IM. Jk d« «se. se» «t. neo*tj ln praznikov Issued daily esea* Se Sundays and Hollé ty« PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NAkODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uredniški In uprsvnllkl prostori: *W7 South Lawndal« A V«. Offloa of Publication: 19Ô7 South Lawndala A v«. Telephone, Hockwell 4904 LETO—TEAR XL Cm lista Ja SlOO matter Jamun II, lia». •( Um omI oNIm Um Act ol Conarew of March t, im T CHICAGO S3. ILL.. SREDA. 2. JUNIJA (JUNE t). 194« Subscription $1.00 Yearly ÄTEV —NUMBER 101 Acceptance for mailing at ipacial rate of poeUfe provided fat in aaction 1103, Act of Oct. I, 191?. authorised on June 4. 1919. Wallace obsodil Mundt-Nixonov načrt na zaslišanju pred odsekom Dejal je, da je napoved vojne svobodi govora in zborovanja. Kongres je pred preizkušnjo, ne komunisti Waahlngton, D. C.. 1. jun.— Henry A. Wallace, kandidat za predsednika Združenih držav, je dejal, da je Mundt-Nixonov protikomunistični zakonski načrt najprevratnejši izmed vseh, ki so bili kdaj sponsorirani v kongresu. Povezan je z "mrzlo" vojno med Ameriko in Rusijo. Wallace je nastopil pred senatnim odsekom, ki vodi zaslišanje o načrtu. Bil je deležen aplavza, ko je dospel v dvorano in ko ie je zapustil. Načelnik odseka je' senator Wiley, republikanec iz Wisconsins. Senator je opozoftl Wallaces, da bi moral biti hvaležen za vso brezplačno publiciteto. "Sem hvaležen," je odgovoril Wallace. "Prav za prav sem bil že mnogokrat hvaležen republikancem. Ne bomo imeli miru z Rusijo, ako se ji bomo bližali z Mundt-Nixonovem načrtom v eni roki in z atomsko bombo v drugi roki. Svarim vas pred prenagljeno akcijo. Vsa ta gonja je povezana z mrzlo vojno proti Rusiji. Kongres je na preizkušnji, ne komunisti. V nevarnosti ni Sovjetska unija, temveč Amerika. Če bo načrt sprejet, bo federalni justični tajnik igral vlogo Himmlerja. Na vsakega komunista, ki ae bi moral registrirati, bi bili utihnjeni tisoči libe-ralcev, katerih glasovi so vitalni «topfcraoije. Vojni hujsfaaČI, < podžigalci strahu in sovraštva, ki sponsorirajo Mundt-Nixonov načrt, bi stali pred zgodovino kot ameriški posnemovalci Hitlerja in Mussolini ja. Naši otroci is naših otrok otroci bi kazali s prstom zaničevanja in sramote na te ljudi, ki so podlegli vojni histeriji, ki je delo zločestlh in sebičnih ljudi. Ne smemo dopustiti zavajanja s strani onih, ki kričijo o sovjetskem vplivu in ruski stranki v Ameriki. To zavajanje lahko izpod koplje temelje naši svobo- Komunistična zmaga v Čehoslovakiji .-Predsednik Benes bo morda resigniral Praga, Cehoelovektja, 1. jun. —Pri nedeljskih volitvah so kandidati komunistične stranke dobili 89 odstotkov oddanih glasov. Notranji minister je naznanil, da so kandidati na listi te stranke dobili 6,429,145 glasov število protestnih glssov pa je bilo 770,701. Oni, ki so proti komunistični stranki, 90 oddali prazne glasovnice v znak protesta. Število registriranih volilcev je bilo 8,-005,887 in izmed teh se 806,041 ni udeleiilo volitev. Komunističns vlada premier-ja Klementa Oottwalda je zmagala na vsej črti, kar se je pričakovalo. To pomeni, da bo lahko izvajala svoj opozicije. List Rude Pravo, glasilo komunistične stranke, pravi, da bo di, zruši ustavne pravice in nas potisne v vazalstvo." Wallace je prečital spisano izjavo pred člani senatnega odseka. Na vprašanje, ali jo je sam sestavil, je odgovoril, da jo je sestavljal ves prejšnji dan. * Potrudil se je bolj nego mnogo senatorjev pri sestavljanju njihovih govorov. Odgovor Wallacea je povzročil smeh. "Vi niste bili nikdar izvoljeni za senatorja, toda Jiočete biti vsevedni kot običajno," je rekel Wiley. "Mnogim senatorjem sem pomagal pri pisanju govorov," je odvrnil Wallace. • "Mundt-Nixonov načrt je v bistvu napoved vojne svobodi govora in zborovanja. Ta lahko postavi zunaj zakona tretjo stranko in vsako organizacijo, ki agitira za dosego miru in skupnih namenov. Justični tajnik bi dobil diktatorsko oblast nad vsemi organizacijami v deželi. Prva žrtva mrzle vojne je ameriško ljudstvo." Pred odsekonY je nastopil tudi Norman Thomas, vodja in predsedniški kandidat socialistične stranke. Kakor Wallace, je tudi Thomas obsojal načrt. Dostavil je, da je tretja stranka v velikem obsegu pod kontrolo komunistov. "Nočem ustvariti vtisa, da je Wallace komunist," je rekel Thomas. "Dozdeva se mi, da komunisti na svojih tajnih sejah izražajo obžalovanje zaradi Wal-iacevega čredništva. On ni komunist, dasi jim sedaj koristi." Thomas je kritiziral tudi Ha* rolda Stessens, aspiranta za predsednika Združenih » držav. Dejal Je, da je v svojih govorih demonstriral nesposobnost v i kovanju med socializmom in komunizmom, kakor tudi nezrelost v razsojanju drugih problemov." Mundt-Nixonov načrt je bil sprejet v nižji kongresni zbornici z veliko večino ¿lasov in je sedaj pred senatom. Robeson se uprl senatnemu odseku Odgovoriti ni kotel na vprašanje Washlnqtoa. D. C»*-l. jun.— Sloviti zamorski pevec Paul Robeson se je uprl senatnemu Odseku, ki vodi zaslišanje o proti-komunističnem Mundt - Nixono-vem načrtu. Odgovoriti ni hotel na vprašanje, ali je član komunistične stranke. Dejal je, da gre raje v ječo, kot da bi odgovoril na vprašanje. Senator Moore, republikanec iz Oklahome, je sprejel idejo. Dejal je, da bi eno leto zapora "ohladilo" take ljudi kot je Robeson. Senator Wiley, načelnik odseki, je izrazil dvom, da bi odaek obtožil Robesona žaljenja kongresa, ker ni hotel odgovoriti na vprašanje. , Senator Ferguson, član odseka, je dejal, da bo odsek odločil o zadevi pozneje. Robeson je izjavil pred člani odseka, da je komunistična stranka izvršila veliko delo v Ameriki. • "Ali ste ameriški komunist?" je vprašal Ferguson. "Na vprašanje ne bom odgovoril,je dejal Robeson. "To Je invazij* moje pravice do tajnega glasovanja." Domače vesti BergerUva ee vrnila Chicago. — Zadnji pondeljek sta se vrnila )* starega kraja znana Cikaiana Paul Berger jn njegova lena. V stari kraj sta se podala pred dobrim letom na obisk svojcev (h se nastanila v Trstu pri Pautovemu bratu ter od tam delala lllete v Slovenijo. Pozdravljena zopet v naši sredi! Wallaee bo gpvorll po radiu Henry A. Wallace, predsedniški kandidat progresivne stranke, bo v nedeljo popoldne, 6. junija, govoril po radijskem o-mrežju National Broadcasting Co. Njegov govor bo oddajala Čikaška radijska postaja WMAQ ob 3:35 do 4. popoldne. V bolnišnici Moon Run, PA.—Frank Avbol st., član društva 88 SN P J, se nahaja v bolnišnici West Penn, kjer ga prijatelji lahko obiščejo. Nov grob v Pönal Johnstown, Pa—S Pacifika so bili pripeljani sfpteljski ostanki Philips Langertioka, sina Johna in Jennie Laniqrholc, ki jo padel na Ouadalcanalu 21. aept. 1943 kot štabni sartent. Pogreb se bo vršil v soboto ob 2:30 popoldne iz pogrebnega zavoda na Ohio st. in Highland ave. Poleg staršev zapušču tri aestre in dva brata. Is Cleveland« Cleveland.—V bolnišnici jo u-mrla Mary Makše, rojena Porgar, stara 48 lot, doma is Moravč. Tukaj zapušča moša Johna in sestro Josephine Kocin.—V bolnišnici io umrl tudi Bernard Berlan iz Colhnwooda, star 61 let, doma iz Velike Ilove Gore Ferguson je trikret ponovil ^ Qrosuplju, v Ameriki 42 lot, M* svojega namena ¿iin SMZ. TufcSj seputt* brata in sestro Gertrude Zimmermsn, nI dbttffB! "Devetnsjst vodilnih Američanov bo šlo v ječo, ker niso hoteli odgovoriti na vprašanje," je rekel Robeson. "Pridružil se jim bom, ako bo potrebno." Robeson je imal v mislih filmske pisatelje in druge, ki so bili obtoženi žaljenja kongresa, ker niso hoteli odgovoriti ns slična vprašanja, ko so nastopili pred kongresnim odsekom zs neameriške aktivnosti. "Ako bi bil republikanec, ne bi odgovoril na vprašanje," je dejal Robeson. "Rekel bi, pridite v volilni prostor in prepričajte se sami. Med komunisti imsm mnogo prijateljev, ki so zs popolno enakopravnost zamorcev v Ameriki. Potoval sem po Rusiji in tskrat sam imel popoln občutek dostojsnstva kot človek." Poroka biviega rumun-tke g a kralja v Atenah London, 1. jun.—Poroka bivšega rumunskega kralja Mihaela in princeze Ane Bourbon- fulis. Grški krslj Paul, stric Parme bo v Atenah, Grčija, pri- Mihaela, bo tovariš. Po ceremo hodnjo soboto. Zsdevno.nszns- nijah bosts poročenca od po tonilo je objavil grški premier So- vala v Švico ali Amerike^ > \ " _jOjlVi'_____, _ j _ _ jjm» i~t in I * 'A 1 ' j -'- I Šikaniranja o lojalnosti s ovirajo znanstvene raziskave Oak Rldge, Tena|—ojavile v drugi svetovni vojni v /vezi s produkcijo orožja. be so državnemu departmentu čevalce milijarde dolarjev, sta večja brtva kot pa nasičevanje dvojčka, ki ju je ustvaril ame stradajočih ljudstev po svetu rlški velekapital, magnatl In fi- Ameriški državniki In diploma- nančnlkl Oni vidijo le svetovne ti imajo peč dovolj dobre hrane trge In veleprofite, drugo jih ne na Izbiro In ne morejo razume- briga ti, da Je na svetu milijone stra V Izjavi Johna Orr9 Je reče- dajočlh hudi. no, da je pomanjkanje živil v John Hovd Orr, bivši «lavni tretjem povojnem .letu prsv ta- direktor prehranjevalne organi- ko občutno kot je bilo po zaklju- zarije 'Združenih narodov, je čenju vojne fttevilo ljudi v pred kratkim rekel, "da strada- Evropi in Aziji, ki bodo umrli nje milijonov ljudi po vsem sve- vsled gladu v prihodnjih dese- tu predstavlja večjo nevarnost tih mesecih, bo večje kot število za civilizacijo in človeštvo kot ljudi, ki ao bili ubiti v katerem atomske bombe" koli vojnem letu ' Vladni predstavniki, ki pravi- Kljub temu, namesto živil jo, ds govore v imenu ljudstvs gladnim ljudstvom, pošiljamo v vladi in na zborovanjih Zdru I svetovni reakciji vojno orožje. Italija dobila a meri t ko pkenico Genova, Italija, 1. jun,—Italija Je dobila 0,000 ton ameriške jjšenlce na jNidlagl MarshaIlove-ga načrta, Pripeljal Jo Je v to luko ameriški parnlk James Bo-wie. Ameriški poslanik James C Dunn |e zagotovil Italijane, d« i mi Amerika skrbela, da ne ImmIo stradali. Attlee zanikal razkol z Ameriko London, I. jun —Premier At-tlee je zanikal, da Je peleatinaki prphlem povzročil raskol mod Vrliko Britsnijo in Ameriko. On je govoril v par lamentu. Poudaril je, ds se Velike Britanija trudi v prizsdevanjih sa končanje bitk med Židi In Arabci v Palestini. SREDA, 2. JUNIJA 1948 asovi iz naših naselbin Pravijo, d* po deiju sonce sije Tudi v Ameriki, kjer j« na ko-nju Umna reakcija, bo še zabijalo sonce vsem, katerim niala besedi "demokracija" in "svoboda" le na jeziku ali privilegij "bolj-lih" slojev, vladajočega razreda in njegovih političnih Ur inU-lektualoih valpctov. O Um, da nam bo še zasijalo sonce, smo trdno prepričani, toda za dosego tega je potreben boj, je potrebna večAa čuječnost! Ravno zdaj grczi ameriški demokraciji in civilnim svobodščl-nam taka nevarnost, kakršna jim ni pretila že zadnjih 150 let. Tega ne pravimo radi kakega strašenja, marveč radi resne bojazni, da rtakci)a pripravlja svoj največji atentat na Spored pravic (Bili oi lUghts), ki je največja svetinja amerišk* demokraciie in svobode. Ta atenUt pripravlja v obliki tako zvanega Mundtovega zakon skcga osnutka, luterega je nižja zbornica že sprejela s šestimi proti enemu glasu večine. Skozi zbornico je bil potisnjen izredno naglo, brez vsakega zaslišanja. Kakor zdaj kaže, ga njegovi eksponenti nameravajo v prihodnjih dneh potisniti tudi skozi senatno zbornico. Iz washingtonskih poročil je razvidno, da je bil U sklep storien v začetku zadnjega tedna na parlamentarnem posvetovanju republikancev, ki kontrolirajo kongres. V nižji zbornici je tudi več ko dve tretjini demokratov glasovalo za U predlog — 104 za, 48 proti. Od republikancev jih je samo osem glasovslo proti. Da reakcija namerava to storiti, je razvidno iz tega, ker je zadnji loden senatni pravosodni od*ek nagloma sklical javno zaslišanj« o tem predlogu in določil le tri dni — zadnji četrtek, petek in soboto. Namen te poteze je bil povsem prozoren: da se z daljšim zaslišanjem v deželi ne dvigne preveč prahu in da se opoziciji ne da prilike ne čaaa, da bi mogla ustvariti sentiment proti temu fašističnemu atentatu na Hpored pravic. SREDA, 2. JUNIJA IM« PROSTITA Dvodnevno zborovanje Sansa; priredba za svobodni tisk in odhodnica L Medveška V naši slovenski metropoli v Clevelandu je bilo prav živahno med 20. in 31. jupijem. Zadajo soboto in nedeljo dopoldne se je vršilo zborovanje eksekutive in širSega odbora SAfiSa, v nedeljo popoldne velika kulturna priredba Sansovih podružnic, v pondeljek, na Spominski dan, pa poslovilni večer Ludvika Medveška. Sansovega zborovanja se je u-deležilo 24 odbornikov iz raznih držav, kakor tudi oba častna predsednika, Etbin Kristan in Louis Adamič, in načelnik narodnostnih skupim glavnega odbora "Wallace iqr President" vat. Kahn. Na seji so bili ves čas tudi odborniki "Odbora za svobodo tiska". Vzttc antagonističnemu razpo-i loženju proti vsem naprednim ameriškim Slovanom, kljub strupeni gonji proti tistim, ki se danes borijo za svobodo in ljudsko demokracijo, je vladalo na zborovanju Sansa dobro razpoloženje, optimizem in navdušenje za bodoče delo Sansa in novo stranko, ki obeta postati prva stranka V deželi, če rte že prt jesenskih volitvah, pa v nekaj letih.; Podana so bila obširna poročila eksekutivnih odbornikov in Odbora za svobodo tiska. Da je organizacija SANS v polnem zamahu, da naše napredno ljudstvo trdno stoji zanjo, priča tudi dejstvo, da je blagajna celo nekoliko močnejša, kot je bila lansko leto. Prav v tako izkazuje nabrana vsota za obrambo naprednega tiska, da je med delavsko zavednimi ameriškimi Slovenei veliko borbenega duha proti sovražnikom našega naprednega tiska. Tajnik Kuhel je v imenu odseka za nabavo opreme za otroško bolnišnico obširno poročal, kaj vse se je do sedaj nabavilo. O tem bo natančno poro-čano v kratkem v našem časopisju. Denar za svobodr^ tiek so največ prispevala društva SNPJ, gotovo vsoto tudi društva ABZ in SDZ. Seveda, veliko 4pnarja pa so spravile skupaj podružnice Sansa, zlasti clevelandske, s priredbami v ta namen. Med drugimi predlogi in zaključki, so bil« sprejete resolucije o novi stranki, za pogajanje s Sovjetsko zvezo, resolucija proti Mundt-Nixonovem predlogu, dalje resolucija nanašajoča se na delavstvo, Grčijo, državo Izrael in pa protestna izjava proti justičnemu pravdniku Clar-ku, ki je uvrstil organizacijo SANS in druge progresivne organizacije, ki delujejo za novo stranko, med prevratne organizacije. O tej zadevi so odborniki SANSa obširno razpravljali, med njimi tudi L. Adamič, Kahn in E. Kristan, ter poudarjali, naj se ne pustimo zbegavati, naj napad nazadnjaških sil ne kloni našega duha v borbi za Jeffer-sonove, Lincolnove, Roosevelto-ve in Wallacove principe in v-deale! Tudi te velike može je reakcija ' zaničevala, blatila in jih zmerjala z najgršimi psovkami. Nelojalni nismo mi. ki se trudimo in delamo za pravične in vzvišene socialne ideale, pač pa oni, ki hočejo danes poteptati v blato ameriške demokratične tradicije, se poslužujejo Hitlerjevih metod ter brez vsakega zasipanja pritisnejo pečat nelo-lajnosti organizacijam, ki so ve» čas vojne tako zvesto služile na zavezniški strani in veliko doprinesle v naporu Za poraz nacifa-šuma. Postopanje reakcije Je odraz njene bojazni pred ljud skim jahanjem, ki )e tako močno v sva lovi k) v novi stranki z Wel-lacem in Tavlorjem na čelu. Sedaj je pravi čas, da gremo še s podvojeno silo na delo za tratjo stranko in ustavimo reakcijo. ki skušs zatreU naše civilna svoboščine in deželo 'pahniti v vojno. S tem v zvezi Je bil »prejet predlog, ki nalaga, da tzvjlnl odsek Sansa Instruira vse podružnice. da gredo ta*>1 s podvojeno silo na delo za tretjo stran-ko; dalje, da organizacija izda. članstvo, da ustanavlja klube "Wallace for President" Um, kjer jih še ni. Sprejet je bil predlog, da organizacija "zbere skupaj $2,000 do glavne konvencije tretje stranke, ki se bo vršila 24. in 25. julija v Philadelphiji. SANS bosta zastopala na konvenciji Fred Vider in Mirko Kuhel. Odbor je izvolil tudi novega drugega podpredsednika,, znanega dru&venika Cetinskega, kajti prejšnji podpredsednik Joe Kotar že dalj časa boleha in je podal resignacijo. Eksekutivni in širši odbor je tudi izrekel priznanje "Odboru za svobodo tiska", ki tako vestno in s takim poirtvovanjem vrši to ogromno delo, kakor tudi odboru, ki je vodil vse priprave za to zborovanje, kuharicam in strežajkam in vsem, ki so skrbeli za udobnost zunanjih odbornikov. . Zborovanje je bilo zaključeno v nedeljo ob eni popoldne. Nedeljska Priredbe V nedeljo popoldne se je vršila priredba clevelandskih podružnic SANSa s pevskim programom in govori. Jože Durn je odprl program in predstavil poznano* Zarjlno pevko Sophie Elersich, ki je zapela ameriško himno. Nato so sledile druge točke: Pred A. Vider, predsednik SANSa, je o-risal v zbranih besedah sedanji položaj in žel veliko priznanje ata svoje izvajanje. Sledil je nastop mešanega zbora Jadrana, nato pa je vodja programa Durn predstavil Arthurja Kahna, načelnika narodnostnih skupin Wallacovega narodnega odbora. Kahn je mlad mož, toda izobražen in izvrsten govornik. S svojimi besedami je vlil vsem navzočim navdušenje in pogum za delo za progresivno stranko. Po njegovem govoru je Dum apeliral za prispevke za novo stranko in zbrana je bila lepa Vfc6ta nekaj nad .