CM < Q C/3 1/3 CD CO s o w W 3 > -» N >N 00 ZARJA - THE DAWN NO. 7-J5 JULY-AUGUST, 1970 VOL. XLII Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published monthly except one combined issue, July-August izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Itd. Chicago 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by tile FIRST of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd, Chicago, 111. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 OI\ THE COV ER . . . 15th National Convention Officers, Delegates and Guests Sisters all, the National Officers, delegates, and visitors seen on this photo, paused momentarily during the deliberations for the official 15th National Convention Photo. In the front row are National Officers, from left Elizabeth Zefran (standing), Mary Tomsic, Anna Pachak, Hermine Dicke, Corinne Leskovar, Albina Novak, Marie Floryan, Antonia Turek, Rev. Claude Okorn, Marie Pris-land, Fanika Humar, Ann Podgoršek, Mary Otoničar, Anne Kompare, Mary Bostian, Rose Kraemer, Barbara Rosan- dich and Rose Scoff (standing). Newly-elected National Officers include Jennie Feme (second row behind Mrs. Turek), Frances Sietz (second from left, fourth row) and Olga Ancel (second from right, fourth row). On the photo also are two former National Officers, Josephine Livek (third from left, top row) and Josephine Erjavei' (third from right, fourth row). Larger groups represented the states of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. HAPPY HIRTHDAY IIS JULY . . . Supreme Officer: July 28—Rose Scoff, State President, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Presidents: July 2—Anna Kameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. July 3—Anna Trontel, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 4—Ann Heineman, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. July 25—Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. July 26—Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa July 31—Kathryn Pauline, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio Secretaries: July 6—Mary Hadley, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. July 10—Anna Mundi, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio July 18—Mary Djubinski, Br. 102, Willard, Wis. July 23—Louise Epley, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio July 27—Rose Chiodi, Br. 52, Hibbing, Minn. July 30—Mary Jamsek, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. July 31—Frances Zibert, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! A UKARTY INVITATION TO ALL: LEM0NT ZVEZA DAY, JULY 19, 1970 Shrine of Murija I’omagaj Slovenian Franciscan Fathers, Lemont, 111. Holy Mass at the Grotto at 11:30 a. m. Picnic on the Grounds all day—Prizes and Refreshments. Vespers at the Shrine at 2:30 p. m. Hostess Branch 2, Chicago, Illinois extends a cordial welcome to all! \ 1 Sterling Silver — Fine China — Crystal — Stainless j Flatware — Cordalite — Stainless Cookware — Cutlery J ( 9 a^/et^iy j Faye Clapacs, Mgr. j Ph. 216-564-6650 13813 Ravenna Rd. \ 216-247-6767 Newbury, Ohio 44065 J We service coast to coast! / __________________________________________________ S LETOŠNJA ROMANJA 18. in 19. julija: Romanje SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE 26. Julija Romanje DRUŠTVA SV. ANE, K. S. K. J. in PREKMURSKO ROMANJE 2. avgusta: Romanje K. S. K. J. 8. in 9. avgusta: Romanje Zveze OLTARNIH DRUŠTEV iz CLEVELANDA 30. avgusta: Romanje FARE SV. JURIJA 6. septembra: Romanje FARE SV. ŠTEFANA in MEDENI PIKNIK Romarska maša ob nedeljah ob 11:00 a. m. Litanije in blagoslov ob 2:00 p. m. VABILO IZ AMERIŠKIH BREZIJ Naslov je: FRANCISCAN FATHERS 1400 Main Street, Lemont, 111., 60439 Telephone: Area 312, 257-5102 I ☆ THE ELY FAMILY COOKBOOK ☆ ! N\NN\\\NX\SNV\S\\\S\NS\\\\ now in its 4th edition $2.50 postpaid Write: MRS. TONY OMERZA, 62 Elm Blvd., Babbitt, Minn. 55706 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION NATIONAL OFFICERS elected at the 15th National Convention May 24-27, 1970 at Euclid, Ohio NOVI GLAVNI ODBOR S. Z. Z. IZVOLJEN NA NARODNI KONVENCIJI V EUCLIDU, OHIO MARIE PRISLAND 1034 Dillingham Ave., Founder — Honorary President Sheboygan, Wis.53081 ANTONIA TUREK Supreme President FANIKA HUMAR Supreme Secretary ELIZABETH ZEFRAN Supreme Treasurer ANN PODGORŠEK Supreme Auditor ANN KOMPARE Supreme Auditor JENNIE FEMC, Supreme Auditor 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 8101 Edgewater Road, No. Riverside, 111. 60546 1941 W. Cermak Road., Chicago, 111. 60608 301 97th Ave. W. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 9132 So. Constance Ave., Chicago, 111. 60617 1048 Addison Road., Chicago, 111. 60608 REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O. F. M. 8500 W. Cold Spiritual Advisor Spring Rd., Greenfield, Wis. 53228 MARIE A. FLORYAN Vice-President 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. 53214 ELIZABETH ZEFRAN Director of Women’s Activities FRANCES SIETZ Director of Youth Activities. CORINNE LESKOVAR Managing Editor STATE PRESIDENTS ANNA PACHAK Colorado-Kansas- Missouri ROSE KRAEMER Wisconsin MARY BOSTIAN Ohio-Michigan MARY TOMSIC Pennsylvania-New York ROSE SCOFF Calif.-Wash.-Ore. San ANN LUSTIG Illinois-1 ndiana BARBARA ROSANDICH Minnesota 1941 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 308 Richmond Road, Cleveland, O. 44143 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 2009 Oakland Ave., Pueblo, Colo. 81001 3162 So. Pine Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53207 19617 Mohawk Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44117 Box 202 Strabane, Pa. 15363 2208 Mariposa Francisco, Calif. 94110 10412 Ave. L., Chicago, 111. 60617 1212 Sheridan St., Ely. Minn. 55731 Fanika Humar > Our New National Sec’y A striking woman, tall and blonde, will hence forth conduct the business at our S'. W. U. Home Office in Chicago. She is Mrs. Fanika Humar who has been in the office since November acquainting herself with the work and branches. Many of our secretaries already have begun to know her and approve of her fine handling of the business operation. Mrs. Humar is a member of Zveza since 1965. She is a native of Slovenske Konjice in Slovenia and was a member of the Maribor Opera for a number of years. She has had experience in many kinds of office work and with her exceptional talents in domestic arts, has been active with singing, and teaching all her life. Recently she was music teacher of the Slovenian School students at St. Stephen’s in Chicago. Her hand-made crocheted and knitted garments are perfectly executed and beautiful. What distinguishes Mrs. Humar is her love for the members of our organization, those she has met in person and those with whom she has met only by correspondence. Her deep admiration for the Slovenian pioneers of our Society who have made S.W.U. what it is today will be the basis for continued success. Her husband Dr. Leopold Humar is a member of the staff at Illinois State Hospital and they reside in the lovely suburb of North Riverside. We know that the Home Office will benefit by her presence and the organization by her dedication that has been shown so clearly in the past. C. L. MINUTES OF THE S.W.U. NATIONAL CONVENTION HELD AT EUCLID. OHIO, MAY 24-27, 1970 The 15tli Tri-ennial Convention o£ Slovenian Women’s Union of America was opened Monday May 25, 1970 with the Posting of the Colors by three members of the Br. 32 Euclid Cadets. Representatives of the City of Euclid, Ohio, were introduced and offered a Resolution of Hospitality in welcome to the Officers and delegates gathered in their fair city on this occasion. Representative of the Slovenian Societies Home, site of this National Convention at 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio, offered a welcome on behalf of the SSH. A warm greeting was offered by the Supreme President, Antonia Turek. The Invocation was given by Rev. Claude Okorn, SWU Spiritual Advisor. The President called on the Report of the Credential Committee which was given by the Chairman, Marie Floryan. Present were 44 delegates, 1 absent and 16 officers with 1 absent. The President offered her best wishes on behalf of the delegation to Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer, not able to be at the Convention due to illness. A welcome was expressed by Rev. Claude Okorn. The President named the following committees to serve at the 15th National Convention. CONVENTION COMMITTEES BY-Laws Marie Prisland, Chairman Frances Simonich No. 3 Margaret Fager No. 3 Mary Gornik No. 24 Frances Blatnik No. 33 Mildred Poropat No. 95 Molly Thomas No. 103 NOMINATIONS: Stella Dancull, Chairman Vera Bajec No. 14 Anna Trontel No. 26 Mary Debevec No. 41 Amelia Domen No. 56 Mary Otoničar, Advisor RESOLUTIONS: Josephine Sumic, Chairman Mary IColegar, No. 25 Angela Kozjan No. 40 Rose Chiodi No. 52 Antonia Kastelic No. 64 SALARY AND TRANSPORTATION Anne Kompare, Chairman Fiances Zibert No. 2 Jeanette Killoran No. G Marion Marolt No. 17 Antonia Stokar No. 15 Anna Trdan No. 38 GREETINGS: Rose Kraemer, Chairman Josephine Gostisha No. 7 Josephine Livelc No. 89 Jean Kurilich No. 100 Rose Scoff, Advisor YOUTH, SPORTS, PROMOTIONS Mary Bostian, Chairman Fanika Humar No. 2 Olga Ancel No. 20 Mary Shikonya No. 23 Frances Sietz, No. 50 Anne Cooke No. 32 Elizabeth Zefran, Advisor PUBLICATIONS: Corinne Leskovar, Chairman Josephine Turk No. 5 Ann Lustig No 16 Jennie Femec, No. 25 Antoinette Mozina No. 96 APPEALS: Frances Pesko, Chairman Mary Camloh No. 10 Angela Vesel No. 19 Jennie Pugely No. 47 Mary Kocian No. 71 Ann Podgoršek, Advisor SCHOLARSHIP AND CULINARY ARTS: Hermine Dicke, Chairman Margaret Fischer No. 1 Phyllis Cermely No. 10 Sylvia Mihevc No. 25 Barbara Yapel, No. 24 Victoria Sporis No. 43 CONVENTION CITY: Barbara Rosandich Anna Pachak Mary Tomsic Marie Floryan Recording Secretaries for the Convention were appointed by the President, namely, Corinne Leskovar, English language and Fanika Humar, Slovenian. The President called for the reading of reports. REPORT OF THE SUPREME PRESIDENT Sincere greetings and a hearty welcome to you all Supreme Officers and Delegates of the Slovenian Women’s Union, assembled at the 15th National Convention held here in Euclid, Ohio. The Euclid Committees have done all in their power to make your stay a pleasant, enjoyable and memorable one. I hope you all enjoyed the banquet and program yesterday. I was very fortunate that all these fine entertainers responded to show you what a fine culture we have in our city of Cleveland, Ohio. Time has passed so fast the past three years and I still dream about the wonderful 14th National Convention held the the capital city of Washington, D. C. The past three years have been very busy for me. Charge of the cookbooks, history books, song books and the biggest project was the Slovenian Chapel. You all have the financial statement before you. As to a new printing, I also have the statement which you received and when these will all be sold, I will have the complete statement in Zarja, which will not be for long as we only have 260 cook books on hand. I propose that we have another print of cookbooks as I think they are one of the best and will be able to sell another large supply of them. Profit on these could be used towards Convention expense. History books we also had received 1,500 and still have some books on hand and if each branch and each delegate and supreme officer would try to sell only five additional books, they will be all gone, and a little profit made which