Kupujmo vojne bonde in zhamke DOMOVINA AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN . IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN MORNING DAILY NEWSPAPER CLEVELAND 3, 0,, SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 25, 1944 LETO XLVII — VOL. XLVII J. tednu la rl t vlada '»e bo priti-r Irsko t" i j i .-I NE ZAMUDITE JUTRI POSETITI lepe predstave "TRNJEVA KRONA" Jutri popoldne ob 2:30 in zvečer ob 8:00 bo dramsko društvo rusi imajo 15 milj do romunije tsk —' naj Prekine di nskoe°nnošajez Nemčijo in { ved,,: LPritiskala pa bo na- ♦ v'io tak . Anglija 5n kot * eia . ' ki nekaj vedo, da _ ngli,)a uspeh : "Krka" podalo na cdru SND na St. Clair Ave. krasno pasijonsko p , ,. v . A dramo;"Trnjeva krona." O tem čudovitem delu smo zadnje dni r res~~a 11 so »ClezniCO 2aveznij{j gve(jgko se mnogo pisali torej vsebino vsak precej pozna. Kar sedaj upamo j Ijšal anja' da bi švedska in želimo je to, da bi bil avditorij SND obakrat natlačeno poln, j \rV°z raznih vitalnih popoldne in zvečer. n Nemčiji. V Washing-' Zunanji ustroj drame je docela priprost in gledalcu lahko j torej ne bo tre- t i i ♦ 11 t !» i! t i BI RAD KAJ PRISPEVAL ZA LAUSCHETOVO KAMPANJO ZDAJ LAHKO STORI "Pain 1,0 >da bodo imeli uspeh.' umljiv. Vsa dejanja se vrše samo v Pilatovi sobi ranc A | ba zamujati časa z spremembami odra. W< OSv°bodilni odbor,1 Poleg tega, da bo imel vsak res globok duševni užitek od te med Tarncpolom in pa Lvovom na Poljskem 20,000,NEMCEV JE PADLO TUKAJ ''U |1rj v ---- 7 Iji .14 celu je general de predstave, bo s svojo vstopnico storil tudi dobro delo. Ves čisti ' 1l lli/. 1. v , --------1. 1__X„1_____,_» 1 _______ ^ niČ Moskva, 24. mar.—Ruske čete že lahko vidijo reko Prut z stari domovini kar j višin 15 milj proč. Reka Prut je bila stara meja med Romuni- ojjj kaj srečen nad preostanek bo šel namreč v sklad za revne je ),a^rGflsednika Roosevelta.' zbira zdaj župnijska pomožna akcija. j 3f8j r<* določil, da bo imeli Kdor še ni kupil vstopnice, jo bo lahko kupil pred predstavo ■ J° in Rusijo, ko je bila Besara-'iti, /Set}hower polno moč Pri blagajni v SND. Odločite se torej še danes, da boste obiskali j bij a še ruska last. Te višine, deV 0 avtoriteto bo Jutri to sijajno predstavo. |do katerih je zdaj pridrla rus- .Ito^'k s svojim odborom1 Vstopnice lahko kupite še danes in jutri tudi v slaščičarni ka armada, so začetek Karpat evp0do prišle zavezniške Mrs. Makovec v SND. V«ncijo. Da Gaulle je1 VAŽNO! Odbor za prireditev naznanja, da oni, ki so kupili bo imel njegov vstopnice za zvečer, se lahko udeleže predstave popoldne, ako to ,vSo »nv. obL skega pogorja, ki brani vhod v Madžarsko. R u s k e armade imajo zdaj bolj trda tla pod &s't v Franciji že v želijo, z istim vstopnicami, ker sedeži niso rezervirani. To je od-j nogami, odkar so prešle z nižin vazije " g;t • -____P--, • kot ,fi Stalin »radno pri-' 10,nomočno francosko' Ameriška vlada bor za prireditev odločil, ker je prišlo več vprašanj glede tega. nič kaj ne zaupa,1 fltei A >iti lada, ki noče od. zavezni Churchill je obiskal ameriške čete pri vajah ter jim obljubil kmalu invazijo v Evropo London, 24. marca. — Premier Churchill je v sprem I in iažje prodirajo naprej. Rusi poročajo, da sprejema i narod v Besarabiji ruske arma-jde v procesijah ter jim nudi po | stari slovanski šegi kruh in sol, j kot dobrodošlim gostom. V ofenzivi na Poljski je pad- Ako hoče župan Frank J. Lausche voditi uspešno kampanjo , za guvernerja ter poseči v vse dele naše velike države, bo potre-, bova! dosti denarja. Frank Lausche je sicer rekel, da bo skušal ( varčevati na vseh koncih in krajih, toda če bo sedel doma, ne bo nihče vedel, da kandidira. Tudi najskromnejša kampanja požre dosti denarja. Nekateri kandidatje imajo za seboj organizacije, bogate osebe, unije in podobno, ki prispevajo sila denarja za kampanje. Tega Lausche nima, ker ne mara, da bi se s tem komu prodal. Lausche hoče ostati samostojen, kot je bil doslej, ker le potem more biti dober javen uradnik, ki dela za korist vseh in ne samo za nekatere. Zato mu moramo priskočiti na pomoč mi drugi, ki bomo lahko pogrešili dolar, petak, desetak in morda tudi več, kakor kateri more. Vsak dolar bo kampanjski odbor hvaležno sprejel in prejem vsakega dolarja potrdil. Torej kdor bi hotel nekaj žrtvovati po svoji moči, naj pošlje ček ali money order ma naslov: "Lausche for Governor Committee" ter odpošlje na naslov: John E. Lokar, 401 Leader Bldg., Cleveland 14, O. Prispevke sprejemamo pa tudi v našem uradu in dajemo potrdila zanje. To ni nobeno beračenje, ampak prispevki so samo izkaz, dobre volje od strani naroda, ki hoče pomagati svojemu slovenskemu sinu do — guvernerskega urada. ! AMERIKANCI i RAZBIJAJO FRANKFURT Nemci so pa izvedli enega najdaljših napadov na London na stran zavezni- svtvu ameriškega generala Eisenhowerja obiskal ameriške |lo 20(0oo Nemcev pri Tamopo- w7 dobila masten kos čete parasutarjev, ki so bih ravno pri vajah. Rekel je ame-j]u. Rusi s0 tukaj presekali važ-tin kov PO vojni Začela nskim fa"tom> da bodo dob,h kmalu priliko, da se spuste ' železniško zvezo med Tarno-v Washington, če na evropsko ozemlje, katerega ima zdaj okupiranega Nem- polom in Lvovom Lvov je naj_ ti v uženj °cila nai'odi ne dali ve- . v Za živila za reiifni Nemci imajo v oblasti iS" ml>Eviopi .v vsako romunsko in bol- 'nem P£l -------- nočejo ničesar ,vv garsko pnstanisce Hio^j. ^ | London.—Iz Turčije prihaja- o krogih pa trdi- Turčija s skrbjo gleda te nem-na narodni kon- ške priprave v njeni bližini. Ksa 'Dr, Lhl * takega K J l':sn> kjer bodo iz- Romunski poslanik v Ankari kandidata, je potrdil, da je nemško voja-senator §tvo okupiralo Romunijo.' Vse bolgarsko in romunsko vojaštvo je opazoval vaje 0Tnrež& v Poljski ameriških parasutarjev, ki so se ' spuščali na tla s svojimi belimi J ,.Ena ruslta kolo',a Prodira tu" padali na polje iz jadralnikov,1 dl v smen Prolu Cernovicam, ki katere so vlekla letala. Ameri- f° fc'lavno mest0 ^kovine pod kanci so izvajali vaje perfektno karpatsldm pogorjem. Od tu- in prizor je bil slikovit. Church- kaj Je sarno še 60 mil-i do i 11 je bil zelo zadovoljen z izvrst- sko-slovaske meje. no treniranimi ameriškimi para-! -o—-— Su£iji'v„■ «. |Unija jeklarskih delav- Churchill je stopil tudi v ene-! i ,v ga izmed orjaških jadralnikov in CeV Se DOH Z& ZVlSanje '.naJbrže kmalu sle-'oficirjev je pod poveljstvom nemških »n priznala vlado; 4dogl'ja v Italiji. Njeni Porota je določila da , bivJ 0 P n i k bo- Noel je Gogala beračil >ki lvt un8'leški poslanik; Porota, sestoječa iz 10 moških »tj^ c nebo imel čin am- in dveh žensk, je izrekla, da je j slepi Jožef Gogala navaden be-; rač. Gogala je zatrjeval, da si zastopah je nabral $50,000 s prodajanjem tam vprašal nekega vojaka, ki je imel na sebi polno bojno opre- Washington. — Unija jeklarskih delavcev, CIO, je pričela po mo: "Koliko tehtate, korporal?' treh mesecih pogaja • za V1ŠJ0 Ta mu je strumno odgovoril; mezdo z odločn}m nastopom, da •1 nsto funtov, sir! Churchillov isto iboi.. za svoje čUvne pred_ resen obraz se je raztegnil v Tajnik Hull ima načrt za Nemčijo, toda ne dobi pomoči od Anglije in Rusije Washington, 24. marca. — Državni tajnik Cordel'1 Hull je danes povedal, da je bil vzel s seboj v Moskvo lansko leto popolen načrt za bodočnost Nemčije, toda niti Angleži, niti Rusi niso bili takrat pri volji razpravljati o tem načrtu. To je izjavil Mr. Hull napram ---- 24 republikanskim kongresni-j v Moskvi s0 a,ngieški in ruski za- koni, ki so hoteli vedeti, kakšna; st0pniki odločili, da se o tem še je inozemska politika ameriške j ne bo razpravljalo." Potem je po-v'ade. j kazal načrt angleškemu zuna- Mr. Hull je povedal, da je na- njemu ministru Edenu in ruske-pravil popolen načrt, kako naj bi | mu vice komisarju Litvinovu. zavezniki po vojni postopali z. Oba sta pritrdila da je načrt Nemčijo. Toda pri konferenci "precej dober." jzxiirrxxxYxiixiixxxxxzrxxxxx 3 )0£!' Je 'Vsi-- BP gj7 Poslanik. Ko pa1 svinčnikov in trakov za čevlje. dozdaj iS :H D^.