$500. Po odmoru je zapel mešan zbor Zarja nekaj pesmi in občinstvu so zlasti ugajale partizanske. Clevelandska priljubljena solistka Florence UnetiČ, članica Jadrana, je tudi nastopila in zapela nekaj mičnih pesmi. Brez moškega zbora Slovana, ne bi bila priredba popolna, kateri je zaključil program. Pred tem sta govorila pisatelj Louis Adamič in Etbin Kristan. Da sta bila gorko pozdravljena, je razumljivo. Oba sta lepo govorila, kot zmeraj. Tema njunih govor je bila, da se ne smemo ničesar bati in da se je treba sedaj pogumno boriti za naše pravice. Udeležba je bila lepa in po-setnlki so bili veselo razpoloženi. Dobiček priredbe je namenjen za svobodo tiska in SANS. Vaš poročevalec bi rad po imenih imenoval vse pridne clevelandske delavce, ki so se trudili s priredbo in pridno stregli gostom, toda lahko se bi zgodilo, da bi spustil kakšnega, ki se je morda najbolj trudil. Sicer pa je znano, da ima Cleveland, to gorko slovensko središče, kakor ga imenuje Anton Terbovec, u-rednik Nove Dobe, veliko pridnih kulturnih in društvenih delavcev. Počastitev zasluženega drultvenika Za clevelandske društvenike se ni končalo delo z nedeljsko priredbo, ampak se nadaljevalo v drugI dan, na odhodnlcl starega in zasluženega društvenika Ludvika Medveška. Banket so priredili Cleveland-ski društveniki. s katerimi je Ludvik sodeloval mnogo let. Udeležba Je bil* velika, prav tako veliko govornikov, katcfrl so odkritosrčno poveličevali moža. ki si je stekel toliko zaslug na kulturnem in društvenem polju v teku 34-letnega bivanja v slovenski metropoli Poleg govornikov Je bilo na programu tudi nekoliko petja Zbor Zarja je zapel tri lepe pe sml, poznani solist Louis Belle pa dve Predsednik omizja je bil po- ve delo, odraža število društvenih zastopnikov, ki se maüa pozdravili v imenu svojih društev. Govorili so sledeči: Janko Ro-gel za Slovenski narodni dom na St. Clair ave.. John PolVock za drultvo 3 SDZ, Josip Šircel za Slovensko narodno čitalmco, Feliks Strum bel sa podružnico št. 39 SANSa, Leo. Poljiak za pevski zbor Zarjo, Matt Petrovich za elevelandsko federacijo SNPJ, John Centa za klub društev SN D, Cecilija Šubel za Progresivne Slovenke, Andy Boiič (k)« za klub 49 JSZ, Josie Zakraj-šek za Združeni jugoslovanski odbor, Joe Fifolt za društvo Comrades 566 SNPJ, John Tavčar za SND, Blaž Novak za farmo SNPJ, Josephine Močnik za društvo 137 SNPJ, Vatro Grill za časopis Enakopravnost, Louis Belle za pevski zbor Glasbeno matica, Erazem Gorshe z a dramsko društvo Ivan Cankar, Fred A. Vider za eksekutivo SNPJ, Mirko Kuhel za glavni odbor SANSa in Etbin Kristan. Vzhc številnim govornikom so gostje vse skozi pazljivo sledili programu. Da je bil Ludvik ganjen, ko je poslušal izraze odkritosrčnega priznanje za njegovo delo, je razumljivo. Ves potek poslovilnega večera je filmi-ral znani Carl Samanich. Lep govor je zopet imel Etbin Kristan, ki je med drugim de jal, da smo včasih sicer čudni, toda kadar kdo resnično zasluži priznanje in počastitev, tega ne oklevamo povedati na glas. Vaš poročevalec je dobil kopijo pisma, katerega je napisal naš pisatelj Louis Adamič, ker pa ni mogel biti navzoč, ga je čital Janko Rogelj. Pismo pove, da Adamič visoko ceni tega našega društvenika, ki v kratkem odpotuje v staro domovino. Glasi se: "Dragi Janko!—Ti in Medve-šek sta dva moja najboljša pri jatelja v Clevelandu. Sedaj nas Medvešek zapušča. Prosim Te, prečHaj to moje sporočilo na njegovem poslovilnem večeru, ki je napravljen njemu na čast. Meni je nemogoče, da bi bil navzoč. Imam v pondeljek drugje dva govera za Wallacevo gibanje. VčMlfH sem- »bif lv Clevelandu in sem bil zelo srečen, da sem lahko osebno stisnil roko našemu lastnemu Jimmieju Higgin-su. Želim mu vse najboljše v rodni Sloveniji. Ne morem povedati, kako žal mi je, da nas naš prijatelj in sodelavec zapušča. Ljudi njegove vrste je vse premalo v Združe nih državah ali kje drugje na svetu, in njegov odhod bo velika izguba za napredno Ameriko in za nas vse, ki delamo na progresivni strani. Toda vesel sem, da bo naša velika izguba tudi velika pridobitev Sloveniji odnosno Jugoslaviji. Zal mi je, da naš dragi prijatelj ne bo tukaj, da bi delal In volil za Wallaces. To pomeni, da Ti in jaz in vsi mi, ki ostanemo tukaj, se moramo zavezati, da bomo delali bolj trdo. Ko nas on zapusti, jaz osebno ob ljubijam, da napravim moje delo, da bo zasedeno njegovo prazno mesto po njegovem odhodu, Hvala Ti za vse, brat in prijatelj Medvešek! Pozdravi našo rodno zemljo! Do svidenja v Sloveniji 1949!—Louls Adamič." Poročevalec. Federacije SNPJ IZ URADA BARBERTONSKE FEDERACIJE Barberton. O. — Naznanjam vsem društvom, ki spadajo k federaciji, da se bo vršila federa-cijska seja 27. junija v Barber-tonu, O., na 70—14st N. W., začetek ob desetih dopoldne. Pro-šeni ste, da gotovo pošljete svoje zastopnike na to važno sejo, da ne bomo zmeraj eni in isti na seji. Zaeno naznanjam, da je federacija sklenila, da priredi piknik to poletje In je v ta namen izvolila pripravljalni odbor, ki je 4el takoj na delo in preskrbel vse, kar je potrebno. Piknik se bo vršil na istem prostoru kot lansko leto, to je na 'Sherman rd., In sicer v nedeljo, 25. julija. Vabljeni ste, da se udeležite piknika v velikem številu, dru< Štva pa naj izvolijo po dva člana za delo na pikniku, kajti odbor ne more vsega sam izvršiti. Za ples bo igrala znana godba "Melody Makers" Iz Barbertona. V odboru za piknik so Leo Bre-gar, Mary ŠuštarliČ, Frank Mart kovich in John Slanovec. L. Frank, tajnik. DRUŠTVENE VESTI Evelelh. Mina. Članstvu društva 69 SNPJ naznanjam, da se bodo vršile redne seje v poletnem času vsak prvi petek po prvi nedelji. Ta sprememba velja samo za mesece junij, julij, avgust in september, potem pa bomo zborovali zopot po staronv in sicer vsako prvo nedeljo. Ta sklep je bil sprejet na letni seji, zato prosim, da ga vsi upoštevate. Louls J. Leesar. tajnik. POSESTVO NA PRODAJ KAD BI DOBIL GOSPODINJO Oroonaboro, Pa. — Članstvo društva 101 SNPJ polivam na sejo, ki se bo vršila 6. Junija. Čas hitro teče in z njim se bliža naša veselica, za katero moramo izvoliti pripravljalni odbor, da se ne ho zgodilo kot že večkrat, da je moral predsednik letati okoli za delavci. Torej vsi na sejo! Jokn Skods. tajnik. Piuda m» v starem kritju "Hume of your dream." U*pu moderns huts t vrtom, kurolecem in ¿tuli« v naj lep» ¿«•m redu. Okoli hilr je 13 «krov ravno rodovitne jemlje i vsaknvmt-nim nullum drevjem. 12 ukrov pa je gorda. Vivdti«»at prod vojno Je bllu (6,000, sedaj «e prods ra $2.!MHI Za pojasnila pilite na naslov: M. K , 1327 South 10th Slu rt, Milwaukee Wlaouiisin. —(Adv.) £g£» pemflete v .vrh« aginan. Krank č*~n k, je svojo KhT« Wal lacea in kandidate .nalogo izvršil prav dobro Rar-nove Hranke. da Sans pcb~ oslati naj vel do 23 funtov mokr na vsako osebo r enim in Istim parnlkom In m drugimi stvarmi in ne samo moke. Haino en paket od teh paketov na eno in isto ime In t Istim parnlkom. Paket It. IA vsebujei 2S funtov moke. 29 surove ksve, 29 rUa. 9 masti, 3 Ikutl'je coined govedine, 2 Ikatljl luni mesa—In to stane 033 00 Paket It. 0A vsebujei 21 funtov moke, 19 rile. 30 sladkorja, 30 kave in 40 špagetov—I« to stane 144 00, K temi vsotami je ks vas vnaprej plačan prevox do Reke in re-verovalnina |«o4|ljke plot i/gubltvi celegM /ahoja do prejemnika. DENAR SE MORA POSLATI Z NAROČILOM. O.j Ako gornje ne odgovarja tu vas, tedaj lahko poljubno nsroilte Ir naSega cenika, ali pa xe poslati vaio hrano, obleko, obuvala, stroje, orodje, Itd SIOURNEJSC POŠILJANJE MANJŠIH PAKETOV C.) Pri nos lehko nero^ite mnogo rarlirnih manj4ih paketov fdo 44 funtov), kateri an re sebe sepakovani v kartonu, In vel takih kartonov v leaenem xaboju ra boljfa ravarovanje Tens je nit j« «»d i*>4te paketi »o rajaW«-ni Vptaiajte ra nadaljna podrobnejša pojasnila, ter sa listo gobsvth velikih tn malih paketov. PARNIKI ODPLUJEJO ZA REKO VSAKIH 14 DNI, A BLAGO ODPOŠLJEMO KAKOR HITRO MOOOČE. S ISTIM PARNIKOM SME POŠILJATELJ POSLATI NAJVEČ NA PET RAZNIH OSEB. Blage kupuje»* od nas r New Torku In loko poštene vala lastnine. enake bel blage, ki go nem sami peltjele, ml »krbime se Iste In v ne pred ptolsSw eosorlao bi aevarevetnlmm bol ogonll peiii)e-tel je. No lom leoielju ml poakrblmo se dovoljenje Is vose ed v lede v WosblsMSem«. D. C. Je FABKIS & CO. THE MA.KU CO. 4M WÜST MHD «TRFFT NFW YORK II, N. Y. Prispevajte v obrambni sklad! Vsi darovi aa obrambo Enakopravnosti. Prosveto ln Prolotsr-ca naj ae poilljgjo na naslovi John Polloek. 24465 Lakeland Blvd.. Euclid 23. Ohio. Br. Pollook je blagajnik obrambne, ga skladi. it>nsko v »taiusti 40 do 50 let. Ako kateru veseli živeti na' delell, blisu muste t vsemi mestnimi ugudnust-mi. vodu v hi!!, elektrike, ielefuit itd., Utiaj naj pile xa nadaljaa pojasnilu na naslov: LEPA PRILOŽNOST. 2097 So. LawiMisle Ave.. Chicago SS. Illinois. IŠČEM ROJAKA Anton Kuharja, kateri je enkrat Uvel v De Pue, III. Lej>o Te prosim, ako bol to ¿ttal, da se mi priglasil, sko kateri rojak ve sa njegov naslov, naj ml to sporotl; bom «elo hvalelna — Mrs. Frank Juvan, P. O. Box 2ft. De Pue. Illinois »M»M»»«»»«iM»« ■ •• «MM»!»!«»»! i RAZPIS SLUŽBE V d oglednem blilnjem lasu bomo potreboval! novo plsoratlko pomol v uredu S.N.P.J. Deklo ali vdovo smolna vsaj nekolike SLOVENSKEGA jeslka. Dela se pot dni r tednu po T V* uro na dan. Dole i knjigovodstvo, tipksnje na pisalni stroj in paslli na centralni ustroj telefon "Swltchboard." Btslns slulba a dobro plalo sa taka dela smolno osebo. Pililo na naalori SLUŽBA B.N P.J.. 2117 So. Lawndale ave.. Chlcego 13. IlUnols. Phone Rookwoll 4904. »■ m . V blagi in neposabni spomin četrte obletnice smrti nate nadvse ljubljeno melare MARY ROTAR katera jo ss vedno preminule I. junljs 1144. Drog« MAMA. odlla si od nas vso prorano ln nas sspusttls same. Kako brltko To pogreiamo Tvoj ljube!! «las nI vel mod nami. Ljubesnlvo In draga mama. v aallh sroih in mlsltk nam ostane! de konca nallh dni. Pollvet v ml rut—Žalujoč ostelli Helen bi Mery. hlorej Louls In Mallo, sinova, ter vnuki la vnukinjo v Detroitu. Michigan. V blagi spomin prve obletnice smrti naloga 11 uboga sina In brala Anthony Jugo kateri je preminul meseca maja 1147. Pretekle le le lele dni, odkar Tebe. dragi sin In bral, vel In nas pustil some, JiT W spomin na Tabo la redne livl In Uvel bo r srcih nallh dokler ne pridemo ludl ml se Tsbe|. NI no dners ne ure, ds M nam ne bil pred nallml olml. Ved* no mislimo na Tebe. Pelleg) v miru In lahke nal TI bede amerllko semljioo. Žalujoči ostelli Mr, In m rs. Anten Jugo, ole ln mali, bral ln seslro r Sen Fronclscu. California. , Naznanilo in zahvala Žalostnega srsa nsananjemo vsem sorodnikom, snansem ln prlje-lol)em tuino vest. de )e dno 17. sortis INI ss vedno preminul ne! ljubljeni ain, ole soerog In brst FRANK DROBNE Rojen je bil dne 22. februarje lili v Trbovljah na Slajerokom v Jugoslaviji. V Ameriko je prllel ko jo bil sler le 2 leti. OS smrt« je bil stor koma! 97 let. Pogreb se je vrlll po civilnem obredu ne Melrose pokopellllu Na tem mestu se prav lepe sehvalimo vsem, bi sle gs obiskali ta lasa njegove dolge kolesni, ler vsem. M ste ge obisksll ob njegovem mrtvelkem odru In vsem, ki sle ga spremil! k mirnemu po<ku na mlrodvor, Iskrena kvela vsem, ki sle mu podarit! krasne venee ln cvetlico In vsem. ki sle deli ne rsspolsgc evtomobile in vos!!! bresplalno v sprevodu. Hvala lepe predsedniku drullva Brstsfvo II. • »HPJ se i«>aiovtln! govor, lev vsem, ki ste nem ne kslerl koli nelln pomegell ln nas tfletUl v url lolcstl, le posebne leps hvala prljeleljem ssrs. Mary Oleve! bi drultn! In Anion Kemnlkerju Is Johnslowna. Pa« ler m rs. A mil Oruder Is Corerdsle, Pa. ki so se orllll posloviti od pekejnefs franka. Tebi, drogi aln, ole, soprog In bral ns!. lelime, polivaj v miru In Ishks ns| TI bede smerllka samljo.—žaluje!! eolelli M rs. Mery Drobne, mstlf Dsnver, sini Jene Drobne, seprefei Ann Monges, Msry Koleeer In Helen Schuleck, sestrei Jeek In Rudy Drobne, brele In vel drugih sorodnikov, vsi titelt ne Organ Hill Morgan, Po, Naznanilo in zahvala Žalostnega srca nesnenjamo vsem prljsteljem In snoncom tuino vest, de le dne 17. eprlle 1141 sa vedno preminul J0SEPH MIKLIC (CVAJERl Rojen je bil 27 februarja IN« v vasi Sv. Kri! pri Lilij! v Juge-slov!jI. Tukaj ne aepulCa nobenih torodnikev, abo jlk je kej v stari domovini nem nI snene. Pogreb se je vrlll po civilnem obredu 20. eprlle I Ml, No lom meslu se era v lepo seh valimo vsem. bi sle ge eblakeveli -a lom njegove delga balea nI In vsem. ki sle ga obisksll ob mrtvelkem odru, ler vsem. kt ale ga spfoastli k mirnemu petilku ne mlrodvor, Iskrene hvels druilvu It. 201 SNPJ. !»• leresr je bil !len nad 21 let In sieer br. predsedniku se pre!!!aaje pcslovilna negrobnice. kskor tudi drust. Order ef OWLS. noel Ne. I0»1 le U M W. of A. lokal 2242 Is CuriiavMo. Pa Brine hvele se peda r jene kAane vence In rvefllco In aleer druilvu !l. 20! SNPJ, UM* Of A lokalu it 2242. Order o« OWLB. noel Ne. I0«1. Sle vena Ctllaens Aaaecietien. ferd Cediera Co.. ter drullnem PeierUn Is Clevelende. Oblo In prljeleljem Is Blancherde. CurtlsvUla bi Culmerville. Nedelje mr Joba Vekow mr. f. Pompo, mr. Jobn Arllok. mr. Rudolf Mesner In drullna. Bober! Hudon lamlly, mr. In mrs. Fr. Oroden Jr. in drutUiam !