Special Issue: Middle-European Conference onApplied TheoreticalComputer Science(MATCOS-19) Guest Editors: Andrej Brodnik and Gábor Galambos Editorial Boards Informatica is a journal primarily covering intelligent systems in the European computer science, informatics and cognitive com­munity; scientifc and educational as well as technical, commer­cial and industrial. Its basic aim is to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international refereeing. It publishes scientifc papers ac-ceptedbyat leasttwo referees outsidethe author’s country.Inad­dition, it contains information about conferences, opinions, criti­calexaminationsofexisting publicationsandnews. Finally,major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and infor­mation industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Editing and refereeing are distributed. Each editor from the Editorial Board can conduct the refereeing process by appointing two new referees or referees from the Board of Referees or Edi­torial Board. Referees should not be from the author’s country. If new referees are appointed, their names will appear in the list of referees. Each paper bears the name of the editor who appointed the referees. Each editor can propose new members for the Edi­torial Board or referees. Editors and referees inactive for a longer period can be automatically replaced. Changes in the Editorial Board are confrmed by the Executive Editors. The coordination necessary is made through the ExecutiveEdi-tors whoexamine the reviews, sort the accepted articlesand main­tain appropriate international distribution. The Executive Board is appointed by the Society Informatika. Informatica is partially supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Sci­ence andTechnology. Each author is guaranteed to receive the reviews of his article. When accepted, publication in Informatica is guaranteed in less than one year after the Executive Editors receive the corrected version of the article. Executive Editor – Editor in Chief Matjaž Gams Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +38614773 900,Fax: +38612519385 matjaz.gams@ijs.si http://dis.ijs.si/mezi/matjaz.html Editor Emeritus AntonP. Železnikar Volari.ceva 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia s51em@lea.hamradio.si http://lea.hamradio.si/˜s51em/ Executive Associate Editor -Deputy Managing Editor Mitja Luštrek, Jožef Stefan Institute mitja.lustrek@ijs.si Executive Associate Editor -Technical Editor DragoTorkar, Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +38614773 900,Fax: +38612519385 drago.torkar@ijs.si Executive Associate Editor -DeputyTechnical Editor TineKolenik, Jožef Stefan Institute tine.kolenik@ijs.si Editorial Board Juan Carlos Augusto (Argentina) Vladimir Batagelj (Slovenia) Francesco Bergadano (Italy) Marco Botta (Italy) Pavel Brazdil (Portugal) Andrej Brodnik (Slovenia) Ivan Bruha (Canada) Wray Buntine (Finland) Zhihua Cui (China) Aleksander Denisiuk (Poland) Hubert L. Dreyfus (USA) Jozo Dujmovi´ c (USA) Johann Eder (Austria) George Eleftherakis (Greece) Ling Feng (China) VladimirA.Fomichov (Russia) Maria Ganzha (Poland) Sumit Goyal (India) Marjan Gušev (Macedonia) N. Jaisankar (India) Dariusz Jacek Jakczak (Poland) Dimitris Kanellopoulos (Greece) Samee Ullah Khan (USA) Hiroaki Kitano (Japan) IgorKononenko (Slovenia) MiroslavKubat (USA) Ante Lauc (Croatia) Jadran Lenarci.. c (Slovenia) Shiguo Lian (China) Suzana Loskovska (Macedonia) Ramon L. de Mantaras (Spain) Natividad Martínez Madrid (Germany) Sando Martinci.´c (Croatia) c-Ipiši´Angelo Montanari (Italy) Pavol Návrat (Slovakia) Jerzy R. Nawrocki (Poland) Nadia Nedjah (Brasil) Franc Novak (Slovenia) MarcinPaprzycki (USA/Poland) Wies awPaw owski (Poland) Ivana Podnar Žarko (Croatia) Karl H. Pribram (USA) Luc De Raedt (Belgium) Shahram Rahimi (USA) Dejan Rakovi´ c (Serbia) Jean Ramaekers (Belgium) Wilhelm Rossak (Germany) Ivan Rozman (Slovenia) Sugata Sanyal (India) Walter Schempp (Germany) Johannes Schwinn (Germany) Zhongzhi Shi (China) Oliviero Stock (Italy) RobertTrappl (Austria) TerryWinograd (USA) Stefan Wrobel (Germany) Konrad Wrona (France) XindongWu (USA) Yudong Zhang (China) Rushan Ziatdinov (Russia&Turkey) Special issue on “Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science – MATCOS-19” The 5th conference MATCOS was held in Koper on October 10-11, 2019. We were lucky to come together just before months of the COVID pandemic of the last year. Although the MATCOS-series started as a collaboration between the University of Primorska and the University of Szeged, for this 5th conference researchers as speakers or co-authors came from 7 countries (15 chairs or institutes) including Austria, Germany, Israel, Romania, USA, Slovenia and Hungary. In response to call of papers we received 39 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least two referees. Based on the reviews, the Program Committee first selected 22 papers for presentation. Having calculated the reviewer’s opinion in a second phase we accepted further papers for short presentation on the closing day. In addition to the selected papers, Thomas Pock from the TU Graz gave an invited talk on “Learning better models for imaging”. The presented talks covered a wide spectrum of topics from both of theoretical computer science and the applied mathematics, and all the way to a practical application and evaluation of theoretical results. Papers were presented in the fields of influence maximization, formal languages and automata, scheduling, bin packing, bioinformatics, and graph theory as well. The intention to involve PhD students into “conference-life” was declared during our earlier MATCOS conferences and was carried on to this conference as well. Consequently we are very happy that the students accepted this invitation, and they took part in MATCOS-19, so they could get their first impression about the flavour of a conference. The MATCOS-19 offered a further chance to the speakers: after a regular reviewing process they can publish their results in the Informatica. We want to thank the editors and the whole board to give us this opportunity. After the reviewing process finally 8 papers were accepted for publication. Unfortunately, the reviewing process took a bit longer due to pandemic time. We hope that the presented papers will give a correct transverse section of the presentations of MATCOS-19. At last but not least we want to thank Balázs Dávid, Branko Kavšek, Matjaž Krnc and Rok Požar for their contribution as a local Organizing Committee. See you in 2022 on the next MATCOS conference! Koper, July 2021 Andrej Brodnik Gábor Galambos AFull Cycle Length Pseudorandom Number Generator Based on Compositions ofAutomata Pál Di Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Nyíregyháza, H-4400 Nyíregyháza, St 31/B, Hungary Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, H-4028 Debrecen, Kassai 26, Hungary E-mail: domosi@unideb.hu, domosi.pal@nye.hu Jsef Gáll and Géza Horváth Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, H-4028 Debrecen, Kassai 26, Hungary E-mail:gall.jozsef@inf.unideb.hu, horvath.geza@inf.unideb.hu Bertalan Borsos Faculty of Informatics, Ev Loránd University, H-1117 Budapest, PázmányPéter sétány1/C, Hungary E-mail: bertalanborsos@gmail.com NorbertTihanyi Digital14 LLC, xen1thLabs, CryptographyLaboratory, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates E-mail: norbert.tihanyi@digital14.com Yousef Al Hammadi Collegeof InformationTechnology, United Arab Emirates University P.O. Box 15551, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates E-mail: yousef-A@uaeu.ac.ae Keywords: automata network, NIST test, block cipher, pseudo random number generator, composition of automata, Gluškov product of automata, temporal product of automata Received: April 3, 2020 In this paper a new Pseudorandom Number Generator based on compositions of abstract automata is pre­ 2128 sented. We show that it has full cycle with length of . It is also shown that the output satisfes the statistical requirements of the NIST randomness test suite. Povzetek:Vprispevkuje predstavljen nov psevdonaklju.cni generator števil. 1 Introduction In this paper, the authors continue theirjoint research of cryptographic tools based on compositions of abstract fnite automata started in [6]. Random number generators have been used for a wide variety of felds and purposes, such as cryptography, pat­tern recognition,gambling and VLSI testing. [18]. In this paper a Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG) based on automata theory will be introduced and studied. The most frequent type of automata theory based pseudoran­dom generators are implemented on the basis of cellular automata. The frst pseudorandom number generator based on cellular automatawas proposedbyS.Wolfram[29,30] and there are manypseudorandom generators based on cel­lular automata today. (See [2]-[5], [8]-[16], [19, 20],[23]­[28]). Acommon problem of some well-known pseudorandom generators based on cellular automata is that theyhave se­rious application diffculties: some of them can be broken [1],[17], while in case of others the selection of the key automaton poses diffculties [10]. These reasons, among others, justify the use of new automata theory-based pseudorandom number generators based on principles other than cellular automata. Counter-based random number generation [22] is a rel­atively new technique for creating a pseudorandom num­ber generator using only an integer counter as the inter­nal state of the generator. The state transition function is an increment by one modulo the size n of the fnite state set S = {0,...,n - 1} and the complexity comes in the map from the state to the random sample. Formally, a counter based random number generator (CBRNG) is a structure CBRN G =(K, ZJ , S, f, U, g), where K is the key space; ZJ = {0, 1, ..., J - 1}, where J is a positive integer called output multiplicity; S is the state space; U is the output space; f : S . S is the state transition function, si = f(si-1); g : K × ZJ × S . U is the output function. If ZJ is a singleton (i.e., ZJ = {0}) then we will write g in the form g : K × S . U and then we say that CBRN G has a simple output multiplic­ity. Given an output function g : K × S . U having a simple output multiplicity and assume that U . S. We 0 say that the output function g: K × S . U is a dou­ble round of the output function g : K × S . U if for every k . K, s . S, g0(k, s)= g(k, g(k, s)). In gen­ 0 eral, we saythat g: K × S . U is a k-times round of g : K × S . U for some k> 2 if for every k . K, s . S, g0(k, s)= g(k, h(k, s)) such that h : K × S is a k - 1­times round of g : K × S. Finally, the single round of g : K × S . U is the function g : K × S . U itself. The CBRN G =(K, ZJ , S, f, U, g) works in discrete time scale. It starts from a fxed state s . S, called initial state anda fxedkey k . K. Then the generated random number sequence is g(k, 0,f1(s)),...,g(k, J - 1,f1(s)), g(k, 0,f2(s)),...,g(k, J - 1,f2(s)),g(k, 0,fn(s)), ,...,g(k, J - 1,fn(s)), where f1(s)= f(s),f2(s)= f(f(s)) and fn(s)= f(fn-1(s)) for every further n> 2. In this case, the vector (g(k, 0,f(s)),...g(k, J - 1,f(s)) is called the output vector of initial state. Given a CBRN G =(K, ZJ , S, f, U, g) we say that its state transition function f : S . S has a full cycle if for every s . S, S = {fn(s)|n =1,..., |S|}, where, by defnition, |S| denotes the cardinality of S. Moreover, a CBRN G is saidtohavea full cycle or full period if for any key and initial state s . S, the CBRN G traverses every output vector (u0,...,uJ-1) . UJ before returning to the output vector of the initial state. The following statement is clear. Proposition 1 A CBRN G =(K, ZJ , S, f, U, g) has a full cycle if and only if its state transition function f : S . S hasa fullcycle and foreverykey k . K, the function gk : S . UJ with gk(s)=(g(k, 0,s),...,g(J - 1,s)),s . S is bijective. In this paper we consider CBRNGs having a simple out­put multiplicity.For CBRNGs, g is complex, f is a simple counter with f(s)=(s + 1) mod 2p, where p is the state size in bits and S = {0,...,p - 1}. Applying the ideas of this construction, in this paper we consider CBRNGs, where f is a counter, and g is defned by composition of abstract fnite automata. 2 Preliminaries We start with some standard concepts and notation. For all notions and notation not defned here we refer to the monograph [7]. By an automaton we mean a deterministic fnite automaton without outputs. In more detail, an au­tomaton is an algebraic structure A =(A, S,d) consisting of the nonempty and fnite state set A, the nonempty and fnite input set S, andatransition function d : A × S . A. The transition matrixofan automatonisamatrixwithrows corresponding to each input and columns corresponding to each state; at the entry of any row indicated by an input x . S sign and anycolumn indicated by a state a . A the state d(a, x) is put. If all rows of the transition matrix are permutations of the state set then we speak about permuta­tion automaton. A Latin square of order n is an n × n matrix (with n P. Di et al. rows and n columns) in which the elements of an n-state set {a0,a1,...,an-1} are entered so that each element occurs exactly once in each fxed (row, column) pair. In this paper we will consider special compositions of automata consisting of component automata such that all components have the same transition matrix of the Latin square form. We will show that these compositions of au­tomata are permutation automata, moreover for every state of these automata compositions it has a very low likeli­hood that two randomly chosen distinct input signs take the automaton into the same state. By these properties, we would like to avoid vulnerability to statistical attacks. Fi­nally we note that, apart from the trivial cases, the transition matrices of the considered automata compositions are not quadratic. Therefore, their transition matrix can not form Latin squares. 3 Construction We start with some standard defnitions. (See, for example [6, 7]). Let Ai =(Ai, Si,di) be automata where i . {1,...,n},n = 1. Take a fnite nonvoid set S and a feedback function .i : A1 × ··· × An × S . Si for every i .{1,...,n}. A Gluškov-type product of the automata Ai with respect to the feedback functions .i (i .{1,...,n}) is defned to be the automaton A = A1 × ··· × An(S, (.1,...,.n)) with state set A = A1 × · ·· × An, input set S, transition function d given by d((a1,...,an),x)=(d1(a1,.1(a1,...,an,x)),..., dn(an,.n(a1,...,an,x))) for all (a1,...,an) . A and x . S. In particular, if A1 = ... = An then we say that A is a Gluškov-type power. Given a function f : X1 ×· ··× Xn . Y, we say that f is really independent of its i-th variable if for every 0 pair (x1,...,xn), (x1,...,xi-1,xi,xi+1,...,xn) . X1 × ··· × Xn,f(x1,...,xn)= 0 f(x1,...,xi-1,xi,xi+1,...,xn). Otherwise we say that f really depends on its i-th variable. A (fnite) directed graph (or, in short, a digraph) D =(V, E) (of order n> 0)is a pair consisting of sets of vertices V = {v1,...,vn} and edges E . V × V. Elements of V are sometimes called nodes. If |V | = n then we also say that D is a digraph of order n. D is called bipartite if its vertices can be partioned into two sets A, B such that every (direct) edge connects a vertex in A to a vertex in B or vica versa. Further on, we will assume that V is an ordered set of integers 1,...n for some positive integer n. Given a digraph D =(V, E), we say that the above defned Gluškov product is a D-product if for every pair i, j .{1,...,n}, (i, j) . /E implies that the feedback function .i is really independent of its j-th variable. Let S be the set of all ` (preferably4 or8) length binary strings for a given length `> 0. Moreover, let Ai = (S, S,dAi ),i =2,...,n be copies of A1, and let n be a positive integer power of 2. Consider the following simple bipartite digraphs: D1 =({1,...,n}, {(n/2+1, 1), (n/2+ 2, 2),..., (n, n/2)}), D2 =({1,...,n}, {(n/4+1, 1), (n/4+ 2, 2),..., (n/2, n/4), (3n/4+1, n/2+1), (3n/4+2, n/2+2),..., (n, 3n/4)}), ..., Dlog2 n-1 =({1,...,n}, {(3, 1), (4, 2), (7, 5), (8, 6),..., (n - 1,n - 3), (n, n - 2)}), Dlog2 n =({1,...,n}, {(2, 1), (4, 3),..., (n, n - 1)}), Dlog2 n+1 = D1. For every digraph D =(V, E) with D. {D1,..., Dlog2 n}, let us defne the Gluškov-type power, called two-phase D-power, AD = A1 × ··· × An(Sn , (.1,...,.n)) of A1 (with A1 = A2 ... = An) so that for every (a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn) . Sn , (i, j) . E, .i(a1,...,an, (x1,...,xn)) = 0 aj . xj , and .j(a1,...,an, (x1,...,xn)) = ai . xi, where ai . xi is the bitwise addition mod­ 0 ulo2 of ai and xi, aj denotes the state into which .j(a1,...,an, (x1,...,xn)) takes the automaton Ai from 0 its state aj , and aj . xj is the bitwise addition modulo2 0 1 of aj and xj . Next we defne the concept of temporal product of automata. Let At =(A, St,dt),t =1, 2 be automata having a common state set A. Take a f­nite nonvoid set S and a mapping . of S into S1 × S2. Then the automaton A =(A, S,d) is a temporal product (t-product) of A1 by A2 with respect to S and . if for any a . A and x . S,d(a, x)= d2(d1(a, x1),x2), where (x1,x2)= .(x). The concept of temporal product is generalizedinthe naturalwaytoan arbitrary fnitefam­ily of n> 0 automata At (t =1,...,n), all with the same state set A. Proposition 2Suppose that A1 = (S, S,d) is a permu­tation automaton. Then for every i =1,..., log2 n, the Di-power of A1 also forms a permutation automaton. Proof. Assume that A1 isa permutation automaton. Then, by defnition, all rows of its transition matrix are permuta­tions of the state set. Therefore, none of these rows contain repetition. Consequently,for anystates a, b . A1 and input x . S,d1(a, x)= d1(b, x) implies a = b. By our above observation, if the Di-power ADi = (Sn , Sn,dDi ) is a permutation automaton, then for every pair of states (a1,...,an), (b1,...,bn) and input sign (x1,...,xn), we have dDi ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) = dDi ((b1,...,bn), (x1,...,xn)) that implies (a1,...,an)=(b1,...,bn). Suppose that ADi is not a permutation automaton. Then, by our observations, there are a pair of dis­tinct states (a1,...,an), (b1,...,bn) and an input sign (x1,...,xn) for which dDi ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) = dDi ((b1,...,bn), (x1,...,xn). 1We remark that there areV1,V2 . V with V = V1 . V2 and V1 n V2 = Ø so that for every j . V2 there exists exactly one i . V1 with (j, i) . E. Therefore all the functions .1,...,.n are well-defned. Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 181 If (a1,...,an) and (b1,...,bn) are distinct then there exists an index j .{1,...,n} with 6bj. aj = 00 Put (a1,...,a)= ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) and ndDi (b0 1,...,b0 n)= dDi ((b1,...,bn), (x1,...,xn)). It is 00 enough to show that, in this case, (a1,...,a) 6 = n (b0 1,...,b0 ). n Let E denote the set of edges in Di. First we suppose (j, k) . E for some k .{1,...,n}\ 00 {j}. Then, by defnition, aj = dA1 (aj ,ak . xk) and b0 j = dA1 (bj,b0 k . xk). Because A1 is a permutation au­ 0 tomaton, by the assumption a= b0 , we get aj = bj,a kk 0 00 contradiction. Therefore a6b0 . Hence, (a1,...,a)= = 6 kkn (b0 1,...,b0 ). n Next we assume (k, j) . E for some j .{1,...,n}\ 0 b0 00 {k}. Obviously, by a= we have (a1,...,a) 6 6= jj n (b0 1,...,b0 ) and then we are done once again. There- n 00 fore, suppose aj = b0 j . Then, again by defnition, aj = dA1 (aj,ak . xk) and bj 0 = dA1 (bj ,bk . xk). Because A1 0 is a permutation automaton and ak 6bk, aj = b0 j is pos- = 0 b0 sible only if aj = bj , a contradiction. Therefore, aj = 6j 00 and thus we obtain (a1,...,a) 61,...,b0 =(b0 ). The proof nn is complete. QED Now wegive an alternative proofof Lemma2in [6]. Proposition 3 Temporal products of permutation au­tomata are also permutation automata. Proof. Obviously, it is enough to prove our statement for temporal products of two components. Thus, let M = (M, S,dM) be a temporal product of permutation au­tomata M1 =(M, S1,dM1 ) and M2 =(M, S2,dM2 ) (having the same state set) with respect to S and . : S . S1 × S2. Let m1,m2 . M be distinct states and x . S be an arbitrary input sign of M. Moreover, let .(x)=(x1,x2) for some x1 . S1 and x2 . S2. Then for every distinct pair m1,m2 . M of states and x1 . S1 we have dM1 (m1,x1)= 6dM2 (m2,x2). On the other hand, M2 is also a permutation automaton. Therefore, be­cause of dM1 (m1,x)= 6dM2 (m2,x), for every x2 . S2, dM1 (dM1 (m1,x1),x2) 6dM2 (m2,x1),x2). Thus, =(dM2 using .(x)=(x1,x2),dM(m1,x) 6 = dM(m2,x). In other words, for every distinct pair m1,m2 . M of states and input sign x . S,dM(m1,x) 6dM(m2,x). But then all = rows of the transition matrix of M are permutations of the state set. This completes the proof. QED Let B = (Sn , (Sn)log2 n,dB) be the temporal prod­uct of AD1 ,..., ADlog2 n with respect to (Sn)log2 n and (Sn)log2 n the identity map . : . (Sn)log2 n, where ADi ,i =1,..., log2 n is a Di -power of the automaton A1 = (S, S,dA1 ). From now on we assume that A1 is a permutation au­tomaton having dA1 (a, x)= 6dA1 (a, x0) forevery a, x, x0 . S,x 6x0, and we say that B is a key-automatonwith re­ = spect to the permutation automaton A1 called the basic au­ 2 tomaton of B. Theorem 1 in [6] concerns key automata consisting of basic automata having a transition table forming a Latin 2Recall that n should be a positive integer power of 2. cube. The next statement is formally the same but, of course, it concerns key automata consisting of basic au­tomatahavinga transition table formingaLatin square.By thisfact,thenext statementcouldalsobederivedfromThe­orem [6] using some simplifcation regarding its proof. We note that the following statement is formally the same as Theorem1[6] which is concerningkeyautomata consisting of basic automata having a little bit different structure as basic automata of the present paper. (The tran­sition table of basic automata in [6] forms a Latin cube while the transition table of basic automata of the present paper forms a Latin square.) This fact implies that the automata compositions discussed in the present paper are more or less similar to the ones in [6]. For the sake of simplicity, we give a direct proof of the next statement which, using some simplifcations, can also bederivedfromtheproofof Theorem1in[6]. Theorem 4Everykeyautomatonisa permutation automa­ton. Proof. Consider a key automaton B = (Sn , (Sn)log2 n,dB) and its basic automaton A1 =(A1, S1,d1). By the defnition ofkey automaton, A1 is a permutation automaton. Therefore, using Proposition 2, for every permutation automaton A1 and i =1, 2,..., log2 n, the Di-power ADi = A1 ×· ··×An(Sn , (.1,...,.n)) of A1 is a per­mutation automaton. Recall that B is a temporal product of AD1 ,..., ADlog2 n . Therefore, by Proposition 3, our proof is done. QED Proposition 5 Suppose that the transition matrix of an automaton A1 = (S, S,d) forms a Latin square. Then for every i =1,..., log2 n, the transition matrix of the Di ­power of A1 also forms a Latin square. Proof. Obviously, if the transition matrix of an automaton Ai =(Ai, S,d) forms a Latin square then A is a permu­tation automaton. But then, by Proposition 2, all of Di ­powers are permutation automata. In other words, the rows of their transition matrices forma permutationof their state set. All that is left is to show that the columns of their tran­sition matrices also have this property. Consider a Di-power ADi = (Sn , Sn,dDi ) of A1 having ADi = A1 × ···× An(Sn , (.1,...,.n)) for some i =1, 2,..., log2 n. We should prove that for every state (a1,...,an) . Sn and distinct words (x1,...,xn), (y1,...,yn) . Sn , dDi ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) 6= dDi ((a1,...,an), (y1,...,yn)). Let j .{1,...,n} be an index with 6yj . Moreover, let E xj = be the set of edges in Di and let us assume that (i, j) . E (with i .{1,...,n}\{j}). Then xi 6yi implies . xi)= . yi). = d(aj,ai 6d(aj,ai Therefore, by our construction, the j-th com­ponents of dDi ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) and dDi ((a1,...,an), (y1,...,yn)) are distinct as we stated. Now we assume (i, j) . E (with i .{1,...,n}\{j}). If d(ai,aj . xj) 6d(ai,aj . yj ) then the = i-th P. Di et al. components of dDi ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) and dDi ((a1,...,an), (y1,...,yn)) are distinct again. There­fore, let d(ai,aj . xj )= d(ai,aj . yj ). But then, by xi 66 = yi, we receive d(ai,aj .xj).xi = d(ai,aj .yj).yi. Obviously, this leads to d(aj ,d(ai,aj . xj) . xi)= d(aj,d(ai,aj . yj ) . yi). Thus we get again that the j-th component of dDi ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) and dDi ((a1,...,an), (y1,...,yn)) are distinct. This fnishes the proof. QED Obviously, if the automaton A1 has a transition table forming a Latin square then it is a permutation automaton. Therefore, it can be a basic automaton of an appropriate keyautomaton. Observation6 Considerakeyautomaton B for whichits basic automaton A1 has a transition table forming a Latin square. Then for every state a of B, the probability that its two random signs take B from a into the same state is ((2|S|-1)/|S|3)n/2, whereS is the set of states of A1 and n is the number of (identical) component automata in each Di power(i =1,..., log2 n)for which B is a temporal product of these Di powers. Proof. Denote by M = (Sn , (Sn)log2 n-1,dM) the temporal product consisting of the frst log2 n - 1 com­ponents ADi ,i =1,..., log2 n - 1 of thekeyautomaton B = (Sn , (Sn)log2 n,dB) and consider the log2 n-th com­ponent ADlog2 n = (Sn , Sn,dDlog2 n ) of B. By Proposition 2and Proposition3,M isapermutation automaton. There­fore, for every state (a1,...,an) . Sn of M its random input signs w . (Sn)log2 n-1 take M into each state with the same probabbiliy 1/|Sn|. Consider a fxed state (c1,...,cn) . Sn and a ran­domly chosen pair w1,w2 . (Sn)log2 n-1 of M and de­note by (a1,...,an), (a1,...,an) . M the pair of states in M such that dM((c1,...,cn),w1)=(a1,...,an) and dM((c1,...,cn),w2)=(a1,...,an). Moreover consider a randomly chosen pair (x1,...,xn), (y1,...,yn) . Sn of input signs of ADlog2 n , and assume that ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) = dDlog2 n (b1,...,bn), (y1,...,yn)).Forevery i =1,...,n, dDlog2 n there exists a single i .{1,...,n} such that either (i, j) . E or (j, i) . E, where E denotes the set of edges in the digraph Dlog2 n. There are the following cases. If (i, j) . E then d(ai,d(aj ,ai . xi) . xj ) and d(bi,d(bj,bi . yi) . yj)) will be the i-th and d(aj,ai . xi) and d(bj,bi . yi) will be the j-th component of ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) and dDlog2 n (b1,...,bn), (y1,...,yn)), respectively. By the dDlog2 n assumption ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) = dDlog2 n (b1,...,bn), (y1,...,yn)), we have dDlog2 n d(ai,d(aj,ai . xi) . xj )= d(bi,d(bj,bi . yi) . yj ) and d(aj,ai . xi)= d(bj ,bi . yi) By the sec­ond equality, we can write the frst one in the form d(ai,d(aj,ai . xi) . xj)= d(bi,d(aj,ai . xi) . yj ). Recall that the transition matrix of A1 forms a Latin square. Therefore, by these considered equalities, ai = bi if and only if xj = yj and aj = bj if and only if xi = yi. On the other hand, forevery k =1,...,n, there are |S|2 cases having ak = bk and xk = yk, ak,bk,xk,yk . S. Of course, all of these cases take the i-th and j-th components of ADlog2 n into the same state. In addition, every element of S appears exactly |S|­times in the transition table of A1 becauseitformsa Latin square. Moreover, we can consider only nonequal pairs of quadruplets. Hence there are |S|(|S|-1) number of quadruple possi­bilities ai,bi,xi,yi . S,i =1,...,n having ai 66 = bi,xi = yi taking the i-th and j-th components of ADlog2 n into the same state. In sum, we have that the probability that d(a, x) and d(b, y) coincidefora random quadruple a, b, x, y . S is (2|S|2 -|S|)/|S|4 = (2|S|- 1)/|S|3 . Byour constructions, the digraph Dlog2 n has n/2 edges. Consequently, the probability that a random quadruple (a1,...,an), (b1,...,bn), (x1,...,xn), (y1,...,yn) . Sn has the property dDlog2 n ((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)) = dDlog2n (b1,...,bn), (y1,...,yn)) is ((2|S|- 1)/|S|3)n/2 . Weremark that if we havean implementation with|S| = 256 and n = 16 then the considered probability is ((512 - 1)/2563)8 ˜ 1/2120 . By our investigations, we receive that the probabil­ity of the equality dB((c1,...,cn),w1(x1,...,xn)) = dB((c1,...,cn),w2(y1,...,xn)) is ((2|S|- 1)/|S|3)n/2 , whenever w1(x1,...,xn) and w2(y1,...,xn) are ran­domly chosen input signs of B. QED Theorem 7 Every key automaton transition function can be applied as an output function of a counter-based pseudo random number generator. Proof. As the proof of our statement, we give a con­struction of an appropriate counter based PRNG (CBRNG) CBRN G =(K, ZJ , S, f, U, g) having this property. First of all, consider a counter which realizes the state function as f(n)= n +1 mod m, where m is a suffciently large positive integer (preferably m =2128), and n is given as a fxed-length binary number (preferably with 128-bit length).For sakeof simplicity, assume that CBRN G has a simple output multiplicity, i.e., let ZJ = {0} be a single­ton (although it may have more than one element). Thus the state space is S = {0,...,m - 1}. The elements of S may be considered binary strings of fxed length. There­fore, we may assume that S coincides with the state set Sn K . S × (Sn)2 log2 n of thekeyautomaton. We assume, where S =Sn is the state set, and (Sn)2 log2 n is the in­put set of the key automaton B = (Sn , (Sn)log2 n,dB). The frst component of the elements of K are consid­ered as possible seeds of the random number generator and the second one is an input element of B. The output space U and the state space S coincide. The output func­tion g : K × S . U is given as g(k, (a1,...,an)) = b1||b2|| ... ||bn,k . K, (a1,...,an) . S(= Sn), where b1||b2|| ... ||bn is the concatenation of b1,...,bn as bi­nary strings and (b1,...,bn) isa stateof thekeyautoma-ton B with (b1,...,bn)= dB((a1,...,an), (x1,...,xn)), where the concatenation a1|| ... ||an of a1,...,an as bi­nary stringsisgivenby a1|| ... ||an = s+k mod m,where Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 183 s + k mod m is the k-th state of the state space S starting from the state s, s . S is the frst component of thekey (s, x1|| ... ||xn) . K and x1|| ... ||xn is the second one. Finally, for every w = a1|| ... ||an, (a1,...,an) . S, put w =(a1,...,an). Then we can consider the dou­ 0 ble round g: K × S . U of g : K × S . U (with U = S)such that for eveypairk . K, s . S, g0(k, s)= g(k, g(k, s)). Similarly, for every k> 2, we can consider 00 the k-times round g: K × S . U of g : K × S . U (with U = S)such that for evey pair k . K, s . S, g00(k, s)= g(k, h(k, s)), where h : K × S . U is a (k - 1)-times round of g : K × S . U. This completes the proof. QED By Proposition 1, Theorem 3, and Theorem 7, we can derive the following. Corollary 8 Let CBRN G =(K, ZJ , S, f, U, g) be a counter based pseudorandom number generator with sim­ple output multiplicity (i.e., ZJ = {0})and assume that its output functionis defnedby the transition functionofa givenkeyautomaton. Then CBRN G has a full cycle. Proof. Of course, because the state transition f of CBRN G (having a simple output multiplicity) is a sim­ple counter with f(s)=(s + 1) mod 2p, where p is the state size in bits and S = {0,...,p - 1}, f has a full cycle. Moreover, by Theorem 4, the key automaton B = (Sn , (Sn)log2 n,dB),n > 1 is a permutation au- . (Sn)log2 n tomaton, therefore, for every input sign x , gx :Sn . Sn with gx(y)= dB(y, x) is a bijective map­ping of Sn onto itself. By Proposition 1, that means that CBRN G (having a simple output multiplicity) has a full cycle. QED Next wegive anexample and then we study the security of our CBRNG. 4 Example In this section we show a simple example. Consider the following transition table of an automaton A =({0, 1}, {0, 1}2,d): d 00 01 10 11 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 Let n =4 and assume that all of A1, A2, A3, A4 coin­cide with A. Then log2 n = log2 4=2 and thus D1 =({1,..., 4}, {(3, 1), (4, 2)}), D2 =({1,..., 4}, {(2, 1), (4, 3)}). Suppose that eitheracounter orapseudorandom number generator sends an input (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) to thekeyau­tomaton B which is the temporal product of AD1 and AD2 . Assume that B is in the state (0, 1, 1, 0). 0 Denote, in order, .i,ai,ai,xi,i .{1, 2, 3, 4} the feedback functions, the state components, the next state components, and the input components of AD1 . Then .1((0, 1, 1, 0), 1, 0, 1, 0) = (a3 . x3,x1) = (1 . 1, 1) = (0, 1), .2((0, 1, 1, 0), 1, 0, 1, 0) = (a4 . x4,x2) = (0 . 0, 0) = (0, 0), moreover d(0, (0, 1)) = temporal product consists. 1) .3((0, 1, 1, 0), 1, 0, 1, 0) = (a 0 2), = 0 and and thus Thus the matrix INPUT represents a single input sign 1(= d(1, (0, 0)) = 1(= a a of thekeyautomaton. (1 . 1, 1) 3) and = 1 . x1,x3) (0, 1), .4((0, 1, 1, 0), 1, 0, 1, 0) =(a2 . x2,x4) 0 0 1(= a d(0, (1, 1)) = 0(= a (1 . = a 0 Thus 0, 0) = (1, 0). d(1, (0, 1)) = 0(= The main structure of the implementation is the follow­ 4). Next we denote by .i,ai,a 0 ing. d(0, (1, 0)) = 1(= a i,xi,i .{1, 2, 3, 4} the feedback functions, the state components, the next state 0 components, and the input components of AD2 . Recall that (a1,a2,a3,a4) coincides with the new state of AD1 . Then (a1,a2,a3,a4) = (1, 1, 0, 1) and (x1,x2,x3,x4)= (1, 0, 1, 0), where (x1,x2,x3,x4) consists of the last four components of the input (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) of thekeyau­tomaton. Then .1((1, 1, 0, 1), 1, 0, 1, 0) = (a2 . x2,x1)= (1 . 0, 1) = (1, 1), .3((1, 1, 0, 1), 1, 0, 1, 0) = (a4 . x4,x3) = (1 . 0, 1) = (1, 1), moreover d(1, (1, 1)) = and and thus 1. Read the number SIZE of the input block, the input word INPUT of the key automaton, the transition matrix AUT of the basic automaton, and the initial (seed) state JSTATEof thekeyautomaton. 2. Store the initial (seed) state JSTATE in a working storage ISTATE. 3. Generate SIZE number of random blocks as follows. 4. Consider the IST AT E as a 128-bit length binary number and fput IST AT E = IST AT E +1 mod 2128 . 5. Repeat the following procedure ROUND-times. 1) .2((1, 1, 0, 1), 1, 0, 1, 0) = (a 0 3)), = 0 We could not pass the NIST test for ROUND =1 and 1 . x1,x2) (0, 0), .4((1, 1, 0, 1), 1, 0, 1, 0) =(a3 . x3,x4) 0 0 (1 . 1, 0) = ROUND =2 but we were successful forROUND =3. = (0 . 6. Each of the ROUND number of repeti­ 0and ) 2 1, 0) = (1, 0). Thus d(1, (0, 0)) = 1(= a tions operates on the actual value of the actual key automaton state (IST AT E) by the consecutive element (the consecutive input sign) of the input d(1, (1, 0)) = 0(= a 4). Hence the actual pseudorandom output is (1, 1, 0, 0) 0 which is also the next state. word(INPUT ). 7. The operation of the states of(D1,D2,D3,D4)– products by the consecutive input sign (i.e., the consecu­tive column vector of the matrix INPUT )determined by the transition table(AUT )of the basic automaton and the digraphs D1,D2,D3,D4 defnedby the matrix P [4][16]. 8. Collect the recordsof the pseudorandom blockOAR­ 5 Implementation Next we give a detailed explanation of the enclosed pseudocode of our implementation. (See Algorithm ACBRNG.) RAY. The procedure parameters are the number of random blocks (SIZE), the input word (INPUT ) of the key 9. Output the consecutive pseudorandom block OAR­ RAY. automaton, the transition matrix of the basic automaton (AUT ), and the initial (seed) state of the key automaton (JST AT E). Each of the generated random blocks consists of 128 random strings and each of the random strings is 128 bits long. Thus, the size of the generated random blocks is 2048 Kbyte. Thekeyautomatonisa four-component temporal prod-uctof automata which are(D1,D2,D3,D4)-powers of the basic automaton. The digraphs D1,D2,D3,D4 are defned by the matrix P [4][16]. Each of the D1,D2,D3,D4 pow­ers consists of sixteen copies of the basic automaton which has 256 states and 256 input signs. Thus, the transition matrix AUT of the basic automaton is a 256 × 256-type matrix, where each state and input sign can be represented by a 8-bit binary string. The connection digraphs D1,D2,D3,D4 are stored in the four consecutive row vectors of the 4 × 16-type con­nection matrix P . We will considerROUND =1, 2, 3 rounds of the out­put function of CBRNG. The four row vectors of the 4 × 16-type input matrix INPUT represent four consecutive input signs of the four (D1,D2,D3,D4)-powers, thekeyautomatonof which the 6 Experimental results We implemented AlgorithmACBRNG in C++ in order to measure the actual running time and statistical properties of the generator. The test environment was a 2017 MacBook Pro equipped with 7th Generation Kaby Lake2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 processor (7820HQ) using 16 GB RAM.We have generated1GB of random data and applied the NSIT SP­800-22 statistical randomness test. 6.1 NIST test The National Instituteof StandardsandTechnology(NIST) published a statistical package consisting of 15 statistical tests that were developed to test the randomness of arbi­trarily long binary sequences produced by either hardware or software based cryptographic random or pseudorandom number generators[21].In caseofeach statisticaltestaset of P-values was produced. Given a signifcance level a, if the P-value is less than or equal to a then the test suggests that the observed datais inconsistent with our nullhypoth­esis, i.e. the ’hypothesis of randomness’, so we reject it. Table1:Parameters used for NISTTest Suite Test Name Block length BlockFrequency 128 Non-overlapping Template 9 Overlapping Template 9 Approximate Entropy 10 Serial 16 Linear Complexity 500 We useda =0.01 as it is common in such problems in cryptography and PRNG testing. An a of 0.01 indicates that onewouldexpect1 sequencein100 sequencestobe rejected under the null hypothesis. Hence a P-value ex­ceeding 0.01 would mean that the sequence would be con­sidered to be random, and a P-value less than or equal to 0.01 would lead to the conclusion that the sequence is non­random. One of the most important characteristics of a PRNG is the indistinguishability from true random sources. That is, the evaluation of their output utilizing statistical tests should not provide anymeansby which to distinguish them computationally from a truly random source. 6.2 Minimum rounds to achieve randomness ACBRNGhasacycle lengthof2128,however this does not yet mean thatACBRNG is really producing good quality random numbers. Consider the simple generator k mod 2128 , (k . 0 ... 2128) (1) If we start k =0 and increment by 1 then the genera­tor has a 2128 cycle length, however it is not random at all.ACBRNG hasa more complex structure,but statisti­cal tests were needed to check for possible weaknesses. In order to test the quality ofACBRNG the NIST statistical tests were performed using the same parameters as for the AES candidates in order to achieve the most reliable and comparable results. First the input parameters -such as the sequence length, sample size, and signifcance level -were fxed. Namely, these parameters were set to 220 bits, 300 binary sequences, and a =0.01, respectively. Exact pa­rameters canbe seeninTable1. One RoundACBRNG We started theACBRNG with a low entropy random seed. The running time was 4.5 sec using 8 parallel threads. Applying only one round (ROUND =1 in line 25) ACBRNG did not pass the NIST requirements. More precisely, we havefailed in al­mostevery statistical test using one round. So one can con­clude that only one round is not complex enough, and fur­ther investigation was needed. We would like to note, that Informatica 45 (2021) 179–189 185 surprisingly allRandom Excursions tests from NIST were passed after one round. Two Rounds ACBRNG Using ROUND =2 sur­prisingly almost every statistical test was passed. The run­ning timewas 8.4 sec using8 parallel threads. Only two non-overlapping templates were unsatisfed, which is quite a good achievement after two rounds. We did not expect such good quality random numbers and p-value distribu­tion after two rounds. One can conclude that using only two rounds is enough to reach good quality random num­bers and pass the NIST test. Three Rounds ACBRNG After only three rounds ACBRNG did pass every requirement of the NIST statis­tical test suite. It has turned out that the output of the al­gorithm (using ROUND =3)can not be distinguished in polynomial time from true random sources using the NIST statistical test. The running time was 12.25 sec using 8 parallel threads. The exact p-values of the evaluation of the ACBRNG for ROUND =3 are shown in Table 2. We also tested the uniformity of thedistribution of thep-values obtained by the statistical tests included in NIST. The uniformity of p-values provide no additional informa­tion about the PRNG.Wehave also shown that the propor­tionsof binarysequences which passedthe 0.01 level lie in the required confdence interval (see e.g. [21]). 7 Conclusion and further research In this paperafullcycle length pseudorandom number gen-erator(ACBRNG) based on compositionsof automatawas presented.Wehave seen thatit produces promising results in terms of statistical randomness and passed all statistical tests included in the NIST test suite. We can see that the running time of the generator is effcient enough for prac­tical use. In order to consider this generator cryptograph­ically secure, formal verifcation of its security would be necessary which is a direction that might be worth investi­gating. References [1] Bao,F.: Cryptoanalysisofa partiallyknown cellular automata cryptosystem. 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Further improvements must be made to solve big real world problems with the algorithm. Povzetek: Predstavljenaje novaverzija algoritma Globalz imenomParallelGlobal. 1 Introduction 2.1 Updated global algorithm While the updated Global algorithm has only minor changes and in a lot of cases performs equally to the origi- Global is an optimization algorithm built from multiple nal, it is superior in execution order, therefore we consider modules working in an ensemble. While older implemen-it as the basis for improvements. tations viewed the algorithm as a whole, the most recent GlobalJ framework handles algorithms as a collection of Global has an iterative framework where samples in an interlocking modules. GlobalJ has several implementations iteration compete with samples of previous iterations. The for local search algorithmsandvariantsof Global. Main originalversion containsfourphasesinevery iterationcon-characteristics of the single threaded version were estab-sisting of sampling, reduction, clustering, and local search. lished in [4]. In recent years Global was further devel-In the updated algorithm the clustering and local search oped [6] and it has several applications [5, 7] where it aids phases are merged by an implementation which alternates mostly other researchworks.Tospeedup optimization pro-them. cesses we developed an algorithm [1] that is capable of uti­ Algorithm1 GLOBAL lizing multiple computational threads of a single machine. 1: while termination-criteria() is not true do It cannot be directly implemented for distributed systems 2: S . S .{uniform(lb, ub): i . [1, new samples]} as the millisecond order of magnitude latencyin communi­ 3: S . sort(F (si) kri - cj k. F (ri) >F (cj ) 8 of the proposed solution. It provides an algorithm skeleton 10: if N is not Ø then 11: C . C . N for a real distributed implementation. 12: R . R \ N 13: repeat iteration 14: end if 15: endfor 16: l . local-search(r1 . R) 2 Global Global is a global optimizer designed to solve black box unconstrained optimization problems with a low num­ber of function evaluations and probabilistic guarantees [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11]. It uses local search algorithms to refne multiple sample points hence Global is a multi-start method. Global also utilizes the Single Linkage Clustering algorithm to make an estimation about the values of sam­ples from the aspect of optimization. 18: if dmin kri - cj k. F (ri) >F (cj ) 8 8: C . C . N 9: R . R \ N newly found local optimum, a comparison with the cluster centers is needed. The center of a cluster is the sample in the cluster with the lowest function value. By fnding the cluster with the closest center the algorithm can decide whether the optimum is already found. If the distance dmin 10: endfor 11: rmin . argmin F (ri) ri.R 12: l . local-search(rmin) 13: Cl,dmin . l - argmin ci.C F (ci) argmin C.clusters to the cluster Cl withthe closest centerislowerthana tenth of the dc threshold, it is considered to be the same local optimum. In this case l and r1 are added to Cl, otherwise they form a new cluster. Since r1 is either in an already existing cluster or in a newly created one, we can remove it from R. The while loop in lines 6-24 repeats until R becomes empty. With no unclustered samples left Global fnished an iteration. The number of executed iterations is 8 14: if dmin r are colored yellow or green.We distinguish two cases: Case (g>r). In this situation all nodes wi,i > g are col­ored yellow, as the last red node appears before the green node. Let us denote the nodes of the graph we get after deleting all nodes wi, i>g from G by Vg. As the set of deleted nodes is a subset of the set of all yellow nodes, the graph induced by Vy is a subgraph of the graph induced by Vg. But the upper estimate for the graph induced by N (wg) n Vg is assumed to be less than the upper estimate for the graph induced by N(wg) n Vy. This contradicts the monotonicity property of the auxiliary procedure. Case (r>g). In this situation all nodes wi, i>r are col­ored yellow, as wr is the last red node and the only green one precedes it. Let us denote the nodes of the graph we get after deleting all nodes wi, i>r from G by Vr. As the set of deleted nodes is a subset of the set of all yellow nodes, the graph induced by Vy is a subgraph of the graph induced by Vr. But the upper estimate for the graph induced by N(wr) n Vr is as­sumed to be less than the upper estimate for the graph induced byN(wr) n Vy. This contradicts the mono­tonicity property of the auxiliary procedure. 5 Numerical experiments We selected altogether 43 graphs for carrying out our ex­tended measurements. As we were aiming at problems where it is hard to calculate the .(G), we used sources of graphs according to this, and decided to use graphs hav­ing at least 500 nodes. We used those graphs from these sources for which either the Lovász’ theta program or our algorithm could fnish the calculation of the upper bound in 100000 secondsusingtheavailable48GBof memory.The frst 29 graphs1 come from the problems of the 2nd DI­MACS Challenge [11]. The second 11 graphs2 come from various error correcting code problems [18]. (Note, that we used complement graphs of those from the webpage, as the original problem asks for the maximum independent set.) The last 3 graphs3 are reformulated problems of mono­tonic matrices [20, 16]. We choose these graphs so that they would represent extremely hard clique search prob­lems and for some we even do not know the value of the size of the maximum clique as the available clique search programs are not able to fnd the exact .(G) value. There are a few ones where the exact value of the clique number isknownbuttheexistingcliquesolversarenotableto com­pute them. The so-called Johnson codes give rise to such clique problems. As the proposed algorithm instructs us to use an arbitrary upper bound for calculating the a values we need to choose one method as a starting point. We have chosen the b-fold coloring with Culberson’s iterated recoloring scheme be­cause it gives the best result in reasonable time of couple of seconds. This way we were using several hours of com­putational time and hoped to achieve improvements over the original upper bound of b-fold coloring. A b-fold legal coloring of the nodes of a given graph can be reduced to legally coloring the nodes of an auxiliary graph described in[21].Inthe courseofour numericalexperimentsweper-formed several measurements to establish and compare dif­ferent upper bounds.We collectedthe resultsintheTable 1. Namely, we did the following measurements: 1. perform a legal coloring of the graph (column: “legal coloring”); 2. fnd the Lovász’ theta value of the complement graph (column: “.(G)”); 3. perform a b-fold coloring of the graph (column: “b-fold coloring”); 4. use b-fold coloring asabase and perform the proposed algorithm (column: “DISC”). All coloring programs started with a DSatur algorithm due to D. Brélaz [6]. Then we recolored the nodes several 1http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~fmascia/maximum_ clique/DIMACS-benchmark 2https://oeis.org/A265032/a265032.html 3http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MonotonicMatrix. html times using a method due to J. C. Culberson [7]. The stop­ping criteria was if the number of colors did not changed after a specifed number of iterations. For smaller and medium graphs we used 1000 iterations; for bigger graphs (over 3000 nodes) we used 500 iterations. We used 7-fold coloring for smaller graphs (up to 2000 nodes); 5-fold col­oring for medium graphs (over 2000 nodes); and 3-fold coloring for the biggest graphs (over 3000 nodes). The Lovász’ theta function was computed with the program of B. Borchers [3, 4]. The measurements were performed on a computer with two Intel Xeon X5680 3.33 GHz proces­sors – all together 12 cores – and 48GB of RAM. (This computer happens to be a node of a supercomputer, but this is of no importance for the present paper.) The legal coloring and b-fold coloring of the graphs were performed in sequential manner. The Lovász’ theta calculations used all 12 cores due to the underlying BLAS implementation. Our DISCARDING algorithm used also 12 cores as it per­formed the calculation of ai values independently. Note, that for BLAS the 12 core is a limit as it needs to be run in shared memory environment, while our algorithm could have used more cores in distributed parallelization on a su­percomputerbutforthesakeof comparabilitywe limitedit to the same 12 cores. The running times for legal coloring were smaller than a second or in the range of a few seconds. The time for performing the b-fold coloring depends on the size of the graph and the value of b. The running times for b-fold col­oring algorithm was in the range of several seconds up to a few minutes. The running times of the Borchers’ pro­gram on 12 cores for calculating the Lovász’ theta of the complement graph is indicated in the column “time (sec) .(G) (12c)”. The running times of our parallel algorithm using the same 12 cores is indicated in the column “time (sec) DISC (12c)”. Those values that cannot be calculated on the used test hardware we indicated in the table with “> 24h”, as the 100 000 seconds limit is roughly 24 hours. 6 Evaluation of the proposed algorithm From the results in theTable1 we may conclude that the proposed algorithm is feasible, that is, it can be computed on a nowadays computer in reasonable time. But in this section we are making also a comparison between our al­gorithm based on the b-fold coloring and the Lovász’ theta upper bound calculation. We should point out, that this comparisonisfar from trivial: 1. We needed to parallelize our program and use the same number of cores by both programs. Note, that Borchers’ program uses shared memory, so we could not use more cores than cores in one node of a super­computer. On the other hand our program could be written to use a distributed supercomputer with hun­dreds of cores. Informatica 45 (2021) 197–204 201 2. As our program, which uses b-fold coloring, using only integer and bit calculation the different architec­tures are not affecting the running times much. Op­posed to this Borchers’ program uses foating point calculations and BLAS. Thus different architectures (Intel or AMD), different compilers (icc or gcc) and different implementations of BLAS (Reference BLAS,ATLAS, OpenBLAS or Intel MKL library) all have huge effect on the running times. A modern AMD desktop PC with 8 core Ryzen processor us­ing gcc as a compiler and OpenBLAS resulted in up to 50 times(!) slower running times compared to the times presented inTable1 for the Lovász’ theta cal­culations on Intel architecture, icc compiler and the MKL library. The architecture, compiler and BLAS implementation used for the results of the present pa-perall stronglyfavortheLovász’ theta calculations.A reproductionofthe resultsona desktopPCmay result much longer running times for the Lovász’ theta cal­culation programdueto Borchers whilegiving similar times for our algorithm. The reader can see that the computation of the Lovász’ theta number for 22 of 43 instances could not be completed. In each of these 22 cases the program terminated with the error message: “not enough memory”. As it turns out the length of the calculation of the Lovász’ theta function de­pends on the number of edges(m)of the complement graph (or the non-edges, the missing edges of the graph). The . 3 running time and memory requirements are Omand . 2 Om, respectively. (See [3, 4].) Using these asymptotic 3 results we estimated the running time as 7.2·10-11msec­onds and the memory requirement as 9.2 · 10-9m2 Giga-Bytes. This estimate was consistent with the experimen­tal results. Clearly 48GB of memory is not enough in the missing cases. Actually, some instances, as for example the keller6 graph,would need1TB(!) of memory and would run for nearly a thousand of years. If one would use a PC with nowadays usual 8-16GB of memory6other in­stances would be out of reach, thus making 28 out of 43 instances incalculable. To sum up the results, we can say, that our algorithm gives better upper bounds than the Lovász’ theta calcu­lation for 24 out of 43 instances. In addition it runs faster for 24 out of 43 instances. It holds for the cases when the Lovász’ theta computation cannot be completed. Further there are instances when our algorithm actually gave lower bound than the Lovász’ theta approach. These are the graphs MANN_a45, MANN_a81, keller4 and p_hat300-1 from which the former two are in the ta­ble, and the later two are not as they have less than 500 nodes. Obviously, there can be other cases as well among those where the Lovász’ theta could not be calcu­lated. The graphs johnson10-4-4 and p_hat300-2 gave the same bound – these two also was excluded from the table because of being too small. Note, that in several cases our algorithm gave sharp upper bound which is equal to the clique number: p_hat300-1, latin10, c-fat500-1, queen40, queen50 and san1000 graphs. Let us return to the question if the proposed algorithm canlowertheupperboundprovidedbythebase algorithm. One can see from the results that the proposed algorithm with few exceptions improves the upper bound of b-fold coloring, in some cases radically. We may conclude that there is computational evidence that the proposed algo­rithm lower the upper bound if we use more computational resources. Let us turn to the question how the proposed al­gorithm compares to the Lovász’ theta based methodology. We are getting better result only a few times. However, we were able to compute our new bound for all but two graphs that cannot be said about the Lovász’ theta number. Practically, our algorithmis soversatilethateven for those cases where the upper bound could not be calculated we are able to tune it using smaller b and using smaller number of recoloring steps. Thus reducing the running time we can turn the instance calculable. Note, that one can replace the upper bounds computed by coloring the nodes of the tacti­cally chosen subgraphs by upper bounds computed by the Lovász’ theta function. The calculations involved in this situation would use much more time and need to be per­formed several thousand times. Thus we would expect it to be reasonable only using distributed computing ona super­computer, as the calculations of the a values can be done independently. Acknowledgements The project has been supported by National Research, De­velopment and Innovation Offce – NKFIH Fund No. SNN­135643. References [1] E. Balas and J. 