FOR Freedom AND Justice NO. 60 Ameriška 1 tli Ti i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100' Friday, August 8, 1 986 ^TNA VOL. LXXXVIII Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Edward Lee Howard, pobegli agent CIA, sedaj v ZSSR — Izdal več ameriških agentov v Sovjetski zvezi — Prvi tak primer za CIA MOSKVA, ZSSR — Včeraj je Sovjetska zveza uradno potrdila, da je dala politični azil 34-letnemu bivšemu agentu CIA Edwar-du Lee Howardu, ki je izginil brez sledu septembra lani. Howard naj bi bil prodal sovjetskim agentom 1. 1984 zaupne podatke o CIA aktivnostih v Moskvi. Med drugim naj bi bil izdal nekaj ameriških agentov, med njimi ne-^Sa A.G. Tolkačova, letalskega in električ-nega inženirja, ki so ga Sovjeti potem usmrtili. Baje je izdal tudi druge agente in s tem omogočil sovjetski protiobveščevalni službi, da je zlomila CIA mrežo v Moskvi. Howard je delal za CIA od januarja 1981 do junija 1983, ko je bil odpuščen zaradi suma, da je užival mamila in tudi kradel. Howard naj bi bil takd ogoročen nad izgubo službe, da je sam navezal stike s sovjetskimi agenti in jim prodal podatke. Da je Howard tlHal za ZSSR je bilo ugotovljeno šele na podlagi izjav pobeglega sovjetskega agenta ^’talija Jurčenka, ki je govoril o nekem »Robertu«. Preiskava je vodila do Howar-da. ki pa je pravočasno pobegnil. Od svojega doma v državi New Mexico je šel v Mexico City, od tam z letalom v Helsinki, Finsko, Potem pa na še nepojasnjen način prišel v ZSSR. Vitalij Jurčenko se je tudi premislil in se Prostovoljno vrnil v ZSSR. ^va člana Moskovskega cirkusa zaprosila za politično zatočišče v ZDA MIAMI, Fla. — Včeraj sta imela tiskovno konferenco Nikolaj Nikolski in njegova zena Bertalina Kazakova, ki sta zaprosila za Politični azil v ZDA in ga bosta po vsej verjetnosti tudi dobila. Zakonca sta vrvohodca P° poklicu in sta bila zvezdnika slovitega "toskovskega cirkusa, ki trenutno gostuje v rgentini. V Buenos Airesu se jima je uspelo Pobegniti v ameriško poslaništvo, kjer sta ZaProsila za azil v ZDA. Argentinske oblasti ‘so delale težav glede odhoda zakoncev iz dežele. Nikolski in Kazakova sta dejala, da ste ho-e u priti v ZDA, ker želita živeti v svobodi in da jima življenje v ZSSR ni bilo več všeč. Re-a sta, da bi rada našla zaposlitev pri kak-neni ameriškem cirkusu. V Argentini sta zamastila nekaj članov družine, ker jih je več jOdelovalo v vrvohodnih nastopih. Pretekli rek so ameriški diplomati v Buenos Airesu atttogočili srečanje med zakoncema in pred-wayniki sovjetskega poslaništva, vendar sta a* >n Kazakova vztrajala pri odločitvi. ePrav sta bila člana Moskovskega cirkusa n|n 12 let, je bilo gostovanje v Argentini mrv'č, da sta lahko potovala s cirkusom v tu-Jtuo. Zato sta se odločila, da bosta priliko koristila. Črnec Terence A. Todman, veleposlanik A na Danskem, noče postati veleposlanik • Afriki — Kritičen do Reaganove politike Čas KOPENHAGEN, Dan. — Že nekaj ^sa išče Reaganova administracija nekega ca, ki bi ga lahko imenovala za novega ^ cposlanika ZDA v Južno Afriko. V zad-J1 dneh je bilo slišati, da na to mesto ime- ^0van 60 let stari poklicni diplomat Terence D - ?dman, ki je sedaj veleposlanik ZDA v w a3ski, bil pa je že veleposlanik v Španiji, 'rhe|U' ^v'nej‘ ‘n Costi Rici. Včeraj pa je je p°dtnan tiskovno konferenco, v kateri • trdil, da bi predsednik Reagan ne smel - ,0vati novega veleposlanika v Južno Afriko, dokler ne izoblikuje pametnejšo politiko zoper sistem apartheida. Šele ko bodo ZDA imele verodostojno politiko do Južne Afrike, česar sedaj nimajo, bo lahko misliti na novega veleposlanika. Tako daleč pa ZDA še niso prišle, je dejal Todman. Reakcija v Beli hiši je bila, da je s svojo izjavo Todman onemogočil, da bi postal veleposlanik v Južni Afriki. Zadrega Reaganove administracije glede politike do Južne Afrike se bo torej še nadaljevala, pravijo opazovalci političnih razmer v glavnem mestu. Pritisk na predsednika Reagana za temeljito spremembo svojega gledanja na Južno Afriko se veča iz dneva v dan, Reagan pa se temu pritisku upira. — Kratke vesti - Washington, D.C. — Ta ponedeljek bodo predsednik Reagan, njegova žena Nancy, podpredsednik George Bush in do 78 članov Reaganove pisarne v Beli hiši sodelovali v pregledu, katerega namen je ugotoviti, ako uživajo mamila. Udeležba je sicer prostovoljna. Ta teden se je Reagan pridružil kampanji proti uživanju mamil. Rabat, Mar. — Danes je imel tiskovno konferenco maroški kralj Hassan. Branil je svojo odločitev, da se je osebno srečal z izraelskim predsednikom Šimonom Peresom pred dvema tednoma. Kritiziral je Sirijo zaradi ostre sirijske reakcije. Palestince je pa pozval, naj navezujejo stike z Izraelci. London, V. Br. — Zahodni opazovalci Irana menijo, da bo Iran v naslednjih tednih odprla silovito ofenzivo zoper Irak. Trdijo tudi, da je Iran v zadnjem letu bistveno izboljšal kvaliteto svoje vojske tako v vežba-nju in taktiki kot orožju. Mnenja so, da so Iranci sedaj v dovolj močnem položaju, da lahko celo premagajo iraške sile. Tudi iranski politični sistem je presenetljivo stabilen, po njegovi smrti bo sedaj 86-letnega ajatolo Homeinija nasledil ajatola Montazeri. Washington, D.C. — Mnogi republikanci podpirajo gibanje, katerega namen je razveljaviti dopolnilo ameriški ustavi, ki prepreči, da je ena oseba več kot dvakrat izvoljena za predsednika ZDA. Zaradi tega dopolnila ustavi namreč ne sme predsednik Reagan ponovno kandidirati 1. 1988. Reagan sam podpira to gibanje, vendar trdi, da ne v njegovem osebnem primeru. Zanimivo je, da so sami republikanci odgovorni za to dopolnilo in sicer v reakciji zoper demokratskega predsednika Franklina D. Roosevelta, ki je bil izvoljen kar štirikrat zaporedno. Washington, D.C. — Iranske oblasti so menda aretirale 49-letnega ameriškega državljana, telekomunikacijskega inženirja Jona Pattisa in ga obtožile vohunjenja za ZDA. V State Departmentu pravijo, da Iranci niso objavili nobenih dokazov o Pattiso-vem vohunjenju in so zavrnile poskuse švicarskih diplomatov, da bi se srečali s Patti-som. Ker ZDA in Iran nimajo diplomatskih odnosov, predstavljajo ameriške interese v Iranu švicarski diplomati. Louisville, Ky. — V bolnišnici Humana so sporočili, da je umrl 54-letni William Schroeder, ki je živel z umetnim srcem 620 dni. Zdravniki pri tej bolnišnici trdijo, da bodo z vsaditvijo umetnih src nadaljevali. Varšava, Polj. — Poljske oblasti bodo v naslednjih dneh menda izpustili zgodovinarja Adama Michnika, vodilnega člana Solidarnosti. Iz Clevelanda in okolice O poravnavi naročnine— Naznanjamo, da bomo nehali s pošiljanjem našega lista vsem naročnikom, ki so v zaostanku glede poravnave naročnine in sicer takoj, ko poteka naročnina. Naročniki so pravočasno obveščeni glede poravnave naročnine. Dotlej smo A.D. pošiljali naročnikom, ki so v zaostanku tudi več mesecev, vendar visoka poštnina tega ne dopušča več. Prosimo za razumevanje. — James V. Debevec Slovenski dan na SP— Letos praznuje Slovenska pristava svojo 25-letnico. V nedeljo, 24. avgusta, bo na SP Slovenski dan, na katerega ste vsi že danes vabljeni. Novi grobovi Joseph Tekavec Umrl je 80 let stari Joseph Tekavec, mož Mary, roj. Godec, oče Josepha R., stari oče Pamele in Johna, brat Rose Miklaus in Jennie Stibil (pok.), član Woodmen of the World. Pogreb bo iz Zak pogrebnega zavoda, 6016 St. Clair Ave., v ponedeljek, 11. avgusta, v cerkev sv. Vida dop. ob 9.30, od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo jutri zvečer od 7. do 9. ter v nedeljo pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Josephine J. Jeran Umrla je 77 let stara Josephine J. Jeran, rojena Muhic, žena Sylvestra, mati Judith in Jamesa, 3-krat stara mati, sestra Mary Ster ter že pok. Franka, Adolpha in Williama. Pogreb bo iz Grdinovega zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. jutri, v cerkev sv. Križa dop. ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Jennie Laurie Umrla je Jennie Laurie, rojena Verbec, vdova po Mattu, sestra Matthewa, Anne Turk, Rose Hren ter že pok. Mary Zajc, Julie Cherne in Johna. Pogreb bo privaten. Na mrtvaškem odru bo nocoj od 7. do 9. v Želetovem zavodu na E. 152 St. Frank M. Baraga V torek, 5. avgusta, zvečer je v Euclid General bolnišnici po dolgi bolezni umrl 77 let stari Frank M. Baraga, vdovec po 1. 1981 umrli Mae, roj. Vi-dervol, sin Johanne (roj. Hrovat) in Franka (oba že pok.), brat Mollie Matuska ter že pok. Jennie Ferrante, Josephine Kuret, Dorothy Perusek in Wilme Krall, stric in pra-stric, veteran druge svetovne vojne, zaposlen pri Picker Intl. do svoje upokojitve, član društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 KSKJ. Pogreb bo iz Grdinovega zavoda na Lake Shore (dalje na str. 4) Balincarji SP vabijo— Balincarski krožek Slovenske pristave vabi na piknik, ki bo tu soboto, 9. avg., na Slovenski pristavi, kot običajno. Stejk večerjo bodo servirali med 6. in 8. uro zvečer in sicer za zelo primerno ceno $8. Pridite! Skupno sv. obhajilo— DNU pri Sv. Vidu ima skupno mesečno sv. obhajilo to nedeljo, 10. avgusta, pri sv. maši ob 8. zjutraj. Po maši bo zajtrk in kratek sestanek, h kateremu so vabljeni vsi člani. Primorski-lovski piknik— V nedeljo, 17. avgusta, popoldne ste vabljeni na Lovsko farmo na piknik, ki ga skupno prirejata Primorski klub in St. Clair Rifle klub. Na voljo bo dobro kosilo. 85. obletnica— To nedeljo praznuje slovenska fara sv. Lovrenca v Nev-burgu svojo 85. obletnico ustanovitve. Župniku Fr. A. Rebolu in vsem faranom in farankam ob tem visokem jubileju čestitamo! Nepričakovan odziv— .Pretekli petek smo poročali o možnostih za zaposlitev pri FBI. Že pretekli petek popoldne se je pri nas zopet oglasil agent Tom O’Malley in izrazil presenečenje in hvaležnost nad velikim odzivom. Poklical nas je ta ponedeljek in rekel, da se je oglasilo že 11 oseb, ki so se zanimale za več informacije. Kaj takega, je rekel, nikakor ni pričakoval. Lutkarji iz Slovenije— V petek, 22. avgusta, bodo nastopili v Slovenskem delavskem domu na, Waterloo Rd. trije člani lutkarskega gledališča iz Ljubljane. Trenutno nastopajo na Svetovnem sejmu v Vancouvru, Kanada. Vrata bodo odprta ob 7.30 zv., nastop je predviden za 8. uro, sledilo bo družabno srečanje. Vstopnina je $4,- na osebo. Nastop je v organizaciji Odbora za kulturne izmenjave s Slovenijo. Družinski dan piknik ADZ— V nedeljo, 17. avgusta, pri-, redi Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza svoj letni Družinski dan piknik na svojem letovišču v Leroyju. Piknik bo začel v zgodnjih popoldanskih urah in . trajal do 10. ure zvečer. VREME Spremenljivo oblačno danes z verjetnostjo krajevnih neviht. Najvišja temperatura okoli 83° F. Deloma sončno jutri z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 82° F. V nedeljo pretežno sončno z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 80° F. Ameriška Domovina je Vaš list! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche NAROČNINA: Združene države: $33 na leto; $18 za 6 mesecev; $15 za 3 mesece Kanada: $42 na leto; $27 za 6 mesecev; $1 7 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $25 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $18; Kanada: $22; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $33.00 - year; $18.00 - 6 mos.; $15.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $42.00 - year; $27.00 - 6 mos.; $17.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $45.00 per year; $25 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $18.00-year; Canada: $22.