SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 31/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 31.7. 2022 18. NEDELJA MED LETOM 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Brez Boga je vse nično »Našel sem počitek,« bo rekel: 'Odslej bom živel od svojih dobrin: Pa neve, koliko časa bo steklo, ko jih bo prepustil drugim in umrl.« V tem orisu je Sirah, svetopisemski modrijan iz 2. stol. pred Kr., že vsejal seme Lukove prilike o bo-gatašu, nad katerim visi meč smrti: »Prav to noč bodo terjali tvoje življenje.« Smo namreč pred lekcijo s katero se v vseh kulturah in veroizpovedih soočajo z iluzijo o »ogabni slavi zlata«. Niti slučajno današnje prvo berilo ne predlaga nekega trpkega branja. V prvi vrstici svoje knjige namreč prikaže tisto, kar kvari vsako človeško stvarnost. »Nečimrnost čez nečimrnost« je v hebrejščini neke vrste presežnik besede »habel/hebel«, ki pomeni dih, paro, dim, izdih, veter, praznost, nečimrnost, nič. Ta »silovita praznina« napolnjuje in razbija tudi bogastvo, ki ga ima človek za neuničljiv temelj, na katerega postavlja svojo veselo prihodnost in življenje samo. Jezusovo vprašanje: »To, kar si spravil, čigavo bo?« je napovedal že Pridigar v svoji predstavitvi grožnje praznote in smrti tako človeku kot stvarem. Sin razpolaga z bogastvom dediščine in je pripravljen deliti premoženje, za katerega ni prelil niti kapljice znoja. Oče je moral delati, sin je užil sadove; očetu je pripadala skrb za razporeditev dela, sinu pa, da zapravi vse njegove sadove. »Kopiči, a ne ve, kdo bo pobiral« (Ps 39,7). Gre torej za nepremišljeno delovanje, ki vodi k nesmiselnemu koncu. Kaj človeka žene v prizadevanje za pridobivanje, v zaslužkarstvo, v nemoralno dirko, ki smo ji priča? Pridigar bi rad svojega poslušalca pritegnil z mislijo o minulih dneh, napolnjenih s trpljeVESTNIK 2022 | njem, z grenkobo. Zato Sirah opominja: »Nespečnost zaradi bogastva razjeda meso, nenehna skrb zanj odganja spanec. Skrbi prečutih noči bodo odnesle zaspanost, huda bolezen drami iz spanja«. Tako smo pred priliko, ki nam jo danes Jezus ponuja. Onstran tega, da bi se zatekali k vsebini, ki so jo predstavili že modri v Stari zavezi, se na zelo prefinjen način predstavi misel, priljubljena Jezusovem oznanjevanju: To je o nujnosti odločitve in prizadevanju za božje kraljestvo. Zelo pomenljivo je nasprotje med načrti človeka, ki vse svoje imetje polaga v »veliko dobrin, shranjenih za mnogo let« in s tem čas skoraj neizmernega veselja, dneve užitkov in na drugi strani odločen božji načrt o »tej noči«, katere je cilj že dokončno opredeljen. Človekova usoda, podobno kot božje kraljestvo, izbruhne v trenutku in zato ne smemo biti raztreseni, temveč čuječi in pozorni. Ne smemo imeti rok polnih stvari, ki se jih moramo znebiti, temveč je treba biti bogat v Bogu. Zelo prijetno je razmišljati z Jezusovimi besedami, ki jih Luka uvršča takoj za priliko in jih bomo slišali prihodnjo nedeljo: »Naredite si mošnje, ki ne ostarijo, neizčrpen zaklad v nebesih, kamor se tat ne približa in kjer molj ne razjeda .... Vaša ledja naj bodo opasana in svetilke prižgane« (12,33.35). V teh besedah se prepletata dve »lekciji« naše prilike: ne bodimo nerazumni in lakomni kot neumni bogataš; prizadevajmo si marveč, da bi bili kot romar, vedno na nogah, pripravljen za pot, ki ga vodi h končnemu cilju, kjer bo končno našel veselje in počitek. Gre za isto ozračje, ki ga opeva znameniti indijski pesnik R. Tagore. Govori o poti vere: »Pred menoj se razprostira ocean miru. O Timoniere, poženi se naproti globokemu morju, ti boš moj večni spremljevalec, vzemi me v svoje naročje! Zvezda severnica bo svetila in osvetljevala stezico naproti večnosti ... Razvezale se bodo zemeljske vezi, neizmerno vesolje me bo sprejelo v svoje naročje in brez strahu bom spoznal Velikega Neznanca.« (Prim. Oznanjevalec - leto C_2006/7, štev. 4) 274 | VESTNIK 2022 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. First Reading Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23 The Preacher reflects on the vanity of human endeavour. Second Reading Colossians 3:1-5. 