^'^'ijev poslanik, Bil je dvakrat aretiran in obto-'et te posle. | žen beračenja. Sodnica Gross- C°tok i | zen A | man še ni izrekla obsodbe, ki mo- "enerali sodijo, da re biti največ 30 dni zapora in o«'-, ------- v ^rnem globe za vsak slučaj aretaci. , lskih divizij, tri ro- je. Gogalov odvetnik Hansen je t»et Krimu 111 dv, Od leiv,'-? nernški. Posadko rekel, da bo zahteval novo obra-• "sko >o poveljstvo po vnavo. ®se. Nemci držej Kegljaška tekma SŽZ Pa ^ kr i Zbor se bo slikal Jutri popoldne se bo slikal j smeh nad tem krepkim odgovorom. Vojak tehta faktično samo 135 funtov, toda z bojno opremo in padalom pa potegne do 300 funtov. To je bil korporal'Fred Valek iz Cleveanda. "Boga hvalim," je govoril po vajah Churchill ameriškim fantom, "da ste tukaj, "in iz srca vam želim največjega uspeha pri nalogi, ki vam bo poverjena za največji iklarec, ki sta ga naša in vaša dežela kdaj zadali kakemu sovražniku." --o-- Vojaki spijejo 2 bilijona steklenic popa sednik Philip Murray in kakih 100 njegovih uradnikov, je imel sestanek z vojnim delavskim odborom ter mu razložil 14 zahtev jeklarskih delavcev. Med temi je tudi zahteva za 17 centov pri-boljška na uro, dalje garantiran letni zaslužek, plačane počitnice in drugo. Zastopniki unije so trdili da imajo industrijci in farmarji brezmejni zaslužek, dočim je za jeklarske delavce določeno, koliko smejo dobivati na uro in nič več. --o-— Pridna štorklja Tetka štorklja se je oglasila John Leary, predsednik zveze J na 23. marca pri družini Mr. in izdelovalcev mehkih pijač, je Mrs. Ray J. Paulin, 965 Helms- izjavil, da spijejo ameriški vojaki doma in na frontah, do dva bilijona steklenic mehke pijače na leto. Ker je zdaj vlada odvzela tej industriji 10% sladkorja, bodo s tem vojaki prikrajšani za kakih 150 milijonov steklenic mehke pijače h ^Posf ------JV ------- ' T T c* AVVl. ^JVMIOI OV [JL "'J""') j>ji. pHvljeni diplomat-' da pošiljejo otroke eo'Voranco je nedavno vočasno in v uniformah. ■^tiv hvalil jugoslo-* "Siv - -(JItn'-■ kr°&i trd ijo, da mladinski pevski zbor SDD na vsak mesec, je rekel Mr .Leary. 1J0 *n Španijo kma-; Waterloo Rd. Starši so prošeni,1 _0_ Skupno obhajilo Nocoj imajo spoved, jutri ob 8:30 imajo pa skupno sv. obhajilo v cerkvi sv. Vida sledeča ženska društva: podružnica št. 25 SŽZ, sv. Cecilije 37 SDZ, Srca Marije, sv. Magdalene 162 KSKJ in sv. Neže 139 C. K. of O. Dodatek k poročilu O pokojnem Rudolfu Pucel se nam dodatno še poroča, da zapušča tukaj brata Franka, v starem kraju pa brata Alojzija. ^°skv,ne' kar Je bil° ze_l ,et tak0 n iVi*flo t In če Je Stalin'zemlja se bo posušila najmanj 'j ' Zak -faŠista Bad°Sli"! en mesec prej kot navadno. '' «e v' ai ne bi Franca v' A asujejo dinlomati.' A diplomati.1 Reiifni program zaveznikov za Balkan bo imel center v Grčiji 'io bodo začeli in Jugoslaviji. Ljudi bodo pre- ocl 2 pl°šn0 ofenzivo na hranjevale najprej vojaške obla-liai.^^^a in vzhoda za. sti, potem bo prišel pa Rdeči križ bo ruska zem- in direktor Lehman s svojim f1ko a y 2a bojne opera- osobjem. Mr. Lehman je zdaj '-'ma ni bila že 40 v Kairu, da stvar orgamizira. dale Rd., Cleveland Heights, in jim pustila za spomin luštkana dvojčka, fantka in punčko. V družini imajo zdaj dva fantka in dve deklici, vsi rojeni v zadnjih štirih letih. Kot praVi gentleman je dal dečko svoji sestrici prednost, da je prva prišla na ta svet. Tako sta postala Mr. in Mrs. Frank Paulin, ki vodi gazolinsko postajo na St. Clair Ave. in 61. cesta, že četrtič stari ata in stara ma ma. Čestitke so na mestu! Vesela vest Pri družini Mr. in.Mrs. Frank Stepic, 3408 W. 63. St. je vasova-la tetka štorklja in jim pustila krepkega sinčka prvorojenca. Srečna mamica je hčerka poznane August Kristaničičeve družine, ki sta tako zopet srečna stari ata in stara mama. Naše čestitke so na mestu, seveda! Naši fantje - vojaki V SLUŽBI ZA SVOBODO IN DOMOVINO S 2/C Adolph Kopač, sin Mr. in Mrs. John Kopač iz 686 E. 128. St. je prišel domov na dopust k svoji soprogi in hčerki, 11016 St. Clair Ave. Doma bo ostal do 2. aprila. Pvt. James J. Hočevar je pri-' nedelje, šel za 10 dni obiskat svojo soprogo Kristino na 731 E. 250. St. V pondeljek se vrne nazaj v Greensboro, N. C. London, 24. mar.—Ameriške leteče trdnjave so danes razbijale nemški industrijski mesti Frankfurt in Schweinfurt, dočim so drugi ameriški bombniki razbijali nemške tarče po Franciji. Trije ameriški bombniki in pet bojnih letal se ni vrnilo z napada. To je bil že tretji dan, ko so ameriški bombniki obiskali Nemčijo ob belem dnevu in že devetnajstkrat v tem mesecu. Ameriški avijatičarji so že prej petkrat napadli Frankfurt, ki je najvažnejše nemško industrijsko mesto v južni Nemčiji. Zlasti so tukaj važne tovarne za izdelovanje letalskih propelerjev. Tako je obiskalo Nemčijo v zadnjih 36 urah od 5,000 do 6,000 ameriških in angleških bombnikov in bojnih letal, ki so vrgli do 7,000 bomb v Raj h. » * * London, 25. mar.—Sinoči so poleteli angleški bombniki zopet nad Berlin in ga zažgali na več krajih. Ognjeni svit je bil viden več kot 100 milj od Berlina. Tekom noči so pa nemški bombniki obiskali London v enem najdaljših napadov. Nemški bombniki, kar se jih je zrinilo skozi točo krogel iz proti-zračnih baterij, so napravili precej škode v mestu. -o- Za osvobojene dežele bo treba pripraviti živila Washington. — živilska ad. ministracija poroča, da bodo imeli Združeni narodi v letošnjem letu približno isto količino živil kot lansko leto. Istočasno pa bo osiškim državam živil zelo primanjkovalo letos. Radi tega bodo morale Zed. gornjem naslovu do države deti na stran velike rezerve živil od letošnje letine, da jih bodo delile v osvobojenih deželah, kakor hitro bodo prišle izpod nemškega in japonskega jarma. Ameriška administracija za inozemsko ekonomijo ima obenem z goromno količino živil se vrne nazaj. Prijatelji ga lahko obiščejo na gornjem naslovu. Sgt. John Knific Jr. je prišel obiskat svoje domače na 18322 Neff Rd. Prijatelji ga lahko obiščejo na Mr. in Mrs. Frank Zabukovec iz 10010 Prince Ave. imata tri sinove pri vojakih in sicer je1 pisal Stanko pred pratkim, da Pfc. Frank Gornik, slovenski bodo šli kmalu čez "lužo." Nje-odvetnik, je prišel na dopust dolgov naslov je: Pvt. Stan Zabu- 30. marca in bo stanoval na 30 kovec, 35061372, 49th Field 1 pripravljeno tudi veliko zalogo E. 216. St. Služi pri letalskem j Hosp. APO 96^8, c/o Postmast- j obleke za osvobojene dežele. Ka-koru v Palacios Army Air Field, er New York, N. Y. j kor hitro bodo prišle v kako osi- Njegov brat Edward piše pa,ško deželo zavezniška armade, v . iz Alaske, da komandira tam bodo dospele takoj tudi zaloge V spremstvu svojega očeta nas vojašk; truk Pred kratkim je'živeža in obleke za osvobojene L0bliI kupil novo harmoniko, da bo | narode, da se jih nasiti in obleče. Texas. hi nt n vojak, Sgt. Tony Pikš, sin Mr.I in Mrs. Joe Pikš iz 1176 E. 71. j St. Nazaj se vrne v četrtek. Tony je bil prvotno pri vojaški policiji in prideljen straži nemških i>n italijanskih vojnih ujetnikov v raznih taboriščih. Pravi, da so Italijani prav pohlevni, Nemci so' pa ošabni in še vedno upajo na zmago. Tony je zdaj pa pri vojaški železnici, kjer uči novince te važne obrti. V civilu je bil namreč uslužben pri NYC železnici. Oče mu je naročil sobotno izdajo Ameriške Domovine na njegov novj naslov: Sgt. Anthony V. Piks, Co. '"C," 723rd Rwy. Op. Bn. Lincoln A-rmy Air Field, Lincoln, Nebraska, m m h Pyt. Josephine Lunder, sin Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Lunder iz 7115 Myron Ave., je prišel na kratek dopust. V torek zjutraj lahko zaigral kako kranjsko1 polko tamkajšnjim dekletom. Aha! Oba brata sta bila že doma fina muzikanta. Pa tudi Japoncem eno zaigraj, Eddie, da bodo ložje bežali. Njegov naslov je: Edwrd J Važna seja V pondeljek večer bo seja Kluba društev SDD na Recher Ave. Zastopniki in zastopnice ter delavci, ki bodo pomagali na Zabukovec,! prireditvi 2. aprila, naj pridejo Mo. M. M. 3/C U. S. Sub. Base,1, gotovo v pondeljek-na sejo. Bks No. 1, Kodiak, Alaska. j pcta obletnica Obema so starši naročili so-; V nedeljo ob 11:30 bo darova-botno izdajo Ameriške Domovi-, na v cerkvi sv. Vida masa za po- ne za kratek čas. Sin Rudy tudi služi Strica Sama že nekaj časa. Dobro srečo, fantje in zdrav povratek. Vrnite odrezke! Odbor za oltarno prireditev fare sv. Vida prosi vse faraon, da čim prej vrnejo plave kuverte in odrezke, da se ne bo na koncu nabralo preveč dela. kojno Uršulo Rakar v spomin 5. obletnice njene smrti. Nova državljanka