ANNALES Ser. hist, nat 11 • 2001 - 1 (23) UDC 001.891:591.8 929 Mršič N SCIENTIFIC LIFE AND WORK OF NARCIS MRŠIČ (1951-1997) Tone NOVAK Department of 8iology, Pedagogical Faculty, University of Maribor, SI-2000 Maribor, KoroSka 160 F.-mai I: tone novak ©guest.ames. si Tatjana ČEL IK Biological insitute ZRC SAZU, 51-1000 Ljubljana, Gosposka 13 E-maii: ABSTRACT The scientific work of Narcis MrSiC consists of a number of topics He made a revolutionary scientific revision of lumbricids. He improved very much the knowledge of zoogeography and taxonomy of lumbricids and diplopods, describing altogether 98 new taxa <12 subspecies, 66 species, 6 subgenera, 11 genera, 2 subfamilies and 1 family), 6 of them in co-authorship. He was firmly convinced that Slovenia should be treated as an important biotic park of Europe, This year we can only spiritually celebrate with him his 50th birthday anniversary. Key words: Narcis MrSic, scientific work, biodiversity, anniversary VITA E LAVORO SCIENTIFIC*) Dl NARCiS MRSIC (1951-1997) SINTESI ¡1 lavoro scientifico di Narcis Mriic comprende diversi argomenti. Egli portd a termine una rivoluzionaria revi-sione scientific^ dei lumbricidi e arricchi le nostre conoscenze net campo delta zoogeografia e delta tassonomia di lumbricidi e diplopodi, descrivendo 98 nuovi taxa (12 sottospecie, 66 specie, 6 sottogeneri, 11 generi, 2 sottofami-glie e I t'amiglia), 6 dei quali con altri autori. Mriid era fermamente convinto che la Slovenia dovrebbe venir consid-erata come un importante parco biotico dell'Europa. Quest'anno viene spiritualmente celebrato il cinquantesimo anniversario della sua nascita. Parole chiave: Narcis iVIrSic, lavoro scientifico, biodiversita, anniversario professional paper received: 30.05.2001 121 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) Tone NOVAK, Tjrtjana CUIK. SCIENTIFIC LIFE AND WORK OF NAKCIS MKSlc (1951 -1957), 121-128 INTRODUCTION lie was bom in Slovenia, his mother's country. He attended primary and grammar schools in Croatia, his father's land. Then he returned to Slovenia to study biology in Ljubljana. He graduated in 1975, and on March 3rcl 1983 he was the first from his generation to defend his doctoral thesis on taxonomic, ecological and coe-notic researches in earthworms (Lurnbricidae, Oligo-chaeta) in the transections of Kranjska gora - Mt. Spik and Preddvor - Mt. Storzid. In 1975 he was engaged, as graduate assistant, by the Jovan Had2i Institute of Biology of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts. Although a zoologist at heart, he began his scientific work in the field of forestry and phytocoenology there. In 1977, he was elected assistant and when getting his PhD, he became a research associate in the Institute's zoological team. In 1994, he was the Institute's deputy director for few months. Since 1992, he was senior research fellow and leader of the Institute's research team in the major research project dealing with floristic, faunistic and vegetation research of Slovenia and adjacent regions. SCIENTIFIC WORK Narcis MrSid was extremely prolific in the field of taxonomy as a scientist as well as an organiser in the first years of bis scientific career. For his scientific contribution to the knowledge of Slovenia and Western Balkans' faunas he received numerous awards. He took part in international biological excursions to Nepal (1978), New Guinea (1992), and Indonesia (1993), where he intensely collected material as well as studied the countries' ecology and biodiversity. In 1995, he was elected assistant professor of ecology at the University of Ljubljana, giving lectures on general and animal ecology, zoogeography and ecosystems to pre- and postgraduate students. Narcis Mrsid was a member of the following international editorial boards: Atlas of European Myriapods, Catalogue of Palearctic Myriapods, Atlas des Reptiles et Amphibiens d'Europe, and reviewer for lumbricids and diplopods for Miscellanea Zoologica, Barcelona (since 1992); for