FOSSIL VERTEBRATES AND PALEOMAGNETISM UPDATE OF ONE OF THE EARLIER STAGES OF CAVE EVOLUTION IN THE CLASSICAL KARST, SLOVENIA: PLIOCENE OF ČRNOTIČE II SITE AND RAČIŠKA PEČINA CAVE FOSILNI VRETENČARJI IN PALEOMAGNETNA POSODOBITEV ENE OD ZGODNJIH FAZ RAZVOJA JAM NA KLASIČNEM KRASU, SLOVENIJA: PLIOCEN ČRNOTIČ II IN RAČIŠKE PEČINE Ivan HORá ČEK 1 , Andrej MIHEVC 2 , Nadja ZUPAN HAJNA 2 , Petr PRUNER 3 & Pavel BOSáK 2,3 Izvleček UDK 551.44:550.38(497.4 Črnotiče) Ivan Horáček, Andrej Mihevc, Nadja Zupan Hajna, Petr Pruner & Pavel Bosák: Fosilni vretenčarji in paleomagnetna posodobitev ene od zgodnjih faz razvoja jam na Klasičnem krasu, Slovenija: pliocen Črnotič II in Račiške pečine Na Klasičnem krasu so paleontološki podatki prvič omogočili uskladitev magnetostratigrafski� podatkov z geomagnetno polarizacijsko časovno skalo. Na dve� proučeni � mesti �: (i) v profilu s sigami in rdečimi ilovicami v Račiški pečini (Matarsko podolje) in (ii) v brezstropi jami, lokacija Črnotiče II (Podgor- ski kras), ki je zapolnjena s fluvialnimi klastičnimi sedimenti prekritimi s sigo. Ta zadnja lokacija se odlikuje z bogatim na� ajališčem fosilni� cevčic jamskega serpulida marifugia ca- vatica. Ostanke vretenčarjev predstavljajo predvsem fragmenti sklenine glodalcev in soricomorfov. Odsotnost volu� aric brez zobni� korenin, kakor tudi taksonomska sestava sesalske favne, kažeta na pliocensko starost obe� lokacij. Favna iz (i) Račiške pečine (z Apodemus, cf. Borsodia) pripada srednji do pozni bioconi MN17 (ca.1.8-2.4 Ma). Fosilna združba (ii) iz Črnotič II (z Deinsdorfia sp., Beremedia fissidens, Apodemus cf. atavus, Rhagapodemus cf. frequens, Glirulus sp., Cseria sp.) je očitno precej starejša in pripada bioconi MN15¬–MN16 (ca 3.0–4.1 Ma). Z upoštevanjem skladnosti biostratigrafski� in paleomag - netni� datacijski � podatkov in verodostojnega sedimentaci - jskega okvirja vzorcev predlagamo, da se tako dobljeno datacijo uporabi tudi kot čas, ko se je končala ena od stari� speleogenet - ski� faz na Klasičnem krasu. Ključne besede: jamski sedimenti, magnetostratigrafija, sesalci, Soricomorp� a, Rodentia. 1 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, C� arles University, Viničná 7, 128 44 Pra� a, Czec� Republic, e-mail: � 2 Karst Researc� Institute, SRC SASA, Titov trg 2, 6230 Postojna, Slovenia, e-mail: mi �; 3 Institute of Geology AS CR, v.v.i., Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Pra� a 6, Czec� Republic, e-mail:; Received/Prejeto: 02.10.2007 COBISS: 1.01 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3, 453-468, POSTOJNA 2007 Abstract UDC 551.44:550.38(497.4 Črnotiče) Ivan Horáček, Andrej Mihevc, Nadja Zupan Hajna, Petr Pruner & Pavel Bosák: Fossil vertebrates and paleomagnetism update of one of the earlier stages of cave evolution in the Clas­ sical karst, Slovenia: Pliocene of Črnotiče II site and Račiška pečina Cave For t� e first time in t� e Classical Karst, paleontological data enabled to matc� t � e magnetostratigrap�ic record precisely wit� t � e geomagnetic polarity timescale in two studied sites: (i) a series of speleot� ems alternating wit� red clays in Račiška pečina Cave (Matarsko podolje), and (ii) an unroofed paleo- cave of t� e Črnotiče II site (Podgorski kras Plateau) completely filled by fluvial clastic sediments covered by speleot� ems. The later sites are also c� aracterized by a ric� appearance of fossil tubes of autoc� t� onous stygobiont serpulid marifugia cavatica. The vertebrate record is composed mostly of enamel fragments of rodents and soricomorp� s. Absence of rootless arvicolids as well as taxonomic composition of t� e mammalian fauna suggests t� e Pliocene age of bot� sites. For (i) Račiška pečina (wit� Apodemus, cf. Borsodia) it was estimated to middle to late MN17 (ca 1.8–2.4 Ma), w�ile (ii) t � e assemblage from Črnotiče II (wit� Deinsdorfia sp., Beremedia fissidens, Apodemus cf. ata- vus, Rhagapodemus cf. frequens, Glirulus sp., Cseria sp.) is obvi- ously quite older: MN15–MN16 (ca 3.0–4.1 Ma). In respect to congruence of biostratigrap�ic and paleomagnetic data and a reliable sedimentary setting of t� e samples we propose to apply t� e respective datum also as t� e time of one ancient speleoge- netic p� ase in t� e Classical Karst. Keyword: cave sediments, magnetostratigrap� y, mammals, Soricomorp� a, Rodentia. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 454 The sedimentary fill of caves (cave sediments) in t� e Clas- sical Karst of SW Slovenia was expected not to be muc� older t� an 350 ka (Gospodarič, 1972, 1974, 1976,1977, 1981,1984, 1985, 1988). This view was based on results of sedimentologic researc�, arc � eologic and paleon- tologic finds, and on numerical dating (like 14 C, Th/U, ESR; a.o., Franke & Gey�, 1971; Ikeya et al., 1983; Ford & Gospodarič, 1989) from many sedimentary profiles in Postojna, Planina, Križna, Škocjan and ot� er caves. Gospodarič (1988) distinguis� es different deposition p� ases of cave sediments related to glacioeustatic oscil- lations of t� e Adriatic Sea and t� e global paleoclimate evolution during Pleistocene. Later researc� es in several caves of Notranjska and Primorska karst regions (central and western Slovenia) indicate t� e existence of many flowstones older t� an 350 ka, i.e. out of limit of t� e met� od (Zupan, 1991; Mi� evc & Lauritzen, 1997; Mi� evc, 2001). Geomorp� ologic com- parative met� od s� ows t� at many accessible caves in t� e Classical Karst are at least of t� e Pliocene age (Mi� evc, 1996, 2001). Nevert� eless, paleontological finds indicate only Pleistocene age of fauna in studied cave sediments (Brodar, 1952, 1958, 1966, 1970; Rakovec, 1958; Aguillar et al., 1998) Only t� e application and interpretation of palaeo- magnetic analyses and magnetostratigrap� y of cave sedi- ments, bot� clastic and c � emogenic, started in t� e Clas- sical Karst in 1997, indicate t� e substantial c� ange in t� e lower limit of cave fill deposition (Bosák et al., 1998, 1999, 2000a, b, 2003; 2004a, b; Šebela & Sasowsky, 2000; Prun- er & Bosák, 2001; Mi� evc et al., 2002; Sasowsky et al., 2003; Zupan Hajna et al., 2005, 2007). Magnetostratigra- p� y data and t� e arrangement of obtained magnetozones often indicate fill ages of more t� an 1.77 Ma wit� pos - sibility of a lower limit even more t� an 