2. POSTNA NEDELJA 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 11/53 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 12. 3. 2017 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK SPREMENJENJE Današnja božja beseda je v znamenju klicanja: Gospod pokliče Abrahama; Jezus vzame s seboj na goro spremenjenja apostole in Pavel preko Timoteja vabi tudi nas, da delamo za evangelij v svojem in drugih življenju. Božji klic nas na poseben način dosega v krstu, ki pomeni spre-obrnjenje in novo začenjanje, še bolj pa »potopitev« v svet božje milosti. Po Jezusu je Bog vstopil v človekov svet. Ob njem se vsi spreminjamo: »Vsi mi, ki z odgrnjenim obrazom kakor ogledalo odsevamo Gospodovo slavo, se spreminjamo v isto podobo, iz sijaja v sijaj« (2 Kor 3,18). Peter, Jakob in Janez so prepričani, da je nastopil konec časov. Ne razu-mejo razsežnosti razodetja; »veliki dan« še ni prišel, čeprav ga že okušajo. Tudi mi se pogosto predajamo praznim upom in pozabljamo na molitev in delo, ko je ura za to. Ubežati želimo življenju, sanjarimo in na dolgih poto-vanjih iščemo nekaj izrednega. Radi bi vse doživeli, vse videli, vse ... Izgovarjamo se, da nam primanjkuje časa, hkrati pa opuščamo resnično potrebna opravila. Radi bi živeli drugače, bolj srečno; včeraj smo skušali potešiti svoje želje, danes se vsemu odrekamo ... Trije učenci so se z Učiteljem vrnili v dolino. Tam jih čaka obilo dela: skrb za preživetje, pomoč sočloveku in delo za božje kraljestvo, ki osmišlja vse drugo. Razumen človek si bo izbral enake naloge. Bog prihaja k nam in nas poživlja. Spoznavamo svet, brez napak in ne-uspehov. »Močni časi« božjega razodevanja pa krepijo našo vero. »Njegova vrata se podnevi ne bodo nikdar zapirala: zakaj tam noči ne bo« (Raz 21,25). Človek vedno išče Osebo - ne želi zaupati v nekaj, temveč v nekoga. V Nekoga, ki je nad našimi lažmi, nad pohlepnostjo in minljivostjo. On, ki ga je poslal Bog, razume naše hrepenenje in našo nestanovitnost. Odkriva nam brezsmiselnost greha in odpušča zaradi božje ljubezni. Jezus je naš prijatelj in vodnik, in trije apostoli spoznavajo, da ima »besede večnega življenja«. V dolino se je odpravil, da bi postal »vsem vse«. »Sam sebe je ponižal tako, da je postal pokoren do smrti, in sicer smrti na križu« (Flp 2,8). 122 | VESTNIK 2017 124 | VESTNIK 2017 126 | VESTNIK 2017 128 | VESTNIK 2017 130 | VESTNIK 2017 132 | VESTNIK 2017 Dear CWL Members, Parish families and friends! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR STRONG SUPPORT OF BAZAAR 2017! Our annual fundraising Bazaar was an amazing success. We do hope everyone en-joyed themselves and were possibly one of the many happy winners of our Penny Sale, Raffle, 50/50 or Lottery. Our Blue Lottery Ticket Winners were: Dan Demšar - $50 Debbie Kubesheskie - $75 Ann Godina - $75 Ann Godina - $100 Elizabeth Gimpelj - $100 CONGRATULATIONS! We asked for donations. So many of you responded generously, by donating 108 Pen-ny Sale items; 8 wonderful Raffle prizes; deli-cious baked items and prizes for our Chil-dren's Center. We asked for members to come forward to make a new noodle making team. It all began with Heidy Novak's noodle making cooking class and guidance from Terezija Sarjaš for the dough. Heidy became our official dough mak-er. Pam Gosgnach, Rosie Šušteršič, Sidonia Poppa, Nancy Taylor, Dragica Ferenčak, Majda Lukežič, Albina Antolin, Mary Miklavčič and Aranka Dundek made 98 bags over 3 weeks. We asked for "someone" to make štrudel. Our member Elizabeth Gimpelj made and generously donated all of our štrudel! Her daughter, Silvia came Bazaar day to bake these delicious štrudel to perfection. We asked for krofe. Jožica Vegelj respond-ed by making her delicious recipe for krofe with the help of Pamela Gosgnach, Gizela Hauzar, Majda Lukežič, Milena Volčanšek and Terezija Uduč. We needed a cook and kitchen team. Early morning and long hours working in a hot en-vironment hoping to create a satisfying meal to please a room full of hungry people was taken on by Nancy Taylor (Dundek) as our cook with the assistance of Heidy Novak, Dragica Ferenčak, Marianne Škerl and Rosie Sušteršič. Although