■ Buaaelllesia, Fr. Oroden Se« Tony Vidi« Br.. Lodls Vidlc. Nleb Sempr. Martin Krenkm. Louls Stock Br.. ln Jakobu Pemee. Ako te katerega ime ispullsno po-melóme, proalmo. de nem eprealita. Se enkrot na|lep!e kvela vsem akupej. Tebi po. drogi prljelelj, lelima. peélvoj v mir« bi lebb» naj Ti bode ari»artiba *eml|e Dri Po. Bo* IM. rutin. Lou Im Matke. Rusoelllon. Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota 2S57-M So. LawndâU Ar«. Chicago 23, Illlaole GLAVNI ODBOR laerlnl »tok kampanja ob mlad1mskíp»m*ík makedonske poezije obletnici snpj VINCÄNT CA INKA R. gl. »H«SlSnlk r. A. VIDU. gl tajnik '-------------------- ANTON TROJ AR. (I pomota! Ujmk-------- MIRKO O. KUKEL. «I bleaejn---». —, LAWRENCE CRAD!*EK. lejnlk bol odd ... MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. « < «lil. mUd udd«l. PHILIP GOOINA. uproetlalj Prueveu-ANTON OAROKN. ProeveU------ m RAYMOND TRAVNIK, prvi podprvderdnik JOSEPH CULKAR. drugI podpredeednik M7 Bo Lawn de le Av« , Chicago » 1S07 Bo. Lawndele Av«.. Otlcaae S3, III 2SS7 So. Lawndele Av«.. Chicago ». Ill »•7 So. Latvndal« Ave . Chleago ». tli XtA7 So Lawndale Av«. Chic««» ». IU M*7 So Lowmdale Av« . Chicago ». Ill MAT So Lowadele Ave . Chicago ». III. MS7 So Lewadale Av« . Chic««« ». 111. T«» Mlddlepolnte, Dearborn. Mich 417 Wood Und Av«.. J oí uw town. P«. DSMbtal JOHN V. CEBULAR. prvo ofcrotje---- PRANK CMADISSK. drugo okioftje JOSEPH PIPOLT. ««trio ekroije------ JOHN SP I LLAR, poto Okrotje ---- URSULA AMBROZICH, »Mto okfotje MMN PCTKITZ. eodmo okrotja PRANK POLS AK. («mi ok rot j« MATH PETROVIČU, predasdnlk VINCENT CAINKAR P. A. VIDER _____J. MIRKO O. KUKEL JACOB ZUPAN----- RUDOLPH LISCH DONALD J. LOTR1CH. ANTON 8MULAR, predeaOnlk PRANK VRATAHIí H ANDREW VIDRICH..... JOHN K OBI, SR CAMILUS ZARNICK PRANK ZArrZ. predaednlk MICHAEL R KUMER ------- MATTHEW J. TURK....... LOUIS KAPSELE_______ ANDREW ORUM ----------- »nSeregeeánlkl __41» Bhallcroes Bt., Philadelphia U. Ps. _______________________ Bok ». ilermlnt«. P«. ______—...1237 E SOth St . Cleveland ». Ohio ........._ . Wn Handel) St. Bt LouU IS. Mo 4IS PUrc* St., Ev«l«Ui. Minn 24» Cormon« Av«.. Los Angel«« IS. CalH. SOS Srd Bt. W.. Roundup. Mont. »1 E 180th St.. Cleveland IS, Ohio So. Lawndele Av«.. Chicago ». III. So. Lawndale Av«., Chicago », HI So Lawndale Av« , Chicago ». III. 14SS S. Lomteid Av« , Berwyn, III. ....... 700 E SOOtli St. Euclid. Ohio I»7 So, Trumbull Av«.. Chicago », III. ...________________________ Boa 17. Arma. Kanaaa „.,.............. ..... Sit Tener St., Luxem«, Pa. . 70S For« »t Av«.. Johna town, Pa. .. ______________ SOS So Und Av« W.. Ou luth 7. Minn. ................. 3M4 W 07th M., Cleveland «. Ohio ...............» 230t So. Lawndale Av«.. Chicago ». III. Box 04, Unlveraal. Pe SMS B Lawndale Av« , Chicago ». III ......_... ISS0I East Hark Orive, Cleveland, Ohio ...........................171» Nnowden, Detroit 21. Mich. KAMPANJA OB MLADINSKI OBLETNICI SNPJ J« sačrtana kot sortja tokom mod društvi la ¿Uni s« povečanje čUnatva Jodnote. Glavni nsnm t« kampanj« Je proslavitev 35-Utnic« mlad in »koga oddelka la 10-letnice organiziranja mladinskih kroikov g Intoaclvaim pridobivanjem novih ČUnov v mladlaskl In odrasli oddelek. Ts ksmpanja ko IraJaU ottm motocovt od 1. oprlla do 30. aovomkrs 1141. Prod vidov saa Je tekma po okroijlh la aa sploino in tekme so Ukko udelete člani mlodlnakoga In odrssloga oddelka. Kampanja Jo rasdeljena ▼ dva delat vsaki dol traja štiri maeoca. Prvi dal kampanjo konta 31. julija, la drugi dol pa 30. novembra. Na podla«! skupnega résultais obeh da lov kampanja bodo določeni smagovalci glav nlh nagrad. ÔTIRI OKROŽJA Driave. v katerih sa nahajajo d rotiva SNPJ, so določana v itlrl okroija la slcor: ' OKROŽJE ST. 1—Pennsylvanie, New York, New Jersey. Marylaad, Florida la Washington. D. C. OKROŽJE ST. 3—Waat Virginia, Ohlo. Mlchlgaa, Indlana. Kaatucky la Alabama. OKROŽJE ST. 3—Illinois, Wlsconsin. Mlaaaaota, Missouri, Iowa in OKROŽJE ST. 4—Kaaaas, Colorado, Wyomlng. Montana. Utah, Arisona. Caliiornla. Washlagton. Oregon Idaho. Navada, Oklahoma la Nebraska KVOTE Vsakemu posamesnemu droit vu Je določano primarne itovlio novih članov, katara aa) droit v o v taku ta kampanjo pridobi; sa podlago nap« danih kvot Ja itevllo članov pri drufttvik s da« 31. decembra 1147. Kvota so sledeč« t poizvedbe Glavni urad SNPJ prosi čitatelje, ako je komu kaj znanega naslednjih progrešanih dedičih, naj blagovoli sporočiti v gl. urad: FRANK BRATKOVICH ml., sin pokoj. Franka Bratkovicha st., ki je unr.rl 1. januarja 1036 v Claridgu, Pa., in bil ¿lan društva it. 2 SSPZ. Frank Bratkovich Jr. je bil baje, kot nam poročano, adoptiran po neki družini pred letom 1913, in od tistega časa naprej ni sledu o njem. RUDOLPH SUPAK. sin pokoj. Charlesa (Cvetko) Supaka, ki je umil 27. januarja 1939 v Beilevillu, III., član društva it. 591. Ru-dolph Supak je odšel od doma v letu 1937 neznano kam in od ti-stega časa ni sledu o njemu. J* ANTON KODERMAN, FRANK KODCRMAN, GREGOR (GFORGE) KODERMAN, THOMAB KODERMAN. bratje po-koj. Johna Kodermana, umrl 21. marca 1946 v Coverdalu, Pa., član društva št. 427. Iz stare domovine je nam poročano, da so vsi zgoraj navedeni — Anton Koderman, Frank Koderman, George Kodri man In Thomas Koderman — bili v Ameriki in da so vsi umrli; za kraj in datum smrti oblasti v stari domovini ne vedo; George Kodeiman je bale bival v Coverdalu, Pa., ali bližnji okolici. Ako je komu od čitateljev kaj znanega o zgoraj navedenih, naj sporoči v gl. urad. Prosimo tudi čitatelje tega lista, da poizve dutejo pri svojih znancih in naj sporočaijo v gl. urad karkoli bi zvedeli,—F, A. Vid «r, gk tnjnik.t .1.1..-» % V .. - 4 PONORU O O NAKAZANI NOT MTftKI PODPORI Nakaaaaa «ne 27. ma'a IS4S nreoar or airp nmrrtr PAYMENT P««M«ni «t Ma» IV, I Ml 14 Anion Zupani-lr Ut 15 Jerne« II' Annie Srn Ire S22 PI Mary Knvet h S72 50 Jerry Je.nia SIS Anriir» l'eiko »I Pel«r Kukovit h SM M Antonia Cul'ak I» l.oule Niehl«) »1 rrank Renchina IIS 41 Anna Kriten Ml Murv Kinkela S42 Joseph Volkar III 17 Anni« Heneen »0 51 ftank Kolai S» «S Margar»! Oeehel |42. Kaiheune Türk SM Mike Sl«fanini 127 J»a«n'i Nlau duhai S2S SI Jerry Btruk«l ISS riante» Seaola 117 Aitoionia Mreaat M* SI Anna Hone««< 114 SO Anion Mikor Ul J«»a»i»li Eupan SM «S Mai > K or« Il »i M John Oeket« SM 07 John l'uanik MS J.«-t.h Wlah f», Ifiuie » eitalir 10g Angela niewW |0S, Piaru-r» Mihellrh i 10 rrank Put lan IM 112 lir len r»,oi*lto 112 Jnhn Intihai I*", Martin Nihl«i*w lan IIS lirnk rive, SIM IIS Magdalena Ivanaki I2S I» Joi>« K nre lic k I III Andieo Mirna. M« 114 Ciank Jenem SM Jimm-iiIi Hheioaltek lia It« ur» l^uiirh SIS IM Kr talina H««i< t »I Don* Nnelch S02 J»,nei Koenwil IX l'aul Irtich SS7 IM Joeepii Pamaa ISS IM Plank Poitrrat II« frank Stnkiu« IM il» Silvia VaU»ver M 141 hit»e MlUvr< IM IS1 Me4*k ST« 174 Anna Voh lak SJ» IM Mao Kate IHM lue John Nakiat loulae Kaveri SJa >o« Marlin MU,iak»«ir IS» Nu k Dortch Anna V«>li i«k III SSS Nuae l'a» ark SM M« t allier ine tie«i»ei Ml Sieve Me aw h Ml ret Slavko Ptakulw-tt «tO Jenth Hiull« S«e ImiIw t'irdieh l«a Ml ! ral, lantlrp |74 r«rdinand Oranuh Stl Jahn Inkret IU HO petvt V i uro III Matt t »via 121 ne Mar» »uikiMkv 114 Marear«! Hewer SSI 14» l«nai< < »i a ten i III lanal- OtiWii SM rtm Matte 7ar« lie Mart «»»aotth II« An«« line Nin«MI' II« Kalailna Hut «al I»» Alan«» B«rruO Ml Ikettlrt Kunii.t It m Ml Mike KiNuuki IP |.,..i. Ktwarvai S2» 171 UtOoi t inkt.« .«Ii IS» Kaiatme P» mirli «So m ri er.» Kreha 0» John K»eee ar SM VO Keiner m. Ni,»tiari Sl4 Ml SPI ru» Kn. t an 0» SIS Nu k Me»n«»ii ii Sli «ti Anna Beaattrt. ||« 227 Pfenk Vu4rr |ft SM Matfcn Htara'itn US. Hilare INoh ao nt« t IM SM Cr«nov• la Bratn II* Oal ileia «ver lu it Uu 2SI K ve |v n «»at SkS ill Joim ItliMv SS» JitiMi l'urne ip Ma i » i aaasfli mi « .IAS Clara »r<»t»beia«i SSn C hat Im Bora laj SSO < tiMlra H..«.t«,» lue Man 434 Julis Vrrhovrc I2S. I.uka Setina M2 I tik» Seiuta 114 140 JoMph Novak XU Danica Held S) Jo*in Pabian 141, Hudnlph Sedlar SM M Joaeplt Homer SM Jrtaruh Hoanei SM Prank Polkar sVt 472 Nrllie BtihllU SMi. t'U Zora Mavelirli IIS SA Ann« Luketle St«. John lloftner S40 MI Anton Zürich «12 * Vit Hain loa«vlch SM SOS Mary l'takur S27 Stephanie Beck Un John Hlakur 12t Ml Ht>ia Orahovac S27 M» Hoee Mai v Zheanik IIS William Putahe M Pred Plahutnik Slu SO. l.oul» Kramar S2n, fiera Hakule Sil. Mar aaral Herg«nmther SI2. Anitela Ka liikha 120. Nellle Kukalv S40 Prrd (irirhnik SM MM Juaeph KlitiHic SI4. M4 Mat an Mentun S47 MHi Antonia Ptvdrvrk •><» Chrlalin« Ho cevar IM 173 Anaeia Nawik ISO, John Nnelirh SA4 »7« Hoiihu Poarh SM. Uarltud« Qevaia» SBi MU >rinitie furet III Mm Anna Hart* US Marv Miller IM »03 Mike Pirmin Jr 117 M •ou Antonia Heattv S2I »II fto»* Petek 214 90 SIJ > lenk Zaaor« Iii Prlrr liai Ich J ol in Lade« IIS J tlm llotacek MS. / nna Itaiieni u»t. Jwi .t Nutlar SSM Mai ko Ivcak 114 Vit.i ent Volk MS, Anna Novaknvtch 13« tWHi Mrk l>t m u h I&3 nü» Ida Heumaailh Igt) Marv IVirovir Arnim Iii valin SM M «laniev Sit« tiri 132 M i '-.» Julia Vidinar SM Hit Itartl Tiemnua »II In Vutiml Mi Ii la vc ic IIS JiMeith ine Klun Sil. '«11 lience» Novak IM Jnerphine Wura i. . |9 ras Pienk Kodia Ji 114 i Mai l liai Ire l.*M| IIS lut Marv Halte SS3 ' 1S3 Amaha ViOeteur SM John Kudtnen Sil Anlnn Vidmar S4I IM llenrv Kalura III. Adeiine Prell III i 141 Anttir Panea MM . 741 Htephante Hlileter SM Joaeoh An m man IM t'erl Akeaon Sit Marv Jek» 117 '»4 lu-itli« M«rcimek SSS IM Andt«« Kavttt- MI, Jontih dir |MB *»K t'I A I TOT Al. M «US M I.AWKKNt « UKAIHHICK la) ImiI iHltt Srt > S H IJepl ZASTOPNIKI LiSl A PROSVETE Članov oddelka od raslih i Kvota novih članov: Članov oddelka odraslihi ' Kvota novih ¿lanovi M ali asan).... ftl do IM 111 M UO .... od ft do " il " " Il " 10 ift 30 od 2ftl do tftO -..........od SI do 2t " 3S1 " 4S0.....20 " 30 " 4SI all VO¿ ..........." 31 " 39 Kvota sa poaamesne takmovalea so lato kakor sa posa masna društvai isjama Jo. ako «to dva ali v«i tekmovalcev; v tam slučaju )e kvota sa posa mesneg« takmovalea polovica kvot«, ki )« določena sa društvo, toda v nobenem slučaju na man) ko pot novih članov. / NAGRADE Za smagovaloo so določan« REDNE. POSEBNE In GLAVNE NAGRADE aa novo člana, pridobljeno v to) kampanji. Ona člana, ki bodo črtani prod potokom šest m*soc«v po spro)«mu. so n« bo štelo pri določitvi nafrad posamoanlm tekmovalcem In društvom. REDNE NAGRADE Naaladn)a )a tabela REDNIH NAGRAD, ki bodo plačana tekmovalcem aa nova član«t Z« nove«« šUna mladinskega oddolka lavarovaa v načrtu št. 1 Za nov ««a liana mladinskega odd. sa varovan v načrtu št. 2 ali 3 Za novega člana oddolka odraslih savarovan sa SlftO ali SftOO..... Za novaga člana oddolka odraslih savarovan sa 01000 ali vaš..... Vsestranski razvoj makedonskega naroda v Titovi Jugoslaviji je prav posebno Intenziven v kulturnem življenju. Tu Makedonci m občudovanja vredno vnemo in z uspehi premagujejo za ostalost, ki je bila posledica zgodovinskih pogojev preteklosti in si prizadevajo, da bi čimprej dohiteli druge južnoslovanske narode. Q tem pričajo njihovi nagli uspehi v oblikovanju književnega jezika, leposlovja in znanosti, prav kakor njih delo na ostalih področjih narodne kulture. v Slovenci se začenjamo vedno bolj zanimati za makedonske brate, ki so z nami vred trdno združeni v novi Jugoslaviji. Tako smo nedavno dobili v izdaji Mladinske knjige zbirko "Makedonske povesti", ki jo je priredil Franc Jeza. Posebno vrednost daje tej zbirki šestih povesti prevajalčev obsežni uvod, v katerem prikazuje razvoj ma kedonske književnosti od njenih prvih začetkov do najnovejših pojavov. Slovenski knjižni za vod pa pripravlja za prihodnji mesec "Antologijo makedonske poosljo". To bo prvi poizkus te vrste sploh, saj nimajo niti sami Makedonci take antologije. Gradivo zanjo je izbral slovenski znanstvenik drr Fran Petre, ki deluje na makedonski univerzi v Skopi ju, iz njegovega peresa je tudi uvodna beseda. Prevajanje makedonskih poetov so si razdelili naši pesniki. Tako bomo našli v "Antologiji makedonske poezije" prevode Otona Župančiča, M.. Klopčiča, Iga Grudna, J. Udoviča, Lili Novy-jeve, Frana Albrehta, Bogumila Faturja in Ceneta Vipotnika. Antologija bo prinesla okrog 40 pesmi, med katerimi prevladujejo daljše; nekatere teh so ciklusi, tako da bo dejansko vt •14)0 NAGRADE ZA TEKME PO OKROŽJIH Z« ono štiri tekmovale« v vsakem posamesnom okroiju. ki bodo dobili največ novih članov nad določ«no kvoto, so določone POSEBNE NAGRADE kot pokasuj« naslednja tabelo: (ll I / u»r~) L.i».. «iMi/n AA I" PRVI DEL KAMPANJE i, (Od 1. aprila do 31. julija) tedonskega pismenega jezika; njune pesmi, sicer močno narečno pobarvane, pa se v glavnem naslanjajo na bolgarščino, kar je tem bolj razumljivo, če vemo, kako tesno je bilo makedonsko prerodno gibanje združeno z bolgarskimi osvobodilnimi prizadevanji. Od Žinzifova, ki je umrl 1. 1877, pa do tretjega j>esnika v tej prvi antologiji makedonske lirike, Koste Racina, rojenega leta 1909, je vodila dolga pot. V tem razdobju makedonski narod ni mislil na poezijo in na probleme svoje kulturne samostojnosti, saj so mu odrekali pravico do obstoja. Nositelj novega preporoda, ki je dokončno postavil temelje makedonske samostojnosti, je bil napredni delavski razred s svojo izgrajeno družbeno ideologijo. Šele z njegovo akcijo se je začela nova doba v razvoju makedonskega naroda. Poslej je bila nacionalna borba tesno združena s socialnimi težnjami, zato je bilo povsem naravno, da je prav delavski razred prevzel v času fašistične vojne vodstvo narodno o-svobodilnega gibanja in ga pri-vedel do odločitve in zmage, s katero se začenja nova makedonska zgodovina. Tako je torej v tej antologiji makedonske poezije le malo sledov preteklosti. Večina pesnikov je zrasla iz bojev, ki jih je knjigi okrog 50 pesmi. Nekaj vodil° makedonsko ljudstvo tes- primerov iz pripravljajoče se no v našlh dneh za svoie nacl°" Antologije je medtem že izšlo v nalno in socialno osvobojenje. "Novem svetu" in "Obzorniku",»v tem Po«l«du je vprav tipična večina najboljših in najznačil- P°doba Koste Racina, ki je eden nejših pesmi bo prvič natisnje- najmikavnejših makedonskih po-na v tej knjigi, ki bo nedvom- etov- Bil Je to preprost lončar SREDA, 2. JUNIJA 1M8 nekateri celo umirali za boljši svet. To je vtisnilo makedonski poeziji povsem svojsko, izrazito "netradicionalno" obležje. Zato najdemo v nji tako malo erito-ke. Prevladujejo socialni motivi: pečalbarstvo (pot v tujino za zaslužkom), težko telesno delo na poljih in v tovarnah (garaš kot živina vse dni) za tuje bogastvo, za tuje ljudi—poje K. Racin, dalje hajduštvo kot bojevit odpor zoper zatiranje in. naposled partizanska borba. Nadalje najdemo pri nekaterih pesnikih opeve novega dela v svobodi, dela za obnovo in napredek (tako zlasti v motivih z mladinske proge). Značilno je, da je pri teh mladih makedonskih poetih občutje za naravo in njene lepote domala povsod združeno s prevladujočim zanimanjem za človeka in njegovo usodo, kakor je tudi erotika le redkokdaj sama izraz elementarnega čustva; kaj pogosto se vežejo z njo tudi druga čustva, bodisi domovinsko, bodisi socialno. Skratka, pesnik stoji tu sredi življenja in se bojuje ne le za svobodo svojega naroda, marveč tudi za zadnje in končno osvobojenje človeštva iz vseh okov kapitalizma in imperializma. Tako nam bo Antologija makedonske poezije posredovala v marsičem nov svet, poln mladosti in bodre vere v človeka in človeštvo. V nji bomo spoznali dušo makedonskega ljudstva, ki si z nami vred gradi novo domovino prerojenih južnoslovan-skih narodov. (Slov. porob.) PRVA NAGRADA DRVOA NAGRADA TRETJA NAGRADA ČETRTA NAGRADA 1. okrošja 050.00 .. 