VELIKA NOČ EASTER SUNDAY THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 14/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 1. 4. 2018 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Neuničljivo veselje Velike noči Na velikonočno jutro je prišla Marija Magdalena skupaj z drugimi ženami še v temi k Jezusovemu grobu, da bi truplo balzamirale. Tega niso mogle storiti v petek zvečer, ker se je s prvo temo začenjala sobota, z njo pa prepoved telesnih opravil. Na poti jih je zaskrbelo, kdo jim bo odvalil težki okrogli kamen od vhoda v grob. Ko so prišle tja, so na svoje veliko začudenje videle, da je kamen že odstranjen. Magdalena se je pognala v tek - šlo je za prvovrstno senzacijo! - obvestit apostole, da je grob prazen. Ti so se v dvorani zadnje večerje skrivali pred Judi in pestovali svojo žalost. »Gospoda so vzeli in ne vemo, kam so ga položili!« je kar bruhnilo iz nje. Peter in Janez sta se brez slehernega pomišljanja odločila, da gresta vso zadevo preverit. Novica ju je tako razburila, da sta se po mestnih uličicah spustila v dir. Janez je bil mlajši, zato je pritekel h grobu pred Petrom. lz spoštovanja do njega, ker je bil starejši, posebno pa še, ker je bil vodja apostolskega zbora, ni vstopil v grob. Od vhoda pa je opazil na tleh povoje, v katere je bilo zavito Jezusovo truplo. Čez nekaj časa je prisopihal tudi Peter. Takoj je odločno vstopil v grob. Na tleh je zagledal povoje, nedaleč stran pa lepo zvit prtič z Jezusovega obraza. Za Petrom je vstopil tudi Janez. Ko je poleg ovojev ugledal še zloženi prtič, mu je postalo jasno, da trupla niso odnesli tatovi. Torej je Jezus vstal od mrtvih. Le kako naj bi si tatovi jemali čas za odvijanje trupla iz ovojev in zlaganje prtiča z Jezusovega obraza? Zlasti pa to: ko bi truplo »slekli«, bi ga morali nositi skozi Jeruzalem golega, kar bi bilo pa res malo preveč. Tako Peter kot Janez sta šele sedaj doumela starozavezne napovedi, da je Jezus moral vstati od mrtvih. Od tistega trenutka naprej sta oznanjala kot osrednjo resnico krščanstva prav to. Zgodovinska veda lahko pove o Jezusovem vstajenju samo to, da so učenci pričevali o njem. Tehta lahko le njihovo verodostojnost. Kristjan pa to mora storiti. Vere ne sme sprejemati lahkomiselno. Toda zadnji korak, ki se zahteva od njega, je vera. Bolj soglasnega pričevanja, kot je sporočilo o Jezusovem vstajenju, v Svetem pismu nove zaveze sploh ni. Vrhunec vseh spisov od najstarejših do najmlajših je, da je Bog svojega Sina obudil od mrtvih in da so apostoli vstalega Gospoda videli. Od prvega trenutka oznanjevanja je to prepričanje središče in vogelni kamen oznanila vseh oznanjevalcev. Veselje! Velika noč nas kliče v to občutje. Velikonočno veselje je svetlo. Upa si pogledati v oči tudi smrti, ker se opira na Jezusovo življenje onstran nje. To je najčistejše veselje, ki obstaja na svetu, ker je v zvezi z odpuščanjem grehov. Njegovo jedro je in tudi ostane mir, katerega izvir je Vstali sam. To veselje je neuničljivo. (Po Holandskem katekizmu.) 166 | VESTNIK 2018 168 | VESTNIK 2018 170 | VESTNIK 2018 172 | VESTNIK 2018 2018 Easter Message by the Most Rev. Lionel Gendron, P.S.S., Bishop of Saint-Jean-Longueuil and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops In Canada, the celebration of Easter, which coincides with the emergence of spring, is al-ways filled with a sense of new life. As we begin to throw off our winter coats and boots, the days are becoming longer, the sun is getting warmer and new life abounds in the budding trees and the plants that are emerging from the ground. But what is this new life that fills us with East-er joy? It is in fact new life rooted in the pro-found understanding that by the death and res-urrection of Christ we have been reconciled with God. Whatever might separate us from God has been removed, destroyed, and by this reconcilia-tion, we have gained freedom from the darkness of sin and death. We are free, able to throw off that which binds us so as to immerse ourselves in the all-encompassing embrace of our loving God. But new Easter life asks more of us. Easter reminds us that while we celebrate our reconcili-ation with God, we are called to be reconciled with our brothers and sisters, in our families, our parishes, in our communities and in our world. We are called to share our Easter joy by making peace with our neighbour. Pope Francis, in a homily to the people in