we try to prepare our-selves with advance reservations there are many people who can not know if they can come until the day of the event. This presents itself as a challenge to the kitchen but our la-dies met this challenge ... job well done! We needed servers. Nicholas and Vanessa Scarcelli, Adrianna Erzar, Fiona (Pamela Gosgnach’ s granddaughter), Adrianna Erzar, Matjaž Mramor and Kristina Hode did a won-derful job of getting our food out as quickly as possible and helping with kitchen clean-up. We needed bar staff. Tony Horvat, Joe An-tolin and Lojze Ferenčak volunteered. We needed set up help. Now that was truly amazing. So many people came out to help on Saturday by 830. Over an 8 hour period, Elka Peršin, Sonya Podrebarac, Sidonia Poppa, Mary Miklavčič, Albina Antolin, and Majda Lukežič interchanged and worked on the Pen-ny Sale and Raffle tables. MaryAnn Demšar and Rosie Šušteršič worked equal amount of time on the Children's Center. It takes a lot of time to make everything look nice and orga-nized! Nancy, Dragica and Aranka were al-ready prepping in the kitchen. Tony, Joe and Lojze were setting up the bar. Joe and Kathy Prša, Ivan and Angela Antolin, Joyce and Mati-ja Tompa, Vinko and Magda Benc, Milka and Karl Ferko came out together to set up tables and place settings as well as Francka Antolin, Pamela Gosgnach and Daniella Pavlich. Tere-zija Sarjaš and Milena were directing the floor plan. So many people doing so many differ-ent tasks to prepare everything that needed to be in place. Bazaar Day, I can add more names to our list of helpers. Ana Doma with Daniela selling Raffle tickets. Frances Scarcelli with Sidonia selling Penny Sale tickets and 50/50. Theresa Farbotko and Doreen Sebben helped with 50/50. Our bake table had Kathy Simončič, Emilia Mertuk, Milka, Albina, Magda, Francka and Majda. Many people interchanged many different jobs over the time needed to pre-pare for Bazaar. At the Children's Center with Mary Ann, Vanessa and Nicholas there were several of our youth present at the bazaar who came to help. They all also helped with running the 108 Penny Sale prize items to the winners. THANK YOU SO MUCH to Nikola Lukežič, Annamarie and Gregory Horvat. If I have forgotten anyone, please accept my apology and know that your time and effort was greatly appreciated. Clean up was accomplished much easier because so many people present pitched in and were a big help to us even if just the table they were sitting at was cleared and chairs stacked. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Preparation of this Bazaar included all the above, as well as selling Lottery tickets every Sunday for weeks, taking table reservations, pro-curing licenses and raffle donations, signage ... many different "hats" worn by the same volun-teer members ... lots of work but worth every mo-ment to see our parish come together, happily working together and then enjoying the Bazaar ... our CWL mission accomplished! … "creating an afternoon of fun for family and friends", hoping to raise funds for our parish's major expense this year which is the new roof. I have learned that if you approach people and ask for their help, you will most often get it! I am so grateful for this. My heartfelt THANK YOU once again to Fr. Drago for all his support and help and to every-one you helped in anyway and or attended. It is safe for me to say, the success of Bazaar 2017 had everything to do with the helping hands, gener-ous hearts and commitment of so many. Sincerely, St. Gregory the Great, CWL Presi-dent, Sidonia Poppa Bazaar 2017 VESTNIK 2017 | 123 VESTNIK 2017 | 125 VESTNIK 2017 | 127 VESTNIK 2017 | 129 VESTNIK 2017 | 131 For tickets & table reservation contact: Frank Erzar @ 905-643-0285 Tickets: Adults: $30 * Students: $15 * Children (ten & under) $10 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT Response: Let your love be upon us, Lord, even as we hope in you. First Reading Genesis 12:1-4 Abraham is called to step out in faith with the promise of manifold blessings. Second Reading 2 Timothy 1:8-10 God has called us from beyond all time and we are encouraged