ENTERED, THIS WITH DEAD-’ LINE FOR ENTERING STILL PRACTICALLY TWO MONTHS AWAY! Our members, visualizing a wonderful trip to Ely and the Arrowhead country are zealously settling down in the dog fight to become delegates. Tiiey’re working hard, and if the pace is continued, which it undoubtedly! will, WE EXPECT TO HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED DELEGATES ATTENDING THE THIRD JUVENILE CONVEN- * TION AND SECOND ATHLETIC CONFERENCE IN AUGUST! Just a sample of what some of our members are doing was disclosed briefly by Bro. Zbasnik. Bro. Louis Smith of lodge No. 43, East Helena, Montana submitted 15 new member applications at one time! Helen Okoren, Denver, who attended the second juvenile convention, a member of lodge No. 21, submitted seven at one time. Sister Frances Prah, lodge No. 55, Uniontown, Pa., sent in seven applications; Clara M. Frlan of lodge No. 118, Cokedale, Colorado, is hitting the high spots. Bro. Albert Adamich of lodge 66, Joliet is coming through in fine style; has six apps already in, more coming in! Candidates put on your specks because there is more good news. Members of the Supreme Board who were here urged every JUVENILE CANDIDATE TO ENROLL AT LEAST 40 NEW MEMBERS, JUST TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT THEY WILL BE AMONG THE LUCKY ONES TO BE ON THAT TRAIN WHEN IT HEADS FOR ELY THIS AUGUST! On top of that, every delegate who qualifies will have his or her picture printed in Nova Doba AS SOON AS THEY QUALIFY! At the same time, an official certificate will be mailed to the delegate signifying that he or she is an official delegate. Great honors will be conferred on the first delegate. WHO WILL IT BE! REMEMBER — No physical examination for a prospective member is required in any state except in New York, Ohio, and Idaho. Which means that every juvenile member can be admitted without a physical examination in any other state. It will make it easier for you to enroll them. ANOTHER STRONG POINT — YOU CAN ENROLL ANYONE, AS LONG AS THEY ARE OF THE WHITE RACE. DON’T ALWAYS DIG IN THE SAME DITCH — LET’S SEEK NEW WORLDS TO CONQUER! GET 40 NEW MEMBERS, MY JUVENILE FRIENDS, AND PLAN TO ATTEND THE BIGGEST CONVENTION IN YOUR LIFE! Athletic Conference For the 53 candidates who are gunning for delegateship to the athletic conference, our supreme officers have used more elastic. They ruled that credit will be given to all who can get those already members to increase their insurance. For instance if one is now insured for $500, and a candidate gets him to increase it to $1,000, the difference will be credited to the candidate. That should be a wonderful help! Let’s see what you can do with it now! To those hard working candidates who enroll members with an insurance of $5,000 total, there will be a reward, even though they do not enroll enough to qualify. To those will be presented a BEAUTIFUL WRISTWATCH! Our Union is very considerate | of its members! It. gives them wonderful opportunities. Let’s j be considerate of our Union! LET’S GO TO TOWN! (Continued on page 6) Far-reaching contributions of J ugoslav, Russian, Ukrainian and other Slavic immigrants to the social, cultural, economic and political development of the U. S. will be dramatized Sunday afternoon, Feb. 12, over the Columbia Broadcasting System, at 2 p. m. EST; 1 p. m. CT; 12 M. MT; and U a. m. PT. This nation-wide broadcast, fourteenth in a series depicting the role in American life of immi-graik peoples and their descendants, is sponsored by the U. S. Office of Education, Department of Interior, with the cooperation of the Service Bureau for Intercultural Education. LITTLE STAN’S ARTICLE (Continued from page 5) Drifting along — Scannin: our supreme board we find that every member is now a bene diet. The last holdout was Bro Andrew Milavec of Meadow lands. Pa. — Didn’t know either until he got here. The Arrowhead girls are bound and determined to get to the National SSCU Bowling tournament in Cleveland, Apri 23. They’re working hard, are going to raise their own funds for the trip. Let’s help them along. By virtue of steady anc good bowling, the girls are leac ing the league here, having suf-fered only ONE lo^ss in about 1!. games. Their latest conquest Three straight from the Gopher gals who just couldn’t get go ing. Their stars: Mrs. Angela Grahek and Christine Merhar, good old dependable. Let’s ge back of the gals and help them along by participating in their efforts to raise funds. Got a card from Andrew Bo vitz of Chisholm who wants to know whether a Minnesota SS CU basketball tournament wil be held this year. Don’t know for certain yet, but will let you know very soon. “Got a team to send up,” he says. Exhausted from hard playing in a broomball contest on th^ city skating rink, young 17 and a half-year-old Louis Gra hek, scored the winning goal for his Pioneer club team, retiree to a corner of the rink to catch his breath, and collapsed. He died enroute to the hospital. He was a good boy, a senior in high school, a member of the high school's swimming team, and the first member of the Pioneer boys’ club to pass away. He was the son of Matt Grahek. The de ceased young man deliverec Shoppers for Little Stan, anc will always live in his memories. It was sort of tenth anniversary for three members of the supreme board. They were Pau Bai’tel, president; Dr. F. J Arch, medical examiner; and darned if I can think of the thirc one. It seems there were a number who had some sort of anni-versary or other. Should have taken more notes. Darn it. There’s one fellow in Ely who never forgets when the supreme board is due to arrive— and de part. He is the official liveryman, Tony Poljanec, jr. When they come in, he is the first to step in to give them assistance, carrying their bags to the hotel. The same when they depart. Little Stan never knew what /he looked like when he was a baby. Heh, Heh! Until his cou sin, Miss Margaret Turk told him that her mother had a picture of him when he was merely two months old. Wanna see it? She said Little Stan looked the same then as now—that is in facial expression—the smile you know . . . BUT YOU SHOULD SEE HIM NOW! Heh, Heh! That Gopher dance will be history next week. Will tell you if Kromar is as swingy as ever. To Conclude You remember back in 1937 when our great juvenile convention campaign was in progress? The supreme board appointed your Little Stanley as campaign manager. His job: to swing that magic carpet along to every candidate, to keep in touch with every candidate, and to move along to new high peaks. This year, the supreme board has again given your Little Stanley the same job. So in a few days you’ll get your pisma from him. Pa Bomo tako durgnali! And Little Stan’s got to scram now before he gets “Durgoned”! Stan Pechaver No. 2, SSCU In the Backwoods “Did you say the man was shot in the woods, doctor?” “No, I said he was shot in the lumbar region.” An Electronite’s Flashlight Blawnox, Pa. —• Diogenes and his ancient lantern, we have been told, encountered considerable difficulty in running down the object of his search ... Profiting from experience, this depart ment accepted only products of present day scientific and fraternal achievements in promulgating the current SSCU pace-setting contest. Theoretically a modern five-cell insulated flashlight, freshly loaded, went into action. Every corner of doubt, however obscure, received its searching beam. Insulated against any vague or false arguments, forcing thru Electron and national SSCU highlights and concentrating the beam on the merits of our organization, the flashlight came thru with surprises as well as results . Those unfamiliar with fraternal organizations led with—“How can they do it?” or “It’s unbelievable!” These remarks were made in regard to the features of our splendid organization It is also unbelievable as to how many certificate-holders of various organizations are literally in a dark alley as to what they are making their monthly payments for . . . Next the beam came to rest on one who readily admits, I know I should carry some fraternal insurance, but I can’t seem to afford it. Work’s too slow” ... In the final analysis this party should be setting the pace for the new enrollees. They should realize that a family increase, a serious illness, accident or even death may add to ;he already burdensome problems, unless there is a "friend in need, who is a friend indeed” (SSCU protection) in the home. This flashlight has and undoubtedly will continue to spot unusual as well as astonishing finds” groping in the darkness. This week’s ribbon goes to the statement that all Jugoslav fraternals are about the same and have about the same rates Yes, the cells in the flashlight almost became short when the powerful beam scooped up that prize. The scoop was made pos sible when an ardent prospec i;ive electronite informed this flashlighter that his paren could see no difference between the SSCU and any other organization. It remained for the flashlight to dispel the darkness and reveal a “Whale of a difference” ... SSCU salesmen and women, as well as prospective members cannot fail to absorb the facts. he various features of the SSCU have played an important part in developing the SSCU into what it is, and will con inue to do so . . . “The United States,” Roosevelt points out, “lies in a unique position. We intend to preserve that position Our organization, likewise holds a unique position in the Jugoslav fraternal field. We intend o keep it that way also ... Neither nationality, religion nor politics govern elegibility for membership. Your beliefs are your own; our mutual in ;erests are beneficially and fraternally inspired only. You need not buy your way into the union as there are no initiation fees. Medical examination fees are repaid (not exceeding two ollars). Rewards for new mem. bers are very encouraging . . All this, the year round campaign or no campaign ... Do not fail to recognize the fact that accident benefits are PAYABLE ROM THE FIRST DAY OF NJURY; you lose no time. A new member is eligible