Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 48/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 16. 12. 2012 3. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT Priznanje grešnosti Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Resnost adventnega časa. Umirjenost meseca decembra in vijolična barva v liturgiji nas nagovarjata k resnemu razmišljanju. Advent skriva v sebi pričakovanje in željo po presenečenju. Čeprav se vsako leto pripravljamo na božično praznovanje, moramo vedno znova omogočiti Kristusovo rojstvo tudi v naši notranjosti. Sicer bo šel Božič mimo nas. Potrebno je iti vase. Ali res vem, kdo je glavni v mojem življenju? Če vem, potem me Kristus s svojim naukom vznemirja. Zavedamo se svoje nebogljenosti in obenem veselja, da nam Bog daje možnosti, da se lahko še naprej gradimo v božjega človeka. Iskreno moramo priznati, da je naše življenje večkrat podobno »krivim streham«, ki jih je treba izravnati. Verjetno to delamo na različne načine, saj nam Bog daje veliko možnosti. Morda izkoristimo pred večernim spanjem nekaj trenutkov za izpraševanje vesti. V mislih preletimo dan, se Bogu zahvalimo za vse, kar je bilo dobrega, obenem pa mu priznamo, kje so se pokazale naše ranljive točke. Tudi vsaka sveta maša se začenja z obžalovanjem grehov, napak in opuščanja dobrega. Vemo, kako hudo nam je, če smo kdaj dobremu prijatelju storili krivico. Čeprav vemo, da na to sploh ni bil pozoren, vedno kljuje v srcu občutek krivde; češ, nikoli se mu nisem opravičil. Nekaj podobnega je v našem odnosu do Boga. On pa noče naše notranje bolečine. To najbolj začutimo v zakramentu sprave, kjer nam Bog podarja novo veselje in notranji mir ter priložnost za nov začetek. V nedeljo 9. decembra je našo skupnost obiskal Miklavž. Otroci Slovenske šole, so skupaj z učiteljicami pripravile kratek program, pri katerem so sodelovali angelci s petjem značilne pesmi: Mi angelci smo mali, pa tudi nekaj skratulinov je prišlo gledat za poredne otroke. Po uvodnem programu je Miklavž obdaroval otroke. Praznovanja pa ne bi bilo brez dobrega kosila, ki ga so ga pripravile gospodinje in pomočnice v kuhinji. Hvala Nancy Dundek (Taylor), ki je tukaj prvič kuhala kot odgovorna kuharica. Hvala tudi mladim, ki so postregli na mize, delavcem v baru in vsem, ki so pomagali pri pripravi dvorane in tudi pospravi. Dobro je, da ohranjamo to navado, da se bo ta lepa slovenska navada prenesla še na mlajši rod. F m u - m> 1 ^^pi* ii YnjLr I ^dW \ ŠF Az-äBEmW Sunday's Readings 3rd Sunday of Advent Response: "Shout aloud and sing for joy: great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel." First Reading Zephaniah 3:14-18 The Lord takes away all fear and brings us great joy. Second Reading Philippians 4:4-7 Our prayers will bring the peace of God to guard our hearts. Gospel Luke 3:10-18 John the Baptist announces the coming of the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit and fire. "He will exult with joy over you, he will renew you by his love." Illustration Fr Ronald Rolheiser is a Canadian priest who for many years has written a column of spiritual guidance in Catholic newspapers. His wisdom, warmth and breadth of understanding of our Christian journey have been a beacon of hope and light for his readers. He was recently diagnosed with cancer and over a period of seven months went through the gruelling experience of the various treatments his condition required. After the initial shock of discovery he set himself the task of using his illness and its treatment as a time of grace, during which he hoped to take a certain number of conversion steps, such as slowing down his life, learning to be more patient and being more faithful to a daily practice of contemplative prayer. What interested him more was how his cancer taught him lessons he had not planned. Like everyone, he had always wanted joy in his life, but he had felt it would only happen when he was free