Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Vol. 104, No. 27 Americ Ameriška Domovina1 9Zfr2‘91-002 OQ N01^'IU°WAA 'S' USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 4, 2002 Phone:(216) 431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com 70c News Briefs from St. Vitus Parish by STANE KUHAR Picnic St. Vitus Annual Picnic will be held on July 21, at Slovenska Pristava, Harpers-field, OH. Outdoor Mass will be at 12:30 p.m. Immediately after Mass a dinner will be served consisting of breaded pork chops and barbecue chicken and side dishes. Cost is $12 adult and $6 child. Pre-sale tickets may be purchased at the parish rectory, 6091 Lausche Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103. Entertainment after the dinner will be provided by the popular Joey Tomsick Orchestra, and Zeke & Charlie The St. Clair Boys will perform in the early evening. The kitchen will be opened after the dinner to serve other popular side foods such as hamburgers, french fries, and Slovenian-style klobase. Children’s games happen at 5:30 p.m. Slovenska Pristava has a Junior Olympic size pool °Pen for swimming. There is a nominal fee for non-Hiembers of Pristava. Special arts/crafts/etc., "dll be on display. Main raffles will be held around 7 P ni. All net proceeds of the summer picnic are for gen- eral and operating needs of the parish. Pristava is located off I-90 (East by taking exit route 534 (Geneva, OH). Head south on Rte. 534. After two miles, make a right on South River road. After approximately one mile, make a right at Brandt Road. This leads directly into Pristava on the right. The picnic committee is under the leadership of Chairperson Frank Zitko. For additional information call the parish rectory at(216)361-1444. Volunteers and Benefactors Honored An all parish Mass at St. Vitus Church, followed by a brunch at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue was held on Sunday, June 16. Its purpose was to allow St. Vitus parish to thank over 200 benefactors and volunteers of St. Vitus who helped during the construction of St. Vitus Village, the newly-constructed three-story, 33 suite permanent housing facility for independent living for seniors. Mr. Joseph S. Baškovič, speaking on behalf of St. Vitus Pastoral and Finance Advisory Councils, stated that St. Vitus Village could not have been possible were it not for the benefactors and volunteers present at the Sf- Anne Lodge No. 4 AMLA Secretary, Lillian ovak, and President Emilee Jenko show cake baked by nne Tomsick on Tuesday, June 18 at St. Vitus Village. The St ^.sJ>onsorecf the Erst ice cream social for the residents of Sll 'his Village. All residents said the event was a huge Ccess and are looking for the next one. The social was part -ljgti0nal fraternal “Join Hands Day” brunch. Rev. Father Joseph P. Boznar, pastor, then proceeded to hand to 38 volunteer workers and representatives of a number of local foundations, specially made plaques as token of gratitude for all their work during the construction phase. New Boilers Installed All funding has been received to pay for newly installed heating boilers (furnaces) for both parish school and auditorium. No additional funding is now required for this project. The last gift of $6,100 for this project was the combined net proceeds from a benefit dinner sponsored by St. Vitus Altar & Rosary Society, St. Vitus Holy Name Society, and two local KSKJ lodges (St. Mary Magdalene #162 and St. Vitus #25). Net profit from the benefit dinner was $4,100 plus the two lodges each received $1,000 in matching funds from the KSKJ main office in Joliet, IL. The entire boiler project cost approximately $80,000. Initial pace-setting funds were provided by The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation. A warm thank you to all donors, especially all who responded to the request in the American Home newspaper. Catholic World Day Catholic World Day will take place from July 26 - 28 in Toronto, Canada. St. Vitus parish is chartering a bus to take youth and any parish adult seeking to attend this Youth Day. Pope John Paul II will have a Papal Mass on Sunday, July 28lh with expected attendance of 800,000. The night from Saturday to Sunday will be spent on the grounds of the Papal Mass. A series of religious and other important events are scheduled for Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. Reservations for this event are on first-come basis. Contact Paul Ferkul (440) 777-2049, Amanda Gurski (216) 881-3093, or the parish rectory. Registration deadline is July 7111. Cost is $250 which includes accommodations, transportation, and food. Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, left, pastor of St. Vitus church, congratulates Paul Kosir, St. Vitus Village Project Manager and parishioner, who holds plaque presented to him by the parish._____________(Photo by TONY GRDINA) Europe Without Borders Presenting his vision of Europe in the future in his opening address at a conference entitled “Europe Without Borders,” in Vienna on June 10, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Drnovšek stressed Europe must come together and consolidate its strength. He said Europe must be able to build on its system of values and constructively contribute to the resolution of world-scale problems such as poverty, environmental protection and other issues. According to Drnovšek, the EU leadership must also show a greater determination in the enlargement process. Slovenia’s prime objective is to become a full member of the EU by 2004, and in this regard it is important that, unlike in the past, the EU sticks to its principle of differentiating between candidate countries. The Story of Taps' Q: Who composed “Taps,” which is often played at military funerals? A: It is credited to Civil War Maj. Gen. Daniel Butterfield of the Army of the Potomac. As the story goes, he thought the military “end of day” music was too formal. In July 1862 during the Peninsula Campaign of the Civil War, he hummed a version of a song to an aide. The aide later wrote it down in musical form. Butterfield then asked the brigade bugler, Oliver W. Norton, to play the music for him instead of the regulation music. The brigade loved the music and adopted it as its new bugle call. After the war, the music was deemed the official Army bugle call and, in 1874 it was named “Taps.” It is now played by the military at burials, memorial services, during the lowering of the flag, to signal the end of a military day and for occasions such as the one in New York marking the end of the World Trade Center recovery effort. It was then played by police and fire buglers. Butterfield, incidentally, is buried in the Post Cemetery at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY. Thanks to Lewis Stafford of Marietta, GA for submitting this information. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 4, 2002 2 mPLECTiom by mm Enjoyed lecture of Dr. Rus by RUDY FLIS “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” This pledge, our American flag, and this great nation have always been mine, thanks to my mom and dad who chose to leave the land of their birth and emigrate to these United States. I have never appreciated it more than this past week when I realized how privileged and blessed I have been all my life as a citizen of this great nation. As I sat spellbound on Tuesday, June 25lh, 2002, listening to Dr. Vladimir Rus tell the story of his survival in his homeland during WWII. He described the difficulties and confusion Slovenians faced as they tried to survive while occupied by several countries and dealing with the many factions who were in the forests. Allegiance to who? Many paid with their lives during this terrible time in Slovenia. Dr. Rus didn’t say this to me, but I heard from his story, “Rudy, how lucky you are.” Yes, I am lucky, I’m American. After the war many fled Communism and many called a DP Camp “home” for years, every possession gone, — except for “hope.” I saw DP camps while stationed in Germany. What happened to these poor souls who lived in limbo for years would have broken my spirit. These people are true survivors, and may God bless them and let them always feel they are true Americans, as my dad was. I am happy these survivors have decided to become fellow citizens of mine, and I am happy I decided to attend this very special lecture of Dr. Rus and put on by the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. Lectures should start again next September. Watch this paper for scheduling. Happy Birthday United States of America. And thank you Dr. Vladimir Rus for giving your precious time to us. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina JULY 4, 2002 MAY HOCKEY# IK #PACE YHI# 4th OF JULY PRONOUNCE YO THE WHOLE WORLD THAT YHI# NAYION, "UNDER COD”, WILL CONHNUE YO BE THE BEACON OF HOPE YO PEOPLE OF OTHER NAYION# THAT NEED AND WANT OUR HELP - "#0 HELP U# COD” I Mlakar Marches Down Memory Lane in Germany by RAY MLAKAR Actun! Ray is back, but then being thousands of miles from home, where else can I be? Well, time for a joke. One Sunday little Johnny went to a new Sunday School and naturally his parents wondered how he liked it. “Real Good,” he said. “Who was your teacher?” they asked. “I don’t know her name, but I think she must have been Jesus’ grandma” he replied. Why do you think that? the parents asked. “Well she bragged and bragged about Jesus so she must be his grandma,” he answered. Well, back to “B-Btry, 552nd AAA Gun Bn.” It so happened that Ray always saluted officers and kept saying, “Yes sir,” and “No, sir,” and after some seven months they made me a PFC (Private First Class). Holy smoke, now I had one stripe on my arm for now God knows how far I can climb up the ladder. With one stripe, I was now making $110 gross. Well I was not in a position to invest in the stock market but I was not a charity case either. The first of the month was always “Pay Roll Call” and we got in a class A Uniform, reported to the orderly room. “Pfc. Mlakar reporting for pay” I’d say and give him the hand salute. That was the only time an officer did not return a salute given to him for he was too busy counting money. Soon he counted out the so-called “play money” script which looked like monopoly money and before we stepped away from his desk, the sergeant next to him had us fork over “three dollars” for the so-called “perks” which was money well invested. The three dollars from each and every soldier and even noncommissioned officers went towards paying for the two German tailors we had assigned to our Kaseme. We had an elderly woman and an elderly man who did the pressing of our wool uniforms, doing any alterations that we felt had to be done as well as sewing on shoulder patches and stripes when warranted. Then we also had one German barber assigned to each Kaseme in which we could get a haircut any time we decided or whenever the Platoon sergeant felt we needed one. Fortunately both the tailor shop and barber shop and the mail room were only two doors away from my room so I was right at home with everything close by. The three dollars also went towards paying for German KP’s in the mess hall. Yes, we got a lot for the three bucks but then thru finance, our script was converted into marks and they were paid accordingly and they were very happy to have the jobs. Another incidental that the three dollars went for was “condoms” for it was a rule that if you left the post, you had to take a condom package with you regardless of your intentions or where you planned to go. God have mercy on your soul if you got the VD. Aside from having to fork over three dollars they encouraged us to take out savings bonds, so each month they took out $2.50 toward the purchase of a $10.00 US Savings Bond. They wanted us to take out a bigger bond, but the $10.00 was enough for me for I also had them take $50.00 out of my pay to send directly home as a Class E Allotment that went to my parents for although I was not home to pay room and board, I felt they were entitled to some sort of compensation. It goes without saying that from $110.00 a month, with all the deductions, that did not leave me much, but I was never down and out of funds for if I did not have enough script, I had German marks. 1 liked being in the line of rooms with the barber shop, tailor shop and mail room for I always found time to chat with all of them. I always spoke to them in German (Auf Deutch) and they would answer me in English for they felt it would help them learn English and I would become more proficient in German and we corrected each other as we went along. I really liked them for all in all German folks were very fine people. I guess I was soon their little golden boy for I could always get a shirt or the Ike jacket pressed at the last minute and the barber was always willing to stay an extra 15 minutes to give Ray his haircut for I wanted to look my best on Saturday nights when playing their Bingo, sing-a-longs, or doing the Somba with some nice blue-eyed German chick. God, I hope you are watching over me and keep me on the straight and narrow and at times it was hard for me and perhaps even harder for God to keep me in line, but all in all, Ray was A-O-K. Well, I’m going to surprise the editor and keep this article short. See, Jim, I told you I can do it, but then I am not doing it alone as the Good Lord is keeping me on the straight and narrow. Time to say Gutten Aben (good evening), “Ich mus gehen shlaffen” (I must go to sleep.) Ray, keep it in American for God only knows you have a hard enough time with the English language. ~ May the Good < Lord bless and watch over all of you as he has watched over me particularly while I was in the U.S. military service. It's Cool To Be Slovenian Euclid Custom Built Contemporary Colonial. Chardon Hill area. 2500 sq. ft. Sunken living room, formal dining room. 3 large bdrms. 1 V2 baths w/dressing room. 2 car garage & central air. (216) 531-0039 Life in the Refugee Camps st Vitus Alumni by ANTON ŽAKELJ, translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ (Continued from last week) Monday, Oct. 15,1945 We dug potatoes for three hours this morning, until the farmer chased us away. This is the first time we were told to leave. Even so, we managed to dig 50 kilos of potatoes. Mire refuses to dig potatoes. He rode his bike to Wolfberg to see what he could trade. Tuesday, Oct. 16, 1945 Levičar asked me today if I wanted to work in the camp office, but I wasn’t sure if he was joking. We have potatoes cooking on our stove all the time. Even though we are now getting some rye bread from the camp kitchen every day, it’s not enough. Thursday, Oct. 18, 1945 This morning Cilka and I walked our bike to a field about 3 miles away. We dug about 90 kilos (almost 200 pounds) of potatoes and brought them back in sacks on the bike. When Cene saw our potatoes, he was amazed. Earlier, he had worked for a farmer all week for one sack of potatoes, and then he had to carry it about 12 miles back to the camp. When he arrived, he looked like one of Jesus’ martyrs. Rev. Roman Malavašič fixed a watch I had brought with me. When you wind it, it doesn’t run as long as it used to, but he says it’s worth more than 1,000 RM. Friday, Oct. 19,1945 Rev. Roman said a Mass for my brothers. Mr. Levičar said they don’t have a job for me at the camp office because a person who was going to leave decided to stay. Saturday, Oct. 20,1945 One of the men in our room received a letter from his wife in Slovenia. He and two others in our room are feiling more and f more homesick and thinking about returning. \ Our camp newsletter “A Home Along the Mura” celebrated 100 days since it began publishing. It began with 10 copies per issue but now produces 100 copies each time. Sunday, Oct. 21,1945 This afternoon Cilka, Mici and I walked about 7 miles to Fols, where we viewed some old Roman ruins. Along the way, we saw some large farms, each one like an entire village owned by a single rich individual. We returned tired and hungry and missed a play that was performed in the camp. Monday, Oct. 22, 1945 We’re getting less food from the camp authorities. Without the potatoes we had dug, we would starve. Are they trying to use hunger to force us back home? Tuesday, Oct. 23,1945 Mr. Levičar, a former judge, and part of the camp leadership, is visiting our room every day. Mire and the others in our room criticize him regarding the corruption in our leadership. Levičar must wonder if we’re really communists who are inciting the others in the capip. We are an unusual group - we have about 20 men who could be fit for military duty. Many of our men were with the Domobranci, but left them before the Domobranci were sent back to be slaughtered in Yugoslavia. No other group was able to save so many of its men. Thursday, Oct. 25,1945 The camp food was better Tours Cruises Florida Alaska Wre here Shows Condos Europe Hawaii We’re eager to Help you pteo your travel now AHP In the future! EUCUD^rtS^ TRAX/E#*™ Business of the Year, 2001 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-261-2050, travel@euclidtravel.com today - there was some flour in the soup. Is the camp leadership maybe beginning to eat the same food as the rest of us? . The camp newsletter reports that Tito’s General Milovan Djilas replaced Milan Grol because Djilas proposed that the votes of dead partisans be counted in the new government. Grol had proposed that Yugoslav refugees, who are in foreign countries waiting for King Peter to return, be allowed to vote. Friday, Oct. 26, 1945 Today was a day of arguments: Mire argued with Levičar, smokers argued with non-smokers, and Cilka argued with me. She says she works while I take it easy in bed and study my languages. Even so, we went out together to dig potatoes, and in an hour-and-a-half, we dug three backpacks full. They were nice big ones. Cilka is upset because I’m always studying and taking care of other people instead of paying attention to her. I can’t find a decent, legal job. Cilka’s brother-in-law, Mire, travels around, smuggling and trading, but I do not want to get involved in the black market. (To Be Continued) wants, Needs You The St. Vitus Alumni will meet on Thursday, July 11 at 7 p.m. in the Social Room of St. Vitus School. If you have never attended a meeting, this is your ‘invitation’ to do so. You will meet “old friends” make a few “new friends” and enjoy the camaraderie of many in this active group. We would like to see some of the “Younger set,” more recent graduates ... from the 1950’s, 1960’s, etc., come down and become active members. Former scholarship recipients, recent graduates... where are you? We need you. You are the future of this organization. This is your opportunity to come, meet the workers, members, and find out that they/we are very nice people, and that working together, young and old - can make a difference. YOU can make that difference. Looking forward to seeing New and Old members. If for nothing else, come down and enjoy the refreshments, especially Daniella’s delicious cake, or Josepha’s potica, or Margie’s surprise, mouthwatering creations, or something from Danny’s creative trays. Whatever, you will be ‘deliciously’ served, and of course, warmly welcomed. Seeking Successful Sales Reps 108-year