for accident benefits within 30 days after becoming a member. Only the sick claims carry the 90-day ause. A death policy is in force within a few days after being subscribed for; there is no thirty, sixty or ninety day attachment to our organization’s death Rambling Along By Stan Progar Strabane, Pa. — The alphabetical factions met at long last. Yes, Sunday, January 29th, the JSKJ Boys met the KSKJ Boys in as spirited a double match game as ever was played in the Canonsburgh vicinity. The boys took over the Brunswick alleys and immediately set forth to break all records or what have you. Both clubs had plenty of moral support as rooters of both teams crowded Brunswicks and cheered every roll. The house rocked with cheers but alas, the JSKJ Boys came out of the battle second best but with very high spirits. For didn’t the Kay Jays have the greater selection and the more experienced keglers? But despite this, the difference was only 99 pins. A very encouraging difference to the up and coming Boys Club. In the duck-pins, the KSKJ rolled the total of 2463 with Joe Krall chalking up the fine score of 211 for a single game and A. Sedmak being second best with a 180. The JSKJ amassed the total of 2364 with Joe Kirn taking top honors of the day with a 220. Joe was well on his way to a perfect score but in the sixth frame, one pin wabbled and then changed its mind and decided to remain upright, much to the disappointment of all present. Across the way where the ten pins were being run off, the KSKJ totaled 2898 to top the JSKJ efforts of 2684. Bill Shin-shaski and Leo Cook of the Kay Jays scored 183 and 178 respectively. For the JSKJers, Anthony Balsama with a 178 and John Cadiz with a 189 proved to be the best the JSKJer^ could do in a single effort. But despite the double setback, the boys emerged with very high spirits and a will to do better the next time. And they will. You may look for greater results from the boys in the near future, both in the world of sports and in the different lodge activities. Campaign Notes Despite the adverse working conditions in and around Stra bane, the boys are putting on a strong drive for new members and much to the surprise of the crepe hangers (and pray tell, there are many in Strabane), they are getting fine results. And why not. If the SSCU is fully explained to the prospective buyer, he cannot but help but agree with you that the SSCU is the grandest and most “able to protect” Slovene fraternal organization in existence. He cannot but help to agree that as far as dollar for dollar values goes, he cannot beat the SSCU. He cannot but help to agree with you that you are right on every point stressed. And when he does this, HE is your new member. Just tell your potential member this. Study the facts of the SSCU and then — MATCH THEM, IF YOU CAN. Here in Strabane, eleven new adult members have been proposed and have their applications filled and examined by Dr, Wilson, the lodge examiner. For the coming meeting, four more have already promised to be in attendance and before long, many more will do the same. All this is happening because they have been told what the SSCU has to offer them for their money. In your community they will do the same IF THEY ARE TOLD. Tell them today. SSCU Sports Recently, it was the good fortune of this scribe to be in attendance as the JSKJ Jrs. went through their paces at the Betties Alleys in Canonsburgh. Even though the stay was brief, it was long enough to see why the club is taking fire. The boys are all first class pals and try to please each and every one all the time. Good sports manship is stamped on every face and even though the com petitive spirit is alive, one is quickly offering advice anc good cheer to another. They have what it takes and the SS CU is proud to take them into its folds. The boys want to be prepared to take part in the duck pin tournament to be held in Pitts burgh and if the present plans are completed, the ten pin tournament in Cleveland will see the boys of the Bratska Sloga lodge of Strabane in action. No definite statements will be made now but if you see the Bratska Sloga boys with their fingers crossed, that’s the reason. Athletic Conference We all know that to build an active lodge and to get the younger set to be active, sports must enter the picture somewhere. The branch lodges must have sports but it is left entire ly up to the branch lodges it self. So why not get the young cnes together and start being active in the various sports so as to offer an incentive to the youths of your town that will make good SSCU members. Now is the time to act because an athletic conference is about to be held and you can be the delegate to represent your lodge. It is some thing to look forward to if you want to be active. Talk to John and Pete and George today and start the ball rolling for a bigger, more active and stronger SSCU. A Thought Playing solitaire is a one man’s game. But making a sue cess of every business venture is only possible by unity and cooperation. Are you doing your part? Good Risk Salesman: “How much is Bill Jones good for?” Credit Man: “Does he own an automobile?” Salesman: “No.” Credit Man: “Let him have all he wants.” claims. That full sick or accident benefits are payable for six months, and half benefits for six months; applicable to new; members as well as old, we cannot afford to overlook any of these features when soliciting new members. Little Stan, who keeps us informed with latest news scooped up at the home office — in regard to our mammoth twin-bill show — re-echoes the national enthusiasm now prevelant; in which he has share of it. All signs are pointing to the fact that it is quite contagious. And — without going out on the proverbial limb, this department likewise spots a Joe Louis special being delivered in the direction of all previous “Champ paigns”... Before dimming the flashlight, we spot a circle on the calendar reminding the Electrons that this Sunday, the 12th, is our meeting date. It will be recalled that at the last meet ing considerable discussion was centered on softball for the summer. What with the grand outlook for new members, the most favorable picture for the past three years, there is every reason for a grand climax. The months to follow are destined to make the national fraternal mind SSCU conscious. There is no denying it. We Electrons want to be in on it; to capitalize on it. Let’s gather at the annual meeting place and formulate an orderly plan of action. Let’s bring our new prospects to the meeting... Nuf sed; lights out... F. J. Progar Waukegan Bowling Waukegan, 111. — Sunday, January 30 the “Sv. Roka” lodge, No. 94, SSCU, met the strong Cook’s team and the outcome was a setback for the lodge team by the score of 2818 to 2588. Some of the boys just could not get their ball working for them on the Stanzak Alleys. But cheer up boys, we will meet the same team at the Recreation Alleys in the near future. Below are the bowling scores: “Sv. Roka” L. Rode......... 184 201 195 M. Zupec ....... 181 214 179 J. Jelovšek .r 156 160 144 M. Kirn ........ 157 132 164 F. Malovrh _____ 151 179 191 ridge 22. Nato je bilo sklenjeno, da se prihodnja seja federacije vrši zadnjo nedeljo v aprilu, to je 30. aprila, v naselbini Cla-ridge, Pa. Seja se prične ob 10. uri dopoldne. S tem je bil dnevni red izčrpan, predsednik se zahvali zborovalcem za lep red in pozornost in jih vabi, da se v kar največjem številu udeležijo prihodnjega zborovanja ,nakar zaključi sejo ob 2. uri popoldne. Za federacijo društev JSKJ v zapadni Pennsylvaniji: Vincent Arch, zapisnikar. Total 829 886 COOK’S Turke 149 178 Cook 184 160 Stanzak .. 221 162 Ryezek .... 249 213 Stanzak 203 190 Total 1006 903 873 156 178 213 151 210 908 Louis Rode Barberton News Barberton, O. — I would like to see more members of St. Martin’s lodge, No. 44, SSCU participate in our bowling games, which take place every Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock, at the C. & M. alleys. If you do not wish to bowl, I would like to see you come and cheer the boys on when they play special matches. I would like very much to see the girl members come out and try their hand at bowling, and thus prepare themselves for the fifth annual national SSCU tenpin bowling tournament, to be held in Clveveland on April 23. On Sunday, January 29, our team bowled another match game, this time against the Farber Clothiers of Barberton. Our team bowled some good games but we were against some tough competition. We lost the series by a score of 2771 for the Farbers and 2482 for St. Martins. John Opeka was high for our team with a series of 565, including a game of 222. Joe Ujcic was high for the winners with a total of 642, including a game of 252. ST. MARTINS J. Novak 152 181 132 J. Okolish ...... 147 150 170 J. Opeka -....... 157 186 222 J. Mekina 165 163 126 F. Mekina ....... 169 172 190 790 852 840 FARBERS George ........... 170 191 175 Ujcic ............ 196 194 252 Rajniak........... 155 159 168 Nickless ......... 186 170 213 Swain ............ 