lumbricids for Bios, Thessaloniki (since 1992); for lumbricids and diplopods for Natura Croatica, Zagreb (since 1996); and, since 1993, for The International Foundation Programmes (Soros), Washington. In the years 1989-1991, he was scientific editor in natural sciences for the Enciklopedija Slovenije (Encyclopaedia of Slovenia). In the last few years, he was consultant at the Ministry of Science and Technology and its coordinator of the long-term programme entitled The Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Slovene People, especially in creating an adequate programme for the preservation of biodiversity. Taxonomically and ecologically, he was dealing with three animal groups: lumbricids, diplopods, and reptiles, while his main ecological preoccupation was dealing with edaphic organisms as a whole and pedo-genetic processes. The biodiversity of 5lovene territory was a kind of obsession during his last fifteen years. The fact (discovered by him) that this country is an important European biodiversity region inspired him very much indeed. Narcis Mr^id was a very productive scientist. More than 150 scientific, professional, popular, and educational papers and articles written by him constitute a great contribution to the knowledge and advancement of zoology and biology in Slovenia. He was one of our most agile biologists and science was actually his life. In this review, his bibliography is presented according to separate taxa. LUMBRICIDS In 38 scientific and professional papers on lumbricids, Narcis Mriic described 46 new species, 3 subgenera, 3 genera, and additionally 3 species, 1 subgenus, and 2 genera as ccAauthor. Individually or as co-author, he also improved 8 descriptions of taxa or changed their status. In his monograph on the earthworms of the Balkans, he analysed, the taxonomic values of setal formulas, muscle bundles types, shape and orientation of nephridial bladders, position of male pore, structure and position of calciferous glands, and typhlosoles. Using these morphological characters, he carried out a complete systematic revision of Lumbricidae. The lumbricid taxa described by Narcis Mrsic Lumbricidae Heiodriius dinarlcus Mrsid, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Helodriitjs ospensis MrSid, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Heiodriius vagneri MrSic, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Heiodriius slovenicus Mrsid, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Cernosvitovia Omodeo, 1956, emend. Mrsid & Sap-karev, 1988(29) Zicsioria Mrsid et Sapkarev, 1987 (subg. n.) (25) Cemosvitovia {Zicsioria) silicata Mrsid & Sapkarev, 1987 (sp. n.) (25) ¡tabbalkaniona Mrsic & Sapkarev, 1988 Ig. n.) (29) llalobalkariiona treskavicensis Mrsid, 1991 (sp. n} (33) Serbiona MrSid & Sapkarev, 1988 (stat. n.) (29) Serbiona matjasici Mriid, 1990 (sp. n) (31 i Serbiona carneluttii MrSid, 1990 (sp. n) (31) Serbiona speciosa MrSic & Sapkarev, 1987 (sp. n.) (25) Serbiona mayeri Mrsic, 1990 (sp. n) (31) 122 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) Tone NOVAK. Taijana ČF.UK: SCIENTIFIC UFE AND WORK OF NARCIS MRŠlC (1951-1997), 121-128 Allolobophora Eisen, 1374, emend. MrsiC & Sapkarev, 1988 (29) Microeophila Omodeo, 1956, emend. MrSic* & Sapkarev, 1988(29) Panoniona MrsiC & Sapkarev, 1988 (stat. n.) (29) Aipodinaridella MrsiC, 1987 (g. n.) (21) Aipodinaridella MrsiC, 1987 (subg. n.) (21) Aipodinaridella (Aipodinaridella) lozniciana MrsiC, 1987 (sp. n.) (21) Dinaridella MrSid, 1987 (subg. n.) (21) Aipodinaridella (Dinaridella) biokovica (MrsiC, 1985) (sp. n.) (16) Karpalodiriariona Mrsic & Sapkarev, 1988 (g. n.) (29) Allolobophoridella Mrsic, 1990 (stat. n.) (31) Apporectodea Orley, 1885, emend. Mrsic, 1991 (33) Apporectodea (Apporectodea) cemernicensis MrSiC, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Apporectodea (Apporectodea) papukiana Mrsic, 1987 (sp. n.) (23) Apporectodea (Apporectodea) pannonilella MriiC, 1987 (sp. n.) (23) Apporectodea (Apporectodea) kozjekensis MrStC, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Apporectodea (Apporectodea) bohiniana Mrsic, 1987 (sp. n.) (23) Creinella MrsiC, 1986 (subg. n.) (18) Apporectodea (Creinella) predalpina (MrSic, 1986) (sp. n.) (18) Meroandrielia MrsiC, 1987 (g. n.) (23) Meroandriella dinarica Mrsic, 1987 (sp. n.) (23) Octodrilus tHyricus MrSiC, 1987 (sp. n.) (24) Octodrilus kvarnerus MrsiC, 1987 (sp. n.) (24) Octodrilus oesopgagus MrsiC, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Octodrilus velebiticus Mrsic, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Octodrilus istrianus Mrsic, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Octodrilus savinensis MrsiC, 1987 (sp. n.) (24) Octodrilus meroandricus Mrsid, 1985 (sp. n.) (23) Octodrilus preudolissaensis MrSiC, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Octodrilus ¿¡nanus MrSid, 1987 (sp. n.) (24) Octodrilus pseudozirianus Mrsic, 1987 (sp. n.) (335 Octodriloides poktonensis MrSid, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Octodriloides marinceki MrSid, 1987 (sp. n.) (22) Octodriloides dinaricus Mrsic, 1991 (sp. n.)(33) Octodriloides zupancici MrsiC, 1991 (sp. n.) (22) Octodriloides bolei Mrsic, 1987 (sp. n.) (22) Octodriloides nazarensis Mrsic, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Octodriloides bosniensis Mrsic, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Fitzingeria Zicsi, 1978, emend. Mršic, 1991 (33) Fitzingeria viminiana MrsiC, 1986 (sp. n.) (17) Dendrobaena velkovrhi Mrsic, 1988 (sp. n.) (26) Dendrobaena papukiana Mršič, 1988 (sp. n.) (26) Dendrobaena durrnitorensis Mršic, 1988 (sp. n.) (26) Dendrobaena jastrebensis Mršic & Sapkarev, 1987 (sp. n.) (25) Dendrobaena jahorensis Mršič, 1991 {sp. n.) (33) Dendrobaena bosniaca Mršič, 1980 (sp. n.) (26) Dendrobaena macedónica Mršič, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Dendrobaena vranicensis Mršič, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Dendrobaena grmecensis Mršič, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Dendrobaena montenegrina Mršič, 1988 (sp. n.) (26) Dendrobaena hamzalensis Mršič, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) Dendrobaena slovenica Mršic, 1991 (sp. n.) (33) 1. Kerovec, M. & N. Mršič (1981): Oligocbaeta. Catalog us faunae Jugoslavia« 111/1, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 1 -38. 2. Mršič, N. (1977): Prispevek k poznavanju vrste Eise-nia lucens (Waga 1857) (Lumbricidae, Oligocbaeta) v Sloveniji. Biol. vestn., 25(2), 139-147. 3. Mršič, N. (1979): Naselitvene sukcesije deževnikov (Lumbricidae, Oligocbaeta) v bukov les na Kočevskem. Biol. vestn., 27(2), 157-164. 4. Mršič, N. (1980): Octolasium croa ti cum (Rosa 1895) nova vrsta deževnika (Lumbricidae) v Sloveniji. Biol. vestn., 28(1), 59-65. 5. Mršič, N. (1980): A review of the Oligochaeta and some new species of earthworm (Lumbricidae) v Sloveniji. Biol. vestn., 23(2), 27-38. 6. Mršič, N. (1982): Allolobophora altimontana sp. n. (Oligocbaeta, Lumbricidae) a new species in Slovenia. Biol. vestn., 30(2), 57-62. 7. Mršič, N. (1982): Classification of some earthworm associations in Slovenia, worked out on the basis of the new coefficient of percentile similitarity. Biol. vestn., 30(2), 63-84. 8. Mršič, N. (1982): Taksonomske, zoogeografske in cenotske raziskave deževnikov (Lumbricidae, Oligocbaeta) gorskega sveta Slovenije. Razpr. - Slov. akad. znan. umet., Razr. naravosl. vede, 24(4), 159-256. 9. Mršič, N. (1983): Research on fauna and associations of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in Durmitor, Črna Gora (Montenegro). Biol. vestn., 31(2), 53-66. 10.Mršic, N. (1983): Seasonal dynamics of abundance, age structure and depth distribution of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in some associations in Slovenia. Biol. vestn., 31(2), 67-82. 11 Mršič, N. (1983): Effect of edaphic. factors on distribution of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in certain associations in Slovenia. Acta biologica lugosiavica, Ekologija, 18(1), 43-54. 