it,sly n; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 2/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 6. 1. 2019 Gospodovo RAZGLAŠENJE Trije kralji Epiphany Of the Lord Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-MAiL hallrental@ »Ali nista vedela...?« V današnji Matejevi evangeljski pripoved lahko odkrijemo sledi krščanskega »midraša«, to je homilije, ki aktualizira pripadajoče teološko sporočilo. Nesporno je dejstvo, da se zgodba o Modrih predstavlja kakor močan teološki odlomek. Gre vsekakor za eno prvih razumevanj Jezusove podobe v luči velike noči, »opremljene« s simboličnim in svetopisemskim aparatom prve krščanske skupnosti. Stojimo pred zrelim, teološko trdnim odlomkom, ki je namenjen odraslim tako, da predstavlja pristno resničnost Jezusa iz Nazareta, izhajaje ne iz njegove smrti, ampak iz njegovega rojstva. »Pripoved se zdi kakor majhna zbirka svetopisemskih in rabinskih besedil, ki predstavljajo mojstrovino 'midraš' literature in v kateri se lahko razpoznajo sledi osebnosti in dogodkov stare izraelske zgodovine. Poezija, zgodovina, teologija, napravljajo to pripoved za pomemben tekst prvotne kateheze, katere osnovni namen je poklic poganov k veri« (a. Lancellotti). Modri prihajajo iz Vzhoda in utelešajo splošno mesijansko pričakovanje, ki je resnična in lastna človeška razsežnost bivanja. Kraljica iz Sabe, ki išče v Jeruzalemu Salomonovo modrost, in Modri iz Medije ali Mezopotamije, ki se napotijo k svetemu mestu, sta dve vzporedni poosebitvi večnega nemira človeka, ki lahko samo v Bogu najde mir. Vesolje samo s svojo tiho govorico (Ps 19) je prvi vodnik pri tem iskanju. Tu je namreč zvezda, s katero so se toliko ukvarjali eksegetiastronomi. Ta svetla vodnica, ki je pogosten navzoča kot legendarni motiv v grško-rimskih naznanilih o kraljevskih in izrednih rojstvih (Aleksander Veliki, Mitra, Avgust), ima v Svetem pismu točno določen pomen. Avtor se zaveda in se naobrača na slavni svetopisemski tekst, ki so ga v judovstvu brali pod mesijanskim vidikom. Aramejski ali amonski modrec Bileam, ki mu je kralj Baltik naročil, naj prekolne Izrael, ne more, da ga ne bi blagoslovil, in vzklika: »Vidim ga, pa ne sedaj, gledam ga, pa ne blizu. Zvezda vzhaja iz Jakoba in žezlo se vzdiguje iz Izraela« (4 Mz 24, 17). Zvezda postane tako vedno bolj simbol mesijanske-ga kralja in Razodetje imenuje Kristusa »jutranja zvezda« (Raz 2, 28; 22,16). Luč je dejansko ozadje vsakega mesijanskega videnja, kakor poje Izaija v svojem sijajnem spevu o Emanuelu: »Ljudstvo, ki je hodilo v temi, je zagledalo veliko luč, nad prebivalci v deželi smrtne sence je zasvetila luč« (lz 9,1). Luč prežene temo, ki je simbol smrti in pomeni začetek novega stvarjenja. Podobno se izrazi tudi prerok Mihej, ko zapiše: »In ti, Betlehem, dežela Judova, nikakor nisi najmanjši med Judovimi voditelji; iz tebe bo namreč prišel vodnik, ki bo pasel moje ljudstvo Izraela.« Izrael je namreč varuh tega najsvetlejšega vodstva zvezde, čeprav ne zna razbrati globokega pomena vsega tega. Pastirja, poslanega k izgubljenim ovcam Izraelove hiše, bodo odkrili ti tujci, ki »so prišli z Vzhoda« in so določeni, da bodo sedeli pri mizi v veselju skupnosti z Bogom. Zares, Matej podčrta »veliko veselje«, s katerim Modri sprejmejo njim namenjeno mesijansko razodetje. V ozadju se riše seveda vedno bolj jasno simbol utelešenega zavrženja drugega kralja, to je Herod »in z njim ves Jeruzalem«. Etnični Izrael ni več »pravi Božji Izrael«; vpisi v knjige krščencev neke cerkve ne zadoščajo za odrešenje. Pozornost se osredotoči na »nove in prave vernike«, na Modre. Stopijo v preprosto palačo tega kralja, vidijo Odrešenikovo Mater in v sredini Kristusa, pred katerem padejo na tla v liturgičnem dejanju krščanske adoracije in ne le z gesto orientalskega češčenja. Njihovi darovi, značilni za koreografijo Rodovitnega polmeseca, odsevajo ponovno krščansko branje velike pesmi, ki jo vsebuje današnje prvo berilo: »Množica velblodov te bo zagrnila ... , prišli bodo vsi iz Sabe. Zlata in kadila bodo prinesli, Gospodovo hvalo bodo oznanjali« (lz 60, 6). Tako tudi branje speva z odpevom, psalma 72, 10: »Kralji s celine in z otokov bodo prinašali darove, kralji z vzhoda in zahoda bodo plačevali davek. Vsi kralji se mu bodo klanjali.