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We indicated by an * those cases where the program could not reach the result within 100,000 seconds, that is roughly in 24 hours. |V | density % .(G) legal coloring .( ¯G) time (sec) .( ¯G) (12c) b-fold DISC time (sec) DISC (12c) brock800_1 800 64.93 23 117 * > 24h 103 68 12717s brock800_2 800 65.13 24 118 * > 24h 103 68 11670s brock800_3 800 64.87 25 117 * > 24h 103 67 15414s brock800_4 800 64.97 26 118 * > 24h 103 68 9849s C500.9 500 90.05 = 57 139 84.20 109s 130 115 10235s C1000.9 1000 90.11 = 68 251 123.49 6029s 232 207 94916s C2000.5 2000 50.02 16 194 * > 24h 174 90 68024s c-fat500-1 500 3.57 14 14 * > 24h 14 14 9s DSJC500_5 500 50.20 13 58 22.74 9960s 51 28 850s DSJC1000_5 1000 50.02 15 107 * > 24h 92 49 10913s hamming10-4 1024 82.89 40 74 * > 24h 55 50 6227s johnson-12-5-4 792 95.58 80 140 99.00 130s 106 105 4318s johnson-13-4-4 715 94.96 65 115 71.50 107s 76 76 1877s johnson-13-5-4 1287 96.89 = 123 212 143.00 792s 155 154 19485s keller5 776 75.15 27 31 * > 24h 31 31 598s keller6 3361 81.82 59 64 * > 24h 64 63 5515s MANN_a45 1035 99.63 345 360 356.05 23s 360 353 29869s MANN_a81 3321 99.88 1100 1134 1126.62 589s 1134 1121 91875s p_hat1000-1 1000 24.48 10 52 * > 24h 46 17 4041s p_hat700-1 700 24.93 11 40 * > 24h 35 13 977s p_hat700-2 700 49.76 44 86 * > 24h 76 52 31637s p_hat700-3 700 74.80 62 129 72.00 11781s 120 87 73518s p_hat500-1 500 25.31 9 31 * > 24h 27 11 376s p_hat500-2 500 50.46 36 63 38.97 13677s 57 40 8540s p_hat500-3 500 75.19 50 101 58.57 1391s 92 67 14654s latin10 900 75.97 90 110 * > 24h 93 90 5529s queen40 1600 91.91 40 40 * > 24h 40 40 5397s queen50 2500 93.49 50 50 * > 24h 50 50 24986s san1000 1000 50.15 15 15 * > 24h 15 15 2173s 1dc.512-c 512 92.56 52 73 53.03 76s 55 54 2007s 1dc.1024-c 1024 95.41 94 137 95.98 1004s 101 99 9171s 1dc.2048-c 2048 97.22 = 172 262 174.73 14395s 189 186 78627s 1et.1024-c 1024 98.17 171 215 184.23 93s 191 189 94866s 1et.2048-c 2048 98.93 316 401 342.03 1026s 356 * > 24h 1tc.1024-c 1024 98.48 196 227 206.30 64s 216 212 23475s 1tc.2048-c 2048 99.10 352 420 374.64 753s 387 * > 24h 1zc.512-c 512 94.72 62 93 68.75 23s 72 71 1110s 1zc.1024-c 1024 96.82 = 112 180 128.67 295s 136 134 13793s 2dc.1024-c 1024 67.70 16 31 * > 24h 21 18 4024s 2dc.2048-c 2048 75.93 24 54 * > 24h 37 32 53711s monoton-9 729 83.52 28 45 34.41 5465s 41 37 13670s monoton-10 1000 85.14 32 61 * > 24h 51 46 39031s monoton-11 1331 86.47 38 69 * > 24h 63 57 52911s Statistics-Based Chain Code Compression with Decreased Sensitivity to Shape Artefacts David Podgorelec, Andrej Nerat and Borut Žalik University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Koroška cesta 46, SI-2000, Maribor, Slovenia E-mail: david.podgorelec@um.si Keywords: chain code, data compression, dynamic programming, pseudo-statistical model, shape artefact Received: April 3, 2020 Chain codes compactly represent raster curves, but there is still a lot of room for improvement by means of data compression. Several statistics-based chain code compression techniques assign shorter extra codes to frequent pairs of consecutive symbols. Here we systematically extend this concept to patterns of up to k > 2 symbols. A curve may be represented by any of the exponentially many overlapped chains of codes, and the dynamic programming approach is proposed to determine the optimal chain. We also propose utilization of multiple averaged hard coded pseudo-statistical models, since the exact statistical models of individual curves are often huge, and they can also significantly differ from each other. A competitive compression efficiency is assured in this manner and, as a pleasant side effect, this efficiency is less affected by the curve’s shape, rasterization algorithm, noise, and image resolution, than in other contemporary methods, which surprisingly do not pay any attention to this problem at all. Povzetek: V clanku predstavimo novo metodo za statisticno stiskanje verižnih kod, ki dodeli posebne kode pogostim nizom do k simbolov. Optimalno izmed eksponentno mnogo rešitev izbere z dinamicnim programiranjem. Uporablja vec povprecenih psevdo-statisticnih modelov, ki jih ne shranjuje skupaj s krivuljo. V primerjavi z drugimi sodobnimi metodami doseže konkurencno stopnjo stiskanja, hkrati pa je manj obcutljiva na obliko krivulje, posebnosti rasterizacijskega algoritma, šum in locljivost slike. Introduction Chain codes compactly represent curves in raster images. More than half a century ago, Freeman [3] used symbols .i . [0 .. 7] to represent each curve pixel pi with the azimuth direction (.i . 45.) from its predecessor pi–1 measured anticlockwise from the positive x-axis (Fig. 1a). Each symbol is then coded with 3 bits. Alternatively, only 2 bits per pixel are required if the representation relies on 4-connectivity, i.e. the azimuth pi – pi–1 is (.i . 90.), where .i . [0 .. 3] (Fig. 1b). Several alternative chain code representations were later introduced, but the concept remains the same as in the pioneering Freeman chain codes in eight (F8) or four (F4) directions: symbols from a relatively small alphabet are assigned to subsequent primitives along a curve. In different representations, a primitive may refer to a curve pixel (as in F8 or F4), a vertex between the considered curve pixel and adjacent pixels (Vertex Chain Code – VCC [2] or Three-Orthogonal chain code – 3OT [10]), an edge separating the curve pixel from a background pixel (Differential Chain Code – DCC [9]), or a rectangular cell of pixels (in quasi-lossless representation from [9]). Meanwhile, a symbol models some local geometric relation e.g. relative position of the observed primitive with respect to the previous one. With other words, it represents a command how to navigate from one primitive to the adjacent one along the curve. All these basic chain code representations describe a raster curve efficiently, as they use only 2 or 3 bits per primitive instead of coding grid coordinates with, for example, 2 . 16 bits per pixel. Nevertheless, numerous successful methods have been proposed to additionally compress raster curves. Figure 1: Freeman chain codes in 8 and 4 directions. Statistical (Huffman or arithmetic) coding is often utilized when the symbols’ probability distribution is significantly non-uniform. Further advances in statistics­ based approaches were achieved by introducing extra codes for frequent pairs of primitives [7, 8], or by utilization of multiple statistical models in so-called context-based approaches [1], where the statistical model for coding a considered symbol is conditioned on the context of M (typically 1 or 2) previous symbols. On the other hand, non-statistical approaches perform various string transformations [11, 12], e.g. Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) and/or Move-To-Front Transform (MTFT) to increase the number of 0’s and prepare the data for efficient run-length encoding (RLE) and/or binary arithmetic coding (BAC). BWT rearranges the sequence into runs of equal symbols, while MTFT utilizes local correlations to replace the data values with their indices from typically smaller repertoire. In this paper, we introduce a new statistics-based approach where extra codes may represent patterns of up to k = O(1) symbols. Our aim was to achieve a competitive compression efficiency, but an interesting pleasant side effect was encountered and brought into focus during the method development and testing. Namely, impacts of the curve shape, image resolution, rasterization algorithm, noise, and geometric transformations on the compression ratio are significantly reduced in comparison to other contemporary methods. This topic has been so far addressed indirectly within the context-based approaches and, partially, in the non-statistical approaches, while it was completely neglected in other related works. Section 2 illustrates the overall idea of the proposed approach. Section 3 describes the preparation and utilization of multiple averaged hard coded pseudo-statistical models, crucial for the minimization of the mentioned impacts. Section 4 experimentally confirms the compression efficiency and the reduced dependence on curve’s artefacts. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the presented work, and discusses future research challenges. Figure 2: Freeman’s chain difference coding. D. Podgorelec et al. 2 New statistics-based method Some years after F8 and F4, Freeman also proposed the chain-difference coding (CDC) [6]. A pixel pi is encoded with the angle difference .(pi – pi–1, pi–1 – pi–2). Unlike F8 where all 8 symbols have practically the same probabilities, the 0° angle difference is usually much more frequent than other 7 symbols (Fig. 2). All 8 symbols in Fig. 1a have probabilities either 6/43 . 13.95% or 7/43 . 16.28%, and the probabilities of four symbols in Fig. 1b are either 16/63 . 25.40% or 15/63 . 23.81%. On the other hand, the probability of symbol 0 in Fig. 2 is 32/42 . 76.19% while the probabilities of other 7 symbols are all below 10%. Such non-uniform distribution provides a good basis for statistical coding. However, some tens of bits must be spent to store the best-fitted statistical model (BFSM) for an individual curve, which is, particularly with shorter curves, not negligible. Liu and Žalik [6] presented the directional difference chain coding (DDCC), where CDC BFSMs of over 1000 training curves are averaged into a suboptimal hard-coded statistical model (HCSM), which is then used for compression in non-training use cases. Some years later, the compressed DDCC (C_DDCC) [7] was introduced, where three extra codes for usually frequent pairs ..45°, .45°. and for patterns of 12 to 27 zeros were added into the HCSM. The two pairs were intuitively identified, as they periodically interrupt sequences of 0° symbols along oblique line segments (except those with slopes 45° or -45°). Here we take a step forward by systematically extending the DDCC coding scheme with extra codes for patterns of up to k = O(1) symbols, k . 2. Furthermore, we group “similar” training curves into classes and derive HCSMs separately for each class. Although this concept looks straightforward, several non-trivial issues must be considered to achieve a feasible implementation and a competitive compression efficiency. These issues can be structured into two separate phases. 1. The training phase is performed by an expert/developer in order to calibrate the algorithm for future use. A representative repertoire of training curves is first provided, and the BFSM for each curve is extracted. Features for multicriteria classification of training curves are selected (intuitively in the current implementation), and the training curves are then assigned to the classes. HCSMs are derived afterwards by separately averaging BFSMs within the classes. The detailed description follows in Section 3. 2. The exploitation phase is run by end-users in order to compress non-training curves from concrete use cases. An input curve is first analysed to determine the feature values needed to heuristically select the most appropriate of the stored HCSMs. The chosen HCSM is then utilized to compress the curve with Huffman coding. The main challenge in designing this phase is the strategy for determination of the optimal sequence (chain) of codes, which is emphasized after the definitions. 2.1 Definitions Trail Ti, j = .vi, ..., vj., i = j, is a sequence of adjacent pixels (or corresponding graph vertices) along a raster curve. The length of the trail (in pixels) is h(i, j)= j – i + 1. The trail T1, n = .v1, ..., vn. corresponds to the entire raster curve of length n. Trail decomposition splits the trail into one or more nested trails, whose concatenation reassembles the original trail. A trail Tu, v is nested in Ti, j if i = u = v = j. Symbol is a chain-code command aimed to be assigned to a single pixel along a raster curve. Pattern (of symbols) .i, j = ..i, ..., .j., i = j, is a sequence of symbols aimed to be assigned to pixels of a trail of the same length h(i, j). Dynamic programming graph is an edge-weighted graph (G, w), where G = (V, E) is a directed graph, V = {v1, ..., vn+1} is a vertex set, E= {ei,j} is an edge set, given by pairs of vertices ei,j = (vi,vj), i < j, and w : E . N is a weight function. Vertices v1, ..., vn correspond to pixels along the raster curve, edge ei,j represents a trail .vi, ..., vj–1., and weight wi,j of an edge ei,j is the bit length of the corresponding Huffman code. An auxiliary end vertex vn+1 does not represent any curve pixel and, thus, there is no need to assign a symbol to it. However, this vertex enables introduction of edges ei,n+1, i = n, corresponding to trails Ti, n = .vi, ..., vn.. IN(i) is the set of start vertices of all graph edges with the end vertex vi.vj . IN(i) . ej,i . E. Vertex vj is a predecessor of vj and the latter is a successor of vj. OUT(i) is the set of end vertices of all graph edges with the start vertex vi.vj . OUT(i) . ei,j . E. Extra code is a Huffman code which replaces a pattern of two or more symbols in order to save some bits. p(.i, j) is the probability of a pattern .i, j = ..i, ..., .j. in a considered statistical model. If the latter corresponds to the BFSM of a curve described with T1, n = .v1, ..., vn., then we get equation (1): p(.i, j)= f(.i, j)/ (n – h(i, j) + 1), (1) where f(.i, j) be the number of appearances of .i, j in the pattern assigned to .v1, ..., vn.. However, p(.i, j) in some HCSM is obtained by averaging the corresponding probabilities from all participating BFSMs. Note that an edge ei,j, i < j – 1, is added into the graph only if an extra code exists for the corresponding pattern assigned to Ti, j–1. On the other hand, edges ei, i+1 = (vi,vi+1) correspond to single-pixel trails Ti, i = .vi. and they are unconditionally added to the graph. This assures that the algorithm of parsing the curve pixels will always reach the end vertex vn+1, as any other vertex has at least one successor, i.e. i = n . |OUT(i)| . 1. 2.2 Exploitation phase The existing chain code techniques construct the chain of codes by a greedy algorithm. A raster curve is parsed primitive by primitive, and each of them is immediately coded either alone or as a member of some longer pattern. If different possibilities for coding a primitive Informatica 45 (2021) 205–212 207 exist, the predefined priority is decisive. In C_DDCC, for example, extra codes for ..45°, .45°. pairs have higher priority than the corresponding single-pixel codes. However, such priority-based greedy algorithms cannot be simply adjusted to efficiently handle higher number of extra codes for longer patterns of symbols. In the proposed approach, each pixel can be coded with its own code or, theoretically, with one of k codes of longer trails. For k = 6 as used in the current implementation and tests (the decision for this value will be explained at the end of Section 3.2), these trails include two pairs, three triplets and so on till six sextets. A longer context of patterns before and behind the considered symbol determines which of the 1+ 2+ … + k = k (k + 1) / 2 possibilities (21 for k = 6) shall be used to code the pixel. We therefore have a combinatorial optimization problem where we look for an optimal chain from a large set of multiply overlapped chains. Unlike greedy algorithms, we found dynamic programming capable to provide an optimal choice. Its utilization also facilitates the so-called context dilution problem [1, 7]. Namely, introduction of extra codes for longer patterns of symbols usually extends codes of several symbols and other patterns. For example, introduction of four extra C_DDCC codes for patterns .0°, .45°. and ..45°, 0. prolongs by 1 bit the codes for .90°, 180°, RLE of zeros, 135° and/or –135°. Furthermore, examples of chains can be found where individual extra codes do not save any bits. The proposed dynamic programming approach is adaptation of the so-called exon chaining algorithm from the field of bioinformatics, the simplest of the so-called similarity-based gene prediction approaches [5]. The dynamic programming optimizes the Bellman equation (2), where si represents the total bit length of the optimal chain from v1 to vi–1, 1 < i = n + 1. Additionally, s0 is set to 0 to enable the recursive calculation of s1. si = minvj . IN(i)(sj + wj,i) (2) The vertex predi . IN(i), which indeed participates to the minimum si, is also memorized for each vi. The sn+1 represents the total bit length of the overall solution, and the optimal chain itself is then reconstructed by following the vertices predi from vn+1 backwards to v1. Bold edges in Fig. 3 represent the optimal chain for the given example. Trails T1, 2, T3, 5, and T6, 9 are coded with 4 + 6 + 8 = 18 bits. Note that an equivalent solution with sn = 18 exists, where the first trail terminates with v3, as demonstrated with a pair of dashed edges in Fig. 3. Figure 3: Dynamic programming graph. The remarkable performance of the dynamic programming-based optimization is highlighted with Theorems 1 and 2. Although the growth of the number of solution candidates is exponential in curve length, the algorithm runs in linear time. Theorem 1. The number of possible decompositions of a trail grows exponentially with the trail length (in pixels) if extra codes for patterns of up to k > 1 symbols are used. Proof. Let ci(k) be the number of possible decompositions of T1, i, where the lengths of nested trails obtained by the decomposition do not exceed k. Each of these decompositions ends with the trail Ti–l+1,i of l vertices, 1 = l = min(i, k), preceded with one of ci–l(k) possible decompositions of T1, i–l. Note that for i < k, there are less than k symbols available and, thus, the upper bound for the length of the ending trail is min(i, k). The ending trail Ti–l+1,i can span through the entire T1, i (when i = l), resulting in an empty preceding T1, 0. Unlike the definition of trail in Section 2.1, we exceptionally allow i > j here. This situation is indicated by c0(k) =1. Equation (3) defines the calculation of ci(k), i > 0. (3) Obviously, c1(k)= c0(k) = 1 as the first pixel of T1, i can be preceded by an empty trail only in a single way. Similarly, ci(1) = 1 since T1, i can be decomposed into single-pixel trails only in a single way. For k = 2, i > 1, equation (4) is obtained. ci(2) = ci–1(2) + ci–2(2), i > 1 (4) Let Fi represent the i-th Fibonacci number. The Fibonacci sequence is defined by F0 = 0, F1 = 1, and Fi = Fi–2+ Fi–1 for i > 1. This recursive formula gives F2= 1 and we may thus match c0(k)= F1 and c1(k)= F2. The equation (4) then gives: c2(2) = F2+ F1= F3, c3(2) = F3+ F2= F4, and ci(2) = Fi + Fi–1= Fi+1. As Fi+1 > Fi, i > 1, we thus get the inequality (5). ci(2) > Fi, i > 1 (5) This result can be generalized to k > 2 by using the relation (6), which must be proved beforehand. ci(k + m) > ci(k), m . 1, i > 1 (6) The proof is actually trivial. Due to the transitivity of “Is greater than”, it suffices to consider m = 1. The key observation is that all the decompositions counted by ci(k) are also counted by ci(k + 1) which, however, additionally counts the decompositions with at least one nested trail of length k + 1. The relation (5) may thus be generalized to the relation (7). ci(k)> Fi, k >1 . i > 1 (7) As the Fibonacci sequence Fi has the proven exponential growth, we may confirm that the sequence D. Podgorelec et al. ci(k) also grows (at least) exponentially for k > 1. Theorem 1 is thus proved. . Note that we assumed in the theorem, that all the trails of up to k pixels are represented by edges of the dynamic programming graph, but this is usually not a case due to the statistical model reduction (Section 3.2). The proved exponential growth therefore represents only the theoretical worst case. However, as BFSMs and particularly HCSMs typically contain the majority of the patterns of length 2 (k = 2 suffices for the exponential growth) and also quite a few longer patterns, the expected growth may also be considered exponential. An interesting finding is that the recursion in equation (3) can be solved easily for k . i. Namely, substitution ci–2(k)+ …+ c0(k)= ci–1(k) transforms ci(k) = ci–1(k)+ …+ c0(k) into ci(k)= 2 ci–1(k). We may then recursively progress with such substitutions, i.e. 2 ci–1(k) 2i–1 = 22 ci–2(k) = … = c1(k), towards the equation (8). ci(k)= 2i–1, k . i > 0 (8) The result in equation (8) is expected, as any decomposition is obtained by breaking apart the trail in some interruption points between successive pixels. Since k . i, there are no limitations in the length of nested trails obtained by the decomposition. All the combinations from i single-pixel trails to a single trail spanning through entire T1, i are valid. There are i – 1 interruption points in a trail with i symbols and thus 2i–1 possible decompositions. Theorem 2. Optimal chain detection, based on the dynamic programming and utilization of extra codes for patterns of up to k = O(1) symbols, runs in .(n) time, where n is the curve length in pixels. Proof. The cardinality |IN(i)|, 1 < i = n, cannot exceed k, as each vi may only represent the end of a trail (edge) of length between 1 and k. The upper bound for time complexity of calculating si, 1< i = n, is thus O(kn)= O(n) time if k = O(1). The lower bound however is achieved if the statistical model contains only single-pixel symbols. But even in this case, the linear time is needed to parse the dynamic programming graph. The .(n) time complexity is thus proved. . 3 Training phase Linear performance proved in Theorem 2 is not the only reason for limiting the length of patterns with attached extra codes to k = O(1) symbols. This also reduces the size of the statistical model, which has a mitigating effect on the context dilution problem. In the proposed study, k = 6 have been chosen among different considered values. The reasons for this decision shall be explained in Section 3.2. Even in this way, the statistical model derived from the basic DDCC scheme can theoretically contain 8 + 82 + ... + 86 = 299,592 entries. Although many of these patterns never appear in practice, and even if we manage to further reduce the size of the statistical model (to some tens entries in practice), there is the only practical possibility to use an averaged statistical model (or more of them). Its derivation requires a careful consideration of the following important issues. 3.1 Training set In the reported C_DDCC tests [7], relative compression ratio to F8 only slightly varies (between 0.46 and 0.55). This may lead to a conclusion that the derived HCSM serves well for all use cases. Furthermore, similar conclusions can be adopted for practically all existing methods, no matter whether they belong to statistics-based or non-statistical approaches, and whether, in the first case, they use a HCSM or BFSMs. However, we must be aware that the training sets and testing use cases in presentations of these methods usually follow some curve creation and rasterization methodology and, thus, they share some evident common artefacts. In C_DDCC tests, for example, there were a huge probability of shorter sequences of 0. symbols, relatively high probabilities of ..45°, .45°. pairs, and rather low probabilities of .90. symbols. In our method, we may expect even bigger impact of the curve’s shape on the compression efficiency, as the distributions of longer patterns from a bigger repertoire can vary considerably from curve to curve. An averaged statistical model can thus deviate significantly from both, the BFSMs of individual training curves used to construct it in the training phase, and the distributions of patterns used to code testing curves in the exploitation phase. Since the latter directly affects the compression efficiency, we decided to use multiple averaged statistical models and, consequently, to classify the training curves and testing use cases regarding some chosen measurable artefacts. In this manner, the method gains generality, as the compression efficiency becomes less dependent on the curve creation and rasterization methodology. Figure 4: Different levels of forcing the 4-connectivity. To provide an adequate training set and a relevant mixture of testing use cases, we have implemented a tool with functionalities of image rotation and scaling, manual inversions of binary values of selected pixels, and extraction of the boundary chain of a presented binary object. In this last operation, the parameter Force-4-connectivity controls the amount of .90° symbols along oblique edges and, thus, simulates different rasterization methodologies. Value 0% (Fig. 4a) means that the boundary chain consists only of pixels which share edges with the object’s exterior. On the other hand, Informatica 45 (2021) 205–212 209 value 100% (Fig. 4b) adds into the chain all the pixels which are vertex-connected with the object’s exterior. Such pixel is 4-connected with both adjacent chain pixels. In Fig. 4c, half of possible pixels of this kind (coloured grey) are randomly chosen and inserted into the chain. Finally, a special scenario is supported (Fig. 4d) where a 4-connected pixel is only inserted if it represents a concave vertex between a horizontal and vertical edge (each at least two pixels long). Figure 5: Examples of training and testing objects. Basic shapes from the training set and use cases are shown in Fig. 5. They were mostly inherited from the tests made in [7, 11, 12]. Objects from the first two rows were used for testing (see Table 1), while the others belong to the training set. All together we used 50 basic shapes, i.e., 30 in the training set and 20 test cases. A variety of instances of these shapes in different orientations and scales, ranging between 150 and 20,000 boundary curve pixels, and with different levels of forcing the 4-connectivity were utilized in the experiments. There are 500 shapes in the training set. 3.2 Statistical model reduction The first step towards reducing huge amount of data in each BFSM and mitigation of the context dilution effect was already made by limiting k to O(1) symbols. We also do not have to consider patterns with probability 0. Furthermore, we may set even stronger conditions for the probability p(.i, j) of a pattern to be accepted in a BFSM. Namely, a pattern .i, j = ..i, ..., .j. is inserted in the statistical model only if p(.i, j) is higher than the product of probabilities (weighted with w2) of any sequence of shorter patterns whose concatenation forms .i, j. To prevent insertion of too low probabilities, we use additional threshold w1. The following statement considers patterns of length l = 3. if (p(.1, 3) > max(w1, w2* max(p(.1, 1)p(.2, 2)p(.3, 3), p(.1, 1)p(.2, 3) , p(.1, 2)p(.3, 3)))) then insert ((.1, 3, w3*3* p(.1, 3)) into BFSM. As the patterns of lengths 2, 4, 5 and 6 must also be considered, as well as eventual future extensions, we generate all the concatenations algorithmically. A concatenation is obtained by breaking apart the pattern in some interruption points between successive symbols. There are l – 1 possible interruption points in a pattern of l symbols and thus 2l–1 – 1 possible concatenations. Here the subtracted 1 represents the non-interrupted pattern. For patterns of lengths 2 to 6, we thus must test 1 + 3 + 7 + 15 + 31 = 57 products. Obviously, the method must first evaluate shorter patterns, as their probabilities are used in acceptance criteria for longer ones. As we mentioned at the end of Section 2.1, single-pixel symbols are unconditionally included in a BFSM. Note that the weights w1, w2, and w3 offer a lot of possibilities for experimentation. They were also crucial for decision to use patterns of up to k = 6 symbols in our tests. As the probabilities are usually decreasing with the pattern length (with possible exceptions), the value of w1 must be decreased if k = 7 is used instead of k = 6. However, this causes that additional shorter patterns of lengths 6, 5, 4 etc. are also accepted into a BFSM, increasing the size of the BFSM and emphasizing the context dilution effect in a negative way. On the other hand, this problem appears less evident when comparing k = 5 and k = 6. Although we have not performed a complete sensitivity analysis yet, the decision for k = 6 seems a reasonably good choice confirmed by the results in Section 4. 3.3 Statistical vs. pseudo-statistical model We do not wish (and neither we are able) to split probabilities of symbols and patterns among some longer patterns, as this would lead to the priority-based greedy approach, which we intentionally try to avoid. Each symbol consequently participates to probabilities of all the patterns, which include it. Strictly speaking, we use weighted probabilities (multiplied with w3* l) to reward longer patterns by assigning shorter codes to them. The sum of such weighted probabilities in a model may be as high as (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) * w3 = 21w3. It is however lower because the patterns are added selectively, but it still exceeds 1. We apparently do not deal with true statistical models but with pseudo-statistical models instead. We shall use the acronyms BFPSM and HCPSM instead of BFSM and HCSM from this point on. Nevertheless, all weighted “pseudo-probabilities” are involved in a single Huffman tree construction. 3.4 Averaging pseudo-statistical models Averaging is a two-stage process. During the extraction and reduction of the BFPSM of a considered training curve, several simply assessed curve artefacts are computed. These are then utilized for multicriteria classification, which assigns the curve into one of the D. Podgorelec et al. pre-defined classes. From all the assessed features that will be used in future to algorithmically select optimal classification criteria, we currently use three intuitively chosen criteria listed below, each with a single threshold. • Average turn per pixel. Each .45° symbol participates 1 to this value, .90° symbols 2, .135° symbols 3, and 180° symbols 4. The sum is then divided with the curve length in pixels. This feature separates smooth curves from more winding and noisy ones. It is negatively correlated with the probabilities of 0° symbols and their longer runs. • Probability of ..45°, .45°. pairs is higher in curves with oblique segments than in those with mostly axis-aligned and/or ideally diagonal segments. • Probability of .90° symbols is usually higher in images of man-made objects than in natural objects. Three single-threshold criteria result in 8 classes with binary indices from 000 to 111, where the first bit represents the first criterion, and the third bit refers to the last criterion. 0’s signify values below the thresholds, and 1’s those above the thresholds. In the current setting, the thresholds were computed by averaging the described quantities over the BFPSMs of all training curves. It turns out that the classes with indices 010(2) and 101(2) are nearly twice more populated than others. In our training set with 500 shapes, there are 112 shapes in the class 101(2) and 99 shapes in the class 010(2), while the remaining six classes contain between 37 and 55 shapes. The testing use cases are also distributed in a similar way. This deviation can be explained by suboptimal training set, suboptimal thresholds selection and suboptimal classification criteria, which are all among the most important challenges for our future work. However, we may immediately establish that the currently used criteria are all correlated with the Force-4­connectivity value. Firstly, all additional 4-connected pixels are coded with .90° symbols and thus increase the third criterion value. Secondly, such pixels are often inserted in the middle of ..45°, .45°. pairs, changing them into ..90°, .90°, 0°. triplets. Finally, a pair ..45°, .45°. participates 2 to the first criterion (1 per pixel), while a ..90°, .90°, 0°. triplet participates 4 (1.33 per pixel). The first and the last criterion are thus positively correlated, and there is a negative correlation between them and the second one. The indices 010(2) and 101(2) of above-average populated classes also confirm this finding, as the second bit is in both cases the inverse of the other two. In the second stage, after the training curves are classified (into 8 classes in the current setting), HCSMs are derived by separately averaging BFSMs within each class. However, the BFSMs in a particular class may still significantly differ from each other, although expectedly (and confirmed by the testing results) not as much as the BFSMs from different classes. Consequently, the HCSMs must also be reduced by using the same acceptance criteria as in the BFPSM reduction (Section 3.2). As we are aware, that the current classification is not optimal, we try to mitigate impacts of wrongly classified training curves by using soft borders between the classes. This means that averaging in an observed class also considers weighted probabilities from BFPSMs of all "adjacent" classes, distinct in one criterion from the considered one. For example, classes 001, 010, 100 are adjacent to the class 000, while, e.g., 011 is not. In the tests presented in Section 4, the probabilities are weighted in a manner that BFPSMs from an observed class contribute two thirds to the corresponding HCPSM, and those from the three adjacent classes contribute a third (a ninth each). Results In this section, we compare some typical results of the proposed method and some state-of-the-art (SOTA) chain code compression methods. 3OT, VCC, C_DDCC, and three variants of MTFT+ARLE (Move-To-Front Transform + Adaptive Run-Length Encoding) [11], i.e., MTFT+ARLE VCC, MTFT+ARLE 3OT, and MTFT+ARLE NAD (four-symbol Normalised Angle-Difference chain code) [11] were used in the tests. The training set and use cases from Section 3.1 were used, and the weights w1, w2 and w3 for the pseudo-statistical models reduction (see Section 3.2) were set to 0.02, 1.0 and 1.0, respectively. As we already stressed and explained, the length of patterns to be considered is limited to k = 6. The classification thresholds (Section 3.4) computed for the utilized training set were initialized to 0.92 for the average turn, 0.12 for p(..45°, .45°.), and 0.295 for p(.90°). Object Transform Pixels bpp (SOTA) bpp (new method) Basic (“user friendly”) shapes Bird 100, 0, 0 4080 1.11(1) 1.03 Butterfly 100, 0, 0 1122 1.45(1) 1.33 Car 100, 0, 0 541 1.48(1) 1.25 Circle 100, 0, 0 1831 1.13(2) 0.99 Horse 100, 0, 0 2143 1.51(3) 1.39 Shuttle 100, 0, 0 969 1.19(1) 1.08 Spider 100, 0, 0 1770 1.20(2) 1.04 Square 100, 0, 0 1088 0.30(2) 0.35 Sophisticated instances Bird 10, 50, 70 671 1.60(3) 1.31 Butterfly 140, 45, 100 2681 1.68(3) 1.21 Car 200, 33, 50 1472 1.84(3) 1.49 Circle 20, 0, 0 308 1.39(2) 1.06 Horse 50, 15, 20 1284 1.93(1) 1.51 Shuttle 100, 30, 0 980 1.31(1) 0.94 Spider 120, 45, 25 2218 1.31(1) 1.08 Square 100, 70, 30 1228 0.75(3) 0.62 Table 1: Test cases and compression results [bpp]. The listed best SOTA results were obtained by C_DDCC(1), MTFT+ARLE NAD(2), or MTFT+ARLE VCC(3). Informatica 45 (2021) 205–212 211 Table 1 shows the results for pairs of different instances of eight objects from the top two rows in Fig 5. Basic "user friendly" shapes refer to smooth, noiseless instances as being usually employed in testing the state-of-the-art (SOTA) chain code compression methods. The “sophisticated” instances were generated by transforming the basic ones with the scaling factor, rotation angle, and/or amount of additional 4-connectivity pixels different from 100%, 0°, 0%, respectively (see column Transform). The column bpp (SOTA) shows efficiency in bits per pixel (bpp) of the best of the compared SOTA methods. Comparison of the last two columns reveals that the new method is superior in most cases. The only exception is the basic axis-aligned square where all three MTFT-ARLE variants and also C_DDCC substantially benefit from long runs of 0’s. Ratios between the efficiencies of the new and best SOTA method are given in columns A and B of Table 2, separately for the basic and transformed instances. The new algorithm is mostly for 10 to 15% more efficient than SOTA in the basic configurations, and for additional 10% in the sophisticated cases. Columns C and D show ratios between the efficiencies for sophisticated and adequate basic configurations. SOTA is considered in column C, and the new method in column D. The results confirm that sophisticated curve artefacts much more affect SOTA methods (average ratio 1.22 means lower efficiency for 22%, compared to basic shapes) than the new method (average ratio 1.06). The latter even achieves better compression of some transformed shapes (butterfly and shuttle) in comparison to the basic ones. It also surpasses SOTA in the transformed square example, where all the considered methods achieve significantly worse results (omitted in the above average ratios) than in the axis-aligned instance. Object A B C D Bird 0.93 0.82 1.44 1.27 Butterfly 0.92 0.72 1.16 0.91 Car 0.84 0.81 1.24 1.19 Circle 0.88 0.76 1.23 1.07 Horse 0.92 0.78 1.28 1.08 Shuttle 0.91 0.72 1.10 0.87 Spider 0.87 0.82 1.09 1.04 Square 1.17 0.83 2.50 1.77 Table 2: Analysis of the compression results. 5 Conclusions In this paper, we introduce a new statistics-based chain code compression methodology by using multiple averaged pseudo-statistical models correlated with some measurable curve artefacts, and by heuristically selecting the most appropriate of these models prior to the compression. Furthermore, the introduced models contain extra codes for systematically selected patterns of up to k symbols (k = 6 in the presented tests), and the dynamic programming approach replaces the common greedy method in order to determine the optimal chain of patterns. The early results are promising, but there is a plenty of work left to ultimately affirm the proposed methodology. The methodology incorporates the training phase and the exploitation phase. The former obviously associates this research with machine learning, but classification of the training curves with respect to three intuitively pre­selected and even mutually correlated criteria is quite far from this paradigm. However, one of our future goals is to adapt the introduced methodology to other basic chain code representations (VCC, 3OT, F4, F8, and NAD), which shall certainly require more advanced and adjustable feature extraction, learning and selection, leading into optimized classification algorithms. This goal also requires an extensive sensitivity analysis by varying the number and values of classification thresholds, weights in the pattern acceptance criteria, etc. Other future goals include: • comparison to modern non-statistical methods on both, "standard" and less "user-friendly" cases, • improving the training set and preparation of rich repertoire of benchmarks, • utilization of arithmetic coding instead of Huffman codes, and • inclusion of RLE codes for longer patterns of 0’s. 6 Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (Research Core Funding No. P2-0041). We are also grateful to our former colleague DenisŠpelic for his contribution to the implementation. 7 References [1] Akimov A.; Kolesnikov A.; Fränti P. (2007). Lossless compression of map contours by context tree modeling of chain codes, Pattern Recognition, Elsevier Science, vol. 40, iss. 3, pp. 944-952. https://doi.org/10.1007/11499145_33 [2] Bribiesca E. 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Information Sciences, Elsevier Science, vol. 439-440, pp. 39-49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2018.01.045 Methodfor EstimatingTensiomyographyParametersfrom Motion Capture Data Dino Vlahek,Tadej Stoši´ c andTamara Golob Institute of Computer Science Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia E-mail: dino.vlahek1@um.si, tadej.stosic1@um.si, t.golob@um.si Miloš Kalc,TejaLi. cen and MatjažVogrin Instituteof Sports Medicine,Facultyof MedicineattheUniversityof Maribor, Maribor,Slovenia E-mail: milos.kalc@ism-mb.si, teja.licen@um.si, matjaz.vogrin@um.si Domen Mongus Institute of Computer Science Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia E-mail: domen.mongus@um.si Keywords:tensiomyography, marker-based motion capture, 3D points, geometric transformation Received: June 05, 2020 Tensiomyographyis a muscle performance assessment technique that measures its mechanical responses. In this study, we explored the possibility of replacing traditional tensiomyographymeasurement systems with motion capture. The proposed method allows the measurement of multiple muscle points simultane­ously while achieving measurements duringapatient’smovements. The results showed that approximately 5 mm errorwas achieved when estimating maximal muscle displacement, while time delayin muscle con­traction and contraction time was assessed with up to 20 ms error. As confrmed by physicians, the intro­duced errors are within the acceptable margin and, thus, the obtained results are medically valid. Povzetek: V .ca ve.ckovno merjenje tensiomiografje. clanku predstavimo novo metodo, ki omogo.cto.Metoda temelji na snemanju miši.cnekontrakcijes sistemom za zajem gibanja. Rezultati metodein pri­padajo. ce napake so ovrednoteni s strani zdravnikov. Le-ti ocenjujejo, ali so napake še znotraj sprejemljive meje, da so rezultati medicinsko veljavni. 1 Introduction Tensiomyography(TMG) is a non-invasive mechanomyo­graphymethod that measures mechanical muscle response based on radial muscle belly displacement induced by the electrical stimulus. The measurement unit usually includes an electrical stimulator, a data acquisition subunit, a dig­ital sensor, and muscle electrodes[28]. TMG outputisa displacement-time curve evaluated with the following pa­rameters: Delay time(Td)is a time difference between the electrical impulse and 10% of the contraction, contraction time(Tc)is a time difference between 10% and 90% of the contraction, sustain time(Ts)is a time difference be­tween 50% of the contraction and 50% of the relaxation, and relaxation time(Tr)is a time difference between 90% and 50% of the relaxation and maximal displacement of the muscle contraction(Dm). TMG’s resulting parameters are usually used for the evaluation of an individual’s maximal speed, explosive­ness, endurance, and fexibility [16]. They are also applied in the training optimization process in order to prevent neg-ativeeffects of muscle asymmetry and asynchronyon an in­dividual’s performance [19]. Additionally, after an injury, muscle functional capacity can be assessed using TMG, so that the most effective rehabilitation treatment is adminis­tered [21], while its usage in medical research includes es­timation of muscle composition [24], evaluation of muscle atrophy[10], measuring adaptation to different pathologies [12], and for determination of muscle fber type composi­tion [6]. However, TMG has signifcant drawbacks, as it is a fxed, static tool that can perform single-point measure­ments [28, 10]. Additionally, the reliability of measure­ment highly depends on the experiences of the measurer, since placements of sensors and electrodes could affect the reliability of the results [24], while measurements are gen­erally performed in a static and relaxed position [28]. In order to address the above-mentioned drawbacks, we propose a method that generates output similar to TMG using marker-based motion capture. The proposed ap­proach allows for measuring multiple points simultane­ously, thus reducing the effort required in order to measure muscle contractions. In addition, the measurements can be achieved not only in the relaxed positions but also while moving, as control markers are used in order to stabilize natural limb movement in markers. Accordingly, related workin motion captureis describedin Section2. Section3 introduces a new method that estimates TMG output from motion capture. The proposed method validation results are presented and discussed in Section 4, while section5 concludes the paper. 2 Related work Motion capture allows for recording the movement of ob­jects or people.Various motion capturing systems were in­troduced recently, including acoustical, mechanical, mag­netic, and optical ones. The most widely used systems are optical. They use a camera for recording the motions of markers attached to an object [18]. Two types of markers are used for this purpose, namely, passive and active ones. Passive markers refect light generated by a near camera lens, while the active ones use their own light source. In anycase, 3D positions of markers over time can be recon­structed using optical triangulation, and the estimated tra­jectories can be used for pinpointing positions of displace­ments for analysis, visualization, and simulation purposes [11]. Both motion capture systems have been used in the entertainment industry for years as well, where its success­ful implementation ranges fromfamous flms likeAvatar andLordoftherings[1]tothegaming industry[20].Opti­cal motion tracking usage, with the support of virtual real­ity, was also demonstrated for tracking and reconstruction of hand movements for sign language interpretation and dance coaching [26]. Furthermore, optical motion capture technology is today an emerging technology in sports and medicine.For instance, its usagewasexamined for the pur­poses offacial performance acquisition [13], animation of the natural bending,bulging, and jiggling [4], reconstruc­tion of three-dimensional rotations of human joints [7], and gait analysis [3]. Within this context, the effciencycom­parison of marker-less and marker-based motion capture for gait analysis was conducted, where the authors con­cluded that maker-based motion capture is more suitable for clinical use. Amore recent study, however, has shown that motion capture, in general, can introduce errors due to linear scaling and technology imperfection [14]. Here, the musculoskeletal models of different centers of joints, ob- D. Vlahek et al. medicine and animating 3D objects in the entertainment in­dustry, it provides a solid technological foundation for our study. 3 Method In this section, a method for estimating TMG parameters from 3D motion capture data is presented. The proposed method uses a set of markers in order to trace muscle con­traction using motion capture, while TMG parameters are estimated during the following steps: – Point stabilizationis achieved frst in order to com­pensate for natural limb movements and preserve only those movements that result from muscle contractions. – Construction of displacement-time curves is achieved next by estimating displacement distances from stabilized 3D marker positions. – Extraction of TMG parameters is fnally achieved based on the estimated displacement-time curve. Following the description of the mathematical framework, these steps are described in detail. 3.1 Theoretical background The implementation of the proposed mathematical frame-workisgivenin the homogeneous coordinate system. This allows for implementing all the used geometric transforma­tions, including translation, by matrix multiplication and, thus, enables effcient utilization of a graphic processing unit [8]. Let a set of markers M = {tmi}, where tmi = t [txi, t yi,zi, 1], while i is a markers index and t is the time t of its capture.Avector between points tmi and tmj is de- t noted as t~vi,j = mi - tmj ,while its projections toXY - t and XZ-planes are denoted as tui,j =(txi,j,yi,j, 1) and tt wi =(txi,j,zi,j , 1),respectively.Atranslation for an ar­ tt bitrary vector t~vi,j =(txi,j,yi,j ,zi,j) is thengivenbya translation matrix MT , defned as . . t 100 xi,j MT (~vT )= ... t 010 yi,j t 001 zi,j ... . (1) 000 1 tained from marker-based motion capture, were scaled and compared with measurements obtained from MRI images In addition, rotation matrices MRy (Ty) and MRz (Tz) that that are today believed to be the gold standard. defne rotation around Y - and Z-axis forgiven angles Ty Nevertheless, optical motion capture is still widely used and Tz, respectively, are denoted by in sport gesture analysis that ranges from repetitive stresses . . cosTy 0 sinTy 0 and movements on the shoulder [23] to underwater body ... ... motions [2]. Moreover, effcient utilization of motion cap- MRy (Ty)= 0 100 -sinTy 0 cosTy 0 , ture technology for medical uses was proposed in [22, 25]. 0 001 (2) . . used for the rehabilitation of patients with spastic hemi­ cosTz -sinTz 00 plegic cerebral palsy [15] and Duchenne muscular dys­ trophy [9]. Thus, as marker-based motion capture is ... ... sinTz cosTz 00 0 010 MRz (Tz)= frequently used for gait and skeleton analysis in sports 0 001 In addition, motion capture technology was successfully [27]. 3.2 Point stabilization In order to account for the natural movement of a limb, two control markers were placed on the limb joints in such a way that they were not affected by muscle contractions. They are denoted by the indices i =1 and i =2, while the corresponding vector t~v1,2 was used to stabilize the set of markers M (see Figure 1). In order to achieve stabi­lization, the origin of coordinate system was shifted to the control marker i =1, while the X-axis was aligned with t ~v1,2. Note that the latter only requires rotation around Y - and Z-axis, while the rotation around X-axis can be ne­glected due to the nature of measurement that limits such limb movements. Thus, rotations around Y - and Z-axis were denoted by rotation angles Ty and Tz, defned as angles between projected vectors t~u1,2 and t w~1,2 and the X-axis, respectively [27]. This stabilization, denoted as MS , is formally defned as MS = MT (t m1) · MRy (Ty) · MRz (Tz)= . . Informatica 45 (2021) 213–222 215 it is not further discussed here. Its effcient implementa­tion is described in [5]. Moreover, as explained in Section 1, fve parameters can be extracted from a displacement curve, where most of the medically relevant information is contained in maximal contraction Dm, delay time Td, and contraction time Tc. Given an interpolated displacement curve di(t), defnitions are as follows: Dm(i) = max di(t), t Td(i) = arg min (t; di(t) = 0.1 · Dm(i)), (6) t Tc(i)= Td(i) - arg min (t; di(t) = 0.9 · Dm(i)). t 4 Results and discussion The proposed method’s implementation was done using C++, and experiments were conducted on a workstation with Intel® CoreTM i5 CPU and 16 GB of main mem­ory. Experimental data about twelve different participants were collected using a 4 × 5 matrix of refective markers that were placed on the quadriceps femoris of participants’ t tTycostTz -sintTzcostTy sintTy left leg, while two control markers were placed over the cos x1 ... ... , t sintTz 00 trochanter head and lateral condyle (see Fig. 1). The par­ ticipants were instructed to lie supine on a therapeutic ta­ y1 t -sintTycostTz sintTysintTz costTy z1 0 001 (3) where MT (tm1) denotes translation of the origin of co­ordinate system to control marker i =1, while MRy (Ty) and MRz (Tz) rotationsby Ty and Tz, respectively. More­over, stabilized set of markers S = {tsi}, where tsi = 0 t 0 t 0 (txyz) is, thus,given as: i, i, itt si = MS · mi. (4) 3.3 Construction of displacement-time curves and TMG parameters extraction This step aims to construct a displacement time curves from S and extract the required TMG parameters. As mus­cle contraction is captured by the movement of stabilized t markers, a displacement curve for each marker si . S is generated by measuring its distance tdi in time t> 0 from its starting point, given at t =0. Formally, a dis­placement curve is given by a discrete mapping function D :(t, i) . Rdefned by: ble where each placed its left leg on a triangular cushion that provided approximately 30. knee angle support. Then, Rectus Femoris (RF -the upper central part of the thigh) andVastus Medialis(VM -lower internal partof the thigh) muscles were stimulated with a single electrical impulse providedbya highvoltage constant current electrical stim­ulator, while control measurements were obtained using a traditional TMG sensor (TMG-BMC Ltd, Ljubljana, Slove­nia). One series of these measurements consisted of fve consecutive muscle stimulation with a 5 s interstimulus in-tervalsin ordertoprevent post-activation potentiating.For each muscle, six different sets of stimulations were admin­istrated, starting with the stimulation intensity of 30 mA, increasing the power in each measurement by 10 mA, un­til a maximum of 80 mA was reached. Thus, a total of 30 stimuli for each muscle were measured. At the same time, the same muscle contractions were captured from refective markers with a Smart-D, BTS s.p.a. motion capture sys­tem. The system consisted of eight infrared cameras with 800×600 spatial and 60 Hz temporal resolution, while their position at the therapeutic table is shown in Figure 2. D(t, i)= p At each marker, the measured motion capture data was (0si - tsi)2 . (5) used in order to reconstruct the displacement-time curves, while their agreement with the control TMG curve was es­timated in terms of Pearson correlation coeffcient [17]. As Eq. 5 cannot produce negative values, it is critical that the initial measurement given at time t =0 is mea­sured in the relaxing (non-contracted) state of the mus­cle. D(t, i), thus, provides a set of control points based on which a polynomial interpolation is achieved in order to increase the precision of the estimated TMG parame­ters. As polynomial interpolation is a well-know problem, The obtained results are shown in Table 1. Obviously, the displacement-time curves showedadifferent agreement level with the control TMG measurements, depending on the markers’ proximities to the TMG sensor. On average, VM measurements displayed lower correlations with con­trol ones than those performed on RF due to the dilated oscillations of the muscular surface, while those markers Figure 1: The placement of twenty markers and two control markers on the subject’s leg. TheViolet area represents the placement of the TMG sensor during measurement, while red circles indicate control markers. Figure 2: Position of cameras where measurements were performed. placed near the TMG sensor displayed better correlation in both cases. As follows from Table 1, in the case of VM, the highest correlations with control TMG were mea­sured at m5 and m9, while m15 displayed best results in case of RF stimulation. In addition, the results obtained at m11, m16, m19, and m20 were also statistically signif­cantinboth cases.Such resultsareexpectedasthesemark­ers were located in anatomical regions of measured mus­cles. Displacement-time curves from markers that showthe highest agreement with corresponding control TMG curves are further presented in Figure 3, while TMG parameters were extracted from these particular markers and further examined. In order to assess the accuracyof the extracted TMG pa­rameter, their values were estimated from displacement-time curves generated from markers. Moreover, param­eters error rates represent differences between their val­ues and the parameters’ values from corresponding control TMG. The results are shownin the appendix(Tables2 - 7). When considering Tc and Td for VM, the lowest error rates were observed in case of m5 at 50 mA and m20 at 50 mA with 0.2% and 0%, respectively, while error rates between 1.1 - 25.3% in case of Tc and 3 - 30.4% in case Td were observed in other cases. On the other hand, no er­ror was observed for Dm at m20 at 60 mA, while the error rates in other cases ranged between 1.7 - 61.7%. In the case of RF, Tc error rates were in the range of 0.9 - 33.7%, with the smallest related to m20 at 30 mA. However, Td in­troduced inconsistent error rates, from 1.8% in case of m16 at 30 mA, up to 75.7% in case of m11 at 60 mA. Dm error rates were between 6.4 - 33.7%, where the lowest one is associated with m19 at 80 mA. Accordingtotheevaluationprovidedbythe medicalex-perts, the obtained error rates were within the acceptable ranges and can be considered as medically irrelevant. The error of Dm can be explained by the fact that the TMG sensor is slightly pressed into the soft tissue, resulting in a small depression at a baseline level, causing a higher value of Dm when a traditionalTMG is measured. As expected, there were high errors in the Td parameter since the signals from motion capture and TMG were not properly synchro­nized. Additionally, obtained errors could be explained by Table 1: Pearson correlation coeffcients between the displacement-timecurves of markers and control TMG measure­ments together with average result according to each marker. 