^ rrjiaat usruus www.institut-isi.si NTERNATIONAL = JOURNAL OF IGINEERING RESEARCH Iber 2 december, 2008 9771854067006 ■ Editorial The second number of the second volume of the journal deals with several issues such as medical research, textile disinfection and environmental protection. Two papers describe research in the field of the Survival of Francisella tularensis subsp. novicida after exposure to different high temperatures and the disruption of Francisella containing Phagosme due to vATPase. The both papers were sent by our Croatian colleagues. The second paper was also presented on the second international scientific and professional symposium SANITARY ENGINEERING last year in Opatija. The organisation of the symposium was in frame of the Croatian Association for Sanitary Engineering (HUSI). It is important that two Slovenian organisations participated as co-organisers, namely the Slovenian Chamber of the Sanitary Technicians and Engineers and the Slovenian Institute of Occupational, Food and Environmental Hygiene. Everyone is aware that the clean and disinfected textile is rather important not only regarding to the health of employees in hospitals and in food industry but also for the food safety and prevention of the viruses and deceases spreading in hospitals. Of course there are several standardised procedures developed which are obliged to be introduced in the organisations which deal with food, viruses, diseases and of course with the infected and dirty textiles; for example the laundries. Beside standard procedures the laundries have to implement several organisational measures such as good housekeeping, regular cleaning and maintenance of the working places and equipment, storing shelves and permanent education of the employees as authors proposed which is to be implemented after the optimizing of the laundering procedures. There is also completely new topic presented regarding the problem of the waste bread which can be successfully used as a substrate for the mushrooms cultivation. The authors proposed the possibility that the waste bread can be used as a raw material for mushrooms production. The authors do not report the final destination of the waste bread substrate. But as was indicated, that in case of industry scale production, this problem can be easily solved by composting. We hope that the scientists and professionals not only from Slovenia but also from other countries like Croatia, Serbia, Monte Negro, Macedonia etc. are willing to publish their research results in the journal and share their professional experiences through the International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research. Sincerely, Janez Petek Editor-in-Chief SANITARNO NŽENIRSTVO GLAVNI UREDNIK / Editor-in-Chief TEHNIČNI UREDNIK / Technical Editor naslov redakcije in uprave / Address of the Editorial Board and Administration UREDNIŠKI odbor / Editorial Board svetovalni uredniški odbor / Advisory Board © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 2008. © Copyright by Institute of Occuptional, Food and Environmental Hygiene. Vse pravice pridržane. Reproduciranje in razmnoževanje po zakonu o avtorskih pravicah ni dovoljeno! International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SANITARY ENGINEERING RESEARCH Izdaja - Published by: INŠTITUT ZA SANITARNO INŽENIRSTVO THE INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL, FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE ZBORNICA SANITARNIH INŽENIRJEV SLOVENIJE THE CHAMBER OF SANITARY ENGINEERS OF SLOVENIA Janez PETEK Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo / Institute of Occupational, Food and Environmental Hygiene, Slovenia Aleš KRULEC Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo / Institut of Occupational, Food and Environmental Hygiene, Slovenia Zaloška cesta 155, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Tel: (+386)-1-5468-393, Fax: (+386)-1-5468-394 E-mail: info@institut-isi.si IBAN: SI56 2510 0970 9135 133 Probanka, d.d. Borut PoLJŠAK Univerza v Ljubljani, Visoka šola za zdravstvo / University College of Health Studies, Slovenia Matej GREGoRIČ Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije / Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia Mojca JEVŠNIK Univerza v Ljubljani, Visoka šola za zdravstvo / University College of Health Studies, Slovenia Dražen LUŠIČ Sveučilište Rijeka, Medicinski fakultet Rijeka / University of Rijeka, School of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia Darko DREV Inštitut za vode Republike Slovenije / Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia Marina ŠANTIČ Sveučilište Rijeka, Medicinski fakultet Rijeka / University of Rijeka, School of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia Martin BAUER Univerza v Ljubljani, Visoka šola za zdravstvo / University College of Health Studies, Slovenia Zoran KoVAČ Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo / Institut of Occupational, Food and Environmental Hygiene, Slovenia Mile DAKIČ Univerza v Ljubljani, Visoka šola za zdravstvo / University College of Health Studies, Slovenia Mateja ČEBULAR Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo / Institut of Occupational, Food and Environmental Hygiene, Slovenia Eneja ZADRAVEC Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo / Institut of Occupational, Food and Environmental Hygiene, Slovenia Vol. 2 □ No. 2/2008 2 © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 2008. Content Comparison of Virulence of L. longbeachae to other Legionella Strains in an Animal Model Ivana GOBIN, Marina ŠANTIČ, Kaca SELENIČ, Martina ŠAREC, Milorad ŠUŠA, Miljenko DORIČ.................................................. 4 Leftover bread as a substrate for Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation Andrej GREGORI, Andrej KRAŠEVEC, Bojan PAHOR, Dušan KLINAR ....................................................................... 10 Survival of Francisella tularensis subsp. novicida after exposure to different high temperatures Iva LAZARIČ, Diana JURČIČ MOMČILOVIČ, Martin BREZOVEC, Vildana SEMIČ, Marina ŠANTIČ............................................... 15 Microbiological evaluation of hospital textiles and textiles from the food-processing industry Sabina FIJAN, Sonja ŠOSTAR-TURK ........................................ 20 Prvi evropski kongres o hrani / First european food congress Andrej OVCA ......................................................................... 31 Napredek na področju antioksidantov / Advances in antioxidants Andrej OVCA, Borut POLJŠAK................................................. 35 ■