from all anxiety, pressure, overwork, illness and stress. He began his treatment, marking off the days until he could live again. But strangely, as the days passed, he found himself living through one of the richer and happier periods of his life. He encountered joy in friendships, colleagues, work, and even food and drink when he could taste them. He found joy at the heart of his suffering, not apart from it. And the chemotherapy was successful too. Gospel Teaching This Sunday is traditionally called "Gaudete" Sunday from the Latin word for "rejoice", which is the first word of the entrance antiphon in the liturgy. It calls us to "Rejoice in the Lord always." There is no implication that we are only to rejoice when we are feeling good or when we are in a state of grace. The message is quite clear: "always". The same conviction is picked up in Paul's letter to the Philippians. He wants us to "be happy, always happy in the Lord". Paul's message is that we are to be happy because the Lord is very near; and at this time of the year we have a heightened awareness of that nearness. Paul calls us to pray, and then the peace of God will be with us. There is a great sense of simplicity in these teachings: be aware of the Lord's presence in your lives, whatever is happening. John the Baptist offers a similar insight as he encourages his listeners to prepare for the one who is very near. To the oft-repeated question "What must we do?" he encourages his listeners to be honest, straightforward and generous in their lives. What they are called to do is not complicated. Nor is it based on fantasies about how life might be different "if only..." There is no "if only" in our belief; there is only our response to the Good News in the here and now. Application We can all become too entangled in the past and in the future. We may be overly nostalgic about the past, believing in a golden age when all was well. We may on the other hand have a personal past that has embittered us or left us with deep regrets. We can become trapped by our past, unable to struggle free. Anxiety or excessive planning for the future can have the same effect. Our dream is that we shall reach a point where all our worries will disappear and we will have created a world of comfort and ease. It never happens. Sometimes, as in Ronald Rolheiser's life, it takes a hard knock to get our perspective right. Such knocks encourage and even enable us to move away from constantly see- ing what is not there to a vivid appreciation of what is there. We so often take the ordinary matters of our life for granted or mutter about how they weigh us down or don't live up to our expectations. We will be able to "rejoice always" only when we are open to how marvellous even the most insignificant parts of our life are. Normally we do not see this. Our anxieties and fears get in the way. No wonder the first words of the angels in the infancy stories of Jesus are: "Do not be afraid!" We are a miracle. All that happens to us and through us is a miracle. May we acknowledge this and rejoice in the unique blend each of us encounters in the gift of our lives. The second theme of our Year of Faith We began our Year of Faith activities in Hamilton Diocese by reflecting on the articles of the Creed, the expression of THE FAITH WE BELIEVE. Beginning with YEAR OF FAITH™! Advent and continuing through the Christmas Season and the first part of Ordinary Time, our focus will be on THE FAITH WE LIVE, in other words, how we put our faith into practice. In today's bulletin you will find a flyer outlining the social teachings of the Church along with some reflection questions for your consideration during the coming months. In addition, you are invited to check out the FAITH IN ACTION page on our Diocesan Website to see what others are doing to put their faith into action. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ 0n V četrtek so redne pevske vaje za pij^^sJ, mešani zbor. Naslednjič zbor poje na božični večer in na sam Božič. ^VL^ir izlet v Slovenijo - 2013_ Jože Razpotnik st./London/, poskuša organizirat izlet v Slovenijo, kot je to storil že večkrat v preteklosti. Predviden datum potovanja je zadnji teden v maju in prvi teden v mesecu juniju. Zainteresirani pokličite za več informacij J. Razpotnika na telefonsko številko: 519-461-0653. Children's Christmas Eve Program December 24th at 6:00 pm Dear Parents and Children of our Parish, It's that time of year again to prepare for our annual Children's Christmas program. Every year the children have put on an excellent program and we encourage them to be involved again this year. The theme of this year's program will be "The True Gift of Christmas". We will need children to do some singing, reading and some acting. So come out and show us your talents and be a part of the Christmas Spirit. We will be looking to start practices on Saturday Dec .15 and Saturday Dec. 22 after Slovenian school for approximately an hour. Please encourage you children to participate in this fun experience. Contact Mary Miklavcic: or 905-664-4927 and let me know if you will be participating. Thank you, on behalf of the Liturgical Committee Mary Miklavcic Boxing Day Bash F.S. VENEC will be holding its annual Boxing Day Bash on December 26th in our hall starting at 7pm. Murski Val will be playing. More information in the next week's Vestnik. SOČA_ F.S. SOČA will be starting practices for children 7 years of age and older in the new year. All children and teens are encouraged to join and become familiar with their Slovenian cultural roots through dance, song and music. For more information, please contact: Dave Antolin: or 905.664.5980. Društvo sv. Jožefa Villa Slovenia Residents' Christmas dinner will be held at the Villa on Friday, December 21st at 3:00 PM. For 4 PM each resident may bring a member of the family to join them. As has been our past tradition, any Christmas baking would be appreciated. Please confirm attendance with our superin-tendents-Les and Maria. Društvo Members' Božični Večer will be held on Tuesday, December 18th - 7 PM with light dinner at 7:30 PM (after Mass). Music entertainment will be provided by Tony Jalovec. All donations for the evening will go to support the Venerable Bishop Baraga Fund. The 2013 Društvo Membership campaign has started. Please see Frank Erzar - membership convenor to pay your $15. fee and receive your new membership card. Za člane društva sv. Jožefa bo v torek, 18. decembra po večerni maši, ob 7:30 pm, "BOŽIČNI VEČER" z večerjo. Za glasbo bo poskrbel Tony Jalovec. Vsi zbrani darovi v tem večeru bodo namenjeni za podporo Baragovega sklada. Društvo je začelo pobirati članarino za leto 2013. Članarina je 15 dolarjev za eno leto. Pri Franku Erzarju jo lahko placate in dobili boste tudi novo izkaznico. DAROVI_ V spomin na ff Štefana Prša, Ethel Simončič in Ludvika Hull je družina Malevič darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad. Anton Vinčec je daroval $100 za gradbeni sklad v spomin na fŠtefana Prša. V spomin na f Janeza Hočevar so za gradbeni sklad darovali: $50 družina Malevič; $60 Albin in Margaret Žagar; $25 Mary Gentilcore; $50 Stan Pelcar; $30 Vlado in Mary Mlačak; $50 Romana Novak; $100 namesto rož daruje Pepca Hapke; $25 Marija Števančec; $40 Audrey Hawthorne; $150 Marjan Hozjan z družino; $100 Ivan Antolin z družino. V spomin na f Elizabeth Tanko daruje za gradbeni sklad $300 Družina Tanko. V spomin na f Janeza Hočevarja za rože darujeta $60 Gizella in Štefan Ray. V spomin na vse pokojne iz župnije Miha Špiler z družino daruje za gradbeni sklad $50. Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: $100 Martin in Anica Škrban; $500 Marjan Hozjan z družino. V spomin na Štefana Prša sta Martin in Anica Škrban namesto rož darovala $50 za gradbeni sklad. V spomin na f Janeza Hočevarja so sta Toni in Marija Franc darovala $50 za misijone. In Memoriam daruje $100 za klopi Mary Ann Demšar. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste darovali po različnih namenih. Bog vam povrni. PRIPRAVA NA BOŽIČ_ V ponedeljek 17. in v torek 18. decembra imamo v župniji DUHOVNO OBNOVO. Spoved se začne zvečer ob 5:30 p.m., v torek bo prilika za spoved tudi zjutraj ob 8:30 nato maša ob 9:00 a.m. Vsak dan bomo pri večerni maši, med katero bomo prepevali devetdnevnico, pripravljali svoja srca za Jezusov prihod v naša srca. Naj nas najde odprte za to veliko odrešenjsko skrivnost, ki se nam vedno znova razodeva. POKOJNI_ V Montrealu je 10. decembra 2012 umrl BORIS MADON, brat naše faranke Hilde Žigon. Pokojni je bil v 85 letu starosti. Pogre je bil v petek 14. decembra v Montrealu. Rajni Boris je bil doma iz vasi Bate pri Grgarju na Primorskem. Iskreno sožalje Hildi in sorodnikom. Pokojni Boris pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. ZAHVALA_ Marija Hočevar z družino se prav prisrčno zahvaljuje vsem, ki ste ji stali ob strani v trenutkih žalosti. Hvala vsem, ki ste obiskali Janeza v pogrebni kapeli in ga spremili na zadnjo pot. Hvala gospodu Dragotu za molitev rožnega venca in pogrebno sveto maši. Hvala cerkvenemu pevskemu zboru, moškemu zboru Majolka in zboru Bled za poetje v cekvi in pri grobu. Hvala Ivanu Antolinu za poslvilne besede. Hvala Amaliji Štadler in pomočnicam v kuhinji za dobro kosilo in vsem, ki ste darovali pecivo. Hvala tudi vsem, k ste darovali po raznih namenih in za svete maše. Hvaležna Marija z družino. OGNJIŠČE- NAROČNINA_ Prihaja novo leto in čas, da obnovite naročnino za revijo Ognjišče. Naročnina za leto 2013 je $76. OD 16. 12. 2012 DO 23. 12. 2012 svete maše - masses 3. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 16. December David, kralj za žive in rajne župljane ff Starši Alojzija in Ciril 9:30 a.m. Sin Pavel Novak z družino f Irma Hull 11:00 a.m. Marie Moravec z družino f Štefania Kraner /Maša v Savi/ 12:00 noon Družina Kraner /KITCHENER/ Ponedeljek - Monday ff John Kobe 7.00 p.m. Angela Kobe z družino 17 December f Alojz Peternel Žena Sonja z družino ff pokojni iz družine Ramoš Sonja z družino Lazar iz Betanije f štefanMadon Hilda Žigon z družino Torek - Tuesday f Štefan Prša 9:00 a.m. Ignac in družina 18. December f Ignac Krampač Ida in Primo Baggio f Marija in Jožef Heric Frida Lučin Gacijan, škof f Slavko štern 7:00 p.m. Sonja Podrebarac z družino Sreda - Wednesday 19. December Urban III., papež f Jože Jerič ff Pavla in John Horvat f Štefan Prša f Janez Hočevar 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Žeks Gerda Sestra Terezija z družino Amalija in Mirko Četrtek- Thursday f Ivan Obal 7:00 p.m. Marija Glavač z družino 20. December V čast sv. Antonu Dragica Zubonja f Ludvik Kastelic Brat Vid Kastelic Evgen, mučenec f Irma Hull Kathy in Martin Simončič Petek - Friday f Izma Hull 7:00 p.m. Družina Gergyek 21 December f Slavko Štern Družina Gergyek . f Rudi in ana Fartek, obl. Pavla Pelcar z družino Peter Kam^j) duh f Ciril Virant Kathy in Martin Simončič f Po namenu 8:15 a.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Sobota - Saturday f Bogu v zahvalo za 50 let 4:00 p.m. Vera in Štefan Gonza 22. December ff Bogu v zahvalo 5:30 p.m. Vera in Franc Marič Frančiška Cabrini, r.ust. f Stane Napast Žena Fanika z družino f Anka Gegnar Ana Slana z družino 4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA za žive in rajne župljane __ p. f Toni Letnik 9:30 a.m. Družina Letnik 23. December ! .... t .. ..... - f Marija Ternar 11:00 a.m. Marija Hozjan z družino Janez Kancij, duh. Maša in spoved - London 4:00 p.m. St. John the Divine Parish svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in ^IX Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian -11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation >°n b°sc° (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561 -5971,