would go into the Scholraship Fund. Founder, Marie Prisland is to be highly commended on this famous history book that she had written as she had put countless hours in writing this book. Largest project we had taken upon yours truly was the Slovenian Chapel. At our last Convention in 1967 the resolution that we had received pertaining to the Chapel and raise $70,000.00 was brought before the delegation and was approved and voted that we accept this responsibility. Since I was re-elected your president I took this responsibility for the Slovenian Chapel (Marija Pomagaj) to be erected in the Shrine of the Immculate Conception in Washington, D. C. Now all this work fell upon my shoulders and my duty to start to solicit funds for this Chapel. We were very fortunate that three committees were formed who all did their part to help this great cause come to reality and the Washington, D. C. commiLtee and on this committee were four of our members of Branch 103. The Cleveland Com-miitte was the main one where all the funds were sent. I forced my husband Frank to take the secretary work and yours truly the treasurer this way we worked together. We spenL countless hours on this chapel fund. Mailed over 500 letters to all the Slovenian organizations throughout the United States appealing for their help and they all responded very well. Sent out also 12,000 brochures and wrote over 5,000 receipts and also mailed to all donors. Thank you all that have helped me. Happy to announce that the Slovenian Chapel Fund of $70,000.00 is near to the end and the dedication is set for August 15, 1971. Now all the branches can start working and planning Lowards the dedication that will be held in Washington, D. C. The Washington Chapel Committee has started working on the program and are expecting a very large delegation. Invited would lie a couple of Bishops from Yugoslavia atul also Msgrs, and priests from USA. Literature and brochures will he mailed and all the details pertaining to the dedication shall be in all the Slovenian newpapers. Now is the lime to start planning. My work is still not finished and will not be until after the dedication is over. Will be happy and relieved when I have completed this duty. Marja Pomagaj, guide me, give me strength and health so that I will finish my work that I had encountered. Two years ago our State President, Mary Bostian organized the Dawn Choral Group which you all heard them yesterday how wonderful they are and am sure that /veza is very proud of them. 1 wish to compliment our Founder, Marie Prisland on the fine history book that she had written and went on sale in December, 1969, From Slovenia to America. Mrs. Prisland has given 44 years of her life for Zveza guided over her with pride and joy and the happiest day for her was when Zveza reached the half million mark. Now, to make her very happy again it is my suggestion that each branch sell four of the history books so she will be able to put the profit from this book into the Scholarship Fund and her worries will be over. There are still 435 books on hand. Sad news befell us when our Supreme Secretary Albina Novak was ailing. Happy to have her at our 15th National Convention. Heart has also been with Zveza as president, editor and secretary for the past 40 years. We were forutnate that Fanika Humar volunteered to help with the work in the office with a little assistance from editor C. Leskovar. In behalf of the Supreme Board members wish to thank you both for your services perfomed the past months. We sure appreciated it very much, which took a big worry from knowing that I lie work In the office was well taken care of. During the past three years I tried to do my work to the best of my ability. Attended all the Board meetings and if was a pleasure to work with all the Supreme Officers. Found everything in order at the office. We had a very efficient part time secretary Sophie Bogolin but she left us to go where she had a better position and the wages were higher. Sorry to tell you that our Supreme Treasurer Is also unable to be with us because at this time she Is in the hospital very ill. I know that her heart is with us. I wrote in the Zarja every month with the exception of last year I missed a couple ol’ months as I was on a vacation. On the way back from Europe, I visited with Hr. 84 and Br. 93 in New York City and then to Forest City, Pa., Br. 7. It was a nice meeting the officers and members from these two cities and they really put out the welcome mat for my husband and yours truly. Visited four state conventions during the past three years and the 40th anniversary of Br. 0, Barberton, Br. 15, Cleveland Newburgh, Br. 21, West Park and Br, 25, Cleveland, O. Sorry that I missed the last state convention and 40th Anniversary of Br. 32 as I was away. In 1968 I was asked by Liz. Zefran sports director that if I would take the National bowling tournament which 1 accepted. It was a very successful tournament :ind was enjoyed by all visitors and our local bowlers. 1 will conclude my repoit and wish that the Convention shall be another successful one. Stay well and enjoy yourselves. ANTONIA TUREK On a motion by Angela Kozjan (40) and seconded by Molly Thomas (102), the report was accepted as read. TRIE-ENNIAL REPORT of FINANCE SECRETARY and PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Reverend Spiritual Advisor, Supreme Officers, and Delegates to the Slovenian Women’s Union of America! It is a great pleasure and joy to see you gathered here in the center of the Slovenian metropolis of America — Cleveland-Euclid, to conduct the 15th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union. My warmest greetings to all of you and a sincere thanks to the Convention Committee for preparing the convention program and for receiving us so graciously. Our sincere congratulations to Branch No. 50 for winning first place in the membership campaign, and to her “Majesty” Ann Hočevar, the Convention Queen. My report for the past three years will include Investment Statistics, together with a hearty thanks to the officers and members for their devotion and dedication to Zveza. It is heartwarming to read in ZARJA about the many activities that are taking place in the branches. These are of enormous importance to the progress of the Union and require a great deal of work and personal sacrifices. A sincere welcome to the 1,026 new members who joined our ranks since our last convention and who are already participating in our program. I am also very grateful for the interest in our scholarship program. The Scholarship Fund — now in its 21st year of its existence — provided a total of $10,000.00, granting 51 scholarships. Many varied careers were thereby assisted, including theologians, doctors, teachers, medical technicians, engineers, nurses, biologists, musicians, dentists, accountants, sociologists, psychologists, lawyers, business administrators and one interested in aeronautics. It is most gratifying to know that these fine students will remember our Zveza for a long time to come. Money spent for an education is a rewarding investment. I sincerely hope that you will also support this program In the future. A word of gratitude is due to all who contributed to build up the scholarship fund, especially to Mrs. Anna Pachak, State President, who donated a total of $510.00, and to Dr. A. Žnidaršič, a Clevelander and former scholarship winner, for his contribution of $500.00, and to Mr. Frank Ermenc of Milwaukee, who donated $200.00. Handwork sale at the last Convention realized $632.80 and one scholarship of $200.00 was piad from the proceeds of FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA book sale. More scholarships will be granted when the books are sold. It was a pleasure to attend the State Conventions in Wisconsin, and also to be able to visit branches in San Francisco and Fontana, Calif. I have prepared many articles of historical significance to Zveza, and other Slovenian groups in the hope that our organization will some day estabish a small historical library. Many articles I have sent to the Ljubljana University Historical Center which will be incorporated in a future book on Slovenian history. I am grateful for the kind comments on my book FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA and my column “Oh. Ta Svet” which is published in ZARJA. Writing is a pleasure when you know that the work is being appreciated. The friendship and cooperation I have received from the officers and members has been most gratifying. I am very proud of the organization. This would certainly be a lonesome world without the activity, vigor and pleasure which our Zveza provides. Yes, it is on honor to be a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union, and it Is a source of pride to be a member of its Supreme Board. I sincerely wish the Convention Assembly a very successful conference. Times bring changes, and we must also change accordingly it' we want to prosper. 1 hope all of you will work toward this goal and be conscientious in the many decisions you will have to make lor the future progress of the Union. It is because we love Zveza that we are here. Many of you have good ideas about how to create the enthusiasm that will make Zveza greater. Since an organization is measured by its progress, I sincerely hope that our deliberations and efforts will be crowned with success. Before I give you the Investment Statistics I would like to mention the Insurance Examiners of the State of Illinois who come to the Home Office every three years. The Examiners are of great importance to the organization’s business and also to all the members who can feel assured that the administration is being properly conducted according to its By-Laws. The Examiners, witih their wide range of experience, not only audit the Union’s assets, making certain that these are invested in safe securities, but they also carefully check all income and disbursements. We are fortunate to have Mr. Carl A. Tiffany as our Actuary. His knowledge and experience is of great value to the organization. Now as to the Investment Statistics Since the last Convention several bonds, which were purchased at a cost of $67,173.00, matured and were cashed 1'or $70,000.00. We realized a profit of $2,827.00 on the transaction. New investments were made into government, public utility and Catholic institutional bonds for the amount of $112,000.00. All the bonds are rated AA, or AAA, except government bonds which have no rating. Accounts of $45,000.00 were withdrawn and re-invested at higher interest. I will not read the details of our investments since you have a copy before you, but I will give you the total amount at this time. U. S. Government Bonds State Bonds Catholic Institutional Bonds Savings and Loan Deposits Public Utility Debentures Savings Deposits in Banks Real Estate (depreciated) From Slovenia-To America book account $ 97,476.00 33.558.00 132,793.00 175,000.00 30.159.00 35,000.00 12,004.47 7,301.26 TOTAL INVESTMENTS $523,291.73 CURRENT ACCOUNT, Metropolitan Bank 8.16G.44 TOTAL ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1970 $531,458.17 TOTAL ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1967 521,460.20 GAIN IN THREE YEARS STANDING OF FUNDS Class A Fund Class B Fund Junior Department Fund $ 9,997.97 $298,104.00 176.310.00 57,044.17 TOTAL IN ALL FUNDS, JANUARY 1, 1970 $531,458.17 Average interest is 4.80. SCHOLARSHIP FUND ASSETS St. John Hospital, Joplin, Mo - 6-%% $ 5,000.00 South West Bank, Sheboygan, Wis - 5%% 2,000.00 Anchor Savings and Loan, Madison, Wis. - 5% 3,342.16 TOTAL ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1970 $ 10,342.16 TOTAL ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1967 9,060.70 GAIN IN THREE YEARS 1,281.46 REMARK: The securities are held for safekeeping at the Metropolitan State Bank in Chicago. The Scholarship Fund Current account is held at the Anchor Savings and Loan Association, Madison, Wis. The securities and accounts were verified by I he Supreme Auditors on February 23, 1970, as well as the Illinois State Insurance Department Examiner from Feb ruary 27, 1970 through March 10, 1970. This is my final Convention Financial Report. The time has come when younger hands should take over the responsibility of investing Zveza funds. 