Acta agriculturae slovenica, 84(december 2004)1, 25-30. Agris category codes: Q01 COBISS Code 1.01 ENTEROCOCCI IN CHEESE – PHENOTYPIZATION AND ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE Snežana BULAJIĆ a) and Zora MIJAČEVIĆ b) a) Univ. of Belgrade, Fac. of veterinary medicine, Dept. of hygiene and technology of food products of animal origin, Bulevar JA 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, M.Sc. b) Same address as a), Prof., Ph.D. Received June 10, 2004, accepted October 15, 2004. Delo je prispelo 10. junija 2004, sprejeto 15. oktobra 2004. ABSTRACT The material of investigation was consisted of samples of fresh and ripened cheeses made from raw and cooked milk subjected to rennet or acid coagulation. The primary isolation of enterococci was carried out on kanamycin-aesculine-azide agar at 37 °C and 42 °C during 24 hours. It was isolated totally 42 strains of enterococci. The examination of antibiotic resistance/sensitivity profiles was performed by applying disk-diffusion procedure on Muller-Hinton agar. The number of enterococci determined in cheese samples depended on applied technological process. In the samples of fresh, by rennet coagulated cheese made from raw and cooked milk the number of enterococci was ranged from 8.0×104 to 9.0×106 cfu g–1, and from 4.0×107 to 4.4×107 cfu g–1, respectively. In the case of ripened cheeses made from raw and cooked milk subjected to acid coagulation the number of enterococci was ranged from <102 to 5.0×104 cfu g–1 and from 2.5×104 to 1.5×105 cfu g–1, respectively. In the samples of fresh cheeses made from raw and cooked milk subjected to acid coagulation the number of enterococci was ranged from 2.4×105 to 2.12×107 cfu-g, and from 5×104 to 6×104 cfu g–1, respectively. The phenotypic identification of isolated enterococcal strains was performed according to the following biochemical-physiological characteristics: microscopic examination (cell morphology), catalase activity, growth in MRS broth at 10 °C and 45 °C, growth at pH 9.6, growth in broth containing 6.5% NaCl, growth in 0.1% methylen blue milk, resistance at 60 °C/15 and 30 minute, Voges/Proskauer reaction, fermentation of ribose. The isolated strains of enterococci were resistant to following antibiotics: penicillin (65.82%), tetracycline (62.02%), lincomycin (68.35%), gentamycin (27.84%), neomycin (31.64%), erythromycin (31.64%) and chloramphenicol (65.82%). Key words: milk products / cheese / microbiology / enterococci / phenotypization / antibiotics / resistance ENTEROKOKI V SIRIH – FENOTOPIZACIJA IN REZISTENCA PROTI ANTIBIOTIKOM IZVLEČEK V raziskavi smo proučevali vzorce svežih in zorenih sirov, izdelanih iz surovega ali toplotno obdelanega mleka s potopkom encimske ali kislinske koagulacije. Začetno izolacijo enterokokov smo opravili na kanamicin-eskulin-azidnem agarju pri temperaturi 37 °C in 42 °C in 24-urni inkubaciji. Izolirali smo 42 sevov enterokokov. Za ugotavljanje rezistence oziroma občutljivosti izoliranih sevov proti antibiotikom smo uporabili difuzni test z diski, na Muller-Huntonovem agarju. Število enterokokov, ki so jih ugotovili v vzorcih sirov, je bilo odvisno od tehnološkega postopka izdelave sira. V svežih sirih, narejenih z encimsko koagulacijo surovega in toplotno obdelanega mleka, se je število enterokokov gibalo med 8,0×104 in 9,0×106 cfu g–1 ter 4,0×107 in 4,4×107 cfu g–1. Pri zorenih sirih, narejenih s kislinsko koagulacijo, se je število enterokovov 26 Acta agriculturae slovenica, 84(december 2004)1. gibalo od < 102–5,0×104 cfu g–1 v sirih iz surovega mleka in od 2,5×104 do 1,5×105 cfu g–1 v sirih iz toplotno obdelanega mleka. Sveži siri, narejeni s kislinsko koagulacijo surovega in toplotno obdelanega mleka so vsebovali med 2,4×105 in 2,12×107 cfu g–1, ter med 5×104 in 6×104 cfu g–1. Fenotipsko smo izolirane seve opisali na osnovi morfologije celic, katalaznega testa, rasti pri 10 °C in 45 °C, rasti v mleku z 0,1 % metilenskega modrila in pri pH 9,6, rasti v bujonu s 6,5 % NaCl, rezistence ob izpostavitvi temperaturi 60 °C za 15 in 30 minut, Voges-Proskauerjeve reakcije in fermentacije riboze. Izolirani sevi enterokokov so bili v 65,82 % primerov odporni proti penicilinu, 62,02 % sevov