5 Ma (Bosák et al., 1998). The interpretation of magnetostratigrap� y is based on t� e matc�ing of interpreted results wit � t � e global geomagnetic polarity scale (GPTS; Cande & Kent, 1995) and only offers t� e correlative ages (sensu Col- man & Pierce, 2000). The proper correlation of obtained magnetostratigrap� y wit� t � e GPTS is possible only in t� e combination wit� ot � er dating met� ods (numerical or calibrate), and especially wit� paleontological dates (Bosák, 2002; Bosák et al., 2003). Nevert� eless, paleonto- logical data for t� e calibration wit� t � e GPTS � ave been missing, until t� e first finds of mammal remains in t� e Račiška pečina in 2003 (Bosák et al., 2004b) and subse- quent discovery in t� e Črnotiče II profile in 2005–2006. Here, we are using t� e term Pliocene in a tradi- tional sense. The Plio-Pleistocene boundary is located at 1.8 Ma (Aguirre & Pasini, 1985), close to t� e base of Olduvai normal subc�ron (C2n) at 1.77 Ma (wit �in t � e Matuyama C�ron). The newly proposed Plio-Pleistocene boundary at about 2.6 Ma (close to Matuyama/Gauss boundary, base of C�ron C2Ar at 2.581 Ma and at t � e base of t� e MIS 103 at 2.588 Ma; Ogg, 2007) � as not yet been approved by t� e IUGS. DESCRIPTION OF SITES INTRODUCTION The Classical Karst of W Slovenia belongs to Adriat- ic–Dinaric Carbonate Platform of t� e Outer Dinarids composed of s� allow marine Cretaceous and Paleogene carbonate rocks (cf. e.g., Otoničar, 2007). The Eocene deep-marine siliciclastics (flysc�) encircle and cover t � e carbonate plateau. Complicated imbricate structure (t� e alternation of flysc� and limestone t �rust slices) paral - lel to t� e Dinaric direction � as been formed since Oli- gocene. Karst landscape of t� e region is c� aracterized by extensive leveled surfaces, blind valleys at limestone/fly- sc� contacts, and old caves in places dissected by younger s� afts. Some caves were uncovered at t� e present surface by c� emical denudation (unroofed caves sensu Mi� evc 1996, for details see Mi� evc 2001). The origin of s� afts is connected wit� substantial drop of piezometric level, w�ic � now lies about 200 m below t � e surface. S� afts are eit� er empty or filled wit� Pleistocene sediments (e.g., Rakovec 1958; Brodar 1958). There are several karst plateaus in t� e area (Fig. 1). The largest is Kras, t� e NW – SE trending region along t� e Golf of Trieste (Adriatic Sea) from t� e Vipava Val- ley in t� e NE up to Friuli–Venezia Giulia lowlands and t� e Soča River in t� e NW (Fig. 1). Its central part lies at 200 to 500 m a.s.l. (for more details see Kranjc, 1997). matarsko podolje is situated to t� e SE of t� e Kras. Its karst landscape was formed by denudation on t� e NE dipping limestone and dolomites at t� e elevations of 500–700 m a.s.l. Allogenic rivers at t� e contact wit� flysc � form sev - eral blind valleys wit� traces of constant tectonic uplift (Mi� evc, 2004). podgorski kras plateau in t� e S edge of t� e Kras is widely extended levelled plateau (440 m a.s.l.) at t� e foot�ills of t � e Slavnik Mt. (Mi� evc, 2007; Fig. 1). IVAN HORá ČEK, ANDREJ MIHEVC, NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA, PETR PRUNER & PAVEL BOSá K ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 455 Denudation surface cuts t� e Paleocene limestone alter- nating wit� t �in slices of Eocene flysc � t � at dip nort� eastwards (cf. Placer 1981). This levelled surface exposes numerous unroofed caves. Large karst springs are located at t� e plateau foot�ills at 50–70 m a.s.l. ČRNOTIČE The Črnotiče and Črni kal quarries are situated on t� e western margin of t� e Podgorski kras. In bot� quarries during excavations numerous caves � ave been opened, most of t� em completely filled by sediments (see review in Bosák et al., 1999, 2004a; Mi� evc, 2007). Dating of cal- cite cement in gravels ric� in large mammal bones yield - ed age of 211±45 ka in one s� aft of t� e Črnotiče Quarry (Mi� evc, 2001). Caves in t� e Črni kal Quarry contained Paleolit�ic tools, Pleistocene large mammals (Rakovec, 1958; Brodar, 1958), and Middle and Late Pleistocene small mammals (Aguilar et al., 1998). Carbonate cement of gravel fill of one s� aft was dated to143±13 ka (Mi� evc, 2001). Palaeomagnetic analysis was used to date pale- okarst site of Črnotiče I in t� e Črni kal Quarry (Bosák et al., 1999), a part of an extensive cave filled wit� about 1.75 m t�ick banded sandy cave stromatolite intercalated wit� red clays covering eroded surface of older massive and �ig � ly recrystallized speleot� ems. Palaeomagnetic analysis indicates t� e age more t� an 1.77 Ma. The finds of problematic fis� teet � are still not determined. Črnotiče I and II sites belong to one paleocave sys- tem, w�ic � started to be successively opened since 1990. This was about 150 m long relic of cave formed by an al- logenic river. The extensive passage � ad t� e diameter of about 10 m wit� t � e dip in t� e NW – SE direction. In t� e eastern part, t� e passage was unroofed, but in t� e west- ern part t� e ceiling � as been still preserved. The passage was entirely filled by cave sediments deposited over mas- sive flowstones, several metres t�ick. Gravels were pre - served and in places mixed up wit� sand and clay. Lami - nated yellow brown clays to silts contained fragments of speleot� ems. Reddis� clays composed t � e upper part of profiles. Fig. 1: position of studied sites. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES AND PALEOMAGNETISM UPDATE OF ONE OF THE EARLIER STAGES OF CAVE EVOLUTION ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 456 The studied profile (unroofed cave, Črnotiče II site) was more t� an 17 m �ig � and from 4 to 7.5 m wide. Lower nine metres were composed of cyclically arranged cave sediments. It was divided by an expressive erosion boundary into two parts. The lower one was built of multicoloured clays and silts overlain by upwards fining fluvial cycles composed of micro conglomerates to con- glomerates (clay and silt clasts), w�ic � sometimes pass to sands. Individual cycles were separated by t�in interbeds of clays to silts. The upper part, above uneven erosion boundary, consisted of laminated to banded silts, clays and very fine-grained silty sands. The clastic fill was cov - ered (above 9 m up to t� e surface) by speleot� ems, and collapsed speleot� em and limestone blocks wit� some terra rossa–like red clays at t� e base (Fig. 2). Cave walls built of Palaeocene limestone wit� scallops were covered by tubes of fres� water stygobiont worm marifugia cavat- ica Absolon et Hrabě, 1930 about 3 m above t� e quarry floor (Fig. 2; Mi� evc, 2000; Mi� evc et al., 2001, 2002). Was� ed material was obtained from t� e rig� t lower part of t� e profile near t� e cave wall (see Fig. 2). Multicoloured silt and clays deposited from relatively calm cave fluvial environment wit� medium rates of deposition. The cyclic deposition resulted from repeated sudden and intensive floods eroding already deposited cave sediments. The rate of deposition is expected to be �ig �. RAČIŠKA PEČINA Račiška pečina is situated in t� e SE part Cave of t� e Ma- tarsko podolje near t� e Croatian border (Fig. 1). Cave at about 590 m a.s.l. developed in Lower Cretaceous carbon- ate rocks and represents t� e relic of an old cave system, w�ic � part was already unroofed (Ulica pečina Cave and Ulica unroofed cave; Mi� evc, 2004). The Račiška pečina is paragenetic or epip�reatic simple sout � wards dipping gallery, w�ic � is mostly over 10 wide, 5–10 m �ig � and Fig. 2: photo of the Črnotiče II site with position of paleomagnetic samples (white marks), A - position of sediment with fauna, B – position of marifugia cavatica on cave wall (photo by p. Bosák). Fig. 3: Drawing of the Račiška pečina profile: F – position of fauna find, grey shading – clays, inclined shading – collapsed blocks of roof, black boxes – paleomagnetic samples, speleothems, black circles – paleomagnetic samples, clays. IVAN HORá ČEK, ANDREJ MIHEVC, NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA, PETR PRUNER & PAVEL BOSá K ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 457 304 m long (Bosák et al., 2004b). On t� e sout� ern side, t� e cave terminates wit� t � e collapse and sedimentary plug. Clays of unknown t�ickness covered by massive flowstone form t� e bottom of t� e cave. There are traces of Ursus spelaeus on t� e cave floor (Mi� evc, 2003). Re- mains of Pre�istoric pottery were found at t � e cave en- trance. The studied profile represents slig� tly more t� an 3 m �ig � and about 20 m long cut in t � e cave fill (Fig. 3) uncovered w� en t� e cave was adapted as t� e military magazine. It is situated in t� e sout� ern part of t� e cave, about 200 m from t� e present entrance. The composite t�ickness of sampled profile reac � es about 6.5 m. The lower part is built of t�ree sequences, representing t� e growt� stages of a � uge vaulted stalag- mite (lig� t brown to reddis� brown mostly corroded calcite) and containing two angular unconformities (ex- pressed as t�in intercalations of red clays) wit � broken rests of stalagmites on t� eir tops. The upper part consists of sub-� orizontal laminated, mostly porous and lig� t-co- loured flowstones intercalated by flowstone wit� gours Fig. 4: Correlation of magnetostratigraphic logs of the Črnotiče II site (left) and the Račiška pečina (right; simplified) with the GpTS (Cande & Kent 1995; center): black – normal polarity, grey – transient polarity, white – reverse polarity, ~~~ – principal hiatus. and red clays and silts. Collapsed roof blocks cover red clays wit� finds of fauna (F on Fig. 3). The topmost part, in t� e t�ickness of several tens of centimetres, is com - posed of massive flowstone layers wit� intercalations of brown cave loams containing large bones (mostly Ursus spelaeus). The profile is covered by � uge stalagmites, w�ic � were not studied. The samples for paleontological analyses were taken at 4 principal clay � orizons. All t� e described remains were obtained from t� e layer situated just at t� e base of t� e section (F on Fig. 3). Lutitic intercalations represent results of numerous and intensive floods bringing alloc� - t� onous material. Clays are well-sieved and represent t� e deposited suspension of t� e cave stream load. Very fine-grained sand and silt laminas at t� e bottom or inside some layers are rare and occur only in clay beds of �ig � er t�ickness, and indicate flood pulses wit �in one lutitic layer. The c� aracter of allogenic lutites can indicate t� at studied site occurred far from t� e cave ponor and/or t� at allogenic stream � ad to pass t�roug � a system of sumps. MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHy Palaeomagnetic analysis was based on t� e progressive demagnetisation by alternating field (Sc� onstedt GSD–1 or LDA–3) or t� ermal demagnetisation (MAV ACS). The natural remanent magnetization, as well as volume mag- netic susceptibility was measured on JR-5A or JR-6A spinner magnetometres and KLy–2 or KLy-3 kappa– bridges. The separation of t� e respective remanent mag- netisation components was carried out by Kirc� s� vink multi-component analysis (Kirsc� vink, 1980). The statis- tics of Fis� er (1953) was applied for calculation of mean directions of pertinent remanence components derived by multi–component analysis. For details of sampling and analytical procedure see Bosák et al. (1998, 1999, 2000ab, 2003, 2004a). ČRNOTIČE II SITE Bot� parts of t � e profile s� ow normal polarity magneto- zones. One narrow reverse polarity subzone is situated in t� e middle part of t� e profile. Anot� er narrow reverse polarity subzone, documented on one sample only, is sit- uated in t� e upper part above t� e erosion surface (Fig. 4). FOSSIL VERTEBRATES AND PALEOMAGNETISM UPDATE OF ONE OF THE EARLIER STAGES OF CAVE EVOLUTION ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 458 PALEONTOLOGy Was�ing of samples taken from t � e Račiška pečina (about 40 kg from site marked F on Fig. 3) and Črnotiče II site (300 kg from site marked A on Fig. 2) provided ric� material of microscopic fragments of vertebrate fos - sil remains. The appearance of t� e remains, t� eir tap� o- nomical c� aracteristics and to a considerable degree also taxonomic composition was quite similar in bot� sites. As a rule t� e individual fossil rests are corroded and fragmented into quite small pieces. Fossils are covered by t�in amorp � ous fossilization crust ric� in Si (?opal), Ca and Cr (microprobe analysis) largely resistant to acid etc�ing. This fact essentially complicated t� e