1 am saying “Goodbye” to the office of the Finance Secretary with a great deal of satisfaction and gratitude lor the good fortune 1 have had in investing our organization's money. From the first Zveza dollar I have invested, to the present amount of over half a million dollars, not even a penny has been lost in all the 44 years, but thousands of dollars were made through careful investments. To my successor 1 offer my help whenever needed because I love Zveza and my interest in the organization will never die. Respectfully submitted, Marie Pi island, Finance Secretary President Scholarship Committee On a motion by Margaret Fager (No. 13) and seconded by Mary Gornik (No. 24) the report was accepted as read. SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT My most sincere wishes to each and every officer and delegate attending the Convention. The past three year tenn has taken a greater toll from our membership than any before. We lost 600 members by death and it seems the number is increasing. Class A, 544 death claims; Class B 55 death claims and one Junior death claim, totaling $65,250.00 was paid in this period with no outstanding claims. The high average age of our membership tells us that we can expect a greater drain on our funds as time goes on. I realize that members are against any increase in the assessments, but, in a short time we may have to come to a practical solution to this problem, if indeed it grows as indicated. I think you will agree that the strictest economy has been observed in the past three years. The largest disbursement after the payment of death claims is 1’or ZARJA-THE DAWN, monthly publication. The cost of publication is somewhat less than from 1964 to 1967 because the size of issues has been held down considerably. The Editor will give you the full details. The Slovenian Women’s Union has made an investment in books during the last three years that will result in additional funds in the future. Another printing of the cookbook. Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen was made and we know that it will soon be sold out. The history book, From Slovenia to America by Mrs. Prisland will also bring in a nice sum for the Scholarship Fund, when all books are sold. These books are a valuable asset to our organization. The financial standing has been increased over the past three years also by careful investments by our finance board Secretary, Mrs. Prisland. We now stand at $531,458.17 which means we are moving ahead nicely. Let us hope that we can continue the same in the future if our expenses do not rise. We can be proud to claim an increase in the new member enrollment, too. In the post-convention campaign, “New Era” in 1967 there were 460 new members enrolled, top honors going to Br. 33, Duluth, Minn, with Ann Podgoršek as top worker. In the State Presidents’ Campaign in 196S-1969, 245 members were enroled with Illinois-Indiana taking credit for the most, 74 members. State President. Liz Zefran was tops in the campaign and most diligent worker credit goes to Ann Lustig of Br. 1C with 30 new members. In the recently concluded Convention Queen Campaign, 321 new members were enrolled with Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio tops — that is — their member, Ann Hočevar with 49 new members to her credit. The branch with the most new members is Br. 2, Chicago, credited with 55. Convention Princesses who came in second and third in the Convention Queen Campaign are Fanika Humar of Br. 2, with 42 new members and Thresa Skur, Br. 14 with 37 members. A grand total of 1,020 new members is the final talley for the three years. We are proud of the work of these diligent members who have helped in this way to give us “new blood” for the future. With the 600 deceased members and 848 others who have dropped out for some reason or other In the 3 years, you can see why this organization can only be assured a good future with new members and more new members. My congratulations to all the winners of the above mentioned campaigns and God bless them! From Feb. 26 to March 10, 1970, the regular examination of our books by the State of Illinois Insurance Department was held. Their report has been received from the Director of Insurance, Hon. James Baylor and we are happy that the findings were satisfactory in all respects. Since there are so few Burial Societies as ours still licensed in Illinois, it was particularly gratifying that the examination did not suggest any changes that would influence our business operation. The last examination was August 1966, therefore, it was a four year interval between examinations for us . Of immeasureable help to me has been the Carl A. Tiffany Actuarial Company which also has been able to follow our business procedure and keep things in perfect order. This was my special intention in the recent months so that the office of the Supreme Secretary could be continued without too much difficulty in any transition. I would strongly recommend that the Union avails itself of the Tiffany Company as it is ultimately for the benefit of our organization that our bookkeeping be regulated by an outside firm. I must thank the secretaries for their fine cooperation and help during the past term. There are many new secretaries now, and we have tried to instruct them in the best methods of preparing the financial statement, etc. It has been our good fortune to have as the new Home Office Assistant, Mrs. Fanika Humar, and she has conscientiously been checking the reports for the past seven months. It would be a great help to the Home Office and to all secretaries if we provided them with a handbook to answer all questions and Inform secretaries, especially the new ones, of the various procedures. It may also be necessary to reconstruct the financial report and other forms in the interest of ef- ficency. The question of aged members over 80 being free of assessment is still impossible to answer in the affirmative. As our age records show, as the number of members 75 years or older is increasing, their small payments into the general fund are hardly sufficient for all the expenses. We must continue to abide by the Insurance Dept, regulations in this regard and our own solvency. Our greatest financial strength is in the Class B fund from which we uaid only 55 death claims. The Junior Class fund with only 1 death claim paid in three years, is also solid. To the question of enticing younger members into our organization, it is my recommendation that younger officers should be elected at every branch — and their ideas will be the incentive for new activities. It is time for many of us to step down. I am referring to myself as well as to many of my dear sisters who have served ably for three and four decades. If we want our children and their children to carry on, we must move over and let them take the reins. Show them you mean it when you ask for their cooperation. Give your branch young officers who with your counsel and support will make you proud and happy and your branch strong. There are many things to be said and in all the past years, much has alreday been said. I have devoted my life to this organization and it saddens me very much that I cannot continue to serve because of health reasons. With a very heartfelt thanks to each and everyone 1969 $149,840.12 69,632.71 5.600.00 7,301.26 6,000.00 300.00 1.789.00 $240,463.09 The following is the financial statement for the years: THREE YEAR STATEMENT OF INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS period: January 1, 1967—December 31 INCOME: Assessment, Class A-Razred A $ 68,970.15 Assessment, Class B-Razred B 65,608.96 Assessment, Junior—Mlad. oddelek 8,550.50 Social and Miscellaneous — Družabne & razno 6,710.51 Interest on Savings and Bonds Obresti od vlog Rent — Najemnina od posestva “From Slovenia to America” proceeds za zgodovinsko knjigo Cookbook proceeds—Za kuharske ltnige Songbook proceeds'—Za pesmarico Profit on Sale of Bonds-—Dobiček od bondov TOTAL INCOME, THREE YEARS DISBURSEMENTS: Class A—544 Claims—Slučajev $54,300.00 Class B— 55 Claims—Slučajev 10,850.00 Junior 1 Claim —Slučaj 100.00 $65,250.00 Zarja—The Dawn, publication—Mesečnik 52,247.96 Salaries and Administration, Per Diem and Travel—Plače administracije in potovalni stroški 51,952.36 Fuel, Electricity, Water—Kurivo, luč in voda 1,901.13 Real Estate and Personal Property taxs— Davek, posestvo in drugo 2,341.14 Awards, Bowling — Nagrade: Keglaške 1,705.87 Secretary—Tajniške 1,611.98 Campaign—Kampanjske 507.25 Junior activities—Mlad. aktivnosti 4,478.91 Printing: From Slovenia to America—tisk 7,301.26 Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen 4,2I12.45 By-Laws and Dues books 1,110.10 Office supplies, printing, stationary— Uradne opreme 3,348.82 Telephone, Postage—telephone, poštnina 3,680.76 Actuarial service—Aktuarska posluga 1,470.00 Internal Revenue—Dohodninski davek 8,286.86 Rent—Najemnina za gl. urad 2,700.00 Insurance, Home Office and Contents— Zavarovalnine 418.00 Insurance licenses and fees—Zav.stroški 206.00 Repairs on Real Estate—Popravila na poses. 