Americ V IVOZ ■J•a N019NIHSyM "M 'N 'IS HI917 S££tr 10832 “w Ny3r Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serving in Ohio and nationwide over 150,000 American Slovenians No. 15 Vol. 93 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 ISSN Number: 0164-680X 50C Louis Slapnik Florists passes 3/4 century : cj ;ii; * a zfl0' vail' lei«' lnici ifl'- by Vince Gostilna The Louis Slapnik Florist family at 6102 St. Clair Avenue has been in business for quite a few years, in fact, they are currently marking their 77th year on St. Clair Avenue. Don Slapnik and his lovely wife, Nancy, have been at the helm of the flower shop for three decades. During that time Slapnik’s has become renowned for their superb creations of floral artistry. Their fame has spread throughout Northeastern Ohio and to even more distant locales. As to the early beginnings of the Slapnik Florist Shop, Don Slapnik said, “Grandfather Ignac (Ignatius) had studied horticulture in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 1909 he left his birthplace of Tuhinj, Gorenjsko, Slovenia, and came to Cleveland.” Don continued, “At first, my grandfather worked for a downtown florist on Euclid Avenue. In 1914 he married Frances Kepic of Kamnik and also opened a floral shop at 4017 St. Clair. As the Slovenians began to move closer to St. Vitus church, he moved his business to 5810, 6113 and finally in 1933 to the present location at 6102.” At that time his three sons, James Jr., Charles, and Louis and a daughter Frances Slap-n>k Habjan comprised the Slapnik family. Slapnik remarked, “Grandpa Unac was a supporting Member of Lira choir at St. vitus and was a generous ^enefactor of St. Vitus Church.” The floral shop flourished and Slapnik’s had established themselves as one of the better florist establishments in Cleveland. By the early forties Grandpa ^apnik’s health had “eteriorated and it was a sad j9y when on January 18, ^44, the partriarch florist ^°sed his eyes and went to his heavenly reward. Fourteen months earlier, his daughter Frances had died. “My father, Louis, had been in the Collinwood area in a floral shop that he had begun in 1938. When Grandpa Ignac died my dad came back to the St. Clair store to operate the family business,” explained Don. The floral shop survived through the East Ohio Gas Fire with only minor damage. And the Louis Slapnik Flower Shop continued in fine fashion with Lou’s wife, Clara (nee Clernt) assisting in the operation of the business. “On November 17, 1948 our grandmother, Frances, departed from this world and joined her husband Ignac in the other world,” concluded Don. Lou and Clara worked hard and they had son Don help them in the operation of the business. By 1958, the floral business was turned over to their son Don and his wife, Nancy (nee Gerbec). The new duo in time had two children, a son Louis and a daughter, Shelli. In 1960, when the Haff-ner Insurance Agency closed, the father, Louis, opened a coffee shop and restaurant in the vacated premises, just two stores east of the floral shop. In 1974, the elder Lou became ill and died at the age of 62, a death that was much too soon. His widowed wife, Clara, along with her granddaughter, Shelli, a 4th generation Slapnik, continued the operation of the restaurant which is today still serving the public. At times, Don, who is a talented chef, makes great chili as well as other delights such as Swiss Steak, Salisbury steak, and many other meals. Now after more than three quarters of a century, the Slapnik family is one of the few remaining pioneer families that are still in business on St. Clair Avenue. And their many customers agree that Slapnik’s is a ^wonderful family that provides their clients with excellent service at all times. So it is that everyone who finds the time to stop in at Slapnik’s establishments not only to smell the flowers, but also to see what’s cooking in their restaurant. Ad multos annos, Slapnik family! h0|in and daughter, Shelli in their restaurant which has a real, _ est-to-goodness soda fountain. (Photos by Tony Grdina) Glasbena Matica Concert Saturday, April 13 will shower the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue with spring music, because it is Spring Concert time for you and Glasbena Matica singers. The doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., and the concert shall follow dinner. After the concert, dance to the happy melodies of the Ray Polantz Orchestra. Please call any Glasbena Matica member for tickets which are only $16.00 for the whole music-dinner package. Call Bob Hopkins for tickets at 467-7475 Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kosilo ob 75-letnici— To nedeljo prireja Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti kosilo ob 75. obletnici ustanovitve društva. Kosilo bo v šolski dvorani, vstopnice imajo v župnišču (761-7740), Cilka Tominc (531-8855) in Marica Lavriša (481-3768). Zajtrk— To nedeljo zjutraj ste pa vabljeni v svetovidski avditorij na zajtrk in sicer med 8.30 zj. in 1. pop. Cena zajtrku je $4, za otroke $2. Istočasno bo prodaja peciva, ki se bo pričela že to soboto in sicer od 4.30 pop. do 6.30 zv., v nedeljo pa od 8.30 zj. do 1. pop. Krofi— To soboto bo pri Sv. Vidu prodaja krofov, ki se bo pričela ob 8. zjutraj v običajnem prostoru. Kosilo— V nedeljo, 21. aprila, bo pri Lurški Materi božji na Char-don Rd. kosilo, ki se bo serviralo med 12. in 6. zv. Nakaznice imajo pri svetišču in bodo na voljo na dan koiila. Ob 11.30 bo maša ob prvi obletnici smrti sen. F.J. Lauscheta. Dom za ostarele— Pomožni odsek pri Slovenskem domu za ostarele na Neff Rd. vabi na svoje letno kosilo, ki bo v ponedeljek, 22. aprila, ob 12. opoldne, v Domu. Po obedu bo seja, ob 1. pop. Za rezervacije pokličite Dorothy Urbančič (481-8985) ali Bertho Walden (531-4445), in sicer do 15. aprila. Novi člani in članice vedno dobrodošli. Maša in program— Jutri, petek, ob 5.10 pop. se bo v stolnici sv. Janeza pričela sv. maša za svobodo in neodvisnost držav srednje in vzhodne Evrope. Celebrant bo škof Anthony Pilla. Nato bo ob 6.30 zv. v Catholic Center, 1031 Superior Ave., program, na katerem bo predvajan vido-trak o napadu v Vilniusu, Litovska, enote sovjetske vojske. Do napada je prišlo 13. januarja in je akcija močno odjeknila v svetu. Govoril bo David W. Leopold, ki je bil štiri mesece v Moskvi, kjer je služil kot pravni svetovalec Sa-harovemu odboru. Govoril bo o izgledih za bodočnosti v ZSSR. Mašo in program sponzorira Ohio Helsinki Accords Council. Vstopnine ni, brezplačno parkiranje v nadškofijski garaži na E. 9 in Rockwell (vhod na Rockwell). Lepa podpora— Ga. Mary Princ, Cleveland, Ohio, je darovala $50 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine. Za lepo podporo se iskreno zahvalimo. Do sobote— Ker gre urednik že v ponedeljek na obisk v Slovenijo, bo slovenski del naslednje AD zaključen že do nedelje. Zato morajo biti dopisi dostavljeni že do sobote, 13. aprila. Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Sestanek Upokojencev Slovenske pristave bo v sredo, 24. aprila, ob 1.30 pop. na SP. Kdor more, naj pride že ob 11.30, da pomaga počistiti Orlov vrh in Park. Za klubov enodnevni izlet, ki bo 30. aprila, je še šest (6) prostorov na avtobusu. Pohitite in se prijavite na tel. št. 531-8982. Novi naslov— G. Emil Bukovec sedaj stanuje v Wickliffe Country Place Nursing Home na Bishop Rd. in Euclid Ave. Zelo vesel bo obiskov znancev in prijateljev, prav tako voščil-nih kartic. Njegov naslov je 1919 Bishop Rd., Wickliffe, OH 44143. »Štajerskega kvinteta« ne bo— Včeraj smo bili obveščeni, da gostovanja Štajerskega kvinteta, napovedanega za to nedeljo pri Sterletovi restavraciji, ne bo. Obveščeni smo namreč, da niso dobili pravočasno potrebnega dovoljenja za nastope v ZDA. To je vse, kar ob tem poročanju vemo. Zveza Oltarnih društev— Zveza Oltarnih društev vljudno vabi vse članice od župnij sv. Vida, Marije Vnebovzete, sv. Kristine in sv. Lovrenca, na sejo, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo, 28. aprila, ob 2.30 pop. pri Sv. Vidu. Pridite najprej v cerkev, kjer bo sprejem novih članic in nato molitve. Takoj per obredu bo zborovanje v dvorani. Udeležite se v velikem številu. Spominski dar— Ga. Mary Fakult, Cleveland, O., je darovala $10 v tiskovni sklad AD, v spomin Helen Semich. Hvala lepa. DNU pri Sv. Vidu— To nedeljo ima DNU pri Sv. Vidu redni mesečni sestanek in sicer po osmi maši v cerkveni dvorani. Tisti, ki bi radi zajtrk, ga bodo lahko dobili po sestanku v šolski dvorani. Drago Jančar v ZDA— V angleškem delu poročamo o slovenskem pisatelju Drago-tu Jančarju, ki bo v Washing-tonu v drugi polovici aprila, ker bo prva predstava v angleščini na ameriškem odru njegovega dela »Stakeout at Go-dot’s«. G. Jančar je bil med tistimi slovenskimi intelektualci, ki so veliko pripomogli k demokratizaciji v Sloveniji. Na zadnjem obisku ZDA je g. Jančar obiskal tudi AD. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL l i, i aa i Jim s Journal by James V. Debevec Today we present a few. thoughts on a few subjects. First of all, a letter to the editor is exactly that and not the editor’s thoughts or position. It is the writer’s thoughts only. It would be impossible to believe that every letter to the editor in the Plain Dealer is editor Thom Greer’s opinion, or publisher Alex Machaskee’s either. Definitely not. This is America. In America we have what is called freedom of the press and every judge in the land bends over backward to insure that everyone is able to express his or her opinion. If this were not so, we would be living in a dictatorship. So please believe that any letter or column is the author’s viewpoint and not the editor’s. My viewpoints can be found in this column. And when a reader of this paper disagrees or agrees, he or she has the privilege of writing a letter and stating your views. I’m a great one for believing in the American way of doing things. I think Democracy is great. I have sat in on an organizational meeting where one of the founders said, “If Saturday, April 13 Glasbena Matica Spring Dinner Concert at Slovenian Home on St. Clair Ave. Music Ray Polantz Orchestra. Saturday, April 13 Collinwood Slovenian Home Spring Dinner-Dance honoring Man of the Year Frank Ferra. Music by Bob Kravos. Dinner 7 p.m., music 8 p.m. Donation $12.00. Sunday, April 14 Button Box Jammer, 1 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4558 W. 130 St. Saturday, April 20 “Thinking Spring” Dinner -Program - Dance sponsored by Jadran, featuring Fred Kuhar Orchestra at Waterloo Hall. Sunday, April 21 Indianapolis — Štajerski Kvintet from Maribor performs at Bockhold Hall from 2 to 6 p.m. Tickets $7.50 from Board members of Slovenian Cultural Society. Saturday, April 27 Zarja Spring Frolic, Vaudeville Show II,, at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid. Dinner 5 to 6:30, program at 7 p.m. Dance to Vadnal orchestra. Donation $15 from members or Polka Hall of Fame. Sunday, April 28 New York City — St. Cyril’s Slovenian Church, 75th anniversary celebration with Mass at 10 a.m. and banquet and program from 2 to 7 p.m. at Plattsdeutch Park restaurant, Franklin Square, Long Island. Music by Štajerski Kvintet from Maribor. Sunday, May 5 Friends of Slovenian National Home Annual Spring Brunch. Serving 12 to 2 p.m. Good food, good entertainment and good friends. the people of Slovenia want Democracy, we’ll support them; if they want Socialism, we’ll support them; if they want Communism, we’ll support them.” I walked out and didn’t join that group. On the front page of this Ameriška Domovina, I didn’t add just one American flag, I added two. Some have said why didn’t you put the Slovenian flag on the front page. The answer is this is the “American Home’’ newspaper. We support Democracy here and in Slovenia and elsewhere, but we are essentially American. Even though half of this paper is in the Slovenian language it does not mean we support everything Slovenian, it is simply intended for those who prefer to read the news in the Slovenian tongue usually because they are more familiar with it. And because our ancestors came from there or because some still have relatives there, we are vitally interested in the events concerning Slovenia and we report just about everything we can about the country. We visited there for the first time a few years ago and found Slovenia to be a truly beautiful country and we pray for and support May 16 thru 19 Slovenian Women’s Union of America National Convention in Days Hotel, North Randall, Ohio. Sunday, May 12 Upstairs Dance at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid with Joe Fedorchak from 4 to 8 p.m. on stage and Harry Faint from 7 to 9 p.m. in the bar room. Also featured will be George Staiduhar with special guests Zeke and Charlie. Proceeds to the Youngstown Penn Ohio Polka Pals and Akron, Barberton, Canton (ABC). Sponsor and coordinator is George Knaus. For tickets at $5 call 481-9300 or 943-0553. Friday, May 17 Slovene Home for the Aged Annual Meeting at Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd. at 7 p.m. Sunday, May 19 St. Clair Slovenian National Home dance from 2 to 6 p.m. featuring Mike Wojtila and the Entertainers, and the Eddie Rodick Orchestra. Honored will be George Knaus. For more information call 361-5115. Thursday, May 23 Our Lady of Brezje observance at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine off Chardon Rd. in Euclid, Ohio sponsored by Ohio Federation of KSKJ lodges, beginning promptly at 7 p.m. Everyone welcome. Sunday, June 2 St. Vitus Alumni Annual Reunion Day, 12 Mass, dinner at 1:30 p.m. in school auditorium. Reservations $15 to treasurer Joseph Brodnik, 344 Claymore Blvd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143. Sunday, June 30 St. Vitus Summer Festival. Labor Day Weekend Bishop Baraga Days, Washington, D C. the people of Slovenia in their struggle for independence and Democracy. In a Plain Dealer newspaper article on Saturday four of my good friends were mentioned concerning naming a polka or square dance as the official state of Ohio dance. My opinion is if we have to have a state dance, which in reality there is a great diversity of people here to single out any one dance, and yet somehow to take no stance is a loser’s way out of doing things. We must be positive in our approach to life. Just as we all were positive in the Gulf War from the top Commander-in-Chief to the generals, to the warriors, to the people back home, we were all positive, and the results were positive. To get back to the state dance, 1 think the should represent Ohio. There is an old saying that the slower the people dance, the faster they work. We want Ohio to be known as an industrial as well as agricultural state, and the population to be known as industrious and willing and able to do the job and do it exactly right. The 1990 U.S. Census indicates that 40% of the population of Ohio is of German descent. The Slovenians border on the country of Austria and the capital of Slovenia under the Hapsburgs was Vienna, the home of the waltz. The waltz is beautiful. Ohio is beautiful. Beautiful Ohio is its official song; it is a waltz. On January 14 when Governor George Voinovich and his wife, Janet, danced their first dance together at the Carnation Inauguration Ball at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus, it was a waltz, and the couple looked enchanting and charming. One of the most beautiful songs played by every Slovenian dance band is the waltz. The master is Lou Trebar. Listening, and watching couples waltz around the dance floor is an exercise in ecstasy. It is smooth, like the flow of the Ohio river. It has charm like the old villages and rural towns. It is viable and functional like the big cities. It is life-giving like Lake Erie. It is traditional, like the Ohio citizens’ active commitment to the United States. It demands attention and respect like the people of Ohio. I think square dances are great fun and I love to dance the polka, — but let’s make the waltz the state dance. We deserve the best. TIM McGREW - JERRY KELLER We serve residential and commercial customers with a rainbow of colors. All Heights areas, Willoughby, Willowick, Euclid, Richmond Heights, Painesville, Mentor, Solon and Madison. To refresh and beautify your home with a new carpet, call us at Caqoet, 854 E. 185 ST., CLEVELAND Residential and Commercial STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9:00-8:00 Wed., Fri., Sat. 9:00-5:00 531-0484 FREE HOME ESTIMATES 100% FREE Freedom CHECKING Cc St; u Off a ^0| • No ATM Fees • No Monthly Fees • Initial Supply of Checks FREE • Unlimited Check Writing • No Minimum Balance Required ^ACffh • Cleveland 920 E. 185th St......486-4100 • Cleveland Hts. 1865 Coventry Rd..371 -2000 • Euclid 1515 E. 260th St........731-8865 • Mayfield His. 1351 SOM Center Rd.473-2121 • Pepper Pike 3637 Under Rd........831 -8800 • Richmond Hts. 27100 Chardon Rd...944-5500 • Shaker Hts. 20200 Van Aken Blvd.752-4141 • South Euclid 14483 Cedar Rd....291 -2800 • Willoughby Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd. 944-3400 METROPOLITAN SAVINGSiRANK^ Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC '0rr ioV{ \ ( > hie °a % iei\ 4 hr Coming Events... Slovenians Plot Independence The Christian Science Monitor by Girard C. Steichen Ljubljana, Yugoslavia — In Ljubljana’s vibrant city center, street vendors hawk souvenir prototypes of Slovenian passports, their covers embossed with a linden leaf, the republic’s national symbol. A few miles away, at a sprawling research and development complex on the outskirts of the Slovenian caPital, government workers are designing a new, as yet unnamed, national currency. Yugoslavia’s volatile federation of 45 years is crumbling. And if Slovenians have their way, cartographers will soon have to redraw the map of Europe to include at least one new independent state. Yet the future of Yugoslavia’s most-prosperous rePublic is uncertain; fraught w'th political upheaval and the threat of intervention by c°mmunist-led troops loyal to the central government. Call for Independence . Nevertheless, in a plebiscite tn December nearly 90 percent °f Slovenia’s voters said they "'anted full sovereignty and s,uPported a six-month 'nietable for independence, hat timetable could be speed-^ by growing violence bet-^cn Serbians and Croatians, he nation’s two largest ethnic Sr°ups, and by rising anti-cummunist unrest in Belgrade, „ federal and Serbian ^Pital. The leaders of Serbia and ^roatia held a surprise feting March 25 in an ap-s.arent effort to diffuse ten-°ns. Tanjug news agency Serbian President ..Obodan Milosevic and Croa-■an President Franjo Tud-an met for several hours at uudisclosed location. £ Although the European jj^uimunity and the United yates have appealed for ofSoslavia to remain united, pJ^als in Ljubljana say "ately there are indications ‘ Austria and Hungary stat reco8n>ze Slovenia as a - .e- Slovenia, along with Sobering Croatia, have repP^ed that Yugoslavia’s six for *'cs and two provinces a loose federation of ere‘gn states. Croatia has leCe^ lo follow Slovenia if it ^erbia Wants Control ftto 0lniT1unist-ruled Serbia, tlsis?S*av'a s biggest republic, ^hich t^lat reta'n control, ;ovefw the new center-right jmments in Slovenia and have rejected. They tte C" at odds with the hard-r- Milosevic, whose pro- :>tia Nain ^ Koporc, Jr. ,ar,o Technician (216) 481-4391 Serbian policies have brought Yugoslavia to the brink of civil war several times and spurred protests in Belgrade. “It is really unimaginable that Slovenia, a democratic country with a parliamentary system and respect for human rights, could stay on in a Communist country,” says Vitodrag Pukl, deputy speaker of Slovenia’s Parliament, who is helping to draft a new constitution. He insista that in legal terms, Slovenia became independent on Feb. 20 when it annulled the force of federal law on its territory. Slovenia’s leaders say they want the separation to be peaceful and orderly. But there are lingering worries abut how the national Army, whose officer corps is dominated by Serbs and communists, will react. Slovenian President Milan Kucan warns of possible military intervention if there is a power struggle. If a clash does erupt, it would more likely pit Serbia against Croatia, two longtime rivals. But geography, ethnic makeup, and economic prowess could keep Slovenia out of any fighting. Slovenia’s only internal Yugoslav borders is with Croatia, and it has no sizable minority groups. “We hope this will make it possible to pull out of Yugoslavia in peace,” says Dušan Plut, a member of Slovenia’s presidency. Although Slovenia is Yugoslavia’s most-developed republic, the transition could still be difficult. And while its production capacity is considerable, its economic sur-vivial is by no means assured. Much of the mountainous republic’s production, though better than most in the nation, is far below Western competitive standards. Several economists have predicted independence could cause a 50 percent reduction in Slovenia’s gross national product — a drop that would bring at least temporary hardship to the republic’s 2 million inhabitants. Other economic experts warn that Slovenia could find itself dependent on Austria and Italy, its prosperous Western neighbors. “Slovenia could end up being sold at bargain prices because of the ruin communist mismanagement has caused,” says Alexander Bajt, a leading Anton M. Luvrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villa view Road at Neff 692-1172 £ele Funeral Home Slovenian economist. But Slovenian officials say they’re confident the economy will pick up speed once free-market reforms take hold and the republic is no longer required to help support Yugoslavia’s other impoverished republics. Despite the bickering and brinkmanship, Slovenians say they will pursue an independent course. Says presidency member Plut: “Slovenians are prepared to suffer for their sovereignty.” Altar Group Meets The United Altar Societies is inviting all members to the meeting on Sunday, April 28 at 2:30 p.m. at St. Vitus. Meeting will be held immediately following church services. This meeting should be important to all of us. Please come, ladies from St. Lawrence, St. Mary and St. Christine, and St. Vitus. —Marie Amigoni Progressive Convention The Progressive Slovene Women of America will be sponsoring their 10th quadrennial convention on the weekend of May 4 and 5. This will take place at the Slovenian Home on Waterloo Rd. In conjunction with these two important days of meetings and worthwhile works, we will have a banquet, program, and dance on the night of Saturday, May 4. There will be good food, a delightful, and short program, and dancing to the music of Fred Kuhar. All of this for the unheard of price of $12.50. We also invite visitors to our meeting on Sunday, May 5. For tickets please contact the Polka Hall of Fame on E. 222nd St. in Euclid, or call Vida Zak 481-6247 or Fran Mauric 531-6393. Fran Mauric In Loving Memory OF THE 17th Anniversary of the Death of • "■ '•'Tvssxv’--:v'-- John (Jevec) Gornik Died April 11, 1974 We have loved him in life Let us not forget him in death. Memorial Chapel *52 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel ^502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 family owned and operated since 1908 Wife, Josephine Daughter, Janet Short Son-in-law James Granddaughter, Jamie Work by Slovene Dramatist Drago 3 Jančar Presented in Washington The Directors of Scena Theatre of Washington, D.C., announce that the American premiere of Slovene playwright Drago Jancar’s Stakeout at Godot’s will be staged at the Joy of Motion Dance Center, 1643 Connecticut Avenue N.W., in Washington, from April 19 through May 5. Performance times are Fridays at 10:30 PM, Saturdays at 8 and 10:30 PM. Tickets are $12. Reservations may be made by calling the Joy of Motion box office at 202/387-0911. Stakeout at Godot’s is a metaphysical thriller set in a seedy hotel room in an unnamed country. Two bumbling functionaries of this nameless, faceless state attempt to mount a hardboiled detective-style stakeout on the mysterious Godot. Who is he really? Why has he never appeared? What is he up to? Agents Franz and Joseph, surreal Fra-tellini-like brothers reminiscent of the American Abbott and Costello team, are inevitably drawn into a series of strange and curious events as they attempt to unmask the elusive Mr. Godot. A gloss on Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and a parable of present-day Yugoslavia, Stakeout at Godot’s was written in 1988 and first performed by Scena Theatre in a workshop production at the National Theatre’s Helen Hayes Gallery that September. Scena then staged the play in August 1989 for four performances at the Washington Theatre Festival prior to performing it as part of a traveling repertory to Italy and Yugoslavia in Octo-ber-November 1989. Scena’s touring production was staged at the Slovene National Drama Festival in Maribor, at the Slovene National Theatre in Ljubljana, and at the Kamerni Teatar 55 in Sarajevo. In addition to its many Yugoslav productions. Stakeout at Godot’s has been staged at theatres in Austria and Germany. The Slovene-language production from Ljubljana will be presented in the Soviet Union this month. Drago Jančar Drago Jančar is a native of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the Slovene P.E.N. Club, a group of professional writers. Jančar and the Slovene Pen Club played an important role in helping promote the recent democratization process in Slovenia and indeed Jančar was subjected to persecution by the previous Communist regime, since he had brought into the country published materials that were then forbidden to the general public. During a visit to the Cleveland area several years ago, this writer had the opportunity to spend a day with Jančar and show him, among other sites, the American Home Publishing Company, Slovenska pristava, the SNPJ farm and the Slovene Home for the Aged. Mr. Jančar will be in Washington between April 15—30, to attend productions of his play. His visit is co-hosted by Scena Theatre and George Mason University’s Theatre of the First Amendment. During his stay, Jančar will lecture on Slovene/Yugoslav theatre and literature at George Mason and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. A staged reading of Jancar’s newly translated play Daedalus is also planned at George Mason University. For further information, you can contact Scena Theatre’s Managing Director Amy Schmidt at 703/549-0002. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel ooooooo« $40.00 OFF with Purchase of Eye Glasses Eyes examined by Dr. S. W. Bannerman J. F. OPTICAL 6428 St. Clair Ave. 775 E. 185 St. 361-7933 531-7933 •oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 692-2099 Introducing a new line of Brides and Bridesmaid dresses, half and full sizes. Fantastic selection of cocktail and evening dresses. VQlMie Hours: Daily 9-4 p.m., Mon. & Thurs. 9-9 p.m. English, Slovenian and other languages spoken! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 — Recent Deaths — LOUIS W. MEDVED Louis W. Medved, beloved husband of Edna (nee Lear) (deceased), dear father of Richard L. and Louis A. (wife, Diana), grandfather of Louis, Joseph and Dawn, brother of Frances Kramer, Antonia Lausche and Julia Larson, and the following deceased: Mary Laushin and Anthony Medved; dear friend of Sonia Barron. Services were Tuesday, April 9 at the Grdina-Cosic-Faulhaber Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. at 10 a.m. and from St. Vitus Church at 10:30 a.m. Interment Lake View Cemetery. FRANK MLINAR Frank Mlinar died Saturday, April 6 at home in Joliet, Illinois. He was born in Fužine, Slovenia, the son of Alojzij and Katarina (nee Jezeršek). He came to America 42 years ago and retired in 1982 after serving as custodian for St. Mary (Cleveland - Collinwood) parish for over 30 years. Mr. Mlinar was a member of the Holy Name societies of St. Joseph (Joliet), and long-time member of St. Mary (Coll.) as well as St. Joseph Lodge No. 169 of the KSKJ, the Legion of Mary and Catholic Order of Foresters Court 1640. Mr. Mlinar is survived by his wife Antonia (nee Rozman), and sisters Maryann Mlinar (Euclid), Maria Mlinar (Chagrin Falls), Cecilia Oblak and Katarina Mlinar, both of Slovenia. Mr. Mlinar was preceded in death by brothers Janes and Jernej both of Slovenia and wife Dorothy (nee March) of Euclid. Funeral Mass was Monday, April 8 at St. Joseph (Joliet) and Wednesday, April 10 at St. Mary (Coll.) at 10 a.m. where visitation was held one hour before Mass with interment at All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. Arrangements by Sterle-Sankovic Funeral Home, 15314 Macauley Ave., Cleveland (corner of E. 152 and Lake Shore Blvd.). MARY E. SEITZ Mary E. Seitz (nee Ockun), 86, died Friday, March 29 in Manor Care Lakeshore Nursing Home. Mary was born in Ljubljana and came to Cleveland in 1905. She was employed as a multigraph operator for the Robert Silverman Co. for 20 years, retiring in 1970. Mary was the widow of Vincent, the mother of Doris Solnok, grandmother of Vincent, Thomas, Dorothy Philbeck, Janet Moskovics and Robert; sister of John Ockun, Julia Kordič, William Ockun and the following deceased: Josephine Lockner, Pauline Tekancic, and Rudolph Oaken. Funeral services were held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. FRANK C. DEMSHAR Frank C. Demshar worked in the corrugated-box industry in the Cleveland area for 60 years until he retired in 1990. He was production manager for the River Raisin Paper Co. and Tecumseh Corrugated Box Co. He was sales manager for Tecumseh for the last 10 years he worked. Mr. Demshar, 76, died Tuesday at his home in North Olmsted. He had cancer. He was born in Cleveland and lived in Parma before he moved to North Olmsted. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Margaret; a son, Frank J. of North Royalton; daughters, Jacqualine Hochschild of North Olmsted, Peggy Creswell of Brunswick and Sharon McMullen of Rocky River; 17 grandchildren; eight greatgrandchildren; and three sisters. He was a cousin of the following: Ella Samanich of Middbury Hts., Victor Tominec of Richmond Hts., O., and Matevž Tominec, Collinwood. Services were at St. Brendan Catholic Church, North Olmsted. He was a member of AMLA Lodge No. 48. EDWARD VIDMAR Services for Edward Vidmar, 73, of Willowick, retired employee for King Music Instruments Inc. in Eastlake, were Monday morning at Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik * 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • /Vo Branches nor A ffiliations f Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director New Column: In 100 Words More or Less by John Mercina A weekly column about life in general, nothing in particular. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy. Sometimes in English, sometimes in Slovenian. Informative, thought provoking and always true. Never exceeding 100 words, more or less. Mr. Mercina’s first column “Lessons from the Gulf War” begins in next week’s American Home newspaper. Slovenian Devotions in California It is already 40 years since the beginning of our Slovenian May Devotion in Corona, Calif. We will celebrate this 40th anniversary on May 5th at St. Joseph Church in Fontana, beginning at 1:30 p.m. As we observe the historical events that are taking place right now in Slovenia and Yugoslavia, it is clear that our native country is in great need of help, particularly through our prayers. This is the primary reason for this annual celebration, praying that God will protect our Slovenia from the danger of civil war. Following the services in the church, there will be a luncheon in the Parish Hall where we will have the opportunity to see our friends. All are invited. If you know others who would like to come, please tell them they are most welcome. It is important to advise Mrs. Frances Vidergar if you plan to attend, so that sufficient food will be available for all. She may be contacted at (714) 822-7828 in the afternoon or evening. We hope to see and welcome you all at St. Joseph Church, 17080 Arrow Blvd. in Fontana on May 5th at 1:30 p.m. Directions: If you are taking Foothill Blvd., turn South on Sierra Ave. and then turn East on Arrow Blvd. for just one block. If you are taking the San Bernardino Freeway (I-10), turn North on Sierra Ave. and then turn East on Arrow Blvd. for just one block. —Slovenian Priests of Southern California Donation Mary Princ of Cleveland donated $50.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Thanks a million! St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, Willowick. Mr. Vidmar died last Thursday at St. Vincent Charity Hospital and Health Center in Cleveland. Born Aug. 31, 1917 in Cleveland, he lived in Willowick since 1965. He was a little league coach for Willowick boys baseball. Survivors are his wife Millie (Brancel); son, Edward Jr. of Willowick; daughter, Carol Hartman of Willowick; sister, Ann Brinovec of Cleveland; and six grandchildren. Friends called at Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery in Chardon. Latest St. Clair Pensioners News by Stanley J. Frank Last month I reminded our readers that our big annual event, our “Chicken & Roast Pork Dinner” is scheduled for Sunday, April 28th and that tickets are available from our members or also by calling me •at 391-9761. Now a month later, I must emphasize that it is only two weeks away. And again I want to remind you that this is a public event. ALL are invited. It was so nice to see so many of you, our friends, at last year’s dinner. And you enjoyed it, you told us so. It will be a pleasure to welcome you again on Sunday, April 28th. If for some reason you missed our dinner and social in the years gone by, give us a break. Come and treat yourselves to a delicious dinner and relax and enjoy the afternoon in the company of nice people. If you haven’t purchased your ticket's yet, DON’T DELAY. Our cook, Milka Krulc, is anxious to prepare you a delectable meal, but she must know “How many are coming to dinner.” So try to make your reservations by Saturday, April 20th. WHY NOT DO IT NOW. Last month, member Ann Miklaucic was rushed to Charity Hospital, as a victim of a stroke. She responded favorably to administered medication and treatment, and with determination, is making a good start to recovery. The good news is that she is now at the Euclid Meridia Rehabilitation Center, undergoing progressive therapy. I am sure that Ann will appreciate and enjoy your cards of cheer, and will boost her determination for recovery. Ann, we know that you can do it and we are looking forward to seeing yon at our meetings again soon. On a truly sad note, we regret to tell you that we lost another member, Edward Vidmar. Ed was hospitalized, had surgery, and on the day after, his life here on earth came to a sudden end. Ed was a mild, even-tempered person. Never seemed to lose his cool and always greeted you with a warm and friendly smile. We will misS him. To Millie, his wife, and to his family and relatives, we extend our deepest and most sincere sympathy on theh great loss. May he rest in peace! Our next scheduled meeting date is Thursday, April 18th’ We expect to hear good reports on our dinner ticket sales, and we are looking for' ward to an excellent attendance at our Dinner on Sunday, April 28th. Bake Sale St. Vitus Parish is sponsoring a Bake Sake on Saturday'; April 13 and Sunday, April 1 1 in the auditorium after a‘ . Masses. V BLAG SPOMIN 12. OBLETNICE, ODKAR NAS JE ZA VEDNO ZAPUSTILA NAŠA LJUBLJENA, NEPOZABNA MAMA JENNIE PETRICK ki je preminula dne 13. aprila 1979 27. OBLETNICE, ODKAR JE NAS ZAPUSTIL NAŠ LJUBLJENI, NEPOZABNI OČE JOHN PETRICK ki je preminul dne 20. maja 1964 A No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered — since we lost you Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear dad and mother, That we do not think of you. -i;;i*v Žalujoči: Hči — Jean Sin — Stanley ter drugo sorodstvo tukaj in v stari domovini. Euclid, Ohio, 11. aprila 1991. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. h 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio j Students Taught to Save Money Ameritrust bank this week announced an expansion of a school educational program and competition intended to encourage students in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan to learn about the value of money, how to earn money and, most important, how to save money. Through the program, Ameritrust branch managers will talk with students about smart savings and provide educational activities for use in the classroom. “It is very important that we start teaching our children the value of money and of saving,” said Peter Osenar, Ameritrust group executive vice president for consumer banking. “By sending our branch managers out into the community to work with students, we are encouraging students to realize the importance of developing a savings Plan at an early age.” Ameritrust branch managers will donate a copy of the book Waking Cents to every school they visit. This program is in conjunction with the Ameritrust Smart Savers Competition, which challenges students as well as adults to submit their most creative, practical and successful ideas for building and Maintaining savings. Ameritrust will present a savings-related award for the best idea by a student. The award will be $500 in an Ameritrust savings account and a $100 toy store gift certificate. All students who are 18 or under are eligible to er>ter the Smart Savers Competition. In addition, . the school of the winning student will receive a $500 award for its student activities fund. Other awards for the best suggestions entered by adults are: • First Place — $5,000 in an ^meritrust 12-month Certificate of Deposit. • Second Place — $2,000 in Ameritrust Individual Retirement Account. • Third Place — $1,000 in Ameritrust Money Market Savings Account. . The Smart Savers competi-bon is open to all residents of j~bio, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky — regardless of ^hether or not they are f'Meritrust customers or live 'b an area served by an *Meritrust branch. All entries Wl11 be judged by bank ex-ecutiyes based on originality, Creativity and practicality. Ameritrust branch managers 'll distribute entry forms to assrooms where they speak. n addition, entry forms are vailable at any Ameritrust ranch. Ohio, Indiana, r '.chigan and Kentucky ^sidents also may enter by arin'* ky sen£l'n6 their name, uress, telephone number, ncl school, grade and age (if a student), and a savings idea described in 100 words or less to: Ameritrust Smart Savers P.O. Box 15127 Cleveland, OH 44115-9725 Deadline for the school program and student entries has been extended to May 15 due to the overwhelming interest in the Smart Savers competition. Winners will be announced no later than July 1, 1991. Think Spring with Jadran “Thinking Spring,” Jadran Singing Society’s theme for their upcoming concert on Saturday, April 20th at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., is certain to please everyone in attendance. Some of the familiar songs which will be sung by the chorus include “Prva Pomlad,” “Dolinci Prijetni” and “Tam na Vrtni Gredi”. Our quartet consisting of Don and Dorothy Gorjup, Mary Frank and Clarence Rupar will sing “Zadovoljni Kmet” and the Women’s Chorus will sing Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “It Might As Well Be Spring.” Frank Smerke will render the lilting “Paling in Love with Love,” and Florence Unetich will sing “Ptičica.” Florence will be joined with Angela Žabjek in several duets. Of course, no Jadran program would be complete without our Button Box Ensemble playing their and your favorite polkas and waltzes... and there’s much, much more in store for your enjoyment. Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m., the program from 7:30 to 8:30 and dancing to the Fred Kuhar Orchestra follows. Tickets for this entire delightful evening are only $14. Reservations may be made by calling either Angela Žabjek at 531-3979 or Betty Rotar at 481-3187. Tickets are also available at the SWH Club Room and at the Cleveland Polka Hall of Fame Headquarters at E. 222nd and Babbett Rd. Betty Rotar, Pres., Jadran Singing Society Bukovec in Home Emil Bukovec, a long-time grocer in the St. Clair-E. 61 St. area, is now a resident of the Wickliffe Country Place Nursing Home on Bishop and Euclid Ave. He would appreciate visitors and cards. His address is 1919 Bishop Rd., Wickliffe, OH 44092. Krofe Sale There will be a krofe sale on Saturday, April 13th in the Social Room of St. Vitus Auditorium starting at 8 a.m. Baraga Weekend Update Attend the complete Baraga Days activities and 20th Anniversary of the Slovenian Chapel at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. August 31 and September 1. Also a unique option is available for those wishing to stretch out their Labor Day weekend: a visit to New York City, Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty on September 2-3. Lowest prices will include: airfare, hotel, sightseeing, bus transfers, admission, one meal a day and insurance. For information contact Washington Landmark Tours, 2362 Paddock Lane, Reston, VA 22091. On Saturday, Aug. 31, Mass in the Slovenian Chapel (crypt) of the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. will be held at 4 p.m. (EDT). The Banquet and Annual Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Sheraton Washington Hotel. On Sunday, Sept. 1 — 2 p.m. Mass in Upper Main Church of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception will be held with celebrant and homilist James Cardinal Hickey, Archbishop of Washington, D.C. Banquet tickets are $35 (including gratituty and 11% tax). Order directly from Mr. Conrad Mejac, 4445 Butter-worth Place NW, Washington, DC 20016. Make check payable to: Slovenian Chapel Anniversary Committee. A stamped, self-addressed envelope would be appreciated. The Baraga Days headquarters is the Sheraton Washington Hotel, 2660 Woodley Rd. at Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008, 1-800-523-3535 (reservations); 202-328-2000 (other). Rates: 1-2 persons $75, each additional guest $20. There is also an 11% room tax. These rates apply to the nights from Wednesday, August 28 to Tuesday, September 3. Great for a family trip to the capital city. But you must indicate you are with the Baraga program for these rates. Deadline is August 23. Please make your reservations directly with the hotel or with your tour company. In order to get these rates the Baraga Association is committed to filling a required number of rooms. (The ordinary room rate is $176 ( + 11%!) per night for a single and $206 for a double. Some features of this hotel are: 7 restaurants, fitness center, heated pool, 2 miles to heart of Washington, 24 hour room service, jogging trails, 2 blocks from zoo, STERLE-SANKOVIC Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Funeral Home (Odvetnik) (Formerly Sankovic-Johnson) Complete .Legal Services 15314 Macauley Avenue Income Tax-Notary Public (Corner of E. 152 & Lake Shore Blvd.) 18975 Vlllavicw Road Joseph J. Sterle - Director at Neff (216)531-3600 692-1172 Benefit Dinner; Lausche Mass The Spring Roast Beef Dinner sponsored by the Knights of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Rd. in Euclid will be held on Sunday, April 21 in St. Ann Dining Room on the Shrine grounds. Dinners will be served from 12 noon to 6 p.m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this dinner where you can enjoy a delicious meal in the pleasantly peaceful environs of the Shrine. For those who wish to attend Mass before dinner, a Mass will be held at 11:30 a.m. in the chapel in memory of the 1st anniversary of the death of Senator Frank J. Lausche. Donation is $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Please contact Tony Brodnik at 289-7680 for tickets. Proceeds will be used for the urgent upkeep of the Shrine. Altar Society Marks 75th St. Mary Collinwood Altar Society is celebrating their 75th anniversary with a dinner on Sunday, April 14 in the school auditorium, 15519 Holmes Ave. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. This is a pork chop, chicken dinner. Luncheon The Slovene Home for the Aged Auxiliary luncheon will be held on Monday, April 22nd at 12 noon at the Home on Neff Rd. The regular meeting will following the luncheon at 1:00 p.m. For reservations please call Dorothy Urbancich at 481-8985 or Bertha Walden at 531-4445 by April 15th. Card Party Suburban East Business and Professional Women will hold their Annual Benefit Card Pa-ty on Friday, April 26 at the Euclid Park Clubhouse, E. 222nd St. and Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid from 7-10 p.m. Door prizes and refreshments. Tickets are $3 at the door or call Trudy Dever 531-5917 for information. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Baškovič who donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Joseph and Rose Baškovič. Breakfast St. Vitus Parish is hosting a Sausage and Eggs breakfast with toast, sweet roli, coffee in the auditorium on Sunday, April 14. Adults $4, children $2. Concert Cancelled The Štajerski Kvintet concert scheduled for Sterle’s Slovenian Country House Restaurant in Cleveland on April 14 has been cancelled because the group couldn’t obtain a work permit in time. Another concert date will be set in the future. Thanks I wish to express my thanks and gratitude for all the cards, flowers and good wishes from the clergy, my friends and relatives who remembered me during my recent illness. 1 have been recuperating in Wisconsin and hope to be back in Cleveland sometime soon. Mary Marinko Monona, Wis. Prijatel Saluted Naperville, IL — Francis J. Prijatel of Parma, Ohio has been named one of the top sales agents for 1990 by the Catholic Order of Forsters (COF) — a 150,000-member fraternal life insurance benefit society based in Naperville and licensed in 29 states and the District of Columbia. Prijatel has received a plaque to commemorate his achievement and will also qualify for the 1990 Sales Leaders’ Seminar. Prijatel and his wife, Frances, have both been active members of the Foresters for many years. They have two children and will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in May. The Question of Retirement Retirement often brings perplexing questions. Should you stay or should you go? And if you go, where? “For some reason people think relocation is expected in retirement, but there shouldn’t be any pressure at all to move,” said David Savageau, author of “Retirement Places Rated” (Prentice Hall Press, $16.95), a comprehensive guide to the nation’s top retirement areas. The book surveyed 151 counties on the basis of money issues, housing, climate, personal safety, available services, work opportunities and leisure activities. San Diego ranks 34th, Southport 11th. The top-ranked county is Fort Myers-Cape Coral-Sanibel Island, Fla. CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.’’ Grdina—Cosic—F aulhaber Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 28890 Chardon Road Wi!louj»hhy Hills 944-8400 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS V« '"it to AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 IŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 Roster of Organizations------------- ---------- Imenik slovenskih društev Slovenski narodni domovi Slovenian National Homes FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN HOMES President Thomas Meljac, 1st Vice President Helen Konkoy, 2nd Vice President Rose Mary Toth, Financial Secretary/Treasurer John Jackson, Recording Secretary Helen Urbas, Cor-uj responding Secretary Patricia Ipavec-Clarke, Ex-5 ecutive Secretary Joseph Petrie, Auditors: Gus Petelinkar, Joseph Each, William Warmuth, Historians: John Habat, Joseph Petrie SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 St. Clair Avenue Edward Kenik, president; Frank Zitko, vice president; June Price, recording sec’y.; John Perencevic, secretary-treas.; Charles Ipavec, legal advisor; auditing: John Vatovec, Ann Opeka, Sophia Opeka, Dennis A. Sušnik, Antonia Zagar; House Committee: John Trinko, Mary Batis, John Cendol, Stanley Frank, Ron Genovese, Bob Hopkins, John Leonard, Frank Stefe; Ways and Means: Jean Križman, Patricia Clarke, Marilyn Genovese; alternate: Frances Kikel. Office hours: Tuesday thru Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday. COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President, John Jackson; vice pres.. Matt Kajfez; treas., Mary Jackson; rec. sec’y.. Jennie Tuma; financial sec’y., Frank Ferra; auditors: M. Podlogar, C. Femec, Joseph Sterle; house comm.: Charles Schultz, J. Jackson, Matt Kajfez; alternate: Philip Van Sr., C. Femec; bylaws, Bonnie Quagliata. Directors: Tom McNulty, Max Jeric, Stephanie Segulin, Joyce Segulin; 1st alt., Mary Blatnik; 2nd alt., Frances Kajfez. Federation reps: John Jackson, Chuck Femec, Steffie Segulin, and Matt Kajfez, alternate. SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohio President: Joe Frollo; Vice Pres.: Joyce Plemel; Secretary: Millie Bradač; Treasurer: Frank Bet-tenc; Recording Secretary: John Vicic; Legal Advisor: John Prince; Trustees: Ernie Tibjash, A1 Meglich, Tony Silc, Frank Smerke, Frank Zgonc, Dennis Habat, Stanley Grk, Anthony Sturm, Martha Meglich, Dorothy Silc; Alternate: Celeste Frollo and Paul Šibenik. Reps, to Federation of SNH: Anthony Sturm, Joe Frollo and Millie Bradač. Office Hours: Monday, Tues, Wed., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. or by appointment, phone Millie Bradač 481-5378 or 481-0047. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio President A1 Novinc; Vice Pres. Rose Mary Toth; Secretary William Kovach; Treasurer William Frank; Rec. Secy. Dorothy Kapel; Auditors: Max Kobal (Ch.), Edward Koren, Joseph Petrie; House Comm. Harold Volpe (Ch.), James Kozel, Edward Marinčič. LADIES AUXILIARY SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME President, Christine Kovach; vice president, Marica Lokar; recording sec’y., Josie Trunk; sec’y. & treas., Mary Ster (944-1429); auditors: Danica Hrovatin, Norma Hrvatin, Pauline Ross. Shrimp & Fish Fry every Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Also on the menu are goulash & polenta, sauerkraut & sausages, breaded pork & breaded chicken. LADIES AUXILIARY OF S.N.P.J. FARM, Heath Rd. President B. Rotar, Vice President S. Matuch, Rec. Sec. R. M. Toth, Financial Secretary V. Zak. Auditors: E. Levnik, D. Dobida, H. Sumrada. Upravni odbor korporacije BARAGOV DOM, 6304 St. Clair Avenue Predsednik Stanko Vidmar; podpreds. Vinko Rozman; tajnik Jože Melaher; blag. Anton Oblak; gospodar — ; Social Club Janez Žakelj; nadzorni odbor: France Šega, Tomaž Slak, Lojze Bajc; odborniki: Anton Meglič, Jože Dovjak, Anica Kurbus, Viktor Tominec, Ferdo Sečnik, Janez Košir, Jože Cerar, Pavel Lavriša, Janez Semen, in tudi zastopniki organizacij, ki prostore uporabljajo. Dom ima prostore za razne prireditve: partije, pogrebščine in ohceti. V domu je Slovenska pisarna in knjižnica. Tel. 881-9617. SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA, Inc. Duhovni vodja č.g. Viktor Tomc; preds. dr. Mate Roesmann; 1. podpreds. Frank Lovšin; 2. podpreds. Branko Pogačnik; tajnica Mojca Slak, 5404 Stanard Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 881-1725; blag. Marija Leben; zapis. Vid Sleme; nadzorni odbor: inž. Franček Gorenšek, John Hočevar, Peter Osenar; razsodišče: inž. Ivan Berlec, Frank Kovačič, Frank Urankar; Slov. šola pri Sv. Vidu Ivan Zakrajšek; Slov. šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti: Valentin Ribič, Gabriel Mazi. Klubi upokojencev Retiree’s Clubs FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN AMERICAN RETIREES CLUBS President John Taucher; Vice Pres. Frank Cesen, Jr.; Secretary Mae Fabec; Treasurer Gus Petelinkar; Rec. Secy. Louis Jartz; Auditors: Tony Mrak, John Jackson, Frank Fabec. Meetings in the months of March, June, September and December, at alternate Slovenian National Homes. ST. CLAIR RETIREES CLUB President Antoinette Krajc; 1st Vice Pres. Irene Toth; 2nd Vice Pres. Angela Bolha; Rec. Secy. Rose Godic; Fin. Secy. Stanley Frank, 5919 Prosser Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 391-9761; Auditors: Jewel Karpinski, Frances Kotnik, Mary Turk; Planning Ch. Edward Kar-nak; Tour Coordinator Frances Karnak. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, 1:30 p.m., in the Annex of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS CLUB, EUCLID, OHIO President, Albert Novinc; 1st vice pres., Frank Kosten; 2nd vice pres., John Kausek; recording sec’y., Helen Levstick, 481-4463; treasurer: Ann Kosten; financial sec’y., Eleanor Pavey, 1125 E. 174 St., Cleveland, OH 44119-3107 (531-4445); auditors: Mae Fabec, chairperson, Caroline Lokar, Josephine Trunk; Tour Director: Rose Lewis 651-1859; Sunshine Lady: Marie Selan 732-9172. Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month, beginning at 1 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President, John Bozich; vice president, Frank Shume; recording sec’y., Fran Mole; treas.: F. Raymond Gobec; sgt-at-arms, Anna Cecelic; auditors: Stanley Kozar, Caroline Lokar, Tony Sturm, Frank Videmsek. Entertainment committee: Stanley Kozar, Frank Shume, Tony Sturm. Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month at the Fairport Slovenian Home, 617-1/2 Third St., beginning at 2 p.m. HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS CLUB, CLEVELAND, OHIO Hon. President: Gus Petelinkar; President: John Habat; Vice President: Matthew Zabukovec; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Financial Secretary: Louise Fujda; Corres. Secretary: Ann Bechart; Sgt.-at-Arms: Rose Kocjan; Reporter: Ann Stefančič; Auditors: Caroline Stefančič, Helen Pavšek and Edward Fujda; Federation Representatives: Gus, Mary Petelinkar, Frank, Mae Fabec, and John and Mary Jackson. Meetings are every second Wednesday of the month at 12:30 p.m. at the Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President John Prhne, Vice Pres. Don Gorjup, Secretary Treasurer Ralph Urbancek, Recording Secretary Helen Vukčevič, Auditors: Justine Prhne, Dorothy Silc, Tillie Vranekovic - Ann Kristoff - Alternate. Federation Reps.: John Prhne, Don Gorjup, Ralph Urbancek, Justine Prhne, Jean Urbancek - Caroline Lokar - Alternate. Rep. to the SHA: Josephine Commencek, Dorothy Silc, Reps, to Waterloo Hall: A1 Com-menchek, Mitzi Yeray; Cook for sandwich months: Mary Frank, Publicity - Helen Vukčevič; Trip coordinator: Ann Otoničar; 50th wedding anniversary: Helen Vukčevič; Sunshine Lady: Dorothy Šilc; Bar: Joe Muzic; Refreshment tickets sold at meeting: Josephine Tomsic, Name Tags: Alice Bozic; Split Raffle: Albina Bittenc, Rose Silva, Tillie Vranekovic; Justice of Peace: Louis Prebevsek, Sgt. of Arms and Attendance: Ann Kristoff. Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Board meetings the second Tuesday of each month at Slovenian Workmen’s Hall, 15335 Waterloo Rd. at 1 p.m. AMERICAN SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB of BARBERTON, OHIO President Vincent Lauter; Vice Pres. Joseph Yankovich; Secy.-Treas. Jennie B. Nagel, 245 -24th St., N.W., Barberton, OH 44203, tel. 1-216-825-6227 or 825-2267; Rec. Secy. Julia Vadas; Auditors: Frances Smrdel, Angela Misich, Mary Kovacic; Fed. Reps.: Theresa Cekada, Angela Polk, Frances Smrdel, Josephine Plainer, Jennie B. Nagel, alt. Mary Kovacic. Meetings every first Thursday of the month, 1 p.m., in the Sacred Heart Hall, 1263 Shannon Ave., Barberton, Ohio 44203. DRUŠTVO UPOKOJENCEV SLOVENSKE PRISTAVE SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA RETIREES CLUB Predsednik: Pavle Intihar, 1. podpresednik: August Dragar, 2. podpredsednik: Frank Zalar; tajnik: Frank Urankar, tel. 531-8982; blagajničarka: Angela Bolha; Zapisnikar: Vili Zadnikar. Odborniki: Jože Dovjak, Stane Vidmar, Lojze Hribar, Angelca Hribar, Jože Sojer, Julka Mejač, Francka Kristanc, Mary Vrhovnik, Tončka Urankar, Tone Oblak, Marija Koren in Stefan Režonja. Nadzorni odbor: Franček Gorenšek, Vinko Vrhovnik, Victor Kmetic. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HEIGHTS PENSIONERS CLUB President: John Taucher, Vice President: Mimi Stibil; Secretary-Treasurer Josephine Rezin; Recording Secretary: Clara Hrovat; 1st Auditor: Louis Champa; 2nd Auditor: Frank Urbančič; 3rd Auditor: Tony Kaplan. Meetings are held every 4th Wednesday of each month alternating with Newburgh E. 80th SNH and Maple Hts. SNH. GLASBENA MATICA President: Olga Klancher, 1st Vice President: Bob Hopkins, 2nd Vice President: Dan Ivancic, Secretary: Joanne Fordye, Treasurer: Tom Schiitz, Librarian: Sylvia Plymesser, Assistant Librarians: Kathy Hopkins, Tom Schiitz. Auditors: Ivanka Yuko, Kathy Hopkins, Terry Anzo; Publicity: Betty Resnik; Assistants: Bob Kastelic, Lori Sierputowski. SPRING CONCERT: April 13, 1991; FALL CONCERT: October 12, 1991. PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN Predsednica: ga. Cirila Kermavner; podpredsednika: g. Frank Lovšin in gdč. Mary Ann Vogel; tajnica: ga. Paula Hauptman (25922 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143); blag.: gdč. Marjanca Tominc; nadzorniki: gdc. Nada Gregorc, g. Janez Nemec, g. Miro Odar; Odborniki: g. Ivan Haputman, gdč Mimi Kozina, g. Pavle Lavriša, gdč. Mari Nemec, ga. Maruša Pogačnik, g. Tomaž Sedmak, g. Silvo Staniša, ga. Milena Stropnik, ga. Zdenka Zakrajšek; pevovodja g. Rudi Knez. JADRAN SINGING SOCIETY President Betty Rotar, Vice President Don Gorjup, Treasurer Frank Bittenc, Recording Sec. Dolores Dobida, Auditors: Clarence Rupar, Dorothy Gorjup, Valerie Traska, Librarians: Dolores Dobida, Mary Frank, Josephine Kapla, Director Reginald Resnik, Accompanist Alice Cech. Rehearsals held every Wednesday, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road. April 20, 1991 — “Thinking Spring” Dinner, Program, Dance featuring Fred Kuhar Orchestra. November 9, 1991 — Dinner, Program, Dance featuring Fred Kuhar Orchestra. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Edwin M. Polšak 1st Vice President: Ned Zaller, 2nd Vice President: Vicky Kozel, Recording Sec’y.: Jennie Mramor; Corr. Sec’y.: Sophie T. Elersich, 1755 Spino Dr., Euclid, OH 44117, (216) 531-8402; Sec’y.-Treas.: Barbara T. Elersich; Musical Director: Douglas F. Elersich; Asst. Dirs.: Edwin M. Polšak, Dick Tomsic, Josephine Turkman; Auditors: Rudy Kozan, Irene Kelley, Vern Perme, Bea Pestotnik (alt); Planning Comm.: Irene Kelley, Frank and Ann Kokal, Bea Pestotnik, Mimi Stibil, Jim and Vicky Kozel, Irma Pryately, Tony Britz; Emma Delach. Stage Mgrs.: Ed Ozanich, Don Mulec, and Jim Kozel. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday evening 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio CIRCLE 2 SNPJ SLOVENIAN JUNIOR CHORUS President: Bob Dolgan, Vice President: Wendy Lapuh; Secretary: Jennifer Skrajner; Att. Sec’y.: Jeff Lapuh; Treasurer: Kristen Strnad; Historian: Ann Dolgan; Music Director: Cecilia Dolgan. Rehearsals each Thursday 7 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home in Euclid. SLOVENSKA PESEM CHORUS Lemont, Illinois President Michael A. Vidmar; Vice Pres. Lillian Cepon; Corr. Secy. Nandi Puc; Rec. Secy. Sue Rigler; Treasurer Elizabeth Nicki; Board Members: John Vidmar, Vince Rigler, Frida Arko; Director Rev. Dr. Vendelin Spendov Rehearsals: Every Sunday, 6 p.m., at the Baragov Dom in Lemont, III. MISIJONSKA ZNAMKARSKA AKCIJA Cleveland, Ohio Duhovni vodja: Rev. Charles A. Wolbang C.M., predsednica: Marica Lavrisha, pod- predsednica Jelka Kuhelj; tajnica in zapisnikarica Marie Celestina, 4935 Gleeten Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, tel: 381-5298; blagajnik Štefan Marolt, 5704 Prosser Ave., Cleveland, OH 44143, tel: 431-5699; Nadzorniki: Ani Nemec, ing. Josep. Zelle, Vida Švajger; odborniki: Rudi Knez, Anica Knez, Agnes Leskovec, Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominec, Marica Miklavčič, Martin Marela, Maryann Mlinar; namestnika: Vinko Rozman, France Kuhelj. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO SV. VIDA Duhovni vodja Rev. Jože Božnar; častna preds. Mary Marinko; preds. Amalija Košnik; podpreds. Frances Novak; taj.-blag. Kristina Rihtar, 990 E. 63 St„ Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 391-6545; zapisnikarica v slovenščini Gabriela Kuhel; zapisnikarica v angleščini Mary Turk; re-diteljica Ivanka Pretnar; nadzornici: Frances Kotnik, Ann Brinovec. Vsak četrtek ob 6.30 zv. ima društvo uro molitve, vsako prvo nedeljo skupno sv. obhajilo pri sv. maši ob 8. zjutraj, ob 1.30 pop. pa sejo v društveni sobi farne dvorane pri Sv. Vidu. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO FARE MARIJE VNEBOVZETE Duhovni vodja Rev. John M. Kumse; preds. Pavla Adamič; podpreds. Marija Ribič; blagajničarka: Cilka Tominc, 25920 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, telefon 531-8855; tajnica: Marica Lavriša; zapisnikarica Ivana Kete; nadzornice: Tončka Urankar, Mary Podlogar, Amelia Gad; zastavonošinja Josephine Zežun. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako prvo medeljo v mesecu pri sv. maši ob 10. dop. Isti dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitve, po blagoslovu pa seja v cerkveni dvorani. DRUŠTVO NAJSVETEJŠEGA IMENA FARE SV. VIDA Duhovni vodja Rev. Jože Božnar; preds. Charles Winter; podpreds. Emil Goršek; Vice Pres. (Eng.) John Hočevar; tajnik Joe Hočevar, 1172 Addison Rd., Cleveland, OH 44103; zapisnikar Dan Postotnik; Rec. Secy. Mike Mivsek; blagajnik Anton Oblak. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu, pri sv. maši ob 8. zjutraj. Seja se vrši po maši v cerkveni dvorani. HOLY NAME SOCIETY of ST. MARYS’ PARISH Spiritual Director Rev. John Kumse, President Dennis Sušnik, Vice President Anthony Miklich. Slov. Vice President Rudy Knez, Secretary Victor Nemec, Treasurer Henry Skrabez, 1821 East 227, Euclid, OH 44117, Tel.: 481-0993., Sick and Vigil Chmn Frank Sluga, Program Chairman Michael Pozun, Corresponding Secretary Louis Jesek, Marshall Bill Kozak, Social Apostolate Edward Kocin, Retreat Chairman Joseph Sajovic. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORRESTERS BARAGA COURT No. 1317 Spiritual Director Rev. Joseph Boznar; Chief Ranger Rudolph A. Massera; Vice Chief Rangef Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Past Chief Ranger John J. Hočevar; Rec. Secy. Alphonse A. Germ; Fin. Secy. Anthony J. Urbas, 1226 Norwood Rd.» Cleveland, OH 44103, teL 881-1031; Treas. John J. Hočevar; Trustees: Albert Marolt, Dr. Anthony F. Spech, Joseph C. Saver; Youth Dif' Angelo M. Vogrig; Visitor of Sick Joseph £• Saver; Field Rep. Frank J. Prijatelj, tel. 845-4440. Meetings held the 3rd Friday of the month> Social Room, St. Vitus Auditorium, at 8 p.m- CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS ST. MARY’S COURT 1640 Kathleen Spilar - Chief Ranger; Joseph Sterle -Secretary; John Spilar - Financial Secretary! Mary Louise Jesek - Vice Chief Ranger; Alan Spilar - Past Chief Ranger; Vicki Škrabe* -Treasurer; Jennie Jesek - Sentinel. Auditors are Gerry White, Hank Skrabez and Alan Spilar. FOR Freedom AND Justice V s . /■k Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (DSPS 024100) Thursday, April 11, 1991 Vesti iz Slovenije Danes v Sloveniji seja jugoslovanskega Predsedstva — Demonstracije v Hrvatski — Srbski notranji minister prisiljen odstopiti Danes poteka v Sloveniji seja zveznega Predsedstva. Namen teh zadnji čas zelo pogostih sej je izoblikovanje dogovora o novi ureditvi za Jugoslavijo, doslej pa ti sestanki uiso rodili nobenega uspeha, namesto zbliže-vanja stališč je prišlo do še izrazitejše razhajanje v gledanjih. O današnji seji ob tem Poročanju ni še nobenih vesti, ni pa pričako-Vati, da bo uspešnejša od prejšnjih. Pretekli ponedeljek so bile demonstraci-)e v več hrvaških mestih. Demonstranti so se 2brali pred poslopji, v katerih delujejo orga-n' Jugoslovenske ljudske armade. V nekate-r'h primerih so demonstranti povzročili guiotno škodo. Do demonstracij je prišlo, tar poteka sodni proces zoper hrvaškega o-taambnega ministra Martina Špeglja, ki je °btožen, da je vodil zaroto zoper JLA. V Splitu naj bi bilo aretiranih deset demon-strantov, ni pa bilo nobenih oseb ranjenih. Predsednik predsedstva SFRJ in srbski član tega telesa Borisav Jovič je poslal pismo baškemu predsedniku Franju Tudmanu, v taterem je svaril, da bo vojska uporabljala vso potrebno silo v obrambi pred protivoja-^imi akcijami. Isto je trdila sama JLA,, ki je stapno s hrvaško policijo poslala oklopna v°2ila, da bi bilo zavarovano poslopje v Za-grebu, v katerem poteka sojenje. Jovič je ^Udfnanu pisal tudi, da demonstracije v po-tadeljek potrjujejo, da Hrvaška aktivno nasprotuje odločitvam zveznega predsedstva in ‘bajanju zveznih zakonov na ozemlju Hruške. Politična napetost raste tudi v sami Sr-'Ji. Včeraj je odstopil srbski notranji mini-ster Radmilo Bogdanovič. Njegov odhod so ^tevale opozicijske stranke in študentje in lcer zaradi njegove vloge v spopadu med h>ti-Miloševičevimi demonstranti in srbsko Učijo v Beogradu 9. marca. V tem spopa-,u sta bili ubiti dve osebi, ranjenih pa več ot 200. Srbska skupščina je glasovala za Prejem Bogdanovičeve ostavke, poslanci, ki ^ sicer v veliki večini lojalni do Miloševiča, Pa zavrnili zahtevo kakih 20 opozicijskih Jancev, naj odstopijo še predsednik vlade ra8utin Zelenovič in dva njegova ministra. . Bolj in bolj resne postajajo tudi v Srbiji sPodarske težave. Pretekli teden so stav- kali mehaniki letalske družbe JAT, zato ni bilo poletov, stavko nameravajo ponoviti. Voditelji sindikatov, v katerih je po Srbiji zaposlenih 700.000 delavcev v kovinski in tekstilni industriji, napovedujejo stavko za prihodnji torek in se pridružujejo klicem za generalni štrajk v tej republiki. Mnogi delavci baje niso dobili celotnih plač že več mesecev, življenjski standard zaradi vedno bolj obsežnega gospodarskega kolapsa naglo pada. Sam srbski predsednik Slobodan Miloševič je tarča vedno bolj ostrih kritik. Dr. Alojzij Šuštar in Milan Kučan o razpletu jugoslovanske krize — Izmenjava informacij Predsednik predsedstva Republike Slovenije Milan Kučan je 29. marca povabil nadškofa in ljubljanskega metropolita dr. Alojzija Šuštarja na srečanje, katerega namen je bil izmenjava informacije in gledanj v zvezi z razpletom jugoslovanske krize. Navzoč je bil še član predsedstva Ciril Zlobec. Po poročilu v Delu 30. marca, sta Kučan in Zlobec nadškofa seznanila s pogovori, ki potekajo na zvezni in medrepubliški ravni o razpletu krize v SFRJ. Govorila sta tudi, kako skuša predsedstvo Slovenije pomagati k mirni, demokratični in sporazumni rešitvi krize in, kako odeluje v uresničevanju odločitve celotnega slovenskega naroda na plebiscitu o osamosvojitvi Slovenije decembra lani. Pri tem sta Kučan in Zlobec govorila o prizadevanjih na mednarodnem področju, da bi tuje države kazale več razumevanja in podpore za osamosvojitvene težnje Slovenije. Ocenila sta, da je v tem oziru zadnje mesece opaziti določen premik v prid Slovenije. »Dr. Šuštar pa je povedal, kako se sedanja jugoslovanska kriza in predvsem prizadevanja za osamosvojitev Slovenije kažejo v delu jugoslovanske škofovske konference in na številnih mednarodnih srečanjih, ki so organizirana pod okriljem remskokatoliške cerkve. Poudaril je, da tudi v teh krogih narašča razumevanje za prizadevanja naše republike. Soglasno so ugotovili, da je treba storiti vse za mirno in sporazumno rešitev jugoslovanske krize in za to, da ne bi pri njenem reševanju uporabili silo v nobeni obliki. Menili so, da so spoštovanje človekovih in nacionalnih pravic ter razumevanje, odprtost in dialog temelj za rešitev krize.« Podprli so pobudo za dostojno in kulturno ureditev območja Kočevskega Roga. dr. Alojzij Šuštar in predsednik formacije o perečih vprašanjih, predvsem v Milan Kučan sta se na Kučanovo zvezi z razpletom jugoslovanske krize, za ka-abil° srečala 29. marca in si izmenjala in- tere mirno rešitev je treba storiti vse. — NOVI GROBOVI — Frank Mlinar Dne 6. aprila 1991 je na svojem domu v Jolietu, 111., umrl Frank Mlinar, rojen na Fužinah, Slovenija, sin Alojzija in Katarine Jezeršek, v Ameriko prišel pred 42 leti in se upokojil 1. 1982 po več kot 30 letih, ko je služil kot oskrbnik pri župniji Marije Vnebovzete v Collinwoodu, član DNU pri Sv. Jožefu v Jolietu, veliko let tudi DNU pri Mariji Vnebov-zeti, dalje član Katoliških borštnarjev Dvora 1640, sv. Jožefa št. 169 KSKJ in Marijine legije. Zanj žalujejo žena Antonia, rojena Rozman, in sestre Maryann Mlinar (Euclid), Maria Mlinar (Chagrin Falls), v Sloveniji pa Cecilija Oblak in Katarina Mlinar, že pok. pa sta prva žena Dorothy, roj. March, in brata Janez in Jernej (oba v Sloveniji). Pogrebna maša je bila 8. aprila v cerkvi sv. Jožefa v Jolietu, v sredo, 10. aprila, pa v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. K večnemu počitku je bil položen na Vernih duš pokopališču. Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Sterle-San-kovic zavoda, 15314 Macauley Avenue. Louis W. Medved Umrl je Louis W. Medved, vdovec po Edni, roj. Lear, oče Richarda in Louisa, 3-krat stari oče, brat Frances Kramer, Antonie Lausche, Julie Larson ter že pok. Mary Loushin in Anthonyja, dragi prijatelj Sonic Barron. Pogreb je bil 9. aprila iz Grdina-Cosic-Faulha-ber zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. v cerkev sv. Vida in od tam na pokopališče Lake View. Edward Vidmar st. Dne 4. aprila je umrl 73 let stari Edward Vidmar st., mož Millie, roj. Brancel, oče Ed-warda ml. in Carol Hartman, brat Ann Brinovec, 6-krat stari oče, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve pri King Musical Instruments Inc. Pogreb je bil 8. aprila s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije Magdalene v Willo-wicku. John M. Shetina Dne 5. aprila je umrl 71 let stari John M. Shetina s Paines-ville Townshipa, mož Mary, oče Veronice Bickel in Mary Jo Kohr, zapušča še dva brata, štiri vnuke in dva pravnuka, zaposlen pred svojo upokojitvijo 34 let pri Diamond Shamrock Corp., 7 let pri Harvey Hubbell Co., zadnja leta pa pri bencinski postaji v Painesvillu, član župnije sv. Marije in ADZ. Pogreb je bil 8. aprila s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije v Painesvillu. Frank C. Demshar Dne 2. aprila je na svojem domu v North Olmstedu za rakom umrl 76 let stari Frank C. Demshar, rojen v Clevelandu, mož Margaret, roj. Orosz, oče Franka, Jacqualine Hoch-schild, Peggy Cres well in Sharon McMullen, 17-krat stari oče, 8-krat prastari oče, brat Albine Krishon, Julie Šušteršič, Gertrude Miller in že pok. Johna, Joeyja in Jennie Miller, nečak Elle Samanich, Victorja Tominca in Matevža Tominca, član ADZ št. 48. Pogreb je bil 6. aprila s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Brendana v North Olmstedu. (dalje na str. 12) KOLEDAR APRIL 13. — Glasbena matica priredi spomladanski koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. 13. — Slovenski nar. dom na Holmes Ave. priredi pomladanski ples. Igra Bob Kravos orkester. Pričetek ob 7. zv. 14. — Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti pripravi kosilo ob 75. obletnici ustanovitve, v šolski dvorani. 20. — Pevski zbor Jadran priredi spomladanski koncert z večerjo in plesom v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Igra Fred Kuhar orkester. 27. — Pevski zbor Zarja pra- zuje 75-letnico z večerjo, koncertom in plesom v SDD v Eu-clidu. 28. — Slov. šola pri sv. Vidu priredi materinsko proslavo ob 6. uri zvečer v dvorani sv. Vida. 28. — Župnija sv. Cirila v New Yorku praznuje svojo 75-letnico. Ob 9.30 dop. sv. maša, med 1. in 7. zv. banket in program v Park restavraciji, Franklin Sq., Long Island. Igra Štajerski kvintet. 28. — Klub upokojencev na St. Clairju ima kosilo v SND na St. Clairju. Začetek ob 1.30 pop. MAJ 4. — Pevski zbor Korotan prireja koncert ob svoji 40-letni-ci, v dvorani sv. Vida. Pričetek ob 7. zv. 5. — »Prijatelji Slov. nar. doma na St. Clairju« prirede »brunch«. 