Villavicencio, Columbia, said, “Every effort at peace without a sincere commitment to recon-ciliation is destined to fail.” He also said, “Reconciliation means opening a door to every person who has experienced the tragic reality of conflict.” Earlier this year, I was privileged to partici-pate in the Holy Land Coordination with other Bishops from around the world. We encoun- tered many young people whose lives have been profoundly affected by a conflict which they have inherited in spite of themselves. In our conversations with them, it became abun-dantly clear that they desire a new way of relat-ing with one another. This was evident in the many initiatives that youth are engaging in to promote dialogue and bring justice, peace and reconciliation into their lives and the communi-ties in which they live. A perfect example of this was the meeting of two young members of the Parents Family Cir-cle. They told us about their experience of how, in the aftermath of the killing of a Palestinian girl by an Israeli and the death of an Israeli girl by a Palestinian suicide bomber, the parents of the two dead young people had chosen not to hate each other. In turn, they taught their chil-dren not to hate and these two young members became great friends, living examples of what we mean by seeking reconciliation even in the midst of profound tragedy and loss. These fami-lies understood the tragic result of conflict, re-sponded with love and established the Parents Family Circle. This is what being reconciled means. Here in Canada we are keenly aware of our call to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. We acknowledge the need for such reconcilia-tion as a first step, and are seeking ways to bring this about through listening and dialogue in organizations such as the Guadalupe Circle and the Canadian Catholic Aboriginal Council. This process will take time and requires faith, sincerity of heart and commitment to lasting peace. We live in a world that is too often marked by division. There is a readiness to vilify the “other” and to be suspicious of the “stranger”. We are called to recognize our common hu-manity, that we are all brothers and sisters cre-ated in the image of God. Having been reconciled with God through the death and resurrection of Christ, we are called to seek reconciliation with others. This peace will be a mark of true Easter joy! +Lionel Gendron, P.S.S. Bishop of Saint-Jean-Longueuil and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops VESTNIK 2018 | 167 VESTNIK 2018 | 169 VESTNIK 2018 | 171 CVETNA NEDELJA V HAMILTONU Cvetno nedeljo smo začeli z blagoslovom zelenja pri slovenski maši. Zbrali smo se ob 9:15 zjutraj v dvorani, kot že zadnja leta, saj je bilo zunaj zares hladno. Mešani zbor je pel pri prvi maši. Pri maši smo prebrali trpljenje našega Gospoda po vlogah. Drugo sveto mašo ob enajstih je vodil salezijanec, Fr. Dave iz Toronta. Z blagoslovom zelenja so začeli na hodniku cerkve in potem šli v procesiji v cerkev. Pri maši je pel angleški zbor in tudi pri tej maši so prebrali pasion po vlogah. Sam pa sem odhitel v Kitchener k društvu Sava in nato še v London k društvu Triglav. Mašo smo imeli v cerkvi St. John the Divine. O tem pa več v prihodnji številki oznanil. Illustration Fr Andrew had a genuine rapport with the First Communion class in his parish. The children enjoyed his stories and he tried hard to help them understand the wonder of all that Jesus had done by coming into our world and promising that he would be with us always. In the final session before Holy Week and Easter, Fr Andrew popped in to see that the children were on course in their prepara-tions for the great events that were about to be celebrated. He was particularly concerned that they would understand the importance of the Mass of the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday when Jesus gave us the great gift of himself in Holy Commun-ion. He also wanted to introduce them to the idea that by sacrificing his life the following day, Jesus had shown us the ultimate in love: he had literally loved us to death. Young Michael was following the conversation very closely and eventually put his hand up to ask a question. “Father,” he said, “I don’t understand why we call Good Friday ‘good’ when it was obviously so bad.” Fr Andrew was taken aback but delighted that Michael was clearly thinking seriously about all that they