12. Mršjč, N. (1984): Research on the fauna and associations of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in Vefebil and 123 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) Tone NOVAK, Tal»n» CEliK: SCIENTIFIC UFE AND WORK OF NARCIS MRŠIČ (19S1-199"], 121-128 Kapela, Hrvatska (Croatia). Biol, vestn., 32(1), 55-69. 13.Mršič, N. (1984): Cenotske raziskave deževnikov (Lumbricidae, Oiigochaeta) gorskega sveta zahodne Jugoslavije. Razpr. - Slov. akad. znan. umet, Razr. naravosl. vede, 25(6), 309-358. 14. Mršič, N. (1985): Research on the faun a and associations of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in the region of Učka and Gorski Kotar. Biol, vestn., 33(1), 41-55. 15.Mršiti, N. (1985): Nekatere nove vrste za favno in cenotske raziskave deževnikov (Lumbricidae, Oiigochaeta) Slovenije. Scopofia, 8, 1-32. 16. Mršiti, N. (1985): Allolobophora biokovica sp n. (Oiigochaeta, Lumbricidae) and earthworm associations of the Biokovo (Croatia). Biol, vestn., 34(1), 6980. 17.Mršiti, N. (1986): Fitzingeria viminiana sp. N. (Lumbricidae) and the earthworm fauna (Lumbricidae) of northeastern Serbia. Acta biobgica lugoslavica, Bio-sistematika, 12(2), 111-117. 18. Mršič, N. (1986): Creinelia predalpina g. n., sp. N. (Oiigochaeta: Lumbricidae). Glas. Prir. muz. Beogr., B 41, 37-40. 19.Mršit?, N. (1986): Deževniki: biologija in gojenje. (Lumbricids: their biology and breeding.) ČZP Kmečki glas, Ljubljana, str. 69. 20.Mršič, N. (1987): Al!olo!x)phora oculata (Hoffmeister 1845) new earthworm species (Lumbricidae) in the fauna of Yugoslavia. Biol, vestn.. 35(1), 67-75. 21 Mršič, N. (1987): Alpodinaridella g. n. (Oiigochaeta: lumbricidae) and description of New Monotypic Subgenera. Biol, vestn., 35(2), 61-66. 22.Mršič, N. (1987): Description of three new species of earthworm of the genus Octodriloides Zicsi 1986 (Oiigochaeta: Lumbricidae). Biol, vestn., 35(2), 87-93, 23. Mršič, N. (1987): Description of a New Genus and Five New Species of Earthworms (Oiigochaeta: Lumbricidae). Scopolia, 13,1-11. 24. Mršič, N. (1987): Description of the five new species of the genus Octodrilus Omodeo 1956 (Oiigochaeta: Lumbricidae). Acta biologica lugoslavica, Biosis-tematika, 13(1), 37-44. 25.Mršič, N. & J. Šapkarev (1987): Survey of the Earthworms (Lumbricidae) of Serbia in a Restricted Sense and Description of New Taxa. Biol, vestn., 35(2), 6785. 26. Mršič, N. (1987): Present State of Research in the Earthworm Fauna (Lumbricidae) of Yugoslavia. In: Bonvici-Pagliai, A. M. & P. Omodeo ieds.): On Earthworms. Selected Symposia and Monographs U.Z.i. 2, Mucchi, Modena, 329-344. 27. Mršič, N. (1988): Description of Five new Species of Earthworms of the Genus Dendrobaena Cisen 1874 (Lumbricidae). Biol, vestn., 36(1), 13-24. 28. Mršič, N. (1988): Allolobophora parva (Eisen 1874) -new species in the fauna of Slovenia - and degree to which earthworms (Lumbricidae) have been investi- gated in Yugoslavia. Biol, vestn., 36(1), 25-31. 29.Mršič, N. & J. Šapkarev (1988): Revision of the genus Allolobophora Eisen 1874 (sensu Pop 1941) (Lumbricidae, Oiigochaeta). Acta Mus. mated, sci. nat., 19(1/154), 1-33. 30. Mršič, N. (1989): Research on the fauna and associations of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in northeastern Serbia, II. Biol, vestn., 37(2), 37-60. 31. Mršič, N. (1990): Description of a New Subgenus, Three New Species, and Taxonomic Problems of the Genus Allolobophora sensu Mršic and Šapkarev 1988 (Lumbricidae, Oiigochaeta). Biol, vestn., 38(1), 49-68. 32. Mršič, N. (1990): Research of the fauna and associations of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in Durmitor, Montenegro II. Glas. Od. prir. nauka - Crnog. akad. nauka umjet., 23(3), /1-90. 33.Mršič, N. (1991): Monograph on earthworms (Lurn bricidae) of the Balkans I. Monografija o deževnikih (Lumbricidae) Balkana I. Dela 31, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 355 str. 34.Mršič, N, (1991): Monograph on earthworms (Lumbricidae) of the Balkans II. Monografija o deževnikih (Lumbricidae) Balkana t. Dela 31, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, str. 356-757. 