Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. 161 SOME TOPOLOGICAL INDICES DERIVED FROM THE vmd" MATRIX. PART 8. THE Lij(m,n) INDICES Anton Perdih,* Branislav Perdih Mala vas 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Received 12-06-2002 Abstract The best correlation between some Ljj(m,n) indices and physicochemical properties of alkanes, using data from propane to ali octanes inclusive is observed at the pairs Lij(0,0) and Mw (r = 1), LijC1^,1^) and Tc2/Pc (r = 0.9995), L1:(0,0) and MR (r = 0.998), Lij(0,72) and Tc/Pc (r = 0.998), L^A^O) and AHfg (r = 0.994), 1^(0,7:,) and Ve (r = 0.991), and Lij(V3,0) and BP (r = 0.991). The best correlation using only data of octanes is observed at the pairs Lij(72,-1) and Tc/Pc (r = -0.996), Lij(-74,-l) and 0 when -1 < m < 2. It is most varying when m < 0 and n < -1. Ljj(-oo,-oo) = Vij(-co,-co) = 0. If only octanes are considered, the best correlations are observed when m « n. There are several m,n combinations where the correlation is low. The Ljj(m,n) and L(m,n) indices are equal when m = 0 or -oo. When the structures of ali 38 alkanes from propane to octanes inclusive are considered, then the lowest correlation is observed around m = -1 and when m > 1. Among octanes, the situation is more differentiated. Low correlation is observed when 0 > m > -2 and m « -n; in the region where -oo < m < - /2 and -00 < n < -2, as well as in the region where m > V2 and n > -V3. Dependence ofvalues o/*Ljj(m,n) indices ofn-alkanes on the increase ofsize ofthe molecule Table 1 indicates whether the Ljj(m,n)„ indices, i.e. the Ljj(m,n) indices of ^-alkanes increase or decrease with the increasing size ofthe molecule. We can see that in majority of tested cases they increase, except in the region represented roughly by -00 < m < -V2 and -00 < n < 0. Within the latter region the values of Ljj(m,n) indices of ethane are greater than at least those of propane and in several cases even greater than the Ljj(m,n) indices of other higher ^-alkanes. There are also indicated the shapes ofthe dependence ofvalues of Lij(m,n) indices of ^-alkanes on the size ofthe molecule. At m < -V2 or m < -1 and n < 0, the values of Lij(m,n) indices of ^-alkanes decrease on the increase ofthe size of the molecule. There exist also two intermediate domains. In the domain labelled C10, Ch, Pe, Bu, and Pr, on increasing the size ofthe molecule the values of Ljj(m,n) indices of ^-alkanes decrease to a minimum at the specified «-alkane and beyond that minimum the values start to increase; i.e. there exists the combination ofthe decrease of values of Ljj(m,n) indices at lower ^-alkanes and of the increase at higher ones. In the domain labelled * there exists the combination of the shapes of increasing values of n-alkanes. Outside these domains, the values of Ljj(m,n) indices of ^-alkanes increase with the size ofthe molecule, resembling either a logarithmic-like increase, i.e. when n < 0 at m > 0 or at n < 1 at lower m, or an exponential increase in other cases. A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the V"0 0 -v4 -v3 -v2 -1 -2 -4 -6 -oo + + + + + + + +i++ + + + + + + + +;/ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + — : + + + + + + + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ - i C,0 i =+ + + + + - i Cm Pe Bu Pr i + o ------- i — * : ++ ++ ++ ++ i + + +;++++ + + + j ++ ++ -oo -6 -4 -2 -1 -72 -73 -74 0 74 73 72 1 n>l n The values of index are equal to zero, except for ethane The values of index do not change with the size of the molecule The value of Ljj(m,n) increases linearlv with the size of the molecule The value of Ljj(m,n) decreases hyperbolically with the size of the molecule The value of Ljj(m,n) increases exponentially with the size of the molecule + The value of Ljj(m,n) increases with the size of the molecule resembling