198 185 159 905 899 967 Frank Mekina, Athl. Eupvr. DOPISI Nadaljevanje s 3. str. tres članarina za federacijo. Sklenjeno, da se plačuje še v naprej po 5 centov od člana, s pripombo, da če katero društvo ne more plačati članarine, naj pošlje na sejo zastopnika, ki bo o tem poročal. Zastopnik Frank Alic priporoča, da bi se dovolilo nagrade ajnikom, ki preiščejo in vpišejo novega člana mladinskega oddelka. V tem smislu se sprejme resolucija in se pošlje glavnemu odboru. Na seji je bil navzoč tudi drugi glavni podpredsednik sobrat ?aul J. Oblock. Za prihodnje zborovanje sta aili predlagani mesti Pittsburgh in Claridge. Za Pittsburgh je bilo oddanih 9 glasov, za Cla- Conemaugh, Pa. — Spet imam poročati žalostno vest iz naše naselbine, namreč, da je društvo št. 36 JSKJ izgubilo dobrega člana iz svojih vrst. Dne 27. januarja je namreč preminil John Princ, ki je bolehal zadnji dve leti za tako zvano rudarsko naduho. Pokojni je bil rojen leta 1894 v vasi Slepšek pri Mokronogu na Dolenjskem. V Zedinjene države je prišel leta 1912. Nekaj časa je bival v Conemaughu, Pa., potem pa se je preselil v Thomas, W. Va. Tam je delal nekaj časa v pre-mogokopu in je imel nesrečo, da ga je prizadela eksplozija, ki se je tam pripetila. K sreči ni bil v eksploziji hudo poškodovan. Sodi se pa, da so mu posledice eksplozije zasejale bolezen, kateri je zdaj podlegel. Od tam se je vrnil v Conemaugh, kjer je bival do svoje smrti. Pokojnik je bil oženjen in zapušča soprogo Frances Princ in devet let starega sinčka. Naj mu bo ohranjen blag spomin! Lahko rečemo, da je bil pokojnik žrtev kapitalizma, kot veliko število drugih naših rojakov. Mnogo jih je že podleglo isti bolezni in mnogo jih še boleha. žal, da nimajo sredstev, s katerimi bi si mogli podaljšati življenje, človek, ki opazi, da ima tako bolezen, bi moral prenehati z delom v premogorovu, kar bi mu znatno podaljšalo življenje. Pa kaj hočemo, korporacije ne gledajo na zdravje svojih delavcev, ampak na produkcijo, ki pomen ja zanje dobiček Kljub temu so pa tudi delavci mnogo krivi, ker se ne brigajo dovolj, da bi obdržali na vladi tiste, ki so pokazali, da hočejo storiti nekaj tudi v protekcijo delavcev. Tekom bivše adminis tracije je bilo v Pennsylvanij sprejetih mnogo važnih zako nov, ki so koristni za delavce sploh in za premogarje še posebej. Tako zvani Workmen’s Compensation Act se je izboljšalo na vsej črti. Do 1. januarja 1938 so dobivali delavci pomoč iz te blagajne le za poškodbe, ki so jih dobili pri delu, kjer so bili zaposleni. Po omenjenem datumu pa so delavci tudi deležni odškodnin za tako zvane okupacijske bolezni, katere povzroči njihovo delo. Takih slučajev je pa precej, posebno med premogar-ji. Zaradi tega so pa sedaj pre mogarski baroni začeli bolj paziti na zdravje dlavcev. Na eni strani imamo dobre zakone, na drugi strani je pa pritisk UMW unije, zato smemo pričakovati, da si bo v bodoče več delavcev ohranilo zdravje in podaljšalo življenje. Res, da nimamo marsičesa, kar bi želeli imeti, toda, če imamo zdravje imamo zelo, zelo veliko. Tako vsaj jaz mis-lim, ko obiskujem bolnike in poznam njihove položaje. Torej, čuvajmo naše zdravje in odvrnimo s tem neprilike, ki jih povzročajo bolezni! Bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo Sv. Alojzija, št. 36 JSKJ: Joseph Turk, tajnik. rega naslov je sledeči: “Joseph Lapanja, 550 North Auburn Ave., Auburn, 111.” Vse člane tudi prosim, da so točni s plačevanjem svojih asesmentov. Brat-: ski pozdrav! — Za društvo št 158 JSKJ: Joseph Lapanja, tajnik Canon City, Colo. — Na tedni seji društva Triglav, št. 147 JS-KJ, ki se je vršila 15. januarji n je bilo soglasno sklenjeno, d*11 priredimo društveno veseli^ Ta veselica se bo vršila v nedelj® 19. februarja zvečer. VstopnfaMj za osebo bo 40 centov za in 10 centov za ženske. Društvo je tudi odglasovalo, da vsak čl**1 in članica našega društva plač* vstopnino 40 centov, če se ves* d, lice udeleži ali ne. Pred veselico se bo vršila š* j, ena seja, namreč v nedeljo IH februarja, in člani in članice s«*1 prošeni, da se iste kar mogo^j, številno udeležijo. Na omenja seji morda lahko ukrenemo marsikaj ,da bo naša veseli^ bolj uspešna. Vsi želimo, da s )t naša društvena blagajna nekoliko opomore, zato je pravil^' da vsi sodelujemo v tej smel1 pj Torej, vsi na sejo v nedeljo ^ februarja in vsi na veselico v n* ^ del jo 19. februarja! Bratski P0,2c zdrav! — Za društvo Triglav,$ 147 JSKJ: J Joseph Skrabec, predseduj Auburn, III. — članom in članicam društva Naprednost, št. 158 JSKJ, naznanjam, da je bilo na zadnji mesečni seji sklenjeno, da se prihodnja seja ne vrši tretjo nedeljo v mesecu, ampak da se bo vršila ČETRTO nedeljo v mesecu. Seja se bo vršila v dvorani Karla Ulaski in se bo pričela ob 10. uri dopoldne. Oddaljene člane tudi prosim, da pošiljajo svoje asesmente na novo izvoljenega tajnika, kate- Hastings, Colo. — Vsem dr% štvom, ki spadajo v federacij1'*' društev JSKJ v državi Colorado naznanjam, da se bo prihodnje zborovanje te federacije vrP m v nedeljo 23. aprila v novem Sl® ^ venskem domu v Pueblo, Col«- , Začetek zborovanja je določb ^ za 9. uro zjutraj. V soboto aprila pa se bo ravno tam vršil* plesna zabava; pričela se bo 8. uri zvečer. To obvestilo prejel od predsednika federal je in od obeh pueblskih društeV namreč od št. 15 in št. 42. Tor^ ^ društva, ki spadajo k naši fe# raciji, naj to upoštevajo, da^ do vedela kdaj imajo za posls® svoje zastopnike na zborovanj6] želeti bi bilo, da se zastopn^ in drugi člani v kar mogoče ob* Sj lem številu udeležijo tudi ves* lice, katera bo prirejena na v®| čer pred sesjo federacije, na^ reč v soboto 22. aprila. Dobicf veselice bo pripadel federacij' ski blagajni, iz katere se poW j* vajo izdatki federacije, kot v®*' ni stroški naših odbornikov ’1! zastopnikov itd. Pri tisti pril*''1 si bomo tudi ogledali novi S^ venski dom, ki so ga rojaki zgrJ' dili v Pueblu, in jim dali priz*%, nje za njihovo požrtvovalni Torej, vsi, katerim je le mogo^' si določimo dan 22. aprila za ^ selico v novem Slovenskem mu v Pueblu. Društva JSKJ, ki še niso v#* E* njena v naši federaciji, so ljena, da se pridružijo in poŠ^ jo svoje zastopnike na prih0' nje zborovanje v nedeljo ® aprila. Mesto Pueblo je neka^ najbolj v sredini naših društe^ državi Colorado. Na prihodnjem zborovanj11 bom poročal koliko članstva J1 reprezentirala naša federacij6 letu 1938. število je lepo, to# še ni zadostno. Ravno sedaj mo kampanjo za nove člane ob^tC oddelkov, torej pojdimo na lo in povečajmo z novimi cla’T1 našo federacijo in obenem _. Jednoto. Ne bojmo se naprav^1 nekaj več dela glavnemu ura^got z novimi člani. Sobrat glavni taj nik bo z veseljem vpisoval 1 članski imenik nove člane, & tudi bo imel več dela. In got0, sem, da nam bo še čestital, se bomo dobro izkazali v tw kampanji. Kar se tiče prireditve v V\ie'y ^ u, bosta naši tamkajšnji dr11' štvi vse potrebno uredili. Ta*11 so mojstri za to. Prepričani sn10 ahko, da bo vse prvovrstno. Društva, ki pripadajo fed** raciji, opozarjam, da je vsa^ društvo upravičeno le do dv°*| voznih listkov. Bratski pozdr»v; Za federacijo društev JS^ v državi Colorado: J ohn Lipec, ta jn^’ (Dalje na 7. str.) h f« 'et a h S h >0] ’c Ati 5 'Oi M\ h M t k Z! SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT 3 tu* ... of the condition of the :rat, ADULT DEPARTMENT ) št. , of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA at the close of business edji DECEMBER 31, 1938. J§* (Continued from page 4) ‘t AND FIXTURES: , 01 naerwood Elliott Fisher Company .............$ 95.50 $ 95.50 Ijgj _________ leli«a^XISING- stationery and , „ Sl)ppUES: 'mPHS.'ograph Sales A^ency....................* 4276 impri 8n ^ome Publishing Company ............... 106.00 ,gw lur^n,‘iTSlaV Ptg- & pub- Company .............. 135.75 Vi., llia!ns Company ...................... 38.35 i 3hristiBSTA(^d’ng Machine Company ................. 7.85 ^aC> 3vkn e Lith°graph & Printing Company 10.99 /eSfr g°An Studio .................................. 10.00 ;iy ''’Kennedy Company, for calenders ........ 1,566.84 ............................................ 15.90 3 ComPany............................... 351.02 l 1- Monitor .............................. 2.25 ■es«^mwngtonrbRn j?ompany 16 80 <. ilovm „ i 11811(1 Company ....................... 30.35 g0Cf’n&rl “bllshine Company ........................ 60.00 \\ei Sennpti?^ P Fisher Company ...................... 43.00 „ 1 »rater! , Wrisht Studios.................... 41.57 .......................................... 36.40 e .If. Kim!!1?1 'Amerikanski Slovenec) ............... 5.00 la (Prosveta) ............................... 6.00 ■eko- i.J.T€rhIertlsemeiUs ........................... 2818 •i a Nova n ,Vec’ Stationery & Supplies in office of I® a D°ba...................................... 1.64.43 $ 2,719.44 3 12 K? FIDELITY BONDS: «4 <0VA Tin« egin and Company ....................$ .67 $ .67 UrtcS, ?A> OFFICIAL ORGAN: i P° ■'ON’TRrn. goslav Ptg- & Pub. Company ........$5,338.72 $ 5,338.72 V.Št Unlucky p0NS AND DONATIONS: foreign t un^ies Bondholders Committee ........$ 10.00 ®’ W. Parvn^Ua6e Information Service ............ 10.00 jnit ’ M. D. (Christmas Seals) ................ 5.00 $ 25.00 Senses: dl* V. A pilnta' Per diem and fare ...............$ 9.30 id]1 lichigan £ ComPany, Lodge Supplies........... 1.76 •adfl Certir 6 Board of Tax Administration.......... .90 ■f ^yHardu, a^e of Anton Peselj, Lodge 66...... 2.00 dHJ 'ollection are anc* Furniture Company, (Wreath) 16.00 rš$ counnv,^ atlc^ Exchange Charges on interest olj, and checks.............................. 68.53 ^ . Puiuth Do?|n Insurance (Nova Doba) ............... 6.90 J While ch for safe-guarding Supreme officers OČC* Vofjjjj^.^king Society’s bonds and securities .. 10.00 21 Compensation Insurance Premium 35.40 J°dgeNo ,sreturned to member of Lodge No. 33 1.50 rs>l • 35, for one-half of loss in bank......... 33.34 $ 185.63 $ 27,999.08 0 0' TqTat ---------------------------------- „gjl Gain DISBURSEMENTS ................................................ $179,598.79 • 85,769.38 ra ToTat ----------- IteV- $265,368.17 „ CONDITION OF FUNDS :e I ft? Und: lW Clsbnv'8 -....................................................... $ 155,869.12 gjgti rsetHents 83,781.161 ......................................................$ 72’087-96! ,1$ Ce May 31, 1938 ............................................. 2,047,353.12 °^* »ijj*!0® December 31, 1938 ........................................$2,119,441.08 rest] Jk ‘nflemnity Fund: 1 v* ..........................................................$ 67’39905 jfl. Aments ..................................................... 62,646.01 Bai^ail1 .....................................................•....$ 4.753.04 j aClJ' Ce May 31, 1938 ................................................ 24,886.97 ^*a|8Btv * December 31, 1938 .................... $ 29,640.01 v S 8.531.38 i .jlilfi Aments 4,578.731 ^ fiawa‘n........................................................... $ 3,952.65 gt* Ce May 31, 1938 ................................................ 17,185.04 Z!ct. Uh>«ia5Ce December 31, 1938 ......................................