35.Mršič, N. (1992): Rdeči seznam ogroženih deževnikov (Lumbricidae, Oiigochaeta) v Sloveniji. (The red list of the endengered lumbricids in Slovenia.) Varst. narave, 17, 179-181. 36. Mršič, N. (1992): Revision of the genera Cernosvito-via Omodeo, 1956, Italobalkaniona Mršič & Šapkarev, 1988 and Allolobophora Eisen, I874 from the Balkans. Miscellanea Zool., 16, 21-28. 37.Mršič, N. (1992): Deževniki (Lumbricidae) Dolenjske. (Lumbricids (Lumbricidae) of the Dolenjska.) In: Hudoklm, A. (ed.): Dolenjski zbornik 1992, Novo Mesto, str. 1 22-1 25. 38. Mršič, N. (1996): Deževniki (lumbricidae): pomen, stanje raziskanosti in ogroženost. (Lumbricids (Lumbricidae): their Significance, State of Research and Threat Status.) In: Gregori, j., A. Martinčič, K. Tar-man, O. Urbanc-Berčič, D. Tome & M. Zupančič (eris.): Narava Slovenije, stanje in perspektive. Zbornik prispevkov o naravni dediščini Slovenije, Društvo ekologov Slovenije, Ljubljana, str. 213-218. DIPLOPODS In 26 scientific and professional papers on diplo-pods, Mršič dealt with faunistics and taxonomy. In his treatise on Attemsiidae, he analysed male and female genitalia and made a determination key for both sexes. Besides, he substantiated the status of some taxa. He described 12 new subspecies, 17 species, 2 subgenera, 6 genera. 2 subfamilies, and 1 family (the works in print are not included). 124 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 • 1 (23) Tor:e NOVAK, Tatjana ČE1.1K: SCIENTIFIC LIFE AND WORK OF NARCIS MRŠIČ <195 M 99?), I2I-UB The diplopod taxa, described by Narcis Mršič Polydesmidae Poiydesmus (Acanthotarsius) pseudoedentulus Mršič, 1986 (sp. n.) (4) Poiydesmus (Basicentrus) fontius saviniense Mršič, 1986 (ssp. n.) (4) Absurdodesmus Mršič, 1988 (subg. n.) (11 ) Poiydesmus (Absurdodesmus) jalzici Mršič, 1988 (sp. n.) (11) Poiydesmus (Absurdodesmus) novaki Mršič, 1988 (sp. n.) (11) Poiydesmus (Nomarchus) juergengruberi Mršič, 1994 (sp. n.) (22) Brachydesmus (Brachydesmus) liboensis Mršič, 1988 (sp. n.) (13) Brachydesmus (Brachydesmus) macedonicus Mršič, 1988 (sp. n.) (13) Brachydesmus (Brachydesmus) splitensis ragusensis Mršič, 1988 (ssp. n.) (13) Brachydesmus (Brachydesmus) herzegowinensis serbi-eus Mršič, 1988 (ssp. n.) (1 3) Brachydesmus (Brachydesmus) inferus velebiticus Mršič, 1988 (ssp. n.) <13) (Brachydesmus (Brachydesmus) calcarius Kovačevič, 1928) (redescription) (13) Brachydesmus (Brachydesmus) henrikenghofl'i Mršič, 1994 (sp. n.) (22) Haaseidae Haasea (Brachybainosoma) lacusnigri intermedia Mršič, 1985 (ssp. n.) (2) Craspedosornatidae Desultorosoma Mršič, 1985 (subg. n.) (1 ) Dyocerasoma (Desultorosoma) drimicum Mršič, 1985 (sp. n.) (1) Dyocerasoma (Dyocerasoma) biokovense Mršič, 1986 (sp. n.) (3) Ochogona (Ochogona) pusillum amabilitatum Mršič, 1986 (ssp. n.) (4) Ochogona (Ochogona) pusillum celjense Mršič, 1986 (ssp. n ) (10} Ochogona (Ochogona) pusillum zagrebense Mršic, 1986 (ssp. n.) (10) Craspedosoma monténégrins Mršič, 1987 (sp. n.) (5) Neotractosomatidae Schizmohetera Mršič, 1987 (g. n.) (6) Schizmohetera sketi Mršič, 1987 (sp. n.) (6) Julidae Oriotulus MrSicf, 1987 (subg. n.) (8) Xestoiu/us (Orioiulus) dalmaticus Mr&ic, 1987 (sp. n.) (8) Interleptoiulus Mr$ic, 1988 (g. n.) (12) interleptoiulus cernagorans MrSic, 1988 (sp. n.)(12) Biokoviellrdae 1992 (fam. nov.) (15) Biokoviella MrsiC, 1992 (g. n.) (15) Biokoviella rnauriesi MrSid, 1992 (sp. n.) (15) Anthogonidae Macrochaetosomatinae Mrsic, 1992 (subfam. n.) (15) Macrochaetosoma troglomontanum biokovense MrSi£, 1987 (ssp. n.) (9) Attemsiidae Grassografinae MrSic, 1987 (subfam. n.) (7) Grassografia Mrsic, 1987 (g. n.) (7) Grassografia makolensis Mrsi£, 1987 (sp. n.) (7) Mecogonopodium zirianus Mrsid, 1987 (sp. n.) (7) Glomogonium karawankarum saviniense MrSiC, 1987 (ssp. n.) (7) Glomogonium karawankarum intermedium MrSici, 1987 (ssp. n.) (7) Stiphrogonium attemsi celeae Mrsic, 1987 (ssp. n.) (7) Paradoxosomatidae Malayorthomorpha MrSii, 1996 (g. n.) (22) Malayorthomorpha siveci MrsiCl, 1996 (sp. n.) (22) Haplogonomorpha Mrsii, 1996 (g. n.) (22) Haplogonomorpha gogalai Mrsic, 1996 (sp. n.) (22) Anoplodesmus tarmani Mrsic, 1996 (sp. n.) (22) 1. Mrsk, N. (1985): Dyocerasoma (Desultorosoma) drimicum subg. n., sp. n. (Diplopoda: Craspedosornatidae). Biol, vestn., 33(2), 53-60. 