SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 23/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 4.6. 2023 SVETA TROJICA MOST HOLY TRINITY Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Danes obhajamo praznik Svete Trojice: Boga Očeta, Sina in Svetega Duha. Kadar se spomnimo na Sveto Trojico, nam ponavadi pride na misel samo skrivnost: so trije in je eden, en sam Bog v treh osebah. Današnje bogoslužje pa našo pozornost usmerja k ljubezni, ki jo izraža skrivnost Trojice. Besedila današnje maše veliko govorijo o ljubezni. Ne govorijo toliko o treh osebah - omenja jih samo en stavek v drugem berilu: Gospod Jezus Kristus, Bog in Sveti Duh - kot o ljubezni. Obhajamo namreč praznik Boga, ki je ljubezen. Ta praznik nam lahko prinese veliko veselja, ker nam ponuja zelo pozitiven pogled. Bog ni samoten monolit, ampak je edinost treh oseb v ljubezni. Te osebe so tudi polne ljubezni do vsega ustvarjenega, zlasti pa do nas, ljudi. Prvo berilo, vzeto iz Druge Mojzesove knjige, nas preseneča, ker do razodetja božje ljubezni pride po hudem grehu ljudstva. Zaveza je bila komaj sklenjena, ljudstvo pa se je že izneverilo Bogu. Ker je Mojzes odšel in se ni vrnil, je ljudstvo prosilo Arona, naj mu naredi boga, ki bo viden in ga bodo mogli častiti z malikovalskimi obredi. Aron se je strinjal s to prošnjo. Ko je Mojzes prišel s Sinaja, je spoznal ta greh in je razbil tabli, na katerih so bili zapisani pogoji zaveze z Bogom in sta zato predstavljali zavezo. Kljub temu hudemu grehu pa se je Bog na Mojzesovo prošnjo odločil, da bo ljudstvu odpustil. Mojzesa povabi, naj se spet povzpne na goro z drugima tablama, podobnima prejšnjim, da bo ponovno prejel njegovo postavo, ta temeljni dar, ki človeku omogoča, da ima z Bogom poseben odnos. Mojzes tedaj prosi Boga, naj se razodene, naj mu pokaže svoj obraz. In Bog razodene svoje usmiljenje in ljubezen: »Gospod je šel mimo njega in klical: 'Gospod, Gospod, usmiljen in milostljiv Bog, počasen v jezi in bogat v dobroti in zvestobi.'« Ta definicija Boga izraža njegovo usmiljeno ljubezen, ki premaga greh, ga pokrije, odstrani. Jasnejšega razodetja ne more biti. Naš Bog se odpove uničenju grešnikov in namesto tega hoče kljub grehu še globlje in nenavadno izraziti svojo ljubezen. VESTNIK 2023 | To razkritje dopolni evangelij, ker pokaže, kako je Bog razodel svoje usmiljenje: »Bog je tako vzljubil svet, da je dal svojega edinorojenega Sina, da bi se nihče ne pogubil, kdor vanj veruje, ampak imel večno življenje.« . Bog bi lahko prišel, ga obsodil, uničil zlo in kaznoval grešnike. On pa ljubi svet kljub njegovemu grehu in pošlje najdražje, kar ima: svojega edinorojenega Sina. Ne le da ga pošlje, ampak ga podari svetu: »Bog je tako vzljubil svet, da je dal svojega edinorojenega Sina.« Vemo, kaj ta »dati« pomeni. Bog je dal svojega edinorojenega Sina, da bi z njegovo daritvijo izbrisal grehe ljudi, da bi z njegovo smrtjo rešil grešnike. »Bog ni poslal svojega Sina na svet, da bi svet sodil, ampak da bi se svet po njem rešil.« Božji dar je njegov Sin, ki se je rodil za nas, ki je za nas živel, ki se je velikodušno posvetil ozdravljanju bolnih, odpuščanju grešnikom, sprejemanju vseh, poučevanju božje resnice, da bi razsvetlil naše življenje. V odgovor na ljubezen, ki izhaja iz Očeta, je Sin za nas dal življenje. Sam je dejal: »Sin človekov ni prišel, da bi mu stregli, ampak da bi stregel in dal življenje v odkupnino za mnoge« (Mt 20,28). Tako se je razodel Bog, ki je ljubezen. Kdor veruje vanj, je osvobojen greha in se ne bliža drugi smrti, ampak doseže večno življenje, življenje v občestvu z njim. Večno življenje je namreč prav v tem, da smo deležni božje ljubezni v nebesih. Na križu je Jezus nam dosegel delež pri večnem življenju, ki nam ga priobčuje Sveti Duh, ki nam je dan. V skrivnosti križa so tako navzoče tri osebe: Oče, ki tako velikodušno daje svojega edinorojenega Sina; Sin, ki do popolnosti izpolni Očetov načrt; Sveti Duh, sad Jezusovega križa, ki prihaja, da spremeni naše življenje in nas naredi deležne božjega življenja, božje ljubezni. Bogu ne manjka ljubezni, pač pa grešnik trdovratno odklanja sprejem te ljubezni in tako obsodi samega sebe. V drugem berilu nas Pavel nagovarja: »Veselite se, izpopolnjujte se, spodbujajte se, bodite istih misli, živite v miru, pa bo Bog ljubezni in miru z vami.