SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 19/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 7.5. 2023 5. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Današnji odlomek, kakor že nekaj prejšnjih nedelj, je vzet iz velikega Jezusovega govora pri zadnji večerji. Jezus se je sam »zgrozil v duši« pred dogodki velikega petka, koliko večji strah je moral navdati šele učence, ko jim je rekel, da odhaja in gre k Očetu. Zato jih mora najprej potolažiti: »Vaše srce naj se ne vznemirja«. Hitro pa jih opozori na edini način, kako bodo vznemirjenost premagali v sebi: na vero v Boga. Prav verovati pomeni šele takrat, ko se razblinijo vsi razlogi. Evangelist Janez se je tudi sam izkustveno prepričal, da le »vera premaga svet«. Tri leta so bili v Jezusovi šoli in so se mogli prepričati, kako je »Bog pred njimi Jezusa izpričal z močmi, čudeži in znamenji«, zato jim sedaj ne sme pogum upasti. Vero v Očeta morajo povezati z Njim. Prav zato odhaja, da pripravi prostor. Pri Judih ima hiša tudi pojem templja, ki pomeni trajno Božjo navzočnost. Jezus je ta navzočnost med Očetom in učenci. Njegov odhod je zaznamoval pot do Očetove hiše, saj pravi jaz sem pot. On ne uči resnice o Bogu in človeku, temveč je sam resnica. Kdor sprejema njegovo besedo, sprejema absolutno resnico in ta resnica mu prinaša tudi nadnaravno življenje. Jezus je pot, ki najbolj zanesljivo vodi k Očetu. Kdor pozna njega, pozna Očeta. Filipu se ob tem zahoče, da bi jim pokazal Očeta. Rad bi ga gledal iz obličja v obličje kot Mojzes na Sinajski gori. Pravzaprav mu moramo biti hvaležni, da je zastavil takšno vprašanje, se nam danes zastavlja vsak dan. Slišimo ga pri veroučnih urah od otrok, slišimo ga večkrat tudi v službi: Kje je sedaj tvoj Bog? Ljudje hočejo čudež, hočejo znamenje. Jezus odgovarja, da je njegovo življenje kraj, da so njegove besede in dejanja, kraj, kjer se Oče najpopolneje razodeva. Oče in Sin sta nerazdružno povezana. To Jezus potrdi še enkrat pred Judi v templju: »Če ne opravljam dela Očeta, mi ne verjemite, če pa jih, verjemite delom, da je Oče v meni in jaz v Očetu«. On ni samo človek, ki bi najbolj dosledno spolnjeval božjo voljo, ampak je pravi Bog, ker prebiva v Očetu in Oče v njem. Njegove besede in dela so učinkovita, ker niso njegove, ampak od Očeta, in beVESTNIK 2023 | sede je zato s čudeži potrjeval, ker v njem dela Bog. Jezus ni prerok, ki je tako ali drugače govoril, kar mu je Bog naročil, ampak njegova beseda edina razodeva Očeta. Kdor vanj veruje, bo izvrševal še večja dela. Kajti prejemali bodo moč, ki jo bo On sam dajal. Na binkoštni praznik so učenci resnično to tudi doživeli. O življenju prve Cerkve nas pouči današnje prvo berilo. Judje, ki so privzeli grško kulturo ali so imeli za materni jezik grščino, so se imenovali helenisti. Njim nasproti so bili Judje, ki so ohranili hebrejščino ali celo aramejščino in so jih imenovali Hebrejce. Med Hebrejci je bila večja skrb za uboge, zato očitek s strani helenistov zahteva, da bi bili vsi enaki. Apostolom pa takšne skrbi delajo kar precej težav. Ugotavljajo, da je njihovo poslanstvo ovirano, ker se ne morejo posvetiti oznanjevanju. Res je, da karitas in oznanjevanje spadata skupaj in ju ne moremo ločiti, saj pravi apostol Jakob, da je vera brez dobrih del mrtva (Jk 2,17). Vendar se lahko poslanstvo razdeli. Zato izberejo prve diakone ali strežnike, ki zraven oznanjevanja skrbijo za uboge, bolne, zbirajo miloščino ali darove in delijo med potrebne. Apostoli pa se podajo z vsem ognjem in žarom oznanjevat. Tudi danes se Cerkev ne more odreči ne prvemu ne drugemu oznanjevanju. V današnjem času primanjkuje prav teh, ki bi se z vsem žarom razdajali za uboge, duhovniki in redovniki pa bi se morali pod vodstvom Svetega Duha bolj predati oznanjevanju in iskati novih poti do obrobnih vernikov in drugih ljudi. Drugo berilo nam skuša razložiti, kakšno naj bo oznanjevanje. Živi kamni smo, ki smo vgrajeni v duhovno stavbo. Apostol Peter nam osveži spomin, da smo bili po krstu deležni trojne službe. Naša naloga in dolžnost je nadaljevati delo, ki ga je Jezus zastavil. Nekdo je zapisal podobno misel: Jezus ima danes naše roke, naše noge in naša usta, ki prinašajo veselo sporočilo v naš čas. In prav družina je tisto središče, v katerem se najlažje uresničujejo božja sporočila, tisti okvir, v katerem je podoba božje dinamike najbolj očitna. Sklepni dokument pravi: »Zakonci naj poživijo zavest, da Bog želi govoriti svojo ljubezen po njihovi konkretni medsebojni ljubezni. ... Kristjan, ki po krstu ne pripada več samemu sebi, tudi svojega zakonskega življenja ne more več živeti sam zase, ampak v službi Bogu in ljudem.« (Plenarni zbor 2002, str. 37) Že Dostojevski je v vsej svoji zaljubljenosti v Kristusa izpovedal: »Verujem, da ni nič lepšega, globljega, vrednejšega, pametnejšega ... kot je Odrešenik!