2,765.98 Accrued Interest—Dozorele obresti 1,073.43 Bonding of Officers—Poroštvo uradnic 218.00 Convention expenses 1967—Izdatke za Konv 11,716.83 Slovenian Chapel Fund—Za slov. kapelo 1,000.00 Miscellaneous—Razno 322.92 TOTAL, DISBURSEMENTS, THREE YEARS $231,829.01 BALANCE, December 31, 1966 $521,460.20 Income, 3 years $240,463.09 Disbursement, 3 years 231,829.01 8,634.08 Increase on Property valuation, 3 years Depreciation of Property, 3 years BALANCE, December 31, 1969 $530,094.28 2,400.00 $532,494.28 1,036.11 $531,458.17 of my sister officers and dearest members, I wish to announce my retirement as of this Convention. I shall always be ready to assist you any way I can, and I pray for your continued success and progress, that the Slovenian Women’s Union will have a strong and healthy future with our young Slovenian women to carry on. Since the Convention elected me to this post, I felt it my duty to be responsible for the administrative work until this term Is ended. Thus, I have fulfilled my obligation to you. Again, my best to you all, my love and wishes that God will bless each and every one of you abundantly with good health and happiness. ALBINA NOVAK On a motion by Elizabeth Zefran, No. 2) and seconded by Antonia Stokar (No. 15), the report was accepted as read. REPORT OF THE SUPREME VICE-PRESIDENT Reverend Claude Okorn, Supreme delegates, members and visiting friends: My sincerest greetings and best wishes to all of you. First I wish to thank the Conven tion Committee and all of the members of the branches for their untiring services they have given to make our stay here an enjoyable and a memorable one. The Cotillion Ball, Banuqet and Programs were most enjoy able. We always look forward to our National Conven tion for it gives us an opportunity to renew old acquaintances and make new friends. It is indeed an honor and pleasure that we meet again with the greatest anticipation that we may conclude all matters toward the success of our purpose in leading the Slovenian Women’s Union to the highest ideals, not only those of greater membership but those in giving our present members the best satisfactions of our associations. I have attended the State Conventions in 19G7 of Br. No. 12, Milwaukee, combined with their 40th Anniversary. Branch No. 17, West Allis held its State Day in 1968 combining it with its 40th Anniversary, and also attended the State Day at Willard, Wisconsin in 1969. All these state days and banquets that are held yearly turn out very successful, and it is gratifying to see the chartered buses coming from the neighboring branches to attend these affairs. These meetings that are held are worthwhile and rewarding and are a way for keeping contact among the branches and acquiring various ideas so we can better the organization. The branches are steadily growing and have an active and interested membership. Congratultions are extended to all the state presidents who are doing a marvelous job. Zveza’s Day In Lemont is always a success with travelers from near and far and it is nice to see so many familiar faces. These days are days that are long remembered and cherished. The various activities displayed in our branches throughout the entire nation show the willingness to succeed in all projects. The campaigns in the past for new members have been successful and it is gratifying to know that so many branches participated. Congratulations to all for a job well done. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to the Convention Queen, Ann Hočevar of Branch No. 50, Cleveland; Fanika Humar of Branch No. 2, Chicago, Theresa Skur of Branch No. 14, Euclid, and Ann Lustig of Branch No. 16, Chicago, and to the officers and members who helped in the enrollment of new members. “From Slovenia to America” written by Mrs. Marie Prisland deserves great credit and praise. It is an exceptional fine book which portrays the history, culture and customs of our Slovenian people and will be treasured by our Slovenian descendants. Congratulations. A tribute to Marie Prisland and Albina Novak for the “Women’s Glory—The Kitchen", the new revised cook book with all the old Slovenian favorite recipes. These above mentioned books have gained prestige and recognition for the Slovenian Women’s Union. Let us not forget our Scholarship Fund. A worthwhile cause for our youth for upon their shoulders rest the responsibility of the future of our nation and organizations. The money contributed by you and your friends is helping more children to have an opportunity to get a higher education In the proper field. The Washington Chapel Fund which was undertaken since the last Convention has turned out to be a suc-cesful venture. Much credit and thanks go to our Su- preme President, Antonia Turek and her husband, Frank, for their effort and time. What an achievement for our Slovenes. I was very honored and happy to attend the many events of the Slovenian Women’s Union thru the years and for the opportunity to work with such fine officers who have the organization at heart. Ar sorry that Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, the Supreme Treasurer, is not able to attend this Convention due to illness; we know she Is here in Bpirit but perhaps will be able to attend the next Convention. I would also like to compliment the Supreme Officers for thier excellent work they performed thru the years. May God shower you with His choicest blessings for many more years. To all our officers and Spiritual Advisor — a big thank you! Let us hope that the officers and delegates make every effort to have a successful Convention. We must be sincere in our thinking and look forward to improve our Slovenian Women’s Union. If changes are to be made we will make them for the betterment and for a stronger Slovenian Women’s Union. Respectfully submitted, Marie A. Floryan On a motion by Josephine Sumic (No. 20) and seconded by Josephine Livek (No. 89), the report was accepted as read. CONVENTION REPORT — EDITOR On this occasion when we meet again and renew our friendships and outline the path to be followed by the Slovenian Women’s Union in the future, I would like to again speak of ZARJA, our monthly publication. In 19G7, ZARJA was published for a cost of $18,942.80 in 12 issues, 4 each at 32 pages, 24 pages and 10 pages. In 1968, there were 3 issues at 33 pages, 4 at 24 and 0 at 16 at a cost of $17,409.69. I^ast year in 1969 we were able to cut down on the size of the issues much more drastically, by printing only one issue at 32 pages (May— Mother’s Day), and 4 were na 24 pages and 1 at 16 pages. Zarja cost $15,895.43 in 1969, a saving of $3,000. This year in 1970, we have already published 5 Issues and only in one, May, at 32 pages. This explanation is given so you will realize that we have tried to adhere to a policy of containing strictly organizational material and very little other copy, in tlio interest of economy. With the increasing cost of paper, our ZARJA is costing us from one to two thousand dollars a month, depending on the size of the issue, thus, by keeping to the smaller issues, we have been saving thousands of dollars. The projected cost ol’ ZARJA, as it is how in the present form, either 16, 24, 28, or 32 pages, is undoubtedly going to be higher in the future than it was In the past. I have here an estimation of cost sent by the manager of the Benedictine Press, which prints ZARJA, and will give you the information. I find that this printing shop is offering us the lowest possible price for the kind of publication we have, and I would recommend that we retain the Benedictine Press as our printer with the same services, printing and mailing Included. The size of each issue will be kept to a minimum to protect the cost from rising and I would ask further, that this Convention considers a different schedule for the next three years, printing 11 issues per year instead of 12, thus a saving of at least one thousand dollars. The postal autohorlties allow this change to be made. Needless to say, this gives the editor a free month once a year, and since I am speaking on my own behalf here, It will be the first time In the 18 years that I am editor, that an issue has been skipped. This I leave to your decision. At this time, allow me to extend my deepst thanks to our wonderful contributors whose work means so much to ZARJA. You can be sure that there are hours of work and planning behind each and very article submitted by our coumnists. I appreciate their efforts and the work of our many reporters for without their contributions, ZARJA would not have the vitality and interest it now enjoys. Practicality determines that we must keep to our organizational matters in ZARJA, but I firmly believe that we could expand to include articles of general interest to the feminine world. Again, my thanks for an excellent job to all who are a part of ZARJA. The main problem that I would request your cooperation for is the stricter observance of the deadline. If I were to use only the copy that comes to my office by the 5th of the month deadline, we would have a very disappointing issue. Please, remember that this date is important to the over-all procedure which is followed with the preparation of the monthly organ. The mailing list system is working well as it was reorganized two years ago in the Home Office. Our assistant keeps all addresses in perfect order and spends many hours daily at this task. Nevertheless, those changes of address keep coming in monthly and we are faced with an ever-increasing moving population. For every change of address that comes through the post office, we pay 15 set back is the distance. Since a personal visit is man) times impossible, we commute by correspondence. I have visited with officers of Branch 100 in Fontana and have found very active and devoted members, who have Zveza's progress at heart. Our branch in San Francisco is also doing well. Every year we are combining our State conference with Mother’s Day program. These affairs are well attended, showing our members are very active and devoted to our cause. In reply to my letters from Branch 79 from Enumclaw, Washington, President Mary Mihilich stated she was elected delegate to the Convention and it was impossible to attend at this time. Branch 79 celebrated their Fortieth Anniversary in June. Mrs. Mihelich has held an office for forty years. She wishes all the officers and members a very successful Convention. Secretary Mary Omaits Branch 100 Fontana in reply to my request regarding any matters to be brought up at the Convention, she mentioned that it would be well to notify members who move, to transfer to the nearest branch. Subsequuent to this I received a letter from President Mrs. Jean Kurilich Branch 100 notifying me she is attending the Convention as a delegate for Branches 100, 4, 45, 66 and 92. For the future it would be very good if all those Branches combined to defray the expenses of the delegate. Personally, I sincerely wish the Convention all possible success. We, Slovenian women, must stay together, work together and accomplish things together. We must be proud to have our own organization, as small as our nationality is in this enourmous Melting Pot of America. I believe we all agree that our ZARJA is worthy of the fullest support of our membership and we hope it continues as successfully in the future as it has in the past. Rose Scoff Report accepted on a motion by Margaret Fager (13). seconded by Margaret Fischer (1). REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF MINNESOTA Greetings, Spiritual Advisor, Supreme Officers and Delegates to the 15th National Convention. Three years ago we held the Convention in Washington as you all know. It was a Convention that we won't forget. The hospitality shown us and also all the historical places we had seen. A few months after our convention, we held our 10th State Convention at Tower, Minn. Corinne Leskovar was our distinguished guest for the day. She gave us an interesting talk on plans to raise funds for the Slovenian Chapel that was to be built and now it is a reality through the efforts of the hard working committee and our hats off should go off to Antonia Turek for all the work she has done in this undertaking. In September 8, 1968, our annual State Convention was held at Nashwauk, Minn. Mrs. Hermine Dicke was delegated to attend. She gave us an interesting talk on how she chooses recipes that are put in the most popular item written in the Zarja “Pots and Pans”, in fact lot of the members would like to see two pages of it instead of one. She also explained how the scholar ship funds are awarded, and the amounts given, etc Our next State Convention was to be held in Keewatin, but since the Duluth branch wanted to celebrate their 40th Anniversary together with the State Convention the Keewatin branch graciously accepted for the next year. Mrs. Ann Kompare, Supreme Auditor was the honored guest In Duluth. She spoke and gave an interesting account on the book edited by our Honorary President Marie Prisland, “From Slovenia to America”. We Indeed should be honored to have