135.00 .. »25.00 Oift.OO 2. okrošja ft&OOO 035.00 02500 01S.OO 3. okrošja OM.OO 035.00 . 025.00 •lft.00 DRUGI DEL KAMPANJE (Od 1. avgusta do 30. novembra) PRVA NAGRADA ...... DRUGA NAGRADA . TRETJA NAGRADA ČETRTA NAGRADA 1. okrošja ... 050.00 ... 035.00 ... 025.00 . »15.00 a. okrošja »50 00 035.00 02» 00 01 »00 3. okrošja OM.OO 035.00 »3».00 »15.00 GLAVNE NAGRADE no razširila in poglobila zanimanje za mlado, svežo makedonsko poezijo in preko nje tudi za ostale vrednote makedonske kulture. V tej prvi antologiji makedonske poezije bodo zastopani poleg štirih primerov ljudske pesmi tile pesniki: . Kon*tia#ttin Miladinov (2), Hajko 2inzifov (2), Kosta Racin (6), Venko Mar-kovski (6), Kola Nedelkovski 1(3), Mito Bogoevski (2), Blaže Koneski (2), Slavko Janevski (2), Aco Šopov (2), Gogo Iva-novski (2), Lazo Karovski (3). Makedonski preporod se je začel v prvi polovici 19. stoletja z delom bratov Dimitrija in Kon-stantina Miladinova, ki sta oba zaradi intrig fanariotskih Grkov 03».00 tragično končala v carigrajski ječi. L. 1830 rojeni Konstantin Miladinov je bil začetnik makedonske poezije, gojenec ruske šole in prvi zbiratelj makedon- 4. okrošja »»0.00 03&.00 025.00 ois.oo 4. okrošja 0»0.00 025.00 015.00 GLAVNE NAGRADE bodo oddane onim štirim društvom in onim štirim skih (in delno bolgarskih pesmi), ao vsi «nsitvam isjslld I ki tih «ruOlve ^volite svvBo Naét volni i oaatavl|«m tobatsu m Louis Vie. m Anten Oble In frank ok ral SorbofWS so Miiveuaoa Janko vu k sa K luit u C Km Soi «t a Ctevoiaoe posam osni m tekmovalcem, kl bodo v času celotne kampanja, t. ). skupno obeh dolov kampanja in v vsah štirih okroijlh pridobili najvišja štovllo novih članov nad določeno kvoto. Nagrada so siedeéei Ono društvo, ki bo na prvem m«stu v pridobUvi novih članov, dobi kraano iadelano SPOMENICO "Mombershlp Enrollment Plaque" v dokas najvišja časti In uspeha v kampanji, in v gotovini »100A0. Društva, ki bodo na drugem, tretjem In četrtem mestu, bodo dobila «lična SPOMENICI. toda manjša. In v gotovini po 0M.00. Na vsah spoasenicah (Plaqua) bo vroaano primerno besedilo nanašajoče so na kamp«n)o. In polog bo««-diia tudi Imena onih članov -tekmovalcev, ki bodo pridobili po pot ali več članov, Oni član. ki bo v t«| kampanji In »Icer skupno obeh dolov, pridobil najvišja število novih članov, t. J. ki bo prokoeil vse oelal« tekmovalo«, bo dobil krasno slato aapoatno uro s 21 kamni ()ew«ts)i tekmovalci, ki bodo na dragom, tretjem In četrtem mestu, bodo dobili vsak slato aapoatno uro s 17 kamni i na vseh urah bo v rešeno primerno besedilo nanašajoče so na kampanjo. NADOMESTNE NAGRADE V slučaju, da kalaro društvo doeeie prvo mesto v svojem okrošju. toda nima aadostnega àtevlla novih članov, da bi bUo med štirimi najvišjimi, t. J. da ne bi bilo upravičeno do «ne glavnih nagrad, toda) dobi primerno spomonlco (Mombershlp Enrollment Plaque). Oni šlan. ki v svojem okrof)u dobi ne|vočjo Itevllo novih članov, nima pa sgdBBtl da bi bU upravičen do ene od «lavnih nagrad, dobi slalo sapestno ur« s 1» kamni. Vsak posamesnl tekmovalec, kdor bo pridobil deeel ali v«č novih ČUnov v toku I« kam pan le In n« bo deleien posebno «H en« glavnih nagrad, bo doMI poeeben pohvalni certifikat In knjig« "The Silont People Speak. katero )e spisal Robert St. John. SPLOŠNE DOLOČBE a) Za sdravnlško preiskavo novih članov se povrno la gL urada do 02 aa člana oddelka odraslih in »Oc sa člane mladinskega oddelke. Tod« čla-no. ki so ne sever«)e)o sa več ko »»00 smrtnine in »1 boinUke podpor« In kl èe nteo dof olnill starosti 3» let. se sprejme bre» sdravniike pretoka ve. in ravne tako tudi člane mladinskega oddelka se spr«J«so kres sdravnlško preUkevei lijem« Je. «k« )« kakAen dvom a sdravstvansBŠ stenju knndl- ki so izšle leta 1861 s Stross mayerjevo podporo v Zagrebu. Raj ko Žinzifov je spričo težke reakcije, ki je po katastrofi o-beh bratov Miladinovih nastopila v Makedoniji, kjer so se fanariotski Grki združili s Turki, da bi zatrli makedonsko gibanje, ostal na Ruskem in v njegovih pesmih je ohranjeno toplo hrepenenje po izgubljeni domovini. Ta pesnik se je razvijal pod vplivom ruske poezi je; prevajal je tudi Lermontdva in Ševčenka Pri Miladinovu prav kakor pri Žinzifovu je že opaziti težnjo po ustvaritvi ma- «,,KSi,/wl(fe iveli so v ne- iz Velesa; ostal je vse življenje delavec, udeleževal se je ilegalnega dela in padel leta 1943 kot partizan. Njegova prva makedonska pesniška zbirka "Beli mugri" (Beli sviti) je izšla leta 1939 v Zagrebu. Markovski, Nedelkovski, Bogoevski in drugi so ' jši po prestanem stiku z ljudstvom, rastli so v bojih za njegove pravice in za njegovo svobodo, zato ima njih poezija kaj malo skupnega s tistimi gibanji, ki so vplivala na poezijo zahodnih narodov. Niso posnemali tujih vzorov; izpodbudo so zajemali pri čistem viru ljudske pesmi in le od daleč so vplivali nanje ne kateri bolgarski in ruski pesniki. Največja vodnica makedonskih pesnikov je bila življenjska stvarnosti; niso se umikali pred njo v sanjske dežele, marveč so z njo živeli, se v nji bojevali in Tretja stranka na pohodu po vseh Ameriki! (Nadaljevanje z 2. strani) ko so na delu za novo stranko v Nebraski, Nevadi, Oregonu, Ida-hu in South Dakoti. 23 narodnostnih skupin na delu za novo stranko Da se zanimajo razne narodnostne skupine za tretjo stranko in izvolitev Wallacea za predsednika Zedinjenih držav, je dokaz, ker je že dosedaj organiziranih 23 narodnosti, ki imajo svoje Wallaceve klube. Armenci so se zavezali, da bodo spravili skupaj- vsoto $25,000 do 24. julija, Grki $10,000 itd. Wallacea sta indorsirali tudi dve neodvisni narodnostni skupini, Slovenski ameriški narodni svet in Hrvatski ameriški svet. V tretji stranki se pridno u-dejstvujejo tudi dijaki, ženske, veterani, delavci, mladina in profesionalci. Vsa znamenja kažejo, da bo nova stranka pri jesenskih volitvah dobila veliko več glasov, kot so pričakovali kdaj politiki starih strank. Tretja stranka lahko postane že v jeseni prva stranka! »S.o.» SIS MiMlieO Tlel A » ne* llar'i SSS "71 M «< *eii I Mel >•••»» SS» »71 Peiei Pinea SO» .^U» Al..»Ml« I'unUHK f4] S»l AuOiet All SS» ÜBa Catite» mte t Minn S» SOI M ai t ws f. «ah 0» atáj Ju*»1. Irien IIS SS in» I •IS Meli Keetll SSh III a UM Kraleltr SO J«e K< l»l i. He*teltr It Ml j, M» s» «Il liens E«t»M-it Sillo SO» Chi iMiiM Jurei « i. ISS. SI! Sa her SI« SS b) člane ki prestopile is mladinskega oddelks v oddelek odraslih, s« n« smatra sa nove člane In la H člane so ne bo plačal« nobena nagrada. «) Vsaki prošnji kandidata mora biti predlodene prlananlca." na kateri mora biti neved«uo Ime prodle«olol)o; k« J« t« karta g «L uradu, se novega člana n« mer« vknJIAttt n« ime koga drugega aH na kredit komu drugomu. marveč le onemu, ki Jo naveden na karti "prtananict" d) Prošnje novih članov. hI bodo pri druitvlh spreleti v sodnjom me oora prve polovico kampanje, t. ). v mesecu juliju, morajo hátl v «i. ured na) kasno le ». avgusta, in proAnJe «nlh novih ČUnov. hi sprofoti pri društvth o mesecu noismbni. ne k as no J« bo ». decembre poštni počel na kuverti bo Ishaa. kode) se bilo prošnjo odposlane. o) KAMPANJO OS MLADINSKI OSLCTN1CI SNPJ vodi odsek treh «lovnih odbornikov Isvrtnoge odooka. namreč Vlnrent Calnkar. glavni p red eodnlk Frod A. Vider, «lavni tajnik, in mladinski direktor Micheol 30»? So. Lavndaie Av«_ Ckloagi tU Vrhovnih, kot upravitelj k ent pa nje frank Cveie« is rise HUl P» v« «reda>e vsaedi Anion Zemik la I*SOOITI*MI|» Hormuuo Po Pele, all naročnik sam potilo i»»)a noro' nine direktno tfefe PROtVKTA Odvetnik Arthur J. Goldborg katereg« J« Philip Murray Im« noval R« vrhovnega pravnega avoîovalca CIO in Jeklarsko uni Jo. N*aledll Je Loo)a Prooams na. kl le resign ir M ker ae ne strinja b politično akcijo (domo kretsko) CIO. Proa«man J« sds) aktiven r Wsllacevem giban)u sa novo prog rooi v no atranko. "PROSVETA" 2657 S. LAWNDALE AVE. Chicago 23, 111.........................................19......... Vaša naročnina na "Prosveto" je potekla z dnem__________________ V «lučaju, da Je od strani upravnlšiva kakšna pomota, nas takoj obvestite, da — Ista popravi! Z bratskim pozdravom ZA UPRAVO •'PROSVETE" CENE LISTU SOt Za Zdruš. driave in Kanado M.00 Za Chicago in okolico Jo 1 tednik in---------------------- »JO l tednik In 3 tednika in ...................... ».»0 3 tednike in ..................... 4.40 4 tednike in ..................... 3.20 5 tednikov In ................... 3.00 Za Evropo Jo............. I «polnita spodnji kupon. prUoélte 3 tednika in ... 3 tednike in ... 4 tednike ln ... » tednikov in.. ..........411 JI potrebno vsoto N00 ».30 . 7.10 . ».tO .. 4.70 ~ 3 JO denarja ali v pismu ln si naročite Prosveto. liât, kl Je vaâa Money Ordor lastnina. Prišteti so smo le one člane la drušine. ki to dovolijo In ki šive ali stanujejo na enem in istem naslovu. V nobenem slučaju no več kot » tednikov Pojaanlloi—Vselej kakor hitro katori teh Članov, ki so prišteti preneha biti lian SNPJ. ali č« se presoli proč od druiine ln bpr to sec you at our future meetings. The sick applications of Fred Meyer, Matt Hmole Sr., Frances Curile, Agnes Martin and Mr«. A. Ott were passed on. The picnic committee reported that everything will be In readiness for the July 28 date at Sagadin'a Grove, located at 8. 38th and W. Ilurnham at. Bro. Kralnz reported on the doings of the SMPJ committee for the big affair of the Labor Day weekend, Yes, the national SNPJ Day will b* a big affair and a lot of help Will he needed to put this affair over In grand style, The Badgers are counted on to do their share, so if you are asked to chip in and help, do it and do It willingly, Welcome visitors warn» Bro. Tony Kostanjevec who is the prexy of the Jolly Allis lodge Also Bro. Radelj form the same lodge, Mr. and Mrs. A Dolenc, recent transfers from Chicago, also were present, Other faces missnig for a long time to be seen there were Mltzie An-mr and Molly Obluek. Also a number of juvenile members were present, whose names we didn't get. The after meeting entertainment was again put over In a big way, Being served at tables in Broadway ave. style by the girls dresses in the traditional Slovene costumes, The girls were Sisters Hammel, Erickson, IJhle and Currie. Thus«» absent really missed something. Ho get into the habit of attending our meetings regularly for a few hours of real fun and enjoyment. Winners at the recent bowling tourney held In Detrult were hadd* ed their winnings and Lou Lonkner was the winner of the attendance a will d. . toiilV / .1 ■: •»»> Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gradisher and children Freddie and Beverly Ann were visitors to our fair city over the holidays. They art» all members of the Muskegon (Mich.) lodge. From far off Hot Springs, Ark., came Mr. and Mrs. John Obluck to spend a few days with relatives and Mends. Folks, again comes that plea to see that your dues are paid no time, It is not the duly of the sec'y but your own individual obligation. Ho take heed and pay up. HALTY, 884 HERMINIE, Pa —Everything is set for the Big Anniversary Celebration, as previously mentioned and advertised in the Proaveta. This affair will take place Saturday, June 5, at the Sewickley Twp. High School Auditorium. The following program will be presented: 1. Welcome address by Frank Gradisek, president of Lodge 87. 2. Conceit lasting two hours given by the nationally famous Duquesne University Tamburitzans, beginning at 7:30 sharp. 3. There will be room for all at the High School, but come early I At the Slovene Home: 1. Dancing beginning at 9 o'clock, music by Tamburitzans. 2. Refreshments, Slovene style, will be served throughout the entire evening with Mrs. Poternell, Mrs. Zornik and Mrs. Stern in carge. 3. Max Voxel is the person to see when you get thirsty. Saturday, June 8, is the day to spend with the SNPJ Keystonians. Now is the hour to get your last-minute tickets from the lodge secretary. Everyone is going to the Keyston-ian's anniversary celebration. The Tamburltxans sre coming to provide song and music. What about you and you? JOSEPH 9AT1S. Returns on the national SNPJ bowling tournament held in Detroit have finally arrived. Quite a number of the Pioneers shared in the $158.50 check just received. Matt Brinovec took second place in the Class A singles for men. Rita Tag-lia copped first place in the women's Class B singles, with Mitzie Cher-nich second place in the doubles. Rita also shared in the all events prize. All Pioneer winners can secure their money from the secretary by calling at 2810 S. Lawndale ave.—Mariann Presheck postcards from Los Angeles where she had gone for the weekend.—Mary Vert-nik has been added to the list of early vacationers. We learn that she was down in Kansas.—William Traconga has been added to the list of reservations for the Pioneer Bowling League next season. We would really like to line up enough bowlers in advance to start the season off without the usual complications. Those who intend to bowl, should let us know soon. Let's do the thing right, for once. Victorians' News For those who may not know, the US State department does not issue passports to the people for passage to Jugoslavia. The alibi is that the) cannot guarantee safe travel in Jugoslavia. One of our young married men told the State Department that he fought against the Japs with the U.S. Marines for 4 years and got back safely and is well able to look out for himself. By getting tough with the State Department he procured a passport, but only for him-eeUUiiVhry wouldn't issuenone for his wife. Then they both Sent t blistering letter to our State Department in which they told them that the entire basic structure of our country depends on fsmily lifo. Without any answer the State Dept. simply sent a passport for the wife, also. That shows how mean the officials in Vfashington can be. Let's keep on chasing them until we make them human. We have received an acknowledgement from one of our U. S. Senators that he will give his consideration to our request for him to vote against the Mundt-Nixon bill. The senator is C. Wayland . Brooks. We have yet to hear from the Democratic Senator, who undoubtedly is more liberal- than our Republic^» Brooks. It is our sincere hope that enough of our Lodges took sufficient interest to write their Congressmen and Senators on this proposed law. Only by using our influence with these people, can we expect to defeat undesirable legislstion. The Mundt-Nixon bill is considered undesirable legislation and is definitely un-American. It is remarkable what Arthur Garfield Hayes wrote to Representative Thomas. He used the same questionaire the Thomas Un-American Committee uses in checking their people. He actually asked Thomas those questions to show him how obnoxious they real-I ly were. Forward, Loy alites! CLEVELAND.