« - (Prim.: Oznanjevalec 2, 2008) 198 | VESTNIK 2023 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Response: Let your love be upon us, Lord, even as we hope in you. First Reading Acts 6:1-7 Trusting in the Holy Spirit, the Church grows in number. Second Reading 1 Peter 2:4-9 Christ is the cornerstone of our faith. Gospel John 14:1-12 Jesus tells his disciples not to be troubled. He will show us the way. Illustration Builders will be familiar with the term “cornerstone” or “keystone”. In building terms, the keystone or cornerstone is what keeps the structure from collapsing. It forms the bedrock and core of the building and the soundness of the whole structure depends on it. In the ruins of many large Middle Eastern cities, despite past earthquakes, one can still find certain ancient buildings standing. This is due to the fact that the keystone was so well placed, and in times when cement and mortar were not in use, this was a major feat of architecture. In today’s second reading, we are given a picture of Christ as the keystone, as the foundation of our faith and the one who builds a spiritual house for God using “living stones”. As members of the body of Christ, we are those living stones, and Christ is our foundation. Christ is the “precious cornerstone” for us as believers and we are “a chosen race”, and “a people set apart”. Today’s Gospel goes on to reassure us that Christ himself will prepare a place for us, close to the Father, and to remind being like us who walked the earth; who suffered loss, both of friends and family, during his lifetime; “I am the Way, who was a friend of those who were poor and marginalised; a healer of those who were sick; and a perthe Truth and son of deep compassion. If this is the Jesus we follow, the Life.” these realities will be part of our life of discipleship here on earth. Jesus points the way when he says: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Jesus’ “Way” is the way of love and compassion. Jesus’ “Truth” is that he, the Son of God, is our brother and is alive in our suffering brothers and sisters. The “Life” we are being offered in today’s Gospel is one where we will no longer be troubled, where we will see the Father and inherit eternal life. Jesus has gone to prepare a home for us. In this going is the suggestion that the life we live now is not the fullness of life for which we are destined. There is another, fuller life for those who believe, who love, who offer the goodness of God to others. This life in Christ is one we get glimpses of us that whoever believes in Christ will “perform here on earth when we do the work of God, and find even greater works” than Christ himself. ourselves at one with God’s ways. In moments of joy Gospel Teaching and union with our God and with one another, we Our world is troubled by many things and so are see the promise of this new life which Christ offers to our hearts. Life does not present us with constant us. joy. Jesus’ words at the beginning of today’s Gospel Application offer us comfort. He says, “Do not let your hearts be Our readings today offer us an invitation to look troubled.” Jesus himself knew what it felt like to be at what is key or foundational to our lives. Were you troubled. He knew disillusion and despair. Prior to Jesus’ betrayal, and again in the garden of Gethsem- to be asked, what is the most important thing in your ane, Jesus uses the word “troubled” to describe how life today, how might you respond? It might involve he feels. At these times Jesus is troubled deeply, or those you love, those you care for and possibly what as he himself says, his “soul is troubled”. Even Jesus, you own. It may be worth spending some time this week asking how key your faith and your relationship the cornerstone of our faith, had to call on the Fawith Christ is to your daily life. If it is key, how do you ther in his moments of doubt and struggle. Jesus express this? If Christ is “the Way, the Truth and the had to live his faith with the weight of the world bearing down on him, as we ourselves do. Honesty Life”, how is that reflected in your life? We are the “living stones” making up the body of in our relationship with Christ and his Father are Christ here on earth. As such we are invited to trust vital to keeping the foundation of our lives and our faith secure amid the earthquakes of life. If we seek our future to Christ who is our way to the Father. Today we hear Jesus tell his disciples that he is to follow Christ faithfully, we can be reassured that “the Way, the Truth and the Life”. Let us ask forhe understands what life is like for each one of us. So who is this Jesus we are seeking to follow? As giveness for our failure to follow his way the Gospels relate it, we believe in Jesus, a human VESTNIK 2023 | 199 200 | VESTNIK 2023 Diocese of Hamilton Prejšnjo soboto, 29. aprila, smo pri večerni maši imeli lepo