je bilo odpornih proti tetraciklinu, 68,35 % proti linkomicinu in 27,84 % proti gentamicinu. Odpornost proti neomicinu je bila prisotna pri 31,64 % proučevanih sevov, proti eritromicinu pri 31,64 % in proti kloramfenikolu pri 65,82 % sevov. Ključne besede: mlečni izdelki / sir / mikrobiologija / enterokoki / fenotipizacija / antibiotiki / rezistenca INTRODUCTION Enterococci are ubiquitous bacteria which colonize different niches. The primary habitat is considered to be the gastrointestinal tract of animals and humans, thus via fecal contamination reach the raw milk and meat. The wide distribution of the enterococci, their resistance to high temperatures, tolerance to high salt concentration argumented their survival through the production process and implication that this group of organisms, may also be isolated from heat-treated milk and dairy products, especially cheese made from raw milk. Enterococci, present in raw milk, may develop during cheese making process and ripening period and may represent the predominant microflora found in cheese made from raw milk (Neviani et al.,1982a, Neviani et al.,1982b). Depending on the stage of ripening, enterococci can reach numbers of up to 106–108 cfu g–1 (Fontecha et al., 1990; Basso et al., 1994). In cheeses like Manchego (Ordonez et al., 1978), Mozzarella (Coppola et al., 1988), Kefalotyri (Litopoulou-Tzanetaki, 1990), Feta and Teleme (Tzanetakis and Litopoulou-Tzanetaki, 1992), Serra (Macedo et al., 1995), Cebreiro (Centeno et al., 1996) and Comte (Bouton et al., 1998) enterococci represent a major part of the fresh cheese curd microflora and particularly they are the predominant microorganisms in the fully ripened cheese. In fresh Feta cheese, the normal microflora of lactic acid bacteria consists of starter cultures that are gradually replaced by salt resistant lactobacilli and enterococci, mainly Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium (Tzanetakis et al., 1995).The predominant microorganism in Cebreiro cheese is Enterococcus faecalis, which is also the most frequently isolated Enterococcus in acidified raw milk (Wessels et al., 1988; Jiwoua and Milliere, 1990) and fresh Italian cheeses (Soncini and Piantoni, 1992). There are contradictory reports on the influence of enterococci on sensory characteristics of cheese. High contamination levels of enterococci are considered to cause the deterioration of organoleptic properties in some cheese (Thompson and Marth, 1986; Lopez-Diaz et al., 1995). On contrary, many authors claim that enterococci may have a positive role in cheese making process (Jensen et al., 1975b and 1975c; Ordonez et al., 1978; Trovatelli and Schliesser, 1987; Centeno et al., 1999). The high proteolytic activity presented by some strains of Enterococcus faecalis could contribute to the sensorial and textural properties of cheese (Centeno et al., 1999). In addition, enterococci produce esterases, which can play an important role in flavour formation (Tsakalidou et al., 1993). According to many authors, Enterococcus faecalis has been successfully used to accelerate maturation and to improve organoleptic characteristics of cheeses (Jensen et al., 1975a; Neviani et al. 1982b; Hegazi, 1990; Ledda et al., 1994;Villani and Coppola, 1994; Tzanetakis et al., 1995). On the basis of well-documented desirable biochemical properties, which argumented technological acceptability of enterococci, they have been proposed as part of defined starter cultures for different European cheeses, such as Water-Buffalo Mozzarella (Villani and Coppola, 1994), Feta (Litopoulou-Tzanetaki et al., 1993), Venaco (Casalta and Zennaro, 1997) and Cebreiro (Centeno et al., 1996) cheese. Bulajić, S. and Mijačević, Z. Enterococci in cheeses-phenotypization and antibiotic resistance. 