$ 21.137.69 - l0»l p. Fund: '0& Disbud * 1,949.92 j \t senients .......................................................... 593.81 v, Gain fialaiJ„\...........................................................$ L356.ll ee May 31, 1938 ................................................. 4,011.85 v|| || ————— 'C . N)e()S ‘\Ce December 31, 1938 ......................................$ 5,367.96 V8 Cwnd: iljf *......................................................$ 31,618.70 food' meuts 27,999.08 f. 5aian!lu............................................................$ 3,619.62! {0 e May 31, 1938 .................................................. 16,282.87 : ■pV ^ ^aian . * • 1 ■’ ■ . ■ - j Ce December 31, 1938 ........................................ $ 19,902.49 ! Ketty Verant ................ 101 1,000.00 Katherine Rejc ............. 103 1,000.00 Louisa Champa ............... 103 830.00 Mary Simenc ................. 103 1,000.00 Johana Ferjancich ........... 103 500.00 George Schneller ............ 105 1,000.00 Mary Tursich .............. 108 500.00 Josephine Sustar ............ 110 1,000.00 Anton Bolka ................. 114 214.29 George Jeram................. 116 292.74 Anna Novosel ................ 122 121.92 Mike Prpieh ................. 123 1,000.00 Mile Rukavina ............... 128 1,000.00 Angela Chernivec ........... 129 500.00 I John Primar ................ 132 500.00 Paulina Brundic ............ 132 500.00 I Frances Kromar ............. 137 1,000.00 (Frank Bobnar ............:.... 148 1,000.00 John Henikman 151 1,000.00 Andrew Peternel 155 500.00 Karol Shega 156 850.00 John Cergol 160 500.00 Mary Prilog 171 450.00 Frances Dermota 183 1,000.00 Michael Matesha 200 1,500.00 Anton Burja 200 500.00 Elizabeth Markovich 200 500.00 Maggie Ferderber 217 105.09 John Ivančiči'. 225 500.00 Karl Petrovcich 227 225.00 John Progar 231 1,000.00 Leo Zimmerman, refund- ed and repaid 27 26.01 $68,271.89 TRUST FUNDS DUE BENEFICIARIES Amount ; OF DECEASED MEMBERS Amount Name of deceased member due (Anton Stare ........................... 14.14 Louise Klobučar ...................... 140.51 (Anton Zupevc .......................... 111.59 Mike Jankovitz .................. 508.01 j Mary Ramoush ......................... 68.55 | Ivana Guzelj ........................ 135.20 j Matt Simec ........................... 54.02 j Anton Godic .................... , 515.321 John Basel........................ 152.74 j I John Jamnik ...................... 570.19 ( Frank Umek ......................... 125.181 Anna Rogina ......................... 122.90 j Joseph Sikich ....................... 318.32 : George Krcelic...................... 994.70! Nick Rogina ..........................222.97 Jernej Steblaj ...................... 168.96 j ■Anton Pust ........................... 28.46 j Elizabeth Oblak ..................... 100.00 Josip Redek ........................ 86.40 ( Bartol Luzar ...................... 100.00 j Louis Papes ........................ 170.82 Katrina Krall ....................... 585.64 | Mary Semerl ...................... 823.87 | | John Premro.......................... 200.00 j Vinko Marolt ........................ 841.53 Frank Gruden.......................... 34.05 John Skoda ......................... 100.00 j Frank Stanich ....................... 624.75 j Tony Shine ............... !...... 276.42 Elizabeth Makara .................... 100.00 j Anton Bolka ......................... 642.86 ( Paul Tomsich ...................... 371.78 Ursula Prijatelj ..................... 67.30 Mary Tekavetz......................... 70.00 Lina Schober ........................ 298.71; John Polugnak........................ 320.57 j Marjeta Ozanich....................... 50.00 John Pintar ......................... 450.00 Mike Respet ......................... 350.00 Tony Gašperšič 696.64 Louisa Champa ....................... 170.00 j Joseph Kanovsek ...................... 25.00 Joseph Deleja .................... 825.00 Nick Evanoff ...................... 497.79 I Katherine Lambert .................... 600.00 $26,508.24 Name of deceased member due Frank Zupančič ....................$ 53.8E Joseph Palcher.................... 209.12 Katherine Pogorelc ................ 183.01 Anna Novosel ........................ 119.5( I John Hutar ...................... 104.51 S Mary Ulchai ........................ 355.2E (Joseph Volk ....................... 350.0! Peter Novak .......................... 99.0C Philip Hussar ............. >......... 93.7E Mary Miklaucic ....................... 50.0( (Jernej Jaklovich .................... 111.98 Mary Gorichan ........................ 800.00 Frank Gorichan........................ 966.50 Nikola Kosanovich .................... 375.00 Anton Svigel .......................... 25.00 Josephine Pustoslemsek ............... 100.00 Frank Mishmash......................... 86.74 John Simcic ........................ 200.00 Mary Kapler ......................... 250.00 Mary Lisac ........................... 323.17 John Britz............................ 750.00 Frank Pengal ......................... 371.42 (Louis Rudman ........................ 282.13 j John Marolt ........................ 175.67 Ivana Zakrajšek...................... 100.00 I Lucija Kalan ....................... 150.00 Mary Klinar .......................... 200.00 Barbara Plantan...................... 116.67 John Sposta ........................... 50.00 Joseph Sluga .......................... 47.43 John Turk ............................ 444.47 Karl Petrovcich ..................... 225.00 Frank Šebenik ...................... 100.00 Blaz Gorše ......................... 425.00 Andrew Sharko ....................... 100.00 Angela Zupancich ............. ... 150.00 Josephine Bradach..................... 390.42 Jožefa Bolka ......................... 500.00 Lucy Merhar.......................... 112.22 Fannie Stariha........................ 221.03 Mary Milavec ....................... 546.71 Mirka Mihtel ...................... 292.49 John Podpečan ...................... 189.75 Antonija Evansek .................. 441.15 John Krize .......................... 654.03 Frank Koss ........................... 504.76 Frank Debar .......................... 151.36 John Presheren .............x..... 229.19 Greenburgh, New York............................................. 5% 15,000.00 Hoboken, N. J. School. ................:>........-............... 4% 10,000.00 Hoquiam, Washington, Water Works................................. 5l/2 20,000.00 Hudson County, N. J. Park Bonds.................................. 4% 10,000.00 Hutchinson County, Texas, Road................................... 5% 20,000.00 Ironwood, Michigan, School District.............................. 5 10,000.00 Jefferson County, Texas, Court House Refunding................... 5 10,000.00 Jersey City, N. J. Harbor Bonds.................................. 4‘i 5,000.00 Jersey City, N. J. Water Bonds................................... 4% 5,000.00 Johnson City, Tenn., School..................................... 6 5,000.00 Johnston County, N. Carolina, Highway............................ 5 10,000.00 Knoxville, Tenn., Sewer.......................................... 4% 5,000.00 Knoxville, Tenn., Bridge......................................... 4% 10,000.00 Lakewood, Ohio, City School District............................. 6 10,000.00 Lakewood, Ohio, Sewage Treatment Works. ...................... - 4% 16,000.00 Lakewood, Ohio, School........................................... 4% 10,000.00 Lee County, N. Carolina, Road. ................................. 4% 10,000.00 Liberty County, Texas, Road....................................— 5 20,000.00 Lima, Ohio, Street Improvement .................................. 5% 10,000.00 Livingston Parish, La., Road................................. 6 10,000.00 Long Beach, N. Y., Beach and General Improvement 5% 10,000.00 Long Beach, N. Y. Water ....................... '.......-....... 6 10,000.00 Long Beach, N. Y„ Refunding...................................... 5% 10,000.00 Los Angeles County, Calif., County Sanitation Dist. No. 5........ 5% 10,000.00 Lubbock, Texas, School District................... ,....—..... — 5 30,000.00 Lynwood (Lugo) School Dist., Los Angeles, Calif.................. 5 5,000.00 Macomb County, Mich., Drain Bonds................................ 6 10,000.00 Mahoning Valley Sanitary District, Ohio, Water ............. 4’/a 10,000.00 Mahoning Valley Sanitary District, Ohio, Water ............ 4% 5,000.00 Mahoning Valley Sanitary District, Ohio, Water ............4% 5,000.00 Maine Township, 111., High School District No. 207............... 4!,i 10,000.00 Mamaroneck, N. Y„ Sewer.......................................... 4% 10,000.00 Marion County, W. Va., Road, Mannington Magisteral Dist. .. 5Va 10,000.00 Maple Heights, Ohio, Village School District...................6 10,000.00 Marion, 111., General Corporate Bonds ................... -.... 5 16,000.00 Marion County, W. Va., Union Independent School District.... 4% 10,000.00 Matagorda County, Texas, Conservation & Reclamation Dist. 6 20,000.00 McKinley County, New Mexico, Road & Bridge....................... 5 10,000.00 Michigan City, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue ................... 4 10,000.00 Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, New Mexico, Ref 4 15,000.00 Milwaukee County, Wis., Metropolitan Sewer. . 4% 15,000.00 Minot, North Dakota, School Building ............................ 5 10,000.00 Mobile County, Alabama, Funding................................... 4‘/i 15,000.00 Moffat Tunnel Improvement District, Denver, Colorado 5% 10,000.00 Moffat Tunnel Improvement District, Denver, Colorado.............. 5% 10,000.00 Monroe County, Alabama, Refunding ............................... 6 10,000.00 Monroe County, Mich., Twsps. of Exeter & Raisenville, Road. 4% 4,000.00 Montgomery, Alabama, Water Works Warrants.......................— 5 15,000.00 Morton County, N. Dakota, Funding and Refunding.................... 3-4 15,000.00 Muncie, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue........................... . 