to lean on God’s power in our journey of discipleship. Gospel Matthew 17:1-9 Peter, James and John witness the transfigura-tion of Jesus and hear the Father’s voice confirm-ing his delight in him. “This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour.” Illustration Bruno Mars is an American pop singer, born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. One of his most fa-mous songs is entitled “The Lazy Song”, which goes, “Today I don’t feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed.” Perhaps there are times that we can all relate to those lyrics. Another big hit of his is called “Just the Way You Are”, which includes the lyrics, “When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change… ’cause you’re amazing just the way you are.” The lines are being sung by one lover to another, seeing perfection in the countenance of the beloved. What an incredible feeling to hear such words being sung to you; to have somebody care for you so much that there is nothing about you they would want to change. Gospel Teaching In the story of Jesus’ transfiguration, Peter, James and John have an experience of seeing Jesus as being truly amazing. They are able to recognise that he is amazing, for they contemplate him for who he really is. On the mountain, Jesus shines as the true source of light that he is, and the Father affirms his delight in him and the trust he has placed in him. Naturally, recognising that they are in the presence of God, the disciples are frightened and they fall on their faces, but they want to stay in that presence. “Lord,” Peter says, “it is wonderful for us to be here.” Through Jesus’ transfiguration, the disciples see the true face of Jesus, and there is not a thing that they would change; for suddenly they know he is truly amazing just the way he is – that is to say, fully human and fully divine. The Father’s showing of Jesus for who he really is in the transfiguration is an encouragement for his disciples, and no less for Jesus himself, for what is lying ahead of them. The revealing of Jesus as the fulfilment of the law and the prophets, as seen through the appearance of Moses and Elijah, and the confirmation of who he is as the beloved Son, puts fresh heart into his followers and spurs Jesus on at a time when the cross will soon loom large. In time, following Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, the disciples will be able to look back, with the en- lightenment of the Spirit, and recall the truth of this incredible encounter. What happened on the moun-tain will be an inspiration for countless generations to come. Application Reflecting on today’s Gospel at this point in Lent is also an encouragement for us today to see who we really are as God’s amazing children. The manifesta-tion of God’s glory in Jesus is a gift to us to help us to see something that very often we find it hard to acknowledge – that in Christ we too are beloved sons and daughters of God. After all, if we are honest with ourselves, few people see the real “us”. We probably all wear different masks for different places – work, home, church. Many of us are terrified of criticism and rejection. We want to be in control; to be loved; to have approval and affirmation. However, when we venture deep inside ourselves, we catch a glimpse of the people we truly are. We start to see ourselves as God sees us. Once we remove the mask and reveal the real “us”, change happens. All those negative things come into clarity, and our dreams become much clearer. Once we take off our masks, others are bound to do the same, so that our genuineness and build a bridge from one person to another. We are God’s children – beautifully made as God’s unique creations; wonderfully designed to live a joyful life growing ever more into fullness. St Paul talks in his letter to Timothy about the “Appearing of our saviour Jesus Christ”, in whom we have been giv-en grace from the beginning of time. We have been chosen; just as Abraham was singled out for great blessings, so too are we. Lent is a perfect time to look beyond the surface and get in touch with our unique-ly