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 61 17 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published every Tuesday and Friday except the first 2 weeks in July and the week after Christmas. No. 60 Friday, August 8, 1986 ®u^^^6”83 Južna Afrika Oči vsega političnega in gospodarskega sveta so že dolgo obrnjene naravnost na Južno Afriko, moderno državo, ki se zvija v krčih velike politične krize. Časopisi obširno poročajo in televizijske postaje primerno ali neprimerno komentirajo nevzdržno stanje, kateremu ni videti na vse strani zadovoljive rešitve. Ker je to vprašanje tako zelo aktualno, bo prav in primerno, da se tudi v našem listu izreče kaka beseda. Izreči jo pametno, je pa težka zadeva. Ta pisec o teh rečeh skrbno zasleduje analize in ocene položaja v Južni Afriki v vodilnem časopisju in tudi posluša komentarje na televiziji, da bi dobil pravo sliko razmer; končno se pa vendarle najbolj zanese na svojo zdravo pamet in na mnogoletne lastne življenjske skušnje, ki segajo iz domačih doživetij v zamotana mednarodna dogajanja: Tako si je iz razmer v Južni Afriki ustvaril npko lastno sliko, o kateri nikamor ne more jamčiti, da je povsem pravilna, vendar misli, da je zadel v jedro sedanje svetovne politične krize, iz katere išče kolikor toliko zadovoljivega izhoda. Južno-afriška unija, katero so v prvem desetletju sedanjega stoletja ustanovili beli priseljenci iz Evrope (največ iz Nizozemske), ki so se tod naselili že mnogo preje in se imenovali »Afrikaaner«, je moderno urejena in zelo bogata dežela z ogromnimi naravnimi bogastvi raznih dragocenih rednin, tudi zlate rude. Avtohtono prebivalstvo pa je vse zamorskega rodu črne barve, primitivno in zaostalo kot je celotna svoječasno kolonialna Afrika. Posledica velike politične in gospodarske moči Afrikaanerjev se je posebno izrazito začela kazati v ločevanju črnih domačinov od gospodujočih belcev, kar so začeli nazivati apartheid. Črnci nimajo istih državljanjskih človeških pravic kot beli, in sedanja gonja za izenačenje človečanskih pravic črnskih plemen na afriškem kontinentu je pognala južnoafriška plemena v odprt boj z belo oblastjo, kakor smo mu priče v naših dneh. Da je načelo enakih človekovih pravic na vse rase na svetu izven debate, ne more biti prigovora. Vprašanje pa, kako do njih priti je druga zadeva, odvisna od mnogih, premnogih'činiteljev. Zlasti pa še v tako minuciozno izdelanem socialno-političnem sistemu, kakor ga najdemo v Južni Afriki. Dolžno spoštovanje dostojanstva slehernega človeka z božjo iskro v njegovi osebnosti in socialno-politična izgradnja človeške družbe na tej premisi, je temeljna zapoved krščanstva kakor tudi človeštva sploh. Politika apartheida jo zametuje, ločujoč bele državljane, ki jim pripisuje vse državljanske in človeške pravice, od črnih domačinov, ki jim le te zanika. Izključno belo vlado, sestavljeno iz potomcev nekdanjih priseljencev danes vodi predsednik države P.W. Botha, ki je pod vplivom svoje skrajno nacionalistične skupine trmoglav in nepopustljiv, čeravno čuti, da je nekaj treba napraviti okrog apartheida, ne da bi ga podrli. Razpadajoče moralno in socialno tkivo v državi na razne načine »flikajo«, vendar zaplate slabo držijo. A vladajoča ekipa se z vso veliko močjo dobro zgrajenega državnega varnostnega aparata Mimogrede iz Milwaukeeja MILWAUKEE, Wis. - V avgustu so naši predniki pasjim dnevom pripisovali neko de-mosko moč. Slovensko reklo je: »V avgustu pij vino in pusti ženske pri miru.« V mnogih krajih še danes velja prepričanje, da je v hudi vročini žejen pes zelo nevaren, ker se ga lahko poloti nevarna steklina. Od vseh mesecev ima avgust v starih bukvah zabeleženih najmanj narodnih imen. Razen velikega srpana, so samo še prašnjek, ritešnja, mlatnik, osemnik in poznoleten. Za ta mesec vremenski pregovori pravijo takole: Če se avgusta po gorah kadi, kupi si kožuh za zimske noči. — Sonce srpana grozdje meči, z medom navdana ajda diši. — Če se megla zjutraj vzdiguje, slabo vreme napoveduje, če pa meglo zemlja posrka, lepo vreme na vrata trka. To je nekaj splošnih vremenskih pregovorov za avgust, več pa jih imajo še Lovrenc, ki ima god 10. avgusta in je poln modrosti glede vremena in letine, veliki šmaren je 15. avgusta, god Jerneja pa je 24. avgusta: Lovrenc in Jernej lep, še dolgo v jeseni bo tako vreme. — Kakor Jernej in zadnji srpan vremeni, se vsa jesen drži. — Lovrenc in Jernej v lepem vremenu pravita: Tako bo tudi jeseni. — Če Jernej že zrelo grozdje najde, bodo blagoslovljene polne brajde. — Zrel grozd Jerneja dobiti, dosti bo sladkega vinca piti. V tem mesecu se poletje prelomi, sončni žarki so medlejši, dan se rano utruja, šum poletja in razkošja je vedno tanjši in tšji. Kakor za julij, priporoča stoletni koledar tudi za avgust zmernost v vsem. Celo zrelo sadje naj bi jedli šele takrat, ko ga opere avgustovski dež. Če se kokoši že v tem mesecu skubijo, pomeni to, da se obeta trda zima. V zvezi s koledarskimi napovedmi vremena je treba poudariti, da se tipi vremena skozi leto ne ponavljajo po določenih datumih, ampak v širših obdobjih okoli njih. Nekateri datumi cerkvenih praznikov in godov svetnikov se iz leta v leto spreminjajo. Zato je pravilneje, da koledarske vremenske reke pojmujemo za določeno obdobje okrog kakega datuma in ne prav za isti dan, ko je praznik ali god svetnika, ki naj bi bil dober vremenar. Sicer pa vremenski pregovori niso toliko zanimivi, posebno danes v Ameriki, zaradi resnične vrednosti, ampak kot dokaz, kako so se naši predniki zanimali za vreme, to brez tehničnih naprav. Vreme jim je bilo takrat pomemben in koristen življenjski pogoj. Dan se nam bo v tem mesecu čisto po nepotrebnem skrajšal več kot za eno uro in pol. Godovnikom in vsem, ki so zagledali luč sveta v tem mesecu, želim zdravja in prijetne pasje dneve. In če ste prepričani, da ste zdravi kot dren, ste v zmoti. Medicinsko raziskava-nje je tako zelo napredovalo, da praktično ni več zdravega človeka! Če sanjate o vremenu. Sanjske bukve vam razložijo vse, tudi vremenske pojave v spanju. Prva razlaga je iz egiptovske sanjske knjige, druga iz arabske sanjske knjige, in tretja je iz ciganske sanjske knjige. — Hud naliv doživeti: velik dobitek — velika neprijetnost — za dežjem pride sonce. Grmenje slišati: skorajšnja izguba časa — grozno sporočilo — različne novice. Blisk videti: brani odpraviti apartheid, kar črnska dominantna večina vedno glasneje in nasilneje zahteva. Že dolgo teče kri. Svet tragedijo gleda in bi rad pomagal. Lokacija južno-afriške Unije, kakor tudi njena politična in ekonomska moč je vse preveč važna za ta planet, da bi se dopustilo, da bi se zrušil v svoji lastni krvi, ali da ga zadene kakšna druga velika nesreča. In so pogruntali, da bi bilo najbolj prav, pritisniti na Botha in njegovo vlado s kako kaznovalno akcijo ter ga prisiliti k razgovorom in pogajanjem s črnsko opozicijo. Najbolj pripravno, najmanj nevarno in riskantno orožje so gospodarske sankcije. Pa so zavpili: sankcije, sankcije! Kaznujmo Botha in njegovo nepopustljivo vlado in jo prisilimo na kolena! Cel svet je danes po časopisju in televiziji poln kritike o sankcijah. Toda nekateri vodilni državniki in politiki se sankcij branijo, med njimi ameriški predsednik Reagan, angleška premierka Thatcher, nemški kancler Kohl in drugi voditelji evropske skupnosti. Imajo veliko pomisleke, da-li je to orožje učinkovito in sploh pravilno. Močno jih podpira resnica, da v naši dobi še nobena akcija z uporabo sankcij ni bila uspešna. Vsaka država, ki se jih poslužuje, ravna po svoje, jih izpolnjuje ali zabušava, kontrola je skoraj nemogoča. Osebno sem prepričan, da s sankcijami ne bodo nikamor prišli. Spominjam se na široko razširjene akcije proti Italiji, ko je ta napadla Abesinijo in smo v Sloveniji zaradi njih veliko trpeli, pa so popolnoma propadle. Velike države so jih kratkomalo izigrale, zasledujoč z njimi svoje lastne koristi. Kje je v sedanjem še bolj ohlapnem mednarodnem sodelovanju kakršna koli garancija, da bodo danes pa uspele? Slišati je tudi svarila, da bi vsaka občutna ohromitev s sankcijami južno-afriškega ekonomskega procesa prizadela zamorske delavske interese mnogo bolj trdo kot škodovala vladnim krogom, ki si bodo še znali pomagati v vsakem primeru. S sankcijami kot kaznijo se odtujeje pripravljenost (dalje na str. 3) bliža se katastrofa — ločitev v družini — prepir, zamera, huda bolezen. — Plaz opazovati: svarilo pred nesrečo — nesoglasje — ne veš ne kod ne kam. Poplavo doživeti: nadležni ljudje — upniki na obzorju — ni vse tako slabo. Pomlad: neizpolnjeno hrepenenje — hudi bodočnosti nasproti — lepa prihodnost. — Sončna pokrajina: izpolnitev vseh želja — razkošne ure — varljiva sreča. Dragi bralci in bralke! Na splošno je očitno bolje, d3 sanjate o vremenskih pojavi Triglavski kotiček Čeprav sem citiral reklo »* * * * v juliju in avgustu pij vtn0’ Pa ženske pusti pri miru«, sta se kljub vročini poročila Trig a vana! V soboto, 12. julija« sta se v cerkvi sv. Marije Pomoč nice kristjanov na West Alltsu poročila sin delavnega a, vana Stanleyja in Joan Ya 1 Thomas z ljubeznivo Deann Doberstein. Poročno mašo s pridigo je opravil župnik reV^ Frederick Smith. Porocn slavje se je vršilo v prostori Knights of Columbus na • 103. cesti. Novoporočencetu iskrene čestitke! V soboto, 26. julija, je stni pevec, član Triglava ko Berginc pred oltarjem cerkvi sv. Marije Pomočm kristjanov pri poročnem r du izročil svojo in svoje ze Ann nasmejano hčer Ann (dalje na str. 3) Lep obisk sosedov .EVELAND, O. - ^kj že bilo poročano, je °3 . ski krožek Slovenske ve povabil naše dobre so iz Chicage in Milwau e tekmovanje v balinanju-^ V soboto, 19. juliia- s^gge, .rihajat.najprvoizChtc * t r so bližji, potem je Prl :obus iz Milwaukeeja- ^ šumelo je po Pristavi: tu!« Veseli smo jih P° e u zopet pozdravili- ^ Dd dolge vožnje u^rU-*e.n!gga sebno v silni vročini e se je senca pod ko ^ rekami kar. prilegla, 0 t« a pri bari za »dušo prlV ^ bila na razpolago- O1-! . so bila obrnjena k ba^ ^ im prostorom, kjer se :ilo, kdo bo boljši- [0 Igre so se vršile tis10 s<^aj Pravičeno se pritožujete aad našim skoraj popolnim ^ortianjkanjem odgovoriti na Se vaše napore, ko ste nam Onovno pisali in prevzeli vz-fževanje nekaterih naših ^ogoslovcev. Zaradi vseh te-v> ki smo jih prestali, so ne-b^| Cr? na^a finančna sporočila a izredno počasna predno So nas dosegla. S|j^°‘zkusil bi rad podati vam gl °’, kako stvari trenutno iz-ce u*°’ zadeva bogoslov-sPre' •StC v vzc*rževanje ^0 ° Sredam na fotokopijo n„, Va^cga pisma z dnt '984, zadsve “ od vlpz ^semwanga» Podi Do, A Clevcland, Ohi( ja 1986 " V duhovnika 27• PiraaoLSSentUuya’ ki 8a benkf,Č- Mary Novak, c v Ka St. Michael’s bolni t^rontu, doma iz Sc< V BLAG SPOMIN ^°ŽE BRODNIK > Je Umrl 8- avgusta 1985. ^luioči: rough, Ontario, bo ordiniran v diakona 27. julija 1986. Peter Ssenkaayi, vzdrževan v bogoslovju od gdč. Mary Kacijan iz Clevelanda, bo tudi prejel mašniško posvečenje 27. julija tega leta. Aloysius Lugolobi, vsa leta teologije vzdrževan od Fr. Philipa Feryana, O.F.M., bo v mašnika posvečen 23. avgusta tega leta.« Ko srečni ugotavljamo ta vesela dejstva v rasti domačinske Cerkve v Ugandi, molimo istočasno za pokoj duše rajnega o. Philipa Feryana, ki je lani v avgustu odšel v boljše življenje in mora biti sedaj zelo vesel svoje žrtve za njegovega kandidata — novomašnika. Prav tako naj Bog podeli bolni gdč. Mary Kacijan, ki jo je zadel nedavno mrtvoud na eni strani telesa, veliko olajšavo bolečin in potrpežljivost v prenašanju križa, ki ga s Kristusom nosi v zavodu za ostarele — bolne v Clevelandu na Lake Shore Blvd. »Obenem s tem pismom vam prilagam pisma vseh štirih, ki bodo v juliju in avgustu ordinirani, in okrožno pismo, ki vsebuje važne informacije, razposlane večini dobrotnikov našega semenišča koncem lanskega leta 1985. Med žalostnimi vestmi je smrt Josepha Okumu iz škofije Gulu, ki je umrl začetku tega leta. Naj njegova duša počiva v miru! Bil je že duhovnik.