SEM study. Altered surfaces under t� e crust are ric� in Ca, Si, Fe, Cr, but lack Mn, Mg and Al (microprobe analysis). Fos- sil samples were studied on CAMECA 100 microprobe (Institute of Geology AS CR, v.v.i., Prague) and JEOL 6386 scanning electron microscope (Faculty of Science, C� arles University, Prague). MATERIAL Črnotiče II site Vast predominance of autoc� t� onous stygobiont serpulid tubes (Marifugia cavatica Absolon et Hrabě, 1930) was detected in t� e fossil sample. This taxon, pat- terns of its appearance in t� e site, and its paleoecologic and stratigrap�ic meaning � as been already discussed (Mi� evc, 2000; Mi� evc et al., 2001, 2002). The vertebrate record consists of 58 items, mostly poorly preserved and corroded fragments of teet� enamel. The best preserved items are figure on Plates 1 to 3. Some of t� em allow at least a tentative identification. The list of material is as follows: Non-mammalian remains (15): ?C� ondric� t� yes indet: 15 small conical and flat lanceolate toot� tips. Mammalian remains: Eu- lipotyp� la (4): Deinsdorfia sp. (2I/1), Beremendia fissides (Petenyi, 1864): M/1, M/2; Rodentia (39): indet. fragments of incisor enamel (15 items), Glirulus aff. pusillus (Heller 1936): 1 M3/, Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus Heller, 1936: 9 fragments (2 M1/, 1M2/, 1M3/, 2M/1, 1M/2, 2M/3), Rhagapodemus cf. frequens Kretzoi, 1959 (1 M/2), Arvicolidae indet. (13 fragments of molar enamel): sp. (cf. “Cseria” carnutina Rabeder 1981), sp. 2 (cf. mimomys (Cseria s.s.) gracilis). Račiška pečina Totally 74 items were obtained. They were mostly very poorly preserved, fragile, and composed of particu- larly small fragments of teet� enamel (max. 1–2 mm in size), corroded and wit� out a trace of dentine or cemen- tum (Pl. 4). The list of material is as follows: Non-mammalian remains (7 pieces) were as follows: cf. potamon (Crus- tacea), 2 tips of small conical teet� (not identified until now), and 3 p� aryngeal pearl teet� of a Cyprinid fis �, most probably Barbus sp. Mammalian remains were 67 in number: Rodentia (29 fragments of incisors, 2 fragments of metapodia, 35 fragments of molar enamel of arvicol- ids): at least 2 spp. (incl. cf. Borsodia), 1 M/1 (enamel): Apodemus (Sylvaemus) sp. – cf. atavus Heller, 1936. The matc�ing of obtained magnetozone arrangements wit� t � e GPTS indicated t� e age of sediments more t� an 1.77 Ma (base of t� e C2n Olduvai subc�ron). The fill most probably belongs to t� e Gauss C�ron (ca 2.6 to 3.6 Ma) or t� e ot� er normal subc�ron (wit �in t � e Gilbert C�ron; 4.18–4.29 or 4.48–4.62 Ma; Bosák et al., 2004a). RAČIŠKA PEČINA Clear paleontological data enabled, for t� e first time in t� e Classical Karst, to fix t� e arrangement of interpreted magnetozones wit� t � e GPTS. Fauna belonging to t� e MN17 biozone was found in red clays in t� e dept� inter - val of 3.79 to 4.05 m (Fig. 3 and 4). Therefore t� e base of long normal polarized magnetozone terminating wit�in t� e interval wit� fauna was identified wit � t � e base of C2n Olduvai subc�ron (1.95 Ma; Bosák et al., 2004b; Fig. 4). Normal polarized magnetozone above t�is boundary belongs to t� e Olduvai subc�ron (1.770–1.950 Ma). S � ort reverse polarized magnetozone represents some part of t� e Matuyama C�ron. Normal polarized top of t � e pro- file belongs to Brun� es C�ron (C1n, younger t � an 0.780 Ma), w�ic � corresponds wit � t � e c� aracter of fauna in loam interbeds. The interpretation of magnetostratig- rap� y below t� e Olduvai base is not completely clear. The geometry of obtained magnetozones is c� anged as compared wit� subc �rons on t � e GPTS due to numer- ous principal breaks in deposition. Nevert� eless, we ex- pect t� e correlation wit� t � e lower part of t� e Matuyama C�ron (2.150–2.581 Ma) and t � e Gauss C�ron (2.581– 3.58 Ma). The comparison wit� t � e GPTS can indicate duration of individual breaks in deposition in 150–250 ka, in t� e lower part probably substantially more (Bosák et al., 2004b). IVAN HORá ČEK, ANDREJ MIHEVC, NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA, PETR PRUNER & PAVEL BOSá K ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 459 COMMENTS ON PARTICULAR TAx A Non-Mammalia indet. – isolated tooth tips (Pl.1:4-6) The conical s� arply tapered to flat lanceolate toot� tips wit� s � arp lateral blades present a conspicuous ele- ment of t� e fossil samples. The respective structures are covered by a very � ard enameloid built by tiny (less t� an 1 μ in diameter) and densely packed crystallites and filled wit� compact dentine, in contrast to mammalian teet � not corroded. Until now, we did not succeed in taxonomic identification of t� ese structures. Tentatively, we � ypot� - esize t� at t� ey mig� t belong to juvenile s� arks (probably was� ed from Eocene marls by t� e sinking river) or to un- known form of bone fis�, eventually. Unfortunately, t � e extensive comparisons wit� t � e taxa available at our dis- position did not elucidate t� e identification w�ic � t � us remains a task for future study. Deinsdorfia sp. (Pl. 2:1-2) Two lower incisors belonging to a medium sized s�rew (roug � ly of a Sorex araneus size) wit� a c � aracteris- tic series of rounded cusps at t� e major occusal ridge and dark colouration at tips belong undoubtedly to a member of Soricini, t� e genera of ot� er tribes (suc� as Blarinella, mafia, z elceina, petenyia etc.) can be excluded. Default identification wit� t � e genus Sorex is, of course, not en- tirely supported for t� at t� e members of t� e genus of t� e corresponding size appearing prior to Middle Pleistocene (w� en t� e respective size was attained in t� e subgenus Sorex – cf. Horáček & Ložek, 1988) were exclusively mem- bers of t� e subgenus Drepanosorex (MN17 praearaneus Kormos, 1934, Q1 margaritodon Kormos, 1934), w�ic � bear an indistinct and lig� t orange teet� colouration not dark red as in t� e items under study. The full combina- tion of t� e c� aracters appearing in t� e respective fossils (including size and colouration of cusp enamel) can be found in anot� er genus of Soricini, Deinsdorfia Heller, 1963. Also relative s� arp incision at mesial margin of t� e first ridge cusp (particularly in t� e specimen figured in Pl. 2/2) and relatively inflated occlusal basin of