fashioned selves. We all need to hear those words, “You’re amazing just the way you are.” Jesus, transfig-ured and hearing how he is the Father’s Beloved, can speak those same words to our hearts today. LIPA PARK - JUBILEJNO LETO V nedeljo 26. marca 2017 bo na Lipa parku koncert Ansambla VIŽARJI iz Slovenije v počastitev 50 letnice ustanovitve društva Lipa park. S tem koncertom se prične jubilejno leto praznovanja. Vrata se odpro ob 12:00, ob 1.00 bodo postregli odlično slovensko kosilo, tudi jabolčnega zavitka in krofov ne bo manjkalo. Bar bo dobro založen. Po kosilu bo koncert ansambla VIŽARJI iz Slovenije, nato pa družabno popoldne. Vstopnice so po $30 za člane, $35 za nečlane in jih lahko naročite pri: MaryAnn Barich tel: 905-945-3750 Francki Seljak tel: 905-735-5207 Pauli Kunej tel: 905-934-2557 Vsi ste prav lepo vabljeni! OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE Naslednje pevske vaje za mešani zbor bodo v četrtek, 16. marca po večerni maši. Zbor bo skupaj z angleškim zborom pel 19. marca - banket društva sv. Jožefa - maša bo takrat samo ob 10:00 a.m.. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI - 12. marec: Sava-Breslau - maša ob 12:00 noon; Triglav-London - Annual Membership Meeting in ob 4:00 p.m. maša v dvorani Triglav - 18. marec: Sava-Breslau - Spring banquet - igra ansambel Vižarji iz Slovenije - 19. marec: Društvo sv. Jožefa - maša 10:00 a.m.; Banket in praznovanje 80 letnice društva - igra ansambel VIŽARJI iz Slovenije - 26. marec: Lipa Park - 12:30 p.m. kosilo in koncert ansambla VIŽRJI iz Slovenije GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠATA . 12. marec, 9:30 a.m.: Eva Erzetič & Jožica Vegelj . 19. marec, 10:00 a.m.: Maks & Jožica Pavličič . 26. marec, 9:30 a.m.: Ignac & Terezija Sarjaš SV. JOŽEF Annual Banquet and celebration of the 80th Anniversary (1937-2017) of Slovenian Society of St. Joseph and the 25th Anniver-sary of Villa Slovenia will take place on Sun-day, March 19, 2017, first with the Mass at 10:00 a.m. and then celebration at the St. Gregory the Great Hall. Dinner will start at noon. Ansambel Vižarji, from Slovenia, will play on the stage. For tickets & table reservations contact: Frank Erzar @ 905-643-0285. Tickets: Adults: $30, Students: $15, Children (ten & under) $10. DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad je darovala: $ 200 - Alojz in Vera Sampl $ 100 - Ivan Veličevič $ 100 - Marija Štern $ 45 - Emilija Mertuk za rože S.O.D. Hvala za vse vaše darove, Bog vam povrni. BISHOP MIEHM V petek smo dobili iz škofije sporočilo o imenovanju našega pomožnega škofa Daniela Miehema za škofa v škofiji Peterborough. “POPE FRANCIS HAS CHOSEN BISHOP DANIEL MIEHM to lead the Diocese of Peter-borough, recently vacated by the appoint-ment of Bishop William McGrattan to Calgary. The appointment was announced Friday morning by Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, Apos-tolic Nuncio to Canada. His installation will take place on April 19, 2017, during a Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Until that time, he will continue to meet many of his commitments here, while making plans for his move to Peterborough. While offering our profound thanks to Bishop Miehm for his dedicated service to the Dio-cese over 28 years, we extend our congratula-tions and good wishes to him on this new as-signment. Thank you for your loyalty and af-firmative response to the call of the Holy Fa-ther! “ Bishop Douglas Crosby, O.M.I, “Heart to Heart”, Friday March 9. PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND – NOV. 2017 Fr. Ted Slaman, together with Fr. Robert Hetu, will be leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, leav-ing on Nov. 13 and returning Nov. 22. It includes four days in the Galilee area, and four days in Jeru-salem, with Mass and/or other prayer and reflection times every day. Fr. Ted & Fr. Robert would LOVE to have our parishioners participate with them, experi-encing this wonderful spiritual opportunity to get more connected with Jesus and His times. You can pick up an information brochure, with details and pricing, at the back of the