old fraternal insurance company seeking successful agents to sell life and innovative annuity products. Excellent commissions with a well developed referral system and loyal membership base. Call American Slovenian Catholic Union / KSKJ at 1-800-843-5755 or log-on to www.kskjlife.com IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster 2 m 0O< a c 2 o < > c £ Recalling St. Lawrence Parish Life 8 by JOSEPH T. SNYDER $ D (Continued > O 2 o Q W CULTURE Our Slovenian heritage begot a variety ol dances, customs, clothing, method of speaking English, foods, greetings, phrases, and respect for our elders. Although we never considered Slovenians to possess a mat-ri lineal society, there were many manifestations of strong women emanating from our environment. During celebrations of any sort, traditional Slovenian cuisine, musjc, drinking and singing were a must. Even the Holy Name Society breakfast meetings included krofe, homemade pastries, coffee and an open bar with no age restrictions at 8:30 a.m. on the second Sunday of the month. Mr. Resnick was always available for some profound Slovenian oratory. In the early thirties, St. Lawrence Drama Club provided annual plays like “Merchant of Venice” done in Slovenian. On one occasion, my brother Frank hollered out loud from the audience not to kill my father, “Shylock” during the performance. These plays evolved into English speaking parts during the early 1940s. Under the direction of Msgr. Oman, plays featured my sisters Jean and Dorothy with brother Paul as the designated youngsters. Lou and Tony Lekan and their sister Gallic, Bernice Grden, Bernadette Supan, Angie Petrie, Marian Mauer, Tony Valencie, and Ray Hrovat were just some of the names that I recall who had major parts in the annual productions. This club faded out when Fr. Oman broke a couple of fingers during rehearsal for their last play which never was staged. The lodges, KSKJ and SDZ provided activities for teens of the parish. KSKJ had their annual Christmas parties, St. Ann’s Masses and dinners, basketball and bowling tournaments. SDZ had similar events plus the Newburgh Junior League. This social group met regularly for serious business and frivolity. They featured weekly articles for the SDZ “Our Voice,” Reporters included Paul Snyder, Honey Barle, Larry Curk, then Jackie Winter. They, too, put on a few plays, under the direction of Vičiča Hočevar; with prop man Richard Merhar, including one in which my wife, Honey (nee Barle), had a part in “Love is too much trouble” featuring Tony Gliha, Paul Snyder, John Grahek, Joey Kenik, Augie Supan, Betty Ann Kosak, Ann Marie Svet, Theresa Lausche, Mercedes Supan, and a few others. To this day some of the cast can still rattle off a few choice lines verbatim. Cleveland is the polka capitol of the nation. The Slovenian style, primarily introduced by St. Lawrence’s own Matt Hoyer, became a standard from which many subsequent bands emanated, imitated, then modified. The Slovenian polka is lively, conductive to excellent harmony, with a smooth beat. Most people learned to waltz and do the polka at a rather tender age. Old fashioned weddings became training grounds for the uninitiated. Our Slovenian National Home was central to main- Eventually, “dis,” “dat,’ “dese,” “dem,” “dose,” became this, that, these, them, and those. “Nosdravje” became cheers, “Hvalen Jesu” became good morning, “Cdicki” became choir. A regret that I always had is the fact that I never did master the language as a youth. I do remember reading the Ameriška Domovina in Slovenian to my father’s guests at a very tender age. One feature I remember was the art of memorization and recitation of Slovenian poetry at great festive events. Emma Delach (nee Kužnik)! recalls reciting a poem at her | brother’s first Mass at St. Lawrence back in the 1930’s, and she could still doj that recitation today. (To Be Continued) Drive in - or Walk In riMliHIMlI im'll BRONKO’S Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water -=> We have all Ohio Lottery Games <= Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer CDs coming due? 4.30% , 1 Tax Deferred Annuity Certificates For more information call ?! 1 1-800-843-5755 American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) 2439 Glenwood Ave., Joliet, IL 60435 www.kskjlife.coni Lodge Picnic at SNPJ Farm CLEVELAND - The of- dinners is $6, excluding gate taining our culture. The Slovenian language is almost melodic as it combines the Slavic and Germanic tongues. The era of the forties brought about more Anglicization to our outside encounters, thereby suppressing the native spoken tongue at most homes, including ours. The “th’.s” were a stumbling block to speaking proper English. ficers and members of Mimi Raj 142 extend an invitation to one and all to attend their annual picnic on Sunday, July 14 at SNPJ Farm on Chardon and Heath Roads in Kirtland, Ohio. Ladies Auxiliary members will prepare roast pork, roast beef and sausage dinners with all the trimmings which will be served from 1 until 3 p.m. The price of fee. Hot sandwiches, krofe, pastries and your favorite beverages will be served throughout the afternoon. For your entertainment, the George Staiduhar Revue will be performing your favorite polkas and waltzes from 3:30 until 7:30 p.m. For additional details or to purchase dinner tickets in advance, contact Dolores Dobida at (440) 951-1694. Mosquitoes Bothering You? Here is a good summer- drop dead, and fall into the time hint for people who like to sit and enjoy the out-of-doors, but do not like those pesky mosquitoes. Put some water in a white dinner plate and add just a couple of drops of Lemon Fresh Joy dish-washing soap. Put it on your patio. I don’t know what attracts them, the lemon smell, the white color, or what, but mosquitoes flock to it, and water, or on the floor within about 10 feet. If you have problems with mosquitoes getting into your house, close the door, put up screens, and set up. one of these traps in the kitchen, on the counter. Works just super.________ We are itching to thank Bob Mills for this tip. Ljubljana, Anyone? WASHINGTON POST, June 16 - The Adriatic coast is blessed with water bluer than a robin’s egg, lies at one end. The old town of Vilnius, one of the world’s best-preserved enclaves of Renaissance and Gothic architecture, sits nearly 1,500 miles away at the other. In between lie medieval castles, onion-domed cathedrals and cobble-stoned villages that still look much as they did 500 years ago. Ljubljana may be hard to pronounce, and you may not be able to place Vilnius on your mental map of Europe. But trust us, you should go. Cindy Loose sets off from Ljubljana across Slovenia, a region whose rich natural terrain was movingly portrayed in Ernest Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms.” She found visiting the region far more affordable than other parts of Europe (a comfortable pension and three daily meals throughout most of the region runs $75, on average). She felt the hearty welcome of locals at eveiy stop. She stumbled across unexpected treasures: inexpensive three-star cuisine in Slovenia. She came away with the simple advice for those who want to see one precious part of the world before the fast-food chains and tour buses discover it: Go now. (By the way, it’s pronounced Lou-bee-yawn-ah). Lemon-Lime Salad Ingredients: 1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple 1 3 oz. box lemon Jello 1 3 oz. box lime Jello 16 oz. cottage cheese 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1 C salad dressing (Miracle Whip) Vi C chopped walnuts Directions: Dissolve Jello in 1 C hot water. Add emshed pineapple - undrained. Mix salad dressing with cottage cheese and add to Jello mixture. Pour into mold and chill. —Kim Ann Kaifesh Our Family and Friends Cookbook It you don t laugh at troubles, you won’t have anything to [ .!auž?h al when VOh «row old.________________-Edward W. Howe Status of Property Restitution in Slovenia Editor: Among the indispensable democratic reforms which Slovenia should make before it joins the European Union is the reform of property ownership and associated measures. Under the Slovenian Law on Restitution enacted in 1991 actual property has to be returned whenever possible, and when this is impossible, restitution made either by an equivalent piece of Property or a fair monetary compensation. Because of frequent, international, unlawful and even unconstitutional changes of the law for the worse, the implementation of the law is constantly being slowed down. The already slow, as well as selectively aPplied and unequitable restitution processes have now, after 10 years, become even Wore dilatory. The responsibility for the Poor results in returning the Property rests squarely on all three branches of the government: legislative, execu-hve and judiciary. The opponents of property restitution have the support of the media which, with rare exceptions, are °Wned and controlled by a single political constellation. The influence of the °Pponents of property resti-hrtion is obviously stronger than the recommendations of Council of Europe Resolution No. 1096 of June 27, 1996, which clearly and Unequivocally states that it is Accessary to dismantle the critage of former commu-n'st totalitarian regimes. The conduct of the oppo-ncnts of property restitution ev*nces elements of inhuman and vexatious treatment (specifically prohibited by Thiele 18 of the Constitu-'tm of the Republic of 0venia) as the expropriated Persons belong mainly to the a8ed population which has 0r 10 years been struggling 0 assert its human rights Versus a hostile government '^heir own