27 Moreover, many enterococci produce one or more bacteriocins, and may be considered as protective towards spoilage and pathogenic bacteria (De Vuyst, 1994; Cintas et al., 1997; Aymerich et al., 2000; Giraffa, 1995). Furthermore, a strain of E. faecium SF68 has been confirmed as a probiotic according to its positive effects against diarrhea in man and pigs (Underdahl, 1983). But, in spite of all this, there is no consensus whether these bacteria pose the risk in food fermentation process, because of their ability to develop resistance against most antibiotics currently used, in combination with known virulence factors. The strains of enterococci are naturally tolerant to ß-lactams, cephalosporins, lincosamides and polymyxins. A specific cause for concern and a factor contributing to the pathogenesis of enterococci is the resistance they acquire to aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, macrolides, chloramphenicol, penicillin, and ampicillin (Gray et al., 1991), and their capacity to exchange genetic information by conjugation. This paper reports on enterococci, isolated from cheese originated from Serbia and its patterns of susceptibility to selected antibiotics. MATERIAL AND METHODS Cheese samples The material of investigation was consisted of samples of fresh and ripened cheeses made from raw and cooked milk subjected to rennet or acid coagulation. Microbiological analysis Ten grams of each sample were homogenized with sterile solution of sodium citrate (20 g l–1), adequately diluted in sterile Ringer solution and spread on kanamycin aesculine azide (KAA; Oxoid,) plates. After 24 h incubation at 42 °C in aerobic conditions, colonies that displayed the typical enterococcal growth and cell morphology were picked up and purified twice on KAA plates. The phenotypization of isolated strains was performed according to following tests: catalase activity, growth in MRS broth at 10 °C and 45 °C, growth at pH 9.6, growth in broth containing 6.5% NaCl, growth in 0.1% methylen blue milk, resistance at 60 °C/15 and 30 minutes, Voges/Proskauer reaction, and fermentation of ribose. Antibiotic resistance patterns Antibiotic resistance was tested by the agar diffusion method on plates of Muller-Hinton agar supplemented with antibiotic disks (BD BBL Sensi-Disc Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Discs), according to the directions of the manufacturer of disks. RESULTS AND DISSCUSION The number of enterococci determined in cheese samples depended on applied technological process. In the samples of fresh, by rennet coagulated cheese made from raw and cooked milk, the number of enterococci was ranged from 8.0×104 to 9.0×106 cfu g–1, and from 4.0×107 to 4.4×107 cfu g–1, respectively. In the case of ripened cheese made from raw and cooked milk subjected to acid coagulation, the number of enterococci was ranged from <102 to 5.0×104 cfu g–1 and from 2.5×104 to 1.5×105 cfu g–1, respectively. In the samples of fresh cheese made from raw and cooked milk subjected to acid coagulation the number of enterococci was ranged from 2.4×105 to 2.12×107 cfu g–1, and from 5×104 to 6×104 cfu g–1, respectively. 28 Acta agriculturae slovenica, 84(december 2004)1. Similar enterococcal number determined in cheese samples was reported by Fontecha et al. (1990) and Basso et al. (1994). Teuber et al. (1999) highlighted the finding that the contaminating enterococci may multiply to high number, e.g. more than 1.107 cfu per gram in soft cheeses. A preliminary study of 67 European yielded 40% samples containing enterococci in the range from 103 to 107 cfu g–1 (Sievers et al. 1993). Table 1. Number of enterococci determined in cheese samples Preglednica 1. Število enterokokov v vzorcih sira N (cfu / g) Fresh cheeses Ripened cheeses Rennet coagulation Acid coagulation Acid coagulation Raw milk 8.0×104 to 9.0×106 2.4×105 to 2.12×107 <102 to 5.0×104 Cooked milk 4.0×107 to 4.4×107 5×104 to 6×104 2.5×104 to 1.5×105 Fourty two strains of enterococci were isolated, which were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing. The isolated strains of enterococci were resistant to following antibiotics: penicillin (65.82%), tetracycline (62.02%), lincomycin (68.35%), gentamycin (27.84%), neomycin (31.64%), erithromycin (31.64%), and chloramphenicol (65.82%). Sievers et al. (1993) reported that in 55% of analysed cheeses, E. faecalis, E. faecium, and E. durans strains were isolated showing resistance to one or more following antibiotics: penicillin, cefalotin, furadoin, fucidin, erytromycin, tetracycline and chloramphenicol. 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