« Pavel konča pismo Korinčanom s trojnim milostnim pozdravom, v katerem imenuje tri osebe Trojice: »Milost Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa in ljubezen Boga in občestvo Svetega Duha z vami vsemi!« S tem pozdravom lahko začenjamo sveto mašo. Trije pojmi, ki so pridruženi trem božjim osebam, so pojmi, ki izražajo ljubezen. Praznik Svete Trojice je praznik Boga-ljubezni, ki mora napolniti naša srca z veseljem in jih po drugi strani odpreti za življenje, ki bo v resnici pokorno ljubezni, ki prihaja od njega. - (Prim.: Oznanjevalec 3, 2008) 246 | VESTNIK 2023 MOST HOLY TRINITY Response: Glory and praise for ever! First Reading Exodus 34:4-6. 8-9 Moses bows before the Lord, acknowledging the guilt of the people. Second Reading 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Paul encourages us to be happy as we live in love and peace with God and each other. Gospel John 3:16-18 God’s love for the world is such that God’s only Son was sent into the world so that through him the world might be saved. “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.” Illustration The first human being in space, Yuri Gagarin in 1961, is supposed to have said that during his flight he looked and looked and did not see God. More recently, the James Webb Space Telescope has looked into the furthest reaches of the Universe. The distances and timescales involved are unimaginable. Our understanding of God, the creator, has to stretch to embrace them, but still we cannot see God. When young Billy was asked by his teacher what he was drawing, he answered, “God”. “But nobody knows what God looks like,” said the teacher. “They will when they see my drawing,” Billy confidently asserted. Yet, despite the evidence of Gagarin, of the James Webb Space Telescope and of Billy, no description of God is sufficient. Human beings have a need to explain the mysteries of life, and in every age, in every civilisation, learned and wise people have ets of the Old Testament, we come to know the God who is revealed as the Saviour of this people, called out of slavery into a new and everlasting covenant of love. Finally, the love and mercy of God are revealed in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the eyes of our faith are opened, and we are able to see God. Application The main objection to this understanding of a God of love is the pain and suffering in this world. If God is all-powerful, if God is love, why do so many innocent people suffer, especially children? Why is there so much violence and oppression in the world? Why do rich people prosper, while those who are poor continue to lack even the basic needs? This has been the problem taken up by many faithful people throughout the history of God’s relationship with God’s people. Sometimes they can take the blame on themselves, on their own infidelities. Sometimes they protest their innocence, but, in the end, the answer is to be found in the struggled to unravel these questions. Some life and death of Jesus. God does not simply stand by and have suggested that God is the source of life watch us suffering, God sends God’s Son into the world so and of the whole of creation. Others deny that through him the world might be saved, that those who this and say that everything stems from a believe might have eternal life. Jesus teaches us the way of coincidental coming together of prime mat- self-sacrificing love and service of others, especially the little ter which resulted in the Big Bang followed ones, those who are sick in body and spirit, outcasts. He does by the evolutionary process. Despite the this not simply by his words, but by his actions. He is the efforts of scientists, philosophers and theolo- Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. It is the gians, God is still a mystery. love of Jesus revealed in his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead that brings about the forgiveness of our Gospel Teaching Writing to the Romans, St Paul said that, sins. It is love that reconciles us with God. It is love that reconciles us with each other. It is love that enables compassion although invisible, the everlasting power and brings peace. and deity of God are there for the mind to Today we are invited to celebrate the Lord who has resee in the things that God has made. We can know something about God through looking vealed himself to us as God the Father, creator and source of at the wonder of