17. — Slovenski dom za ostarele ima občni zbor, v SDD na Waterloo Rd. JUNIJ 2. — Otvoritev Slovenske pristave. 9. — Društvo SPB Cleveland priredi Slovenski spominski dan s sv. mašo ob 11.30 dop. pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd., Euclid, O. 15. in 16. — Tabor DSPB priredi Spominsko proslavo na Orlovem vrhu Slov. pristave, v počastitev pobitim domobrancem in vsem ostalim žrtvam revolucije. 30. — Poletni festival pri sv. Vidu. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto, računano v ameriški valuti SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday 83 No. 1 5 Thursday, April 11, 1991 Pol stoletja kasneje Na Cvetno nedeljo 6. aprila 1941 so čete Osi pod vodstvom Hitlerjeve Nemčije od vseh strani vdrle v Jugoslavijo. Nemški »kaznovalni« letalski napad na Beograd je bil uničujoč, pod ruševinami mesta je bilo okoli 35,000 mrtvih. Komaj 11 dni kasneje je v imenu Jugoslavije gen. Kalafatovič podpisal predajo, med tem ko je vlada odletela v tujino. Prve Jugoslavije je bilo dejansko konec. Kako je do tega prišlo? Hitler je v nekaj letih po prevzemu oblasti v Nemčiji obnovil nemško vojaško moč in se povezal z Mussolinijevo Italijo v »Osi Berlin-Rim«, da bi Nemčijo rešil vezi in omejitev, ki jih je naložila mirovna pogodba po prvi svetnovni vojni v Versaillesu, ter ji priboril vodilno mesto v Evropi in — svetu. Najprej je Hitler uničil septembra 1939 Poljsko in so jo razdelil s Stalinom, nato je zasedel Dansko in Norveško, v maju in juniju 1940 pa preko Nizozemske in Belgije vdrl v Francijo in jo prisilil na kolena. Nemške Čete so zmagovito korakale v Pariz. Italija je imela med tem težave z Grki, ki so jih podpirali Angleži. Madžarska, Romunija in Bolgarija so že pristopile k Osi Berlin-Rim, Jugoslavija je hotela ostati nevtralna. Hitler jo je na vsak način hotel dobiti na svojo stran, predno bi udaril v Grčijo reševat Italijo. Knez Pavle, ki je v imenu mladoletnega kralja Petra II. vladal Jugoslaviji, je pritisku Osi končno popustil, Jugoslavija je 25. marca 1941 pristopila uradno k zvezi Berlin-Rim. Dejansko s to pogodbo Jugoslavija ni zvezi Berlin-Rim dala ali obljubila nič drugega, kot da bo ostala nevtralna. Hitler ni zahteval niti prevoza svojih čet preko Jugoslavije v načrtovanem napadu na Grčijo. Skupina srbskih oficirjev z gen. Boro Markovičem in gen. Simovičem na čelu je 27. marca izvedla vojaški udar. Odstavila je regenta kneza Pavla in proglasila kralja Petra II. za polnoletnega. V Beogradu je prišlo do hudih protinemških demonstracij, demonstranti so kričali »Bolje rat nego pakt« — boljša vojna kot pogodba z Osjo. Predsednik britanske vlade Winston Churchill je tedaj v parlamentu izjavil: »Jugoslavija je našla dušo!« Nova jugoslovanska vlada pod predsedstvom gen. Simo-viča, v kateri sta po ostrih razpravah ostala, da bi reševala državo, vodnik Hrvatov Vladko Maček in vodnik Slovencev Franc Kulovec, je sporočila v Berlin in v Rim, da pogodbo z Osjo priznava in se jo bo držala. Pokazalo se je, da vojaški puč ni bil naperjen toliko proti pogodbi z Osjo kot proti srbsko-hrvaškemu sporazumu avgusta 1939, s katerim je bila ustanovljena Hrvaška banovina. Ta je obsegala poleg sedanjega ozemlja Republike Hrvaške tudi dele Bosne in Hercegovine, kjer so naseljeni Hrvati. Srbsko-hrvaški sporazum je bil dosežen v precejšnji meri po posredovanju dr. Antona Korošca, kije načrtoval podoben položaj, kot so ga dobili v Jugoslaviji s tem sporazumom Hrvatje, tudi za Slovence. Tako naj bi bilo rešeno v Jugoslaviji narodnostno vprašanje, ki je ogrožalo njen obstoj od njenega samega začetka. Srbski vojaški puč, ki je sprožil Hitlerjev nappd na Jugoslavijo in njeno uničenje, je vodil do novih napetosti med Srbi in Hrvati, ki so prešla v kratkem v medsebojno' pobijanje na področju novo proglašene »Nezavisne države Hrvatske« pod vodstvom dr. Ante Paveliča in njegovih ustašev. Del Jugoslavije na jugovzhodu so zasedli Bolgari, Kosovo in Metohijo Albanci, del Vojvodine Madžari. Ti so zasedli tudi Prekmurje v Sloveniji, med tem ko sta si ostalo Slovenijo razdelila Hitler in Mussolini. V času tuje vojaške zasedbe je Komunistična partija v Jugoslaviji pod krinko »osvobodilnega boja« začela državljansko vojno, ki bi ji naj zagotovila prevzem oblasti. To ji je ob podpori zahodnih sil, posebno Angležev, ki so videli v Titu »rešitelja« Jugoslavije, ker naj bi bil z njeno preureditvijo v federacijo rešil narodnostno vprašanje. Titova »rešitev« narodnostnega vprašanja v Jugoslaviji je že v času njegovega življenja začela kazati razpoke, po njegovi smrti pa je narodnostno vprašanje butnilo na dan z novo, še večjo silo. Druga Jugoslavija je v zadnjih vzdihih, le malo jih je, ki vidijo možnost za novo, tretjo Jugoslavijo. Razlike med njenimi narodi so prevelike. Slovenci, ki so živeli nad 1200 let v sklopu krščanske Zahodne in Srednje Evrope, so se odločili za lastno, neodvisno državo, Hrvatje, ki so tudi povezani blizu 1200 let z Zahodom, govorijo, da bodo sledili zgledu Slovencev. Srbi, ki so živeli pod bizantinsko-turškim vplivom vse do srede preteklega stoletja, se ne morejo rešiti stare vzhodnjaške miselnosti in svojih narodnih mitov. Bo pol stoletja trpljenja pomagalo narodom Jugoslavije najti pot iz starih sporov, iz starih napetosti v nov, boljši čas? V. L. Nekam preveč nas zalezuje... (Zaradi napačnega naslova na kuverti, je ta dopis vzel dobre tri tedne, da je do nas prispel. Poštarji bi se morali le malce potruditi, da bi ugotovili pravi naslov, pa se niso in so dopis enostavno poslali nazaj pošiljatelju. Ur.) NEW YORK, N.Y. - Po prvi marčevi nedelji, ko je bila pri slovenskem sv. Cirilu bolj kot ne-nedelja naša življenjske oseke, sem si dejal: Še drugo nedeljo hočem doživeti. Vem, Pevsi zbor Zarja vabi na večerjo in koncert EUCLID, O. - V soboto, 27. aprila, se vam po željno pričakovani pomladi predstavi zbor Zarja s spomladanskim koncertnim nastopom in sicer v Slovenskem društvenem domu na Recherjevi ulici v Euclidu. Programu smo dali naslov »Vaudeville Spring Frolic II«. Prireditev se bo pričela z dobro večerjo, ki bo servirana v spodnji dvorani med 5. in 7. zvečer. Nato bo v zgornji dvorani podan lep koncert. V pevskem nastopu bo celoten zbor, razni solisti v komičnih prizorih. Tako bo med koncertom dovolj šaljivih prizorov kot lepega petja vam vsem v razvedrilo. Večer bo zaključil ples, za katerega bo igrala godba Johnnie Vadnala. Naj še omenim, da pevski zbor Zarja obhaja letos 75-let-nico obstoja, kar pomeni, da smo najstarejši še obstoječi slovenski pevski zbor v Ameriki. To častno obletnico bomo slavili na jesenskem koncertu oktobra letos. Za sedaj pa vas ponovno vabim, da si nabavite vstopnice, ki so po $15 in se dobe pri članih zbora ali v prostorih Cleveland Polka Hall of Fame v Shore Center v Euclidu. Lahko tudi pokličete tel. 531-3138. Glavno je, da si vstopnice preskrbite in pridete na to spomladansko prireditev 27. aprila v SDD na Recherjevi. Obeta se vam lep večer, zato pridite in se pozabavajte med znanci in prijatelji. Vsem lep pozdrav in na svidenje 27. aprila med Zarjani v Euclidu! Jennie Fatur da bo še v naši oseki. Potem pa pride tretja s prosvetno uro. Z njo bomo stopili v plimo življenja naše narodne skupnosti na Njujorškem. In če smo imeli v marcu kar pol meseca oseko, bomo zato imeli potem kar tri nedelje plimo. In z radostjo bom lahko zapisal v naglavju svoje kronike: Ta marec bo zares čisto drugačen. Prva polna pomladanska, ki letos zasveti na nebu že ob zadnji marčevi sobotni noči, mi pove, da bo drugi dan Vsta-jenjska nedelja. Torej tretja marčeva bo že tiha nedelja. Tej pa sledi Cvetna. Zares na to nedeljo, odkar smo vpeljali navado butaric, se pri Sv. Cirilu ne strne samo njena fara, ampak vsa slovenska srenja na Njujorškem. Pa se zgodi v sredo zvečer tisto nepričakovano, čeprav zmerom prisotno dejstvo, da smrt pokončava življenje. Telefonski klic mi namreč pove, da je umrla srenjčanka, enkrat faranka sv. Cirila, Ana Kepic. Pred mnogimi leti, več kot deset, jo je prizadela kap, ki ji je omejila gibanje in govorico. Hčerka Ruth je prevzela skrb za svojo mater. Ni pustila, da bi jo oddali v dom za onemogle. Lep primer ljubezni, ki pozna le žrtvovanje za svojega bližnjega. V tem slučaju za svojega najbližnjega, za svojo mater. »Glej tvoja mati« je tudi na poti Kristusovega življenja. Ana Kepic se je rodila skoraj pred 90 leti v belokranjski vasi, v Kovačji vasi v fari Stari trg, ki ima farno cerkev posvečeno sv. Jožefu. Kot mlado dekle je po prvi svetovni vojni kot mnogi drugi prišla v Ameriko. Kar v New Yorku se je ustavila. In tu je srečala fanta iz Trzina pri Domžalah Jožeta Kepica. Poročila sta se. Živela na Šesti aveniji v spodnjem delu New Yorka, dokler se nista preselila v Ridgewood. Zato je bila njuna prva hčerka Ana krščena v cerkvi sv. Cirila. Tu je mala Anica začela peti. Organist Koprivšek j$ imel takrat svoj mladinski zbor pri fari. Ani je skorajda pozneje postala poklicna pevka. Saj je bila par let solistka zbora v Radio City Hallu. Vrni se vedno k Sv. Cirilu, ko? Koprivšek spet skliče pevce M razne svečane prilike, kot j« npr. naša 75-letnica, ko j0 bomo proslavili na zadnjo aprilsko nedeljo. To bo menda silna plima našega življenja, nam bo hkrati dala upanje i11 pogum, da bomo znali smrt ’ življenjem preganjati, kajti smrt nas prav v tem letu kar nekam preveč zasleduje. Ana Kepic je živela zadnja leta pri hčerki Ruth na Lonl Islandu. Tam je tudi moja sestra Fani. Poklical sem jo in)1 oznanil to smrt. Pa me vpraša Ali si slišal, da je umrla l*j januarja Pepca Seider? Ni£n'' sem vedel za njeno smrt, £e' prav je zadnja leta živela Middle Villagu, torej v m0)1 soseščini, koder je zdaj menda več slovenskih rojakov kotv Ridgewoodu. Pepca je bila sestra M® Holešek, ki je pred leti umtja Maly je rada prišla s svoji1" drugim možem na naše fa""* zabave. Z njo tudi sestra ca in njen sin Martin. Jedno11' ni člani so bili vsi. In ko Jednotina društva umrla zamrla, so se še bolj zrahlj^ vezi med generacijami na slovenske sv. Cirila, kot tudi' celotni slovenski njujorškisr£ njL J, Težko bi dejal, da so to rt>c binsko krvno povezane geIl£, racije, čeprav sem ob srt1"11 Vinka Burgarja zapisal: ^ Burgar se vleče skozi vso far,lC zgodovino prav od njene usta novitve. Pa vendar v naši /arI' zgodovini so nam zadnji dtT svetovni vojni določali gend3 cije, ki so bile pravzaprav P"1 j selniški valovi. Tako smo imeli generac faranov in srenjčanov Pr< prvo svetovno vojno. Ta rt' je s smrtjo Josie Graškove mrla. Tej generaciji je val po prvi vojni. In ta sle111. zdaj izumira ali pa je že tot‘ ostarela, da ne more več P1 — vsaj večina od njih — v * rodno cerkev sv. Cirila. 2s je več kot prav, da so na ^ njo nedeljo ob priliki prosv£ ne ure slavili rojstni dan N3, je Corela. Matija je redniv konedeljski obiskovalec * venske maše pri Sv. C’-eden iz apostolskega števil8 ranov, ki drže stalno priŽ^ luč življenja te fare. Vsa teža našega življenj1 zdaj sloni na zavednosti ^ * žrtvovalnosti tretje farne racije, prišlekov po drug*5j tovni vojni. Ta moč se zbc' (dalje na str. 9) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAV^ 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-°°* Moderni pogrebni 1/30 Ambulance na razp01 L podnevi in ponočuj | CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI1 Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! AMERr-**« HOME l££Z-tOZzz -VA 3:5r'0Hi*no?X VPNVahvj ,N To£t SLOVENIAN MORNINia y ^ Serving in Ohio and nationwide over 150,000 American Slovenians No. 15 Vol. 93 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 ISSN Number: 0164-680X Louis Slapnik Florists passes 3/4 century Iz Clevelanda in okolice by Vince Gostilna The Louis Slapnik Florist family at 6102 St. Clair Avenue has been in business for quite a few years,, in fact, they are currently marking their 77th year on St. Clair Avenue. Don Slapnik and his lovely wife, Nancy, have been at the helm of the flower shop for three decades. During that time Slapnik’s has become renowned for their superb creations of floral artistry. Their fame has spread throughout Northeastern Ohio and to even more distant locales. As to the early beginnings of the Slapnik Florist Shop, Don Slapnik said, “Grandfather Ignac (Ignatius) had studied horticulture in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 1909 he left his birthplace of Tuhinj, Gorenjsko, Slovenia, and came to Cleveland.” Don continued, “At first, my grandfather worked for a downtown florist on Euclid Avenue. In 1914 he married Frances Kepic of Kamnik and also opened a floral shop at 4017 St. Clair. As the Slov nians began to move closer to St. Vitus church, he moved his business to 5810, 6113 and finally in 1933 to the present location at 6102. ” At that time three sons, •lames Jr., Charles, and Louis and a daughter Frances Slapnik Habjan comprised the Slapnik family. Slapnik remarked, “Grandpa Ignac was a supporting ntember of Lir? choir at St. Vitus and was a generous benefactor St. Church«'** The floral shop flourished and Slapnik’s had established themselves as one of the better florist establishments in Cleveland. By the early forties Grandpa SUpnik’s health had ^teriorated and it was a sad day when on January 18, 1944, the partriarch florist closed his eyes and went to his heavenly reward. Fourteen months earlier, his daughter Frances had died. “My father, Louis, had been in the Collinwood area in a floral shop that he had begun in 1938. When Grandpa Ignac died my dad came back to the St. Clair store to operate the family business,” explained Don. The floral shop survived through the East Ohio Gas Fire with only minor damage. And the Louis Slapnik Flower Shop continued in fine fashion with Lou’s wife, Clara (nee Clernt) assisting in the operation of the business. “On November 17, 1948 our grandmother, Frances, departed from this world and joined her husband Ignac in the other world,” concluded Don. Lou and Clara worked hard and they had son Don help them in the operation of the business. By 1958, the floral business was turned over to their son Don and his wife, Nancy (nee Gerbec). The new duo in time had two children, a son Louis and a daughter, Shelli. In 1960, when the Haff-ner Insurance Agency closed, the father, Louis, opened a coffee shop and restaurant in the vacated premises, just two stores east of the floral shop. In 1974, the elder Lou became ill and died at the age of 62, a death that was much too soon. His widowed wife, Clara, along with her granddaughter, Shelli, a 4th generation Slapnik, continued the operation of the restaurant which is today still serving the public. At times, Don, who is a talented chef, makes great chili as well as other delights such as Swiss Steak, Salisbury steak, and many other meals. Now after more than three quarters of a century, the Slapnik family is one of the few remaining pioneer families that are still in business on St. Clair Avenue. And their many customers agree that Slapnik’s is a wonderful family that provides their clients with excellent service at all times. So it is that everyone who finds the time to stop in at Slapnik’s establishments not only to smell the flowers, but also to see what’s cooking in their restaurant. Ad multos annos, Slapnik family! Glasbena Matica Concert Saturday, April 13 will shower the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue with spring music, because it is Spring Concert time for you and Glasbena Matica singers. The doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., and the concert shall follow dinner. After the concert, dance to the happy melodies of the Ray Polantz Orchestra. Please call any Glasbena Matica member for tickets which are only $16.00 for the whole music-dinner package. Call Bob Hopkins for tickets at 467-7475 Kosilo ob 75-letnici— To nedeljo prireja Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti kosilo ob 75. obletnici ustanovitve društva. Kosilo bo v šolski dvorani, vstopnice imajo v župnišču (761-7740), Cilka Tominc (531-8855) in Marica Lavriša (481-3768). Zajtrk— To nedeljo zjutraj ste pa vabljeni v svetovidski avditorij na zajtrk in sicer med 8.30 zj. in 1. pop. Cena zajtrku je $4, za otroke $2. Istočasno bo prodaja peciva, ki se bo pričela že to soboto in sicer od 4.30 pop. do 6.30 zv., v nedeljo pa od 8.30 zj. do 1. pop. Krofi— To soboto bo pri Sv. Vidu prodaja krofov, ki se bo pričela ob 8. zjutraj v običajnem prostoru. Kosilo— V nedeljo, 21. aprila, bo pri Lurški Materi božji na Char-don Rd. kosilo, ki se bo serviralo med 12. in 6. zv. Nakaznice imajo pri svetišču in bodo na voljo na dan kosila. Ob 11.30 bo maša ob prvi obletnici smrti sen. F.J. Lauscheta. Dom za ostarele— Pomožni odsek pri Slovenskem domu za ostarele na Neff Rd. vabi na svoje letno kosilo, ki bo v ponedeljek, 22. aprila, ob 12. opoldne, v Domu. Po obedu bo seja, ob 1. pop. Za rezervacije pokličite Dorothy Urbančič (481-8985) ali Bertho Walden (531-4445), in sicer do 15. aprila. Novi člani in članice vedno dobrodošli. Maša in program— Jutri, petek, ob 5.10 pop. se bo v stolnici sv. Janeza pričela sv. maša za svobodo in neodvisnost držav srednje in vzhodne Evrope. Celebrant bo škof Anthony Pilla. Nato bo ob 6.30 zv. v Catholic Center, 1031 Superior Ave., program, na katerem bo predvajan vido-trak o napadu v Vilniusu, Litovska, enote sovjetske vojske. Do napada je prišlo 13. januarja in je akcija močno odjeknila v svetu. Govoril bo David W. Leopold, ki je bil štiri mesece v Moskvi, kjer je služil kot pravni svetovalec Saharo vemu odboru. Govoril bo o izgledih za bodočnosti v ZSSR. Mašo in program sponzorira Ohio Helsinki Accords Council. Vstopnine ni, brezplačno parkiranje v nadškofijski garaži na E. 9 in Rockwell (vhod na Rockwell). Lepa podpora— Ga. Mary Princ, Cleveland, Ohio, je darovala $50 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine. Za lepo podporo se iskreno zahvalimo. Do sobote— Ker gre urednik že v ponedeljek na obisk v Slovenijo, bo slovenski del naslednje AD zaključen že do nedelje. Zato morajo biti dopisi dostavljeni že do sobote, 13. aprila. Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Sestanek Upokojencev Slovenske pristave bo v sredo, 24. aprila, ob 1.30 pop. na SP. Kdor more, naj pride že ob 11.30, da pomaga počistiti Orlov vrh in Park. Za klubov enodnevni izlet, ki bo 30. aprila, je še šest (6) prostorov na avtobusu. Pohitite in se prijavite na tel. št. 531-8982. Novi naslov— G. Emil Bukovec sedaj stanuje v Wickliffe Country Place Nursing Home na Bishop Rd. in Euclid Ave. Zelo vesel bo obiskov znancev in prijateljev, prav tako voščil-nih kartic. Njegov naslov je 1919 Bishop Rd., Wickliffe, OH 44143. »Štajerskega kvinteta« ne bo— Včeraj smo bili obveščeni, da gostovanja Štajerskega kvinteta, napovedanega za to nedeljo pri Sterletovi restavraciji, ne bo. Obveščeni smo namreč, da niso dobili pravočasno potrebnega dovoljenja za nastope v ZDA. To je vse, kar ob tem poročanju vemo. Zveza Oltarnih društev— Zveza Oltarnih društev vljudno vabi vse članice od župnij sv. Vida, Marije Vnebovzete, sv. Kristine in sv. Lovrenca, na sejo, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo, 28. aprila, ob 2.30 pop. pri Sv. Vidu. Pridite najprej v cerkev, kjer bo sprejem novih članic in nato molitve. Takoj po obredu bo zborovanje v dvorani. Udeležite se v velikem številu. Spominski dar— Ga. Mary Fakult, Cleveland, O., je darovala $10 v tiskovni sklad AD, v spomin Helen Semich. Hvala lepa. DNU pri Sv. Vidu— To nedeljo ima DNU pri Sv. Vidu redni mesečni sestanek in sicer po osmi maši v cerkveni dvorani. Tisti, ki bi radi zajtrk, ga bodo lahko dobili po sestanku v šolski dvorani. Drago Jančar v ZDA— V angleškem delu poročamo o slovenskem pisatelju Drago-tu Jančarju, ki bo v Washing-tonu v drugi polovici aprila, ker bo prva predstava v angleščini na ameriškem odru njegovega dela »Stakeout 11 Go-dot’s«. G. Jančarje bil med tistimi slovenskimi intelektualci, ki so veliko ipo* ogli k demokratizaciji s meniji. Na zadnjem obisku a je g. Jančar obiskal tudi AD. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 J/m's Journal Governor of Ohio George V. Voinovich, and his wife, JaneL dance (he waltz at the Carnation Inauguration Ball on Jan. 14. by James V. Debevec Today we present a few. thoughts on a few subjects. First of all, a letter to the editor is exactly that and not the editor’s thoughts or position. It is the writer’s thoughts only. It would be impossible to believe that every letter to the editor in the Plain Dealer is editor Thom Greer’s opinion, or publisher Alex Machaskee’s either. Definitely not. This is America. In America we have what is called freedom of the press and every judge in the land bends over backward to insure that everyone is able to express his or her opinion. If this were not so, we would be living in a dictatorship. So please believe that any letter or column is the author’s viewpoint and not the editor’s. My viewpoints can be found in this column. And when a reader of this paper disagrees or agrees, he or she has the privilege of writing a letter and stating your views. I’m a great one for believing in the American way of doing things. I think Democracy is great. I have sat in on an organizational meeting where one of the founders said, “If Saturday, April 13 Glasbena Matica Spring Dinner Concert at Slovenian Home on St. Clair Ave. Music Ray Polantz Orchestra. Saturday, April 13 Collinwood Slovenian Home Spring Dinner-Dance honoring Man of the Year Frank Ferra. Music by Bob Kravos. Dinner 7 p.m., music 8 p.m. Donation $12.00. Sunday, April 14 Button Box Jammer, 1 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4558 W. 130 St. Saturday, April 20 “Thinking Spring” Dinner -Program - Dance sponsored by Jadran, featuring Fred Kuhar Orchestra at Waterloo Hall. Sunday, April 21 Indianapolis — Štajerski Kvintet from Maribor performs at Bockhold Hall from 2 to 6 p.m. Tickets $7.50 from Board members of Slovenian Cultural Society. Saturday, April 27 Zarja Spring Frolic, Vaudeville Show II,, at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid. Dinner 5 to 6:30, program at 7 p.m. Dance to Vadnal orchestra. Donation $15 from members or Polka Hall of Fame. Sunday, April 28 New York City — St. Cyril’s Slovenian Church, 75th anniversary celebration with Mass at 10 a.m. and banquet and program from 2 to 7 p.m. at Plattsdeutch Park restaurant, Franklin Square, Long Island. Music by Štajerski Kvintet from Maribor. Sunday, May 5 Friends of Slovenian National Home Annual Spring Brunch. Serving 12 to 2 p.m. Good food, good entertainment and good friends. the people of Slovenia want Democracy, we’ll support them; if they want Socialism, we’ll support them; if they want Communism, we’ll support them.” I walked out and didn’t join that group. On the front page of this Ameriška Domovina, I didn’t add just one American flag, I added two. Some have said why didn’t you put the Slovenian flag on the front page. The answer is this is the “American Home’’ newspaper. We support Democracy here and in Slovenia and elsewhere, but we are essentially American. Even though half of this paper is in the Slovenian language it does not mean we support everything Slovenian, it is simply intended for those who prefer to read the news in the Slovenian tongue usually because they are more familiar with it. And because our ancestors came from there or because some still have relatives there, we are vitally interested in the events concerning Slovenia and we report just about everything we can about the country. We visited there for the first time a few years ago and found Slovenia to be a truly beautiful country and we pray for and support May 16 thru 19 Slovenian Women’s Union of America National Convention in Days Hotel, North Randall, Ohio. Sunday, May 12 Upstairs Dance at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid with Joe Fedorchak from 4 to 8 p.m. on stage and Harry Faint from 7 to 9 p.m. in the bar room. Also featured will be George Staiduhar with special guests Zeke and Charlie. Proceeds to the Youngstown Penn Ohio Polka Pals and Akron, Barberton, Canton (ABC). Sponsor and coordinator is George Knaus. For tickets at $5 call 481-9300 or 943-0553. Friday, May 17 Slovene Home for the Aged Annual Meeting at Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd. at 7 p.m. Sunday, May 19 St. Clair Slovenian National Home dance from 2 to 6 p.m. featuring Mike Wojtila and the Entertainers, and the Eddie Rodick Orchestra. Honored will be George Knaus. For more information call 361-5115. Thursday, May 23 Our Lady of Brezje observance at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine off Chardon Rd. in Euclid, Ohio sponsored by Ohio Federation of KSKJ lodges, beginning promptly at 7 p.m. Everyone welcome. Sunday, June 2 St. Vitus Alumni Annual Reunion Day, 12 Mass, dinner at 1:30 p.m. in school auditorium. Reservations $15 to treasurer Joseph Brodnik, 344 Claymore Blvd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143. Sunday, June 30 St. Vitus Summer Festival. Labor Day Weekend Bishop Baraga Days, Washington, D.C. the people of Slovenia in their struggle for independence and Democracy. In a Plain Dealer newspaper article on Saturday four of my good friends were mentioned concerning naming a polka or square dance as the official state of Ohio dance. My opinion is if we have to have a state dance, which in reality there is a great diversity of people here to single out any one dance, and yet somehow to take no stance is a loser’s way out of doing things. We must be positive in our approach to life. Just as we all were positive in the Gulf War from the top Commander-in-Chief to the generals, to the warriors, to the people back home, we were all positive, and the results were positive. To get back to the state dance, 1 think the waltz should represent Ohio. There is an old saying that the slower the people dance, the fastef they work. We want Ohio to be known as an industrial as well as agricultural state, and the population to be known as industrious and willing and able to do the job and do it exactly right. The 1990 U.S. Census indicates that 40% of the population of Ohio is of German descent. The Slovenians border on the country of Austria and the capital of Slovenia under the Hapsburgs was Vienna, the home of the waltz. The waltz is beautiful. Ohio is beautiful. Beautiful Ohio is its official song; it is a waltz. On January 14 when Governor George Voinovich and his wife, Janet, danced their first dance together at the Carnation Inauguration Ball at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus, it was a waltz, and the couple looked enchanting and charming. One of the most beautiful songs played by every Slovenian dance band is the waltz. The master is Lou Trebar. Listening, and watching couples waltz around the dance floor is an exercise in ecstasy. It is smooth, like the flow of the Ohio river. It has charm like the old villages and rural towns. It is viable and functional like the big cities. It is life-giving like Lake Erie. It is traditional, like the Ohio citizens’ active commitment to the United States. It demands attention and respect like the people of Ohio. I think square dances are great fun and I love to dance the polka, — but let’s make the waltz the state dance. We deserve the best. TIM McGREW - JERRY KELLER We serve residential and commercial customers with a rainbow of colors. All Heights areas« Willoughby, Willowick, Euclid, Richmond Heights, Painesville, Mentor, Solon and Madison. To refresh and beautify your home with a new carpet, call us at 854 E. 185 ST., CLEVELAND Residential and Commercial STORE HOURS Mon., lues., Thurs. 