2. MrSii, N. (1985): Contribution to the knowledge of Diplopods (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) of Serbia. Glas. Prir. muz. Beogr., B 40, 143-168. 3. Mrsic, N. (1986): Dyocerasoma (Dyocerasoma) biokovense sp. n. (Diplopoda: Craspedosornatidae). Biol, vestn., 34(1), 81-87. 4. MrSic, N. <19861: New taxa of the Diplopods (Myriapoda, Diplopod) of Slovenia. Biol, vestn., 34(2), 6577. 5. Mrsic, N. (1987): Craspedosoma montcnegrina sp. n. (Diplopoda: Craspedosornatidae). Biol, vestn., 35(1), 59-65. 6. Mrste, N. (1987): Schizmohetera sketi g. n., sp. n. (Diplopoda: Neotraciosomatidae). Bio!, vestn., 35(1), 77-82. ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) Tone NOVAK, Talj;uiaČ£UK: SCIENTIFIC UFFAND WORK OF NARCIS MRŠIČ (195M997), 131 -128 7. Mršič, N. (1987): Attemsiidae (Dipiopoda) of Yugoslavia. Razpr. - Slov. akad. znan. umet., Razr. nara-vosl. vede, 27(5), 101-168. 6. Mršič, N. (1987): Genus Xestoiuius Verhoeff 1893 (Dipiopoda: juiidae) in Yugoslavia. Razpr. - Slov. akad. znan. urnet., Razr. naravosi, vede, 28(1}, 3-25. 9. Mrlič, N. (1987): Diplopod fauna (Dipiopoda: Myri-apoda) Biokova. Acta biokov., 4, 267-276. 10.MrŠič, N. (1987): Genus Ochogona Cook 1895 (Craspedosomatidae, Dipiopoda) of Yugoslavia. Glas. Prir. muz. Beogr., B 42, S1-74. 11.Mršič, N. (1988): Description of a New Subgenus and Two New Species of the Genus Polydesmus Latreille 1802 (Dipiopoda). Biol, vestn., 36(2), 25-30. 12.Mr$tč, N. (1988): Interleptoiulus cernagorans g. n., sp. n. (Dipiopoda: juiidae) and a Survey of the Tribus t.eptoiulini in Yugoslavia. Biol, vestn., 36(2), 31-51. U.MrSič, N. (198B): Polydesmida (Dipiopoda) of Yugoslavia. I. Razpr. - Slov. akad. znan. urnet., Razpr. naravosi. vede, 29(3), 69-112. 14. Mršič, N. (1990): Research of the fauna of Dipiopoda (Myriapoda, Arthropoda). In: Nonveiiler, G. (ed.): Fauna of Durmitor. Part 3- Special Editions, 23, Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, 14, 91-98. 1 5. Mršič, N. (1992): Biokoviella mauriesi gen. nov., sp.nov, (Biokoviellidae fam. nov.), Macrochaetoso-matinae subfam. nov. (Antbogonidae) and superfa-mily Cieidogonoidea (Craspedosomidea, Dipiopoda) of the Western Balkans. Razpr. - Slov. akad. znan. urnet., Razr. naravosi. vede, 33(3), 51-91. 16. Mršič, N. (1992): Rdeči seznam ogroženih dvoj-nortog (Myriapoda: Dipiopoda) v Sloveniji. (The red list of the endangered diplopods in Slovenia.) Varst. narave, 17, 131-136. 17.Mršič, N. (1992): Dvojnonoge (Dipiopoda) Dolenjske, In: Hudoklin, A. (ed.): Dolenjski zbornik 1992, Novo Mesto, str. 130-132. 18.Mršič, N. (1993): The fauna of diplopods (Dipiopoda) of Macedonia. Favna dvojnonog (Dipiopoda) Makedonije. Razpr. - Slov. akad. znan. umet., Razr. naravosi. vede, 34(2), 19-44. 19. Mršič, N. (1994): Dvojnonoge (Dipiopoda) Koprskega primorja in sosednjih območij. (The Diplopods of the Koprsko primorje and the adjacent regions.) Annales, 4, 15-30. 20.Mršič, N. (1994): The Dipiopoda (Myriapoda) of Croatia. Dvojnonoge (Dipiopoda: Myriapoda) Hrvatske. Razpr. - Slov. akad. znan. umet.. Razr. naravosi. vede, 35(12), 219-296. 21. Mršič, N. (1994): Polydesmus (Nomarchus) juergen-gruberi sp. n., Brachydcsmus (Brachydesmus) hen-rikenghoffi sp. n. (Dipiopoda) of Macedonia. Zool. Anz., 5/6, 177-180. 22 Mršid, N. (1996): On three new Paradoxosomatidae from Malaysia (Dipiopoda Polydesmida) Arthr. Se lec.ta, 5(1/2), 139-144. 