« Rajnega Josepha Okumu je vzdrževala ga. Restituta Palleschi iz naše fare Brezmadežnega Srca MarUincga v Scarborough, Ontario. Prav gotovo v nebesih Boga hvali za svoj mašniški poklic in moli za svojo dobrotnico, njeno družino, našo faro in celotno MZA. Gdč. Mary Kacijan iz Clevelanda je vzdrževala tudi druge- V BLAG SPOMIN PETE OBLETNICE SMRTI MOŽA IN OČETA mm* .T' LUKA KUHAR Umrl 6. avgusta 1981. Sonce naj na trato sije, kjer počivaš dragi Ti. Duša pa naj srečo utiva, tam v rajski večnosti. Žalujoči: Jožefa — žena Lojzi, Frančišek, Stane, Bogomir — sinovje Metka, Marcy — snahi Uršula Marija — vnukinja Marko in Niko — vnuka Cleveland, O., 8. avgusta 1986. MIMOGREDE iz MILWAUKEE!A (Nadaljevanje s str. 2) ga bogoslovca Charlesa Bala-maze iz nadškofije Kampala v Ugandi, ki je bil že lani v mašnika posvečen. Crispin Obico iz škofije So-roti je bil tudi že posvečen. Vzdrževan je bil od g. Franca Medveda od MZA Minneapolis—St. Paul, Minnesota. Pr&v tako je bil že v mašnika posvečen Jerome Ntiruba-barira iz škofije Kabale, ki sta ga vzdrževala Neimenovana zakonca iz Connecticuta, Z.D. Fr. Jože Snoj iz Kalifornije je vzdrževal Emmanuela Aku-mu iz škofije Gulu, ki je tudi že v duhovnika posvečen. Ga. Mary Kebe iz Ottawe, Ontario, je podpirala študije John Baptist Masayi iz škofije Tororo. On je tudi že mašnik postal. Vsi navedeni so zelo srečni in služijo v različnih položajih in duhovniškem apostolatu, vsak v svoji lastni škofiji. »Z velikim veseljem se vam oglašamo po kar zelo dolgem času. Brez dvoma ste zasledovali dogodke, ki so prizadeli našo državo Ugando zadnje leto, posebej zadnje mesece tega leta. Kot lahko pričakujete, je bilo naše semenišče, ki leži v Kampali, glavnem mestu Ugande, čutilo vetrove dogodkov, prizadevajoče Ugando zadnja leta, posebno lansko. ,,Če Gospod ne zida hiše, se zastonj trudijo zidarji, ki jo zidajo. Če Gospod ne čuje nad mestom, čuvar zastonj ostaja buden.” Zares smo hvaležni, da je Gospod bdel nad našim semeniščem in to zadnje leto je bil poseben blagoslov. Poseben blagoslov za naše bogoslovno semenišče v lanskem študijskem letu je bilo imenovanje rektorja teologije v Ggabi, Kampala, za pomožnega škofa Emmanuelu kardinalu Nsubuga. Sveti oče je izbral za to mesto Matthiasa Ssekamanya in kardinal nam je to novico osebno sporočil 30. marca 1985, ob zbrani semeniški družini. Čakali smo potem do 2. junija, da smo lahko prisostvovali škofovskemu posvečenju. Bogata žetev duhovniških posvečenj je poseben blagoslov zadnjih let. Lahko rečemo: ,,Zahvaljen, Gospod, da uslišuješ prošnje svojega ljudstva, ko izbiraš izmed njih one, ki bodo služili v Tvojem vinogradu.” Ni samo število ordiniranih veliko večje, ampak tudi splošni standard semeniščnikov je bil zelo izboljšan. Med onimi, ki so končali bogoslovsko formacijo v našem bogoslovju v maju 1985, jih je 25 napravilo izpite za Teološki baccalaureat v Rimu na Propagandni univerzi. Večina je izpite opravila z zelo dobrim uspehom. Priložena lista uspehov sama o tem govori. (Žal je nismo dobili. Op. pisca). Resnost in globina izpitov v našem semenišču tukaj omo-gočuje našim bodočim duhovnikom sprejem v nadaljnjo rie izvoljencu njenega srca Ed-wardu Vakošu. Veselo svato-vanje se je vršilo v Tumble-brook Country Club v Pewau-keeju, Wis. Prijateljske čestitke! Slovensko društvo Triglav izreka tem potom družini Frank Menčakovi, posebno njegovi žalujoči ženi Milki, globoko sožalje ob žalostni izgubi njenega očeta, ki je bil pretekli mesec pokopan v Michiganu. Naj počiva v miru in lahka naj mu bo ameriška gruda! Balincarski odsek SD Triglav je prejšnji mesec, 19. in 20. julija, s polnim avtobusom članov in članic nastopil oz. tekmoval v Clevelandu na Slovenski pristavi v balincarski umetnosti med Clevelandčani, Čikažani in Milvvaučani. V razgovoru z našimi balinarji in balinarkami, ko so se vrnili iz Clevelanda, sem prišel do zaključka, da so trdno zmagali Clevelandčani, drugi so bili Čikažani in tretji so trdili, da specializacijo v teoloških disciplinah enkrat kasneje. Mimo tega, ker je šolanje v lokalnih razmerah v državi relativno cenejše kot v Evropi ali Severni Ameriki, je tak postopek veliko finančno štedenje v času formacije za duhovniški poklic. Srečni smo, da se standard bogoslovcev viša. Tako morajo tudi profesorji delati bolj temeljito. Naša Teologija ima tradicijo, da semeniščniki gredo ven za apostolat v in v okolico Kampale. Letos imamo 18 bogoslovcev, ki poučujejo verouk v 5 mestnih gimnazijah, 22 bogoslovcev uči verouk v 6 ljudskih šolah v mestu. 5 bogoslovcev, ki so glasbeno nadarjeni, hodi redno pomagat lokalnim cerkvam voditi pevske zbore, posebej v manjših farah. 14 diakonov pomaga za weekende v 7 župnijah ali misijonih. Ta tedenski apostolat bogati izkušnje bogoslovcev in koristi kristjanom v področjih, kjer služijo. Težave povzročajo varnost in transporta-cija.« (Bo še) Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 ni važno, kdo je zmagal, važno je, da smo imeli z njimi prijateljske razgovore in »good time«. Tudi to je nekaj vredno! Odlično uspeli Misijonski piknik! V nedeljo, 27. julija, seje v lepem Triglavskem parku vršil 16. misijonski piknik, katerega je z mladimi in starimi triglavskimi člani in članicami odlično pripravila in vodila delavna predsednica ga. Marija Coffel-tova. Ker je bilo lepo sončno vreme, se je piknika udeležilo veliko število naših ljudi, prijateljev in znancev. Še pred sv. mašo je stopil v kapelici sv. Cirila in Metoda pred mikrofon — mesto, na katerem je vedno govoril bivši tajnik misijonskega krožka, danes že pokojni Frank Rozina — sedanji odbornik Jože Ornik in prisrčno pozdravil vse navzoče. Takoj nato je misijonsko mašo z lepo pridigo daroval slovenski misijonar iz Kanade, p. Tomaž Maurič. Pri maši je sodeloval in pel mešani pevski zbor. Ob koncu mašnega obreda je spregovorila glavna tajnica MZA iz Kanade, rojakinja Sonja Ferjan, ki je med drugimi omenila, v kakih velikih težavah živijo in delujejo naši misijonarji in misijonarke, daleč okrog po svetu. Zato je želja in tudi prošnja, da jih podpiramo moralno, pa ne samo moralno, tudi finančno. Takoj po cerkvenem obredu so pridne kuharice s pomočjo ravno tako pridnih možakarjev pripravile izvrstno kosilo, pečenice, pečene piške s krompirjevo in zeleno solato, kavo in domačim pecivom. Mlajši ljudje pa so marljivo stregli in točili vročo in hladno pijačo. V kuhinji je pridno pomagala tudi nunska sestra, ki je na obisku pri svojih starših Ralph in Marije Coffelt. Vso pohvalo zaslužijo članice in člani pri prodaji misijonskih vstopnic. Razne igre . za dobitke in srečolov je spretno kot vedno vodila rojakinja Marička Kadunc. Za zabavo in ples so igrali »Veseli Slovenci« iz Sheboygana. Odlično pripravljen piknik, lepo, sončno vreme, nesebično (dalje na str. 4) Južna Afrika (Nadaljevanje s str. 2) vlade za sodelovanje z demokratičnim svetom, ki svetuje pogajanja z domačini in s tem se kriza podaljšuje in zaostruje. Meni se tudi zdi, ko prebiram poročila z vseh strani, da je krik po sankcijah že začel razdvajati demokratični svet. Razdor utegne več škodovati svobodnim narodom kot predsedniku Bothu v Afriki. Primer imamo pred domačim pragom. Naš kongres hoče izsiliti močne sankcije. Bela hiša se jih brani. Drugi primer je v Londonu: šušlja se, da ima krona pomisleke glede protisankcijske politike gospe Thatcher. Kaj podobnega se v Angliji skoraj nikoli ne zgodi. To so signali, ki dajo slutiti, da južno-afriška kriza začenja zajemati vso zemeljsko oblo, in da so v ozadju mogočne sile, ki bi jim razdvojeni svobodni del človeštva ne mogel biti kos, ko bi si prilastile Južno Afriko. Več o tem v prihodnjem članku. L. P. S piknika nemega zbora JOLIETj 111. - O čikaškem zboru Slovenska Pesem smo že slišali, da so njeni člani podjetni in si nenehno pridobivajo zasluge na odru in v javnosti. Tokrat so hoteli nuditi nekaj ugodja jolietskemu občinstvu in vsaj ugasiti žejo našim številnim rojakom. Niso povsem upali, da se jim to posreči, vendar je že sam namen hvale vreden. Brez petja je šlo, po nemem urniku. Hudo vroča nedelja je izbrana za ta poskus, že po prvih popoldanskih urah, pri Sv. Jožefu, na dan 13. julija. Datum ni obetal sreče in smo se za Mimogrede iz Milwaukeeja (Nadaljevanje s str. 3) delo naših rojakov in rojakinj, izvrstna domača hrana, vesela muzika z našimi melodijami, prijateljski razgovori med našimi ljudmi in prijatelji, vse to je privedlo do tega, da je bil 16. misijonski piknik moralno in- finančno najbolj uspešen. Rojaki in rojakinje ter prijatelji so odhajali na svoje domove zadovoljni in veselih obrazov. Predsednica misijonskega krožka v Milwaukeeju, ga. Marija Coffelt izreka tem potom prisrčno zahvalo vsem sodelujočim, starim in mladim, prijateljem in gostom, ki so prišli na piknik iz raznih krajev države Wisconsin, gostom iz Illinoisa in daljne Floride in Kanade. Vsem iskrena hvala in »Boglonaj«! Sen mladih plesalcev in plesalk V petek, 1. avgusta, so v polno zasedenem Pabst gledališču nastopili mladi učenci in učenke »Milwaukee Ballet School«. Pokazali so svoje znanje in talente, eni bolj in drugi manj uspešno. Vsi nastopajoči pa so imeli srečne in nasmejane obraze. Toda okrog sebe pa sem opazil več mladih deklic in fantov z žalostnimi in celo jeznimi, jokajočimi obrazi. Ti obrazi so tudi sanjali o tem plesnem nastopu, pa jim ni bilo dano; morda niso imeli sreče ali talenta. Čimbolj premišljujem o teh mladih plesalcih — in to premišljevanje velja tudi za pevce in pevke, umetniške risarje itd. — tem bolj sem prepričan, da mora biti plesalec, pevec in risar za svoj poklic rojen. Tehničnega znanja se pač lahko nauči vsakdo, toda notranja nuja, gon, potreba, da se s plesom, petjem, risanjem umetniško izražamo, to je dar — je čas, ki se ga ne da pojasniti ne naučiti. Kdor te notranje nuje in gona nima, bo težko razumel in uspel. Če se v notranjosti umetnika ne vžge iskra, se tudi občinstvu ne vžge, poslušalcem ni toplo pri srcu. Če pa torej ta iskra, ta čar pri umetniku ne deluje in ne vžge — tak umetnik izraža svojo umetnost le po zunanjem učin- uspeh resno ukanili. Žeje nismo odpravili; gostje nam pa niso tega zamerili. Ljudstvo se je zgledno žrtvovalo, pritožb ni bilo. »Še kikeljco prodala bom, za sladko vince dala bom« — je bilo slišati. In res ni bilo videti kikeljc naokrog. Zamenjale so jih minimalke. Toda žeja je vztrajala. Z obema rokama sem prispeval k tej dobrodelni akciji. Točil sem pivo — pravzaprav le peno, in to me je togotilo. Res, le pena je uhajala iz pipe, a ljudje, še preudarni, so jeli godrnjati, češ, da jim ni do belih brkov. Zaman sem sukal kozarec, da bi izvabil pravi curek. Poučili so me, kako mi je ravnati, vendar je kar prekipevalo naprej in so se pivci jeli redčiti. Videč, da več škodujem, kot koristim, sem se že ob prvi rotaciji prekvalificiral v pomožnega pomočnika na pomožni blagajni. Tukaj je-bilo lepo. Ostajalo je celo časa za pomenek. In imel sem srečo: podkovanega g. Markuha st.! Radovednost me je gnala na različne teme in pretresla sva domala ves mi-kavnejši svet obširne jolietske fare. Po g. Trpinu sem najprej povprašal, seve, dasi je očtino, da le-la ne bo krive vere oznanjal z »nove« prižnice Sv. Štefana. In ker so si — nedaleč od naju — gasili žejo še mnogi drugi, imenitnejši možje, sem prisluhnil vsaki besedi. Ko bi le pomnil vse, kar sem zvedel mimogrede! Za hip se je g. Markun odmaknil. Kako.'tudi ne? Lepo dekle ga je potrepljalo po roki. Ni besedičilo veliko, toda efektno. Segel je v žep in ji stisnil v pest sveženj ključev. Minuto pozneje se je njegov avtomobil zgubil s parka. »Moramo razumeti mladino,« se je opravičeval, »saj znajo biti hvaležni. To je bila moja vnučka, ena izmed štiriindvajsetih.