the shape of log(size) or root(size) * The combination of shape + at low alkanes and shape ++ at higher ones Pr (Bu, Pe, Cio, C14): At the size of the molecule corresponding to propane («-butane, «-pentane, «-decane, «-tetradecane, resp.) is observed the lovvest Ljj(m,n)„ value; beyond that size the values are increasing Lij(m,n)Et = Lij(m,n)Pr Dashed lines indicate the intermediate domains between different types of dependence The values of the indices Ljj(-co,n) of ^-alkanes can be expressed simply: Lij(-oo,n)„ = {N-Yf, where Af is the number of carbon atoms. Changes of values o/Lij(m,n) indices due to the increase of size ofthe molecules ofother alkane isomers How the values of Ljj(m,n) indices of other alkanes change on increasing the size of the molecule when the main chain of the alkane is elongated preserving the branched structure, is estimated using the susceptibilitv for the increase ofthe size ofthe molecule (S7,8) and indicated in Table 2. In most cases the values of Ljj(m,n) indices of ali alkane isomers increase with increasing size of the molecule, except in some cases when m < -V2 and n < 0. In the latter čase, there is an intermediate domain, where the values ofthe Ljj(m,n) indices of some isomers increase with the size ofthe molecule, whereas those of A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices 168 Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. other isomers decrease, as well as a domain at low values of exponent m, where the values of Ljj(m,n) indices of ali isomers decrease with the size of the molecule. Also in this respect the Lij(m,n) indices differ from the Vij(m,n) and L(m,n) indices in several cases. Table 2. The changes of values of L;j(m,n) indices of other alkane isomers on increasing the size of the molecule expressed using the sign of S78. m ES 5-4-1-6- 3-6-6- NS -oo -72 -73 -74 n n>0 1- NS ES The values of Ljj(m,n) are equal to zero, except for ethane The values of Ljj(m,n) do not change with the size of the molecule The value of Ljj(m,n) increases with the size of the molecule among aH isomers The value of L;j(m,n) decreases with the size of the molecule among ali isomers The value of L;j(m,n) of one isomer decreases and that of other isomers increase with the size of the molecule The values of index do not depend on the size of the molecule Ali isomers increase equally; the index measures only the size of the molecule Dashed lines indicate the transition domains between different types of dependence How the structural features ofalkanes influence the values o/*Ljj(m,n) indices when the size ofthe molecule increases The comparison of values of Lij(m,n) indices when the carbon number ofalkanes in question increases by one, i.e from heptanes to octanes, allows some conclusions about the contribution of particular structural features. This comparison is based on the one-spot estimation of the relative contribution of a structural feature to the value of the index, see Methods. A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. 169 Table 3. Structural features of alkanes having the highest influence on values of Lij(m,n) indices when the size of molecules increases. m 3 2 1 v2 v3 v4 0 -v4 -v3 -v2 -1 -2 -4 -6 -oo Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Sb Sb Sb Sb Sb Sb Bs B B B B B B NB -B -B -B -B -B -B -B NS B-s B-s -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb Sb Sb Sb Sb Sb -Sb Sb Sb Sb Sb Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb Se Se Se Se -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb Se | Sb Se | Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -Sb -S-e -Sb -S-e -S-e -Sb Se Se Se -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -Sb S-b S-b S-b Se Se S-b S-b -Bs -Bs -Bs -Bs -B-s -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-b -S-b -S-e -S-e -Sb -Bs 0 "b7 -Bs -Bs ~Bs" -Bs -Bs Sb S-b S-b -Bs -B-s -B-s!