« Čeprav je ta simbolika tuja matejevskemu besedilu, je pozneje Origen natančno določil pomen darov: »Zlato mu je darovano kot kralju, mira kot umrljivemu človeku, kadilo pa kot Bogu«. »Vrnili so se v svojo deželo«: zadeva teh prvih vernikov je končana, toda njihova zgodba je simbol vseh tistih, ki bodo v stoletjih pod vodstvom razuma in božje besede iskali Boga z iskrenim srcem. Tujci in ubogi (pastirji) so privilegirani državljani kraljestva, ki ga je obnovil Jezus iz Betlehema. (prim. Oznanjevalec, 2004) NOVOLETNO PRAZNOVANJE V DVORANI SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA_ Dolga leta se naša skupnost zbere na zadnji dan leta, da skupaj dočakamo Novo leto. Tako smo se tudi letos organizirali in povabili še člane društva Slovenski park. Skupaj smo skrbno načrtovali to prireditev. Vsakdo, ki organizira nekaj podobnega ve, da je potrebno kar precej priprav, usklajevanja in na koncu tudi dela, da vse dobi svojo obliko in da so tudi gostje zadovoljni. Hvala vsem prostovoljcem, ki so sodelovali tako v pripravi kot tudi v izpeljavi večera. Hvala tudi vsem, ki so prispevali dobitke za žrebanje. Za glasbeni del je poskrbel ansambel ŠIBAJ in dodobra razgibal občinstvo. 14 | VESTNIK 2019 Praznovanje smo začeli s sveto mašo v cerkvi, kjer smo se Bogu zahvalili za preteklo leto, za vse milosti in darove in se obenem priporočili za leto, ki je pred nami, da bi nas spremljal božji blagoslov pri našem delu. VESTNIK 2019 | 15 '-• Epiphany of the Lord Response: Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. First Reading Isaiah 60:1-6 The prophet sees the radiant light of God shining forth and foresees people from all over the world paying homage with their precious gifts. Second Reading Ephesians 3:2-3. 5-6 Paul has grasped the fact that in Christ Jesus we all share the inheritance of God's promises. Gospel Matthew 2:1-12 The wise men represent us all, and their symbolic gifts enable Matthew to explain this manifestation of God: Christ is priest, prophet and king. "We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage." Illustration Interest in astronomy dates back into the mists of time and our ancient forebears had made remarkable progress in plotting the course of the moon and the stars as well as calculating the cycles that establish the seasons of the year, long before modern technology was able to provide us with the wealth of knowledge now available to us. We marvel at the immensity of the universe surrounding us. The light years that separate us from other galaxies and their billions of stars leave us speechless. We wonder at the complexity of it all and watch in amazement rare experiences like total eclipses of the sun as they produce eerie and mysterious sensations. 16 | VESTNIK 2019 Today's story from St Matthew's Gospel provides us with an insight into how men and women two thousand years ago would stargaze and learnt to plot the course of a journey in doing so. It is worth pondering just how challenging journeys in those days must have been. There were none of the modern means of transport and travel, and yet we know that men and women had by then migrated from one continent to another and trade routes were already well established. Beasts of burden, like camels and donkeys, carrying not only the travellers but their belongings, made long journeys possible, yet the risks associated with such ventures must have been enormous. This is the context of the story which provides us with the backdrop to today's feast. Gospel Teaching It is no exaggeration to say that every story included in the Gospels is there for the purpose of enlightening us and helping us enter more deeply into the mystery of Christ. And, of course, each of the four Gospels was written for particular Christian communities coping with the social circumstances in which they found themselves. Matthew was writing for his own Jewish people and one of his concerns was that they grasped the fact that Jesus, while he had come to liberate them, had also come to liberate all men and women of all time. Matthew is unique in giving us the story of the wise men: mysterious travellers coming from the east, an exotic part of the world full of mystery and mystique. Having helped his own people make the necessary connection with the prophecy about Bethlehem being the place towards which they were heading, he also links their journey with Isaiah's prophetic vision of the nations seeing the light and travelling to pay hom- age with their gifts. The wise men are there precisely to represent all of us and even their precious gifts are of considerable significance. The gold points us to the fact that the Christ child has come to establish the kingdom of God. The incense reveals that he is no ordinary child but God's Son, while the myrrh warns us of the disturbing prospect of his passion and death: his body will need to be anointed after his death. Application The Church has incorporated the wonderful symbols of the wise men's gifts into its liturgy. Just think of how we use incense to remind us not only of the preciousness of Christ's presence in the sacraments, but also of the preciousness of each and every one of us. In the funeral rite the body, which has been anointed in the sacraments, is incensed: a reminder that our mortal bodies are destined for resurrection because now we are Christ's