23. Mršič, N. (1996): Dvojnonoge (Dipiopoda) - pomen, stanje raziskanosti in ogroženosti. (Dipiopoda - their Significance, State of Research and Threat Status.) In: Gregori, )., A. Martinčič, K. Tarman, O. Urbanc-Berčič, D. Tome & M. Zupančič (eds.): Narava Slovenije, stanje in perspektive. Zbornik prispevkov o naravni dediščini Slovenije, Društvo ekologov Slovenije, Ljubljana, str. 263-267. 24. Mršič, N., T. Novak, F. Potočnik & T. Amon (1996): Ecological evaluation of oniscoids and diplopods from cavities in Slovenia. Mem. Biospeol., 23, 203210. in print 1. Mršič, N. New Paradoxosomatid taxons [Dipiopoda: Paradoxosomatidae) from Irian jaya (western New Guinea). Tijd. Entom. 2. Mršič, N. New Diplopod Taxons (Dipiopoda: Paradoxosomatidae} from Indonesia. Contr. Zool. REPTILES As far as reptiles are concerned, Mršič was especially interested in the speciation of the lizards genera Lacerta and Podarcis of the coastal parts of Croatia (Hrvatsko Primorje, Dalmatia) and the Adriatic. isles. 1. Mršič, N. (1978): Prispevek k poznavanju taksono-mije, zoogeografije in ekologije plazilcev Veiebiia. Razpr. - Slov akad znan. umet., Razr. naravosi. vede, 210), 1-43. 2. Mršič, N. (1980): Herpetofauna of the Nepal valley of Langtang and its vicinity. Biol, vestn., 28(1), 6782. 3. Mršič, N. (1987): Prilog poznavanju gmazova (Rep-tilia) Biokova. Acta biokov., 4, 277-306. 4. Mršič, N.. H. L. Nemesrhkal, F. Potočnik, G. Schvvammer & H. S Schwammer (1989): Ein Beitrag zur Herpetofauna der Quarner-lnseln (jugoslawien -Croatien). Biol, vestn , 37(1), 57-73. 5. Mršič, N. (1992): Rdeči seznani ogroženih plazilcev (Reptilia) v Sloveniji. (The red list of the endengered reptiles in Slovenia.). Varst. narave, 1 7, 41 44. 6. Mršič, N. (1992): Plazilci (Reptilia) Dolenjske. (The reptiles of Dolenjska.) In: Hudoklin, A. (ed.): Dolenjski zbornik 1992, Novo Mesto, str. 1/6-180. 7. Mršič, N. (1997): Plazilci (Reptilia) Slovenije. (The reptiles of Slovenia.) Zavod RS za Šolstvo, Ljubljana, 167 str 8. Mršič, N. (1996): Plazilci (Reptilia): pomen, stanje raziskanosti in ogroženosti. (Reptils: their Significance, State of Research and Threat Status.) In: Gregori. J., A. Martinčič, K. Tarman, O. Urbanc-Berčič, D. Toine & M Zupančič (eds.}: Narava Slovenije, stanje in perspektive. Zbornik prispevkov o naravni ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) Tone NOVAK, Taijaiw ČELIK: SCIENTIFIC Llf i AND WORK Of NARCIS MRŠIČ (1951 -1997), 121-128 dediščini Slovenije, Društvo ekologov Slovenije, Ljubljana, str. 308-371. 9. Mršič, N. Gmazovi (Reptilia) riječke regije. (Reptils of the Rijeka region.) A permanent exhibition in Pri-rodoslovni muzej Rijeka, Croatia. EDAPHiC ANIMALS For his book on edaphic animals, he made about 1200 excellent drawings of animals, thus preparing one of the most exhaustive recent representations of the edaphon in Slovenia and in the world in general. 1. Mršič, N. & T. Novak (1995): Vzorčenje in določanje talnih živali. (Sampling and determination of soil fauna.) Zavod RS za šolstvo, Ljubljana, 109 str. 2. Mršiti, N. (1997); Živali naših tal. Uvod v pedo-zoologijo - sistematika in ekologija s splošnim pregledom talnih živali. (Animals of our soils. The introduction to pedozoology - systematics and ecology with an review upon the soil animals.) Tehniška založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 416 str. BIODIVERSITY ¡n his works on the biodiversity of Slovene territory, he proved that its south-western parts, and the adjacent regions in Italy and Croatia, constitute a bioticaSly very rich European region for the following reasons: bio-geographical (junction of the Alpine, Central European, Sub-Pannonian, Sub-Mediterranean and Dinaric regions), geohistorical (the Adriatic tectonic plate, initially a part of Gondwana, paleoclimatic changes, etc.), geological (very diverse geological structure, extensive limestone), and consequent (e.g. pedological) ones. Among them, the past tectonic events were found out to exert significant influence upon the diversification processes and speciation of some groups, e.g. attemsiid diplopods. He gave his heart to the idea that the region should be treated as an important biotic park of Europe. 