creation, but we still do not all life; Jesus, the eternal Son of the Father, God’s Word of love made visible; and the Holy Spirit of their love, who conknow God. We must wait for God to speak. tinues to live in the hearts of all who believe. We are set free. This is precisely our faith, that the Lord revealed himself first to his chosen people, the We are reconciled. We are destined for eternal life. We live people of Israel, as “a God of tenderness and now in the communion of God, the Holy Trinity, so that in our life of love and service of others, the face of Jesus, the image compassion, slow to anger, rich in kindness and faithfulness”. Through the experience of of God, may always be seen in our world. That’s what God is the patriarchs, and of Moses and the proph- like. VESTNIK 2023 | 247 What started out as a wet and cold Friday ended in a wonderful celebration of the Victoria Day long weekend at Slovenski Park May 19-22, 2023. On Saturday, the first ever S.P. Euchre Tournament for adults and Uno Tournament for children turned into an afternoon filled with laughter and fun. The competition was intense and those participating as well as those watching agreed that this was a great activity to add to Slo Park’s events. In first place and winner of the Euchre games was Leah Skerl and for the children’s Uno games Brayden Pettam took the top spot. As the day wore on the rain stopped but the cold temperatures persisted, making the evening’s Electric Jello Dance Party all that much more fun. A great turnout in the hall for this annual event put everyone in a good mood as they danced the night away with great music provided by DJ Joe. Though the sun finally came out Sunday morning, conditions outdoors were not favourable and Holy Mass was held indoors followed by a beautiful Telovska Procesija or Corpus Christi procession. Much gratitude and appreciation is extended to Father Drago Gacnik for his hard work and dedication not only to the Word of God but for his help in preserving Slovenian tradition. After Mass everyone enjoyed a traditional Slovenski Park lunch of roasted pork – pecenka, chicken or kranjske klobase, and then spent the afternoon socializing, listening to music and watch248 | VESTNIK 2023 ing the players competing in the annual Bocce ball or Balinanje Tournament. It was so wonderful to see members of all ages team up and compete in this beloved sport, which really has become a Slovenian tradition. Congratulations to first place winners, Stefan Muhic Sr. and Andrej Kanc. All in all it was a fabulous weekend and many great memories were made. None of it would have been possible without the member volunteers who give their time to do what needs to be done to ensure a great experience for everyone. A big HVALA LEPA to all who worked, all who attended and all who contributed in any way to the success of the weekend. Magda Razpotnik President, Slovenski Park Executive Committee VESTNIK 2023 | 249 250 | VESTNIK 2023 Diocese of Hamilton Removal of COVID-19 Liturgical Protocols All Covid-19 restrictions and associated protocols and guidelines related to the Liturgy are no longer to be observed. Therefore: ◆ The use of masks and hand sanitizers are no longer mandatory. ◆ Seating restrictions are no longer required. ◆ All liturgical ministers (greeters/ushers, altar servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of Communion, musicians) are to resume their service in the manner described in our liturgical books. ◆ The practice of ushers taking up collection during the offertory is resumed. ◆ The use of the credence table (away from the altar) is resumed; presidential prayers are to be said at the chair, and not the altar. ◆ The privilege of the faithful receiving Communion from the Chalice is now permitted, where this is desirable and sufficient ministers are available. ◆ Both Communion in the hand and on the tongue is permitted. ◆ Deacons are to receive Communion from the Chalice, as prior to Covid. ◆ Communal celebrations of Baptism are now possible. Slovenian Summer Day Camp August 15-18 2023 Our Slovenian Summer Day Camp is back! After a bit of a break, I am happy to announce that we will again be hosting our Annual Summer Day Camp! PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATE! Because of a conflict in dates, our camp will be held one week later than usual. Parents, Grandparents, Friends