presenečenje. Mlada pevFORMED provides the very best Catholic content ka Giuliana Dim, ki jo je na orglah spremljala from more than 60 organizations to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith anywhere. Sup- Cydney Speers je pela med mašo. Posebej lepo je zazvenela Ave Maria v latinščini. Se porting thousands of movies, children’s programs, vidi, da tudi iz mladih grl lahko pride čudovit ebooks, audio and more, it is an excellent resource for glas. Seveda je potrebno, razvijati talente, ki families, especially to ensure the content their children nam jih Bog daje. are watching is safe. The Family Ministry Office has entered into a partnership with FORMED in order to allow families access to this resource and invite you to an on line session for an opportunity to have a quick overview look at the content. Join us on Wednesday, May 24th at 7 p.m. by zoom, whether you are already a subscriber or would like to learn more about the site. You must register to receive the link at, under Upcoming events on the home page. The family is important, and it is necessary for the survival of humanity. Without the family, the cultural survival of the human race would be at risk. The family, whether we like it or not, is the foundation." Pope Francis. Families are the foundation of society, but also of the faith. A reminder to celebrate with your families next week during the National Week of Family and Life from May 7- 14. More info on the Diocesan website: National Family & Life Week:May 7-14, 2023 - Diocese of Hamilton ( VESTNIK 2023 | 201 Last Saturday, April 29th, Slovenski Park held its annual Spring Banquet. It was a damp and rainy day, but our members and guests trudged on and braved the soggy weather to attend this banquet, the first of its kind since before Covid. Reservations topped out in the 170’s and there were very few people who had last minute cancellations. Our marvelous member volunteers set the bar to new heights with their exceptional delivery of delectable and abundant Slovenian-Canadian gastronomy, endless beverages and service with a smile. The feast that was served was just the right combination of traditional-meets-contemporary. A grand thank you to our head chef, kitchen workers, food servers and bar staff, as well as all those busy bees behind the scenes that keep the hall clean, decorated, stocked and staffed! The musical performance provided by Slo Beat was top-notch as predicted – a perfect complement to a perfect evening! There were door prizes, raffle prizes and a 50-50 draw. Some door prizes and raffle prizes were charitably donated by various Slovenski Park members and their families, and included several bottles of whiskey, a care package from Slovenska Kuhinja, soaps and candles, homemade maple syrup, homemade suha klobasa made from moose meat and homemade pear slivovica. The 50-50 draw was organized 202 | VESTNIK 2023 to fundraise for Slovenski Park’s Basketball/Tennis Court Rejuvenation Project, which is being headed-up by the Youth Committee at Slovenski Park. The grand prize winner of the 50-50 draw was Ms. Irena Vidmar. Ms. Vidmar won over $1,150 as the total amount raised was over $2,300. In the spirit of good-will, Ms. Vidmar generously donated $500 of her winnings to further the financial goal of the Youth Project, and then donated another $500 of her winnings to the Slovenski Park Electrical Project! Her kindness is an inspiration to us all. Ms. Vidmar, on behalf of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Electrical Project Committee and Youth Project Committee, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Na zdravje vsem, and sincere gratitude to everyone who was able to join us and make this event a successful one! Martina Malevich Bellemore, Slovenski Park 2023 Executive Committee VESTNIK 2023 | 203 204 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 205 206 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 207 Our AGM/Občni Zbor was held last Sunday April 30th in the lower hall and itemized the happenings and financials of our 2022 year. All committees submitted reports and financials were presented with some explanations. We were happy to see 33 parish members participate in person and 6 members watching along with our facebook live stream option. Please note that our meeting is available on the parish facebook page should you be interested in hearing first hand what was presented along with discussions. I announced that a summary of our discussions would be included in our “Vestnik” (church bulletin), so here it is: We understand that there are currently 3 generations who could be actively participating within our community  1st generation - built our parish  2nd generation – involved and active within our Slovenian community with strong participation  3rd generation – somewhat involved within the