« Ničesar nisem pripomnil. Pomislil sem le, da mu ostalih 23 utegne očitati, češ, da mu (po logični pravičnosti) primanjkuje še vsaj toliko vozil. Primaknil se je tudi p. Ven-delin, seveda s tiste strani, kjer so godci razveseljevali stare in mlade. Niso ga oni menda razočarali, saj on čisla solidne mojstre. Očividno ga tudi ni žejalo in ga moja preobilna pena ni užalila, saj ga sploh ni mikalo priti kozarcu do dna. S takšnimi »pijančki« je lahko opraviti, ko pijejo zgolj iz vljudnosti. Ko se je pater pomešal z drugimi, sem slišal rahlo tožbo: bojazen, da se bo cerkveni zbor Sv. Štefana krčil, ko bo (oz. — če bo) sedanje pevce, se pravi vsaj posameznike, vleklo na Lemont. Osupnil sem ob taki prerokbah, vendar me je potolažilo upanje, da ne bo prišlo do večjega odtoka. Saj bi zibel čikaškega slovenstva bila s tem preveč prizadeta. Sodčki so se hitro praznili. Zbali smo se, da jih ne bo dovolj. Resnici na ljubo nas takšen pripetljaj ne bi spravil ob dobro voljo, saj smo se bili dobro preskrbeli. Ljudje so se že majali in smehljaje »repeti-rali« naročila. Med drugim sem slišal, da imamo naročena dva policaja, vendar nista bila v napotje. Bržkone sta zaupala množici, ki ni grozila z zmedo. Prav tako je cvetela ostala trgovina, s pecivom, sendviči in zapeljivimi pijačami. Brez dvoma so tudi malčki prišli na svoj račun: Pri puškah, ob magičnem »kolesu sreče«, na toboganu in ob kemičnih pijačah. Zavržene steklenice in pločevinaste doze so pričale o tem. Gostoljubni Joliet jih ne pozabi. Še preden je sOnce leglo k počitku, je prišlo do novega priliva. Mlajši rod, ki oživi ob prižiganju zvezd, z veselimi obrazi, je pristopil na obeh straneh pultov. Nekateri so precej zahvihali rokave in osvežili postrežbo. Le Branko Magajne ni odstopil pipe. Predobro jo je obračal, že od prvih ur; k njemu smo se zatekali, kadar so naši viri začasno pošli. Ni se Čemeril, molče je ustregel vsaki pijavki z leve in z desne. Dvomim, da bi se njegovi kozarci lahko prešteli... Tudi Janezu Vidmarju ni zmanjkalo moči. Desno roko, še včeraj nalomljeno, je menda preklopil na solarno energijo. Ko je zazvonila »Hora lega-lis«, se ljudstvo ni zmenilo. Ne vem, kdaj in kako se je jelo razhajati, kajti tistih dveh policajev zaenkrat ni bilo videti. Dejal bi, da so votli sodčki dovolj zgovorno opomnili še vedno žejne prijatelje, da je konec rajanja. Četudi bo nekatere še skelelo po grlu... Naša akcija torej ni dosegla svojega namena: Ni potolažila niti žejnih, niti požrtvovalnih. Moralni neuspeh, vsekakor, za Slovensko Pesem. Ali res? O tem povprašamo svojo blagajničarko, gdč. Elizabeto Martinčič, ki ji ni ušla nobena otipljiva podrobnost. Narrator NOVI GROBOVI (Nadaljevanje s str. 1) Blvd. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete dop. ob 9. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Frank Stergar st. Umrl je 82 let stari Frank Stergar st., vdovec po Mariji, roj. Ažman, oče Millie Jeraj (Kanada), Ann Erdani, Franka, Mary Rees in Wallyja, 18-krat stari oče, 7-krat prastari oče, vsi bratje in sestre so že pok., član Društva Najsv. Imena pri Sv. Vidu, KSKJ št. 172 in Kluba slov. upokojen- Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 cev na St. Clair Ave. Pogreb bo iz Zak pogrebnega zavoda, 6016 St. Clair Ave., jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Vida dop. ob 9.30, od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Pauline (Polly) Ulle V ponedeljek, 4. avgusta, je v Willoughby Manor Care po kratki bolezni umrla 79 let stara Pauline (Polly) Ulle z 851 E. 237 St., rojena Gorše v Union-townu, Pa., od koder je prišla v Euclid 1. 1916, vdova po Albertu, mati Lillian Kozan in Alberta (Teeny), 4-krat stara mati, 5-krat prastara mati, sestra Anne Cesnik, Julie Strnad in Edwarda ter že pok. Johna, Louisa, Williaina, Franka (Mickey), Emme Perko in Mamie Samsa, zaposlen^. 25 let kot tajnica pri moževi firmi Ulle Plumbing, članica ADZ št. 14 in ABZ št. 132. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. danes, v cerkev sv. Kristine dop. ob 9*15 in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin dobrodelni ustanovi vaše izbire. MALI OGLASI FOR SALE Bench with leg extension & curl and 200 lbs. weight set. Fender stat & Gibson Sonner guitars. Also Fender 48 with amp. For either, call 431-0628 FOR SALE 570 E. 193 St. off Monterey Euclid brick ranch. 3 bdrms. 2 car garage. Asking $62,000. 19115 Muskoka 3 bdrm. alum, sided bungalow. Owner broker. Washer, dryer, range, refrigerator, pool table, all for $52,500. George Knaus Real Estate 819 E. 185 St. 481-9300 FOR RENT Collinwood, off Holmes. 4 rooms, dn. Garage. Clean. Convenient. Older couple. Call 731-4178. For your health, enjoy a month's holiday at a warm mineral spring in Florida. Water temperature 87° daily, 5 minute walk to spring, completely furnished two-bedroom suite. Now rents for $ 200/month — after Christmas rents for $ 200/week. For more info call (416) 622-1308 . (58-60) PrijateVs Pharmacy SI. Clair Ave. & E. 6» Si. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLOVARS DEPT STORE Physician-couple seeks reliable lady to care for 2 year old son in our Shaker home. 3-5 halfdays weekly-Non-smoker, references, extra pay for light housework or cooking. Call 283-1918. Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj Tapeciramo (We wallpaper Popravljamo in delamo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KRISTAVNlK Pokličite 423-4444 ali 729-1023 (x) For your problem home, rooL porch, steps, paint (exterior interior), and chimney repair Call 881-0683 any lime, f ree estimates. (FX) FENCES — OGRAJE " Postavljam nove ograje ih popravljam stare. Prodaja111 j po zmerni ceni potrebni IjUgM. terial za ograje in ga dostav. Ijam brezplačno. Imam 9e°, metra za merjenje vrta. Poki! čite vsaki čas na 391-0533. (FX) I Cleaning Woman Needed Every second Mon. or Fru from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Shaker Hts. Own transportation’ Call 464-1210 <59-601 APARTMENT FOR RENT 4 rms. up — Remodeled and garage. Collinwood Slove nian area. No pets, no chi dren. Call 761-8611. (57-60) FOR RENT Grovewood Area 5 rooms, up. Call 486-731h. (57-60) Paul Construction Compan^ Experienced, insured, bod ed. — Izvršuje vsa tesarska dela, dimnike, kopalnic6' porče. Za brezplačen °9^ kličite 944-1470 ali 486-5545^ TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška oi,r* 15425 Waterloo Rd. 4*1'2'T Edina Slovenska izdelovalni0 nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOp 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0<*46 Moderni pogrebni zaV° Ambulanca na razpoiafl podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI'- Memo From Madeline Betsy Voinovich heads for Stanford fiV MADELINE D. DEBEVEC * * * Betsy Voinovich, daughter of eveland Mayor George V. i oinovich and his wife, Janet, f J^epar'ng to leave for Stan-a University, near San 7hnc>sco, in September. in th WaS °ne ^our Persons foil 6 COuntry who received a Sd?;0h;p to st-f-d to Ener k°r S master’s degree in Bet8 ls”- A member of the Phi socf ^3ppa nati°nal honor ®etsy graduated sum-\y CUrn laude from Case Mayern Reserve University in ed maj°r’ s^e rece>v- EnEU,K0lden Prize for best Bppi- Paper on Samuel theCkS\“First Love,” and prj dh Garber Krotinger ino u °r creative writing dur-8 her senior year. * * * %de S1°Vene Home for the its a ^Ux'liary is sponsoring wnual Card Party for the 11 ^e residents of the Mar6 °n ^ePtemher 12 at St. Caf j Uollinwood Parish Starting at 75519 H°lmeS AVC' D0 8 at 7 p-m-maynad°n 's $2.50 and tickets Co-pk ^ °htained by calling 48l ^Persons Ann Krajc, Djnk^45, Tonia Grdina Ann V31'6300’ or President e Ryavec, 731-5776. * * * ■.h Ar infLearn to Polka "eam h 0rtnal dance session to and wa^>t0 dance the polka the Fai| Z ‘^heing planned for Jane Jaksi63500 conducted by 'ng in ’nterested in join-the p e ^tm, then come to (f0rmerUClid Civic Center Schooh y3Ucbd Shore Center Rd. at ' 222 and Babbitt SePt. 3Lake Shore on Wed., Meeting 31 7'3^ p'm- ^or a Iftherear. p5rtiCs e enough interested 'nstrUcti« ree ser'es of dance E°r an ^ Wdl be offered. C°ntact information ^6-4037 U*Ce ^ars*c at ?ebratedka Mass win be Nh, 37 at S1- Pius X ^dford Qh- emer Road> S- 30 at ?'0 on Saturday, ok by Johl nP‘m- Music wi" Sra h Dusel< and his or- Travel News: Received the following post cards from traveling readers: Greetings: We are thur Newfoundland. Really enjoying the cool weather. The mountains, lakes, streams and falls are beautiful. Came over from Nova Scotia on the ferry. Visited Gondo and St. John, two lovely towns. The skies are so very blue here and the air clean smelling. No polu-tion. A great trip. Bob and Elaine Debevec Punta Gorda, Fla. Hello to all: We are taking part in the Golden Leisure Tours trip through the southwest. Our tour includes stops in Las Vegas, California, Mexico, Utah, and Nevada. Also had a stop in Joliet, 111. where there are many Slovenians. Frank and Donnie Žnidar Cleveland, Ohio Dear friends: Greetings from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Circle 77 SNPJ Tour was very successful. We were received warmly all the way. After the concert tour we traveled to Austria, Switzerland, Venice, and Germany. The picnic at Škofja Loka was very well attended. All is well here. We had no problems. Everyone was happy. The Cleveland group left today (July 17) for home. I am staying one more week to visit my relatives. Na svidenje. Ella Samanich Cleveland * * * Speaking of travel. Ed and Jo Ann Kaifesh are leading a tour to the Caribbean islands aboard the Norwegian Caribbean Lines S/S Norway from Jan. 17 to 24. From Miami they will cruise to Nassau, St. Thomas, St. Maarten and UCL’s private island Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas. Group discount is in effect. Fly free round trip from Cleveland (and other cities). The S/S Norway is the world’s largest cruise ship.- It has a dozen bars, nightclubs and lounges with a lavish casino, three swimming pools, disco, sidewalk cafes, and much more. For further information call either Jo Ann or Ed at 1-256-3639. * * * Dr. and Mrs. Max Rak have returned from a week’s visit with 94 year old grandma Rak in Canada, where she is recovering from a broken hip. We’re sure Aggie Turk, busy secretary at St. Vitus is enjoying her week’s vacation following the hectic carnival days. , Canada’s Polka King, Walter Ostanek, will be performing at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid from 7 to 11 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 5. Citizens of Richmond Heights are passing around a petition to oppose changing the zoning laws regarding the property owned by Richmond Heights Hospital. Council voted to change the property from a P-F public facilities use to an RS-1 Senior/Adult Residence District. Those Richmond Heights registered voters who wish to sign a petition opposing the change may do so at the American Home office. * * * The Rčd Cross Bloodmobile will be at St. Vitus church hall on Friday, Aug. 15 from 1 to 7 p.m. At present the blood bank supply is dangerously low. New Arrivals Margaret (Metka) and Frank Zalar Jr., of Mentor, Ohio announce the birth of Monica Marie on May 2nd. Franci and Victoria are delighted with their new sister. Proud grandparents are Julia and Frank Zalar, Sr. and Minka and Victor Kmetich, all of Richmond Hts. Great-grandparents are Agnes and Max Jerin of Cleveland. Tom and Maria Štepec of Richmond Hts. are the proud first time parents of Joseph Anthony born June 1st. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 11 ozs. The grandparents are Martina and Tone Štepec of Richmond Hts., and Ivanka and Jože Volčjak of Willoughby, Ohio. Francka Gazvoda and Jožefa Štepec are the happy great-grandparents. Albina Mršnik, formerly of Richmond Hts., who now resides on Lake Shore Blvd. in Euclid, has become a greatgrandmother for the fifth time. Mark Mršnik was born July 17, right on his greatgrandfather’s birthday. His parents are Dr. Frank and Jane Mršnik. The grandparents are John and Jerry Mršnik. Congratulations to all! * * * Anniversary Greetings JoAnn and Ed Kaifesh of Kirtland, Ohio celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary on July 16th. A family dinner party was held in their honor at the Hofbrau Haus restaurant. Barbara and John Dennis Pangonis of Mentor celebrated their “25th” Anniversary on July 22nd. They enjoyed a great trip to Las Vegas and returned home to a surprise anniversary party. Josephine and Joe Ambrosic of Euclid celebrated their 40th Anniversary on July 3rd. Ray and Lil Novak held a family dinner for them. Their own anniversary was on July 8th and Josie had a birthday on the 3rd. Best wishes to all! Dental School Graduate Dr. Martin H. Telich was graduated from Case Western Reserve University School of Dentistry in May. He previously attended Case Western Reserve University from which he received a Master’s degree in Metallurgy in 1981, and his doctorate degree in Metallurgy in 1984. His doctoral research involved the testing of materials used in the engines of high performance jet aircraft. He is presently using his knowledge of materials in dental research in investigating the strength of teeth treated with root canal therapy. Dr. Telich has accepted an appointment at the dental school where he will be involved in teaching courses in Prosthetics and dental materials. The son of Harold and Beverly Telich of 2109 Helmsdale Drive, Dr. Telich presently resides in Euclid, but was raised in the Cleveland-Grovewood area. He attended St. Mary’s School in Collin-wood, and was graduated from St. Joseph High School in 1974. He completed his undergraduate studies at John Carroll University from which he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry in 1978. Dr. Telich is a member of the American Dental Association, the American Society for Metals, the Euclid Jaycees, and AMLA Lodge No. 5. Dr. Telich will practice dentistry in association with Dr. M. Joseph Chrzanowski at 782 East 185th Street and 6402 St. Clair Avenue. Speedy Recovery 5 Get well wishes to Jim Logar > of 504 Karl Dr., Richmond % Hts., OH 441 2 Tonia (Grdina) and Terry Hinkle of Grdina Funeral Homes enjoy a delightful afternoon with friends. Kay and Tony Moze. Left to right Marge Maslar, Al Bozic, Sutton Girod, Sr., Justine Girod and Alice Bozic. Florian and Mary Končar, owners of Model Meat Market, 610 K. 200 St., Euclid and Florian’s aunt Danica Opara (center) from Kranj, Slovenia who is visiting the U.S. for two months. RIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 8, 1986 8On the road with Eleanor by Eleanor Cerne Pavey (Continued We are now driving through old China town area. Only a few Chinese remain today as there are few ships coming to this area and lack of trade has forced the Chinese to move to Picadilly where they are located today. English people have been celebrating New Year’s Day only for the last 12 years. Also, there is no celebration of Thanksgiving Day—they don’t have it. About 70 percent of population is cremated; it costs about $600 for the cheapest burial; a regular burial averages about $1,350. Burials are permitted one on top of the other; however, if within 30 years of the last burial someone in the family is not placed on top of the previous family member’s casket, the family loses its burial grounds and it reverts back to the state. Kent is the “Garden of England”. We are driving between the orchards and hop fields of Kent. OANT Houses are used to grind hops. The main trees are apple—kept trimmed at a certain level so people could easily pick fruit without using a lot of labor. We are passing what used to be a TB Hospital, but TB has almost been eradicated so the building is being used for a mental hospital. Animals have to undergo a six month quarantine because of worry about rabies. Recently, a pet rat was destroyed that had been brought in illegally—owner was fined $1,500. We are now crossing the largest river in Kent. Bertie calls our attention to a pub named, “Three Crutches” (a corruption of “three crosses.” The town of Rochester is on our left as we cross the river Medway. We are crossing a range of hills known as the North Downs. We stop to give a lift to a group of people whose bus has broken down. Our guide was concerned because the volunteers on board were escorting a group of retarded children. They already had missed one ferry crossing, and our driver asks us if we would Farmers produce a lot of mustard seed because US stopped shipments of soy bean oil to England. The Common Market has a glut of surplus potatoes and has ordered that crops be destroyed! Originally this area was a forest to the open sea. Lots of iron in the area. Some of the old tombstones are made of iron. We are passing the remains of a windmill with the top gone. Kaise, a weed from Scotland, is flourishing alongside the road. We are now approaching Dover which is only 73 mil^s from London. You can look across the channel and on a clear day can see France since it is only 20 miles away. About 10,000 years ago, the ice Cap melted resulting in the creation of the channel. Dover has always been England’s chief link with France and the Continent and Richard T1 decreed that it should be the sole port through which pilgrims and pfficial visitors might enter England. Per Bertie: “The English refer to it as the English Channel and the French probably refer to it as the French Channel.” Soil is not rocky, mostly sandy and very little stone. Area probably has been covered with tumbleweed. We are beginning to smell the salt in the air as we are now in Dover. Lots of radar around the coast here. High on top of the White Cliffs of Dover is the Castle which was built soon after the Norman Conquest. The Roman Lighthouse in its courtyard is one of the earliest remaining Roman works in Britain. The walls of the immense Castle are 24 feet thick. Under the cliffs are miles of tunnels used during the war when the Channel was the busiest waterway in the world. Dover is stretching out before us. Dover, chief of the ancient Clinque Ports (meaning “five” and pronounced “sink”) is the busiest passenger terminal in Europe handling the second largest number of passengers after Heathrow. It’s five ports were responsible for defending the Channel. We are now walking on the Promenade to the end of the pier and observe the Hover- mind giving them a lift to the ferry. They were very grateful. Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel |4S2 E. 152 St. _ Phone 481-31181 Addison Road Chapel | 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-0583| Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbd _ ROY G. SANKOVIČ FUNERAL HOME Sankovič-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. & Lake Shore) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families. ROY G. SANKOVIČ, DIRECTOR craft which we will be taking later to France. We are retracing our walk on the Promenade with the beach on one side and two large hotels (all white and circular architecture which follows curve of the road) on the other side. Next to the hotels is an apartment today where a hotel had been bombed during the war. We hardly see another soul—it is too chilly. We are told that 2,222 shells were fired into Dover. Because the Cliffs of Dover are sandy, the bombs vyere diffused. To stop progress of German tanks up the hills, turrets of stone were placed on possible hill approaches. Back to our bus now to continue our journey to Canterbury which was settled by the Romans around 43 AD. Most of the relics of the Roman city are buried beneath present day buildings, six to twelve feet below the modern ground level. The city walls built on the foundation of those constructed by the Romans remains an impressive sight. On top of the ancient mound is an obelisk which can be seen miles around. During the war, one-third of the city was destroyed as part of Hitler’s “Cultural Attack”. Two-thirds of the city wall is still intact because it is made from flint stone. We are walking down Mercery Lane, one of the medieval streets of the city with old houses and a view of Christchurch Gate, the main entrance to the Cathedral. The tobacco shop on the corner of High Street and Mercery Lane was once a famous hostelry which in its time housed thousands of pilgrims who came to the tomb of Archbishop Thomas Becket, who was murdered in the church in 1170. King Henry VIII in his anger against Becket raged from the council room, “Not one will deliver me from this low-born priest.” Four knights, who thought themselves to be carrying out the king’s wishes to get rid of a traitor, murdered Becket in the Norman cathedral. For an Archbishop to be murdered in his own Cathedral so horrified the Christian community, that he was immediately regarded as a saint (even though his character was at fault); however, in those days those who were martyred for their faith were at once numbered among the “saints”. Today a stone commemorates this event and there is an altar of the Sword Point which marks the spot of the murder. The Canterbury Cathedral is absolutely magnificent. It is a treasure house of different styles of architectural skills from Norman times on and Contains a magnificant collection of stained glass windows of the 13th and 13th centuries. Its fan-vaulted ceiling, the impressive nave, and Sanctuary, the High Altar, the Cloisters, the numerous beautiful Chapels, the effigies of Edward, t|he Black Prince, and Henry |V on their tombs, the tomb of Henry Chichele who became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1414 who had his tomb constructed depicting himself in his splendid vestments on top, his naked corpse in see-through tomb below. Carvings on columns surrounding tombs are magnificant-it is next to impossible to record all we are seeing in the time allotted. During the fateful first week of June, 1942, fifteen high-explosive bombs were rained on it as were also hundreds of incendiary bombs. On July 11, 1946, King George VI and his Queen, with their elder daughter, now Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, attended a solemn service of thanksgiving to God for his goodness in bringing the Cathedral almost unscathed from the most savage dangers that war' had brought to it. We have a little time to explore and then we all meet at a delightful inn for tea and crumpets. According to Bertie: “The proper way to eat scones is to first butter them, then add jam, then add the most essential ingredient—gobs of whipped cream—and by all means raise BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME \ 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361 - 3112 — tel. št. 361-3112 • No Branches nor Affiliations • Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director your little “pinkie.” We board our bus for our return to London to allow time for freshening up f°r those who have elected to purchase tickets for the evening tour of “The Beefeater” with dinner, a six-course Medieval feast, and entertainment. The rest of us go to our rooms and find an important announcement under our door from TNT, our travel agent, about our plans for Sunday s departure from London. K seems we will have to vatate our rooms Sunday morning before 7 o’clock. Our hotel is part of the running field for the Mars London Marathon. On Sunday, April 20, 1986, London will come to a virtua standstill except for 23,000 people (several thousand more runners than the New York Marathon) pounding the streets from Greenwich an Blackhealth to Westminster Bridge in the world’s greatest marathon. London turns out to cheer the top internationa athletes, the amateurs, and, most of all, the many disable men and women who tack e the 26-mile course. For the last two days the hotel has become a mecca of journalists, ‘ cameras, conferences—the whole works connected vvit the covering of this event. e must vacate the hotel before the police close the roads an the hotel is asking for coopera tion and apologizing for 1 e inconvenience. To make am mends, the hotel has arrange a new and different itinerary that our whole day will not e wasted. We are to be taken by bus to Victoria Coach