3% 10,000.00 Newark, N. J. City Railway Construction ,.....................4V4 10,000.00 New Orleans (Port of), Louisiana, General Improvement. .........4% 5,000.00 New York, N. Y„ Refunding........................................ 4\4 20,000.00 North Chicago, 111., Water Revenue................................ 5 10,000.00 North Little Rock, Arkansas, Special School District............. V/j-lVa 5,000.00 Palestine, Texas, Serial School House .......................... 5 10,000.00 Pascoe County, Florida, Road and Bridge Refunding ............... 4-5’A 5,000.00 Pawhuska, Oklahoma, Sanitary Sewer................................. 6 10,000.00 Pennington County, S. Dakota, Court House.......................... 6 10,000.00 Perry County, Kentucky, Road & Bridge............................. 5 10,000.00 Perth Amboy, N. J. School........................................ 4% 10,000.00 Perth Amboy, N. J. School.......................................... 4Vi 20,000.00 Philadelphia, Pa., General Obligation ........................... 4 20,000.00 Phoenix Union High School Dist., Maricopa County, Ariz. ...... 4% 10,000.00 Polk County, Tennessee, Funding — .................... -....... 6 20,000.00 Pueblo Conservancy District, Colorado............................. 4% 20,000.00 Richland Parish, La., School District No. 18..................... 5 10,000.00 Roane County, Tennessee, Refunding Series A....................... 5 20,000.00 St. Lucie County, Florida, Road................................... 5 2,500.00 San Antonio, Texas, Water Works................................... 5^ 10,000.00 Sheffield, Alabama, Water Revenue................................ i'i 15,000.00 South Jersey Port District, N. J................................. 4',a 10,000,00 Summit County, Ohio, Refunding.................................... 5 5,000.00 Toledo, Ohio, School District..................................... 5 Vi 6,000.00 Trinidad, Colorado, Water Refunding.............................. 4 20,000.00 Tulsa, Oklahoma, Water Works...................................... 5 10,000.00 Union City, N. J. Serial Funding..................................4% 10,000.00 Union City, N. J. School Bonds of 1932. ......................... 6 10,000.00 Union Township, N. J. School District ........................... 5 20,000.00 Vancouver, Washington, Water Revenue.............................. 4% 10,000.00 Vincennes, Indiana, Water Works Revenue ’........................- 3% 5,000.00 Wayne County, N. Carolina, Funding................................ 5 10,000.00 Westchester County, N. Y„ Park Bonds.............................. 4Vi 20,000.00 Westchester County, N. Y„ Sanitary Sewer........................ 6 10,000.00 W. Matanzas D & L District, Fulton County, 111.................... 4 10,000.00 W. Matanzas D & L District, Fulton County, 111.................... 5 2,000.00 West Park, Ohio, General Sewer..................................6 10,000.00 (White Plains, N. Y„ 164,565.67 $ 164,56o.67 Other Assets: Due and accrued interest on bonds ...................$ 64,126.08 Accrued interest on certificate loans .................... 3,168.15 Due from Lodges ....................................... 24,106.31 $ 91,401.44 Inventory ............................................... * 10,500.00 $ 10,500.00 TOTAL .......................................................... $2,315,781.82 LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims: Trust Funds due Beneficiaries of Deceased members ............................................ $ 26,508.24 Death Benefit claims in course of adjustment 4,447.00 Death Benefit Claim resisted 1,000.00 Sick and Indemnity Claims .............................. 3,130.00 Disability Claims ................................1 209.83 $ 35,295.07 Accounts Payable: Awards for new members $ 473.25 Medical examiner’s fees for new members 30.00 To Secretaries of lodges for conversions of certificates from Plan A to AA, B, C, D, E and F 12.00 m W. A. Fisher Company ........................................ 85.66 Ameriean-Jugoslav Ptg. & Pub. Company 10.00 Taylor and Taylor, Consulting Actuaries 76.89 Minnesota Unemployment Compensation Fund 84.04 Ohit, Unemployment Compensation Commission 30.17 Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Fund 11.51 Collector of U. S. Internal Revenue ........................ 146.72 Assessments due for Joseph Prelesnik, deceased Lodge No. 203 ............................................. 44.00 $ 984.2-; ------------- Assessments not due $ 2.88 $ 2.8£ Outstanding checks ....................................... $ 18,391.15 $ 18.391.1J ( (Continued on pag« 8) Ulj" a 0f—----------------------— —— - ■ ( v, ueceascd Lodge Amount I lJ,Cmb« No. Paid t0 f'ck Sclweiger . .. 1 $ 500.00 i0£t -1 2.21 2 55271 ut N i*; 1 3 500 00 ■ i (^anko 4 l.ooo.oo ^ tv muel> Pavlich 4 1.000.00 l8S° ^hetir.Povik 6 500.00 Nk rT Munich 9 500.00 jii, ’'anri. eanz 12 1,000.00 • S»h Qaster .............. 14 1,000.00 t»y rT^ja 15 175.00 ,1 V Sa ..... 16 1,000.00 %, J4bp 16 500.00 , nCftj 16 479 00 3t° j. ■ ®nar 18 1,000.00 C« S P„rUc .18 1,000.00 \ej scr 21 50000 pija t Lllnka 21 l.ooo.oo k atlkovich 21 2,000.00 ,pl)- f.% ”Va-h 22 500.00 L. N* *up 26 500-00 I '% ft °8hi 26 1.000.00 Si r ,alamon 26 1,000.00 ,nl0 S^ich 26 1,000.00 ’ S^lkovec 26 1,000.00 Penko 26 1,000.00 nU°ga 26 500.00 ak0 S 2,°clu‘var 27 1,000.00 oh >Dh 'Ueriymn 27 500.00 I b^ft ?eciek 29 86.40 flV’ % «•' Racchini 30 500.00 .tfj Vy . °«orelc 30 500.00 %K«°inik # 30 46.54 ^“0vat 31 1,000.00 niK' ‘^nik 32 l.ooo.oo \ n P®' 36 100.0C °ebevc .............. 36 500.00 DEATH BENEFIT CLAIMS IN COURSE OF ADJUSTMENT Frank Kolenc ................. 37 $1,000.00 Frank Safran ............... 31 1,000.00 Martin Vrtačnik .............. 72 1,000.00 Katherine Nemanich 31 500,00 John Somrock................. 114 250.00 Thomas Kuznik .............. 138 250.00 John Gross ................... 58 250.00 --------- Josephina Pujzdar ........... 137 197.00 $4,447.00 . DEATH BENEFIT CLAIMS RESISTED Anton Peselj ................ 66 $1,000.00 BONDS Arkansas State Highway, Refunding, Series A...................... 4% % r 10,000.00 Arkansas State Highway, Series A .................................. 5 15,000.00 Arkansas State Highway, Series B................... 3Vi 2,949.85 Arkansas State Road District, Refunding, Series A.................. 3 20,000.00 Arkansas State Road District, Refunding, Series B. L :.... — 2,016.60 North Dakota State Real Estate Series.............................. 5 10,000.00 State of West Virginia, Hopemont Admin. & Hospital Revenue 4 10,000.00 Aberdeen, S. Dakota, Independent School District. ................ 4% 10,000.00 Aberdeen, Washington, Water Revenue................................ 5 10,000.00 Aberdeen, Washington, Water Extension Project Fund................. 5 10,000.00 Akron, Ohio, Sewage Disposal ...................................... 4% 10,000.00 Akron, Ohio, Grade Crossing Elimination (Unlimited Tax) 4 ;4 15,000.00 Alexander County, Illinois, School District No. 1.................. 5 10,000.00 Altoona, Pa., Improvement.......................................... 4'A 7,000,00 Altoona, Pa„ School District....................................... 4V4 3,000.00 Amarillo, Texas, Water Works....................................... 5 20,000.00 Bayonne, New Jersey, School........................................ 4V1 25,000.00) Bell County, Kentucky, Voted Road and Bridge....................... 5 15,000.00 Beresford, South Dakota, Water Works............................... 5 5,000.00 Bertie County, N. Carolina, Funding................................ 4% 10,000.00 Big Creek School District, McDowell County, W. Va................. 5‘2 10,000.00 Birmingham, Michigan, Sewage Disposal Revenue. 4 15,000.00 Bloomington, 111., Water Revenue. ................................ 4 Vi 10,000.00 j Blue Island Park Dist., Cook County, 111., Park Bonds. 4 10,000.00 Borger Independent School Dist., Hutchinson Co., Texas 3-5 10,000.00 Borger Independent School Dist., Hutchinson Co., Texas 3-5 473.30 Brazoria County, Texas, Brazos River Harbor Navig. Dist 5% 10,000.00 Brevard County, Florida, Special Road and Bridge 4Vi-6 10,000.00 Bristol, Virginia, Refunding City Hall & Court House ............. 4'/s 10,000.00 Browns Creek School Dist., McDowell County, W. Va................. 5\4 10,000.00 j Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Funding.......................... 4 Vi 10,000.00 Camden, N. J., School............................................. 4 Vi 10,000.00 | Camden, N. J., School and Improvement.............................. 4Va 10,000.00 Camden County, N. J., County Vocational School .................. 4Vi 5,000.00 Cameron County, Texas, Road........................................ 4% 10,000.00 Cameron County, Texas, Road........................................ 5 Vi 10,000.00 Center Line Relief Drain Dist., Macomb County, Mich................ 5Vi 15,000.00 Chatanooga, Tennessee, Public Improvement.......................... 4 25,000.00 1 Cicero (Cook County) Illinois, Water Revenue....................... 4Vi 10,000.00; Cicero (Cook County) Illinois, Funding, Third Series............... 4 ;i 10,000.00 Cherokee County, N. Carolina, Road and Bridge...................... 4:!i 10,000.00 Cleveland, Ohio, Park & Air Craft Field............................ 4Vi 20,000.00 Cleveland, Ohio, Aircraft Landing Field .......................... 4V4 20,000,00 Cliffside Park, N. J. Refunding, Board of Education................ 4Vi 10,000.00 Coal Township, Pa„ School District, Funding ..................... 5 20,000.00 Coleman County, Texas, Road....................................... 5 10,000.00 Cook County, (Cicero) Illinois, School Dist. No. 99. ........ 5 20,000.00 Cook County, 111., Evanston Township H. S. Dist. No. 202...... 6 10,000.00 Cook County, 111., Evanston Township H. S. Dist. No. 202...... 5 10,000.00 Cook County, 111., Maine Township H. S. Dist. No. 207............. 5 20,000.00 Cook County, ill., Proviso Township H. S. Dist. No. 209........... 5 10,000.00 Cranford Township, N. J. School District.......................... 