9:00-8:00 Wed., Frl., Sat. 9:00-5:00 531-0484 FREE HOME ESTIMATES 100% FREE Freedom CHECKING • No ATM Fees • No Monthly Fees • Initial Supply of Checks FREE • Unlimited Check Writing • No Minimum Balance Required • Cleveland 920 E. 185th St.......486-4100 • Cleveland Hts. 1865 Coventry Rd.371 -2000 • Euclid 1515 E. 260th St.........731 -8865 • Mayfield Hts. 1351 SOM Center Rd.473-2121 • Pepper Pike 3637 Under Rd.......831 -8800 • Richmond Hts. 27100 Chardon Rd...944-5500 • Shaker Hts. 20200 Van Aken Blvd.752-4141 • South Euclid 14483 Cedar Rd.....291 -2800 • Willoughby Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd 944-3400 METROPOLITAN Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC Coming Events... Sio^OfltClTiS Plot In /i -rl /iti p p £2 ll&'&JJ'L'X 1%*%^ The Christian Science Monitor by Girard C. Steichen Ljubljana, Yugoslavia — In Ljubljana’s vibrant city center, street vendors hawk souvenir prototypes of Slovenian passports, their covers embossed with a linden leaf, the republic’s national symbol. A few miles away, at a sprawling research and development complex on the °utskirts of the Slovenian capital, government workers are designing a new, as yet unnamed, national currency. Yugoslavia’s volatile federation of 45 years is crumbling. And if Slovenians have their Way, cartographers will soon have to redraw the map of Europe to include at least one new independent state. Yet the future of Yugoslavia’s most-prosperous rePublic is uncertain; fraught w*th political upheaval and the threat of intervention by communist-led troops loyal to the central government. Call for Independence . Nevertheless, in a plebiscite ln December nearly 90 percent Slovenia’s voters said they wanted full sovereignty and s,uPported a six-month tjnietable for independence. Ehat timetable could be speed-ed by growing violence bet-Ween Serbians and Croatians, the nation’s two largest ethnic 8r°ups, and by rising anti-c°mmunist unrest in Belgrade, lhe federal and Serbian capital. The leaders of Serbia and Croatia held a surprise Meeting March 25 in an apparent effort to diffuse tendons. Tanjug news agency ^aid Serbian President •obodan Milosevic and Croa-,lan President Franjo Tud-]man met for several hours at an undisclosed location. r Although the European 0mmunity and the United ytates have appealed for Pgoslavia to remain united, f'cials in Ljubljana say jv^ately there are indications at Austria and Hungary °uld recognize Slovenia as a a.te- Slovenia, along with e|ghboring Croatia, have ^r°Posed that Yugoslavia’s six ^Publics and two provinces rtT> a loose federation of v Vereign states. Croatia has "'ed to follow Slovenia if it Secedes. Serbia Wants Control y Communist-ruled Serbia, . goslavia’s biggest republic, w^!sts that it retain control, gov t^le new center'r’gLt Cr ernments in Slovenia and fern9-'3 ^ave rejectecL They lihe M* 31 °^s w'th1 th*e bard- N*r. Milosevic, whose pro- Koporc, Jr. ^iano Technician (216) 481-4391 Serbian policies have brought Yugoslavia to the brink of civil war several times and spurred protests in Belgrade. “It is really unimaginable that Slovenia, a democratic country with a parliamentary system and respect for human rights, could stay on in a Communist country,” says Vitodrag Pukl, deputy speaker of Slovenia’s Parliament, who is helping to draft a new constitution. He insista that in legal terms, Slovenia became independent on Feb. 20 when it annulled the force of federal law on its territory. Slovenia’s leaders say they want the separation to be peaceful and orderly. But there are lingering worries abut how the national Army, whose officer corps is dominated by Serbs and communists, will react. Slovenian President Milan Kucan warns of possible military intervention if there is a power struggle. If a clash does erupt, it would more likely pit Serbia against Croatia, two longtime rivals. But geography, ethnic makeup, and economic prowess could keep Slovenia out of any fighting. Slovenia’s only internal Yugoslav borders is with Croatia, and it has no sizable minority groups. “We hope this will make it possible to pull out of Yugoslavia in peace,” says Dušan Plut, a member of Slovenia’s presidency. Although Slovenia is Yugoslavia’s most-developed republic, the transition could still be difficult. And while its production capacity is considerable, its economic sur-vivial is by no means assured. Much of the mountainous republic’s production, though better than most in the nation, is far below Western competitive standards. Several economists have predicted independence could cause a 50 percent reduction in Slovenia’s gross national product — a drop that would bring at least temporary hardship to the republic’s 2 million inhabitants. Other economic experts warn that Slovenia could find itself dependent on Austria and Italy, its prosperous Western neighbors. “Slovenia could end up being sold at bargain prices because of the ruin communist mismanagement has caused,” says Alexander Bajt, a leading Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORN EY-AT-I. AW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villa view Road at Neff 692-1 172 £ele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 _ Family owned and operated since 1908 Slovenian economist. But Slovenian officials say they’re confident the economy will pick up speed once free-market reforms take hold and the republic is no longer required to help support Yugoslavia’s other impoverished republics. Despite the bickering and brinkmanship, Slovenians say they will pursue an independent course. Says presidency member Plut: “Slovenians are prepared to suffer for their sovereignty.” Altar Group Meets The United Altar Societies is inviting all members to the meeting on Sunday, April 28 at 2:30 p.m. at St. Vitus. Meeting will be held immediately following church services. This meeting should be important to all of us. Please come, ladies from St. Lawrence, St. Mary and St. Christine, and St. Vitus. —Marie Amigoni Progressive Convention The Progressive Slovene Women of America will be sponsoring their 10th quadrennial convention on the weekend of May 4 and 5. This will take place at the Slovenian Home on Waterloo Rd. In conjunction with these two important days of meetings and worthwhile works, we will have a banquet, program, and dance on the night of Saturday, May 4. There will be good food, a delightful, and short program, and dancing to the music of Fred Kuhar. All of this for the unheard of price of $12.50. We also invite visitors to our meeting on Sunday, May 5. For tickets please contact the Polka Hall of Fame on E. 222nd St. in Euclid, or call Vida Zak 481-6247 or Fran Mauric 531-6393. Fran Mauric In Loving Memory OF THE 17th Anniversary of the Death of John (Jevec) Gornik Died April 11, 1974 We have loved him in life Let us not forget him in death. Wife, Josephine Daughter, Janet Short Son-in-law James Granddaughter, Jamie Work by Slovene Dramatist Drago 3 Jančar Presented in Washington The Directors of Scena Theatre of Washington, D.C., announce that the American premiere of Slovene playwright Drago Jancar’s Stakeout at Godot’s will be staged at the Joy of Motion Dance Center, 1643 Connecticut Avenue N.W., in Washington, from April 19 through May 5. Performance times are Fridays at 10:30 PM, Saturdays at 8 and 10:30 PM. Tickets are $12. Reservations may be made by calling the Joy of Motion box office at 202/387-0911. Stakeout at Godot’s is a metaphysical thriller set in a seedy hotel room in an unnamed country. Two bumbling functionaries of this nameless, faceless state attempt to mount a hardboiled detective-style stakeout on the mysterious Godot. Who is he really? Why has he never appeared? What is he up to? Agents Franz and Joseph, surreal Fra-tellini-like brothers reminiscent of the American Abbott and Costello team, are inevitably drawn into a series of strange and curious events as they attempt to unmask the elusive Mr. Godot. A gloss on Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and a parable of present-day Yugoslavia, Stakeout at Godot’s was written in 1988 and first performed by Scena Theatre in a workshop production at the National Theatre’s Helen Hayes Gallery that September. Scena then staged the play in August 1989 for four performances at the Washington Theatre Festival prior to performing it as part of a traveling repertory to Italy and Yugoslavia in Octo-ber-November 1989. Scena’s touring production was staged at the Slovene National Drama Festival in Maribor, at the Slovene National Theatre in Ljubljana, and at the Kamerni Teatar 55 in Sara jevo. In addition to its many Yugoslav productions, Stakeout at Godot’s has been staged at theatres in Austria and Germany. The Slovene-language production from Ljubljana will be presented in the Soviet Union this month. Drago Jančar Drago Jančar is a native of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the Slovene P.E.N. Club, a group of professional writers. Jančar and the Slovene Pen Club played an important role in helping promote the recent democratization process in Slovenia and indeed Jančar was subjected to persecution by the previous Communist regime, since he had brought into the country published materials that were then forbidden to the general public. During a visit to the Cleveland area several years ago, this writer "had the opportunity to spend a day with Jančar and show him, among other sites, the American Home Publishing Company, Slovenska pristava, the SNPJ farm and the Slovene Home for the Aged. Mr. Jančar will be in Washington between April 15—30, to attend productions of his play. His visit is co-hosted by Scena Theatre and George Mason University’s Theatre of the First Amendment. During his stay, Jančar will lecture on Slovene/Yugoslav theatre and literature at George Mason and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. A staged reading of Jancar’s newly translated play Daedalus is also planned at George Mason University. For further information, you can contact Scena Theatre’s Managing Director Amy Schmidt at 703/549-0002. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel oooooooc $40.00 OFF with Purchase of Eye Classes Eyes examined by Dr. S. W. Bannerman J. F. OPTICAL 6428 St. Clair Ave. 775 E. 185 St. 361-7933 531-7933 »OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 692-2099 Introducing a new line of Brides and Bridesmaid dresses, half and full sizes Fantastic selection of cocktail and evening dresses. etQti. Gift Cer tificates Hours: Daily 9-4 p.m., Mon. & Thurs. 9-9 p.m. English, Slovenian and other languages spoken! /'/RIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 — Recent Deaths — LOUIS W. MEDVED Louis W. Medved, beloved husband of Edna (nee Lear) (deceased), dear father of Richard L. and Louis A. (wife, Diana), grandfather of Louis, Joseph and Dawn, brother of Frances Kramer, Antonia Lausche and Julia Larson, and the following deceased: Mary Laushin and Anthony Medved; dear friend of Sonia Barron. Services were Tuesday, April 9 at the Grdina-Cosic-Faulhaber Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. at 10 a.m. and from St. Vitus Church at 10:30 a.m. Interment Lake View Cemetery. FRANK MLINAR Frank Mlinar died Saturday, April 6 at home in Joliet, Illinois. He was born in Fužine, Slovenia, the son of Alojzij and Katarina (nee Jezeršek). He came to America 42 years ago and retired in 1982 after serving as custodian for St. Mary (Cleveland - Collinwood) parish for over 30 years. Mr. Mlinar was a member of the Holy Name societies of St. Joseph (Joliet), and long-time member of St. Mary (Coll.) as well as St. Joseph Lodge No. 169 of the KSKJ, the Legion of Mary and Catholic Order of Foresters Court 1640. Mr. Mlinar is survived by his wife Antonia (nee Rozman), and sisters Maryann Mlinar (Euclid), Maria Mlinar (Chagrin Falls), Cecilia Oblak and Katarina Mlinar, both of Slovenia. Mr. Mlinar was preceded in death by brothers Janes and Jernej both of Slovenia and wife Dorothy (nee March) of Euclid. Funeral Mass was Monday, April 8 at St. Joseph (Joliet) and Wednesday, April 10 at St. Mary (Coll.) at 10 a.m. where visitation was held one hour before Mass with interment at All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. Arrangements by Sterle-Sankovic Funeral Home, 15314 Macauley Ave., Cleveland (corner of E. 152 and Lake Shore Blvd.). MARY E. SEITZ Mary E. Seitz (nee Ockun), 86, died Friday, March 29 in Manor Care Lakeshore Nursing Home. Mary was born in Ljubljana and came to Cleveland in 1905. She was employed as a multigraph operator for the Robert Silverman Co. for 20 years, retiring in 1970. Mary was the widow of Vincent, the mother of Doris Solnok, grandmother of Vincent, Thomas, Dorothy Philbeck, Janet Moskovics and Robert; sister of John Ockun, Julia Kordič, William Ockun and the following deceased: Josephine Lockner, Pauline Tekancic, and Rudolph Oaken. Funeral services were held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. FRANK C. DEMSHAR Frank C. Demshar worked in the corrugated-box industry in the Cleveland area for 60 years until he retired in 1990. He was production manager for the River Raisin Paper Co. and Tecumseh Corrugated Box Co. He was sales manager for Tecumseh for the last 10 years he worked. Mr. Demshar, 76, died Tuesday at his home in North Olmsted. He had cancer. He was born in Cleveland and lived in Parma before he moved to North Olmsted. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Margaret; a son, Frank J. of North Royalton; daughters, Jacqualine Hochschild of North Olmsted, Peggy Creswell of Brunswick and Sharon McMullen of Rocky River; 17 grandchildren; eight greatgrandchildren; and three sisters. He was a cousin of the following: Ella Samanich of Middbury Hts., Victor Tominec of Richmond Hts., O., and Matevž Tominec, Collinwood. Services were at St. Brendan Catholic Church, North Olmsted. He was a member of AMLA Lodge No. 48. EDWARD VIDMAR Services for Edward Vidmar, 73, of Willowick, retired employee for King Music Instruments Inc. in Eastlake, were Monday morning at Vladimir M. Rus Attorney • Odvetnik * 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • Vo Branches nor Affiliations f Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director New Column: In 100 Words More or Less by John Mercina A weekly column about life in general, nothing in particular. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy. Sometimes in English, sometimes in Slovenian. Informative, thought provoking and always true. Never exceeding 100 words, more or less. Mr. Mercina’s first column “Lessons from the Gulf War” begins in next week’s American Home newspaper. Slovenian Devotions in California It is already 40 years since the beginning of our Slovenian May Devotion in Corona, Calif. We will celebrate this 40th anniversary on May 5th at St. Joseph Church in Fontana, beginning at 1:30 p.m. As we observe the historical events that are taking place right now in Slovenia and Yugoslavia, it is clear that our native country is in great need of help, particularly through our prayers. This is the primary reason for this annual celebration, praying that God will protect our Slovenia from the danger of civil war. Following the services in the church, there will be a luncheon in the Parish Hall where we will have the opportunity to see our friends. AH are invited. If you know others who would like to come, please tell them they are most welcome. It is important to advise Mrs. Frances Vidergar if you plan to attend, so that sufficient food will be available for all. She may be contacted at (714) 822-7828 in the afternoon or evening. We hope to see and welcome you all at St. Joseph Church, 17080 Arrow Blvd. in Fontana on May 5th at 1:30 p.m. Directions: If you are taking Foothill Blvd., turn South on Sierra Ave. and then turn East on Arrow Blvd. for just one block. If you are taking the San Bernardino Freeway (1-10), turn North on Sierra Ave. and then turn East on Arrow Blvd. for just one block. —Slovenian Priests of Southern California Donation Mary Princ of Cleveland donated $50.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Thanks a million! St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, Willowick. Mr. Vidmar died last Thursday at St. Vincent Charity Hospital and Health Center in Cleveland. Born Aug. 31, 1917 in ClevelancT, he lived in Willowick since 1965. He was a little league coach for Willowick boys baseball. Survivors are his wife Millie (Brancel); son, Edward Jr. of Willowick; daughter, Carol Hartman of Willowick; sister, Ann Brinovec of Cleveland; and six grandchildren. Friends called at Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery in Chardon. by Stanley J. Frank Last month I reminded our readers that our big annual event, our “Chicken & Roast Pork Dinner” is scheduled for Sunday, April 28th and that tickets are available from our members or also by calling me at 391-9761. Now a month later, I must emphasize that it is only two weeks away. And again I want to remind you that this is a public event. ALL are invited. It was so nice to see so many of you, our friends, at last year’s dinner. And you enjoyed it, you told us so. It will be a pleasure to welcome you again on Sunday, April 28th. If for some reason you missed our dinner and social in the years gone by, give us a break. Come and treat yourselves to a delicious dinner and relax and enjoy the afternoon in the company of nice people. If you haven’t purchased your tickets yet, DON’T DELAY. Our cook, Milka Krulc, is anxious to prepare you a delectable meal, but she must know “How many are coming to dinner.” So try to make your reservations by Saturday, April 20th. WHY NOT DO IT NOW. Last month, member Ann Miklaucic was rushed to V BLAG SPOMIN 12. OBLETNICE, ODKAR NAS JE ZA VEDNO ZAPUSTILA NAŠA LJUBLJENA, NEPOZABNA MAMA JENNIE PETRICK JOHN PETRICK ki je preminula dne 13. aprila 1979 27. OBLETNICE, ODKAR JE NAS ZAPUSTIL NAŠ LJUBLJENI, NEPOZABNI OČE ki je preminul dne 20. maja 1964 A No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered — since we lost you Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers. Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear dad and mother, That we do not think of you. Žalujoči: Hči — Jean Sin — Stanley ter drugo sorodstvo tukaj in v stari domovini. Euclid, Ohio, 11. aprila 1991. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Latest St. Clair Pensioners News Charity Hospital, as a victim of a stroke. She responded favorably to administered medication and treatment, and with determination, is making a good start to recovery. The good news is that she is now at the Euclid Meridia Rehabilitation Center, undergoing progressive therapy. I am sure that Ann will appreciate and enjoy your cards of cheer, and will boost her determination for recovery. Ann, we know that you can do it and we are looking forward to seeing you at our meetings again soon. On a truly sad note, we regret to tell you that we lost another member, Edward Vidmar. Ed was hospitalized, had surgery, and on the day after, his life here on earth came to a sudden end. Ed was a mild, even-tempered person. Never seemed to lose his cool and always greeted you with a warm and friendly smile. We will miss him. To Millie, his wife, and to his family and relatives, we extend our deepest and most sincere sympathy on their great loss. May he rest in peace! Our next scheduled meeting date is Thursday, April 18th. We expect to hear good reports on our dinner ticket sales, and we are looking forward to an excellent attendance at our Dinner on Sunday, April 28th. Bake Sale St. Vitus Parish is sponsoring a Bake Sake on Saturday, April 13 and Sunday, April l4 in the auditorium after all Masses. Students Taught to Save Money Ameritrust bank this week announced an expansion of a school educational program and competition intended to encourage students in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan to learn about the value of money, how to earn money and, most important, how to save money. Through the program, Ameritrust branch managers will talk with students about smart savings and provide educational activities for use in the classroom. “It is very important that we start teaching our children the value of money and of saving,” said Peter Osenar, Ameritrust group executive vice president for consumer banking. ‘‘By sending our branch managers out into the community to work with students, we are encouraging students to realize the importance of developing a savings Plan at an early age.” Ameritrust branch managers will donate a copy of the book Waking Cents to every school they visit. This program is in conjunction with the Ameritrust Smart Savers Competition, which challenges students as well as adults to submit their most creative, practical and successful ideas for building and niaintaining savings. Ameritrust will present a savings-related award for the best idea by a student. The award will be $500 in an Ameritrust savings account and a $100 toy store gift certificate. All students who are 18 or under are eligible to enter the Smart Savers Competition. In addition, . the school of the winning student will receive a $500 award for its student activities fund. Other awards for the best suggestions entered by adults are: • First Place —$5,000 in an Ameritrust 12-month Certificate of Deposit. • Second Place — $2,000 in an Ameritrust Individual Retirement Account. • Third Place — $1,000 in an Ameritrust Money Market Savings Account. The Smart Savers competi-lion is open to all residents of ^hio, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky — regardless of 'vhether or not they are ^nteritrust customers or live In an area served by an Ameritrust branch. AH entries will be judged by bank ex-ecutives based on originality, Creativity and practicality. Ameritrust branch managers "'ill distribute entry forms to ^•assrooms where they speak. n addition, entry forms are j*vailable at any Ameritrust ranch. Ohio, Indiana, 'ehigan and Kentucky J-S'dents also may enter by by sending their name, ddress, telephone number, ncl school, grade and age (if a student), and a savings idea described in 100 words or less to: Ameritrust Smart Savers P.O. Box 15127 Cleveland, OH 44115-9725 Deadline for the school program and student entries has been extended to May 15 due to the overwhelming interest in the Smart Savers competition. Winners will be announced no later than July 1, 1991. Think Spring with Jadran “Thinking Spring,” Jadran Singing Society’s theme for their upcoming concert on Saturday, April 20th at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., is certain to please everyone in attendance. Some of the familiar songs which will be sung by the chorus include “Prva Pomlad,” “Dolinci Prijetni” and “Tam na Vrtni Gredi”. Our quartet consisting of Don and Dorothy Gorjup, Mary Frank and Clarence Rupar will sing “Zadovoljni Kmet” and the Women’s Chorus will sing Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “It Might As Well Be Spring.” Frank Smerke will render the lilting “Paling in Love with Love,” and Florence Unetich will sing “Ptičica.” Florence will be joined with Angela Žabjek in several duets. Of course, no Jadran program would be complete without our Button Box Ensemble playing their and your favorite polkas and waltzes... and there’s much, much more in store for your enjoyment. Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m., the program from 7:30 to 8:30 and dancing to the Fred Kuhar Orchestra follows. Tickets for this entire delightful evening are only $14. Reservations may be made by calling either Angela Žabjek at 531-3979 or Betty Rotar at 481-3187. Tickets are also available at the SWH Club Room and at the Cleveland Polka Hall of Fame Headquarters at E. 222nd and Babbett Rd. Betty Rotar, Pres., Jadran Singing Society Bukovec in Home Emil Bukovec, a long-time grocer in the St. Clair-E. 61 St. area, is now a resident of the Wickliffe Country Place Nursing Home on Bishop and Euclid Ave. He would appreciate visitors and cards. His address is 1919 Bishop Rd., Wickliffe, OH 44092. Krofe Sale There will be a krofe sale on Saturday, April 13th in the Social Room of St. Vitus Auditorium starting at 8 a.m. Baraga Weekend Update Attend the complete Baraga Days activities and 20th Anniversary of the Slovenian Chapel at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. August 31 and September 1. Also a unique option is available for those wishing to stretch out their Labor Day weekend: a visit to New York City, Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty on September 2-3. Lowest prices will include: airfare, hotel, sightseeing, bus transfers, admission, one meal a day and insurance. For information contact Washington Landmark Tours, 2362 Paddock Lane, Reston, VA 22091. On Saturday, Aug. 31, Mass in the Slovenian Chapel (crypt) of the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. will be held at 4 p.m. (EDT). The Banquet and Annual Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Sheraton Washington Hotel. On Sunday, Sept. 1 — 2 p.m. Mass in Upper Main Church of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception will be held with celebrant and homilist James Cardinal Hickey, Archbishop of Washington, D.C. Banquet tickets are $35 (including gratituty and 11% tax). Order directly from Mr. Conrad Mejac, 4445 Butter-worth Place NW, Washington, DC 20016. Make check payable to: Slovenian Chapel Anniversary Committee. A stamped, self-addressed envelope would be appreciated. The Baraga Days headquarters is the Sheraton Washington Hotel, 2660 Woodley Rd. at Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008, 1-800-523-3535 (reservations); 202-328-2000 (other). Rates: 1-2 persons $75, each additional guest $20. There is also an 11% room tax. These rates apply to the nights from Wednesday, August 28 to Tuesday, September 3. Great for a family trip to the capital city. But you must indicate you are with the Baraga program for these rates. Deadline is August 23. Please make your reservations directly with the hotel or with your tour company. In order to get these rates the Baraga Association is committed to filling a required number of rooms. (The ordinary room rate is $176 ( + 11%!) per night for a single and $206 for a double. Some features of this hotel are: 7 restaurants, fitness center, heated pool, 2 miles to heart of Washington, 24 hour room service, jogging trails, 2 blocks from zoo. Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villavicw Road at Neff 692-1172 Benefit Dinner; Lausche Mass The Spring Roast Beef Dinner sponsored by the Knights of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Rd. in Euclid will be held on Sunday, April 21 in St. Ann Dining Room on the Shrine grounds. Dinners will be served from 12 noon to 6 p.m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this dinner where you can enjoy a delicious meal in the pleasantly peaceful environs of the Shrine. For those who wish to attend Mass before dinner, a Mass will be held at 11:30 a.m. in the chapel in memory of the 1st anniversary of the death of Senator Frank J. Lausche. Donation is $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Please contact Tony Brodnik at 289-7680 for tickets. Proceeds will be used for the urgent upkeep of the Shrine. Altar Society Marks 75th St. Mary Collinwood Altar Society is celebrating their 75th anniversary with a dinner on Sunday, April 14 in the school auditorium, 15519 Holmes Ave. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. This is a pork chop, chicken dinner. Luncheon The Slovene Home for the Aged Auxiliary luncheon will be held on Monday, April 22nd at 12 noon at the Home on Neff Rd. The regular meeting will following the luncheon at 1:00 p.m. For reservations please call Dorothy Urbancich at 481-8985 or Bertha Walden at 531-4445 by April 15th. Card Party Suburban East Business and Professional Women will hold their Annual Benefit Card Pa-ty on Friday, April 26 at the Euclid Park Clubhouse, E. 222nd St. and Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid from 7 - 10 p.m. Door prizes and refreshments. Tickets are $3 at the door or call Trudy Dever 531-5917 for information. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Baškovič who donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Joseph and Rose Baškovič. Breakfast St. Vitus Parish is hosting a Sausage and Eggs breakfast with toast, sweet roli, coffee in the auditorium on Sunday, April 14. Adults $4, children $2. Concert Cancelled The Štajerski Kvintet concert scheduled for Sterle’s Slovenian Country House Restaurant in Cleveland on April 14 has been cancelled because the group couldn’t obtain a work permit in time. Another concert date will be set in the future. Thanks I wish to express my thanks and gratitude for all the cards, flowers and good wishes from the clergy, my friends and relatives who remembered me during my recent illness. I have been recuperating in Wisconsin and hope to be back in Cleveland sometime soon. Mary Marinko Monona, Wis. Prijatel Saluted Naperville, IL — Francis J. Prijatel of Parma, Ohio has been named one of the top sales agents for 1990 by the Catholic Order of Forsters (COF) — a 150,000-member fraternal life insurance benefit society based in Naperville and licensed in 29 states and the District of Columbia. Prijatel has received a plaque to commemorate his achievement and will also qualify for the 1990 Sales Leaders’ Seminar. Prijatel and his wife, Frances, have both been active members of the Foresters for many years. They have two children and will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in May. The Question of Retirement Retirement often brings perplexing questions. Should you stay or should you go? And if you go, where? “For some reason people think relocation is expected in retirement, but there shouldn’t be any pressure at all to move,” said David Savageau, author of “Retirement Places Rated” (Prentice Hall Press, $16.95), a comprehensive guide to the nation’s top retirement areas. The book surveyed 151 counties on the basis of money issues, housing, climate, personal safety, available services, work opportunities and leisure activities. San Diego ranks 34th, Southport 11th. The top-ranked county is Fort Myers-Cape Coral-Sanibel Island, Fla. CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the i-.v STERLE-SANKOVIC Funeral Home (Formerly Sankovlc-Johnson) : - 15314 Maeauley Avenue (Corner of E. 152 & Lake Shore Blvd.) ' Joseph J. Sterle - Directoj^'l (216) 531-3600 Grdina—Cosic—Faulhaber Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 28890 Chardon Roaff Willoughby/Hilte 944-8400 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS ^ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 ;IŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 11, 1991 Roster of Organizations------------- ---------- Imenik slovenskih društev Slovenski narodni domovi Slovenian National Homes FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN HOMES President Thomas Meljac, 1st Vice President Helen Konkoy, 2nd Vice President Rose Mary Toth, Financial Secretary/Treasurer John Jackson, Recording Secretary Helen Urbas, Cor-uj , responding Secretary Patricia Ipavec-Clarke, Ex-ecutive Secretary Joseph Petrie, Auditors: Gus Petelinkar, Joseph Each, William Warmuth, Historians: John Habat, Joseph Petrie SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA, Inc. Duhovni vodja č.g. Viktor Tomc; preds. dr. Mate Roesmann; 1. podpreds. Frank Lovšin; 2. podpreds. Branko Pogačnik; tajnica Mojca Slak, 5404 Stanard Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 881-1725; blag. Marija Leben; zapis. Vid Sleme; nadzorni odbor: inž. Franček Gorenšek, John Hočevar, Peter Osenar; razsodišče: inž. Ivan Berlec, Frank Kovačič, Frank Urankar; Slov. šola pri Sv. Vidu Ivan Zakrajšek; Slov. šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti: Valentin Ribič, Gabriel Mazi. Klubi upokojencev AMERICAN SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB of BARBERTON, OHIO President Vincent Lauter; Vice Pres. Joseph Yankovich; Secy.-Treas. Jennie B. Nagel, 245 -24th St., N.W., Barberton, OH 44203, tel. 1-216-825-6227 or 825-2267; Rec. Secy. Julia Vadas; Auditors: Frances Smrdel, Angela Misich, Mary Kovacic; Fed. Reps.: Theresa Cekada, Angela Polk, Frances Smrdel, Josephine Plainer, Jennie B. Nagel, alt. Mary Kovacic. Meetings every first Thursday of the month, 1 p.m., in the Sacred Heart Hall, 1263 Shannon Ave., Barberton, Ohio 44203. DRUŠTVO UPOKOJENCEV SLOVENSKE PRISTAVE SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA RETIREES CLUB Predsednik: Pavle Intihar, 1. podpresednik: August Dragar, 2. podpredsednik: Frank Zalar; tajnik: Frank Urankar, tel. 531-8982; blagajničarka: Angela Bolha; Zapisnikar: Vili Zadnikar. Odborniki: Jože Dovjak, Stane Vidmar, Lojze Hribar, Angelca Hribar, Jože Sojer, Julka Mejač, Francka Kristanc, Mary Vrhovnik, Tončka Urankar, Tone Oblak, Marija Koren in Stefan Režonja. Nadzorni odbor: Franček Gorenšek, Vinko Vrhovnik, Victor Kmetic. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HEIGHTS pensionf:rs club President: John Taucher, Vice President: Mimi Stibil; Secretary-Treasurer Josephine Rezin; Recording Secretary: Clara Hrovat; 1st Auditor: Louis Champa; 2nd Auditor: Frank Urbančič; 3rd Auditor: Tony Kaplan. Meetings are held every 4th Wednesday of each month alternating with Newburgh E. 80th SNH and Maple Hts. SNH. GLASBENA MATICA President: Olga Klancher, 1st Vice President: Bob Hopkins, 2nd Vice President: Dan Ivancic, Secretary: Joanne Fordye, Treasurer: Tom Schiltz, Librarian: Sylvia Plymesser, Assistant Librarians: Kathy Hopkins, Tom Schiltz. Auditors: Ivanka Yuko, Kathy Hopkins, Terry Anzo; Publicity: Betty Resnik; Assistants: Bob Kastelic, Lori Sierputowski. SPRING CONCERT: April 13, 1991; FALL CONCERT: October 12, 1991. PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN Predsednica: ga. Cirila Kermavner; podpredsednika: g. Frank Lovšin in gdč. Mary Ann Vogel; tajnica: ga. Paula Hauptman (25922 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143); blag.: gdč. Marjanca Tominc; nadzorniki: gdc. Nada Gregorc, g. Janez Nemec, g. Miro Odar; Odborniki: g. Ivan Haputman, gdč Mimi Kozina, g. Pavle Lavriša, gdč. Mari Nemec, ga. Maruša Pogačnik, g. Tomaž Sedmak, g. Silvo Staniša, ga. Milena Stropnik, ga. Zdenka Zakrajšek; pevovodja g. Rudi Knez. JADRAN SINGING SOCIETY President Betty Rotar, Vice President Don Gorjup, Treasurer Frank Bittenc, Recording Sec. Dolores Dobida, Auditors: Clarence Rupar, Dorothy Gorjup, Valerie Traska, Librarians: Dolores Dobida, Mary Frank, Josephine Kapla, Director Reginald Resnik, Accompanist Alice Cech. Rehearsals held every Wednesday, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road. April 20, 1991 — “Thinking Spring” Dinner, Program, Dance featuring Fred Kuhar Orchestra. November 9, 1991 — Dinner, Program, Dance featuring Fred Kuhar Orchestra. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Edwin M. Polšak 1st Vice President: Ned Zaller, 2nd Vice President: Vicky Kozel, Recording Sec’y.: Jennie Mramor; Corr. Sec’y.: Sophie T. Elersich, 1755 Spino Dr., Euclid, OH 44117, (216) 531-8402; Sec’y.-Treas.: Barbara T. Elersich; Musical Director: Douglas F. Elersich; Asst. Dirs.: Edwin M. Polšak, Dick Tomsic, Josephine Turkman; Auditors: Rudy Kozan, Irene Kelley, Vern Perme, Bea Pestotnik (alt); Planning Comm.: Irene Kelley, Frank and Ann Kokal, Bea Pestotnik, Mimi Stibil, Jim and Vicky Kozel, Irma Pryately, Tony Britz; Emma Delach. Stage Mgrs.: Ed Ozanich, Don Mulec, and Jim Kozel. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday evening 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio CIRCLE 2 SNPJ SLOVENIAN JUNIOR CHORUS President: Bob Dolgan, Vice President: Wendy Lapuh; Secretary: Jennifer Skrajner; Att. Sec’y-; Jeff Lapuh; Treasurer: Kristen Strnad; Historian: Ann Dolgan; Music Director: Cecilia Dolgan. Rehearsals each Thursday 7 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home in Euclid. SLOVENSKA PESEM CHORUS Lemont, Illinois President Michael A. Vidmar; Vice Pres. Lillian Cepon; Corr. Secy. Nandi Puc; Rec. Secy. Sue Rigler; Treasurer Elizabeth Nicki; Board Members: John Vidmar, Vince Rigler, Frida Arko; Director Rev. Dr. Vendelin Spendov Rehearsals: Every Sunday, 6 p.m., at the Baragov Dom in Lemont, 111. MISIJONSKA ZNAMKARSKA AKCIJA Cleveland, Ohio Duhovni vodja: Rev. Charles A. Wolbang C.M., predsednica: Marica Lavrisha, podpredsednica Jelka Kuhelj; tajnica in zapisnikarica Marie Celestina, 4935 Gleeten Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, tel: 381-5298; blagajnik Štefan Marolt, 5704 Prosser Ave., Cleveland, OH 44143, tel: 431-5699; Nadzorniki: Ani Nemec, ing. Josep. Zelle, Vida Švajger; odborniki: Rudi Knez, Anica Knez, Agnes Leskovec, Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominec, Marica Miklavčič, Martin Marela, Maryann Mlinar; namestnika: Vinko Rozman, France Kuhelj. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO SV. VIDA Duhovni vodja Rev. Jože Božnar; častna preds. Mary Marinko; preds. Amalija Košnik; podpreds. Frances Novak; taj.-blag. Kristina Rihtar, 990 E. 63 St., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 391-6545; zapisnikarica v slovenščini Gabriela Kuhel; zapisnikarica v angleščini Mary Turk; re-diteljica Ivanka Pretnar; nadzornici: Frances Kotnik, Ann Brinovec. Vsak četrtek ob 6.30 zv. ima društvo uro molitve, vsako prvo nedeljo skupno sv. obhajilo pri sv. maši ob 8. zjutraj, ob 1.30 pop. pa sejo v društveni sobi farne dvorane pri Sv. Vidu. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO FARE MARIJE V NEBO VZETE Duhovni vodja Rev. John M. Kumse; preds. Pavla Adamič; podpreds. Marija Ribič; blagajničarka: Cilka Tominc, 25920 Highland Rd-> Richmond Hts., OH 44143, telefon 531-8855; tajnica: Marica Lavriša; zapisnikarica Ivana Kete; nadzornice: Tončka Urankar, Maty Podlogar, Amelia Gad; zastavonošinja Josephine Zežun. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako prvo medeljo v mesecu pri sv. maši ob 10. dop. Isti dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitve, po blagoslovu pa seja v cerkveni dvorani. DRUŠTVO NAJSVETEJŠEGA IMENA FARE SV. VIDA Duhovni vodja Rev. Jože Božnar; preds. Charles Winter; podpreds. Emil Goršek; Vice Pres. (Eng.) John Hočevar; tajnik Joe Hočevar, 1172 Addison Rd., Cleveland, OH 44103; zapisnikar Dan Postotnik; Rec. Secy. Mike Mivsek; blagajnik Anton Oblak. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu, pri sv. maši ob 8. zjutraj. Seja se vrši po maši v cerkveni dvorani. HOLY NAME SOCIETY of ST. MARYS’ PARISH Spiritual Director Rev. John Kumse, President Dennis Sušnik, Vice President Anthony Miklich, Slov. Vice President Rudy Knez, Secretary Victor Nemec, Treasurer Henry Skrabez, 1821 East 227, Euclid, OH 44117, Tel.: 481-0993., Sick and Vigil Chmn Frank Sluga, Program Chairman Michael Pozun, Corresponding Secretary Louis Jesek, Marshall Bill Kozak, Social Apostolate Edward Kocin, Retreat Chairman Joseph Sajovic. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORRESTERS BARAGA COURT No. 1317 Spiritual Director Rev. Joseph Boznar; Chief Ranger Rudolph A. Massera; Vice Chief Rangef Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Past Chief Ranger John J. Hočevar; Rec. Secy. Alphonse A. Germ; Fim Secy. Anthony J. Urbas, 1226 Norwood Rd” Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 881-1031; Treas. Join1 J. Hočevar; Trustees: Albert Marolt, Dr. Anthony F. Spech, Joseph C. Saver; Youth Dir-Angelo M. Vogrig; Visitor of Sick Joseph C-Saver; Field Rep. Frank J. Prijatelj, tel. 845' 4440. Meetings held the 3rd Friday of the month' Social Room, St. Vitus Auditorium, at 8 p.m- CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS ST. MARY’S COURT 1640 Kathleen Spilar - Chief Ranger; Joseph Sterl6 -Secretary; John Spilar - Financial Secretary! Mary Louise Jesek - Vice Chief Ranger; Alah Spilar - Past Chief Ranger; Vicki Škrabe* -Treasurer; Jennie Jesek - Sentinel. Auditors ar« Gerry White, Hank Skrabez and Alan Spilar- SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 St. Clair Avenue Edward Kenik, president; Frank Zitko, vice president; June Price, recording sec’y.; John Perencevic, secretary-treas.; Charles Ipavec, legal advisor; auditing: John Vatovec, Ann Opeka, Sophia Opeka, Dennis A. Sušnik, Antonia Zagar; House Committee: John Trinko, Mary Batis, John Cendol, Stanley Frank, Ron Genovese, Bob Hopkins, John Leonard, Frank Stefe; Ways and Means: Jean Križman, Patricia Clarke, Marilyn Genovese; alternate: Frances Kikel. Office hours: Tuesday thru Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday. COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President, John Jackson; vice pres., Matt Kajfez; treas., Mary Jackson; rec. sec’y., Jennie Tuma; financial sec’y., Frank Ferra; auditors: M. Podlogar, C. Femec, Joseph Sterle; house comm.: Charles Schultz, J. Jackson, Matt Kajfez; alternate: Philip Yan Sr., C. Femec; bylaws, Bonnie Quagliata. Directors: Tom McNulty, Max Jeric, Stephanie Segulin, Joyce Segulin; 1st alt., Mary Blatnik; 2nd alt., Frances Kajfez. Federation reps: John Jackson, Chuck Femec, Steffie Segulin, and Matt Kajfez, alternate. SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohio President: Joe Frollo; Vice Pres.: Joyce Plemel; Secretary: Millie Bradač; Treasurer: Frank Bet-tenc; Recording Secretary: John Vicic; Legal Advisor: John Prince; Trustees: Ernie Tibjash, A1 Meglich, Tony Silc, Frank Smerke, Frank Zgouc, Dennis Habat, Stanley Grk, Anthony Sturm, Martha Meglich, Dorothy Silc; Alternate: Celeste Frollo and Paul Šibenik. Reps, to Federation of SNH: Anthony Sturm, Joe Frollo and Millie Bradač. Office Hours: Monday, Tues, Wed., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. or by appointment, phone Millie Bradač 481-5378 or 481-0047. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio President A1 Novinc; Vice Pres. Rose Mary Toth; Secretary William Kovach; Treasurer William Frank; Rec. Secy. Dorothy Kapel; Auditors: Max Kobal (Ch.), Edward Koren, Joseph Petrie; House Comm. Harold Volpe (Ch.), James Kozel, Edward Marinčič. LADIES AUXILIARY SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME President, Christine Kovach; vice president, Marica Lokar; recording sec’y., Josie Trunk; sec’y. & treas., Mary Ster (944-1429); auditors: Danica Hrovatin, Norma Hrvatin, Pauline Ross. Shrimp & Fish Fry every Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Also on the menu are goulash & polenta, sauerkraut & sausages, breaded pork & breaded chicken. LADIES AUXILIARY OF S.N.P.J. FARM, Heath Rd. President B. Rotar, Vice President S. Matuch, Rec. Sec. R. M. Toth, Financial Secretary V. Zak. Auditors: E. Levnik, D. Dobida, H. Sumrada. Upravni odbor korporacije BARAGOV DOM, 6304 St. Clair Avenue Predsednik Stanko Vidmar; podpreds. Vinko Rozman; tajnik Jože Melaher; blag. Anton Oblak; gospodar — ; Social Club Janez Žakelj; nadzorni odbor: France Šega, Tomaž Slak, Lojze Bajc; odborniki: Anton Meglič, Jože Dovjak, Anica Kurbus, Viktor Tominec, Ferdo Sečnik, Janez Košir, Jože Cerar, Pavel Lavriša, Janez Semen, in tudi zastopniki organizacij, ki prostore uporabljajo. Dom ima prostore za razne prireditve: partije, pogrebščine in ohceti. V domu je Slovenska pisarna in knjižnica. Tel. 881-9617. Retiree’s Clubs FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN AMERICAN RETIREFiS CLUBS President John Taucher; Vice Pres. Frank Cesen, Jr.; Secretary Mae Fabec; Treasurer Gus Petelinkar; Rec. Secy. Louis Jartz; Auditors: Tony Mrak, John Jackson, Frank Fabec. Meetings in the months of March, June, September and December, at alternate Slovenian National Homes. ST. CLAIR RETIREES CLUB President Antoinette Krajc; 1st Vice Pres. Irene Toth; 2nd Vice Pres. Angela Bolha; Rec. Secy. Rose Godic; Fin. Secy. Stanley Frank, 5919 Prosser Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 391-9761; Auditors: Jewel Karpinski, Frances Kotnik, Mary Turk; Planning Ch. Edward Kar-nak; Tour Coordinator Frances Karnak. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, 1:30 p.m., in the Annex of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS CLUB, EUCLID, OHIO President, Albert Novinc; 1st vice pres., Frank Kosten; 2nd vice pres., John Kausek; recording sec’y., Helen Levstick, 481-4463; treasurer: Ann Kosten; financial sec’y., Eleanor Pavey, 1125 E. 174 St., Cleveland, OH 44119-3107 (531-4445); auditors: Mae Fabec, chairperson, Caroline Lokar, Josephine Trunk; Touf Director: Rose Lewis 651-1859; Sunshine Lady: Marie Selan 732-9172. Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month, beginning at 1 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President, John Bozich; vice president, Frank Shume; recording sec’y., Fran Mole; treas.: F. Raymond Gobec; sgt-at-arms, Anna Cecelic; auditors: Stanley Kozar, Caroline Lokar, Tony Sturm, Frank Videmsek. Entertainment committee: Stanley Kozar, Frank Shume, Tony Sturm. Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month at the Fairport Slovenian Home, 617-1/2 Third St., beginning at 2 p.m. HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS CLUB, CLEVELAND, OHIO Hon. President: Gus Petelinkar; President: John Habat; Vice President: Matthew Zabukovec; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Financial Secretary: Louise Fujda; Corres. Secretary: Ann Bechart; Sgt.-at-Arms: Rose Kocjan; Reporter: Ann Stefančič; Auditors: Caroline Stefančič, Helen Pavšek and Edward Fujda; Federation Representatives: Gus, Mary Petelinkar, Frank, Mae Fabec, and John and Mary Jackson. Meetings are every second Wednesday of the month at 12:30 p.m. at the Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President John Prhne, Vice Pres. Don Gorjup, Secretary Treasurer Ralph Urbancek, Recording Secretary Helen Vukčevič, Auditors: Justine Prhne, Dorothy Silc, Tillie Vranekovic - Ann Kristoff - Alternate. Federation Reps.: John Prhne, Don Gorjup, Ralph Urbancek, Justine Prhne, Jean Urbancek - Caroline Lokar - Alternate. Rep. to the SHA: Josephine Commencek, Dorothy Silc, Reps, to Waterloo Hall: A1 Com-menchek, Mitzi Yeray; Cook for sandwich months: Mary Frank, Publicity - Helen Vukčevič; Trip coordinator: Ann Otoničar; 50th wedding anniversary: Helen Vukčevič; Sunshine Lady: Dorothy Silc; Bar: Joe Muzic; Refreshment tickets sold at meeting: Josephine Tomsic, Name Tags: Alice Bozic; Split Raffle: Albina Bittenc, Rose Silva, Tillie Vranekovic; Justice of Peace: Louis Prebevsek, Sgt. of Arms and Attendance: Ann Kristoff. Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Board meetings the second Tuesday of each month at Slovenian Workmen’s Hall, 15335 Waterloo Rd. at 1 p.m. FOR Freedom AND Justice /■l Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, April 11, 1991 Vesti iz Slovenije Danes v Sloveniji seja jugoslovanskega predsedstva — Demonstracije v Hrvatski — Srbski notranji minister prisiljen odstopiti Danes poteka v Sloveniji seja zveznega Predsedstva. Namen teh zadnji čas zelo pogostih sej je izoblikovanje dogovora o novi ureditvi za Jugoslavijo, doslej pa ti sestanki niso rodili nobenega uspeha, namesto zbliže-vanja stališč je prišlo do še izrazitejše razhajanje v gledanjih. O današnji seji ob tem Poročanju ni še nobenih vesti, ni pa pričako-Vati, da bo uspešnejša od prejšnjih. Pretekli ponedeljek so bile demonstraci-le v več hrvaških mestih. Demonstranti so se zbrali pred poslopji, v katerih delujejo orga-n* Jugoslovenske ljudske armade. V nekate-r‘h primerih so demonstranti povzročili Sniotno škodo. Do demonstracij je prišlo, tar poteka sodni proces zoper hrvaškega o-taambnega ministra Martina Špeglja, ki je °btožen, da je vodil zaroto zoper JLA. V Splitu naj bi bilo aretiranih deset demon-strantov, ni pa bilo nobenih oseb ranjenih. Predsednik predsedstva SFRJ in srbski Član tega telesa Borisav Jovič je poslal pismo baškemu predsedniku Franju Tudmanu, v taterem je svaril, da bo vojska uporabljala Vso potrebno silo v obrambi pred protivoja-taini akcijami. Isto je trdila sama JLA, ki je stapno s hrvaško policijo poslala oklepna Vozila, da bi bilo zavarovano poslopje v Za-llrebu, v katerem poteka sojenje. Jovič je taflmanu pisal tudi, da demonstracije v po-^deljek potrjujejo, da Hrvaška aktivno na-?Ptotuje odločitvam zveznega predsedstva in bajanju zveznih zakonov na ozemlju Hruške. Politična napetost raste tudi v sami Sr-'Ji. Včeraj je odstopil srbski notranji mini-ster Radmilo Bogdanovič. Njegov odhod so tahtevale opozicijske stranke in študentje in lcer zaradi njegove vloge v spopadu med ^oti-Miloševičevimi demonstranti in srbsko ^ličijo v Beogradu 9. marca. V tem spopa-,u sta bili ubiti dve osebi, ranjenih pa več sot 200. Srbska skupščina je glasovala za Prejem Bogdanovičeve ostavke, poslanci, ki ^ sicer v veliki večini lojalni do Miloševiča, Pa zavrnili zahtevo kakih 20 opozicijskih slancev, naj odstopijo še predsednik vlade ra8utin Zelenovič in dva njegova ministra. Bolj in bolj resne postajajo tudi v Srbiji spodarske težave. Pretekli teden so stav- kali mehaniki letalske družbe JAT, zato ni bilo poletov, stavko nameravajo ponoviti. Voditelji sindikatov, v katerih je po Srbiji zaposlenih 700.000 delavcev v kovinski in tekstilni industriji, napovedujejo stavko za prihodnji torek in se pridružujejo klicem za generalni štrajk v tej republiki. Mnogi delavci baje niso dobili celotnih plač že več mesecev, življenjski standard zaradi vedno bolj obsežnega gospodarskega kolapsa naglo pada. Sam srbski predsednik Slobodan Miloševič je tarča vedno bolj ostrih kritik. Dr. Alojzij Šuštar in Milan Kučan o razpletu jugoslovanske krize — Izmenjava informacij Predsednik predsedstva Republike Slovenije Milan Kučan je 29. marca povabil nadškofa in ljubljanskega metropolita dr. Alojzija Šuštarja na srečanje, katerega namen je bil izmenjava informacije in gledanj v zvezi z razpletom jugoslovanske krize. Navzoč je bil še član predsedstva Ciril Zlobec. Po poročilu v Delu 30. marca, sta Kučan in Zlobec nadškofa seznanila s pogovori, ki potekajo na zvezni in medrepubliški ravni o razpletu krize v SFRJ. Govorila sta tudi, kako skuša predsedstvo Slovenije pomagati k mirni, demokratični in sporazumni rešitvi krize in, kako odeluje v uresničevanju odločitve celotnega slovenskega naroda na plebiscitu o osamosvojitvi Slovenije decembra lani. Pri tem sta Kučan in Zlobec govorila o prizadevanjih na mednarodnem področju, da bi tuje države kazale več razumevanja in podpore za osamosvojitvene težnje Slovenije. Ocenila sta, da je v tem oziru zadnje mesece opaziti določen premik v prid Slovenije. »Dr. Šuštar pa je povedal, kako se sedanja jugoslovanska kriza in predvsem prizadevanja za osamosvojitev Slovenije kažejo v delu jugoslovanske škofovske konference in na številnih mednarodnih srečanjih, ki so organizirana pod okriljem remskokatoliške cerkve. Poudaril je, da tudi v teh krogih narašča razumevanje za prizadevanja naše republike. Soglasno so ugotovili, da je treba storiti vse za mirno in sporazumno rešitev jugoslovanske krize in za to, da ne bi pri njenem reševanju uporabili silo v nobeni obliki. Menili so, da so spoštovanje človekovih in nacionalnih pravic ter razumevanje, odprtost in dialog temelj za rešitev krize.« Podprli so pobudo za dostojno in kulturno ureditev območja Kočevskega Roga. dr. Alojzij Šuštar in predsednik formacije o perečih vprašanjih, predvsem v ftov ?l.|je Milan Kučan sta se na Kučanovo zvezi z razpletom jugoslovanske krize, za ka-Bo srečala 29. marca in si izmenjala in- tere mirno rešitev je treba storiti vse. — NOVI GROBOVI — Frank Mlinar Dne 6. aprila 1991 je na svojem domu v Jolietu, 111., umrl Frank Mlinar, rojen na Fužinah, Slovenija, sin Alojzija in Katarine Jezeršek, v Ameriko prišel pred 42 leti in se upokojil 1. 1982 po več kot 30 letih, ko je služil kot oskrbnik pri župniji Marije Vnebovzete v Collinwoodu, član DNU pri Sv. Jožefu v Jolietu, veliko let tudi DNU pri Mariji Vnebov-zeti, dalje član Katoliških borštnarjev Dvora 1640, sv. Jožefa št. 169 KSKJ in Marijine legije. Zanj žalujejo žena Antonia, rojena Rozman, in sestre Maryann Mlinar (Euclid), Maria Mlinar (Chagrin Falls), v Sloveniji pa Cecilija Oblak in Katarina Mlinar, že pok. pa sta prva žena Dorothy, roj. March, in brata Janez in Jernej (oba v Sloveniji). Pogrebna maša je bila 8. aprila v cerkvi sv. Jožefa v Jolietu, v sredo, 10. aprila, pa v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. K večnemu počitku je bil položen na Vernih duš pokopališču. Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Sterle-San-kovic zavoda; 15314 Macauley Avenue. Louis W. Medved Umrl je Louis W. Medved, vdovec po Edni, roj. Lear, oče Richarda in Louisa, 3-krat stari oče, brat Frances Kramer, Antonie Lausche, Julie Larson ter že pok. Mary Loushin in Anthonyja, dragi prijatelj Sonic Barron. Pogreb je bil 9. aprila iz Grdina-Cosic-Faulha-ber zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. v cerkev sv. Vida in od tam na pokopališče Lake View. Edward Vidmar st. Dne 4. aprila je umrl 73 let stari Edward Vidmar st., mož Millie, roj. Brancel, oče Ed-warda ml. in Carol Hartman, brat Ann Brinovec, 6-krat stari oče, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve pri King Musical Instruments Inc. Pogreb je bil 8. aprila s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije Magdalene v Willo-wicku. John M. Shetina Dne 5. aprila je umrl 71 let stari John M. Shetina s Paines-ville Townshipa, mož Mary, oče Veronice Bickel in Mary Jo Kohr, zapušča še dva brata, štiri vnuke in dva pravnuka, zaposlen pred svojo upokojitvijo 34 let pri Diamond Shamrock Corp., 7 let pri Harvey Hubbell Co., zadnja leta pa pri bencinski postaji v Painesvillu, član župnije sv. Marije in ADZ. Pogreb je bil 8. aprila s sv. mašb v cerkvi sv. Marije v Painesvillu. Frank C. Demshar Dne 2. aprila je na svojem domu v North Olmstedu za rakom umrl 76 let stari Frank C. Demshar, rojen v Clevelandu, mož Margaret, roj. Orosz, oče Franka, Jacqualine Hoch-schild, Peggy Creswell in Sharon McMullen, 17-krat stari oče, 8-krat prastari oče, brat Albine Krishon, Julie Šušteršič, Gertrude Miller in že pok. Johna, Joeyja in Jennie Miller, nečak Elle Samanich, Victorja Tominca in Matevža Tominca, član ADZ št. 48. Pogreb je bil 6. aprila s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Brendana v North Olmstedu. (dalje na str. 12) KOLEDAR APRIL 13. — Glasbena matica priredi spomladanski koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. 13. — Slovenski nar. dom na Holmes Ave. priredi pomladanski ples. Igra Bob Kravos orkester. Pričetek ob 7. zv. 14. — Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti pripravi kosilo ob 75. obletnici ustanovitve, v šolski dvorani. 20. — Pevski zbor Jadran priredi spomladanski koncert z večerjo in plesom v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Igra Fred Kuhar orkester. 27. — Pevski zbor Zarja pra- zuje 75-letnico z večerjo, koncertom in plesom v SDD v Eu-clidu. 28. — Slov. šola pri sv. Vidu priredi materinsko proslavo ob 6. uri zvečer v dvorani sv. Vida. 28. — Župnija sv. Cirila v New Yorku praznuje svojo 75-letnico. Ob 9.30 dop. sv. maša, med 1. in 7. zv. banket in program v Park restavraciji, Franklin Sq., Long Island. Igra Štajerski kvintet. 28. — Klub upokojencev na St. Clairju ima kosilo v SND na St. Clairju. Začetek ob 1.30 pop. MAJ 4. — Pevski zbor Korotan prireja koncert ob svoji 40-letni-ci, v dvorani sv. Vida. Pričetek ob 7. zv. 5. — »Prijatelji Slov. nar. doma na St. Clairju« prirede »brunch«. 17. — Slovenski dom za ostarele ima občni zbor, v SDD na Waterloo Rd. JUNIJ 2. — Otvoritev Slovenske pristave. 9. — Društvo SPB Cleveland priredi Slovenski spominski dan s sv. mašo ob 11.30 dop. pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd., Euclid, O. 15. in 16. — Tabor DSPB priredi Spominsko proslavo na Orlovem vrhu Slov. pristave, v počastitev pobitim domobrancem in vsem ostalim žrtvam revolucije. 30. — Poletni festival pri sv. Vidu. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto, računano v ameriški valuti SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency Del Jugoslavije na jugovzhodu so zasedli Bolgari, Kosovo in Metohijo Albanci, del Vojvodine Madžari. Ti so zasedli tudi Prekmurje v Sloveniji, med tem ko sta si ostalo Slovenijo razdelila Hitler in Mussolini. V času tuje vojaške zasedbe je Komunistična partija v Jugoslaviji pod krinko »osvobodilnega boja« začela državljansko vojno, ki bi ji naj zagotovila prevzem oblasti. To ji je ob podpori zahodnih sil, posebno Angležev, ki so videli v Titu »rešitelja« Jugoslavije, ker naj bi bil z njeno preureditvijo v federacijo rešil narodnostno vprašanje. Titova »rešitev« narodnostnega vprašanja v Jugoslaviji je že v času njegovega življenja začela kazati razpoke, po njegovi smrti pa je narodnostno vprašanje butnilo na dan z novo, še večjo silo. Druga Jugoslavija je v zadnjih vzdihih, le malo jih je, ki vidijo možnost za novo, tretjo Jugoslavijo. Razlike med njenimi narodi so prevelike. Slovenci, ki so živeli nad 1200 let v sklopu krščanske Zahodne in Srednje Evrope, so se odločili za lastno, neodvisno državo, Hrvatje, ki so tudi povezani blizu 1200 let z Zahodom, govorijo, da bodo sledili zgledu Slovencev. Srbi, ki so živeli pod bizantinsko-turškim vplivom vse do srede preteklega stoletja, se ne morejo rešiti stare vzhodnjaške miselnosti in svojih narodnih mitov. Bo pol stoletja trpljenja pomagalo narodom Jugoslavije najti pot iz starih sporov, iz starih napetosti v nov, boljši čas? V. L. Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday M No. 1 5 Thursday, April 11, 1991 Pol stoletja kasneje Na Cvetno nedeljo 6. aprila 1941 so čete Osi pod vodstvom Hitlerjeve Nemčije od vseh strani vdrle v Jugoslavijo. Nemški »kaznovalni« letalski napad na Beograd je bil uničujoč, pod ruševinami mesta je bilo okoli 35,000 mrtvih. Komaj 11 dni kasneje je v imenu Jugoslavije gen. Kalafatovič podpisal predajo, med tem ko je vlada odletela v tujino. Prve Jugoslavije je bilo dejansko konec. Kako je do tega prišlo? Hitler je v nekaj letih po prevzemu oblasti v Nemčiji obnovil nemško vojaško moč in se povezal z Mussolinijevo Italijo v »Osi Berlin-Rim«, da bi Nemčijo rešil vezi in omejitev, ki jih je naložila mirovna pogodba po prvi svetnovni vojni v Versaillesu, ter ji priboril vodilno mesto v Evropi in — svetu. Najprej je Hitler uničil septembra 1939 Poljsko in so jo razdelil s Stalinom, nato je zasedel Dansko in Norveško, v maju in juniju 1940 pa preko Nizozemske in Belgije vdrl v Francijo in jo prisilil na kolena. Nemške čete so zmagovito korakale v Pariz. Italija je imela med tem težave z Grki, ki so jih podpirali Angleži. Madžarska, Romunija in Bolgarija so že pristopile k Osi Berlin-Rim, Jugoslavija je hotela ostati nevtralna. Hitler jo je na vsak način hotel dobiti na svojo stran, predno bi udaril v Grčijo reševat Italijo. Knez Pavle, ki je v imenu mladoletnega kralja Petra II. vladal Jugoslaviji, je pritisku Osi končno popustil, Jugoslavija je 25. marca 1941 pristopila uradno k zvezi Berlin-Rim. Dejansko s to pogodbo Jugoslavija ni zvezi Berlin-Rim dala ali obljubila nič drugega, kot da bo ostala nevtralna. Hitler ni zahteval niti prevoza svojih čet preko Jugoslavije v načrtovanem napadu na Grčijo. Skupina srbskih oficirjev z gen. Boro Markovičem in gen. Simovičem na čelu je 27. marca izvedla vojaški udar. Odstavila je regenta kneza Pavla in proglasila kralja Petra II. za polnoletnega. V Beogradu je prišlo do hudih protinemških demonstracij, demonstranti so kričali »Bolje rat nego pakt« — boljša vojna kot pogodba z Osjo. Predsednik britanske vlade Winston Churchill je tedaj v parlamentu izjavil: »Jugoslavija je našla dušo!« Nova jugoslovanska vlada pod predsedstvom gen. Simo-viča, v kateri sta po ostrih razpravah ostala, da bi reševala državo, vodnik Hrvatov Vladko Maček in vodnik Slovencev Franc Kulovec, je sporočila v Berlin in v Rim, da pogodbo z Osjo priznava in se jo bo držala. Pokazalo se je, da vojaški puč ni bil naperjen toliko proti pogodbi z Osjo kot proti srbsko-hrvaškemu sporazumu avgusta 1939, s katerim je bila ustanovljena Hrvaška banovina. Ta je obsegala poleg sedanjega ozemlja Republike Hrvaške tudi dele Bosne in Hercegovine, kjer so naseljeni Hrvati. Srbsko-hrvaški sporazum je bil dosežen v precejšnji meri po posredovanju dr. Antona Korošca, ki je načrtoval podoben položaj, kot so ga dobili v Jugoslaviji s tem sporazumom Hrvatje, tudi za Slovence. Tako naj bi bilo rešeno v Jugoslaviji narodnostno vprašanje, ki je ogrožalo njen obstoj od njenega samega začetka. Srbski vojaški puč, ki je sprožil Hitlerjev napad nši Jugo-''" slavijo in njeno uničenje, je vodil do novih napetosti med Srbf in Hrvati, ki so prešla v kratkem v medsebojno pobijanje na področju novo proglašene »Nezavisne države Hrvatske« pod vodstvom dr. Ante Paveliča in njegovih ustašev. Nekam preveč nas zalezuje... (Zaradi napačnega naslova na kuverti, je ta dopis vzel dobre tri tedne, da je do nas prispel. Poštarji bi se morali le malce potruditi, da bi ugotovili pravi naslov, pa se niso in so dopis enostavno poslali nazaj pošiljatelju. Ur.) NEW YORK, N.Y. - Po prvi marčevi nedelji, ko je bila pri slovenskem sv. Cirilu bolj kot ne-nedelja naša življenjske oseke, sem si dejal: Še drugo nedeljo hočem doživeti. Vem, Pevsi zbor Zarja vabi na večerjo in koncert EUCLID, O. - V soboto, 27. aprila, se vam po željno pričakovani pomladi predstavi zbor Zarja s spomladanskim koncertnim nastopom in sicer v Slovenskem društvenem domu na Recherjevi ulici v Euclidu. Programu smo dali naslov »Vaudeville Spring Frolic II«. Prireditev se bo pričela z dobro večerjo, ki bo servirana v spodnji dvorani med 5. in 7. zvečer. Nato bo v zgornji dvorani podan lep koncert. V pevskem nastopu bo celoten zbor, razni solisti v komičnih prizorih. Tako bo med koncertom dovolj šaljivih prizorov kot lepega petja vam vsem v razvedrilo. Večer bo zaključil ples, za katerega bo igrala godba Johnnie Vadnala. Naj še omenim, da pevski zbor Zarja obhaja letos 75-let-nico obstoja, kar pomeni, da smo najstarejši še obstoječi slovenski pevski zbor v Ameriki. To častno obletnico bomo slavili na jesenskem koncertu oktobra letos. Za sedaj pa vas ponovno vabim, da si nabavite vstopnice, ki so po $15 in se dobe pri članih zbora ali v prostorih Cleveland Polka Hall of Fame v Shore Center v Euclidu. Lahko tudi pokličete tel. 531-3138. Glavno je, da si vstopnice preskrbite in pridete na to spomladansko prireditev 27. aprila v SDD na Recherjevi. Obeta ,se vam lep večer, zato pridite in se pozabavajte med .znanci in prijatelji. Vsem lep pozdrav in na svidenje 27. aprila med Zarjarii v Euclidu! Jennie Fatur da bo še v naši oseki. Potem pa pride tretja s prosvetno uro. Z njo bomo stopili v plimo življenja naše narodne skupnosti na Njujorškem. In če smo imeli v marcu kar pol meseca oseko, bomo zato imeli potem kar tri nedelje plimo. In z radostjo bom lahko zapisal v naglavju svoje kronike: Ta marec bo zares čisto drugačen. Prva polna pomladanska, ki letos zasveti na nebu že ob zadnji marčevi sobotni noči, mi pove, da bo drugi dan Vsta-jenjska nedelja. Torej tretja marčeva bo že tiha nedelja. Tej pa sledi Cvetna. Zares na to nedeljo, odkar smo vpeljali navado butaric, se pri Sv. Cirilu ne strne samo njena fara, ampak vsa slovenska srenja na Njujorškem. Pa se zgodi v sredo zvečer tisto nepričakovano, čeprav zmerom prisotno dejstvo, da smrt pokončava življenje. Telefonski klic mi namreč pove, da je umrla srenjčanka, enkrat faranka sv. Cirila, Ana Kepic. Pred mnogimi leti, več kot deset, jo je prizadela kap, ki ji je omejila gibanje in govorico. Hčerka Ruth je prevzela skrb za svojo mater. Ni pustila, da bi jo oddali v dom za onemogle. Lep primer ljubezni, ki pozna le žrtvovanje za svojega bližnjega. V tem slučaju za svojega najbližnjega, za svojo mater. »Glej tvoja mati« je tudi na poti Kristusovega življenja. Ana Kepic se je rodila skoraj pred 90 leti v belokranjski vasi, v Kovačji vasi v fari Stari trg, ki ima farno cerkev posvečeno sv. Jožefu. Kot mlado dekle je po prvi svetovni vojni kot mnogi drugi prišla v Ameriko. Kar v New Yorku se je ustavila. In tu je srečala fanta iz Trzina pri Domžalah Jožeta Kepica. Poročila sta se. Živela na Šesti aveniji v spodnjem delu New Yorka, dokler se nista preselila v Ridgewood. Zato je bila njuna prva hčerka Ana krščena v cerkvi sv. Cirila. Tu je mala Anica začela peti. Organist Koprivšek je imel takrat svoj mladinski zbor pri fari. Ani je skorajda pozneje postala poklicna pevka. Saj je bila par let solistka zbora v Radio City Hallu. Vrni se vedno k Sv. Cirilu, ko g-Koprivšek spet skliče pevce za razne svečane prilike, kot je npr. naša 75-letnica, ko jo bomo proslavili na zadnjo aprilsko nedeljo. To bo menda silna plima našega življenja, Id nam bo hkrati dala upanje i® pogum, da bomo znali smrt a življenjem preganjati, kajti: smrt nas prav v tem letu kat nekam preveč zasleduje. Ana Kepic je živela zadnja leta pri hčerki Ruth na Long Islandu. Tam je tudi moja sestra Fani. Poklical sem jo in j1 oznanil to smrt. Pa me vpraša-Ali si slišal, da je umrla 1^ januarja Pepca Seider? Nič n'‘ sem vedel za njeno smrt, &' prav je zadnja leta živela ^ Middle Villagu, torej v mo)1 soseščini, koder je zdaj menda več slovenskih rojakov kotv Ridgewoodu. Pepca je bila sestra Holešek, ki je pred leti umrla-Maly je rada prišla s svoji®1 drugim možem na naše faf®e zabave. Z njo tudi sestra PeP' ca in njen sin Martin. Jedno®' ni člani so bili vsi. In ko ^ Jednotina društva umrla 31 zamrla, so se še bolj zrahljaj6 vezi med generacijami na slovenske sv. Cirila, kot tudiv celotni slovenski njujorški sr®' nji- , Težko bi dejal, da so to ro®' binsko krvno povezane ge®ej racije, čeprav sem ob smf Vinka Burgarja zapisal: l®16 Burgar se vleče skozi vso fa®®0 zgodovino prav od njene ust® novitve. Pa vendar v naši fa® zgodovini so nam zadnji svetovni vojni določali gene®1 cije, ki so bile pravzaprav Prl selniški valovi. Tako smo imeli generacij6 faranov in srenjčanov P®6 prvo svetovno vojno. Ta n® je s smrtjo Josie Graškove i®6 mrla. Tej generaciji je ^ val po prvi vojni. In ta lik0 zdaj izumira ali pa je že tot , ostarela, da ne more več Pr’ — vsaj večina od njih — v rodno cerkev sv. Cirila. 2®. je več kot prav, da so na z® sv«1' njo nedeljo ob priliki P®01 ( ne ure slavili rojstni dan je Gorela. Matija je redniv* konedeljski obiskovalec ® venske maše pri Sv. Ci®1 eden iz apostolskega števil® rano v, ki drže stalno pri&š luč življenja te fare. Vsa teža našega življenj® zdaj sloni na zavednosti i® P žrtvovalnosti tretje farne racije, prišlekov po drugi5 tovni vojni. Ta moč se zbef (dalje na str. 91 Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAV^ 5316 Fleet Ave. 64i-0°i6 Moderni pogrebni Ambulance na razp° podnevi in pon oč1 _ CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI'- a f. h- g' za je jo ijo da ki in t 2 iti: :ar ija ing es- ij> ša: 16. ni- če- v oji ida tv aly la. im •ne ep’ »ti- so ali Lep zaključek Lilijine kegljaške sezone CLEVELAND, O. — V nedeljo 10. marca popoldne, se je vršil v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue Lilijin po-kegljaški banket. Vse je bilo odlično organizirano in izvedeno, za kar gre zahvala in priznanje v prvi vrsti vodstvu Lilije in pa seveda, franku Zalarju. Izmed približno 150 navzočih, so jih šest poklicali po imenih in jih nagradili s trofejami. Na sliki so od leve Pzoti desni: Ivan Zakrajšek, Tone Nemec, Vanči Radišek, Cojzze Jarem, Matt Grdadolnik in Frank Zalar. Tukaj ne bi smelo biti (in tudi ni bilo) nobene nevoščljivosti. Staro pravilo je, da vsi ne morejo biti zmagovalci, le peščica najboljših. Tako je bilo tukaj, tako je na olimpiadi in povsod, kjer se ukvarjajo s športom. Kaj se ve, morda pa bodo prihod-nJe leto čisto drugi ljudje stali tam spredaj okrog mene, ali celo tamesto mene. Ampak do tedaj pa naj velja: Klobuke dol, če Srečate kje na cesti katerega izmed zgorajšnjih šampionov! Mecan is« liv re- )d- ne- irt' n»e ■flO trn rm \se W »ri- ijo red ai" zu- •dil am igo rit' um -el- iti' if JO' im (f pi f .1« i j i Poslanstvo Katoliškega doma v Gorici Članek, ki sledi, je izšel v Niškem Katoliškem glasu iz-peresa mons. Kazimirja umarja, ki se ga mnogi bral-c' opominjajo iz njegovega °l>iska med nami pred 12 leti, j*$l so ga pa srečali ob obi-Gorici, na Dragi itd. je bil objavljen 21. n,arca, na prvi strani lista. Tukaj ob meji se nekaj pre-*ka. Evropa narodov, ki o Jej govorijo politiki; Evrop-a gospodarska skupnost, ki vblag spomin j ** <5. OBLETNICI, ODKAR ^ UMRL NAŠ LJUBLJENI M°Ž, OČE, STARI OČE »N PRASTARI OČE ^nthony Mihelčič nas je za vedno zapustil ,2. aprila 1985. ^‘•Teze, 0 ^ Tv°je vei v ed nami št bo^er‘ "epozal 'bdenja VjfALlJA T°MV in . narria - h/ i AFtTER Cie. driJ9i s< 0lan “Odpuščam vam,” je rekej S čez par trenutkov in se obrn' t nazaj k oltarju. Vedela je, da s jo je razumel. Dokler ni videla t njegovega obraza, ne bo nik' t dar podvomil v njeno iskfe' nost. In bolj kot vse drugo )e l sedaj želela, da on veruje v li njeno doslednost, v njeno po5' tenost, v njo samo kot člove 11 ka. Brez drugih besed se je dvl gnila s kolen, se obrnila in 0(1 šla proti izhodu. (se nadaljuje) Rojaki! Priporočaj^ Ameriško Domovino svojim slovenskim ( prijateljem in znancem- Prijate!'s Pharma^ j St. C lair Ave. & E. 6K St. 36l-j:‘ j| IZDAJAMO TL 1)1 ZORA Vil.' ZA RAČUN POMOČI l)RZAv(' OHIO. — AID KOR AGED _____PRESCRIPTIONS Februar, 1991. Vse avtorske pravice pridriane. Pravica do ponatisa samo s pismenim dovoljenjem avtorice, (c) Copyright March, 1991. Mara Cerar Hull SP O VED — Črtica — V. nadaljevanje Kulturni mozaik v Torontu... Fronto, om. - Dne 16. februarja je Slovensko gledali-. v Torontu priredilo lepo kulturno prireditev. Tokrat se le organizator predstavil z usvežujočim kulturnim dogodkom in sicer s kulturnim molkom. Definicija »mozaika« Je skupek različnih kamnov v Sličnih barvah, ki v nekem sistemu zbrani predstavijo neko sliko v celoti ali orna-|nent. Mozaik je zvrst upodab-Jajoče umetnosti. V prenese-|iem Pomenu, kot sedaj v na-,em slučaju, mozaik pomeni ^bor kulturnega večera, izbor torej besedne, glasbene ter ple-snoumetnosti. Tokrat kulturni ^er ni bil le kulturno na-prireditelji so večer b^senetljivo dobro pripravili. .Spored se je pričel s sprem-■mi besedami, ki so imele en *am namen: posredovati kul-sporočilo večera. To j^btnost kulture sta Vilko Če-'jfa in Lojze Žižek dosegla z ...0 izbrano besedno pomen-rJIV°stjo. Včasih je uvod v spo-'etl nepotreben, tokrat pa je Jl*n nagovor poslušalce pove-e| k duhovni ubranosti tako, sta ustvarila razpoloženje ■^Prejemanje sporočila veče- a samega. Spored je pričela mlada, ■ etajoča Stefanie Kranjec, ki ^elo občuteno zapela dve pe-j11'' *z slovenskega filma Kekec sicer Pikapolonico in pesem tlcca. Stefanie dokazuje, da ^°tler in publika nista tuja. 