—Although bowling is a little out of season, 1 can't help but say a ers voted that we have a couple of outdoor meetings, the first of which will b* at M'rfilnikar's farm, Saturday nite. June IS All members who are plan ntfig to attend this meeting air uiged to meet at the hall on Holm« * ave at seven-thirty, A big social will lie held after meeting Also at our last meeting the auh ject of a Loyalite baaeball team wan hi ought up After a lengthy dls cusslon, It was decided that if the ball team was in eat nest in playing th< full season, the l,odge would ba« k them up. but to what extent would have to come up at the next meeting, In ttie meantime the fe| lows went out in teal earnest and formed a team, practiced end enter ed themselves ill the Euclid Class B league, They played their first game and won by the score of 13 to 9 The highlite of the seventeen hit attack was Joe Htiariaer's king bom« tun in the first inning with the besea lotfded, The fielding gem of the game was H«-d Zemen's country mile long run. for a long fly bell out In right center field for the final out in the last Inning of the game All in all there la a lot of apirit on the team and I am sure that they will give a go'id account of them-m>lve« Mo coine mi gang, let's go out and fhm them up Don't foiget our fust out^inoi meeting of the year ftalur4sy, June 12. at Mocilnike»'a farm, off Char* don toed LOUIS ZADELL, MM) Young Americans DETROIT, Mich —The boys' bowl-ing team had a joint bowling banquet. This was held in order to present the teams that were on top at the end of the bowling season the trophies that the SNPJ headquarters gave for the first time. This is s prize thst is worth striving fdr. The hall was filled to capacity and the tingling music of Rudy Masser's Trio just could not be ignoied. To Joe Golia and Ai Mac-cani goes our thanks for the fine handling of the affair. Lena Yer-man received the trophy on behalf of the Sparklers. Rudy Junko received the trophy on behslf of the Ringers. This is one of the nicest ways I know of for two rival teams getting together at the end of the season putting all rivalry behind. th»-m and enjoying themselves to the fullest extent. Let us hope that this is only the beginning, and wish for more and better affairs of this sort J, This is a note to trie young men or old who wish to take part in this year's ball team. The first practice was held at Ford s Park the 30th of May at 10 o'clock in the morning The Juvenile Circle No 29 will hold their first outing on June 12 We will meet at John R Hail at 11 30 to 12. Bring your lunch. Otr trip will be to the Zoo, Your transpor tetion will be taken care of by Director Stimac go come on, Teenagers and Bmall-Fiy. spend the day at the Zoo The Young Americans are holding their first Moonlite Picnic on July 3rd Music will be furnished by a Cleveland orcheatra, so be sure and come out, El wood Blake has a number of dates set for outings and dances As soon as I can I will publish these dates LENA MAHHER M4 ELIZABETH, N. J.—The last meeting of Lodge 540 was held Sunday, May 9, with a fair attendance. At this meeting we have decided to hold an outing to Echo Lake Park on Sunday, July 25. The president appointed Mary Pezdirc, Mary Yakely and Joseph Pasarich as a committee for this outing. The committee reserved a section, called Lacust Grove, in this park, which is ideal for a picnic. Plenty of tables and benches, also a large fireplace to roast wieners and hamburgers. Also plenty of grass for the youngsters to roll around in, also for the adults to play ball, or whatever they choose to do. Echo Lake Park is just off Route 29 and the Lacust Grove is right off the highway. All members and their families and friends are cordially invited to attend this outing Sunday, July 25. Our reservation is from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m So come early and stay late. Bring your own refreshments We want to welcome Gene Schweikcrt Sf. who recently signed up to become a member of Lodge 540, It's well to have that entire family with us. We also want to welcome the following members who were transferred from Lodge 477 of Nanticoke, Pa., to Lodge 540., They are Michael and Stephanie Ferlin and their family, Alice and Irene, also Mary Metzer and her youngsters. Barbara. Robert, and Michael Metzer. May we all meet you at our lodge meetings at some future date. We are sorry to hear about the illness of Albina (Cipoth) Bellah Jacob Turk is still at the hoapital and thanks go to all who visited him at one time or another Summer time Is once more upon us and here's wishing everyone a ~~Tiappy vacation time The next meeting is an impor-. tant one. so all members are urged to attend Date. Sunday. June 13. at 2 pm Don't forget to pey your monthly due« on time The secretary appreciates prompt payment MARY PEZDIRC S40 Struggler Lodge "In Fact" comes out with a sizzling report of how the oil firms swindled Uncle Sam out of huge funds. They were assailed as traitors, but the daily newspapers killed the report submitted to the Senste by Senstor Owen Brewster of Maine, These ultra patriotic Americans, the "big cheese" of our country who run everything in oil, gave the Japanese a better price on oil than their own Uncle Sam. According to the report, Secretary of Defense Forres-tal, who is now conceded to be the most influential public official in Washington, was linked in with the mess. Uncle Sam was overcharged to the tune of 38 million dollars, for oil. Whst makes mufters worse, our press hss aided the big firms, snd refused to publish the news. This is just snother Teapot Dome scandal, only much worse So far the officials hsve covered It up pretty well. We'd like to see it come out in the open. In Fsct is still looking for subscribers, because it needs many people to make ita disclosures count. tiTltUGGLEItS BTAR GAZETTE CLEVELAND O "Down on the Farm"~~yes; that is where we will lie seeing you this Sunday and the farm tiring none other than the HN-I'J Farm on Heath id. Although It seems quite eaily in the seaaon to lie holding a picnic nevertheless we are hoping for a record crowd and some mighty good weather. According to Frankie Marolt, the meiry-go-round that the Htrugglers donated Is ready for the kiddles and we can almost bet our last nickel Hint some of the grown-ups will lie taking their turns iiding on It. To th Sunflower Polka kings was another success It was nice seeing so many members show up Our next meeting will be held the 2nd Wednesday of June which will be June 9 That is just for the month of June on account of vacations We are proud that one of our members. Sister Mildred Gulnik, who attends University of Kenans College, has received an honorable mention in the School of Journalism. The Hearts are proud of you Mildred. See you June 0. next meeting nite. 2nd Wednesday MARY BILCX'K. Rer Set y Buckeye Meeting Wednesday, June 9 RARRERTON Ohio-Hey Bar-be r ton Bur keys' Don't forget to attend the meeting this coming Wednesday night June 0. m the Conference Room of the Slovene Center O. VALENCHF/ K R«c Sec y. Long Weil Wife "I'm ready now, I thought you were dri seed and waiting1*" Hfe^iand: "So I< woa, but you'll have to wait while I shave age in T YSTA National S. N. P. J. Bowling Tournament Ntvs DETROIT.—We Imv« finally re-oeived verifications on the averages that were miartng and therefore are able to give you this report. The secretary of each lodge will receive within the next week the money and the trophies along with a list stating who is Co get same This ends our with you on the bowling tournament and we wish to (hank each and everyone of you for your cooperation and hope that Ihe secretary for next year receives as good if not better cooperation for only in this way can we have larger and more ruccensful tournaments CLASS "A" MSN Nimr Tram Lodge Score Monty ♦ f V. A USD 494 rm Ml 00 S V A I KM ) ComrMf« I iSS 4 Bade • Bud SiAi'« SS4 I Pioneer «•» • vuieians I 1. lapsMaa I S Utopian« S • Utopians I is straggler« .... 11 Wolverine« S IS Kram Klokam SU 004 «14 4tt7 «10 3M| TT BWfc* LeyatMBS M Pion B«< IS Utopian» 4 sa Comrade« S SS OS as as 4saa 40 » as so as oo asoa aooo is so to os 000 100" a oo" a os" J 00" Total CLASS "A" M BN DOUBLB« Ninck Lonker , Totol - IM MM 10S3 ISM CLASS "A" MEN SINOLES I I. ruasi. a f Hi mover Jt. a TrevnBt N 4 Lovsln. S. » Saltan, M 0 Can ta. K t. Arfcanas. W Jr 5 Ma talkah. S » Brownell. I, IS Of rift. T 11. Jeepar. S IS Bueeian ». II K<>la t A 14 faklsr. M Il Kn.kovM W 15 SrmMe. » • It MtkMveto. E 10 Bandy. N 10 OretmtB. M BO Yerman O at Maccant. A as Lai*, w, ... aa Jalwek. O M Beleih. O. M A« f as Bernwk. A . af St up lea. a as Miuet r ao Vertnrk, A ao MlhalirH, «, ai Macaui E 3t Jrilwti. H as Oolrer T M Coat »I I le V as notich. v M Meyeao. T S7 Yankovtc. t as Hlracti. A. as Jttnfco J 40 O rum f «t Maroll. f 4» Bäk* S 43 Blake t 44 Go kit» T 45 Sfuaan C. , 4« Cedilnik. ». 47 Vrh. A-4S IUhi Serden « 40 Brieaty. ». »0 Pupal. M. ft I Meruit », M Mihellcti / is hwulhnlif M Keminekt, » hi Lever M M Kreffel V »7 Kramr a 50 K4wnir ». . M Oabrmia. T « OS Detwnek M 51 flee* L S3 Medla». A S3 Sedmafc S m »mloa. a , M slik Hen p os S 0T KI uli» S 00 Ordomtk V aa Uncover r TS Puma A II SeSula. A T3 Napoinik L T3 Uartv S Lodge B MM earn M lonev SUM MM BM MM «M 007 0M |4v<*< 13 M ISM MM 000 ISM 17« MM Il M MS MO Il M M »04 f' MO MO m*. 994 993 HM l«M W IB ! MM IM M Mo IM 3S4 m TSS am m 7 M SI4 m IM £ 3M aaa Sfl S TS . en MM SM 977 »sa SM M 37« IM 004 371 VI 494 171 SM m m 171 ato IM 100 MM 100 499 MM ass M4 IM 4M 494 4M B«4 499 4M MM an 4M STT SM 400 . 1 MM »04 »M »04 »04 400 400 4 00 »M 499 .004 Ml IB 104 Ml IB M4 MO SM M0 am 3 99 SM 3 M M4 a«4 »07 BM aM 999 ISO MM 004 »04 M4 M4 300 300 3 00 r 4M »3S SM aa4 MM IM »04 004 M4 Ml »M M0 SM S TS ITS »M MO SM M4 M7 IM X MS »M IM IM «m M IM IM »44 440 m Ml • M »41 SM MB «04 Ml SM 17» »M 300 M4 494 ion MS aM IM km »M IM M0 MO SM MM Ml 3 M 0S4 an IM «70 SM IM M IM am »7» »aa ISO »M U1 IM «M MS 499 S. Nanua 10 Utopien« f«4 11 Wel Miser* 0T7 If Badcer paieher» »04 IS Utopian* k 004 14 Pioneer* Nat lo »00 I« «Tdl Atomu» OTT Id Bei» Air 3M IT Wol fameceu OTT 15 Integrity 031 10 Concord Stan 100 as T**on f tm 80 stresene' . 130 33 Ivoyallte 30. I^elttr S 40 PI/s431 3S jo »T0 23T3 334T i 1000 IS SO 1340 10 00 seo sas 7 00 SSO »SO SAS »ar* »OD" »00" lar" MO-SB" »SO" aao" »ao" Tote! CLASS Nama« I. KMnoe-lvan« i« 3. Sneher Benedict 3 Kacin-Hrvettn 4. SBtttrte-CBoals ». KMevto-Kioevtc 0 Umder Duee 1 Kiplla-DaLal MEN- DOUBLES iplle-8 Kernen Keenan » Yekovar Oruden lu Le«nlk Braddock II mgtleh Amhraoh n Vautar-BlucHÉ 13 Spaa Sal-Stum bra« M. goatellc P«*un 1». fmk-Stromer IS. Olintck Oor«ha IT Pndboy-TersBel llS- Htocevar Kormen IS. Taroek-Urhen lb Kovgl Kemalaki SÏ Plnaaky Stoffeck Chefwe» ealmer M J aroe-Tomate 14 Kern-Merk« Besieh Medley II Cerr Ldtrtdfc ST. DtCedao-Pouhe as Meoosr-Ceme 0, Versten-Boae an HotorfM HludlO 31 Krtsnllf-Urtenctc SB Zvonar Krovetln 33 SI 33 KeoMllc- M Bomba ich atom» SV. Lenami-Lenaml Robert« Se tovto -M CurnofStl-Tetrshel »SS SMeMlu.- Peetevie MO SM SM ll«l MSM 1003 37 00 «M a ISM M dO 504 Il M MM IM I«« ism 977 1033 ml» IM ims MM 10 m 9J7 IM I0S3 sit 3S4 10s3 Sil M IMI TM M4 IMS IM M 10m «M 977 494 1010 0m I«I3 IM mis IM 479 1011 IM M ISM bm MS 1004 999 SM msi 4M MM MM IM m SM 4M MS 4M 474 MS aM 4M MS 4M Ml 499 S Ml 4 00 4m M MB 4M IIS IM M4 4M M0 4.00 IM 07« 4m MS MO Ml ti ns 4M TM •70 4M mi ass 4m Tetai CLABS 'Nome* I. SnsmS g' MEN aiNOLSS I Detoe, M. 3 KtPtie. i. 4. Eulalia, g. » Pouhe. f. I M aueer. A..... T. Boyle, T I Keensn. A. t Teroefc, L 10 riaa. i. 11 Twordr. i. II CISP*«». P. 13 OtSUoo. A M. Braddoc* ¥ II Polenta, ». II Sti<»nor, V IT, Novak, f. iS Kijtoa. R IS Papotntk. P. M Eelar. B II. Macoani, V. IS DUM. T 33 Kllnec. », H Lotrtelv D. ». U. Uneaal, f, S&dm. , M Usteml. » M Voûter, L. 30 Bombet «rti, ». II Baloa. v M OelJso, » s«. VerSsik. ». $4. Pardan W M Tom«k t. SS Kuihsnek. f. ». Oltetek. f. M KemkMSI. f. M Jarea. f 40 OraoalK. o II. nsasest». b 41 Vldeflor P. 41 Pieaeran. M 04 Urban. L a Kov orte. W m Tornow, g 4T Stumbra« B 4S Hudala. ». 40 Maoaer g IS Tertbol, » II säender, A. |S Eetler, T II. Benadu-i E. §4 Berry. C M Hanl h », M Nervalln. B. •T Oeepak P IS S tun a« O. 10 Bak, C «0 Matenev. O 11 Klinar C SS Behmofiei. B S3 ferBIHa. A. 04 Brtrety T. is caer. t SO Klur«k. C H wL KlSOSPOO. B SS Bamheteh. v. SO smear. S n Hoernie. J II. Bt nema S Total CLASS B MEN ■ • I Ottenau A S I Dolec M I S Klin*« i S Total Total cLAJa -A" MEN I p*e»> B I MOM Ii P 3 St «pu- B Total smsg ALL EVENTS su 'Trs oteea saa tiao loa 00« 170« »as C-LA1B "A" MEN INI» mon ti AME Hlrerh A eM »So M 00 Tatet Clae» "A' Men II ITS t ( lASS B M BN TtAMS LOdSf Soors Money en -IIÎ S III4S 14 M 977 BM ISM Z % iaoo 1100 999 MI MM 477 MI 0M 494 MS 100 IS MS TM «TT BS4 9M 4M asa IM 994 444 ft Ol) SM an IM IM MO 4M BM 4M S »46 MB 4M 4M SM 449 4M MS 494 B43 BM 4M 4M 077 BIT IB IM MO 3 M a«4 BM aaa MS IB S M 031 »33 3 M BM K 300 '«V s - SB SB .. M »M SB 7M MI TM BM an SB m 494 SB SB STB mi4 M>4 494 M4 IM IB MS 494 MM MS J M SB S MS BM IB IM SM MS IM MO BM 4M SM» IM IM M« BIT IM M •IS IB 9 BM IM M« SIS IM 034 BIS IM BM BIS IM BM BIS IM tm SM 004 ail st« »M too IM IB IB IB BM MS •MH! M MM IB SM »04 IB BM •oa IM 4M Ml IB 4M MM IB MO 4M IB SS4 MM 4M 4M IB IB 4M 4M IB TM 4M IB BM 4M IM M 4M IM 4M IM TM 4M IB 3M Ml 1 34 M4 4M •1 sa 37« 4M 133 S. Koren Bellen - Ml 911 10. Bvol>ode*Maosel ... MO MS II Cent* zasar .......MS MS 13 MiHei -Yorman . -, «71 M4 IS Adem.c-Bonadloi „ «TT SM M. Berkovteh-Meyers ,M4 SM WEDNEa>AY, )UPfE 2, 1948 Total UST M CLASS Name« I Klucevaek H S. Perke, i. 3 Clminerman, D. I Boneauk. M. • Bellen. J T Bosunlk. M. , I. Merael. ». 0 Peiden M #• ||ŠfSov|ch. i if Now.k L 13 Kronik. H. II. M latch, ». 14 Ente. B II. Oolcar I, 1« AmSroah. M. IT Volk. A. i 15 Berkopoo, / lOk Skok, B 80 Mam. M. 31 Kletn. S n eaui, K. Hren Ô SI. Homrsal, L Zor man. M M Vcrmen. L. tr Tochtltoch, I, as Spende). / M Bebor i. 30 Debelak f. , 31. Miller. B Bonney, ». M. Stre« i «ar. M. 34 Kodrames, S. Total A" WOMEN SINGLES «TT SM MO £ IM S M4 M4 m 477 4SI 4SI 4M 470 «n «71 «TS «TS 4TI 4T0 MS 4M M4 400 077 4M fto« m «M «il »TS «M 110 dO «se :s »a« tB 7 60 7d0 071 «71 OSO 4M •M • M ISS »00 •M «M «M 4 dO 4M 4M S. 10 3 «0 3M 3.00 3M 37» t.Tt aao - SM IB SM IM 1174 00 CLASB "A" WOMEN-ALt EVENTS Neme« Lodae Seora Money • I. Clmmermea. D. . 34 117» S f, Kiuc«v«ek. jn. ... erf ISM / .... 34 lMl ............................ 