-S-b -B-s -B-s -S-b -B-s -B-s -B-s -Bs i -Bc i -B-s -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -Sb -Bs -Bs -Bc -Bs -Bs -Bs -Bs -Bs -Bs -B-s -B-s -B-s -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -S-e -Sb -Sb Sb Sb Sb 0 Sb S-b -Sb -Bc -S-e -S-e -S-e Se Se Se Se Se Se -Ec -Sb -Bc -S-e Ec Ec -Sb -E-s -E-s Sb -Sb -oo -6 -4 -2 -1 -V2 -73 -v4 0 V4 V3 72 1 2 3 n B or b - the influence of the number of branches c - the influence of central position compared to the peripheral position of branches E or e - the influence of ethyl vs. methyl group S or s - the influence of separation between branches The most influential structural feature is presented with the uppercase letter - sign: The increase of that structural feature causes a decrease in the value of the index Meaning of combinations of labels: -Bc: -b>c>.. Bs: b>s>.. B-s: b>-s>.. -Bs: -b>s>.. -B-s: -b>-s>.. Ec: e>c>.. -Ec: -e>c>.. -E-s: -e>-s>.. Sb: s>b>.. S-b: s>-b>.. -Sb: -s>b>.. -S-b: -s>-b>.. Se: s>e>.. -S-e: -s>-e>.. 0: The value of index is equal to zero NB: Does not index branching NS: Does not index the size of the molecule This contribution is superimposed to the contribution of the increase of the size of the molecule observed at ^-alkanes. In Table 3 is presented the situation when the size of the molecule increases from a heptane to an octane by elongation of the main chain retaining the branched structure. There can be seen that depending on the combination of exponents m and n, the highest contribution has either the number of branches (indicated by label B) or the separation between branches (indicated by label S), and in few cases also the type of branches, i.e. if a methyl group is replaced by an ethyl one (indicated by label E). A higher value of the structural feature contributes either to a higher increase of A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices 170 Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. the value of the index (no sign before the label) or to a higher decrease of the value of the index (the - sign before the label). At n = 0, only the number of branches and the type of the branched structure (i.e. whether the branch bearing carbon is tertiary or quaternary) influence the value of index. Regarding the influence of structural features, several Lij(m,n) indices differ from the Vij(m,n) indices11 and this can be the reason for the cases of low correlation betvveen these indices noticed above. Table 4. Structural features of alkanes having the lowest influence on values of Lij(m,n) indices when the size of the molecules increases. Abbreviations as in Table 3. m 3 bc bc bc bc ec ec ec ec -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c c-e c-e 2 bc bc bc bc ec ec ec ec -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c 1 bc bc bc bc ec ec ec ec -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c '/2 bc bc bc cb bc ec ec ec -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c '/3 cb cb cb cb cb bc ec ec -e-c -e-c -e-c b-c -e-c -e-c '/4 cb cb cb cb cb bc ec ec -e-c -e-c b-c b-c -e-c -e-c 0 c-b c-b cb cb cb cb cb cb -cb -cb -cb -cb -e-c -e-c "'/4 ec ec ec c-b c-b ec ec ec -e-c -c-e -b-c -c-b -e-c -e-c "'/3 ec ec ec -bc -bc ec ec ec -e-c -e-c -c-e -c-b -e-c -e-c "'/2 -ce -e-c ec ec ec ec ec -e-c -e-c -c-e -c-b -e-c -e-c -1 C c-e -e-c -c-e ec -e-c ec ec -e-c -e-c -e-c -c-b -e-c -e-c -2 ce ce -c-e -s-e -c-e -c-e -c-e -c-e ce se c-e -c-b -e-c -e-c -4 ec -c-e -s-e -c-b -cb -c-b -c-b -c-b c-b c-b sb -cb -e-c -e-c -6 ec -s-e -c-e -cb -cb -cb -cb -cb c-b c-b sb b-c -e-c -e-c -oo b-c -cb -cb -cb -c-b -cb -cb c-b c-b sb -e-c -e-c -e-c -oo -6 -4 -2 -1 -v2 -v3 -V4 0 V4 v3 v2 1 2 3 n Meaning of combinations of labels: bc: ..>b>c cb: ..>c>b -ce: ..>-c>e ec: ..>e>c sb: ..>s>b b-c: ..>b>-c c-b: ..