Mrs. Julia Martinčič iz 1058 E. 74. St. je postala ameriška državljanka. Čestitamo, Jul-ka! Na operaciji Miss Josephine Toporiš, 1415 E. 39. St. se je morala podvreči operaciji. Nahaja se doma pod zdravniško oskrbo. "AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA" XMERIC AN HOME SLOVENIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER (JAMES DEBBVEC. Editor) •117 St. Clair Ave. HEntfcurson 0628 Cleveland 3. Oblo. Published daily except Sundays and Holidays NAROČNINA: Za Ameriko in Kanado na leto $6.50. Za Cleveland, po pošti, celo leto $7.50 Za Ameriko in Kanado, pol leta $3.50. Za Cleveland, po pošti, pol leta $4.00 Za Ameriko in Kanado, četrt leta $2.00. Za Cleveland, po pošti četrt leta $2.25 Za Cleveland In Euclid, po raznašalcih: Celo leto $6.50. pol leta $3.50. Četrt leta $2.00 Posamezna številka 3 cente SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - United States and Canada, $6.50 per year. Cleveland, by mall, $7.50 per year U. S. and Canada, $3.50 for 6 months. Cleveland, by mail. $4.00 for 6 months C. S. and Canada $2.00 for 3 months. Cleveland by mall $2.25 for 3 months Cleveland and Euclid by Carrier $6.50 per year; $3.50 for 6 months. $2.00 for 3 months. Single copies 3 cents Entered as second-class matter January 5th, 1909, at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, under the Act of March 3d, 1878. No. 71 Sat., March 25, 1944 Zakaj pravi Finska - ne! Na diplomatski fronti v Evropi gresta Anglija in Amerika žeto previdno in korakoma naprej dočim galopira Rusija s polno paro enako proti sovražniku kot prijatelju. Največjo senzacijo je povzročila Stalinova politična poteza, ko je priznal vlado eksfašista B?doglije. To je vzelo diplomatom v Londonu in Washingtonu sapo, radikalcem pa so stopili lasje pokonci. Državni tajnik Hull je priznal to, kar je bilo itak vsakemu znano, da je ta Stalinov korak presenetil Anglijo kot Ameriko. Najvažnejša pa je zdaj zadeva Finske. Angleži so svarili Fince, naj sprejmejo ruske pogoje ali pa se podajo. Predsednik Roosevelt se je zadovoljil z izjavo, da ameriški narod upa, da bodo Finci pretrgali zveze z Nemčijo. Toda to je bila samo lepa želja, ki je najbrže prišla prepozno. Finci so očividno zavrnili vse ruske ponudbe in pogoje, dasi niso izjavili, da je s tem že konec pogajanj za premirje, toda to so prepustili Rusom v premislek. Vzrok zadržanja Finske leži v rokah predsednika Risto Rytija. On namreč trdno veruje v Hitlerja in njegovo moč in najbrže še vedno verjame tudi v njegovo končno zmago. Ta torej je ena sila, ki brani JFincem sprejeti ruske mirovne pogoje. Drugi in morda glavni vzrok je pa ta, ker Finci niso v tako slabi poziciji kot se splošno sodi. Ako se premotri na položaj iz Helsinki, glavnega mesta Finske, izgleda povsem drugačen. Dočim svet misli, da delajo Finci brez glave, ker ne sprejmejo na vso sapo ruskih mirovnih ponudb, mislijo Finci takole: Finska armada ima več izkušenj, je boljše opremljena in ima ugodnejše obrambne pozicije kot v vojni 1939, ko je lahko cele mesece odbijala naskok ruske bojne sile. Sovjeti so imeli takrat zasdene Estonijo, Latvijo in Litvo, ki jih ima.-jo zdaj Nemci v rokah. Tudi če bo nemška armada premagana, pa upajo Finci, da bo ruska armada končno tako izčrpana, da ne bo hotela napasti še Finske, za kar bi potreboval Stalin vse od 500,000 do 1,000,000 mož. Finci mislijo ,da njih dežela za Rusijo ni vitalnega pomena. Z okupacijo Finske bi Rusija ne dobila drugega kot mejo s Švedsko, ki bi nič rada ne videla prevelike bližine komunistov. Mirovni pogoji Moskve zahtevajo razorožitev finske armade. S tem bi si Finska ustvarila položaj, ki bi bil slabši kot leta 1940, ko je sklenila prisiljen mir z Rusijo. Rusija zahteva ozemlje na ožini Karelija, kjer je do 450,000 Fincev, ki absolutno ne marajo priti. pod rusko oblast. Rusko-finska fronta zdaj-»ob spomladanskem tajanju ni pripravna za bojne operacije. Šele enkrat v juniju se zemlja toliko osuši, da je varna za prehod vojaštva. Finska bojna linija je kratka, pa zelo trdna. Tukaj-se bodo Finci lahko dolgo branili. Res je sicer, da bodo ruski bombniki rušili finska mesta in na to Finci tudi računajo, če ne bo prišlo do premirja. Toda Finci pravijo: ako ne bo naših mest bombardirala Rusija, jih bo pa Nemčija, če sklenemo z Rusijo premirje. Torej izguba tako ali tako. Ob istem času je pa pri Fincih Nemčija še vedno glavni faktor. Dočim res ne ljubijo Nemcev, pa smrtno sovražijo Ruse. To pa spretno izrabljajo Nemci, ki Fincem slikajo Sovjetijo v najbolj črnih barvah. Istočasno je pa treba pomniti, da je v finski armadi mnogo nacijev oziroma nazij-skih simpatičarjev, kar bi lahko zanetilo civilno vojno v deželi, ako bi se Finska podala Rusom. Na to Nemčija tudi računa za slučaj, če bi se finska vlada odločila za premirje z Rusijo. Na Finskem je še vedno do 100,000 nemških vojakov. Ti so večinoma Avstrijci in kot se govori, je Stalin zato obljubil svobodo Avstriji, da bi s tem dobil na svojo stran avstrijsko vojas'tvo na Finskem. To, seveda, je pa veliko vprašanje. Ali nalašč zakrivajo? Ameriški tednik Newsweek z dne 27. marca prinaša sledečo zanimivo vest: "Purič in njegovi kolegi (jugoslovanska vlada v pregnanstvu) so dobili dobro pomoč od nekega angleškega opazovalca v notranjosti Jugoslavije, ki se je nedavno vrnil v London. V poročilu premierju Churchillu je zatrjeval, da četniki generala Mihajloviča doprinašajo prav tako uspešno pomoč stvari zaveznikov, kot Titovi partizani." Čudno je, da te vesti ni prinesel noben ameriški časopis, vsaj mi nismo nikjer tega čitali. čudno je tudi to, da londonski radio, ki naglo poroča širnemu svetu, če kak partizan le kihne, tega ne omenja niti z besedico. Torej bo le res, kar je zagotavljalo že več ameriških komentatorjev, da se nalašč zakriva doprinos Mihajlovičevih četnikov. Rečeno je bilo, da Mihajlovič redno pošilja po radiu vesti o svojih bojih proti Nemcem, toda te vesti ne pridejo niti v angleško, niti v ameriško javnost. Točno pa poročajo vse dolžitvei, ki jih izreka Titov glavni stan proti čet-nikom. Po našem mnenju to ni pravično in prav nič častno za ameriško časopisje, od katerega bi pričakovali več nepri-stranosti. Velika je-moč komunistične propagande! *** t 111 i * ■!■ iillilJ. iMll. BESEDA IZ NARODA Tiha želja Tiha želja je vseh zavednih in dobrosrčnih Slovencev, da se čim več in tem hitreje pomaga našim trpečim doma. Vem, da vam je že znano, da' bodo gostovali pri nas na St. Clairju v Slovenskem narodnem domu naši sosedje iz "Novega mejsta" od fare. sv. Lovrenca in sicer dramska družina Krka, ki nam bo podala lepo dramo "Trnjeva krona." Igro je prav lepo opisal Rev. Julius Slapšak, iz česar je sklepati, da bomo imeli res lep užitek, saj je pa ta drama tudi popolnoma času črimerna. Zdaj pa glejmo St. Clairčeni, da bomo gotovo tudi napolnili avditorij Slovenskega narodnega doma do zadnjega kotička in sicer popoldne in zvečer 26» marca. N Naše Slovenske prav pridno prodajajo vstopnice za k tej prireditvi, saj kar tekmujejo katera jih bo več prodala. Te naše pridne čebelice so vsem dobro poznane: Mrs. Oražem iz Carl Ave., Mrs. Brezovar, Mrs. Mahne, Mrs. Otoničar, Mrs. Brancel, Mrs. Ilrastar, Mrs. Baraga, Mrs. Gliha, Mrs. Simčič, Mrs. Hočevar in mogoče še katera druga pa da jaz ne vem zanjo. Kdor še nima vstopnice, jo lahko dobi pri teh ženskah. Naši igralci nam garantirajo, da kaj takega še ni bilo na St. Clairju in'zato pa skrbimo, da bomo šli pogledat. Vi igralci pa bodite uverjeni, da smo vas prav veseli in vas srčno pozdravljamo v naši sredi. (Ob priliki vam bomo že na kakšen način povrnili.) Kajne da se vidimo, kajti s svojo navzočnostjo bomo pokazali' svojo hvaležnost igralcem obenem pa bo lep spomin in v -;"cu uteha na nepozabljeno in teptano rojstno domovino Jugoslavijo. "Kjer ona tiho toži, čez morje roke proži, ne zabi me v tujini, je želja v domovini, v naši ubogi Sloveniji, kjer narod naš strašno trpi." Vas pozdravlja in vam kliče na svidenje v nedeljo 26. marca v avditoriju Slovenskega narodnega doma, Marjanca Kuharjeva -o- , Članstvu dr. sv. Kristine, št. 219 KSKJ pa bo tudi ob 7:00 slovesna sveta maša ob praznovanju 50 letnice KSKJ in 17 letnice našega društva. S članstvom društva sv. Cirila in Metoda št. 191 KSKJ smo se dogovorili, da bomo skup-fio obhajali ta dan — zlati jubilej. Vsak član in članica naj prinese s seboj tudi društveno rega-lijo. Zbiramo se v prostorih pod cerkvijo ter potem skupno odkorakamo v cerkev, članstvo je tudi prošeno, da že v soboto opravi spoved in potem v nedeljo svojo velikonočno dolžnost. Kdor še fiima spovednega listka, ga lahko še dobi. Veselo alelujo želim vsemu članstvu KSKJ. Terezija Zdešar, tajnica. -o- Spominski dan v Euclidu Euclid, O.