110 M f Berkopea. fatal CLASS "AP WOMtS—WD HIGH OAMt York. A IM I» SJM Total OaSS "A" Women MM.00 CLASS "W WOM«N TEAMS Name« Lodge Score Money ■ t lyWa*** a ss *ss iï£ïï?r'w,s S ?5 INSIDE our 114 SS4 Utopian« : 7 Utopien* ♦ S Y A Oo-OOttero M4 It. Comrade« » . II. Ptoner Struifler« IM M Loysitte f Tote» ................... Official Proceedings 8NPJ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE cd. John Zavasnik. lodge 39, Chri- u ,. , . „ „ oago, passed away and left sMfc ben- Moeiing of April se claimed by his son; payment President caiia meeting to order appr0vcd. at 1 pm; present are Cainkar, Vider, Qeofg# jodge SS, Cleve- Trojar, Kuhel, Gradiaek, Vrhovnik, hmd away be«. Godina and Garden Minutes of the efit cUimed by hu dau«htor; pay- March 31 nr. eating are approved aa ^„t approved, read. | M«ry Delost, lodge 80. Canfon, SecreUry submits a letter from m ^^ «way ^d left sick bene- lodge 85, Republic Pa., which will fit ckliwd her daughter; pay- 3317.00 CLASS "W WOMEN DOUBLES Name« Lodge Score Money I, Malgay-Junho .... MS I Chemleh-Teslla .... M« 3 Btlmeo-BmolU M4 4 Plnk-Serdoner ....IfV ». opana. a opek« A. §79 I. HarheOia Mih vleh SM 7. Orover fronli .. -JH I. Tlbysah-tarega ... BO S. YaBoveo-Stmek ... ISS 10 J er le-Siebe IM H Keminski-Hoatnlk M4 If. MIkllch Mlkftch MO I«. Kodramet-Prehtl »M 14 Meceeni-Maedsni SM I» Shlae-Deloet . Totgl ,VY «wt .ill'Ti IIM.00 CLASS "B" WOMEN SINGLES L CIWtSB "W WOMEN IND HIGH OASft ! Smolta. T M« IM • 100 Total Otaoo B Women Tolel Pftoe Money S8TIM ALL EVENTS aa iisi no 00 S Ith 710 m iflsa loa C LA as B' M BN »Nt), Ktpile / «f» Totel Cteee "B* men HIGH GAME MS I 4M 31. HS SS I spirit et st t»uMaae as 10 I P«o*ieot* »as 3S71 a V'ttoiun» 49» MT0 4 TrtglOV 00 MS a N «an 0S4 >«aa 0 Sparton Baron* SM »004 T t Map*en» «*4 »40S 5 Hivaaka S Dom «SSO MSB ITH C LA M "A WOMEN TEAM« Nama« Uxlf* Score Mottov I Wnl Picrgln EiVe «n B3T3 I Pranaa Pre«»ran M Btl S Y a oouiieie« mi mm 4 Utopien« I SS4 mi » Wol nnerkler« «TT l»l • Bonget alto« »s4 b34i T Belim SIS 1144 5 y a ( hump* m 3I3S II 1411 eilte I »00 I« remi ade« I »«0 M Camrade« » HI Totol 1100 II d« MOO la P* IM* Mil 00 riASS A tOMtN BOtrnLES Name« 1 Ade« Iren Monei • 1 naifet^a« < h* men M IM4 SM M I Btoceuaefc O elf er on MM MM I Bi«« tnmiMsek »04 OB MB ■ 4 Miten rerko M4 Ml 14 B I aeUk Padar «77 sts IT M 4 1 IdS OAINI MO er» MB T Br*4e«t«i amr«da MB OM SB S Saimon Klein 0M •43 SB Namae 1. To« lie. B I. OS9BS, S 3 Defaot, I. 4 M esaer, H I Smoral. H A Nagel, f Miktten, B a Junko, D II I« Sekule ». Il ffrovet. M Il Oreeen. B Il osaatah. B. 14. OecpdB. II. Hoetnm. t Il Mihasevleh. V, IT KlansOSB. B IS Pleme», i I» Oilman. B M l.iubtr. A «I. VemnBt, g M J er le. A. Ü, Btrastegr. A. Lodge Soor« Monav »»O »17 310.00 »70 • 47» IM 90S 474 1 00 304 411 Iti on 077 M4 8S4 «T7 »7« 433 4M 4M 4M 430 417 411 41» «I« 413 «It «IS «I« 407 Total IBM clrsb WOMEN ALL EVBNTB Names Lodge Soore M one v I. Junko, D M« l»l I s. m o* in ta. r. 3 1 »ills. It. Toast . IM 100 sie«« By STETtON KEWMEDY T-H Act Plus Mundi BUI Equals Faocism "Don't you knpw your union is s Communist front organization?'* asked the U. S. Inquisitor General. "No, I don't know it," replied the American worker. "Don't you believe it's a Communist front?" the Inquisitor went on. "No, »1 don't believe it." said the worker. "Well, here's telling you you hsd reason to believe it, because I believe it, and therefore t find you guiltyt" thundered the Inquisitor. "What makes you think my union is » Communist front?" asked the worker. * , t "Because the Mtmdt bill defines a Communist front as an organization which disrupts trade, incites economic and rgcial strife, propagandizes against the government and institutions, and secures the appointment of its sympathizers te public Offices. "By striking for higher wages your union is disrupting trade and inciting economic strife By opposing Jimcrow and discriminstion against minority groups, it is inciting raclaf strife. By publishing the voting records ef congressmen, it is undermining government. By objecting to the Jknvcrow Mood bank of the Red Cross. i( is undermining bur institution». By electing a union man to the city council, it is obviously tryihg to take over the government A clear-cut esse." "k may be clear to you, but It's not to me." Judge. Jury and Prosecutor "Maybe you nee* some time to figure it out. In addition to fining you 12,000 for each Of the 30 days you failed to sign i* our 'Register of Communist Organisations,' I hereby sentence you to two years for esch of the 30 days!" u ^ __.4. » rrhet adds up to |*M)00 and 90 year*—IK« ^ftnyrtSomWWT»' th* worker. Ym, you're lucky," isid the Inqu«itor. "Pm letting you off light. Under the Mundt bill 1 could sentence you to $5,000 and five years for every day you werdB't registered!" "You must be kidding," said the worker. "This is Amerlcs. When do I stand trial?" "You've just had your trial. The Mundt bill made me judge, jury and prosecutor." You didn't give hie a fair chance to present evidence." I 'Under the Mundt bill the rules of evidence do not apply. My word i« law on what's admissable and what isn't." "Don't I even get a chanou to cross-examine my accusers?" "Not a chance." "Can't I appeal to the eourts?" "You can If you want to. but you're presumed guilty as of now, and the Mundt bill provides thst my finding of facta shall be conclusive." ' What's going to happen to my wife and kids?" "They'd better watch their stop From now on your name will appear in the Register of Communist Organirations,' which anybody, including employers and newspapers, can refer to and print if they like, from now on, even your Ainion paper will have to be mailed in a wrapper which says in big print, 'Union of So-and-So, a Communist Organisation.' " ' What did you say )a the name of this bill?" , "The Mundt bill—it's title is A Bill to Protect the U. S. against un-American and Subversive Activities'" the worker, "it ought to be called A Bill to Dc- obaerve its 40th anniversary July 24-25, asks for treasurer as a speaker and for films of Jugoslavia; request for speaker granted bat request for films should be directed to fiuiSb * Lodge 476, Salem. Ohio, celebrates its 25th anniversary June 20 and asks for president aa a speaker; request granted. A letter is read from chairman of national SNPJ bowling tournament which will be held in Detroit April 23-24-25, requesting a donation of $1,140 toward the prize fund for 134 teams, in accordance with the schedule approved by the national athletic board; after additional information by the juvenile director, donation ia approved. Secretary also reports that he was advised by the insurance department of the state of New York that a new insurance law became effec* tive Jan. 1, 1948. which provide» that a rider form would have to be perpared and which should be attached to every cerUfioate issued to members in that state in the future. Secretary of sick benefit reports as follows: Dominic Btatnik, lodge 89, pasaed away and left sick benefit claimed by his daughter who took care of him during his illi payment approved. John Pintar, todge 183,- passed away and John Dolence, who took care of him during hia iHiness, asks for the remaining sick benefit; granted. Juvenile director recommends that the executive committee temporarily approve Lawrence C as sol as a member of the nationel athletio board for the 2nd district, since there ia a vacancy due to the resignation of Harry Manges; recom* mendation approved. Manager of publication reports that the Prosveta fund is very low snd moves thst $5,000 be transferred from the printery to the Prosveta fund; seconded and carried. The following operation claims referred by the supreme medical examiner were approved for payment: Ivan Jontes (5) $25, Frank Rozina (50) $35, Anton Progar (138) $25, Viktor Vaail (340) $85, Alphonse Cermelj (408) $35, Joseph Zoubi M* Kokel (718) (721) $25. Applications for assesment loan and special benefit are approved (details in Slovene minute). Meeting adjourned at 3:30. Mooting of Ap«il 28 Meeting is called to order at 1 pm; present sre all executives except treasurer; minutes of the April 14 meeting sre approved. President submits a letter from the United Packing Houae workers who are on strike, in which they asked for financial help; decided to contribute $500 from the striker's fund. Secretary submits a report from Matt Petrovich, who represented the society at the 20th anniversary celebration of lodge 828, Barberton, Ohio, April 18, which is accepted and bill of expenses approved. Secretary of sick benefit presents ,as follows: John Zelcnc, lodge 39. I "If you ask mo," aaid the worker, "it ought to be called A Bill to De- ChMago, passed away and left sick stroy the U. S. bv unAmerican and Subversive Activities.'" I benefit claimed by Mary Kerzan. (If you don't believe every word ef this story could come true If the who took care of him at her home Mundt bill become« law, «hp it out and ask your congressman.)—(T- F.) during his ¿line««; payment appfov- ment approved John Pregrad, lodge 200, passed away and left sick benefit claimed by hia son; payment approved. John Miklic. lodge 385, Bu seel ton. Pa., passed away and left sick benefit Claimed by Louise Matko, who took care of him; payment approved Jtrvertile director reporte that Juvenile Circle 3 in Cleveland, Ohio, was reorganised April 17 and will be directed by Margaret Maalar, member of Lodge 004. He also reports that the national bowling tournament which he attended in Detroit, April 23-24-25, was very successful and thrft the attendance at the dance on Saturday night was the largest ever had for such an occasion; moral and financial success was attained. He further briefly reports on the meeting of the national athletic board and the decision to hold the 1949 national tournament in Indian ' a polio; details will appear in the official minutes. Assistant secretary reporta that the central committee of SANC branches in Chioago will sponsor a play on May 2 and asks for an ad in the program booklet; ad for $10 is approved. He further reporta that the Com-mittee for Protection of Foreign Born asks for financial help; a conference will be held May 23 at which cases of deportation will be discussed, and is also inviting our Society to send representatives; a donation of $25 is approved; assistant secretary is delegated to attend the conference. The following operation claims referred by supreme medical examiner are approved for payment: John Mirevic Jr. (28) $25, Ann Gergovich (38) $25, Mary Woods (249) $25, William Kosmach (289) $25, Theodor Vukovioh (297) $80. Louise Krueger (371), $25, Robert J. Jernejcic $25. Applications for assessment loan and special benefit are approved (detaila in Slovene minutes). VINCENT CAINKAR, Pres. F. A. VIDER, SecreUry. MMSA« ione I Aolartak before Um neme So luitoa the Winner 0« 0 trophy itwui Aotertak* oiler the monev de note« roneoletion pntee Heme 1 SNPi T m Edmoent Bratie 10 t .und* i Aeon« le M r ranee Paeeoron OS Trlslev as i ode« SI «Net M Lodae Ctavelemi M BtreBSne MS IM Euclid IS» Coneofdian» Atr I'BIBB MON1V AS PAID TO EACH LODOY Money a lasa 14 M 15 00 70 0SM l»0 MSI ITS* 111! 41 M 4010 IMM Il M 34 00 1400 1 ms T^r1'"" FKMT FOR HEALTH J By the Physicien Forts« NATIONAL PHYSICIANS COMMITTEE TRIES TO BRIBE THE PRESS _ Helen ISO Hi vatako Sk»v 0»n IIS ms t u nima« o MS Little rap m Honet .«r fete M4 Badger . Mo Str ebene Ptoneer* Ma Lepotne 014 MNHBB M0 BueBeye* CM Integrity «00 Victorien «S4 ertapp* r M« apm» et M Lome ott WeWoiBM 70S TlOjgBO The Natl Physiciana Committee, | copies of the paper in which the the political arm of th« American | cartoon had been published. Medical Asan., haa been caught red- The reaction came sooner than handed in a brasSn attempt to bribe the NPC had expected A news the preaa. paper in Ohio carritKl an indignant 1 11 — * ~ editorial announcing that its car- In a Ml-pngr tooiUsI would not enter the oonto.1, the Feb 28 issue of Editor it Pub- —T . Usher the NPC announced "Cash! »»{• very neat kisue Editor it Awards to Cartoonist fourteen I Publisher attacked the NPC adver-amounta totaling $3 thousand First tisement. pointing out that: The prise amounted to $1.000 The I contest *ve swards werr to be given lor effec • ' -rtoonista ____live portrayal of the meaning and ' »0/upport or oppoae certaiB pol ti- ■•»I Implications of political distribution tal beliefs In Its fright edito-7 is °f health-rare services In the United rial. Editor * PublMher c.lWlhr asu States" • contest a threat to independent «a as . .__I thinking and urged all editors an is The announcement made it very j groUpt lo a firm stand against im 711 «tear just what * aa wanted A tuch (Xjntr«tx •«•J sample cartoon wa» included in the, probably the most «mating thing lobbying of U S oenators^and rep ¡advertisement, this cartoon was a , abou| th# ^ivertiaemenl in the Natl Every publicity technique avail aaoc vicious alack im national health in- phy„nal* Committee s deacrlptkin able, ao well as misrepresentations »3M »u ranee Car toon i»U weie Invited ltw,|j M nonpoliticaL non and distortions of fact, have been "12 to send for the free lllersture of the (|f olg,niIation for maintaining used by this propaganda and poll-tiSTt I Natl Physicians Committee as sup- #thlc0| alMj actentiflr standards and Ucal lobbying arm of the American »mm elemental date eatendtng medical eervtc* to all the ] Medical Asan It Is high time the _ | The first rule of the eentoot eat people " am» 1 that the entrant had to send in 10 Of course, the NPC la anything Question For the Future When a sewing course was introduced into little Tonftnte's cMSs, he $25, Mary ^m^ch to execute a »^ »^h, * deeming the exercise beneath the dignity of a nine-year-old gentleman. "George Washington sewed," pleaded the toacher, "and he was a brave soldier. Do you consider yourself better than George Washington?" "I don't know," reasoned Tommie; time wiC tell." e e « Those Scotch Lud$ McHamish: "I hear yer friend Angus has marrit a third wife." Elder: "Aye, Angus is an expensive freend; two wreaths an' three presents in seventeen years!" ROSTER OF National Athletic Board Director of Athletics, Michael Vrhovnik, 2657 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago 23, Illinois. Dist. No. 1—James J. Trofino, 417 Woodland Ave., Johnstown, Pa. Mat. No. I—Lawrence Cassoi. 717 Washington Ave., Oakmont, Pa. Dial. No. Stanley Zupon. 15014 School Ave., Cleveland 10, Ohio. Dist. No. 4—Joseph Golla. 2040« Hull, Detroit 3, Mich. Diet. No. S—Frank Mivec, 1140 N Holme» Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Dist. No. g—Frank Groser, 4255 W. Potomac Ave., Chicago 51, 111. DIM. No. Marco Shappeek, 2736 N. 2nd St.. Milwaukee 12, Wis. but nonpohtical, and is officially registered under the lobbying act It is entirely nonprofit except for the juicy salaries of the high powered publicity agents who run It. It m supposed to be'a physiciana committee, but its main con tributors are the big drug manu facturers As far aa extending medical service to all the people ia con earned, the Natl Physicians Com mittee has admittedly spent over $1 million to fight national health insurance and to fight the extension of medical service, The NPC haa floodec the nation with more than 25 million circulars and pamphlets attacking naUonal health insurance It has published more than 3.000 full-page advertisement* In newspapers, has swamped newspapers and magarlnes with biased news stories and canned editorials, haa used the radio, di red-mail «oltcitatton. as well as | lobbying of U. 8 senator and rep- NOTICE TO MEMBERS who euch ao o "Cord of Thanlca/' a "Memorial/' a "Surprlae Party Notice." a Tor Sole Ad." er any ether atanllar liena for publica-llon In Prosreta, pleeee note that all such ttema are conaldered advertlaementa adeertlalng ratea. No auch ltema. therefore, can be publlahed free of chmrgm. Philip Godina. Manager. • ,., ......... . — the NPC by demanding in no un- ' people took effective measure« to certain tonn» that Congre«« adopt rcounteract the vicious campaign« of national health in inaurancc -MP P ) T 1 ruvr «mp 1 lifystonllanh annivfr^kY CELEBRATION mn ahiovkssasy or lodge * iotk anmivk«0*at or juvenile circle» * mth ammivebsary or the LODGE SNPJ KEYSTONIANS ANNIVERSARY ttxtskaiiun e»tabli»mmeiit or juvenile derr. * «atuhdat. jwwe i. i»o kebminie pk * concebt-sewickley TWP HIGH SCHOOL aoditobium-DUOOMH« UNIVEB.ITY TAMeUBrrXAN«—COLOarUL MUSICAL BEViEW « TIMt-7,» * TOLL I BBSS * »^T^'^rS^l^rm^ ATtran both Arr aib« a Nr. »rran a rovrui rvririira with the keystohiah lodoi: * music • sohos hamciho lauchteb • joy-that s the pmoobam roa the evehino ! BMJki WEDNE6DAY, JUNE 2, 1948 PAOSV KTA SS Juvenile Circles Oí the SNPJ Jr. All Stars Plan Outing MILWAUKEE, Wis.