30 mA 40 mA 50 mA 60 mA 70 mA 80 mA Average VM RF VM RF VM RF VM RF VM RF VM RF VM RF m3 0.652 0.774 0.527 0.803 0.497 0.81 0.514 0.716 0.607 0.701 0.657 0.628 0.575 0.738 m4 0.696 0.745 0.543 0.721 0.504 0.672 0.529 0.557 0.604 0.583 0.698 0.512 0.595 0.632 m5 0.74 0.837 0.606 0.842 0.581 0.839 0.569 0.75 0.637 0.747 0.729 0.672 0.644 0.781 m6 0.604 0.77 0.508 0.76 0.584 0.785 0.538 0.699 0.647 0.732 0.681 0.638 0.594 0.731 m7 0.575 0.735 0.393 0.779 0.352 0.767 0.386 0.677 0.478 0.756 0.515 0.664 0.45 0.73 m8 0.745 0.766 0.578 0.725 0.559 0.686 0.529 0.625 0.63 0.691 0.584 0.644 0.604 0.689 m9 0.73 0.818 0.578 0.825 0.629 0.809 0.621 0.699 0.628 0.723 0.681 0.666 0.644 0.757 m10 0.734 0.732 0.596 0.789 0.578 0.761 0.555 0.767 0.646 0.801 0.718 0.697 0.638 0.757 m11 0.746 0.761 0.573 0.839 0.607 0.845 0.659 0.743 0.652 0.829 0.666 0.644 0.65 0.777 m12 0.531 0.748 0.374 0.796 0.35 0.825 0.365 0.724 0.425 0.79 0.453 0.65 0.417 0.755 m13 0.612 0.738 0.482 0.759 0.431 0.717 0.423 0.656 0.567 0.613 0.55 0.593 0.511 0.679 m14 0.647 0.732 0.525 0.727 0.516 0.668 0.494 0.626 0.605 0.635 0.607 0.654 0.566 0.674 m15 0.729 0.878 0.562 0.846 0.537 0.858 0.6 0.758 0.665 0.81 0.638 0.718 0.622 0.811 m16 0.731 0.789 0.574 0.797 0.589 0.826 0.632 0.724 0.631 0.758 0.669 0.679 0.637 0.762 m17 0.528 0.816 0.45 0.813 0.422 0.801 0.412 0.758 0.408 0.776 0.43 0.693 0.441 0.776 m18 0.567 0.558 0.427 0.603 0.381 0.639 0.406 0.558 0.536 0.535 0.523 0.496 0.473 0.565 m19 0.712 0.795 0.661 0.761 0.62 0.817 0.53 0.714 0.668 0.785 0.647 0.703 0.639 0.763 m20 0.61 0.789 0.632 0.837 0.613 0.819 0.561 0.788 0.698 0.71 0.665 0.691 0.63 0.772 m21 0.641 0.824 0.527 0.796 0.53 0.795 0.484 0.727 0.609 0.761 0.617 0.589 0.563 0.749 m22 0.483 0.76 0.439 0.801 0.542 0.774 0.504 0.688 0.617 0.801 0.576 0.67 0.527 0.749 12 8 10 8 6 4 mm 6 4 2 2 0 0 ss (a) (b) Figure 3: Displacement-time curves from traditional TMG (dashed lines) and corresponding markers (solid lines) that produced the highest level of agreement with traditional TMG for muscle a) VM and b) RF. On the x-axis, there is time in s, while the y-axis represents displacement in mm. thefact that the TMG measurement unit provides more pre­cise measurements because of its 1000 Hz temporal reso­lution when comparing it with 60 Hz of the motion capture system. On the other hand, markers m19 and m11 reg­istered signifcant movements, even though they were not placed in the anatomical regions, where contraction of RF and VM was expected. Such an outcome might have dif­ferent explanations: – strong electrical stimulation can cause the propagation of the electrical stimuli in deeper tissues, causing mus­cle contraction of adjacent muscles, – the passive mass, represented by inactivated muscles and adipose tissue near the stimulated region, can vi­brate, causing errors in measurements. 5 Conclusion A new method for estimating TMG parameters from 3D motion capture, proposed in this paper, allows for mea­surement of TMG parameters at multiple points simulta­neously, while measurements can be obtained during the patient’s movement. With the error rates of 5 mm when estimating maximal muscle displacement and up to 20 ms when estimating delay time and contraction time, the pro­vided results proved to be medically relevant. Nevertheless, selection and proper placement of markers are required. One of the future tasks is a synchronization of the TMG and motion capture signals that would allow us to obtain theexact starting timeof muscle contraction and, thus, fur­ther improved contraction and delay time assessment. In addition, improved point stabilization with compensating for rotations alongthe X-axis will be considered. Finally, as the described study provides validation of the proposed method from the engineering point of view, the extended medical one is required to prove its real value. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency under Grants J2-8176 and P2-0041, and the project "Wearable Integrated Smart Brace for Reha­bilitation Monitoring and Diagnostic of Disorders in Muscular Functions -WIBRANT" that is co-fnanced by the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. More info: www.eu-skladi.si/?set_language=en. References [1] Rufno R. 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Vastus medialis Rectus femoris Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) m5 39(± 15.95) 27.2( ± 11.43) 6.5(± 3.58) 47.2(± 7.14) 36.7(± 8.21) 3.4(± 1.16) m9 41.8(± 17.95) 19.4( ± 3.23) 9(± 5.08) 55.1(± 7.56) 28.3(± 9.84) 3(± 1.43) m11 43.5(± 19.18) 21.6( ± 5.48) 5.3(± 3.31) 59.2(± 15.13) 27.6(± 11.02) 2.9(± 1.8) m15 44.8(± 20.08) 21.9( ± 4.64) 7.4(± 4.74) 49.4(± 6.01) 33.8(± 6.75) 4.9(± 1.8) m16 45.3(± 17.85) 22( ± 4.47) 5.2(± 3.28) 50.5(± 10.46) 26.1(± 10.68) 3.5(± 1.11) m19 45.7(± 18.22) 25.4( ± 9.35) 5(± 3.62) 50.4(± 6.9) 34.8(± 11.04) 2.8(± 1.35) m20 41.9(± 17.6) 29.1( ± 10.43) 4.8(± 3.42) 51(± 4.5) 29.8(± 7.58) 3.3(± 1.33) TMG 36.5(± 14.11) 24.2( ± 2.93) 4.9(± 1.31) 51.5(± 20.1) 25.6(± 3.37) 4.3(± 1.4) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) m5 2.5 (6.9 %) 3.0 (12.4%) 1.6 (33.7%) 4.3(8.4%) 11.1(43.2%) 0.9 (20.4%) m9 5.4 (14.7%) 4.8(19.8%) 4.1(83.7%) 3.6(6.9%) 2.7(10.4%) 1.3 (30.9%) m11 7.1 (19.4%) 2.6(10.8%) 0.4(8.7%) 7.7(14.9%) 2.0(8.0%) 1.5 (33.8%) m15 8.3 (22.9%) 2.3(9.3%) 2.5(51.1%) 2.1(4.1%) 8.2(32.2%) 0.5 (12.5%) m16 8.8 (24.2%) 2.2(9.0%) 0.3(6.8%) 1.0 (1.9%) 0.5 (1.8%) 0.8 (18.8%) m19 9.2 (25.3%) 1.2(5.0%) 0.2(3.2%) 1.1(2.2%) 9.2(36.0%) 1.5 (33.8%) m20 5.4 (14.9%) 4.9(20.4%) 0.1(1.9%) 0.5(0.9%) 4.2(16.4%) 1.0 (22.9%) Table 3: The table shows average values and associated standard deviation for parameters extracted from markers at a stimulation intensity of 40 mA. Associated errors were placed below the results. The lowest errors are highlighted. Vastus medialis Rectus femoris Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) m5 30.9(± 11.9) 29.1( ± 16.9) 6.9(± 3.7) 47(± 10.8) 35.4(± 13.7) 4(± 1) m9 33.1(± 14.5) 24( ± 14.1) 6.9(± 5.6) 50.9(± 7.8) 33.7(± 10.6) 3.8(± 1.7) m11 35.3(± 16) 24.8( ± 12.7) 5.5(± 2.6) 55.3(± 14.5) 30.3(± 9.9) 3.8(± 2.1) m15 33.6(± 15.1) 26.2( ± 13.7) 7.8(± 4.7) 50.2(± 7.3) 33.9(± 7.2) 6.2(± 1.7) m16 36.2(± 14) 25.9( ± 13.8) 5.3(± 3) 54.3(± 10) 29.1(± 10.1) 4.3(± 2) m19 35.3(± 13.4) 28.7( ± 15.5) 5.4(± 4.1) 49.3(± 6.1) 34.9(± 10.8) 3.2(± 0.8) m20 35.6(± 12.5) 28( ± 13.8) 5.1(± 3.8) 49.9(± 6.8) 32(± 11) 4.3(± 1.4) TMG 31.3(± 10.9) 23.1( ± 2.5) 5.7(± 1.8) 45.1(± 18.3) 24.8(± 3.1) 4.9(± 1.6) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) m5 0.3(1.1%) 6(25.8%) 1.2(20.3%) 1.9(4.2%) 10.7(43%) 0.9 (18.2%) m9 1.8 (5.7%) 0.9 (3.8%) 1.2 (21.0%) 5.8(12.9%) 8.9(36%) 1(21.4%) m11 4.1(13%) 1.6(7.1%) 0.2(3.5%) 10.2(22.7%) 5.5(22.3%) 1.1 (21.7%) m15 2.3 (7.4%) 3.1(13.2%) 2.1(36.3%) 5.1(11.3%) 9.1(36.9%) 1.3 (26.9%) m16 4.9 (15.8%) 2.8(12.1%) 0.4(6.2%) 9.2 (20.5%) 4.3 (17.6%) 0.6 (11.8%) m19 4(12.8%) 5.6(24.1%) 0.4(6.2%) 4.2(9.4%) 10.1(40.8%) 1.6 (33.9%) m20 4.3 (13.7%) 4.8(20.9%) 0.6(10.8%) 4.9(10.8%) 7.2(29.3%) 0.6 (11.9%) Table 4: The table shows average values and associated standard deviation for parameters extracted from markers at a stimulation intensity of 50 mA. Associated errors were placed below the results. The lowest errors are highlighted. Vastus medialis Rectus femoris Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) m5 28.93(± 11.01) 23.89( ± 8.60) 7.35(± 3.76) 48.14(± 4.01) 38.70(± 13.90) 12.86(± 1.29) m9 31.41(± 12.99) 19.56( ± 4.33) 10.07(± 5.65) 49.42(± 4.20) 39.29(± 16.25) 6.19(± 2.01) m11 33.45(± 15.45) 19.91( ± 3.23) 6.62(± 2.65) 46.98(± 4.67) 39.21(± 17.36) 9.83(± 1.75) m15 30.44(± 14.53) 20.99( ± 5.26) 9.08(± 4.76) 50.57(± 6.98) 36.57(± 9.64) 8.00(± 1.73) m16 33.12(± 14.47) 21.45( ± 6.30) 6.50(± 2.92) 48.79(± 4.89) 39.78(± 13.43) 4.56(± 1.72) m19 31.90(± 13.95) 23.77( ± 8.49) 6.14(± 4.32) 49.07(± 3.34) 37.13(± 11.97) 4.31(± 0.78) m20 31.93(± 14.84) 23.11( ± 7.21) 6.09(± 3.83) 53.01(± 4.79) 29.9(± 11.49) 9.15(± 1.21) TMG 28.86(± 9.14) 23.08( ± 2.24) 6.31(± 1.88) 42.04(± 5.22) 24.44(± 2.98) 18.97(± 1.66) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) m5 0.1 (0.2 %) 0.8 (3.5 %) 1.0 (16.5%) 6.1 (14.5%) 14.3 (58.3%) 1.2 (23.1%) m9 2.5 (8.8 %) 3.5 (15.3 %) 3.8 (59.5%) 7.4 (17.6%) 14.8 (60.5%) 1.0 (19.5%) m11 4.6 (15.9 %) 3.2 (13.7 %) 0.3 (4.8%) 4.9 (11.8%) 14.8 (60.5%) 0.6 (10.6%) m15 1.6 (5.5 %) 2.1 (9.0 %) 2.8 (43.9%) 8.5 (20.3%) 12.1 (49.6%) 1.8 (33.6%) m16 4.3 (14.7 %) 1.6 (7.0 %) 0.2 (3.0%) 6.7 (16.0%) 15.3 (62.7%) 0.3 (6.4%) m19 3.0 (10.5 %) 0.7 (3.0 %) 0.2 (3.0%) 7.0 (16.7%) 12.7 (51.9%) 1.9 (36.0%) m20 3.1 (10.6 %) 0.0 (0.0 %) 0.2 (3.0%) 11.0 (26.1%) 5.5 (22.5%) 0.4 (8.3%) Table 5: The table shows average values and associated standard deviation for parameters extracted from markers at a stimulation intensity of 60 mA. Associated errors were placed below the results. The lowest errors are highlighted. Vastus medialis Rectus femoris Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) m5 29.5(± 9) 25.4( ± 10.5) 7.6(± 3.8) 47.3(± 13.2) 35.2(± 10.9) 4(± 1.7) m9 30.2(± 12.2) 21.6( ± 8.9) 10.8(± 5.6) 45.7(± 4.3) 39(± 19.2) 4.5(± 2.4) m11 32.8(± 12.3) 20.7( ± 5.3) 7.6(± 2.9) 40.9(± 10.4) 43(± 24.3) 5(± 2.4) m15 31.1(± 14.1) 22( ± 7.1) 10.3(± 4.8) 51.1(± 11.7) 32(± 6.4) 7.3(± 3) m16 33.6(± 15.6) 22.8( ± 8.6) 7.5(± 3) 45.1(± 3) 38.8(± 17.5) 5.1(± 2.4) m19 32.8(± 13.4) 25( ± 10) 6.8(± 4.3) 46.7(± 4.9) 38.1(± 18) 3.4(± 1.3) m20 32.8(± 13.2) 25( ± 9.5) 7(± 3.8) 51(± 9) 31.9(± 10.6) 4.7(± 1.7) TMG 28.2(± 9.2) 23( ± 2.1) 6.9(± 1.7) 41.5(± 19.4) 24.5(± 2.8) 5.7(± 1.9) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) m5 1.3 (4.7%) 2.4 (10.4 %) 0.6 (9.1%) 5.8(13.9%) 10.8(44.1%) 1.7 (29.3%) m9 2.1 (7.4%) 1.4(6.2%) 3.9(55.8%) 4.1(10%) 14.6(59.5%) 1.2 (21.4%) m11 4.6(16.5%) 2.3(9.8%) 0.7(10%) 0.6(1.4%) 18.5(75.7%) 0.7 (11.8%) m15 3(10.5%) 1(4.5%) 3.3(48.2%) 9.6(23%) 7.5(30.7%) 1.6 (27.7%) m16 5.4 (19.2%) 0.2(0.9%) 0.6(8.2%) 3.6(8.6%) 14.4(58.8%) 0.6 (10.8%) m19 4.7 (16.6%) 2(8.8%) 0.1(1.7%) 5.2(12.4%) 13.6(55.8%) 2.3 (41%) m20 4.7 (16.6%) 1.9(8.4%) 0(0.0%) 9.5 (22.8%) 7.5 (30.6%) 1(17.3%) Table 6: The table shows average values and associated standard deviation for parameters extracted from markers at a stimulation intensity of 70 mA. Associated errors were placed below the results. The lowest errors are highlighted. Vastus medialis Rectus femoris Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) m5 31.3(± 11.7) 26.5( ± 24.9) 8(± 3.7) 50.3(± 19.2) 23.2(± 7.1) 4.5(± 1.4) m9 37.6(± 23.8) 21.4( ± 6.6) 12(± 5.2) 51.3(± 10.1) 25.9(± 6.5) 5.3(± 1.8) m11 38.1(± 23.7) 22( ± 7.5) 8.4(± 2.7) 45.2(± 5.6) 33.8(± 12.8) 5.6(± 1.9) m15 33.3(± 16.8) 26.1( ± 17.3) 11.4(± 4.4) 46.1(± 5.4) 31.8(± 9.1) 8.4(± 2) m16 39.8(± 24) 22.6( ± 8.5) 8.3(± 2.8) 45.5(± 3.1) 32.8(± 13.1) 5.9(± 1.7) m19 34.8(± 14.1) 30( ± 23.2) 7.6(± 4.2) 53(± 8.3) 23.3(± 3.3) 3.9(± 0.9) m20 34.5(± 12) 30.4( ± 25.3) 7.6(± 3.6) 46.8(± 3.4) 27.2(± 8.5) 5.9(± 1) TMG 32(± 19.5) 23.3( ± 2.7) 7.4(± 2) 48.2(± 24.4) 24.7(± 3.1) 6.4(± 2.3) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) m5 0.7 (2.2%) 3.2 (13.7 %) 0.6 (7.7%) 2.1(4.4%) 1.5(6.1%) 1.9 (30.2%) m9 5.6 (17.5%) 2(8.5%) 4.6(61.7%) 3.1(6.4%) 1.2(4.7%) 1.1 (16.5%) m11 6.1 (19.1%) 1.3(5.8%) 1(13.6%) 3(6.1%) 9(36.5%) 0.8 (12.7%) m15 1.3 (3.9%) 2.8(11.9%) 4(53.3%) 2.1(4.3%) 7(28.4%) 2(30.9%) m16 7.8 (24.4%) 0.8(3.2%) 0.9(11.5%) 2.8(5.7%) 8.1(32.6%) 0.5 (7.4%) m19 2.8 (8.6%) 6.7(28.6%) 0.1(1.7%) 4.8(9.9%) 1.4(5.8%) 2.5 (39.2%) m20 2.5 (7.7%) 7.1(30.4%) 0.2(2.6%) 1.4 (3%) 2.5 (10%) 0.5 (7.5%) Table 7: The table shows average values and associated standard deviation for parameters extracted from markers at a stimulation intensity of 80 mA. Associated errors were placed below the results. The lowest errors are highlighted. Vastus medialis Rectus femoris Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) Tc (ms) Td (ms) Dm (mm) m5 26.8(± 7.6) 21.1( ± 13.3) 8.5(± 3.4) 39.4(± 12.7) 20.9(± 10.0) 4.1(± 1.3) m9 29.7(± 15.3) 15.2( ± 1.7) 13.1(± 4.6) 36.8(± 9.4) 25.2(± 12.7) 5.7(± 1.4) m11 32.8(± 17.2) 15.8( ± 2.3) 9.3(± 2.3) 35.2(± 9.1) 24.4(± 13.2) 4.8(± 1.8) m15 29.0(± 14.0) 17.6( ± 6.2) 12.5(± 3.8) 31.3(± 9.4) 31.4(± 11.8) 7.1(± 2.4) m16 32.2(± 18.4) 16.2( ± 2.9) 9.2(± 2.5) 31.5(± 4.5) 31.5(± 13.5) 4.9(± 1.3) m19 30.3(± 10.7) 20.1( ± 10.9) 8.1(± 4.0) 35.2(± 7.7) 25.1(± 14.6) 3.4(± 1.3) m20 28.5(± 10.9) 20.5( ± 11.7) 8.3(± 3.3) 33.9(± 5.8) 26.1(± 13.5) 5.2(± 1.1) TMG 31.4(± 19.5) 23.8( ± 3.6) 7.6(± 2.3) 47.6(± 24.3) 24.8(± 3.3) 6.7(± 2.7) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) Error(Tc) Error(Td) Error(Dm) m5 4.6 (14.6%) 2.7(11.3%) 0.9(11.7%) 8.2(17.1%) 3.9(15.6%) 2.6 (39.1%) m9 1.7(5.4%) 8.6(36%) 5.4(71%) 10.7 (22.6%) 0.4 (1.6%) 1(15.0%) m11 1.4(4.5%) 8(33.8%) 1.7(22%) 12.4(26.1%) 0.4(1.6%) 1.9 (28.8%) m15 2.4 (7.7%) 6.2(26.1%) 4.9(64.1%) 16.2(34.1%) 6.6(26.8%) 0.5 (7.1%) m16 0.8 (2.4%) 7.6(32.1%) 1.6(20.9%) 16(33.7%) 6.7(27.1%) 1.8 (26.7%) m19 1.1 (3.5%) 3.7 (15.5 %) 0.5 (6.4%) 2.4(26%) 0.3(1.4%) 3.3 (48.8%) m20 2.9 (9.2%) 3.3(14%) 0.6(8.2%) 13.6(28.6%) 1.3(5.2%) 1.4 (21.4%) Impactof Data Balancing DuringTrainingfor BestPredictions Suleiman Ali Alsaif and Adel Hidri Computer Department, Deanshipof PreparatoryYear and Supporting Studies Imam Abdulrahman BinFaisal University,P.O. Box 1982, Dammam 31441, Saudi Arabia E-mail: saalsaif@iau.edu.sa, abhidri@iau.edu.sa Keywords:machine learning, undersampling, oversampling, data balancing, ensemble learning Received: March 26, 2021 To protect the middle class from over-indebtedness, banking institutions need to implement a fexible analytic-basedevaluation method to improvethe banking processby detecting customers who are likely to havediffcultyin managing their debt.Inthispaper,wetestandevaluatealargevarietyofdata balancing methods on selected machine learning algorithms (MLAs) to overcome the effects of imbalanced data and show their impact on the training step to predict credit risk. Our objective is to deal with data unbalance to achieve the best predictions.Weinvestigated the performanceof these methodsby different learners when classifcation models are trained using MLAs. Povzetek: Predstavljena je metoda strojnega u.cenja z neuravnoteženimi podatki za oceno tveganja prezadolžitve srednjega razreda. 1 Introduction To become compliant with changing and stricter regulatory demands in the world, banks are focused on undertaking preventive measures for effective credit risk management. One of its drivers is to strengthen existing learning mod­els [1, 2] to increase their predictive power and help detect future defaults in advance. Due to the inherent complex characteristics of imbal­anced data sets, learning from such data requires new un­derstandings, principles, algorithms, and tools to transform a vast amount of raw data effciently into information and knowledge representation. The imbalanced learning prob­lem is concerned with the performance of learning algo­rithms in the presence of under-represented data and severe class distribution skews [3, 4]. Most standard algorithms assume or expect balanced class distributions. Therefore, when presented with com­plex imbalanced datasets, these algorithmsfail to properly represent the distributive characteristics of the data and re­sultantly provide unfavorable accuracies across the classes of the data. The imbalanced learning problem represents a recurring problem of high importance [5, 6, 7]. In this paper, we will present the impact of data balanc­ing strategies at the training step. We test and evaluate a large variety of data balancing methods on selected MLAs to overcome the effects of imbalanced data and show their impact at the training step to predict credit risk. Our objec­tive is to deal with data unbalance to achieve the best pre­dictions. We investigated the performance of these meth­ods by different learners when classifcation models are trained using MLAs. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: in section 2, we will highlight related work related to sam­pling methods for imbalanced learning. Section3provides an overview of the evaluation metrics in machine learning. In section 4, we will describe the enhanced training ap­proach using data balancing strategies. In section 5, a per­formance analysis is brought forward to set the advantages of the proposedevaluation method. Section6discusses the work. Finally,we will concludein section7 ourworkand bring out some insights and potential future works. 2 Related work Typically, the use of sampling methods in imbalanced learning applications consists of the modifcation of an im­balanced data set by some mechanism to provide a bal­anced distribution. Studieshaveshownthatforseveralbase classifers, a balanced data set provides improved over­all classifcation performance compared to an imbalanced dataset. These results justify the use of sampling methods for imbalanced learning [8]. Random undersampling (RUS) removes data from the original dataset. In particular, we randomly select a set of majority class examples and remove these samples from the dataset. Consequently, undersampling readily gives us a simple method for adjusting the balance of the original dataset [6, 8]. Figure3shows random undersampling and oversampling. The mechanicsofRUS follownaturallyfromits descrip­tion by adding a set sampled from the minority class: for a set of randomly selected minority examples, augment the original setbyreplicating the selectedexamples and adding them to the dataset. In this way, the number of total exam­ples in the minority class is increased and the class distribu­tion balanceis adjusted accordingly. Thisprovidesamech­ Figure 1: Random undersampling and oversampling. anism for varying the degree of class distribution balance to anydesired level. The objective of the Easy Ensemble method [9, 10, 11, 26] is to overcome the defciency of information loss in­troduced in the traditional RUS method. Easy Ensemble can be considered as an unsupervised learning algorithm that explores the majority class data by using independent random sampling with replacement [8]. The Balance Cascade algorithm takesasupervised learn­ing approach that develops an ensemble of classifers to systematically select which majority class examples to un­dersample. In Balance Cascade, the sequential dependency between classifers is mainly exploited for reducing the re­dundant information in the majority class. This sampling strategy leads toa restricted sample space for the following undersampling process to explore as much useful informa­tion as possible [5]. Anotherexampleof informed undersampling usestheK-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifer [12] to achieve under-sampling. Based on the characteristics of the given data distribution, four KNN undersampling methods were pro­posed, namely, NearMiss-1 and NearMiss-3 methods [5]. The NearMiss-1 method selects those majority examples whose average distance to the three closest minority class examples is the smallest [8]. The NearMiss-3 selects a given numberofthe closest majorityexamplesforeachmi­nority example to guarantee that every minority example is surroundedby some majorityexamples [8]. SMOTE (Synthetic Minority OversamplingTechnique) is an oversampling method. It works by creating synthetic samples from the minor class instead of creating copies. The algorithm selects two or more similar instances (using a distance measure) and perturbs aninstance one attribute at a time by a random number within the difference to the neighboring instances [5]. Borderline-SMOTE1 and Borderline-SMOTE2 only oversample or strengthen the borderline minorityexamples [5]. The detailed procedure of Borderline-SMOTE1 is as follows:forevery instancepinthe minorityclass,wecal­culate its m nearest neighbors from the whole training set. If all nearest neighbors of p are majority examples, p is considered noise and is not operated in the following steps. 0 If the number of pmajority nearest neighbors is larger than the number of minority ones, p is considered easily misclassifed and put intoa setDANGER. Theexamples inDANGER are the borderline data of the minority class. Then, new synthetic data are generated along the line be- S.A. Alsaif et al. tweenthe minority borderlineexamples(datain DANGER) and their nearest neighbors of the same class, thus strength­ening borderline examples [5]. Data cleaning techniques, such as Tomek links, have been effectively applied to remove the overlapping that is introducedby sampling methods [5]. One can useTomek links to cleanup unwanted overlapping between classes af­ter synthetic sampling, where allTomek links are removed until all minimally distanced nearest-neighbor pairs are of the same class. By removing overlapping examples, one can establish well-defned class clusters in the training set, which can, in turn, lead to well-defned classifcation rules for improved classifcation performance. The Edited Near­est Neighbor (ENN) rule removesexamples that differ from two of its three nearest neighbors. 3 Evaluation metrics in machine learning In machine learning, there are a variety of metrics to eval­uate the performance of classifers. In this subsection, we will mention the most common evaluation metrics used in our work [13, 14, 15]. Aconfusion matrixisa specifc table thatis usually used to represent the performance of a classifcation model on test data for which the true values are known [16, 17]. As showninTable1,it consistsoftwo columnsandtworows that contain the numberofTrue Positives (TP),False Posi­tives(FP),TrueNegatives (TN),andFalseNegatives (FN). Table1isanexampleof confusion matrixwithtwo-class classifer. The elements in the diagonal represent the number of in­stances for which the predicted class is equal to the true class, while off-diagonal elements are those that are mis­classifed by the classifer. The higher the diagonal values of the confusion matrix, the better, indicating correct pre­dictions. In the case of over-indebtedness detection, over-indebted customers are the positive samples while no over-indebted customers are the negative samples. Considering the confusion matrix in the table 1, we de­fne the most basic terms as follows: – TN:Ifthe actual classisnoover-indebtedandthepre­dicted value is also no over-indebted, so we have a TN. In practice, we want this value to be as high as possible. – FP: If the actual class is not over-indebted and the predicted value is over-indebted, we have then a FP. In practice, we want this value to be as low as possi­ble because it impacts customers, their banking expe­riences, and their lives. – FN: If the actual class is over-indebted and the pre­dicted value is not over-indebted, then we have a FN. Like the FP, we want this value to be as low as possi­ble because the bank loses moneywhen the customer who is deeply in debt, is considered as normal. Table 1: Confusion matrix. Predicted class No over-indebted Over-indebted No over-indebted T N F P Over-indebted F N T P Actual class – TP: If the actual class is over-indebted and the pre­dicted value is also over-indebted, we have a TP. Like the TN, we want to predict all customers that will be in over-indebtedness to allow the bank to establish a support program for its consumers. The sensitivity, also called theTrue Positive Rate (TPR), measures the proportion of positives that are correctly iden­tifed. The sensitivity is defned by the formula in Eq. (1) [18]. Sensitivity = TP/(TP + FN) (1) The specifcity, also called the True Negatives Rate (TNR), measures the proportion of negatives that are cor­rectly identifed. The specifcity is defned by the formula in Eq. (2) [18]. Specificity = T N/(TN + FP ) (2) The Gini coeffcient is defned as twice the area between theROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve and the chance diagonal. It takesvalues between0(no difference between the score distributions of the two classes) and1 (complete separation between the two distributions). The ROC curve (see fgure 1) is a graphical plot which illus­trates the performance of a binary classifer system as its discrimination threshold is varied. The curve is created by plotting the TPR on the y-axis againsttheFalse Positive Rate (FPR)onthe x-axisatvar­ious threshold settings. The TPR rate is also depicted as sensitivity in machine learning. The FPR rate can be cal­culated as follows: FPR =1 - Specificity (3) Aclassifcationofanewobjectis obtainedbycomparing the score s of the object with a classifcation threshold t. If s>t the objectis classifed as coming from class1andif s>t as coming from class 0. TheAUC (Area Under the Curve) is the area under the ROC curve. The performance of a classifer model is cal-culatedby calculating theAUC [19, 20]. Related to the fgure 1, we have: AUC = Area A + Area B (4) The Gini coeffcient is given by the following equation: Gini =2 * AUC - 1 (5) – At point (0, 0), the classifer considers all instances as negatives. There arenofalse positives,but alsonoTP. Figure2:ROC curve. – At point (1, 1), the classifer considers all instances as positives. There are nofalse positives,but also no TN. – At point (1, 0), the classifer has no TP and no TN. In this case, the performance of the classifer is worse than random. Its performance can be totally improved by selectively reversing the classifers answer. – At point (0, 1), the classifer has 100% sensitivity and 100% specifcity. This point is called a perfect classi­fcation. 4 Enhancing training using data balancing strategies The class imbalance problem corresponds to domains for which one class is represented by a large number of exam­ples while the other is represented by only a few. The used data consists of a collection of consumers to whom the bank gives credit. Analyzing the consumers in a binary sense, the natural classes that arise are negative or positive for a consumer who payed back or did not pay back their credit, respectively. Fromexperience, onewould expect the number of no over-indebted clients to exceed greatly the number of over-indebted clients. Indeed, this dataset contains 281,616 negative (majority class) samples and 678 positive (minority class) samples. We will have a classifer tend to provide a severely imbalanced degree of accuracy, with the majority class having close to 100% ac-curacyand the minority class having accuracies of 0-10% (see Figure 2). Data are extremely imbalanced. We apply several sam­pling methods on the train set using the imbalanced learn package. It is a Python package offering a number of resampling techniques commonly used in datasets show­ing strong between-class imbalance. It is compatible with Scikit-learn and is part of the scikit-learn-contrib project [21]. Figure 3: Evaluation process. Suppose a classifer achieves 10% accuracy on the mi­nority class of the bank data set. Analytically, this would suggest that 610 minoritysamples are misclassifed as ma­jority samples. The consequence of this is equivalent to a 610over-indebted clients classifedasnoover-indebted.In the bank, this consequence can be overwhelmingly costly. Therefore, it is evident that for this domain, we require a classifer that will provide high accuracy for the minor­ity class without severely jeopardizing the accuracyof the majority class. Furthermore, this also suggests that the conventional evaluation practice of using singular assessment criteria, such as the overall accuracy or error rate, does not provide adequate information in the case of imbalanced learning. The immense hindering effects that these problems have on standard learning algorithms are the focus of most of the existing solutions. When standard learning algorithms are applied to imbalanced data, the induction rules that de­scribe the minority concepts are often fewer and weaker than those of majority concepts, since the minority class is often both outnumbered and under-represented [8]. 5 Computational results and analysis Baseline algorithm performs theRUS for balancing data. The bank selects randomly a set from the negative (no over-indebted) class equals to the set of the positive (over-indebted) class and it removes all the other negative sam­ples from the data. When applying random RUS in the train set, we might be losing representative samples of the negative class. Our objective is to deal with data unbalance to achieve the best predictions for both classes andavoidfavoring one of the classes over the other. We aim to get as much in­formation as possible from the large number of majority available class examples. The experiments were conducted using a 10-fold strati­fed cross-validation [22]. The experiments have been con­ducted to fnd the best sampling techniques. We inves­tigated the performance of RUS, SMOTE, Balance Cas- S.A. Alsaif et al. cade, and Easy Ensemble by different learners when clas­sifcation models are trained using XGB (eXtreme Gradi­ent Boosting) [23], LR (Logistic Regression) [24], and ET (Extremely RandomizedTrees) [25].We usedAUC (Area Under the Curve), Gini coeffcient, and confusion matrix toevaluate the compared algorithms.We will compare the performance of the models before and after resampling to compare the increase of classifer performance due to re-sampling. 5.1 Undersampling methods The bar charts of the fgure4 show the variation of Gini coeffcient, sensitivity, and specifcity after applying the NearMiss-1 and NearMiss-3 sampling methods to train data. The Gini coeffcient achieves very high values for all algorithms except the XGB. The values for sensitivity area little improved,but for the specifcity thevalues are lower than the random under sampling for all algorithms. Undersampling tends to outperform the model in terms of sensitivity (see fgure 4(b)), but at a very high cost of specifcity (see fgure 4(c)). However, while the value of sensitivity increased, the value of specifcity decreased. Applying class-imbalance learning NearMiss-1 method on this data set is not necessarily benefcial. As shown in the fgure 4, the values of the three met­rics are greater than the baseline. But the prediction of the positiveexamplesis better than the negatives ones.Forex-ample, XGB algorithm gives 93.5% (see fgure 4 (b)) in sensitivity whereas 88.4%in specifcity (see fgure4(c)). 5.2 Oversampling coupled with Undersampling We apply SMOTE methods to the data and then the ran­dom undersampling. Figure 5 shows the impact of the SMOTE and random undersampling on the performance of the models. This technique tends to produce high speci­fcity without reducing the sensitivity when compared to other resampling techniques. As shown in Figure 5, the performance of this technique is similar to the combination of SMOTE+RUS. It tends to produce a good prediction for TN as well as the TP. The combination of SMOTEB1 with NearMiss-1 performs very poorly. The three metrics have lower values. This sampling technique is not helpful for our data and our models. As shown in the fgure 5, it can be seen that the sensi­tivity fell slightly. However, the Gini (see fgure 5(a)) and the specifcity (see fgure5 (c)) are improved. It is clear that SMOTETomek Links coupled with NearMiss-3 per­forms fairly. It tends to have a good value for the three metrics. Its results look like the results of the technique of SMOTEB2 coupled to NearMiss-3. SMOTE ENN coupled with random under sampling performs badly. It produces high specifcity, but with very poor sensitivity (see fgure 5(b)). (a) (b) (c) Figure 4: (a) Gini, (b) Sensitivity, and (c) Specifcity of undersampling methods. For example, we can see in the fgure 5(c) that the XGB algorithm has 92.20% in specifcity against 78.60% in sen­sitivity, which is a relatively bad value. It sacrifces high sensitivity for high specifcity. 5.3 Ensemble As shown in the fgure 6, it is clear that the Easy Balance gives better results with XGB and LR algorithms in con­trast to the other ones. While XGB and LR achieve very good values for both sensitivity (see fgure 6(b)) and speci­fcity (see fgure 6(c)). They performfairly for both; the other algorithms produce high specifcity and very poor sensitivity. From the fgure 6, we can observe that the Balance Cas­cade methodgives similar results to the Easy Ensemblebut with a little decrease in terms of sensitivity. 6 Discussion Wecomparethe resultsofourexperimentsandfndthatthe best resampling techniquetouseis often datasetand model dependent, certain resampling techniques tend to perform better when coupled withcertain classifers. It is obvious that there is not a best sampling technique for all models. The results show that the Easy Ensemble performs better than the others when XGB is used as a classifer. It attains a better balance between sensitivity and speci­fcity than almost all other methods. Instead of trading off one metricagainst another,it succeedstogive similargood results for all metrics. The graph in the fgure7 summa­rizes the effect of feature selection and data balancing with XGB algorithm on our data. In Figure 8, we clearly see that: – After feature selection: 4,564 clients were misclassi­fed before as over indebted are correctly identifed as normal and3clients were misclassifed as normal are correctly identifed as over-indebted. – After data balancing: we misclassifed only1clients from the positive class to classify more 856 no over-indebted clients correctly. 7 Conclusion Inthiswork,we testedandevaluatedalargevarietyofdata balancing methods on selected MLAs to overcome the ef­fects of imbalanced data and showtheir impact on the train­ing step to predict credit risk management. Our objective is to deal with data unbalance to achieve the best predictions. After balancing the data with the easy ensemble method, we reduced the overftting of the positive class and we reached a good balance between sensitivity and specifcity. These contributions have shown that there isn’t any ideal sampling method for balancing the data, and we have demonstrated through conductedexperiments thatitis pos­sible to improve the overall performance of learning algo­rithmsinthe feldofover-indebtedness predictionbyusing data balancing methods. The set of conducted experiments aims at validating the importance of pre-processing the data before applying any machine learning algorithm. Balancing the data with ad­vanced methods and changing the machine learning algo­rithmhelpedustobuildaneweffectiveand accuratepre­ (a) (b) (c) Figure 5: (a) Gini, (b) Sensitivity, and (c) Specifcity of oversampling coupled with undersampling. (a) (b) (c) Figure 6: (a) Gini, (b) Sensitivity, and (c) Specifcity of ensemble methods. (a) (b) (c) Figure 7: Improvement of sensitivity and specifcity. Figure 8: Confusion matrix. dictor. credit risk models need to consolidate new COVID­19 pandemic related data points to guarantee their output prevails valid and robust. Better and deeper insights can be accomplished by boring into a broader range of data sources as well as upgrading data platform technologies. This relates to our short-term work. References [1] A.A. Abaker and F.A. Saeed (2021) A compar­ative analysis of machine learning algorithms to build a predictive model for detecting diabetes com­plications, Informatica (Slovenia), vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 117–125, https://doi.org/10.31449/ inf.v45i1.3111. [2] J. Sun (2021) Prediction and estimation of book bor­rowing in the library: Machine learning, Informat­ica (Slovenia), vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 163–168, https: //doi.org/10.31449/inf.v45i1.3431. [3] L.J. Mena and J.A. Gonzalez (2009) Symbolic one-class learning from imbalanced datasets: Applica­tion in medical diagnosis, Int. J. Artif. Intell. 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Performance Analysis of Test Path Generation Techniques Based on Complex Activity Diagrams Walaiporn Sornkliang Management of Information Technology, School of Informatics Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand E-mail: vlaiporn@gmail.com Thimaporn Phetkaew School of Engineering and Technology, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand Informatics Innovation Center of Excellence, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand E-mail: pthimapo@wu.ac.th, thimaporn.p@gmail.com Keywords: coverage criteria, software testing, test path generation, concurrency test scenario, UML activity diagram Received: February 5, 2020 Effort reduction in software testing is important to reduce the total cost of the software development project. UML activity diagram is used by the tester for test path generation. It is hard to select the appropriate test path generation technique to diminish the effort of software testing. In the experiment, we compared the efficiency of 12 commonly-used test path generation techniques with both simple activity diagrams and the constructed complex activity diagrams. The experimental results summarized in four aspects. (1) The most appropriate test path generation technique for path testing generates the number of paths equivalent to the target number of all possible paths. (2) The suitable test path generation technique for the concurrency test scenario. (3) The techniques that can generate test paths covering basis path coverage in the case that testing all possible paths for the large or complex object-oriented method is laborious. (4) To compare the efficiency of test path generation algorithms, the percentage test path deviation to the target number of all possible paths is calculated for the constructed complex activity diagrams. We also recommended suitable test path generation methods for each manner of the UML activity diagram. Povzetek: Avtorji so analizirali uspešnost dvanajst metod za iskanje poti preverjanja programske opreme z enostavnimi in kompleksnimi diagrami aktivnosti. Introduction Software testing is part of the most important phases of the software development life cycle. Test planning or test design specifications usually occur at the beginning of the system development process. The program can be tested according to the software requirements specification (SRS), or detailed design documents, which reduces the time and cost of software development. Today, most software is developed using Object-Oriented technology and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). UML activity diagram describes the workflow of a sequence of software activities, or concurrent software activities, from the initial activity to the end. An activity diagram is flowchart-like that can be used to generate test paths. According to Linus’s law, given large enough beta-tester and co-developer bases, almost every problem will be characterized quickly and the fix will be obvious to someone [1]. Green software testing takes into consideration the number of people and the amount of equipment allocated to test based on predefined test cases related to energy consumption [2]. Software testing needs to generate test cases to determine the expected output for any program path. There are many methods to generate test paths from a UML activity diagram. Each method is different and yields distinct results because the paths of the program can be traversed in a variety of techniques; thus, selecting the appropriate test path generation method is challenging. If there are too many test paths. It is the cause that uses a lot of effort to design test cases and to execute the program path. Although general method in the object-oriented programming is not much complex, in case of we want to compare the efficiency of test path generation algorithms, we have to apply those with the complex models of UML activity diagram. There are many types of the control structure of the program such as selection control structure consisting of single-way selection, two-way selection, and nested selection; iteration control structure consisting of pre-test loop and post-test loop; and fork-join structure consisting of simple fork-join, fork-merge concurrent, part-join concurrent, and no-join concurrent. The complex UML activity diagrams are constructed to evaluate test path results of the algorithms by coverage criteria such as statement coverage, branch coverage, activity path coverage, basis path coverage, and path coverage. The test path generation techniques from UML activity diagram usually depend on graph or tree theory: the test path generation techniques based on tree structure, such as the Dependent Flow Tree [3], the Fault Success Tree Analysis [4], and the Activity Tree [5]; the test path generation techniques based on graph structure, such as the Intermediate Black Box Model [6], the Activity Graph [7], the Activity Flow Table [8], the Activity Convert Grammar [9], the Activity Flow Graph [10], the Test Case Generation Based on Activity Diagram [11], the Activity Dependency Graph [12], and the Intermediate Testable Model [13]. In addition, the test path generation from UML activity diagram can be used the heuristic algorithm e.g., ant colony [14]. Currently, the advantages of the test path generation are applied to several real-world problems, for example, (1) to generate test data using the neighborhood search strategy [15] and using the genetic algorithm [16], (2) to generate test paths for effective chatbot software testing using customized response [17], (3) to optimize test cases by generating test path and selecting test data using Cuckoo search and Bee colony algorithm [18], and (4) to generate optimized test data for saving both testing cost and time [19]. To reduce the effort of software testing, the test paths must be non-redundant, adequate and complete. The purpose of this study was to compare the current test path generation techniques using complex UML activity diagrams constructed by the researcher. The remainder section of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the software testing, test path generation, UML activity diagram, coverage criteria, and literature review. Section 3 explains the experimental setup for this study. The experimental results and discussion of this paper are included in Section 4. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 5. 2 Background This section provides a brief overview of software testing, test path generation, UML activity diagram, coverage criteria, and research articles related to this study. 2.1 Software testing Testing is concerned with bugs or errors, defects or faults, failures, and incidents [20]. Software testing is a crucial part of software quality assurance; it concerns the examination of specifications, designs, and codes [21]. Testing aims to find the detects early in system development. If the fault is found early, then the computational cost will be lower than if the fault is found in the implementation phase. The testing is carried out to assure the quality and reliability of the software. To find the defect as soon as possible, testing activities should start as early as the requirements are derived and should continue until the software is completed [22]. Good test cases have attributes such as a high probability to find bug; the test should not be redundant or too simple or complex [21]. W. Sornkliang et al. 2.2 Test path generation A test case is a path that covers specific system requirements and data [23]. A test case is made up of a set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for the set of objectives [24]. Test cases can be generated automatically from requirements and specifications, design, or the source code [25, 26]. A good test case is a part that has a high probability of finding an as-yet-undiscovered error [27]. To check if the application produces correct outputs, a series of test variables are used as inputs by a tester. Test case generation and also test path generation are an important issue in the software testing field. 2.3 UML activity diagram An activity diagram is importantly a flowchart that chronologically organizes a set of activities that show the workflow from a start point to the finish that takes place over time [28]. An activity diagram shows the flow from one activity to another. The diagram symbols consist of activities, initial activity, final activity, transition, decision, merge, fork, join, and swimlane, as shown in Table 1. Symbols Name Description Activity The process being modelled Initial activity The flow starts in the UML activity diagram Final activity The final step in the UML activity diagram Transition Control flow Decision Alternative activities Merge Brings together one or more incoming flows to accept the single outgoing flow Fork Split transition into multiple fork activities Join The combination of multiple fork activities Swimlane Classification of activities' duty Table 1: The symbols of the UML activity diagram. (a) Simple (b) Fork-merge (d) No-join fork-join. concurrent. concurrent. Figure 1: Types of the concurrent structure in UML activity diagram. For a concurrent structure in the UML activity diagram [6, 13], the most common form is classified into four forms as shown in Figure 1. First, the simple fork-join in Figure 1(a) is a pair of fork node and join node and all activity between a fork and join symbol. Second, the fork-merge concurrent in Figure 1(b) has a merge node that is placed instead of a join which allows multiple flows. The paths of the fork node can also be traversed in the same way as a selection structure. Third, the part-join concurrent in Figure 1(c) has two parts: the first part, it has a join node that is used to converge outgoing flows of a fork node; the second part, it is no converging node at the end of these flows. And last, the no-join concurrent in Figure 1(d) is no converging node at the end of these flows. 2.4 Coverage criteria The coverage criterion is the degree, expressed as a percentage or a specified coverage item that needs to be exercised by a test suite [29]. For concurrency test scenario, the distinction between paths and their respective coverage criteria will help to effective effort estimation and test management [30]. 2.4.1 Normal test scenario The coverage criteria items can be classified into five items. First, statement coverage requires that all statements must be executed at least once. This condition suggests that an error in a statement cannot be revealed without executing the faulty statement. Second, branch coverage requires every decision of the program to be covered by at least one test path. Thus, each decision leads to two test requirements, the decision is either true or false. If every method must be called at least once, each method leads to one test requirement. Third, activity path coverage is the test path that ensures all activities are tested at least once, and all possible paths are tested for all activities [5]. An activity path is flow of activities from the start activity into the final activity in the activity diagram. Fourth, path coverage is the test path that ensures all paths of the program work. To determine path coverage, all paths need to be covered from start to end. And last, basis path coverage is the test path that ensures the optimal test path is covered. The number of paths to ensure the basis path coverage criterion is satisfied can be determined from Cyclomatic complexity [26]. Cyclomatic complexity is the quantitative software metric of the complexity in a program. The cyclomatic complexity value determines the number of independent paths in a basic program set and the maximum amount of testing needed to ensure that all basis paths are covered at least once. Cyclomatic complexity has a foundation in graph theory and is computed in one of three ways. By definition, V(G) is the complexity of the control flow graph. It can be calculated according to each of the following, as in Equation (1), (2) [21, 26], and Equation (3) [31]. (1) where E is the number of edges between nodes and N is the number of nodes. Informatica 45 (2021) 231–242 233 (2) where P is the number of predicate nodes in control flow graph. (3) where R is the number of closed regions of control flow graph. For the concurrent regions in the UML activity diagram, all possible paths must be traversed from two directions that are left-to-right and right-to-left. For the UML activity diagram in Figure 2(a), there are two possible paths. In the first path in Figure 2(b), it traverses from the left thread to the right thread. In the second path in Figure 2(c), it traverses from the right thread to the left thread. Each thread is listed from the activity of top-level to activity of low-level [32]. (a) Concurrent region. (b) First path. (c) Second path. Figure 2: The all possible paths in the concurrent regions. 2.4.2 Concurrency test scenario Execution of activities in the concurrent region leads to concurrency errors if the implementation does not include required restrictions on some of the interleaving paths by setting appropriate synchronization primitives [30]. For the Interleaving Activity Path Coverage (IAPC) criterion [30], let IP be the set of interleaving activity paths inside a fork-join structure, and TS be the set of test scenarios generated from the activity diagram. The test set TS satisfies interleaving activity path coverage, if and only if, . p . IP, . t . TS such that when the program is executed using test scenario ‘t’, the interleaving activity path ‘p’ of the activity diagram is executed, fully or partially. The interleaving paths are calculated using Equation (4): .. .. (. ....)!/. (....!), (4) ..=1 ..=1 Where m is the number of threads, ni is the number of activities in thread i. 2.5 Literature review In software testing, test paths must be generated to test the software for the expected results. The techniques for test path generation from UML activity diagrams usually depend on tree or graph theory, which are listed in the subsection below. 2.5.1 The test path generation techniques based on tree structures A tree is a simple hierarchical graph that links together one edge between two nodes. It starts from the root node and ends at the leaf node. Many tree-based test path generation methods have been developed recently. We describe three methods that are relevant to this research study. The Dependent Flow Tree [3] is a method that generates test paths from the activity diagram by a constructing dependent flow tree with stores all the information extracted from the XML file of the diagram through the help of a parser. The dependency flow tree consists of nodes and edges. After that, the test paths were generated by using a Depth First Search algorithm that visiting all the nodes and edges exactly once. In this study, the generated test paths include branch coverage and path coverage. The Fault Success Tree Analysis [4] is a method that generates test paths from an activity diagram by considering the decision of the activity diagram to build a tree. The classification of each tree is built by considering all possible decisions and the paths they took before approaching the next decision. Each decision can pass conditions on the way to the next decision. If conditions were found along the way, the decision conditions are identified in the classification tree and ordered accordingly before reaching the next decision. Then, the test paths are generated from the root node to the leaf node. Next, the fault tree diagram can be generated from the invalid paths of classification tree and the success tree diagram can be generated from the valid path of the classification tree. In this study, the generated test paths include branch coverage. The Activity Tree [5] is a method that builds test paths from activity diagrams. This suggests the test paths generated from the activity diagrams are transformed into an ordered test flow tree, from the initial activity to the final activity. If activity loops are found in the activity tree, then the activity before the next loop was used as the last activity at the end of the loop. After that, the possible test paths were identified by using a Depth First Search algorithm. If the test paths had loops, this algorithm could search for test paths from the initial node to the last node of the test flow tree only once. In this study, the generated test paths include activity path coverage. 