'E. Fotivec je recitirala dve dela Ljubke Šorlija in ‘bona Gregorčiča. Njeno iz-^Janje je bilo doživeto, obe-s,bt je pokazala, da ji sloven-a Poezija »leži«. ^Nova članica igralske skupi-^ 8^- Darinka Cerar, je to-Prvič nastopila pred ob-SihS.tVotn 'n recitirala dve pe-Mile Kačiča Pred portre-j1*1 *n Prešernovega Povodne-je ^ža. S svojim nastopom ..kazala tako besedno kot £i?S|fno *eP°to Pesmi- Lojze L0. ^ je prebral odstavek iz ste^eta Kozarja st. Porabski er> ki je bil več kot prime-pro, 2a današnjo slovensko C eiPatiko potem, ko se re-a slovensko Porabje. D. ‘klorna skupina Nagelj je s\°Pila cfvakrat z dvema ple-ban' ^age*j zasluži vse pri-njeno navzočnost pri *culturnih nastopih in slov * Za sv°je ohranjevanje lo enske kulturne tradicije, tiilaHPosebno ad>n0. med slovensko ra^?‘e Žižek in Anica Bajt- ^aPje ““J1' \ ^ c sta mojstrsko prikaza- 'It^btski prikaz iz Rebulove \ (e ^Uatova žena. Močne- bij. stu sta imenovana res- zanesljivo posredovala tisto, kar je avtor želel povedati. Na eni strani nasilje, hinavstvo in brezbrižnost do resnice in pravice, na drugi pa smisel za pravico, usmiljenje ter zakonitost. Ta točka je bila res izvirna in docela sporočilna. Pri obeh nastopajočih je bilo opaziti, da suvereno obvladata slovensko občutljivost. Na tem večeru je nastopila tudi solistka, operna pevka ga. Neži Čekuta-Elliot, ki je zapela zahtevno Gounodovo Ave Maria in pesem Fantine iz opere Les Miserables. Glasovna ubranost, tonska barvitost in njena interpretacija so dokaz njene umetniške višine, zato podpisani ni pristojen, da bi se lotil pisati kritiko njenega izvajanja. Njena gesta, da je našla toliko časa in se predala tudi slovenskemu gledališču, zasluži vse priznanje. Ga. Anica Resnik je prebrala odlomek iz Finžgarjeve Njive, Alex Koželj in Stefanie Kranjec pa sta posredovala duhovito zgodbo Iva Trošta »S kruhom ali brez kruha«. Zanesljivo so nato igralci gledališke skupine (Anica Bajt-Kranjec, Zinka Krasna, Alex Koželj, Lojze Žižek in Vili Če-kuta) predstavili v oderski prireditvi Josipa Jurčiča »Kozlovska sodba v Višnji gori«. Bralno je bila dobro izvedena, pomanjkljiva je bila le oglasitev. Šibkih glasov pač ni bilo najbolje slišati. Gdč. Darinka Cerar je ob koncu sporeda recitirala Pavleta Berdena »Moja Hirošima«. Skoraj dveurni program je sklenila Stefanie Kranjec s pesmijo iz filma Kekec. Prijetnost večera je poživel pianist Janko Kastelic, ki je na klavirju spremljal soliste in tudi program povezoval. Mladi Janko kaže veliko glasbeno nadarjenost tako kot izvajalec kot skladatelj. Omislil je izvirno povezovanje, opirajoč se na slovenske narodne motive. Skratka, večer je bil prijeten kulturni dogodek. Moremo pa seveda ob tej priliki tudi trditi, da bi tako resna prireditev zaslužila več pozornosti v naši celotni skupnosti. Zavedati se moramo namreč, da ako želimo ohraniti in prenesti slovensko kulturno tradicijo na mlajše rodove, moramo se zavedati klasičnega pravila kulturne zakonitosti. Kultura se ne podeduje iz roda v rod, treba si jo je prisvajati s sodelovanjem in študijem, ki včasih zahteva tudi napore. Slovenskemu gledališču in še posebej Vilku Čekuti topla zahvala, da nam čestokrat posreduje tako visoko umetniško kulturno doživljanje. Dran Grdina—Cosic—Faulhaber pogrebni zavod 17010 Lake Shore BIvd. 531-6300 28890 Chardon Road 944-8400 V družinski lasti že 88 let — Kakšna naj bo slovenska zastava? (nadaljevanje s sir. 9) vojna, so le Hrvati dobili svojo avtonomijo. Slovenci smo ostali praznih rok. Druga svetovna vojna Ko se je leta 1941 razširila vojna tudi na Jugoslavijo, ki je v dobrem tednu razpadla navkljub »legendarno hrabri jugoslovanski vojski«, so prišli težki časi nad Slovenijo. Slovenijo so si razdelili Nemci, Madžari in Italijani. Italijani so bili bolj pametni in so pustili vse šolstvo, kulturno delovanje, celo slovenska zastava je bila spet tolerirana. Italijanska zasedbena cona, znana pod nazivom Ljubljanska pokrajina, je postala pribežališče za preganjane Slovence. Kmalu po začetku vojnega stanja med Nemčijo in Sovjetsko zvezo je pa prišel ukaz Kominterne, da se morajo začeti partizanski boji na okupiranih ozemljih. Tako tudi na Slovenskem, čeprav sta jugoslovanska begunska vlada iz Londona in njen vojni minister Mihajlovič naročala, naj mirujejo dokler ne pride ugoden čas, da ne bo preveč okupacijskih represalij. A komunistična stranka ni ubogala legalne vlade, temveč kom. internacionalo. V letu 1942 je slovensko zastavo omadeževala krvava sovjetska zvezda, ki jo je leta 1945 nova oblast predpisala. Le tam, kjer so živeli demokratični Slovenci, je stara trobojnica ostala simbol svobodnega slovenstva. Zaradi te rdeče zvezde je prišlo do državljanske vojne, za enega padlega Nemca je bilo ubitih 10 Slovencev. In še to si upam trditi, da zaradi slovenskih partizanskih bojev vojna ni bila niti en sam dan krajša, pač pa je Zedinjena Slovenija izgubila zaradi komunistične pripadnosti osvoboditeljev krajev in mesta, ki bi jih dobila, če bi bila zahodno usmerjena, tako kakor večina Slovencev. Zato ne bo ostala slovenskemu parlamentu — prej ali slej — druga možnost, kakor da iz slovenske zastave odstrani simbol sovjetske sužnosti, rdečo zvezdo. Če oblast sama tega ne upa storiti, naj z referendumom povpraša narod in bo dobila odgovor, kakor ga je ob decembrskem plebiscitu. Res pa je, da odstranitev ni najbolj važna zadeva v sedanjem slovenskem trenutku. - Č C - Kat. glas, 7.3.1991 MALI OGLASI FENCES — OGRAJE Any type of fence. Chain link, wood and onamental iron. Railings for steps. Porches, balconies. We have our own surveyor. Call: Jokic Fence Co. 944-6777 (12-21) General Contracting Quality Work. Free Estimates. Marko — 481-5976 (12-19) Poslanstvo Katoliškega doma v Gorici (nadaljevanje s str. 9) naše potrebe. Zato so pri gori-škem društvu začeli razmišljati, da bi si zgradili Katoliški dom. Ideja je vžgala; ustanovil se je odbor za gradnjo Katoliškega doma v Gorici. Odbor se je obrnil na vse goriške Slovence in na rojake po svetu za zbiranje prostovoljnih prispevkov. Na poseben način se je odbor obrnil na rojake v ZDA. V Clevelandu smo imeli prijatelja dr. Karla Bonuttija, ki je bil blizu škofu Gregoriju Rožmanu. Ta je škofa pridobil za našo akcijo med rojaki v Ameriki in to je odboru odprlo pot do src ameriških Slovencev, ki so našo akcijo izdatno podpr- li. Ob takšnem odzivu doma in po svetu je odbor začel iskati primerno zemljišče. Odkril ga je v drevoredu XX. septembra. Ko smo zemljišče zaarali in bi ga morali plačati, je škof Rožman posredoval za izdatno posojilo tako, da smo mogli skleniti kupnoprodajno pogodbo in plačati zemljišče. Posojilo je odbor kasneje deloma vrnil, deloma so dobrotniki posojilo darovali. Po smernicah Antona Martina Slomška Ko je odbor, ki mu je predsedoval dr. Anton Kacin, imel zemljišče, je začel misliti na načrte in na gradnjo. Tako je prišlo do dvorane Katoliškega doma, ki jo je blagoslovil nadškof Hiacint Ambrosi februarja 1962. Na dan odprtja so na odru blestele Slomškove besede: »Sveta vera bodi vam luč, MALI OGLASI Real Estate Buying or Selling. Call and ask for Anton at Cameo Realty at 261-3900 - Matic res. 338-3205 (x) Potujete v Rim? Nekoč hotel Bled, danes hotel Emona! Obveščamo vas, da smo 15. marca 1991 odprli v Rimu hotel Emona. Za rojake poseben popust. Naslov hotela: 00185 - ROMA, Via Statila 23, Tel.: 06-7590382, fax: 06-7594747. Dobrodošli! Lastnik hotela Emona Vinko Levstik FOR RENT E. 185 St. & Grovewood 2 bdrms, up. 6 spacious rms. Modern. No smokers or pets. Call 383-0754. (14-16) Euclid Brick Double 3 bdrms each suite. Good cond. $109,000. Call 731-7830. (14-15) House For Rent or For Sale Good condition, in the Collin-wood area. Call 486-7026 after 4 p.m. (14-15) EUCLID DOUBLE Luxury Suite. 6 up. Central air. Deluxe kitchen. Appliances. 1 Vi baths. Carpeted. Basement. Garage. Lease. References + deposit. Adults. No pets. $525. Call 486-2546. materina beseda bodi vam ključ do zveličavne krščanske omike.« To je bil namen Katoliškega doma in to je ostal njegov namen do danes: Biti središče katoliških Slovencev, ki ob zdravi kulturi hočejo utrjevati tudi svoje krščanske moralne in verske vrednote. To je poslanstvo Katoliškega doma v Gorici. To poslanstvo mu je bilo začrtano in temu poslanstvu naj ostane zvest tudi v novih spremenjenih razmerah. Mnenja sem, da je Dom to poslanstvo do sedaj tudi vršil. V njem imata sedež dva pevska zbora, »Mirko Filej« in »Lojze Bratuž«. Tam je sedež naših skavtov že od vsega začetka. Tam je sedež ZSKP. Poleg dvorane je bila zgrajena tudi telovadnica, ki jo sedaj upravlja Olympia, kajti nove generacije so zelo športno zavzete. Naj zato tudi šport pomaga gojiti zdrave morlane vrednote. V Domu je še veliko drugih dejavnosti: dramski nastopi, pevski koncerti, predavanja, kongresi, pevske in druge vaje. Dom dajemo na razpolago tudi italijanskim skupinam, če za to zaprosijo (Provinca, No-tredame, ACLI, Usmiljeni bratje in drugi). Vendar naj Dom ostane predvsem v službi naših prosvetnih, mladinskih in verskih organizacij ter ustanov. Pri Katoliškem domu so še velike možnosti za razvoj. Skavti so si zgradili svoj sedež. Sedaj bi radi pripravili prostore še za Glasbeni center »Emil Komel«, ko so zanj prostori na Placuti že pretesni. Pa tudi društva bi zaslužila boljše sedeže in pa knjižnico. Torej načrtov je še veliko, ker je še veliko potreb. -- • _______ MALI OGLASI Apartment For Rent Lake Shore & E. 185 area. Very Ige, modern 1 bdrm apt. Appliances, air cond. Garage available. No pets. Lease, references. $350/mo. 238-3205 (x) Home For Sale — By Owner Grovewood area. Duplex, newly vinyl sided, with a 40 x 120 parcel adjacent to property. $55,900. Call 944-4126. (15-18) Iz stare kopalnice naredim novo. Pokrivanje garaže in barvanje stanovanja in tudi zunaj hiše. Polagam keramike ali plastiko na pode. Tel. 391-9218. Mirko. (15-16) EUCLID DOUBLE Luxury Suite. 6 up. Central air. Deluxe kitchen. Appliances. 1 Vi baths. Carpeted. Basement. Garage. Lease. References + deposit. Adults. No. pets. $525. Call 486-2546. Ameriška Domovina je Vaš list! Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 892. Predsednica Marija Jeretinova sporoča 27. marca iz odseka MZA Joliet, 111., da so imeli na Cvetno nedeljo običajno prodajo peciva za naše misijonarje v režiji MZA. »Ker je to pred prazniki, se ljudje radi poslu-žijo sladkih dobrot. Zahvala dobrim gospem, ki tako velikodušno darujejo vselej pecivo. Izvedli smo tudi žrebanje za dobitke in od prodaje listkov, kar je zneslo $84.50. V denarju je bilo zbranega $385, kar so darovali sledeči: Mary in Frank Mali $25; Margaret Mali $25; Ida Babič $15; Angela Čebašek $50; Lojzka Šega $50; Frank Schoe-ner $6; Ema Purkart in Rosemary Markun, vsaka po $5, skupaj $10; Edward Ancel $4; dva Neimenovana vsak po $100. Razlika $879 je bila od prodaje peciva. Skupno so zbrali za vse $1,348.50. Iz Slonokoščene obale se je za dar MZA preko MZA Joliet zahvalila dr. Anica Starman. Omenja v pismu veliko draginjo in revščino ljudi, ki se posebej čuti pri porodnicah. Veliko jih na porodu umrje. Včasih samo novorojenček preživi in ga prinesejo na misijon, da bi ga rešili. Sedaj je dr. Starmanova začela s paketi za porodnice, ki so na razpolago za tretjino cene onih v lekarni. Takoj se je dvignilo število porodnic za polovico. Ne smejo dati vse zastonj, da se ljudje navadijo nekaj žrtvovati za prejeto pomoč. Rešilni avto je zelo zaposlen. Bogu se zahvaljujejo tudi za ta dar Malteških vitezov, saj drugače ne vedo, kaj bi se zgodilo z mnogimi primeri zelo bolnih. MZA Joliet želimo veliko novih uspehov in Boga hvalimo za njihovo zvestobo tolikih let sodelovanja. Naj tudi letošnja prodaja peciva Bog obilno povrne vsem, ki so k uspehu kaj doprinesli. Ne smemo pozabiti naših bolnikov. Veliko jih je med našimi sodelavci in dobrotniki: Jože Melaher, Milan Goršek, Mary Štrancar v Clevelandu; Louis (Slavo) Oven v Montereyju, Kalif.; Štefan Novak v Scarboroughju, Ont.; Frank Menčak, Jože Dragan in Jože Muršec v Milwaukee-ju, Wis. V večnost je odšla Frances Jezernik iz Racine, Wis. Njej namenjena božična voščila nam je pošta vrnila. Molimo za vse, da jim Bog križ olajša in daje potrpljenje v prenašanju bolezni in stanovitnost v dobrem do konca. Tudi osamljenih v Domu za ostarele ne smemo pozabiti. V Clevelandu Angelo Železnik, v Ottawi Mary Kebe, ki je tja odšla iz Doma Lipa v Torontu. Iz Bandunga v Indoneziji piše 25. marca uršulinka M. Deodata Hočevar, da odleti s KLM 11 • aprila v Beograd na zlatomašni jubilej mojega sošolca in njenega brata dr. Antona Hočevarja. Praznoval bo svojo zlato mašo v Beogradu med farani 21. aprila. V Mokronogu pa bo ponovil zlato mašo 28. aprila na Žalostni gori. Poslala je tudi nekaj lepih novih znamk. V gostih je bil pri nas v Scarboroughju upokojeni župnik Rudolph Urbič s Floride, ki je prevzel vzdrževanje domačega bogoslovca v misijonih za dve leti s $600. Pripeljal ga je župnik Sv. Vida g. Božnar. Omenil mi je, da so iskali v Clevelandu našo tel. štev. in da je niso zlahka našli. Vsak MZA sodelavec jo menda ima na naših pismih: 416-691-6968. Za praznike je pomagal v fari Čudodelne svetinje v Etobicoke, Ont., bivši misijonar na Madagaskarju Rok Gajšek, ki se bo verjetno vrnil na otok še to leto, ker se mu je zdravje utrdilo. Je kaplan pri bratu župniku v fari sv. Jožefa v Celju. Iz Beograda izvemo, da prideta na oddih domov z Madagaskarja s. Marija Pavlišič in s. Marjeta Mrhar. G. Gajšek je omenil, da je svetni duhovnik Franc Mihelčič, ki deluje sedaj na Madagaskarju, študiral dve leti misijo-logijo v Rimu in da je želel v praktično misijonsko delo, predno konča svoje študije v istem področju. Laikinja iz Maribora, za katero je MZA pred več leti dovolila, da študira na stroške škofa dr. Rožmana šolnine za študij misijologi-je v Rimu, ko ji je rok za delo pri vatikanski radio postaji potekel, je študije končala menda z doktoratom iz misijo-logije. Lepe znamke je spet poslala naša sodelavka s. Ivana Cvijin iz Subotice. Škof dr. Janez Jenko piše, da bodo v Gorici zidali dom za ostarele duhovnike za škofijo Koper. Priporoča se za pomoč. MZA Cleveland je imela redni sestanek in napravila več odločitev kot pripravo na poletni misijonski piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Predsednica Marica Lavrisheva je poslala lepo število sv. maš za naše misijonarje. Na sestanek je prišel lazarist Drago Ocvirk iz Ljubljane, ki trenutno študira v Clevelandu in živi v župnišču Marije Vnebovzete pri župniku Kumšetu. Veseli nas, da je urednik Misijonskih Obzorij prišel prvič v stik z delom MZA na tem kontinentu, potem ko je v poročilu naših zastopnic na Misijonskem simpoziju v Tinjah in ob dvojnem srečanju z nami v Scarboroughju o MZA že marsikaj slišal. Tako bo mogel o MZA v bodoče v M.O. kdaj kaj lepega napisati, da bodo v Sloveniji vsaj čitatelji vedeli, da obstoja in za naše misijonarje gara. Sicer imajo v uredništvu v Ljubljani več naših zelo izčrpnih člankov o MZA v rokah. Samo objaviti jih je treba in dati bralcem možnost, da se z vsebino seznanijo in okoristijo. Dr. Valentine in Patricia Meršol Iz Chagrin Falls, O., pišeta 21. marca: »Priložen ček za $320 je za letošnjo podporo našemu semeniščniku. To nameravam dati deloma v spomin rajnega očeta, ki je pred 10 leti umrl. Težko je verjeti, da je toliko časa že minulo. Z največjim veseljem berem Vaše članke v ‘Domovini’. Posebno me je zanimalo pisanje o zavodu, kamor smo hodili do konca vojne k sv. maši. Nekako ‘megleno’ se spominjam, ko je bil oče aretiran od Nemcev. Takrat sem bil še otrok. Veselo Veliko noč Vam želim in mnogo božjega blagoslova za Vaše požrtvovalno delo. Tine Meršol.« Iz Jolieta, 111., pošilja ga. A.C. $50 za delokrog brata Jožeta Kramarja v Novi Gvineji. Iz Ottawe, Ont., pošilja ga. Mary Kebe po svoji hčerki Anne Elphick vzdrževalnino za svojega domačega bogoslovca kan. $300. Iz Wood-bridge, Ont., daruje spet za svojega bogoslovca vzdrževalnino ga. Angela Blas v svojem imenu in v imenu svojega moža kan. $350. Iz Bronxa, N.Y., pošilja ga. Julia Tomšič nanovo enoletno vzdrževalnino za bogoslovca $300. Vdova Rose Vičič, ki piše, da je bila v marcu 95 let stara, pošilja $300 za vzdrževanje svojega domačega bogoslovca. Preko Ovnovih pošilja gdč. Angela Gospodarič iz San Francisca lepe znamke in $200, ki naj se razdelijo polovico za Ljubljano in polovico za naše misijonarje. Prav tako se oglaša iz San Francisca ga. Antonija Gregorin, ki daruje v spomin rajnega moža Lojzeta $200 za naše misijonarje in $50 za sv. maše. Mož ji je umrl letos v januarju. Naj počiva v miru! Omenja, da je dobila naslov od g. Ovna, ki te dneve potrebuje naše posebne molitve. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ont. Canada MIN 3J7 NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s sir. 7) Thomas Milakovic Dne 8. aprila je umrl 74 let stari Thomas Milakovic, vdovec po Josephine, roj. Yanko-vic, oče Marilyn A. Hughes in Dolores, 4-krat stari oče, brat Mary Marinkovič, Helen Ra-plenovic, Marthe Wegar in Ann Kleinhans (pok.), lastnik Golden Coins Lounge na Cleveland Hts. 12 let, 20 let je pa bil zaposlen kot strojnik pri Clark Controls, član ADZ št. 5. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. danes, v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete dop. ob 10. in nato na Kalvari-jo. Anton Zobec Dne 7. aprila je umrl 83 let stari Anton Zobec, rojen v Cerknici, Slovenija, vdovec po Mae, brat Frances Tekavčič, Johna, Florence Laznik in še pok. Franka, do svoje upokojitve zaposlen kot električar pri Cleveland Twist Drill. Pogreb je bil 9. aprila v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda in s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Kalvariji. Vsakoletna slovenska šmarnična pobožnost v Kaliforniji Dragi Slovenci in Slovenke! Letos bo že 40 let, odkar smo začeli praznovati našo vsakoletno slovensko šmarnično pobožnost leta 1951 v Coroni, Kaj fornija. Slovesnost letos se bo pričela s sv. mašo ob 1.30 popo-dne na nedeljo, 5. maja 1991, v cerkvi sv. Jožefa v Fontani- ko maši bo, kot vedno, srečanje nas vseh s kosilom v far dvorani. I Letos sta še prav posebno vabljeni na to našo vsakoletno p° božnost. Vsi od daleč s skrbjo opazujemo zgodovinske dogo -ke, ki se odigravajo z dneva v dan v Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji-Skupaj bomo molili, da bi Bog, na priprošnjo Marije z Brezij; varoval našo Slovenijo vsega hudega, posebno še nevarnos državljanske vojne. Prisrčen pozdrav vsem in še enkrat iskreno povabilo vse našim rojakom in prijateljem v južni Kaliforniji na naše vs® . letno srečanje. Povabite še tiste, ki jih mi nismo mogli doseči-Vsi ste dobrodošli 5. maja v Fontani! _ , Slovenski duhovniki v južni Kalifor"J p.s. — Do cerkve sv. Jožefa pridete, če vzamete Fo0th‘ Blvd., če greste južno po Sierra Ave. do Arrow Blvd. in na po Arrow vzhodno en mestni »block« do cerkve. Če pa pridete po San Bernardino Freeway (1-10), vzemite i hod za Sierra Ave., po Sierra severno do Arrow Blvd. in na vzhodno na Arrow za en mestni »block« do cerkve. Lipova vejčica — CLEVELAND, O. - Tako je napisal č.g. Lojze Kozar ml. Ta vejica je zelo lepo ozelenela. Za Božič so imeli slovensko polnočnico na Gornjem Seniku. Tako so mogli domači slovenski verniki iz Martinja, Boreče in Trtkove priti tja k maši. Tudi za Veliko noč je bilo lepo slovensko bogoslužje. Rev. Kozar zelo požrtvovalno sodeluje s porabskimi rojaki. Upamo, da bo novi slovenski vladi uspelo, da bo mejni prehod Martinje-Gornje Senik za stalno odprt, sicer morda se je to že uresničilo. Točnih podatkov nimamo. Kolikokrat sem kot majhna deklica slišala babico pripovedovati o rojakih na Madžarskem, toda meja je bila zaprta in nisem nikoli bila tam, čeravno je le kakšno uro in pol hoda od mojega doma. Nisem mogla tako globoko razumeti želja rojakov na madžarski strani meje po materinem jeziku. Danes jih pa prav dobro razumem, ker tudi mene, ki živim v tujini, slovenska beseda dvigne in najgloblje seže v srce v cerkvi pri slovenski maši, še posebno ob lepem petju. Na Gornjem Seniku imajo lepo cerkev. Župnišča pa nimajo in zato ga sedaj zidajo. Obrnili so se za denarno pomoč na nas rojake po svetu, posebno na Prekmurce. Prav lepa hvala sem, ki ste že darovali v ta namen. Do tega poročila smo zbrali $1,465. Nekaj tega smo že odposlali, ostalo pa pošljemo v kratkem. Nabirko nadaljujemo, zato bomo veseli vsakega še tako skromnega daru. Prispevkov v ta namen lahko pošljete na naslov ene spodaj navedenih: Francka Androjna, 2103 Apple Dr., Euclid, OH 44143 ali Marija Petek, 416 Harrick Road, Riverside, IL 60546 Darovali so doslej: Frank in Marija Klement $75; John in Malči Dejak $50; Edi in Milena Gobec $50; g. in ga. Frank Kustec (drugič) $50; Frank Slovenci v Porabju Kurnik $30; Rosi Duh Frank in Darinka Balažič J Jim in Julka Drobnich $ , Joseph in Hermina BaW| $25; g. in ga. Medved ^ Lojze in Olga Drenik nez in Marica Goričan $ ' Milan in Milena Godler 5 Kristina Vugrinec $5. Ge. Mariji Petek v Illi00jj so darovali sledeči r0^ Martin Hozjan $100; D-j Bernik $50; Marija Petek Jože Vučko $25; Andrej in *. " zabet Ludvig $20; Vladih^ Nancy Grah $20; Toni in K Glavač $20; Marija Rebd $20; Marija Glavač $20; J Hanc $20; Ivan in Marija lene $20; Darinka in Toni $20; Cilka Copot $20; Ant° ja Bučik $10; Olga in St« Copot $10; Marija in 3°^ |f ( pot $10; Tereza in Tone ^ vač $10; Tereza in Kazi , pač $10; Darinka in Tone ~ lec $10; Joži in Lojze p./ $10; g. in ga. Gretič 'jjn - - - La J* $10; Regina Tkalec $5; N* j Varasanec $5; Angela in Volf $5; Ana in Slavko $5. „ . indr#f Francka An® MALI OGLA?1 Hiše barvamo zunaj 'n traj. Tapeciramo. (We ^ paper). Popravljamo ih mo nove kuhinje in kop3 ^ ter tudi druga zidarska 111 zarska dela. ^ Lastnik TONY KRISTAv Pokličite 423-4444 For Rent F Single 2 bdrm home. q did. Rent $625. Aircond-381-3687. (I4-I Anton M. Lavri* ATTORNEY-AT-IA' (Odvetnik) Complete Legal SpjpP Income Tax-Notary ^ 18975 V ilia view H03' at Neff 692-1172