such a fine leader as Mrs Prisland. I would like to thank all the Branches of Minnesota for the fine cooperation they have given me through these 3 years. Also, would like to thank Ann Podgoršek with whom I worked getting our members and delegates to come to this Convention. I have been secretary of Br. 23 for about 35 years and was this past year elected also treasurer. I consider it an honor to be the State President and have tried to do my best. At this time I would like to thank the Supreme Board for the fine job they have done in the past and hope the future will be even better. I’m sure the delegates, guests and myself are indeed happy to see Albina Novak here at the Convention. Wishing you most sincerely an enjoyable and most successful Convention! Thank you all. Barbara Rosandich Report accepted on a motion by Marion Marolt (17) and seconded by Ann Lustig (16). REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF WISCONSIN Rev. Okorn, officers, delegates and visitors: We’re assembled for an enthusiastic and successful National Convention and should be making plans to brighten the future of our Slovenian Women’s Union. My report is compiled from three state conventions 1967-68-69. They follow: Branch No. 1 of Sheboygan, Wis. reported they acquired 10 new members, they need more cooperation for new members. They especially approved of Zarja, sociability and informality. Branch No. 12 of Milwuakee, Wis. They acquired four new members, need better cooperation with junior groups, and more togetherness especially in out-of-town activities. They approve of Zarja, activities, Founder’s book, trips and recipes. There is a lack of cooperation and loyalty to one’s own group. Branch No. 17 of West A||is, Wis. They acquired 22 new members. They suggested the headquarters furnish pens with Slovenian Women’s Union advertising, and distributed among branches having anniverseries, banquets, breakfasts, and dinners. Itemized miscellaneous expenses in detail. They are satisfied with everything else. Branch No. 43 of Milwaukee, Wis. acquired 33 new members. How to encourage more members to attend meetings? They especially approve of Zarja, Pots and Pans, Scholarship, cook books, and the book “From Slovenia to America”. Disapprove of salaries being raised in the Supreme Board, and also assessment raised. To eliminate in the Zarja, articles not pertaining to Zveza members. Branch No.102 of Willard, Wis. They acquired five new members, and also approve of keeping Slovenian traditions within the organization, and are happy with the Zarja. Since the last State Convention, these new suggestions have been brought to my attention: 1. Wisconsin branches suggest that Zarja should bring articles of general interest on education and other topics. If short of space, then the editor should eliminate branch reports on what was served or what has been eaten at meetings, which is only of local Interest. 2.1n article 11 in the objectives of the organization, add: To keep women aware of their high vocation and to help them spiritually, especially in the character formation of children. 1 was asked to represent Willard, Br. 102 and received no recommendations as of today. Our Wisconsin branches wish to congratulate our Founder, Marie Prisland on her book “From Slovenia to America”. We five Wisconsin branches are very proud of our Founder especially since she is a Wisconsonite. We also congratulate the Spiritual Advisor, Father Claude for his fine articles, to compliment Supreme Board for their wonderful work and in conclusion, I wish to thank the Wisconsin branches and members for all the cooperation received. This completes my report. Rose Kraemer Report accepted on a motion by Frances Plesko (12) seconded by Mildred Poropat. (95). REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO-MICHIGAN The Combined Branches of Cleveland wish all Supreme Officers, our Spiritual Advisor Father Okorn and Delegates best wishes and we hope for a successful Convention. I have read closely all the reports from various branches. Activities that have been performed by branches 6, 10, 14, 15, 21, 25, 32, 40, 41, 47, 50 and 73 who have delegates representing them here. There are many methods of raising money to keep activities going such as games, rummage sales, Christmas parties, bake sales, etc. They also donate to worthy causes and if possible pay for Masses for deceased members and tributes. Parties for the juvenile members, to honor Mother’s Day, celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, also to honor the Mother of the Year. I will now read their Resolutions. 1. First of all, wishes are for a continued success and pledge suport for future progress. 2. The majority would like to see Assessments de- creased, be allowed free membership after 80 yrs. Our aged members are proud to know they helped and did all they could to keep this organization together. It is the thought of many of us, that these members deserve to be recognized. 3. It has been requested that there be no raise in the assessment, nor in any salaries; that expenses should be cut where possible. Perhaps in travel or what not. 4. It has been suggested that there be a raise for the Branch Sec’y. funds at the end of the year, from 5), Jennie Feme (25), Pauline Svette (73) and Antoinette Mozina (96). After some discussion on this Report, a further recommendation was made by this committee that the Editor accept material sent for publication as of the first of the month, thereby advancing the deadline five days and possibly help to advance the delivery date to the branches. Further it was recommended from the floor that Reporters be asked to submit thoughtful articles for publications; that the Editor accept donations for all pictures used in Zarja at $5.00 each; that the Slovenian section be preserved as much as possible and all Slovenian language contributions accepted in order to serve the pioneer members of this organization; that I he names of contributors to the Publishers Fund be printed from time to time as a special column and donations be solicited for the Fund to help defray the cost of printing. The Report and subsequent recommendations were accepted on a motion by Elizabeth Zefran (2), seconded by Frances Blatnik. (33). The President read her Report on the sale of Cookbooks, Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen and gave the financial statement. The President lauded the work of the many branches and officers who have been selling the Cookbooks for the past years and especially thanked Anna Pachak (3) of Pueblo, Colo., who sold over 1,000 Cookbooks in her community. It was hoped that a revised edition will again be printed at some future time as the present supply is very low. The Delegates were very pleased with the work of the Supreme President who has been handling and mailing the Cookbooks from her home and thanked her heartily for her work. A brief report on the standing of the S.W.U. Song-book, Let’s Sing was also made and although the gain is very small, it is a worthwhile venture. The history book, From Slovenia to America was reported by its author, Marie Prisland, Founder of S.W.U. REPORT ON FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA BOOKS Many times our young people ask about Slovenia, its traditions and why did we come to America. For years, there was talk that somebody ought to get all this historical information in writing so that our young people would have a source of information, on their heritage. Since writing a book is an enormous task, nobody seemed interested enough to undertake such a project. By popular demand from our young members and also from American women, I started to write, thinking that it will be pamphlet containing about 50 pages, which I thought could be distributed to our branches. From 50 pages came 100 and then 150 pages and now it is a book of 171 pages plus 40 pages of pictures. This book, of 39,000 words, is by no means a complete history of Slovenian immigration to America. I have only scratched the surface. Some say: “Why didn’t you put this in, or that in?” — If a completely detailed history of our birth land and of the immigration of Slovenian people to America had been written, the book would have become very large and most expensive. Who would buy it? The cost of printing and preparing the books was $7,301.26. This amount is now fully paid to Zveza! Beside this a scholarship was given last year in the amount of $200.00. More scholarships will be granted when the books are sold. Some of the branches still have books on hand. I strongly urged them, and you, to buy your copy soon, because when these are gone, there will be no more. My printer says that a reprint w’ould be more expensive then the original because the prices on print went way up. I express my sincere thanks to all of you, who have sold the books; especially to Mrs. Turelc and her husband, who have done a great job. All of us can be proud, that our Zveza was the first American-Slovenian organization, to issue the first historical book in the English language. Others may follow, but we were first as we were in many other ways! I woud like to mention those, who have done extremely well in selling the books: The Home Office in Chicago sold 135 books. Anna Pachak, Pueblo, Colorado, sold 100 books. Josephine Erjavec and Olga Ancel, Joliet, sold 91. Josephine Gostisha, Forest City, Penna, 77. Agnes Pogline, Denver, Colorado, 71. Rose Scoff, San Francisco, Calif., 62 Marie Floryan, West Allis, Wis. 60. Branch No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. 55. Jeanette Killoran, Barberton, Ohio 49. Mary Skerlong, Pittsburgh, Penna 45. Mary Dezman, Milwaukee, Wis. 42. Antonia Kostelec, Kansas City, Kansas 29. Mary Otoničar, Cleveland, Ohio 36. Josephine Artac, Willard, Wis. 32 Branch No. 14, Euclid, Ohio 32. Josephine Artac, Willard, Wis. 32 Josephine Oblak, Felton, California 30. Mildred I-’oropat, So. Chicago, III. 24 Jackie Rukavina, Duluth, Minn. 20. Mary Lenich, Eveleth, Minn 20. Mary Peterlin, Phoenix, Arizona 20. Rose Kraemer, Milwaukee, Wis. 20. Frances Simonich, Pueblo, Colorado 20. Mary Widmar, Leadville, Colorado £'0. Antoinette Luchich, Gilbert, Minn 14. Other secretaries sold 6 or 10 books. A complete report will follow when the books are sold. Once again, a hearty thanks to all! Rev. Joseph Faleš, assistant at St. Vilus parish in Cleveland has purchased 32 books as gifts for his friends. What a wonderful gesture! May I mention how fortunate I am in our little Sheboygan. I sold 373 books to date -------- 222' to Slovenians and the rest to Americans. How I know it? I have every purchaser’s name in the book. A hearty thanks to our editor for recommending the book in Zarja which enormously helped to popularize it. Marie Prisland The motion to accept the Report was carried unanimously. It was moved by Albina Novak and seconded by Ann Kompare that a Resolution of Thanks be addressed to Mrs. Prisland for her contribution of this fine book. The motion was unanimously approved. The President called for the second report of the Resolutions Committee. The Committee on Resolutions respectfully submits the following Resolutions for your approval. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Slovenian Women’s Union convened for its 15th National Convention in Euclid Ohio, May 24- 27, 1970 and, WHEREAS, The Supreme Officers, Delegates and Guests enjoyed the gracious hospitality of their hostesses, the Ohio branches, and WHEREAS, The Convention body admired and enjoyed the high-quality performance of its talented Slovenian young performers, and WHEREAS, The Convention feels indebted to our president and chairman, Mrs. Antonia Turek and her husband Frank for their gracious and warm welcome and sincere concern throughout the past few days, and WHEREAS, The Convention feels also indebted to the Cleveland-Euclid Committee involved in the workings and preparations of a successful Convention, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Convention body extend their most heartfelt gratitude to the countless persons in volved in giving us the opportunity of partaking in the many facets of America’s center of Slovenian culture. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Mrs. Albina Novak who is retiring from the office of Supreme Secretary after 18 years of conscientious service, and WHEREAS, she also served in the capacitiy of Editor and President compiling a service record of 40 plus years, and, WHEREAS, she conceived and compiled our very popular cookbook, Woman's Glory—The Kitchen, and, WHEREAS, she played a dynamic and influential role for the cause of the Slovenian nationality, womanhood and our organization. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Convention extend their sincere appreciation and love to Mrs. Albina Novak of Chicago, Illinois on this day of May 27, 1970 at the 15th National Convention held in Euclid, Ohio. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Founder and Honorary President, Mrs. Marie Prisland, compiled the highly entertaining, educational and historical book, From Slovenia to America” which entailed many years of patient research, and, WHEREAS, since the organization’s inception Marie Prisland zealously guarded and successfully invested the finances of our organization from which task she is now resigning, and, WHEREAS, Marie Prisland devoted hei energies and served as a medium for the betterment of Slovenian wo-menhood in the United States, fostered social, moral and intellectual ideals and, WHEREAS, Mrs. Prisland through the Slovenian Wo men's Union enhanced our American and Slovenian cul tural traditions, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Convention extend their sincerest appreciation and admiration to Mrs. Marie Pri-land of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, on this day of May 27, 1970 at the 15th National Convention in Euclid. Ohio. The second Report of the Resolutions Committee was approved unanimously on a motion by Angela Kozjan (40), seconded by Frances Sietz (50). The President called for the Committee on Appeals. Mrs. Frances Plesko, chairman, stated that no appeals had been made, therefore, no report would be offered. Youth Committee report was given by chairman, Mary Bostian. She urged branches to begin activities for their young members. Points were stressed: to educate young sters in domestic arts, sports, crafts, dramatics and to elect junior chairmen to coordinate activities. It was hoped that mothers ages 30 to 50 would be encouraged to exert leadership. Discussion followed with many good ideas presented. Report was approved on a motion by Frances Sietz (50) seconded by Frances Blatnik (33). The President called for the report of the Salaries and Per Diem Committee. Chairman, Anne Kompare made the following report: No increase in salaries was recommended by this committee and the same salaries and awards as in the past term was presented as follows: Spiritual Advisor, $ 150.00 yearly award; Supreme President, $100.00 monthly award and $25.00 expense account monthly; Honorary President, Advisor to the Supreme Board and Manager of Scholarship Fund, $75.00 monthly award and $25.00 expense account monthly, this to include the salary of the Investment Secretary; Vice-President, $50.00 yearly award; Supreme Secretary, $450.00 clear salary monthly; Treasurer, $300 yearly award: Editor $350.00 clear salary monthly and $50.00 expense account monthly; Auditors, $50,00 yearly award each and per diem for days of Board of Directors Meetings; Director of Women's Activities, $100.00 yearly, half to be used as promotional fund; Director of Youth Activities, $100.00 yearly, half to be used as promotional fund; State Presidents, $50.00 yearly award each and one per diem yearly presiding at State Convention; Part time Home Office Assistant, up to $125.00 clear salary monthly. The Report on Salaries and Awards was accepted on a motion by Jennie Pugely (47), seconded by Josephine Gostisha (7). The chairman, Mrs. Kompare reported the Committee’s recommendations for Convention Awards as follows: Chairman of the Convention, $125.00, Co-Chairman of the Convention, $100.00 Presiding Officer of the Convention $100.00, Secretary of the Convention, $500.00, Chairman of By-Laws Committee, $200.00; Editor for Convention work, $250.00; Two Convention Recording Secretaries, $50.00 each; Per Diem $25.00. The Committee further recommended that per diems be paid to delegates by their respective branches. Also gratuities to local performers should be given at the discretion of the local Convention Committee. In conclusion, the Committee recommended the following retirement awards: President of Finance Committee, Marie Prisland, $500.00; Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, $500.00; Supreme Treasurer, $200.00. Mrs. Prisland immediately donated $100 to the Scholarship Fund. The Report of the Salaries and Awards Committee was discussed point by point and given unanimous approval by the delegation. Submitting this report was the Committee, Mrs. Kompare, chairman, Frances Zibert (2), Jeanette Killoran (6), Anna Trdan (38), and Antonia Stokar (15). The President called on the report of the Convention City Committee. Chairman, Barbara Rosandich submitted the following cities on the approval of her committee: ■loliet, Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, Duluth, Minnesota, Pueblo, Colorado and Pittsburgh, Penna. The discussion on the various cities brought forth a number of suggestions, mainly one that at the next Convention most of the time be given to business with only one entertainment activity. Polling of the delegates from the cities proposed resulted in the approval of Chicago, Illinois as the next Convention City. Delegate from Br. 20, Olga Ancel, in reference to the Youth Committee’s report asked that some consideration be given to increase the Youth Activity Fund whereby 25. c. Gdč. Planinšek je tudi poslala pozdrave in nas povabila v Washington. Bilo je predlagano naj bi se obrnile na gdč. Planinšek glede bivanja v našem glavnem mestu, ko se bomo tam zbrale, ko bo drugo leto blagoslovitev kapele Marija Pomagaj dne 15. augusta. Poročilo je podal odbor pravilnika; Marie Prisland mu je predsedovala, prebrala pa Molly Thomas, kakor sledi: Spremembe in dodatki v pravilniku, pripravljeni od Marie Prisland po predlogih podružnic in odobreni od konvenčnega odbora za pravilnik, se glasijo takole: POROČILO ODBORA ZA PRAVILNIK 1. Za večjo družabnost naj bi sprejemale moške, če ti želijo postati člani. (Mogoče bomo povečnie članstvo, če se nam bodo pridružili možje in sinovi. Do sedaj imamo mladeniče v obeh oddelkih). Odločitev na to vprašanje ni bilo mogoče zaključiti, ker je sledilo mnogo razpravljanja. Predlog, da bi na odločitev zastavljenega vprašanja počakale do prehodnje konvencije, je dala Mary Postlan., pod. 32 in potrdila Mary Debevec pod. 41. Soglašale smo le na člen št. 120 SŽZ, ki pravil: On ali Ona v mladinskem oddelku se lahko prenese v oddelek odrazlih. 2. Člen 14. zbrisati “Namestnica”. 3. Člen 17. zbrisati zadnji stavek. 4. Člen 19. Mesec marec naj se doda.( Mnoge podružnice nimajo sej v zimskih mesecih.) 5. Člen 29. Drugi stavek naj se glasi: Glavne odbornice in svetovalke smejo biti izvoljene len na dva zaporedna termina, razen gl. tajnica in urednice. (Mlajše članice so svetovale, naj bi volile glavni odbor, kakor volimo pred- sednika Združenih Držav.) 6. Člen 49. Drugi stavek se naj glasi: Konvencija naj imenuje tajnico za investicije, ki naj investira družabna sredstva po za varoval n inskem zakonu države Illinois. 7. Člen 89. Tajnica investicij namesto Finančni odbor. 8. Člen 102. Drugi stavek se naj glasi: Nekatoličanka poročena po katoliškem obredu, sme biti sprejeta v naše članstvo. (Dodano a privoljenjem duhovnega vodje.) 9. Člen 119. Dodaj, “in mladinski ter mladeniči" po otrocih v prvem stavku. 10. Člen 162 se naj glasi: Ona naj pošlje glavni tajnici mesečno članarino in vse druge pristojbine za vse članice njene podružnice. (Nekatere tajnice pošljejo le del mesečne članarine in ostanek ostane neporavnan.) 11. člen 195. Spremeni datum — Maj 25, 26, 27, 197" v mestu Euclid, Ohno. Spremembe in dodatki, predlagani od Odbora za pravilnik, so bili sprejeti in enoglasno potrjeni, razen predloga št. J. Ga. Prisland je v imenu konvenčnega odbora za Pravilnik predložila sledečo resolucijo: Med tem, ko naš pravilnik s soglasnostjo z Zavaroval-ninskim zakonem države Illinois člen št. 29 glasi, da se naj zvezna konvencija skliče vsaka tri leta in Med tem, ko je sklicevanje te konvencije vsaka tri leta, veliko finančno breme za našo organizacijo, zaradi tega Na tem mestu odločimo, da v slučaju. Če ne bi mogle v treh letih sklicati naslednje konvencije, bi naj glavni odbor in nadzorni odbor dobil enoglasno podaljšanje termina za eno leto. Datirano ta dan 25. majal970 od konvenčnega odbora, podpisane: Frances Simonich (3), Margarte Fager (13), Mary Gornik (24), Frances Blatnik (33), Mildred Po-ropat (95), Molly Thomas (103), Marie Prislend, predsednica. Opazka: Če bo Državni odd. za zavarovanje v državi Illinois to resolucijo odobril, bo le ta postala del člena št. 29 v našem pravilniku SŽZ. Nadaljna poročila so sledila o odboru za Pravilnik. Poročala je predsednice ga. Prisland: 1. Nekatere jodružnice so predlagale, da bi ustanovile nov razred za $500.00 zavarovalnine. Čas nam ni dopuščal, da bi stopile v stik z našim aktuarjem in drž. zavarva/ninskim oddelkem in pripravile vse potrebno. Če bi ta konvencija potrdila tak predlog, bi glavni odbor .sam lahko pripravil za tak postopek. Zavarovalnina v omenjeni višini, je dovoljena po obstoječih zakonih samo v državi Illinois. Posebna podr. v našem glavnem uradu bi lahko bila osnovana, ki bi sprejemale vse članstvo, ki bi želelo to višje zavarovanje. Na predlog Marion Marolt (17) je bil gornji predlog sprejte In potrdila ga je Frances Zibert (2) naj glavni odbor dela na tem predlogu in pripravi vse potrebno do prihodnje konvencije. 2. Na priporočilo mnogih delegatk, naj se vendar ne-kar ukrene glede stroškov delegatk, ki so poslane na konvencije, je Odbor za pravilnik predlagal: da naj vsaka članica plača mesečno 5 centov v poseben konv. sklad, ali da se naj pobere po en dolar od vsake članice v konvenčnem letu, ali se naj opusti dva izvoda Zarje na leto, da bi se prihranilo dovolj sredstev v ta namen. Burna razprava se je razvila in nov predlog s strani Liz Zefran, naj se letno plačuje po 2I5 centov v ta namen. Nobeden teh predlogov ni dobil glasov, da bi mogel prodreti. Ostalo je pri dosedanji navadi, da bomo še naprej Imele žrebanja na prodane srečke, le dobitki, bi naj bili dovolj privlačni. 