adopted brothers and sisters and heirs to his kingdom. St Paul, after his conversion, grasped the truth of all this and was at pains for the rest of his life to make sure that everyone else grasped it. Christ had come that the pagans, too, could share the same inheritance as his own Jewish ancestors. In today's world the invitation to you and me is to be ever conscious of the need to reach out to everyone and embrace all people as God's precious children. With so many displaced people travelling across the world to avoid persecution, warfare and violence, Pope Francis has appealed to us to see in them the face of Christ and make them welcome. This feast of the Epiphany of the Lord provides a wonderful opportunity for us to think again about the expansive and all-embracing nature of God's revelation to the world, embodied in Jesus, and above all of what it means for us to respond to the needs of our brothers and sisters. VESTNIK 2019 | 17 Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKE VAJE_ drg^S^ Pevske vaje za mešani Choir^^ggfjag pevski zbor bodo v Practice četrtek 10. januarja. Zbor bo pel pri maši v nedeljo, 13. januarja, Jezusov krst. Angleški zbor ima vajo vsako sredo po večerni maši. Vabljeni novi pevci. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 6. januar: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m. ♦ 13. januar: Sava - Mass at 12:00 p.m., Triglav - St. John the Divine - Mass at 4:00 p.m. ♦ 20. januar: Bled - Koline ♦ 20. januar: CSHS - Brown's Line Luncheon ♦ 27. januar: Lipa Park - Hunter's Luncheon - koline & Kultiurni dan ♦ 9. februar - CSHS - Dom Lipa - AGM 10:00 a.m. ♦ 9. februar: St. Gregory the Great - Faise the Roof -Fundraising event at 6:30 p.m. ♦ 10. februar: Sava - Prešeren's cultural Day - Mass 12:00 p.m, Dinner & Entertainment 1:00 p.m. ♦ 10. februar: Triglav - Mass 4:00 p.m. at St. John the Divine GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 6. januar 11:00 a.m.: Joe in Kathy Prša ♦ 13. januar 9:30 a.m.: Karl in Milka Ferko ♦ 20. januar 9:30 a.m.: Maks in Jožica Pavličič DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - MEMBERSHIP_ Društvo Membership are now overdue for this year, 2018. You may call Tony Ferko at 905-5780150 or Peter Novak 905-560-4201. CWL - Membership Renewal_ It's that time of year when we renew our CWL memberships. Please note that there has been an increase in fees. Membership is now $22. Kindly renew your membership with either Pamela Gosgnach or Milena Krušič or place your membership envelope with remittance into the collection basket at Mass. Thank you. OGNJIŠČE_ Naročnike za Ognjišče prosimo, da do konca januarja poravnajo naročnino ($85 )za leto 2019. Najlepša hvala. CWL - KŽZ_ Our first scheduled CWL General meeting will take place after 7:00 p.m. Mass on Wednesday, January 9, 2019! Your attendance is most welcome! VEČNA LUČ Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 18 | VESTNIK 2019 lif svete mase - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 19 od 06. 01. 2019 do 13. 01. 2019 svete maše - masses Gospodovo Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 a.m. razglašenje ff Starši Fortuna, sestri in brata Ana in Casy Žižek 6. Januar f Drago Ferk Zena ff Pok. iz družine Frances Gazvoda Družina Beranovič Gašer, Miha, Boltežar f Paula Pelcar Kathy in Joe Prša Ponedeljek - Monday 7. Januar Rajmund, duhovnik Danes v župniji ni maše! Torek - Tuesday T Štefan Ray 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa (4) 8. Januar T Pepca Erjavec Angela Kobe T Ed Kodarin Ned Sejranič Severin, opat Za žive in pokojne iz družine Kodrič Štefka Eržen Sreda - Wednesday _ . ff Pavel in Paul Richard Novak -,nn Jožica Novak z družino 9. Januar . r.„ . . 7:00 p.m. .. ,c . f Ed Kodarin Ned Sejranic Julijan, mučenec Četrtek - Thursday TT Angelca in Mirko Kralj 7:00 p.m. Angela Kobe 10. Januar T Mike Pušar Ana Ratajič Ime Jezusovo T Ed Kodarin Ned Sejranič PETEK . friday f Korošec Ignac 7:00 p.m. Hči Bernardin z družino 11 Januar ff Marija in Jože Zelko Bernarda Milosavljevič ' f Ed Kodarin Ned Sejranič Pavlm Oglejsk:i, škof f Olga Godina (Montreal) Terezija Zadravec Sobota V zahvalo za srečno pot 5:30 p.m. Marija Košir f Štefan Horvat Marija Tompa Saturday f Metod Kuzma Družina Kuzma 12. Januar f Ed Kodarin Ned Sejranič Tatjana, mučenka f Katarina Mujdrica f Jože Hanc Olga Hanc Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Jezusov krst 13. Januar Veronika, devica Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. ff Pokojni iz družina Žižek ff Paula in Franc Pelcar 11:00 a.m. f Frančiška Ferko ff Pokojni člani društva Sava 12:00 p.m. ff Pokojni člani društva Triglav 4:00 p.m. Kazimir in Anna Žižek Stan Pelcar in Josie Dube Toni in Marija Franc Sava - Breslau St. John the Divine - London 2 | VESTNIK 2019