country. Several ° er articles of the Consti- ti°n 0f Republic 0f lat°^en’a are also being vio- Opponents obstructing ^°perty restitution include ,e following governmental of options of the Republic 1 Slovenia: q Slovenian Indemnity (Slovenska fi skodninska družba d.d.), a ,^1 organization estab-th e<^ a special law for 0br PUrP°se of settling the pr'8at’ons arising from the by Perty restitution claims issuing bonds when the tb^rty cannot be returned. Serv' COmpar,y should be a Pav-'06 0r8auization for lng out the compensa- tion; instead it is assuming the role of a privileged party in the restitution proceedings where it exerts its influence by reducing the already low official appraisa's and delays the issuing of bonds due to claimants. The bonds are not guaranteed by the government. The Fund of Agricultural Lands and Forests (Sklad kmetijskih zemljiš/// in gozdov) is the party responsible for the return of these properties which, as shown by the records, has been so effectively obstructed the process that the smallest amount of the returned property can be found among the agricultural lands and forests. Instead of returning the properties to their owners, the fund is renting them. The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia (Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve RS) has for 10 years been conducting in-depth investigations of the citizenship status of the claimants which is a prerequisite for the claim to qualify. These protracted investigations are taking an enormous amount of time although the Ministry of the Interior is custodian of all the relevant records. The State Defender (Dmavno pravobranilstvo) as protector of government property, represents one of the greatest obstacles in the property restitution as it interferes with automatic and incessant appeals even in cases where the decision is clear cut. In this, the State Defenders ignores all lawfully prescribed time limits and deadlines for filing the appeals. Notwithstanding the above cited obstructionism, the government of Slovenia keeps asserting that it is interested in an expeditious implementation of the law, but that there are problems in carrying it out such as lack of personnel, lack of funds, difficult cases, and the like, excuses which in most cases are without merit. The Law on Restitution provides that the decision on a restitution claim on the first level must be rendered and delivered to the claimant no later than within one year from the filing date of a properly prepared claim. The Slovenian govern- ment keeps adopting new resolutions as to when should the restitution proceedings be completed. At first, in 1999, the government resolved that the process would be completed by the year 2000, then by the year 2002, and now it is finding that the completion will not be possible before the year 2004! The futility of such resolutions casually adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia is evident in the fact that the resolution of a claim at first level does not mean an actual return of the property. If the decision is in favor of the claimant, the current holder of the property will usually appeal. If it is not favorable, the claimant will appeal. Thus a round of appeals to the relevant ministries and then to the courts begin where there are vast prospects of litigation of several years duration. The appellate authorities as a rule do not render a final decision in the matter, they remand the case to the first level where the vicious cycle repeats. Many expropriated persons will in this way be prevented from appealing to the European Court of Human Rights within their lifetime because of the requirement that all avenues for appeals in Slovenia must be exhausted first. Completion of the property restitution process - return of private property to the original owners - should be one of the political criteria for the admission of Slovenia to the European Union. So far only 65% of claims have been resolved and of those more than 25% were denied. The Slovenian political leadership should be frequently reminded of its failure to implement its own legislation, on the obvious violations of human rights and, finally, on the fact that after 10 years of independence, the rule of law still has not been established. —Professor Inka Stritar Acting President Slovenian Association of Former Owners of Expropriated Property Ljubljana, Slovenia It's Cool To Be Slovenian! 8396 Mentor Ave Mentor, Oh A4060 Fox 440-255-4290 Realty One www.realtyant.coni Rogwr Lucas v.m. 440-974-7207 Donna Lisca* v.m. 440-974-7217 email: t Lccr'&rea-tvonc ■■;■■■■■■ ! jrasS’rnaKo-’r: Happy 80th Birthday Regina "Tootsie" Burya Monday, July 8th With Love from: Joe, Bob, Jim (Mary Anne) and Rick (Alice) Grandchildren: Vicky, Amy, Jimmy, Scott, Jill, Ricky, and Matthew Great-grandchild: Jacob and Dad in spirit. 9|c9ic>|c>|c>l'>|c>i<>l<’|c>k$’|c>l‘’k3|c * DID YOU KNOW * SLOVENIA? By JOSEPH ZELLE ************ The Italian Parliament has granted permission for Slovenians and other citizens to change their Italianized names back to Slovenian or their original spelling. Ital-ianization was all started by II Duce Mussolini after WWI. * The Slovenian Catholic diocesan weekly Družina celebrated its 50th anniversary recently. * Austria has started changing highway signs in Carinthia (Koroška) to German only. Some people say it is just another attempt to eliminate Slovenian in the province. * People will no longer have to climb to the castle overlooking Ljubljana. A cable car is planned for the near future. Bishop Baraga's Corner After spending a short time in New York, Fr. Baraga went to Cincinnati, Ohio to introduce himself to Bishop Fenwick, the bishop who sought priests for the Indian Missions. In Cincinnati, Fr. Baraga met a seminarian who was Indian. He started to learn the Indian language during that winter. It was just the beginning of his knowledge of the Indian civilization. Housefly joke A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Hunting flies,” he said. “Oh, kill any?” she asked. “Yep, 3 males, 2 females,” he replied. Intrigued, she asked, “How can you tell?” “Three were on a beer can; two were on the phone.” Thanks to Emma Pogačar of Toronto. Flower Power 2002 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and displays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains. Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek for appointment (216) 361-9909 Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"1 Area ^ 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) KWICK-N-CLEAN DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY Attention West Side Residents BULK LOAD PROFESSIONAL DRY ClEAHING • SHIRT SERVICE ON PREMISES 15019 MADISON AVENUE • IAKEW00D, OHIO 44107 ALTERATIONS SAAD SIBAI 226-3730 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 4, 2002 M 4 3 > D S 3 3 o -4 f Static Car Fires Bob Penkes of Petroleum Equipment Institute is working on a campaign to try and make people aware of fires as a result of “static” at gas pumps. His company has researched 150 cases of these fires. His results were very surprising. 1) Out of 150 cases, almost all of them were women. 2) Almost all cases involved the person getting back in their vehicle while the nozzle was still pumping gas, when finished and they went back to pull the nozzle out, the fire started, as a result of static. 3) Most had on rubber-soled shoes. 4) Most men never get back in their vehicle until completely finished. This way they are seldom involved in these types of fires. 5) Don’t ever use cell phones when pumping gas. 6) It is the vapors that come out of the gas that cause the fire, when connected with static charges. 7) There were 29 fires where the vehicle was reentered and the nozzle was touched during refueling from a variety of makes and models. Some resulting in extensive damage to the vehicle, to the station, and to the customer. 8) Seventeen fires that occurred before, during or immediately after the gas cap was removed and before fueling began. Mr. Renkes stresses to NEVER get back into the vehicle while filling it with gas. If you absolutely HAVE to get in your vehicle while the gas is pumping, make sure when you get out, close the door TOUCHING THE METAL, before you ever pull the nozzle out. This way the static from your body will be discharged before you ever remove the nozzle. Thanks to Joe Zelle for this information. Coming Events Sunday, July 7 Slovenian School of St. Vitus parish summer picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Mass at 12:30 followed by dinner of pork roast or spaghetti. Cost is S10 for adults and $5 for children under 14. All are invited and welcome! Sunday, July 7 Cleveland SNPJ Federation celebrates 75th anniversary with Del Sinchak Orchestra at SNPJ Farm off Rt. 6 in Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3. Music 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 10 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Annual Picnic at VFW Post 4358 on White Rd. (between Bishop & Rockefeller), noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. Music by Fred Ziwich. Jam session. Friday, July 12 BBQ Chicken Dinner at Newburgh Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland. Serving 5:30 - 7 p.m. Music by Happy Timers. Donation $9. Sunday, July 14 Mission Picnic sponsored by Slovenian Cultural Society at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, WI. Sunday, July 14 Catholic Mission Aid picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava Sunday, July 21 St. Vitus Parish Picnic at Slovenska Pristava, featuring Joey Tomsick Orchestra with Birthday Wishes to SHA Residents Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were bom in the month of July: 7-04 - Eleanor Haus-rath, 91, bom in Cleveland 7-07 - Pauline Vrh, 98, bom in Yugoslavia 7-16 - Milka Gaš- parovič, 81, bom in Yugoslavia 7-18-Alice Kinford, 88, bom in Cleveland 7-19 - Irene Delong, 81, bom in Starford, PA 7-19 - Madelyn Taylor, 92, bom in Cleveland 7-22 - Margaret Lanese, 73, bom in Akron, OH 7-25 - Julie Floran, 86, born in Cleveland 7-26 - Anna Zallnick, 104, bom in Slovenia 7-28 - Maria Mlinar, 85, bom in Cleveland 7-29 - Anna Tome, 91, bom in Slovenia 7-31 - Mary Jenovic, 94, bom in Cleveland. special appearance by Zeke and Charlie. Sunday, Aug. 4 Picnic by retirees of Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Aug. 10 Korotan picnic at Slovenska Pristava with special guests student singing group LIRA from Maribor. Sunday, Aug. 11 Primorski Club picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 18 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Donation Thanks to Marie Quinn of Cleveland who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Olga Kalar of Euclid, OH who enclosed a $20.00 donation in memory of her husband, Ludvik Kalar. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Menart of Euclid, OH who paid their sub-senption plus added a $20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Mary demence of Cleveland, OH who submitted a $20.00 donation in memory of Joseph and Mary Brodnik. Donation Thanks to Stanley Kodrin of Willoughby Hills, OH who sent in a $25.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Anna Tasner of Westchester, IL who gave a $10.00 donation in memory of her husband, Otmar Tasner. Donation Thanks to Maria Jonke of Akron, OH who added a very generous $50.00 donation to her subscription. Donation Thanks to Avarina Cassidy of Alliance, OH who added a very generous $45.00 donation to her subscription. Donation Thanks to Matilda Simčič of Franklin, WI who donated a very generous $50.00. In Memory Thanks to Marge Bokar of Plainwell, MI who added a $10.00 donation in memory of her wonderful parents, Peter and Anna Kozan. Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec We have a winner! Actu- ally two winners! Ann Smith of Warren, PA and Jim Snyder of Parma, OH correctly named A1 Rosen as the Cleveland Indians baseball player third baseman who was also a champion boxer for the University of Miami. The two baseball fans will receive McDonald’s Restaurant gift certificates. Thanks to all who entered our summertime contest. In Loving Memory Of Our Beloved Mother, Mother-in-Law, Grandmother, Sister, Sister-in-Law, Aunt and Friend Sophie Falcone (Nee Kosir) She died June 1,1996 Sixth Anniversary A silent thought, a secret tear, keeps her memory ever dear. Sadly missed by: Dr. Robert Falcone (son) Dr. Anne Falcone (daughter-in-law) Melissa Falcone (granddaughter) Joseph Sojer (loving companion) Marie Končar (sister) -and family Drago Kosir and Vera (brother and sister-in-law) and family in Slovenia and other relatives in America and Slovenia In Memoriam OF OUR DEAR FATHER Frank Cesen Sr. who passed away on June 11,1983 19"' Year Anniversary His helping hand was always first to render any aid he could. His voice was always raised in praise. His words were wise and good. Dear father, since you’ve gone away. The ones you loved so true, try hard to carry on the way we know you’d want us to. 1 Dear Dad, we miss you very much! son, Frank Jr., Patricia Wilks, Francine Žabkar, granddaughters, and great-grandchildren 5th Year Anniversary In Loving Memory of Marion (Roy) Rebol Died June 26, 1997 Your presence is ever near us, your love remains with us yet. You were the kind of father, your loved ones would never forget. Daughter - Margie Son - Mike Daughter-in-law - Marianne Grandsons - Matt, Danny Brothers - Joe, Rev. Anthony, Rev. Francis, Brother-in-law - Elfie Uncle - Rodney, Eileen CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” In Loving Memory of Josephine Grdina who died on June 22, 1975 Your memory is our keepsake With which we will never port Though God has you in His keeping, We will always have you in our heart. Sadly missed by Sons: Joseph and Anthony Daughters-in-law Mary and Betty Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina lx Ti i a a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREION IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, July 4, 2002 - Vesti iz Slovenije - ------h--,—.------------- Milan Kučan za svojega naslednika baje podpira Janeza Drnovška, nadškof in metropolit Franc Rode pa Franceta Arharja Tako piše novinar Grega Repovž v Delo fax-u v torek. Takole razlaga: “V nedeljo so v Dupleku praznovali občinski praznik, °b tej priložnosti pa so organizirali tudi slavnostno mašo, ki jo je vodil ljubljanski nadškof in metropolit Franc Rode. ... Na mašo na prostem, na kateri se je zbralo okoli 2000 ljudi, je med drugim (kot gost) prišel tudi neodvisni predsedniški kandidat France Arhar, ki ga podpira Slovenska ljudska stranka. Po maši je Arhar nagovoril udeležence s posebnega govorniškega odra. Nato se je skupaj z Rodetom (poleg njiju sta sedela še Arharjeva žena in predsednik SLS Franci But) odpeljal še na odprtje razstave. Rodetova podpora predsedniškemu kandidatu Arharju, čeprav nedvoumna, pa je za zdaj zgolj neformalne narave - da ne gre za formalno podporo, je v izjavi za TVS poudaril tudi nadškof.” V nedeljo zvečer, nadaljuje novinar, je pa na televiziji nastopil predsednik Milan Kučan, ki je v svojih izjavah vsaj močno posredno podprl za kandidata za predsednika Janeza Drnovška. Kučan je dejal: “Ta hip v Sloveniji ne vidim niti socialnih, niti gospodarskih, niti političnih problemov tiste vrste, ki bi zahtevali predčasne volitve. Prehod bo bolj ali manj normalen, še posebej če bo Drnovšek izvoljen na volitvah - če ho torej kandidiral in bo na volitvah izvoljen za predsednika republike. S tem bo tudi kontinuiteta zagotovljena.” Izven tega je vsaj trenutno neformalna kandidatka Barbara Brezigar, ki jo naj bi Podpirala Koalicija Slovenija oz. SDS in NSi. Do volitev so pa še štirje meseci. Veleposlanik dr. Karl B. Bonutti si vzel slovo od papeža Janeza Pavla II. Na poslovilnem obisku pri papežu Janezu Favlu II. je bil veleposlanik Karl Bonutti, ki je bil prvi, častni konzul republike Slovenije v Clevelandu. Po štirih letih služenja v Vatikanu se dr. Bonutti vrača v Slovenijo. V Vatikan po ukazu predsednika Milana Kučana (objavljen v uradnem listu 21. junija) odhaja rektor mariborske univerze Ludvik Toplak. Sporazum med Slovenijo in Sv. sedežem še ni ratificiran v parlamentu. Skoraj 15 novih kilometrov avtoceste Konec preteklega tedna sta bila slovesno odprta avtocestna odseka Vransko-Trojane (8,6 kilometra) in Kompolje-Krtina (6,1 kilometra). S temi 15 kilometri bo vožnja do Celja nekoliko hitrejša (avtocesta bo dokončana leta 2005). Doslej je bilo v Sloveniji zgrajenih 232,5 kilometra avtocest. Revščina na Slovenskem Po podatkih državnih statistikov je bilo v Sloveniji med letoma 1979 in 1999 (novejših podatkov še ni) 265.147 revnih prebivalcev (prag revščine • je 54.000 tolarjev na mesec /oz. po trenutnem tečaju tolarja 228 SIT na 1 US dolar : $237/ na glavo v družini) oziroma' 13;8 i odstotka, so ; ugotovili na seminarju 'o socialnem vključevanju v Ljubljani. Zlasti hudo! je, ken se revščina družine odraža v revščini otrok,, saj je vse n več re-. gresiranja hrane v; šolah, velik je osip v srednjih šolah, srednješolci ‘ brez končane šole pa p skoraj nimajo možnosti " za zaposlitev. Zelo velike so tudi regionalne razlike (razvita in nerazvita območja), ki se še povečujejo. Slovenija bo morala do leta 2004 pripraviti za Bruselj poročilo o ukrepih za blažitev revščine v skladu s cilji EU. v ' • * I k ’ v L Milan Kučan sprejel novega nuncjja v Sloveniji Giuseppeja Leanze Pretekli teden > je‘ predsednik, Slovenije Milan Kučan, sprejel poverilnice novega apostolskega’ nuncija Svetega sedeža v Sloveniji Giuseppeja Leane. Ob tej priložnosti je Kučan dejal, da imata Slovenija in Sveti sedež na večino gfobalnili'vprašanj podobne poglede, -zato lahko tvorno , prispevata pri iskanju tistih: etičnih našel,: ki bodo osnova pri reševanju problemov današnjega: globali-ziranega sveta. Slovenija sodeluje že več let z ameriško vojsko ter v vajah nato Čeprav Slovenija uradno še ni slišala od ZDA in od zavezništva NATO, ali bo res no-Vembra letos v Pragi na NATO-vem sestanku na vrhu povabljena v članstvo, vse kaže, ^ bo tako. Slovenska vojska pa že več let (od I. 1994 npr. v sklopu Partnerstva za sodeluje v vojaških v^jah tako z ameriško vojsko (tudi v samem ZDA) kakor z vajami, ki jih redno ima NATO v Evropi. Na fotografiji zgoraj (sicer ni datirana) je na desni ameriški varnostni častnik, na levi pa pripadnik Slovenske vojske med vajo. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Piknik Slovenske šole— Piknik je to nedeljo na Slovenski pristavi. Sv. maša bo ob 12.30 pop. Po maši je kosilo s svinjsko pečenko in špageti. Cena je $10 za odrasle in $5 za otroke pod 14. letom. Vsi ste lepo vabljeni. Piknik balincaijev— Balincarski klub Slovenske pristave ima piknik to soboto, 6. nedelje, na SP. Okusna večerja bo na voljo od šeste ure dalje, izbrali boste ali stejke ali pečene piščance s prikuhami. Vsi lepo vabljeni. Romanje v Lemont— Zveza oltarnih društev (ZOD) bo imela romanje v Lemont 10. in 11. avgusta. Cena, ki vključuje vse, je $90. Za rezervacijo in več informacij, pokličite Kristi Nemec na 216-731-5827. Pričeli z delom— S 1. julijem je nastopil mandat nov glavni odbor Ameriške dobrodelne zveze oziroma AMLA. Novi predsednik te bratske organizacije s središčem v našem mestu, na 19424 S. Waterloo Rd., je Albert Amigo-ni, odvetnik po poklicu. Novi grobovi Ruth W. Ipavec Umrla je Ruth W. Ipavec, rojena Wagner, žena Charlesa F., mati Charlesa T. in Patricie (Townsend) T. Clarke, 6-krat stara mati. Pogreb je bil 1. julija v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Ane na Coventry Rd. in poko-kom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin Citadel Foundation, 171 Moultrie St., Charleston, SC. 29409 ali pa University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, c/o Celiac Sprue Research, 22 S. Green St., Box 140, Baltimore, MD 21201, Attn. Pam King. Raymond K. Jas ko Umrl je 69 let stari Raymond K. Jasko, vdovec po Josephine (r. Giallorenzo), stric in prastric, veteran ameriške vojske, v kateri je služil v 101. Airborne diviziji, član Katoliških vojnih veteranov št. 1655 in bivši predsednik Perry Boys League. Pogreb je bil 2. julija v oskrbi Zak zavoda na St. Clair Ave. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Filipa Neri-ja in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Danes Dan neodvisnosti— Danes je ameriški Dan neodvisnosti, že 226. po vrsti. Naš list je bil natisnjen že v torek zvečer ter tudi dostavljen na pošto. Naslednji teden bo list izšel kot redno v četrtek zjutraj. Piknik M ZA— Ta bo v nedeljo, 14. julija, na Slovenski pristavi. Vse o njem najdete v današnjih MSIP na str. 12. Piknik župnije Sv. Vida— Župnija sv. Vida vabi na vsakoletni piknik, ki bo v nedeljo, 21. julija, na Slovenski pristavi. Ob 12.30 bo sv. maša, kateri bo sledilo kosilo ($12 za odraslo osebo, $6 za otroka). Za' ples in zabavo bo igral Joey Tomsick orkester ter še “Zeke and Charlie and the St. Clair Boys”. V popoldanskem času bodo na voljo okrepčila in raznovrstna pijača. Čisti prebitek piknika je namenjen splošnim farnim potrebam. Pridite! Zahvala— Naš list je prejel lepo zahvalo od odbora staršev in učencev Slovenske šole pri Mariji Vnebovzeti za našo podporo pri tkim. “reverse raffle”, ki ga je šola organizirala. V tiskovni sklad— Ga. Justina Vombergar, Euclid, O., je darovala $20 v podporo našemu listu, v spomin na pokojne iz družine Cvajnar. Ga. Molly Hribar, Warren, MI, je darovala $20, v spomin na moža Franka in sestro Mary Zupanchick. Frances Kosch, Fairview Park, O., je darovala $15, v spomin staršev Nick in Fanny Pe-rencevich. Genevieve Bohinc, Mayfield Hts., O., je darovala $25, v spomin na moža Jerryja, njenih staršev Johna in Frances Zulich in sestra Frances in Josephine Grdina. Ga. Angela Hutar, Euclid, O., je darovala $10, v spomin na moža Franka. Joe Peresutti, Cleveland, je daroval $5, v spomin na ženo Marge. Stefanie Zidar, Wickliffe, O., je darovala $20, v spomin na Williama Zidar in Francko Hribar. G. Vince in ga. Mitzi Globokar, Concord, O., sta darovala $25 v spomin na dragega prijatelja Josepha Bojca st. Edward Furlich, Cleveland, je daroval $15 v spomin na ženo Sally. Ga. Mary Wolf, Richmond Hts., O., je darovala $20 v spomin na Franka Wolf in Rudyja Schomltz. Hvala! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $165 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Foreign: $45 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $165 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 27 July 4, 2002 Poletna šola in seminar za slovenski jezik Zanimanje za slovenščino Od študentov do profesorjev, od prvih spoznanj do strokovnih besedil Ljubljana (Delo fax, 29. VI.) - Od ponedeljka 1. julija dalje se je 383 ljudi z vsega sveta začelo z različnimi jezikovnimi (pred)znanji u-kvarjati s slovenskim jezikom. Svoja vrata so istega dne namreč dve poletni prireditvi Centra za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik, ki deluje pod okriljem Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti na Filozofski fakuteti v Ljubljani: ob šestih zvečer so v prostorih Srednje zdravstvene šole slovesno odprli 21. Poletno šolo slovenskega jezika, dobro uro pozneje pa se je na Gradu Fužine (prav tako) slovesno začel 38. Seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture. Slednji je najstarejša prireditev slavističnega oddelka in je namenjena vsem, ki se s slovenščino študijsko ali poklicno ukvarjajo. Letos je na seminar (zaključna prireditev bo 13. julija opoldne) prijavljenih kar 133 tujih slavistov, zlasti slovenistov, univerzitetnih učiteljev, znanstvenih delavcev in prevajalcev iz 24 držav, dvajset od njih pa Je iztekajoči se teden že izkoristilo za obiskovanje intenzivnega tečaja slovenskega Jezika. Sicer pa bo delo semi- naristov razdeljeno v dva sklopa. Ob dopoldnevih se bo zvrstilo petnajst predavanj uglednih strokovnjakov s področja slovenskega jezikoslovja, literature, humanističnih in drugih ved. Med njimi je nova predsednica seminarja, dr. Boža Krakar Vogel, posebej izpostavila še okroglo mizo o novem slovenskem pravopisu (9. julija jo bo vodila Ada Vidovič Muha z Janezom Dularjem, Jerico Snoj, Marto Kocjan Barle idr.). Ob dopoldnevih so na programu seveda tudi vsi lektorati - peturni izbirni tečaji jezika, obvezne lektorske vaje, vaje iz konverzacije in fonetike. Popoldanski in večerni program pa bo seminari-stom postregel z literarnimi večeri avtorjev slovenskega izseljenstva, celodnevnim izletom po krajih, od koder so se Slovenci množično izseljevali (začeli bodo s Trubarjem, nadaljevali z Belokranjci), s pripravljenimi ogledi Ljubljane, razstave Izseljenec ali odhodom na koncert skupine Terra Folk. Poletna šola slovenskega jezika bo letos pod streho Dijaškega doma Poljane in Srednje zdravstvene šole v Ljubljani gostila kar 250 udeležencev z vsega sveta. Prireditev, ki je sprva potekala bolj v družabnem ozračju spoznavanja Slovenije in iskanja lastnih korenin, se je do danes razvila v intenzivno poletno šolo. Polovica letošnjih udeležencev že živi v Sloveniji in znanje želi pridobiti za potrebe službe ali šolanja, izbirajo lahko med dvo- ali štiritedenskimi tečaji, za dodatno delo pa se lahko odločijo tudi s popoldanskimi urami tečajev. S poletne šole že vrsto let odmevajo tudi spremljevalne prireditve, ki so namenjene spoznavanju slovenske kulture, zgodovine in Slovenije “danes in zdaj”. Letos bodo to že tradicionalno petje slovenskih pesmi, plesi, delavnice domače obrti, pogovori o aktualnih temah, prireditelji pa so v program zapisali tudi številne izlete in oglede mestnih zanimivosti. Obe prireditvi bosta letos dodatno okrepljeni s strokovnim publikacijami in učbeniki, ki jih je izdal center za slovenščino. V ponedeljek so udeležencem seminarja razdelili še “topli” Zbornik predavanj, pravkar je izšel učbenik več avtoric za nadaljevalno stopnjo S slovenščino nimam težav (z zgoščenko posnetih besedil iz učbenika) in Slovnične preglednice slovenskega jezika avtorice Ljubice Černivec. T. J. Škof slovenskega porekla Msgr. Roger J. Foys škof v Kentuckyju Župljan župnije sv. Štefana v Chicagu Roger J. Foys, katerega stari starši prihajajo iz Črenšovcev v Prekmurju, je bil 31. maja imenovan za škofa v mestu Covington v državi Kentucky. Sredi julija smo prejeli sporočilo p. Blaža Čema-žarja, predstojnika slovenske frančiškanske ku-stodije sv. Križa v Združenih državah Amerike, da je v petek, 31. maja, papež Janez Pavel II. imenoval mons. Rogerja J. Foysa za novega škofa v škofiji Covington v ameriški zvezni državi Kentucky. Msgr. Roger J. Foys je duhovnik škofije Steubenville v Ohiu. Rodil se je 27. julija 1945 Martinu Foysu in Tereziji roj. Ha-klin v slovenski župniji sv. Štefana. Obiskoval je tamkajšnjo župnijsko šolo, po uspešno končanem šolanju pa študiral v Steubenvillu in bil 16. Škof Roger J. Foys maja 1973 tam posvečen v duhovnika. Kot duhovnik steuben-villske škofije je 29 let služboval kot župnik na župnijah sv. Jožefa in sv. Frančiška, obenem pa deloval v škofijski kuriji. Bil je sodnik cerkvenega sodišča in profesor v bogoslovju. Škofje so mu zaupali številne naloge: vodil je škofijsko sinodo, duhovniški svet, škofijsko gospodarsko komisijo, komisijo za duhovne poklice ter bil svetovalec in duhovni voditelj raznih združenj. Katoliška cerkev na internetu v Sloveniji: razni naslovi CLEVELAND, O. - Tiste bralce slovenskega dela AD, ki imajo tudi računalnik oziroma lahko brskajo z njim po internetu, bodo morda zanimali nekateri naslovi, na katerih pridejo neposredno v stik s publikacijami oz. delovanjem RKC v Sloveniji: Ti so: www.rkc.si - Katoliška cerkev v Sloveniji www.blblifa.net - Sveto pismo v slovenščini; Svetopisemska družba Slovenije www.druzina.si - Slovenski katoliški tednik www.ogpflsce.sl - Slovenski katoliški radio (Podatki vzeti Iz Delo faxa, 1. Jul. 2002) Od leta 1982 je opravljal službo generalnega vikarja in bil, kot je dejal škof Sheldon v poslovilnem pismu, “desna roka” ordinariju. Frančiškanska univerza v Steubenvillu ga je odlikovala s častnim doktoratom, za prelata in apostolskega pronotarja pa ga je imenoval papež Janez Pavel II. Sedaj bo prevzel škofijo Covington, ki sodi v metropolijo Louisville. Škofija ima 89.000 katoličanov v 53 župnijah, vseh prebivalcev na njenem ozemlju pa je 401.000. Kot lahko razberemo iz škofovega življenjepisa, izhaja iz družine s slovenskim poreklom. Krščen je bil v slovenski Župniji sv. Štefana v Chicagu, ki jo bodo prav letos zaprli. Njegovi start starši po očetovi strani so doma tz župnije Črenšovci. Stari oče Martin Foys je doma iz Žižkov. V Ameriko je prišel leta 1911. Tam se je spoznal s Katarino roj. Lebar, ki je prišla iz Gornje Bistrice v župniji Črenšovci leta 1910. Poročila sta se leta 1914. Imela sta dva sinova in tri hčere. Njun sin Martin, oče novega škofa, je bil rojen 28. avgusta 1915 in je umrl 16. junija 1996. Škof Foys je zapisal ob svojem imenovanju o svojih starših: “Hvaležen sem jim, ker so mi vsadili ljubezen do Kristusa in njegove Cerkve