>c>-b -c-e: ..>-c>-e -e-c: ..>-e>-c se: ..>s>e -bc: ..>-b>c -c-b: ..>-c>-b -s-e: ..>-s>-e -b-c: ..>-b>-c -cb: ..>-c>b ce: ..>c>e c-e: ..>c>-e In Table 4 are presented for comparison the structural features that have a lower contribution than those presented in Table 3. hi Table 4 can be seen a higher variabilitv with exponents m and n than in Table 3. A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. 171 Dependence o/*Ljj(m,n) indices on branching Increase or decrease with branching Whether the values of the Ljj(m,n) indices increase or decrease with branching is presented for octanes in Table 5. Table 5. Schematic presentation of the change of values of Lij(m,n) indices of octanes on increasing branching. m 3 + + + + + + + + + 6+ 3+ 2 + + + + + + + + 11+ 3+ - 1 + + + + + 6+ 2+ - - - - 0c>e>s. In Table 6 are presented the former two in the form, e.g. Bc meaning b>c>.., whereas in Table 7 are presented the latter two, e.g. in the form es meaning ..>e>s Meaning of combinations of labels: B-c: b>-c>.. -E-b: -e>-b>. Sb: s>b>.. -S-e: -s>-e>.. Be: b>e>.. -E-c: -e>-c>. -Sb: -s>b>.. B-e: b>-e>.. -Es: -e>s>.. -S-b: -s>-b>.. -B-e: -b>-e>.. Bs: b>s>.. B-s: b>-s>.. -S-c: -s>-c>.. S-e: s>-e>.. -Se: -s>e>.. A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. 173 The contribution of ethyl groups or of the separation between branches is higher than that of the number of branches mainly among the Lij(m,n) indices positioned in the intermediate domains observed in Table 5. A higher value of the structural feature contributes either to a higher increase of the value of the index (no sign before the label) or to a higher decrease of the value of the index (the - sign before the label). At n = 0, only the number of branches and the type of the branched structure (i.e. whether the branch bearing carbon is tertiary or quaternary) influence the value of the Ljj(m,n) index. Table 7 presents structural features that have a lower contribution than those presented in Table 6. Indices Ljj(-oo,-oo) and Lij(-1/2,-c0) do not index any contribution of structural features. Table 7. Two structural features having the lowest contribution to the value of a L;j(m,n) index due to the increase of branching. m 3 ec ec ec ce ec ec ec ec -e-c -e-c -e-c -e-c -c-b -bs 2 ec ec ec ec ec ec ec ec -e-c -e-c -e-c -c-b -cs -cs 1 ec ec ec ec -se c-s c-s c-s -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs '/2 ec ec ec -se c-s c-s c-s c-s -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs '/3 ec ec ec -se c-s c-s c-s c-s -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs '/4 ec ec ec c-s c-s c-s c-s c-s -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs 0 ec ec ec c-s c-s c-s c-s c-s -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs "'/4 ec ec ec -se c-s c-s c-s c-s -cs s-b -cs -cs -cs -cs "'/3 ec ec ec -se -se c-s c-s c-s -cs -cs s-b -cs -cs -cs "'/2 ec ec -se ec -se -se -se -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs -cs -1 -b-e -c-e -bc -se ec ec ec ec -cs -e-c -e-c -cb -cs -cs -2 -e-b -e-b -ce -ce -se -c-e -c-e -c-e ce ce c-e -e-c -cs -cs -4 -e-b -cb -se -se -se -se -c-e -c-e ce ce ce -e-c -cs -cs -6 -e-b -se -se -se -se -se -c-e -c-e ce ce ce -e-c -cs -cs -oo -se -se -se -se -se -c-e -c-e ce ce ce -e-c -cs -cs -oo -6 -4 -2 -1 -v2 -'h -V4 0 v4 v3 v2 1 2 3 n Meaning of combinations of labels: -bc: ..>.b>c -bs: ..>-b>s -b-e: ..>-b>-e -cb: ..>-c>b -c-b: ..>-c>-b ce: ..>c>e -ce: ..>-c>e -c-e: ..>-c>-e c-s: ..>c>-s -cs: ..>-c>s ec: ..>e>c -e-c: ..>-e>-c s-b: ..>s>-b -se: ..>-s>c -se: ..