4 15,000.00 Cranford, New Jersey, School (Board of Education) ................. 4 10,000.00 Crow Wing County, Minnesota, Refunding, Series B.................. 4 Vi 9,500.00 Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Sewer...................................... 4 10,000.00 Dade County, Florida, Board of Public Instruction 4-6 10,000.00 Dade County, Fla., Spec. Tax School Dist. No. 2, Sei. A 4-5 10,000,00 Dade County, Fla., Spec. Tax School Dist. No 2, Ref, Ser. B. 4-5 200.00 Dearborn, Michigan, Sewer Bonds ,................................. 4 Vi 10,000,00 Detroit, Michigan, Water.......................................... 4l,i 10,000.00 Detroit, Michigan, Water. ....................................... 4 10,000.00 j East Chicago, Ind., Water Works................................... 6 25,000.001 Elizabeth City, N. Carolina, Public Improvement................... 5 5,000.00 puclid, Ohio, Street Improvement.................................. 5 Vi 10,000.00 Euclid, Ohio, School District..................................... 5 15,000.00 • puclid, Ohio, Street Improvement..................................5% 10,000.00 j Farelley Lake L. District, Jefferson County, Arkansas............. 5 Vis 10,000.00 Flint, Michigan, Sanitary Trunk Sewer............................. 4% 10,000.00 Flint, Michigan, Union School District............................ 5 10,000.00 Florida State Everglades, D. D.................................. 6 25,000,00 Florida State Everglades D. D. Refunding.......................... 5 10,000.00 Forest Park, 111., Water Revenue. ................................ 4Vi 10,000.00 Freeport, 111., Water Revenue. ................................... 3 Vi 25,000.00 Garfield Heights, Ohip, Improvement............................... 5V4 10,000.00 Glencoe Park District, Cook County, 111........................... 4% 10,000.00 Goldsboro, N. Carolina, Public Improvement........................ 4:J4 10,000.00 / DEATH BENEFIT CLAIMS PAID From June 1, 1938 to December 31, 1938 1 Mary Lampret 36 500.00 Martin Jager ................. 36 1,000.00 Frances Zajec ................ 37 105.55 Mary Bittenc 37 500.00 Mihael Straus ................ 37 191.23 Frank Mate ................... 37 896.04 John Zuzek ................... 37 1,000.00 Joseph Ivancic................ 37 73.28 1 Mary Trd^n .................. 37 5Q0.00 Steve Rodich ................. 39 1,000.00 John Kavcic .................. 41 64.92 Mary Bradeško 41 355.25 1 Frank Stanich 43 208.25 1 Joseph Kanovsek 45 975.00 1 John Skoda 45 100.00 1 Katherine Lambert ............ 45 900.00 1 Anton Stepan ................. 51 1,000.001 I Ivana Kerzich ................ 53 500.00 ) Elizabeth Oblak 53 100.00 ) Frank Lozar .................. 53 500.00 j Biaz Gorshe .................. 54 85.00 ) Anna Supancic................. 57 1,000.00 ) Jernej Jaklovich 61 113.11 ) Margaret Ozanich ............. 64 200.00 ) Mary Kapelj 70 500.00 j John Žnidaršič 71 1,000.00 3 Frank Justin 71 500.00 3 Jospph Kopoblj 75 350.00 0 Frances Kerpan 75 350.00 0 Mary Pramol ................... 77 500.00 0 Frank Cero .................... 78 47.35 0 John Slapovich 84 1,000.00 0 Frank Levstek 85 1,000,00 0 Terezija Strukel 87 500.00 4 Frances Koss .................. 88 500.00 0 Andrew Sharko 88 100.00 0 Anton Strauss 89 1,000.00 0 John Slietina ................. 92 500.00 0 Matt Oblak .................... 94 1,< DOPISI Nadaljevanje s 6. str. Chisholm, Minn. — Dne 21. januarja so me moji prijatelji iznenadili s surprise party, šlo se je za mojo 55-letnico, katero sem dočakal 24. januarja 1939. Pri dobro obloženih mizah smo se zabavali do ranega jutra. Hvala vsem za njihovo prijaznost. Posebej naj velja moja iskrena zahvala za darila ob tej priliki sledečim: Moji sesetri in svaku, Mr. in Mrs. Anton Žurga, Mr. in Mrs. Joe Gazvoda, Mr. in Mrs. Gregor Rose, Mr. in Mrs. Joe Kochevar, Mr. in Mrs. John Sushnik, Mr. in Mrs. Jacob Petrich, Mr. in Mrs. Joe Lu-kanich, Mrs. Edna Ambrozich, Mrs. Frances Becha3r, Mrs. Julia Grahek, Mrs. Rosie First, Mrs. Johana Ruparsich in Mrs. Mary Karakash. še enkrat, prav lepa hvala vsem! Ob sličnih prilikah bom skušal naklonjenost povrniti. Zdaj pa naj mi bo dovoljeno ,da opozorim društvo št. 30 in druga društva JSKJ v tej okolici, cla naj ne pozabijo na letošnjo kampanjo, ki se vrši kot predhodnica druge atletične konference in tretje mladinske konvencije, V preteklih kampanjah je bilo naše društvo aktivno in se je dobro izkazalo. Ako hočemo, da bomo tudi letos poslali častno število delegatov na omenjeno konvencijo oziroma konferenco, moramo se resno prijeti agitacije. In nič ne smemo odlašati. V tem oziru imam precej izkušenj. Treba pa je dobre volje in odločnosti in mno--go se more doseči. Za nepristransko in finančno trdno podporno organizacijo kot je naša je lahko agitirati. In z dobro, prepričevalno besedo se včasih mnogo opravi. Torej, vsi na delo! Louis Ambrozich. Braddock, Pa. — V mojem zadnjem dopisu sem se hvalil, kako lepo in toplo vreme imamo, .in takrat, ko sem pisal, je bilo tudi rte, toda predno je prišel dopis v roke našega urednika, je tako snežilo, da se ni skozi okna videlo. In še pozneje se je zima grdo znašala nad nami. Neki dan sem šel na pošto, kakih deset minut hoda, toda sem vsled silne hurje komaj prišel domov. Bal sem se, da me odnese kar v večna lovišča. Take zjme že ne pomnimo več let. Sedem ton premoga sem že pokuril in treba bo druge zaloge, toda kako se bo to izvršilo, no vem, ker nam gospodje ne dajo nič zaslužiti. Kadar se sučemo samo okoli domačih peči in okoli naših boljših polovic, ne pridelamo ničesar drugega kot kakšna pod nos. če si ne bom mogel na-bavati premoga in me bo vsled tega zeblo v prste, da ne bom mogel s peresom pisati, bom se poslužil svinčnika in upam, da mi sobrat urednik zaradi tega ne bo vrgel dopisa v koš. (Prav gotovo ne,—sicer bo pa itak kmalu pomlad! Op. ured.) Članom našega društva št. 31 | JSKJ, ki si izposojujejo od idnote denar na svoje certifikate, priporočam, da o tem ob-: vestijo v oporoki navedene dedi-j če, pa naj bodo starši ali drugi, j Kdor ne ve, naj mu bo povedano, da od zadnje konvencije na-: prej se od takih posojil računa 4% obresti; prej so obresti znašale (>r;. Član. ki ob letu ne plača obresti od izposojene glavnice, naj pomni, da se mu pri-! pišejo k izposojeni vsoti in je | dolžan toliko več. To pomeni, da (če si jaz izposodim 100 dolarjev I in ob letu ne plačam obresti, bom za naprej dolžan 104 dolar-; je. In tako gre naprej. Pri našem društvu se je pripetil slučaj, da dediči po umrli članici niso hoteli sprejeti čekov i fc.mrtnine, češ, da je pokojnica I bila zavarovana za večjo vsoto in da izplačilo ni pravilno. Zima je bila, da je vse pokalo po teh pennsylvanskih hribih, pa so jo primahali k tajniku in, ker se jim je mudilo, smo brž odhiteli Dalje na 8. str. I Financial Condition of the Adult Department OF THE ^OUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA DECEMBER 31, 1938. (Continued from nage 7) BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1938 $2,261,108.48 TOTAL $2,315,781.82 STATE OF MINNESOTA') COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS | SS: PAUL BARTEL, ANTON ZBASNIK and LOUIS CHAMPA, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they are supreme president, supreme secretary and supreme treasurer, respectively of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America; that on the 31st day of December, 1938, all of the above described assets were the absolute property of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, free and clear from any and all liens or claims thereon, except as above stated, and that the foregoing statements as to the income and disbursements and the | general condition of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America are true and correct to their best knowledge, information and belief. PAUL BARTEL, Supreme President ANTON ZBASNIK, Supreme Secretary LOUIS CHAMPA, Supreme Treasurer Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28 day of January, 1939. JOSEPH MANTEL, Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 STATE OF MINNESOTA') COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS| SS: JOHN KUMSE, JANKO N. ROGELJ, FRANK E. VRANICHAR, MATT; ANZELC and ANDREW MILAVEC, Jr., trustees of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they have examined the foregoing statements of incomg and disbursements and general conditions of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, and that they; have carefully compared said statements with the books and records of said Union and are satisfied that said statements are true and correct, in every respect, to the best of their knowledge and belief. JOHN KUMSE JANKO N. ROGELJ FRANK E. VRANICHAR! MATT ANZELC ANDREW MILAVEC, JR. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28 day of January, 1D39. JOSEPH MANTEL, Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn, j My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 j SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT of the condition of the , JUVENILE DEPARTMENT of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA at the close of business DECEMBER 31, 1938 RECEIPTS Mortuary Fund: Assessments ............................................ $7,036.69 Interest from Bonds 3,448.40 Refunds from Lodges 190 and 199 < Reserve Credits) ........... 4.53 $ 10,489.62 Expense Fund: Assessments ............................................. $1,982.09 Rent paid by the Adult Department 700.00 Transferred from Mortuary Fund for Reserve Credits 255.35 $ 2,937.44 TOTAL INCOME.................................................$ 13,427.06 DISBURSEMENTS Mortuary Fund: Death Benefits ...........................................$2,022.86 Reserve credits .......................................... 1,503.00 Premium on Bonds Purchased 1,664.81 Accrued interest on Bonds purchased ......................... 