2.5.2 The test path generation techniques based on graph structures Graph (G) is made up of a set of ordered pairs, G = (V, E), where V is set of nodes, and E is the set of edges, which are the links between nodes. We describe a relevant set of eight methods that use graphs to generate test paths. The Intermediate Black Box Model [6] is a method that generates test paths from unstructured activity diagrams. The unstructured module is including the loop structure and fork-join structure. The method begins by constructing an activity graph from an activity diagram. Then, the activity graph is classified into a set of groups, including the loop and fork-join structure. The nodes in each group are then combined into a single node. The test paths then searched the graph using the Depth First Search algorithm. If a node has an iteration structure, then the path goes through the loop least once. If all nodes in a fork-join structure, then the path goes through all possible activity. W. Sornkliang et al. In this study, the generated test paths include path coverage. The Activity Graph [7] is a method that generates test paths from the activity diagrams. The activity diagram is transformed into an activity graph. The activity graph is a direct graph and is replaced by each node of the activity diagram. The activity graph is ordered using the control flow from the chronological list of activities, including the branch, decision, iteration, and fork-join activities. The test paths then searched the graph using the Depth First Search algorithm that visiting all the nodes and edges exactly once. In this study, the generated test paths include activity path coverage. The Activity Flow Table [8] is a method that generates test paths from the activity diagram. The activity diagram is used to construct the activity flow table that describes the symbols by numbers given to each activity. Then an activity flow graph is constructed and used the symbols ordered on an activity flow table. The activity flow graph searches all possible paths by using a Depth First Search algorithm that compares each path to a set of criteria using basis path coverage. If a node has an iteration structure, then the path goes through the loop only once. In this study, the generated test paths include basis path coverage and activity path coverage. The Activity Convert Grammar [9] is a method that generates test paths from activity diagrams and activity convert grammar by constructing an activity dependency table and a decision dependency table from the sets of testing data. Then, the activity dependency table and the decision dependency table construct test paths using the grammar method. The grammar is divided into activities on the Left-Hand Side (LHS) that is used as the dependent activity and activities on the Right-Hand Side (RHS) that tests the branch and fork activity. To generate test paths, the activities are tested chronologically. In the case of a fork activity, the activities are prioritized from left to right and right to left. In this study, the generated test paths include path coverage. The Activity Flow Graph [10] is a method that generates test paths from activity diagrams. The activity diagrams are used to construct the control flow activity table and values using the conditions of each activity. Then an activity flow graph is constructed and ordered using the control flow from the chronological list of activities including the branch, decision, iteration, and fork activities. The test paths then searched the graph using the Depth First Search. If a node has an iteration structure, then the path goes through the loop only once. Each test path generates a test path. In this study, the generated test paths include activity path coverage. The Test Case Generation Based on Activity Diagram [11] is a method that generates test paths from activity diagrams according to the following steps. First, the activity dependency table is constructed and used to create an activity dependency graph covering all activities. The activity dependency graph searches all possible paths by using a Depth First Search that compares each path to a set of criteria using basis path coverage. If activity in a loop structure is encountered, the loop is only traversed once. In this study, the generated test paths include basis path coverage and path coverage. The Activity Dependency Graph [12] improves the test path generation technique from activity diagrams by constructing an activity dependency table and an activity dependency graph, respectively. Then, the dependency graph is improved by removing the activities which have the same names, decision symbols, fork symbols, join symbols and merge symbols. The improved activity dependency graph is used to construct test paths, which generate the test paths. In this study, the generated test paths include basis path coverage and branch coverage. The Intermediate Testable Model [13] studies the synthesis of testing situations from activity diagrams. The method begins by constructing a control flow graph from an activity diagram. Then, the control flow graph is classified into a set of groups including the selection, loop, and fork-join structures. The nodes in each group are then combined into a single node. When generating a test path, the tester chooses the structure of interest to build sub-paths. When all the constructs are used to generate the test paths, then that test paths have covered all possible paths. In this study, the generated test paths include path coverage. The test paths then searched the graph using the Depth First Search algorithm that visiting all the nodes and edges exactly once. In this study, the generated test paths include activity path coverage. 2.5.3 The test path generation techniques based on heuristic algorithm Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) [14] is proposed to generate test paths for a concurrent segment of UML activity diagram. Parsing of XMI code takes UML activity diagram as input and results into individual sub-queues of activity nodes present under the fork-join structure. The input of the orientation based ant colony optimization is sub-queues under the fork-join structure of an activity diagram is used for generating combinations between the activity nodes of the sub-queues. The next activity node in the path is decided by pheromone, heuristic values, and orientation factor. Experimental setup This research looks at 12 commonly-used test path generation techniques. There are three tree-based test path generation algorithms, which are the Dependent Flow Tree (DFT) [3], the Fault Success Tree Analysis (FSTA) [4], and the Activity Tree (ActTree) [5]. There are eight graph-based test path generation algorithms, which are the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM) [6], the Activity Graph (AG) [7], the Activity Flow Table (AFT) [8], the Activity Convert Grammar (ACG) [9], the Activity Flow Graph (AFG) [10], the Test Case Generation Based on Activity Diagram (TCBAD) [11], the Activity Dependency Graph (ADG) [12], and the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM) [13]. And there is one heuristic-based test path generation algorithm, which is the Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) [14]. Informatica 45 (2021) 231–242 235 It is difficult to select the appropriate test path generation techniques to reduce the effort of software testing. The researcher has conducted the research by comparing the test path generation techniques using complex UML activity diagrams created by the researcher. 3.1 The UML activity diagrams used in the experiment To evaluate the test path results of the 12 algorithms, we used both real-world activity diagram and constructed activity diagram. The two real-world activity diagrams, which are a Shopping Mall System activity diagram in Figure 3 and a Library Management System activity diagram in Figure 4. The selection criteria are the activity diagram which describes the daily life work and easy to understand. Two activity diagrams created by the researcher are called a Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram in Figure 5 and a Complex Control Structure activity diagram in Figure 6. No previous work in the literature review generated test paths from the complex activity diagram. So, we create a complex activity diagram to compare the efficiency of each algorithm in terms of the covered coverage criteria. The control variables of four activity diagrams are the number of paths covered by path testing and basis path coverage. The four activity diagrams employed in the experiment are as follows. 3.1.1 The shopping mall system activity diagram Figure 3 shows the Shopping Mall System activity diagram, applied from [33, 34], which consists of sequence structure, selection structure, and iteration structure. In this activity diagram does not has the fork-join structure. In this system, a user can select the item, the system can make the billing, and check the member card. The user can select to pay by cash or card. Besides, the user can select the gift service or collect stamp. Figure 3: The Shopping Mall System activity diagram. 3.1.2 The Library Management System activity diagram Figure 4 shows the Library Management System activity diagram, applied from [35, 36], which consists of sequence structure, selection structure, iteration structure, and fork-join structure. In this system, the user inserts the card, inputs the password, and then the system checks the account. If it is the account created, the system checks the status of the account, and the user can decide to return or borrow the book. If it is not the account created, the user registers the new account. The system checks the availability of the book. If the book is available, the system will decrease book availability and increase the number of the book borrowed. 3.1.3 The Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram Figure 5 shows the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram that is constructed to generated test path focus on fork-join structure. This activity diagram has control structure such as sequence structure, selection structure, and fork-join structure. In this activity diagram does not has the iteration structure. For the selection structure, there is a nested selection. For the fork-join structure, we use fork-join structure classification of the concurrent module i.e., simple fork-join, fork-merge concurrent, part-join concurrent, and no-join concurrent. Figure 4: The Library Management System activity diagram. 3.1.2 The Complex Control Structure activity diagram Figure 6 shows the Complex Control Structure activity diagram consists of all type of control structure. This activity diagram is comprised of the sequence structure, selection structure, iteration structure, and fork-join structure. For selection structure, there is one-way, two-way, and nested selection. Iteration structure consisting of pre-test loop and post-test loop. Within the fork-join W. Sornkliang et al. structure, there are one-way selection, two-way selection, and nested selection, pre-test loop, post-test loop, simple fork-join, fork-merge concurrent, part-join concurrent, and no-join concurrent. Figure 6: The Complex Control Structure activity diagram. 3.2 The target number of test path To compare the efficiency of test path generation algorithms, four UML activity diagrams are used to construct in the form of the control flow graphs (CFG), and then each control flow graph is searched to find the target number of all possible path using a Depth First Search algorithm and to find the number of basis path using Equation (1). For path coverage in the case of the concurrent regions, all possible paths must be traversed from two directions that are left-to-right and right-to-left [32]. The first direction was started from the activity on the left transition and goes as far as it can down a given path to reach the join symbol, then backtracks until it finds an unexplored path, and then explores it. These procedures are repeated until the entire concurrent region has been explored. For the second direction, it was started from the activity on the right transition. For the concurrency test scenario, the target number of all possible path in the fork-join structure is calculated by using Equation (4). Experimental results anddiscussion In this section, we show the experimental results for 12 test path generation techniques with four activity diagrams. For simplicity to show the result, we use the word "Shopping" short for Shopping Mall System activity diagram, the word "Library" short for Library Management System activity diagram, "Concurrent" short for Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram, and "Complex" short for Complex Control Structure activity diagram. The results of test path generation techniques based on tree structures, graph structures, and heuristic algorithm are shown in Table 2. The target number of all possible paths (TAP) and the target number of basis paths (TBP) are shown in the table to compare with the number of test paths of each technique. The coverage criterion used in the experiment are statement coverage (SC), branch coverage (BC), activity path coverage (AP), basis path coverage (BP), and path coverage (PC). The symbol • means the technique found out coverage of that criteria, whereas symbol • means the technique is not satisfied with that criteria. For the concurrency test scenario, we show the experimental results for the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM) and the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM) which are the test path generation methods focused on the concurrency region. Table 3 shows the coverage percentage of test path generation techniques for the interleaving activity path coverage (IAPC) criteria. Both of the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM) and the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM) generate the same number of paths as the target paths. Test path generation techniques based on tree structures Activity diagram Target DFT FSTA ActTree TAP TBP Test paths Coverage criteria Test paths Coverage criteria Test paths Coverage criteria SC BC AP BP PC SC BC AP BP PC SC BC AP BP PC Shopping 49 11 49 • • • • • 49 • • • • • 37 • • • • • Library 33 17 65 • • • • • 17 • • • • • 10 • • • • • Concurrent 17 10 14 • • • • • 3 • • • • • 7 • • • • • Control 565 20 58 • • • • • 73 • • • • • 115 • • • • • Test path generation techniques based on graph structures Activity diagram Target IBM AG AFT TAP TBP Test paths Coverage criteria Test paths Coverage criteria Test paths Coverage criteria SC BC AP BP PC SC BC AP BP PC SC BC AP BP PC Shopping 49 11 49 • • • • • 49 • • • • • 34 • • • • • Library 33 17 5,777 • • • • • 65 • • • • • 33 • • • • • Concurrent 17 10 139 • • • • • 14 • • • • • 14 • • • • • Control 565 20 60,505 • • • • • 58 • • • • • 30 • • • • • Activity diagram Target ACG AFG TCBAD TAP TBP Test paths Coverage criteria Test paths Coverage criteria Test paths Coverage criteria SC BC AP BP PC SC BC AP BP PC SC BC AP BP PC Shopping 49 11 49 • • • • • 50 • • • • • 49 • • • • • Library 33 17 33 • • • • • 18 • • • • • 65 • • • • • Concurrent 17 10 17 • • • • • 7 • • • • • 14 • • • • • Control 565 20 565 • • • • • 173 • • • • • 58 • • • • • Activity diagram Target ADG ITM TAP TBP Test paths Coverage criteria Test paths Coverage criteria SC BC AP BP PC SC BC AP BP PC Shopping 49 11 34 • • • • • 49 • • • • • Library 33 17 26 • • • • • 5,777 • • • • • Concurrent 17 10 14 • • • • • 139 • • • • • Control 565 20 24 • • • • • 60,505 • • • • • Test path generation technique based on heuristic algorithm Activity diagram Target OBACO TAP TBP Test paths Coverage criteria SC BC AP BP PC Shopping 49 11 49 • • • • • Library 33 17 65 • • • • • Concurrent 17 10 17 • • • • • Control 565 20 565 • • • • • Table 2: A comparison of the result of test path generation techniques. Table 3: A comparison of the result of test path generation techniques for the concurrency test scenario. Activity diagram Target IBM ITM IAPC Test paths in the fork-join structures Interleaving activity path coverage criteria (%) Test paths in the fork-join structures Interleaving activity path coverage criteria (%) Library 5,772 5,772 100 5,772 100 Concurrent 139 139 100 139 100 Control 60,480 60,480 100 60,480 100 The percentage deviation (PD) of each test path results can be calculated to determine how much each method deviates from all possible paths, generated from the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram and the Complex Control Structure activity diagram. The equation to calculate the percentage deviation is listed below, as in Equation (5). (5) where PD is the percentage deviation, TP is the number of test paths by each method, and N is the target number of the all possible paths of the activity diagram. For example, from Table 2 the Dependent Flow Tree (DFT) could generate 14 paths of the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram, but the target number of all possible paths of the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram was 17 paths. So, the percentage deviation of DFT in Equation (5) is ((14-17)/17) x 100 = -17.65%, as shown in Table 4. A positive value indicates that the number of generated test paths is larger than the target number of all possible paths. A negative value indicates that the number of generated test paths is smaller than the target number of all possible paths. Table 4 shows the percentage deviation of test path generation techniques for the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram and the Complex Control Structure activity diagram. Test path generation techniques Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram (TAP=17 paths) Complex Control Structure activity diagram (TAP=565 paths) Number of test paths Number of the different test path Percentage deviation (%) Number of test paths Number of the different test path Percentage deviation (%) DFT 14 -3 -17.65 58 -507 -89.73 FSTA 3 -14 -82.35 73 -492 -87.08 ActTree 7 -10 -58.82 115 -450 -79.65 IBM 139 122 717.65 60,505 59,940 10,608.85 AG 14 -3 -17.65 58 -507 -89.73 AFT 14 -3 -17.65 30 -535 -94.69 ACG 17 0 0.00 565 0 0.00 AFG 7 -10 -58.82 173 -392 -69.38 TCBAD 14 -3 -17.65 58 -507 -89.73 ADG 14 -3 -17.65 24 -541 -95.75 ITM 139 122 717.65 60,505 59,940 10,608.85 OBACO 17 0 0.00 565 0 0.00 Table 4: The percentage deviation of test path generation techniques for the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram and the Complex Control Structure activity diagram. Figure 7 shows the percentage deviation of test paths generated of the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram. Figure 8 shows the percentage deviation of test paths generated of the Complex Control Structure activity diagram. The positive value indicates that the number of generated test paths is larger than the target number, whereas a negative value indicates that the number of generated test paths is smaller than the target number. In case of the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram, the percentage deviation of the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM), and the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM) is 717.65%, this means that they generated excessive test paths. The percentage deviation of the Fault Success Tree Analysis (FSTA) is -82.35%, this means that it generated inadequate test paths. The percentage deviation of the Activity Convert Grammar (ACG) and the Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) are 0%, this means that they generate the equivalent test paths. In case of the Complex Control Structure activity diagram, the percentage deviation of the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM), and the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM) is 10,608.85%, this means that they generated excessive test paths. The percentage deviation of the Activity Dependent Graph (ADG) is -95.75%, this means that it generates inadequate test paths. The percentage deviation of the Activity Convert Grammar (ACG) and the Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) are 0%, this means that they generate the same number of paths as the target paths. Figure 7: A comparison of the percentage deviation between the number of test paths generate from the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram and the target number of all possible paths. Figure 8: A comparison of the percentage deviation between the number of test paths generate from the Complex Control Structure activity diagram and the target number of all possible paths. The difference between the test path results and the target number of all possible paths is mainly occurred at the fork-join structure. A fork-join symbol in a UML activity diagram is a control node that splits a transition into multiple concurrent transitions. Test path generation of the activities within the fork-join of the 12 test path generation techniques is different. The number of test paths depends on the number of transitions and the number of activities in each transition. The path traversal to find test paths for the fork-join structure is shown in Table 5. The experimental results from Table 2 -4 can be summarized into four aspects: (1) the aspect of covering the path coverage for both simple (real-world) activity diagrams and our proposed complex activity diagram, (2) the aspect of covering the interleaving activity path coverage for the concurrency test scenario, (3) the aspect of covering the basis path coverage, and (4) the aspect of the efficiency of test path generation algorithms applying with the complex activity diagram. And, we also suggested the proper activity diagram for each test path generation method, as shown in Table 6. Test path generation techniques The path traversal in fork-join structure DFT, AG, It starts from the top activity on the left thread, AFT, ADG, traverses through the activities in the low level TCBAD in the same thread till it reaches the join symbol, and then it goes out of the join symbol. ACG There are two directions. In the first direction, it traverses from the left thread to the right thread. And in the second direction, it traverses from the right thread to the left thread. Each thread is listed from the activity of top-level to activities of low-level. FSTA, It starts from the top activity on the left thread ActTree, and goes as far as it can down a given path to AFG reach the join symbol, then backtracks until it finds an unexplored path, and then explores it. These procedures are repeated until it traverses through all thread and finally it goes out of the join symbol. IBM, ITM The calculation of all possible paths in the fork-join structure is N!/(n!*n!), where N is the sum of all activities in the fork-join, and n is the sum of all activities in each transition. OBACO The paths in the fork-join structure are generated through the use of separate ant agents for performing traversal with the sub-transition. Table 5: The path traversal in the fork-join structure in test path generation techniques. Test path generation techniques Suitable UML activity diagram DFT, AG, TCBAD Simple activity diagram with sequence, selection, iteration, or fork-join structure. ActTree, AFT, ADG Simple activity diagram with sequence and selection structure. FSTA Simple activity diagram with sequence, selection, and iteration structure. AFG Simple or complex activity diagram focusing on loop testing. IBM, ITM Simple or complex activity diagram focusing on concurrency test scenario in the fork-join structure. ACG, OBACO Simple or complex activity diagram with sequence, selection, iteration, or fork-join structure. Table 6: UML activity diagrams which are suitable for the test path generation techniques. (1) For path coverage in the case of the simple (real-world) activity diagram, the Dependent Flow Tree (DFT), the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM), the Activity Graph (AG), the Activity Convert Grammar (ACG), the Test Case Generation Based on Activity Diagram (TCBAD), the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM), and the Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) could generate the number of test paths that satisfied the path coverage, while the Fault Success Tree Analysis (FSTA), the Activity Flow Table (AFT), and the Activity Flow Graph (AFG) could generate the number of test paths that occasional satisfied the path coverage. For path coverage in the case of the constructed complex activity diagrams, only the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM), the Activity Convert Grammar (ACG), the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM), and the Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) could generate the number of test paths that satisfied the path coverage. There is an exceptional case for the Activity Tree (ActTree), which satisfied to activity path coverage and the Activity Dependency Graph (ADG), which satisfied for basis path coverage. (2) For the concurrency test scenario, in both cases of the simple (real-world) activity diagram and the constructed complex activity diagrams, the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM) and the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM) could generate the number of test paths that satisfied 100% interleaving activity path coverage. (3) In case that it is difficult and take a lot of effort to test all possible paths for complex activity diagram, the tester should select the basis paths coverage instead. The experimental results depict that the Dependent Flow Tree (DFT), the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM), the Activity Graph (AG), the Activity Flow Table (AFT), the Activity Convert Grammar (ACG), the Test Case Generation Based on Activity Diagram (TCBAD), the Activity Dependency Graph (ADG), the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM), and the Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) could generate test paths that covered the basis paths. (4) For efficiency comparison of test path generation algorithms with the constructed complex activity diagrams., Figure 7 and 8 depict that the Activity Convert Grammar (ACG) and the Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) could generate the equivalent test paths to the target number of all possible paths. Whereas, the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM), and the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM) could multiply the number of test paths if there were a lot of activities in the fork-join structure. 5 Conclusion This paper presents the performance analysis of test path generation algorithms. To compare the efficiency of test path generation algorithms, we applied 12 commonly-used techniques with both simple (real-world) activity diagrams and the constructed complex activity diagrams. In this research, we constructed two complex activity diagrams, i.e., the Complex Concurrent Structure activity diagram and the Complex Control Structure activity diagram. The experimental results show that to test all possible paths, the Activity Convert Grammar (ACG) and the Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) are the most appropriate test path generation technique which can generate the number of paths equivalent to all possible paths. Besides, other test path generation techniques such as the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM) and the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM) can cover path coverage, but there are too many test paths. However, these two methods can cover 100% interleaving activity path coverage for the concurrency test scenario. Testing all possible paths for the large or complex object-oriented method is laborious, the tester should select the basis paths coverage instead. The Dependent Flow Tree (DFT), the Intermediate Black Box Model (IBM), the Activity Graph (AG), the Activity Flow Table (AFT), the Activity Convert Grammar (ACG), the Test Case Generation Based on Activity Diagram (TCBAD), the Activity Dependency Graph (ADG), the Intermediate Testable Model (ITM), and the Orientation-based Ant Colony algorithm (OBACO) are the appropriate test path generation techniques that can cover the basis path coverage of both the simple and complex activity diagram. References [1] Matjaž Gams and Tine Kolenik. 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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2(3): 1172-1182, 2011. http://ijcsit.com/docs/Volume%202/vol2issue3/ijcsi t2011020344.pdf Stock Market Prediction with Gaussian Naïve Bayes Machine Learning Algorithm Ernest Kwame Ampomah School of Information & Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China E-mail: ampomahke@gmail.com Gabriel Nyame Department of Information Technology Education Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Kumasi-Ghana E-mail: kwakuasane1972@gmail.com Zhiguang Qin School of Information & Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China E-mail: qinzg@uestc.edu.cn Prince Clement Addo School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China E-mail: prince@std.uestc.edu.cn Enoch Opanin Gyamfi School of Information & Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China E-mail: enochopaningyamfi@outlook.com Michael Gyan Department of Physics Education, University of Education, Winneba-Ghana E-mail: mgyan173@gmail.com Keywords: machine learning, gaussian naïve Bayes, stock price, feature extraction, scaling Received: January 8, 2021 The stock market is one of the key sectors of a country’s economy. It provides investors with an opportunity to invest and gain returns on their investment. Predicting the stock market is a very challenging task and has attracted serious interest from researchers from many fields such as statistics, artificial intelligence, economics, and finance. An accurate prediction of the stock market reduces investment risk in the market. Different approaches have been used to predict the stock market. The performances of Machine learning (ML) models are typically superior to those of statistical and econometric models. The ability of Gaussian Naïve Bayes ML algorithm to predict stock price movement has not been addressed properly in the existing literature, hence this attempt to fill that gap in the literature by evaluating the performance of GNB algorithm when combined with different feature scaling and feature extraction techniques in stock price movement prediction. The performance of the GNB models set up were ranked using the Kendall’s test of concordance for the various evaluation metrics used. The results indicated that, the predictive model based on integration of GNB algorithm and Linear Discriminant Analysis (GNB_LDA) outperformed all the other models of GNB considered in three of the four evaluation metrics (i.e., accuracy, F1-score, and AUC). Similarly, the predictive model based on GNB algorithm, Min-Max scaling, and PCA produced the best rank using the specificity results. In addition, GNB produced better performance with Min-Max scaling technique than it does with standardization scaling techniques Povzetek: Predstavljena je metoda Gausovega naivnega Bayesa za borzne napovedi. Introduction The stock market is one of the key sectors of a country’s stock market has attracted serious interest from economy. It provides investors with an opportunity to researchers from many fields such as statistics, artificial invest and gain returns on their investment. Predicting the intelligence, economics, and finance. An accurate prediction of the stock market reduces investment risk in the market. Different opinions exist as regards to the predictability of the stock market. The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) states that all available information is fully incorporated by current market price immediately, therefore, changes in price of the stocks are as a result of new information [1]. The EMH implies that stock prices would trail a random walk pattern, hence, the stock market cannot be forecasted from past data to make any meaningful returns [2]. However, numerous researches have been conducted since the beginning of the 21st century which contradicts the EMH and show that the stock market can be predicted to some extent [3-5]. Exploration of many prediction algorithms in stock market forecasting has taken place and showed that the behavior of stock prices can be forecast [6]. The prediction of the stock market behavior is a very difficult task since this market is very complex, non-linear, and evolutionary. The market is influenced by situations such as investors’ sentiments, political events, and overall economic conditions [7]. Three main approaches: fundamental analysis, technical indicators, and machine learning (ML) are used to forecast the stock market. In fundamental analysis, the value of a stock is derived from the general economic and financial factors such inflation, return on equity (ROE), price to earnings (PE) ratios, and debt levels. In technical analysis approach, technicians use charts and market statistics from historical price data to identify market trends and patterns so that they can make fairly accurate forecast of the trajectories of the stock market behavior [8]. The machine learning approach offers system the ability to learn and improve automatically from massive amount of historical data without them being explicitly programmed. Machine learning models have been shown to perform better than both fundamental, and technical analyses in the literature [9-11]. Distributional assumptions are not required by ML models. Also, ML models are able find hidden patterns in time series data [12-13]. Several machine learning algorithms exist, but the focus of this study is on Gaussian Naïve Bayes (GNB) algorithm. GNB is a probabilistic classifier based on Bayes' theorem with assumption of strong (naïve) independence between the features [14]. GNB algorithm is very simple and easy to implement and does not require too many training data. It is highly scalable (it scales linearly with the number of features and data points), not sensitive to irrelevant features and able to deal with missing data very effectively. A major weakness with GNB algorithm is the assumption of independence between predictors. GNB assumes that all the predictors are mutually independent. This assumption is hardly true in real life especially with financial data. However, this assumption can be met by applying feature extraction techniques to extract independent predictors from the given data. Many feature extraction techniques are available in the literature which can be used to achieve this goal. Hence, this work assesses the performance of GNB with different feature scaling and feature extraction techniques in predicting the direction of movement of stock prices. E.K. Ampomah et al. Related studies Many ML algorithms have been used in the literature of forecasting the direction of stock price. A review of some of those works is provided. Ampomah et al, (2020) [14] studied the effectiveness of tree-based AdaBoost ensemble ML models (namely, AdaBoost-DecisionTree (Ada-DT), AdaBoost-RandomForest (Ada-RF), AdaBoost-Bagging (Ada-BAG), and Bagging-ExtraTrees (Bag-ET)) in predicting stock prices. The experimental results showed that AdaBoost-ExtraTree (Ada-ET) model generated the highest performance among the tree-based AdaBoost ensemble models studied. Kumar and Thenmozhi (2006) [15] carried out a study to forecast the direction of S&P CNX NIFTY Market Index of the National Stock Exchange (NSE). Random forest, linear discriminant analysis, artificial neural network, logit, and SVM machine learning algorithms were used by the researchers. The experimental results indicated that SVM is the best performer among the classification algorithms used. Ou and Wang (2009) [16], studied and applied ten different data mining techniques to forecast stock price movement of Hang Seng index of Hong Kong stock market. The techniques included neural network, Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), Logit model, Quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), K-nearest neighbor classification, Naïve Bayes based on kernel estimation, Bayesian classification with Gaussian process, Tree based classification, SVM and Least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM). The empirical results presented indicate that the performance of SVM and LS-SVM models are superior to those of the other models. Subha and Nambi (2012) [17] examined the predictability of the movement of BSE-SENSEX and NSE-NIFTY stock indices of the Indian Stock Market by using k-Nearest Neighbours algorithm (k-NN) and Logistic Regression model to predict the daily movement of the indices. Data for the period between January 2006 to May 2011were used. The research outcome shows that the k-NN classifier performed better than the logistic regression model in all the model evaluation metrics used. Saifan et al, (2020) [18] applied the Quantopian algorithmic stock market trading simulator to evaluate ensemble models performance in daily prediction and trading. The ensemble models used are Extremely Randomized Trees, Random Forest, and Gradient Boosting. The models were trained using multiple technical indicators and automatic stock selection. The results showed a significant returns relative to the benchmark and large values of alpha were generated from all models. A study to verify whether modified SVM classifier can be applied successfully in prediction of short-term trends in the stock market was undertaken by Zikowski, (2015) [19]. The author computed and used several technical indicators and statistical measures as input features. Fisher’s method was applied to perform feature selection. The study outcome shows that using the modified SVM in conjunction with feature selection enhance significantly the trading strategy results in terms of the total rate of return, as well as the maximum drawdown during a trading period. Patel, et al (2015) [20], compared the performance of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), random forest and Naive-Bayes with two different approaches for input data to the models in forecasting the direction of movement of stock and stock price index. The first approach to input data computed ten technical indicators from the stock trading data (open, high, low & close prices) and the second approach represent the technical indicators as trend deterministic data. They evaluated the models with 10 years of historical stock data from 2003 to 2012 of Reliance Industries, Infosys Ltd, CNX Nifty and S&P Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Sensex. The outcome of the study shows that for the first approach random forest outperforms other three prediction models on overall performance. Also, that the performance of all the prediction models improved when these technical indicators are represented as trend deterministic data. Sun et al, (2018) [21], proposed a hybrid ensemble learning model combining AdaBoost and LSTM network to predict financial time series. Daily datasets of two major exchange rate and two stock market indices were used for evaluating the model. The experimental outcome shows that the AdaBoost-LSTM ensemble model outperformed the other single forecasting models and ensemble models that were compared with it. Khan et al, (2020) [22] assessed the impact of social media and financial news data on stock market prediction accuracy. The authors performed feature selection and spam tweets reduction on the data sets. Experiments were performed to find stock markets that are difficult to predict and those that were more influenced by social media and financial news. They compared the results of different algorithms to find a consistent classifier. Deep learning and some ensemble classifiers were used. The experimental results indicated that highest prediction accuracies of 80.53% and 75.16% were achieved using social media and financial news, respectively. Also, New York and Red Hat stock markets were difficult to predict, New York and IBM stocks are more influenced by social media, while London and Microsoft stocks by financial news. Random forest classifier was found to be consistent and highest accuracy of 83.22% was achieved by its ensemble. Bhandare et al, (2020) [23] used the Naive Bayes classifier to provide analyse and quantify the performance of stock market analysts by providing ratings. The recommendations given by the analysts was analysed and factors relevant to the success or failure of the recommendation extracted. The Naive Bayes classifier was used provide a rating on the factors thus extracted. The results indicated that the system efficiently analyse the performance of an analyst given their passed records by matching it with the actual stock prices and provide a rating for the analyst using the Naive Bayes classifier. The performance of the system is optimal when Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier was used. From the above discussion, and to the best of our knowledge, the ability of Gaussian Naïve Bayes to predict stock price movement has not been addressed properly in the existing literature. Hence, a gap study aims to fill in that gap by evaluating the impact of feature scaling and feature extraction techniques on GNB algorithm in prediction of stock price movement. Informatica 45 (2021) 243–256 245 Method 3.1 Experimental design Stock Data set used for the study were gathered randomly from three different stock market (NYSE, NASDAQ and NSE) through yahoo financial application programming interface (API). Daily data of seven stocks were gathered. Details of the stock data used are given in Table A1 in the Appendix. Forty (40) technical indicators were computed from the raw stock data which comprise of open price, low price, high price, close price and volume. The computed technical indicators were used as input features for the GNB models. Details of these technical indicators are presented in Table A2-A4 in the Appendix. Each data set was split into training and test set. Initial seventy percent (70%) of the data was used as the training set, and the final thirty percent (30%) of the data was used as the test set. In this work, the ability of GNB algorithm in combination with different feature scaling techniques (i.e., Standardization scale and Min-Max scale) and different feature extraction techniques (i.e., PCA, LDA, and FA) to forecast stock price movement were evaluated. The following GNB models were evaluated and compared: (i) GNB model, (ii) Integrated model based on GNB algorithm and standardization scaling (GNB_Z-Score) (iii) Integrated model based on GNB algorithm and Min-Max normalization (GNB_Min-Max) (iv) Integrated model based on GNB algorithm and principal component analysis (GNB_PCA) (v) Integrated model based on GNB algorithm and factor analysis (GNB_FA) (vi) Integrated model based on GNB algorithm and linear discriminant analysis (GNB_LDA) (vii) Integrated model based on GNB algorithm, standardization scaling, and principal component analysis (GNB_Z-Score_PCA) (viii) Integrated model based on GNB algorithm, standardization scaling, and factor analysis (GNB_Z­Score_FA) (ix) Integrated model based on GNB algorithm, Min-Max normalization, and principal component analysis (GNB_Min-Max_PCA) (x) Integrated model based on GNB algorithm, Min-Max normalization, and factor analysis (GNB_Min-Max_FA). GNB model applies the GNB algorithm to the raw stock data without any feature scaling or feature extraction to make prediction. GNB_Z-Score model first used the standardization scaling technique to scale the data, and then the GNB algorithm was applied to forecast the movement of stock price. GNB_Min-Max model applied Min-Max scaling technique to scale the data before the GNB algorithm was applied to the scaled data to make predictions. With GNB_PCA model, the PCA was first applied to the unscaled stock data to extract important features from the data, and then the GNB algorithm was applied to the extracted data to make prediction. GNB_FA model initially applied FA technique to the unscaled stock data to extract relevant features from the original data, and then applied the GNB algorithm to the extracted data to make predictions. GNB_LDA model first used LDA technique to extract relevant features from the initial input data, and then applied the GNB algorithm to the extracted data. GNB_Z-Score_PCA model first applied standardization scaling technique to the initial data to scale it, after that it then applied PCA to extract important features from the scaled data and finally applied the GNB to the extracted scaled stock data to make predictions. GNB_Z-Score_FA model initially used standardization scaling technique to scale the data, then applies the FA technique to extract relevant features from the scaled data and the GNB algorithm was applied to the extracted scaled data to make predictions. GNB_Min-Max_PCA model initially scaled the input data with Min-Max scaling technique, then applied PCA to extract important feature from the original stock data, and then applied the GNB algorithm to the extracted scaled data to make predictions. GNB_Min-Max_FA uses Min-Max to first scaled the data, then applied the FA technique to extract relevant features from the scaled data, and finally applied the GNB algorithm to make predictions. 3.2 Feature scaling techniques Feature Scaling is a way of standardizing the independent features that are present in the data within a fixed range. The two most widely used feature scaling techniques are standardization scaling and Min-Max Normalization. 3.2.1 Standardization scaling Standardization scaling (Z-score) is a scaling method that centers the values around the mean with a unit standard deviation. The data is scaled to a specific area to enable a thorough analysis. The variables are rescaled to have a mean of zero and the resulting distributions have a unit standard deviation. The standardized scaling is expressed by the formula below. ..-.. .. ' = (1) .. = mean of the feature values = standard deviation of the feature values 3.2.2 Min-max normalization Min-Max normalization (Min-Max) is a scaling approach in which features are re-scaled so that the data will fall in the range of zero and one. It undertakes a linear alteration on the initial data [24]. In the Min-Max scaling, the minimum value of every feature is converted to zero, and the maximum value of each feature is converted to one. The formula below expresses how the normalized form of each feature is computed. ..-........ .. ' = (2) .............. ........ = minimum value of the feature, = maximum value of the feature 3.3 Feature extraction techniques Feature extraction is a dimensionality reduction process that extracts important features or attributes of the data in order to reduce the initial set of data to generate a more concise description of the data for processing. There are many feature extraction techniques in existing literature, however, in this study the principal component analysis E.K. Ampomah et al. (PCA), Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and factor analysis (FA) were applied. 3.3.1 Principal component analysis Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality-reduction technique that transform higher data sets to a lower dimensional set. It transforms a data set of interrelated features, into a new set of uncorrelated features called principal components (PCs) and the initial few of these PCs hold most of the variation present in the entire data set [25]. The PCs are linear combination of the actual features in such a way that the first PC has the largest amount of variation and the second PC is orthogonal to the first PC and has the most variance among the remaining PCs. The subsequent PCs follow in that order. The underlying assumption in PCA is that the coordinates with the large variants demonstrate the divergence between sample points, while the coordinates with lesser variants may be a source of noise, which must be ignored or suppressed. The correlation between two dimensions denotes irrelevant information, which will not be presented. This is why PCA requires the subsequent coordinates to be orthogonal to previous coordinates [26]. PCA is sensitive to scaling. 3.3.2 Linear discriminant analysis Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is a supervised linear transformation technique that computes the linear discriminants (directions) that will represent the axes which maximize the differences between multiple classes. The objective of the technique is to maximize the ratio of the between-group variance and the within-group variance. When the ratio is maximum, then the instances within each group have the least possible scatter and the groups are separated from each other the most. LDA is used to map features in higher dimension space into a lower dimension space while keeping the class-discriminatory information [27]. LDA is not sensitive to scaling, hence, the performance of LDA remains the same with or without scaling. The LDA uses two criteria to generate a new axis: (i) maximize the distance between means of the two classes, (ii) minimize the variation within each class. 3.3.3 Factor analysis Factor analysis (FA) is a data reduction technique that describes variability among observed, correlated features in terms of a potentially smaller number of unobserved (latent) features called factors. The observed features are modeled as linear combinations of the factors plus error. FA extracts maximum common variance from all features and place them under a common score. This score as an index of all features can be used to do further analysis. FA evaluates how much of the variability in the data is as a result of common factors. The main goals of FA are to display multidimensional data in a lower dimensional space with minimum loss of information and to extract the independent latent of the data [28]. The FA technique makes the following assumptions: linear relationship Figure 1: Accuracy results of the GNB models on the different stock data sets. DataSets GNB GNB_ Z-Score GNB_ MinMax GNB_ PCA GNB_ Z-Score_PCA AAPL 0.5361 0.6241 0.6241 0.5342 0.6444 ABT 0.5713 0.6954 0.6954 0.5361 0.8639 KMX 0.5583 0.6982 0.6982 0.5111 0.8509 S&P_500 0.5722 0.6704 0.6704 0.5472 0.7444 TATASTEEL 0.5461 0.7232 0.7232 0.5012 0.8713 HPCL 0.5197 0.6085 0.6085 0.5126 0.6953 BAC 0.5472 0.7111 0.7111 0.5056 0.8333 Mean 0.5501 0.6758 0.6758 0.5211 0.7862 DataSets GNB_ MinMax_ PCA GNB_ FA GNB_ Z-Score_FA GNB_ MinMax_FA GNB_ LDA AAPL 0.7241 0.6370 0.7111 0.7314 0.8769 ABT 0.8398 0.8407 0.8462 0.8528 0.8861 KMX 0.8648 0.7963 0.7907 0.8176 0.8870 S&P_500 0.7546 0.4537 0.7269 0.7583 0.8259 TATASTEEL 0.8809 0.8701 0.8616 0.8637 0.9142 HPCL 0.7548 0.5832 0.6700 0.6700 0.9092 BAC 0.8435 0.8509 0.8407 0.8454 0.8713 Mean 0.8089 0.7188 0.7782 0.7913 0.8815 Table 1: Accuracy results recorded by the GNB models. exists between the observed features and the common factors, no multi-collinearity is present, it includes relevant features into analysis, and there is true correlation between features and factors. 3.4 Evaluation metrics The performances of the models were evaluated using the following evaluation metrics: Accuracy: The percentage of entire instances rightly predicted by the model. ....+.... ................= (3) ....+....+....+.... F1-score: This is a harmonic mean of precision and recall 2×..................×............ ..1-.......... = (4) ..................+............ Specificity: The proportion of negative instances rightly predicted by the classifier out of the total instances that are actually negative. This shows a model’s ability toclassify true negative instances as negative. .... ......................= (5) ....+.... Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve (AUC): Measures the ability of the classifier to distinguish between the positive and negative classes. A perfect classifier will have AUC of one. AUC measures tradeoff between specificity and recall. Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (W): is a metric that uses ranks to establish an agreement among raters. It measures the agreement among different raters who are evaluating a given set of objects [29]. Depending on the area where it is being used, the raters can be variables, characters, and so on. The raters are the different data sets in this work. Experimental results Table 1 provides the accuracy results generated by the various GNB models on the different stock data sets used. GNB_LDA model produced accuracy results which were better than all the other GNB models on each of the stock data used. The highest accuracy value recorded by any of Figure 2: F1-score of the GNB models on the different stock data sets. DataSets GNB GNB _ Z-Score GNB _ MinMax GNB _ PCA GNB_ Z-Score_PCA AAPL 0.6962 0.5365 0.5365 0.6964 0.5362 ABT 0.6662 0.6803 0.6803 0.6980 0.8740 KMX 0.6175 0.6766 0.6766 0.5629 0.8540 S&P_500 0.6583 0.6139 0.6139 0.7074 0.7058 TATASTEEL 0.4860 0.7461 0.7461 0.4166 0.8747 HPCL 0.6161 0.7074 0.7074 0.6777 0.7659 BAC 0.6304 0.7342 0.7342 0.6454 0.8454 Mean 0.6244 0.6707 0.6707 0.6292 0.7794 DataSets GNB_ MinMax_PCA GNB_ FA GNB_ Z-Score_FA GNB_ MinMax_FA GNB_ LDA AAPL 0.6740 0.5220 0.6494 0.6875 0.8783 ABT 0.8443 0.8590 0.8534 0.8635 0.8976 KMX 0.8653 0.7835 0.7839 0.8108 0.8891 S&P_500 0.7237 0.3114 0.7053 0.7398 0.8175 TATASTEEL 0.8760 0.8762 0.8626 0.8648 0.9167 HPCL 0.7990 0.7031 0.7532 0.7532 0.9119 BAC 0.8516 0.8546 0.8473 0.8542 0.8790 Mean 0.8048 0.7014 0.7793 0.7963 0.8843 Table 2: F1-scores recorded by the GNB model. the models is 0.9142 generated by the GNB_LDA model on the TATASTEEL data. The least accuracy value recorded by any of the models is 0.5012 by GNB_ PCA model on the TATASTEEL stock data. The mean accuracy value of GNB_LDA model (0.8815) was the highest mean accuracy value, and GNB_ PCA produced the least mean accuracy value (0.5211). Figure 1 provides the column chart of the accuracy values produced by the GNB models on the different stock data. Table 2 shows the outcome of F1-scores evaluation metric of the GNB models on the different stock data sets used. The F1-score of GNB_LDA model was better than all the other GNB models on each of the stock data. The highest F1-score recorded by any of the models was 0.9167 generated by the GNB_LDA model on the TATASTEEL data. The least F1-score value recorded by any of the models was 0.4166 produced by GNB_ PCA on the TATASTEEL stock data. The mean F1-score of GNB_LDA model (0.8815) was the highest mean F1­score among the GNB models, and the mean F1-score of the GNB model (0.6244) was the least mean F1-score among the various models. Figure 2 represents the column chart of the F1-score evaluation metric outcome for the GNB models on the different stock data. Table 3 presents the specificity results of the models on the different stock data sets used. GNB_Z-Score_FA Specificity 1,2 1 0,8 AAPL 0,6 ABT KMX 0,4 S&P_500 0,2 TATASTEEL HPCL 0 BAC GNB Models Figure 3: Specificity of the GNB models on the different stock data sets. DataSets GNB GNB_ Z-Score GNB_ Min-Max GNB_ PCA GNB_ Z-Score_PCA AAPL 0.1099 0.8728 0.8728 0.1200 0.9423 ABT 0.3094 0.8004 0.8004 0.1030 0.8443 KMX 0.4184 0.7927 0.7927 0.4069 0.8599 S&P_500 0.3538 0.9018 0.9018 0.2131 0.9672 TATASTEEL 0.6717 0.6413 0.6413 0.6544 0.8544 HPCL 0.2754 0.2774 0.2774 0.1621 0.4037 BAC 0.3283 0.6359 0.6359 0.1132 0.7698 Mean 0.3524 0.7032 0.7032 0.2532 0.8059 DataSets GNB_ Min-Max_PCA GNB_ FA GNB_ Z-Score_FA GNB_ Min-Max_FA GNB_ LDA AAPL 0.9423 0.9424 0.9523 0.9363 0.9284 ABT 0.8743 0.7665 0.8603 0.8343 0.8343 KMX 0.8925 0.8868 0.8522 0.8848 0.9002 S&P_500 0.9571 0.9800 0.8834 0.9161 0.9632 TATASTEEL 0.9326 0.8326 0.8652 0.8674 0.8957 HPCL 0.5487 0.1843 0.3416 0.3416 0.9006 BAC 0.8038 0.8415 0.8132 0.8000 0.8226 Mean 0.8502 0.7763 0.7955 0.7972 0.8921 Table 3: Specificity values recorded by the GNB models. model outperformed the other models on AAPL. GNB_Min-Max_ PCA model performed better than the rest of the models on ABT, and TATASTEEL stock data. GNB_LDA model recorded better specificity results than the rest of the models on KMX, and HPCL stock data. GNB_FA model produced better specificity results than the other models on S&P_500 and BAC stock data. The highest specificity value recorded by any of the GNB models was 0.9800 generated by the GNB_FA model on the S&P_500 data. The least specificity value recorded by any of the models was 0.1030 produced by GNB_ PCA on the ABT stock data. The mean specificity of GNB_LDA model (0.8921) was the highest mean specificity among the GNB models, and the mean specificity of GNB_PCA model (0.2532) was the least mean specificity among the GNB models. Figure 3 presents the column chart of the specificity results of the GNB models on the different stock data. Table 4 provides the AUC results of the GNB models on the different stock data sets used. The performance of GNB_LDA model on each of the stock data was better than the rest of the GNB models. In general, the highest AUC value recorded by any of the models was 0.9743 generated by the GNB_LDA model on the TATASTEEL AUC 1,2 1 0,8 AAPL 0,6 ABT KMX 0,4 S&P_500 0,2 TATASTEEL HPCL 0 BAC GNB Models Figure 4: AUC values of the GNB models on the different stock data sets. DataSets GNB GNB_ Z-Score GNB_ Min-Max GNB_ PCA GNB_ Z-Score_PCA AAPL 0.5883 0.7216 0.7216 0.5487 0.7438 ABT 0.6046 0.7736 0.7736 0.5517 0.9246 KMX 0.5661 0.7958 0.7958 0.5251 0.9238 S&P_500 0.5830 0.7927 0.7927 0.4649 0.8764 TATASTEEL 0.5688 0.8115 0.8115 0.5022 0.9540 HPCL 0.5085 0.6725 0.6708 0.5172 0.7225 BAC 0.5819 0.8037 0.8037 0.5281 0.9291 Mean 0.5716 0.7673 0.7671 0.5197 0.8677 DataSets GNB_ Min-Max_PCA GNB_ FA GNB_ Z-Score_FA GNB_ Min-Max_FA GNB_ LDA AAPL 0.8421 0.6986 0.7982 0.8416 0.9586 ABT 0.9211 0.9232 0.9296 0.9329 0.9603 KMX 0.9447 0.8850 0.8817 0.8994 0.9581 S&P_500 0.8927 0.5914 0.8382 0.8663 0.9282 TATASTEEL 0.9483 0.9421 0.9507 0.9511 0.9743 HPCL 0.8067 0.5757 0.7726 0.7726 0.9617 BAC 0.9364 0.9251 0.9268 0.9305 0.9532 Mean 0.8989 0.7916 0.8711 0.8849 0.9563 Table 4: AUC values recorded by the GNB models. data. The smallest AUC value recorded by any of the models was 0.4649 by GNB_ PCA on the S&P_500 stock data. The mean AUC value of GNB_LDA model (0.9563) was the highest mean AUC recorded among the GNB models. The mean AUC of the GNB_PCA model (0.5197) was the least mean AUC among the various models. Figure 4 represents the column chart of the AUC evaluation metric result for the GNB models on the different stock data. The ROC curves of the various GNB models on AAPL, ABT, KMX, S&P_500, TATASTEEL, HPCL, and BAC stock data sets are presented by Figure 5 to Figure 11 respectively. Table 5toTable 8present theKendall’scoefficient of concordance rankings of the GNB models using accuracy, F1 score, specificity, and AUC evaluation results respectively. The study used a cutoff value of 0.05, and the Kendall’scoefficient isconsideredsignificant andable to assign ranks to the models when ..<0.05 and ..2> 16.919. From Table 5, the Kendall’s coefficient was significant to rank the GNB models using the accuracy results. GNB_LDA model attained the highest rank. The overall ranking of the models was: GNB_LDA > GNB_Min-Max _PCA > GNB_Min-Max_FA > GNB_Z-Score_PCA > GNB_Z-Score_FA > GNB_FA > GNB_Z-Score = GNB_Min-Max > GNB > GNB_PCA Table 6 shows that Kendall’s coefficient was significant to rank the GNB models using the F1-Score metric. GNB_LDA model generated the highest rank. The overall ranking was given as: GNB_LDA > GNB_Min-Max _PCA > GNB_Min-Max_FA > GNB_Z-Score_PCA > GNB_Z-Score_FA > GNB_FA > GNB_Z-Score = GNB_Min-Max > GNB_PCA > GNB Table 7 indicates that Kendall’s coefficient is significant to rank the GNB models using specificity Metric W .... p Ranks Accuracy 0.84 53.07 0.00 Technique GNB GNB _ GNB_ GNB_ GNB _ Z-Score Min- PCA Z-Score_ Max PCA Mean Rank 2.14 3.79 3.79 1.14 7.29 Technique GNB_ GNB_ GNB_ GNB_ GNB_ Min-Max FA Z-Score Min-Max LDA _PCA _FA _FA Mean Rank 7.86 5.29 6.07 7.50 10.00 Table 5: Kendall’s W Test ofConcordance Rankings ofthe GNB models using the accuracy metric. Metric W .... p Ranks F1-Score 0.62 39.22 0.00 Technique GNB GNB_ GNB_ GNB_ GNB_ Z-Score Min-Max PCA Z-Score _PCA Mean Rank 2.71 3.36 3.36 3.14 6.43 Technique GNB_ GNB_ FA GNB_ GNB_ GNB_ Min-Max Z-Score Min-Max LDA _PCA _FA _FA Mean Rank 7.43 5.00 6.07 7.36 10.00 Table 6: Kendall’s W Test ofConcordance Rankings ofthe GNB models using the Specificity metric. Metric W .... p Ranks Specificity 0.70 43.76 0.00 Technique GNB GNB _ GNB _ GNB_ GNB _ Z-Score Min-Max PCA Z-Score _PCA Mean Rank 2.29 3.64 3.64 1.43 7.07 Technique GNB_ GNB _ FA GNB _ GNB_ GNB Min-Max Z-Score Min-Max _LDA _PCA _FA _ FA Mean Rank 8.50 6.71 6.93 6.57 8.21 Table 7: Kendall’s W Test ofConcordance Rankings ofthe GNB models using the Specificity metric. Metric W .... p Ranks AUC 0.90 56.95 0.00 Technique GNB GNB _ GNB_ GNB GNB _ Z-Score Min-Max _PCA Z-Score _PCA Mean Rank 1.86 4.00 3.86 1.14 7.29 Technique GNB_ GNB _ FA GNB_ GNB_ GNB _ LDA Min-Max Z-Score Min-Max _ PCA _FA _FA Mean Rank 8.00 4.43 6.64 7.79 10.00 Table 8: Kendall’s W Test ofConcordance Rankings ofthe GNB models using the AUC metric. metric. GNB_Min-Max _PCA model produced the highest rank. The overall ranking of the models was: GNB_Min-Max _PCA > GNB_LDA > GNB_Z­Score_PCA > GNB_Z-Score_FA > GNB_Min-Max_FA > GNB_FA > GNB_Z-Score = GNB_Min-Max > GNB > GNB_PCA Table 8 shows that Kendall’s coefficient was significant to rank the GNB models using AUC metric. GNB_LDA generated the highest rank. The overall ranking of the GNB models was: GNB_LDA > GNB_Min-Max _PCA > GNB_Min-Max_FA > GNB_Z-Score_PCA > GNB_Z-Score_FA > GNB_FA > GNB_Z-Score > GNB_Min-Max > GNB > GNB_PCA. The ROC curves of the various GNB models on AAPL, ABT, KMX, S&P_500, TATASTEEL, HPCL, and BAC stock data sets are presented by Figure 5 to Figure 11 respectively. Table 5toTable 8present theKendall’scoefficient of concordance rankings of the GNB models using accuracy, F1 score, specificity, and AUC evaluation results respectively. The study used a cutoff value of 0.05, and the Kendall’scoefficient isconsideredsignificant andable to assign ranks to the models when and ..2> 16.919. From Table 5, the Kendall’s coefficient was significant to rank the GNB models using the accuracy results. GNB_LDA model attained the highest rank. The overall ranking of the models was: GNB_LDA > GNB_Min-Max _PCA > GNB_Min-Max_FA > GNB_Z-Score_PCA > GNB_Z-Score_FA > GNB_FA > GNB_Z-Score = GNB_Min-Max > GNB > GNB_PCA Table 6 shows that Kendall’s coefficient was significant to rank the GNB models using the F1-Score metric. GNB_LDA model generated the highest rank. The overall ranking was given as: GNB_LDA > GNB_Min-Max _PCA > GNB_Min-Max_FA > GNB_Z-Score_PCA > GNB_Z-Score_FA > GNB_FA > GNB_Z-Score = GNB_Min-Max > GNB_PCA > GNB Table 7 indicates that Kendall’s coefficient is significant to rank the GNB models using specificity metric. GNB_Min-Max _PCA model produced the highest rank. The overall ranking of the models was: GNB_Min-Max _PCA > GNB_LDA > GNB_Z­Score_PCA > GNB_Z-Score_FA > GNB_Min-Max_FA > GNB_FA > GNB_Z-Score = GNB_Min-Max > GNB > GNB_PCA Table 8 shows that Kendall’s coefficient was significant to rank the GNB models using AUC metric. GNB_LDA generated the highest rank. The overall ranking of the GNB models was: GNB_LDA > GNB_Min-Max _PCA > GNB_Min-Max_FA > GNB_Z-Score_PCA > GNB_Z-Score_FA > GNB_FA > GNB_Z-Score > GNB_Min-Max > GNB > GNB_PCA. Conclusion This study assessed how the GNB algorithm performed with different feature scaling (i.e., standardization scaling, and Min-Max scaling techniques) and feature extraction techniques (i.e., PCA, LDA, and FA) in predicting the direction of movement of stock price using stock data randomly collected from different stock markets. The performance of the various GNB models were evaluated using accuracy, F1-Score, specificity and AUC evaluation metrics. Kendall’s W test of concordance was used to generate ranks for the GNB models using the evaluation metrics. The experimental results indicated that application of scaling techniques improved the performance of the GNB model. Models based on integration of GNB algorithm, feature scaling technique and feature extraction technique generated results which were superior to results produced by models based on either integration of GNB algorithm and feature scaling technique or GNB algorithm and feature extraction technique with the exception of GNB_LDA. In general, the model based on integration of GNB algorithm and Linear Discriminant Analysis Informatica 45 (2021) 243–256 253 (GNB_LDA) outperformed all the other models of GNB considered in three of the four evaluation metrics (i.e., accuracy, F1-score, and AUC). Similarly, the predictive model based on GNB algorithm, Min-Max scaling, and PCA produced the best rank using the specificity results. In addition, GNB produced better performance with Min-Max scaling technique than it does with standardization scaling techniques. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the NSFC-Guangdong Joint Fund (Grant No. U1401257), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61300090, 61133016, and 61272527), science and technology plan projects in Sichuan Province (Grant No. 2014JY0172) and the opening project of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Electronic Information Products Reliability Technology (Grant No. 2013A061401003) Reference [1] Fama E. F, Fisher L, Jensen M, Roll R (1969) The adjustment of stock price to new information. Int Eco Rev 10(1):1–21 [2] Yeh, I.-C., & Hsu, T.-K. (2014). Exploring the dynamic model of the returns from value stocks and growth stocks using time series mining. Expert Systems with Applications, 41, 7730–7743. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2014.06.036 [3] Bollen, J., Mao, H., & Zeng, X. (2011). Twitter mood predicts the stock market. Journal of Computational Science, 2, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2010.12.007 [4] Smith, V. L. (2003). 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Appendix Stock Data Set Time Frame Number of Sample Market AAPL NASDAQ 2005-01-01 to 2019-12-30 3773 ABT NYSE 2005-01-01 to 2019-12-30 3773 BAC NYSE 2005-01-01 to 2019-12-30 3773 S&P_500 INDEXSP 2005-01-01 to 2019-12-30 3773 HPCL NSE 2005-01-01 to 2019-12-30 3278 KMX NYSE 2005-01-01 to 2019-12-30 3773 TATASTEEL NSE 2005-01-01 to 2019-12-30 3476 Table A1: Detail of stock data sets used. Volume Indicator Description Chaikin A/D Line (ADL) Estimates the Advance/Decline of the market. Chaikin A/D Oscillator (ADOSC) Indicator of another indicator. It is created through application of MACD to the Chaikin A/D Line On Balance Volume (OBV) Uses volume flow to forecast changes in price of stock Table A2: Description of Volume Indicators used in the study. Price Transform Indicator Description Median Price (MEDPRICE) Measures the mid-point of each day’s high and low prices. Typical Price (TYPPRICE) Measures the average of each day’s price. Weighted Close Price (WCLPRICE) Average of each day's price with extra weight given to the closing price. Table 3: Description of Price Transform Function. Overlap Studies Indicators Description Bollinger Bands (BBANDS) Weighted Moving Average (WMA) Exponential Moving Average (EMA) Describes the different highs and lows of a financial instrument in a particular duration. Moving average that assign a greater weight to more recent data points than past data points Weighted moving average that puts greater weight and importance on current data points, however, the rate of decrease between a price and its preceding price is not consistent. Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA) Midpoint Price over period (MIDPRICE) Parabolic SAR (SAR) It is based on EMA and attempts to provide a smoothed average with less lag than EMA. Moving average designed to be responsive to market trends and volatility. Adjusts to movement in price based on the rate of change of phase as determined by the Hilbert transform discriminator. Average of the highest close minus lowest close within the look back period Heights potential reversals in the direction of market price of securities. Simple Moving Average (SMA) Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA) Arithmetic moving average computed by averaging prices over a given time period. It is a triple smoothed combination of the DEMA and EMA An indicator used for smoothing price fluctuations and filtering out volatility. Provides a moving average having less lag than the classical exponential moving average. Moving average that is double smoothed (averaged twice) Table A3: Description of Overlap Studies Indicators used in the study. Momentum Indicators Description Average Directional Movement Index Measures how strong or weak (strength of) a trend is over time (ADX) Average Directional Movement Index Estimates momentum change in ADX. Rating (ADXR) Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) Computes the differences between two moving averages Aroon Used to find changes in trends in the price of an asset Aroon Oscillator (AROONOSC) Used to estimate the strength of a trend Balance of Power (BOP) Measures the strength of buyers and sellers in moving stock prices to the extremes Commodity Channel Index (CCI) Determine the price level now relative to an average price level over a period of time Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) Estimated by computing the difference between the sum of recent gains and the sum of recent losses Directional Movement Index (DMI) Indicate the direction of movement of the price of an asset Moving Average Convergence Uses moving averages to estimate the momentum of a security /Divergence (MACD) asset Money Flow Index (MFI) Utilize price and volume to identify buying and selling pressures Minus Directional Indicator Component of ADX and it is used to identify presence of (MINUS_DI) downtrend. Momentum (MOM) Measurement of price changes of a financial instrument over a period of time Plus Directional Indicator (PLUS_DI) Component of ADX and it is used to identify presence of uptrend. Log Return The log return for a period of time is the addition of the log returns of partitions of that period of time. It makes the assumption that returns are compounded continuously rather than across sub- periods Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO) Computes the difference between two moving averages as a percentage of the bigger moving average Rate of change (ROC) Measure of percentage change between the current price with respect to a at closing price n periods ago. Relative Strength Index (RSI) Determines the strength of current price in relation to preceding price Stochastic (STOCH) Measures momentum by comparing closing of a security with earlier trading range over a specific period of time Stochastic Relative Strength Index Used to estimate whether a security is overbought or oversold. It (STOCHRSI) measures RSI over its own high/low range over a specified period. Ultimate Oscillator (ULTOSC) Estimates the price momentum of a security asset across different time frames. Williams' %R (WILLR) Indicates the position of the last closing price relative to the highest and lowest price over a time Table A4: Description of Momentum Indicators used in the study. Load Balancing Mechanism Using Mobile Agents Sarra Cherbal University of Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, Department of Computer Science, 19000 Setif, Algeria E-mail : sarra_cherbal@univ-setif.dz Keywords: distributed systems, load balancing, mobile agents, agents’ technology Received: July 8, 2020 Distributed systems need to perform load balancing on their hosts, so that the computation runs as quickly as possible. Research in this field has seen the emergence of mobile agents’ paradigm as a promising solution. In this present work, we use this paradigm to propose a load balancing approach that benefits from the advantages of agent mobility, more particularly, in the information-gathering phase. In which, we aim to have an overall system vision while reducing network communication overhead, as well as other benefits such as fault tolerance and extensibility for large scale networks. Thus, the purpose of our contribution is to improve the distribution of loads in a balanced way to get loads as close as possible to the system average load. The experimental results show the efficiency of our approach on balancing the loads and in decreasing the response time. Povzetek: V prispevku je opisana nova agentna metoda za uravnoteženje obremenitev v porazdeljenih sistemih. Introduction The trend of computer world towards "distributed systems" is no longer envisaging the operation of one single computer, without interacting or cooperating with other computers. These systems must be designed to meet the new requirements [1] [2] [3]. In this work, we present two related research areas: "Mobile agents" and "load balancing". The technology of Mobile software agent is one of the known technologies in the field of distributed computing. It has emerged as an alternative to the classic "client / server" paradigm that presents the most widely used approach in building distributed applications [4] [5]. Mobile agent technology has interesting prospects for various application areas, among which, we find e-commerce, web-based information retrieval, and the domain of load balancing (LB). In order to achieve better performances in distributed systems, the load balancing problem has been intensively studied by researchers [6] [7] [8]. Balancing allows maximum use of available resources, and this can be achieved by distributing tasks in a smart manner. In this work, we study the use of mobile agents in the load-balancing domain. Based on this study, we propose an approach that aims to balance the system load using agent mobility by adopting three agents, and defining tasks for each of these agents. Where, the basic idea is to have local loads close to the system average load. The rest paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we present an overview of related works and we give a corresponding discussion and the motivation of the proposed approach. Section 3 summaries the benefits of using mobile agents in distributed systems. The details of the proposal are explained in Section 4. In section 5, we present our simulation results to prove the efficiency of the proposed techniques. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper. 2 Related work 2.1 Load balancing mechanisms In [9], the authors employ a new concept of transferring virtual loads, which allows nodes to predict the future loads they will receive in the subsequent iterations. Accordingly, the notified node will take into account this predicted load when transferring a part of its actual load to some of its neighbors. The work of [10] introduces a resource scheduling and a load balancing approach for efficient cloud service provisioning. They increase the use of virtual machines, and achieve load balancing by dynamically selecting a request from a class using Multidimensional Queuing Load Optimization algorithm. The paper of [11] presents a load balancing methodology for container loading problem in road transportation. They propose a random-key genetic algorithm (BRKGA), with a new fitness function that takes static stability and load balance into account. Authors of [12] propose a Dynamic Data Replication Algorithms (DDRA) of three phases to improve the information duplication under the cloud storage system. The first two phases are to determine the adequate service nodes toachievethe workloadbalancebasedonthe nodes’ workloads. The third phase presents a scheme of a dynamic duplication deployment proposed to realize a higher access performance and a better load balancing. In the first phase, for realizing the initial LB, the service nodes with probability lower than a defined threshold are filtered. The authors of [13] propose a new variant of directed diffusion routing protocol in wireless sensor networks. This variant tries to improve the existing protocol by using a load balancing mechanism in order to balance the energy of sensors. 2.2 Mobile agents in load balancing Authors of [14] propose a dynamic load balancing in a small world P2P network using mobile agents. Firstly, they cluster the peers that have the same set of sharing resources. Then, they balance the query loads in intra-cluster nodes to avoid network congestion. For this purpose, three agents are defined, Host Agent (HA), Detection Agent (DA) and the Reconnection Agent (RA). The DA migrates between the intra-nodes to detect node congestions. This agent is generated and controlled by the HA that walks through all the groups. The RA is generated to reconnect the links between congested nodes and under­loaded nodes of the same cluster. An attractiveness parameter is measured for each node according to some criteria as node degree, processing capacity and the resources contained in the node. The DA migrates to the node with high attractiveness parameter, when the DA arrives, it checks if the node is overloaded or underloaded. However, the selection algorithm chooses a partner node that may refuse to accept the DA agent requests if it is overloaded. In this case, the DA agent migrates to other nodes until finding the right node. Thus, the right partner may not be correctly chosen before migration process. In [15] they propose two different models of load management in large-scale distributed systems. The first model is based on mobile agents in collecting the status of node actual resources (RAM and CPU). To balance the loads, they integrate a second model based on fuzzy function. The agent system is consisting of three modules as Agent monitoring module (AMM) to collect the available status of current resources. The Agent Decision module (ADM) used to make a decision of migration when the node is overloaded if the measured probability crosses the threshold. The Agent migration module (AMMO) selects the destination node where to migrate, according to some criteria like the high level of processing and computing resources. However, in the agent’s model, when defining the node status (overloaded/under-loaded), the authors did not mention how the used threshold is defined or measured. Thus, if it is a constant or a variable value and if it is measured locally or globally according to different node status. In [16], load balancing is realized using mobile agents that migrate through all nodes based on a credit value factor. This factor is defined at initial stage to decide the node selection for migration. The selection of the destination node to which the agent will be migrated, is based on comparing the local load to a threshold value. If the destination node refuses the load reception, the agent will be directed to the next selected node. However, how to measure the threshold value is not defined. Besides, the agents keep migrating until finding the right partner for each overloaded node. The paper of [17] presents a load balancing algorithm for parallel virtual architectures. They use a host agent to perform a diagnostic test to evaluate the computation performance and latency of each node. Each parallel task C. Cherbal is assigned to a VPU (virtual processing unit) presented by a mobile agent. These VPUs communicate by exchanging messages containing data and tasks to be performed. However, the communication between VPUs of different nodes leads to more traffic. The paper of [18] distinguishes five populations of agents. The authors use the ant-colony optimization approach to distribute the tasks between the worker agents in a parallel way. Such as, a dispatcher agent (load balancer agent) collects the necessary information for the scheduling decisions, and then the ant colony approach is used to take this decision. In the context of their research, the scheduler is used as an ant that chooses for the current job, the machine having the higher rate of pheromone. To measure this pheromone probability, each worker machine sends via its controller agent, to the dispatcher agent, the number of tasks that it has in its queue. In [19], the authors combine the least time of first byte algorithm (LFB) and the mobile agent concept. Where, the mobile agent role is monitoring the state of each server resources. However, the authors focus on achieving a reliable approach without taking into consideration the system throughput and latency. The paper of [20] presents a load balancing scheme in heterogeneous P2P systems. They propose three agents. The first mobile agent is for information gathering and the second one is to decide the receiver partner for the overloaded node. The third is a stationary agent, which resides on each node to update its routing table. Its role is to inform all the network nodes of the other nodes’ addresses and spread the node’s failure information in the network. This mechanism of using messages to spread information each time to all the nodes lead to more overhead. A load balancing algorithm for heterogeneous P2P systems is proposed in [21]. In which, one type of mobile agent is used with its essential components such as collection, analysis and location. A utilization rate is measured according to the load and capacity of each node. However, to migrate the overload, the authors propose to choose the neighbor node with the smallest utilization rate. Thus, this one under-loaded node is going to be chosen by the most of overloaded nodes or all of them. Consequently, the chosen node will be overloaded or will refuse the receiving tasks, which leads to rerun location process and try again with other nodes, thus, more time is wasting in location, migration and execution. 2.3 Discussion In this section of related work, we have reviewed different papers of load balancing approaches existing in the literature. We can notice that this field in general still relevant with the mentioned recent approaches. Sub­section 2.2 concerns propositions of load balancing based on mobile agents. According to this literature study, in our proposed approach, we aim to avoid and improve some existing limits or weak points, mentioned as follows. In the selection process, it concerns selecting the partner node to which the overload will be migrated, i.e. selecting an under-loaded node for an overloaded node. In this process, in [14], the authors propose to migrate a mobile agent (MA) between a set of nodes until finding an under-loaded node. When the MA arrives to a node, it checks if this node can receive the holding overload, if it rejects the reception, the MA will pass to another from a sorted list [14] [15] [21] and repeat the same verification steps. Thus, this method leads to a wasting time in migration process especially that the MA is holding the overload when migrating, which makes its migration slower. Thus, the system latency is increased and it could find a good partner but not the suitable one. Therefore, in our work, we propose a selection process that aims to find the suitable partner node for each overloaded node and that before launching the load migration to avoid the mentioned disadvantages. In other words, our migration agent goes directly to a defined and a right node destination. In addition, in the selection process, some works like [21] propose to choose the node with the smallest load to be the partner node. consequently, most of overloaded nodes going to choose the same partner, this partner is going to be overloaded and the next receiving agents will be rejected and they should migrate to find another partner. To avoid this, in our approach we propose a method to choose one under-loaded node for each overloaded node without causing its overload. In general, the node state is defined as overloaded or under loaded according to a threshold value. In some works like [15] [16], there is no mention on how the threshold is defined or measured. Such, if this threshold is measured locally according to the node local information or globally according to the system global information. Therefore, in our approach, we measure the threshold value according to the global overview, based on all the states of nodes. This, in order to have almost equally states for all the nodes, which is the main principle of load balancing mechanism. Unlike [19], in our approach, we are interested not only by achieving a balanced system but also by avoiding the increase of throughput and by reducing the latency. Thus, we use mobile agents and their migration in a way to avoid exchanging messages between the nodes, unlike [17] [20]. In the next section, we summary the benefits of using mobile agents in distributed systems. Mobile agents and load balancing Mobile agents’ technology provides a load balancing support with three main characteristics: • They can move from one platform to another • They can move across platforms of heterogeneous nature (e.g. OS, capacity of CPU, Storage, …) • They carry the application specific code, instead of requiring a pre-installation of this code on the destination machine. The two main advantages that mobile agent approach brings to load balancing are: • Reducing network traffic • Migrating processes from one site to another. 4 The proposed architecture In this section, we present our proposed contribution of load balancing based on mobile agent paradigm. In the following, we assume that the nodes are in a cooperative network, which allows us to study only the characteristics of the considered algorithm, and we assume that the tasks are independent i.e. there is no communication between them. In this work, we are interested by the "dynamic" load balancing, in which, the movement of tasks depends on the current load of the processors. For the balancing decision, we chose the "source-initiative" approach in which a site called source tries to transfer its surplus (excess) towards a weakly charged site called receiver. For the choice of this latter, we propose a method that tries to obtain local loads close to the average load (AL) of the system, which is the goal of load balancing. To determine the state of each machine, thresholds must be defined: there are static thresholds that are unchangeable fixed values and other dynamic thresholds that are varied according to the evolution of the system. In our approach, we use the second solution where the threshold is defined according to the average load of the system, which is more suitable to a dynamic environment. Our contribution consists of three types of agents, a fixed agent and two mobile agents. Each one implements one or more load balancing policies (Figure 1): -Observer Agent (OA): a fixed agent located on each site of the system. It evaluates and monitors the local load of the site and so launches the migration process to the partner site (which is indicated by the SMA agent). -Supervisor Mobile Agent (SMA): a mobile agent that moves from one site to another in order to build a global vision of the system. It puts the collected information (the local load value + the site identifier) in a table. After finishing the course between the sites, SMA calculates the average load, according to which it builds two tables: a table of overloaded sites (in a descending order) and other table of under loaded sites (in an ascending order). With these two tables, SMA determines the receiving site for each overloaded site (section 4.2.2.). -Transporter Mobile Agent (TMA): a mobile agent that migrates between two unbalanced machines in order to balance the system load. It is launched by the OA of an overloaded site, in order to transport the excess load (tasks) of this site to the defined partner by SMA. The scenario of each of these agents is explained in the following of this section (section 4.2). 4.1 Suggestions and critics In this sub-section, we aim to explain the benefit of each proposed process in this approach, by showing the different cases that can arise. If we eliminate the concept of “tables and their ordering” (i.e. SMA agent only calculates the average), three cases arise: Figure 1: The role of each proposed agent. 4.2 Suggestions and critics In this sub-section, we aim to explain the benefit of each proposed process in this approach, by showing the different cases that can arise. If we eliminate the concept of “tables and their ordering” (i.e. SMA agent only calculates the average), three cases arise: 4.2.1 First case When an observer agent OAi detects that its site is under­loaded, it sends a broadcast message to all other sites in the system (including underloaded sites) to inform them of its state. In case of an overloaded site Sj, its corresponding OAj sends a message to OAi to see if it can transmit its excess load. Three cases can be distinguished: a. OAi has already accepted the offer of a site Sk, so it will reject the offer of OAj. b. The excess load of site Sj can cause the overloading of Si, thereby, a refusal message will be sent to the agent OAj, c. The site Si accepts the offer of Sj, so an acceptance message will be sent to Sj. Disadvantages A very high cost of communication, especially in case of a large network (N sites for example). There will be: -N-1 broadcast messages for each imbalance , -M messages from overloaded sites (M < N), -M messages of refusal / acceptance. 4.2.2 Second case TMA agent is responsible for determining the partner node of the overloaded node Sj on which it was created. TMA moves from one node to another while handling the surplus of the node Sj, then, it chooses the first node that has a less load than Sj. Disadvantages a. The size of TMA becomes larger when it is handling the excess load, and it has no vision about its destination, thus, it can go through several overloaded sites before arriving to the suitable one, which is not favored in a dynamic load-balancing system. The size of TMA should be as small as possible, in order to speed up the load transfer before that the local loads of the sites change again, otherwise, this transfer becomes unnecessary. b. This surplus can cause the overloading of the recipient site, while it is possible to find a more suitable recipient. This latter can receive the surplus while still having a load close to the system AL (which is the purpose of load balancing). 4.2.3 Third case If we eliminate the order of tables (ascending/descending), the agent OAj of an overloaded site Sj will choose the node with the lowest load to ensure effective balancing. Disadvantage All OAs that are on overloaded nodes will choose the same node that is weakly loaded, thus, this latter becomes overloaded. 4.3 Description of the proposed agents 4.3.1 Observer Agent (OA) The aim of our algorithm is to make the system in a balanced state, and thus having balanced machines. It is the role of the OA to observe the machine load, on which it is located: a. Measuring the node local load There are two methods to measure the load, one is on demand, and the other is periodic: • On demand: in this case, the OA measures the node load when the SMA asks him to do it (i.e. when the SMA arrives on this node). Thus, OA must know the arrival time of SMA, which means that SMA must inform OA with a signaling message. Otherwise, SMA must wait until OA calculates the local load, which increases the load collection time of SMA. • Periodic: in this case, OA does not need to know the arrival time of SMA since it measures its site local load each period Tinfo. When SMA arrives on this site, the OA provides him the last measured load value. The Tinfo must be an appropriate period to avoid system overload. If the loads change quickly, then the Tinfo must be small. Otherwise, it is necessary to increase the duration of Tinfo. In our contribution, we chose to use the second method because it is simple to implement, it does not require remote message exchanges between SMA and OA and it reduces the time allocated to the information collection policy. b. Start the migration process When the OA of site Sj receives a message from SMA, he gets that his site is overloaded. Therefore, this OA launches the TMA agent, by indicating the surplus to transport, using the average load sent by SMA. In addition, the destination site is declared in the message of SMA. This load transport between two unbalanced machines makes their loads closer to the system average load, in order to make them better balanced. Algorithm.1: Observer Agent script For each site Sk { For each period Tinfo { Measure local load Lk //Lk is the Local load of site Sk } Receive_info(SMA, Sr, AL); //SMA indicates the recipient site Sr. //AL is the average load If (Received_info != NULL) { Launch the TMA agent and send it to the site Sr Else //Sk is not overloaded OA declares: “My site is lightly loaded” OA declares: “Iamwaitingforthe receptionoftransporter agents from other sites” } } 4.3.2 Supervisor Mobile Agent (SMA) The SMA moves cyclically between the various sites of the network. For each site, SMA retrieves the site name and its load value and put them in a table (Tab_System). After finishing this movement, SMA makes the two next steps. a. Calculation of the system average load (AL) At the arrival of the SMA agent on a site, it contacts the OA, to retrieve the local load. Then, SMA adds this load value to the values already collected. When the SMA finishes its trajectory, it calculates the average load “AL”. This AL allows to : • Achieve a global load balancing, since each machine load is compared to the system overall load. Informatica 45 (2021) 257–266 261 • Manage load variations that may occur in the system, which is not the case when determining a fixed threshold. b. Determining the node state and building the two tables We use the average load (AL) as "threshold": according to which we can distinguish 3 states: • The site is Overloaded If its load > AL; • The site is Underloaded If its load < AL; • Neutral If its load = AL. From the Tab_System table and the calculated average load, the SMA agent builds two sub-tables: • Tab_Less : contains underloaded sites. • Tab_plus : contains overloaded sites. After that, SMA will order the load values for each of these tables: • Tab_Less: in ascending order (from the smallest load value to the greatest). • Tab_Plus: in descending order. c. Choosing the partner After these two steps, a global vision is built, and now SMA plays the role of a distributor. It determines for each overloaded site, a partner (a receiver under-loaded site), in a way that the overloaded site and its partner have the same table index, respectively in tab_plus and tab_less. In a detailed way, the method that we proposed to make the choice of partner is to assign the first entry of Tab_Less to the first entry of Tab_Plus. This, in order to assign the site of the biggest load to the site of the smallest load), and assign the second entry of Tab_Less to the second entry of Tab_Plus, and so on. I.e. each underloaded site Tab_Less [i] is the partner of the overloaded site Tab_Plus [i]. Noting that the mobile agent have to be fast during its move so that the system load information doesn’t change during this movement i.e. the agent must be up to date, thus, the size of the SMA code must be minimized. In our architecture, we propose to use a single supervisor agent but we can always consider multiplying the number of these agents and this depending on the network size (number of participating machines in the application). In this case, it is necessary to provide a cooperation mechanism between the different supervisory agents in order to build a global vision on the system load. Algorithm.2: script of Supervisor Mobile Agent Som=0 ; AL=0 ; For m = (from 1 to nbSites) { // nbSites is the number of machines or nodes Request the local load from the OA of site Sj Add(site name Sj + Lj load) as an entry in tab_system Som=Som+Lj // Lj: local load provided by agent OA of site Sj doMove (Sj, Sk) // SMA moves to the next node } AL = Som / nbSites ; While Tab_Sys[i] not_empty { If (Tab_System [i] > AL) Add this site as an entry to tab_plus Else { If (Tab_Systeme [i] < AL) Add this site as an entry to tab_less } i++; //next hut in tab_sys } Ordering Tab_Less in ascending order; Ordering Tab_Plus in descending order; While tab_plus [i] not_empty { //indicating partners So = Tab_Plus[i] // source overloaded site Su = Tab_Moins[i] //receiver underloaded site Send_info (Sk, Sj ,AL) // SMA informs the overload site by the receiver of its surplus load } 4.3.3 Transporter Mobile Agent (TMA) It is a mobile agent launched by OA agent of an overloaded site and it represents the surplus of this latter. The TMA purpose is to transport this surplus to the recipient site, on which the task(s) will be executed. It is the OA agent that indicates to the TMA the work to handle. This work presents a set of tasks. The number of TMA agents depends on how many tasks they can handle. Algorithm.3: script of Transporter Mobile Agent doMove(Sk,Sj) ; // TMA moves from the overloaded site to the receiver site Send (L_Plusk, Sk, Sj) ; // Sk : the source site name // L_Plusk : excess load of site Sk // Sj: the recipient site name (indicated in SMA script) An overview of our system architecture with a scenario of the three agents on 4 sites, is presented in Figure 2. Experimental results 5.1 State of loads To test the behavior and to evaluate the performances of the proposed approach, our agents’ algorithms are developed using Java eclipse IDE on top of the JADE agent platform. We use the "FSMBehaviour" for OA and SMA agents. This behavior serves to present complex tasks, it responds to the needs of the compound behaviors of these two agents. For the third TMA agent that has only one task to perform, a simple behavior meets the need, so, in this case it is the "OneShotBehaviour". The source code is composed of three classes and of their sub-classes according to the roles in Figure 1. In order to launch our algorithm execution under Jade, we first launch the observer agents (we implement eight agents OA0,OA1,…), each on a container. Then, we launch SMA agent on the main container. Next, the AMT agent is launched by the corresponding OA agent (that of an overloaded site). A load ratio is assigned randomly to each container. Figure 3 presents the loads’ state in the three phases: before applying LB, and when applying the proposed LB with and without table approach. Where, in the third phase (without table approach), the TMA transports the overload C. Cherbal to the first found under-loaded site. Figure 3 shows that in the first phase, the loads are unbalanced (from very high to very low loads). In the third phase, the loads start to be balanced which shows the impact of the LB approach. Thereafter, in the second phase, the loads are more balanced compared to the system overall state, which demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed table approach in choosing the right partner to receive the overload. 5.2 The impact of LB on response time In distributed computing, the response time is a significant issue and the fact of reducing it is a very important requirement in improvement approaches. However, when the loads are bigger, the system response time is higher. In this type of environment, a set of tasks is distributed between some nodes of the system. The system response time is the time taken by all the participating nodes to realize this set of tasks. We measure the response time using the following formula: ..=(..............×......h..×..........)/100 (1) Such that: -NbTask is the total number of tasks, -HighL is the higher load percentage in this system, -ReqAT is the required average time to execute one task. Figure 4 shows the change of response time in the three phases, while increasing the number of tasks to be executed by this system (between 200, 300, 400 & 500). The results prove the efficiency of our proposed LB algorithm in reducing the response time comparing to the two other phases. 5.3 Impact of our proposed selection technique The main purpose of applying a LB process in a distributed system is that all the nodes work with almost equal workloads. In other words, minimize the difference in workload percentage between nodes and so avoid having a node with a high workload while another node is under-loaded. In a distributed system, where the nodes work in collaboration to complete a specific set of tasks, balancing the workload and thus the effort between the nodes is essential to reduce the execution time (or response time) of a task and thus of all the launched tasks. Therefore, in a system, we measure the difference of workload rates between the most heavily loaded nodes and the least loaded ones. Thus, the difference between the highest and the lowest workload rate. In the selection technique, an overloaded node (site) selects one of the under-loaded nodes where to transmit the overload, what we call a partner. In our approach, we Figure 2: Architecture of the proposed system. propose a selection technique based on a defined table as explained earlier in this paper. To prove the efficiency of our proposal, in this sub section, we compare it to the selection technique proposed in [14] and in [21] in terms of workload differences and response time. The selection technique of [14] is based on sorting the under-loaded nodes in a list, according to an attractiveness parameter and in [21] the list is sorted according to the utilization rate. Then, each overloaded node uses this list to find the least charged node to transmit him the overload. When the migration agent arrives to the selected node, it checks if this node is overloaded so it accepts the received overload or reject it if it is under-loaded. In case of rejection, the migration agent moves to the next node from the sorted list. Figure 5 presents the difference of workload rates between the most heavily loaded site (node) and least loaded site in each simulation (case). This parameter is compared in three phases, the first phase is before applying LB, the second is when applying our proposed approach and the third is when applying LB with the Figure 3: State of loads in the three phases. Figure 4: Response time as function of number of tasks. selection techniques of [14][21]. A workload rate is reduced after applying a LB approach and then are much assigned to each node in a random manner, and we have reduced when applying our proposed approach. These launched eight simulations (8 cases). The results in Figure results prove the efficiency of our proposed selection 5 show that the differences in workload rates are more technique compared to existing techniques in selecting the most suitable under-loaded node for each overloaded node and thus all the nodes work with almost equal workload rates. Informatica 45 (2021) 257–266 265 6 Conclusion Load balancing is one of the keystones for the improvement of system performances. Its main objectives are to improve the execution time of tasks and to take advantage of the maximum system resources. In this work, we are interested in the use of mobile agent technology in the field of load balancing. One of the important motivations of this paradigm is the minimization of remote communications thus saving the bandwidth consumption, which is favorable for an efficient load balancing system. For this reason, we have integrated in our proposed solution a mobile agent whose role is to collect the loads information to build a global vision on the system load, which reduces the communication cost compared to the classic collection method. In addition, the stationary agents must be aware Figure 6: Impact of selection technique in response time as function of number of tasks. Figure 6 shows the impact of the used selection technique on the Response time while changing the number of tasks from 200, 300, 400 to 500. In sub-section 5.2, we explain the signification of response time and we define formula (1) to measure it. The results presented in Figure 6 correspond to three launched simulations with different random workloads. Figure 6 shows that the response time increases with the increase of number of tasks with more workloads to perform. Besides, our proposed approach presents the most reduced response time in three launched simulations. This proves the efficiency of our selection technique in choosing the partner node and thus all the nodes participate with almost same effort to finish a task, and then the set of tasks achievement is done faster. of the global load so they can detect the machine balance state and so select the tasks to be migrated. In our solution, the mobile supervisory agent only informs overloaded hosts which conducts in a traffic reduction compared to those approaches that inform all the hosts of the system. Other benefits of mobile agents are robustness and fault tolerance, which are necessary in a load balancing system so that it can continue to operate when one of the members is disconnected. Mobile agents also offer the advantage of scalability, they adapt well to small networks as to large-scale networks. These benefits conduct us to use mobile agents in our solution, to have an extensible and a robust load balancing system. In a large-scale network, increasing the number of supervisory agents is possible to reduce the agent migration time and to avoid increasing the agent code size. This allows an improvement in load balancing. However, we find that determining the number of agents needs another study. Furthermore, we have implemented our proposal on Jade platform. By a comparative evaluation, the results showed the efficiency of the load balancing approach. Besides, we have shown its impact on reducing the execution time latency, which is an important factor in distributed systems. In addition, we have shown the impact of our proposed selection techniques compared to existing selection techniques in balancing the workloads and in reducing the system response time. As a perspective, we aim to implement the proposal architecture on mobile nodes to show the effect on energy consumption. References [1] Van Steen M, Tanenbaum AS (2016) A brief introduction to distributed systems. Computing. vol. 98, no. 10, pp. 967-1009. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-016-0508-7 [2] Anjomshoa MF, Salleh M, Kermani MP (2015) A Taxonomy and Survey of Distributed Computing Systems. Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 15, pp. 46-57. DOI: 10.3923/jas.2015.46.57 [3] Samolej S. and Rak T. (2009) Simulation and Performance Analysis of Distributed Internet Systems Using TCPNs, Informatica, vol. 33, pp. 405­415. [4] Hakansson A, Hartung R (2013) Book: Agent and Multi-Agent Systems in Distributed Systems -Digital Economy and E-Commerce. Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642­ 35208-9 [5] Hajduk M, Sukop M, Haun M (2019) Cognitive Multi-agent Systems : Structures, Strategies and Applications to Mobile Robotics and Robosoccer. 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DOI: 10.1109/ICEICE.2011.5777758 Value-Based Retweet Prediction on Twitter Surbhi Kakar, Deepali Dhaka and Monica Mehrotra Computer Science, Jamia Millia Islamia University E-mails: kakar.surbhi3@gmail.com, deepali.dhaka@gmail.com, mmehrotra@jmi.ac.in Keywords: retweet prediction, twitter, value system, emotions, sentiments, topic-specific emotion, retweeting, social networks, retweet behavior, topic Received: March 7, 2021 Retweeting is an online activity done on the twitter social network. This activity leads to sharing of opinions and ideas from one person to another. Predicting retweet decision has been an interesting and challenging task since the past decade. Past studies have shown that emotions, sentiments and topic specific emotions can influence the retweet decision of the user. However, value systems of an individual can also be an important and crucial aspect in predicting the decision of user. Hence, through our work, we propose to study retweet prediction as a function of value systems. Our work also presents an experimental comparative study with the features used in previous studies. The experimental results using the different machine learning algorithms shows that value-systems have a higher performance in predicting retweet decision of the user as compared to emotions, sentiments and topic-specific emotions. Povzetek: Z metodami strojnega ucenja je analiziran problem uporabnikovega odgovora na Twitterju. Introduction Social networks are a platform where people meet each other virtually. Such platforms allow people to share their ideas, thoughts, opinions with each other freely and leads to diffusion of information within the network [47]. As the content shared by the users is an expression of their feelings, sentiments and values, this content can be used to predict the user behavior [4]. Twitter is a social network famous for micro blogging where users express their interests by using the Tweet button. These tweets can further be shared by anyone who feels or experiences a connection with the author of the tweet[32], thus initiating the retweeting mechanism. Users on Twitter can have a follower-followee relationship between them. If a user A is inspired by another user B or finds their interests similar to them, A can then opt to follow that user. In such a case, A is said to be a follower of B. The user B may or may not follow the former user, in the scenario where B does not follow A, he/she is said to be a followee of A. A retweet is a tweet that is re-shared by a user. A tweet prefixed with a symbol RT represents a retweet. Research around retweeting mainly addresses three research problems: 1. Whether a tweet will be retweeted by a user This problem can be redefined as: Given a tweet, whether a user will retweet the tweet or not. Studies done in this area focuses on exploring features that impact user’s retweet behavior followed by building retweet prediction models for the same. [33][51][1][47]. 2. Finding users who will retweet a tweet This research problem focuses on finding which users will retweet a given target tweet. [26][23]. 3. Factors that affect the retweet frequency of the tweet A lot of research has been done around finding why a specific tweet is retweeted more in comparison to other tweets. [35][42][5][32][17]. This work will be focusing on addressing the first research problem calling it as the retweet prediction problem. Retweet prediction can be defined as a problem of predicting the retweet decisions of a user. This has been a very challenging problem as tweets innately are noisy and complex. It is through the retweet mechanism that the diffusion of information takes place. Understanding retweet behaviors and the virality of tweets on social media can help us identify influential people who can spread the information at a faster pace. This insight is useful in applications such as viral marketing and emergency response. Predicting which tweets will be retweeted by a user can also help in providing recommendations to a user to create a personalized experience for them. The most popular approach for retweet prediction starts with building a user profile[8][10][24][25][28]. The profile of the user can be extracted from their tweet/retweet data. Several factors like URL’s, hashtags can be used directly from the timeline of the user to build their profile. However, certain information is latent/hidden in the content shared by the user. At such places, topic extraction can be very useful. The topic of the tweet has been found to be a promising factor in capturing interests of the user [8][10][28][15][46]. In addition to these factors, emotions and sentiments can also be employed for this task. Emotion represents the mental state of a human being whereas sentiments can be viewed as an opinion towards a person or an object. The content written by a user is an expression of how he/she feels, making it a good representative of their emotions and sentiments. Several theories have been proposed to classify human emotions but for our work, we use the well-accepted theory by [37]. According to this theory, emotions can be classified into eight basic types: Anger, Joy, Surprise, Anticipation, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Trust. Sentiments, on the other hand can be categorized into either positive or negative. For our work, we use the NRC word-emotion lexicon[31] to label emotions and sentiments in the content of the tweet as it is a well-accepted lexicon for labeling emotions and sentiments. The impact of emotions and sentiments on retweet prediction have been studied in various research[17][21][32][36][11]. [11] in their work compared the conjunctive effect of using emotion and topic with topic-specific emotion model in predicting the retweet decision of the user. They proposed that not just the topic, but the emotions and sentiments expressed by a user on a topic also correlates with user’s decision. They, in their future work, proposed to study value systems for the purpose of retweet prediction task. This formed the inspiration of our work around value systems. A value system of an individual denotes the beliefs a user carries in their life. This can be learnt from their environment including places like family and school. As per [41][7], value systems can fall into the following classes: • Self-Transcendence: This type of value system represents values of benevolence and universalism. The core beliefs in this category are those of wisdom, peace, spirituality, and welfare of general public. • Self-Enhancement: This is the category where people are more interested in their own enhancement and growth. They are also inclined towards power and authority. • Conservation: People who carry this type of value system are more traditional and believe in cultural values and religion. They tend to conform to the rules of the society and are concerned about their family security as well as national security. • Openness to Change: This value system represents people who are adventurous and daring, someone who is independent and self-directed. • Hedonism: People carrying this type of value system tend to be involved in pleasure seeking activities. Value systems have been shown as an important factor in influencing user decisions as per past studies[2][48][39][22][29] ranging from shaping leadership styles to influencing voting preferences of a user. Hence, our work proposes to explore the impact of using value systems on retweet decisions of a user. Overall, the contributions of this paper can be stated as below: • Proposing a novel value-based model which uses value system related features to predict retweet behavior. S. Kakar et al. • Proposing feature extraction methodology for value related features. • Comparing emotion, sentiment, topic-specific emotion and value-based models. • Experimental results demonstrate the higher performance of value-based models as compared to emotion, sentiment and topic-specific emotion models used. The remaining paper is structured as follows. Section 2 outlines the previous studies performed in this field. Section 3 summarizes the statistics and the approach of the data collection. Section 4 presents the methodology used and the process of feature generation. Section 5 discusses the experiments performed followed by Section 6 and 7, discussing the results and summarizing the conclusion of our work respectively. 