Slovenian community  4th generation – up and coming children who we need to nurture so that they understand and appreciate the community they can be part of. The 2nd generation of our parish community took an active role in participating in parish events. They also took initiative to build friendships, organize events and have everlasting memories with friends from Slovenian Families 208 | VESTNIK 2023 in the Hamilton and surrounding areas. They organized parties, dances, ski trips, movie nights, fashion shows, sports events, road hockey and socialized with one another. These friendships will last a lifetime. The 3rd generation of our parish community are the children of them and have participated somewhat. However, their initiative to organize events wasn’t/isn’t as strong as that of their parents. If we want our parish to survive and continue to provide a rich cultural and ethnic foundation we need to provide the tools and emphasize the importance for them to make an effort. It is their time to organize ski trips, dances, bowling events etc… Parents need to encourage their children and emphasize the importance of them taking action. Let’s help them figure out how to do this. Let’s plant some idea seeds and see if we can get our Slovenian back on track. We must also remember the importance of the spiritual aspect of our community. Speaking about this, mass participation, mass times, Midnight masses were all discussed. It was resolved that for now mass times would remain as they are currently set, understanding that this could still change. Our parish events are lacking volunteers and participation. It has been said many times, if everyone volunteered for one event every 2 -3 years, and if everyone attended 1 event every year we would see our community survive and thrive. Without some sort of commitment from each and every one of us, optimistically, we are not sure if our community will have what it takes to still exist in 3-5 years. Some ideas were shared to alleviate the strain on our community. Eliminate events, change our event formats, re-think how we host New Years – should we continue to host a New Years event? Restart children’s liturgy during English mass. We are open to new ideas, we are looking for fresh thoughts on how to keep our community alive. Towards the end of the AGM/Obcni Zbor we held new member nominations and are welcoming two new members to your parish council. Welcome to Patricia Hill (Prebil) and Derek Perz. They have already shared some great ideas and we are excited to work with them. Thank you to Nancy for preparing a light lunch after our meeting and special thanks to everyone who stayed back to help clean-up. Even a light lunch like we had takes time to get things cleaned up and back in order. And Finally, thank you to Fr. Drago for being our Parish everything. Fr. Drago came 20 years ago in August and I don’t think that we would still be here today if we didn’t have him to lead us. We feel confident, with Fr. Drago’s help, every parish members re-commitment to our Slovenian community there is hope. Please share this bulletin with family and friends of St. Gregory the Great Parish. If you know of current or past members who you think should be on our email list, please forward their email to us so that we can keep them updated. We have a Slovenian community that we should be proud of and is worth the effort to save. See you at our next function! Heidy Novak, President of Parish Council VESTNIK 2023 | 209 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - May 14, 2023 - Slovenska Šola-St. Gregory - Mother’s Day - Mass at 10:00 a.m. - May 21, 2023 - Slovenski park - Victoria Day Long Weekend - Mass at 1:00 p.m. - May 21, 2023 - Breslau - Mass at 1:00 p.m. - May 22, 2023 - Lipa Park - Open House Picnic - May 28, 2023 - St. Gregory - First Communion - Mass at 10:00 a.m. - June 11, 2023 - London - 3:00 p.m. Mass with the procession - June 24, 2023 - Bled - SLOVENSKI DAN READERS - BRALCI BERIL Slovenian Mass - Rosemary Šušteršič English Mass - Mary Ann Demšar GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS May 7th - M- Volčanšek & Majda Lukežič CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - ČIŠČENJE May 12th - Lukežič in Volčanšek May 28th - Jožica Vegelj & tea FIRST COMMUNION - PRVO OBHAJILO Our date for First Communion is the last Sunday of May, this year it is May 28, 2023. There will be only one Mass at 10:00 a.m. Parents, please register your children by calling office (905-561-5971, ext. 1), or by email: The Hamilton Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League The Hamilton Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League meets for their annual 210 | VESTNIK 2023 convention this weekend, at the Sheraton Hotel in Hamilton. Bishop Wayne Lobsinger will join the members for their banquet on Saturday evening. I will preside at the celebration of the closing Mass at the recently restored St. Mary Church, walking distance from the hotel. Special thanks to Joyce Cotter, Diocesan CWL, President, for her dedicated service to the League and to the Diocese. May the weekend convention be a time of joyful celebration for dedicated League members. Thank you for all you do in your Parishes and throughout the Diocese FOR GOD AND CANADA! (Heart to Heart) ŠMARNICE Letos pri šmarnični pobožnosti med mašo beremo Šmarnice, ki jih je za lansko leto napisal Marko Rijavec. Naslov pa nosijo: »Camino, pot, ki se začne na koncu.