t� e toot� (Pl. 2/1) seem to support t� at identification. The genus was described from MN17 site of De- insdorf and its separate status was confirmed by furt� er studies includ- ing a monograp� by Reumer (1984) w� o synonymized its nominotypi- cal species franconica Heller, 1963 was later synonymized wit� hibbardi Sulimski 1962 described (as Sorex hibbardi) from MN15 site of Węże (see also Rzebik-Kowalska, 1990). Subsequently, six ot� er species were described from various sites in Hun- gary, Poland and Greece ranging from MN14 (Podleśice site) to early MN17 (Deinsdorf site) or MN16. The exact species identification of our specimens is not possible t� oug� a broad measure of agreement is wit� bot� hibbardii/franconica and kor- dosi Reumer, 1984 (MN16 Csarnóta site) for w�ic � good information on incisor morp� ology is available (Re- umer, 1984). Beremendia fissidens (Petenyi, 1864) (Pl. 2: 3-4) The enamel coat of t� e left M/1 and M/2 (apparently belonging to one and t� e same individual) pro- vides a quite reliable morp� ological information: t� e teet� clearly s � ow t� e c� aracters distinguis�ing Bere- media fissidens, one of index fossils plate 1: Non-mammalian fossils of the Črnotiče II site: 1-3 – marifugia cavatica Absolon et h rabě, 1930; 4-6 – indetermined tooth tips, supposedly a juvenile Chondrichthyes fishes. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES AND PALEOMAGNETISM UPDATE OF ONE OF THE EARLIER STAGES OF CAVE EVOLUTION ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 460 of t� e Pliocene s�rew communities. It concerns t � eir large size (M/1: L 2.40, tlL 0.80, tlW 1.40, M/2: L 1.98, tlL 0.5, tlW 1.25), c� aracteristically s� aped entoconid, mod- erately developed labial cingulum or a dark red coloura- tion in major crown tips. The teet� are at lower margin of t� e metric variation of t� e species, distinctly smaller t� an Blarinoides mariae Sulimski, 1962 (t� e species w�ic � also differs in proportions of M/2 and often in lig� ter colouration of enamel) t� oug� t � ey are larger t� an Beremendia minor Rzebik- Kowalska, 1976 t� e form reported from four MN14-MN16 localities. Beremendia fissidens was eu- constant element of t� e Pliocene mammalian communities from Spain, France and England to Po- land, Ukraine, Romania, Croatia and Greece. Thoug� its first ap - pearance is reported even from late MN14 (Podleśice site) as a common species it appeared particularly in MN16 and MN17 (Rzebik-Kowalska in 1998 listed at least 30 sites of t� at age). It was regular but rare element even in t� e mid–European Q1 com- munities (as well as in Italy – Gliozzi et al., 1997) w�ile during Q2 biozone (late Bi� arian) it was in most parts of its former range already extinct (van den Hoek et al., 2005) Glirulus sp. (Pl. 3: 1) Nearly complete fragment of a crown enamel of glirid toot� (M3/ d. or P4/ d.) represents quite important item of t� e collection. The toot� is remarkable for its very small size (L 0.70 x W 0.82) and besides of four main ridges (connected wit� a com - plete endolop�) it bears quite a dis - tinct secondary ridge between t� em. The occlusal surface is relatively flat and not deflected as in extant genera Dryomys, Eliomys or myomimus (in- cluding t� e smallest form myomimus setzeri Rossolimo, 1976 to w�ic � it corresponds in size) w�ic � may come in account for biogeograp�ic reasons (Kryštufek & Vo�ralík, 2005). The above mentioned differ - ences, w�ic � exclude co-identifica - tion of t� e fossil item wit� t � ese extant taxa and t� e Plio- Pleistocene forms related to t� em (suc� as Dryomimus eliomyoides Kretzoi, 1959) fit quite well to t� e diagnostic c� aracters of Glirulus pusillus, t� e form described as Am- phidyromys pusillus Heller, 1936 from MN15/16 site of plate 2: Soricidae and muridae of the Črnotiče II site: 1 – Deinsdorfia sp. – left I/1; 2 – Deinsdorfia sp., right I/1; 3 – Beremendia fissidens (petenyi, 1864), left m/1; 4 – Beremendia fissidens (petenyi, 1864), left m/2; 5 – Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus h eller, 1936, left m1/;; 6 – Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus h eller, 1936, left m1/; 7 – Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus h eller, 1936, right m2/; 8 – Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus h eller, 1936, right m3/; 9 – Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus h eller, 1936, right m/1; 10 – Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus h eller, 1936, right m/1; 11 – Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus h eller, 1936, left m/2; 12 – Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus h eller, 1936, right m/3;13 – Rhagapodemus cf. frequens Kretzoi, 1959, left m/2. IVAN HORá ČEK, ANDREJ MIHEVC, NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA, PETR PRUNER & PAVEL BOSá K ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 461 Gunders� eim. In Europe, t� e genus Glirulus (extant in Japan) to w�ic � pusillus was replaced by Kowalski (1963) was continuously represented from MN3 wit� several species t�roug � out Miocene (cf. Kowalski, 1997, 2001), w�ile its diversity got restricted to a sole species, pusillus, in MN15 to MN17 (Daams & de Bruijn, 1995). In Europe, t�is species probably locally survived up to t � e earliest stage of Q1 zone of t� e Early Pleistocene (Valerots, Żabia sites). In Italy Glirulus pusillus is recorded from MN15 Arondelli-Triversa and Glirulus sp. from Q1 Monte Peglia (Kotsakis, 2003). In t� e MN15,16 and early MN17 com- munities of central and sout� ern Europe Glirulus pusil- lus appears as nearly a constant element (cf. its records in sites of Gunders� eim, Ivanovce, Frec� en, Sc� ernfeld, Osztramos 7, Kielniki 1, a.o.). Last but not least we are obliged to note t� at despite good correspondence between t� e fossil item and Glirulus pusillus in t� e essential c� aracters of t� e genus, t� e fossil items differ markedly in proportion and s� ape of t� e toot� and t � e differences seem to fall beyond t� e variation range of pusillus. Alternatively, t� e toot� can be looked upon as P4/, eventu- ally (t� en t� e differences from ot� er species of t� e genus would be even larger). Unfortunately, wit� just a single fragmentary item, t� ere is a little c� ance to compre� end t� e ac- tual meaning of t� ese differences properly and it would be muc� be - yond scope of t�is report to discuss t� at topic in details. Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus Heller, 1936 (Pl. 2/5-13, Pl. 4/1) The teet� remains of wood mouse are t� e best preserved fossils in bot� studies sites. They belong to medium-sized forms of t� e subgenus Sylvaemus and could be co-identi- fied even wit� t � e most widespread extant species Apodemus sylvaticus, eventually. Nevert� eless, t� e items from Črnotiče II exceed t� e variation range of t� e recent species at least in two respects: in appearance of dis- tal cingulum on M1/ and M2/ and posterior accessory cusp (sensu van Dam, 1997) on M/2. Bot� t � e c� ar- acters, considered plesiomorp�ic states in murids, distinguis� a fos - sil species Apodemus atavus Heller, 1936, described from MN16 Gunders� eim site, and con- sidered to be an ancestor of t� e recent European repre- sentatives of t� e subgenus Sylvaemus (Rietsc� el & Storc�, 1974; Kowalski, 2001). In t� e state of bot� t � e c� aracters t� e specimens under study seem to ex�ibit an intermedi - ate position between t� e typical MN15 atavus (including its topotypes – cf. Storc� & Fejfar, 1989; Fejfar & Storc �, 1990) and t� e recent taxon. Of course, a real taxonomic meaning of similar differences could be estimated only after detailed comparative studies on variation dynam- ics of t� e respective c� aracters for w�ic � t � e available material is apparently too scarce. Moreover, in regard to t� e recent situation of t� e genus in t� e SE Europe and E- plate 3: Gliridae and Arvicolidae from the Črnotiče II site: 1 – Glirulus sp., right m3/ or p4/; 2 – Arvicolidae g.sp. – Cseria gracilis/carnutina grade, ?left m1/; 3 – Arvicolidae g.sp. – Cseria gracilis carnutina grade. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES AND PALEOMAGNETISM UPDATE OF ONE OF THE EARLIER STAGES OF CAVE EVOLUTION ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 462 Mediterranean (extensive genotypic diversification and considerable overlap among all t� e species in morp� o- metric c� aracters), t� e attempts to resolve t� e taxonomic status of fragmentary fossil samples seem to be only little promising. In any case, in metrical c� aracters t� e teet� under study are at t� e lower variation range of A. sylvati- cus but seem to fall well in t� e range t� e respective spe- cies: Račiška pečina M/1 (Pl4/1): 1.67x1.5 mm, Črnotiče M1/ (Pl 2/5): 1.75x1.12 mm, M1/ (Pl2/6) L 1.73 mm, M2/ (Pl2/7): 1.13x1.06 mm, M3/ (Pl2/8): 0.85x0.86 mm, M/1 (Pl2/9): L 1.75 mm, (pl2/10): W 1.00 mm, M/2 (Pl 2/11): 1.20x 1.02 mm, M/3 (Pl 2/12): 0.97x0.86. Rhagapodemus cf. frequens Kretzoi, 1959 (Pl. 2 /13) A single M/2 nearly unaffected by abrasion is c� ar- acterized by very large dimensions (1.72x1.35 mm), ex- treme degree of � ypsodonty, nearly completely separated � ypoconid and entoconid, well developed lateral antero- conid and postcingulid w�ile labial cingular cusps are quite minute and arranged in a s� allow cingular crest- like ridge at t� e base of t� e crown. In all t� ese c� aracters t� e toot� exceeds variation ranges in all European extant species of Apodemus (including epimelas and mystacinus, i.e. t� e larges extant W-Palearctic forms of t� e genus) but corresponds well to t� e diagnostic c� aracters of Pliocene genus Rhagapodemus Kretzoi, 1959. At t� e same time, t� e state of t� e respective c� ar- acters in t� e specimen seems to ex�ibit a more derived conditions t� an Turolian Rhagapodemus primaevus (Hu- geney et Mein, 1965) or early Ruscinian R. hautimag- nensis Mein et Mic� aux, 1970 (comp. also Popov, 2004), t� e ot� er species of t� at age suc� as R. ballesioi Mein et Mic� aux, 1970 or R. debruijni (Kotlia, 1992) differ even more (t� ey are distinctly smaller, lack t� e posteriod cin- gular cusps etc. – comp. Fejfar & Storc� 1990; Kotlia et al., 1998; Popov, 2004). Per� aps t� e best agreement is t� us wit� t � e nominotypical species Rhagapodemus fre- quens Kretzoi, 1959 described from t� e MN15 site of Csarnóta and later found in more sites of a similar age (MN 15 Węże, Gunders� eim 4) and wit� even a more derived form, distinguis� ed at t� e subspecific level as R. frequens athensis De Bruijn et van der Meulen, 1975 re- ported also from t� e early Pleistocene of Greece (locality Tourkoubounia 1: De Bruijn & van der Meulen, 1975). The actual stratigrap�ic position of Tourkoubounia 1 in terms of MN zones is MN16 (Doukas, 2005). The genus Rhagapodemus is furt� er reported from t� e early and middle Pleistocene of Sardinia. Of course, particu- larly under island situations, a parallel evolution of t� e Rhagapodemus p� enotypes not related to t� e Miocene and Pliocene mainland forms could also come in ac- count, similarly as it was suggested by Kotlia et al. (1998) for Indian R. debruijni (Kotlia, 1992). Arvicolidae (see Pl. 3/2-3, Pl. 4/ 2-4 for t� e best pr served items) In general, Arvicolidae is t� e group of t� e � ig� est im- portance for t� e biostratigrap� ic analyses of t� e late Ceno- zoic terrestrial deposits for well marked gradual anagen- etic trends, parallel in different clades, extensive cladogetic diversity and predominant representation in t� e mamma- lian communities of t� at period (Fejfar et al., 1997). Cor- respondingly, also in t� e present samples t� e remains of arvicolids compose an essential part of t� e total material. Unfortunately, not one complete toot� is available and a vast majority of t� e material consists of isolated, broken and corroded enamel fragments, as a rule representing just single molar synclinales. The most complete specimens are figured on Plates 3 and 4. In bot� localities, any rootless form absents, and no one piece s� ows a trace of dental ce- mentum in t� e molar synclinales. The molar fragments from t� e Račiška pečina ex- �ibit a considerably �ig � degree of � ypsodonty, some of t� em are wit� deep and narrow synclinales typical for Lagurini. The enamel microstructure revealed by t� e SEM analyses suggest t� at at least two different forms are present in t� e Račiška pečina: one ex�ibiting t � e pattern typical for advanced lagurine voles (dense radial enamel alternated wit� a t �ick layer of lamellar enamel w �ic � prisms are distinctly � eavier