Station in the center of London an then taken non-stop to the In ternational hoverport at Dover which is for the exclusive us of Hoverspeed passenger®: Originally we were to take t ferry (about 2.5 hour trip)-are delighted at the prospect o^ skimming across the Chann® on the largest hovercraft >n world for a 35 minute flight Calais hoverport in France- (To. Be Continued) Recent Death HELEN M. FORTUNA f -- - - - _ 68» Helen M. Fortuna, Madison, Ohio, passed aVV_a, recently at Euclid 6)ene Hospital after a brief '**n^SSin Born Aug. 14, Cleveland, Mrs. Fortuna ^ in Euclid before moving^ Madison six years ago-was a member of SNPJ ^ ^ 142, Holy Cross Plus 50 L and Collinwood Slovcn Pensioners. nd> Survivers are her hus Anthony; daughters, ^ Ronald (Beverly) Et>er’ y Wickliffe, Mrs. Jerry Ann) Gričar of Mad1® ^ brothers Anthony Mrbar ^ Madison, John N*r*iar 0f Euclid, and Joseph N*rhaA„. Chesterland; sister Mr®; 0f thony (Jean) Klemenčič Willowick; and three gr children. ^ Her brothers Miian Frank and one 8r3 daughter, are decea®^l5 Burial was in AH Cemetery in Chardon. Fifty years for John and Mary Petrie A surprise party for John and ary Petrie on their golden wedding anniversary was no real surprise. The happy cou-Ple celebrated their anniver- sary with a Mass at St. Mary l hurch in Collinwood on June h ^ ®r*S'na^y the couple "ad been married by the late *• Rev. Msgr. B.J. Ponikvar, Pastor of St. Vitus Church on June 6th, 1936. The concelebrated mass was abended by the Revs. Victor 'omc, pastor of St. Mary’s, lctor Cimperman of Akron, aul Krajnik of Lorain, Fran-?S Anthony Rebol, 0 n Wittreich, and Louis orntz. Servers at Mass were Johr> A„ Petrič Petl'ic, Edward' and John Pa,,! t wFi«t reading Wi wendv M r,, t , Steven C Cizma, Jr. c°nd ri Buchan gifts W; Mary Petrič, Kuzma. director Rudi Kr ins >y Brenda station of bv John ; and Mary Elizabeth Church organist and tzt the choir was Mr. nez. M^sT thC h°Iy sacrifice of the wen. ’ SOrne 200 Buests 'tonal h the SIovc,lian Na" Fmi ‘’orne °n Holmes Ave. num>°VV'ng. tlle dinner, The er°US ci'a''ons were read. hip/2 Were two apostolic Paunf from P°Pe John P and one from Bishop ilia ramberger and the Aux. of' Marin1 °P J°Žef SmeJ’ both Were nh°r’ Slovenia- There tative8^11085 from RePresen-Ohi0 , 0nald duster, of the Kfa 'e8islature, Cleveland and^r ^eor8e Voinovich, •pheeilpt0r Trank J. Lausche. "tree etr'cs are parents of dauehtP S°nS and three Barbara''^011"’ Mary J°yCe’ Ia’ Timothy, Veronica, and r ’ nnothy, Veronica nine Udo*pb- There are als< John ^andchildren: Joan Ed j ‘eve- Wendy, Brenda and M°hn: Mary Elizabeth Major?1- oldest son inVie.K,0^11 Tetrič was killei hiSs Narnin 1969, followinj ty. °nd '0ur °f military du been very active in many Slovenian Catholic and cultural activities, including Catholic lodges. Since 1927 he has been a member of AM LA lodge No. 1 Slovenec. He was Chief Ranger for 20 years in the Catholic Order of Foresters as well as a member of St. Mary’s branch of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Mrs. Mary Petrie has likewise been very active in Slovenian Catholic and lodge circles. For 25 years she was treasurer of KSKJ lodge St. Helen No. 193 At present she is a trustee of the same KSKJ lodge. She has also been active with the St. Mary PTU and the St. Mary Altar Society. All the testimonials and all the love and devotion shown' by the Petrič families, relatives, and friends testified to the high regard and love held by our Slovenian community for these two wonderful people. May they continue to enjoy the fruits of their labors and sufferings with joy and gladness into the autumn of their years. The Ameriška Domovina joins in the celebration with a toast and a shout: “To many, many more years!” eUin? Petrič was long bV '»e C°rD Sraph-Multigraph '"any ratl0n of Euclid. For his 0wyears be also operated 185th s.1 barbersl10P on E. tinie k 's S"B doing part- establio!rberin8 at the old vi'1 "hunt. He also pro- vides . rnenL He also pro-'he aircuts and shaves for S|0ve?le..residents of Art Guild Sets Date for yearly Craft Show The Slovenian American National Art Guild will hold their annual Artists and Crafts Show and Sale on Sunday, Oct. 19 at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid from noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. the 0venian u lucnis or me °n f°r the Aged Petric additionally has As in the past, there will be a Bake Sale and members are being asked to donate pastry and baked goods. .fiRDINA ST Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 31'6300 431-2088 trusted tradition for 82 years._ ■ Thanks to the following who made donations for the continuance of the American Home newspaper: Slomšek Association, Cleveland — $15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gorenc, Vancouver, B.C., Canada — $8.00 John Novak, Windsor, Ont., Canada — $8.00 Joseph Jereb, Construction, Ethobicoke, Ont., Canada — $13.00 Rose Bavec, Cleveland, in memory of Frances Raischel — $10.00 Anonymous, Forest City, Pa. — $10.00 Anonymous, Cleveland — $10.00 Zdenka Mihelich, Lombard, 111. — $7.00 Mary Okicki in memory of husband, Tony, Cleveland — $10.00 Frank and Antonia Urankar, Richmond Hts., O. — $17.00 Anna Medved (Holmes Ave.) — Cleveland — $17.00 Frank Gerkman, Detroit — $5.00 Martin Sajnovic, Peoria, 111. — $7.00 Mr. V. Schuma, Cleveland — $5.00 Anna Novinc, Cleveland — $7.00 Laddie and Rose Pujzdar, Cleveland — $7.00 Olga Novosel, Euclid — $20.00 Mara Kramarič, Ridgewood, NY — $7.00 Grdina Funeral Homes, in memory of Elizabeth Grdina, second anniversary of death — $250.00 Mrs. Mamie Marin, Euclid — $17.00 Steve (Ace Reporter) Mohorko, Fontana, Calif. — $7.00 Ernestine Jevec, Cleveland — $5.00 Mildren Brogoch, Mayfield, O. — $10.00 Frank A. Lukez, M.D., Inc., Alliance, Ohio — $17.00 Frances Novak, Ann Zak, Joe and Josie Ambrosic and Marie Orazem donated in memory of Albert Sadar, son of Mary Sadar and brother Frank Sadar — $20.00’ ' ' ' ■' - Iwiit* Euclid Beach Memorabilia at Cleveland’s Harbor Expo ’86 Harbor Expo ’86, a celebration of the start of Cleveland’s harbor project, will provide visitors with unique activities to make the weekend of August 8 - 10 a special treat for the entire family. The United States Coast Guard Cutter “Mackinaw,” on a Great Lakes tour, is stopping in Cleveland to be part of this special lake front event. And for thousands of Clevelanders who remember good times at Euclid Beach Park, there will be special amusements and displays from the Beach to enhance a lakeside boardwalk of old-fashioned fun and games. If anyone ever stood in front of the Fun House at Euclid Beach, transfixed by Laughing Sal, or watched themselves elongate and expand crazily in trick mirrors, they will be able to relive such happy times when some of Euclid Beach comes to Harbor Expo ’86. Ed Chukayne, who has. an enormous collection of Euclid Beach memorabilia, will bring some of th old objects — like Laughing Sal, pieces of the old flying scooters ride, the witch from Laugh-in-the-Dark — as well as old posters, signs, and music tracks from the skating rink. Ethnic Heritage Day at Ohio Fair Governor and Dagmar Celeste are pleased to announce the first Ethnic Heritage Day at the Ohio State Fair, Columbus, Ohio. It will be Sunday, August 10 from noon to 6 p.m. at the TV Channel 6 Pavilion. There will be live entertainment plus a special guest performance by Trachtenkapelle lllerzell, a 37 piece brass band from Bavaria with soloist Heinrich Weber, “The Bavarian Pavarotti.” Even authentic Euclid Beach popcorn balls and candy kisses will be sold to make the nostalgia strong and thg family day a pleasant lakeside delight on a real boardwalk at Harbor Expo ’86. Rostenlcowski gets ethnic award In a salute to ethnic leadership, the Democratic National Committee’s Council on Ethnic Americans recently honored Congressman Dan Rostenkowski (D-Ill.) with its highest award. The award presentation was the highlight of a dinner to encourage ethnic involvement in the Democratic Party. Rostenkowski, chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee and a second generation Polish American, was recognized at the June 18 dinner at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. Rostenkuwkki received the 1986 Ethnic Heritage Award for Leadership as one who ex- ' emplifies the traditional values ' and dedication to the cause of freedom held by ethnic Americans. In his remarks, Rostenkowski reiterated his firm support for the Ethnic Council and its program of representing ethnic Americans. Stressing the importance of ethnicity to America, Rostenkowski drew on his own experiences in the Polish neighborhood on the north side of Chicago where he grew up. He lauded the Ethnic Council as the first step in winning back ethnics to the Democratic party. “Our roots lie with working families all across the country,’’ Rostenkowski said, “and ethnic Democrats are the cornerstone of our Party.” Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 20% Sale Now in progress. Everything is reduced. 20% — 50% off. ANZLOVAR DEPT. STORE 6214 St. Clair Avenue FORMER JUDGE EDMUND J. TURK Attorney-at-Law (ODVETNIK) Total Legal Services Slovenian National Home E. 65th & St. Clair - 391-4000 O) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 8, 1986 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 8, 1986 American Slovene Club Enjoy Lolly the Trolley On July 16 the American Slovene Club members enjoyed Lolly the Trolley tour of Cleveland. They were impressed with all of the new developments in the city. The tour included the bustling, sensational new downtown area, the popular “in” gathering spots in the flats, University Circle’s multi-cultural in- stitutions, and the growth areas in between. Following the tour many of the members dined at the Burgess Grand Cafe downtown. Pictured in front of Lolly is Gene Drobnič, past president of the club and tour guide Barbara Pangonis (right). —Madeline Backaches It is estimated that some 20 million visits to doctors each year in this country are prompted by back pain. Nearly everyone at one point in their lives complains of backaches and related problems. Often these problems are resolved with conservative treatment, but they can become recurrent. The back is part of the support structure of the human body, and is made up of 33 bones. The spinal cord and verves pass between the vertebrae; all but the last nine are separated by collagen disks. Pain can occur along any part of the spine, especially if a disk ruptures and presses on spinal nerves. The lower back is a complex of muscle and ligaments which stretch to the abdomen. A strong set of supporting muscle has been shown to be protective against back stress and pain. You can begin the process of strengthening those back muscles by paying attention to your posture both while standing and sitting. One of the easiest ways to protect your back is to sit correctly, especially if your work requires long stretches of sitting. The normal posture of the lower back is a slight forward curve, and the curved area often is referred to as the small of the back. You should sit in a chair so the small of your back can be pressed against the back of the chair. Your feet should be flat on the floor and your knees at hip height. Any office chair that hugs the small of your back is both comfortable and an aid to good posture. When standing for long periods, it helps to keep the pelvis tilted back to avoid a swayback, or lordosis, which exaggerates the natural curve in the lower back. High-heeled shoes and a protruding abdomen tend to promote lordosis. You can support the lower spine and avoid an aching back when standing by placing one foot on a stool or other object about four to six inches off the floor. Waking from a night’s sleep can