—Na cvetno nedeljo, 2. aprila, bomo v našem Slovenskem društvenem domu na Recher Ave. odkrili spominsko ploščo našim fantom-voja-kom. To umetniško delo je izvršil naš domači umetnik Mr. Anton Pluth, ki ima tudi štiri sinove v armadi. Delo je res nekaj umetniškega, kakršnega do sedaj gotovo še niste videli. Prošeni pa ste vsi očetje in matere, da boste točno na mestu, kajti slavnost se bo pričela točno ob treh popoldne. Ta spominski dan bo res dan v zgodovini naše naselbine, ko bomo s tem pokazali našim fantom in dekletom, da stojimo za njimi vsi in sicer brez razlike na stan. Ta dan bo gotovo zapisan v zgodovini Euclida. Pri programu sodelujejo vsa naš;- društva, pevski zbor Slovan, dramsko društvo Naša zvezda in vsi ti nam bodo olepšali pogram s slovensko pesmijo in s zelo lepo in ganljivo igro, v kateri bo predstavljeno slovo očeta, ki odhaja na vojsko. To igro je nalašč za ta dan priredil Mr. James I. Rotter. Med programom bo nastopil tudi orkester Mr. Peklaja ml. Vsi dohodki tega programa gredo v blagajno za naše ranjene vojake, kadar se bodo povrnili na svoje domove, da se jih bomo tudi mi lahko spomnili s kakšnim darom, česar bodo gotovo naši fantje veseli. Ko bomo čitali imena naših dragih, jih bomo gledali v duhu kot bi bili resnično pred nami prav v naši sredi. To bo lep družinski dan nas vseh. Vse drugo o programu boste še bolj --i obširno čitali v dopisu enkrat članstvo društva sv. Kristine poz„eje, kjer bo vse bolj pose tem potom opozarja, da se bo drobno razloženo. Bodite pobrala peta sveta maša v nedeljo zdntvljeni in vsak naj po svoji 26. marca ob sedmih zjutraj za' moči pomore Zii ta dan velikega vse vojake, člane našega dru- siovesa štva. Članstvo je prošeno, da se ' Frances Medved, tajnica. udeleži te svete maše v velikem __0___ številu. V službi domovine sta Fomag(ljte Ameriki, kupujte tudi dve dekleti, ki sta clamci na- vojne b(mde •„ znamke sega društva m to sta Josephine Jamnik in Mary Turk. Vseh skupaj je sedaj 42 članov našega društva v armadi. Dal Bog že skoro tako zaželjeni mir, kajti le Bog nam ,ga more dati. Danes je vihar in življenje nas članic se potaplja, zato pa pokli-čirno na pomoč Boga, 1 i 1 se mi rezi in se vse mile viže. Že sem v 'misli*1 " n sM 1 Ja likokrat se sobice, kjer se likimi bolečinami P1 Iona, pa do stopi^ gor do spalnice, kO po oknu. Ker ud»r J vadno samo enkra i. vedel, da ne bo Stopil sem torej "".^1,1 j da j a) k oknu iw vld .„ tip, pa udarja z vejo ,J po oknu. Takoj s< se bo tista veja zdaL 'C< f%, N % S- Grov fH Ns' »■ki ločila od drevesa. -^% ne bi ubila okna, ** yen Pa da bodo „ mama žgali elektrl ^jjj či, naj jim še e»o..| smo ravno v tem P govoru o strahov' • Na slavni znal finega mož a*'', .... i Rei4 ce ni ze umrl. a Vikleč bobnar. Krjn J fin kolar in glob0* „) čka korenina. °Pa tia ižini M4 N K fc iti Ji pridna otroka ž»v 98 to^j Lorainu in mi zamerila, če p jem pri njih °ce.Ji sva bila velika PrlJ ^ V mladih letih jjj Janez ali bognar 1 g niševskim zvonom J po drugih vaseh el godec. Bil je veSljjj muh poln, kar je vsakega godca, *aJ ni obrajtan. -- ^m God| ta dva sta bila >lžl, j 7aVc zana z vsemi ^ vsod z n a j v e sprejeta. Torej ta naš ČJ1 t» o4 m delal veselje jpa torn in dekletom-^jI stili od sebe i" ^ urah se je vrača1 niši j o. Da bi si P1 j/j ti, je sklenil, da Jj. f čez gozd po gozd ^ liki samoti. Pa godcu mar sai110^ šam. Svoj nieh ;1p0-mi in si pomag®1 ^ kakor je vedel 111 Pa se je upehajj ^ de na parobek 0 j nekoliko od poč1 J ^e bil krajši čas, sl\'ctK og0M ko, dene eno po meniševskih lih zadoni najvL,.;|f izpod spretnih P / godca. Počakaj^/ polnoč, bom 1111 ^ Ampak nikar ne je mojih lastnih Kaj še! Samo 4 S A11 Hbi. las Cfo: < jlo DOBIJO A / r^VALCI ORODJA LATHE DELO ^VUALCI STROJEV i liGACI PRI STROJIH CH* VLAČILCI ^ TEŽAKI Ure in overtime °P & Babcock Co. 4901 Hamilton Ave. ^ar. 25, 27, 29, 31) rt^ToGUSl ' davi-bodo povišani liiio JJ (federal tax) in J' Od 1 ,, fozor! na vso !e predmete, iz-Ure do $65.00 vredno- r kai ^Si!°[rebuje vtej stro" V ■ in si prihrani ^ ®J Pridite sedaj k Moj^e Jewelry Co. ot. Clair Ave. (Mar. 22, 25) M ii, 6 Naprodaj ^ Je hiša za 4 druži-"f°stor 2 dn*žini in trgov-f,.0Spred^, 2 lota, 80 c "W.,. » Pripravno za s> 5oCn°-, 0glejte si t0' ^ fte drugje. »Hi4 Ve- hiša za 2 dru-Jak, ' furnez, 2 zidani 8 °21«erna cena. 5's'Podaj, 3 zgo- i \ co« rabl za eno ali dve te % u " ^'SOO. Hjaf°Pje za 3'družine S fir' ' naprava hina cabin-6ollinwl Padati. R °°dski okolfci so pa Gr ' dru8'a °b dru-."adstj. ena Ugotovljena Sal«°-Pju' zajtrkovalna J niča 5«, ihh '"»ca d plošč, 3 ga- 800. (i f h. < 2 , ^ m 4 "ružini e Marije Vne- zidana, 2 l4o ?7'500. 3- St r u o in 5 sob, cena Ste « hi; Se z menoj, pred-Za eno ali dve »i. It/uso tli j fin St>° tudi take po 10 Ploh Vse, kar bi radi K 2h Globokar 86 E. 74. i < j A Soba se odda Odda se opremljena soba za moškega. Lahko si tudi kuha. Vprašajte na 15942 Whitcomb pri School Ave. (71) Pohištvo naprodaj Visok stol za otroka $4; dalje pohištvo za parlor in Philco radio, vse za $275. Zglasite se na 18606 Cherokee Ave., blizu 185. ceste, stranska vrata. (71) Pozor, lastniki hiš! Mi prodajamo in inštaliramo tanke za vročo vodo. Vam lahko napravimo iz sedanjega tanka, ki drži 30 galon vode, avtomatičen grelec za $16.50. Mi tudi popravljamo in nadomestimo sledeče: • Tanke za vročo vodo • Grelce za vročo vodo • Cevi za mrzlo in vročo vodo • Termostate za tanke za vročo vodo e Vodne pipe o Potrebščine za kopalnico • Perilnike • Odvodne cevi Proračun damo za vsa plum-berska dela. Zmerne cene. Ekspertno delo. Rodney Adams Heating Service 21601 Westport Ave. KE 5461 (71) Dve hiši naprodaj Naprodaj sta dve hiši na enem. lotu; parna gorkota, po 5, 6 in 4. Podrobnosti izveste pri lastniku na 1219 E. 61. St. (71) Naprodaj na Reno Hiša za 2 družini, 5 in 5 sob, dvojna garaža, cementni dovoz, velik lot, vse v finem stanju; prava cena. Bungalow 5 sob, blizu cerkve sv. Lovrenca, v dobrem stanju, velik lot. Se mora prodati. Za podrobne informacije pokličite: MI 3088. (73) Odda se trgovina V najem se odda trgovski prostor na vogalu, pripraven za vsako trgovino, meri 40x40. Lahko se dobi tudi stanovanje; parna gorkota, garaža. Ali pa se vse skupaj. Za podrobnosti pokličite ORchard 8795. (Mar. 18, 24, 25) DELO DOBIJO Moške in ženske splošna tovarniška dela se potrebuje za 6 dni v tednu 48 ur dela na teden Plača za ZAČETEK Moški 77V2c na uro Ženske 62V*>c na uro Morate imeti izkazilo držav-lajnstva. Nobena starost ni omejena, ako ste fizično sposobni opravljati delo, ki ga nudimo. Zglasite se n» Employment Office 1256 W. 74. St. National Carbon Co., Inc. (73) MORE ENGLISH NEWS IMIIllllllllllllllllll! NEWBURG imiimmminmii m i urn iihii n i hi inn m i um m n i imunim ~ NEWS. iiiimmmmimmiimimmmiiimiiimii Continued Prom Page 4 sends a "Cheery hello" from John Carroll University where studies demand most of his time . . . Congratulations to "Red" Ig. Marincic who has been titled Sgt. at Christmas Island . . . T. Sgt. Louis Cherney sends a "cheery hello" from England where he has to date encountered many pleasant and quite a few dreadful experiences . Pfc. Ed Cherney writes from Italy where he is engaged in active combat duty . . . More "newsy notes" about our boys will reach you next week. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Tomorrow is "Mission Sunday." A collection for the Missions will be taken up at all Masses. Be generous, and lend your support to this Catholic Drive. Confirmation will be administered on May 31 at 9 p. m. Only children who have completed the third grade may be confirmed. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Parents take note and choose sponsers accordingly. More particulars will be given at a later date. THOUGHT FOR THE DAT: Have little care you cannot hang Your laurels on the stars: Though fame is in the victory Sucess is in the scars. THE SHADOW DEATHNOTiCES Bencina, Anthony—Son of John and Mahilda, bjrother of John, Frank, Louis, M M 1/C Charles, Pvt. Edward, Lillian and Marian Bunge. Residence at 17015 St. Clair Ave. o j „ , , • Biz.iak, Simon—Husband of Rosalia, po 3 ure na dan. Potrebujemo father of Pvt Prank pvt01 gtasnle^ tudi žensko, ki bi pomagala del- and very Laurich. Residence at 1262 Takoj dobe delo Potrebujemo strežkinjo v res-tavrantu za poln čas, plačamo $25 na teden. Ali pa za delni čas ni čas v kuhinji. Jako dobra in prijetna služba. SORNS RESTAURANT 6034 St. Clair Ave. EN 4143. (71) OSKRBNICE "'oln čas 5:10 popoldne do 1:40 zjutraj Šest noči v tednu Vmestu- Proda se Dobro idoča trgovina, mesnica in grocerija. Vsa moderna oprema; nahaja se na zelo prometnem prostoru že nad 15 let. Proda se radi slabega zdravja in odhoda na farme. Vpraša se na 16903 Grovewood Ave. (Mar. 22 24 25) Pozor! Pri Frank Černetu dobite krasne velikonočne razglednice po 5c 10c, 15c in 25c ena. Se priporoča Frank Cerne Jewelry Co. 6401 St. Clair Ave. (Mar. 22, 25) 750 Huron Rd. all 700 Prospect Ave Plača $31.20 na teden Delni čas— 1588 Wag^ .BfUufi^jp River. Tri ure na dan. 8 dni v tednu. Plača «9.00 na teden. \ko ste zdaj zaposleni url vojnem delu. se ne priglasite. Employment Office odprt od 8 zjutraj do 5 popoldne vsak dan, razen v nedeljo. Zahteva se dokaz o državljanstvu. fhe Ohio Bell Telephone Co 700 prospect Ave., Soba 901 E. 58 St. Cerovski, George—Husband of Agnes, father of five. Residence at 10204 Elk Ave. Gornik, Valentine — Husband of Margaret, (nee Levstik), father of Rcse Brezec, Rudolph, Frank, Anthony and Mary Bogataj. Residence, 6219 f t. Clair Ave. ' Horvat. Frank—Husband of Ann, father of Katherine, Josephine, S 2/C Carl,, and Stephen (in Europe) Residence at 1637 E. 49 StS. Kern. John—Husband' of Rose (nee Baraga), father of Olga Cimperman. Residence at 1273 E. 55 St. Krivacic, Marko—Husband of Mary (nee Jerzek), father of Mary Likoyic, Michacl, George, Frances Hanlon, Leona. Germ, John, Helen and. Edward. Residence at 1004 E. 61 St. Krebel, Rose—Wife of Jerney, mother of Rudolph, Mary Vokac, Anna Cchustar: Frances Markovich, sister of John, Frances Krebelj and Ludmilla Aiko. Residence at 16211 Arcade Ave. Smolko, George—Husband of Mary, (nee Kardinal), father of Mary Krivacic, grandfather of Rose Mary Krivacic. Residence at 1564-E. 34 St. Turk, Mary (nee Pirman)—Mother of Joseph, James, Anthony, Jennie Maver, Mary Unger, Mildred Phillips, Frances Jarosz. Residence at 1393 E. 43 St. Vujevic, John—Brother of Millie (in Europe). Residence. 4000 E. 141 St. Zaller, Frank—Husband of Katherine _ i nee Mchary, father of Frank, son of Rose, brother of Joseph and Anthony. Residence ait 19505 Mohican Ave. A R M T ° N E W S (Continued from Page 4) Writing' from Oklahoma, Pfc. Larry Globokar. son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Globokar of 3612 E. 82 St., mentions that theye are manv negroes there. He is very busy, and as he hasn't time to Za streho! Ako hočete imeti svojo streho pokrito s smolo, gramozom ali asfaltom .pokličite najstarejšo, zanesljivo strešno firmo v tej okolici Katz Roofing Co. 861 E. 72. St. GA 2115 podnevi ali ponoči. (Wed., Fri., Sat., Mar. 31) (x) The Saturday edition of the American Home has been ordered by Mrs. Julia Legan, 6403 Orton Court, for her son. whose newest address is: Pvt, Anthony J. Legan. ASN 15098481, Hq. & Hdq Co., 3rd Ban. 13th A. R„ APO 251. c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Zadnik. 988 E. 77 St., have subscribed to the Saturday edition of the American Home for their son. His address is: Pvt. Victor Zadnik. 35534790, A. A. P., APO 634, 1453 Ord. S. & M. Avn., c/o Postmaster New York, N. Y. Corporal Louis J. Gliha has arrived on a 15 day furlough. He returns to camp on March 30th. Friends can see him at the homes of one or the other jf his ssiters. Mrs. Angela Jeraj, 5809 Prosser Ave., ordered the Saturday edition of our paper for her son, whose address is: Pvt. Victor Lunder, 35503938, Hq. Btry. 135 F. A. Bn„ APO 37. c/o Postmaster 2an Francisco, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mencin, 1173 E. 61 St., also ordered Saturday's American Home for their son John, who is' sending regards to all his friends. Hie address is: Pvt. John S. Mencin, (5517651, 556th Bomb. Sqdn. APO 638, :/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Heard from after six months of si-.ence was John Hegler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hegler. 765 E. 236 St. He is a iunner somewhere on the Pacific and writes that he was constantly in the jungle but now he is in the city. He tates that he received his mail regularly and also received all his Christ-nas gifts. His address is: Pvt. John Iegler, 35286506, Btry B Bn. APO 25, c/o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif. Brother Tony, somewhere .n England, writes that he is well but i BEROS STUDIO 6116 ST. CLAIR AVE. Our Studio iz new, modern and spacious, possessing every convenience. Call Tel. EN 0670 For appointment TO-DAY OPEN SUNDAYS 11 A. M. TO 4 P. M. POZOR GOSPODARJI HIŠ! Kadar potrebuje vaša streha popravila, kritja z asfaltom ali Žkrilja, popravo žlebov ali novih, se z vso zanesljivostjo obrnite do nas, ki smo že nad 30 let v tem podjetju in dobro poznani tudi mnogim Slovencem. Plačate lahko prav na lahke obroke. The Elaborated Roofing Co. Ml.iiose 0033 6115 LORAIN AVE. GArfieia 2434 Kadar iwklicete, vprašajte za MR. A. LOZICH FOR WEDDINGS AND ALL FORMAL OCCASIONS # FULL DRESS G TUXEDOS A CUTAWAYS blVJ ST CLAIR AVE DRESS SUIT RENTAL HEnderson 2395 Yes, Trenda ■ Fashion Shoes are beautiful shoes . . . but there's more than just beauty to them. Each pair represents an attractive "buy" at our prices- jSP^- # You'll be delighted with the happy combination of beautiful shoe styles at our thrifty prices. A wide selection is available for your approval. mandel's shoe store 6107 St. Clair Ave. NEXT TO GRDINA SHOPPE DEDICATED TO THE YOUNG AMERICAN SLOVENES The A merican Home DEADLINE FOR Alg WEDNESDAY K ARTICLES OF FAITH Nine limes out of ten, an appeal for contributions to a humanitarian cause like the Red Cross consists of practical arguments, and practical arguments alone. Your pledge will buy ko many surgical dressings, you are told, or so many packages of food for prisoners of war. And of course this is important, and of course you want to know. But you want to know as well the ideological basis for the work that is being done, and this point is much less emphasized than it should be. I.ast week the Labor League for Human Rights, official relief arm of the AFL, in a radio program dedicated to the American Red Cross and starring Raymond Massey, quoted from the articles of faith adopted by one branch of the Red Cross. Here is that profoundly moving credo, one which any organization—or any American—should be proud to avow. "We Relieve that strength was given to us to succor and to shield the weak ... to lighten the burden of the sick at heart. We believe that all childern of this earth are brothers, and we shall not recognize any barriers of race, color, class or creed, to set them apart, one from the other. We believe that kindness and mercy and understanding will grow . . . must grow . . . that this planet may be a place for our children and their children's children, to live in peace and security. We believe that as each one of us has a share in the America we know and hope to shape, so each of us now must strive to save, those simple human values which give dignity to man, and to life its meaning." Eleventh Gold Star for St. Vitus The eleventh serviceman from St. Vitus Parish in Cleveland. Ohio, to give his lile. Is Pvt. Robert Stare. He was killed in action in Italy Jan. 29, 1944. Private Stare, 20. was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stare, 1096 Norwood Road. In his last letter to them he wrote, "I am well—if no mail reaches you for some time do not worry about me as I am on the move. I am sending you $200 as my gift for your 26th wedding anniversary. Sorry I cannot be there to celebrate it with you." A member of the Holy Name Society. he went overseas last August. He leaves, besides his parents, a brother, Pvt. Joseph Stare. Camp Phillips, Kansas. May our hero rest in peace in distant lands! Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. Ameriška W Domovina AMERICAN HOME Pvt. Stare CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT Cleveland, Ohio Sat., March 25, 1944 After the Senate accepted the soldier vote bill, the House also voted on it with 273 against 111. It was sent to the President for signature or veto. • • • MM The well-known Louis Slapnlk, who conducted a florist shop at 15800 Waterloo Rd.. has now moved to 6102 St. Clair Ave., where he will manage the florist shop in partnership with his mother. We wish him every success! • • • mm A deputy collector of Internal Revenue in Rochester, N. Y., would like to keep his job forever, if tax payers would follow the example of a certain beautiful young ladv. When he figured her income tax less than she expected, she remarked: "I'm so happy I could kiss you!' He answered: "Who's stopping you?" Smack, smack! resounded through the tax office. • • • mm A mother of ll children in Lynn, Mass.. asked the judge to force the children's father to support them. Judge Reeve advised her to send her husband into the army and all her worries would vanish, as the would receive a total of $280 monthly from the government. • • • MB The strikers at the American Steel & Wire Co. in Cleveland sent an appeal to the government to take over the plant. Union President Raymond Jablonowski sent the telegram to the President, stating they will not return to work otherwise. CIO President Philip Murray wired to Jablonowski that unless they return to work immediately, disciplinary action will be taken. Men went back to work. • • • mm Olga Slapnik opened a new florist shop at 6026 St. Clair Ave. last Saturday. We wish her good luck in her new venture! • • • mm An elderly lady in Maiden. Mass., walked into a cafeteria and loudly ordered steak fried in butter. The Chef stuck his head through the kitchen door, saying to the waitress: "Ask the woman if she brought her own butter!" • • • mm A major operation has laid up the well-known Prank Kovacic of 4121 St. Clair Ave., for four weeks at Huron Road Hospital. • • • mm OPA is allowing 10% less sugar for candy and .soft drinks and other unnecessary products, beginning Aoril 1st. Important to note is that bakeries are not included in this ruling. • • • mm Joe Mirtel of 9202 St. Cathrine Ave:, received a wire from the War Department, notifying him that his son Joseph is missing in Italy ,since January 23rd. Other details are not known. • • • mam A grand opening (of Jay's Cafe. 509 Jefferson Ave., was celebrated on Saturday, March 18th, by Mrs Josephine Jeglich, who also celebrated her "Names" day at the same time. • • • warn We wish a speedy recovery to the following: Molly Godec of 1157 E. 60 St., in Lakeside Hospital; Mrs. Vida Kuhar of 830 E. 209 St. in Glen-ville Hospital: Cecilia Zupančič of 860 E. 236 St., in St. Alexis Hospital; Adolph Macerol of 1152 E. 61 St.. in Lakeside Hospital; Mrs. Mary Lovko of 14819 Hale Ave. in St. Alexis Hospital. • • • mm The Dies Committee, engaged in investigating un-American activities, has requested all copies of Walter Wine he 11 broadcasts for the last two years. Dies charges Winchell with trying to "smear" Congress, accusing them of Fascist activities. Sponsor Andrew Jergens, who pays Walter Winchell $260,000 a year for his broadcasts, will also be called to the hearing. • • • mm Imported brandy is now ration-free at liquor stores in Ohio beginning March 20th and in effect at least through the present ration period, which expires April 8. A large stock of brandy is on hand. • • • mm The government and the army have come to an understanding that some 40,000 men under 26 years of age, who are irreplaceable, will be deferred, to prevent a breakdown in war industry. This is subject to the approval of the President. A special government agency will decide who is essential. • • • mm Greetings from Palo Alto. California, are sent by Mrs. Albina Vesel. She writes that spring is there -in full bloom. • • • mm Two well-known Cleve-landers died last week, one of whom is 75-year-old Joseph McKenna, who had a real estate office on E. 55th St.. for many years, and lawyer Fred Zimmerman, who was very active in helping to elect Prank J. Lausche mayor. • • • MM Ambassador Dr. Fotic announced In Washington that King Peter of Yugoslavia and the Greek Princess Alexandra were married on March 20th. King Peter was 20 years old last September and the bride will be 23 today. • • • mm OPA announces that every person will be allowed 25 pounds of sugar for caning as follows: 5 pounds on stamp 40, and a special application to be made at the ration boards for 20 pounds. Admiral Ernest J. King, commander of the biggest navy in the world, visited his birthplace, Lorain, O.. on March 18 for a few hours. He was present at the launching of the frigate U.S.S. Lorain, promising that having been built in Lorain, it will also carry a crew of home-towners. • • • Mi Spring arrived in Cleveland on March 20 at 12:49 P. M. according to the calendar. But Mother Nature neglected to look at the calendar and covered the ground with snow. • • • aw Cpl. Henry Starin arrived to attend the funeral of his father. As the funeral services were held last Saturday, the body was kept in the cemetery chapel until his arrival, being laid into the grave on Monday in the presence of Cpl. Starin and his mother. • • • mm A bus in Passaic, N. J., skidded on an icy bridge and plunged through the guard rail into the river, which is 18 feet deep at that place, with perhaps 30 persons aboard. Seven bodies have been recovered. A diver reported that he saw 25 bodies, but the exact total will not be known until the bus will be lifted out of the water. • • • MB Stephen Butala, who had been employed on the lakes as a seaman for 30 years, enlisted in the Merchant Marine at the beginning of the war. The earlier part of last year he notified his sister Mrs. Prances Leopold, 1001 E. 72nd Place, that he was leaving with a ship for Australia. Soon after, his sister recfivet1 information that the ship was damaged in a collision and that he was among the missing. Now he is reported dead. He came from Yugoslavia ir 1906. • • • mm American airplane industry has grown to such an extent that it produces 350 airplanes per day. In the last three years, American industry has produced 153,061 planes, of which, 105,126 were for was use. British Industry has completed only 90,000 in the last 4 years. • • • MM Cleveland's Mayor Lausche left for Washington this week, with an Ohio delegation to get an appropriation of money for streets in Greater Cleveland after the war. The government Intends to spend 3 billion and a half for streets, and Mayor Lausche wants Cleveland to have its share. • • • mm Weather has been typical Marcji weather, snow, cold, rain and now the sun is trying to warm things up. Spring, oh, spring, where art thou? Cleveland Orchestra To Give Week Of Children's Concerts The Cleveland Orchestra returns to Cleveland on Monday, March 27, after its two week tour of North and South Carolina, Virginia, Penn., and New York. It will devote the coming week in Cleveland to Education Concerts. Concerts for Fifth and Sixth Grade children will be given on Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday mornings, and Monday afternoon, "April 3rd. A Young People's Concert for Jr. and Sr. High School students will be given on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, and Tuesday afternoon, April 4. This program is entitled "Great Music from War Times" and includes, among other things, the Finale of Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony, the Funeral March from Beethoven's "Eroica" Symphony, and the Suite from the Royal Fireworks Music of Handel. Dr. Russel V. Morgan, Supervisor of Music in Cleveland Public Schools, will play works of Handel on the organ at the beginning of the program. The concerts of Tuesday and the' Children's Concerts on Wednesday morning will take place in Music Hail of the Public Auditorium for the convenience of the children in downtown and west side schools. The remainder of the concerts will be given in Severance Hall. An Appreciative Letter From a Soldier in New Guinea March 14, 1944 New Guinea Dear Editor: As I have begun to receive the American Home. I ■ noticed that boys aj-e writing in from all parts of the world, so I decided to drop a few lines too, and hope it won't be taking too much of your time, as I know you have other more important items to contend with. My main purpose in dropping you this little penogram is to wish all my old friends the best of luck. It's been quite some time since some of us have been able to see the good "ole" neighborhood, but regardless how long it may be, friends are never forgotten. I certainly would appreciate it very much if you would convey the brief message to them. As for us out here, we are doing fine, well acclimatized and ready for a long stay if necessary. In closing. I want to say that your paper is doing a fine job for us boys and I wish you all the success you and the paper can possibly have. Sincerely, S/Sgt. H. J. MALENSEK, ASN 35028943. 2475 Q. M. Co. CAvn.) APO 929, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Engagement ST. VITUS HOLS WM.I ARMY NEWS BIRTHS The family of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Salamon. 1152 E. 63 St., are the happy parents of a baby girl, born at Glen-ville Hospital. The mother's maiden name was Edith Zaletel. 'This makes Mr. and Mrs. Salamon of the same address grandparents for the tenth time. MISS LUDMILLA SILBITZER Mr. and Mrs. Frank Silbitzer, 10513 Reno Avenue, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Lud-milla to Bvt. Norbert Trykowski, who is stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. She is sister of Agatha and Vida, who are studying nursing at St. John's Hospital. Ludmilla is a member of the Little Flower Cadets No. 47 SWU. An old Cockney was asked if he was not scared when a bad blitz was on. "No, guv-nor," was the reply, "Can't say as I am. Yer see. I count me chances. Jerry—well, he's got to take off all right, 'asn't he? Then he's got to cross the Channel, that ain't too easy for 'im. Then he's got to git by the coast. Then comes the Thames Estuary, that ain't all he likes. Then comes London—well, he can't miss that; but then he's got to find 'Am-mersmith, then Acacia Road, then No. 81, and then most likely I'll be at the pub." * "At first it was love. He fascinated me—and, I kissed him." "Yeah. I know, and then he began to unfascinate you—and you slapped him." • ^ A medical officer, transferring stretcher cases from ambulances to airplane, noticed a Negro soldier wrapped in a blanket, standing beside an empty stretcher. He ordered the man to lie down When the soldier remonstrated he was told that he would be court martialed if he didrjJ; lie down and shut up. So he obeyed and was flown 600 miles to a hospital. When examining internes, puzzled, asked what was wrong with him, the soldier exclaimed: '"Tain't nothin' wrong with me. Our company was gettin' deloused. I jes' walked out t' see what was goin' on, while I waited fo' my clo'es." * A WAC recruit saluted her superior officer,' and asked, "Where do we eat?" "You will mess with the men," she was told. "I know that. Lieutenant. But where do we eat?" * Rastus (throwing down four aces): "Dar, guess I wing dls ole pot, all right." Sambo (angrily): "You plav dis game honest, big boy play it honest! I knows what cards I dealt you!" * An industrial biggie had gone to Hell and was sitting around figuring how he'd fit into the picture when he felt a slap op the back. Looking around, he secognized a salesman who had called on him many times on earth without being able to get a suitable interview. "Whatcha want?" gruffed the tycon. "I'm here for that appointment," said the salesman. "What appointment?" "Don't you remember—every time 1 tried to talk to you on earth you sai' you'd see me here?" After* 16 months of some hard fighting with the Japs in the South Pacific, Marine Corporal Lawrence J. Polajnar came back to this country for a 30-day furlough. He came back first to Cleveland to visit Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Osredkar, 1203 Norwood Rd. He became engaged on Feb. 19th, to Miss Jean Hren. who is from his hometowp, Ely, Minn., and who stays with the above named relatives. Larry mentioned that the heat is terrific, showing 1&7 on Christmas Day on the Pacific. He left for Ely, Minn., to visit his mother apd sisters. Two brothers also serve Uncle Sam. one iit the Navy and one in the Army. Mrs. Spilar of 715 E. 159. St. has ordered the American Home for Fvt. Alexander Terpin, 35525993, Co. 6, 305 Inf. APO 77, Camp Pickett. Va. Two sailors, brothers, wrote to their parents Mr. and Mrs. John Glavic of 1277 E. 169 St.. that they met unexpectedly on the South Pacific. Neither has seen the other for a year, and both have been in active battle for fiva months. Friends can send them a card to the following addresses: Harry A. Glavic. C. Mo. M. M. L. S. T. 179 c/o Fleet PoŠt Office. San Francisco, Calif—William J. Glavic, USS York-town, V-3-R Division, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco. Calif. Mrs Turk of 3559 E. 82 St. subscribed to the Saturday edition of the American Home for her son Frank, whose address is: Frank Turk, F 1/c USNR, 10th Spec. Batt. Sec. I. Co. A, Plat. 5, c/o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif. The parents of Stanley Martincic, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Martincic of 5919 Prosser Aye. will keen him up to date on home news with the Saturday edition oi the American Home. His address is: Pvt. Stanley J. Martincic, 35916400. Hq. Btry. 324th F. A. Bn„ APO 83, Breckinridge. Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Eisenhardt of Lorain, O.. ordered the Saturday edition for her son. whose address is: Cpl. Wm. ©senhardt, ASN 35323870, 513th Bomb. Sq. 376 Bomb Grp (H) APO 681, c/o Postmaster New York N. Y. The Saturday American Home was ordered by Mr. and Mrs. Florian Se-tina of 975 E. 69 St., for their son, whose address is: Henry F. Setina, S 1/C 136 Bn. Co. B-3, Quoddy Village, Maine. On furlough till March 29th is T/Sgt. Joseph Bukovec, son of Mrs. Mary Bukovec of 22070 Ball Ave., Euclid, O. Friends are invited to visit him. Joe is with the cavalry in California. Mrs. John Peskar of 3604 E. 80. St. has subscribed to the Saturday edition of the American Home for her son John. His address is: Pfc John Peskar. ASN 35059713. 34th Q. M. Depot. Co. S. APO 507, c/o Postmaster, New York. N. Y. Continued on Page 3 ST. MARY'S NEWS ST. MARY'S SODALITY The regular monthly meeting will be held this coming Tuesday at 8 o'clock in the Study Club Room. Please attend and be prompt for there will be much discussion about events for the coming months. Sometime* ago we sent pamphlets to the Servicemen and recently we received this V-Mail letter of appreciation. My dear Sodalists, I do wish to express my deeply felt appreciation and gratitude for your generous thought of our good soldiers in sending consignment of pamphlets. Only God can calculate the good that you have made possible through them. They are always eager for just such pamphlets as these. God love and bless vou and be always very good to you. Gratefully, Ch. H. B. Crimmin. DAY OF RECOLLECTION: The annual Day of Recollection of the Diocesan Sodality Union will be held Sunday. March 26, in Our Lady's Chapel of St. Paul's Shrine, e. 40th Street and Euclid Ave. Services will begin with Mass at 8:30 and a Holy Hour from 3 to 4 p. m. will close the service. Bach's Mass In B Minor To Be Given At Severance Hall The great Mass in B minor of Jo-hann Sebastain Bach will be presented in its entirety in Severance Hall on the Tuesday evening of Holy Week, April 4, at eight o'clock. The concert will be for the benefit of the Cleveland Orchestra's Pension Institute. Tickets are now on sale at Severance Hall at $.55, $1.10, and $1.65, with box seats at $2.20. When the new 20% admission tax goes into effect on April 1, the total prices, including tax, will