du intof matica ^ YU ISSN 0350-5596 informatica Published by Informatika, Slovene Society for Informatics, Parmova 4 1, 6.1000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia Editorial Board Suad Alagić, Sarajevo; Damjan Bojadžiev, Ljubljana; Jozo Dujmović, Beograd-, Janez Grad, Ljubljana, Bogomir Horvat, Maribor; Ljubo Pipan, Kranj; Tomo Pisanski, Ljubljana; Oliver Popov, Skopje; Sašo PreSern, Ljubljana; Viljem Rupnik, Ljubljana; Branko Souček, Zagreb Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Anton P. Zeleznikar JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS YU ISSN 0350-5596 VOLUME 12, 1988^ No. 4 Executive Editor : Dr. Rudolf Murn CONTENTS Publishing Council: T. Banovec, Zavod SR Slovenije za statistiko, Vožarski pot 12, 61000 Ljubljana; A. Jerman-Blažič, Iskra Telematika, Kardeljeva ploščad 24, 61000 Ljubljana; B. Klemenčič, Iskra Telematika, 64000 Kranj; S. Saksida, Institut za sociologijo Univerze Edvarda Kardelja, 61000 Ljubljana; J, Virant, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, TržaSka 25, 61000 Ljubljana. Headquarters : Informatica, Journal for Computing and Informatica, Iskra Delta Computers, Stegne 150, 61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia Phone: (+38 61) 57 45 54. Telex: 31366 yu delta Fax: (+38 61) 32 88 87 and (+38 61.) 55 32 61. Annual Subscription Rate: US$ 30 for companies, and IIS$ 15 for individuals. Opinions expressed in the contributions are not necessarily shared by the Editorial Board Printed by: Tiskarna Kresija, Ljubljana A.P.Zeleznikar B. Dugonik I. Bruha M. Stojanović I. Stojmenović J. Barle J. Grad R. AndrejCiö B. Peček M. Ivanović Z. Budimac S. Bobek B. Domanjko A,P.Zeleznikar 3 Informational Logic II 21 Temporal Logic - A Tool for System Modeling 25 Compact Implementation of the Programming Language Prolog in the Environment of Mc Poplog 36 On Deletion of Reflex Elements from Circular Doubly-Linked Lists 39 Computer Program for Determining an Optimum Solution in Long-Term Forest Exploitation Process 44 Source Code Analysis 49 Translation of Grammar Rule EBNF Descriptions to BNF Ones 55 Quo Vadis Informatization in Business Decision Making 59 UUCP Network 63 Information and Information System 69 Forum Informationis informatica Časopis izdaja Slovensko društvo Informatika, 61000 Ljubljana, Parmova 41, Jugoslavija ČASOPIS ZA TEHNOLOGIJO RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN PROBLEME INFORMATIKE ČASOPIS ZA RAČUNARSKU TEHNOLOGIJU I PROBLEME INFORMATIKE SPISANIE ZA TEHNOLOGIJA NA SMETANJETO i PROBLEMI OD OBLASTA NA INFORMATIKATA Uredniški odbor: Suad Alagič, Sarajevo; Damjan Bojadžiev, Ljubljana; Jožo Dujmovič, Beograd; Janez Grad, Ljubljana, Bogomir Horvat, Maribor; Ljubo Pipan, Kranj; Tomo Pisanski, Ljubljana; Oliver Popov, Skopje; Sašo PreSern, Ljubljana; Viljem Rupnik, Ljubljana; Branko Souček, Zagreb YU ISSN 0350-5596 LETNIK 12, 1988-ŠT. 4 Glavni in odgovorni urednik: prof. dr. Anton P. Zeleznikar Tehnični urednik: dr. Rudolf Murn Založniški svet: T. Banovec, Zavod SR Slovenije za statistiko, Vožarski pot 12, 61000 Ljubljana; 4. Jerman-Blažič, Iskra Telematika, Kardeljeva ploSCad 24, 61000 Ljubljana; B. Klemenčič, Iskra Telematika, 64000 Kranj; 5. Saksida, Institut za sociologijo Univerze Edvarda Kardelja, 61000 Ljubljana; J. Virant, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška 25, 61000 Ljubljana. Uredništvo in uprava: Časopis Informatika, Iskra Delta, Stegne 150, 61000 Ljubljana, telefon (061) 574 554; teleks 31366 YU Delta; fax (061) 328 887 in (061) 553 261. Letna naroCnina za delovne organizacije znaša 24000 din, za zasebne naroönike 6000 din, za študente 2000 din; posamezna številka 8000 din. Številka žiro računa: 50101-678-51841 Pri financiranju časopisa sodeluje Raziskovalna skupnost Slovenije Na podlagi mnenja Republiškega komiteja za informiranje št. 23-85, z dne 29. 1. 1986, je časopis oproščen temeljnega davka od prometa proizvodov. Tisk: Tiskarna Kresija, Ljubljana VSEBINA A.P.Zeleznikar B. Dugonik I. Bruha M. Stojanovič I. Stojmenovič J. Barle J. Grad R. Andrejčič B. Peček M. ivanović Z. Budimac S. Bobek B. Domanjko A.P.Zeleznikar 3 Informational Logic II 21 Temporal Logic - A Tool for System Modeling 25 Compact Implementation of the Programming Language Prolog in the Environment of Mc Poplog 36 On Deletion of Reflex Elements from Circular Doubly-Linked Lists 39 Computer Program for Determining an Optimum Solution in, Long-Term Forest Exploitation Process 44 Source Code Analysis 49 Prevodjenje pravila gramatike iz EBNF zapisa u BMF.zapis 55 Quo vadiš informatizacija poslovnega odločanja 59 UUCP mreža 63 Informacija in informacijski sistem 69 Forum informationis INFORMATIONAL LOGIC II INFORMATICA 4/1988 Anton. P. Železnikar UDK 519.72 Iskra Delta, Ljubljana This part of the essay deals with the formal informational logic, however only with a part of this logic, i.e. with the definitions of informational variables and operators which constitute the so-called list of primitive symbols. In the continuation of this essay formation rules, inTorraational axioms, and informational transformation rules will be discussed in detail. The topic of this part of the essay is the following: Introduction into