in s svojim zgledom pokazali zvestobo Cerkvi.” Novi škof bo prevzel sedež v škofiji Covington 15. julija. Msgr. Franci Petrič Družina, Ljubljana 23. Junija 2002 Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Mons. FRANCI PETRIČ, Ljubljana "NAŠ POGOVOR" Pomaga vera vase in zaupanje v Boga Astronavt Jerry Linenger, avtor knjige V vesolju, je ponosen na slovenske korenine Dr. Linenger, ko se Slovenci, s katerimi ste Povezani po svojih koreninah, veselimo Vaše-8a življenjskega dosežka. mi prihaja na misel anekdota o prvem vesoljcu Juriju Gagarinu, ^ je na vprašanje, ka-ko Je v vesolju, odgo-voril, da tam ni srečal ®0ga. Kakšni občutki pa So prevevali Vas, ko ste blli tam zgoraj? Ko sem gledal iz vesolja na Zemljo, nisem niti Za trenutek podvomil, da Je vse, kar vidim, Stvar-oikovo delo. Bog je povsod. Naj dodam, da sta ^oja ruska sopotnika khela s sabo ikone in ^slim, da sta čutila podobno kot jaz. Knjiga “V vesolju” je napeto branje, s kate-r,In nas popeljete v pustolovščino, kakršna je bHa doslej dane le red-^bn Zemljanom, omogočite pa nam tudi vpo-8fed v svoj -(jušni dos- jn* ■ Zakaj ste napisali to delo? Predvsem zato, da zapustil svojim °kom: da bi njihov oče ? kaj Štiri za vsakega izmed bi o- vedeli, kaj veroval in se je zavzemal, skrinje hranim za-^ in v vsaki je tudi ta ajiga s posebnim sporo-cilom njlh. ^ Med vprašanja, ki bi ^ jih moral zastaviti, ^°di tisto klasično, ka-0 lahko človek postane ^aironavt. O tem pišete Prvem delu. Kaj bi Vc to vali mladim, ki v ^aironavtih vidijo pose-e° svetel zgled? s ^d zgodnje mladosti želel postati astro-avt- Ko mi je bilo štiri-n*jst let, stanek , rekel sem si: tudi Astronavt in kozmonavt dr. Jerry M. Linenger, ki je ponosen na svoje slovenske korenine, ima med ameriškimi astronavti ngjvišjo akademsko izobrazbo. Po diplomi na mornariški akademiji v Annapolisu si je pridobil še dve magisterija (v sistemski upravni znanosti ter v javnem zdravstvu in zdravstveni politiki) in dva doktorata (iz medicine in iz epidemilogijo), dosegel pa je tudi prvo mesto v zahtevni kirurški specializaciji in končal študij vesoljske medicine. Doslej so mu podelili tudi tri častne doktorate. Ta visoko kvalificirani znanstvenik je med svojo misijo na Miru preletel 80 milijonov kilometrov, ko je več kot dvatisočkrat obkrožil Zemljo. Bil je prvi Američan, ki se je v vesoljski" kapsuli Sojuz ločil od vesoljske postaje in opravil delovni sprehod v ruskem skafandru zunaj tujega plovila. Ob koncu svoje misije je preživel več časa v vesolju kot katerikoli drug Američan. sem gledal pri-človeka na Luni. jaz je bil kot kamniški župan aretiran po nemškem Gestapu, zaprt in transportiral* v Srbijo. Njegovo posestvo so Nemci zaplenili i** po končani vojni 1. 1945 je bilo podržavljeno, kajti namesto zaželenega povratka domov je bil Nande zvest Bogu in domovini prisiljen v ponovno begunstvo zaradi svetovno zgodovinskega barantanja. Poznej® je postal ameriški državljan in je vsesko*1 zaupal v zmago “človeških pravic ter p0*' tene ekonomske ureditve za vse ljudi”. ER, nečakinja ostalo sorodstvo Cleveland, Seattle, ZDA Kamnik, Slovenija Šmihel pri Pliberku, Avstrija V spomin na duhovnika č.g. Jožeta Vogrina Parnik “The World” je tudi slovenski PARKERS PRAIRIE. MN. - Gospod Jože Vogrin je bil rojen 12. februarja 1917 v fari Sv. Jakoba v Slovenskih Goricah. Ljudsko šolo je obiskoval v Sv. Jakobu, klasično gimnazijo pa v Mariboru. Po maturi se je vpisal v mariborsko bogoslovje, kjer je končal samo dve leti in pol, to radi nemške zasedbe. Ostali bogoslužni študij je končal v Ljubljani in bil tam ordiniran s skupno s 7 drugih. Ordinarij je bil škof Gregorij Rožman. Ob koncu vojne leta 1945 je g. Jože s kolegom Karlom Pečovnikom odšel preko Ljubelja na avstrijsko Koroško. Ker je g. Jože imel sorodnike v Gradcu, sva s podala tja in ostala dve leti v domu Usmiljenih Bratov. Tam sva dobila sporočilo, da lahko greva v Ameriko, če je najina volja. Škof Bartholomy v St. Cloudu, Minnesota je sprejel štiri begunske duhovnike, midva sva pa bila prva. To je bilo pozno jeseni leta 1949. Škof Bartholomy je postavil g. Jožeta za kaplana pri stolnici. Leta 1951 je odšel na novo ustanovljeno faro Sv. Williama v Parkers Prairie, Minnesota. V tej fari je ostal vse do svoje upokojitve L 1987. Torej, je bila to fara, v kateri je živel nad 40 let. G. Jože je bil zvest duhovnik. Fara je bila v njegovem času zelo majhna po številu faranov, sedaj pa je ena najbolj aktivnih v škofiji. Cerkev je bila postavljena leta 1950. Na začetku je bila zelo majhna. V času g. Jožetovega župnikovanja tam pa je cerkev dvakrat povečal in je sedaj kar lepa in velika. Kupil je tudi dom za župnika. Jerry Linenger (NADALJEVANJE s str. 11) vdihnite, pomislite na vse lepo in dobro in zamešajte senco s smehljajem. Dr. Linenger, hvala Za prijazen klepet, še veliko sreče in uspeha! Lepo se je bilo pogo-varjati z vami, monsinjor. Prisrčen pozdrav vsem Prijateljem v Sloveniji! Leta 1960 je začel graditi dom za stare, ki je danes velika stvar, največja ustanova v mestu. Bil je velik dobrotnik Slovenika v Rimu in Dijaškega doma za slovenske dijake v Celovcu. Tudi ni pozabil na svoje drage doma v Sloveniji. V Parkers Prairieju je postavil lep dom z velikim vrtom. Tudi ta dom je daroval pred svojo smrtjo domu za ostarele v Parkers Prairieju. Ko ga je Bog poklical k sebi ni imel nič več. G. Jože je na hitro odšel. V ponedeljek zjutraj, 10. junija, sva molila rožni venec, sredi molitve pa je večno zaspal. Uradno je bila njegova smrt ugotovljena 10. Junija ob 3.40 v Douglas County bolnišnici. Pogreb je bil v ponedeljek, 17. junija, ob veliki udeležbi duhovnikov in dveh škofov. Domači škof Most Rev. John F. Kinley je vodil sveto daritev in imel lep nagovor na čast g. Jožetu. Njegovo truplo počiva na farnem pokopališču v Parkers Prairieju, Minn. To je bila njegova volja. Mnogi bodo g. Jožeta zelo pogrešali, najbolj pa podpisani, ker sva živela skupaj petnajst let v pokoju. Naj uživa zasluženi pokoj. Pokojni g. Jože zapušča dve sestri. To sta Ana, ki je dve leti starejša od njega, in Kati, ki živi na kmetiji doma v Sloveniji. Njegov nečak, g. Jože Vogrin, je imel namen priti k nama na počitnice; kaj bo sedaj naredil, ne vem. Lahko bi napisal veliko več o g. Jožetu, pa mislim, da ne bi bilo prav njemu, kajti je bil vedno zelo skromen. Njegovo delo je bilo Bogu v čast in zveličanje ljudi. Amen. Karel Pečovnik Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Hotavlje - Še imate čas, da se jim pridružite. Nekaj stanovanj je še prostih - in to cenejših. Za 120 kvadratnih metrov velik apartma morate pripraviti kakih dva milijona dolarjev. Veliko? Vaši sosedje, ki so vzeli večjega, so že odšteli kakih 7 milijonov dolarjev. “The World of Resident Sea", prva ladja za križarjenje, v kateri so kabine lastniška stanovanja, je iz Velike Britanije pred kratkim že odplula na premierno plovbo. Nimamo sicer podatka, da bi katerega od 110 apartmajev kupil tudi kakšen Slovenec, zato pa je ladja tudi malo slovenska. Vanjo je namreč vgrajenega več kakor 350 ton marmorja, ki ga je 17 tovornjakov pripeljalo v norveško ladjedelnico Rissa iz Hotavelj. Opremljanje luksuzne ladje z 12 nadstropji, travnatim igriščem za golf - biološke žogice se v morju razgradijo! -operacijsko dvorano, in celo s svojim pristaniščem za jahte, apartma pa je za kakih $1500 na dan možno tudi najeti, je bil v polstoletni zgodovini podjetja Marmor Hotavlje najzahtevnejši in tudi najbolj zanimiv doslej. Breda Potočnik, ki vodi trženje, je omenila predvsem zahtevnost pridobivanja takih poslov, saj so jih pred podpisom pogodbe, januarja lani, pošteno “pretipali". Ladjo so zasnovali štirje ameriški arhitekti, podjetje iz Poljanske doline pa pogodbo podpisalo z avstrijskim podjetjem List General Contractor, ki je ladjo med drugim opremilo tudi z lesom. Breda Potočnik je prepričana, da je bil tako velik posel plod dolgoletnega uspešnega sodelovanja z zahodnoevropskimi državami, predvsem z Avstrijo, Nemčijo in Švico. Na ladjo, na kateri so apartmaji kupili največji bogataši sveta, tudi zato, ker jih na ladji ne morejo obdavčiti, je podjetje iz Hotavelj vgradilo za 3,5 milijona mark marmorja z vsega sveta. Pomembno pa je, da k luksuzu na ladji prispeva tudi rdečkasto-siv kamen iz Slovenije - hotaveljčan! Več kot pol leta so na ladji trdo delale ekipe iz podjetja Marmor Hotavlje. Breda Potočnik, ki je tudi obiskala ladjo, je povedala, da je bilo delo naporno in predvsem stresno, saj si napake niso smeli privoščiti. Hotaveljčana, ki so ga kamnoseški mojstri nekoč ročno obedelovali, z razvojno vizijo pa je iz majhne delavnice nastalo današnje uspešno podjetje Marmor s 150 zaposlenimi, pridobijo na leto okoli tisoč kubičnih metrov. “Prodali pa bi ga lahko vsaj desetkrat toliko. A ker ga je malo, ga hranimo za spomeniško zaščitene objekte, za cerkve, tudi za parlament,” je povedala Breda Potočnik. Opremil so kopalnice,1 v kuhinjah so njihovi kuhinjski pulti, podjetje Marmor Hotavlje je položilo talne in stenske obloge, postavilo nočne o-marice, z marmorjem so opremili javne prostore ... “Povsod, kjer je bilo treba pokazati prestiž -tega pa na ladji ni malo - smo bili zraven,” je povedala. Slovenci so bili presenečeni nad izjemno organizacijo, saj se je vse u-jemalo do zadnje podrobnosti: “Načrti so bili tako natančni, da smo plošče samo še položili. Ni bilo dodatnih rezanj, popravljanj, dogovarjanj. Vodja projekta na ladji je po končanih delih izjavil, da če bi vsa podjetja delala tako dobro kot mi, bi bilo življenje res lažje. Teh besed ne bom pozabila,” Je dodala Breda Potočnik. Dobro opravljeno delo pa je že dalo pozitivne rezultate - z istim avstrijskim podjetjem so podpisali pogodbo za opremo štirih manjših ladij. Sicer pa četrtino poslov v podjetju Marmor opravijo v tujini. Lahko bi ga tri četrtine. vendar se srečujejo s težavami pri pridobivanju delovnih dovoljenj. V Avstriji so tako zadnje delo, tudi največje doslej, opravili pred leti na Dunaju, ko so z marmorjem prekrili celotni poslovni center - Business Park Vienna. Sicer pa je v tujini več njihovih hotelov, lokalov, vodnjakov, tudi gradov. Maja Roš Delo, 15. jun. 2002 KOLEDAR JULIJ 6. - Balincarski klub Slovenske pristave priredi piknik, na SP. 7. ' - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu prireja piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 14. - Misijonska Znam- karska Akcija priredi piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Začetek ob 12. uri s sv. mašo. 14. - MZA Milwaukee priredi Misijonsko kosilo, na Parku Triglav. AVGUST 4. - Upokojenci Slovenske pristave imajo piknik, na Slovenski pristavi. 