be increased to $.60. $1.20, $1.80. and box seats to $2.40. Bach's Mass in B minor has not been heard before at a concert of The Cleveland Orcehstra. While the St. John and St. Matthew Passions have been performed by the Orchestra, this crowning choral work of Bach will be heard for the first time at its concerts. Bach's setting of the Mass is of the greatest breadth and on the loftiest possible qlane. The fullest implications of the text are realized in an intensely expressive music. The text is set in choruses, in arias, and duets. Several of the solo numbers require instrumental solos in addition tc> the vocal solos, o- TOMORROW IS THE DAY FOR "CROWN OF THORNS" Just a last reminder to all people who are interested in seeing a fine Religious Drama in three acts. The scene of the play is the reception room of Pilate's Palace. The time of the play lasts from the evening of the Passover in the first act, continues thru the morning of the Crucifixion, and during the Crucifixion and later on the same day. The characters are Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor, Claudia Procula, his wife. Gaius, their young son, Ma-rah. a Jewish maid, Cornelius, a court advisor. Classius. a Roman soldier, and Stephen, a disciple of Jesus. This Slovenian play is presented by the "Krka" Dramatic club of St. Lawrence Parish under the able direction of Matt Grdina. It will be given tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 and 8:00 P. M. at the Slovenian National Home Auditorium on St. Clair Ave. The proceeds will go to Slovenian Relief Fund of the Slovenian Parish Union. Tickets are 75 cents and 50 cents in the afternoon and $1.00 and 75 cents in the evening. Every one is cordially invited to attend. ALTAR FUND COMMITTEE Have you made your returns to the Altar Fund Committee as yet? Do so tomorrow—or as soon as you can. The date of the affair is rapidly approaching and the committee would appreciate it, if the biggest part of the returns were made by next Sunday. Holy for 'n ttie * Namer m i ,.typ he has been in our sow . many offices, being P' \ J boar" ■ W. 12 wish art editor and a Steve Zelko, we luck and we will be ing that he comes SERVICEMEN'S BE^L^B J This past wefk the VfJ. mittee was given a be sold for the benet« men. This affai?' is the CYO of our Parual] send packages to JUNIOR HOLY NAME JOURNAL JUNIORS LOSE ACTIVE MEMBER TO ARMY: Steve Zelko, one of our most active members informed the Society, at' this past meeting, that he was leaving for the Army this Saturday, March 25. Luckily enough, Steve had just graduated from East Tech High School this past January. He has been a real can in the service of t"c"„f: 'J> donation is $1 so r sell all of our tickets. this and that: ^ The main attraction / meeting was the sen«« J Zelko . . . Meet two $ and Stanley ZakraJse* cleaning up on some ' )e M more new faces, R- , ■ ■• na . . . The Juniors absorbed another J^t Christine's. And congr J Christine feminine <» upon capturing the * ^ . , shin . . . Louie Lauti^ Q lain of the evening . a ping pong ball . ■ -^fit har showing off a P°l You really look swell-FINIS: Come on. all ve tt.eii \ Let's get a title that « š Yes, that's right, MOST POPULAR ^ PARISH. mei^i Hasta ma»il< Sodality 'M if. Meeting this comM * 28. at 3:30 sharp. 0; . There will be a \ tomorrow at St. Pau'5 M ' St. and Euclid. The day^ the 8:30 Mass an« Misic will conduct ""Lit dav. All Sodalists are 1 - NEWBURGH NEWS LAKE SHORE POST NEWS AMERICAN LEGION By JOHN WENZEL, JR. No doubt many of you have witnessed some pathetic occurance due to this crucial war, perhaps in some instance. you may have been affected directly or indirectly. You also do not know what the future may bring forth. So it would be advisable to let your Congressman know about the urgent need of passing the Legion's Omnibus Bill, whose 46 pages of every suggested benefit for veterans of the present war expect a bonus, the $3,500,000 "G. I. Bill of Rights" measure was sped on its way toward overwhelming Senate passage by an unanimous vote of its finance committee. Senator Johnson (D.-Col.), one of the sponsors of a pending $30,000,000,-000 adjusted compensation or bonus bill told reporters he would seek finance committee hearings on that proposal after the Omnibus measure had eleared Congress. Finance Committee Chairman George (D.-Ga.) estimated maximum benefits under the "G. I." bill at $3,000,000,000, exclusive of a $500,000,-000 authorization for construction of additional hospital facilities. He estimated the cost of government-financed education at $1,000,-000,000 based on a belief that from 7 to 10 per cent of the men and women of the armed services will avail themselves of its benefits. principal benefits provided in the "G.I." bill sponsored by the American Legion are: A year's educational or vocational training for any man or woman of the armed forces with six month's service at a cost to the government up to $500 a year tuition. $50 a month subsistence and $25 a month for maintenance of a veteran's wife. Unemployment compensation of $15 a week for a maximum of 52 weeks. Loans up to $1,000 for purchase of homes, farms or small businesses, interest free for the first year, and carrying 3 per cent annual interest thereafter. Due to the importance of passing the Omnibus Bill, most of the Lake Shore Post news has been excluded lately. But for those who might have missed up on it. we might mention that the card party and social held on Feb. 19th. 1944, at Mr. and Mrs. Snyder's residence was a huge success. Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 13, at the St. Clair Recreation Center. -o- Subscribe to the "AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA" VEWSY TIDBITS The St. Lawrence Dramatic Club Krka will present "THE CROWN OF THORNS" at the St. Clair Auditorium tomorrow afternoon and evening . . . Tickets are now in circulation for the CYO DANCE, the SERVICEMEN'S BALL and the MOTHER'S DAY VARIETY SHOW . . . Fads and fashions ire the chief topic of discussion as Easter approaches. ... All youth organizations are requested to receive HOLY COMMUNION in a body at 8:45 Mass tomorrow morning. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts. Drill Teams, CYO members take note! . . . Pre-induction exams caused quite a commotion Monday morning when a majority of our men reported to the Center. Details will be giv«n shortly . t . John Kuznik will report for "navy" duty within a few days . . . Mrs. Frank Adler posts greetings from Camp Grant. 111. where her husband is stationed . . . Mrs. Frank Mahnic is back home again after visiting husband down south . . . Mrs. Molly Hayden greets friends from California where she has been staying for the past few months . . . The SWU bowlerettes are in Illinois today for the Midwestern Tournament . . . The approach of John the mailman is dreaded by many a housewife these days. Most of the husbands are anticipating "greetings and salutations" from Uncle Sam. Welcome home to Pfc. Frankie Jeric who is well on the road to recovery after sustaining injuries in active duty overseas . . . Larry Mervar and Ed Pa-pes are about town to revive old friendships and good times before participating in more exciting chapters "Over the waves of the Deep Blue Sea" . . . Pfc. Bernie Lozar has "breezed" in "from Kentucky for a fourteen-day leave in which time he expects to do "just everything" . . . Greetings from 'ivg '■k i, tet. Pfc. Tony zrimsek ° Honorable mention w ' nic who has been a« Star for gallantry »' pP <« v the Battle of VolW^f« |. . . . Pfc Larrv CloW? „1 *M i papulations to Cpl- jOj0Vj ,J>r< * » >>i 2/C Pfc. Larry ■ with advanced ba greets pals via this „„ i gratulations to CP1, his recent promotion-.^ the Eighth Army A* r, Wi m England in laigiana . . • ~ fc0ffl'\ sek posts greetings " in Australia . . • P^jJl t England anticipates" K, ^ oustohear about ho^ ^ ... Bob Kastelic of 11 j Continued A complete selection of Greeting Cards for all occasions. NOVAK'S 6128 St. Clair Ave. Slovenian TONIGHT! at MERRYMAKERS CAFE 4814 Superior Ave. Featuring "klobase in zelje" ^ MUSIC BY MATT MLINAR'S ORCH$S FRIENDS ARE INVITED « Mr. in Mrs. Frank Sodnikar