92 References Simeonov, S., Michev, T. & Nankinov, D. (1990): Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20, Aves, Part I. – BAS, Sofia. Michev, T., Profirov, L., Dimitrov, M. & Nyagolov, K. (2004): The Birds of Lake Atanasovsko. – Bourgas Wetlands Publication Series No 5, Bourgas. Arrived / Prispelo: 23.6.2006 Accepted / Sprejeto: 5.10.2006 Kratki prispevki / Short Communications Evidence for the regular spring and autumn migration of Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus along the western Black Sea coast Dokazi o redni spomladanski in jesenski selitvi sabljastega martinca Xenus cinereus vzdol` zahodne obale ^rnega morja Stoyan Ch. Nikolov1, Dimiter Georgiev2, Bojidar Ivanov3 & Petar Iankov4 1 Central Laboratory of General Ecology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), 2 Gagarin Str., BG−1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, e−mail: nikolov100yan@abv.bg 2 Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds/ BirdLife Bulgaria, P.O. Box 492, BG−9000 Varna, Bulgaria, e−mail: dimiter.georgiev@neophron.com 3 Institute of Zoiology, 1 bul. Tzar Osvoboditel, BG−1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, e−mail: bai_bobo@yahoo.com 4 Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds/ BirdLife Bulgaria, BG−1111 Sofia, P.O. Box 50, Bulgaria, e−mail: petar.iankov@gmail.com The Terek Sandpiper is a regular migrant to the region of the eastern Black Sea with important route between the Ural and Volga rivers and birds also passing through Transcaucasus and Ukraine (Dementiev & Gladkov 1951). The species is considered to be a rare visitor or vagrant farther west, including the Balkans (Cramp 1983) and there are few published observations in Bulgaria (Nankinov et al. 1997, Michev et al. 2004). On 16 Sep 2002, a juvenile Terek Sandpiper was seen on the beach of nature protected site Poda (UTM NH03). The species was observed at the same site in the ensuing year (on 16 Sep). A Terek Sandpiper was seen on 22 and 31 Sep 2004 at Shablenska Tuzla salty lake (UTM PJ22). The observed individuals stayed separately from the other Waders presented at the foregoing sites. On 14 Aug 2005, two adult Terek Sandpipers in summer plumage were seen together at 14.00 h in the northern part of Pomorie Lake saltpans (UTM NH51). The birds were staying close (3 − 5 meters) to a number of Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea, Little Stints C. minuta, Dunlins C. alpina, Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus, Avocets Recurvirostra avocetta and one Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus all feeding around. The two Terek Sandpipers flew away together at 14.15 h. The species was observed during the next year at the same site: 93 Acrocephalus 27 (128-129): 83−93, 2006 in the middle part of Pomorie Lake saltpans between 9.06 and 9.28 h local time on 24 May 2006. It was an adult bird in breeding plumage: the body upperparts were brown-grayish with black feather centers, the legs were dingy orange and the up-curved bill was black with basal third tinged dirty orange (Cramp 1983). The observed Terek Sandpiper stayed alone and did not join the Curlew Sandpipers, Little Stints, Avocets, Kentish and Ringed Plovers Charadrius hiaticula that were present nearby. The foregoing observations reveal that almost every year several Terek Sandpipers pass (in spring and in autumn) along the western Black Sea coast through the Via Pontica flyway. In some years, some individuals even rest in Bulgaria during the summer (Petkov 2005). Povzetek Avtorji povzemajo nove podatke o pojavljanju sabljastega martinca Xenus cinereus na ~rnomorski obali (V Bolgarija). Posami~ni primerki so se v obdobju 2002 − 2006 pojavljali skoraj vsako leto, spomladi in jeseni. Reference Cramp, S. (1983): The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. III – Oxford Univ. Press., Oxford. Dementiev, G. & Gladkov, N. (1951): The Birds of Soviet Union.Vol. III – Moscow. Michev, T., Profirov, L., Dimitrov, M. & Nyagolov, K. (2004): The Birds of Lake Atanasovsko. – Bourgas Wetlands Publication Series No 5, Bourgas. Nankinov, D., Simeonov, S. & Michev, T. (1997): Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26, Aves, Part II. – Prof. M. Drinov, Sofia. Petkov, N. (2005): Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus. – Acrocephalus 124: 59–60. Arrived / Prispelo: 23.6.2006 Accepted / Sprejeto: 5.10.2006