2 Related works This section reviews the past work done in the context of retweet prediction discussing various features like emotions, sentiments and value systems which are potential predictors for modeling retweet decisions of a user. Retweet Prediction can be approached as either a classification problem or a recommendation problem. Our work would be using classification to approach the problem of retweet prediction. The earlier research in retweet prediction were mainly studying the factors affecting the retweet mechanism. [4] studied the reasons and the conventional styles of retweeting. [42] proved the impact of using URL’s, hashtags, number of followers and followees on the retweet frequency of the tweet. It was shown by [17][36] that emotions and sentiments also affect the virality of the tweet. The topic of interest was seen as a potential factor by [28]. Recent studies are focused around predicting retweet behavior. [47] used a factor graph model and concluded that time of the tweet, user information and the content of the tweet can be effective predictors in predicting retweet behavior of the user. [33] used the temporal information to study the retweeting activity. They used conditional random fields for their work. Other research also exploited the temporal information of the tweet [14][51]. The topical information of the tweet was also studied to gauge the influence of topic on the retweet decision of the user. [50] used a factor graph model considering user attributes, topic information and instantaneity to study the retweet behavior. [10] captured short term interests of the user by ranking top three topics as the hot topics that the user is interested in, at that point in time. [8] used a collaborative-based recommendation algorithm considering topic as a feature to capture user interests. [11] studied the impact of emotions specific to a topic, emphasizing that the same person can have different emotions for different topics and showed that topic-specific emotion feature correlates with the retweeting behavior of the user. Other researchers also showed the importance of topic as a factor in retweet mechanism[15][46][28][27]. Author information has also been shown to have influence on retweet behavior of the user. Recent authors view the retweet prediction as a recommendation problem and use matrix factorization techniques for the same [45][44][18][19][51]. Sentiments and Emotions also have a big impact on user posting/re-posting behavior. Emotions represent the state of mind of an individual at a specific point in time. As per [37] it can be categorized into eight basic types of anger, joy, sadness, disgust, trust, anticipation, surprise and fear. Sentiments can be viewed as positive, negative opinions of people over an event/person/object. It has been proved by several studies that sentiments and emotions have an impact on predicting the decisions of the user [17][32][36]. [36] in their work, demonstrated that the intensity of emotions expressed in a tweet is directly proportional to its retweet frequency. [21] used emotions and user related features to predict the retweet behavior. They concluded that tweets reflecting sadness and anger are the most dominating emotions to be retweeted. Several tools and techniques have been proposed to detect emotions from the content of the tweet. These include tools based on parsers, tree taggers and lexicon-based techniques to label emotions in text [40][21][34][38]. For our work, we employ the use of lexicon-based methods to label emotions, sentiments and value systems in the content of the tweet. An individual learns their personal values from their environment since childhood. The value system of an individual can be viewed as the core beliefs held by them towards someone or something. [41] classified value systems into five types of self-transcendence, conservation, openness to change, hedonism, self-enhancement. Several works show that the content shared reflects the value system of the user [7][12][43][16][9]. [43] used the text of the speech to infer values of the user. Another work used human annotations and machine-learning to identify values in text [16]. Some authors built a word map for the people reflecting traits of being conservative and liberal [9]. [7] also confirmed that the content of the tweet can have potential influence for labeling the value system of the user by analyzing the words related to a specific value system category. Several research show that value systems can help shape personal decisions of people. [2] showed that personal values of an individual can shape their style of leading teams. Another work studied value systems and concluded that they can impact the travel decisions of young adults [48]. Several other works confirm that value systems have a potential influence on voting decisions, foreign policy orientations and health decisions of an individual [22][39][29]. Hence, our work attempts to use value systems to explore the impact on retweet decisions of the user comparing them with previous state of art models used viz, emotions, sentiments, topic-specific emotions. For our work, we will be using the valueDict lexicon [20] for labeling value systems in the content written by users as it is one of the first lexicons to be proposed for the purpose of labeling value systems. This lexicon contains words associated with each of the value system categories. The Informatica 45 (2021) 267–276 269 lexicon was created by taking a set of seed users. For these users, their value system and the associated words for each value system category were inferred by investigating the content written by them in their descriptions and the tweets. The strength of the lexicon was increased by generating synonyms using word2vec embeddings. A validation of the lexicon was applied on an additional set of users taking their descriptions as the ground truth label for their value system. Table 1 summarizes the findings of past studies around sentiments, emotions and topic-specific emotions in addition to other user and tweet features used. Table 1: Summary of Related Works. 3 Data collection The data for this research was collected through the Twint API [49][3]. For this study, we selected a set of 126 seed users manually based upon the average activity of the user per day. These users had an activity of posting a tweet/retweet on an average 4-5 times per day. For these users, their latest 700 tweet/retweet data were collected which was used in constructing the user-interest profile. As a next step, a list of 60 followees each was fetched for these users from the Twint API. To create the target dataset, we needed to create positive and negative samples for each user. We considered all the retweets of the user within a given time as the positive samples for the target dataset. To create the negative samples, we fetched the list of retweet authors for each of the seed users. A retweet author is the author whose tweets, a seed user has retweeted. If these retweet authors were also a followee of the seed user, we collected latest 700 tweets of the author withinthe same timeline of user’s retweets. Both datasets were merged together to form a list of interesting and non-interesting tweets for each user. This process was repeated for all the seed users. The final dataset amounted to 17,180 users with 2,15,312 tweet/retweet data. Table 2 presents a summary of the data Table 2: Data Statistics. Methodology To prepare the data for retweet prediction problem, for each of the seed user, we prepared a list of interesting and non-interesting tweets. The interesting tweets were the tweets that the user found interesting and retweeted. Whereas, to collect the non-interesting tweets, we collected tweets of their followees where the seed user did not retweet. This enabled us to create positive and negative samples for each of the user. The methodology resulted in a total of 2,15,312 tweet/retweet data with 17,180 users. 4.1 Feature generation 4.1.1 Value systems Value system of an individual is a potential predictor of the decisions, they are likely to take in their life. Past studies have shown the significance of content-based analysis of value systems. Hence, our work uses content of the tweet to determine the value system of the user. We use the valueDict lexicon for labeling the users with their value system [20]. The authors in this study proposed this lexicon which contains words relative to each of the value system categories. They then used it to study the prominent value systems in developing and developed regions of the world. The following strategy is used to calculate the value system for a user in our study: The value system of a user can be represented by w dimensions, (where, w=5) namely: self-transcendence, self-enhancement, conservation, hedonism, openness to change V ={V1, V2, . . . Vw} Suppose, U = {U1, U2, ..Un} be the set of users And let Twi = {Twi1, Twi2….Twiz} be the set of tweets for ith user, where 1 =i =n 1 = j = zi Then let nijk be the number of hits found in the lexicon, for each .... where .....V, for a tweet Twij, S. Kakar et al. The score of .... for a user i, can be then calculated as: .... ...... =...=1........ Hence, the total score of the value system for a user i, can be represented as: ..=max.{......} The user is labeled with the value system which has the score S. The value system of a tweet is calculated similarly. 4.1.2 Value similarity score This feature intends to capture how similar a target tweet is, to user's past interests. Suppose a target tweet for a user u, has a value system Vj, then the similarity score for this tweet can be calculated as: .............................. =............/.. Where Totalj is the total number of tweets/retweets in the u’s profile reflecting value system Vj, and X is the total number of tweets/retweets posted by u. 4.1.3 Emotions and sentiments Human emotions can be represented by eight basic emotions namely, anger, disgust, sadness, trust, joy, surprise, fear and anticipation [37]. Our work uses this theory of emotions proposed by the author. Sentiments can be viewed as the opinions of people on certain objects/events. It can be classified into positive and negative sentiments. For our work, we use the NRC word-emotion lexicon [31], to determine the emotion and sentiment score of the tweet. Our methodology of extracting emotions and sentiments is inspired by [11]. For simplicity, we treat emotions and sentiments together and calculate a single score for them, therefore, we may sometimes refer to this combined score as the emotional score of the tweet. Let emotions and sentiments be represented by a 10-dimensional vector for a tweet Twi for a user i: ..={......1,......2,…….......10} Let nki be the number of hits found in the NRC lexicon for emotion dimension, ESk , where ESk .E, then the emotion/sentiment score for ESk can be determined by: = ...... ....... To give more weight to the emotions that are dominating, we calculate the fraction of the matching words found in the lexicon for a tweet Twi, multiplying with the number of matching words found in the lexicon. The resultant emotional vector for tweet, Twi , is of the form: {Sik1, Sik2. . . .Sik10} To further simplify, we convert the scores in this vector to binary scores based on a threshold as past studies have shown that a tweet may reflect more than one emotion. We consider the threshold as the mean of the emotional scores in the vector. If a score is greater than the threshold, we mark it as a 1 else a 0. However, for the sentiments, we consider the bigger of the two sentiment value based on if the tweet reflects a higher Positive value or a higher negative value. 4.1.4 Topic-specific emotion This feature, given the topic of a tweet reflecting certain emotional states, captures its similarity with the user’s emotional states on this topic. To create this feature, we first extracted topic out of a tweet using LDA GIBBS sampling method[13]. We then used conditional probabilities to extract topic specific emotions for the target tweet using the method suggested by [11]. A target tweet, for a user, in such a case can be represented by a vector containing conditional probabilities, {..(....1|....),..(....2|....)…...(....10|....)}, for all emotion dimensions given a specific topic the user is interested in. These conditional probabilities can be defined as: ..(......|....)=...(......,....)/..(....). Where ..(......,....) is the probability of emotion dimension ESj and topic Ti occurring together in user’s profile and, ..(....) is the probability of user’s tweets/retweets reflecting topic Ti. Mathematically, it can be written as: ..(......,....)=............../.. ..(....)=............/.. where, Totalij are the total number of tweets/retweets where emotion ESj and Topic Ti co-occur inuser’s profile, X is the total number of tweets/retweets posted by the user and Totali is the total number of tweets/retweets of the user on topic Ti. 4.1.5 Conventional features URL’s and Hashtags URL’s and Hashtags have been an important factor in determining the retweet decision of the user [46][42][1]. For our work, we checked if the URLs and hashtags in the target tweet is similar to their user profile. If so, we create a score of 1 else a 0. The URLs and hashtags interest were taken from the user interest profile. User Interest Vector Text Similarity is a well-known algorithm for the task of retweet prediction [46][42][26][1]. To compute text similarity between the target tweet and the past tweets/retweets of the user, we create user interest vector and interest vector for the target tweet by using word2vec Informatica 45 (2021) 267–276 271 algorithm [30]. Cosine Similarity is used to further calculate the text similarity between the two vectors. 5 Experiment We performed separate experiments to evaluate value-based, emotion/sentiment based and topic-specific emotion-based models for the task of retweet prediction. Conventional features were used in conjunction with these models. To perform the experiment, the target tweet/retweet dataset was divided into training and test set with a test ratio of 0.3. Each model was trained on the train set and evaluated on the test set. All the models were run using four different classifiers: Random Forest, Logistic Regression, XGB and GBT. A 10-fold cross-validation was performed to get optimal parameter values for the models in order to avoid overfitting. These experiments were implemented using python 3 with a PyCharm editor on a machine with a processor of 2.2 GHz 6-core Intel Core i7 and memory of 16 GB. 5.1 Data checks and preprocessing To prepare the modeling data, several data checks and preprocessing techniques were applied including skewness checks, handling null values and encoding the categorical features. As the target label was highly imbalanced, we used SMOTE sampling to balance out the imbalance between the class labels [6]. 5.2 Modeling For our work, we built the following models to compare the value-based model with previously used models for retweet behavior prediction, namely, emotion/sentiment-based model, topic-specific emotion-based model. We also compared our work with one of the baseline models proposed in previous studies [15][11]. This baseline model is called as the user-interest model. 5.2.1 Value-based Model (VM) This model explores the impact of using user’s value systems on their retweet decisions. The model uses features based on the value systems viz target value system and the similarity score between the target value system and value system in the user interest profile. 5.2.2 Emotion-based Model (EM) This model intendstocapture the effect ofuser’semotions and sentiments on their retweet behavior. The model uses the 10-dimensional emotion and sentiment score extracted by the process described in the Feature generation section. 5.2.3 Topic-Specific Emotion Model (TSM) The topic-specific model was built to investigate the effect of topic specific emotions on user’s retweeting decision, as different users can express different emotions for a specific topic. It uses the 10-dimensional conditional probabilities score to predict the retweet decision of the user. The probabilities are calculated using conditional probability of an emotion dimension, given a specific topic. This tells us how likely the user is to express an emotion given a specific topic. 5.2.4 User Interest Model (UIM) This model is used as a baseline model and intends to explore the text similarity between the user interest vector and the target tweet. The vectors are created using the word2vec algorithm. Cosine Similarity is used to infer the similarity between user interest vector and target tweet vector. To calculate the accuracy of our retweet predictions models, we used the accuracy metric which can be defined as the ratio of number of correctly classified instances to the total number of instances. Figure 1: Model Accuracies for a) Value based Model b) Emotion based model c) Topic-specific emotion-based model d) User Interest Model. Results and discussion All the above models were initially evaluated on the accuracy metric. Figure 1 shows the accuracies of value-based models along with previously used models for the task of predicting retweet decision of users. The accuracies are calculated using classifiers namely, Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR), XGB (Extreme gradient boosting trees), GBT (Gradient boosting trees). The figure shows 4 sub-parts demonstrating the accuracies of value-based model, emotion-based model, topic-specific emotion-based model and user interest model respectively. S. Kakar et al. The value-based model (VM model) uses value system and the value similarity score between target tweet and user profile. This model has a comparable performance across all the classifiers used, with XGB performing slightly better than others. The emotion-based model (EM model) simply uses the 10-dimensional emotion vector as a feature for the prediction. As seen in Figure b), this model as well has a comparable performance across all classifiers used with a slight improvement with the random forest classifier. Figure c) shows the topic-specific emotion-based model (TSM model) accuracy for the task of retweet prediction. It uses the topic-specific emotion feature for predicting retweet behavior by using the conditional probability of an emotion given a topic in the target tweet. For this model, it can be seen that logistic regression performs the best when drawn a comparison with other classifiers. The user-interest model (UIM model) uses the cosine similarity between the user interest vector and the target vector as a feature. The accuracy of this model varies with the type of classifier used. We can see that when using logistic regression classifier, this model performs the worst but shows a great improvement when tested with other classifiers. Table 3: A comparison of various models on the basis of accuracy. Table 4: A comparison of various models based on precision, recall and F1 score. Table 3 and 4 shows the comparative performance between value-based model with previously used retweet prediction models. Table 3 draws a comparison between different models based on accuracy. We used four classifiers viz, Random Forest, XGB, GBT and Logistic Regression, for each of the models to be compared. The user-interest model (UIM model) uses the cosine similarity between the user interest vector and the target vector as a feature. The topic-specific emotion-based model (TSM model) uses the topic-specific emotion feature for predicting retweet behavior. It uses the conditional probability of an emotion given a topic in the target tweet. Emotion-based model (EM model) simply uses the 10-dimensional emotion vector as a feature for the prediction. Value based model (VM model) on the other hand, uses value system and the value similarity score between target tweet and user profile. As it can be seen, the UIM model achieves the worst performance as compared to other models. This is in conformance to our expectation as previous studies use this model as a baseline [15][11]. TSM model shows a better performance than the EM model across all classifiers, however, EM model has an improved accuracy with Random Forest classifier. This indicates that mutual effect of topic and emotions can be treated as a comparable feature to the use of emotions for predicting retweet behaviors. Comparing VM model to TSM and EM model, VM model has an improved accuracy across all classifiers. This indicates that using value systems of an individual can prove to be potential predictor of their retweet decision. Also, we believe that the use of word2vec model to generate similar words for the valueDict lexicon captures the underlying contextual information in the content which when used to label the value systems of users helps in having a higher performance for the retweet prediction task. Accuracy is a good metric when the distribution of our target is balanced. However, in case of imbalanced classes, it is good to evaluate our test set based on other metrics like precision, recall and F1 score. Precision is the ratio of correctly classified true instances to total classified instances as positive. Recall is the ratio of correctly identified true positives to the total instances that were originally positive. Precision can be also written as: ..................=........................./(........................... +.............................) Recall can also be expressed as in: ............ =.........................../(........................... +.............................) F1 score is a metric that represents the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It is important to look at this metric as a model with a very high precision and a very low recall is also not considered to be a useful model. Hence F1 score provides a mean to judge the performance of both metrics. Hence, we present a comparison based on evaluation metrics that we used for our test set, namely, precision, recall and F1 score in Table 4. The Table presents a comparison between our proposed value-based model with the previous state of art models used for the given classification task. A similar pattern as that in accuracy can be seen in these metrics while comparing across the different models. The precision of the VM model proves to be higher as compared to TSM, EM and UIM models across all classifiers. This again proves the ability of using value systems as a feature for the retweet prediction. Comparing the TSM and EM model in terms of precision, we can see that TSM model shows a higher precision when used with all classifiers except Random Forest. This proves again that both features can be said to be potential predictors rather than one being superior to the other. Informatica 45 (2021) 267–276 273 Looking at the recall, we see that almost all the models have a comparable performance, with VM model having a slightly better performance than others. However, to have a look at both the measures jointly, we consider the harmonic mean of precision and recall, used as F1 score for our evaluation. Through the results, we can see that VM model has a higher F1 score as compared to all the other models. As expected, the baseline using UIM Model has a lower performance for all the metrics. These results confirm the importance of value systems as a potential predictor of retweet behaviors in addition to state of art features previously used: emotions, sentiments, and topic-specific emotions. This work can be used in all the applications of retweet prediction including viral marketing, emergency response and tweet recommendation. Value Systems of an individual can also be used in practice to identify spammers. 7 Conclusion Predicting retweet decisions of a user is a challenging problem. The retweet behavior of a user correlates with factors like emotions, sentiments, topic-specific emotions as studied and showed by the past studies. Value systems have also been shown in the past studies as an important predictor of user decisions, however, its impact was not yet explored in the domain of retweet prediction. Hence, in this work, our objective was to explore the impact of value systems on the retweet decisions of the user. Value Systems, being a latent attribute of a user have a potential to have a good predictive power in deciphering retweet behavior of the user. We presented a value-based model explaining the methodologies to extract value related features. We also compared our model with previous state of art models used. Through different experiments, our work shows that value systems, are indeed an important factor in predicting retweeting decisions of the user. The future work of our paper includes studying and comparing other state of art models with value-based models. References [1] Abel, F., Gao, Q., Houben, G. J., Tao, K. 2011. Analyzing user modeling on twitter for personalized news recommendations. In international conference on user modeling, adaptation, and personalization, pages 1–12. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-22362-4_1 [2] Ali, S., Katoma, V., Tyobeka, E. 2015. Identification of key values and behaviours influencing leadership orientation in Southern Africa. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 6(1):6–12. [3] Bonsn, E., Perea, D., Bednárová, M. 2019. Twitter as a tool for citizen engagement: An empirical study of the Andalusian municipalities. 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Towards a Formal Multi-Agent Organizational Modeling Framework Based on Category Theory Abdelghani Boudjidj Ecole nationale Supérieure d’Informatique (ESI), BP 68M, 16270, Oued-Smar Algiers, Algeria ICOSI Lab University, Abbes Laghrour khenchela BP 1252 El Houria 40004 Khenchela, Algeria E-mail: a_boudjidj@esi.dz Elkamel Merah and Mohammed El Habib Souidi ICOSI Lab University, Abbes Laghrour khenchela BP 1252 El Houria 40004 Khenchela, Algeria E-mail: ekmerah@gmail.com, souidi.mohammed@univ-khenchela.dz Keywords: multi-agent systems, organizational models, category theory, formal semantics Received: September 23, 2019 Multi-agent organizational modeling frameworks can be considered as an efficient solution regarding the distributed applications’ problems such as task bundle mechanisms, supply chain management, as well as air traffic control. The main objective of this paper is to provide a solution based on a solid mathematical theory for the modeling, the analysis and the verification of artificial organizations properties, and particularly those of Multi-Agent Systems (MASs). Category theory is a mathematical formalism used to categorically study the logics of organizations in different societies. Therefore, it can be projected on artificial organizations in a categorical way. Our work is revolved around the idea of modeling Multi-Agents organization using category theory. In other words, it consists on the transformation of Agent-Group-Role (AGR) organizational model in a categorical way in order to obtain a formal semantics model describing the MAS organization. This formal model allows the analysis, the verification and also the validation of the main concepts of an organization at a high level of abstraction. Povzetek: Predstavljena je matematicna formulacija agentnih sistemov na osnovi kategorij. Introduction Multi-agent systems (MASs), in particular, imply different coordination mechanisms. Different organizational modeling frameworks represent an organizational structures are trained to ensure the advanced technology for modern applications that are coordination mechanisms, and the dependence of dynamic, open and distributed. The development of these different types of tasks [2]. applications requires the exploration of the related design Several organizational models of multi-agent and analysis methods. systems have been proposed. They are based on the MASs are useful for the modeling and development social structure and organizational concepts for the of distributed computer systems; they have emerged to complex systems construction, in order to propose a solve the problems of organizations in large-scale solution to the problem of the heterogeneity of software systems. languages. Their characteristics allow a better structuration of The Organizational MASs Model transformation is complex systems, a wide use of MASs in several areas of an adaptation (making connections between categorical computer and engineering, such as e-commerce, e-concepts and units of an organization MAS such as learning, communication, data mining, simulation, AGR), and a way of categorically describing an artificial robotics, system transport,grid computing … model, which allows us to have a mathematical model. An organization is a social entity that has a specific This model allows us to perform the analysis and the number of entities (people, a computer system or an formal verifications of certain properties of institution). The main objective of the organization is to organizational MASs. permit the coordination of these entities. Each member or Many studies have addressed organizational models entity recognizes its role and those of the others, in order in MASs, such as the AGR model (Agent Group Role), to achieve a collective goal [1]. representing the former Aalaadin model evolution The organization is supposed to have structural and proposed in [3]. strategic components. These two components are linked, In this model, the organization is defined as a an organizational strategy related to characteristics such framework of activities. The interactions are based on as size, innovation, versatility and geographical group agents’ notions, roles and their relations. The AGR distribution of the organization. These characteristics model focuses on the organization structure and both groups and roles definitions, this model does not deal with the internal architecture of the agent but it focuses on the function of this agent within an organization (its role) [3]. We can cite three extensions of AGR organizational model, the model Agents Group Role Environment [4], known as AGRE, which takes into consideration the physical and social environments placed in domains, known as spaces. The second extension is the Agent Group Service Role (AGSR) organizational model [5], represents another conceptual and architectural framework for organizing open and dynamic multi-agent systems. And finally, the Agent-Group-Role-Membership Function (AGRMF) [6]. In this model, the agent is an entity capable of acting and communicating. The group is equipped with a membership function managing its flexibility (access of the agent to the group) and also represents the primitive notion of the combination of the agents. There exist other models such as, Model of Organization for multI-agent SystEms (MOISE). Furthermore, The Roadmap organizational model is more similar to agent-oriented methods, which is based on a role, a protocol and an interaction model [7]. Organizational Model for Normative Institutions (OMNI) [8], the organizational model of YAMAM [8], based on four different concepts: Agent, Competence, Role and Task. As a first approximation, we can say that the category theory is the mathematical study of function algebras, arises from the idea of functions system between certain objects [9]. The category theory was introduced and used as a framework in many cases. In many fields of computer science and software engineering [10], it has a rich body of theory for reasoning about structures (objects and relations between objects), and it is sufficiently abstract to represent a wide range of different specification languages. In this paper, we are interested in modeling organizational multi-agent systems (MASs), which represent the backbone of our research activity, by using category theory. Primarily focusing on organization-based methods, these methodologies are still fairly new, and mainly focused on the analysis phase. Otherwise, the design and implementation phases are either missing or redirected to agent-based methodologies, which do not offer enough tools to model organizational concepts. Therefore, there is still a gap between the analysis and the design, which must be clearly, correctly, and completely specified. In our work we will use category theory to interpret MAS organizational models. In other words, our objective is to transform and to validate organizational concepts of AGR (semi-formal model) to the categorial formal model with category theory. The following diagram details the different stages of our approach. After the exploration and the Analysis of the MAS organizational concepts, we have seen the usefulness in the transformation of AGR organizational model. Once our objective is fixed, we proceed to its categorical A. Boudjidj et al. Figure 1: Diagram of different stages of our approach. modeling. A categorical modeling aims to construct categories for AGR model with its organizational concepts (Agents Groups and Roles) and the relation between them. We study and validate the different proprieties emerging for the agent ’interactions in the categorical model. If the properties of the chosen model are not satisfactory, it is necessary to return to the formal model. Firstly, we present category theory. The category is a bunch of objects. These objects are linked together with arrows known as morphisms. It can be compared to a set of objects but a category is larger than sets. A morphism or arrow can be defined as a link between two objects. So an object A, object B and an arrow between them called path. An object can be considered as primitive in this theory. It has no properties and does not have an internal structure. An object can be compared with an atom (it is like a point without properties). A morphism R is also a primitive, it has no properties except that each arrow has a beginning and an end. In fact, the reason of having objects is to mark the ends of the arrows (morphisms). In other words, if we have objects a and b, we can have zero or more arrows linking between them [11]. For each pair of objects, we need to specify the arrows that link between them with different names, some objects are not connected with arrows, other are connected with an arrow, and other objects are connected with an infinite number of arrows. The number of arrows can be an incalculable linking from two objects to the others. There exists a morphism of identity for each object in a category. Our contribution will be reflected by the introduction of the composition with the aim of obtaining a composition table that composes the morphisms, and provides different categories [11]. Category theory is general and aims to unify mathematical modeling languages that provides many universal building principles [12]. This framework offers a structure for formalizing large specifications and provides primitive compositions in algebraic languages and specification languages of temporal logic [13]. There exist different types of categories such as: -Set Category, in which the objects are considered as sets. The arrows or morphisms linking between sets A and B represent all functions from A to B [14]. -Discrete Category, is a category where morphisms are only morphisms of identity. For example, we suppose that X and Y are different objects in category C, the morphism of X to X can only be the morphism of identity of X, and the morphism of X to Y does not exist, which means :(..,..)={......}for all X objects, and mor(..,..)= Øfor all X .Y objects [15]. -Path Category, before presenting this Path we need to have basic knowledge about directed graphs. A directed graph G is a set O of objects called vertices or nodes, and a set A of ordered pairs of vertices are called arrows or directed edges [16]. Each arrow diagram or directed graph can be interpreted as a category named Path, whose morphisms are sequences (Paths) of arrows. Other types of examples that we often see in mathematics are the categories of structured sets. In other words, sets with another "structure" and functions which "preserve" them, where these notions are determined independently such as: groups and group homomorphisms, vector spaces and linear maps, graphs and homomorphisms of graphs, the real numbers R and the continuous functions R.R, the open subsets ...R and the continuous functions ..:......R defined on them, topological spaces and continuous maps, differential manifolds and smooth maps, the natural numbers N and all recursive functions N.N, or as in the example of continuous functions, we can take partial recursive functions defined on the subsets ...N. The paper is organized as follows: in the first section, we will discuss the use of Category Theory (CT) in relation to the multi-agent systems. In the second section, we will describe the problem, in which we detail the different concept forming AGR organizational model, and also the concept of category theory. The third section is devoted to the AGR model interpretation via the utilization of category theory. In the fourth section, we will present a case study for the validation of the categorical model of the AGR organization. In the final section of this paper, we will conclude by brief notes reflecting the importance of the proposed work. 2 Related work Several research activities are based on categories theory and their mathematical concepts at a very abstract level, in agent-oriented or organization-oriented multi-agent systems. In a recent work [17], they studied human organization using the category theory in a philosophical way. They also represented the human society concepts via the category theory concepts, and put links between the two concepts. According to this work, the categories theory with a high level of abstraction allows the formalization of social (collective) models within the framework of social theory in order to explore their interaction, to express the organizational concepts of MASs and software components with the same categorical terms and also their interactions. Category Informatica 45 (2021) 277–288 279 theory helps in organizational models’ validation. Once the MAS organizational categorical model is generated, it is possible to analyze and study some properties of organizations. In [18], they proposed a high-level agent-oriented modeling. The authors have categorically detailed the structure of a Belief Desire Intention (BDI) agent, through the modeling of these concepts. After a design and modeling of an Autonomous Reactive System (ARS) by a multi-agent system, the Category Theory will be applied to formalize the autonomous behavior of MAS and also that of the ARS. The mapping of ARS and MAS via category theory allows the formalization of the autonomous behavior of these lasts with the aim of proving that the two categorical representations mapped from ARS and MAS are isomorphic. This step will guarantee that the autonomous behaviors of ARS and MAS are the same. This work presented the possibility of coupling MASs and CT. In [19], the authors introduced a MAS categorical generic model, leading to the MAS category. In this category, objects are agents of different types and the morphisms represent all kinds of relations between agents, called communication and general cooperation arrows. This general structure of communication and cooperation is represented by a corresponding arrow diagram, called Basic Diagram of MAS. The first formulation of the idea is based on the categorical modeling of relations such as the category Path(..,..),a natural description of the basic diagram of a MAS in categorical notions arises. In [20], they introduced a formal verification of a concurrent system based on category theory. In other words, they managed the consistency between design and implementation in the phase of a concurrent system’s development. As a first step, they designed the concurrent system using communicating sequential processes (CSP). The next step focused on the implementation of the concurrent system with a process-oriented programming language known as Erasmus. They categorically verified the implementation against the design of the concurrent system as a last step. In [21], the authors proposed a formal approach, named Reactive Autonomic Systems Framework (RASF), based on category theory, to face the challenges such as group behavior that emerges complex and unexpected, which be in need of a formal specification and verification, they focus on the formal specification of substitutability property for the fault-tolerance, their approach was illustrated via Mars-world case study. They used RASF to model the Reactive Autonomic Systems (RAS). They built a RAS meta-model with categorical specification as a first step. Secondly, they transformed it to be applicable in the case of exploring the Mars-world. Finally, they implemented these RAS models through the Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) using JADEX, where they have five types of agents (robots) as Manager, Supervisor, Sentry, Producer and Carry agents. They have proved in this work that category theory is largely used to capture constructs and their relations in a system, in a formal way and in a single categorical presentation. In [22], the contribution is reflected through the construction of a transformation system for Multi-Agent System (hereafter, MAS) modeled and based on category theory as a common linguistic formal support. They introduced the Category MAS of all Multi-Agent Systems, the objects represent agents and morphisms represent the relations between the agents. The relations between agents can change according to the MAS dynamism. Therefore, it is justifiable to define the Category MAS of All MASs, where the objects are Multi Agent Systems and the morphisms are MAS’s morphisms. They associate a base diagram to each MAS representing the complete relational structure. The Double Pushout Method (hereafter, DPO), a concept widely developed in the field of algebraic graph transformations, they proposed a MAS semantic to the DPO approach. They proved in this work that there is a strong need for formalization of MAS, and their goal was to develop a toolbox for MAS modeling using category theory notions. 3 Problem description The use of organizations in multi-agent systems is an attractive research activity requiring a formal framework to mathematically manage it, and proceed to the validation of the different properties. Several models have been realized in order to reflect the importance of organization in multi-agent systems, and to lead to efficient solutions regarding the complex problems. New concepts have been used in MASs according to the proposed model such as AGR, which we are going to detail. The category theory provides many mathematical aspects and concepts at a very abstract level. This fact will allow us to represent or transform the concepts related to organizational MAS. This formalization will lead us to a categorical model for the AGR model (formal model). Also, category theory will allow us to examine the AGR in an abstract way by formalizing the system as collections of objects (categories) and morphisms with the aim of reasoning about these objects and their relations or interactions (morphisms). This point is very suitable for agent-based systems like organizational MAS. The formal obtained model will lead itself to formal verifications of interesting properties of organizational SMA. Several studies have presented the possibility of using CT in relation to MAS, and consequently, the modeling of the AGR model (Organization Oriented). The problem studied is to reformulate AGR organization with CT and to validate this approach. An instance of market organization is used in order to clarify the use of AGR model, to find an appropriate supplier among the set of participating suppliers to the market. Specifically, this case study will be used to test our AGR formalization where groups and roles will interact and communicate with each other. The agents engaged and A. Boudjidj et al. involved in the market will proceed to negotiation in order to appoint the supplier. Properties will be presented in this example such as the flexibility of agents, negotiation between agents playing the roles, as well as an agent playing one or more roles. 3.1 An agent in agent group role (AGR) model This model represents the agent as an autonomous entity that can communicate with other agents, and can play one or more roles in one or more groups. No constraint is placed on the internal architecture of the agent to allow each designer to choose the adequate agent according to the processed problem. A simple semantic structure formula of Agent (..)is a tuple: ..:<....,..,...... > ....:The Agent Identity. N: Agent Name. PLs: roles played by the agent. 3.2 Group in agent group role (AGR) model The group represents a set of agents that shares characteristics, such as usual MAS, where each agent can be a member of one or more groups. The group is used to divide the organization where each group has an activity; and any agent can start a group, a semantic structure formula of a group (..)represented as: ..<....,..> ....:group name, ..:resident roles in the group. Figure 2 represents a class diagram of AGR. Figure 2: AGR meta-model. 3.3 Role in agent group role (AGR) model The Role can be considered as the abstract representation of the function of an agent within a particular group. A Role is local in a group where an agent can have one or more roles. A Role is a set of tasks, and in turn a task is a set of actions. The Role (..) is given by a semantic structure as follows: ..:<....,....> ....:role name ....:group name where role reside. 3.4 Category theory concepts 3.4.1 A category Includes the following data [14], • Objects: .., .., .., etc. • Morphisms (Arrows): ..,..,h,etc. • Domain (......)and Codomaine (......): For each arrow .., we give objects: ......(..), ......(..) called domain and codomaine of .., we write: ..:.....to indicate that..=......(..)and ..=......(..). • Composition(°): From the arrows ..:.....and ..:....., that is to say with: ......(..)=......(..), we have a given arrow: ..°..:A.C. • Identity: For each object A there is a given arrow ......:....., called identity arrow of A. These components are required to comply with the following laws: Associativity: h°(..°..)=(h°..)°.., for all ..:....., ..:....., h:...... Unit: ..°......=..=......°.., for all ..:...... 3.4.2 Isomorphism In any category C, an arrow ..:..... is called an isomorphism if there is an arrow ..:.....in C such that ..°..=...... and ..°..=....... Since inverses are unique (proof), we write ..=..-1 . We say that A is isomorphic to B, written ..˜.., if there exists an isomorphism between them [9]. 3.4.3 Functor Definition of a functor [9]: ..:..... between categories C and D is a mapping of objects to objects and arrows to arrows, in such a way that: (a) ..(..:.....)=..(..):..(..)...(..), (b) ..(......)=......(..), (c) ..(..°..)=F(..)°..(..). That is, F preserves domains and codomains, identity arrows, and composition. A functor ..:.....thus gives a sort of picture —perhaps distorted—of C in D. Figure 3: F functor from category C to category D. 3.5 Tool supporting the approach Category theory is known for its ability to organize the key abstractions that make up most areas of mathematics, Informatica 45 (2021) 277–288 281 and it becomes useful for writing elegant and maintainable code through categorical ideas. Haskell is a programming language used to stimulate the construction of category theory (www.haskell.org). 4 Interpretation of agent group role in category theory In this AGR model, the organization represents the AGR itself including all the existing groups. A group represents a set of agents and roles. The AGR model gives us the possibility to choose the type of appropriate agent (reactive, interactive, cooperative ...) according to the system or the addressed problem. Our work focuses on a formal transformation of a specific organizational model. Therefore, we have based our work on reactive agents. An agent is represented by a set of goals, skills, and characteristics. The goals that the agent works for their accomplishment are the performance of a set of actions and also the play of one or more roles. Agents may have new goals after a system update causing new actions to be performed and roles to be played. On the one hand, the role is a sequence of tasks to be performed by one or more agents (playing the same role). On the other hand, a task is a sequence of actions to be executed in a discrete-time. The units of the AGR organization (agent groups) can communicate with each other via messages (send and receive). The exchange of messages can provoke new goals and events. The use of category theory allows us to focus on the morphisms or relations between objects instead of focusing on the internal representations of objects. In the AGR, as it is mentioned in section problem description, each group contains a set of roles played by the belonging agents. The agents belonging to the same group cooperate with each other in order to perform different tasks. In a group of agents, there exist two different types of communication: local communication and global communication. Local communication occurs only within a group, and worker agents communicate with each other to cooperate. Global communication occurs between agents of different groups. In this section, we will present the categorical modeling of AGR. We will examine the agent structure and role. Moreover, we will represent the main concepts such as Actions, tasks, role, groups, agent, and their relations via category theory. Then a return on the global system, which is the set of groups, the wholes represents the AGR with the help of constructions of category theory. The following section contains definitions of the different concepts allowing the formalization of the groups in an AGR organization. 4.1 The role A role is represented by a sequence of tasks to be sequentially executed. In turn, a task is represented by a set of actions sequentially executed in a discrete-time, presented in a Task category. So, to represent the tasks and their big category TASK, we will first define the category ACTIONS. 4.1.1 Category ACTIONS ACTIONS is a category that contains all the required actions to perform in order to build a task, objects, and morphisms in that category. These proprieties are defined as follows: -Objects: are a set of executable actions designated by ..1, ..2, ... -Morphisms: morphisms of identity ACTIONS is a discrete category that contains identity morphisms. Actions are defined as an abstraction of agents' reaction to environmental events. The following figure shows the ACTIONS category. Figure 4: ACTIONS Category. 4.1.2 Category Task Task is a category representing the sequence of actions where objects are of type ..1, ..2 ... and morphisms are the morphisms of object identities, and morphisms of type Before, this type of morphism ensures the order of execution of the actions. An object named .......... means a null action. This type is used to capture exceptions, and it only has the identity morphism. The order of executions of the actions is interesting in this category and by obligation the morphisms of length one, will be accepted ensuring the partial order of execution of the actions. The Figure 5 shows an example of a Task category A. Boudjidj et al. Where: Objects: ..1, ..2and ..3, represent the execution of tasks ..1, ..2and ..3respectively. Morphism: morphisms of identities of objects (....). Morphisms between objects of type (.) before, the morphism before assures us that the action ..1 executed during ..1 before ..2 which is executed in ..2, and vice versa. The task category is represented by a special category called Path which accepts morphisms (arrows), of length one. In the following figure, we will showcase the non-displayed path of length equal to 2, which is the composition of the two morphisms .. and ... As we have noted before, the category theory is based on the composition of the morphisms between the objects and the composition of the functors between the categories. Morphism before ...°..=h:..1...3. The length of this morphism is equal to 2, it will not be displayed. Figure 6: Task Category without the rule application of the PATH category The morphism h represents the composition of the two morphisms .. and .. satisfying the laws of associativity and unity. Therefore, the validity of the Task Category is proven. 4.1.3 Functor Sequence_A This functor maps objects and morphisms from the category ACTIONS to a category as follows: -Objects: actions in the ACTIONS category maps to the Action objects in the Task Category. -Morphisms: all the morphisms of identities of the objects ..1, ..2, ..., of the category ACTIONS towards the objects ..1, ..2, ..., of the category Task. The figure 7 shows the categories ACTIONS, Tasks of type Task, and functors of type Sequence_A. The preceding diagram presents two categories of the type Task, which were injected from the Category ACTIONS by the functors ..and ..of type Sequence_A, ..Functor: Objects ..(..1)=........1...1 ..(..2)=........1...2 ..(..3)=........1...3 Morphisms ..(......1)=......(..1) ..(......2)=......(..2) ..(......3)=......(..3) G Functor: Objects ..(..3)=........2...3 ..(....)=........2..... Morphisms ..(......3)=......(..1) ..(........)=......(....) 4.1.4 Category TASK The Category TASK represents a large category where, the objects are: Tasks of the categories of the type Task .., (..=1....2…). Morphisms are: the morphisms of identities. 4.1.5 Functor collapses_T Functor that collapses a category of type Task to a .. object of the big Category TASK: All the objects of a category of the type Task .., will be collapsed towards an object ..in the Category TASK, and all the morphisms will be also collapsed towards a single morphism of identity. The object .. of Category TASK will represent a black hole collapsing a whole category of Task ..type into a single point. The figure 8 shows an example of Task type categories that would melt into .. objects of the large Category TASK. Example functor collapses_T (H): Objects ..(........1...1)=..1 ..(........1...2)=..1 ..(........1...3)=..1 Morphisms ..(......1)=......(..1) ..(......2)=......(..1) ..(......3)=......(..1) ..(..)=......(..1) ..(..)=......(..1) 4.1.6 The Category Role The Role represents a sequence of Tasks to be executed sequentially from the large Category TASK. We can have several Categories Role from the Category TASK. 4.1.7 Functor Sequence_T This Functor maps Objects: ..from Category TASK to Role ..objects. Morphisms: identity morphisms Id of Category TASK to identity morphisms Id Role. Figure 9: Extraction of Roles from the broad Category TASK. 4.2 Category Group Category Group is a category that contains Roles residing in a Group .., with their relations, 4.2.1 Functor Collapse_G It represents a functor collapsing a category of type Role .., in an object R of the Category Group .., Objects: The Role categories to .. objects of the Category Group. Morphisms: the morphisms of identities of the Role categories towards the morphisms of identity of the objects of the Category Group. All objects of a category of type Role .., would collapse to an object .. in the Category Group .., and all morphisms would also collapse to a single identity morphism of the same object, the object .. of Groupe .. will also represent a black hole that will collapse an entire category of type Role .. (..=........,…), into a single point that represents the object. Figure 10 shows an example of Role type categories that would melt into ..objects in the Category Group ... is resident in one or more Groups. The diagram (figure 11) shows the categories: ACTIONS, Task, TASK, Role and Group And the Functors: Sequence_A, collapses_T, 4.3.1 Functor plays_role Sequence_T and collapse_G. This functor allows the Agent to play one or more Roles in a Group or Groups. It maps the objects from the 4.3 Category Agents Category Agents to the objects of the Category Group. In this work, the agent is a communicating entity capable Morphisms: It maps the morphisms’ identity "Id " of of playing one or more Roles in one or more Groups, agents to the morphisms of identities of the roles in the Category Agents is a category where: group category. The Agents are represented by the objects. Furthermore, the morphisms only reflect the identities of each object (Agent). The figure 13 shows the Agents category, the plays_role morphism, and the Group category. We have presented all the categories that represent the AGR model: ACTIONS, Task, TASK, Role, Group and Agents, as well as the relations between them by the functors, Seqence_A, Collapses_T, Sequence_T, Collapse_G and plays_rle. In Figure 14, an example of 3 Roles, Role A, Role B and Role C residing in two different Groups, Group A and Group B, and 4 Agents A1, A2, A3 and A4 playing these roles within the meaning of these groups. The example of Figure 14 shows us the important flexibility given to Roles and Agents by this categorical representation. A Role belongs to one or more groups. An Agent plays one or more Roles in one or more Groups representing the initial definition of AGR model. Validation We will validate now our interpretation of AGR organizational modeling framework in terms of category theory, through a case study of a market organization instance [3]. A set of agents represent the different elements forming the market structure. The Figure 15 shows the three groups in the Market organization, a Group of Customers,a Service Provider Group, and a Contract Group. Group of Service Providers: in this group it resides the role Broker and service, the broker role is the representative of the suppliers. Customer Group: Gathers the customers whose customer role we find, and to find a suitable supplier, customers interact with the Service Provider Group via Broker. Group contract: in this group it resides the roles seller and buyer, its structure is made to bring together the agents who engaged and involved to move to the negotiation. In our categorical AGR model an agent can belong to both the client group and the service provider group (message passing). So, it is possible to play multiple roles in multiple groups by an agent and perform tasks. Informatica 45 (2021) 277–288 285 As shown in the last example, an agent will play the Broker role in two different groups. The figure 16 shows a projection of the Market organization instantiated from the AGR categorical model, including the three groups with their roles. The category Agents includes all the agents of our organization with the supposition that there exist 7 Agents. Three Agents will play the Role Customer in the Category Customer Group via the functor: D1 . plays_role, which maps the Agents with the Roles. Also, it linked one of the Agents with the Broker Role in the same category. Another functor D1 .plays_role, links other Agents with service Roles in the Provider Services Group Category, and also maps the same Agent that plays the Broker role in the Category Customer Group to the broker Role of the Group category served customer he plays the same role in two different groups. In the Category Customer Group, the customers are represented by the objects. This category contains the role, broker and also the roles customer. The morphisms between the role broker and the other roles customer represent the link between them, and among these links only one customer has a response from the Broker via a morphism back (an Isomorphic relation), the same thing in the group category served by providers links are generated via morphisms. The contract group category will bring together the Agents playing the roles of seller and buyer via the functor D3 .plays_role. In this example we have not detailed the categories ACTIONS and TASK, we have assumed that the actions and tasks presented via each Role are predefined. Each category has an identity morphism that ensures the update (id_update) of the category in case of change, the appearance of a New Role for example or one of the Agents does not want to play a Role and vice versa. This categorical transformation ensures the flexibility of Agents between Groups, which is a very important property in multi-agent organizational systems. 5.1 Comparison with the existing approaches The table 1 contains the related works using category theory and multi-agent systems. Through the latter, a comparison study between these approaches was made according to a set of criteria such as the orientation of the multi-agent system (agent-oriented or organization-oriented), the type of agent used, the dynamism of the system, and the stability when changing the role (if one exists) of Agent. 5.2 Evaluation The table illustrates the differences between the proposed approaches, for example, the approach of Olga Ormandjieva line 4, which is an agent-oriented based work, does not deal with the organization concept, which is the base of our approach. Otherwise, some approaches are based on the use of the organization especially in the MASs. The work of Abderrahim. S, is oriented organization which has studied the link between category theory and human society, the type of agent used is generalized, while our work is based on the model of artificial organization AGR with a specific type of agents. A. Boudjidj et al. modeling modes such as graphs or sets. This very important link represented by a functor (..) allows us to switch between the mathematical representation, which give us the possibility to reformulate the studied problem via graphs, sets, topos, and this allows us to use the characteristics and properties of each domain to solve the starting problem (Figure 17). So, if we categorically model a problem linked to an organization, we can solve it with the sets. If we will not arrive at a solution with these, we can change our mathematical tools and use the topos for example. For that, we just need to go back to our categorial model and change the functor to the topos. General categorical modeling gives us more mathematical choices for problem solving. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we have proposed a formal semantics of AGR organizational modeling framework in terms of category theory, with its concepts and structures based on Agents, Groups and Roles. This formal semantics allows the analysis, the verification and the validation of the emergent properties. After the generation of the categorical model, the The main objective is to use category theory to category theory allows us to switch to several known formalize the structures of the AGR as a toolbox in the Table 1: Comparison the existing approaches in related work. Authors Titled work Agent- Organization- Reactive Cognitive Dynamism Stability centered centered MAS Agent Agent MAS Pfalzgraf, J. 2005 On categorical and logical modeling in multiagent systems. Anticipative Predictive Models in X Not mentioned X X Systems Science. [8] Pfalzgraf, J. and T. Soboll,. 2009 On a general notion of transformation for multiagent systems and its implementation. [9] X Not mentioned X Kuang, H., Formal Specification of et al. Substitutability Property 2010. for Fault-Tolerance in X X Reactive Autonomic Systems. in SoMeT. [10] Olga Modeling multi-agent Ormandjieva systems with category X X X X et al.,2015 theory. [11] Abderrahim, S. and R. Maamri, Dec,2018 A Category-theoretic Approach to Organization-based Modeling of Multi Agent Systems on the Basis of Collective Phenomena and Organizations in Human Societies. [12] X Not mentioned X Our work Towards a formal multi-agent organizational modeling framework based on category theory. X X X field of MAS organization. The category theory allows morphisms and their compositions, and also functors us to formally achieve this goal in order to represent the between categories of the framework. different concepts in the same categorical framework. As shown in section 3, the different concepts of This representation is effectuated via the use of objects, AGR can be expressed and combined. Our categorical interpretation allows us to check some properties of MAS, such as flexibility of agents, stability of the groups, as well as the emergence of new roles. The validation of these properties will depend on the final result of the modeling and the processed problem. In future work, we will focus on the modeling of AGR extensions, such as AGRE, AGRS and AGRMF, as well as other organizational MAS models. Moreover, we will try to establish a relation and a combination between agent-oriented modeling and organization-oriented modeling. Also, we plan to automate the transformation of AGR concepts in concepts of category theory by using Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and Model Transformation. References [1] March, J.G. and R.I. Sutton, Crossroads— organizational performance as a dependent variable. 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Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia E-mail: hristijang@feit.ukim.edu.mk, dis.ijs.si/hristijan Matjaž Gams Department of Intelligent Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: matjaz.gams@ijs.si, dis.ijs.si/mezi Keywords:transfer learning, deep learning, human activity recognition, accelerometer data Received: July 15, 2021 Human Activity Recognition (HAR) from wearable sensors has gained signifcant attention in the last few decades, largely because of the potential healthcare benefts. For manyyears, HAR was done using classical machine learning approaches that require theextractionof features.With the resurgenceof deep learning, a major shift happened and at the moment, HAR researchers are mainly investigating different kinds of deep neural networks. However, deep learning comes with the challenge of having access to large amounts of labeled examples, which in the feld of HAR is considered an expensive task, both in terms of time and effort. Another challenge is thefact that the training and testing data in HAR can be different due to the personal preferences of different people when performing the same activity. In order to try and mitigate these problems, in this paper we explore transfer learning, a paradigm for transferring knowledge from a source domain, to another related target domain. More specifcally, we explore the effects of transferring knowledge between two open-source datasets, the Opportunity and JSI-FOS datasets, using weight-transfer for the DeepConvLSTM architecture. We also explore the performance of this transfer at different amounts of labeled data from the target domain. The experiments showed that it is benefcial to transfer the weights of fewer layers, and that deep transfer learning can perform better than a domain-specifc deep end-to-end model in specifc circumstances. Finally, we show that deep transfer learning is a viable alternative to classical machine learning approaches as it produces comparable results and does not require feature extraction. Povzetek:Vprispevkuje raziskanvplivštevilau.cnihprimerovpri prenesenemu.cenju,kikaže izboljšano delovanje pri malem številu primerov. 1 Introduction Until recently, researchers in the feld of HAR were mainly focused on using traditional pattern-matching meth­ods as well as machine learning to detect activities [1]. In With numerous healthcare, smart-home and security appli-order to work properly, these methods require the extrac- cations on the horizon, human activity recognition (HAR) tion of features which in turn requires considerable domain isa feld which hasgained signifcant tractionin the past knowledge in order to extract a diverse and information- two decades. Most of the research done on this topic rich feature set. However, in recent years, as the beneft of has been aimed at understanding human activity using using deep neural networks is apparent in domains such as data from wearablesensors, primarily inertial measurement computer vision and NLP [2], research has shifted towards units (IMUs). This is in large part due to the rapid develop-deep learning [3]. The focus has mostly been centered ment of wearable devices, allowing researchers to perform around Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). These complex tasks on them, as well as their ubiquitous and un-networks are capable of automatically capturing hierarchi- obtrusive nature. cal feature representations of the data [4], i.e. theyproduce features which range from general to application specifc as one goes deeper in the network. Another emerging trend in HAR is the use of LSTM cells which are able to better cap­ture the temporal dependencies between sensor readings [5][6]. Finally, an interesting approach which yields ar­guably the best resultis the creationofhybrid models such as the one proposed by Ordez et al., where they com­bine convolutional layers with LSTM cells in order to ex­ploit both the spatial and the temporal analysis which those types of layers provide [7]. Nevertheless, as is the case in manyother felds where it is applied, aside from the benefts, deep learning also brings certain challenges. These challenges are usuallyeven more emphasized when working on HAR as opposed to felds suchasimage classifcation.Forexample,large amountsof (diverse) data are required to train a deep end-to-end clas­sifer that can accurately predict human activities. These large amounts of data are usually diffcult to collect as it takes a lot of time and sometimes moneyto do so. In addi­tion, deep neural networks require a lot of time to train in order to reach their full potential, which hampers the ability to quickly create prototypes that can be furtherbuilt upon. Finally, the source and target data in HAR can be very dif­ferent, as different users perform the same activities differ­ently depending on their personal preferences. This makes building end-to-end deep learning models a diffcult task. Given these challenges, it is clear that providing a so­lution to them could accelerate the development of HAR models for specifc activity domains and make these mod­els more adaptable to users and data that theyhave not pre­viously seen. To this end, we explore transfer learning, a learning paradigm that deals with transferring knowledge acquired in one (source) domain to another related (target) domain, as a method that could help mitigate these issues. Therehavebeenseveralworksinthepast whichshowed transfer learning to be benefcial in the HAR domain,but most of them used classical ML methods [8][9][10]. An extensive analysis of conventional transfer learning meth­ods can be found in [11]. However, in contrast to this, there aren’t many works addressing deep transfer learn­ing. Morales et al. presented the pioneering deep trans­fer learning approach for HAR in [12]. In this paper the authorsworked with thePAMAP2 andSkoda Mini Check­point datasets and investigated the transfer of weights of the DeepConvLSTM model between the two domains. Unfortunately, they get negative transfer results and con­clude that the two domains are just too different from each other. In addition, Hoelzemann et al. have a similar transfer learning setup to the one presented in [12] and in their experiments theyconclude that transfer between sen­sor locations in the same domain is feasible, but transfer between datasets is accompanied with signifcant perfor­mance losses. The authors in [13] propose a method which is able to achieve good results when transferring between HAR datasets which have the same set of tasks. Finally, in our previous work [14] we showed promising results for S. Kalabakov et al. a transfer learning system using the MultiResNet architec­ture [15] at different adaptation set sizes. In order to provide more detailed insights into some of theopen questions,thispaperisgoingtoexploretheperfor­mance of a transfer learning system, using two intuitively similar datasets which consist of activities of daily living (ADL). The deep learning architecture we are going to be using in this work is the DeepConvLSTM architecture. In more detail, we are going to explore: (i) the performance of transfer learning when transferring the weights of differ­ent numbers of convolutional layers; (ii) the performance of transfer learning when using different sizes of labeled adaptation sets; (iii) howtransfer learning performs in com­parison to domain-specifc classical machine learning ap­proaches and domain-specifc end-to-end learning. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2we introduce the datasets which are used in our experi­ments. Section3 describes the preprocessing and feature extraction steps which were performed on the raw signal data before it was presented to the algorithms. The follow­ing section (Section 4) briefy describes the deep learning architecture that we chose to use. Following that, in Sec­tion5 wegive an introduction into ourexperimental setup, andin Section6we presentand discussthe results. Finally, our work is concluded in Section 7. 2 Datasets For the experiments we chose two datasets that are intu­itively similar to each other. Both the Opportunity [16] and the JSI-FOS dataset [17][18], consist of activities which users commonly perform in their daily routines. Both of these datasets contain at least one 3D accelerometer worn on the right wrist, which allows us to discard the sensor modality and location as variables in our analysis. An­other important characteristic of these datasets is thefact that theyconsist of data from several different users, which allows us to test the generalization capabilities of our mod­els by using a Leave-One-Subject-Out (LOSO) evaluation. Althoughtheyhavealotof similarities,the JSI-FOSand Opportunity datasets differ in several areas: (i) the num­ber of activities, with JSI-FOS having 18 and Opportunity having 21 distinct activities (reduced to 10 and 14 after the preprocessing steps described in Section 3); (ii) sampling rate, which is equal to 50Hz and 30Hz, respectively; (iii) the overall duration of the data, which is around 3 times larger in the JSI-FOS dataset and amounts to around 20 hours (after the preprocessing steps described in Section 3). Furthermore, the two datasets also differ slightly in the types of activities, with Opportunity focusing on gestures and not just locomotion activities. Figure1and Figure2, showthe distribution of the activities we selected from both datasets. Finally, a summary of the information about both datasets is given inTable 1. Dataset Type #Subjects Sampling rate #Activities #Selected activities #of examples JSI-FOS ADL 10 50Hz 18 10 36060 [20h] Opportunity ADL 4 30Hz 21 14 10822 [6h] Table 1: Overview of the two datasets used in our experiments Figure 1: The number of examples per selected activity in the JSI-FOS dataset. 3 Preprocessing and feature extraction In order to unify the way data is represented in both datasets, we constructed a fairly simple preprocessing pipeline. The frst step in this pipeline is the selection of data which comes from a 3D accelerometer, worn on the right wrist. In addition to the three channels of data that these accelerometers produce, we also calculate the mag­nitude as a virtual fourth channel. Although it is available, we disregarded data from other sensors in order to simplify the model and make the analysis easier. The second step in the preprocessing pipeline is the re-samplingofthedatafromthe accelerometerstoa sampling rate of 25Hz. We chose this relatively low sampling rate to make our transfer learning setup more suitable for po­tential use with wearable devices since a lower sampling rate results in better energy effciency. Furthermore, the au­thors in [15] show that there are no signifcant performance differences when using sampling rates between 25Hz and 100Hz. The data from both datasets is downsampled to a Figure 2: The number of examples per selected activity in the Opportunity dataset. common sampling rate to ensure that the flters we trans­fer from the source model to the target model work as in­tended. Otherwise, if the source and target data have dif­ferent sampling frequencies, each of the transferred con-volutional flters would work on a piece of data that has a different temporal length in comparison to what it was trained on. Next, we also convert the units of the measure­ments to a common unit, "g" (9.81 m/s2). After we take care of the raw data format, we turn our attention to the activities in each dataset. In the JSI-FOS dataset, we only perform some simple aggregations of the original activi­ties.Forexample, the activities lying_back,lying_left_side, lying_right_side, and lying_stomach are all aggregated to one activity, lying. This is why, from the original 18 ac­tivities, we endup selecting only10 distinct ones. Table2 shows all the aggregations used for this dataset. On the other hand, when working with the Opportunity dataset, whenever a locomotion and gesture label are si­multaneously available we create a new activity label. This new activity is simply the concatenation of the locomotion Table 2: Aggregations of activities used for the JSI-FOS dataset Original Aggregation lying_back lying_back lying_left_side lying_right_side lying_right_stomach allfours allfours allfours_still standing standing standing_leaning_still transition_up Null transition_down Original Aggregation *_open_door1 *_open_door *_open_door2 *_close_door1 *_close_door *_close_door2 *_open_fridge *_open_compartment *_open_dishwasher *_close_fridge *_close_compartment *_close_dishwasher *_open_drawer[1/2/3] *_open_drawer *_close_drawer[1/2/3] *_close_drawer Table 3: Aggregations of activities used for the Opportu­nity dataset and gesture label, forexample,walking (locomotion) while drinking from a cup (gesture). After this, we perform the same aggregation process as with JSI-FOS.Table3shows the aggregation rules for the Opportunity dataset. An as­terisk is used in this table as a placeholder for a potential locomotion label. The penultimate step of the pipeline is segmenting the raw data into windows of fxed size. Each window in this work contains 100 sensor readings, which represents4sec­onds of data at a sampling frequency of 25Hz. There is a 50% overlap between two windows. Windowing is per­formed for each channelseparately, which means that after this step, both datasets are represented as sets of quadruples (4 channels). Finally, as the last step, from both datasets we remove the windows with a Null activity label and disregard all activities with fewer than 100 windows (3.3 seconds). At this point, the preprocessing steps for the DeepConvLSTM model end, and the quadruples, stacked vertically, can be fed into the model in order to be processed. 3.1 Feature extraction In order to be able to use classical machine learning algo­rithms we need to further change the form of the afore- S. Kalabakov et al. mentioned windows by extracting features. In order to provide the algorithms with an information-rich represen­tation, from each quadruple of windows (4 channels), we extract around 2400 features based on the related work on HAR. The majority of the features come from the TSFRESH package, which allows for the extraction of general-purpose time-series features. On top of the fea­tures extracted with TSFRESH, we also extracted a set of frequency-domain features which was previously shown to work well in other HAR applications [19][20]. This set of features is based on the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the signal and include its binned distribution, entropy, en­ergy, magnitude, and frst four statistical moments of the PSD, among others. 4 Model architecture In this work we chose to use the DeepConvLSTM frame­work, proposed by Ordez et al. in [7]. This architec­ture consists of stacked convolutional layers which are fol­lowed by LSTM cells. This allows the network to extract hierarchical feature representations and model the tempo­ral dependencies between them. The network architecture was chosen primarily for its simplicity, which allows for an easier evaluation of how some changes affect the transfer learning performance, as well as its frequent use in other deep transfer learning studies in the feldof HAR [12] [21]. The input, in our implementation of the network, is ex-pectedto consistof4stackedwindowsofsignaldata(one per sensor channel). This input is then processed through 4 convolutional layers, each with 64 feature maps. The convolutional layers use the ReLU activation function to compute their output. Following them are two pairs of dropout and LSTM lay­ers. Each dropout layer has a rate of 0.5 and each LSTM layer has 128 cells. Finally, a softmax layer is attached to the last LSTM layers in order to produce the fnal predic­tions.Adiagramof this architecture canbe seen on Figure 3. 5 Experimental setup In this paper we adopt the following transfer learning ap­proach: (i) train a (source) model on the Opportunity dataset; (ii) transfer the weights of all layers (except the softmax layer) of that model to a new (target) model in which the softmax layer fts the number of classes of the JSI-FOS dataset; (iii) freeze a certain number of convolu­tionallayersandallowalltheresttobe fne-tuned;(iv)fne-tune the rest of the layers using some number of instances (adaptation set) from the JSI-FOS dataset. Both the source and target modelsin this approach are trained usinga batch size of 64 and a learning rate of 0.001. However, there is a difference in the number of training epochs between the source and target models and those numbers of epochs are Figure 3: A diagram of our implementation of the Deep-ConvLSTM architecture. 100 and 70, respectively. These numbers were determined experimentally. Another important detail to explain, before we move on to the experiments, is the adaptation set. This is the set of instances from the JSI-FOS dataset we use to either train or fne-tune a model. Since we wanted to explore the ef­fcacy of transfer learning at different amounts of labeled data from the target domain, we repeat each of our experi­ments several times, using different sizes of the adaptation set. The adaptation set sizes range from 100 instances to 12000 instances, that is, between 3.33 minutes and 6.66 hours of labeled data. Furthermore, it is important to note that, since we use Leave-One-Subject-Out (LOSO)evaluation, the adaptation set is produced in a stratifed manner, using all subjects ex­cept for the one which is selected for testing and the two subjects (randomly chosen from the remaining set of sub­jects) which are selected for validation. This means that an adaptation set of 100 instances, will be produced at least 10 times, once in each iteration of the LOSO evaluation. In order to make the results more relevant and minimize randomness, we repeat the LOSO evaluation several times at each adaptation set size and report the average of these results. For example, given an adaptation set of 100 in­stances, we repeat the LOSO evaluation 4 times, which means thata random adaptation set willbe produceda total of 40 times (JSI-FOS has 10 subjects). Finally, we should note that when we train models on Informatica 45 (2021) 289–296 293 the target dataset (JSI-FOS) we use early stopping based on the loss value on the validation set (two randomly selected train-users in each iteration). Experiment1 The frstexperimentis aimedatexploringthe optimal num­ber of convolutional layers to freeze in step (iii) of the trans­fer learning approach. To this end, we repeat the transfer learning approach4times, andin eachof them we freezea different numberof convolutional layers, ranging from1to 4. Experiment2 The second experiment is aimed at comparing the perfor­mance of deep transfer learning, deep end-to-end models and classical ML. As an example of a classical ML algo­rithm we chose Random Forest, as it often shows state-of-the-art results and does not require extensive hyper-parameter tuning [15]. This model is trained only on the in­stances from the adaptation set, using the featuresextracted in Section 3.1. The end-to-end model is also trained using only the examples in the adaptation set and uses the same architecture as the transfer learning model,but its weights were initialized randomly and no transfer of knowledge has taken place. Finally, the transfer learning model is trained usingsteps(i)through(iv)andthe numberofconvolutional layers transferred between models is based on the results from the frst experiment. 6 Results and discussion The results from experiment 1 can be seen on Figure 4. The x-axis of that graph, shows the number of instances in the adaptation set, while the y-axis of the graph, shows the macro F1-score. Based on the results from thisexperiment, it seems that there isn’t a huge difference in performance when freezing different numbers of convolutional layers from the DeepConvLSTM architecture. However,the setup in which we only freeze the frst convolutional layer and allow all others to be fne-tuned, performs marginally,but consistently, better than the rest. This fnding seems to be in line with what was concluded by [12] and supports the claimthatconvolutionallayersdeeperinthe model,extract features which are just too dataset (domain) specifc. The results from experiment 2 can be seen on Figure 5. Here we compare the performance of a RF classifer, an end-to-end (E2E) DeepConvLSTM model anda DeepCon­vLSTM model trained using transfer learning. As is ex­pected, the E2E model shows very poor performance when the adaptation set size is very low, and gradually, improves as the adaptation set grows. It is interesting to note that al­though it comes close, the E2E model never really matches the performance of the RandomForest (RF) classifer. On the other hand, the RF classifer produces strong results on all adaptation set sizes, except the smallest one. This is probably due to thefact that relevant features wereex­tractedbyhand.Lastly,itis interestingtoseethattheDeep-ConvLSTM model trained using transfer learning produces Figure 4: Performance of the DeepConvLSTM architecture when freezing different numbers of transferred layers. Figure 5: A comparison between the performances of a classical ML algorithm, an end-to-end deep learning model and a transfer learning model, at different adaptation sizes. results which are quite similar to the ones produced by the RF classifer and that it manages to beat the results of the E2E model across all adaptation set sizes. This seems to support the idea that relevant features were already ex­tracted in the frst convolutional layer (trained on the source domain) and thateven small adaptation sets contain enough data for the model to make sense of those features. Finally, Figure 6 shows a per activity comparison be­tween the performances of the deep E2E model and the deep transfer learning model. Each row represents a differ­ent adaptation set size, while the columns represent the dif­ferent activities in the target dataset (JSI-FOS). The value in each of the cells, is the difference in activity F1-score between the deep transfer learning model and the domain-specifc deep E2E model. This produces positive values, whenever the deep transfer learning model is better and negative values whenever the opposite is true. As we can see, there are very few situations in which the deep E2E model manages to perform better than the deep transfer learning model, whichistobeexpected basedonthe results shown on Figure 5. This fgure also, quite clearly shows the gradual decline in performancegains (as we increase the size of the adaptation set) for the allfours, allfours_moving, S. Kalabakov et al. cycling, standing, walking activities. 7 Conclusion In this paper we use the DeepConvLSTM architecture to explore the benefts of transferring knowledge (represented bymodel weights) from the Opportunity dataset, to the JSI­FOS dataset. Unlike in several previous works, we explore transfer learning between datasets which come from intu­itively similar domains and both contain activitiesfrom the dailylivesof users.Inthisworkweaimto createahead-to-head comparison of classical ML, end-to-end deep learn­ing and deep transfer learning. From the results, we can conclude that it is better to transfer the weights of fewer convolutional layers, as therewas alreadyextracteda setof diverse features which only get more domain specifc as we transfer more layers. Furthermore, we also show that deep transfer learning is able to produce better results in com­parison to a deep end-to-end model trained on the same amount of labeled data. 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Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences,Kolkata,West Bengal, India E-mail: sujitkbose1@gmail.com Technical paper Keywords:router network algorithm, geodesic, link cost, waiting time in queueing model Received: June 16, 2020 Packetswitchingofdatainnetworksisdonebyeitherthe distance-vectororthe link-stateroutingprotocols. These protocols use the Bellman-Ford and the Dijkstra’s algorithms respectively for the least cost path froma sourcebase stationtoa destination station.Forinter-network transmission,thepath-vectorrouting protocolisin use.With progressoftime,thenetwork topologiesare becominghugeinsize, requiringlarge demand on book keeping of routing tables and transmission of the data packets dynamically to several other stations of the network by broadcast, increasing the load on the network. Here, assuming the router stations to be terrestrially located with links along the ground, a large network is assumed to lie on a sphericalsurface,andsothe shortest geodesicpathfrom sourceto destination becomesagreat circular arc. Forfast transmission,thecostofalinktoanodeis multicasttoits neighboringnodesonlyfor selection of the path lying as close as possible to the geodesic line between the source and the destination. As the arrival and dispatch of data packets at a nodal station occurs randomly, the cost of a link is estimated in this paper by the waiting time of a queueing process. This process at a router station is thus modeled by the Markovian M/M/c model, where c is the number of servers at the router station. If other commercial fxed charge is involved for the use of a link, then that can be included in the total cost of a link. Finally, a method of search of a mobile destination is also presented using sphericity of the network. Algorithms for the near geodesic path, costs of links as waiting times and destination search in mobile environment are clearly presented. Povzetek: Predstavljen je algoritem povezovanja v globalnih omrežjih. 1 Introduction Global digital data transmission networks have become huge in size with passage of time, with ever changing topology. A data network architecture essentially con­sists of router ground stations as nodes connected by ra-dio/microwave transmitters or preferably by fberoptic ca­bles along the ground/sea bed that form the links of the network. The essential function of the network is to deliver data packets without loss from a source node to a destina­tion node of the network. The transmission may take place byarbitrary paths,butafxed consistent path without loops, is preferable. Routing algorithms at present, are mainly of three types: distance-vector routing, link-state routing, and path-vector routing. Essential features of these algorithms are as follows. In distance-vector routing each router periodi­cally multicasts its knowledge to its neighbors covering the whole network. The procedure is dynamic andkept in the formofan updated tablein each router.Atable containsan assigned cost of each link of the router and the least-cost path between any two nodes calculated by the Bellman-Ford algorithm (Bellman [3], Ford [11], Cormen et. al. [9]). This information enables dispatch of data packets from source node to its destination node along the least-cost path. RIP (Routing Information Protocol) and IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) are protocols of this type (Cisco Systems [7] and [8]), that are widely used as a protocol in the TCP/IP environment to route packets be-tweengatewaysofthe internet. The link-state protocol was designed to overcome some of the short comings of the distance-vector protocol. In the link-state procedure, ini­tiallya router defnesthecostofeachlinkand broadcastits information to all other nodes of the network. Data trans­mission from source to destination along the least-cost path is determinedbyDijkstra’s algorithm (Bose [4]). However, if a change occurs in the routing table of some node on the path, then all the intermediate nodes are notifed accord­ingly. OSPF(Open ShortestPathFirst)is an elaborate al­gorithm that carries out this basic feature of link-state rout­ing (Cisco Systems [6]. The distance-vector and link-state routing protocols are suitable for intra-domain autonomous systems. the former tends to become unsuitable for large number of hops to destination node, while the latter needs huge amount of resources to calculate routing tables, creat­ing heavy traffcof router information.Path-vector routing on the other hand is useful for inter-domain routing of au­tonomous systems. It is similar to the distance-vector rout­ing protocol,butdiffersinthe sense thata node calledthe speaker node of each autonomous system acts on behalf of the entire system, creating itsown routing table, and adver­tising it to its neighboring speaker nodes in the neighboring autonomous systems. In this way the destination addresses (and not the costs of links) together with the path descrip­tions to each node of the destinations is multicast to reach the fnal destination node. The path selection in a domain is based on routing metric, consisting of information like bandwidth, network delay, hop count, path cost etc. BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)belongs to this category. The three types of routing protocols require voluminous bookkeepingata routerand transmissionof information to other routers dynamically. The layers of protocol at a router in present day mobile environment is described in detail in Dutta and Schulzrinne [10]. A careful mathe­matical analysis of routing algorithms is given by Busch and Tirthapura [5]. A dynamic source routing algorithm in such Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is presented in Jayakumar and Chellappan [12] using a new link cache structure maintaining source transparent route. An alternative algorithm is presented by Meghanathan [16] that uses a strategy of energy-effcient broadcast route discovery in the network density and mobility to determine stable routes of transmission. Other approaches such as consensus based networks and multicast pipelined network coding have been suggested in recent years by Arellano-Vazquez et. al. [2] and Li et. al. [13]. On the other hand Li et. al. [14] have presented routing schemes for optimal congestion control for multipath networks having non-congested packet lossess. An earlier investigation by Manvi et. al. [15] suggests a Mobile Agent based Routing (MAR) scheme with the objecives similar to RIP that uses a more fexible, adaptable and distributed mechanism. The present paper addresses the diffculties of data transmission from a geodetic point of view, by presenting algorithms for transmission dynamically, selecting router stations as close to the (shortest) geodesic path between the source and destination nodes on the spherical globe. As different group of data packets arrive at a nodal router through pos­sibly multiple links of the network for forward dispatch, the traffc through the router is modeled as a Markovian M/M/c queueing model, where c is the number of servers employed at the router. The waiting time at such a queue is well known (Bose [4]), and all that is required is to multicast it periodically to the nearest neighboring nodes. From a given node, the next hop is made to that nearest neighbor node, which points towards the destination node, providedthewaitingtimeofthatnodeisnot prohibitive.In thiswaythe destinationnodeis reachedinquicktime,with minimalbookkeepingofwaiting timesatanodealongthe path. The waiting times at the nodes play the role of costs of links used in the standard protocols described earlier. Anyfxed charge of a link, as in the case of undersea fber optic cables may be added to the link cost, if necessary. 2 Selection of linking nodes Anetwork of stations on the globe is considered, as shown in fgure 1(a). The source and the destination nodes are respectively considered as A1 and An, with respective lat­itude and longitude (f1,.1) and (fn,.n), which deter­mine the geographical position of the two nodes. The node Ai(fi,.i) on the desired path has a nearest neigh­bor Aj(fj,.j) that makes the angle .k = .AkAiAn the least possible withafavorablewaiting time Wk, where Ak(fk,.k) is anynode in the neighborhood of Ai. These nodes are shown separately in fgure 1(b). In the spherical triangle AiAkN, where N is the north pole of the earth, .AkNAi = difference of latitude of Ak and Ai = .k - .i, and arc AiN = colatitude of Ai = p/2 -fi, arcrAkN =co­latitude of Ak = p/2-fk. Let r := p/2-fi, (0 = r = p), and a := .NAiAn, then from the spherical triangle NAiAk (Abramowitz and Stegun [4], p. 79) sin(a - .k ) sin(.k - .i) = (4) cos fk sin r and cos r := sin fi sin fk + cos fi cos fk cos(.k - .i) (5) Eq. (4) yields hi cos fk sin(.k - .i) a - .k = arcsin (6) sin r v where sin r =1 - cos2 r and can be determined from Eq. (5). Similarly in the spherical triangle NAiAn, let a := arcAiAn (0 = a = p) , then since .AiNAn = .n - .i and arc NAn = p/2 - fn, hi cos fn sin(.n - .i) a = arcsin (7) sin a where cos a = sin fi sin fn + cos fi cos fn cos(.n - .i) (8) v so that sin a =1 - cos2 a. Using Eq. (7), Eq. (6) yields the angle .k in terms of the latitudes and longitudes (fk,.k), (fi,.i), (fn,.n)) of the nodes Ak,Ai and An respectively. If as before, p is the prior­ity assigned to |.|, the goal is to minimize the objective k function Wk = p |.| + (1 - p) (9) zk k Wmax where Wk is the waiting time at Ak, normalized by maximum allowable time Wmax. 3 Waiting time ata node Arouter at a nodek is assumed to consist of c number of servers. The data packets of information arrive at the router Figure1: (a)Path A1A2 ··· An on spherical earth. (b) Confguration of nodes Ai, Ak, andAn. at random times, and processed by one of the servers, re­quiring random serving time and forwarded through a de­sired link. The serving times are random as the servers of the router may have different specifcations and the pro-cessingtimeofapacketfor screeningbydifferentlayersof the router protocol may be different. Thus data forwarding from this point of view is a queueing system that can be modeled by the Markovian M/M/c model (Bose [4], pp. 237-239). According to the model, if .k = average num­ber of data packets arriving at the router through different links, and µk = average service rate of data packets of one server of the router, then the waiting time Wk isgivenby Wk = Lk/.k (10) where Lk is the queue lengthgivenby theexpression h cc .c+1 i X . (c.)c (c.)n c Lk = / + (11) (1 - .)2 c! n! c!1 - . n=0 In Eq. (11), . = .k/cµk is the traffc intensity at the router, and must be suchthat .< 1 for traffc fow. Otherwise if . = 1, the queue will grow blocking the router altogether. It is to be noted that the waiting time at a router station will vary during the course of a day, requiring periodic upgradation and shared accordingly with the nodes of the network. 4 The algorithms The methoddevelopedin sections2leadstothe following pseudo-code for fast transmission of data through terres­trial networks. Algorithm 1. Fast DataTransmissionPath 1. Input: f1,.1, fn, .n; \\ Latitude, Longitude of Source and Destination. p, Wmax \\ Priority of deviation from geodesic path, and maximum permitted waiting time. 2. Output: f[],.[] \\ Latitude, Longitude of intermediate nodes i =2, 3,··· ,n - 1. 3. i .1 f[1] .f1; .[1] ..1 4. imax . Number of stations in the neighbourhood of node i. cos a . sin f[i] sin fn + cos f[i] cos fn cos(.n v -.[i]); sin a . 1 - cos2 a 5. for k .1 to imax f[k]; .[k] . (Latitude, Longitude) of stations in the neighbourhood of node i (must be known). cos r. sin f[i] sin f[k] + cos f[i] cos f[k] cos(. [k] - .[i]) v sin r . 1 - cos2 r .[k] .| arcsin{cos fn sin(.n - .[i]/ sin a} - arcsin{cos f[k] sin(.[k] - .[i])/ sin r}| \\ angle of node k with respect to node n. W [k] . Waiting time at base stationk (From Algorithm 2). if (W [k] >Wmax) exit \\ Blocked Link. z[k] .p.[k] + (1 - p) W [k]/W max \\ Ob­ jective function to be minimised. end for 6. for k .1 to imax - 1 \\ Sort angles .[k] to avoid ties. for l .k +1 to imax if (.[k] >.[l]) then temp ..[k]; .[l] ..[k]; .[l] .temp end if end for end for 7. kmin .1 for k .2 to imax if (z[kmin] >z[k]) kmin .k end for 8. i .kmin \\ Next hop to node. 9. if (i = n - 1) stop 10. GoTo Step4. 11. end The waiting time pseudo-code following Eqs. (10) and (11) requiredin Algorithm1is: Algorithm 2. WaitingTime followingM/M/c Queueing Model 1. Input: .,µ, c \\ . =Average number of arrival of data packets at a Station, µ =Average Service Rate of data packets by one Server. c = Number of Servers in parallel at a Station. 2. Output: W [] \\ WaitingTime at the Station. 3. . ../(cµ) \\ Traffc Intensity at the Station. if (. = 1) return \\ Station is blocked. 4. p0 .0 for n .0 to c p0 .p0 +(c.)n/n! end for  c .c+1  c p0 .1/p0 + c!1 - . . (c.)c p0 W [] . (1 - .)2 c! . 5. return 6. end 5 Locating destination node In case the destination node is not known precisely, as in a mobile environment, its location can be determined by adopting a parsimonious method of fooding the search in a restricted zone of terrestrial links whose pole is the source node A1. In the method, it is assumed that the S.K. Bose mobile device possesses some unique label, named here as “TARGET_DEVICE”.With A1 as a pole, the spherical surface is frst divided in to “latitudinal” strips of width 1o , the angle subtended at the center of the sphere. The search is carried out starting from the innermost strip outwards, until the destination node of the “TARGET_DEVICE” is detected. For further restricting the search area, the strips are bound on the two sides by “longitudinal” great circles of vertical angle p/8. This means that the polar region is divided in to eight equal sectors. With A1 as pole, a node Ak having latitude-longitude (fk,.k) in the searching zone is suppose bounded by of inner and outer circles of “colatitudes” (.0,.1), then it can be shown from elementary considerations that f1 + .0 = fk = f1 + .1 (12) where f1 is the latitude of A1. For restricting the “longi­tudinal” boundary of the search zone, let the geographical meridian through A1 be taken as the reference circle. If . be the vertical angle at A1 subtended by the node Ak with the reference circle, and .k its “colatitude”, then as as in section 2, the angle . is given by the equations sin(.k - .1) sin . = × cos fk (13) sin .k where cos .k=sin f1 sin fk + cos f1cos fkcos(.k - .1) (14) The angle . must then lie in the octant of search. The method described above leads to the following: Algorithm 3. Location of Destination Node 1. Input: f1,.1; \\ Latitude, Longitude of Source Node. 2. Output: fn, .n; \\ Latitude, Longitude of Destina­tion Node. 3. .0 . 0 4. for i . 1 to 180 .1 = .i * p/180 for j . 1 to8 .0 . 0;.1 = ..0 + p/8 for k . 1 to kmax; \\ kmax is max. number of nodes in the search zone. f[k]; .[k] . Latitude, Longitude of the stations in kth search zone. cos(.k) . sin f1 sin f[k] + cos f1 cos f[k] cos(.[k] - .1) p sin(.k) . 1 - cos2(.k) . . arcsin(sin(.[k] - .1) * cos(f[k])/ sin .k) while (.0 = f[k] - f1 = .1 && .0 = . = .1) do {if(DEVICE_LABEL == "TARGET_DEVICE") then \\ TARGET_DEVICE located. fn = f[k];.n = .[k] stop end if} end for .0 =. .1,.1 . .0 + p/8 end for end for 5. end 6 Conclusion and future scope Data transmission networks require large tables at the router stations for lossless steady transmission. Moreover, the information at a router node is dynamically shared by other nodes as well. In present day dynamic networks, the information sharing tends to increaseby huge amounts.To mitigate the work load of the routers, a data transmission algorithm is presented here, in which transmission takes place from source to destination dynamically along a path as close as possible to the terrestrial geodesic joining the two nodes, taking in to account the costs of the intervening links. The cost of a link at a connecting node is estimated herebythewaiting time at the node router according to the queueing M/M/c model. All that is required is to share the informationofthewaiting times periodically amongall the nodes of the network. The algorithm however does not preclude use of other methods of estimating the costs of the different links. An improvement in this direction could beto fnda model that incorporates sudden unsteadybursts observed in actual data transmission in fber cables, and raising the tail of the Markov queueing model. Finally, an algorithm is presented for searching the destination node, if it is unknown, such as in the case when the device is in a mobile environment. 7 Acknowledgement The author is thankful to the S.N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences,Kolkata for providing necessaryfacilities for undertaking this research. Special thanks also go to Dr. Sagar De for useful discussions and inputs. Informatica 45 (2021) 297–302 301 8 References References [1] M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun (1972), Handbook of Mathematical Functions,Dover Publications, New York. [2] M. Arellano-Vazquez, M. Benitez-Perez, J. Ortega-Arjono (2015), A consensus rout­ing algorithm for mobile distributed systems, Int. J. of Distributed Sensor Networks, 11, https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/510707. [3] R.E. Bellman (1958), On a routing problem, Quart. Appl. Math. 16, 87-90. [4] S.K. Bose (2012), Operations Research Methods, Narosa Publishing, New Delhi. [5] C. Busch, S. 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Research on Campus Network Equipment Environment Monitoring Based on Internet of Things Jianwei Liu Fujian Preschool Education College, Fuzhou, Fujian 350007, China E-mail: liujianwei139@fjys.edu.cn Student paper Keywords: internet of things, campus network environment, equipment monitoring, ZigBee Received: May 20, 2021 The working environment of equipment has a great impact on the performance of equipment; therefore, it needs to be monitored and managed effectively. Based on the Internet of things (IoT), this study analyzed the monitoring of the campus network equipment environment. A monitoring system was designed, the design methods of software and hardware were analyzed, and the system was tested. The test results showed that the sensor used in the system had high accuracy, the temperature error was ± 0.5 ., the humidity error was within 0.5% RH, the data transmission performance was good, the transmission delay was between 8 ms and 9 ms, and the average packet loss rate was 0.7%. The test results verify the effectiveness of the designed system, and the system can be popularized and applied in the actual campus network. Povzetek: Predstavljen je sistem za nadzor opreme v fakultetnem okolju z IoT. Introduction With the development of technology, the way of information acquisition has developed from manual to automatic. With the application of technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and sensors [1], the Internet of things (IoT) has also developed rapidly [2]. IoT refers to the interconnection between things based on computer technology to form an intelligent network [3], through which data transmission [4], sharing and storage [5] are carried out, thus providing reliable intelligent management [6], including online monitoring, real-time positioning, remote alarm and other functions. IoT creates a new measurable, quantifiable world [7]. IoT has been widely valued by all countries in the world and has good applications in fields such as smart grid [8], industry [9], and medicine [10]. Marques et al. [11] proposed an IoT-based indoor air quality system, which combined Arduino, ESP8266, and XBee technologies. The system could be accessed through the web and mobile applications, and doctors could access the data to support the medical judgment. Jaco et al. [12] designed a vehicle positioning system combining RFID technology with a global system for mobile communication (GSM) technology, which obtained a reading range of about 31 cm in the low-frequency communication range. After the field test, they found that the system could realize the positioning and tracking of vehicles. Ray et al. [13] proposed a thermal comfort index measurement system based on IoT, which intelligently integrated sensors and cloud services. They found that the system realized heterogeneous network communication and low power consumption, showing good performance. Zhu et al. [14] designed a smart home control system based on IoT, which could realize remote query and control of home applications. The system had the characteristics of reliable transmission and intelligent processing. The test showed that the system could run stably. With the popularity of the campus network, the equipment and scale in the network environment have been gradually expanded. The failure of the equipment will cause network paralysis, affecting the normal study and work of teachers and students. The working environment of equipment has a direct impact on the working state of equipment, such as temperature, humidity, etc. In the current campus network equipment management, manual duty is usually used, which is difficult to timely and comprehensively monitor the equipment. Therefore, based on the IoT, this study designed a campus network equipment environment monitoring system, which realized the collection and monitoring of equipment environment data and the intelligence and informatization of network equipment environment management through ZigBee and sensor technology. This work makes some contributions to improve the service quality of the campus network. Design of environment monitoring system for campus network equipment based on IoT 2.1 Overall structure of the system A complete IoT mainly includes three parts: (1) perception layer: it takes equipment such as a single-chip microcomputer as the terminal node, carries various sensors, and configures the communication module to realize the communication between nodes, and it provides data to the upper later via the hardware interface; (2) network layer: it uploads the data obtained by the hardware interface to the application center through communication technology or transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) port; (3) application layer: it integrates technologies such as database and uses the interface provided by the lower layer to realize the control of the terminal node. In the design of the system, the environmental parameters of the equipment were collected through temperature, humidity, and smoke sensors, and the ZigBee network was used for realizing the data transmission. Through the RJ232 interface, the information collected by the sensor was transmitted to the upper computer. Finally, in the application layer, the software system was developed by VB to realize the real-time monitoring of the equipment environment. The overall structure of the system is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Monitoring system of campus network equipment environment. 