9-11 Paul tells the Colossian Christians to let their thoughts be on heavenly things. Gospel Luke 12:13-21 Jesus warns us to be on our guard against avarice of any kind. “This very night the demand will be made for your soul.” Illustration A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is one of the best-loved Christmas stories ever written. First published in 1846, it is thought to have had the astounding effect of renewing the celebration of the feast itself throughout Britain. It does not refer directly to the original Christmas story but takes as its central point the Christmas message of peace and goodwill to all. In the course of one night, the miser Scrooge is subjected to visitations from the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future. These experiences put Scrooge in touch with the bright young man he once was, the terrifyingly destructive presence he has become and the devastation that lies ahead both for him and for others if he does not change his ways. The effect when he awakes from this series of nightmares on Christmas Day is that of a total transformation. He emerges as a personality now full of joy and kindness and even a dangers of riches and the need to come to the support of those who are poor. Jesus isn’t a killjoy. He enjoys feasting with both rich and poor people, but he is only too aware that the pursuit of money and material wealth gets in the way of his message. If we make material possessions the main aim of our life, it will be difficult for us to think of others, especially those who are in greatest need. We can become addicted to wanting more and more rather than using our success to remedy the inequalities that surround us. The story of the man building bigger barns has a touch of the ghost of Christmas future. sense of mischief. His ghostly guides have put him in touch with his deeper and more real self. It has taken a mixture of remembered joy and anxious fear to achieve the change, but the new Scrooge becomes a symbol of how we should live in generous concern both for our families and for our neighbours and colleagues. Where there was meanness there is now openness, penny-pinching is replaced by extravagance, and disdain is replaced by delight. Gospel Teaching At a first reading of the book of Ecclesiastes, we might think the author is throwing up his hands at the absurdity of life and declaring human life to be nothing but vanity. A closer reading reveals he is trying to tackle the same issue as the one Jesus faced. There was a general belief at the time that wealth was a sign both of God’s blessing and that you had lived a good life. If you were poor, you must have done something wrong. It is a view Jesus struggled to reverse even with his own disciples. The story of the rich man building bigger barns is only found in St Luke’s Gospel as he is the Gospel, writer most concerned with the Application We live in a capitalist world. Most of us don’t fully understand what this implies but, consciously or unconsciously, it does affect the way we live. In such a world the economy is the central concern, and the economy is only deemed successful if it grows. In order to grow, there has to be a constant increase in productivity and sales – the “bigger barns” ­– and a constant increase in consumption, namely people willing to purchase such products. Endless advertising tries to ensure this pattern is maintained. Providing a fair share for all in this merry-go-round is not easy and has never been achieved. Does the state interfere to enable such a balance or not? As individuals, how do we express our Christian beliefs when the pressure is to build our own barns at others’ expense? As the power lies in the hands of rich people, it can be difficult for them to share more generously, as this feels like letting go of control. Those who are poor may feel envious of what they do not have, especially as advertising presents all goods as being available to all. Those in the middle can swing between fear and greed. The miracle is that so many people still manage to put their energies into concern for others and seek to build up community in whatever way they can. These are the ones who listen to the inner voice of love that expresses the human heart at its best and most resilient. As Tiny Tim exclaims in A Christmas Carol: “God bless us, every one!” VESTNIK 2022 | 275 BARAGA DAYS 2022 - TORONTO Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 4:30 pm Slovenian Litany 5:00 pm Slovenian Mass 6:00 pm Showing of the EWTN documentary Walking with Baraga: The Joe Gregorich Story. Q & A Session to follow 7:30 pm Banquet and entertainment in hall ($45.-) Cash bar will be available at banquet and luncheon RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Sunday, September 4th, 2022 EWTN Documentary – They Might Be Saints Bishop Frederic Baraga Q & A Session to follow 10:00 am English Mass 11:30 am Luncheon in hall ($30.-) RESERVATIONS REQUIRED 12.30 pm Bishop Baraga Association annual meeting 9:00 am Bring or send reservation & payment by August 8th to: Rose Nesich 739 Browns Line, Toronto ON M8W 3V7 Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Email: 416-255-2721 Za našo župnijo bomo za soboto zvečer organizirali avtobusni prevoz. Kot vidite iz sporeda, se je potrebno prijaviti najkasneje do 8. avgusta. Za našo župnijo bo prijave zbirala Terezija Sarjaš, telefon 905-930-7990. Ceno za avtobusni prevoz bomo objavili pozneje. Za nedeljo ne bomo posebej organizirali; kdor bi se želel udeležiti tudi kosila, naj se prijavi Rose Nesich - podatki so zgoraj! 276 | VESTNIK 2022 V nedeljo, 24. julija 2022, je bilo pri društvu Bled zelo slovesno. Ob 30 letnici postavitve kapelice, posvečene Materi Božji, je bila ob enih popoldne sveta maša. Ker je dopoldne deževalo, so bili vsi pozitivno presenečeni nad zdelo dobro udeležbo. Že pri maši se je zbralo okrog 50 vernikov. G. Branko Balažic je vodil sveto mašo, ob sodelovanju bralcev. Pred oltarjem je bil lepo okrašen Marijin kip iz kapelice, ki so ga po sveti maši v procesiji in ob petju marijinih pesmi ,ponesli nazaj na svoje mesto. Po maši je sledila še »gasilska« slika za spomin. Hvala Anici Doma in pomočnicam, ki skrbijo, da je kapelica in njena okolica vedno lepo urejena. Pri dvorani pa je bilo živahno tudi ostali del popoldneva, da so se klopi dobro napolnile. Jedača in pijača je bila pripravljena za vse lačne. Fotografije: Angela Kobe VESTNIK 2022 | 277 PEČENKAFEST 2022 Thank you MEMBERSHIP for another outstanding Slovenski Park Event. Pečenkafest is the most attended celebration so far this year. Let’s keep up the momentum! First of all, we must as always thank the BEHIND-THE-SCENES Members that keep Slovenski Park so neat and beautiful so that whenever anyone arrives, they are always pleased with its welcoming appearance: Adam Dalessio – our hišnik/caretaker, Andrej Kanc and his crew of grasscutters/ bushtrimmers/ treetoppers and general maintenance staff, Štefka Kanc for park beautification and hall/bathroom/kitchen/picnic grounds etc. cleaning and upkeep. You also may have noticed that for Slovenski Dan – much cleaning/beautification was done and will be mentioned separately but for now - a huge shout out to Marija and Joze Zunic for the amazing transformation of the garden by the pool, The Mramors for sanding and painting the chapel, the Muhic family, Bubaš family, Mramor family for the pool cleaning and landscaping and upkeep. Thanks to the members of the EXECUTIVE for purchasing, delivering, and organizing the food and workers: Dan Demsar, Peter Novak, Gerry Finn, Louie Kopač, Regina & John Bell, Josie Dubé. Work started on Friday to prepare for Saturday – our PREPPERS. Thanks to the couples that prepped the meals: Marija & Ivan Kajs, Katica and Tony Kuzma. Thanks to the girls who prepped the chickens: Josie Dube, Kathy Tougher, Mary Ann Demšar, Amanda Purdon. Thanks to the boys who prepped the pigs: Andy Bubaš, Daniel Bubaš, John Kajin, Andy Zigante, Robert Vincic, Chris Nezic. And of course, Dan Demsar who gets things started and keeps things going . Next up – the GATEKEEPERS – these are the first faces people see when they enter the park. 278 | VESTNIK 2022 Our GateKeepers are welcoming to guests and members, hand out the Glossy Flyers to all who enter – collect admission and/or mark off which members attend – and we are grateful for all they do. Make sure you visit them next time you are up at the park – we always appreciate the company. So, on Friday night we thank Anthony Sekli and Jessi Kumer. Saturday, during the day we thank Anthony Sekli once again and Jesse Kumer’s aunt. Saturday afternoon/evening we thank Brittany and Beau Chlan. If you want to meet park members, this is a great volunteer position to get to know everyone. The ROASTERS are up early Sat morning – thank you Peter Zigante, Robert Vinci, Steve Coombs. We encountered some difficulty finding CUTTERS for this event – 11 pigs were roasted, but no cutters were available. So a huge thank you to Tony Kuzma who came to our rescue even though he was entertaining a huge group of family and friends at his trailer. Thanks Sandy Manzione, Tony’s son-in-law for stepping in to help. So – those of you who would like to apprentice – please let us know - and learn the art of cutting from the masters. Also early are the KITCHEN volunteers – so we thank the first shift of kitchen help: Barb Zaloznik, Majda Zunic, Vera Kobetič, Maria Rogina. Thanks to the second kitchen shift: Joise Dube, Liz Smolinger, Ava Smolinger, Marianne Skerl. Thanks to the third kitchen shift: Mary Miklavcic, Vanessa Scarcelli. Also thanks to our lovely ladies who plated the desserts: Terezika Pušič, Ivanka Grdadolnik, Marija Kajs. Thanks to Marija Žunič for making the štrudel and the ladies in the kitchen who baked the štrudel. And thank you the members who baked and donated the plentiful delicious desserts so our guests could indulge their sweet tooth. Thanks to Dan Demsar and Peter Novak who were there bright and early to open up the kitchen and stayed late to close it. VESTNIK 2022 | 279 Thanks to the ladies at the CASH REGISTERS who were kept busy all day – Regina Bell, Teresa Zupančič, Magda Razpotnik. Thanks to the guys at the BAR who also kept busy: Dan Dube, Joe Razpotnik, Drago Horvat. Thanks to the volunteers in the GAZEBO who served the Pečenka, facing line-ups and accolades: Anita Manzione, Nicholas Scarcelli, Sasha Vidmar, Chris Nezič, Nicholas Bubas. Kudos to Nicholas Scarcelli for leading and organizing the pečenka servers – setting up the debit/credit tablet TAP at the cash registers – and troubleshooting all things TECH. Too numerous to mention – and always humble – thanks to those who set up the picnic tables, seat cushions, transform the patio and grounds into a festive atmosphere, and to those who clean up after the event – remove the cushions, rearrange the tables, pick up the garbage, and make the place look as good as new again. To these often unsung heroes - we thank you. Whew! That’s a lot of people. And of course – thanks to Danny Demsar and Peter Novak as they organize, trouble shoot, and work diligently all event long. No event is a success without these two well-oiled team leaders. Next up – a big thank you to the Pečenkafest Competition Organizers: Jani Pušič, John Kajin, and MC Nancy Kajin. You made the event fun, informative, and entertaining. Thanks to those who set up vendor kiosks: Michelle Pušič, Stephanie Pušič, Sydney Zunic. Let’s support our entrepreneurs and hope to see even more vendors next year. Thanks to Mary Ann Demsar who set up the display showcasing Slovenian Art and Handicrafts. We are grateful to the Puslinch Fire Department. The kids loved to sit in the Firetruck with their red Firefighter hats. Thank you for bringing in the Community element to our festival. A huge thank-you to Moya Credit Union who set up a fun kiosk where guests were invited to spin the wheel and win prizes. Thank you Moya 280 | VESTNIK 2022 for your ongoing generous contributions and support of Slovenski Park events and initiatives and all you do for the Slovenian Community. Thanks to the Promotion Team: Mary Ann Demsar – posters, flyers, facebook. Nicholas Scarcelli – webpage. John Kajin – Pečenkafest Profiles. Tony Horvat – Photographer. Thanks to the Competition Judges: Martina Bellemore, Paul Bellemore, Ivan Kajs, Matija Simčič, Joe Pust, Thanks to the Head Judging Monitor John Rozmus along with his team: John Zupančič, Teresa Zupančič, Majda Hader. It wouldn’t be a party – without the music! Thanks so much to the awesome Golden Keys Band. Your upbeat energy keeps the toes tapping and the souls smiling. And of course, Thanks, Accolades, and Kudos to the Nine (9) Teams that entered this year’s Pečenkafest Competition. Congratulations to one and all! First Place: TEAM SVINJA led by Val Končan Second Place: TEAM MGP-POLKA PUJSKI led by Kristijan Razpotnik Third Place: THE GRILLIONAIRES led by Mark Morassutti Special Shout Out to: People’s Choice: THE TIPSY PIGS led by Frank Gimpelj Stefi Muhič and TEAM FESTA for another amazing exhibit – this year a Race Track for both kids and adults. And to the remaining Teams, we are so thrilled you were part of this day. You are all winners. It would not be Pečenkafest without you. RYALL’S PIG OUT led by Dana Ryall THE PORKOHOLICS led by Andy Bubaš MALEVICH ŠILVIO & PEČENKA KINGS led by Tony Malevich SPIT’N & CHILL’N led by Dave Pušič In addition to winning the most popular team at this event “THE TIPSY PIGS” sold “Make Pečenka Not War” Stickers and raised $539 dollars. They also donated their prize money to make the grand total $639. Wow! This will be donated to the Walker Family Cancer Centre. The Walker Family Cancer Centre has a volunteer-based service run through the clinic that provides transportation to those coming in for cancer treatments, that either can’t arrange a ride or just don’t have the means to come in for treatment. The money is given to the drivers for gas or mileage. In Franks’ own words “We thought that this would have the greatest impact for the amount donated. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please visit ” Also, shout out to Lucas Grdadolnik and the Grdadolnik family. Thank you Members for being so generous in donating to “Slovenian Youth Group” set up with a generous donation from Moya Credit Union to help any Slovenian Organization for Youth –Related fund-raising activities. We are thrilled that their first choice is to contribute towards the Basketball/Tennis Courts here at our Slovenski Park. Members donations through the 50/50 raffle, the Team Fešta Go-Karts, the Žunič Log Flower Pot Sales, and other personal donations raised over $1700.00 Wow! In Lucas’ own words “We are extremely excited as we are very close to reaching our goal and being able to revive the outdated sports facilities within the park. Our main mission is to provide for the next generation of young Slovenians and be able to keep the Slovenian community strong for years to come. If you have any questions or wish to donate, please email ” As you can see - it takes a village – and in this case - a park – to put on each Event especially this one. We thank all who volunteer, support and contribute their time and talents to our “Home away from Home” Slovenski Park. Pečenkafest was an amazing success – thanks to you – our Members, Family, Friends! Mary Ann Demšar, Chairperson, Board of Directors Slovenski Park VESTNIK 2022 | 281 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS DOGODKI: JULIJ — AVGUST Dear Friends The year goes around very fast and here we are time for Holy Mass following with our yearly Picnic. Food will be available on a preorder basis. We have a menu for you to select your meal. You need your reply back by AUGUST THE 5th. Some of you may say "I am not sure yet". Please pre order your meal, if necessary you can cancel it. SUNDAY, August 14, 2022 in Breslau HOLY MASS 1:00 p.m. with Father Drago Gačnik Food will be served from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m. ONLY ENTERTAINMENT by GOLDEN KEYS ADMISSION $5.00 PER