98.06 Transferred to the Expense Fund 255.35 Assessments returned to member of Lodge No. 84 1.52 Fee for collection of Bond interest 12.50 $ 5,558.10 Expense Fund: GENERAL OFFICE MAINTENANCE AND EXPENSE: Janitor's Salary $245.00 Supplies 13.31 Mrs. Mary Jerich, Laundry 12.00 E. L. Rautio, repairs to heating plant 17.65 Cost of erecting and painting fence 19.78 William Spreitzer, washing walls 33.80 Expenses on lawn .................................... 2.00 $ 343.54 ------ 4 INSURANCE PREMIUMS: Joseph Mantel, General Insurance $ 66.25 $ 66.25 WATER, LIGHT AND HEAT: City of Ely ..................................... $ 49.30 Standard Oil Company .................I 181.35 $ 230.65 AWARDS: Articles in the “Nova Doba" $ 54.00 To various lodges for new members 222.00 $ 276.00 FEES: Examination fees for neto members $ 47.75 $ 47.75 OTHER EXPENSES: Stanley Pechaver, Salary $105.00 Stanley Pechaver, per diems ........................ 16.00 Assessments returned to members of Lodge 84 38.58 Employer’s share of Social Security Tax............... 1.05 $ 160.63 $ 1,124.82 -— - -- TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS .........................................$ 6,682.92 GAIN 6,744.14 total ...................................................... $ 13,427.06 BONDS Arkansas State Road District, Refunding, Series A. ..... 3 % $ 3,000.00 Arkansas State Road District, Refunding, Series B.......... — 330.00 Beresford, South Dakota, Water Works...................... 5 3,000.00 Bloomington, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue ............... 4 5,000.00 Bluefield, W. Va., Direct Obligation....................... 5 5,000.00 Chicago Heights, 111., Refunding........................... 5 5,000.00 Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Sewer............................... 4 3,000.00 El Dorado Special School District No. 15, Union Co., Ark 4 3,000.00 Fort Worth, Texas, (Voted) Hospital Series. ............... 3% 5,000.00 Galveston, Texas, Road Improvement......................... 5 5,000.00 Garfield Heights, Ohio, Improvement........................ 5V4 3,000.00 Glencoe Park District, Cook County, 111.................... 4% 3,000.00 Hamtramck, Mich., Public City Hospital..................... 3*4 5,000.00 Jersey City, N. J. Water................................... 4% 5,000.00 Knoxville, Tennessee, Bridge............................... 414 5,000.00 Liberty County, Texas, Road................................514 5,000.00 Mahoning Valley, Ohio, Sanitary Dist., Water, Series 0».... 4 'b 5,000.00 McLennan County, Texas, Road District No. 3................ 514 10,000.00 Mercedes, Texas, Independent School District............... 5 5,000.00 Middle Rio Grande Conservancy, Dist., N. Mex., Refunding 4 5,000.00 Norfolk County, Va., Tanner’s Creek Magisteral District 5 5,000.00 North Bergen Township, N. J. Refunding.....................4-4V6 5,000.00 Pender County. N. C. Road and Bridge Funding .............. 4:tt 5,000.00 Phoenix Union H. S. District, Maricopa County, Arizona 4 4,000.00 Stark County. N. D. Funding................................ 6 5,000.00 Vincennes, Indiana, Water Works Revenue.................... 3% 5,000.00 Vincennes, Indiana, Water Revenue. 3% 5,000.00 Wise County, Virginia, Gladeville Magisteral Dist., Ref. 4% 5,000.00 * - $127,330.00 Financial Condition of the Juvenile Department OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA DECEMBER 31, 1938 ASSETS Cash in transit to the Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minn $ 110.90 Checking account, The Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minnesota 3,263.63 Invested in Bonds ............................................. 127.330.00 Real Estate (Less $150.00 incumberances) ...................... 22,530.77 Due and Accrued interest on Bonds ............................. 2,674.91 Assessments due from Lodges ..................................... 1,061.88 TOTAL ............................................... $156,972.09 LIABILITIES Death Benefit ....................................................$ 32.14 Reserve Credits ................................ :............... 154.78 Outstanding Checks ................................................ 850.17 Assessments not due ................................................. qi Awards for new members ............................................ 87.50 Medical Examiner’s fees for new members............................. 15.50 W. A. Fisher Company ............................................... 32 09 BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1938 ..................................... 155,799 90 TOTAL $156.972.09 STATE OF MINNESOTA] COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS) SS: PAUL BARTEL, ANTON ZBASNIK and LOUIS CHAMPA, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they are supreme president, supreme secretary and supreme treasurer, respectively of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America; that on the 31st day of December, 1938, all of the above described assets were the absolute property of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, lree and clear from any and all liens or claims thereon, except as above stated! and that the foregoing statements as to the income and disbursements and the general condition of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America are true ancl correct to their best knowledge, information and belief. PAUL BARTEL, Supreme President ANTON ZBASNIK, Supreme Secretary LOUIS CHAMPA, Supreme Treasurer Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28 day of January, 1939. JOSEPH MANTEL, Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 STATE OF MINNESOTA') COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS | SS: JOHN KUMSE, JANKO N. ROGELJ, FRANK E. VRANICHAR, MATT ANZELC and ANDREW MILAVEC, Jr., trustees of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they have examined the foregoing statements of income and disbursements and general conditions of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, and that they have carefully compared said statements with the books and records of said Union and are satisfied that said statements are true and correct, in every respect, to the best of their knowledge and belief. JOHN KUMSE JANKO N. ROGELJ FRANK E. VRANICHAR matt anzelc ANDREW MILAVEC, JR. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28 day of January, 1939. JOSEPH MANTEL, Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. (SEAL) My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 j Champa za brzojavne čestitke. I Hvala vsem, ki so se prire-! ditve udeležili, pa tudi vsem, ki 50 nameravali priti, pa so jim razmere preprečile. Hvala vsem za vso dobroto, prijaznost in naklonjenost, hvala vsem za krasni praznik, ki nama je bil prirejen 14. januarja! Louis Samsa in soproga. Eli/, Minn. — članice društva Marija čist. Spočetja, št. 120 j JSKJ, obveščam, da se bo naša j redna seja vršila v nedeljo 19. j februarja in se bo pričela ob POL DVEH (1.30) popoldne, in |ne ob sedmih zvečer, kakor je | bilo prvotno nameravano. Vzrok I za premaknitev seje je prireditev združenih društev JSKJ v i Elyu. Omenjena društva namreč priredijo slovensko igro v j nedeljo 19. februarja ob 7. uri zvečer. Tudi naša zabava, ki bi ! se imela vršiti po naši seji v ne-I del jo 19. februarja, je odložena ! na enkrat pozneje. To naj upo-Ištevajo vse članice, katerim je j bila poverjena skrb za okrep- I čila. j Na kratko povedano, v nede-i ljo 19. februarja bomo imele sa-!mo redno sejo brez sledeče za-! bave. Seja se bo vršila v sobi številka 132 in se bo pričela ob pol dveh (1.30) popoldne, članice j naj to obvestilo upoštevajo. — Za društvo št. 120 JSKJ : Rose Svetich, tajnica. DOPISI Nadaljevanje s 7. str. k blagajniku. On je imel seveda, kar je prejel. Ugotovili smo, da nekaj ne more biti pravilno, toda ko sem spet prišel domov in pogledal v knjige ter začel računati, sem prišel do zaključka, da je glavni urad pravilno izplačal. Kar je bilo manj, je bilo izposojeno in pa natekle obresti od posojila od leta 1933. Drugi dan sem skušal dediču laztolmačiti kaka je ta reč, toda ni verjel. Moral sem mu napisati pismo za glavni urad, katerega pa je on podpisal, kajti jaz sem vedel, da je glavni urad izplačal pravilno. Tako je bilo; iheni in blagajniku napravljeno j nepotrebno delo in povzročeno i tudi nepotrebno delo glavnemu uradu. značeni kot dediči zavarovanih članov, in naj bi plačevali ases-mente, če jih zavarovanci sami ne morejo. Tekom depresije je zmrznilo mnogd bank, toda zmrznila ni nobena slovenska podporna organizacija. Vse so. točno izplačevale svoje obveznosti in vse jih še točno izplačujejo. Predno zaključim, naj še opozorim tistč, ki bi želeli plačati obresti na od Jednote izposojeni denar, da naj me obvestijo s kartico ali pa osebno. Kadar bom dobil iz glavnega uradji poročilo, bom jih obvestil glede plačanja obresti, pa naj živijo kjerkoli. Vsak naj pomni, da če ne plačuje obresti od izposojene vsote, je vsako leto več dolžan in je vsota zavarovalnine vsako leto manjša. Bratski poadrav. — Za društvo št, 31 JSKJ: Martin Hudale, tajnik. Trinidad, Colo. — člane dru-jštva Sv. Andreja, št. 84 JSKJ, i prosim, da upoštevajo pravila lin društvene določbe, kakor jih moram jaz. Kar se sklene na seji, velja za vse člane društva, j člani, katerih se tiče, naj torej poravnajo svoje dolg-ove pri I društvu, in skrbijo naj, da bodo j imeli pravočasno plačane svo-| je asesmente, to je, vsaj do zad-| njega v mesecu. Kdor tega ne j bo upošteval in bo vsled neplačanega asesmenta suspendiran, si bo sam kriv. Jaz se bom ravnal po društvenih sklepih. Dalje poročam, da bo naše društvo priredilo predpustno plesno zabavo v soboto 18. februarja. Zabava se bo vršila v prostorih sobrata Charlesa De-filipija v Starkvillu in se bo pričela ob osmi uri zvečer. — Za društvo št. 84 JSKJ : Jacob Prunk, tajnik. Mladim ljudem, ki so zapisani kot dediči smrtnine svojih staršev, priporočam, da se nekoliko brigajo za to. Ako sami ne morejo plačati asesmentov, naj bi jih plačali dediči zanje. Le tako morejo pričakovati, da bodo po smrti zavarovancev dobili polno zavarovalnino. Ako si član izpo-sojuje na svoj certifikat za plačevanje asesmentov, se mora izposojena vsota pač odbiti od smrtnine, poleg tega pa tudi obresti od izposojene vsote, in dediči dobijo toliko manj. Pred časom sem slišal nekoga, ki je dejal, da si bo od Jednote izposodil vso rezervo in da mu bo tam ostal še cel tisočak. To ni res, kajti, če ne bo plačeval obresti na izposojeno vsoto, se bo tisočak nižal in nižal. Nobena banka ne more izposojevati denarja brez obresti in isto-tako ga ne more Jednota. 