>-s>e Size ofthe molecule Index Lij(0,0) indexes only the size ofthe molecule: Ly(0,0) = N-l, where Af is the A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices 174 Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. number of carbon atoms. Other Ljj(m,n) indices except Ljj(-co,0) index the size of the molecule and also the influence of other structural features. In majority of cases, except in some cases when m < -xl2 and n < 0, cf Table 2, the contribution of the size of the molecule to the value of a Ljj(m,n) index is greater than the contribution of structural features indicating branching. This fact will not be mentioned again below unless considered necessary. Number The index Ljj(-co,0) indexes only the number of branches. The contribution of the number of branches to the value of other Ljj(m,n) indices is in most cases the major one, Table 6. Type ofthe branched structure Ljj(m,0) indices, which are not mentioned above in the text, index the size of the molecule, the number of branches, as well as the type of the branched structure, i.e. whether the branch bearing carbon is tertiarv or quaternary. They indicate that the structure having a quaternary carbon is more branched than that having two tertiary carbons. Type of branches The label E in Table 6 indicates that at some combinations of exponents m and n, in the Ljj(m,n) indices the exchange of a methvl group for an ethyl group in the structure of an octane contributes to the value of index more than any other structural feature, whereas in several cases (label e) it is the second greatest contribution. Position of branches To the value of a Lij(m,n) index the position of branches in most cases contributes less than the number of branches and the type of branches. Separation between branches The separation betvveen branches contributes to the value of indices Lj,(3,l), Lj,(3,2), Ljj(2,l), Lij(-6 to-1,-co), Ljj(-4 to -1,-6), Ly(-2,-4), and Ly(-l,-4) more than any other structural feature contributing to branching. It has the second greatest contribution to the values of several indices in the are ofthe m,n plane extending from (-co,l) over (0,-co) to (3,V2). A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. 175 Correlation ofphysicochemicalproperties with Lij(m,n) indices The values of tested Ljj(m,n) indices were correlated with values of 23 or 24 physicochemical properties, as applicable. Best correlations in a linear relationship were sought for in order to have a relationship, which is as simple as possible. At this step, the intention is not to fmd the best possible QSPR models, but the domains of exponents m and n, where the best linear correlation can be expected. For this reason, the results are presented in the plane of exponents m and n; in Fig. 1 for data of 38 alkanes from propane to ali octanes inclusive and in Fig. 3 for data of octanes. Where the data of 2,2,3,3-tetramethyl butane is lacking (i.e. in MON and logVP), this isomer is not included. Figure 1. Positions of 23 physicochemical properties determined by the highest observed correlation coefficient r (in parentheses, see below) with Lij(m,n) indices for data of alkanes from propane to octanes inclusive, in the plane of exponents m and n. m 3 2 1 * MON v2 de v3 Te BP VP Hv Zc v4 ** B/T 0 (*l) M Vm Ve T/P (DO -v4 ffl -v3 AHP -v2 -1 -2 -4 A -6 -oo -oo -6 -4 -2 -1 -v2 -v3 -v4 0 v4 v3 v2 1 2 3 n Labels, (r): MON (-0.803), de (0.855), Te (0.985), Zc (-0.699), Vm (0.980), Ve (0.991), o (0.973), AHf°g (0.992), A (0.674) *:nD (0.895), d (0.931) BP: BP (0.991), B (0.975) VP: logVP (-0.986) Hv: AHv (0.990) **: Tc2/Pc (0.9995), Pc (-0.960) B/T: BP/Tc (0.980) M: Mw (1), MR (0.998) T/P: Tc/Pc (0.998) (D): C (-0.961), ac (0.948) (ki): largest eigenvalue of the A(djacency matrix)19'20 (Di): largest eigenvalue of the D(istance matrix) A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices 176 Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. The pattern of Fig. 1 here is, on the one hand, different from that of Fig. 1 in ref. relating to the Vij(m,n) indices. The reason is obvious; the pattern reflects in both cases the vicinity