had been discussing. He said: “Michael, you are absolutely correct. It was a quite dreadful Friday and the only reason we can call it ‘good’ was because of Easter Sunday. If Jesus had not risen from the dead then none of this makes any sense. In fact St Paul once said that if Christ is not risen, we are still in our sins and our faith is futile.” Gospel Teaching Today is the great Christian feast. We may be tempted to think that Christmas is the feast of feasts because it captures our imagination, and it is so much easier to relate to a vulnerable little child than to enter into, let alone understand, the mystery of a God who, having died a horrendous death as a pub-lic criminal, should be raised again to life. We should not be dismayed if, like Michael, sometimes we struggle to piece the jigsaw together. The apostles were the same, struggling to understand what was happening. St John describes the drama in the early morning of Easter Sunday when Mary of Magdala reports that the tomb is empty. John is keen to let us know that he was in on the act and ran with Peter to check for himself. It is worth remembering that John was writing his Gospel with the benefit of having been able to piece the story together after a lifetime of meditating on it. He notes that this was the mo-ment that he began to see the connections and the fulfilment of what had been prophesied in the scrip-tures. He tells us: “Till this moment they had failed to understand the teaching of scripture, that he must rise from the dead.” And he is not afraid to go on and tell us what happened in the evening of Easter Sunday when Jesus came to the apostles who were hiding behind locked doors. It is not insignifi-cant that Thomas, who was absent, refused to ac-cept the evidence of the others. We will hear more about this next Sunday. In the Acts of the Apostles, over and over again the disciples return to the key elements of the faith. We see them in Peter’s address to Cornelius and his household: Jesus is the awaited Messiah; he was crucified for us; he was raised from the dead; he is now appointed to judge everyone. Application Today it is enough for you and me to realise that we are being asked to accept our call to be faithful witnesses of the resurrection. Now, as her-alds of this good news – news which even makes the Friday of Holy Week “good” – we are proclaim-ing not only that Christ was brought back to life, but that we too have been brought back to life with him. There is a temptation to think that we must wait until our earthly life comes to an end before we will experience this new life. But it is clear from the writings of St Paul that this is not so. We have al-ready been brought back to life and freed from the sin that held us bound. Paul is keen that we set our sights on heavenly things and realise that Christ is our life now. EASTER SUNDAY Response: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Procession Mark 11:1-10 Actions speak louder than words and Jesus enters Jerusalem as a humble king. First Reading Acts 10:34. 37-43 Peter explains why he and the apostles were entrusted with Christ’s mission. Second Reading Colossians 3:1-4 Christ is our life and now this is all that matters. Gospel John 20:1-9 John tells us that he saw the empty tomb and he believed. “Till this moment they had failed to under-stand the teaching of scripture, that he must rise from the dead.” Palliative Care The Diocesan webpage offers detailed information on this topic, providing extensive answers from a Catholic perspective on questions persons or caregivers may have as they face this difficult journey. There are seven sections dealing with every aspect of need. Please encourage your parishioners to make use of the information found at Image result for bled slovenia Bled Planica Social Club Cordially invites you… BLED PLANICA SOCIAL CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday April 22nd, 2018 2:00 p.m. sharp OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE V četrtek, 5. aprila so pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor in sicer po večerni maši. Peli bomo pri maši 15. aprila skupaj z angleškim zborom, ker je maša ob 10:00 a.m., po maši pa je spomladanski banket v dvorani. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 31. marec-sobota zvečer: St. Gregory the Great - 8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil . 1. april - nedelja: Velika noč - St. Gregory the Great - maša ob 9:30 a.m. (Slov.), 11:00 a.m. (English) . 10. april-torek: Meeting of SCCN - SKON at 7:00 p.m. @ St. Gregory's »youth room« . 15. april-nedelja: St. Gregory the Great - Spring banquet - Mass at 10:00 a.m. . 21. april-sobota: Slovenski park - 9:00 a.m. Spring Clean-up, 2:00 p.m. Občni zbor . 22. april-nedelja: »Bled« Planica Social Club Spring General Meeting at 2:00 p.m. . 22. april-nedelja: Sava-Breslau - Mass 12:00 . 22. april-nedelja: Triglav-London - Mass 4:00 p.m. At St. John the Divine . 25. april-sreda: CWL - Our Lady of Good Council Mass 7:00 p.m. . 28. april-sobota: Slovenski park - Spring Banquet - 6:30 p.m., Band Brajda . 29. april-nedelja: Lipa park - Ambassador-Mother's Day Luncheon GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO . 31. marec 8:00 p.m. - Easter Vigil: Family Labricciosa . 1. april 9:30 a.m. - Easter: Family Grebenc . 8. april 9:30 a.m. - Toni in Marija Franc . 15. april 10:00 a.m. - Ignac in Tereza Kolenko KITCHEN SECRETS With many responses, our pierogies and krofe making sessions are now full. If you are still inter-ested in learning these recipes, please email me and I will try to organize another session when possible. Thanks for all your interest in participating in these cooking sessions. Heidy DAROVI - DONATIONS V spomin na pokojnega Avgusta Berkovič sta Zlatko in Marija Berkovič za gradbeni sklad darovala $300. Iskrena hvala za dar. KŽZ - CWL Katoliška ženska Zveza želi vsem župljanom in njihovem družinam blagoslovljene velikonočne praznike. CWL wishes all our parishioners and their families a happy Easter! Our next CWL general meeting is scheduled to take place on Wed. April 4th immediately after 7:00 p.m. Mass. Executive meeting will take place at 6:30 pm. A subcommittee planning meeting for our 50th Anniversary is scheduled for Monday, April 9th at 11:30 a.m. SPOMLADANSKI BANKET V nedeljo, 15. aprila je naš spomladanski banket. Kot ste dobili v velikonočnem pismu, lahko oddaste prijavnico pri nedeljski nabirki ali pa pokličete Terezija Sarjaš : 905-560-1218. Pokličite najkasneje do prihodnje nedelje, 8. aprila, da lahko pripravimo vse za kuhinjo. Za spomladanski banket bo maša zopet ob 10:00 h dopoldne nato pa kosilo v dvorani. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 A.M., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 8:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slovenian), 11:00 A.M. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO VELIKA NOČ EASTER SUNDAY 1. APRIL Irena, mučenka †† †† †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Pokojni iz družine Grebenc Jože in Marija Zelko, obl. Francka in Jože Pust Anna 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Lojze Grebenc Jože in Rose Kolenko z dru. Družina Pust Family Janiak VELIKONOČNI PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 2. APRIL Frančišek, red. ustanov. Po namenu (4/22) V dober namen 11:00 A.M. Ana Tadič Jožica Novak TOREK - TUESDAY 3. APRIL Rihard, škof † Po namenu (14/28) Martin Farkaš 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadič Žena z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 4. APRIL Izidor, šk.uč. † † Teresa Drvarič Za zdravje članic KŽZ Franc Raduha 7:00 P.M. Demšar-Scarcelli CWL - KŽZ Terezija Zadravec ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 5. APRIL Vincencij Ferer, duh. † †† Frank Lukšič Ivan in Ivanka Brinovčar, obl. 7:00 P.M. Sestra Jožica Novak z družino PRVI PETEK FIRST FRIDAY 6. APRIL Viljem, opat † †† † † † Neža Stegne Marija in Jože Zelko Miroslav Kosem, 30. dan Andrej Markež Jože Hanc 7:00 P.M. G. & F. Berkopec Bernarda Milosavljevič Družina Dim Manja Erzetič Matilda Prša SOBOTA SATURDAY 7. APRIL Janez, duhovnik Herman, redovnik †† † †† †† † †† Ludvik Prevec Starši Kuzma Tomaž Langenfus, obl. Štefan in Marija Horvat Martin in Katarina Nedelko Jože Hanc Frančiška in Stane Napast 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Romana Prevec Hčerka in otroci Mama Ivan in Ana Nedelko Ivan in Ana Nedelko Kathy in Martin Simončič Družina Pinter 2. VELIKONOČNA NED. BELA - BOŽ. USMILJENJA 8. APRIL Divine Mercy †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Jožef in Marija Zelko Matija Vlašič 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Hčerka Marija in Toni Franc Dorothea Jezovnik SVETE MAŠE - MASSES od 1. 4. 2018 do 8. 4. 2018