this is a great opportunity to get your kids involved in our Slovenian community. For those who already have many friends, let’s re-connect and for those who may be a little new to our parish, come out and meet other children your age and get ready for a week of Crafts, Sports and a little culture! Mark your calendars Tuesday August 15-18 And remember to book off your Friday evening for our annual SSDC BBQ and campers vs. parents Soccer Game! Stay tuned - More information to follow! Contact Heidy Novak or 905-317-6002 VESTNIK 2023 | 251 252 | VESTNIK 2023 V nedeljo, 28. maja je bila lepa domača slovesnost Prvega sv. Obhajila. Pet otrok: Liliana Lunn, Leonard Manning, Brayden Pettem, Chessa Rozich in Nina Rozich, je prejelo Jezusa v svoje srce. Že takoj po pol deseti uri so se prvoobhajanci in družine začele zbirati pri cerkvi, kjer so otroci dobili šopke (Sidonia Poppa je prevzela to skrb), ki jih Katoliška ženska zveza vsako leto pripravi zanje. Nato smo odhiteli h kipu Marije Pomočnice Kristjanov, ki stoji za našo dvorano. Ob 10h smo zapeli pesem: Pred teboj o Mati …, nato pa se priporočili Mariji z molitvijo »O Gospa moja«, angelu varuhu z molitvijo »Sveti angel«. Potem so deklice položile vsaka svoj šopek rož v vazo pred Marijo, dečka pa sta poleg postavila goreči sveči. Nato smo se v procesiji podali v cerkev in nadaljevali s sveto mašo. Prvo berilo je prebrala Amanda Purdon, Psalm Brayden Pettem, drugo berilo Lisa Teskey in prošnje Natalija Sestanj-Lunn. Darove je prinesla družina Rozich (prvoobhajanki Nina in Chessa in njuna starša Boris in Faye). Prvoobhajanci pa so se po obhajilu zahvali Bogu in Materi Božji. Med mašo je pel angleški zbor. Otroke je pripravljala za obhajilo Lorie Mramor, gospa Olga pa je poskrbela, da je bila cerkev zopet lepo in primerno okrašena. Tony Horvat je bil naš uradni fotograf, Joe Razpotnik pa pri računalniku in kameri za neposredni prenos na Facebook. Hvala vsem za sodelovanje in pomoč in navzočnost. Lepo je, da se ob taki priložnosti kot skupnost dobimo pri maši in sodelujemo. Upam, da se bo cerkev še večkrat tako napolnila, kot se je v nedeljo. VESTNIK 2023 | 253 254 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 255 LET US RETURN WITH JOY! May 24, 2023 Dear Friends: For the past three years, the world has been shaken by the Covid-19 virus, and our lives have been changed as we sought to observe the many protocols which were established for our health and safety. These included frequent periods when we were unable to come together to celebrate our faith and be nourished by the Sacraments. On several occasions our churches were closed, and we were unable to celebrate the Sunday Eucharist, which is so fundamental to our Catholic way of life. Since we foresaw occasions when we would be prevented from participating in Sunday Mass, and we were fearful of gathering as long as Covid-19 and its variants were spreading and threatening the health of so many people, on March 16, 2020, I dispensed the faithful of our Diocese from the obligation to participate in the Sunday Eucharist. During the pandemic, several Parishes in our Diocese provided livestreaming, so that even though parishioners could not be physically present and participate fully in the Sunday Mass, they were able to at least hear the Word of God proclaimed and witness the celebration of Mass broadcast from their Parish. I am grateful for all the ways that our Priests sought to provide spiritual support to their parishioners during those difficult years! In recent months, we have been able to resume most of our former activities. It has been a great joy to gather again with our families and friends, and especially with our Parish communities. At the beginning of this month, the World Health Organization declared that the Covid-19 virus is an on-going health issue; however, it no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. Furthermore, all Covidrelated restrictions have been removed in our Province. For this reason, I am removing the dispensation from the obligation to participate at Sunday Mass, effective on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), June 11, 2023. I understand that some members of the faithful, 256 | VESTNIK 2023 for reasons of health, may not feel able to return to Mass. However, it has always been the teaching of the Church, that those who are impeded