—The first Jr. All Star outing will foe held Sunday, June 27, at Greenfield Park. High-1 lifts of the day will be a scavenger hunt, a baseball game and if possible a playoff between the Jr. All Stars and their parents. We hope that this challenge will induce a good many parents to attend. Bring your friends, everyone is invited. For complete details and to learn about other activities taking place in our Circle all members should attend the regular monthly meeting to be held June 19 at Rebernisek's Hall from two till four. Delicious refreshments to be served. Special attention to all members 13 years and older we are now holding meetings every fourth Friday of the month from seven to eight-thirty at Rebernisek's Hall. This will enable all members who are working to keep up to date with the Circle. Baseball practice hat been changed by Mr. Vodnik to Sunday mornings beginning at ten-thirty at Vieau Playgrounds. All members who were notified wi^ please remember that it's every Monday evening starting at seven at my home. Now that vacation days are here please help to remind the youngsters of their obligations to attend meetings and rehearsals. MARIE ERMENC, Director. Juvenile Spirit* Of Detroit No. 29 DETROIT.—The next regular monthly meeting of Circle 29 will be held on June 5, at 2 pm sharp, 17143 John R. Cards are not being mailed out for regular meetings. There are many things to be discussed and plans to be made for the balance of the year. Be sure to attend this meeting, because it is very important to you. Due to circumstances beyood my control we had to postpone our operetta until a future date. We didn't want to do this but felt at the time it was the wisest thing to do. A message to all SNPJ parents of Detroit: Do not be surprised if you find ire at your door one fine sum mer day. telling you why your chil dren should belong to our Juvenile Circle* Yoo and **1ciioW that chil dren must be kept occupied in their spare time. Can you think of any thing better than getting them into a group with boys and girls that par ticipate in many activities? Such as baseball, bowling, picnics, outings, acting, singing, etc. We can do this with a small mem bcrthip. But just think what can be done with a larger membership. By making personal contact with the parents I hope to make our Circle one to be very proud of. There it is again "if" I have cooperation from the parents, we can put this ovei Send your children to a couple of our meeUngs and activities. Parents are invited at all times. Only in that way you can see what we arr trying to accomplish. Or contact me by letter, 19303 Marx. Detroit 3 or phone Tw. 3-1086 or Tw. 2-4638 Thg age limit is from toddlers to eighteen years. The Circle is planning a trip to the zoo on June 12. The starting time is not definite but there will be a notice in next week's srticle Everyone get out for thif outing members and prospective members As 1 said before, parents are in vitcd. HELEN STIMAC, Director Circle 21 Affair Wat Big Success STRABANE. Pa—On May 20. Circle 27 held their annual Mother's Day banquet and program, which 45 mothers attended. Each mother was presented with an ivy plant and pictures were taken of all the mothers and of all the Circle members before the program started, For our guests we had the following officers of Lodge »§9: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marvkh. Mr. and Mrs Frank Kaminsky. Mian Frances Pod boy. Miss Elsie Kosmsck. and Mrs Charles Koval. From Circle It, Mrs Fiances Peiro and her assistant Miss Justine Sedmak Also of Circle M. Mr*. Wolfe of South view. We had Mrs. Thomas Klopock of Longbcach. California, also a guest. Henry Morvich. president of Lodge 589. presented Fred Deloat and Bob Kesnoski of Circle 27 with medals and the trophy to Fred Deloat for the end of the bowling season We don't know what we would do Without our adviser». Mary Cheenl*-snd Albtna Yarkosky. who had and have so much patience leaching us Each one of the Circle members hud part in Ihe program. I can't recall now esadly what each one did. but there were speeches, a Rua man dance, songs, and a short play Piano »ok» by Audrey Nackoul, (•ei atriinr Flowefs. and Gilbert Yu-rua, and accord km sol« by Gerald Ysrkoaky. Gerald Crosso, and John Trrahel ft waa a vwry good pmgrom and a very dclknout meal we« served, which was made by our advise««. Mary Chensic and Albina Yarkoaky, with the help of Dorothy Verchek and Mildred Pod boy. MARGY ORAVIC Ml SNPJ Day MILWAUKEE. WU—Plans are under way in Milwaukee for the National SNPJ Day celebration which is to be held on Sept 4, ft and 6. * Committees have been set up through the Milwaukee Federation of SNPJ lodges, for all phases of activity. We hope to make this SNPJ Day affair one that will be long remembered by all who there. t The program committee has set Western Wildcats Planning Picnic I _ DETROIT.—It's time to remind mation will be given. We have ob- all the members of Circle 58 that tained the services of Frankie Yan Id June 27 your meeting will! the middle west, and among all o* -Uff man hackM the second Sunda/ " Uv the Slovene people. v in addition/1 tea lilt« , June 13. at the West Side ^ »»he« "a orchestra w 11, »mpresaion of th our monthly meeting is just around the corner. Because of our picnic which is b* ing held be on month Hall at 3 o'clock sharp. We would like to see a lot of kids at the meeting to help make final plans for the big day. Remember that it's going to be your day and you can spend it any way you wish and the meet, mg will be the place to give your suggestions. At the May meeting it was decided to have the picnic at the Dtarborn Sea Shore Pools. There is a swimming pool, tennis courts, baseball diamond, kiddy playground, and baking ovens which will be used for roasting wieners and marshmallows. Games will be played and prizes given to the winning contestants. Sounds like fun? You bet! So let's come to the meeting June IS and help complete the plans for this gala day. Happy birthday to President Margaret Devyak. LOUISE PINK. GERTRUDE TAUCHER. Co-directors Circle 58 kovic and hia wen known orchestra for the picnic on Sunday. Frankie has certainly made nrany friends in I Lily Social Club, SNPJ Lodge 764 MILWAUKEE. Wis.—The dance at Eagles featuring Frankie Yanko-vic on May 27, was a great affair. Attention club members! We are gaining recognition. Frankie Yan-kovic remembered our club that nite and dedicated a special song to us. By now everyone must know we arc his loyal rooters. We did miss Louise Stebly at the dance due to her knee injury which occurred while we were on our hike. Beat wishes, Louise. He will be here again June 9 at the Auditorium with several other leading bands when they will pick the Polka King. Our congratulations and best wishes go to the Badger Secretary Jon Poklar and his bride, the formes Be f nice Kokalj. On July 25 the Badger Picnic will be held at Saga-din's Grove on South 38th and West Burnham Streets. Our members indeed will give our loyal support. The next big event will be the forthcoming great National SNPJ celebration to be held in Milwaukee over the Labor Day weekend. It is to be a mammoth three day affair. Our summer bowling league is well under way. It's being held at Mitchell Recreation from 8 to 10 p. m. on Mondays. By the also entertain at the picnic. Louie is a Milwaukee product with an up and coming polka group. On Saturday evening, Frankie Bevsek and his orchestra will play for our big dance. Frank is well known in this ares, and his music will please young and old alike. The National softball tournament will be held here as well as the SNPJ national golf tournament It was decided not tp hold any balina tourney this year since interest in balina is not very high here. Facilities are not available either. Four teams from all sections of the country will compete In the softball championships. Last year's champs were the Ambridge, Pa., Revellers. Some of the outstanding golfers in the SNPJ are expected to appear in Milwaukee for this* tournament. There may be other sports activities planned. They will be listed in future articles. We intend to have several prom» lnent speakers at our affairs. A speaker from headquarters will be present in addition to a prominent local,man. A few other things are in store for the program. These will be reported soon. 1 wish to take this opportunity to invite all SNPJ members and firends from ier and near to the National SNPJ oel ebration in Milwaukee. The dates are Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Sept. 4-5-8. Make Milwaukee your headquarters for the Labor day week end. Mingle with your friends of fraternalism and good fellowship. In succeeding articles either in this column or others, atl of the details and information will be given. JOHN J. POKLAR, Publicity Committee Behind ihe Iron Cartmfi By X M. LANDIS II According to the Wall Street Journal. the Molotov plan is doing fine in Poland. Industrial production already is H0% higher than before the war, und metal production W more than ___ twice as high. Not bad. says the up a program for "¿¡^ "three daiV 1 Journtt1' iora country that was al-I won't attempt to outlire the pro-1 most anmhitats«. gram in detail at the present time,* I quote th* Journal for obvious but in future articles all the infor- renwem. P^V to JM* that mv Information doesn't come from Henry Wallace, and partly to poriUgde the unwary that 1 move in the best cir- For the report that fhe Journal's staff man sends buck from Warsaw With the the terrible state ti things behind the iron curtain. . v When we thing of Poland and of Csecbaalovakia, we think automatically of the police state, and of slavery, renreaaion, and bad men. And no doubt we are right ft4m our frame oI reference Yet aome startling thin|p are happening la this rdgfori which never happened before. According to th* Journal, the Poles and Czechs, Who always hated WSmJBwtz the Communist plan. ¿When they were free, they used to spend their time scrapping over silly borders and knifing each other in the back. But now they are merging their industrial resources into an economic unit pottntially richer than the Ruhr. At one unpronounceable town on the Polish side, the two nation* have decided to build a 120,000-kilo-watt electric power plant. Poles are in charge of constructions; Czechs will supply the transformers and dynamos. They will divide the power 50-50. A Polish-Czech economic commission is lit permanent session. Its job Is to synchronize industrial pro ductipn. Common standards and interchangeable machine parts have been agreed upon. The Czechs took 50 Polish standards snd the Poles took 14 Czech standard« River boats are built In Poland, and engines for them in Csechoslo-vakia. And for the first time In her history, Czechoslovakia has an outlet to the sea. This is because Poland has granted her a free zona at Stettin on the Oder. In return Czechoslovakia li going to help rebjiild this former German port. - - What Is the moral, of all this? That things are not so simple 8« they seem, and that If wo expect our system to win we had better begin to think In terms of the real problems of the world. —(Sun-Timsi) Can We Afford Schools and Hospitals? Suppose for just a minute, we stop trying to settle other nation's problems, and take a look at a few things that need fixing in our own country. Three remarkable documents provide examples. first, a hospital "survey* made by the New York Times. That paper did a fine job; all the more impresaive because the Times cannot be called a radical critic of "the American way of life.1' Of the 148,500,000 men. women and children in the United States. IS,-800.000, or about one in each 10, entered hospitals as patients last year. Ihe Times found. That gives some Idea of the importance of hospitals to our people. Of the 18,000.000. over 9,000,000 were eared for in hospitals supported by "Churches, fraternal and racial groups, and philanthropists " These huapiUls, on which more than halt of all patients depend, are "going broke ' because of rising prices and costa. As a result, many people who need hospital care, but cannot afford it or gat It in hospital« maintained by cities or other government units, will have to get along without it—In the richest country in the world. That means despair and even death for the sick poor. Moreover, we need many more hospitals, and many of those we do have are ancient obsolete, should be torn down and replaced. Second, two members of Congress pointed out that, while Uncle Sam Is sending billions of dollars abroad, he Is cutting down on the comparatively small sums needed for "Rural Electrification." So millions of farmers and their wives become toll-worn for lack of "electrical servants," and their /hildren try to read and study by dim oil lampa of a bygone age. I Third, and perhaps moat impressive of all. a report on the needs of the nation's schools. I Mora than 12,000 school superintendents and teachers, assembled In convention, approved inspiring proposals, among them these: Replace present ramshackle old buildings, snd huge overcrowded ones with "schools of the future." Each of these would "be planned for not more than B00 children," would have modern equipment, and "a library open every day of the year," and an adequate playground, In addition, each sahool would have a summer camp for Its children Schools would be open II months s year, instead of closed three month ft In summer. "Every day would be promoUon day. When a child Is ready to move to a higher grade, he should be permitted to do so." The present coat of the schools is $2 billion a year. The proposed program would add another IS billion. That is much less than the $3 billion s year the army Is usking for peacetime conscription. It Is only one-tenth the |20 billion annually we are spending for "national defense" and "security," and is a small amount in comparison with ths billions we are sending abroad. America is rich enough ta afford what is good for its people Don't forget thst when you hear some one complaining that up-to-date schools and hospitsls, electricity for the fsrm, and other modern conveniences "will cost too much." —Labor. Dr. Lapp Scores Mündt Bill ■ The passage of the Subversive ActiviUes Control Act (the Mundt BUI. H. R 5812» by the House of Representatives is a symptom of a dangerous hysteria in the land, according to Dr. John A. Lapp, chairman of the Chicago Division of the American Civil Liberties Union. The Bill is presumed to outlaw Communist activities. It will affect such activities only to the extent of driving them underground, What It will do will be to endanger the rights snd the functioning of all liberal organisations. It will intimidate individuals from expressing opinions or participating in civic organisations, for fear of the web of words that the Bill weaves. It seta precedents which can be used to suppress any individual, organisation, group, or party againat | which sufficient clamor can be raised. The Bill Is clearly unconstitutional in some of IU aspects but Its must serious damage, through inllmida-lion, will be done long before the issues can reach the U. S. Supreme Court for deciaion. The Chicago Division of the American Civil Liberties Union urges upon th«. United States Senate the defeat of the measure by a decisive vote. ftf, Çampstition UNIVERSAL, Pa—Our binding Fraternal Spirit in our bowling tour-namenta is over for the past season; it has its declared champlona, sectional and national. Softball and golf is under way to a full schedule, its champions yet to be decided. So teams in softball and individúala, in golf, place yourself In an egotistical shell and start battlln' away as to Who's Who in your line. In the atmosphere of competition, way ¡ the Comets Lodge 715 is on record Stan, we all agree that it is very 0f sponsoring a dance, Sat., June 5, becoming. Also just a reminder the time for our singing rehearsal at the National Clubhouae is a! 7:30 p. m. sharp on Thursday. Make it a point to be there. BUTCH. 