10. - Pevski zbor Korotan priredi veselico z večerjo in plesom na Slovenski pristavi. Igrajo gostje iz Maribora; Vokalna skupina Liguster, kvartet Vita in ansambel Storžič. 18. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, priredi drugi piknik na Parku. SEPTEMBER 1. - Društvo SPB ima romanje v Frank, O., k Žalostni Materi božji. Sv. maša ob 12h opoldne, druge pobožnosti ob 2h pop. 8. - Oltarno društvo sv. Vida priredi kosilo v avditoriju farne šole. 14. - Folklorna skupina Kres ima celovečerno prireditev v SND na St. Clair Ave. 22. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, priredi Vinsko trgatev na Parku. 29. - Slovenski dom za ostarele praznuje 40. obletnico obstoja z večerjo in programom v SND na St. Clair Ave. OKTOBER 5. - Pevski zbor Fantje na vasi ima koncert ob 25. obletnici v SND na St. Clair Ave. Sledi ples, igrajo Veseli godci. 6. - Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete ima kosilo v šolski dvorani. 13. - Upokojenci Slovenske pristave imajo Koline, na Slovenski pristavi. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ive. <216) 481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 SL in Euclid, Ohio Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1434. Misijonar, minorit p. Martin Kmetec, ki deluje to zadnje leto v Turčiji, je Celestinovi poslal sledeče vrstice: “Spoštovana! Na začetku tega pisma se Vam in Vašim prijateljem misijonov, iskreno zahvalim za poslano vsoto. Lepo vas prosim, da mi oprostite, ker se tako dolgo nisem oglasil. Najprej se je pismo zataknilo na pošti, potem pa sem imel toliko dela, da sem pošto kar za nekaj časa odložil. Še vedno hodim na univerzo, kjer se že sedmi mesec učim turščino. Ker nisem več mlad, je potrebno kar veliko delati, da se novi jezik ustali v spominu. Do konca je še dobra dva meseca. Takoj po Veliki noči sem imel izpite, da sem se lahko vpisal v tečaj tretje stopnje. Hvala Bogu, da sem uspel. Pater, s katerim živim, ki je že v letih, je imel zdravstvene težave; tako je moral za tri tedne v bolnišnico in sicer je bil v Istambulu. Ostal sem sam za vse delo. Hvala Bogu, dase je že vrnil. Sicer je še vedno na okrevanju, vendar je že lažje. Naše župnijsko občestvo je zelo majhno. Približno sto osemdeset do dvesto oseb, od katerih jih je večina že v letih. V cerkev jih pride bolj malo. Sedaj imamo nove načrte, in sicer je kar nekaj ljudi, ki želijo postati kristjani. Predvsem mladi. Tako se bo potrebno posvečati oznanjevanju, ki je v pravem pomenu besede misijonsko. Gre za pričevanje z zgledom in z besedo. Vaš dar, ki ste ga poslali, mi je zelo dobrodošel. S sobratom živiva skromno, za delo in oznanjevanje pa potrebujeva osnovna sredstva. Naj vam Bog povrne in vam vsem podeli svoj blagoslov. Lepo Vas pozdravljam in vam želim vse dobro. P. Martin Kmetec.” Iz pisma razberemo, da se mora misijonar priučiti jezika naroda, kamor je poslan, saj drugače ne more priti v stik z ljudmi. Za vsakega je to različno, eni imajo dar učenja jezikov, drugi se morajo truditi, da se ga nauče. Za marsikoga je to novi napor ali zaveda se, da je to združeno z delom misijonarja. O Na nedeljo, 14. julija, bo piknik Misijonske znamkarske akcije (MZA) v dobrobit naših misijonarjev, ki se med različnimi narodi trudijo, da bi prinesli Jezusovo veselo oznanilo ljubezni do Boga in bližnjega. Piknik clevelandske MZA bo na Slovenski pristavi in ga bomo pričeli s sv. mašo. Mašo bo daroval g. Franci Urbanija, ki bo ta mesec med nami in se bo spomnil naših misijonarjev ter tudi delavcev v zaledju. Vsi potrebujemo božjo pomoč, da delo vršimo vsak v svojem krogu. To nedeljo ne bo med nami g. dr. Pavel Krajnik, naš duhovni voditelj, ki zvečer z lepo skupino in Slovensko šolo odide v Slovenijo. Kakor jim želimo srečno potovanje in lep obisk Slovenije, tako nam je težko, ker je med njimi veliko naših obiskovalcev in tudi sodelavcev. Pa mora že tako biti! Po sv. maši bo na razpolago kosilo, druge dobrote pa malo kasneje. Cena kosilu bo $10 za odraslo osebo in $5 za otroka. Po kosilu se boste nekateri podali v bazen, drugi pa v senci smrek spletali nova poznanstva in se srečali s starimi znanci. Okrog pete ure bodo litanije Matere božje pri kapelici, da poprosimo Marijo varstva za nas in misijonarje. Počasi se bomo pričeli podajati proti domu z mislijo, da smo s svojim obiskom pomagali našim misijonarjem. Naslednji dan, v ponedeljek, 15. julija, bo ob 7. uri zvečer letni sestanek združen z občnim zborom, to v šolski sobi za sestanke pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. K temu sestanku ste iskreno povabljeni vsi sodelavci in prijatelji misijonov, ker je več važnih zadev, da se urede. Potegnjeno bo tudi šest srečnežev. Pridružite se nam ta večer, da skupno uredimo marsikaj potrebnega! V imenu vseh sodelujočih, prav lep misijonski pozdrav! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Vsako leto manj duhovnikov Ljubljana - Vsako leto 29. junija, ko je v rimskokatoliški Cerkvi praznik apostolov Petra in Pavla, v stolnicah posvečujejo nove duhovnike. Letos jih je 16 (lemi jih je bilo 17, predlani 25). Cerkvi na Slovenskem primanjkuje duhovnikov. Od sredine sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja se njihovo število zmanjšuje zaradi negativnega razmerja med umrlimi novimi duhovniki. Največje pomanjkanje duhovnikov je v koprski škofiji. Vsak, ki hoče postati duhovnik, mora končati teološko fakulteto. Študij traja pet let, šesto leto pa je obvezna pastoralna specializacija. V tem letu moški delajo na župnijah (praviloma na tistih, v katerih bodo pozneje službovali), kjer so njihovi mentorji župniki in kjer lahko opravljajo določena dela. denimo učijo verouk in podeljujejo nekatere zakramente, ne morejo pa še maševati in spovedovati. Po mašniškem posvečenju prevzamejo delo duhovnika v celoti. Po župnijah jih razporejajo škofi glede na potrebe; če je mogoče, upoštevajo tudi želje. Novi duhovniki imajo prvo, t. i. novo mašo, ponavadi prvo ali drugo nedeljo po posvečenju, in sicer v domačem kraju. Mašniška posvečenja se praviloma opravljajo v stolnicah, tako da dejansko in simbolno vsi duhovniki ene škofijo “pridejo" iz istega mesta. Letos je sedem novo-mašnikov iz ljubljanske nadškofije, trije iz mariborske škofije, eden iz koprske škofije, eden pa je iz avstrijske Koroške in bo (je bil) posvečen v celovški škofiji. Štirje no-vomašniki pripadajo redovnim skupnostim. Najmlajši letošnji novomašnik ima 25 let, najstarejši pa 47. V BLAG SPOMIN LAUSCHETOYE DRUŽINE Frances Lausche Louis Lausche MATI OČE umrla 4. julya 1934 umrl 7. januarja 1908 BRATJE LOUIS LAUSCHE WILLIAM J. LAUSCHE ALBERT LAUSCHE CHARLES LAUSCHE umrl 5. sept. 1911 umrl 8. julija 1967 umrl 5. junija 1905 umrl 25. julija 1969 HAROLD J. LAUSCHE umrl 29. maja 1986 Sen. FRANK J. LAUSCHE umrl 21. aprila 1990 SESTRE FRANCES LAUSCHE ALICE umrla 22. februarja 1900 umrla 28. LAUSCHE JOSEPHINE LAUSCHE WELF marca 1900 umrla 11. decembra 1990 JANE SHEAL LAUSCHE umrla 24. novembra 1981 SVAKINJE FRANCES URANKAR umrla 18. oktobra 1987 FRANCES KNAUS LAUSCHE umrla 29. novembra 1991 ANTONIJA LAUSCHE umrla 18. julija 1999 ŽALUJOČA: Mrs. ALICE LAUSCHE, vdova po dr. WILLIAM J. LAUSCHE Cleveland, Ohio, 4. julija 2002. Marjan Turnšek je osmo leto rektor (ravnatelj) bogoslovja v Mariboru. Vsak bodoči duhovnik mora obvezno živeti v bogoslovju, četudi je to morda v njegovem rojstnem kraju. V Mariboru so letos imeli 42 bogoslovcev. V prvi letnik so vstopili štirje, šesti letnik so končali trije (v drugem letniku jh je 9, v tretjem 7, v četrtem 6 in v petem prav tako 6; preostali pavzirajo, največ zaradi služenja vojaškega roka). Zadnja leta starost pri vstopu raste, opaža Turnšek. Od štirih v prvem letniku sta dva prišla na fakulteto takoj po srednji šoli (torej 19 let), dva pa imata 30 let in sta že bila v drugih poklicih. Po analizi zadnjih deset let so imeli v mariborski škofiji v povprečju štiri in pol novomašnikov na leto. Ker pa je v povprečju umrlo dobrih šest duhovnikov na leto, sta v mariborski škofiji vsako leto dva duhovnika manj. V mariborski škofiji je 290 župnij, zasedenih je 240. “Vsaj 50 ali 60 duhovnikov bi imelo kaj delati v naši škofiji, če bi bili,” meni Turnšek. Vzroki za zmanjševanje števila duhovnikov so p° njegovem mnenju različni-Zmanjševanje števila otrok v družinah (največ duhovnikov je iz družin z več otroki); potrošniški način življenja, ki mlade usmerja proč od duhovnih poklicev; javno mnenje, ki ni naklonjeno Cerkvi; pa tudi podoba, ki jo Cerkev ali posamezni predstavniki Cerkve pustijo v javnosti. Čeprav ta po Turnšku ni bistvena, lahko marsikdaj odvrne nekoga, ki se šele odloča, meni Turnšek. D. P- Delo fax, 29. jun. 2002 BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! Joseph L. FORTUNA sestr*'- S'etaMf#.!.. " lit. 216-641-,0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI!