Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Am lc->zzz 'a* - ^ !0£t '■ HOME ----------------ŠLbIVAV&j Hf. SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSr^PER Serving in Ohio and nationwide over 150.000 American Slovenians Vol. 95 _ No_ 44; (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1 1, 1 993 ISSN Number 0164-680X 50C St. Clair Slovenian National Home Gaspari Stage Curtain Rededicated A Pilgrimage to The Holy Land by Helen Kozel Glivar Fifty pilgrims including Fr. David Halaiko, Mary Frye (our director) from Akron, Fr. Joseph Božnar (pastor of St. Vitus), his nephew Edward Novak from Oshawa, Canada, Fr. Tim Daw from Westlake and Fr. John King from Bedford, Ohio left on Wednesday, October 6 on TWA to New York where we boarded another TWA flight direct to Israel -about a 12 hour flight, served with dinner, breakfast and lunch enroute. On arrival at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv at 1:40 P ni. on Thursday, October 7 we were met by our Catholic Palestinian guide - Nabil, and driver of our air-conditioned bas, Kalil. Our first stop was fhe ancient port of Caesarea, JO miles from Tel Aviv, 0riginally founded by the Phoenicians, a great city on Ihe eastern shore of the Nlediterranean, an important 0utpost of the Roman Empire Pride of Herod the Great, Provincial capital of the Holy and. Large sailing vessels ^eek Caesarea’s harbor. Recently 99 gold coins were °und in a stone box minted in 45 and 395, showing 'kenesses of nine emperors in Power at the time. We saw a Oman aqueduct and Crusader Walls. We checked into the St. abriel Hotel in Nazareth. Friday, October 8— We Crossed the Valley of Jezreel and arrived at Megiddo, the ancient city which guarded the Pass thru the Carmel range, etting off the bus at the °rder of Lebanon on the left and to the right, the Golan Heights facing Syria with Mt. Hermon in view, we prayed for peace and safety. We saw spectacular remains of walls, palaces, temples and stables. We walked through a water tunnel, an ancient engineering feat; traveled up to Mt. Carmel to Muhraqah -site of the confrontation of the Prophet Elijah with the pagan god, Baal. On we went to Stella Maris - a beautiful church overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. We drove along Raifa Bay to Akko, a walled port city where we climbed down 120 steps to a spring which slaves built and walked up again 78 steps. The Tell here has 25 layers of civilization. We then came to Mt. Tabor, 1800 feet high, the site of the Transfiguration where we celebrated Mass with our four celebrants, receiving the Eucharist under both species. Homilies were given also in Slovenian with lovely songs and prayers. Saturday, October 9 — Had Mass at the Annunciation Basilica and took a walk where the Holy Family lived. Visited Mary’s well from which we drank the water; the Synagogue church and St. Joseph Church are here. Before we headed on to Galilee, we stopped at Cana where we were given a taste of fine wine. Here married couples pronounced their marriage vows once again. At the Mt. of Beatitudes Fr. Halaiko read Our Lord’s ser-man and we followed in prayers from our Holy Land handbook. Checked into The Quiet Beach Hotel in Tiberias in Galilee. October 10 Sunday — We crossed the Sea of Galilee in a boat, the exact replica which Peter used; celebrated Mass at Peter’s house and saw the ancient synagogue. We circled the Sea of Galilee and stopped at Kursi where Jesus drove out a legion of demons from a possessed man. At River Jordan, we renewed our baptismal rites and took lunch at a beautiful restaurant in Tiberius. We enjoyed a delightful taste of St. Peter’s fish, the meal was fabulous with terrific salads, fruits and desserts. October 11, Monday — We drove to Kibutz Ginosar to learn about an ancient boat discovered in 1980. At Tabgha saw the Church of the Multiplication where an old mosaic floor recalled to us the Lord’s miracle! Celebrated Mass at the Church of the Primacy where Jesus made Peter the Rock of his church. October 12 Tuesday — We left Galilee, going south down the Jordan Valley; stopped at Bet Shean and Jericho and at Bethany where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. When we came to the Mt. of Olives, we saw Jerusalem - the Holy City - and had Mass at Dominus Flevit Church and checked into the very beautiful hotel of Notre Dame. October 13, Wednesday — Celebrated Mass at the Crusader Church of St. Anne. Visited the model of Jerusalem of 70 A.D. at the Holy Land (Continued on page 2) Last Sunday afternoon perhaps two hundred guests gathered in the main hall of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home to participate in the rededication of the superbly restored Gaspari stage curtain. Those in attendance were persons who had contributed to the cost of the restoration. Channel 8 television gave a brief pictorial account of the ceremony on several of its news programs. Bob Hopkins of the SNH board of directors served as master of ceremonies. Edward Kenik, for many years now the president of the SNH board of directors, welcomed those present. Then came the unveiling of the restored curtain, which is truly striking now that the original colors have been highlighted vividly. The Glasbena Matica chorus sang “Slovenec sem” (I am a Slovene) to accompany the presentation of the curtain. Then Bishop A. Edward Pevec gave the blessing to the restored curtain and added his own very appropriate comments. Antonia Zagar read the English translation of an Ivan Zorman poem: Our Slovenian National Home, capably filling in for Vera Candon, who was prevented by illness from attending. This was followed by the Glasbena Matica chorus, under the direction of its new director Thomas Weiss, performing several more Slovene songs, concluding with the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Next came the introduction of the SNH’s current board of directors. The finale was the chorus and the audience together singing the Avsenik favorite “Ostanimo prijatelji.” Guests were treated before and after the ceremony to excellent hors d’oeuvres, wine and other refreshments. Musical entertainment was provided by Don and Rose Slogar, who have graced many an event at the SNH and too seldom receive the credit they deserve in helping preserve this unique facility. While many individuals and groups contributed to the restoration of the Gaspari curtain, the efforts of Jean Križman must be singled out, as indeed they were during the ceremony last Sunday. Great credit also goes to Slovene artist Damjan Kreže, who did the actual restoration of the curtain. Rudolph M. Susel On Sunday, October 24 St. Vitus Post 1655 of the Catholic War Veterans held their annual fall Corporate Communion breakfast at St. Vitus Church and auditorium. After the breakfast, which was attended by 74 post members, spouses, auxiliary and family, the newly elected officers were sworn in by State Commander Thomas Kelty. Pictured here are Officer of the Day Tony Baznik (left) receiving the “Best Officer of the Day Award” a second place nationally, the highest award ever received by a member of the St. Vitus post. Presenting the certificate of recognition is State Commander Thomas Kelty. —Tony Grdina Post Historian AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 11, 1993 2 Trip to Holy Land (Continued'from page 1) Hotel. Took a short trip to Bin Karem (Visitation Site) and birthplace of John the Baptist. October 14, Thursday — On this day we saw the panorama of the Promised Land; visited the tomb of the Prophet Nabi Samwill and on to Herodian and Shepherd’s Field where we celebrated Mass in a cave. We went into the Basilica of the Nativity and prostrated ourselves on the stone floor to kiss the spot where Jesus was born. October 15, Friday — Some of us hiked 4 miles up mountain terrain to Wadi Qilt, visiting the Monastery of St. George Koziba, built into the rocks, up very high; then on to Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found; then to the Dead Sea (1300 ft. below sea level, lowest spot on earth) where we had Mass at the Good Shepherd Church in Jericho. October 16, Saturday — Visited shops, Arab Souks (stalls in crowded alleyways where all manner of goods and produce are sold. Our evening Mass was at a church near the Cenacle (the Last Supper site). October 17, Sunday — Visited Gihon Springs, Siloam Pool and Hezekiah’s water tunnel. At the Temple Mount, we saw the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) and some of us placed petitions into the crevices of the Wall which is a remnant of Solomon’s Temple where Jesus frequented. Visited the Church of St. Peter Gallicantu (the cock crowed); saw the Garden of Gethsemane and the Chapels of Flagelation and Condemnation. We made the Via Dolorosa with Fr. Halaiko leading and for the last station of the Cross, entered the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. We were in awe, realizing that we were standing on the site of the Crucifixion. We visited Lazarus’ Tomb down many deep stairs and a Diamond Factory in Bethlehem. October 18, Monday We held Easter Vigil at the Holy Sepulchre; went to Emmaus; then unto the Ascension and Mt. Zion where Pentecost is remembered. At St. Stephen’s Church and the Dormition Abbey, we thought about our first Martyr and Our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven. In the evening we had our last meal in Jerusalem at a Middle-Eastern Restaurant. We learned a few words in Hebrew and Arabic. Thought the Arab children were so good-looking. Three cheers to Andrea Markus-Mace, who in spite of a broken ankle and in a cast, kept pace with us on most of the walking we did! October 19, Tuesday — On the trip by bus to Tel Aviv, we bid Jerusalem “Shalom and Salam”. After another 12 hour flight from Israel to New York, we landed safely at JFK Airport. We left for Cleveland in a heavy downpour of rain, but arrived safe and sound at Cleveland Hopkins Airport late Tuesday night. For the rest of our lives at every Easter and Christmas, we will recall what we saw on our pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Fall Festival St. Mary’s parish (Collin-wood) will be holding their annual Fall Festival on Sunday, November 21 in the old church hall: There will be a dinner that day. Meeting The Slovenian National Art Guild will meet on Monday, November 15 at 7 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid. The program will feature an evening of personal expressions. Be prepared to participate. Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make the Art Show the success it was. A tremendous bouquet goes to Dorothy Dybzinski and her son, Peter, who worked in the kitchen the entire time from the early morning until the last pot was put away. Meeting The monthly Newburgh, Maple Heights Pensioners Club will be having a meeting on Wednesday, November 17 at 1 p.m. in the Slovenian National Home on E. 80th St. Please come to make Christmas dinner reservations. Correction In the article about Annie Konte of Johnston Drug in last week’s paper, the address should be 625 E. 200 St. & Miller Ave. THE WAY TO GO' TH-IOSO \X/e Book Corporate AIRLINE * CRUIStS ' RA Donna l.ucas, owner ---- 22078 LAKESHORE BOULEVARD EUCLID, OHIQ44I23 Train Travel Specialists d Pleasure Travel Reservations Call Us For Cruise Specials 261-1050 IMMIGRATION Elizabeth H. Chung lOO Words Mere er Less by John Mercina VETERANS DAY 1993 ! PAUSE AND REFLECT THIS NOVEMBER 11TH AS WE OBSERVE THE "ARMISTICE DAY". COMMEMORATING THE END OF WORLD WAR l. THIS DAY IS SET ASIDE TO REMEMBER THE SIGNING OF THE ARMISTICE. AT WHAT PRICE? MY GRANDFATHER WAS KILLED IN THIS WAR. ONLY MONTHS AFTER RETURNING FROM THE UNITED STATES. HOW MANY OTHER SLOVENIANS DIED? THE U.S MILITARY HAD OVER 3G.000 MEN KILLED. OVER 23.000 DIED OF DISEASE. OVER 297 DIED OF SUICIDE. 158 WERE HOMICIDE CASES. ELEVEN WERE EXECUTED "THE NET RESULT OF THE WAR WAS A SHIFT OF BALANCE OF STRENGTH FROM EUROPE TO AMERICA. THE UNITED STATES BECAME A CREDITOR NATION INSTEAD OF A DEBTOR NATION", WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO US SINCE THAT DAY? P.O.BX 99957 CV,OH 44199 Ferfolia Funeral Home When that time comes we want you to know that we are here _____to serve you — call us... Louis L. Ferfolia, Donald L. Ferfolia, Donald B. Ferfolia, Anthony Ferfolia Mary Ferfolia Lansky 5386 Lee IRoSld (at Broadway) Maple Heights, Ohio — 663-4222 — GREAT LOCATION TO LIVE GATEWAY TOWN HOUSES — Euclid, Ohio — 2 & 3 Bedrooms. All Appliances. Central Air. Security, Great Rates. Call 531-3386 300,000 Winners A Dm. [oiSol [lofreRV/ Join InIie Winning. All Ohio Lottery players are subject to laws and regulations of the Ohio Lottery Commission For more information, call our Customer Relations Department, (216) 787 3200. during regular business hours Attorney it Law Call (21B) 781-1155 For an Appointment. | Nice and Clean. Not Far From I-90. — No Pets. OOCOOOOOSOCOOOCOOOOCOecOOOCiOOOCOOOCOOOOOO' • No Monthly Fees • Initial Supply of Checks Free • Unlimited Check Writing • No Minimum Balance Required • No ATM Fees at Green Machine METROPOLITAN SAVmOSEANK Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Bainbridge..543-2336 Euclid.....731 -8865 Chesterland...729-0400 Pepper Pike..831-8800 Cleveland.....486-4100 Shaker Hts...752-4141 Cleveland Hts.371 -2000 South Euclid.291 -2800 Willoughby Hills.543-2336 Metropolitan Savings Bank ot Cleveland • Member FDIC The fire and the fury Chapter I (Continued) by Stane J. Kuhar In the last installment John had just arrived at the hospital to visit his sick grandmother. Stara Mama.) As John exited the elevator he passed through another set of sliding doors and down a dimly lit corridor. If death ever needed to be renamed, then this corridor would be the perfect candidate. Elastic tubes. Complex machines. Running medical staff. Steel pans. Beeping and buzzing monitors. The reality °f death was everywhere in this hall of healing. As John entered Room 231 he could not help but wipe the tears that were gracing his cheeks. He had been away from her only two weeks yet the change was profound to him. In earlier years he had called her by her name thousands uPon thousands of time. Stara Mama. But today she was not that same person in front of him. His grandmother was Very seriously ill. Her eyes were closed with her body lying still on the sterile bed. The thinning hair that had once been a curly brown was now ashen gray and white, falling straight and lying flat °n her shoulders. Instead of two legs John could only recognize one as normal with the other a stump. A rounded out stump just sticking out of her body. But there had been no other choice as the leg had turned black and purple with the pain so intense that she felt as if her entire body was on fire. If there was ever a fury of fire it surely would be the intense sense of pain surging throughout her body on a daily basis. It had to be removed. Otherwise, it would slowly engulf her entire body, creeping ever so slowly. Bit by bit, with one piece removed today and another tomorrow until there would not be anymore pieces left to cut. Slowly her eyes began to open. “Janez, moj Janez” (John, my Johnny).” Janez. This was his name in her native language. That bit of the old country still remained with her despite being away for so many years. “Now you just rest up. Stara Mama. Is there anything I can get you?” “Just,” she said slowly, “just a little water. Cold.” Besides the water and chunky pieces of ice in a silver bucket to the side of her bed, the only other source of nurishment allowed was the fluids in the dangling elastic tubes as I Vs. “Janez, you did bring the writing tablet? You did, didn’t you?” Her eyes were almost as if on fire, burning an image of intensity and determination on John’s face. “Yes. I’ve brought everything exactly as you requested. Just slow down a bit, Stara Mama.” John filled the plastic cup (£) "The more 1 ŠUNKI I t^,an one company agency" All forms of Insurance: Auto • Home • Life • Business Call for Free Consultation HAPPY THANKSGIVING ANTHONY Insurance Agency Monday - Friday 8:30 to 5 p.m. — Sat. 8:30 to noon 508 E. 185 St., Cleveland — 531^5555 Ancka or Annie EXTRA 10% OFF: SENIORS JOHNSTON DRUG, Inc. 625 E. 200 St. 486-2744 “We Treat You Like Family Not a Number” We Have H.M.O. °Pen Daily 9:3^5:30 SAT. 9:30-2 CLOSED WED. & SUN. FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY with water and small particles of ice and carefully arched her in his hands to give her the drink. The water felt cool and refreshing, giving her a sense of peace. She had been in the hospital on and off for nearly two months. Going home. And coming back. It was as if she were like a car. One part would be repaired and then, boom, another part needed replacing. But the motor just kept going, driving with a hidden force and moving forward, unable to stop. All that John knew was that his mother was nearly hysterical whenever his name had been mentioned over the past two months by his grandmother, Stara Mama. She had to see him immediately. His constant traveling as a reporter across the country had limited John to only three visits to her since the summer. The news always called to him. To report what was occurring. Give the public the news. “Sit down,” she told him. “Slow down. Stara Mama.” Then in her native tongue she told him, “Ja ti Bela Cesta...” He finally sat down. “I want you,” she told him in short studdering breaths, “to write down everything everything, I tell you. The doctors have told me I will need another surgery. Soon. But they don’t know when. I don’t know if I could survive another surgery. Just look at mmeee...” And then there was the drip, drip, dripping of the medicine being fed into her from still another tube. “Janez,” she continued to say with difficulty, “of all the articles you have written this story will explain so many things and questions that I have long seen written on your face. Write.” The tiny drops of rain began to trickle on the window panes as if the sky were about to pour its sorrow onto the human race. (End of Chapter I) (To Be Continued) George Knaus receives polka award Tony Petkovšek, left, presents George Knaus with an award from the Polka News Network and the National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame as a “Special Patron of Polkas.” George Knaus’ annual Upstairs-Downstairs dances have raised over $9,000.00 for the Polka Hall of Fame in recent years. —Tony Grdina Ohio Overseas Medical Mission Update Last Saturday morning a meeting was held at the Home Office of The American Mutual Life Association to provide an update to interested parties on the status of the Ohio Overseas Medical Mission to Slovenia. August B. Pust, an assistant to Governor George V. Voinovich, and several other individuals from the State of Ohio reported on the status of the shipments now under way to Slovenia, Slovakia and Croatia. Although most of those present were from the Slovene community, there were also representatives from the Slovak and Croatian communities. Slovene Americans present were Stanley G. Ziherl, Tony Petkovšek, Florence Unetich, Betty Rotar, and this writer, in addition to August Pust, of course. The shipment of 64 tons of medical supplies and equipment to Slovenia is being transported by the U.S. Department of Defense. The ship, the Charlotte Lykes, is scheduled to arrive at Livorno, Italy, where the Slovenia shipment will be loaded onto trucks and arrive in Slovenia on November 27. As reported in last week’s American Home, Governor Voinovich personally apprised Slovene Foreign Minister Lojze Peterle of this shipment and there is not the slightest reason to believe it will be misused either before or after it arrives in Slovenia. Contributions to the Slovene portion of the Ohio Overseas Medical Mission were made by AMLA, SNPJ and the Progressive Slovene Women of America, $1,000 each, and a most generous $3,000 from the Federation of Slovenian National Homes. These were the organizations that responded to the original appeal some months ago and they deserve to be commended for this latest demonstration of support for Slovenia. Rudolph M. Susel V\ III ELIA' ) Y - ' W TILWEL BUREAU “For AH Your Travel Needs” \ 4118 St. Glair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 If your intentions are to visit or maybe bring your loved ones to the U.S.A. on a visit, Phone (216) 431-5710 please contact us. We Are American - Slovenian Travel Agency Frank in Christina Mihelin — •owners Today’s Best Value in Senior Living WF&udinal MLrrm m Priwoto rtnrrian onorimorifr* 25900 Euclid Ave. Euclid, Ohio 44132 • Private garden apartments *24-hour security •No endowment or entrance tee »Free transportation • 24-hour emergency pull cord •Planned activities • Free laundry facilities »Nutritious meals CALL TODAY FOR A BRIEF TOUR AND FREE LUNCH (216) 261-8383 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 11, 1993 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 11, 1993 4 RECENT DEA THS Matthew Beljan, Matthew R. Beljan, D.D.S., was the husband of Jean (Knapp); father of Daniel and Marcia (Roland) Catalano; grandfather of Julie and Jay Catalano; brother of Margaret Butler and the late Charles. Friends were received at Grdina-Faulhaber Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., on Wednesday, November 10. Funeral from Holy Cross Church in Euclid on Thursday, November 11. Interment All Souls Cemetery. He was born August 22, 1912 in Cleveland. As a youth he worked in his parents restaurant and peddled bread by horse and wagon while attending Western Reserve University. He graduated from the Western Reserve School of Dentistry in 1936. He served in the Medical Corps, of the U.S. Coast Guard. He then practiced dentistry in the Slovenian Home on St. Clair for over 40 years and also had an office in Shaker Heights for several years. He taught dental courses at Western Reserve University and used hypnosis in some of his dental work. He was an avid bowler often traveling out-of-town to tournaments. At his peak he bowled in three different leagues. He also enjoyed golf and photography. He was very active with the Euclid Council for the Retarded Child and served on the Board of Mary Mavec School for many years. Contributions may be made to the Mary Mavec Euclid Opportunity School for Retarded Children in his memory at 22101 Lake Shore Blvd. dentist on St. Clair Helen Sonsky, active Slovenian volunteer Helen Kavula Sonsky’s upbeat personality made her an ideal volunteer counselor to heart surgery candidates and recovering heart patients at St. Vincent Charity Hospital and Health Center. She donated more than 1,500 hours to the Heart-to-Heart program at the hospital since 1985. That was after she had undergone three major heart operations herself. Mrs. Sonsky, 68, died Saturday at her home in Cleveland. She was a life-long resident of the city and graduated from Glenville High School. Mrs. Sonsky’s husband, Henry, died in 1986. Mrs. Sonsky loved to dance. She served as a hostess for radio broadcaster Tony Petkovsek’s Thanksgiving Polka Party each year and was a member of the Slovenian Radio Club. She also belonged to the United Slovenian Society and the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation. Yearly, she co-hosted trips to Las Vegas with friend Bill Hraster. It was mostly filled with Slovenians ready to enjoy a week’s vacation. Mrs. Sonsky had her first heart attack in 1978. Despite several heart bypass operations and the insertion of a pacemaker, she continued to lead an active life. She last went dancing in late October and was talking about an upcoming Thanksgiving weekend polka party just before she collapsed Saturday. “She was such an inspiration,” said Bill Hraster. In addition to her other volunteer activities, Mrs. Son- MANOS & LoCONTI CO., L..P.A. ATTORNEYS at LAW Professional & Competent Legal Services at Reasonable Rates John M. Manos, esq. Dennis N. LoConti, esq. Personal Injury • Malpractice Divorce & Family Law • Wills Criminal Defense • DUI Discrimination»Products Liability Business & Consumer Law 34950 Chardon Rd. Suite 20« • Willoughby Hills OH 44094 975-9700 WE ARE EXPERIENCED TRIAL LAWYERS Dr. Zenon A. Klos j e-i85th I 531-7700 I AREA I Emergencies Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St ■ (between Shore Carpet A Fun Servcies) sky was an usher for the Playhouse Square Association for several years. Mrs. Sonsky is survived by sons, Larry of Lakewood, Gary of Mesa, Ariz., and Terry of Ripon, Calif.; and Five grandchildren. Services were at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at St. John Cathedral, E. 9th St. and Superior Ave. Arrangements were handled by the Zele Funeral Home of Cleveland. ANN S. STRUMBLY Ann S. Strumbly (Norsk) was the wife of Matt, and the late John B. Godec. She was the mother of John R. Godec; grandmother of John, Nick and Bob; greatgrandmother of two; sister of Harold Norsic and the following deceased: George, Matt, Carl, and Helen Paulas. Friends were received at the Grdina-Faulhaber Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd on Monday and Tuesday, November 8 and 9th. Funeral from St. Vitus Church on Wednesday, November 10. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. ANTON ARKO Anton Arko, 95, was a machinist and a family man. He worked in local machine shops until he retired from Marquette Metal Co. 30 years ago. He enjoyed spending his spare time with his children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Mr. Arko died Tuesday, Nov. 9 at Wickliffe Country Place nursing home. He was born in Sodražica, Slovenia and came to America in 1925. He was a resident of Euclid for more than 60 years. He was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church and more recently St. Christine Catholic Church. He belonged to the Holy Name Society there. Mr. Arko married the former Angela Levstik in St. Vitus Catholic Church 65 years ago. In addition to his wife, he is survived by sons Anthony of Euclid and Jerry Sr. of Eastlake; daughter Janet Bizay of Euclid; 17 grandchildren; 29 greatgrandchildren; a brother; and two sisters. Services will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 12 at St. Christine Church, 840 E. 222 St. Arrangements by Zele Funeral Home. CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” U.S. Presidents FRANKLIN PIERCE Franklin Pierce (1853-1857) was the 14th president of the United States. The son of a Revolutionary hero, General Benjamin Pierce, he was a classmate of writers Nathaniel Hawthorne and William Wadsworth Longfellow in New Hampshire. He served in both Houses of Congress, then retired. When the Mexican War broke out, Pierce enlisted as a private and did such a good job he came out a brigadier general. At Contreras, his horse was shot out from under him and he was badly wounded. Pierce was a compromise candidate at the 1852 Democratic convention, which nominated him on the 35th ballot. During his administration, Commodore Matthew C. Perry visited Japan and made the United States’ first treaty with that empire. His presidential accomplishments did not please the North nor South in regard to slavery so he was not renominated. Later in life he traveled extensively in Europe and died October 8, 1869 of stomach trouble, and was buried in Concord, New Hampshire. This Historical Series is sponsored by.. AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION The American Mutual Life Association, A. M. L.. A., invites you and your family to become members of our fraternal society that provides benefits and continuously promotes fraternalism and the perpetuation of our common bonds of heritage and culture. A.M.L.A. has a number of fraternal insurance plans to suit your needs with attractive rates and an Annuity Rider to provide you with tax-sheltered living benefits for the future. Members and friends are invited to our 83rd Anniversary Dinner/Dance on Saturday, Nov. 27th. Look for details in “Our Voice.” Remember, that's A.M.L.A. for your insurance needs and fraternal pleasures. OfWAMZED NOVEMBER AS THE MjOVCMSCA OORMOOELHA ZVEZA A LEOAL RESERVE FRATERMAL BEMEFTT SOCIETY MCORPOAATED MARCH 11. 1*14 19424 So. Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH 44119 Phone: 1-216-531-1900 — Fax: 1-216-531-8123 \ 1 BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Belween Chardon & E. 222nd Si. — Euclid, Ohio In Memoriam or Card of Thanks May be placed in the Ameriška Domovina by calling representatives direct Mollie or Dan Postotnik — 431-7341 — MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS . . DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS $(JN0ClT AWHEEL & FRONT WHEEL DRIVES COMPLETE DRIVE-TRAIN SERVICE W ^ FRONT END ALIGNMENT EUCLID SUNOCO SERVICE & H S48, •UTOMOriVF !3€BVir,t rvrrurwcF EAST 200 SUNOCO -5822 • roc. 200 ST MON-FRI 6 AM-11 PM __ XiLvz.yz GEmn IS3 1 h\ 1 «■.' «. -i. . 1 APPROVED AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Joe Zigman, owner St. Clair Pensioners News... November! The second last month of the year. In the month of November, we here m the USA celebrate our An-nual Thanksgiving Day. To some degree, it should be a followed the presentation, and by the number of questions directed to Dr. Sorin, it was evident that most of us are victims of some type of arthritis. Dr. Sorin is affiliatd with the ay of thoughtful prayer of Arthritis Treatment Center, anksgiving to God for the and the request for his Usings He has bestowed uPon us. So, as we sit down to “joy ^e feast set before us, et us remember to at least excess a short “Thank You” to °d for His goodness. November is also the month m which we select our officers for th e coming new year. To keeP a club vigorous, it is ad-Vlsable to give others an opportunity to serve in office, otherwise the Club can econie stagnant. So let us at-in large numbers, and be 1 'n8 to accept a spot on °Ur hoard of officers. ^member the date of our meeting, Thursday, November at l p,m Tjckets for our Nstmas Dinner will also be Va>lable at the November meeting. tobUnb*nown to us, on Oc-“ 1» member Adolph Pa underwent quadruple Qu'^8 SUrgery- about a lck recovery! I was really easantly surprised to see him cel k*16 Vitus Alumni e ration on October 31st. ho ,az'ng rapid recovery. And Rooked so well! °re good news. As reported usl month, Angela Kovach ^derwent triple by-pass . rgery and is now convalesc- Serea"her (laughter’s hoine in p trj e Grobnic also underwent a|r e hy-pass surgery and is Crw becoming active in 'Jmunity affairs. pat°St recent cataract surgery ^ ents were Frances JohCero1: Frances Karnak, and an n fPmky) Trinko. Believe 5® d°ing OK. time ’ Cr members who spent test ln hospitals and requiring Vidj^ check-up are Millie are br and Helen Pisek- Both ju ack at home at this time, that p0Clay- * i/08/93, learned denlv rances f-aurich was sud-ty j, taken ill and is in Chari-andt°Spital ^or observation aboveStln8‘ wjsb tbe health 3 rap*d return to good at 0u^ and hope to see them Decp^i^ifistmas Dinner on j11 ber 9th. Schedn|Sef^jne Mohorčič is hosjjj. .ed to check in at the sUrger ate this month, for th°Ught °n both knees. Our cessni S and Prayers for suc-her. SUrgery will be with benefitare held for the 0fficer,Of tHe members. The S° 'Yhv ^ re9uirecl to attend, dteetipr.5 °ulcln’t you. Miss a SotWn,„_ tmportant. Such ^etlhngand y°U may miss 'his jv,6 ^e itt October. For Ed Karnak> our !° havenhairman- arranged talk 0n Dr- Steven B. Sorin "ari0 ^thritis, the many ^'th thpyPeS’ and treatment. Jannea ^d °f slides, and his ^ the full attention ^estionrCSt °f 311 °f us- A and answer session Presentation, Dr. business cards was so great that he ran out of them. Our thanks to Ed Karnak for arranging to have Dr. Sorin address our meeting. In the October 28th issue of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, I spotted a heading that read: “The Invention Scene.” The article began with the following sentence: “Former Clevelander Dan Siewiorek is making news as an inventor.” Yes Dan is the son of Frank and Lena Siewiorek. Dan is an engineering professor at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh and heads a team developing “The Navigator” a computerized headset which allows the wearer to call up text and drawings on an eye-level screen the size of a postage stamp. The invention is being tested by the airlines. Its possible uses are many. Hollywood is interested in it. Paramount Television has asked to use it in an upcoming show. I understand that the Pittsburgh Gazette had a full feature in its newspaper. I have not seen it as yet. We extend our congratulations to Daniel Siewiorek, the son of Frank and Lena Siewiorek, who as a young lad began his education in our community, and then went on to continue his studies and work in a field that has gained him recognition in many areas of our universe. Congratulations also to his parents, Frank and Lena. They should be proud of their son’s accomplishments. Both Lena and Frank are members of our Pensioners Club. Frank Capuder, a long-time member who also served as secretary of our club at one time, died on October 29. Our sympathy to his relatives. May Frank rest in peace! In conclusion, a final Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 reminder of our November election meeting and our Christmas Dinner on December 9th. Hope to see you all at both of these events. To all of our readers we say: Have a “Thankful” Thanksgiving Day! Stanley J. Frank Secretary Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will sell krofe on Saturday, November 13 from 8 am. on in the Social Room of the auditorium. Fine paper Enclosed is a check for $35 for subscription renewal and $10 donation for a fine paper which my father Joseph Rolih of Garfield Hts. enjoys reading. Antonia Topolnicki 10.51% w\ Guaranteed first year yield Call Today: 'Professional Insurance ‘1’Can nitty D ennis Siuusd 27801 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 216/261-6592 CD or IRA Maturing GUARANTEED SAFETY • Fully Insured • *Monthly income option available* * Interest only income available * Assets grow on a tax deferred basis. The Annuity has no sales charges or administrative fees. A strong alternative for CDs and rollovers, from IRAs, KEOGH and Pension Plans. jo monins! ■93 MUSTANG 2 Dr., LX, Hatchback, Auto., Air, AM/FM Cassette 56 Per Month *197 ‘93 THUNDERBIRD 2 Dr., LX, Air, Auto., Alum. Wheels, Power Windows A Locks 44 Per Month *235 '93 MUSTANG IX Convert We, Auto., Air, AM/FM Stereo, Styled Road Wheels 24 Per Month invertible, /\uto., Air, AAn/iftn bterec *254 '93 SABLE 4 Dr., GS, Air, Power Seat, Windows ft Locks, Alum. Wheels. #7075. 29 Per Month Nr, rower bedt Windows A Locks, / *271 CD PIKE FIH OPEN MON.f TUES., WED. & THURS. TILL 9 P.M. .9647 Mentor Ave.# Mentor 357-7533 9A2-3191 Coming Events Saturday, Nov. 13 “Village Nonsense” by Jadran Singing Society at Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Rd. Dinner: 5 to 7; program: 7 to 8, dancing: Benzy Rathbone Orchestra. Donation $15.00 Saturday, November 13 Martinovanje, “Family style” dinner, 6:30 p.m., dance to Stan Mejač orchestra at Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair, sponsored by Belokranjski Klub. _ Sunday, Nov. 14 55th Anniversary Dinner, Dance, Progran of Youth Circle 2 SNPJ at Slovenian Society Home, 2 p.m. Sumrada Orchestra. Sunday, Nov. 14 West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland Afternoon Dance 4 to 8 with Joey Tomsick Band. Wednesday, Nov. 24 Club of Associates of Slovenian National Home on St. Clair “Pre-Thanksgiving” Jam Session in annex, rear entrance — 7 p.m. until ? Thursday, Nov. 25 Thanksgiving Polka Party at Marriott Society Center Hotel, 127 Public Square at St. Clair. Dancing from 4 p.m. until... Donation $10. Friday, Nov. 26 Tony Petkovsek’s Cleveland Polka Event from 4 p.m. until 2 a.m. at Marriott Society Center Hotel, 127 Public Square at St. Clair. Six bands. Donation $10. SATURDAY, NOV. 27 National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame “Awards Show VI” 2:30 p.m. in Euclid Shore Cultural Center. Tickets $8 in advance at Polka Hall of Fame or $10 at the door. Friday, Dec. 3 St. Nicholas celebration with Bishop A. Edward Pevec at Borromeo Seminary sponsored by Slovenian American Heritage Fondation. Saturday, Dec. 4 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School St. Nicholas program at 6 p.m. in the auditorium. Sunday, Dec. 5 Marie Pivik’s Mini-Children Concert at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St. Johnny Vadnal Band from 4 to 8. Sunday, Dec. 19 Children’s Christmas Party for members of St. Lawrence No. 63, St. Joe 146 and St. Anne No. 150 KSKJ will be held at the Slovenian Home on E. 80th St. at 3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Party at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland featuring Ralph Szubski. For reservations call Kathy - Rick at 941-3224. 1994 Sunday, May 22 Fifth Annual St. Vitus Alumni Reunion Day. Sunday, October 30 Seventh Annual St. Vitus Alumni Honoree Day. 5 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 11, 1993 6 Glasbena Matica’s greatest s hits was well received ^ Our beautiful Slovenian Nate tional Home on St. Clair m Avenue was the setting for Glasbena Matica’s Fall > Concert, which was held on 2 Sunday, October 24. ^ “Glasbena Matica’s z Greatest Hits” which was the > title of our concert was very ^ well received by an ap-O preciative audience. Included ^ among the songs were Mor- nar, Planinska Roza, Tulipan g and A Tribute to Romberg. These songs were selected not < only because they are so melodious, but also are great favorites of our audience. Our mens’ quartet consisting of Frank Ivancic, Joseph Penko, Matthew Dolence and Richard Sterle delighted us with a light, lively song ‘‘Moj Deklic.” An aria from “Carmen” was beautifully interpreted by Tony Mihelich, Jr. “Planinska Roza” included solos by Joseph Penko, Betty Resnik, John Vatovec and Matthew Dolenc. “A Tribute to Romberg” featured solos by Tony Mihelich, Sr. and Olga Klan-cher. The voices of Eileen Ivancic and Dolores Mihelich blended smoothly together in a duet from “Norma.” We concluded the program with the resounding “Battle Hymn of the Republic” which featured John Vatovec as soloist. Mr. Reginald Resnik was the accompanist. We are happy to report that many of our former members performed in this concert as well as some new members. We were honored to introduce Mr. Thomas F. Weiss as or new Director. At the present time Mr. Weiss is Choir Director at St. Rocco Church. He is also a music teacher at Regina High School. Music for dancing was fur- nished by the Benzy Rathbone Orchestra. We were happy to have among our audience several residents from the Slovene Home for the Aged. Glasbena Matica was pleasantly surprised when we received the following donations: Slovenian American Heritage Foundation $200.00 -American Mutual Life Association $100.00 - Ann Hočevar $100.00 - George Knaus $100.00 - Jean Samsa $100.00, and Stanley Frank $50.00. Please accept our sincere thanks for these generous donations. Glasbena Matica wishes to thank all of its patrons for their continued support over the past years. —Sylvia Plymesser In Memory Enclosed is my subscription renewal plus a $10.00 donation in memory of my dear husband John F. Celesnik. Antoinette Celesnik Cleveland, Ohio Visit the New Home RESTAURANT 22305 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid (formerly Smith’s) 731-1800 Join us for a Thanksgiving Buffet served from 11 a.m. until 4 pm. or a traditional full course sit-down dinner. Served from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Buffet menu: Soup de jour • Tossed dinner salad • cole slaw • jello molds • relish platters • three bean salad • macaroni salad Roast Tom Turkey with dressing • baked Virginia ham • Boston Scrod • baked chicken • carved roast round of beef Sweet potato • whipped potato • green beans • rigatoni Pumpkin pie • assorted cream pies • assorted fruit pies • cakes Hot or cold beverage • rolls and butter ONLY $8.95 |pC>^K42 J2J23 PARK E. 185 STREET a LASALLE THEATRE 1 I0ME.„7Vk? hast place to hank. Bring this coupon to Home and receive your $10.00 boni*s to establish a banking relationship that you will enjoy for years to come. Expires 6/30/93 «0$ t3 FDIC Insured P Š. Š 3 £-<2 3 £ * ° *> Marjana Lipovšek sings for Chicago Culture Ctr. When Marjana Lipovšek comes to Chicago this month tor the Lyric Opera season, we lovenians of this area will be especially proud and lighted. She is our foremost operatic star of world renown, and a loyal Slovenian. She began her study of music at the Academy of Music in jubljana. Her parents are both pianists and her father, is e well-known composer Marjan Lipovšek. , ^ter completing her studies ‘a Ljubljana, she preceded to be Music Academy jn Graz, ustria and after graduation ^as contracted to the Vienna aatsoper. In 1981 she signed °a at the Hamburg Staatsoper ere she was lauded for her ersatility in commanding many mezzo-soprano roles. be continues as a regular kUest in Vienna where she is ^tiown for her “powerful and agnificent[y sonorous with6 ^aS a^so aPPeared the famous orchestras of thUroPe and recently toured e United States with the Berlin Symphony and Claudio Abbado, appearing in such places as Carnegie Hall in New York and the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. She has more than 40 recordings and in 1992 was awarded the Grand Prix du Disque for her recording of “Cornet” by Frank Martin. Through the gracious help of Dr. Ludmilla Lazar, professor of music at Roosevelt University and a contemporary of Mme. Lipovšek at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, a concert for Slovenians is being planned for Saturday afternoon, Dec. 4, at 2:30 in the Rudolph Ganz Memorial Hall of Roosevelt University. Dr. Lazar will accompany Mme. Lipovšek at the piano. On the express wish of Mme. Lipovšek, proceeds from this concert will benefit the Slovenian Cultural Center Building Fund. Advance tickets may be obtained from members of the committee or at the concert from Mrs. Erika Bajuk or Mr. Happy thanksgiving! Prodajamo slovenske božične kartice in letalske poštne znamke Ship Your Packages Here! !S •! *’*C«*G< » «•«* St Cl HM ■ .xt SHELIGA DRUG INC. 6025 ST. CLAIR AVENUE 431-1035 _^)purtmenti . . V> Take a Closer Look at Euclid’s Finest Senior Residence • Scheduled Transportation • All Electric Kitchens • Walk In Closet • Full Carpeting • Housekeeping • 24 Hour Security • Activity Room with Bacci/Balinca Court and Swim SPA/JACUZZI For Information call Florence Ross, Manager — or Nancy Ramey, Asst. Mgr. 4 Gateway Drive Euclid, Ohio 44119 (216) 383-1459 Andrej Remec. A reception will follow on the same premises. Lyric-opera-goers will hear Mme. Lipovšek in the role of Fricka in the Wagner opera “Die Walkure’’ to be presented during the months of November and December at the Chicago Opera House. For further information you may call (312) 275-1115. News from Slovenia Ljubljana, Nov. 7 (STA) — After the straining previous week marked by the marathon session of the National Assembly and a dispute with Croatia over refugees in Istra, last week began rather quietly with a celebration of All Saints’ Day. Politicians caught their breath in anticipation of the difficult days to come when they mostly will focus on economic matters. The major Slovenian events over the weekend took place in Maribor, the eyes of the arts- going public were turned towards the largest theatre festival in Slovenia, Borštnikovo Srečanje, while the whole country followed the recognition of General Rudolf Maister and “his” fight for the northern border in 1918. Nothing new happened in the field of relations with Croatia: the Croatian ambassador was prompt in presenting President Franjo Tudjman’s peace initiatives, however Croatia has still not paid its debt to the Krško nuclear power station. SOLLBERGER STONE MEMORIALS Memorial Lettering / Cleaning Evening Appointments 251-6847 Call 736-9878 HAPPY THANKSGIVING SINCE 1908 “FOUR GENERATIONS OF THEZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele Sutton J. Girod 452 East 152nd Street 6502 St. Clair 481-3118 361-0583 (Main Office) CLEVELAND, OHIO —Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — We are here to help you. RIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 11. 1993 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 11, 1993 8 SVA Honoree Day Huge Success The St. Vitus Alumni 6th annual Hall of Fame Day honoring jubilarians Rev. Victor N. Tome and Rev. Victor J. Cimperman was held on Sunday, October 31. First the holy sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated in thanksgiving in St. Vitus Church on Glass Avenue. The celebrant and homilist was the Rev. Frank G. Godic, himself a St. Vitus alumnus. Concelebrants at the service were the honorees themselves, the Revs. Cimperman and Tome. Also concelebrating was our SVA member, the Most Rev. A. Edward Pevec, Auxiliary Bishop of Cleveland for the Eastern Region of Cleveland. In attendance were also Msgr. Joseph C. Heruday, The Revs. Joseph P. Božnar, Richard Evans, Andrew P. Laheta, Lawrence Sevcik, O.S.B., Joseph J. Ozimek, and John A. Wittreich. The lectors were Sister Maria Cimperman, O.S.U. and Laura Trzeciak. Presentation of the gifts were made by Annette Perhay, Paula Sršen, Judy David, Katherine Slaper, Mary Tome, and Michael Tome. The St. Vitus Church Choir, Lira, sang at the noon Mass. After Mass the guests and SVA members enjoyed a dinner at the St. Vitus School Auditorium. It was again prepared by Julia Zalar and her assistants. Bishop Pevec prayed the invocation. Everyone was pleased with the service and the cuisine as would be expected from our excellent Slovenian gourmet. After dinner, the Rev. Frank Godič acted as master of ceremonies. Lovely Agnes Koporc in her most engaging way, assisted by husband, Al, led the sing-along to the excited and pleased crowd. Traditional SVA songs like the American “I want a Girl,” “Let the Rest of the World Go By,” “For Me and My Gal” were countered by Slovenian “Moja Dekle,” “Kadar boš Ti Vandrat Šel,” and “Zaplula.” In the background on his Slovenian accordion, was our assistant treasurer, F. Ray Gobec. UDY'SI Quality Meats Inc. 31728 Vine St. WillowickJ 943-5490 Mon. - Thurs: 9-6; Fri.: 9-7; Sat: 9-7 FOR YOUR HOLIDA Y FEAST — ORDER EARLY — FRESH ALL NATURAL $ 1: BARTH FARMS TURKEYS 1 FRESH HOMEMADE POLISH SAUSAGE s2 FAMOUS FOR FLAVOR DAISY FIELD HAMS SEMI BONELESS WHOLE OR HALVES BONELESS MADE TO ORDER $- PORK CROWN ROASTS 2" HOMEMADE FRESH ITALIAN SAUSAGE * HOT OR MILD z OUR OWN HOMEMADE SLOVENIAN SMOKED $' SAUSAGE 3“ HOMEMADE $' BLOOD • RICE • SAUSAGE . 2” STRICTLY FRESH & NATURAL FARMERS PRIDE rmncFN TENDER • ALWAYS GOOD In Loving Memory OF OUR BELOVED WIFE, SISTER AND AUNT ON THE THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF HER DEATH Left to right, Mary Cimperman, Father Victor Cimperman, Father Victor Tome, Mary Tome, and Father Frank G. Godic. (Photo by Tony Grdina) After the musical interlude, our president, Ms. Dorothy Stanonik, gave a brief welcome address. She was followed by Rev. Joseph Božnar, our pastor at St. Vitus Church who then offered personal greetings on behalf of St. Vitus parishioners. Next, President Stanonik called up each of the honorees, The Rev. Victor Cimperman and The Rev. Victor Tome in turn and officially inducted the two jubilarians into the St. Vitus Hall of Fame for 1993. Both honorees reminisced about the good old school days at St. Vitus and their experiences as priests of God for the past 50 years. Finally, Rev. Richard Evans, our associate pastor, said the benediction. There followed the customary socializing and con-gratulating, closing the festivities for the day and the year. It was another very successful SVA Honoree Day, this sixth annual Hall of Fame event. Joseph Zelle Golub Funeral Home 4703 Superior Ave. - 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 391-0357 “Service To Render A More Perfect Tribute’ \ /■ Jean Brodnik died Nov. 16, 1990 With every act of kindness Every smite and word of cheer. You built a lasting monutnd1 In the hearts that mourn y°11 here. No one knows the silent heartaches, Only those who have loved’ Can tell the grief we bear ft silence For the one we love so dead' Sadly missed by: Loving husband, Tony Dearest sisters: Valerie Baznik and Sister Margaret M. PerSN and all your family- Our Tax Deductible Loans Can Make Almost Anything a Smart Buy. If a 1905 French Art Nouveau lamp makes your loan decision doubly smart. doesn't turn you on, maybe a remodeled kitchen will. Or making holiday purchases at much lower interest rates than you can get with department store credit cards. Point is, the smartest way to get the things you really want in life is with the equity you already have in your home. And the smart place to go is Peoples Savings Bank. For starters, you can use your money for whatever you want, no restrictions. Our home equity and second mortgage interest rates are some of the lowest available, so you're already minimizing the cost of credit. 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Home Equity Loans: Variable APB * 6 ^ w*h a maximum APR of 25%, Fixed APR of 8.20%, both with a $50.00 loan origination fee. All rates and APRs as of 11/2/93 •Consult your personal tax advisor for details. TTY/I ID Deaf and Hearing Impaired 1-800-589-2702 L FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina .. Zi li Ti I 1 *1 LMi r^i ’i i iz AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVFNIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, November 1 1, 1993 Vesti iz Slovenije Iz Clevelanda in okolice Vlada želi ustaviti nezakonito odetkanje kapitala v tujino — Javni dolg ni prevelik — Plače previsoke — Inflacija zopet grozi Pretekli teden se je vlada ukvarjala s problemom odtekanja kapitala v tujino. Kot kaže, odteka kapital po različnih, nezakonitih kanalih, kar škoduje gospodarstvu. S tem v zvezi bo vlada poostrila nadzor nad trgovanjem s tujino in bo imenovala posebno skupino strokovnjakov, ki bodo imeli pregled tako nad Službo družbenega knjigovodstva in nad odtekanjem kapitala. Na dvodnevnem gospodarskem forumu Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov, ki je bil konec preteklega tedna v Portorožu, je finančni minister Mitja Gaspari rekel, pritrdil mu je Janko Deželak, načelnik agencije za sanacijo bank, da je slovenski javni dolg (416 milijard tolarjev) na sprejemljivi višini, kar pomeni, da ga vlada lahko servisira. Deželak je rekel, da namerava vlada uporabiti 10,3 milijarde tolarjev za sanacijo bank, kar je 1,6 odstotka vladnega proračuna. Gaspari je pa opozoril, da so plače v Sloveniji previsoke, da so se letos realno povišale kar za 10 odstotkov (znašajo 500 do 600 nemških mark). Zaradi tega se bodo morale po Gaspariju v 1. 1994 znižati realno za dobrih pet odstotkov. V zadnjem času se je zopet pojavila nevarnost inflacije, saj so se cene industrijskega blaga povišale v oktobru za 3,3 odstotka. Odnosi s Hrvaško oteženi radi številnih odprtih vprašanj — Diplomatski pogovori se nadaljujejo brez dejanskih rešitev V zadnjem tednu so se nadaljevali stiki med Slovenijo in Hrvaško na raznih nivojih. Begunci iz Bosne, ki jih je Hrvaška nastanila v slovenske počitniške domove v Istri, so še vedno v teh ustanovah. Pretekli petek so bili objavljeni podatki, ki kažejo, da se je višina hrvaškega dolga do jedrske elektrarne Krško povišala na 3,1 milijarde tolarjev (slovenski dolg znaša 2,4 milijarde). Hrvaška stran sicer nakazuje plačila, vendar ni še zagotovila, da bo svoj dolg v celoti poravnala. Hrvaška je tudi nezadovoljna s Slovenijo zaradi neporavnanega dolga do hrvaških državljanov, ki jih ima Ljubljanska banka. Ta dolg znaša okrog 500 milijonov dolarjev. Hrvaško stališče je, da dolga do krške elektrarne ne bo poravnala vse dokler Ljubljanska banka ne bo vrnila denar svojim varčevalcem na Hrvaškem. Slovenska policija je objavila podatke o številnih kršitvah slovenske meje s Hrvaško. Letos so slovenski policisti priprli 5.176 oseb, ki so hoteli ilegalno prekoračiti mejo s Hrvaško (iz Slovenije v Hrvaško in obratno), slovenski organi pregona so pa postavili pred sodišče več kot 1.900 teh, večinoma zaradi tihotapljenja. Notranje ministrstvo je sporočilo, da so hrvaška letala in helikopterji letos 20-krat kršili slovenski zračni prostor, morska meja v piranskem zalivu pa sedemkrat. Slovesno praznovanje 75-letnice bojev za slovensko severno mejo — Povrnitev gen. Maistra v slovensko zgodovino Pretekli konec tedna so v Mariboru slovesno praznovali 75-letnico bojev za slovensko severno mejo, pri tem pa priznali odločilno vlogo pri teh, ki jih je odigral general Rudolf Maister. Glavni govornik na osrednji slovesnosti je bil predsednik Slovenije Milan Kučan. Zahvaliti se je treba Maistru, je rekel, in tudi Maistrovim borcem, da so leta 1918 ostali v Sloveniji precejšnji deli Štajerske, Koroške in Prekmurja. Kučan je v svojem govoru povezal tudi narodnoosvobilno vojno iz druge svetovne vojne rekoč, da brez ljudske vstaje na Primorskem bi bila Slovenija ostala brez slovenske Primorske, to tako, kot bi bila Slovenija brez Maistra in njegovih borcev ostala brez velikega dela severne Slovenije. In brez vsega tega, je zaključil Kučan, bi bilo vprašljivo, če bi danes Slovenija sploh obstajala. Za severno Slovenijo je Kučan svoje mnenje utemeljil z omembo sklepa zavezniških zunanjih ministrov 1. 1943 v Moskvi, ko so izjavili, naj se Avstrija obnovi v njenih mejah pred letom 1938. Če bi Maistrovi borci 1. 1918 ne uspeli, bi bilo slovensko ozemlje po drugi vojni na severu ostalo izgubljeno. Najstarejši Maistrov borec na slovesnosti je bil 99-letni Filip Kosec iz Ljubljane. V spomin pri Lipi sprave Posnetek na desni kaže pred Lipo sprave na Žalah v Ljubljani 1. novembra številne sveče, ki so gorele v spomin na pobite, ki nimajo groba. Spominski večer pred Lipo sprave je bil že šesti letni. Stanislav Klep je rekel, da je bil to »spominski dan vseh, ki jim je pred pol stoletja vzela življenje neomejena Moč in jim po razglašeni osvoboditvi ni pustila svobode večnega počitka v miru.« Irena Virant je dejala, poroča Slovenec 2. novembra, da so Slovenci trpeli zaradi kljukastega križa, fašistične butare ter srpa in kladiva, kar je vse sejalo bolečino, trpljenje in smrt. »Vendar je sovražnik v imenu srpa in kladiva hudobno zasejal med ljudi tudi sovraštvo, ki pomeni duhovno smrt. Žrtve, ki se jih danes spominjamo, zahtevajo od nas, da sovraštvo zamenjamo z odpuščanjem in spravo. Ne smemo odnehati!« Pomembna obletnica— Ravno danes, Veteranski dan praznik, poteka 75. obletnica uradnega konca prve svetovne vojne. Konec vojne je bil seveda tudi velik mejnik v slovenski zgodovini. Prodaja peciva— Svetovidsko oltarno društvo ima prodajo krofov to soboto od 8. zj. dalje, v društveni sobi. Pridite in pokupite! Pristavski upokojenci— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima mesečno sejo v sredo, 17. nov., ob 1.30 pop., v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue. Članstvo lepo vabljeno. Seja— Klub upokojencev v Nev-burgu-Maple Hts. ima sejo v sredo, 17. nov., ob 1. pop., v SND na E. 80 St. Članstvo vabljeno, sprejemali bodo tudi rezervacije za božično kosilo. Spominska maša— V nedeljo, 21. novembra, bo ob 10. uri dopoldne v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Avenue maša za ljubljanskega škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana. Tabor DSPB vabi Slovence in Slovenke iz Clevelanda in okolice, da se te maše udeleže. V tiskovni sklad— Ludvik Kalar, Euclid, O., je daroval $10. Iskrena hvala! Novi grobovi Mary J. Potočnik Umrla je 87 let stara Mary J. Potočnik, rojena Srnovr-snik, vdova po Anthonyju, mati Anthonyja in Ann Marie Kurzinger, 10-krat stara mati, 22-krat prastara mati, sestra Petra Srnick ter že pok. Pauline Lenarčič, Josephine Fantine, Olge Slapnik, Alme Jerome, Raymonda, Adolpha in Williama Srnick. Pogreb bo v soboto, 13. novembra, iz De-John-Flynn-Mylott zavoda na 4600 Mayfield Rd. v cerkev sv. Clare dop. ob 9. in od tam na Kalvarijo. Ure kropljenja bodo jutri, v petek, od 5. do 9. zvečer. Jennie Anna Vik Dne 2. novembra je umrla 87 let stara Jennie Anna Vik, rojena Unetič, mati Ruby Krall in že pok. Arthurja Lazar (pok.), 5-krat stara mati, 9-krat prastara mati, sestra Mary Penko (Pa.). Pogrebni obredi bodo v soboto, 13. nov., pop. ob 1. v cerkvi Faith United Church of Christ, 575 Richmond Rd. na Richmond Hts. Pokopana bo v Boca Ra-tonu, Fla. Darovi v pokojničin spomin Alzheimer’s Research, 12200 Fairhill Rd., Cleveland, OH 44120 so priporočeni. (Osmrtnice tudi na str. 13) Martinovanje, koncerta— Ta »vikend« je zopet bogat. V soboto ima svoje martinovanje v SND na St. Clairju Belokranjski klub. Isti večer, v SDD na Waterloo Rd., ima svoj jesenski koncertni nastop z večerjo in plesom pevski zbor Jadran, ki bo v 1994 gostoval v Sloveniji. To nedeljo pa praznuje svojo 55-letnico Mladinski pevski zbor kr. 2 SNPJ, in sicer v SDD na Re-cherjevi ulici. Slišali smo, da bo udeležba na vsaki teh prireditev zelo velika. V Rožmanov sklad— Mohorjevi v pomoč pri vzdrževanju študentov so v spomin ob 34. obletnici smrti škofa Rožmana darovali J. in M. Prosen, $20 pa g. Janez Pičman. Ga. Ivanka Tominec je darovala $10 v spomin na svojo v Sloveniji umrlo sestro Jožefo Tominc, in $10 za pok. č.g. Alojzija Luskarja. Lepo se za darove zahvaljuje J. Prosen, poverjenik Mohorjeve. Jesenski festival— Jesenski festival pri župniji Marije Vnebovzete se bo vršil v nedeljo, 21. novembra, v dvorani stare cerkve. Servirano bo tudi kosilo. Več podrobnosti pozneje. Prodaja peciva— Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete ima prodajo krofov in peciva v soboto, 20. novembra, od 9. dop. dalje, v šolski dvorani. Tarok turnir— Vsi prijatelji taroka so vabljeni na turnir, ki se bo začel v soboto, 27. novembra, ob 7h zvečer, v šolski dvorani fare Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Avenue. Spominska darova— Ga. Maryann Selan, Willo-wick, O., je darovala $25 v podporo Ameriški Domovini, v spomin matere Jennie Feme. G. Vinko in ga. Mary Vrhovnik, South Madison, O., sta pa naročnino obnovila z darom $20 listu v spomin pok. Alojzija Gosar. Darovalcem se za podporo in naklonjenost naj lepše zahvalimo. Na poti v Slovenijo— Preteklo soboto dopoldne je bil v prostorih ADZ na S. Waterloo Rd. sestanek predstavnikov organizacij, ki so se zanimali za pošiljko zdravil in opreme iz Ohia v Slovenijo. Sestanek je vodil August B. Pust, guverner Voinovichev asistent za narodnostne zadeve. Sporočeno je bilo, da je pošiljka 64 ton na poti v Slovenijo, kamor bo prispela, pričakujejo, 27. novembra. Denarno so k pošiljki prispevali: ADZ, PSA, SNPJ in Federacija slovenskih narodnih domov. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 216/431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec — Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto, računano v ameriški valuti SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1 627 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday No. 44 Thursday, November 11, 1993 Msgr. Kazimir Humar Gorica, Italija Za spravo med mrtvimi Naša zahodna kultura je zrastla iz treh korenin: iz judovske, grške in rimske. Ena značilnosti teh treh osnovnih kultur je spoštovanje umrlih. V vsaki teh kultur najdemo spoštovanje umrlih, ki so ga izkazovali tako, da so svoje rajne s spoštovanjem pokopavali. Tudi razbojniki in drugi hudodelci so imeli pravico do spoštovanja, ko so zadostili pravici. Pri Izraelcih je značilno, da so svoje umrle pokopavali v zemljo, ali še rajši da so jih polagali v kako duplino. Zgled jim je dal očak Abraham, ki je ženo Saro pokopal v votlini na polju Makpeli (1 Mojz 23). Tudi upornega Absoloma so pokopali in sedem obešenih sinov matere Resfe ter Kralja. Tako ravnajo Judje z mrtvimi do danes. Pokopavajo jih na lastnih pokopališčih. Isto najdemo pri starih Grkih. V tem pogledu je značiln zlasti Sofoklejeva tragedija Antigona. Tiran ni pustil po pati Antigoninega brata, ker se mu je uprl, Antigona g. ; kljub temu pokopala. Prišla je pred tirana: »Ali nisi vedel? za prepoved?« »Vedela, kako ne. Toda tega niso prepove« li bogovi, zato sem brata pokopala.« Temu spoštovanju mrtvih so sledili tudi poganski Rimljani, ki so svoje mrtve pokopavali zlasti ob cestah, npr. ob via Appia. Njihovo spoštovanje mrtvih pa je veljalo vse n, tudi obsojenim na smrt. Tako so se ohranili grobovi kršč?. i-skih mučencev. En sam zgled: »Prokonzul je škofa Ciprijana obsodil na smrt z obglavljanjem, ker je ravnal zoper cesarsko prepoved. Tako je blaženi Ciprijan pretrpel smrt. Zaradi radovednosti poganov so njegovo truplo pokopali kar v bližini« (Akta sv. Ciprijana). To tradicijo je sprejelo tudi krščanstvo in jo še oplemenitilo z molivijo za vse rajne, brez izjeme. In sedaj kaj vidimo? Revolucije ne spoštujejo mrtvi,:. Nasprotnikom odrekajo pošten pokop. Začelo se je s francosko revolucijo, se nadaljevalo z Leninovo in Stalinovo revolucijo in se z nacizmom preneslo v Titovo Jugoslavijo in s tem tudi v Slovenijo. Svoje ideološke nasprotnike so pometali v kraška brezna, v reke, v morje. Še spomin nanje so hoteli izbrisati. Toda politične razmere so se spremenile in postalo je mogoče obujati spomin tudi na take žrtve in jim dati primerno čast. Na Primorskem se je to zgodilo z žrtvami cerkniške tragedije. Svojo čast so dobili partijci, ki so padli ob nemškem napadu na Cerkno ob koncu januarja 1 944, in tudi oba kaplana in druge žrtve, ki so jih likvidirali na Lajšah nad Cerknim in vrgli v brezno. Že dvakrat je bila spominska maša. Sedaj se oglašajo po Dolenjskem. Žrtvam medsebojnega obračunavanja za časa revolucije in po njej so začeli postavljati spominske plošče z imeni. Piše v Delu: »Taka spominska znamenja so odkrili v že več kot 40 krajih na Dolenjskem, Notranjskem, v Suhi Krajini in na delu Gorenjske.« Na Primorskem so tako znamenje postavili v Črnem Vrhu. Drugod še čakajo. Toda istočasno se pojavlja ideološka nestrpnost na eni in na drugi strani. Borci ugovarjajo, da gre za »kolaboracioniste« in da se ob takih priložnostih slišijo hujskaški govori; Dr. Zdravko Kalan Sredi slovenskega poletja, ko se je po slovenskih krajih razkropila tudi množica Slovencev z vsega sveta, se je na svoj način, za vekomaj, vrnil v domovino tudi dr. Zdravko Kalan, ki so ga še posebej dobro poznali in cenili Slovenci v New Yorku. To je bila njegova dokončna vrnitev in izpolnitev njegove zadnje želje; umrl je v septembru 1992, v družinski • I5. J.«, šr Dr. Zdravko Kalan grob so položili žaro z njegovimi zemeljskimi ostanki. Na zadnji poti v Stari Loki (Škofja Loka) so ga pospremili najožji svojci, žena Marjanca, sin Tomo z ženo Veroniko, vnuk in drugi. Slovo je bilo prisrčno in dostojanstveno. Starološki župnik je med pogrebnim obredom obširneje orisal Kalanovo življenjsko pot in med drugim poudaril predvsem to, da je bil dr. Zdravko dober človek, dober mož in oče ter zvesti slovenski rodoljub. Dr. Zdravko Kalan je bil trden, pokončen, zaveden Slovenec, kar je dolga leta doka-zkoval tudi z organizacijo prosvetnih ur v cerkvi sv. Cirila v New Yorku pa pozneje s poročili o tem in drugih dogodkih v clevelandski Ameriški domovini. Življenje samo ga je oblikovalo v človeka, ki mu nikoli ne sme biti vseeno, kaj se dogaja okrog njega. Rojen je bil leta 1906, oče je bil financar, zato je za delom prepotoval vso domovino, mater je izgubil kot otrok. Doštudiral je pravo, prvo advokatsko pisarno odprl v Celju, potem pa se je ustalil v Novem mestu, kjer se je poročil z Marjanco Kastelic iz znane novomeške trgovske družine. Naneslo je, da je bil sredi vojne vihre postavljen za novomeškega župana, po lažni ovadbi pa so ga Nemci kot vnetega domoljuba odpeljali v taborišče Dachau, kjer je dočakal konec vojne. Zvedel je, da bi bil po vojni na poti tudi novi oblasti, zato se je odločil za izselitev v ZDA. Ker mu izobrazbe niso priznali, se je Mezzosopranistka Marjana Lipovšek med Slovenci v Chicagu — Obetajoč koncert CHICAGO, 111. — Med nami bo mezzosopranistka Marjana Lipovšek, ki si je že zdavnaj utrla sloves v evropskih opernih hišah, pri tem pa ostala ponosna Slovenka z globokim smislom za vse, kar je slovensko. Njena glasbena pot jo je vodila širom sveta, tokrat pa prihaja med nas v Chicago, kjer bo nastopala na odrskih deskah naše Lyric Opere. Za nas Slovence, in prav posebno za nas Slovence v Chicagu in okolici, bo pa priredila koncert in sicer v nedeljo, 4. decembra, ob 2.30 popoldne v Rudolph Ganz Memorial Hall na Roosevelt University. Koncert organizira dr. Ludmila Lazar, ki je tudi naša slovenska glasbena zvezda v Chicagu. Dobiček gre h gradnji našega Kulturnega centra. Prispevek je $10. Vljudno vabljeni! Za več informacije, pokličite go. Cor-inne Leskovar na tel. (312) 275-1115. Župnik Rudi Urbič umrl PARKERS PRAIRIE, Minn. -Gospod Rudi Urbič je bil rojen 14. marca 1908, v fari Sevnica ob Savi, na majhnem posestvu. Imeli so dve kravi. V prvem letu srednje šole sta mu umrla oba starša. Starejši brat, ki je prevzel posestvo, bi naj pomagal Rudiju denarno pri njegovi izobrazbi. Toda kako? Domači župnik, ki je poznal Rudijevo željo po duhovništvu, je prevzel težo bremena. Nižjo, zasebno gimnazijo je študiral pri salezijancih v Veržeju, ob koncu vsakega šolskega leta pa je delal izpite na klasični gimnaziji v Mariboru. Ker je imel težave s hišnim redom in ker denar ni redno prihajal, je višjo gimnazijo študiral v Mariboru, preživljal pa se je s poučevanjem nižješolcev. Hrano je dobival pri različnih dobrih družinah, in je bil večkrat lačen. Po maturi na klasični gimnaziji pa ni šel v mariborsko bogoslovje, ampak na Hrvaško, v Šibenik. To predvsem zato, ker je upal, da bo v Šibeniku preje dobil faro kot v Mariboru, kjer so mnogi duhovniki ostali kaplani dolga leta. Tako je bil v Šibeniku or- moral najprej preživljati s fizičnim delom, ob tem pa ponovno študiral in si priboril priznanje že prej potrjenega znanja. Ob koncu svoje kariere je bil revizor v državi New York. Njegova družina, žena Marjanca, hči Majda in sin Tomo so se priselili k njemu leta 1956. Hči zdaj živi v državi Vermont, sin Tomo, ki je v ZDA doštudiral geologijo, pa sodeluje pri izkoriščanju naftnih polj v Indoneziji. Slovenska zemlja je tako v svoje okrilje sprejela še enega od svojih zvestih sinov. Jože Prešeren Rodna gruda, 10 — 1993 toda pišejo tudi, da se na drugi strani rušijo spominska znamenja NOB (Delo, 9. okt.). Zato pomislimo: Ali se hočemo vrniti k naši evropski kulturi in spoštovati vse umrle, na katerikoli strani so zaključili svoje zemsko potovanje? Padle vojake v prvi in drugi svetovni vojni so dostojno pokopali povsod. Iz Rusije vračajo italijanske vojake in jih prepeljujejo v domovino. V Kranju so na pokopališču uredili grobove padlih nemških vojakov. Torej okupatorjevih vojakov, kar je prav in pošteno. Ali smo zmožni takega spoštovanja do vseh naših mrtvih, brez ozira na to, na kateri strani so postali žrtve? Praznih vseh svetnikov in vernih duš, ki je vseh mrtvih dan, naj nam k temu pomaga, da ne bomo še naprej del balkanske kulture, temveč da vstopimo v Evropo kot kulturen narod, ki spoštuje vse mrtve. Katoliški glas, 28. okt. diniran 22. septembra 1935. Po novi maši je služil vojaški rok šest mesecev blizu grške meje. Po vrnitvi v škofijo je dobil prvo faro na otoku Pagu. Bila je zelo mala in revna fara, ljudje so se priživljali z ribištvom in ovčjerejo. Sredi otoka je bilo malo jezero, pravo leglo za komarje, ki so prenašali malarijo. V najkrajšem času je zbolel za malarijo, zato je prosil škofa za prestavitev na celino. Dobil je faro Jadrtovac, blizu Šibenika. Ko so ob nemškem napadu na Jugoslavijo aprila 1941 italijanski fašisti okupirali Dalmacijo, je nekdo Rudija de-nunciral Italijanom protifašistične propagande; bil je aretiran in tri mesece v samici čakal končne obsodbe. Bil je obsojen za eno leto. Ob razsulu Italije septembra 1943, so Nemci zasedli tud' Dalmacijo. Sledili so spopadi med ustaši, partizani in Nemci. Mnogo nedolžnih je izgubilo življenje, tudi duhovnikov. Ker se je Rudi smatral ogroženega, je prosil svojega škofa za dopust, in odšel na Dunaj-Tam ga je kardinal Innitzer dodelil za pomočnika nekemu bolanemu župniku na hribovju Semmeringa. Spomladi leta 1945, ko so Rusi začeli zasedati Avstrijo, se je s kolesom odpeljal v Slovenijo, kjer je dobil v upravo svojo rojstno faro. Ob koncu vojne, ko so komunisti prevzeli Jugoslavijo, da se izogne ječi, je pobegnil v Trst in tam je preko ameriškega vojaškega kurata dobil »affidavit« od škofa Treacyja v La Crosse, Wisconsin. Po prihodu v La Crosse 1. 1951, je bil Rudi določen za pomočnika kaplanu v bolniščni Sacred Heart v Eau Claire, Wis. Leta 1952 je sam postal bolniški duhovnik v bolnišnici sv. Jožefa v Chippewa Fallsu, in tam ostal do poletja 1953. Tega leta je postal hišni duhovnik za štiri leta v River Pines Sanato-riumu v Stevens Pointu, *n upravitelj pri Mission Church v Bueni Visti. Naslednjih 20 let je bil župnik v Wurzburgu, Cookes Valleyju, Czenstochowi, Fair-viewju in Fairchildu. Leta 1977 je šel v pokoj, potem je služil štiri leta kot župnik ^ Norwalku, kjer je tudi pozida novo župnišče. V pokoju je zime prežive (dalje na str. H) Po treh letih svobodne vladavine Ljubljana Zapletena pota slovenske demokracije • Marko Kos Recimo, da smo prišli na temelju demokratične ideje o samoodločbi narodov (ki so ji bili za botra Američani) do samostojne države; vprašanje se nam postavlja v drugem delu uganke. Kako se bomo privadili demokraciji, saj v njej še nikoli nismo živeli — drugače kot druge evropske države in ZDA. In kako smo se izkazali na začetku? Različni ljudje bi na to različno odgovorili, kar že na samem začetku predstavlja šibkost. Teorije demokracije ni -v nasprotju z bogatimi priroč-mki marksistično-leninistične-ga komunizma. Kaj smo uporabili od imen, ki v demokraciji mnogokrat označujejo isto stvar: republika, svobodna vlada, predstavniška vlada? Poleg tega imamo državljanske pravice, naravne pravice, enakost pred zakonom, enake možnosti, splošno pravico glasovanja, večinsko vlado, loče-ne oblasti in večstrankarski si-stem. Cel niz idej! Vendar kaj je bistveno? Kako smo to kombinirali? Kakšni so kriteriji, da bi določili našo demokratičnost? Vrhunec teh muk pa je, da nikjer na Zahodu ni avtoritete, ki bi določila, kaj je resnična demokracija. Koliko lažje je bilo v sociali-zmu, ne samo zaradi enotno-sti. marveč tudi zaradi širine in natančnosti osmih temeljnih hoimov, kot so: razredni boj, Rodovina dialektičnega mate-halizma, presežna vrednost, 'frnžba, prilagojena oblikam ekonomske proizvodnje, pro-tislovnost kapitalizma, ki pri-Ptavlja svoje nazadovanje in Propad, cilj in vzgoja revoluci-°narjev in diktatura proletariata — kaj- vse v0(jj k odmira-nju držav. so bile jasne »velike ide- DE^ blag spomin od^Tindvajsete OBLETNICE, •var nas je zapustil nas jijbljeni SOPROG, OCE, STARI OCE in tast fioltizar Hozjan ie Preminul 12. novembra 1964. 0č‘vaj v miru, dobri soprog, vr tem imamo opravka s Paradoksom: kako naj se neki narod nauči, v čem obstaja svobodna vladavina, če sam ni svoboden? A kako naj ostane svoboden, če ni zmožen uprav-Jati z vrsto mehanizmov, ki so P°vezani s samoupravo? . ^Pravičeno se lahko sprašu-icroo, ali so izpolnjeni pogoji 23 svobodo? Želja sama ni do-v°lj. da se zavaruje nacionalist ali doseže liberalna demo-, racija. Demokracije se ne da r°jiti brez ozira na okolišči-ne‘ ie mogoče uvažati. Med ° °*iščinami moramo navesti 'zročilo, pismenost in izurjenost v vzajemnem dajanju in Prejemanju kakor tudi strez- Jnjoče izkušnje katastrofe ali travme- Velika ovira za nas je današ-P značaj svobodnih vladavin k °da. Te niso več enake, so bile ob nastanku. To so , Zave s socialno varnostjo, ar je socialistični ideal, ta Jeobrazba je tako spremenila n enanizem svobodne vladavi-e> da ni več podoben modelu, 1 Se je prej lahko definiral z j'ekBj preprostimi mehanizmi, *°t so splošna volilna pravica, ^strankarski sistem in vlada- '^vetine. Vedeti moramo, da z uvaja-jeJem sociale, velike birokraci-za izvajanje številnih pred-stv°V tCr v's°lrih davkov u-k arJajo omejitve zaradi ena-, stt, kg,- opravičuje kritike vC)tri0*Cracije — da začenja go-^riti z jezikom svobode, kon-. Pa z zavzemanjem za ena- dru ’ ^ar un^uje svobodo za ^ .®°- ^ato mnogi težko razu-J0> da so potrebne omeji-da bi zavarovali pravice, talna težnja k družbeni in prjSpodarski enakosti za vse je vjrPe^ala do velikega premika j>0 plasti nad posamezniki. p0...vPravic in svobode ni več Up ^ne narave: državna ava je administrativna in ^ALI oglasi NekP0TUJETE V RIM? ^otel Bled, danes hotel siu0 na' Obveščamo vas, da ba ^ pr}‘ v Rimu hotel Emo-Nasi a r°jake poseben popust. Via «5tV h°tela: 00185 ■ ROMA, ali J at,la23-Tel: 06-7027911 702s^'JO27827> telefax: 06- er: Anna Kuhel. the eet'ngs are held every first Wednesday of Latt,ni0ntt’ at 2:30 p.m. in school hall of St. rence School on E. 80th St. ST. MARY MAGDALENE SOCIETY No. 162 KSKJ ^red U*10vn* Vodja: Rev. Joseph Boznar; 2an'S'.’ Frances Nemanich; Podpreds in V|o,l.Sn'karca: Betty Orehek; Tajnica: Maryann Rede! p60 E' 212 St” Euclid> OH: Blag- in Mac ejlCa: Rosalia Palčič; Nadzornice: Frances 2as,ero*; Mary Palcic in Josephine Gorencic 'opnice za 0hio KSKJ Fed.: Betty Orehek, J"6« Namanich. Sred^Vniki ysi slovenski. Seje se vrše vsako prvo ViH0 V mesecu ob 1:30 pop v družabno sobi sv. da štoriji. D Društvo SV. JOŽEFA št. 169 geneU^°Vni voclja Rev. John Kumse; preds. Eu-taj » °80vsek; podpreds. Anthony Tolar; fin. Oh T”'00 Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., Cleveland, Neme .1*^’ te*’ ^4L2243; pomožna taj. Anica blag j’ k°*' taJ- Helena Nemec, tel. 541-7243; biki- penn'e Tuma; zapis. Mary Okicki; nadzor-direht rank ^b'dar, John Obat, Charles Eržen; dir a°r za atletiko John Obat, tel. 481-6129; John j 2enske aktivnosti Jennie Tuma; vratar dru{jn acks°n; zdravniki: dr. Maks Rak in vsi biec- S ' Zdravnik'l P°r- v angleščini Helena Ne-SejJ'fH' v sl°venščini:Tone Nemec, zv. v s,e vr^e vsak tretji četrtek v mesecu ob 7.30 jetria čl°V domu na Holmes Ave. Društvo spre-0<1 S? iw,e 0d r°jstva do 70 let za zavarovalnino 4>u00 naprej. sACRED HEART OF JESUS Duhovn' LODGE No- 172 KSKJ predsed • ! voc*ja: Rev- Joseph Božnar; Častna R°lha- p udmBa Glavan; Predsednica: Angela ^raga r 0<*Pred': Kuhel; Tajnica-blag.: ‘*4lI9) 19831 Lockerie Ave., Euclid, OH Kuhel; p ' .531‘5678; Zapisnikarica: Gabriela bikar. ev,z°rji: Joseph Each, Aurelia Zad-SCja ^ Paragov-6 Vr^e vsalto tretjo sredo v mesecu v °ktobra oh Gla‘r' Gd upnla ^o Uri zve{er p' u.r‘ 'n ocl novembra do march ob 5 sejj obiranje asesmenta pred sejo in po KRISTUS KRALJ ŠT. 226 — KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Jože Božnar; Presednik: Joseph F. Rigler, tel. 585-4749; Podpredsednik: Raymond Zak; Tajnik & blagajnik: Frank Šega, 2918 Emerald Lake Blvd., Willoughby Hills, OH 44092-2718, tel (216) 944-0020: Zapisnikar: Eva M. Verderber; Nadzorni odbor: Anthony L. Rigler, John Zupančič in Robert McDonaugh; Director mladinskih aktivnosti: Judy A. Ryan; š’Portni referent: Ronald Zak; Vratar: Antonia Šega; Zastopnik z SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Seje društva se vršijo vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob 12 uri v SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. KSKJ vam nudi mnogovrstno in moderno živl-jensko zavarovanje za vsote od 2,000 do neomejene vsote in to pod najbolj ugodnimi pogoji za podrobnosti se z zaupanjemobrnite na tajnika društva. Lodge CLEVELAND No. 9 Preš.: Albert Amigoni; Vice Pres.: Stanley G. Ziherl; Secretary: Patricia Amigoni, 21051 Arbor Ave., Euclid, OH 44123, tel: 531-8468; Treasurer: Robert Menart; Rec. Secy.: James Pavlik; Auditors: Frank Ahlin, Mary Champa, Andrew Champa; Fraternal Affairs Coordinator: Albert Amigoni; Physicians: Any Slovenian. Meetings 1st Sunday of the month at AMLA Home Office, 19424 S. Waterloo Rd., at 10 a.m. Lodge RIBNICA No. 12 'President Louis Silc, Vice-President John Cen-dol; Secretary Carole Czeck, 988 Talmadge Avenue, Wickliffe, OH 44092; Treasurer Carole Czeck; Recording /-Secretary Gina Ilacqua; Auditing Committee: Gina Ilacqua, John Cen-dol, Louis Silc. Meetings at the home of the President, 30417 •* Oakdale Road, 2 p.m., on April 18, July 18, Oct. 17, and Dec. 19, 1993. OUR LADY OF FATIMA LODGE No. 255 — KSKJ Spiritual Advisor: Rev. John Kumse; President: Edward J. Furlich; Vice Pres.: Robert Schulz; Sec.-Treas.: Josephine Trunk, 17609 Schenely Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119-1939, Ph: 481-5004: Rec. Sec.: Connie Schulz; Auditors: Darlene D. Schulz and David Furlich; Womens and Youth Activities: Maureen Furlich; Sports Activities: Larry Duggan. Meetings the second Wednesday of the month at Secretary’s Home, 6:30 p.m. Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza American Mutal Life Association ST. ANNE LODGE No. 4 AMLA President: Josephine Novak; Vice President: Madeline D. Debevec; Secretary: Marie Orazem, 20673 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44123, 486-2735; Treasurer: Josephine Am-brosic; Rec. Secy.: Janet Krivacic; Auditors: Frances Kotnik, Frances Macerol, Josephine Mohorčič; Youth Coordinator: Madeline D. Debevec; Reporter: Madeline D. Debevec. Meetings are evrey second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the social room at St. Vitus, E. 62nd and Glass Ave. Društvo NAPREDNI SLOVENCI št. 5 President Frank Stefe; Vice-President Edward Pečjak; Secretary Frances Stefe, 1482 Dille Rd., Euclid, OH 44117; Treasurer Frances Stefe; Recording Secretary Harold Telich; Auditors: Mark Telich, Dr. Joseph Chrzanowski, Edward Pečjak; Fraternal Affairs Officer Mark Steven Telich. Meetings the 3rd Sunday of month at 1482 Dille Rd., Euclid, OH at 10 a.m. Lodge SLOVENSKI DOM št. 6 President Joseph G. Petrie, Vice President Marie Hosta, Secretary Albin Banko, 6805 Mayfield Rd. No. 726, Mayfield Hts., OH 44124, Treasurer Virginia Kotnik, Recording Secretary Anne Cecelic, Auditors: Jean Fabian, Caroline Lokar, Louise Fabec, Youth Coordinator: Jean Fabian, Medical Examiner Dr. Anthony Spech. Meetings: First Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Društvo NOVI DOM St. 7 Predsednik Anton Švigelj; podpreds. Anton Škerl; taj.-blag. Franc Kovačič, 1072 E. 74 St„ Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 431-7472; zapis. Jennie Antloga; nadzorniki: Jože Gabrič, Marija Gabrič, Ana Mihelich. Zdravnik: vsak po zakomu priznani zdravnik v Ohiu. Seje: prva nedelja v mesecu, ob 10. dop., na domu tajnika. KRAS NO. 8 Presidenti’Wjda Zak; vice-president: Celeste Frollo; secretary: Anton Lavrisha; treasurer: Ivanka Kapel; recording secretary: Sophie Matuch. Meetings the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue. Društvo KRAUICA MIRU št. 24 Preds. Anna Perko; podpreds. Frances Cazin; taj. Alice Arko, 3562 E. 80 St., Cleveland, OH 44105, tel. 341-7540; blag. Rosemary Pozarelli; zapis. Angela Musil; nadzornice: Dolores Hrovat, Angela Musil, Harriet Fashinpaur; mlad. koordinatorka Alice Arko. Seje so vsako drugo sredo v mesecu ob 2. pop. v SND na E. 80 St. Društvo SV. CECILIJA št. 37 Preds. Anna Šilc; podpreds. Frances Slepic; taj.-blag. Florence Zak, 24085 Glenbrook Blvd., Euclid, OH 44117 Phone: 481-6681; zapis. Marie Bond; nadzornici: Anna Ribic, Bertha Vidmar. Zdravniki: vsi slovenski. Seje so vsak prvi torek v mesecih feb., apr., jun., sept. in nov., ob 1.30 pop. v šoli sv. Vida. Slovenska Ženska Zveza Slovenian Women’s Union SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BRANCH 10 Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse, President: Stephanie Segulin, Vice Pres.: Mary Podlogar, Sec. & Treas.: Theresa Dagg, 1910 Rosement Rd., E. Cleveland, OH 44112 Phone No. 681-5379; Recording Secretary: Ann Stefančič, Sunshine Ladies: Joyce LeNassi, Faye Maro, Auditors: Helen Suhy, Mary Princ; Reporters: Ann Stefančič, Theresa Fiercolli; Sgt.-at-Arms: Lucy Romik. Meetings: 4th Wednesday of every other month at 1 p.m., Slovenian Home, Holmes Ave. Woman of the Year for 1993: Mary Princ. PODRUŽNICA ŠT. 14 Duhovni vodja Rev. Francis Sterk; preds.: Martha Koren; podpreds.: Vera Bajec; taj-blag. Diane Varney, 1155 Easton Dr., Akron, OH 44310; zapis: Addie Humphreys; nadzornice: Marilyn Fitzhum, Antoinette Zabukovec, Mary Jane Stanič; poročevalka: Ileen Collins, Rose Rodgers; zastopnici za Klub društev: Martha Koren, Mary Jane Stanič, Ruth Kurilec. Seje vsak prvi torek v mesecu ob 7. zv. v SDD na Recher Ave. v Euclidu. PODRUŽNICA ST. 25 SŽZ SWU Duhovni vodja Rev. Jože Božnar; preds. Josephine Mohorčič; podpreds. Mary (Mitzi) Mihalič; taj-blag. Cirila Kermavner, 6610 Bliss Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 tel. 881-4798; zapis. Janet Krivačič; nadzornici: Mary Turk, Frances Kotnik. Seje se vrše vsak drugi torek v mesecu, ob 1:30 pop. v društveni sobi avditorija pri sv. Vidu. Asesment se pobira pol ure pred sejo. Sej ni v mesecu Januarju, juliju in avgustu. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BRANCH 32, Euclid, Ohio President: Ann Cooke; Vice-Pres.: Faye Starman; Secretary-Treas.: Charlotte Perdan, phone: 289-6316; Recording Sec.: Frances Ogourec; Auditors: Josephine Gornik, Veronica Dalton. — Meetings held every third Wednesday during the month of February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio at 7 p.m. DRUŠTVO SV. CECILIJA ŠT. 37 Preds.: Anna Šilc; podpreds. Bernadine Sajovic; taj-blag.: Florence Zak, 24085 Glenbrook Blvd., Euclid, OH 44117, phone: 481-6681; zapis.: Marie Bond; nadzornici: Anna Ribic, Bertha Vidmar. Zdravniki: vsi slovenski. Seje so vsak prvitorek v mesecih feb., apr., jun., sept. in nov., ob 1.30 pop. v šoli sv. Vida. S.W.U. BRANCH 47 Garfield Heights, Ohio Duhovni vodja: Rev. Anthony Rebol; Pred.: Olga Dorchak; Podpreds: Mary Mund-son: Taj.-Blag.: Mary Taucher; Zapis.: Elsie Spellacy. Nadzornici: Elsie Lavrenčič eno Marge Bizjak. Seje so na drugi nedelji v mescih Marca in Septembra ob 1. pop. V mesecih Maja in Decembra pa na prvi nedelji ob 1. pop v Slov. domu 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple Hts., Ohio. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 50 »’resident: Anne Terček; Vice Pres.: Mary Miller; Membership Sec.: Evelyn Pipoly; Rec. Secy.: Mary Maxim; Treasurer: Jean Miller; Zarja Reporter: Vera Šebenik; Auditors: Violet Moravchak, Anna Lukek; Sentinal and Historian: Josephine Smith; Woman of the Year: Mary (Mitzi) Bencin. Progressive Slovene Women of America PSWA NATIONAL BOARD Headquarters: 15335 Waterloo Cleve, OH 44110 President: Florence Unetich, First Vice Pres.: Joyce Plemel; Second Vice Pres.: Millie Bradač; Secretary-Treasurer: Vida Zak; Recording Secretary: Frances Mauric. Auditors: Dolores Dobida, Fran Marn, Agnes Turkovich; Education / Welfare: Caroline Lokar, Helen Joca, Julie Zorc. Historian: Helen Joca. National Board meetings are held the second Monday of January, March, April, July, September and November at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 at 7:30 p.m. CIRCLE 1 President: Betty Rotar; vice president: Josephine Kapla; recording secretary: Dolores Dobida; secretary-treasurer: Vida Zak; auditors: J. Skolaris, D. Silc, J. Tomsk; education welfare committee: D. Gorjup, A. Žabjek, E. Godec; Historian: R. Haic. Meetings 1st Thursday of the month at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44110. CIRCLE 2 President: Josephine Turkman; Hon. vice pres.: Frances Legat, Anna Filipič; 1st vice pres.: Agnes Turkovič; secretary-treasurer: Margaret Kaus, 34200Ridge Rd. No. 505, Willoughby, OH 44094; recording secy: Florence Zalokar; publicity: Florence Zalokar; auditors: Jean Chohaney, Mary Turk; sunshine lady: Christine Ujcich. Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 1 p.m. SND annex. New members are welcome. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA CIRCLE THREE Euclid, Ohio President: Dorothy Lamm; Vice-Pres.: Molly Sodja; Fin. Secy.: Miss Fran Marn, 1541 E. 191 St. No. K-104, Euclid, OH 44117, tel: 486-2643; Rec. Secy.: Diane Varney; Sgt.-at-Arms: Caroline Lokar; Auditors: Loretta Hlabse (Ch.), Millie Pike, Marilyn Bilicic; Reporter: Regina Burja; Sunshine: Dorothy Elersich; Bingo: Stella Kostick; Cookbooks: Mickey Frank, tel: 481-8693. Meetings: Second Wed. of each month, at 7 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA, CIRCLE 7 President: Julie Zorc; Vice Pres.: Edith Zele; 2nd Vice Pres.: Irene Strancar; Rec. Sec.: Pauline Krall; Treasurer: Frances B. Weyant, 123 E. 156 St., Apt. 1408, Cleveland, OH 44110. Auditors: Angie Baranowski, Mary Krnel, Esther Larabee; Sunshine Lady: Katherine Dohnal; Reporters: Hildagarde Kazen, Esther Larabee, Lillian Ribarich; Bingo Chairperson: Pauline Krall. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 11, 1993 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 11, 1993 Roster of Organizations -----------— ---------- Imenik slovenskih društev Slovenski narodni domovi Slovenian National Homes FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN HOMES President: Helen Konkoy; First Vice Pres.: Rosemary Toth; Second Vice Pres.: Patricia Ipavec Clark; Financial Secretary: John Jackson; Recording Secretary: Helen Urbas; Corresponding Secretary: Celeste Frollo; Executive Secretary: Joseph Petrie, Jr.; Co-Historian: John Habat; Auditors: William War-muth, Charles Femec, Jeanne Fabian; Legan Advisor: Charles Ipavec. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 St. Clair Avenue Edward F. Kenik, pres.; Robert Hopkins, vice pres.; John N. Perencevic, secy.-treas.; June Price, recording secy. Auditors: Ann Opeka, Sophia Opeka, John Vatovec, Antonia Zagar, Dennis Sušnik; Legal Advisor: Charles F. Ipavec; House Committee: Mary Batis, John Cendol, Stanley Frank, Ron Genovese, John Leonard, John Trinko; Ways and Means: Patricia Ipavec Clarke, Jean Križman, Sylvia Plymesser, Larry Perme, Zachary Zak. Alternates: Elroy Primuth, Marilyn Genovese. Office hours: Tuesday thru Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday. Phone: 361-5115. COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME — 1993 Board of Directors — President: John Jackson; Vice Pres.: Matthew Kajfez; Treas.: Frances Kajfez; Rec. Sec.: Jennie Tuma; Fin. Sec.: Frank Ferra; Auditors: Mary Podlogar, Chuck Femec, Casimer Kozin-ski; House Comm.: Carl Schultz; Directors: Phil Yan Sr., Tom McNulty, Michaelene McNulty, Joyce Segulin, Mary Blatnik, Tom Urankar. Alternates: Ed Fujda, Josephine Wutchiett SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohio President: Paul Šibenik; Vice Pres.: Joyce Plemel; Rec. Sec.: John Vide; Fin. Sec.: Millie Bradač; Treasurer: Joe Sterle; Audit Chairman: Ken Kleinhenz, Dorothy Silc, Martha Meglich; House Comm. Chairman: A1 Meglich, Tony Silc, Tony Sturm, Stanley Grk, Celeste Frollo, Frank Smerke Office Hours: Monday, Tues., Wed.: 6 p.m. tb 8 p.m. or by appointment, phone Millie Bradač 481-5378 or 481-0047. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio President: Joseph Petrie; Vice President: RoseMary Toth; Secretary: Joseph Stavanja; Treasurer: William Frank; Recording Secretary: Esther Podboy; Auditors: Karen Alich, Chairman, Robert Cigoy, Anna Adams; House Committee: Robert Cigoy, Chairman, Dorothy Lanim, Rudy Urbanick, Stephanie Segulin. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME LADIES AUXILIARY OFFICERS President: Rose Mary Toth; Vice President; Dorothy Lamm; Treasurer: Karen Alich 261-1265; Recording Secretary: Dorothy Kapel; Auditors: Norma Hrvatin, Esther Podboy, Anna Adams; Alternates: Mary Ster, Christine Kovach and Marty Koren; Slovenian Society Home Liaison: President Joe Petrie. LADIES AUXILIARY OF S.N.P.J. FARM, Heath Rd. President: B. Rotar, Vice President: S. Matuch; Recording Secretary: R. M. Toth; Financial Secretary: V. Zak; auditors: E. Zevnik, D. Dobida, H. Sumrada. BARAGOV DOM, INC. 6304 St. Clair Ave. — Cleveland, OH 44103 Presednika: Stanko Vidmar; Podpredsednik: Vinko Rozman; Tajnik: Lojze Bajc; Blagajnik: Anton Oblak; Gospodar: Vinko Rozman; Socialni Klub: Janez Žakelj; Nadzorni dobor: France Šega, Tomaž Slak, Viktor Tominec. Odborniki: Anton Meglič, Jože Dovjak, Anica Kur-bus, Janez Košir, Jože Cerar, Pavel Lavriša in Janez Semen. Dom ima prostore za razne prireditve: partije, pogrebščine, sestanke. V domu je Slovenska pisarna in knjižnica. Tel.: 881-9617. UPRAVNI ODBOR SLOVENSKE PRISTAVE 1992-1993 Predsednik: Milan Ribič; Prvi podpredsednik: Frank Lovšin; Drugi podpredsednik: Tone Vogel; Tajnica: Mojca Slak 881-1725; Blagajničarka: Marija Leben; Zapisnikarca: Dorothy Tominc; Odborniki in odbornice: Felix Breznikar, Jože Cerer, Eddy Dejak, Frank Ferkulj, Albert Frank, Larry Frank, Karl Gorišek; Jože Grčar, Matija Hutar, Frank Kogovšek, Jože Košir, Greg Lamovec, Tone Lavrisha, Tom Lobe, Joakin Mejak, Stane Mrva, Brane Pogačnik, Tine Ribič, Mate Roesmann, Stanley Rožic, Ron Rus, Stane Rus, Vidko Sleme, Janez Semen, Helena Vodopivec, Joe Žnidaršič, Marko Žnidaršič, Tomaž Žnidaršič. Nad slov: P.O. Box 32217, Euclid, OH 44132-0217. Klubi upokojencev Retiree’s Clubs FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN AMERICAN RETIREES CLUBS President: John Taucher; Vice Pres.: Frank Cesen; Secretary: Mae Fabec; Treasurer: Gus Petelinkar; Rec. Sec.: John Phrne; Auditors: Frank Fabec, John Jackson, Harry Brule. ST. CLAIR AVENUE pf;nsioners club 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 President: Rose Godic; 1st Vice Pres.: Irene Toth; 2nd Vice Pres.: Angela Bolha; Rec. Sec’y.: Frances Nemanich; Fin. Secy.: Stanley Frank, 5919 Prosser Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel.: 391-9761; Auditors: Frances Kotnik, Mary Turk, Anthony Brodnik; Planning Ch.: Edward Kar-nak; Tour Coordinator: Frances Karnak. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Annex of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS CLUB OF EUCLID, OHIO President: Frank Kosten; 1st Vice-Pres.: Rudolph Urbanick; Treasurer: Ann Kosten; Recording Sec.: Hildagarde Kazen; Financial Secretary: Eleanor Pavey, 1125 E. 174 St., Cleveland, OH 44119-3107 (PH: 531-4445); Auditors: Josephine Trunk, Chairperson; Pauline Burya, Marie Seland; Sunshine Lady: Marie Selan (732-9172); Sergeant-at-Arms: Albert Sintič. Meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of every month beginning at 1 p.m., at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President: Nick Vukčevič; vice pres.: Rose Bradack; treasurer: Francis O’Hara; rec. secy.: Dolly Nemura; sgt.-at-arms: Ann Cecelic; entertainment: Stan Kozar, Ray Gobec, John Bozich; auditors: Faye Starman, Fran Marn, Millie Richards; sunshine: Elsie O’Hara. HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS CLUB Hon. Pres.: Gus Petelinkar; Pres.: John Habat; V. Pres.: Matthew Zabukovec; Rec. Sec.: Jennie Tuma; Corrs. Sec.: Ann Bechert; Fin. Sec.: Louise Fujda; Sgt.-at-Arms: Frances Kajfez; Reporter: Ann Stefančič; Sunshine: Ann Eichler 731-9433; Auditors: Caroline Stefančič, Helen Pavšek, Edward Fujda; Fed. Repr.: Gus, Mary Petelinkar, Frank, Mary Fabec, John Jackson. — Meetings held every second Wednesday of the month at 12:30 p.m. at Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 President: John Prhne, Vice. Pres.: Don Gorjup; Sec. Treas.: Ralph Urbancek; Rec. Sec.: Helen Vukčevič; Auditors: Tillie Vranekovic, Dorothy Silc, Justine Prhne. Fed. Reps: John Prhne, Don Gorjup, Ralph Urbancek, Justine Prhne, Jean Urbancek, Dot Gorjup (alternate); S.H.A.: Dorothy Silc, Tony Silc; Waterloo Hall Reps.: Jean Scolaris, Fred Scolaris; Cook: Mary Frank; Publicity: Helen Vukčevič; Trip coordinators: Adolph Somrack, Dot Gorjup; 50th Wedding Ann.: Mitzi Yeray; Sunshine ch. person: Dorothy Silc; Ref. tks. at meet.: Jo Tomsk; Name Tags: Alice Bozic; Split Raffle: Rose Silva, Tillie Vranekovic, Ann Otoničar (alternate); Justice of Peace: Louis Prebevsek; Sgt.-at-Arms: Adolph Somrack; Attendance: Dorothy Silc, Helen Joca (alternate); Speakers: Justine Prhne; Sandwich tickets: Jo Minello, Elsie O’Hara; Bartenders: A1 Martinich, Frank Sadar Board meetings held the first Tuesday of each month. Regular meetings held the second Tuesday of each month at the Waterloo hall at 1 p.m. AMERICAN SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB Barberton, Ohio President: Joseph Yankovich; Vice President: Tilden Steiner; Sec’y.-Treas: Jennie B. Nagel, 245 - 24th St., N.W., Barberton, OH 44203; Recording Secretary: Martin Kumse; auditors: Mary Kovačič, Mollie Zdravje and Mary Paje; Fed. Reps: Theresa Cekada, Mary Kovacic, Jennie Nagel, Joseph Yankovich, Jeanette Yankovich; alt.: Josephine Plainer. Meetings every first Thursday of the month at 12 noon in the Sacred Heart Hall, 1263 Shannon Ave., Barberton, OH 44203. KLUB UPOKOJENCEV SLOVENSKE PRISTAVE Slovenska Pristava Retirees Club Predsednik: August Dragar; 1. podpredsednik: Anton Vogel; 2. podpredsednik: Pepca Kastigar; Tajnik: Frank Zalar, tel. 486-3570; Blagajničcar: Jože Koren; Zapisnikarca: Marica Lavrisha Odborniki: Stane Vidmar, Lojze Hribar, Angelca Hribar, Jože Sojer, Julka Mejač; Francka Kristanc, Mary Vrhovnik, Tončka Urankar, Tone Oblak, Marija Koren, Stefan Režonja. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HEIGHTS PENSIONERS CLUB President: John Taucher; Vice Pres.: Mimi Stibil; Secy.-Treas.: Josephne Rezin; Rec. Secy.: Clara Hrovat; Auditors: Louis Champa, Frank Urbančič, Tony Kaplan. Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. alternating at the SNH E. 80th St., and the SNH in Maple Hts. SLOVENSKA PESEM 1400 Main St., Lemont, IL 60439 (708) 257-2494 President: Philip Arko; Vice President: Lillian Cepon; Corr. Secy.: Nandi Puc; Rec. Secy.: Mojca Magajne; Treasurer: Michael Vidmar; Director Rev. Dr. Vendelin Spendov. Rehearsals: Every Sunday, 5:30 p.m. in Lemont, IL. GLASBINA MATICA President: Bob Hopkins; First Vice Pres.: Vicki Tabernik; Second Vice Pres.: Bob Kastelic; Treasurer: John Vatovec, Tele: 524-4053, 5403 Hillside Rd., Independence, OH 44131; Auditors: Joe Penko, Matt Dolenc; Publicity: Betty Resnik, Bob Kastelic, Lori Sierputowski; Librarian: Sylvia Plymesser; Music Director: Marja Ashamalla; Pianist: Reginald Resnik — Fall Concert: October 24, 1993 — PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN Predsednica: Rezka Jarem; podpredsednika: Mary Ann Vogel in Franc Sever; tajnica: Maruša Pogačnik, 1991 E. 226 St., Euclid, OH 44117; blagajničarka: Mari Nemec; nadzornika: Zdenka Zakrajšek in Janez Nemec; odborniki: Nada Gregorc, Paula Hauptman, Martina Jakomin, Cirila Kermavner, Mimi Kozina, Frank Lovšin, Kristina Sedmak, Andreja Sever, Milena Stropnik in Marjanca Tominc; pevovodja: Rudi Knez. JADRAN SINGING SOCIETY President: Betty Rotar; vice-president: Don Gorjup; recording & corres. sec.: Dolores Dobida; treasurer: Frank Bittenc; auditors: Clarence Rupar, Dorothy Gorjup and Valerie Traska; librarians: Dolores Dobida, Mary Frank and Josie Kapla; musical director: Reginald Resnik; accompanist: Alice Cech. Rehearsals every Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the SWH on Waterloo Rd., room 3. 1993 Concert Dates: April 17th and November 13th. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Edwin M. Polšak; 1st Vice Pres.: Vicky Kozel; 2nd Vice Pres.: Jennie Fatur; Rec. Sec’y.: Jennie Mramor; Corr. Sec’y.: Sophie Elersich, 1755 Spino Dr., Euclid, OH 44114 (531-8402); Sec’y. Treas.: Barbara Elersich, 988 Chelston, S. Euclid, OH 44121 (382-2258); Director: Douglas Elersich; Asst. Directors: Edwin Polšak, Dick Tomsic, Jo Turkman; Auditors: Rudy Kozan, Irene Kelley, Vern Perme; Stage Managers: Ed Ozanich, Don Mulec, Jim Kozel; Planning Committee: Orelya Meden, Irene Kelley, Frank and Ann Kokal, Bea Pestotnik, Mimi Stibil, Jim Kozel, Emma Delach, Andy Elersich. Rehearsals every Wednesday 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. OFFICERS OF YOUTH CIRCLE 2 SNPJ Jennifer Skrajner, President Jennifer Trebeč, Vice President Ann Dolgan, Recording Secretary Patrick Kelly, Attendance Secretary Brian Blanchard — Treasurer Bob Dolgan — Historian Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7 - 8:30 p.m., Slovenia11 j Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, 0- i Chorus Director: Cecilia Dolgan, 2892 Istra Ln., Willoughby Hills, OH 44092. MISIJONSKA ZNAMKARSKA AXCIJA Cleveland, Ohio Duhovni vodja: Rev. Charles A. WolbaM C.M., predsednica: Marica Lavrisha; podpri' sednica Jelka Kuhelj; tajnica in zapisnikaric8' Mary Celestina, 4935 Gleeten Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, tel. 381-5298; blagajnik: Stefan Marolt, 5704 Prosser Ave., Cleveland, ^ 44103, tel. 431-5699; nadzorniki: Ani Nemec| ing. Joseph Zelle, Vida Švajger; odborniki: Ru^ Knez, Anica Knez, Agnes Leskovec, Tončb8 Urankar, Ivanka Tominec, Marica Miklavž’; Viktor Tominec in Nežka Tominec. Namestnika Vinko Rozman in France Kuhelj. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO SV. VIDA j Duhovni vodja Rev. Jože Božnar; preds. Mary Marinko; preds. Amalija Ko5n 1 podpreds. Lillian Zelesnik; taj.-blag.: Kr'sllp; Rihtar, 990 E. 63 St., Cleveland, OH 44103, 391-6545; zapisnikarica Gabriela Kuhel; r^.J jica Ivanka Pretnar; nadzornici: Frances Kotn Ann Brinovec. Vsak četrtek ob 6.00 zv. ima društvo molitve, vsako prvo nedeljo skupno sv. obha) ^, pri sv. maši ob 8. zjutraj, ob 1.30 pop. pa ^ | društveni sobi farne dvorane pri Sv. Vidu. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO FARE MARIJE VNEBOVZETE j Duhovni vodja Rev. John M. Kumse; Pr Pavla Adamič; podpreds. Marija Ribič; b'*® j jničarka: Cilka Tominc, 25920 Highland Richmond Hts., OH 44143, telefon 531 tajnica: Marica Lavriša; zapisnikarica Kete; nadzornice: Tončka Urankar, Podlogar, Amelia Gad; zastaven Josephine Zežun. Skupno sv. obhajilo prvo medeljo v mesecu pri sv. maši ob 10-Isti dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitve’ blagoslovu pa seja v cerkveni dvorani. .8855: Ivan8 Maff ošini3; vsak0 dOP' ST. MARY’S P.T.U. Holmes Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Spiritual Advisor: Rev. John M-Kumse; Spiritual Chairperson: Sr. Nina Vitale O.S.U.; Honorary President: Marcia M. Mlachak; President: j Connie Novak; Vice-President: Char-maine Fitzpatrick; Recording Secretary: JoAnn Sams; Correspon-dance Sec.: Lisa Johnson; Treasurer: Rose Sokolowski. HOLY NAME SOCIETY of ST. MARY’S PARISH J Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; P/J dent: Anthony Miklich; Vice Presidents: Nemec and Rudy Knez; Secretary: [C Putrich; Treasurer: Henry Skarbez; RiS*11 s; Life: Lou Koenig; Sick and Vigil: Frank Slu ,| Corresponding Secretary: Lou Jesek; Mar* i1 Bill Kozak; Social Apostolate: Ed Kocin; Retr Chairman: Joe Sajovic. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTER8 BARAGA COURT No. 1317 j{f Spiritual Director Rev. Joseph Boznar: r Ranger Rudolph A. Massera; Vice Chief Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Past Chief Ranger ^ J. Hočevar; Fin. Secy.: Anthony J. Urbas, ^ Norwood Rd., Cleveland, OH 44103, j; 881-1031; Treas.: John J. Hočevar; TfuS^^. Albert Marolt, Dr. Anthony F. Spech, ^°se^ fif Saver; Youth Director: Angelo M. *%()• Field Rep.: Frank J. Prijatelj, tel. 845 Meetings held the 3rd Thursday of the 1 Social Room, St. Vitus Auditorium, 7:30 P CATHOLIC ORDF:r OF FORESTER8 ST. MARY’S COURT 1640 Fr. John Kumse - Spiritual Director; Spilar - Chief Ranger; Jennie Jesek - ^eCt j(Se^ John Spilar - Financial Secretary; Mary E- ^ef - Vice Chief Ranger; Alan Spilar - PaSt .^^8 Ranger; Vicki Skarbez - Treasurer; ^ White - Sentinel. Auditors are Gerry Whtte> Spilar and Hank Skarbez.