t� an t� e prisms of radial enamel, Pl. 4/3), t� e ot� er s� ows t� e pattern wit� less dis - tinct differences between radial and lamellar enamel (Pl. 4/2) corresponding to t� e situation in t� e genera myodes or advanced forms of mimomys (Koenigswald, 1980; Fe- jfar & Heinric�, 1982). In contrast, all fragments available from Črnotiče II site s� ow rat� er plesiomorp�ic constitution particu - larly in clearly lower degree of molar � ypsodonty. Their Sc�melzmuster is quite different from t � at in t� e Račiška pečina, first in t� at it bears t� e same enamel pattern bot� in mesial and distal walls of a toot� (Pl. 3/2, 3), second t� at t� e lamellar enamel is not developed and only radial enamel is present wit� faint anastomozing near t � e EDJ instead of prism decusation. Suc� constitution is appar - ently quite plesiomorp�ic and it was recorded in ancient member of mimomys/Cseria lineages suc� as Cseria car- nutina Rabeder 1981 or mimomys (Cseria s.str) gracilis, i.e. t� e taxa typical of t� e MN15 stage of arvicolid ra- diation (Rabeder, 1981; Fejfar & Heinric�, 1982). In any case, suc� enamel arrangement is undoubtedly connect - ed wit� rat � er arc� aic grade of arvicolid dental evolution and probably does not occur in t� e European forms since t� e early MN17. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC CONSIDERATIONS For a proper biostratigrap�ic analysis, t � e available ma- terial is unfortunately too scarce and too fragmentary. IVAN HORá ČEK, ANDREJ MIHEVC, NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA, PETR PRUNER & PAVEL BOSá K ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 463 Nevert� eless, it provides a certain information enabling to draw � ypot� esis on possible maximum and minimum age of t� e communities. The absence of rootless molars in arvicolid material, bot� in t � e Črnotiče II site and t� e Račiška pečina, suggests t� at t� e communities do not come from t� e Quaternary period namely because since beginning of t� e Q1 t� e communities of small ground mammals are c� aracterized by total predominance of rootless voles (particularly microtus s.l. and Lagurus s.l., etc.) and its seems greatly improbable t� at no one of 48 molar fragments obtained from studied sites would ex- �ibit suc � a state. In Lagurini, t � e rooted forms, arranged in genus Borsodia (to w�ic � we ten - tatively allocate some items from t� e Račiška pečina) soon at t� e very beginning of Q1 disappeared in ac- count of t� eir rootless descendants. At least for above-mentioned reasons, we propose MN17/Q1 boundary as t� e possible minimum age bot� for t � e Črnotiče II site and Račiška pečina. In bot� sites, t � e faunal assemblages are of t� e Plio- cene age (note t� e predominance of arvicolids and absence of any el- ement suggesting strictly t� e Mio- cene age as well as t� e data on strati- grap�ic distribution of t � e recorded taxa – Tab. 1). The possible maxi­ mum age for t� e Račiška pečina can be tentatively placed to MN16 or early MN17 particularly due to t� e advanced degree of � ypsodonty in arvicolid molars, t� e correspon- dence of some items to Borsodia (t� e genus representing an index fossil of MN17) or to relatively advanced mi- momys spp. (a grade corresponding to e.g., jota/pitymyoides sensu Rabe- der, 1981). However for Črnotiče II site, t� e grade of arvicolid molar development would suggest a rat� er earlier age. Correspondingly, also all ot� er forms identified t� ere (De- insdorfia, Beremendia, Glirulus aff. pusillus, Rhagapodemus frequens and Apodemus cf. atavus) are typical more for MN15 or MN 16 t� an for MN17. The possible maximum age corresponding to t� e stratigrap�ic span of t� ese taxa would t� en be even around MN14/MN15 bound- ary. Considering t� e fragmentary faunal list from t� e Črnotiče II site, as a relevant commu- nity sample, we could find close resemblance to t� e fauna composition of t� e Ruscinian or Csarnótan assemblages suc� as in Gunders � eim or Csarnóta 2 sites. Summarizing t� e above-mentioned arguments, an intuitive consensual biostratigraphic allocation of t� e as- semblages under study would be: (i) middle to late MN17 (ca 1.8–2.4 Ma) for t� e Račiška pečina and (ii) MN15- MN16 (ca. 3.0–4.1 Ma) for t� e Črnotiče II site. The dating of t� e latter site is particullary important because t� e source deposits are directly realted to termi- nation of active freatic regime. plate 4: mammalian fossils from the Račiška pečina: 1 – Apodemus (Sylvaemus) cf. atavus h eller, 1936, left m/1; 2 – Arvicolidae g.sp. indet., fragment of a lingual? wall of m/1, cf. Borsodia spp.; 3 – Arvicolidae g.sp. indet., fragment of a palatal wall of an upper molar (m1/ or m2/), cf. mimomys (Cseria) sp.; 4 – Arvicolidae, g.sp. indet., lingual wall of the right m3/, cf. Borsodia sp. FOSSIL VERTEBRATES AND PALEOMAGNETISM UPDATE OF ONE OF THE EARLIER STAGES OF CAVE EVOLUTION ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 464 Table 1: Stratigraphical distribution of some taxa which come in account in context of the forms recorded in Řačiška pečina and Črnotiče II (in bold). minimum number of localities for shrews (after Rzebik-Kowalska 1998, slightly supplemented) or presence/absence (+/-) for rodents (mostly after Kowalski 2001). For definitions and chronological setting of mN zones see mein 1990, for Q zones see h oráček & Ložek (1988). P l i o c e n e Q u a t e r n a r y sp. / biozones (MN/Q) 14 15 16 17 1 2 3-R Beremendia fissidens 3 11 32 20 44 6 - Beremendia minor 1 1 3 - - - - Blarinoides mariae 5 9 9 5 - - - Blarinoides sp. 3 2 1 - - - - Deinsdorfia fallax - 1 - - - - - Deinsdorfia hibbardi 1 3 9 3 1 - - Deinsdorfia insperata 1 - - - - - - Deinsdorfia janossyi 1 - - - - - - Deinsdorfia kerkhoffi 1 - - - - - - Deinsdorfia kordosi - 5 1 - - - - Deinsdofia reumeri 1 - - - - - - Glirulus spp. + - - - - - - Glirulus pusillus - + + + (+) - - Glirulus sp. - - - - + - - Apodemus dominans - + + (?) (?) - - Apodemus atavus - + + - - - - Apodemus cf. sylvaticus - - - + + + + Rhagapodemus primaevius ? - - - - - - Rhagapodemus hautimagnesis + + - - - - - Rhagapodemus vanderweerdi + - - - - - - Rhagapodemus frequens - + + - - - - Rhagapodemus (frequens) athensis - - + - - - - Myodes - - + + + + + Borsodia - - (+) + (+) - - Lagurus s.l. - - - - + + + Cseria gracilis/minor/csarnutina grade - + + - - - - Mimomys pitymyoides/pusillus grade - - (+) + (+) - - Microtus s.l. - - - - + + + Alt� oug� t � e fossil record obtained from cave sediments of t� e Črnotiče II site and Račiška pečina is rat� er poor, bot� in its taxonomic structure and preservation it pro - vided a valuable biostratigrap�ic information. The data enabled to specify t� e supposed time frame for dating of respective cave deposits dated by t� e previous inter- pretation of paleomagnetic (magnetostratigrap�ic) data. Paleontological data proved suggested MN15-16 mam- malian biozone as t� e most probable date (about 3.0–4.1 Ma). Aguilar et al. (2002) placed t� e MN15/16 boundary in t� e period between c�ron C2A2.1n (based on MN16 Seynes) and C2r.2r (based on MN15 Sete), i.e. at ca 2.5– 3.0 Ma, alt� oug� Lindsay et al. (1997) or Lindsay (2001) proposed MN15/16 boundary position rat� er at t� e base of Gauss C�ron. The arrangements of obtained magnetozones in t� e Črnotiče II site were originally interpreted as older t� an 1.770 Ma, most probably belonging to t� e Gauss C�ron (2.581–3.580 Ma) or t� e normal subc�rons wit �in t � e Gilbert C�ron (4.180–5.230 Ma). The long normal pa- leomagnetic polarity zone in t� e lower segment of t� e fill t� erefore corresponds to basal normal polarized subc�ron C2An.3n (3.330–3.580 Ma) wit �in t � e Gauss C�ron and t � e normal polarized upper segment can be CONCLUSIONS ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 465 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The study was supported by t� e Grant Agency of t� e Acad- emy of Sciences of t� e Czec� Republic Nos. GAAVČR IAA300130701 Paleomagnetic researc� of karst sedi - ments: paleotectonic and geomorp� ologic implications (2007–2010), and GAAVČR IAA3013201 Magnetomin- eralogic and magnetostratigrap�ic researc � of cave and fluvial sediments in t� e Central European region (2002– 2005), and by t� e Institutional Researc� Plan of t � e GLI AS CR, v.v.i. No. CEZ AV0Z30130516 (to PP , PB). Par- tial support was also obtained from grants of t� e Grant Agency of t� e Czec� Republic No. GACR 206/05/2334, and Ministry of Education, Sport and yout� s of t� e Czec� Republic No. 0021620828 (to IH). The researc� was performed wit�in t � e frame of researc� programs fi - nanced by Ministry of Science of Slovenia and Slovenian Researc� Agency No.: P6–0119–0618 and P0–0119 Karst Researc�, and projects Nos.: J6–3035–0618–01 Origin and development of karst caves, and J6–6345–0618–04 Development and function of caves in different speleo- logical settings (to AM, NZH). The researc� represents also t� e results of t� e Czec� – Slovenian bilateral sci - ence and tec�nology cooperation programs Nos.: ME 251(1998) Researc� of karst sediments on t � e example of t� e Classical Karst, Slovenia (1998–1999), No. 2001/009 Evolution of karst and caves based on study of cave fills, Slovenia (2001–2003), 28–2003–04 Reconstruction of speleogenesis and karstogenesis from t� e study of cave fill, Slovenia (2003–2004), 13–2005–06 Paleomagnetic studies of sediments in karst areas of Slovenia: implica- tion for paleotectonic reconstructions (2005–2006), and 9–06–19 Paleomagnetism of sediments in karst areas of Slovenia (2007-2008) covered by Ministry of Science of Slovenia and Ministry of Education, Sport and yout� s of t� e Czec� Republic (to AM, NZH, PP , PB). We acknowledge t� e field assistance of Mr. Fran- jo Drole, Mr. Jure Hajna, Dr. Jaroslav Kadlec, Mr. Petr Sc�nabl and Mr. Stanislav Šlec � ta, and t� e � elp of Mrs. Jana Rajlic� ová (Institute of Geology AS CR, v.v.i., Pra� a) and Mr. Jure Hajna (Karst Researc� Institute, ZRC SAZU, Postojna), w� o drew some of t� e figures. We are particularly obliged to Jean-Pierre Aguilar, Jacques Mi- c� aux, Bernard Sigé and Dragica Turnšek w� o carefully reviewed t� e manuscript and t� eir suggestions improved it in an essential way. compared to some of �ig � er normal subc�rons of t � e Gauss C�ron (C2An.1n subc �ron = 2.581–3.040 Ma or C2An.2n subc�ron = 3.110–3.220 Ma). The combina- tion of paleontological and paleomagnetic data indicates, t� at t� e fauna cannot be older t� an about 3.6 Ma, due to reverse polarized magnetozone at top of Gilbert C�ron terminating at 4.180 Ma. This level represents approxi- mately also t� e base of t� e MN15 mammalian biozone. In t� e Račiška pečina, t� e boundary of normal and reverse polarized magnetozone wit�in t � e layer wit� fau - na (Fig. 3) is identified wit� t � e bottom of C2n Olduvai subc�ron (1.770–1.950 Ma). The geometry of obtained magnetozones is deformed as compared wit� subc �rons on t� e GPTS due to numerous principal breaks in de- position in t� e lower part of t� e profile. Break can last more t� an 250 ka. Therefore, we correlate t�is part wit � t� e lower part of t� e Matuyama C�ron (2.150–2.581 Ma) and individual subc�rons of t � e Gauss C�ron (2.581–3.58 Ma). The profile above Olduvai subc �ron records s � ort part of Matuyama C�ron (some of reverse polarized subc�rons C1r.3r, C1r.2r, or C1r.1r wit �in t � e time span of 1.770–0.780 Ma) and Brun� es C�ron (C1n; younger t� an 0.780 Ma). For t� e first time, t� e combination of vertebrate fossil records and magnetostratigrap� y proved expected antiquity of t� e cave fossilization in t� e region of t� e Classical Karst. A good agreement of biostratigrap�ic and magnetostratigrap�ic inferences suggests autoc � to- nous synsedimentary origin of t� e faunal remains and sediments and supports strongly expected relevance of t� e dating effort and its applicability in karstogenetic reconstructions. Furt� er step in t� at direction will be publis� ed in anot� er place. Wort� mentioning is t � at t� e important paleotectonic movements recently interpreted in Dinarides (Ilić & Neubauer, 2005) and Sout� ern Alps (Neubauer, 2007), w�ic � could be related to t � e uplift in t� e Classical Karst and rearrangements of its � ydrologi- cal systems resulting in increased fossilisation rate, cor- respond in age to MN15 zone. The fossilization during MN15–MN17 finis� ed one of important older p� ases of speleogenesis in t� e region. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 466 REFERENCES Absolon, K. & S. 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