1. Sket, Bv I Bole, A. Beuovic, A. BranceJj, J. Brglez, M. Čuček, B. (furčič, A. )aklin, G. Karaman, L Katavič, M. Kerovec, l. Kos, M. Legac, N. Mršič, A. Muiej, T. Novak, S. Petkovski, T. Petkovski, A. Poie-nec, F. Potočnik, V. Pujin, B. Radujkovič, Z. Števčič, K. Ta rman, A, Travizi, M. Velikonja, F. Velkovrh, J. Vidskovic, & D. Zavodnik (1991): Bogastvo in raziskanost jugoslovanske favne: nižji nevretenčarji (Meta2oa Invertebrata, ex. Insecta). Biol. vestn., 39(1/2), 37-51. 2. Bole, j., B. Drovenik, N. Mršič & B. Sket (1993): En demic animals in hypogean habitats in Slovenia. Naše jame, 35(1), 43-55. 3. Mršič, N., F. Potočnik & T. Novak (1996): Biodiversity in Slovenia. In: Cimerman, A. & N. Cunde-Ci- merman (eds.): Biodiversity, Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, str. 13-20. 4. Mršič, N. (1996): Biotska raznovrstnost Slovenije. (Biotic diversity in Slovenia.) In: Maher, I. (ed ); Zbornik seminarja Kmetijstvo, ki ohranja biološko raznovrstnost. Slovenski sklad za naravo, Ljubljana, str, 61-62. 5. Mršič, N. (1997); Biotska raznovrstnost v Sloveniji. Slovenija - "vroča točka" Evrope, (Biotic diversify in Slovenia. Slovenia - the "hot spot" of Europe.) Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Uprava RS za varstvo narave, Ljubljana, 129 str. 6. Novak, T. & N. Mršiti (1997): Biogeografski izkazi za evolucijo. (Biogeographic evidences for the evolution.) In: Novak, T, et al. (eds.): Evolucija. 1. izdaja. DZS, Ljubljana, str. 149-150. MISCELLANEA 1. Novak, T., N. Mršič & F. Potočnik (1996): Biomass and its energetic evaluation of cavities at Slovenia. Mem. Biospeol., 23, 65-71. Narcis Mršit' PLAZILCI (REPTILIA) SLOVENIJE ZAVOD RFPrjRi.fKE SLOVEN/,IK ZA .ŠOLSTVO 127 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) lone NOVAK, Tatjana ČEUK: SCIENTIFIC LIFE AND WORK OF NARCIS MRSiC (JUS 1-1997), 121-1 26 CONCLUSIONS Beside the above listed works, Narcis Mrsid wrote 17 unpublished expertises on lumbricids, diplopods, reptiles and biodiversity, 16 published summaries from scientific conferences, he prepared 4 contributions to the Encyclopaedia of Slovenia, 9 educational contributions, published 24 popular articles, and translated a small book from Slovene to Croatian. He was a mentor in 4 diploma works, one master- and one doctor thesis. Beside his works, he illustrated two more books. Being a perfectionist in drawing, this was not the case as far as some of his last written works are concerned [cf. Tar-man, 1997). Was this due to his premonition of leaving us soon? The scientific work of Narcis MrSié consists of a number of topics. He made a revolutionary scientific revision of lumbricids. He improved very much the knowledge of zoogeography and taxonomy of lumbricids and diplopods, describing altogether 98 new taxa (12 subspecies. 66 species, 6 subgenera, 1 I genera, 2 subfamilies and 1 family), 6 of them in co-authorship. His excellently illustrated handbook or. soil fauna is a comprehensive pedozooiogical presentation of soil animals, revealing our scarce knowledge of many species and need (or further investigations. His zeal to present Slovenia as an important European biodiversity region triggered off a national awareness upon this question and a great scientific interest of colleagues in a profound research in this respect. Indeed, many things to remember Narcis MrSic?. He left us much too soon. This year we can only spiritually celebrate with him his 50th birthday anniversary. The chronological review of the bibliography of Narcis MrSiC is presented on the internet: http-y/'.v.vw under the COBISS basis. ZNANSTVENO ŽIVLJENJE IN DELO NARCISA MRŠIČA (1951-1997) Tone NOVAK Oddelc-k 73 biologijo, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru, SS-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 E-mail tone-novak@guest Tatjana ČEUK Biološki inštitut ZRC SAZU, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Gospos'