be a painful experience if your mattress does not provide sufficient back support. Sleeping on your side is far better than on your stomach, a position that places stress on your back. Treatment of back pain should be considered only after a careful evaluation by a medical doctor. Diagnosing the problem, and its cause, can avoid unnecessary, and often expensive, procedures and care. Back pain is often a result of soft-tissue injuries, especially in younger adults. X-rays will not reveal the injured muscle or ligaments. Treatment for this and other acute back pain includes complete bed rest, aspirin, and heat applied to the painful area. Your physician may prescribe muscle relaxants and pain-killers on a short-term basis for patients with severe, restricting pain. Surgery for chronic symptoms may be suggested, but only after all other available therapies have been exhausted. Some patients find that techniques such as biofeedback and muscle relaxation exercises are effective. It is important to learn how to do these exercises properly to gain maximum benefit. Adding strength and flexibility to muscles in the back and abdomen can help to prevent the occurrence, and reoccurrence, of back problems. Pharmacist Kuhar talks about abortion Freemont, OH—The pro-life pharmacist is faced with the growing shift from surgical abortion to chemical abortion, and must shape a whole new approach to combatting this evil. It is speculated that with the use of an oral abortifacient, the woman undergoing the killing of the growing new person within her uterus will not experience the guilt attendant upon the majority of surgical abortions. This is true insofar as she will “not be sure” if she has conceived, at what gestational age the baby was, nor exactly when she aborts the baby. In a May, 1984 article in Contraception .Kovacs et al. speculate on perfecting “a nonsurgical procedure suitable for self-administration (as) an attractive alternative to vacuum aspiration for termination (sic) of very early pregnancy... Self- administration, at home, of prostaglandin analogs has been shown to be a realistic alternative” (1). There is no doubt that, given the impetus of Upjohn’s charting of the bloddy waters of chemical abortions, firms like Roussel-Uclaf, the maker of RU-486, are encouraged to research for drugs of death. RU-486 is an abortifacient chemical drug. It would be wise to first explain to the reader the nature and effects of chemicals like RU-486 and then to comment on where such research is heading. RU-486 (generic name: mifepristone) is the first antiprogesterone to be used clinically (2). It inhibits progesterone action at the “receptor” level in target tissues, most notably in the uterus. When fertilization (conception) occurs, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) from the developing baby stimulates progesterone production and secretion from the corpus luteum. This prevents shedding of the endometrium during early pregnancy. If pro- gesterone production is reduced or even halted, the newly conceived baby will lose his or her nourishing endometrium, thus withering away and sloughing off, just as if the woman were having a period. RU-486, an experimental abortifacient, acts to create this type of scenario and causes a chemical abortion. RU-486 seems to have its greatest potential in being used up to the 10th week of pregnancy. It lacks the severe and life-threatening side effects of the prostaglandins, so far, which gives it appeal to the public and to its developers, both as a convenient dosage form (tablet) and as a possible once-a-month “post-coital contragestive” agent. Several researchers used the euphemism “contragestive” to denote a chemical agent which is “contra-” (against) and “gestive” (pregnancy) i.e., an abortifacient. Funding for much of the research for an abortion pill has come from the World Health Organization (an arm of the United Nations), the Population Council (of New York), and material donations of RU-486 by Roussel-Uclaf, a French pharmaceutical firm. Roussel-Uclaf is a subsidiary of the West German firm, Hoescht-AG, which is also the parent firm of an American drug firm. Hoescht-Roussel of Summerville, NJ. The American firm denies that any research of RU-486 is being done in the US and refers all questions about the chemical to its sister firm in France. It is speculated by at least one liberal writer for New Republic that “if RU-486 becomes the preferred method of abortion here, abortion clinics would become a thing of the past, replaced by 24 hour clinics to treat potential complication.” This observation, and others, reveals an approach to an abortion pill with a “hands off” attitude, until there is certitude of safety and effectiveness, after the fiascoes o previous “safe birth control such as the 1UD, oral con traceptives,” and surgica abortion. The abortion-contraception feminist crowd has insufficm1 experience in the area of an abortion pill, and it seems t a crowd will enter the area more cautiously, after much ex perimentation and deaths o unborn babies in Europe. Since success rates vary fr°^ 26 to 95 percent and there inconvenient side effects. population-control lu^ern- ^ will use the intervening Pe^ to publicize the abortion pi a “contraceptive,” since sense that the public m ^ easily accepts the latter “nicer.” The pro-life move^ should expose the mis^ public relations campal8 ^ ing unleashed by the fore ^ death. All health Prof®* rS. pharmacists, nurses, | must assert their e(*ucameto role at this opportune 1 ^ teach the public what a ^ pill like RU-486 bodes society which callously ^]f, unborn. And that ( destruction of the ve'7. ac-of society is hastened w ceptance of prepackage’ a tant abortion in the forw . Clair Rifle d Primorski C\u onsor Joint P'c ^ ie St. Clair Hunting ^ : Club and the Pr^, ) are sponsoring j* y ic to be held on . .5 ust 17, at the i at 6599 Ravenna k inners will be ng the afternoon ling hours, and 0 ^so d refreshments w n tap. arc lembers of both c ^ lially invited to at ujc. ,ic. as is the general I" “IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT” INDEPENDENT ^PAYINGS BANK • 6 Month to 36 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. • Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. ‘Balances $1,000 and greater earn variable rate Balances $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25% • 5.50% Passbook sz™::";..«.,,, $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd„ Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd„ Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parmp Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp MEMBER wnc t sdeisl 8 Loan Irisuranca Coip Your Saviors Inowod to $100,000 $5 m m Recipes Vi' New Pineapple Crush Cake Create a light, delicious summertime treat. Add cool, crushed pineapple to Duncan Dines pineapple Cake mix, with real fruit flavors. Your Pineapple Cruch cake will be so wonderfully moist, it will disappear fast. Mix * package Duncan Hines Pineapple Cake Mix * Package (8 ounces) cream c"eese. softened 1 Package (4-serving size) ^nilla instant pudding and pie ‘“ling mix 2 cups cold milk 1 can (8 counces) crushed Pineapple, drained 2 cups whipped topping Cake L Preheat over to 350. Grease and flour two 13 X 9 X 2-inch Pans. 2' Prepare cake as directed on Package. Divide evenly in Pans. 3-Bake at 350 for 20 to 25 Inutes; follow package direc- lons f0r doneness test and cooling. Pilling ^0r filling, beat cream cheese, slant pudding mix, and cold 'n small mixer bowl. Beat 0r 2 minutes at medium speed. ^Spread on one cooled cake ycr. Spoon drained crushed Pineapple over top. _ dd second layer. Spread 'Pped topping on side and ‘°P of cake. •Store in refrigerator until xt day before serving. 16 servings "' Orange Cooler Cake lef^ eljrale summer by adding °n and orange to Duncan it^nes Orange Cake Mix, with 0r refres'hing flavor of real ^ your Orange Cooler be deliciously moist Cg£USe Duncan Hines Orange (L6 M‘x bakes up moister any leading brand. So ^sist it10 °ne Wil1 be at)le to HaPpy Birthday foll(IlaPPy Birthday to SlovenenH reSidentS °f "ho t Home for the t &Bizjak’ 8(> Mar- Ce.S Kapel> 86 Upovic, 67 . nn>e Medved, 91 HefenarSchwerko- ^ ^cebbin, 89 mgeTaSsN?San’ 86 Thanks tha^ Turk of E. 61 St. ^er m for attending at Ste^1 ,er fl16 year dinner She al C S Bestaurant recently 6ifts r,S0. sends thanks for the fja n good wishes. Pan l Elated birthday to 22nd f1*1 ° who celebrated her ma Tl)rr°m family and Grand- Mix 1 package Duncan Hines Deluxe Orange Cake. 3 eggs 1/2 cup Crisco or Puritan oil 1 Tablespoon grated lemon peel 1 Tablespoon grated orange peel 2 Tablespoons lemon juice 2 Tablespoons orange juice 1/3 cup sugar Cake 1. Heat oven to 350. Grease and flour a 10-inch tube or bundt pan. 2. Combine in large mixer bowl and mix at medium speed for. 2 minutes: cake mix 11/2 cups water 3 eggs 1/2 cup oil 1 Tablespoon grated lemon pee! 1 Tablespoon grated orange peel 3. Bake for 45 to 55 minutes. Cake is done when toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. 4. Immediately turn cake out on rack and set over shallow pan. Glaze 1. Combine in small saucepan and bring to a boil: 2 Tablespoons lemon juice. 2 Tablespoons orange juice. 1 1/2 cup sugar. Simmer for 3 minutes. Drizzle over warm cake. 2 Cool completely before serving. Serves 12 to 16. QUICK LEMON CHEESECAKE 16 Graham crackers 1/3 cup butter or margarine 2 tablespoons sugar 1 eight-ounce package cream cheese 2 cups milk 1 package instant lemon pudding and pie filling mix For crust, roll crackers to fine crumbs. Combine with butter and sugar in 9-inch pie plate; press against sides and bottom of pie plate using back of teas-poon. Bake in preheated oven at 375 degrees for 5 minutes; cool. Combine cream cheese with ‘/2 cup milk. Beat pudding mix into remaining milk. Add softened cream cheese; beat till mixture begins to thicken. Pour into crust. Chill 1 hr. Greek Lasagne 1 pound ground beef 1 large eggplant, diced 1 cup chopped onion ‘A cup vegetable oil 2 cans (15 ounces each) tomato sauce 1 cup beef broth 'A cup light cream 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon SPECIAL OFFER The American Home ethnic newspaper is continuing a special promotion seeking new subscribers to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper. It will last until Dec. 31, 1986. Between now and then, persons wishing to subscribe to the Ameriška Domovina for the first time (or have not been a subscriber for the last five years) can receive the paper at a ridiculously low price — just $15.00 a year for the twice weekly or $10.00 a year for the Friday (half English) edition. IN ADDITION, any college student or person in the military service may receive the twice weekly edition for — get this — just $10 a year, or the Friday (half or more English) for — $5.00 a year. REMEMBER; This is for FIRST TIME SUBSCRIBERS ONLY and does not apply to renewals or anyone who has dropped their subscription in the last five years. This is too good an offer to be passed up. Please J" send Dome Omy own subscription j to Amer’can □a gift subscription ^yj St. CU^Z\Q2> \Ddaily at $15.00 Cleveland’ O D Fridays at $10.00 Ocollege or military daily at $10 Ocollege or military Friday at $5.00 for one year to: | I Name___________________________________________ ] Street_________________________________ -__________I I City, State, Zip _______________________________ | MY Name_______________________________________________J MY Address_________________________________________J I MY City, State, Zip________________________________I □ Please send a______________card indicating my gift. | 2 teaspoons salt 8 ounces Mueller’s lasagne 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese In large saucepan brown beef and cook eggplant and onion in oil until tender; stir to separate meat(use more oil if necessary). Stir in tomato sauce, broth, cream, cinnamon and salt, meanwhile, cook lasagne as directed on package;drain. In 13x9x2 baking pan spread about 1 cup beef-eggplant sauce. Then alternate layers of lasagne, sauce and cheese, ending with cheese. Bake at 350°F. about 40 minj^es or until bubbling. Allow to stand 15 minutes; cut in squares to serve. Makes 8 servings. BRIDAL SHOWER PUNCH Tangy combo of fruit juice and sherbet. 