3. Odbor za pravilnik je predlagal naj bi združene podružnice nosile stroške svoje zastopnice na prihodnji konvenciji. Glavna tajnica naj obvesti združene podružnice, kdo bo njihova poslanka. Molly Thomas je s predlogom in potrditvijo vnesla gornji predlog med pravila. Predsednica konvencije se je zahvalila odboru in njegovi predsednici ge. Prisland za temeljito pripravljeno poročilo. Odbor za pozdrave je zastopala Rose Kraemer. Po zdrave so poslale občinskim oblastem, cerkvenim dostojanstvenikom in odbornicam, ki niso mogle biti prisotne. Poročilo Odbora za pozdrave je bilo sprejeto. Ga. Josephine Sumic je podala poročilo Odbora za resolucije, katere so bile poslane predsedniku Združenih Držav in drugim. (Za večjo verodostojnost, jih izvolite prebrati v originalnem angleškem jeziku.) Vse resolucije so bile sprejete in odobrene. Sledilo je branje pozdravov, ki smo jih tega dne pfejele. Zborovanje je bilo zaključeno ob 6 uri z molitvijo nakar so euclidske podružnice pogostile delegatinke m. zabavnim večerom pod imenom "Večer v Sloveniji”. SEJA V SREDO Sreda, četrti dan konvencije SŽZ se je pričel 27. maja 1970 ob deveti uri dopoldne v SSD na Reeher Ave, Euclid, Ohio. Po molitvi Rev. Okorna,, je predsednica pričela jutranjo sejo. Prebran je bil zapisnik prejšnjega dne in sprejet razen dveh manjših popravkov, ob navzočnosti vseh delegatk in uradnic. Gospa Corinne Leskovar je podala poročilo in imenu Odbora za glasilo Zarjo. Odbor je razpravljal naslednje točke in priporočila: 1. Vse tajnice naj čimprej obvestijo glavni urad (ne tiskarno) o vsaki spremembi naslova naročnic. 2. Članki bodo objavljeni v jeziku, v katerem jih bodo napisale dopisnice. J. Dopisnice se naprošene, da bi omejile podrobnosti in ostala v okvirju enega stolpca. 4. Urednica naj ima pravico razsojanja glede oglašanja prispevkov in njih prednosti. 5. Zarja naj se tiska v isti tiskarni in v isti obliki, kakor v preteklih 42'tih lettih. 6. Zaradi letnega dopusta, naj se opusti julija, ali augusta tiskanje Zarje in s tem odpadejo tudi stroški zanjo. V nobenem primeru ne more odpasti septem- berska izdaja Zarje. 7. Dopisnice naj pošljejo važna naznanila in obvestila dva meseca vnaprej, da jih boste brale v Zarji preden so se dogodila. 8. Posebna zahvala marljivim dopisnicam Zarje za odlične prispevke. Kot prispevki ge. Prisland, ki so brani s posebnim zanimanjem. Prispevki Rev. Okorna nam dajo duševne oporo v življenju. “Lonci in ponve preteklosti" je zanimiva stran za gospodinje. Reginini prispevku za troke so zanimivo branje za vsakogar. Odbor je ob zaključku čutil zadovoljstvo, da Zarja mnogim toliko pomeni; saj jo večina naročnic prebere od začetka do konca. Spoštljivo podpisane: Corinne Leskovar, predsednica; Josephine Turk (5), Ann Lustig (16), Jennie Feme (25), Pauline Svette (73) in Antoinette Možina (96). Po razpravi na gornje predloge in poročilo, je bil dan nadaljni predlog da bi urednica naj prejela vse dopise do prvega v mesecu in bi to omogočilo hitrejšo dostavo Zarje na podružnice. Nadaljni predlog je bil, da bi poročevalke pošiljale bolj pomembne prispevke za objavo; da urednica sprejema prispevke po $5.00 za vsako sliko objavljeno v Zarji; da bi bil ohranjen slovenski del kolikor mogoče in vsi slovenski prispevki objavljeni, da bi tako mogla Zarja služiti našim pionirkam organizacije; da bi bila objavljena imena darovalcev v tiskovni sklad, ki bi pomagal nositi stroške tiska. Poročilo in vsi nadaljni predlogi, so bili na predlog ge. Liz Zefran sprejeti in potrjeni s strani Frances Blatnik (33). Poročale so o prodaji ročnih del med potekom konvencije. Dobiček je namenjen Šolninskemu skladu. Darilo podružnice št. 50, kvačkana jopa je bila prodana na dražbi in je prinesla lepo vsoto $56.00. Ga. Prisland, upraviteljica šolninskega sklada je naznanila že še sledeče prispevke v ta sklad: g. Frank Ermenc, Milwaukee je daroval $100.00, Fanika Humar $100.00, Marie Prisland $100.00, darovi delegatk: $196.00. Odbor za ročna dela je poročal, daje vsota prodanih ročnih del znašala $455.00. Pregrinjalo, ki ga je naredila in darovala ga. Gerkovich, je pripomogel blagajni $143.00; delo ge. Kurilicli je dalo $39.50. Ga. Prisland se je zahvalila vsem darovalkam in odboru za prodajo ročnih del. Celotna vsota za Šolninski sklad je znašala 1,007.00 dolarjev in s tem si je sklad za šolnine občutno opomogel. Predsednica je podala poročilo o prodaji kuharskih knjig. Ob tej priliki, se je zahvalila vsem, ki so pripomogle k tako uspešni prodaji te knjige. Delegatke so bile tudi hvaležne predsednici za delo, ki ga je imela s pošiljanjem in pakiranjem na njenem domu, O knigi ge. Prisland, je avtorica sama poročala. POROČILO O KNIGI “FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA” Mnogokrat nas mladi ljudje vprašujejo o Sloveniji, slovensih navadah in zakaj smo prišli v Ameriko. Mnogo govorjenja je bilo o tem, da bi se kdo našel, ki bi odgovoril na vsa ta vprašanja in o tem napisal knjigo, ki bi naj bila vir, od koder bi mogli izvedeti o svoji preteklosti. Ker je pisanje knijge ogromno delo, ni izgle-dalo, da bi se ga kdo lotil. Pričela sem pisati na mnoge pobude naših mlajših in ameriških žena misleč, da bo iz tega nastala le bro šurica s kakimi 50 stranmi in bi jo porazdelile po naših podružnicah. Od prvotnih 50 strani se jih je nabralo 100, potom 150 in sedaj je knjiga s 171 Stranami ter 40 strani fotografij. Ta knjiga s 39,000 besedami nikakor ni celotna zgodovina slovenske emigracije v A-meriko. Nekateri pripominjajo: “Zakaj nisi to in ono dodala!” Pisanje podrobne zgodovine naše rodne zemlje in izseldevanja Slovencev v Ameriko, bi nastala zelo obsežna in draga knjiga. Kdo bi jo kupoval?” Stroški za tisk in priprave za mojo knjigo, so znašali $7,301.26. Ta vseta je sedaj popolnoma poravnana in vrnjena Zvezi. Lani je iz tega fonda bila podarjena štipendija v višini $200.00. Še več štipendij bo dode lenih, ko bo knjiga razprodana. Nekatere podružnice imajo knjigo še v zalogi. Pozivam vse vas, da si kmalu oskrbite svoj izvod, ker ko bodo pošle, in bo prepozno. Moj tiskar mi je povedal, da bi bilo ponatisnenje dražje, kakor privč, ker so se cene tem uslugam močno dvignile. Vsem, ki ste knjige razpečale, se vam iskreno zaliva lini; prav posebno še ge. Turek in njenemu možu, ki sta opravila velik delež. Vse smo lahko ponosne, da je bila naša Zveza prva Amerlško-Slovenska organizacija, ki je izdala prvo zgodovinsko knjigo v angleškem je- ziku. Drugi lahko sledijo, a me smo bile prve v mno-gočem! V angleškem delu zapisnika berite imena tistih, ki so se posebno izkazale pri prodaji knjige. Popolno poročilo bom podala, ko bo knjiga razprodana. Še enkrat prisrčna hvala vsem! Rev. Joseph Faleš duhovnik pri Sv. Vidu v Clevelandu je sam kupil 32 knig in jih podaril svojim prijateljem. Posnemanja vredna poteza! Omenim naj še, kako srečo imam v našem malem She- boyganu; do danes sem prodala 373 knjig — od tega 222 Slovencem, vse ostale pa Amerikancnie. Marie Prisland Na priporočilo ge. Albine Novak in potrdilo ge. Ann Kompare, je bilo sklenjeno, da se naj naslovi resolucija zahvale ge. Prisland, ki je toliko doprinesla za Slovence v Ameriki in Evropi. Knjiga, ki jo je napisala, je pa v neposredno korist naše organizacije. Predlog je bil enoglasno sprejet; predsednica je pozvala Odbor za resolucije. Predsednica odbora ga. Sumic je poročala: Odbor za resolucije vam predlaga naslednje za odobritev : Na tem mestu, kjer zboruje Slov. Ženska Zveza v Euclid, Ohio od 24. do 27. maja 1970. Med tem, ko vas zborovalke uživamo gostoljubnost ohioskih podružnic in Smo dolžne zahvalo naši predsednici ge. Antoniji Turek ter njenemu možu Franku, za prisrčen sprejem in skrb, s katero nas obdajata teh nekaj dni našega bivanja tukaj in Zahvalo odboru Cleveland-Euclid za vse delo in priprave, ki se pripomogle k uspešni konvenciji. Na tem mestu izrekamo prisrčno hvaležnost vsem ne-številnim sodelavcem, ki so pripomogli na vseh področjih in nam na taki višini pokazali delovanje slovenskega kulturnega centra v Ameriki. RESOLUCIJA Med tem, ko ga. Albina Novak stopa v pokoj, ko je 18 let zavedno delala ko glavna tajnica, še prej pa kot urednic a Zarje in predsednica. V naši organizaciji je službovala nad 40 let. Uredila in izdala je zelo priljubljeno knjigo “Woman’s Glory-—The Kitchen” in Igrala razgibano in vplivno vlogo na narodnostnem, ženskem in organizacijskem področju. Na tem mestu izreka konvenčni odbor vso priznanje in ljubezen ge. Albini Novak iz Chicaga, 111. na dan 27. maja 1970 na 15. konvenciji, ki se vrši v Euclid, Ohio. RESOLUCIJA Ustanoviteljici in častni predsednici ge. Marie Pris- land za poučne in zabavno knjigo “From Slovenia to America", ki je zahtevala mnogo let potrpežljivega raziskovanja in Je od vsega začetka ljubosumno čuvala in uspešno investirala premoženje organizacije, od česa se sedaj poslavlja ter Je posvetila vse svoje moči in bila hrbtenica za zboljšanje stališča slovenske žene v Ameriki, bdela nad socialnimi, moralnimi in intelektualnimi ideali; Preko Slovenske Ženske Zveze je ga. Marie Prisland obogatila slovenske kulturne tradicije. Bodi na tem mestu določeno, da konvenčni odbor Izreka iskreno priznanje in občudovanje ge. Marie Prisland, iz Sheboygan, Wisconsin na ta dan 27. maja 1970 na 15. konvenciji v Euclid, Ohio. Na predlog Angele Kozjan, je bilo to drugo poročilo Odbora za Resolucije, enoglasno sprejeto in potrjeno od Frances Sietz. Predsednica je pozvala Odbor za pritožbe. Načelovala mu je ga. Frances Plesko in je povedala, da niso prejele nobenih pritožb, zato nimajo kaj poročati. K besedi je bil poklican še odbor za plače in dnevnice. Predsedovala mu je Anne Kompare, ki je poročala: Nobenega zvišanja plač, je odločil odbor. Vse plače in nagrade naj bi bile še v veljavi v prihodnje, kakor si sledijo: Letna nagrada za duhovnega vodjo je $150.00. Glavna predsednica naj še dalje dobiva $100.00 mesečne nagrade in $25.00 za organizacijske stroške, častna predsednica in svetovalka upravnemu odboru ter ravnateljica Šolninskega sklada dobi $75.00 mesečno in $25.00 za org. stroške. Podpredsednica letno $50.00 nagrade. Glavna tajnica $450.00 neto plače. Gl. blagajničarka dobi $30.00 letne nagrade. Urednica $350.00 mesečne neto plače in $50.00 za organizacijske stroške. Nadzornice dobijo $50.00 vsaka na leto in dnevnice za seje upravnega odbora. Direktorica ženskih aktivnosti $100.00 letno; polovica naj se uporabi za propagandne namene. Direktorica mladinskih aktivnosti letno $100.00 in se zopet polovica te vsote porabi za propagando. Državne predsednice naj dobijo $50.00 letno nagrade in eno dnevnico za predsedovanje državne konvencije. Honorarna pisarniška moč do $125.00 neto plače na mesec. Poročilo o plačah je bilo sprejeto na pobudo od Jennie Pugely, potrjeno pa od Josephine Gostisha. Predsednica odbora za plače ga. Anne Kompare je prebrala odborova priporočila za Konvenčne nagrade kakor sledi: Predsednica konvencije, $125.00, podpredsednica $100.00. Predsedujoča uradnica konvencije $100.00, tajnica konvencije $500.00, predsednica Odbora za pravilnik $200.00 urednica konvenčnega dela $250.00, dve zapisnikarici po $50.00 vsaka. Ena dnevnica znaša $25.00. Odbor tudi priporoča, da bi podružnice plačale dnevnice svojim delegatkam. Zahvaliti se moramo tudi domačinkam za uspešen konvenčni odbor. Ob zaključku odbor predlaga sledeče nagrade za one, ki se umikajo v pokoj: Predsednica finančnega odbora Marie Prisland $500.00, glavna tajnica $500.00, glavna blagajničarka $200.00. Mrs. Prisland je darovala $100.00 za Šolninski Sklad od svoje nagrade. O poročilu za plače in nagrade so delegatke razpravljale točko za točko in vse sporazumno odobrile. Odbor, ki je predložili in poročal o plačah, so sestavljale: Ga. Kompare, predsenica; Prances Zibert, Jeanette Kiloran, Anna Trdan in Antonia Štokar. Predsednica je pozvala Odbor za konvenčno mesto. Predsednica odbora Barbara Rosandich Je predlagala naslednja mesta, ki so bila izbrana od odbora: Joliet, Ul., Chicago, 111., Duluth, Minn., Pueblo, Colo, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Razprava o različnih mestih je osvetlila nekaj predlogov, izmed katerih je eden ta, da naj naslednja konvencija posveti vso pozornost konvenčnemu delu in le en dan izbere za zabavni del programa. Posvetovanje z delegatkami omenjenih mest nas je pripeljalo do zaključka, da bo Chicago naša prihodnja konvencija. Ga. Olga Ancel, delegatka podr. št. 20 iz Jolieta je predlagala v zvezi z Odborom za mladinske aktivnosti, da bi povišale prispevek za letni mladinski dogodek na 25ne 19. maja smo se udeležile breakfast party, katero je priredila podr. št. 2« v Pittsburghu. Smo se prav lepo imele. Ko sem se vrnila iz konvencije, me je čakala žalostna novica, ko je umrl brat mojega moža. Naj mu bo lahka hladna gruda. Lep pozdrav vsem! Mary Tomsic, presds. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH, 1970 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC MAREC, 1970 Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 1 $ 92.55 160 59 2 168..60 335 167 3 155.35 268 168 4 8.00 13 — a 5 88.55 102 21 a 6 44.35 104 8 7 50.85 75 58 8 18.30 47 — 9 103.20 21 b 10 134.85 309 26 12 67.55 167 50 13 58.10 112 18 14 141.30 290 31 15 102'.50 206 9 16 85.15 148 91 17 82.45 155 77 19 55.00 114 24 20 153 25 332 63 21 58.10 111 40 22 — 19 — c 23 101.45 2*16 51 24 144.90 142 76 d 25 335.85 631 169 26 49.85 108 19 27 46 3 28 43.90 75 14 29 10.75 25 5 30 5.40 9 e 31 84.50 89 2'7 a 32 78.40 114 78 33 123.95 198 151 34 18.50 32 6 35 33.20 55 38 37 — 21 - f 38 43.35 121 — 39 20 40 44 9 40 53.15 101 2 41 82.25 204 30 42 23.65 48 — 43 77.80 133 65 45 20.85 46 14 46 13.95 30 5 17 52.20 103 33 49 — 30 — f 50 138.05 211 88 51 — 15 r 52 30.65 51 19 54 29.00 58 40 55 2'9.00 57 4 56 39.90 92 6 57 39.65 66 35 59 46.50 29 2 g 61 — 6 — 62 25.40 26 a 63 48..50 92 2>l 64 35.90 45 2 a 65 4 4 25 c 66 32.30 59 21 67 38.70 68 9 68 38.95 59 19 70 14 3 f 71 59.20 123 36 72 10.00 25 — 73 57.90 105 71 74 — 30 1 1' 77 22.55 47 32 79 — 31 20 r 80 11.10 9 <1 81 14.70 29 — 83 9.50 18 — 84 22.40 53 3 85 18.65 40 2 86 49.60 22 h Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 88 34.75 54 9 89 31.15 73 22 90 19.50 42' 16 91 31.15 51 12 92 24 2 c 93 59 2 94 14 7 95 178 22 96 23.95 47 97 7.25 15 99 6.20 16 100 28.70 45 12 101 20.75 28 14 102 45.45 31 3 i 103 17.30 26 14 105 20.00 30 6 106 22 O Total $4,2>20.50 7,98S 2,310 Assement paid for March and April is a; b is Jan. to Dec.; c is paid inPebr.; d is Feb. and March; e One member Jan to Dec.; f paid in Jan.; g paid Feb, March, April; h paid March, April, May, June; i paid April, May, and June. DISBURSEMENTS IN MARCH 1970 Death claims paid to the following: Br. 3, Pueblo, Rose Lesar $100 00 Br. 10, Cleveland, Frances Jarc 100.00 Br. 16, Chicago, Frances Cliich 100.00 Br. 16, Chicago, P. Kundrat 100.00 Hr. 20, Joliet, Agnes Ferkol 100.00 Br. 24, LaSalle, Angela Strukel 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Albina Frances "13” 300.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, E. Toflant 100.00 Br. 31, Gilbert, Ann Abramson 100.00 Br. 47, Cleveland, Rose Vatovec 100.00 Br. 50, Cleveland, M. Finley ‘B’ 250.00 Br. G7, Bessemer, F. Cikovich 100.00 Br. 88, Johnstown, Mary Skerl 100.00 Br. 89, Oglesby, T. Kodrich 100.00 Br. 91, Oakmont, Anna Flisek 100.00 Zarja—The Dawn 1,554.21 Salaries of Officers 1,182.24 Officers Administration Exp. 1,759.57 Paid for Accrued Interest 165.58 Electric, Fuel and Water 91.05 Federal O. A. Benefit Tax 56.70 Rent 75.00 Postage and Telephone 34.2'0 Actuarial and Accounting 270.00 Maintenance 10.00 Advertising, Printing, Station. 89.07 Awards 520.10 Miscellenious Expense 139.20 Total disbursement In March 7,797.58 Income in March, Dohodki v marcu: Assessments 4,220 50 Interest on Bonds 783.17 Int. on Savings and Loans 2,009.23 Bank Deposits 252.74 Rental Income 169.00 State tax withheld 22'.88 Total Income in March 7,457.40 Led. bal. Febrauary 28, 1970 539,787.40 547,244.92 Total disbursements in March 7.797.5S Led. balance March 1, 1970 $539,417.34 Albina Novak, Secretary JUNIOR'S PftGe HI, BOYS AND GIRLS! Slovenian singing, dancing and music were the main feature of entertainment at the May Convention. Enviable was the varied talent displayed. For each of you Slovenian "indoctrination” of this type would be an important asset. Admirable was the patience of the directors and mothers who were in charge of the various groups—orchestras, choruses, dancers, baton-twirlers, Junior folk dancers and singers. And if good food is another source of enjoyment, then certainly there was much Slovenian cooking pleasure. Hospitality, like the countless carnations, was lavished everywhere. Only sweet remembrances of Ohio will linger. Although there were no earth-shattering Convention results, while there, it was learned that adult members read the Junior Page. In our organization and in our country, youth is important to our future. Youth wishes to be listened to and it wishes to relate their aspirations for tomorrow’s America. Throughout the summer many, through personal contact, will be working hard toward a better country. Coming from Notre Dame—a university of great renown— is this declaration. “As Americans, proud of our national traditions and committed to the best ideals of our country, we declare that we see these traditions and ideals best realized by not con- tinuing our military operations in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. “We favor the withdrawal of our military forces at the earliest moment and the designation by the Congress of an ultimate date for complete withdrawal. “We favor the most serious efforts l.o repatriate our American prisoners of war at whatever cost. The nation should recognize its deep debt to them and their families for their continued suffering. “We favor the use of our persons and our financial resources to rebuild a new and hopeful society in Vietnam and all of Indochina that has known nothing but wars for so many years. “We suggest that the people of this whole area must ultimately make their own effort to achieve the kind of society that they want; that whatever the good will of our past and future efforts, it is the Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians themselves who will create the conditions for peace and a better society, something that no force of arms or military imperialism from North and South, Bast or West, has yet created. "Most, fundamentally, may we state our deep convictions that our national priorities today are not military, but human. Our nation is unnecessarily and bitterly divided 011 issues at home and abroad. If the war abroad can be quickly and effectively defused, then we can be united at home in our dedication to justice, to equality and opporunity, and to renewing the quality of American life—a task that will require our best personal efforts and even more of our financial resources than those squandered by us in recent years on a largely frustrating and fruitless venture. “Lastly, we realize that the above points would sound like empty rhetoric if we did not stand ready—as we do—to commit our persons, our talents, our honor, and our futures to help work for a better America and a better world in a peaceful and non-violent manner.” This declaration was signed by Notre Dame’s president Father T. M. Hesburgh, CSC. Past American and world history shows wars to be futile or temporary solutions to problems. Why must it be so in the future? A Vietnam veteran said of the war in the East: "It. is the uneducated leading the unwilling to do the unnecessary.” All of us adults need to bend an ear, lend a hand and say a prayer. Youth is attentive to President Kennedy’s philosophy: “Tis is a time for courage and a time of callenge. Neither conformity nor complacency will do. Neither the fanatics nor the fainthearted are needed. Let us stand together with renewed confidence in our cause . . . and lead the land we love.” Youth is encouraged with the saying: Tomorrow’s world depends 011 what we do today. Your friend, REGINA RIDDLES 1. What do they call the last three hairs on a dog’s tail? 2. What kind of range is never used for cooking? 3. If an egg came floating down the middle of the Ohio River, where would it. come from? 4. Why does the moon go to I he bank? 5. Who drives away all of his customers? (!. When is a boat affectionate? 7. How is it possible to have four hands? S. What is bought by the yard and worn by the feet? !t. Can February March? 10. What month has 27 days? ANSWERS mam .10 UV '01 [udy mq ‘on 'g jadarao v ‘8 sisi.i .uioX 3ui[qnop A’g 'l a.ioqs aq} sSutl )i uaqM •;) .13 A up qiiOjXiq y (j K.iai.mnb a3uBqo ox 'I uai| k ulo.i^j aSuu.i unqunoiv s.nmi Hon x MEMBERS OF SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION THIS IS THE YEAR FOR SLOVENIA! Kollander’6 group fares make it possible for you to take the trip of a lifetime, at lowest cost and worry-free. Following are some of the date6 available for group travel: 3—4 WEEKS 6—8 WEEKS Aug. 5—Aug. 2G * July 20—Aug. 25 Aug. 10—Sept. 9 Aug. 10—Oct. G Aug. 31—Oct. I Sept 7—Sept. 2!) * Direct Flights Sel>t 14 Oct. 6 Oct. 5— Oct. 211 You will fly direct to Brnik Airport at Ljubljana via jet planes; half fares for children under 12 years and infants under age of 2)4 months pay only 10% of the fare! For all reservations and Information, contact: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION c/o Mrs. Corlnne Leskovar 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago, III. 60608 All travel arrangements by: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL 589 East 185th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone: (216) 531-1082 FRANC GORŠE % STUDIA SLOVEN LCA F O BOX 232 NEW YORK N Y 10032 PATRONIZE OU AVE AFELY 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 Eait 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 8t. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilton Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. \SK FOR FREE iAVE-BY-MAIL KIT Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin S. W. U. PUBLICATIONS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT: World famous cookbook: Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen with recipes for Potica, Strudel, Krofe and many other Slovenian and International dishes I $3.25 per copy postpaid ★ Slovenian and English songbook: LET’S SING Sing-along songs that you love I $1.25 per copy postpaid ★ The only English language compilation of stories on the Slovenian people in America: From Slovenia to America Written by S.W.U. Founder, Marie Prisland for the enjoyment and delight of the younger generation! $4.25 including postage See your Branch secretaries for any of the above books or write for individual copies to S. W. U. Supreme President, Mrs. Antonia Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 GEREND—HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 R ADVERTISERS R.GRDINR& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 65 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovljnost nadih ljudi. To Je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio METROPOLITAN BANK & Trust Company 2201 West Cermak Road FDK! Chicago, Illinois 60608 ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago, Illinois 60608 WE HAVE A HOME TO FIT YOUR NEEDS I LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-48 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688