of indices having a linear or nearly linear increase with carbon number. Here, the pattern in Fig. 1 is, on the other hand, quite different from that in Fig. 3. In Fig. 1, there is a functional relationship betvveen the molecular weight (Mw) and the index Ljj(0,0), which indicates only the size of the molecule and increases linearly with carbon number. The majority of other tested physicochemical properties correlate best with other indices, derived using exponents m and n not very different from zero. They indicate that a nearly linear increase with carbon number is an important characteristic of an index to index the dependence of many physicochemical properties on the size of the molecule. Most of mentioned indices have a low but positive value of exponent m. The best correlations with data of physicochemical properties of alkanes from propane to octanes inclusive are observed at Mw (r = 1), Tc2/Pc (r = 0.9995), MR (r = 0.998), Tc/Pc (r = 0.998), AHf°g (r = 0.992), Ve (r = 0.991), BP (r = 0.991), and AHv (r = 0.990). Figure 2. Positions in the plane of exponents m and n of best observed correlation coefficients of phvsicochemical property Tc2/Pc (and the van der Waals parameter ao) and Ljj(m,n) indices for data of alkanes from propane to octanes inclusive. m 3 2 1 0 n n n ¦ v2 0 0 0 n • n n 0 v3 0 0 0 n o n n 0 v4 0 0 0 n • o n 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n • 0 -v4 0 0 0 n n -v3 0 0 0 0 ¦ -v2 0 0 n -1 0 0 -2 0 -4 0 -6 ¦ -oo 0 -oo -6 -4 -2 -1 -v2 -v3 -v4 0 v4 v3 v2 i 2 3 n Open symbols: O: r> 0.999, D: 0.99 < r < 0.999, 0: 0.95 < r < 0.99, no symbol: r < 0.95 Closed symbol: local maximum A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derived from the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. 177 Also the five best correlations of these physicochemical properties with tested Ljj(m,n) indices (not shown) give rise to a similar pattern. The positions of five best correlations of Ve and AHf°g indicate that there is more than one maximum of correlation coefficients in the plane of exponents m and n. This fact is illustrated in Fig. 2 with best observed correlations of Te /Pc with the Lij(m,n) indices. Figure 3. Positions of 24 physicochemical properties in the plane of exponents m and n, determined by the highest correlation coefficient (data in parentheses, see below) for data of oetanes with L;j(m,n) indices. m 3 dVn * 2 MR # \ 1 B/T Pc v2 T/P ac v3 v4 f/p MON 0 (h) (Di) -v4 ® ** -v3 Hv -v2 C VP -1 Zc S -2 A -4 -6 -oo R2 -oo -6 -4 -2 -1 -v2 -v3 -v4 0 v4 v3 v2 1 2 3 n Labels, (r): MR (0.891), Pc (-0.961), ac (0.740), MON (-0.984), ro (-0.994), C (0.967), Zc (-0.729), S (-0.961), A (-0.775), R2 (-0.927), dVn: d (0.930), Vm (-0.928), nD (0.923) *: B (-0.727), Te (-0.848) #: Ve (0.841), de (-0.824), B/T: BP/Tc (-0.991) T/P: Tc/Pc (-0.996) T2/P: Tc2/Pc (0.982) ** BP (-0.852), AHf°g (0.875) Hv: AHv (-0.925) VP: logVP (-0.727) (A.1): largest eigenvalue of the A(djacency matrix)19'20 (Di): largest eigenvalue of the D(istance matrix) The pattern of Fig. 3 is different from that of Fig. 1. Evidently, the pattern of Fig. 1 is governed first of ali by the dependence of the values of physicochemical properties on the size of the molecule. The pattern in Fig. 3, on the other hand, is governed only by branehing since the influence of the size of the molecule is excluded. Surprising is the position of several best observed correlations near the diagonals in Fig. 3, characterized A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices 178 Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. by exponents m = n or m = -n. The best correlation is observed at Tc/Pc (r = -0.996), ® (r = -0.994), BP/Tc (r = -0.991), MON (r S (r = -0.961), and Pc (r = -0.961). -0.985), TcTPc (r = 0.982), C (r = 0.967), Figure 4. Positions of best five correlations