2.2 System hardware design The TM35 temperature sensor was used, with a working voltage of 2.7 -5.5 V and an error of ± 2 .. When the ambient temperature was 25 ., the output voltage of the temperature sensor was 250 MVC, the output proportional coefficient was 10 mV/., and the measurement range was -10 . -100 .. The IH-3605 humidity sensor was used, with a relative humidity of 0% -100% and a corresponding output direct voltage of 0.8 -4 V. When the humidity sensor worked under 5 V, the power consumption was only 200 µA, and the working temperature was -40 . -85 .. It had high precision, strong stability, and good chemical corrosion resistance; thus, it could provide stable data in equipment environmental monitoring. QJB gas monitoring alarm was used. When the detected gas appeared in the air, the platinum electrode would change, which would be converted into relay signal output. It had an anti-interference performance as it was less affected by temperature and humidity changes. Moreover, it had high sensitivity. MSP430F5638 single-chip microcomputer was used as the processor, including two universal serial communication interfaces, four 16-bit timers, and a microcontroller with multiple input/output (I/O) pins. It had a working voltage of 1.8-3.6 V, low power consumption, long battery life, and fast response to wake­up; thus, it could adapt to long-time working situations. In the choice of wireless communication protocol, there are four kinds of wireless communication protocol, as shown in Table 1. Working frequency band Transmiss ion speed Power consu mption Effect ive range 802.11 protocol 2.4 GHz 11 Mbps 100 mW 100 m Ultra wide band (UWB) communi cation 3.1 GHz -10.6 GHz 480 Mbps 1 mW 10 m Bluetooth protocol 2.4 GHz 1-3 Mbps 1-100 mW 10­100 m ZigBee protocol 868/915 MHz, 2.4 GHz 20, 40, 250 Kbps 1-3 mW 70 m Table 1: Comparison of communication protocols. It was seen from Table 1 that the power consumption of 802.11 protocol and Bluetooth protocol was large, while the power consumption of UWB communication was small, but its effective range was only 10 m, which could not meet the communication distance requirements of the monitoring system. Therefore, this paper selected ZigBee protocol as the communication protocol and used CC2530 single-chip microcomputer produced by T1 company to send the collected data. The single-chip microcomputer consisted of an 8051 single-chip microcomputer and a radio-frequency (RF) transceiver and had a communication distance of 1000 m and a storage space of 256 KB. It could realize long-distance communication, with stable networking performance and low price. The battery part used two No. 5 batteries as the main power supply, which was easy to replace. The gateway part used the OMAP3730 chip produced by T1 company, which integrated two subsystems. The digital signal processing (DSP) subsystem had a highest working frequency of 800 MHz and a maximum processing capacity of 6400 MIPS. The ARM subsystem used the ARM Coretex-A8 processor and had a highest frequency of 1000 MHz, which had reliable performance in data processing, receiving, and sending. 2.3 Design of system software The development environment of the system was IAR Embedded Workbench for MCS-51 7.51A, and the programming language was C language. The sensor node collected the environmental parameters through the sensor and transmitted them to the upper computer through the wireless communication module to monitor various parameters. Before the node worked, the clock frequency of the CC2530 single-chip microcomputer was set to ensure the power supply stability of the voltage regulator, and the port of the CC2530 single-chip microcomputer was initialized to run the corresponding program. After the node initialization, different sensors were allowed to join the ZigBee network, collect the corresponding data, and send them to the monitoring center. In this study, the Niagara software was used as the development environment of the upper computer for secondary development to realize the real-time monitoring of the equipment environment. 3 System test 3.1 Sensor accuracy test In environmental monitoring, temperature and humidity sensors have high requirements for accuracy, while smoke sensors only have two states,“yes (1)”and “no (0)”, which is relatively simple. Therefore, this study mainly tested the accuracy of temperature and humidity sensors, collected five groups of data at different times and places, and compared the temperature and humidity collected by the sensors with the actual temperature and humidity. The results are shown in Table 2. Number Temperature/ . Humidity/% RH 1 The sensor in this study 26.89 30.12 Actual situation 27.31 30.29 2 The sensor in this study 25.33 28.96 Actual situation 25.12 29.03 3 The sensor in this study 28.78 27.64 Actual situation 28.56 27.33 4 The sensor in this study 23.46 34.12 Actual situation 23.57 34.29 5 The 25.66 35.09 sensor in this study Actual situation 26.07 34.87 Table 2: Test results of sensor accuracy. It was seen from Table 2 that the errors between the sensors used in this study and the actual result were very small in the comparison of the five groups of data, the temperature error was within ± 0.5 ., and the humidity error was not more than 0.5% RH, indicating that the sensors with high accuracy could meet the usage requirement of the equipment environmental monitoring system and provide accurate and reliable data for the subsequent environmental monitoring. 3.2 Network performance test The time delay of the transmission of the single-hop data between two nodes was tested. After the node joined the network, the coordinator sent a request to the third party and recorded the time as 1. Then, the node received the request, processed it immediately, and returned the packet. The third-party captured the packet again and recorded the time of the process as 2. The time difference between 1 and 2 was the transmission delay. Under different distances, the transmission delay of data is shown in Table 3. Distance/m Time delay/ms 10 8 20 8 30 9 40 8 50 9 60 9 70 8 80 8 Table 3: Data transmission delay. It was seen from Table 3 that the data transmission time was between 8-9 ms in the single-hop range, which showed that the designed system had high transmission speed and good stability in the process of data transmission and could meet the needs of environmental monitoring of campus network equipment. The packet loss rate of the network was tested. One gateway node, six sensor nodes, and six routing nodes were used. The collected data were forwarded to the gateway through the routing node. The test results are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Test results of packet loss rate. It was seen from Figure 2 that every sensor node sent 1000 packets, and the number of packets received by the gateway node was more than 900, indicating that the network had relatively stable performance in the communication process. The packet loss rates of the five nodes were 0.7%, 0.5%, 0.9%, 1.1%, and 0.4%, respectively, and the average packet loss rate was 0.7%, which verified the communication stability of the designed system. Discussion With the development of the Internet and other technologies and because of the advantages such as low power consumption, strong flexibility, and low cost, IoT has been more and more widely used in various fields of society [15], such as intelligent label [16], environmental monitoring [17], and intelligent control [18]. An intelligent label means labeling subjects with different technologies to distinguish them, for example, the bar code on commodities. Environmental monitoring means collecting and monitoring the information of subjects with technologies such as sensors, for example, monitoring of urban exhaust pollution. Intelligent control means controlling subjects through technologies such as sensors [19], for example, control of watering time and frequency of greenhouse. As the social demand for IoT increases, the research on IoT will be more extensive and in-depth. Based on IoT, this study analyzed the monitoring of the campus network equipment environment, designed a monitoring system, and realized the real-time monitoring and judgment of the equipment working environment. First of all, the two sensors used in this study had good performance in accuracy, the error of the temperature sensor was ± 0.5 ., and the error of the humidity sensor was ± 0.5% RH, which could meet the needs of the system in environmental monitoring. The test results of network performance showed that the time delay was between 8-9 ms in the process of data transmission, the transmission speed was high, the packet loss rate was low, and the average packet loss rate was 0.7%, which showed that the system had high stability and could meet the needs in practical application. Although this article has achieved some results in the monitoring of campus network equipment environment, there are still some shortcomings. In future work, the author will: (1) further improve the stability of data communication; J. Liu (2) study the energy consumption of the system to ensure that the nodes can work permanently, (3) search the module that can expand the transmission distance to improve transmission efficiency. 5 Conclusion Based on IoT, this study designed an environment monitoring system of campus network equipment and tested it. The results showed that the system had high sensor precision, good network performance, high transmission speed, and low packet loss rate, which could be further promoted and applied in practice. This work is beneficial to the real-time monitoring and management of the campus network equipment environment. References [1] Al-Fuqaha A, Guizani M, Mohammadi M, Aledhari M, Ayyash M. (2015). Internet of Things: A Survey on Enabling Technologies, Protocols, and Applications. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17, pp. 2347-2376. https://doi.org/10.1109/COMST.2015.2444095. [2] Li S, Li D X, Zhao S. (2015). The internet of things: a survey. 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Informatica: An International Journal of Computing and Informatics, 39, pp. 355­363. https://doi.org/10.1109/3PGCIC.2014.114 Research on the Efficiency of Intelligent Algorithm for English Speech Recognition and Sentence Translation Gang Zhang School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, Jiangsu, China E-mail: zg@njtech.edu.cn Student paper Keywords: intelligent algorithm, speech recognition, machine translation, long short term memory Received: May 25, 2021 Machine translation has been gradually widely used to improve the efficiency of English translation. This paper briefly introduced the English speech recognition algorithm based on the back-propagation (BP) neural network algorithm and the machine translation algorithm based on the long short-term memory-recurrent neural network (LSTM-RNN) algorithm. Then, the machine translation algorithm was simulated and compared with BP-RNN and RNN-RNN algorithms. The results showed that the BP neural network algorithm had a lower word error rate and shorter recognition time compared with the manual recognition approach; the LSTM-RNN-based machine translation algorithm had the lowest error rate for the translation of speech recognition results, and the translation gained the highest rating in the evaluation of ten professional translators. Povzetek: Predstavljena je analiza vec pristopov umetne inteligence za prepoznavanje govora in prevajanje. Introduction As internationalization progresses faster and faster, economic and cultural exchanges between different countries have become more and more frequent. However, different countries have different languages, and even within the same country, there are languages with different accents in different regions, making the variety of languages further increase [1]. The variety of languages, while guaranteeing cultural diversity, can cause significant communication barriers in practice, especially in today’s environment of deepening internationalization [2]. Under normal circumstances, the cost of learning multiple languages is enormous, so to ensure smooth communication, a common language is often chosen. English is currently one of the most common languages. Although the variety of language learning has been reduced from multiple to one, the cost of learning is equally high, and it is difficult to reach the level of free communication [3]. In the wave of globalization, it would be sufficient for face-to-face daily communication, but in formal situations and when a large amount of information needs to be exchanged, it is difficult for a single human translator to meet the increasing demand for language translation. Simultaneous interpretation, for example, requires high on the attention of translators; thus, they often cannot work for long hours. Therefore, a translation tool is needed to replace manual translation. Machine translation uses computers and Chinese-English thesaurus to perform batch translation based on, but it is too rigid. The emergence of intelligent algorithms has effectively promoted the efficiency and quality of machine translation. Luong [4] proposed an effective technique to solve the problem that traditional neural network machine translation can not accurately translate rare words. The experimental results showed that this method had a better translation effect compared with neural network machine translation without applying this technique. Lee et al. [5] used a character-level convolution network for machine translation. The character-level convolution network encoder outperformed the subword-level encoder in all of the multilingual experiments. Choi et al. [6] proposed the use of nonlinear word-packet representation of source statements to contextualize embedding vectors in neural machine translation. The experiment found that the proposed approaches of contextualization and symbolization significantly improved the translation quality of neural machine translation systems. 2 English speech recognition The advancement of computer technology and the emergence of intelligent algorithms have effectively improved the efficiency and quality of machine translation. However, computers have neither vision nor hearing; therefore, machine translation of English requires the input of the text to be translated, which is relatively cumbersome [7]. Inputting text to be translated by voice is easier than text input; moreover, the input English voice can be translated, which means that it can achieve long periods of non-manual simultaneous interpretation. Before translating the English input by voice, it is necessary to first recognize the voice and convert the audio to text characters, and then translate the text. The commonly used algorithms for recognition of speech are dynamic time warping method [8], hidden Markov method, and neural network method. Figure 1: The principle of speech recognition based on neural network. This study uses the neural network method to recognize English speeches. The neural network method is an imitation of the human brain and animal nervous system in reality; thus, it also has the ability of autonomous learning, i.e., it can effectively adapt to the randomness of pronunciation and excavate the corresponding hidden rules between pronunciation and text, as shown in Figure 1. Both training speech samples and testing speech samples require feature extraction first. This study extracts the features of speech samples using the Mel cepstrum coefficient method. After that, the selected neural network model is trained using the training speech samples to obtain the super-parameters in the neural network. The trained super-parameters are then fixed in the selected neural network, and the testing speech samples are input into the trained neural network model after feature extraction to obtain recognition results. There are various types of neural network models that can be used in the speech recognition process in Figure 1, and this paper adopts the widely used BP neural network [9]. During training, the samples that have undergone feature extraction are input into the BP neural network, and the multi-layer forward calculation of the extracted features of the speech is performed in the hidden layer using the activation function. The results obtained after the layer-by-layer calculation are compared with the results corresponding to the training samples, and the super-parameters in the hidden layer are adjusted in the reverse direction according to the difference between the results. Then, the forward calculation is carried out layer by layer again, and the calculated results are compared with the actual results to reversely adjust the parameters. The steps are repeated until the difference between the calculated results and the actual results is reduced to the set threshold. The speech samples used in the test are input into the trained neural network model after feature extraction, and the recognition results are output after calculation. Translation of English sentences After speech recognition of the neural network algorithm, English speech is converted into English texts. The traditional machine translation translates English word by word with the Chinese English thesaurus. This translation method is simple in principle and has relatively high G. Zhang efficiency. It is more suitable for an essay composed of short sentences. However, this translation method is less effective for long texts composed of long sentences. On the one hand, due to the differences in grammar between Chinese and English, word-by-word translation will lead to grammar chaos and even completely opposite semantics; on the other hand, some auxiliary words that have no specific meanings in English sentences will also be translated, and word-by-word translation will affect the coherence of the translation. In order to solve the above problems and further improve the efficiency and quality of translation, this study chooses neural network algorithms for machine translation. A neural network algorithm is an imitation of a biological neural system. With the help of the parallel corpus of big data and the computational performance of computers, we can get the corresponding hiding rules between Chinese and English. As the parallel corpus of big data is used for training, hiding rules obtained contain the grammatical rules to a certain extent. 3.1 Recurrent neural network-based machine translation Figure 2: The basic structure of neural network-based machine translation. The basic structure of conducting English machine translation with neural network algorithms is shown in Figure 2, including an encoder and a decoder [10]. The reason for using this structure is as follows. When translating English into Chinese, the length of the character sequence of English and Chinese cannot be the same; thus, it is necessary to transform an English sentence with a length of ..to a code with a required length and decode the code with the decor to obtain a Chinese sentence with a length of ... In the above process, both the encoder and decoder realize the encoding and decoding of the sequence through neural network algorithms. As the length of sentences to be translated is different and the meaning of words will be affected by their sequence in the sentence, it is not suitable to use the traditional BP neural network. Recurrent neural network (RNN) [11] has memory function in training, and the result of the current moment will be affected by the result of the previous moment, which is very consistent with the characteristic that the word sequence will affect the meaning of words in languages; therefore, it is applied to the coding and decoding of machine translation. First, an English sentence is set as ..={..0,..1,..2,.,....}, where ....represents the ..+1-th word in sentence ..; then, RNN propagates the input data forward in the hidden layer according to the following formula: ....=..(....) ....=..h..-1+......+.. {, (1) h..=......h(....) ..=0,1,2,3,4,.,..where ....stands for the word vector after inputting ....into the vector transformation function ..(·), ..stands for time step (every time step corresponds to the input moment of a word in the sequence), h..-1,h..are the hidden states of words vectors with a word order of ..-1and .., ....is the output at time .., ..and ..are the hidden state at time and the weight matrix of the word vector of input at time respectively, and ..is a bias term. After the forward operation of equation (1) in the encoder, every word (....) in the English sentence obtains the corresponding coding vector ...., and the coding vector of every word is affected by the former word vector, ensuring the influence of the word order in the coding vector of the whole sentence on word meaning. Then, the coding vector is decoded to obtain the corresponding Chinese translation. The decoding is carried out in the decoder. In order to ensure the influence of word order on word meaning, the coding vector is decoded by RNN. The forward calculation formula in the hidden layer is: , (2) where ....is a word with an order of ..in the target sentence, ....-1is the vector of a word with an order of ..-1in the target sentence, ..is a bias term, ..is a weight matrix, ..^....^..is the probability distribution of different characters in the translation [12], and ....is the hidden state in the decoder. 3.2 Improving machine translation with long short term memory The above is the introduction of the RNN-based machine translation algorithm. This machine translation algorithm adopted the basic structure of encoder-decoder. In the encoder, the English text is coded by RNN in the encoder to get the intermediate vector, and the intermediate vector is decoded by RNN in the decoder to get the Chinese translation. However, the encoder faces the problem of gradient explosion when using RNN to encode the English text, which makes the algorithm inefficient and less accurate in the training and use process. Therefore, this study used LSTM instead of RNN to encode the English text. LSTM [13] is also a kind of recurrent neural network algorithm. Compared with the traditional RNN, LSTM introduces the structural units of input gate, forgetting gate, and output gate to simulate the phenomena of deep impression and forgetting in the process of human brain memory, thus reducing the unimportant parts in the English text, highlighting the key points, reducing the amount of computation while enhancing the accuracy. The calculation formula of LSTM in the encoder is as follows: ....=..(....+........+....h..-1) ....=........-1+......(..+......+..h..-1) ....=..(....+........+....h..-1), (3) h..=......h(....).... {....=..(....+........+....h..-1)where ....is the output of the forgetting gate, ...., ...., and ....are the bias term, input term weight, and forgetting gate weight in forgetting gate [14], ....is the output of the cycle gate, , .., and ..are the bias term, input term weight, and cycle gate weight in the cycle gate weight, ....is an external input gate unit, ...., ...., and ....are the bias term, the weight of the input term, and the weight of the input gate in the input gate respectively, ....is the output gate unit, ....,....,....are the output gate bias term, input term weight, and output gate weight. In the subsequent decoder, RNN is still used to decode the output vector of the encoder, but in actual use, the encoder of the machine translation algorithm compresses the information contained in the whole sentence to be translated in a vector when encoding English using LSTM, resulting in partial loss of information in the compressed vector. The larger the length of English text to be translated is, the more serious the loss is. Therefore, when decoding the LSTM-encoded vector using RNN, its effectiveness decreases with the increase of the length of the original text. In order to remedy the above defects, an attention mechanism [15] is added to the decoder to make the decoder interact with the original text in the decoding process to alleviate the information loss. The calculation formula of attention is as follows: , (4) where is the weight of the matching degree between the query vector and the key vector in the value vector (the query vector is the hidden state in the decoder, and the key vector is the hidden state in the encoder), and is the attention weight. The attention calculation formula compares the hidden states in the decoder with the hidden states of the original text in the encoder to obtain the attention weights of the hidden states in the decoder, and the attention weights participate in the decoding process of the decoder afterwards to calculate the probability distribution of the translated text within equation (2). The probability distribution formula after transformation is: ..^..=softmax(..+......+......). (5) 4 Experimental analysis 4.1 Experimental environment The experiment was carried out on a laboratory server, configured with Windows 7 system, I7 processor, and 16 G memory. 4.2 Experimental data This study used the English speech data set from the UCI machine learning database. The speakers in the data set covered most of the age groups from 12 to 70. Ten thousand sentences with clean, clear, and standard pronunciation were selected, 9000 sentences were randomly selected as the training samples, and the remaining 1000 sentences were used as as the test samples. The experimenters read the sentences aloud. The speech characteristic parameters of the sentences were collected. The sampling rate was set as 16 kHz, and the 16-bit coding was used. Some of the sentences are as follows. .It’s a nice day today; .How can I get to the airport, please; .What’s the price of thisproduct…… 4.3 Experimental project (1) Training and testing of the speech recognition algorithm: the BP algorithm-based speech recognition algorithm was trained by the training set. In the BP algorithm, there were five hidden layers containing the relu activation function and 1024 hidden layer nodes in each layer, and the maximum number of iterations during training was 500. The test set was used for testing. (2) Training and testing of the machine translation algorithm: in the machine translation algorithm, the encoder used LSTM containing the attention mechanism. There were four hidden layers, and the number of nodes in each layer was 1024. The decoder used RNN with two hidden layers, and the size of the hidden layer was consistent with LSTM. Two machine translation algorithms are used for comparison, one used BP neural network as the encoder, and the other used a RNN as the encoder. The decoder of both algorithms used RNN. The test set was used for testing. 4.4 Evaluation criterion In this paper, the machine translation algorithm was evaluated by the word error rate after recognition by the speech recognition algorithm. The calculation formula is: ..+..+.. ......=*100%, (6) .. where X is the number of error words substituted, Y is the number of error words deleted, Z is the number of error words inserted, and P is the number of all words in the test set. However, the corresponding word order differs between the original text and the translated text because of the difference in grammar. Therefore, when evaluating the machine translation algorithm, not only the word error rate but also the overall translation level of the sentence should be considered. Therefore, ten professional translators were invited to evaluate the translation obtained after machine translation, and the score is based on the expression content and grammatical structure of the translated text. The total score was 100 points, and the average score of the ten translators was taken as the final result. G. Zhang 4.5 Experimental results The accuracy of English speech recognition algorithms will greatly affect the quality of machine translation It was seen from Table 1 that the word error rate of speech recognition by manual recognition was 6.34%, and it took 35 minutes; the word error rate of speech recognition by BP neural network was 1.33%, and it takes one minute. The comparison of the results of two speech recognition methods showed that BP neural network had a lower word error rate and consumed less recognition time than manual recognition. The reason for the above result is as follows. Computers were more efficient in computational efficiency, and when faced with a large number of speech sounds in the test set, people cannot maintain their attention for a long time, resulting in a higher word error rate and longer recognition time; however, BP neural network used computers for speech recognition, which was not only computationally efficient but also did not have the disadvantage of inattention. Word error Time consumed in rate/% recognition Manual recognition 6.34 35 min BP neural network 1.33 1 min recognition Table 1: Word error rate and recognition time of artificial recognition and BP neural network recognition. Figure 3: The word error rates of three machine translation algorithms in translating English speech recognition results. The word error rates of the translations of English speech recognition results by the three machine translation algorithms are shown in Figure 3. The word error rate of the machine translation algorithm using BP neural network for encoder and RNN for decoder was 20.3%; the word error rate of of the machine translation algorithm with RNN for encoder and RNN for decoder was 13.6%; the word error rate of the machine translation algorithm with LSTM for encoder and RNN for decoder and attention mechanism was 4.7%. It was seen from Figure 3 that the LSTM-RNN-based machine translation had the lowest word error rate, while the BP-RNN-based machine translation had the highest word error rate. BP neural networks encoded English directly word by word, and although it can also explore the hidden laws, it cannot accurately describe the influence of word order on word meaning, which leads to an increase in word error rate; RNN took into account the influence of the previous moment in the forward calculation, i.e., the influence of the previous word in this study; in the LSTM-RNN-based machine translation, LSTM, as a variant of RNN, can also summarize the influence of word order, while the forgetting gate, input gate, and output gate units introduced by it can filter the unimportant words among them and improve the accuracy, and the attention mechanism introduced by RNN in the decoder also made the decoding focus more on to the main information. Figure 4: Translation scores of three machine translation algorithms for English speech recognition results. For the machine translation algorithm, the criterion of whether the translation performance is excellent or not includes the grammatical goodness of the translation as a whole, in addition to the judgment of whether the words of the translation are accurate or not. Therefore, ten professional translators were invited to manually translate the English sentences in the test set and evaluated and scored the machine translation. The results are shown in Figure 4. The translation scores were 68.9 using the BP­RNN algorithm, 88.7 using the RNN-RNN algorithm, and 97.8 using the LSTM-RNN algorithm. It was seen from Figure 4 that the translation obtained by using the BP­RNN algorithm for machine translation had the lowest rating, and the translation obtained by using the LSTM­RNN algorithm for machine translation had the highest rating. The reason was similar to the above. The BP-RNN algorithm did not consider the influence of word order, resulting in a final translation that was similar to word-by­word translation, with no problem in overall comprehension but difficult to read smoothly; the RNN­RNN algorithm RNN-RNN considered the influence of word order when encoding English through RNN, so the translation was relatively more smooth and had a higher score; the LSTM-RNN algorithm also considered the influence of word order coding because LSTM is a kind of RNN, and the LSTM algorithm in the encoder and the attention mechanism in the decoder effectively highlighted the key points and improved the fluency of translation while reducing the translation computation. Informatica 45 (2021) 309–314 313 5 Conclusion In this study, LSTM network was used as the encoding algorithm of the encoder, RNN was used as the decoding algorithm of the decoder, and the attention mechanism was introduced into the decoder. The results are as follows: (1) BP neural network algorithm was used to recognize English speech, and the recognition results were used in machine translation; compared with human recognition, BP neural network had a lower word error rate and less recognition time; (2) the LSTM-RNN algorithm had the lowest word error rate for English speech recognition, the RNN-RNN-based machine translation algorithm had a higher word error rate, and the BP-RNN-based machine translation algorithm had the highest word error rate; (3) the LSTM-RNN-based machine translation algorithm had the lowest rating in the evaluation of professional translators, followed by the RNN-RNN machine translation algorithm and the BP­RNN machine translation algorithm. References [1] Graham Y, Baldwin T, Moffat A, Zobel J (2015). Can machine translation systems be evaluated by the crowd alone. Natural Language Engineering, 23, pp. 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1351324915000339. [2] Wang Y, Li J, Gong Y (2015). 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The second-order derivatives of MFCC for improving spoken Arabic digits recognition using Tree distributions approximation model and HMMs. International Conference on Communications and Information Technology, pp. 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCITechnol.2012.6285769. Three Methods for Energy-Efficient Context Recognition Vito Janko Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: vito.janko@ijs.si Thesis summary Keywords: context recognition, optimization, energy efficiency, Markov chains, duty-cycling, decision trees Received: April 13, 2021 Context recognition is a process where (usually wearable) sensors are used to determine the context (location, activity, etc.) of users wearing them. A major problems of such context-recognition systems is the high energy cost of collecting and processing sensor data. This paper summarizes a doctoral thesis that focuses on solving this problem by proposing a general methodology for increasing the energy-efficiency of context-recognition systems. The thesis proposes and combines three different methods that can adapt a system’s sensing settings based on the last recognized context and last seen sensor readings. Povzetek: V doktorski disertaciji so predstavljene tri razlicne metode za povecevanje energijske ucinkovitosti nosljivih senzorjev. 1 Introduction Widespread accessibility of wearable sensing devices opens many possibilities for tracking the users who wear them. Possible applications range from measuring their exercise patterns and checking on their health, to giving them location-specific recommendations. In this work we will use the term context-recognition for all these tasks. A common problem when using such context-recognition systems is their impact on the battery life of the sensing device. It is easy to imagine that an application that monitors users’ habits using all the sensors in a smartphone (accelerometer, GPS, Wi-Fi etc.) will quickly drain the phone’s battery, making it useless in practice. While many methods for reducing the energy-consumption of a context-recognition system already exist, most of them are specialized. They work either in a specific domain or can only optimize the energy consumption of specific sensors [1]. Adapting these methods to another domain can be laborious and may require a lot of expert knowledge and experimentation. In addition, many methods proposed in the related work are “static”, i.e., they always use the same sensing setting instead of switching between them based of the current need [2]. It would be highly beneficial to have a general methodology that can prescribe rules for dynamically adapting sensing settings of any context-recognition system to make it more energy-efficient – without having any expert knowledge about the domain. One such methodology was proposed in our doctoral thesis [3], and is summarized in this paper. 2 Methodology The presented methodology consists of three different methods for decreasing the energy-consumption of a context recognition system, and then combining them in three different ways. The first two methods adapt sensor settings based on the last recognized context, while the last adapts them based on the values of features used by machine-learning models for context recognition. 2.1 Setting to Context Assignment (SCA) Assume that the context recognition system is classifying subsequent instances using some setting s. A setting can be what sampling frequency is used, the list of active sensors, duty-cycle lengths, etc. The setting used changes whenever the context changes, for example, when context c1 is detected we might use setting s4, but when context c2 is detected we might use setting s1. This opens the problem of finding an ideal assignment of which setting to use for each context. Trying every combination is infeasible, due to a) the large number of assignment combinations and b) the long time needed to evaluate each combination. We thus proposed a more efficient search scheme. First, we created a mathematical model based on Markov chains that can predict the performance of any single assignment. The only inputs needed for this are the performances of using each setting individually, and the transition matrix between different contexts. Second, we used multi-objective optimization (specifically the NSGA-II [4] algorithm) – with the two objectives being the energy consumption and the classification accuracy – to efficiently search for Pareto-optimal assignments. 2.2 Duty-Cycle to Context Assignment (DCA) The second method works essentially the same way as the first: a mathematical model is first built to model assignments and the NSGA-II algorithm is used to search for the best ones. The main difference is that the DCA method is specialized and can only use duty-cycle lengths as the settings. This allows for the construction of a mathematical model that is more accurate and needs only the performance of one setting (no duty-cycling) as the input. This specialization is justified as effectively every context recognition system can use duty-cycling to effectively reduce its energy consumption. 2.3 Cost-Sensitive Decision Trees (CS-DT) The first two methods change settings based on the last recognized context. Such adaptation might be considered too “coarse”, especially if the number of contexts is low. To remedy this, we introduced the third method that can adapt based on the feature values instead. This is done by using cost-sensitive decision trees (CS-DT) [5]. These trees work similarly to regular decision trees, with the exception that when building them we also consider the cost of each feature and not only its utility. In our thesis we show how to adapt the CS-DT methodology for context recognition. When traversing such a tree, the setting (usually which sensors are used) is dynamically changing based on the tree node reached – thus implicitly adapting to feature values. 2.4 Method combinations The three methods can be combined in different ways to further increase the energy efficiency. We proposed the SCA + DCA, SCA + CS-DT and the SCA + DCA + CS­DT combinations. The combination of all three methods is made by first generating different CS-DTs, and then using them as settings for the SCA method. After an assignment of which CS-DT is used for each context is made, we use the DCA method to determine the duty-cycle lengths for different contexts. 3 Results Our methodology was tested on four real-life datasets (publicly available SHL and Opportunity, and our own Commodity12 and E-Gibalec) and on a family of artificial datasets. While many solutions were generated, we here list one sample solution for each dataset to serve as a reference for the efficiency of our methodology. These results were taken from the best performing method combination. For the SHL dataset we were able to use only 5% of the available data (by using lower frequency, duty-cycling and using a sensor subset) and in exchange sacrifice only 5% of the accuracy. For the Opportunity dataset we were able to find a solution that uses 4 sensors on average (instead of the original 30) and in exchange loses a minimal amount (0.01 points) of F-score. For the Commodity12 dataset we analysed four different users with somewhat different habits. Averaging the results of all four we decreased the smartphone’s energy consumption from 123 mA to 29 mA. In exchange we lost less than 1 percentage point of accuracy in all cases. Finally, for the E-Gibalec dataset, energy was reduced V. Janko from 46 mA to 24 mA at the cost of less than 1 percentage point of accuracy. The methods outperformed two state-of-the-art methods from the related work – both when compared to our methods used individually, but especially when our methods were combined. Comparison between different methods is shown in Figure 1. It shows different trade-offs between the energy consumption and classification accuracy, and how combining different methods improves the quality of the found trade-offs. Figure 1: Comparison of different methods and their combinations on the E-Gibalec dataset. 4 Conclusion The presented methods are very general and should be applicable to most context recognition systems. They require no expert knowledge (with the exception of selecting possible settings) and almost no hand-picked parameters. The method implementation is openly available in the form of a Python library [6] and we hope it could be of use to designers of context-recognition systems. References [1] Wang, Yi, et al. "A framework of energy efficient mobile sensing for automatic user state recognition." Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services. 2009. [2] Khan, Aftab, et al. "Optimising sampling rates for accelerometer-based human activity recognition." Pattern Recognition Letters 73 (2016): 33-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2016.01.001 [3] Janko, Vito. Adapting sensor settings for energy-efficient context recognition. Diss. Ph. D. thesis, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, 2020. [4] Lomax, Susan, and Sunil Vadera. "A survey of cost-sensitive decision tree induction algorithms." ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 45.2 (2013): 1-35. https://doi.org/10.1145/2431211.2431215 [5] Deb, Kalyanmoy, et al. "A fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II." IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 6.2 (2002): 182-197 https://doi.org/10.1109/4235.996017 [6] EECR, https://pypi.org/project/eecr/, Last accessed: 08-03-2021 JOŽEF STEFAN INSTITUTE Jožef Stefan (1835-1893) was one of the most prominent physicists of the 19th century. Born to Slovene parents, he obtained his Ph.D. atVienna University, where he was laterDirectorofthe Physics Institute,Vice-Presidentofthe Vienna Academy of Sciences and a member of several sci­entifc institutions in Europe. Stefan explored many areas in hydrodynamics, optics, acoustics, electricity, magnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. Among other things, he originated the law that the total radiation from a black body is proportional to the 4th power of its absolute tem­perature, known as the Stefan–Boltzmann law. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading indepen­dent scientifc research institution in Slovenia, covering a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research in the felds of physics, chemistry and biochemistry, electronics and information science, nuclear science technology, en­ergy research and environmental science. The JožefStefanInstitute(JSI)isaresearchorganisation for pure and applied research in the natural sciences and technology. Both are closely interconnected in research de­partments composed of different task teams. Emphasis in basic researchisgiventothedevelopmentand educationof young scientists, while applied research and development serve for the transfer of advanced knowledge, contributing to the development of the national economy and society in general. At present the Institute, with a total of about 900 staff, has700 researchers,about250ofwhomare postgraduates, around 500 of whom have doctorates (Ph.D.), and around 200 of whom have permanent professorships or temporary teaching assignments at the Universities. In view of its activities and status, the JSI plays the role of a national institute, complementing the role of the uni­versities and bridging thegap between basic science and applications. Research at the JSI includes the following major felds: physics; chemistry; electronics, informatics and computer sciences; biochemistry; ecology; reactor technology; ap­plied mathematics. Most of the activities are more or less closely connected to information sciences, in particu­lar computer sciences, artifcial intelligence, language and speech technologies, computer-aided design, computer ar­chitectures, biocybernetics and robotics, computer automa­tion and control, professional electronics, digital communi­cations and networks, and applied mathematics. The Institute is located in Ljubljana, the capital of the in­dependent state ofSlovenia (orS.nia). The capital today is considereda crossroad between East,West and Mediter- Informatica 45 (2021) 317–317 317 ranean Europe, offering excellent productive capabilities and solidbusiness opportunities, with strong international connections. Ljubljana is connected to important centers such as Prague, Budapest,Vienna, Zagreb, Milan, Rome, Monaco, Nice, Bernand Munich,all withina radiusof600 km. From the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Technology park “Ljubljana” has been proposed as part of the national strat­egy for technological development to foster synergies be­tween research and industry, to promote joint ventures be­tween university bodies, research institutes and innovative industry, to act as an incubator for high-tech initiatives and to acceleratethedevelopmentcycleof innovative products. Part of the Institute was reorganized into several high-tech units supportedby and connected within theTechnol­ogy park at the Jožef Stefan Institute, established as the beginningofa regionalTechnology park "Ljubljana". The project was developed at a particularly historical moment, characterizedbythe processof state reorganisation,privati­sation and private initiative. The nationalTechnologyPark isa shareholding companyhosting an independentventure-capital institution. The promoters and operational entities of the project are the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Higher Education, Science andTechnology and the Jožef Stefan Institute. The framework of the operation also includes the University of Ljubljana, the National Institute of Chemistry, the Institute for Electronics andVacuum Technology and the Institute for Materials and Construction Research among others. In addition, the project is supported by the Ministry of the Economy, the National Chamber of Economy and the City of Ljubljana. Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.:+38614773 900,Fax.:+38612519385 WWW:http://www.ijs.si E-mail: matjaz.gams@ijs.si Public relations: Polona Strnad INFORMATICA AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS INVITATION, COOPERATION Submissions and Refereeing Please register as an author and submit a manuscript at: http://www.informatica.si. At least two referees outside the au­thor’s country will examine it, and they are invited to make as manyremarks as possible from typing errors to global philosoph­ical disagreements. The chosen editor will send the author the obtained reviews. If the paper is accepted, the editor will also send an email to the managing editor. The executive board will inform the author that the paper has been accepted, and the author will send the paper to the managing editor. The paper will be pub­lished within one year of receipt of email with the text in Infor­matica MSWord format or InformaticaLATEXformat and fgures in.eps format.Styleandexamplesof paperscanbe obtainedfrom http://www.informatica.si. Opinions, news, calls for conferences, calls for papers, etc. should be sent directly to the managing edi­tor. SUBSCRIPTION Please,completethe orderformandsendittoDr.DragoTorkar, Informatica, Institut Jožef Stefan, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: drago.torkar@ijs.si Since 1977, Informatica has been a major Slovenian scientifc journal of computing and informatics, including telecommunica­tions, automation and other related areas. In its 16th year (more than twentyseven years ago) it became truly international, al­though it still remains connected to Central Europe. The basic aim of Informatica is to impose intellectual values (science, engi­neering) in a distributed organisation. Informatica is a journal primarily covering intelligent systems in the European computer science, informatics and cognitive com­munity; scientifc and educational as well as technical, commer­cial and industrial. Its basic aimis to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international refereeing. It publishes scientifc papers ac-ceptedbyat leasttwo referees outsidethe author’scountry.Inad­dition, it contains information about conferences, opinions, criti­calexaminationsofexisting publicationsandnews. Finally,major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and infor­mation industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Editing and refereeing are distributed. Each editor can conduct the refereeing process by appointing two new referees or referees from the Board of Referees or Editorial Board. Referees should not be from the author’s country. If new referees are appointed, their names will appear in the Refereeing Board. Informatica web edition is free of charge and accessible at http://www.informatica.si. Informatica print edition is free of charge for major scientifc, ed­ucational and governmental institutions. Others should subscribe. Informatica WWW: http://www.informatica.si/ Referees from 2008 on: A. 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Subscription Information Informatica (ISSN 0350-5596) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Autumn,andWinter(4 issuesperyear)bytheSloveneSociety Informatika, Litostrojska cesta54,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The subscription rate for 2021 (Volume 45) is – 60 EUR for institutions, – 30 EUR for individuals, and – 15 EUR for students Claims for missing issues will be honored free of charge within six months after the publication date of the issue. Typesetting: Borut, Peter and Jaša Žnidar; borut.znidar@gmail.com. Printing: ABO grafka d.o.o., Ob železnici 16, 1000 Ljubljana. Ordersmaybeplacedbyemail (drago.torkar@ijs.si), telephone(+38614773900)orfax(+38612519385).The payment shouldbemadetoourbank accountno.: 02083-0013014662atNLBd.d.,1520 Ljubljana,Trgrepublike 2, Slovenija, IBAN no.: SI56020830013014662, SWIFT Code: LJBASI2X. Informaticais publishedby Slovene Society Informatika (president Niko Schlamberger)in cooperation with the following societies (and contact persons): Slovene Society forPattern Recognition(Vitomir Štruc) Slovenian Artifcial Intelligence Society (Sašo Džeroski) Cognitive Science Society (Olga Marki. c) Slovenian Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers (Dragan Mihailovi´ c) Automatic Control Society of Slovenia (Giovanni Godena) Slovenian AssociationofTechnical and Natural Sciences/Engineering Academyof Slovenia (Mark Pleško) ACM Slovenia (Nikolaj Zimic) Informatica is fnancially supported by the Slovenian research agencyfrom the Call for co-fnancing of scientifc periodical publications. Informaticais surveyedby:ACM Digital Library, Citeseer, COBISS, Compendex, Computer&Information Systems Abstracts, Computer Database, Computer Science Index, Current Mathematical Publications, DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, Directory of Open Access Journals, InfoTrac OneFile, Inspec, Linguistic and Language Behaviour Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, MatSciNet, MatSci on SilverPlatter, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math Volume45 Number2June 2021 ISSN 0350-5596 Introduction to "Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science (MATCOS-19)" APseudorandom Number Generator with Full Cycle Length Based on Automata Compositions ParallelGlobal with Low Thread Interactions Estimating Clique Size via Discarding Subgraphs Statistics-Based Chain Code Compression with Decreased Sensitivity to Shape Artefacts Method for EstimatingTensiomyographyParameters from Motion Capture Data Endof Special Issue/Startof normal papers Impactof Data Balancing DuringTrainingto Predict the Risk of Over-Indebtedness Performance AnalysisofTestPath Generation Techniques Based on Complex Activity Diagrams Stock Market Prediction with Gaussian Naïve Bayes Machine Learning Algorithm Load Balancing Mechanism Using Mobile Agents Value-Based Retweet Prediction onTwitter TowardsaFormal Multi-AgentOrganizational Modeling Framework Based on Category Theory Analysisof DeepTransfer Learning Using DeepConvLSTM for Human Activity Recognition fromWearable Sensors Routing Algorithm in Networks on the Globe Research on Campus Network Equipment Environment Monitoring Based on Internet of Things Research on the Effciencyof Intelligent Algorithm for English Speech Recognition and Sentence Translatione Three Methods for Energy-Effcient Context Recognition A. Brodnik, G. Galambos 177 B. Borsos, P. Di, 179 Y. Alhammadi, N. Tihanyi, J. Gáll, G. Horváth D. Zombori 191 B. Zavalnij, S. Szabo 197 D. Podgorelec, A. Nerat, 205 B. Žalik D. Vlahek, T. Stoši´c, 213 T. Golob, M. Kalc, T. Li.cen, M. Vogrin, D. Mongus S.A. Alsaif, A. Hidri W. Sornkliang,T. Phetkaew E.K. Ampomah, G. Nyame, Z. Qin,P.C. Addo, E.O. Gyamf, M. Gyan S. Cherbal S. Kakar, D. Dhaka, M. Mehrotra A. Boudjidj S. Kalabakov S.K. Bose J. Liu G. Zhang V. Janko 223 231 243 257 267 277 289 297 303 309 Informatica 45 (2021) Number 2, pp. 177–317