« Zelo zanimiva in globoka razmišljanja na poti v Santiago de Compostela. POLETNA ŠOLA SLOVENŠČINE From 30 July to 6 August 2023, the Center for School and Extracurricular Activities and the Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia will organize a Slovenian summer school in the Soča home in Tolmin, which is intended for children and young people of Slovenian origin from abroad (age 10-14 ). In the mornings, young people learn Slovenian in different groups, and in the afternoons they take part in creative, sports and social activities, connect with each other and get to know the characteristics of Slovenia and its regions. The sponsor and financier of the summer school is the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Slovenia. The application deadline is May 10, 2023. The application documentation is available on the Stičšče website, at the link: mednarodno-sodelovanje/slovenci-izven-meja/ slovenci-po-svetu-sticisce/ With kind regards, Mag. Primož Ilešič, sekretar T: 011-386-1-230-8006; E: Urad vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Svet e maše - Masses †† † 5. VELIKONOČNA † †† NEDELJA † † 5TH SUNDAY † OF EASTER † † 7. MAJ Gizela, opatinja † †† † DON BOSCO Za žive in rajne župljane Alex in Eddy Pučko Anne Leban (Cleveland) Frank Saje Marija in Ignac Horvat Frank Pavlakovič Jože Zadravec Marija Berden Martin Sterle, obl. Ivan Žižek Rozina Doma Vera (obl.) in Frank Staniša Vida Sajder Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 28. aprila 2023: - $152,270. - Obljubili / Pledged - $147,430. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Lauzon Petek Kočar Štefanec Gagnon Čulig Števančec Germaine Ivan Avguština Katarina Leo H. Blaž Janez May 8, 2017 May 8, 2021 May 10, 1972 May 12, 1995 May 12, 1996 May 13, 2011 May 14, 2005 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Family Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš Žena z družino Drago in Marianne Horvat z druž. Drago in Marianne Horvat z druž. Brat Franc in Ljudmila Zadravec Sestra Ljudmila in Franc Zadravec Hči Sue in Zdravko Augustin 11:00 A.M. Žena z družino Rozina Žižek z družino Staniša Family Family SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 211 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 8. 5. 2023 - 14. 5. 2023 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY Za zdravje 8. MAJ † Eileen MacKenzie Viktor (Zmago), muč. 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadić N.N. TOREK - TUESDAY 9. MAJ † Ivan Doma † Aldo Česen 7:00 P.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) SREDA - WEDNESDAY 10. MAJ † Jože Vuk Po namenu 7:00 P.M. Marija Hočevar Ivka Pašalić ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 11. MAJ †† Vinko in Cveto Ković †† Pok. starši, sestra in brat † Zlata Šajnovič 7:00 P.M. Stojanka Zečević-Ković Jožica Novak z družino Štefka Eržen † Jože Vuk † Frances Hozjan 7:00 P.M. Stanko in Elizabeth Petek Alojz in Agata Sarjaš z družino Pahomij, puščavnik Job, svetopisemski mož Majul, mučenec PETEK - FRIDAY 12. MAJ Leopold Mandić, red. Pankracij, muč. SOBOTA - SATURDAY 13. MAJ † † Fatimska Mati Božja M. D. Mazzarello, sousta- † † noviteljica FMA Servacij, šk. muč. † 6. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MOTHER'S DAY 14. MAJ Bonifacij, mučenec 212 | VESTNIK 2023 †† † †† † † † †† † †† †† † † † Bogu v zahvalo za 50 let poroke 3:00 P.M. Matija Vlašič 5:30 P.M. Martin Simončič Jože Gačnik Joško Kuzma Joe Prša Za žive in rajne župljane Paula in Franc Pelcar Cecilia Sobočan Mihael in Katarina Štefanec Katarina Mujdrica Vera Staniša, obl. Marija Glavač Pok iz družine Balažic Ivan Doma Pok. iz družine Škrban Pok. iz družine Žižek Joža Šušteršič Mira Špiler Irma Dorenčec Mother's Day Celebration Jože in Albina Antolin Žena in otroci Ljudmila Pinter z družino Kathy Simončič Dorothea Ježovnik Ivanka Dogar 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Slavko Miklavčič z družino Hči Milena Pavlič Sin Martin & Bernardina Mujdrica z dru. Jožica Hapke Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino Matilda Bratuž Alojz in Agata Sarjaš z družino Družina Škrban Družina Škrban Drago in Marianne Horvat z družino Mož z družino Mož Ignac z družino 11:30 A.M. Upper Hall - Slovenian School