of eight physicochemical properties of octanes with Lij(m,n) indices in the plane of exponents m and n. m 3 2 1 P5 P3 P4 [32 b5 Pl v2 b2 bi C3 0)4 M4 v3 b3 a3 a4 M5 M2 v4 b4 al a2 a5 Ml 0 (*0 (Di) M3 -v4 m2 col -v3 0)3 ©5 -v2 Cl C2 C4 S5 -1 C5 -2 P2 -4 -6 -oo -oo -6 -4 -2 -1 -v2 -V3 : -V4 o v4 v3 v2 1 2 3 n *PCP MON Pc LhL^nHrCPCP^jfm,!!))) Ml :Lij(74,3) (-0.98420) M4: L1:(72,3) (-0.98340) P1: Lij( 1,V2) (-0.96136) P4:Lij(l,-4) (0.94988) C\:\4rll2,-6) (0.96729) C4:L1J(-V2,-2) (0.96401) col: LijC-V^-l) (-0.99425) ©4: L1:(72,74) (0.99211) bi iLijCVi-l) (-0.99644) b4:L1J(V4,-l) (-0.99376) b5:Lij(l,-l) (-0.99106) P3:Lij(l, -6) (-0.98679) S C5:Lij(-l,-2) (-0.96148) C4:Lij(-1/2,-2) (-0.95617) Tc2/Pc al: Lij(74,74) (0.98249) a4:Lij(1/:„1/3) (0.98134) Tc/Pc BP/Tc M2:L1J(V3,3) (-0.98413) M5: Lij(73,2) (-0.98276) P2: Ly(-2,2) (-0.95502) P5:Lij(l,-oo) (0.94978) C2: Lij(-72,-4) (0.96523) C5:Lij(-l,-2) (0.96356) co2: Lij(-74,-2) (-0.99391) co5:L1J(-7:„-l) (-0.99211) b2:L1J(72.-2) (-0.99491) b5:Lij(l,-l) (-0.99258) (32: Li/l,-2) (-0.99077) P5:Lij(l,-oo) (-0.98644) C\:\4rll2,-6) (-0.95777) S5:Li:(-72,-l) (-0.95383) a2:Lij(74,73) (0.98187) a5: Lij(74,72) (0.98036) M3:Lij(0,3) (-0.98344) P3:Lij(l,-6) (0.94988) C3:L1:(72,0) (-0.96473) co3:Lij(-73,-2) (-0.99270) b3:Lij(73,-l) (-0.99470) P4:Lij(l,-4) (-0.98782) C2: Lij(-72,-4) (-0.95723) a3:L1J(73,74) (0.98185) * Labelling system: Physicochemical property (PCP) label in Fig. 4: Li(m,n) (r (PCP;Lij(m,n))) (ki): largest eigenvalue of the A(djacency matrix)19'20 (Di): largest eigenvalue of the D(istance matrix) A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. 179 The comparison of Fig. 3 here with Fig. 2 in ref. shows that there is a different pattern of positions of best correlation coefficients in the two groups of indices and physicochemical properties in the plane of exponents m and n. The best correlation coefficients are in most cases slightly higher for the Vij(m,n) indices than for the Ljj(m,n) indices. The situation comparing the Vij(m,n) indices11 with Lij(m,n) indices is similar to that when comparing the W(m,n) indices with L(m,n) indices : The largest eigenvalues of the vmdn matrices are mostly slightly better indices of the size of the molecules, whereas the summation-derived indices are mostly slightly better branching indices. Figure 5. Positions in the plane of exponents m and n of best observed correlation coefficients of the physicochemical property Tc/Pc (and of the van der Waals parameter b0) and L;j(m,n) indices for data of octanes. m r<0 • r>0 3 2 1 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 ¦ 0 v2 0 0 n D ¦ D 0 0 0 0 0 0 v3 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 v4 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¦ ¦ 0 0 0 0 -v4 0 0 ¦ 0 0 -v3 0 0 0 -v2 0 0 -1 ¦ 0 -2 0 0 -4 0 -6 0 -oo ¦ -oo -6 -4 -2 -1 -v2 -v3 -V4 0 V4 V3 v2 1 2 3 n Open symbol: D: 0.99 < abs(r) < 0.999, 0: 0.95 < abs(r) < 0.99, no symbol: abs(r) < 0.95 Closed symbol: local maximum In Fig. 4, five positions of best correlations of eight physicochemical properties of octanes correlating best with tested Ljj(m,n) indices are given. They indicate different dependence of best correlation coefficients of physicochemical properties with tested Ljj(m,n) indices on the combination of exponents m and n. The positions of five best A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices 180 Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. correlations corresponding to Pc, C, and © indicate that there is more than one maximum of correlation coefficients in the plane of exponents m and n. The situation is illustrated in Fig. 5 for the best correlating physicochemical property, Tc/Pc. Inspection of ali correlations of tested data shows that the occurence of several local maxima is a general fact. If we compare the contribution