784. Family Helpmate By DOROTHY SODNTK Jelly Roll.' If you like Jelly Roll here is a good and simple recipe that requires only a short baking time. 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup pastry flour. I Up baking powder, '/« Up salt, 8 tablespoons hot watea, 1 Up vanilla. Boat eggs until light. Add sugar gradually and beat thoroughly. Next add sifted flour with baking powder and salt Then add hot waUr and flavoring. Beat well. Bake mixture in a long shallow pan lined with wax paper for about 20 minutes. When done turn onto a cloth, trim off crusted edges, spread with softened jelly, roll up and keep cloth around it to hold iU shape Soften jelly by whipping or beating it in a bowl. For variation place ice cream between two slices of jelly roll Or cover with a helping of pudding, a dab of whipping cream and top off with a maraschino cherry. In the Sewing Rmrm —I like the cumber bunds, matching ties and ruff lea that are all the fashion at present. These trimming* really alter your wardrobe when you have s few sets and they are not just for th* teen-agers, so don't be afraid to whip up a variety of them. For the tie you can follow a man's tie pattern, only do not cut it quite as long. Ik* it with self material or stiffening, depending on the material you have to work with For the cumber bund cut the material en the bios about 28 long (follow waist site) and 12" wide, make three pleats and retch, strtrh them on the wror* aide. Line with stiffening (old ends over and sew hooka on Be aure to have eumfoor-buhd hug waist for proper fit Cutting on the bias assures a better fit also The ruffle may be cm on the Mas or straight of material end then boated on the skirt The Ue can also aw 11 how or a mg flow- one ii< rending <41 faur mood far day and is offering you the challenge of your being judged in a Polka Dance Contest—that is to say of your ability of performing the "one-two," "two and one." "around-around," "slip-skip" and "holler." So in question, who shall reigneth, ahall we Book Tells of Attacks on Foreign-Born By Federated Press The Big Lie Uchnlqua In attack ing the labor and progressive movement wss used In the U. S. long be fore Hitler, This is one of the major say our sectional Western Pennsyl- facU revealed in the new booklet be )uat ing on* the da vania polka king and polka queen for the year 1948. Pecuniary prizes shall be awarded the winners. Won't you, our welcomed friends and plus their friends from Verona, PitUburgh, Harmarville, Center, Sy-gen, Jqhnstown and surrounding vicinities of our orgsnization come out and be judged accordingly (that is in dancing only). We assure you a pleasant evening of dancing to the music of Frank Porovne's Stylists. Plenty of refreshmenU and "za popit." So do come out, danoe and let loose of that built-up energy to express your inner feelings of the wsy polks music touches your aentimenUlity. The golf seaaon of the Comet Lodge had gotten under way May 9. A successful seaaon of activity in golf ia looked forward upon. Might add here, a chanllenge to our Wau-kegan group of golfers. 'Better guide them straight" at the National SNPJ Golf tourney at Milwaukee over Labor Day weekend. We are out to be on top. A great bit of humor md study of character can be had for any interested spectator of our early Sunday morning golfers, our peruliarl-Ues. mannerisms Whst make» Smile* What makes us sad* What makes us froth at the rnouthf The Sleasur* and the greet medicinal benefit« derived from the game physically and mentally to each of qa In reference to whet makes froth at the irouth. I might add thie casual reminder to us all: when we go out to play this game of golf remember, "you are judged by the way you apeak." regardless of the ups and downa you may exper eme This tin upon life ia as I ao read written by some authority of some irenUlity and literary inclinations Let him come out and try his hand at th* sport of golf flow sbout It feltas? To all again, we do hope for your companionship at our dencc. Retur day. June I. at the SlovenUn Hall, Univenal from 9 till T_ JOHN RtCHTER 711 by the Labor Research Assn. called The Palmer Raids. Reactionary forces In 1919 and 1020 fabricated a gigantic red scare They used this as s club to break strikes, disorganize unions and destroy the fundamenUl liberties of the American people The main asaaulU, the book shows, ware made againat Innocent foreign-born workers, Oume 8,000 of whom ware arresUd on the night of Jan. 2. 1920 Among the per petrators of the raids was the pres ent head of the FBI, J. Edgai Hoo ver. Later he was forced to admit the raids were Illegal. Similar tendencies are apparent today in American life and this makes the story of the Palmer raids and their lessons sll the more im portant. Responsible union officers are now being framed on deporU tion charges In plsce of the mass arresU of 1920 we npw have the more "refined" device of the Justice Dept. arresting union and political leaders Everyone Interested in defending basic civil rlghU will find (his new booklet an invaluable aid in the fight against nresent-dav reaction Copies of the booklet are obUin-able from the Labor Research Asan. 80 East II Bt. New York 3, N Y. for 20c Wallace to Speak On Radio Sunday Henry A. Wallace the Progresatve Party's sundard bearer, will spesk on radio Sunday afternoon. June 8 Hia speech will br broadcast over the NBC network; in Chicago snd Midwest It will be heard at 3 28 to 4 pm over WMAQ Before Pearl Harb«*, says a Twentieth Century Fund report the ratio of deotieU to popuUUon was one for every IJ7I persons living m the United Ste tas By the end of 1944, the ratio has dropped to about one for 2.400 persons a real conspracy in washington i1" ' , a*/ y> Secret Conference of "Exiles" in Nation's Capital Plans Violent Overthrow of East Europe Governments with United States Approval By GEORGE PIRINSKY, Exec. Sec'y, American Slav Congress While Congress seeks to outlaw an Imaginary world-wide conspiracy against our American way of life Uiiough the enactment of the Mundt-Nixon Bill, a real conspiracy against the present regimes of sis Eastern European countries is taking place right now in our nation's capital, a few blocks away frum the StaU Department and the White Houae ThU is the four-day conference of the so-called European "exiles," hraded by SUnlsUw MikolJrsyk of Poland. gDr. George M. DNMtrqv ("demeto") of Bulgaria, Dr. Vladko Macrk of Jugoslavia, and other bankrupt politicians and former quislings of the "Peasant Interim« tlonal Union," with hcadquarUra in Washington. * The avowed purpose of this conference and iU leaders is to plan Uie violent overthrow of the present regimes of the countries of Eastern Europe, with whoso governmenU our country has diplomatic relations. Here Is a real conspiracy, hatched on American soil, and encouraged by high American officials. The leaders of this conference have made It plain in their public sUUmenU and newspaper articles that their only hope of overthrowing the present governmenU of Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, Jugoslavia Snd Hungary U through war by the United StaUs on thoae countries. Similar sentirnenU have been expressed by Papanek and Slavik regarding Ciechoslovekia. Our government is well awsre of the Sims of these conspirators. Thelf subversive activities in Poland, Bulgaria, Jugoslffvia, Rumania, Csecho-slovakia and Hungary are well known to the Administration and to Congress. Yet there is not a sound of disapproval, not a word of censure from official circles. On the contrary. There la every reason to believe that these "Washington peasants" are acting as stooges of our SUU Department, In fact, Constantine Poulos in a recent article in'The Nation called them "the StaU Department's front men " WroU Poulos "These are the men 'on «ur side.' the State Department's front men in IU plan to roinsUU the old order In EasUrn Europe Be hind these weakened leaders, caught in the big-power whirlpool, are the real organlxeis, the militant, shrewd reactionaries and faacisU, the men who control oi did control money and power, and who will never give up their hop«* of overthrowing, with the help of God and atomic tximb, the postwar ievolution in Eastern Eu rope." The pro-wet piopaganda of Mi-kola jciyk, Pr Dimitrov, Ferenc Nagy and their colleagues u being ! api end over the pagea of pnm ipal ' American magaxmes and newspapers in the fotm of highly paid feature articles and inUrviows whose content, afUr polaonlng the minds of naive and prejudiced Amei leans, is later broadcast over the "Voloe of America ' to the countries of tlwii birth One can Imagine how (he people of Poland. Bulgaiia Jugosla via Hungary, AlbenU and Rume nia felt when they heard the familiar dlvlaive voiees of these "peas-anU," this Ume six aking from th* ahores of the U.S A and undei the aponaorshlp and Use (sUsctfin the American government. It is as stooge* that these bank- According tu a Twentieth Century Fund report, nearly 1| million workers in the United SUtoa, or one fourth of the entire Ubor force, were unemployed in 1922 and 1903. A Wonderful Buy in California Because of business interesU elsewhere owner must sacrifice and sell at onee this lovely 5 acre ranoh in Fontsna—one of the moat pres porous communities In Southern California. Well bull Spanish style stueco home- plastered Inside. Three hedroorrs, wardrobe eloaoU, bathroom with built in drawers and cupboards. Small dining room with many windows, Mg kitchen, lota of cupboards. Large living room. 81 feet long with fireplace and built In bookshelves at one end—French doors and matching windows at opt posite end, Houae is fully furnished and ¿very room newly redeoorated Furniture Includes piano, washing lupl politicians are being helped to machine, Croaaley gain the sopport of Americans of »feter, Motpoint range. uineite sev Slav and other Eastern Europe da- Davenport. Lounge eha^jand OUo-seent. Only two weeks ago, Presl- ■**£hajU, dressing table dent Truman sent greetings to al?«d ether odd chairs, lablqs. rugs, tonfcrance of Papanek nJTtM I ^¡f* **** . u. t .. Cxechoslovsk supporters In Chlcugo. \ Th* Mr^rty is bordered with taH Similar encouragement was exUnd» ed ex-king Michael of Rumania. Michael's recent visit to the White House and Truman's oxpresslon of hopv that Michael would regain his throne in Rumsnla was another example of the braxen support whk'h our government lends these plotters. A PM writer eorrgctly expressed Ihe feelings of a vast majority of the Anifrieen people when he wrote: "Surely the shades of past gen-e r s t i o n s of republican-loving Americans must writhe at the thought that the democracy they crcaUd is now smiling benignly on kings and as kings as tha rhsmpions against tyranny," The attention and encouragement given these bankrupt politicians and «x-klngs by our highest officials in Washington is a mockery of the democratic tradition« of our country and an insult to the memory of George Washington, Thomas Paine, Jefferson and Lincoln It paina Slavic Americans, as it must all other democratic Americana, to see foreign born leaders of freUrnal, cultural and trade union organisation arreated for deportation while the doora of America are being swung wide open for some of the worst pro-fascist scum of Europe It paina all true followers of Jeffcr-aon and Lincoln to see America turned Into a haven for discarded kings and a useless and completely degraded European arUtocraey_ ■ m" aa^—aaawa—ab^s—a— evergreen eucalyptus trees, lawns front and back, large full gro*n hedge Apricot trees, orange trees, boysenbei ry vines, pomegranite tree and about 29 full grown Engliah walnut trees. Fish and Illy pond on back lawn and other flowen and shrubs. Ilpst of all there are four a eras of vineyard—Mala of crop tha last three years lias averaged ll.cofl per year income Tha expanse of upkeep at most Is lass than IIBO.OO per year. Hut tha care is aimple and all you nerd Is a little spars time to save even this esponso. All vineyard work has ben dons for this yesr. New owner will sell crop In September. Always a market. Five shares of Irrigation waUr go with the place aaauring an sbundance of water. There Is plenty of space for s Urge garden Chicken house large enough for sbout 100 chickens. Near grocery stores and school-school bus stops at door Ten minutes drive from Kaiser Steel Mill, eight miles from Calton, ten mile« from San Bernardino, one hour from Los Angelea. Mild, healthy year round cilmaU This place is listed for a much higher price but for a quick sale the price la dropped to |f,900.M. Reply by wire or airmail to: KHANK ANDOLSEK 321 W Arrow Fontana, Calif. .....air ~ " — columbia records Slovenian and Croatian Selections 7Sc Each rranklo Yanlw>vl« and Hia | »kerllch »roe. TanhuritM Yanka. with John Pecan 12*25 F Bye, Bye. Baby (jive Me My Heart Hack 12219 F Rendezvous Walts (Vocal) Htrebene Polka I22&I-F Andy's Jolly Hop Rolling Rock Polka I23BO F Jost Reeauae (Voeal) A Night in May (Vocal) 12X82 F Page Polka Accordion Man Jo Ann