PERSON MENU to choose from: - CHICKEN SCHNITZEL or PORK SCHNITZEL - FRIES OR POTATO SALAD - COLESLAW or BEETS or SAUERKRAUT - DESSERT INCLUDED $20.00 PER PORTION PLEASE NOTE: FOOD WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FOR THE PEOPLE THAT WILL PRIORDER. Since we do not see each other very often, we hope that you will take this opportunity and join us for an enjoyable afternoon Everyone is welcome to the old Sava place in Breslau Zinka Mirt for Sava Board 282 | VESTNIK 2022 - July 31, 2022 - Slovenski park Civic Holiday Long Weekend: Mass at 1:00 p.m. - August 7, 2022 - Lipa Park - Music in the Park picnic - August 13, 2022 - Bled - Golf Tournament - August 14, 2022 - Breslau - Sava Mass - 1:00 p.m. - Picnic - August 28, 2022 - Bled - Summer picnic - September 3-4, 2022 - Toronto Brezmadežna - Baraga Days DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: V spomin na pokojnega Franka Pavlakoviča - $150 - Zorka Rev z družino - $100 - John in Milka Sobočan V spomin na pokojno Marijo-Miro Špiler - $100 - John in Milka Sobočan Hvala za vse vaše darove! PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY Ta teden je prvi petek v mesecu. Ob 6h zvečer bo priložnost za zakrament odpuščanja - sveto spoved, molitev pred Najsvetejšim in ob 7h sveta maša. Vabljeni! V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Vengar Matilda August 1, 2016 Kranjc Josef August 2, 1973 Marinc Anna August 3, 1986 Habjan Valentin August 3, 1999 Lonec Kristina August 3, 2004 Ray Gizella August 3, 2020 Marusich Gabriela August 4, 1986 Šegula Marija August 4, 2002 Vučko Paulina August 6, 1992 Martin Michael August 6, 2011 Šušteršič Janez August 7, 2003 DON BOSCO SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2022 | 283 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 31. 7. 2022 - 7. 8. 2022 Za žive in rajne župljane 18. NEDELJA MED LETOM †† Pokojni starši in sorodniki 18TH SUNDAY † Mira Špiler IN ORDINARY TIME † Ivan Žižek 31. JULIJ IGNACIJ LOJOLSKI, UST. JEZ. PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 1. AVGUST Alfonz Ligvorij, šk-uč. TOREK - TUESDAY 2. AVGUST, Evzebij, škof SREDA - WEDNESDAY 3. AVGUST Lidija, sp. žena ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 4. AVGUST 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - Jožica Novak z družino Sestra Milena Artič Miha Špiler z družino Zorka Rev z družino † Frank Pavlakovič †† Pokojni člani Slovenskega Parka 1:00 P.M. Slovenski Park † Tilka Vengar, obl. 7:00 P.M. Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. † Anton Vengar Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. † Franc Jernejčič, obl. Hči Sonja Langenfus † Elizabeth Farkaš Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš † Štefan Gonza Žena Vera z družino Po namenu † Eileen MacKenize 7:00 P.M. Terezija Prša N.N. † Elizabeth Farkaš †† Maximilian in Maks Sagadin † Gizella Ray † Viktor Glavač † Jožef Gönc (Montreal) 7:00 P.M. CWL - KŽZ Julija Sagadin z družino Hči in družine 7:00 P.M. Žena Olga z družino Olga Glavač z družino Janez Vianej, duh. PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY †† Angela in Emil Hodnik † Frank Pinter 5. AVGUST †† Pok. Iz družine Jurkić Marija Snežna (Nives) SOBOTA - SATURDAY 6. AVGUST JEZUSOVA SPREMENITEV NA GORI † † † †† † † † † Jakob Muhič Jr. Adolf Košir Marija Bukvič Štefan in Ema Temlin Karel Volf Frank Pinter Ana Nedelko August Žalik Za žive in rajne župljane † Jožef Razpotnik Sr. 19. NEDELJA MED LETOM † Jožef Vuk † Hilda Žigon 19TH SUNDAY Po namenu in za zdravje IN ORDINARY TIME †† Pavla in Rudi Levstek 7. AVGUST †† Pokojni iz družine Ramuš KAJETAN, DUH. † Janez Šušteršič, obl. † Elizabeth Farkaš 284 | VESTNIK 2022 7:00 P.M. Manja Erzetič Ana Gergyek Ana Tadić 5:30 P.M. Družina Muhič Marija Košir Anton Bukvič z družino Sestra Marija Volf Žena Marija Volf Žena z družino Marina Štefanec Martin in Regina Nedelko 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - Anica Blas Tony Horvat Family Anica Saje Udovč & Levstek Families Sonja Peternel Žena z družino Karel Ferko