Formal Informational Logic and Basic Informational Variables and Operators. In the introductory section the syntax for labelling definitions, theorems, proofs, examples, and informational systems is exposed. Then, in the second section, various definitions of informational variables are introduced and three types of equivalence operators, used in the essay, are explained thoroughly. The next subsection is dedicated to general informational metaoperators , which are meant to be operational variables. These variables can be particularized and universalized into concrete operators (e.g., through a non-uniform substitution in a formula). Thereupon, operators concerning the informational cycle are determined. Within these, counter-informati ona1 operators and operators of embedding are emphasized. Operators of parallel Informing are discussed in a most exhaustive way. There are operators of general parallel Informing, parallel informational possibility and necessity, transfer of information among parallel processes, informational appearance and vanishing, informational choice, memorizing, forgetting, and renewing of information, informational interrupting and breakdown, and enriching of information. For better understanding, several examples of formulae including various operators are given. As it has already been mentioned, in the continuation of the essay, in Part Two, formation rules, informational axioms, and informational transformation rules will be included. Informacijska logika II. Drugi del: formalna informacijska logika. Ta del spisa obravnava formalno informacijsko logiko, toda le del te logike, in sicer definicije informacijskih spremenljivk in operatorjev, ki oblikujejo t.i. seznam primitivnih simbolov. V nadaljevanju spisa bodo obravnavana podrobno še formacijska pravila, informacijski aksiomi in informacijska transformacijska pravila. Naslovna tema tega dela spisa je uvod v formalno informacijsko logiko in osnovne informacijske spremenljivke in operatorji. V uvodnem poglavju je opisana sintaksa označevanja definicij, teoremov, dokazov, primerov in informacijskih sistemov. V naslednjem poglavju se uvaja več definicij informacijskih spremenljivk in trije tipi ekvivalenčnih operatorjev s pojasnili njihove uporabe v tem spisu. Naslednje podpoglavje je namenjeno splošnim informacijskim (meta)operator jem, ki se razumevajo kot operacijske spremenljivke, ki jih je mogoče konkretizirati (jim prirejati vrednosti) s t.i. partikularizacijo in univerzalizacijo (npr. z neuniformno substitucijo v informacijskih formulah) . Potem se opredeljujejo opera"torji informacijskega cikla. V okviru teh so posebej obravnavani proti informacijski in vmestitveni operatorji. Operatorji paralelnega informiranja so najštevilnejši. To so operatorji splošnega paralelnega informiranja, paralelne informacijske možnosti in nujnosti, prenosa informacije med paralelnimi procesi, informacijskega nastanka in izginotja, informacijske izbire, pomnenja, pozabljanja in obnavljanja informacije, informacijskega prekinjanja in preloma in o'bogačevanja informacije. Z namenom boljšega razumevanja spisa je konstruiranih več primerov formul z različnimi operatorji. Kot je bilo že omenjeno, bodo v nadaljevanju tega spisa, v njegovem naslednjem delu opredeljena še formacijska (oblikovalna) pravila formul, informacijski aksiomi in informacijska transformacijska pravila formul. Part Two: Formal Informational Logic the necessary systematics and uniformness. II.0. INTRODUCTION TI. 1. SOME BASIC INFORMATIONAL VARIABLES AND OPERATORS Logical thinking is an improvement of na tura 1 thinking because it trims the exuberance of natural thinking. Logical thinking is a deliberate attempt to restrain the excesses of natural thinking. This restraint is effected by selectively blocking natural flow pathways. Logic is the management of NO. Edward de Bono [8] 224 In the first part of this essay a general and non-systenitit i c (intuitive) view of i nfonniition-al logic and its possibilities were shown, dealing principally with the philosophy and conceptualism of informational formalization through introduction of a new seniuntios for basic logical operators. In this, second part of the essay, an informationally axiomatic approach will be given, constituting the so-called symbolic system of informational logic. For the purpose of ciarity of the new formalism, we will introduce several symbols for operators with already known, but also new semantics. Furthermore, we will use particular forms of marking and presenting definitions, theorems, proofs, and examples. Among these formalistic parts of the essay we shall put explanatory inserts for making formal achievements more picturesque and '' comprehensible. In a formal as well as in an intuitional manner, we shall develop and reveal a novel understanding of the arising informational formalism which, to our opinion, can constitute the possibility of today's and probably also of tomorrow's informational investigations and understanding. To have a good perspicuity, we shall use the following syntax for labelling definitions (OF), theorems ( TH) , their proofs (PR), examples (EX), and informational systems (SY): DFl [Syntax of labelling] : (number)