'Denar članov se mora po primerni lestvici obrestovati, ker sicer nobena organizacija ne bi mogla zadoščati svojim obveznostim. Vsaka pametna oseba bi morala vedeti, da Jednota je najbolj zanesljiva banka in, če so ases-menti točno plačevani, bo po smrti zavarovanca smrtnina točno izplačana. To naj bi si posebno zapomnili tisti, ki so o- Chisholm, Minn. — Podpisana se želiva tem potom iskreno zahvaliti prijateljem in prijateljicam, ki so nama za 25-letnico najinega zakonskega življenja priredili tako lepo presenečenje. V prvi vrsti naj velja najina zahvala ženam, ki so se toliko trudile za omenjeno prireditev, kot so: Mrs: Louis Novak, Mrs. John Bevka, Mrs. Jack Tobak, Mrs. Frank Okoren, Mrs. Frank Jenko, Mrs. John Shega, Mrs. Frank Vadnar, Mrs. John Dropp in Mrs. John Samsa. Potem naj velja zahvala drugim, ki so na en ali drugi način pripomogli, da so bili vsi udeleženci prireditve lepo postreženi. V to vrsto spadajo: Mr. in Mrs. Louis Nosan, Mrs. Joe Pluth, Mrs. Albert Samsa, Mrs. Tony Dren, Miss Rose Dropp, Frank Vadnar, John Shega, John Bevka, Frank Okoren, Frank Jenko in Louis Novak. Iskrena hvala Franku Te-kautzu za tako lep nagovor v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Hvala Mr. in Mrs. Matt Pernat iz Aurore za poslano darilo in čestitke. Istotako hvala za darilo in čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Frank Gašperšič iz Mt. Iron. Iskrena hvala Mr. in Mrs. Carl Champa ter Eddie, Lud in Emily Enumclaw, Wash. — Naj tem potom malo sporočam, kako še životarimo tu na skrajnem seve-rozapadu. Z delom gre prilično tako kot drugod po deželi. Vreme pa imamo prav prijazno do-sedaj. Ako bi sobrat urednik zdaj prišel k nam na obisk, našel bi te kraje bolj zelene kot jih je našel lansko poletje, ko smo imeli občutno sušo. Seveda, zdaj bi moral prinesti s seboj mare-lo ali pa dežni plašč, ker dež nam primaka skoro dnevno, če bo šlo tako naprej, bomo kmalu lahko trgali pomladne cvetke. Pionirji naše naselbine odha jajo drug za drugim k večnemu počitku. Dne 21. januarja smo pokopali rojaka Petra Verhov-nika, starega 78 let. Pokojnik je bival v državi Washington 51 let in zapušča tu ženo, dva sina in šest hčera. Rojen je bil v vranski fari na Spodnjem štajerskem. Močno poškodoval se je pri delu na žagi tukaj rojeni mladi rojak John Umek. žaga mu je odtrgala skoro vso roko; Splošno priljubljenemu mlademu rojaku želimo, da bi kmalu okreval in se spet vrnil med nas. Bliža se pust in, ker bi ne bilo pravilno, da bi ga pustili kar mimo iti, smo sklenile članice SŽZ, da priredimo nekoliko veselice na pustni torek, to je 21. februarja. Veselica se bo vršila v dvorani Krain in se po pričela ob 7.30 zvečer. Rojake in rojakinje od blizu in daleč vabimo, da nas posetijo na naši veselici na pustni večer. Ivana Chacata, članica društva št. 162 JSKJ. Cleveland, O. — članice društva Jutranja zvezda, št. 137 JSKJ, opozarjam, da nova taj- |nica pri društvu želi tudi novega zanimanja za društvo. To pomeni, da naj vse članice vestno I in ob pravem času izvršujejo svoje društvene dolžnosti. Pri naši dosedanji tajnici smo ime--le vse preveliko zaslombo, zato bo zame ta urad jako težak in i bi bil seveda težak tudi za vsa-| ko drugo. Ko sem sestavljala zadnje mesečno poročilo in primerjala | vsoto plačanega asesmenta, me je kar streslo, ker je bilo komaj j polovico asesmentov plačanih. In društveni imenik izkazuje toliko dolgoletnih in poznanih imen. Premišljevala sem, kaj naj storim, da se izognem številnih suspendacij, pa sem se drugi in tretji dan napotila od članice do članice. Toda to kolekta-nje je žalostno opravilo. V največ slučajih se mi je zdelo, da bi me bili najrajši z očmi iz hiše vrgli, kjer so mi sploh odprli. Marsikje pa mi še odprli niso. želela bi, da bi se vsaka sosestra postavila na moje mesto. Prvi j mesec sem to storila, ker sem imela v mislih, kaj bi bilo, če bi se kateri pripetila nesreča, ko bi bila suspendirana. Krivdo bi j potem zvračala na društveno' j tajnico. Toda nikjer ni zapisa-' ! no, da je dolžnost društvene tajnice kolektati asesmente po hi-|šah. Vsaka članica naj bi se za-| vedala, da je njena dolžnost pla-ičati asesment ob pravem času, ! pa tudi, da se vsaka izmed nas vsaki dan bolj približuje času, |ko bo potrebovala jednotino po-1 moč. Upoštevajmo to, pa bo | prav za vse. [ Jaz bi srčno rada vsaki poma-;gala in založila zanjo, toda mi I pri najboljši volji ni mogoče, j Mislim, da približno vse soses-J tre vedo, v kakem finančnem položaju se nahajam in da zaradi tega ne morem zakladati za nobeno. Tiste, ki so biir. va.iene plačevati tajnici na domu, imajo čisto lepo priliko me najti, ker stanujem takoj pri naši glavni cesti St. Clair Ave. Prosim pa, da se članice tega poslužujejo le v skrajnem slučaju. Vsaka naj si zaznamuje TRETJI ČETRTEK v mesecu na koledarju za našo društveno sejo, pa naj pride na sejo in tam* plača svoj asesment. Če pa tega ne more, naj pride vsakega 25. dne v mesecu v zborovalno dvorano v Vidovo šolo, kjer bom pobirala asesment. Za zadnjo rešitev bom pa še zadnji dan v mesecu pobirala asesment na mojem domu. Članica, ki ne bo teh navodil upoštevala, naj posledice sama sebi pripiše. Katera ne bo plačala pravočasno, se bo sama suspendirala, in, če jo v času sus-pendacije zadene bolezen ali nesreča, naj ne zvrača krivde na tajnico. Nesreča se najrajši pri-! peti takrat, kadar človek ni zavarovan. Ako bodo vse članice točno iz-polnovale svoje obveznosti na-pram društvu, ne bo vzroka za kritiziranje in pritožbe, v društvu bo vladala sloga in sestrska ljubezen in lahko mi bo o-l pravi j ati posel, ki ga članice: pričakujejo od mene. Vsem, ki so se dosedaj ravnale po pravilih in bile točne s plačili, se zahvaljujem, in želim, da bi jih vse druge posnemale. Tako bo poslovanje društva redno in jaz bom moje delo z veseljem opravljala. Sestrski pozdrav vsem članicam! — Za društvo Jutranja zvezda, št. 137 JSKJ : Ana Erbežnik, tajnica, 875 E. 154th St. času ,to je vsako tretjo nedej v mesecu ob pol dveh po] Zadnja seja je bila jako dd obiskana in želeti bi bilo, članice v tako lepem številu^ ležujejo tudi bodočih sej. predsednica rada vodi seje, dar so številno obiskane. na svidenje na prihodnji seji' Za društvo št. 103 JSKJ: Anna Kovach, taji- LISTNICA UREDNIŠT1 [ A. /{., Chicago, lil. — N* ljevalne povesti priobčuj* kakor nam prostor v listu pušča. Včasih izostane nadfr vanje, v več izdajah zap<^ ma, ker ni prostora. Jedn° in društvene zadeve w01 namreč imeti vedno predn& našem listu. Povest “Blood1 1 Battle Field” še ni končan* s se bo še nadaljevala. jj ^ j August Kollandf ' 6419 ST. CLAIR AVEN^ Cleveland, Ohio j v Slovenskem Nar. DoB* V PRODAJA parobrodne llstW ^ vse prekomorske parnike! POŠILJA denar v staro , vino točno in po dnevu® nah; J OPRAVLJA notarske posle. Hollander ima v zalegi goslovanske znamke- j Skupna potovanja in $ ; ] ( Kakor vsako leto priredimo toflL -več skupnih potovanj in izletov i»**j . VELIKONOČNO SKUPNO VANJE bo na orjaškem brzopjjj ] QUEEN MARY 24. marca. Potni" dejo domov 1 teden pred Velik*' MAJSKO SKUPNO POTOVA^ vrši 3. maja na gigantskem W| niku NORMANDIE in potnik? ( doma preživeli skoro cel cvetoč*J PRVI SKUPNI LETNI IZLET * 31. maja isotako na priljubljene® j parniku NORMANDIE. Potnik' imeli slov. spremljevalca do LjO", GLAVNI LETNI IZLET se 28. junija na NORMANDIE. S r tega izleta potuje podpisani I*0. i krajšek, ki bo skrbel za udobno 1 vanje svojih potnikov ter tudi * rem kraju priredil več skupnih Za nadaljnja pojasnila o teh P® 1 njih in izletih, kakor tudi za P0*® ' .. <31) drugrem času in na drugih P0* se obrnite na spodaj navedeni ** DENARNE POŠILJATVE | Kadar pošiljate denar v stari se obrnite na našo tvrdko, ki 20. leto neprestano izvršuje ta* šiljatve. Naše cene so: <1 Za $ 2.45.. 100 Din. I Za $ 3.25.■ .« Ja 4.75.. 200 ” I ja 6.30. • jjl za 7.00.. 300 ” i za 12.00.• ^ za 11.00. . 500 ” za 17.70-• Sj za 21.50.. 1000 ” i za 29.00--.3 za 42.50..2000 ” , za 57.00-za 105 00..5000 ” [ za 112.00 -Cene podvržene spremembi ® gori. — Pri večjih zneskih dajel11 razmeren popust. ,j DRUGI POSLI S STARIM Kadar rabite za stari kraj stilo ali kaj sličnega, če tam Pr®”V posestvo, če imate dobiti dedšč*^ tam, ali če imate tam kak dru? ^ posel, tedaj je v Vašem interesi*' obrnete na sledeči naslov: LEO ZAKRAJŠEK General Travel Service. ®^1|, 302 E. 72nd St. New York^, Važno za vsakega KADAR pošiljate denar v stari kraji 'i KADAR ste namenjeni v stari kraji KADAR želite kopa iz starega kraja» ^ KARTE prodajamo za vse boljše najnižji ceni in seveda tud' izlet«.. , Potniki so z našim posredovanjom v zadovoljni. . Denarne pošiljke izvršujemo zanesljivo po dnevnem kur***' V JUGOSLAVIJO V ITAlMj 100 Din $ 2.45 100 Lir—--* M 200 Din. . 4.75 200 Lir__ V 300 Din-- 7.00 500 Lir__ «j.l 500 Din___ 11.00 1000 Lir__ 1000 Din. ... 21.50 2000 Lir_ W 2000 Din__ 42.50 3000 Lir__1 j Iver se cone sedaj hitro menjajo so cene podvržene spremembi gori ali Pošiljamo tudi denar brzojavno In M* Izplačila v dolarjih. p) V Vašem lastnem Interesu je, da pl^*ji predno se drugje poslužlte. za cen® pojasnila. Slovenic Publishing (Glas Naroda—Travel Burefl11, 216 West 18 St. New Yor^Jx VLOCf v tej posojil^ zavarovane do $3,000.00 po F* Savings & Loan Insurance t' ration, Washington, D. C- Sprejemamo osebne in društvi vloge,- Plačane obresti po 3$ St. Clair Savings & Loan ^ 6235 St. Clair A\enue HEnd. J —- NAJCENEJŠI SLOVENSKI DNEVNIK V Amerik. JE ENAKOPRAVNOST Naročnina za celo leto izven Clevelanda je 4.50 Društvom in posameznikom se priporoCamo za tiskovine. Unijsko delo—zmerne cene _6231 ST. CLAIR AVE. Cleveland, Ohio ^ Cleveland, O. — članice društva Marije Vnebovzete, št. 103 JSKJ, obveščam, da se bodo v bodoče naše seje vršile v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Seje se bodo vršile ob navadnem