of structural features to the values of Tc/Pc of octanes with the contribution to indices in the highest local correlation maxima in Fig. 5, i.e. to Ljj(V2,-l), Ljj(-'/4,l), and Ljj(-l,l), the sequence of contribution of structural features is -b>-e>-c>s, b>e>c>-s, -b>-e>-c>s, and -e>s>-c>b, respectively. Thus, the indices Ljj(V2,-l) and Ljj(-V4,l) have the same sequence as Tc/Pc, though the former one with opposite sign, which reflects also in the sign of the correlation coefficient. The index Ljj(-l,l), on the other hand, has a quite different sequence of contributions of structural features and in spite of that a quite good correlation. If we compare the relative values of these contributions, Table 8, we can see that they are quite different. It seems that several combinations of these contributions enable a good correlation. Table 8. Relative contribution of structural features to the value of Tc/Pc and to three indices in local maxima in Fig. 5. Tc/Pc L,i(72,-1) L,j(-V4,l) L,i(-l,l) r (Tc/Pc;index) -0.9964 0.9917 0.9915 sequence -b>-e>-c>s b>e>c>-s -b>-e>-c>s -e>s>-c>b relative contribution of b -1 1-11 c -0.38 0.28 -0.28 -1.10 s 0.23 -0.22 0.14 1.21 e__________-0A6_________038_______-0.40 -1.34 Labels see Table 3. Ljj(m,n) indices that might be good branching indices. In Fig. 6, the Ljj(m,n) indices that may be good branching indices are presented in the plane of exponents m and n. The index L;j(-co,0) indexes only the number of branches, i.e. Ly(-oo,0) = Np - 1 = Nbr + 1, where Np is the number of vertices of degree one and Nbr is the number of branches. It is a simple, primitive and degenerated, but a A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derivedfrom the vmct Matrix. Part 8. Lij(m,n) Indices Acta Chim. Slov. 2003, 50, 161-184. 181 true branching index presenting the most important infonnation about branching - the number of branches (the number of vertices of degree one). The indices Lij(m,0), m * -oo and m ^ 0, index the size of the molecule, the number of branches and in addition they indicate that a quaternary structure is more branched than a tertiary one. They are degenerated branching indices, less simple than Ljj(-co,0). The index Ljj(-oo,l) is interesting since it indexes quite distinctively the size of the molecule, the number of branches, as well as the separation betvveen branches, followed by lower contributions of the type of branches and their position. From the sequence of octanes: Oct < 3Et6 < 4M7 < 3M7 < 2M7 < 3Et3M5 < 33M6 < 22M6 < 3Et2M5 < 34M6 < 23M6 < 24M6 < 25M6 < 233M5 < 223M5 < 234M5 < 224M5 < 2233M4 can be deduced the following rule: n- (Nbr = 0) < It (Nbr = 1; ctrs>-e>-c. It indicates that a quaternary structure can be presented as a structure having the separation betvveen branches equal to zero. Thus, whereas the index Ljj(-oo,l) distinguishes clearly the values of the separation betvveen branches, the indices Vij(m,0), n * -oo and n * 0, distinguish only whether the separation betvveen branches equals to zero or it is larger than zero. There are also 13 Ljj(m,n) indices having a "regular" sequence of isomers: Oct < 2M7 < 3M7 < 4M7 < 3E6 < 25M6 < 24M6 < 23M6 < 34M6 < 3E2M5 < 22M6 < 33M6 < 3E3M5 < 234M5 < 224M5 < 223M5 < 233M5 < 2233M4. They are grouped in a plane characterized by the values of exponents in the vmdn matrix of -1 < m < 0 and -2 < n < 0. It is interesting that although they have the same sequence of isomers, this sequence is caused by three different sequences of contributions of structural features. These Ljj(m,n) indices seem to 17 ^^ be good sources of the susceptibility for branching derived BIa type" branching indices. A. Perdih, B. Perdih: Some Topological Indices Derived from the V"q V3 t>q v4 t>q 0 (*l) N-\ (DO -v4 Ba Ba Ba Ba Kq -v3 Bb Ba Ba Ba te>c>-s , at Bb: b>e>-s>c, and at Bc: b>-s>e>c t