3 fresh limes 3 fresh lemons 1 can (12 oz.) unsweetened pineapple juice 1 can (6 oz.) frozen orange juice concentrate 1 quart ginger ale 1 quart lime sherbet Cherry Lemonade 2 c. sweetened cherry juice 1 c. lemon juice 1 c. sugar Make a syrup of the sugar by adding 'A cup of water and boil 3 minutes. Combine ingredients and pour over cracked ice. Mix juice from limes and lemons, pineapple juice and orange juice reconstituted with 3 cans of water. Chill. Just before serving, add ginger ale and lime sherbet ring mold. To form sherbet mold, chill 4-cup mold. Pack sherbet firmly into mold. Freeze until firm. Dip into cool water and unmold onto flat plate covered with waxed paper. Return to freezer. Remover waxed paper from mold and slide mold gently into punch bowl. Yield: 2 quarts. PEPPERMINT FLOAT Refresh with sparkling peppermint. 2 tablespoons finely crushed ppermint candy 1 pint peppermint ice cream, softened 4 cups milk Scoops peppermint ice cream Beat candy, ice cream and mdk at low speed of electric mixer until slushy. Pour into chilled glasses; top each with a scoop of ice cream. Garnish with crushed candy, if desired. Yield: 5 ‘A cups. Banana Tarts 'Baked Tart Shells Sliced Bananas Soft custard cold Cocoanut Whipped cream Fill tart shells with sliced bananas. Pour over cold custard. Sprinkle with cocoa-nut. Cover with whipped cream. RECIPE YOUR TICKET TO win AND TRAVEL OHIO! MILLION DOLLAR GRAND PRIZE SECOND CHANCE DRAWING Win 1 of 2 Ohio-made Airstream motorhomes, plus enough cash to drive it around Ohio for a year! See back of ticket for details. Avoid Probate Court WILLS Call Thomas G. Lobe (216) 621-2158 Legal Services at Reasonable fees. * Special discount on wills for subocribers of Ameriška Domovina. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 8, 1986 Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! -A.' American home •Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 8, 1986 11 New Subscribers Bring Total to 141 Eleven new subscriptions to the American Home newspaper were recorded during the month of July. 3 — 2x a week — U.S. 1 — 2x a week — Canada 7 — Friday only The 11 added to the six month total of 130 brings the grand total for new subscribers this year to 141. Thanks to all for contributing to the success of this venture. Welcome to the new readers .and please send in your news and newsworthy photos wherever you are. The campaign for new subscribers to the American Home newspaper continues to the end of this year. There are Donates $25.00 Thanks to Margaret Kastelic of Wickliffe, Ohio who donated $25.00 to the new American Home printing press in memory of Matthew Kastelic. special discount rates for the new readers which can be obtained by filling out the coupon printed periodically in the English and Slovenian sections of this paper. Please help continue the written word of your Slovenian heritage by encouraging your friends to become subscribers. We have gone out on a limb to purchase quality printing equipment so your newspaper will be the best of not only nationality papers, but of any black and white paper printed in the world. We need more writers, photographers and readers to make this venture a success. The Slovenians are one of the most literate peoples in the world. We are here to offer to continue the culture. Please help. Our postage has increased $450 a month since June. We need more advertising and subscribers to offset this cost. These are the facts of life. No amount of complaining by the readers about too much English or where the Slovenian pages go will pay for the newsprint, ink or the Post Office. Some of us had to forego two weeks pay this summer in order for the postage increase to be met. We are willing to work and in fact this year work for nothing for a couple of weeks, but other outside agencies must be paid in money. Money is what determines the success of a business, not complaining or gouging us financially for services. Thanks to each one who has helped in any way to keep the presses rolling. If there are features you would like to see or do not like, please let us know. We will try with the best of our ability to give you a good newspaper. We appreciate logical comments. Wednesday, Aug. 13 Federation of Slovenian Pensioners Clubs Annual Picnic at SNPJ picnic grounds. 4" members and friends are welcome. Food, refreshments, dance music, and other social attractions. Full course dinners (chicken and roast pork combination) by reservation only. Dinner tickets available from club members or by calling Mae Fabec at 942-3785. Sunday, Aug. 24 Holmes Ave. Slovenian Home will honor Ed Bucar as Musician of the Year at the annual Home Coming with parade and activities outdoors and inside from 1 p.m. on. Sat., Sun., Aug. 30-31 Annual Bishop Baraga gathering in Marquette, Mich, beginning with concert of Slovene folk and spiritual music at St. Peter’s Cathedral followed by Slovenian Mass. Monday, Sept. 1 “Tribute to Lou Trebar’ at AMLA Recreation Center, 1 to 9 p.m. Music by Fairport Ensemble and Dave Wretschko Orchestra. Gate tickets $3.00. Saturday, Sept. 6 Annual AMLA Clam & Steak Bake at AMLA Recreation Center, Leroy, Ohio. Friday, Sept. 12 Card Party sponsored by Slovene Home for the Aged Auxiliary at St. Mary School Auditorium on Holmes Ave. Saturday, Sept. 13 Fantje Na Vasi Concert at Slovenian Home on St. Clair. .Coming Events Sunday, Sept. 21 West Park Slovenian Home Boosters Dance with Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Sunday, Sept. 28 St. Clair Rifle Club Clambake at farm on Ravenna Rd. Sunday, Sept. 28 St. Vitus Altar Society, Chicken or Roast Beef Dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium. Saturday, Oct. 4 P.S.W.A. Circle Three 50th Anniversary dinner dance at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave. Sunday, Oct. 5 Vinska Trgatev at Maple Heights Slovenian National Home, 5050 Stanley Ave. Admission free. Saturday, Oct. 18 Glasbena Matica Dinner Dance and Concert. Don Slogar Orchestra plays music for dancing. Sunday, Oct. 19 Arts and Crafts Show and Sale sponsored by Slovenian American National Art Guild at Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., from noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. Sunday, October 19 Artists and Crafts Exhibit and Sale sponsored by the Slovenian American National Art Guild at Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid from 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26 Clam Bake or Steak Roast sponsored by Slovenian Home, E. 80th St., Newburg beginning at 2 p.m. Music by Vadrtals at 4 p.m. For tickets call 641-9072. Whatever happened to ??? Sunday, Nov. 2 Slovenian Symphony Orchestra tentatively performs in Shore Center Euclid Civic Center. Saturday, Nov. 8 Jadran Singing Society Concert-Dinner-Dance at Waterloo Hall. Sunday, Nov. 9 West Park Slovenian Home 4th Boosters Dance with Ray Champa’s Orchestra. Sunday, Nov. 9 Fall Program sponsored by Circle No. 2, SNPJ. Thursday, Nov. 27 Tony Petkovsek’s 25th polka show featuring 25 bands at St. Joseph High School on E. 185 and Lake Shore Blvd. Friday, Nov. 28 4th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Reunion of the Iron Range at Collinwood Slovenian Home. Friday, Nov. 28 Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair sponsored by Tony’s Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club. Sunday, Nov. 30 Multi-cultural Slovenian show in Euclid staged in cooperation with United Slovenian Society for benefit of the Slovene Home for the Aged. Saturday, Dec. 6 Slovenski Dorn No. 6, AMLA 75th Anniversary Dinner Dance at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. Music by Joe Fedorchak. by Vince Gostilna Home made root beer, Fan Tan gum, Sen-Sen breath freshener, wild strawberries, Ginger beer, Washington pies, Senora coffee, Blue pike fish??? Indian pennies, all silver coins, gold pieces, rationing tokens and stamps, Sales tax stamps, penny postcards, 1/2 cent stamps, newspaper “extra” editions, 78 rpm records, The Cleveland News, Press and Shopping News??? The Pillow Dance at weddings, Decoration Day and Armistice Day Box cameras, Nickel Rock baseballs, Straight razor, gas mantles, Wooden beer kegs, Penny pencils, punk lighters (a.k.a. mosquito chasers) Target tobacco and cigarette rolling machines, brass faucets, hula hoops and Big Little books. 14” softballs??? Washboards, Hand ringers, bluing, and Naptha cleaning fluid wire rug-beaters, quart milk bottles, coal and coal ashes, ice tongs and picks, coffee grinders, razor blade sharpeners and stove black fountain pens and ear trumpets??? Union suits (underwear -zoot suits, high top boot -Eisenhower jacke‘’ suspenders, Hamburg ^ slack suits, straw hats, sP and garters, sheepskin co ’ knickers, Cuban heels, socks, green '*'■*?* celluloid collars and go* med glassess...??? Luna Park, League Kurja Vas, Euclid Be^ Bamboo Gardens, u ^ Park Amusement cenj Twilight Gardens, d. Park Lagoon-Beach shell-, traveling carniva s, wood, Ezella, Eclair an park- wuuu, LSitna, ^ theaters, candy stores',1'' ,r)s, aiitt Of' na^emrsT^peddl®*"" neaiers, canuy — Crosley cars, running b0^ interurbans, streetcars, ^ tire pumps and boo cranks??? For 5 cents you could bu^. of the following (cho0^dips. cigar, ice cream cone bottle of coke, blood °r sausage, bag of potato or Sat. Movie matinee chip5 Readers: ^p- Send in your list o ^ ^y pearing Americana an ^ are suitable we will pri0 too! Cleveland Harbor to celebrate on weekend Cleveland’s harbor project is one of the most significant civic developments underway in the city, and there will be a gala lakeside celebration—-to inaugurate the start of Phase I in style. From Friday, August 8 through Sunday, August 10, Greater Clevelanders will come together in the elegant Donald Gray Gardens and on the grounds of the Port Authority to enjoy an old-fashioned weekend of fun on the lakefront. This major event, which also celebrates Cleveland’s 150th anniversary and the Golden Anniversary of the 1936 Great Lakes Exposition, is being sponsored by the North Coast Development Corporation (NCDC) and Cleveland-area corporations. A Party-in-the-Park will kick off the waterfront celebration on Friday, and entertainment will continue throughout the three days of ’86. The weekend will be filled with unusual lakeside events, including: Clevelanders building their own dream castles in a giant community sandbox; an old-fashioned ice cream social; amphibious airplane * demonstrations; , se^°f regatta; the Browns Pr {i b) game, featuring a c° j the Michael Stanley of|cs, Air Supply, plus 1 and wild celebrity raC oState'c There will also be a urjiig lakeside boardwalk games and special at . .(prc5 One of the PrirT^yis a ^ of Harbor Expo ’«b lo0kS anniversary exhibit |93 back to the sPlen sjti<^ Great Lakes E*P Donald Gray Garden ^ tb hibit site which is edsI | Stadium, is the 13S cC,iossil remnant of the ^ regional fair. Kjcks ° j Harbor Expo »° fu,# this $8.5 million state project. A 7.6 ac^ > , p^ promenade, and f bV spr'^ are to be comping ^ ^(\o\^ of 1988. Landside ,ud« ment will follow an ^ gir world-class aquarm ’ enclosed winters3 ^ ^ maritime center, an retail marketplace- ^ HARBOR open to the Pub -q to i-j August 8 from • || Saturday, August gud 11 and Sunday, _ from 11 to 6