from participating at Sunday Mass because of ill health, or care for the sick, or some other grave reason, are not bound by the obligation to participate in the Sunday Eucharist. Those who are now able to resume their regular activities and enjoy good health are obliged to participate at Sunday Mass. “Virtual Masses” online and on television, while spiritually helpful, do not fulfill the Sunday obligation for those who are able to attend Mass in person. Today, on this Solemnity of Pentecost, we mark the conclusion of the Easter Season and celebrate the birthday of the Church. From the earliest days of the Church, Christians have come together on Sunday, the Lord’s Day, to celebrate the Eucharist. And so, I take this opportunity to invite all the faithful of our Diocese, if they have not already done so, to return with joy to the Sunday Mass. May our faithful celebration of the Sunday Eucharist and our reception of the Body and Blood of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ in Holy Communion never cease to nourish our faith and strengthen us to be missionary disciples. Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton ADULT FAITH FORMATION THROUGH VLCFF – The Diocese of Hamilton is proud to partner with Dayton University’s Virtual Learning Community for Adult Faith Formation (VLCFF) to offer certificate programs for ministry and enrichment for adult faith formation. We are currently taking enrollment for the Youth Ministry Certification Program and the Catechist Formation Program for the Diocese of Hamilton, which begins in September 2023. Three and five week e-seminars are also available at a discounted rate for all adults in the Diocese looking to further their learning. For more information about our programs, and how to register, visit us at TORKOVI VEČERI PRI SV. JOŽEFU V torek, 30. maja, je bil zadnji večer v tej sezoni, ko so se člani in članice zbrali na preživljanju družabnega večera v prostorih društva v Villa Slovenia. Do oktobra se bo vse preselilo ven, kjer so lansko leto lepo preuredili okolico, da se v senci dreves lahko preživljajo popoldnevi. Sedaj balinišče vabi igralce na svoje površine. Hvala Petru, Franku in Daniju za vso organizacijo. VESTNIK 2023 | 257 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - June 11, 2023 - London - 3:00 p.m. Mass with the procession - June 24, 2023 - Bled - SLOVENSKI DAN Mass at 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Cultural program - July 2, 2023 - Slovenski Park - 1:00 p.m. Mass READERS - BRALCI Slov. Mass: Sue Augustin Eng. Mass: Heidy Novak GIFT BEARERS June 4th - Sue & Zdravko Augustin CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - ČIŠČENJE 10th June - Lojzka Novak team June 24th - Groznik, Erzar, Lukežič MEMORIAL MASS – CEMETERY The annual memorial Mass at Gate of Heaven Cemetery will take place on Saturday, June 17 at 11:00am. Please note that this Mass will take place outdoors. All are welcome! VEČNA LUČ V mesecu juniju večna luč gori za pokojnega Lojzeta Prilesnik, po namenu žene Marije in družine. CWL - KŽZ Our general CWL meeting will take place after 7:00 p.m. Mass on Wednesday, June 7th. Members welcome! POKOJNI - DECEASED V ponedeljek, 29. maja 2023, je Bog pokli258 | VESTNIK 2023 cal k sebi po večno plačilo našo faranko, Normo Tompa. Pokojna je bila v 80. letu starosti. Njenega moža smo pokopali 2015. Od pokojne ste se lahko poslovili v četrtek, 1. junija med 5. in 8. uro zvečer, ob 5h smo imeli tudi molitve v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home. Pogrebni obred smo opravili prav tako v Funeral Home in sicer v petek 2. junija ob 11h dopoldne. Pogreb z žaro bo ob kasnejšem času. - Sožalje otrokoma Johnu in Kathleen in njunima družinama, prav tako pa tudi vsem sorodnikom. Pokojna Norma pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. VRTNICE ZA LETO 2023 V mesecu juniju, ki je posvečen Srcu Jezusovemu, bomo med sveto mašo prebirali Vrtnice, ki jih je za letos napisal cistercijanski pater Branko Petauer. Vrtnice nosijo naslov: »Človekov da Bogu«. Kot je zapisal p. Anton Nadrah v predgovoru, Vrtnice govorijo o naši poklicanosti in upa, da bodo te »spodbudile vse nas, da bomo izrekli svoj »dà«, kadar bo Bog to pričakoval od nas. SLOVENIAN FLAG RAISING CEREMONY You are all invited to attend the Slovenian Flag Raising Ceremony in honour of Slovenia’s Independence Day. The Flag Raising ceremony will be held on Friday, June 23, 2023 at 11:00am at Toronto City Hall. After the ceremony at approximately 12:30 pm, please join us for a reception at Marija Pomagaj Church on 611 Manning Avenue in Toronto. We look forward to seeing you. - Vera Margutsch Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 1. junija 2023: - $152,120. - Obljubili / Pledged - $147,965. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: SV. REŠNJE TELO IN KRI V Kanadi se praznik sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi iz četrtka prenese na nedeljo - tako je odločila kanadska škofovska konferenca. Zato bomo v nedeljo, 11. junija praznovali ta praznik še posebej pri slovenski maši, ko bomo po maši imeli kratko procesijo, kar po cerkvi, pri dveh oltarjih in zaključili pri glavnem. Maša bo kot običajno ob 9:30 dopoldne. DON BOSCO Pirc Mozetič Grdun Rev Gimpelj Razpotnik Volčanšek Rosmus Žekš Prilesnik Ježovnik Plut Intihar Lehner Štadler Novak Novak Karolina Alfonz Franc Srečko Marjeta Josef Karl Sonya Ana Edward Alojz Branko Ivan Joseph Franc Franc Frank Pavel Sunday, June 5, 1977 Monday, June 5, 2000 Tuesday, June 5, 2007 Tuesday, June 6, 1995 Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Sunday, June 6, 2021 Tuesday, June 7, 2011 Thursday, June 7, 2018 Saturday, June 9, 2007 Wednesday, June 9, 2021 Friday, June 10, 2011 Thursday, June 10, 2021 Friday, June 11, 1982 Thursday, June 11, 1987 Friday, June 11, 1999 Sunday, June 11, 2006 Saturday, June 11, 2016 Stratford Festival, July 20, 2023, "Women of the Fur Trade" - The play was written by Frances Končan who is of "mixed Anishinaabe and Slovenian descent. We have ordered two buses and have a few seats still available. If you are interested and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact John or Marta Demšar at 905-274-6391 or 416- 222-5999. SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 259 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 4. 6. 2023 - 11. 6. 2023 SVETA TROJICA MOST HOLY TRINITY 4. JUNIJ Frančišek Caracciolo, redovni ustanovitelj † †† † † † † † †† † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Marjeta Gimpelj, obl. Mary in Lojze Veličevič Jože Zadravec Marija Berden Srečko Rev, obl. Jožef Vori Andreja Lebar Jožef in Eufemija Tompa Joe Prša, obl. Ivan in Rozina Doma 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - Mož Jože Anica Saje z družino Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak z druž. Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak z druž. Žena in otroci Rozina Petek z družino 11:00 A.M. Bojan in Terezija Milosavljevič Ivanka Dogar Žena z družino Kathy Prša z družino † Marta Raščan † Eileen MacKenyie 7:00 P.M. Hči Cvetka Milosavljevič z družino N.N. TOREK - TUESDAY 6. JUNIJ - Norbert, škof †† Pok. iz družine Novak † Julijana Sagadin 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) SREDA - WEDNESDAY 7. JUNIJ - Robert, opat ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 8. JUNIJ † Karl Zorčič, obl. Za zdravje 7:00 P.M. Jožica Vegelj z družino CWL - KŽZ † Frančiška Napast Po namenu 7:00 P.M. Ljudmila Pinter z družino Jožica Novak z družino PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 5. JUNIJ - Bonifacij, škof Sv. Rešnje Telo in Kri PETEK - FRIDAY 9. JUNIJ Primož in Felicijan, muč. SOBOTA - SATURDAY 10. JUNIJ Bogumil, škof Edvard, duhovnik †† † † † †† †† †† †† † † †† SV. REŠNJE TELO IN KRI † BODY AND BLOOD OF † † CHRIST †† 11. JUNIJ † † Barnaba, apostol † †† 260 | VESTNIK 2023 Eddie (obl.) in Gerda Žekš 7:00 P.M. Frances Hozjan Jože Tompa, 30. dan Jože Gačnik 5:30 P.M. Stanko Malevič in Fanika, obl. Pokojni farani Pok. starši Fabina Karl in Alojzija Šturm Branko Ježovnik, obl. Franc Štadler, obl. Za žive in rajne župljane Paula & Franc Pelcar Lojze Prilesnik, obl. Karel Volčanšek Jože Gačnik Pavel in Frank Novak, obl. Franc Štadler, obl. Stanko Bratuž Tončka Demšar Pokojni Slovenci iz Londona Zora Hull Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Sestra in brat Ljudmila Pinter Martin Malevič z družino Martin Malevič z družino Mihael in Marija Fabina Marija Košir N.N. Družina Mes 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Žena Marija z družino Otroci in družina Družina Volčanšek Helen Špiler Žena Amalija z družino 11:00 A.M. Žena Matilda Families Demšar, Purdon, Scarcelli 3:00 P.M. St. John the Divine Church