church, or at the parish office, or you can call Fr. Ted on his cell phone 905-334-9869 or email: tedslaman@rogers.com, or call Fr. Robert at 519-853-8579 or email: rhetu@hamiltondiocese.com. PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH, # 96 Lent is the perfect time to focus on our faith journey. Help your children look beyond giving something up, to the deeper meaning of Lent. Re-mind them that Lent is about looking forward to Christ’s Resurrection, which opens us to the joy of eternity. During Lent help your children reflect on what Christ’s coming meant for us - he taught us how to live good and holy lives; he showed us what it means to be faithful to a promise; he gave us the gift of Salvation and the hope of eternity; he re-minded us that God has a plan for each of us. Pray together, attend the Stations of the Cross; read the Bible, commit to fasting as a family (perhaps from arguing with siblings, or speaking back to parents), give alms as a family unit. When you take your task of helping your children understand Lent and its purpose to heart, everyone benefits! MARRIAGE TIP OF THE MONTH, # 76 Observing Lent as a couple is an excellent way to deepen both your spiritual and marital bond. Talk about each of your Lenten resolutions and then as-sist each other to achieve it. Challenge each other to keep to your resolve, pray for each other on your 40 day journey, and take up activities as a couple that will deepen your faith. Take the three Lenten prac-tices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving into your rela-tionship and journey the path together. Consider 40 acts of kindness toward each other for the 40 days of Lent. When you focus on achieving goals together, it strengthens your relationship bond as a couple and with God – a win-win Lenten season. (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250) SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO John Podreberac je v imenu Knights of Columbus, ob koncu maše predsednici župnijskega sveta Heidy Novak, dal ček za 200 dolarjev, dar za našo akcijo »Raise the Roof«. Hvala za ta lep dar. 2. POSTNA NEDELJA 12. MAREC Justina, redovnica Gregorijevo †† † †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Pokojni iz družin Žižek in Godina Vid Kastelic Bogu v zahvalo za 60 let poroke Pokojni iz družine Muhič Pokojni člani društva Triglav 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON 4:00 P.M. Štefan Godina z družino Milka Kastelic z družino Olga in Viktor Glavač Sava-Breslau Dvorana Triglav PONEDELJEK-MONDAY 13. MAREC Kristina, Patricija † † Joe Ftičar Zdravko Troha 7:00 P.M. Jože Ftičar Danica Maradin TOREK - TUESDAY 14. MAREC - Matilda, kr. † Tilka Vengar 8:00 A.M. Hči z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 15. MAREC Ludovika, red. † †† Boris Rožič Anton in Tilka Vengar 7:00 P.M. Družina Plevel Jožica Novak z družino ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 16. MAREC Hilarij Oglejski, škof † † † † † † Slavko Štern, obl. Slavko Štern, obl. Frank Gimpelj, obl. Frank Gimpelj, obl. Frank Gimpelj, obl. Frank Gimpelj, obl. 7:00 P.M. Žena Sonja Podrebarac z družino Žena Elizabeth Silvia Stankovič z družino Frank Gimpelj Jr. z družino Nancy Joos z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 17. MAREC Patrik, škof †† † † Pokojni iz družine Kološa Frank Brajer Drago Kornhauzer 7:00 P.M. Majda Kološa Manja Erzetič Sestra Gizela Hauzar SOBOTA - SATURDAY 18. MAREC Sv. Jožef - liturgični praznik †† †† † †† † Jože in Marija Kaplan Boris in pokojni Rožič, obl. Ana Veselič Albin in Jožica Sagadin Gizela Čurič 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Družina Družina Mlačak Dorothea Ježovnik Julija Sagadin z družino Veronika Čurič 3. POSTNA NEDELJA 19. MAREC Sv. Jožef, Jeusov rednik †† †† †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Za vse pokojne Jožete Pokojni iz družine Seljak John in Terezija Halas, obl. Florian Miklavčič, obl. 10:00 A.M. Elizabeta Gerič z družino Francka Seljak Alojz Sarjaš z družino Družina Miklavčič SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 12. 3. 2017 Do 19. 3. 2017 Križev pot 6:30 p.m.